top reasons to hire a social media manager


Upload: will-hall

Post on 22-Mar-2016




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Page 1: Top Reasons To Hire A Social Media Manager
Page 2: Top Reasons To Hire A Social Media Manager

Social media is ranked #2 on your TO-DO list, but its treated like #8. In other words you never get around to it.

You feel your time is better spent building your business not to master social media. You just need help to get setup & customized.

You want to know more about what’s being said about you and your competitors, but don’t know where to look?

Page 3: Top Reasons To Hire A Social Media Manager

You are afraid to fall for the “I got one too!” syndrome that comes from having a facebook, twitter or linkedin but not using it strategically.

You want the unfair advantage that comes with having social media on your side to actively engage and win new prospects daily.

You finally realized you don’t have to do it all by yourself and others can help you succeed faster and more profitably.

Page 4: Top Reasons To Hire A Social Media Manager

You have no idea how to create meaningful conversations that add value and position you as the go-to expert.

You need to strengthen relationships with your existing contacts and increase your word-of-mouth referrals

Your brain knows you have only 24 hours in a day and that wasn’t enough time before social media.

Page 5: Top Reasons To Hire A Social Media Manager

Your last social media campaign was a flop because it sounded like your last old sales letter...too salesy!

Your disgruntled employee is blasting negative messages on the web and by all indicators its costing you money!

Everyone ask you are you on _________? And you’ve never heard of ___________?

You know “Business Social Media” is the new cold call.

Page 6: Top Reasons To Hire A Social Media Manager

? ?? The last spot is for the top reason you would consider a social media manager. Win a gift valued at $97 for your input + have your fan page featured on our page! Yeah!– free advertising!