top 8 ways chiropractors are losing thousands of dollars · 08/01/2016  · “functional” care...

12 | 618-688-2008 Top 8 Ways Chiropractors are Losing Thousands of Dollars Written by Dr. Tracy Wilson & Dr. David Fletcher

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Page 1: Top 8 Ways Chiropractors are Losing Thousands of Dollars · 08/01/2016  · “functional” care planning is the greatest gift you can give your patients and the greatest gift you | 618-688-2008

Top 8 Ways Chiropractors areLosing Thousands of DollarsWritten by Dr. Tracy Wilson & Dr. David Fletcher

Page 2: Top 8 Ways Chiropractors are Losing Thousands of Dollars · 08/01/2016  · “functional” care planning is the greatest gift you can give your patients and the greatest gift you | 618-688-2008


MAKING MONEY AS A CHIROPRACTOR SHOULD BE SO EASY. We have the greatest message in healthcare and the public is searching for ways to unhitch themselves from the drug and medical merry-go-round. So, what’s missing in this equation? As leaders within the profession and developers of chiropractic systems, we have come to understand that the best way to stop losing thousands of dollars each week in your practice is to make better and more consistent decisions. Not exactly rocket science, but here is the catch. To make new and better decisions, you need a clearer perspective and a map to guide you towards making thousands of more dollars each week.

This simple eBook won’t cover all the details, but it can tweak your interest to make some different choices. We will put forward eight solid ideas for you to consider. The underlying theme in all of them is “express your excellence in your care plan”. When you think of it, we really get paid for managing a patient’s care plan. Oh, that plan could be as short as one visit if you have that as your vision of practice and professional success. It could also span a lifetime, loaded with great advice, wellness services and a sure-fire way to attract and serve four generations of every family you work with in the community.

Creating and managing the care plan means building a program that expresses your best clinical strategies and highlights your passion for team building and successful, wellness outcomes. Life in a chiropractic practice is meant to be wildly fulfilling, dramatic as healing awakens and joyful as tears turn into smiles. It’s also capable of making you fabulously wealthy.

Take a moment to review the eight ways we see practices losing thousands of dollars and set a course to stop the insanity and start making that money flow in the opposite direction.

“Life in a chiropractic practice is meant to be wildly fulfilling, dramatic as healing awakens and joyful as tears turn into smiles. It’s also capable of making you fabulously wealthy.”

Page 3: Top 8 Ways Chiropractors are Losing Thousands of Dollars · 08/01/2016  · “functional” care planning is the greatest gift you can give your patients and the greatest gift you | 618-688-2008


As chiropractors, we know the value of chiropractic. The general public and the patient sitting across from you in your Report of Findings struggles to understand the enormous value that chiropractic provides for their health and wellness. So, how do the best in the profession teach this value? First, we must recognize that people pay for what they value. They buy vacations, nice clothes, cars, and homes because they value them and want to experience what they have purchase. To tap into this value-driven decision making, we need to start with our own mindset of abundance and push away a sense or feeling of lack. This means that we can begin to create care plans on what they need and not what we think they can afford. They need to change their health values and their healing perspective as much as they need to immediately change their symptoms. Delivering value is giving people what they need, education, social proof, and the ability to want what we have.

HOW TO CREATE VALUE: Creating value is a mix between connecting your chiropractic message to the values they already have. People want to be healthy. It’s at the top of the human values list, along with love and family. Deep down, who really wants to be sick or tired? They don’t really want to take a hand full of medications. They want to be active when their grandchildren are running around and they certainly don’t want to end up relying on the Medicare system. Knowing these facts, and owning the solution, builds your message to speak directly to these values. How does Chiropractic meet them in their value structure? It all begins with the initial greeting and the consultation. The consultation reveals “why” they are in your office. What are they wanting to do or avoid? Now it’s time to speak to that. Successful chiropractors have learned how to use the proper tools to communicate and share how chiropractic can change their health and set them up for a lifetime of wellness Most of all, the entire chiropractic team must be on board, willing to step up and change lives and not just spines. The office needs the procedures, technologies and tools to build confidence and confirm your commitment to your values. It’s the consistencies of these value-connections that set the stage for the patient to develop an internal drive to begin to value chiropractic. Your only job then is to meet the expectations that you created. Get results, follow the care plan you set up, and keep educating and connecting.

Page 4: Top 8 Ways Chiropractors are Losing Thousands of Dollars · 08/01/2016  · “functional” care planning is the greatest gift you can give your patients and the greatest gift you | 618-688-2008


One of the hardest hurdles to get over is moving away from caring for the patient’s symptoms and following a care plan to help them recover their lost health and wellness.

The painful or symptomatic patient is like a drowning man. We’ve all heard about how dangerous a drowning victim can be. They will do anything to save themselves, including taking you down at the same time. Chasing symptoms with a handful of adjustments is not considered a care plan. It not only devalues what chiropractic can do for the patient, but it creates a short term relationship, not a lifetime practice member.

Successful chiropractors stay focused on the big picture and create solid care plans and understandable financial plans.

Successful chiropractors make sure the patient is fully on board right from the beginning.


The biggest challenge within the profession is devaluing chiropractic with an incomplete care model and care plan development. It was for this reason that Genny, The Official Care Plan Generator of Chiropractic, was created.

Genny gives the reporting Doctor the certainty to avert the trap of making plans up on the fly. We’ve all done it. Our best intentions of creating long term benefits goes flying out the window when we aren’t prepared or committed to the final outcome. Genny changes all of that because having Genny as your financial CA keeps you from getting caught up in “Drowning Man” syndrome, where the patient’s goal of symptom management completely overwhelms the certainty of the neurofunctional care plan.

Having Genny on your team stops the make-it-up-as-you-go, care plans. Just imagine the revenues that are left on the table by not being prepared.

Using a careplanner like Genny plugs the holes in the retention and income bucket.

Page 5: Top 8 Ways Chiropractors are Losing Thousands of Dollars · 08/01/2016  · “functional” care planning is the greatest gift you can give your patients and the greatest gift you | 618-688-2008


When a successful Chiropractor sits down to create a care plan, there is intention, thought, and passion built into it. The care plan represents the skill and the commitment that the doctor and his team are holding themselves accountable for. The care plan is the sum of the consultation, spinal and neural exam findings, Insight scanning results, COREscore and X Ray interpretation. Thats a lot of special skills that you should be paid for.

The real way to monetize your special abilities is through a care plan that includes re-examinations and re-reporting. Here is the most important message for any care plan of any length. NEVER BUILD AN OPEN ENDED CARE PLAN. Bracket each care plan from exam to exam/report to report and guide your patients towards the measurable results you are delivering. Move away from the subjective “feeling better” care plan to a “functioning better” care plan. Moving from “feeling” to “functional” care planning is the greatest gift you can give your patients and the greatest gift you can give your practice.

Basing the outcomes on scores and metrics allows the patient to understand their path to recovery and wellness, while inspiring them to set goals and keep connected to the care plan and the chiropractic message. An enduring message from CLA is, “You get paid at the level in which you communicate and operate with certainty.” If you are certain of the outcome of 6 or 8 visits, then that is where care plans usually end up. On the other hand, if you absolutely know that chiropractic is the foundation for health and wellness and you understand the devastating effects of subluxation, your retention stats reach into the triple digits for each patient.

YOU ARE LOSING HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS EACH YEAR FROM THIS UNCERTAIN CARE PLANNING APPROACH. Give your patients a functional view of chiropractic versus symptom based care and have the tools to guide them every step of the way. Moving the message to a Nerve First(™) approach ensures a health and wellness discussion, rather than a pinched nerve, pain and symptom therapy program.

Genny works seamlessly with CLA’s spinal/neuro functional testing technologies. Using scanning results and COREscore is the ideal way to report and develop care plans with confidence.


Page 6: Top 8 Ways Chiropractors are Losing Thousands of Dollars · 08/01/2016  · “functional” care planning is the greatest gift you can give your patients and the greatest gift you | 618-688-2008


We can tell you from coaching some of the largest and most productive practices on the planet that the greatest health, wellness and life changes happen when a care plan recognizes the healing potential of TIME and REPETITION. We spoke of the absolute need for an exam to exam care plan protocol as a very basic first step. The age old question and answer comes into play:

Q: “How do you eat an elephant?” A: “One bite at a time!”

So long as the bigger goal of corrective care and wellness care is explained and set as a real goal, the office can build a care plan based on chewable “bites”. These “bites” are scheduled from exam to exam/report, making the outcome related to a series of re-exams and update reports. How easy is that?

The truth is that most offices forget how lucrative this exam to exam protocol is. THEY LOSE THOUSANDS OF EXAM FEE DOLLARS EACH YEAR, LET ALONE THE RETENTION VALUE OF SETTING UP A CARE PLAN BASED ON TIME AND REPETITION. Adjustments, exams and reports are repeated, time and time again. This ensures great clinical accuracy, as neuro-functional scans are the ideal way to quickly and safely re-exam each patient.


Page 7: Top 8 Ways Chiropractors are Losing Thousands of Dollars · 08/01/2016  · “functional” care planning is the greatest gift you can give your patients and the greatest gift you | 618-688-2008


Offices that measure patient progress, love to be accountable. They are proud and confident that the work they do provides measurable results that go far beyond symptom care. A huge challenge in only using palpation or ortho-neuro tests as objective outcome measures is that they are mostly invalid and variable in their results. X rays alone can be troublesome, as they don’t detect regular functional improvements and they are potentially dangerous when used for ongoing re-exams. Waiting for spinal curves to change to see X-ray improvements can be tedious for both the patient and the doctor.


As previously mentioned above, exams must be congruent with the expected outcome. If we report that chiropractic is much more than a back therapy and focuses on health and wellness, then the exam and reports must be in line with that thought. Wellness is a combination of managing inside stress reactions of the nervous system with outside, lifestyle stresses. Some of you reading this ebook are saying, “I don’t have that technology”. Well, get up to speed with 21st century healthcare delivery and realize the power of technology in practice. Go to for more information, or just get on the phone and buy one. This is an easy fix and you will be one step closer closer to creating the practice of your dreams. DELAYING WILL COST TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN LOST REVENUE. How do we know this? The day we all installed the technology in our respective offices was the day we took control of our practice success and destiny. The Insight has changed thousands of offices’ income streams over the years and we get to stay connected with an awful lot of smiling faces.


A comedian once said, “We can’t fix stupid”. We are not calling you or anyone stupid. We are calling the practice of “call me when you’re hurt” stupid. There can be so much going wrong with someone’s health and wellness without symptoms being produced. Long before the pain starts, the body has been changing and compensating. Why would we as health care providers want to wait until the body is on its last attempt to alert the brain of the problem and jump in at that point for a couple of adjustments? Chiropractic is better than that, and we expect chiropractors to step up and practice with more accountability. This benefits everyone, and so by using Genny to organize wellness checks and wellness care, a new standard for care planning can be set in play that is safer and more profitable.


Page 8: Top 8 Ways Chiropractors are Losing Thousands of Dollars · 08/01/2016  · “functional” care planning is the greatest gift you can give your patients and the greatest gift you | 618-688-2008


IF YOU HAVE EVER HAD TO HONOR A “BAD MATH” CARE PLAN IN YOUR OFFICE, YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THIS CAN HURT! We’ve seen it hundreds of times as we coached offices back to successful outcomes and financial stability. Sometimes it is bad math by a CA, sometimes it’s just bad policies that rarely get checked. Other times, poor training or no training at all are the real culprits that are draining your earning potential and costing you thousands of dollars. Any of the below habits will endanger your practice and reputation:

People Pleasing: Too many times, care plans get turned into a nightmare experience at the front desk because your CA is trying to make the patient happy with payments or options. This gets confusing and sometimes even illegal.

Ignoring Legalities: It is essential to lay out the legal commitments of paying for services and getting a signature from the patient on file. Dotting the “i’s” and crossing the “t’s” is a necessary step that many offices neglect. Not only can this save you thousands in lost revenue, but it protects you from expensive collection and legal issues.

No System: Not keeping up with a financial schedule impedes the collections process and costs you money, time, and energy.

Page 9: Top 8 Ways Chiropractors are Losing Thousands of Dollars · 08/01/2016  · “functional” care planning is the greatest gift you can give your patients and the greatest gift you | 618-688-2008


For a practice to succeed, it has to get the patients into the “DMM”: Decision Making Mode. The critical first step is for them to trust you and believe in what you are saying. This means that you have to have a clear message that is consistent from the moment they walk into your office to when you are asking them to pay for a care plan. People love the vision and mission of a chiropractic office, but these alone will not make them exchange their hard earned dollars for the care that you are going to provide. Here’s the crux of the issue. In all spending, we receive a product or service and then pay for it. We can decide if there is enough value in the product to exchange and pay for the item. We make decisions based on the perceived value of the product. This is why this e-book began by discussing the creation of value in a chiropractic office.



EARN TRUST: Gain your patient’s trust for what you are recommending in the ROF by clearly communicating the steps they are going to go through.

PROVIDE SOCIAL PROOF OR TESTIMONIALS: This gives your patients confidence that you can deliver what you say will. Of course, this is further challenged if they’ve had a previ-ous “bad” chiropractic experience.

PROVIDE A BRIDGE OF CONFIDENCE: You are responsible for helping your patient to overcome their fears and doubts. Getting them to make a decision is the first step. Getting them to commit is the next step.

It’s the wise practitioner who practices their report communication styles and knowing that their care plan is rock solid, delivers an incredible Report of Findings. Using Genny and the Insight technologies gives any practice the edge for moving patients past the critical DMM.

Imagine how much money is lost when these simple but powerful steps are missed.

Page 10: Top 8 Ways Chiropractors are Losing Thousands of Dollars · 08/01/2016  · “functional” care planning is the greatest gift you can give your patients and the greatest gift you | 618-688-2008


Sure it’s important to plan time away and get some rest and relaxation, but the R and R in successful practices stands for REFERRALS AND RETENTION. Growing a practice begins with a vision that includes families and longer term retention.

Offices need to be set up and prepared for the four generations that can be part of any family. This “4G family Practice (™)” cares for infants to seniors and everyone in between. Showing with certainty that the office is prepared for families opens the door to the greatest practice growth available.

Practices literally double in weeks when family members are invited to be examined and begin care. Moving the practice away from a “spine only” strategy to a wellness and healing program is great for both referrals and retention. Scanning a child or a senior who may be symptom free offers an insight into the person’s existing or emerging health issues. By installing an Insight, you can assure the growth of family and friend referrals. Retention is an absolute consequence when this is done.


Family referrals begin immediately when teams gain the confidence to report a family plan. Being able to convert patients to wellness from initial and corrective care retention is the most amazing confirmation that the message and benefits of chiropractic are making their mark.

The great practices don’t stumble at the progress reports. Make sure you allow future care to be prepared in advance so that the frequency and number of visits is already in play.


Page 11: Top 8 Ways Chiropractors are Losing Thousands of Dollars · 08/01/2016  · “functional” care planning is the greatest gift you can give your patients and the greatest gift you | 618-688-2008


IT’S EXCITING AND FUN TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE LIVES OF PEOPLE IN YOUR COMMUNITY. You become their trusted advisor in family health issues, helping them plan for a lifetime of wellness. When helping people achieve their health potential is the foundation for all we do, prosperity follows. We see it every day in the practices that seek our advice. The trouble is that many, and dare I say, most, chiropractors are losing thousands of dollars weekly by missing out on the most significant point in building their practice and running their business. The care plan is what rules the success of any practice. It is a commitment to excellence or mediocrity.

Not having a care plan in place for every patient limits practice growth.

Not having the checks and balances of re-exams and tracking systems makes care planning hard for anyone.

“When helping people achieve their health potential is the foundation for all we do, prosperity follows.”


The purpose of this eBook was to open your eyes to see how simple tools like Genny and technological tools like the Insight scanning system with COREscore reporting can be used to generate tens of thousands of dollars in professional billings. Losing money is painful and easy. Sadly, many doctors aren’t even aware of the money they are letting slip through their hands because they have bought into the complacency of a mediocre or slow growing practice mired in older systems.

It’s time to change and make prosperity and abundance a priority. Care planning can begin this instant with your existing patients. You don’t have to change one patient schedule to get started. Committing to an accountable system of payments while scheduling re-exams will boost any practice. Adding in the neurofunctional testing technologies only makes sense as you build the practice of your dreams.

Genny & CLA are a powerful team and ready to get you on track. You can get started using Genny for $1.00 at

It’s the best and easiest way to stop losing thousands of dollars each month!

Page 12: Top 8 Ways Chiropractors are Losing Thousands of Dollars · 08/01/2016  · “functional” care planning is the greatest gift you can give your patients and the greatest gift you | 618-688-2008

Top 8 Ways Chiropractors areLosing Thousands of DollarsWritten by Dr. Tracy Wilson & Dr. David Fletcher

After practicing under the guidance of his mentor, Dr. D.E. Atchley in Lovington New Mexico for 4 years, Dr. Wilson moved to Lubbock, Texas to establish his dream, a complete chiropractic-centered wellness place – Global Health Chiropractic. Dr. Wilson is a Certified AMIT Specialist and since 1997 focused his practice on Pediatric, Family Wellness, and Sports Chiropractic.

Dr. Wilson is an Ambassador for the Chiropractic Leadership Alliance, through which he has been privileged to take part in utilizing the Insight Subluxation station, among the most state of the art technologies available to promote patient wellness. Serving as an ambassador in a more public sense, Dr. Wilson served the Texas Tech University football team for 12 years, and has travelled with the team to 8 bowl games. He serves as member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association and the Texas Chiropractic Association.

Dr. David Fletcher holds a unique position within the chiropractic profession. The path that has led him to become the Chairman and Chief Clinical Officer of CLA has always included being an active practitioner. Many who teach within the profession or lead companies, leave the practice environment. Dr. Fletcher has remained in practice, describing it as his “living laboratory”, where innovative healing programs can be created while the development of best practice procedures can be “true-tested”.

His company, Chiropractic Leadership Alliance , is the leading stress analysis technology company serving chiropractic. For the past two decades, CLA has been the thought leader and technology innovator within the profession. Unmanaged stress is the leading cause of degenerative disease and declining wellness. Measuring its impact on core nervous system functions is an essential component in shifting the conversation towards health and healing.