top 5 money saving tips for students

Top 5 Money Saving Tips For Students By DealsDaddy UK

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Post on 21-Jul-2016




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Being a student, pursuing studies out of the home town is not too easy as it may seem. Those studying outside know it better as there are times when you sneak into your pockets during the last few days of the month. No doubt aspiring for higher degrees leads to a bright career but at the same time you need to save some money as apart from course materials, there are other aspects like traveling, hostel which of course keep a great importance.


This is the very first thing which you need after visiting a new city to study. Living off campus on a rented room is a preferable trend by many students. An important saving tip in this regard is to negotiate the landlord for rent. Further, you could also look out for roommates to share the room rent. Other than that try out looking for furnished apartments as your ergonomics too matters a lot.


A healthy food means a sound health and effective study. However eating outside keeps on affecting your budget gradually which you may never know. On the same side you could insist on clip coupon process thereby availing those dishes which you like to eat. Besides, if you prepare your meals by your own, then cook large meals and feed on the leftovers throughout the week. Doing so would save you lots of money.


They are the true representatives for your studies isn’t it? You could save a lot on them too. Instead of spending on new books you could rely on the used ones. Just when your semester ends you could sell them back to get next semester’s course materials. Now that internet is one of the biggest source of studying, you can even opt for the ebook versions.

Books and Tutorials

A major part of your budget goes in traveling if you live slight far from your campus or wish for an outing. You could cut expenses by depending upon the local conveyances that won’t cost you enough. If you desire to have your own vehicle then find a company which could offer you some good discount rates or try a used vehicle from an authorized store. That too works very well.


After long lectures and detailed studies a small entertainment provides good mode of recreation. This could be done by getting along with the events and functions organized by your institutes and that too for free. You could also look out for festivals, plays and fun fair organized by various communities. While if you want take a bite for something extremely scrumptious then search out for specials at local restaurants.
