tomas mercado descrption

by my sister Trini, my mum Susana and my dad Sergio. We also have a little poodle dog called Helena. in the world is making sport. I also like being a DJ by the weekends, I enjoy it a lot. I like cooking, discovering new technology gadgets and I’m fan of the Cirque du Soleil . I hate doing homework, untidiness favorite is electro and also English pop style. For my eighteen birthday I’m planning to go to Tomorrowland Fest in Belgium that good be my dream.

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Post on 23-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Tomas mercado descrption

I’m Tomas. I’m 15 years old, in july I will be 16. My family is composed by my sister Trini, my mum Susana and my dad Sergio.We also have a little poodle dog called Helena.

The thing I like the most in the world is making sport. I also like being a DJ by the weekends, I enjoy it a lot. I like cooking, discovering new technology gadgets and I’m fan of the Cirque du Soleil. I hate doing homework, untidiness places, and latin music, I also get on my nerves when people talk to me when I just wake up.

I really love music, all kinds of music are ok for me! but my favorite is electro and also English pop style.For my eighteen birthday I’m planning to go to Tomorrowland Fest in Belgium that good be my dream.