top 10 magento plugins of 2015 - clapcreative

Top 10 Magento Plugins of 2015 - Clap Creative One of the reasons why I love Magento so much is the abundance of high quality plugins available. If there is a feature you want on your Magento site, chances are there is a Magento plugins that will allow you to do it. I have used the majority of these top 10 Magento plugins when developing Magento sites for clients. Some are free and some are paid for. But in general, Magento plugins that have a price and worth it as how much time and money would it cost to develop it yourself? Here I present my top 10 Magento plugins of 2015: -

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Top 10 Magento Plugins of 2015 - Clap Creative

One of the reasons why I love Magento so much is the abundance of high quality plugins available. If there is a feature you want on your Magento site, chances are there is a Magento plugins that will allow you to do it.

I have used the majority of these top 10 Magento plugins when developing Magento sites for clients. Some are free and some are paid for. But in general, Magento plugins that have a price and worth it as how much time and money would it cost to develop it yourself? Here I present my top 10 Magento plugins of 2015: -

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1. Canonical URLs for Magento

Canonical URLs for Magento – Developed by a guy called Yoast, this Magento plugins is a life-saver. It adds canonical links to all your Magento pages. So if your Magento website has duplicate pages with different urls, this Magento canonical plugins will tell Google which is the actual page. For more information on canonical links, i recommend you go to the Google webmasters canonical page.

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2. Fooman Google Analytics Plus

Fooman Google Analytics Plus – This handy plugins tracks every individual page and used function within your Magento stock. It also tracks actual typed keywords by the customer. Knowing exactly how your Magento site is used by customers is vital.

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3. Fontis WYSIWYG

Fontis WYSIWYG - A "what you see is what you get" Magento plugins. Very important when delivering your finished Magento site to a client, as chances are, they are not going to understand how to format their descriptions by code.

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4. Z-Blocks

Z-Blocks – Designed by the guys at, The Z-Blocks extension allows you to create an unlimited number of static blocks and content items. Best of all, you don't need to manually change your template and layout files every time you want to add an advertising banner or other applicable information. I cannot live without this plugins. I use this for creating sidebar promotions and head promotions, which is important for better sale conversions.

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5. Shop by Brands

Shop by Brands - Developed by AITOC. This cool Magento plugins enables you to create separate pages for brands presented in your store and link to them from product pages, thus making it easier for your customers to browse and shop by specific brands. Moreover, you can use any category relevant to your store – such as manufacturers, artists, authors, etc. – instead of brand names. This solution has been successfully used by major online stores for years. Yet, another Magento plugins that I use for all my Magento stores.

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6. Magento Easy Light box

Magento Easy Light box - I love image light boxes, it certainly beats the default zoom slider function in Magento. Displays the images of your products as a light box.

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7. Auto Cross Sell Products

Auto Cross Sell Products - Eliminate all the donkey work by automating product cross sell maintenance! When customer checks out, all the products chosen are linked as cross sell products. A time saver if you have lots of related products.

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8. Checkout Newsletter

Checkout Newsletter - Ads a tick box in your checkout so customers can receive your store newsletter. A very important plugins! Who actually manually signs up to a store newsletter these days? Make sure your customers come back for a second purchase!

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9. On Sale

On Sale – People love a bargain! With the On Sale Magento extension you can add visually-appealing labels to any product images. The labels can be displayed in both product and catalog views.

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10. Rewards and Points

Rewards and Points – OK, this is my wildcard number 10. I have been waiting for years for a Magento developer to develop a decent rewards and points system for Magento. The guys at ahead works seem to have cracked it! This is probably the ultimate tool when retaining customers.

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That's it! My top ten Magento plugins of 2015 so far! Enjoy Magento Development Los Angeles . Want your Magento development done professionally? Get your FREE 3 hour development today with ClapCreative - Building a Better User interface with

Thank you very much by ClapCreative