topic 4 : php & mysql

Topic 4 : PHP & MySQL Er. Pradip Kharbuja

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Topic 4 : PHP & MySQL

Er. Pradip Kharbuja

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Our Architecture So Far







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New Architecture







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• This lecture will introduce MySQL into our dynamic websites architecture.

-MySQL fits into the data layer of our N-Tier architecture.

• PHP acts as the mediator between the client and the database management


-The presentation layer never communicates directly with the data layer.

-The data layer never communicates directly with the client layer.

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Connecting to the Database

<?php$host = "localhost";$user = "root";$pass = "softwarica";$database = "dynamic_website";

$connection = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die ("Couldn't connect to database");


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• If you have a problem connecting to database, it is one of the following:

1. The host is not correct.

2. The username does not exist.

3. The password does is incorrect.

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Selecting database

• After successfully connected to the server, you must select the database with which we are going to work.

$host = "localhost";$user = "root";$pass = "softwarica";$database = "dynamic_website";

$connection = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die ("Couldn't connect to database");

mysql_select_db ($database);

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Useful MySQL Functions

1. mysql_connect()

Opens a connection to a MySQL Server

2. mysql_select_db()

Selects a MySQL database

3. mysql_query()

queries are executed through mysql_query() function

4. mysql_error()

mysql_error() is a useful function that returns the error that was encountered.

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Creating a Table

$query = "CREATE TABLE test_table (

FirstName varchar(15), SurName varchar(15)


$ret = mysql_query ($query, $connection);

if ($ret) {

echo "<p>Table created!</p>";

} else {

echo "<p>Something went wrong: " . mysql_error() . "</p>";


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Creating a Table - Described

• This is a process that can be done only once.

- Often this is done as a separate setup.php process.

- After that, it will fail saying that the table already exists.

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Inserting Data in a Table

• Almost all MySQL manipulation is done through the mysql_query() function.

$query = "INSERT INTO test_table(FirstName, SurName) VALUES ('Michael', 'Jackson')";

$ret = mysql_query ($query, $connection);

if ($ret) {

echo "<p>Data Inserted!</p>";

} else {

echo "<p>Something went wrong: " . mysql_error() . "</p>";


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Updating Data

• Almost all MySQL manipulation is done through the mysql_query() function.

$query = "UPDATE test_table SET FirstName = 'Marie';

$ret = mysql_query ($query, $connection);

if ($ret) {

echo "<p>Data updated!<br>No. of rows affected : " . mysql_affected_rows() . "</p>";

} else {

echo "<p>Something went wrong: " . mysql_error() . "</p>";


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Deleting Data

• Almost all MySQL manipulation is done through the mysql_query() function.

$query = "DELETE FROM test_table;

$ret = mysql_query ($query, $connection);

if ($ret) {

echo "<p>Data deleted!<br>No. of rows affected : " . mysql_affected_rows() . "</p>";

} else {

echo "<p>Something went wrong: " . mysql_error() . "</p>";


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Getting Data Out of a Database

• Getting data out of a database too is done through queries using mysql_query().

resource mysql_query(string $query [, resource $link])

• However, manipulating that data requires us to do some further processing.

• The results come out in the form of an associative array.

- The keys of each associative array are the fields in the database.

- The values are the contents of the database.

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Extracting the Data

• We have 2 main ways of getting to the actual data.

1. mysql_result()

Retrieves the contents of one cell from a MySQL result set.

string mysql_result(resource $result, int $row [, mixed $field])

2. mysql_fetch_array()

Returns an array that corresponds to the fetched row and moves the internal

data pointer ahead

array mysql_fetch_array(resource $result [, int $result_type])

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mysql_result() Example

$query = "SELECT * FROM test_table";

$resource = mysql_query ($query, $connection);

$first_name = mysql_result($resource, 0, "FirstName");

$sur_name = mysql_result($resource, 0, "SurName");

echo "<p>The first person in our list is {$first_name} {$sur_name}</p>";

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Fetching a Row

- We can use mysql_fetch_array() to fetch each row in order.

- Each call to the function increments the counter by one.

//gives the number of rows returned

$num_results = mysql_num_rows($resource);

for ($i = 0; $i < $num_results; $i++) {

$row = mysql_fetch_array ($resource);

echo $row["FirstName"] . " &nbsp; ";

echo $row["SurName"] . " &nbsp; ";


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Login with Database

• First Create a table named tbl_user

• Now insert some users

• Then develop HTML Login Form

• Now do Coding

Column Name Data Type

user_id INT(11) PK AUTO

user_name VARCHAR (50) Unique

pass_word VARCHAR (50)

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SQL Injection

• Whenever we insert text from a user into a query, there is risk of an SQL

injection attack.

• SQL injection is a code injection technique, used to attack data driven


• You should sanitise(make clean and hygienic) all user data using the

mysql_real_escape_string() function.

• It escapes special characters in a string for use in an SQL statement.

• ' is changed to \'

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Sanitised Input

$user_name = $_POST['user_name'];

$pass_word = $_POST['pass_word'];

will be changed to :

$user_name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['user_name']);

$pass_word = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['pass_word']);

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Login Lockouts

• To lock or disable the login page after few incorrect login attempts.

• It should keep a track of how many unsuccessful attempts were made.

• If the number goes above some number like three or four or five, it should

automatically report or lock / disable login page.

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• In all cases, you must be mindful of several things:

- Efficiency of data access

- Readability of your code

- Maintainability of your code

- Portability of your architecture

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Assignment #4

1. Develop a login system.

• Use MySQL Databse

• Use Session

• Login should be lockouts after 5 attemps

• You must be able to post status.

Last Date to Submit : 25th September 2013

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Questions ???

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End of Topic 04