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  • 8/4/2019 Tony Maingi's Formatted Essay




    The Kite RunnerEssay

  • 8/4/2019 Tony Maingi's Formatted Essay


    2 TheKiteRunner

    Table of Contents

    The Situation..........................................................................................................................4

    Continuance ...........................................................................................................................4


    Moving to America ................................................................................................................5

    Conclusion .............................................................................................................................6


  • 8/4/2019 Tony Maingi's Formatted Essay





    I. Introduction

    II. Rough Drafts

    A. The Situation

    B. ContinuanceC. Confrontations

    D. Moving to America

    III. Conclusion

  • 8/4/2019 Tony Maingi's Formatted Essay




    Tony Maingi

    Ms. Kolnik

    World Literature


    The Kite RunnerEssay

    The Kite Runner was a story mainly about Amir. He was a well-off Pashtun boy who was

    friends with Hassan a Hazara boy. The setting of the story was in Afghanistan during the fall of

    Afghanistan monarchy, the Soviet era, heading for Pakistan and the Taliban times. It was a story

    about Amirs decisions and life but represented how things were in Afghanistan before other

    good willed foreign entities got involved.

    The Situation

    Amir always wanted to be like his father, had a better education, was a Sunni Muslim and

    read books which his father didnt like though his mother read books. Hassan didnt have an

    education, was a Shia Muslim and was gamesome. Amirs father treated them equally, even

    buying the same presents during some occasions. This bothered Amir because he was supposed

    to be the master and Hassan the servant. Baba always admired Hassan more considering Amir to

    be disappointing because he was the son everyone knew about. Amir secretly believed his fatherblamed him for his mothers death. However, he had a fatherly figure Rahim Khan who

    supported him in the reading novels and writing. Amir looked up to Baba; he should have taken a

    different approach instead of using Hassan, who in fact looked up to him for a reason.


    Amir was a selfish character because he did things that would disgrace and abuse Hassan

    like when he let Hassan get abused. His father would have likely turned his attention toward him

    and it wouldnt be positive, besides Baba would have found out that Amir had stashed the money.

    Hassan was the one who was supposed to be illiterate in all senses. Hassan would do everything

    for Amir, back up Amir, every time he was in a hostile predicament. Though Hassan was

    illiterate, it did not stop him from caring about Amir. Amir was usually with Hassan but inside

    him there were other ulterior motives. Amir got mocked because of being around Hazara people

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    by Assef who has problems. Assef believed Hazara were inferior, many of Afghanistans people

    believed that but to Assef this was to a huge extent. Hadnt it been for Hassan and his slingshot

    Amir would have ended up in a terrible state during one of those confrontations.

    Sometimes, up in those trees, I talked Hassan into firing walnuts with his

    slingshot at the neighbor's one-eyed German shepherd. Hassan never wanted to, but if I

    asked, really asked, he wouldn't de...


    Amir and Hassan joined a local kite competition. Hassan was always good at sports so

    this was easy but the story is and was about kites. Amir won the competition and Baba showed

    his son some positive attention. Hassan ran for a kite and ran into Assef and his friends but just

    before going for it he said to Amir for you a thousand times over. Hassan refused to give the

    kite to Assef (as was Hassan) Amir came along but heard Assef and hid. He didnt tell Baba

    because it might have increased his love towards Hassan. Amir kept a distance from Hassan

    afterwards though Hassan tries to work to get Amir back. Amir feeling ashamed of his cowardice

    actions didnt even enjoy his birthday and only likes Rahim Khans gift. This was when he left

    the money and watch because he thought life would be much easier without Hassan around, that

    he would feel less guilty about what he did. He didnt know this would bind him more. Hassan

    and Ali (Hassans father) left even though Baba said he would forgive them for stealing.

    Moving to America

    Later on Amir and Baba fled to Pakistan; they stayed there for a short while but later

    went to America. Amir loved America, Baba hated it because he came from all the respect and

    luxury to go to working in a petrol station. Amir took classes at a local college and still pursued

    writing. Baba and Amir sometimes sold things at the flea market to make extra money. Amir met

    Soraya there they got married eventually. Baba died and Rahim Khan called Amir from Pakistannot actually telling him what he wanted from him but he goes. Rahim Khan told him how Ali

    died, killed by a land mine and that Hassan got married to Farzana and had a child called Sohrab.

    Rahim Khan had asked Hassan to be the caretaker of Babas house. The Taliban went and

    forcibly asked Hassan to give up the house, which he would never so he and his wife were

    executed. Rahim Khan also told Amir that Hassan was his half brother, he got angry but realised

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    that Baba was a hypocrite. Rahim Khan needed Amir to take Sohrab to a particular orphanage so

    Amir went to Afghanistan with a fake beard and visits the tree. It represented the relationship

    between Amir and Hassan which had been destroyed. He eventually took Sohrab with him to



    Amir ended up regretting the mistakes he made to Hassan and he realised he didnt know

    everything about Baba that looking up to him and his great view of him was lost. Amir realised

    he didnt have to be really what Baba wanted just what he (Amir) needed. Amir accomplished or

    finished what he wanted with Baba. Sohrab had a home. At the end of the day Baba was the one

    responsible for most of Hassans problems, because in a bid to get attention Amir ended up

    leaving and putting Hassan in terrible situations.

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    Malignant, M., Tseikuru, G., & Meru, G., (2011) A story about two friends maybe enemies that

    is unravelled and unfolded in an epic journey from Afghanistan. The Kite Runner,

    August 16, 2011.