topic 7 - hobbies

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  • 8/14/2019 Topic 7 - Hobbies


    Focus Day 1 Listening & SpeakingTheme World of KnowledgeTopic Unit 7 - HobbiesContent Standard 1.1 y t!e end of t!e "-year pri#ary s$!ooling% p pils will

    be able to prono n$e words and speak $onfidently wit! t!e$orre$t stress% r!yt!# and intonation.1.' y t!e end of t!e "-year pri#ary s$!ooling% p pils willbe able to listen and respond appropriately in for#al andinfor#al sit ations for a (ariety of p rposes.1.) y t!e end of t!e "-year pri#ary s$!ooling% p pils willbe able to nderstand and respond to oral te*ts in (arietyof $onte*ts.


    1.1.1 +ble to listen and respond to sti# l s gi(en wit!g idan$e,

    g oral blending and seg#enting1.1./ +ble to talk abo t a sti# l s wit! g idan$e.1.'.1 +ble to parti$ipate in daily $on(ersations,

    d talk abo t oneself 1.).1 +ble to listen to and de#onstrate nderstanding oforal te*ts by,

    a answering si#ple W!-0 estionsObjective y t!e end of t!e lesson% p pils will be able to,



    Added value /Cross curricular!lementsTeaching Aids

    Focus Day ' - eadingTheme World of KnowledgeTopic Unit 7 - Hobbies

    Content Standard '.1 y t!e end of t!e "-year pri#ary s$!ooling% p pils willbe able to apply knowledge of so nds of letters tore$ogni2e words in linear and non linear te*ts.

  • 8/14/2019 Topic 7 - Hobbies


    '.' y t!e end of t!e "-year pri#ary s$!ooling% p pils willbe able to de#onstrate nderstanding of a (ariety linearand non-linear te*ts in t!e for# of print and non-print#aterials sing a range of strategies to $onstr $t #eaning.'.) y t!e end of t!e "-year pri#ary s$!ooling% p pils willbe able to read independently for infor#ation and

    en3oy#ent.Learning Standard '.1.1 +ble to re$ogni2e and arti$ late initial% #edial and

    t!e final so nds in single syllable words wit!in gi(en$onte*t,

    $ ear% air% re% er'.1.' +ble to blend p!one#es into re$ogni2able words andread t!e# alo d.'.1.) +ble to seg#ent words into p!one#es to spell.'.'.' +ble to read and nderstand p!rases in linear andnon-linear te*ts.'.'./ +ble to read and nderstand a paragrap! of 4-5si#ple senten$es.'.'.4 +ble to apply basi$ di$tionary skills sing pi$t redi$tionaries.'.).1 +ble to read si#ple te*ts wit! g idan$e,

    b non-fi$tionObjective y t!e end of t!e lesson% p pils will be able to,



    Added value /Cross curricular!lementsTeaching Aids

    Focus Day ) - WritingTheme World of KnowledgeTopic Unit 7 - HobbiesContent Standard ).1 y t!e end of t!e "-year pri#ary s$!ooling% p pils will

    be able to for# letters and words in neat legible printin$l ding $ rsi(e writing.

    Learning Standard ).1.1 +ble to write in neat legible print,a wordsb p!rases

    Objective y t!e end of t!e lesson% p pils will be able to,

  • 8/14/2019 Topic 7 - Hobbies




    Added value /Cross curricular!lementsTeaching Aids

    Focus Day / Lang age +rtsTheme World of KnowledgeTopic Unit 7 - HobbiesContent Standard /.1 y t!e end of t!e "-year s$!ooling% p pils will be able

    to en3oy and appre$iate r!y#es% poe#s and songs% t!ro g!perfor#an$e./.) y t!e end of t!e "-year s$!ooling% p pils will be ableto plan% organi2e and prod $e $reati(e works foren3oy#ent.

    Learning Standard /.1.' +ble to sing a$tion songs and re$ite 3a22 $!ants wit!$orre$t pron n$iation% r!yt!# and intonation./.).1 +ble to prod $e si#ple $reati(e works wit! g idan$ebased on,

    b 3a22 $!antsObjective y t!e end of t!e lesson% p pils will be able to,

  • 8/14/2019 Topic 7 - Hobbies




    Added value /Cross curricular!lementsTeaching Aids