tonle sap lake - strengths and threats

Tonle Sap Lake Prepared by: HuyHuang HENG

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Tonle Sap LakePrepared by: HuyHuang HENG

ContentIntroduction to Tonle Sap LakeMajor benefits of Tonle Sap LakeThreats of Tonle Sap LakeSolutionReference

Introduction to Tonle Sap LakeLocated in:

CambodiaSurface Area: 13,000

km2 (largest lake in Southeast Asia)

Resources: 200 types of fishes (70% has commercial value), snakes, turtle, crocodile, water birds…

Major benefits of Tonle Sap Lakeprovides 75% of Cambodia's national inland fish

production1.2M people depend their live on fishing and

agricultural activities around Tonle Sap LakeTourism

Threats of Tonle SapFloating village brings

problems to people and biodiversity.The villagers don’t know

how to take care the waterThey wash clothes, throw

their waste into water Illegal Fishing

Consequences: WATER POLLUTIONkill fishes, birds …No usable waterCreate diseases

SolutionsCreate a campaign ‘Clean Tonle Sap Lake’

Give free training session about the important of Tonle Sap Lake and how to live on the lake

Give free poster to every houses about ‘how to live with hygiene’ and ‘how to take care the lake’

Create a radio show to educate them Build toilets

Create an expert team to clean the water pollutionCreate and strengthen fishery law
