top 15 most common dieting mistakes

Top 15 Most Common Dieting Mistakes By: Mary Rodavich, WVU Dietetic Intern

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Post on 26-May-2015



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Page 1: Top 15 Most Common Dieting Mistakes

Top 15 Most Common

Dieting MistakesBy: Mary Rodavich, WVU Dietetic Intern

Page 2: Top 15 Most Common Dieting Mistakes

1. Using The Word “Diet”

When people think of the word “diet”, it automatically comes with a negative connotation.

Instead of thinking “I’m on a diet”, think “I am going to live a healthy lifestyle”.

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2. Eliminating Foods Eliminating any single food is only going to make

your brain want it even more. NEVER tell yourself you can’t have your favorite

foods. The key is: MODERATION. Incorporate your favorite foods into your diet, just

be aware of portion control.Eat one or two slices…not the whole thing!

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3. Crash Dieting “Yo-Yo Dieting’ may take off the pounds quickly,

but research shows you’ll probably gain it all back (if not more) once you stop the crash diet.

“Permanent change only results from permanent changes in diet and lifestyle.” – Dr. Fuhrman

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4. Skipping Meals Skipping meals only makes you feel hungrier and

then you end up gorging on unhealthy foods later in the day.

Research shows that people who skip breakfast are 4.5 times more likely to be obese2. This could be due to the fact that skipping breakfast actually makes the brain crave higher-calorie food3.

Goal: Shoot for 5-6 small meals per day.

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5. Relying on Miracle Cures

There is no “magic” solution to weight loss Let’s face it, if it sounds too good to be true…it

probably is! Be cautious of unreliable dieting claims

Be wary of “miraculous”, “incredible”, and “breakthrough” jargon

Show me the research – If there’s no numbers to back it up, don’t trust the claims

No downside or side effects – There isn’t a drug out there without some sort of unwanted side effect

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6. Lack of Planning Individuals who successfully lose weight, and

keep it off, plan their meals and snacks ahead of time to prevent possible slip-ups.

A good tip is to always have healthy snacks on hand, such as an apple, low-fat cheese, an ounce of almonds, or a few whole grain crackers.

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7. Too Many Liquid Calories

Most people don’t realize how quickly liquid calories add up.

Avoid: Excessive alcohol, smoothies, coffee with creamers/sugar, sweetened juices, iced teas, and soda.

Goal: Try to drink eight-8 oz glasses of water per day. Some low-calorie drinks are water, club soda, diet sodas, &

skim milk, unsweetened tea, sugar-free beverages, etc.

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8. Huge Portion Sizes Americans are constantly wanting more, more,

more. Here is a great tool for understanding proper

serving sizes4. Even “healthy” foods can sabotage your goals if

the portion size is out of control.

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9. Mindless Eating Eating Amnesia: The act of unknowingly putting hand to

mouth. – Don’t let this happen to you! Mindlessly munching on high-calorie snacks can really

add up. Eating a meal should be a pleasant experience that

includes all five of the senses. AVOID eating in the car, in front of the TV or computer,

or while reading.

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10. Lack of Exercise One of the keys to maintaining weight loss long

term is consistent physical activity. JUST GET MOVING! How much exercise is enough? Experts say a

minimum of 2.5 hrs of moderate physical activity per week is sufficient.

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11. Monotonous Eating

Many dieters tend to eat the same thing over and over again…leading to “food boredom”.

Researchers at Penn State University found adults ate more vegetables when served a variety (broccoli, carrots, and snap peas) compared to being served any one single type of vegetables5.

VARIETY is the key to battling boredom and plateaus.

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12. Lack of Sleep One study found that individuals who are sleep-

deprived consume a whopping 500 extra calories per day.

Lack of sleep, especially less than 5 hours, can slow your metabolism and cause hormonal changes that can make it harder to lose weight6.

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13. Over-Doing It At the Salad Bar

Salads are great, but many people add high-calorie toppings that sabotage their dieting efforts.

Toppings to Avoid: bacon bits, croutons, sesame noodles, creamy and fatty dressings, fried chicken, hard-boiled egg yolks, diced ham, too many nuts, & too much cheese.

Toppings to Choose: romaine lettuce, fruits and vegetables, low-calorie dressings, legumes, beans, grilled chicken, tofu, flavorful low-fat cheeses

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14. Not Keeping Track Can you remember what you ate for lunch 5 days

ago? Tip: Write down everything you eat for at least 3

days. There are many great tools to help you calculate

your daily caloric intake…or just ask a dietitian for help!

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15. Lack of Confidence or Motivation

Tips Set realistic goals - Healthy weight loss is 1-2

lbs/wk. Be patient - Weight loss takes time. DO IT FOR YOU! Get healthy for the right reasons. Don’t expect perfection – Everyone has slip-ups. Buddy up with someone who has the same goals

as you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Reward yourself for meeting small goals (but not

with food!).

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References1.) Ma Yungsheng, et al. Association between Eating Patterns and Obesity in a Free-living US Adult Population. Am J Epid. 17 Jan 2003.3.) Meengs JS, Roe LS, Rolls BJ. Vegetable variety: an effective strategy to increase vegetable intake in adults. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2012 Aug;112(8):1211-5.6.),,20584613_3,00.html 7.)