top 5 digital books

My Top 5 Digital books Artist: Praz Hari

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Post on 11-Nov-2014




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A few recommended books in the


Page 1: Top 5 digital books

My Top 5 Digital books

Artist: Praz Hari

Page 2: Top 5 digital books

“…..In the book Adam states that there is something that people may not know about today’s Internet. If a company or even an individual designs a product the right way, they can build a thriving business from scratch, basically out of nothing. This can be done with no budget for marketing or advertising, and venture capitalist will throw money your way. If you play it smart you will see your company grow, and grow….”

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“What is Jump Point? “In mathematics it is called a “jump discontinuity”. In engineering, this is known as a“step phase change”, in climatology, they call it “abrupt delta”. I call it Jump Point- a change in the environment, in this case the business environment, so startling that we have no choice but to regroup and rethink the future” states Hayes on the introduction chapter of the book Despite a subject which would make most run scared, JUMP POINT has been lucidly written in splendidly easy-to-read manner, the book is literally a page-turner for it’s entire 230 pages”

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“One of the quotes that stood out was: “Whenever the final product shifts from it’s physical form to a digital one, all hell breaks loose. The first lesson in understanding WHAT’S NEXT is in embracing the very real possibility that your final products might go digital too, and if it’s not your final product, then it may just be the way they are purchased, produced and managed from a business perspective”. . The price of CD’s have decreased dramatically…does that mean people don’t want to listen to music? DVD’s sales are decreasing and torrents is rampant on the internet, does that mean people don’t want to watch movies? Of course not. The demand is there, but with it going digital means that it’s a new set of rules…..and a new set of opportunities”

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“One of the most profound effects of gaming comes when Chatfields relays a story of British author Naomi Alderman (who was living in Manhattan during and after 9/11) , observed in an aricle for a British newspaper, video gaming offered her a vital refuge in the months after the attack from a horrific reality she could do nothing to deal with or change. At one point, she was playing 30 hours of gaming a week blotting out the horrible scenario going on around her, and funnily enough, as the city got back on it’s feet…her desire to play video games vanished”

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“Before laying in to the “factory” a bit more, Godin stumbles upon a rather fascinating chapter delving in to the fundamentals of religion and faith. Your faith is far more important than your religion. “If religion compromises rules you follow, faith is demonstrated by the actions you take”