topic 5 - culture

7/21/2019 Topic 5 - Culture 1/39 3 Cultural Influences 3-1 Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education CONSUMER BEHAVIOR Buying, Having, and Being ELEVENTH EDITION Michael R. Sl!n

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3Cultural Influences

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Buying, Having, and



Michael R.


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"hat is Culture#

•  A culture is a society’s personality; itshapes our identities as individuals.

• Culture is the accumulation of shared

meanings, values, ethics, rituals, norms,and traditions.

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&unctinal Areas in a Cultural S'ste!


Social structure


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Cultural Values

• Our deeply heldcultural valuesdictate the types of

products andservices we seeout or avoid.

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H+ , Values lin- t Cnsu!er


• Cultural values

• Consumption#specific values

• $roduct#specific values

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Ta0le 3.1 Ter!inal 2 Instru!ental Values

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Culture 5r,uctin S'ste!

•  A culture production system is the set ofindividuals and organi%ations that createand maret a cultural product

• It has three ma&or su'systems• Creative

• "anagerial

• Communications

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&i7ure 3.% Culture 5r,uctin 5rcess

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Hi7h Culture an, 5)ular Culture

•  An art product is an o'&ect we admire forits 'eauty and our emotional response(the feeling) high culture

•  A craft product is admired 'ecause of the'eauty with which it forms a function  $opular culture

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Cultural &r!ula

•  A culturalformula is astory with

events thatmay 'e inse*uence.

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Realit' En7ineerin7

• "any modern mareters are realityengineers.

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5r,uct 5lace!ent

an, Bran,e, Entertain!ent

• Insertion of specific products and use of'rand names in movie+! scripts

• -irectors incorporate 'randed props forrealism

• randed Entertainment # sometimes'ecause the 'rands may sponsor theprogram (lie American Idol).

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Cultural Stries an, Cere!nies

• Every culturedevelops storiesand ceremonies

that help itsmem'ers to maesense of the world.

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• "yths are stories with sym'olic elementsthat represent the shared emotions+idealsof a culture

• Story characteristics• Conflict 'etween opposing forces

• Outcome is moral guide for people

• "yth reduces an/iety 'y providingguidelines

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M'ths A0un, in M,ern 5)ular Culture

• "yths are often found in comic 'oos,movies, holidays, and commercials

• "onomyths0 a myth that is common to

many cultures (e.g., Spiderman andSuperman)

• "any movies+commercials present

characters and plot structures that followmythic patterns

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• 1ituals are sets of multiple, sym'olic'ehaviors that occur in a fi/ed se*uenceand that tend to 'e repeated periodically

• "any of our consumption activitiesincluding holiday o'servances,grooming, and gift giving are rituals.

• "any consumer activities are ritualisticSunday 'runch

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C!!n Rituals

• 2rooming

• 2ift#giving

• 3oliday

• 1ites of passage

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Sacre, an, 5rfane Cnsu!)tin

• Sacred consumption0involves o'&ects andevents that are set apart

from normal activities thatare treated with respect orawe

•$rofane consumption0involves consumer o'&ectsand events that areordinary and not special

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• Sacrali%ation occurs when ordinaryo'&ects, events, and even people tae onsacred meaning

• O'&ectification occurs when we attri'utesacred *ualities to mundane items,through processes lie contamination

• Collecting is the systematic ac*uisition ofa particular o'&ect or set of o'&ects

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D!ains f Sacre, Cnsu!)tin

• Sacred places0 religious+mystical andcountry heritage, such as "ecca, 2round4ero in 5ew 6or City

• Sacred people0 cele'rities, royalty

• Sacred events0 athletic events, religiousceremonies

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• -esacrali%ation0 when a sacreditem+sym'ol is removed from its specialplace or is duplicated in mass *uantities

('ecomes profane)

• 1eligion has somewhat 'ecomedesacrali%ed• Christmas and 1amadan as secular,

materialistic occasions

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:l0al Cnsu!er Culture A))rach

• $roducts that succeed in one culture mayfail in another if mareters fail tounderstand the differences among

consumers in each place.

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Ta-in7 a :l0al A))rach

• Should mareters use a standardi%edstrategy around the world or adopt alocali%ed strategy7

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Cnsu!er St'le

•  A pattern of 'ehaviors, attitudes, andopinions that influences all of a person’sconsumption activities.

• 8our ma&or clusters0$rice#sensitive consumers

!ariety seeers

rand#loyal consumers

Information seeers

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Hfste,e Di!ensins f Natinal Culture

• $ower distance• Individualism

• "asculinity

• 9ncertainty avoidance

• :ong#term orientation

• Indulgence versus restraint

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• 1eligious Islamic "areting•  Age

• 6outh+een "aret

• "ature "aret

• Senior "aret

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The ;uth Mar-et

• 6outh maret often represents re'ellion• <=>> 'illion in spending power 

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Teen Values< Cnflicts< an, Desires

• 8our 'asic conflicts common among allteens0

 Autonomy versus 'elonging

1e'ellion versus conformityIdealism versus pragmatism

5arcissism versus intimacy

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The Mature Mar-et

• Consumers 'orn 'etween =?@ and =?B•  Active and physically fit

• Currently in pea earning years

8ood, apparel, and retirementprograms

"idlife crisisD products

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Oer+hel!e, an, Unfrtunate

• average age, ; average income, <@B,>>>9S• some negative life e/periences with health,

fitness, education and finance

•overwhelmed with financial, familyresponsi'ilities##children, grandparents living athome

• they want to avoid more responsi'ility

• unsatisfied with accomplishments.

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Actie an, Successful

• average age, BF; average income, <G,>>> 9S• E/cellent health, income.

• En&oy challenge, novelty, change.

• Involve, feel young; want to 'e attractive and stand out

• 8ashion conscious, well#dressed.

• 3igh H of online users within this group than within thegeneral population.

• "ay own a 'usiness or have career different from onethey started with

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5sitie an, Res)nsi0le

• average age, ; average income, <B=,>>>9S• 8eel responsi'le to mae the world a 'etter


•!olunteer more than any other cluster.

• hin of others ahead of self.

• !alue time more than money.

• 3ealthy, active, price#conscious.

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Re7ular &l-s

• average age, B; average income, <G,>>>9S• Outdoor active; 8ishers, campers, 'owlers.

• -o#it#yourselfers # en&oy home improvement, car

maintenance.• $ositive family 'acground, career and financial


•"ore interest in having financial security thanappearing young; not fashion#conscious.

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&rtunate an, Rea,'

• average age, F; average income, <B,>>>9S• $lanned and wored for financial independence

and retirement; looing forward to it.

•Emotionally secure, not in denial a'out theirage.

• est educated, highest#income group. 2oalsinclude personal development, devoting time tocharity.

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Alne an, Ill

• average age, G=; average income,<@G,>>>9S

• $oor diet and e/ercise; poor health; lowest

income;• fearful of 'ecoming a 'urden; most liely

to have or need at#home assistance for

medical+health reasons.

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Senir Mar-et

• Seniors continue to increase inimportance as a maret segment.

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5erceie, A7e=

 ;u>re Onl' as Ol, as ;u &eel

•  Age is more a state of mind than of 'ody.• $erceived age0 how old a person feels as

opposed to his or her chronological age

• 8eel#ageD• :oo#ageD

• he older we get, the younger we feelrelative to actual age

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Values f Ol,er A,ults

•  Autonomy0 want to 'e self#sufficient

• Connectedness0 value

'onds with friends andfamily

•  Altruism0 want to give

something 'ac to theworld