too posh to parent

Too Posh to Parent- Documentary Analysis By Adam Wareing

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Post on 16-Jan-2017




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Too Posh to Parent- Documentary Analysis

By Adam Wareing

AgenciesTypes of personal assistance Finding the right Nanny personal lives of the nannies Security

issues Security nannies Education tutors Final Exposition

Narrative StructureDocumentary Type: Mixed

Narrative Structure Type: Multi stranded

Long shots- This shows the connection between the nannies and the children

with them holding hands, connoting the positivity of the employment

CameraworkClose up: used to juxtapose the

ordinary looking assistant with the rich woman’s earrings (second slide)

Hand held camera: This is used to allow the viewer to feel as if they are gaining a real, and not staged, insight into the

lives of the nannies and the rich families

Fixed camera-Medium close up: It allows the audience to concentrate on the

comments and facial expressions of the interviewee rather than their


Music played on a banjo when the audience and introduced to a child bodyguard matches his

working class surroundings and juxtaposes the sophisticated

music related to the rich family.

SoundsHigh pitched

orchestra music: This music is typically

symbolic of the upper class and matches the large houses on


Interviewees are credited with their name and relevance to the documentary to give

contextual information to the audience, the font is simple and colour, white to not detract

attention from the comments made


EditingStraight cuts are used throughout the documentary due to the fast paced nature of

it’s narrative. It is not dealing with issues too serious and so does not require reflective transitions such as fades.

A well known female with a friendly voice is

the voiceover. This provides a maternal

voice to the documentary and

provides statistics that link the stands of the

narrativeThis is the only archive footage in the documentary suggesting the industry is modern and new to society!