top 7 identifiers of a high-intent consumer


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Page 1: Top 7 Identifiers of a High-Intent Consumer


Page 2: Top 7 Identifiers of a High-Intent Consumer

Leveraging data to zero in on the high-intent consumer is on every smart marketer’s radar these days. However, most marketers are overwhelmed by data and unsure of where they should focus their efforts. Here are the seven leading behaviors that represent the most predictive contributors of consumer intent.

Page 3: Top 7 Identifiers of a High-Intent Consumer

1 Consumer JourneyConsumer Journey is the journey taken to arrive at the current consumer event. This is how the consumer got to the event is as important as the event itself. Consumers request information for different reasons. Some consumers didn’t even realize that they were interested in a particular product, but become interested as they visit related sites and view relevant content.

Page 4: Top 7 Identifiers of a High-Intent Consumer

2 Consumer EngagementConsumer Engagement is engagement shown by the consumer throughout his/her entire journey. There are a few key ways to measure engagement, and Lead Duration—the amount of time that the consumer spent on the form—is the primary driver of this category. Additional factors include cadence—the time between field interactions—and the total number of field interactions relative to the number presented.

Page 5: Top 7 Identifiers of a High-Intent Consumer

3 In-Market StatusIn-Market Status refers to the extent to which the consumer has repeatedly shown interest in a specific product or service. This is different from the consumer journey since it concentrates on the number, timeliness and relevance of other events.

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4 Device CharacteristicsDevice Characteristics are the characteristics of the device used by the consumer while online. Common device characteristics that factor into the scores are type of device (mobile vs. desktop), browser used, device brand, version and operating system.

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5 Consumer ExperienceConsumer Experience is the experience that the consumer had while he/she interacted with a brand online. In many cases, consumers will react well to a positive experience. For example, a consumer is more likely to remain engaged if the web page that he/she is on is easy to use, specific, clear in content and loads quickly. Jornaya has also found that form length, number and type of fields, brand presence and content all play a role in knowing when a consumer is going to buy.

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6 Lead ModalityLead Modality refers to how the lead was generated, usually delineates web from call center generated leads. The traditional way to complete a lead form is on the web. However, call center leads, in which an agent enters information on behalf of the consumer, are very common. It’s important to understand the distinction. Web leads show a consumer that is willing to proactively supply his/her information. Call center leads show that a consumer is willing to speak with someone on the phone, which is very important when the primary mode of first contact with a consumer is a phone call.

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7 CompetitionCompetition is the existence and relevance of other parties that currently aim to convert this consumer into a customer. Competition is assessed by estimating how many companies with similar products or services have received the consumer’s information. In general, increased competition in a relatively short amount of time reduces the likelihood that any single company will close the consumer.

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(c) 2016 Jornaya, & Lead Intelligence, Inc. d/b/a Jornaya. All rights reserved.

Jornaya is the consumer journey insight platform that provides marketers, data analysts, and compliance professionals with the highest-resolution view of the consumer buying journey. It is the only technology platform that witnesses both first- and third-party consumer interactions in real time and across devices. Meeting consumers at these moments of intent enables businesses to shorten the distance between data, decision, and action. Jornaya seamlessly integrates with any buyer journey decisioning process or toolkit.

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