top 15 signs it’s time to switch your lms€¦ · not sure if it's time to switch your lms?...

Top 15 Signs It’s Time to SWITCH YOUR LMS (813) 901-8600 | [email protected] | © 2016 eLogic Learning. All Rights Reserved.

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Top 15 Signs It’s Time to SWITCH YOUR LMS

(813) 901-8600 | [email protected] |

© 2016 eLogic Learning. All Rights Reserved.


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Founded in 2001, eLogic Learning is a mature and proven industry leader in learning strategy, design and implementation of learning management software and services.

Utilizing our proprietary web-based learning management technology, content capabilities, professional experience and a partnership attitude, we provide companies the tools they need to continually enhance and enrich their most valuable asset: the people behind the brand.

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1. LMS Is Not Mobile-Compatible

2. Old System Is Hard to Navigate

3. Users Don’t Like the Interface

4. Can’t Get Valuable Insights & Analytics

5. LMS Doesn’t Account for Future Needs

6. LMS Support Happens Days or Weeks Later

7. Implementation Assistance is Non-Existent or Too Costly

8. LMS Can’t Integrate with Other Systems

9. Bugs, Bugs and More Bugs

10. Few LMS Enhancements

11. LMS Culture Doesn’t Mesh with Yours

12. LMS Can’t be Hosted in the Cloud (SaaS)

13. No ILT/OJT Management Capabilities

14. No Custom Branding for Individuals or Groups

15. LMS Was Absorbed by Another Provider

















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A Learning Management System (LMS) is a great way to keep your staff

well-trained and up-to-date on the latest best practices. But, if you have a

system that isn't ideal, it can't do that job.

Not sure if it's time to switch your LMS? We’ve put together this list of 15

different signs that may signify it’s time to look at other options.

1. LMS Is Not Mobile-Compatible

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If you have an LMS that was designed exclusively for desktop computers,

you are not giving your users all the tools they need in order to effectively

complete their training..

When you look at Millennials, that number jumps to 8 out of 10.

By giving users access to your LMS from their phones, you allow them to

engage with your courses in the environment that they like best at the

times of their choosing. People can look at lessons during their public transit

commute, during breaks from work or at their desks, etc.

Two out of three Americans own smartphones.

2. Old System Is Hard to Navigate

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Is it difficult to move from lesson to lesson in your old LMS? Do

administrators have a difficult time creating lessons, enrolling users or

creating certificates?

The more time people spend wrestling with the LMS, the less time they

spend actually learning. And, the less enthusiastic they will be about the

materials once they are in a lesson.

A quality LMS should be intuitive. Any new user should be able to sit

down and move from lesson to lesson with ease. And, instructors and

administrators should be able to add and edit the LMS without difficulty.

3. Users Don’t Like the Interface

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It’s safe to assume that if the people who are using your LMS don't like

using it, they are less likely to engage with it. This means users may not

be as well-trained and you might be wasting money on a product that

doesn't give you that desired return on investment.

Up-to-date LMS products should have a clean and attractive interface

that makes users happier to engage with your courses. In doing so, you

can make it more likely that they will dig into the latest courses and fully

engage with the material.

4. Can’t Get Valuable Insights & Analytics

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Can your LMS tell you how long individual users spent on courses? Is it easy to

see engagement and test scores of learners as a group? Feedback from individual

users can help you create better systems. But, you also need to be able to easily

see measurable data to help you improve your courses.

Your LMS should be able to show you, at a glance, information about user

engagement, progress and success. This can tell you a lot about which courses

are working effectively and which ones might need to be improved to serve your

users better.

Plus, quality data about how your users are doing can allow you to share your

results easily with management and justify learning costs.

5. LMS Doesn’t Account for Future Needs

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Right now your organization may only need and utilize an LMS for its

ability to manage and report on users’ training, but what happens when

you want to scale and your LMS can’t scale with you?

A perfect example? An organization has been using an LMS for a year

and decides it wants to start selling its courses to vendors, other

businesses, consumers or any number of clients. However, their current

LMS doesn’t have any e-commerce capabilities.

Make sure when you are evaluating your LMS needs that you keep in

mind what future needs your organization may have.

6. LMS Support Happens Days or Weeks Later

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As busy business owners, HR professionals, LMS admins, etc., you don’t

have time to wait days or sometimes even weeks for LMS issues to be


Having to wait extended periods of time for customer support to respond

to your issue could cost you time, money and halt training of your

customers and/or staff.

If you have a question about functionality within your LMS, notice a bug that

needs to be fixed or any other number of issues, your LMS provider should

be able to respond to your issue within a reasonable amount of time. Just to

give you a point of reference, we respond to each email within 30 minutes.

7. Implementation Assistance is Non-Existent or Too Costly

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Did you pay too little, nothing at all, or too much for your LMS implementation?

It may quickly become apparent that those plug-n-play LMSs that offer free

implementation just aren’t robust enough to fit your needs. Or, it could be that

the expensive implementation fee you paid to get a custom LMS is becoming

even more of a cost burden when you need to make changes.

These are some of the issues you could face with LMS implementation so your

best bet is to go for something middle-of-the-road. BUT, remember this: you

can’t afford to NOT pay an implementation fee. Just don’t get bamboozled into

paying an exorbitant price.

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When you make the switch to eLogic Learning’s eSSential LMS, you’ll get 30% off your current LMS price

(for the LIFETIME of your eLogic contract) and reduced rates on your premium implementation!


8. LMS Can’t Integrate with Other Systems

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One of the great benefits to having an LMS is the ability to integrate with many

systems you are already using. At least, that’s the way it should be.

If your organization has an HRIS (human resource information system) or an

HRMS (human resources management system) then being able to integrate that

with your LMS is crucial.

Likewise, being able to integrate with CRM systems such as Salesforce to keep

track of your users and what they have purchased from an e-commerce

standpoint is also beneficial.

Make sure your LMS can integrate with different systems and lighten your

workload as opposed to adding to it.

9. Bugs, Bugs and More Bugs

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Like with any technology, we know things don’t always go according to plan and

it can be pretty buggy at times. The same can be said of an LMS.

At any one time, most LMSs have between 200-300 bugs in the system.

Surprising, right? What’s even more surprising is that some LMS providers are

only able to fix a few bugs a year and maintain a database full of those 200-300

bugs at any time.

Look for an LMS that makes it a priority to have as bug-free of a system as

possible. Why? Because these are the signs of an LMS provider who prides

themselves on keeping their system up-to-date and providing the best product

to their clients.

10. Few LMS Enhancements

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We just mentioned some LMS providers may have 200-300 bugs in their system

at any one time, but what’s also surprising is that some only provide a few

enhancements (updates) to their system a YEAR as well!

This may come in the form of a large grouping of updates at one time, which

forces your admins to spend time learning how to navigate the changes all at

once, or, these updates may even come less frequently than once a year.

Getting small, frequent updates to your LMS is a lot less cumbersome to deal

with and is also a sign your LMS provider likes to stay on top of clients’ present

and future needs.

11. LMS Culture Doesn’t Mesh with Yours

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Making sure something is a good fit with your company culture doesn’t

begin and end with job candidates. This fit should carry through all

facets of your organization, including your LMS provider.

If your company prides itself on being cutting-edge then an LMS that is

antiquated and hasn’t seen an update in a year might not be the best fit.

Your LMS is an extension of your brand and business. It should be able

to seamlessly work together with your training courses and working

with an LMS provider that embraces the same culture you do can make

all the difference.

12. LMS Can’t Be Hosted in the Cloud (SaaS)

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Some companies have a need to house their LMS on their own servers (a.k.a.

“behind the firewall”) but this can become very costly for businesses who don’t

necessarily need the capability.

By hosting your LMS in the Cloud, businesses can save time and money on their

IT department who has to continually manage and work with the LMS provider to

update the system as well as on the equipment needed to host the LMS.

Similarly, hosting your LMS in the Cloud lets your LMS provider seamlessly push

updates to the system while also ensuring its security without the need of

advanced security programs.

13. No ILT/OJT Management Capabilities

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Most LMSs are built for online learning and online courses, but what

about your instructor-led courses or on-the-job training?

Regardless of whether you do a lot of in-person training or very little,

your LMS should be able to incorporate this type of training into the

online management and tracking. After all, most learners still benefit

most from hands-on training.

Combining the two in a blended learning style (and being able to track

both in your LMS) is a winning combination so make sure your LMS has

the capability to track online and in-person training.

14. No Custom Branding for Individuals or Groups

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Some industry analysts predict the future of LMS is heading toward a learner-

centric LMS model. With that in mind, does your LMS allow you to create this

unique learning experience for your users or user groups?

One way to create a more learner-centric experience is to brand the LMS

environment for that specific user or users. Now, this could be a singular user or,

more likely, could be used to brand your LMS for a specific vendor or individual

departments within your organization.

Having an LMS that can create this learner-centric experience increases the

likelihood that training will be completed since it is tailored to the needs of a

specific user or group of users, and improves the overall user experience.

15. LMS Was Absorbed by Another Provider

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It’s not uncommon for smaller (or even larger) LMS providers to be absorbed by

some of the bigger players in the industry.

This isn’t always a bad thing; however, sometimes those absorptions mean your

old LMS provider that treated you like a partner instead of just another client is

gone and in its place you start to feel like a small fish in a BIG pond. You’ll notice

your LMS platform gets neglected and then you start to become neglected until

you’re forced to switch to the new provider’s LMS or suffer in silence with an

outdated system.

When these changes start to impede your organization’s ability to conduct the

training it wants to do then it may be time to start looking at other options.

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When you make the switch to eLogic Learning’s eSSential LMS, you’ll get 30% off your current LMS price

(for the LIFETIME of your eLogic contract) and reduced rates on your premium implementation!