tom & bill's summer reading list (aicpa edge)

CPA Success – Tom’s Summer Reading List

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CPA Success – Tom’s Summer Reading List

Tom’s Summer Reading List

“You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.” – Charlie “T” Jones

The End of Competitive Advantage

Photo: Tom Hood & Rita McGrath at BLI Thought Leader Symposium in Baltimore, MD

“How  would  you  think  differently  about  your  strategy  if  you  knew  your  advantage  might  not  last?”  

Tom  Hood  and  Rita  McGRath  at  BLI  Thought  Leader  series  in  Maryland  

Flash Foresight The  faster  things  change,  the  farther  and  wider  we  have  to  see.  Dan  Burrus  offers  some  great  strategies  to  see  these  trends  and  idenFfy  the  hard  trends  most  likely  to  impact  you  versus  the  soH  trends.  A  must  for  anybody  trying  to  anFcipate  the  future  beJer.  

The Second Machine Age The  biggest  challenge  we  face  is  to  comprehend  exponenFal  growth.  Two  MIT  computer  scienFsts  offer  insights  into  just  how  fast  technology  is  advancing  things  and  how  we  should  be  thinking  about  it.  If  you  want  stay  relevant,  this  book  will  help  you  as  organizaFons  and  individuals.    

Perfecting Your Pitch

Leaders Eat Last “There  are  leaders  and  there  are  those  that  lead.”  Sinek  does  it  again!  This  Fme  he  tackles  leadership  and  how  to  build  trust  in  our  organizaFons.      

We  are  quickly  finding  out  that  when  we  go  from  a  centralized  communica8ons  infrastructure  to  a  distributed  one,  when  we  connect  everything  and  everyone,  the  result  is  not  just  to  make  things  faster,  be>er,  and  bigger.  The  social  system  itself  acquires  a  fundamentally  different  quality:  it  becomes  more  diversified,  more  emergent,  and  oCen  unpredictable.    

The Nature of the Future

Marina  Gorbis,  ExecuFve  Director  of  the  InsFtute  for  the  Future  provides  some  great  insights  into  the  emerging  social  structured  world.  

A Business & Its Beliefs This  is  a  classic  but  helps  explain  the  endurance  of  a  company  over  Fme  when  it  gets  it’s  “why”  right.  An  easy  read  full  of  examples  of  how  IBM  became  one  of  the  most  successful  technology  companies  ever.    

Look, Lead, Love & Learn Bill  Sheridan  has  interviewed  some  of  the  top  thought  leaders  in  business  today  and  this  quick  read  is  like  having  the  cliff  notes  plus  the  added  perspecFve  of  Bill  Sheridan.  I  think  of  it  as  dispatches  from  the  future  of  business.    

Bill  Sheridan,  CAE  The  Business  Learning  Ins6tute  

The  Look,  Lead,  Love,  Learn  Book  Club    "Resilience:  Why  Things  Bounce  Back,"  by  Andrew  Zolli  and  Ann  Marie  Healy    "Flip!  How  to  Turn  Everything  You  Know  On  Its  Head  and  Succeed  Beyond  Your  Wildest  Dreams,"  by  Peter  Sheahan    "LeadershiL:  Reinven6ng  Leadership  for  the  Age  of  Mass  Collabora6on,"  by  Emmanuel  Gobillot    "Follow  the  Leader:  The  One  Thing  Great  Leaders  Have  that  Great  Followers  Want,"  by  Emmanuel  Gobillot    "Linchpin,"  by  Seth  Godin  

Bill  Sheridan,  CAE  The  Business  Learning  Ins6tute  

The  Look,  Lead,  Love,  Learn  Book  Club    "The  Likeability  Factor,"  by  Tim  Sanders    "Today  We  Are  Rich,"  by  Tim  Sanders    "Love  is  the  Killer  App,"  by  Tim  Sanders    "Escape  Velocity:  Free  Your  Company's  Future  from  the  Pull  of  the  Past,"  by  Geoffrey  Moore    "I  Love  You  More  Than  My  Dog,"  by  Jeanne  Bliss    "Give  and  Take,"  by  Adam  Grant  

Bill  Sheridan,  CAE  The  Business  Learning  Ins6tute  

The  Look,  Lead,  Love,  Learn  Book  Club    "Quiet:  The  Power  of  Introverts  in  a  World  that  Won't  Stop  Talking,"  by  Susan  Cain    "Flash  Foresight:  How  to  See  the  Invisible  and  Do  the  Impossible,"  by  Daniel  Burrus    "The  Silent  Language  of  Leaders,"  by  Carol  Kinsey  Goman    "The  Power  of  Habit:  Why  We  Do  What  We  Do  in  Life  and  in  Business,"  by  Charles  Duhigg    "Posi6vity:  Groundbreaking  Research,"  by  Barbara  Fredrickson  

Bill  Sheridan,  CAE  The  Business  Learning  Ins6tute  

The  Look,  Lead,  Love,  Learn  Book  Club          

"The  Pla6num  Rule:  Discover  the  Four  Basic  Business  Personali6es  and  How  They  Can  Lead  You  to  Success,"  Tony  Alessandra  and  Michael  J.  O'Connor    “Drive,”  by  Daniel  Pink    “Start  With  Why,”  by  Simon  Sinek    “Innova6ve  Intelligence,”  by  David  Weiss  and  Claude  Legrand    “Regenera6on:  A  Manifesto  for  America’s  Next  Leaders,”  by  Rebecca  Ryan  

Bill  Sheridan,  CAE  The  Business  Learning  Ins6tute  

The  Look,  Lead,  Love,  Learn  Book  Club          

“Trust  Your  Vibes:  Secret  Tools  for  Six-­‐Sensory  Living,”  by  Sonia  ChoqueJe    “Trust  Your  Vibes  at  Work  and  Let  Them  Work  For  You,”  by  Sonia  ChoqueJe    “The  Seven  Habits  of  Highly  Effec6ve  People,”  by  Stephen  Covey    “Life’s  Golden  Ticket:  An  Inspira6onal  Novel,”  by  Brendon  Burchard    “Lean  In,”  by  Sheryl  Sandberg    

“...where the most important skill is the ability to acquire new skills.”

Picture: John Drake - Flickr