top factors to determine the right development option in between angular & vuejs

Vue.js vs Angular Factors to Determine the Right Development Option

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Post on 24-Apr-2020




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While many new frameworks like Vue and Ember have entered the market and are gaining momentum with their exceptional options, frameworks like jQuery and Aurelia are losing their charm in the JavaScript world. Chechout the our latest PPT about Top Factors to Determine the Right Development Option In Between Angular & VueJS.


Page 1: Top Factors to Determine the Right Development Option In Between Angular & VueJS

Vue.js vs AngularFactors to Determine the Right Development Option

Page 2: Top Factors to Determine the Right Development Option In Between Angular & VueJS

Backed by Google, Angular is an open-source framework considered for building dynamic websites and applications. The framework falls under the category of MEAN stack and is supportable with a wide range of code editors. Its latest version is Angular 8, which introduced various exciting features in the development environment, such as differential loading, dynamic import for lazy routes, CLI workflow improvements, support for Node 10, and support for TypeScript 3.4.

Whereas, the answer to what is Vue is that it is an open-source framework created by Evan You for tackling the challenges associated with Angular and React JS frameworks. The framework is highly recognised in the market for developing a simple page web application. Its latest version is Vue 2.6 which has come up with features and update that adds to its popularity in the market, such as the introduction of Slots, Async error handling, template compile warnings with source information, dynamic directive arguments, Explicit creation of standalone reactive objects, and more.


Page 3: Top Factors to Determine the Right Development Option In Between Angular & VueJS

-Popularity-Learning-Architecture-Complexity-Scalability-TypeScript Support-App Size and Loading Time-Flexibility-App Performance-Data Binding


Page 4: Top Factors to Determine the Right Development Option In Between Angular & VueJS

As per the 2018 State of JavaScript survey, the percentage of people who have never heard of Vue has reduced from 5% to 1% in just a year. This signifies that Vue.js popularity is growing.But as disclosed by GitHub, while Vue is getting higher stars and forks, it is lagging behind in terms of the number of commits and contributors. This makes it tough to say which framework is better in terms of popularity – Vue.js vs Angular – Angular vs Vue.js.


Page 5: Top Factors to Determine the Right Development Option In Between Angular & VueJS

To develop an application with Angular frontend development framework, you need to get expertise at concepts like TypeScript and MVC. But, this is not in the case of Vue.Vue.js framework offers inbuilt app templates and higher customization which makes it easier than Angular and React. Besides, Vue.js – being designed by blending Angular and React – makes it easier to bring Angular or React-based mobility solution on Vue platform.

Learning Curve

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Another factor that influences the decision in JS framework comparison is architecture. While Angular implements MVC (Model-View-Controller) and MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) for creating dynamic websites and web applications, Vue primarily focuses only on the ViewModel and shows limited data. This makes Vue.js become inferior to Angular in the development world.This makes Angular win the title of Angular vs Vue.js battle.


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Since Vue.js has been developed much later than various other JS frameworks including React and Angular JS (the earlier version of Angular), it is much simpler than Angular in terms of design and API.In other words, Angular comes with a much higher complexity than Vue.js in the development arena.


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When you look at scalability as the deciding factor in Angular vs Vue, the former leads the competition. This is because Angular has a proper modular development structure while Vue.js employs template-based syntax, which reduces the reusability of code in large-size apps.


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Angular is highly integrated with TypeScript – the upgraded version of JavaScript. It is not possible to code in Angular ecosystem without Typescript. Whereas, when talking about Vue.js, JavaScript is considered for writing codes. But, it also provides Vue.js developers with official typings and official decorator to easily collaborate TypeScript features into Vue development environment.

TypeScript Support

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Though the recent Angular versions have traits like AOT compilation and tree-shaking which reduces the app size to a considerable rate, an Angular-based app is still not as lighter as the one developed using Vue framework. And since loading time depends heavily on app size, Vue.js mobile app ensures faster loading.Thus, the winner of Vue.js vs Angular battle is the former.

App Size and Loading Time

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The next factor that holds the key to choosing the best JS frameworks between Vue.js and Angular is flexibility.Vue.js, when compared to Angular, is less opinionated and provides developers with an official support for a wide range of build systems with no constraint upon the app structure. This indicates that Vue.js is a better option over Angular in terms of freedom and flexibility.


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In web and mobile app development, the performance level is directly associated with DOM (Document Object Model). While Angular uses real DOM in which the complete web/app page is rendered even on changing a single component, Vue.js works with Virtual DOM in which changes are reflected on the real DOM only on those components that are modified. This approach accelerates the app performance, making Vue.js a winner over Angular in the front-end JavaScript frameworks market.

App Performance

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Just like React, Vue.js also relies upon the concept of one-way data binding in which the UI elements cannot be altered before changing the model state. Whereas, Angular employs two-way binding approach in which model state changes when UI element is changed and vice-versa.While two-way binding seems an easier method, it lags behind Vue.js’s one-way data binding approach in terms of making faster data flow and creating non-trivial apps in less time.

Data Binding

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Just like React, Vue.js also relies upon the concept of one-way data binding in which the UI elements cannot be altered before changing the model state. Whereas, Angular employs two-way binding approach in which model state changes when UI element is changed and vice-versa.While two-way binding seems an easier method, it lags behind Vue.js’s one-way data binding approach in terms of making faster data flow and creating non-trivial apps in less time.

Data Binding