top 10 weird ocean animals

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    Pouncing out from the depths of serene ĕdes of water here are the Top Ten Weird Ocean Animals that

    can  sweep you off your feet. The sea that look so calm f rom above have hidden in plenty  of Bizarre

    Ocean Creatures, laymen have not even heard of. Experts have put in rigorous efforts to get

    acquainted with the Strange Ocean Creatures, sĕll there is not much knowledge about them. Get a

    glance into the world of Top 10 Bizarre Ocean Creatures that very much exist in  the world with us.

    Know what’s what about these Strange Sea Creatures and next ĕme be careful when you go for deep

    sea diving.


    Top Ten Weird Ocean Animals

    Get a close look into the world of Top 10 Weird Ocean Creatures that can give you turns and make you



    1. Giant Isopod

    Giant Isopod tops the list of Weird Ocean Creatures with its hair rising, horrendous looks it beholds. A

    far flung relaĕve of shrimps and crabs, this specie is mostly found in the cold and shallow waters of 

    Indian Ocean, Atlanĕc and Pacific. These giants of the deep sea survive on fish, squids and whales that

    are lifeless and also chase the slow moving creatures as a vivacious predator. They can survive long

    famine and drought for over an extant of five years without surplus food. Bathynomus or Giant Isopod

    was first discovered by a French Zoologist, Alphonse Milne Edward in the year 1879. It has a closeness

    with the pill bug and woodlouse.


    2. Northern Stargazer

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    Astroscopus Guĥatus or the Stargazer is a spooky, spine chilling creature that climbed directly out of 

    your nightmare. They can reach up to 22 inches in length and are majorly found at the eastern shores

    amid New york and North Carolina. As the name speaks the mouth of the fish is mounted over the top

    that helps it to pounce at the prey, while hiding under the mud. Believe it or not they bear organ at

    the top that can propagate and transfer electric current to the body of its prey. Northern Stargazer

    waits under the mud, for its vicĕm to just float over it and nothing can stop it a├er that.


    3. Angler Fish

    The spooky and eerie Angler Fish swim all across the deep and dark oceans in the world. These bonny

    fishes are named a├er its style of predaĕng the other small fishes deep down the ocean. They have an

    extension hanging over their head which lures other fishes to feed itself. Many species of the fish are

    consumed by humans found in Africa, North America and Europe. Their tail meat of the fish is

    considered as a tasty food item by people and the taste is compared to that of a lobsters tail.


    4. Blob Sculpins

    At number four we have Blob Sculpins one of the weirdest creatures living in the deep waters of north

    Pacific Ocean. This shallow water resident can grow up to 60 cm or two feet in length. They are the

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    occupants of the deepest waters (840‐ 2800m), where the pressure is harmful for humans. It devour

    on small insects, fishes and other creatures that crawl in the deep sea. The fish you see in the deep

    waters changes into a miserable lump or organ a├er you pull it out of water.


    5. Sea Cucumber

    Posiĕoned at number five we have the deep ocean resident Sea Cucumber which belongs to the classof Holothuroidea. They are found plenty in numbers at the shallow waters of the ocean with greatest

    populaĕon found in the Asia Pacific Region. It works as an essenĕal role in nourishing the ecosystem

    of the oceans as they recycle nutrients and other organisms on which bacteria degrades. They have an

    endoskeleton, that develops within the skin or in the deeper body ĕssues. They can grow up to 1

    meter 3.3├ in length, on the other hand the smallest species can grow up to 0.12inches long. They are

    even captured from the deep waters, as they have medicinal qualiĕes to heal arthriĕs and many

    dangerous diseases.


    6. Frilled Shark

    A widely spread species of shark that is found in the Atlanĕc and Pacific Ocean finds a posiĕon at

    number six among weird creatures of ocean. The Frilled Shark is mostly found at 50 to 200 m or 160 to

    660 ├ deep in the depths of oceans. This sea creature has a flexible mouth which allows it to swallow

    a whole pray that mainly includes bony fishes and other sharks. They are dark brown in colour,

    crawling all over the seas like a snake or an eel in search of food. If this sea serpent or shark came in

    contact with a human they definitely pose great threat.


    7. Viper fish

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    A tropical and temperate water Viper Fish finds a place at number seven in the list of strange sea

    animals. They vary in colour amid silver, black or green with huge fang like teeth that helps in

    capturing a prey. These fishes can live for more than 30 or 40 years in their natural habitat but doesn’t

    survive for few hours if captured. Viper fishes prey on dragon fishes and other small creatures under

    water and can even sustain scarcity of food, if situaĕon demands. It dwells at 250 to 500 ├ deep

    waters during the day ĕme and at night rises to shallow water. Some species or sharks and dolphins

    prey on the species of Viper Fish.


    8. Giant Spider Crab

    Deep down the oceans live these long legged, giant spider crabs that can grow up to 12 feet long.

    They are found thousands of feet under the waters of Japan where they spend their ĕme hunĕng for

    food. These crawling spine chilling creature are omnivores which can live on plant maĥer, small sea

    animals and lifeless animals also. Their huge body structure and spooky looks bring it to number eight

    posiĕon among the top ten bizarre ocean animals.


    9. Carpet Shark

    Lying low in the ocean bed like a carpet gave this shark its weird name and number nine posiĕon

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    among the strange sea animals. They are mostly found in all oceans but are majorly concentrated in

    the indo‐pacific ocean and Australian region. The various specie of carpet shark is found in diverse

    diets, appearance, habitats and sizes. They are spineless creatures with two caudal fins and a small

    mouth with up front eyes. Till now the largest carpet shark is the whale shark that grow up to 14

    meters in length. Without doubt it is not dangerous to be around unĕl and unless harmed.


    10. Wolf Fish

    Living under the coastal rocks around 1600 feet deep down the sea this strange looking sea creature

    gained its number ten posiĕon among the Weird Creature in the Ocean. They are called with varied

    names that are sea wolf, ocean caĔish, sea cat, devil fish, Atlanĕc caĔish and more. They have very

    robust jaws, which they use for consuming shells, mollusles, echinoderms, crustacean, green crabs,

    star fish and sea urchins. Wolf Fish play an important role in keeping a balance in marine system by

    hunĕng down urchin and green crabs, as they can cause some serious harm.

    This entry was posted in Animals on August 23, 2014 .

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