togoming cotintg jtttttor r 0 a s&.a & m nmm i, 1 12/warsaw ny wyoming count… · —an...

. = M M * •mma , tOgoming Cotintg Jtttttor In n n i n 9 s —The rowdy who ** struck a light" has been bound ever since to keep the peace. —"None of your unkind reflections," as the old maid said to the looking-glass. —A venerable maiden lady, speaking of marriage, says it's like any other disease, while there is life there is hope. —Excess of ceremony shows a want of breeding; that civility is the best which ex- cludes ait superfluous formality. —A western editor perpetrates the fol- lowing : A flock of sheep, composed of all u wethers," may be said to resemble our climate. — A farmer, who married a long nose and peaked chin, says he produced vinegar by simply getting his wife to look into the cider barrel. —It is a remarkable fact that, however well young ladies may be versed in gram- mar, very few of them are ahle to decline matrimony. . m —" Mr. Speaker," said a* patriotic M. C. from an agricultural county, " if the question is put to me, I answer boldly in the affirmative—no!" r 0 a m f Mnt s&.a & M nmM I, 1 € T T fit , DEALER IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER WARE, SILVER PLATED WARE y Gould's Blwck, Warsaw, N. Y. Particular attention given to repairing fine watch- es and j-wefry. ENGRAVING NRA1JLT EXECUTED. 1 HAVE now on hand a large stork of NF-W GOODS, and shall constantly be in receipt NEW STYIiES <*F JEWELRY, and other goods usually kept in stores of the above line. To make a fang story >hort, 1 will say those wishing to examine or purchase will rind a j NICE STOCK OF GOOD GOODS, and at prices that cannot fail to please. One more thing—I will never sell any article for what s not, if 1 know it. J. WATTS. TEN PER CENT SAVED! IS THE PLACE T O B U Y YOUR T> 8 ! —At a late trial, the defendant, after hearing a witness*, jumped up and said : ** Them allegations is false, and that alli- gator knows it!" —A retired schoolmaster excuses his passion for angling by saying that, from constant habit he never feels quite himself unless he's handling the rod. * |M mm —"Figgers von't lie, vill they ? " mut- tered a seedy genius, holding on to a lamp- post. " Vail," praps they vont; but l'se a figger vot vont stand, any how. w I I CONSISTING, IN PART, AL VARIETY OF OF THE USU- — A suit for divorce is now pending in Rochester, which originated in a dispute between Mr. B. and his wife as to whether they shouhi have beefstake boiled or oysters fried for breakfast. — A noted miser having relente much as to give a beggar a sixpence, sud- denly dying soon after, the attendant phy- sician gave it as his opinion that he "died from enlargement of the heart." —Decapitate the devil and yon have his character—evil. Drop the "d. and you have vile ; strike out u v." and you make ill;" vi." and it is er, which an English- m e n will roughen into an uncomfortable locality—hell. Of a truth, the devil is in the word. ^ ^ —The author of the following should be watched, or he might" back ouU " A l>igg destructive dnrk I'll bi, 1*11 bid pharewell too every fear, Then wipe mine weeping I, An kut mi throat phrom year to year —An old lady up in Vermont, was ask- ed by a young clergymen to what relig- ious denomination she belonged. " I doh't know," said she, " nor I don't care about nominations. For my part, I hold on to the old meetirr house, and what's more I mean to belong there. n —** Pa, didn't you whip me for bitting Tommy ? " " Yes, my child, for you hurt him very much." 4t Well, then, pa, you ought to whip ma's music teacher, too; for he bit her yesterday right in the mouth; and I know it hurt her, because she put her arm around his neck and tried to choke him." —" Which is the deepest, the broadest and the smallest grave in this church- yard I " said a pedestrian to his compan- ion, while meditating among tombs at Esh- er. * 4 Why," replied he, "it is that in which Miles Button is buried : for it is miles below the sod, miles in length, miles in breadth, and yet after all, it is but a but- ton-hole. " —A verdant young man entered a fan- cy store in a city, lately, while the lady proprietor was arranging a lot of perfu- mery. She inquired of him if he would not like to have some musk bags to put in his drawers. After an examination of the article he told the lady he did not wear drawers, and wanted to know if it wouldeu't do to wear them in his panta- loons. , r , . —" Jenny," said a landlady to her "help" the other morning, "Jenny, was there, any fire in the kitchen last night while you were sitting up ?" ** Yes, marm, " said Jenny, "there was a spark theie when I went down, and I soon fanned it into a flame. *' The landlady looked sus- piciously at the Jenny, but she, innocent f'rl, went on scrubbing, and humming— Katy Darlint." —The Jefferson City Inquirer in speak- ing of some of the symptoms of the disease in Jefferson City known as " national de- mocracy " says : "The unfortunate patient as soon as the word abolitionist is mentioned in his hear- ing, begins to swear, jump, kick, hop, skip, rear, charge, tear, cavort, snort, rip, tum- ble, sneeze, spit, cough, whoop, stutter, squeal, howl, moan, groan, bellow, bewail, lament, despond, turn pale, look savage, froth at the mouth, roll his eyes, stamp bis feet upon the ground, wheel round and round, fall down and get up again, and then does ail that over again. O, horrible!!! «_ _«> —Those who have seen a tamed ea- gle, loafing lazily about a barn yard, will be prepared to appreciate the difference between the proud ** bird of Jove," as paint- ed by Tennyson, and the same bird as by our friend G. Whillikins,— Chicago Times. KAGLE TM« FIRST—BT ALFRED TKNNTSOK. fie clasps the crag with crooked hands, Close to the sun in lonely lands, Ring'd with the azure world he stands. The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls; He watches from his mountain walls, And like a thunderbolt he falls. EAGLE IK COND BY O. WH1LLILIKS. With hooked claws he clasps tne fence. Close by the hen-roost: gazing thence He spies a mice, what's .got no sense. Ye mice beneath can't well see him; He watcheth from hia lofty limb, Then jumpeth down and grabbeth him. P. S.—The difference, though only faint, 'Twixt that and this 1 now will paint; His eagle's wild, my eagle ain't. ^ •'•,vi II IT M P H U E Y ' S Homoeopathic Remedies, For FamVies, Traveller* and others. I ^ilESE medicines have been carefully pre- . pared, with a view of supplying families and others with specific remedies for all common ail- ments, such as Coughs, Colds. Headaches, Fe- vers, Worm Complaints, Derangements of the Stomach, Diarrheas, ana for those more sudden and viol ;nt diseases which require to be met at once, and without loss of time : such as Cholera, Dysentery, Inflammations, &c. and also for those more delegate female irregularities and derange- ments which a lady always Muds it so difficult to disclose to a physician, and vet a freedom from which contributes so much to the happiness and enjoyment of life. The Medicates are prepared in the form ol large Medicated Sugar Pellets, neatly put up in boxes and properly numbered and labelled. Fif- teen such boxes, containing many hundred doses, are enclosed in a neat, portable case, enclosing a Manual, giving a concise description of the dis- ease to be treated, and directions for giving the medicines, diet. Arc The case comprises thej fot'owing medicines : No. 1. FEVKR PILLS : For Fever and Inflam- mation Congestions to the head and chest, sttches and pain in the side, palpitation of the Heart, throbbings in any part of the system, flushes o Heat, Irregular Circulation, Ac. No 2. WORM PILLS; For all Worm Complaints in Children or adults. Worm Fever, Worm Colic, Voracious Appetite, Picking at Nose, wet- ting the Bed. A pleataut, safe and radical rem- edy. No. 3. BABY'S PILLS: For all complaints of in- fants and young children, such as eolic, crying, worrying, sleeplessness aiid suffering from teeth- ing* No. 4. DIARRHEA PILLS: For Summer Complaint, Loose Bowels Diarrhea and Cholera Infantum—unquestionably the safesi and most in- valuable remedy known for these complaints. No. 5. DifSENTERV PIIJLS : For Colic, Gripings Dysentery or Bloody Flux—a sovereign remedy. No 6."CHOLKRA PILIJS : For Cholera, Chole- ra Morbus, Nausea and Tomitiag—both prevent ative and cure. No. 7. COUGH PILLS : For bad Colds, Coughs Hoarseness, Bronchiiisi Influenza and Sore Tfiroat. No. 8. TOOTH-ACHK PII.T.S: For Tooth-Ache, Face-Ache, Tic Ddfereti.t, Neuralgia and similar painful affections. No. 9. HEADACHE PILLS : For Head-Aches of all sorts; Sick Headache with Nausea and vomit- ing Sec; for Vertigo, Fullness, Heat and Swim- ming of the Head, vanishing of Sight, Numbness. No. 10. DYSPEPSIA PII,L»: For Weak Stomach Liver Complaint, Heart-bum, spitting up of food, Flatulence, Coated Tonjhe, Bad Taste, Loss of Appetite, Costive Bowels. Biilious Complaints, Kidney Complaints, Gravel, difficult or painful Urination, &e. No. 11. YOUNG LADIES' PILLS : ForSuppressed Menses, Scanty. Delayed or painful Menses.- for Whites or Leucorrhea, with too scanty Menstru- ation; ait invaluable medicine for females. * No. 12. FEMALE PILLS: For Female Weak- nesses, Leucorrhea or Whiles, too profuse or long continued Menses, or Female Hemorrhages, Beaiing Down or Prolapsus Uteri. No 13. CROUP PILLS | For Croup of Children or adults. Hoarseness, Croup, Cough ; oppressed wheezing Respiration, &c. used as a preventative and cure. No. 14. SALT RHEUM PILLS; For Erysipelas, Sal» Rheum, Eruptions in the face, cheeks, ears, hands, &c. ; Pimples on the face of youiig people, Milk Crusts; Barber's Itch ; Scald Head, «fcc. No. 15 RHEUMATIC I PILLS.* For Acute or Chronic Rheumatism ; Pain, Lameness or sore- ness in the Ba^K, Sides. Chest or Extremities; Sciatica, or Pf in in the Hip, Leg, &c. These MedJicines are offered in confidence that they will prove invaluable specifics for the cure of the above diseases. The testimony of thousands who have tried them is uniform in asserting their safety and efficiency, as Well as the ease and pleas- ure with which they may be taken. The public have besides a sufficient guarantee in the high professional reputation and standing of their orig- inator, that these medicines are just what they profess to be. PRICE—Family Casqs with 15 boxesand Man- ual, $ 2 00 ; Case,' Manual and any 6 boxes,"$ I ; Case. Manual and any 4 Boxes, 75 eta; single Boxes 25 cts. On receiving $2 00 by mnil or otherwise, we forward a full case of Medicines Manual, &.c, free of expense to any part of the countv. Cases of 4 or 6 or single Boxes sent free of charge on receipt of the money. Each pur- chaser ol a case is entitled to a copy of the Jour- nal of Specific Homoepathy for one year. All orders addressed to HUMPHREYS & pALMER, Utioa.N. Y. Judd & Lewis Warsaw, S. & B. B. Higgihs, Perrv. Higgins & CalKips, Cyrus Getchell, Cas- tile, Philo W. Potter North Java, Gibson & Net- tletou Arcade. 35 ly JUST RECEIVED AND OPENING, AN Entire New Stock OP SPRING & 0 DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Read y-ill adeCIothing? Broad-Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesiings, Ladles' Dress Goods and Trimmings, in great variety. Sl^LKS, SATINS, VELVETS, ' f;- •. ..-:t' •'" v " '' •" Mantillas, Silk and Crape Shawls PIRASflLS, GLOVES AND UOSIERY, Boots, Shoes, Hals, Caps, &c, allot which will be sold ten percent less than any other store in town._ QZFCall acd examine for yourselves. April. 1858. G. H. JENKINS. ^ , EFKEEES SAI,ti.—Supreme Couit.—County of Wy- I oHKRIFF*SSAJ..rc;-~By virtue of one exectttionitsued , ^ omtng.—Christopher «• Jeflirea[and £lam J. Jeffrea ' ^ Out of the Supreme Court 61 the state of New York SENT TAILORING. SOMETHING NEW W. I¥. T E A L. L H AS opened a shop in the building formerly occupied by L. W. Thayer as a Law Office, •vnere he is prepared to ilo all kinds of business in his line. He would respectfully invite all per- sons in want of anything in his Hue, to give him a call, All work done by him is warranted to fit without any exceptions. Particular Attention Paid to Cutting. A few well selected cloths and Cassimeres on hand, and tor sale cheap (or cash. n 14 tf. Warsaw, June 9th. 1857. WALLPAPEU up WALiIi PAPER, AVALiIi PAPER. 4 F YOU NEED any ing, or Curtains, VERY LARGE Stockj 6d upwards. stylt-s of Paper. Border- call and examine our Prices verv low ; from A. & G. W. FRANK. Wyoming County Produce Store. ncCAGO A H.BDA.D A RE now paying Cash for Produce at the . Stand ot R. Gould & Co. at Warsa'w. old April 2!>th 1857. n7 tf E LEGANT Long and Square Brocha Shawls Rich Stella Shawls : Plush Borders, Long and Square Wool Long Shawls: Chenille Shawls and Scarfs at FRASKS* STORK. C ALL AT ALLIS' and his Browno> k Sugars, just received. D RESS BUTTONS—Some new styles, very nice, just received by J. WAITS. P O R T *"i»L.UO L t hoicest patterns •ale at . WALKKRS BOOK STORF G OLDPENS.-The the"heapesito use by best in the markete warranted— lor sal L.F.. WALKKR'S F IAUTIPUL all wo roiMFored ped Mrrinose** Merinos, Plaid nogilosand Plaia iMd oa FRANKS' STORK. L ADIES' MOROCCO Bags and Purees with chains, a nice lot just received, at very mod- rate prices, by J, WATTS. FREE TO ANT ADDRESS. E V A N S , B OOKSELLER. PUBLISH ER, and origina- tor of the GIFT BOOK ENTERPRISE, has just iss-ued a new and complete Catalogue of his books, comprising a large and varied assort- ment of all kinds of literature. $500 worth of Gifts will .be given away with everv $1000 dollars worth of books sold. A giil worth from m 25 c. to $100 will be deliver- ed with each book at the time of sale. Orders from the country promptly tilled and the goods forwarded by express or mail on the same day the order is received. A complete Catalogue sent free*. Address, G. G. EVANS, 439 Chestnut st. Philadelphia. against tills O. Bacon, Leonard Kuhn and Khsha D, Bacon. In pursuance and by virtue of a judgment of fotecli'seure and decree ot si'e rendered in ibe above entitled action, at a special term of the Supreme Court, held at the Court tlousc in the village of ticnesoo, in the County Of Liviugstou on tl»e l'2ih day of Slay, l>5d. tlou.'f. A. Jol.nson, Justice, presiding. I, Iigijert B. Parinan, having been duly appointed by the Comt a Re- feree in said action fur that purpose, will sell as the law directs, at public auction to the highest bidder, at the front steps of the Court, (louse in the vMtage of Warsaw, in the County of Wyoming, on the 1st day ot July. 18381 at Id o'clock in the forenoon of that day. the following described premises to wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate in Hie town of Perry in the County of Wyoming and Stale of New York, being a part of large lot manlier eleven in the sixteen thousand acre or north Ogdlen traet, being eigii'y acres or the easl half of a tract of rme hundred and sixty acres, which latter is bounded north and south by '.lie lines of said lot and west by the division lines between divisions number one and two, and eastward by a line parallel to the division lii e between divisions number two and three, and dis- tant fas enough from the west line to include the said quantity of one hundred and sixty acres and no more, including highways, if any. And the said eighty acres is bounded north and south by Che lines of said lot, east by the east line of the said tract of one hundred a id sixty acres, and westward by a line parallel to the east mentioned east line and far enough therefrom to contain eighty acres of land, which sale will be made subject to two mortgages on said premises, one of eight hundred dollars executed by Hiram Olney and FrederickOlney to Thomas Otis, hearing date July 13, l!-o2, and fecorded in the Ceiiesje County Clerk's office, July 17. I J 3"i, in Li bet i of mortgages at page 1, the other of one thou- sand six hundred and titty dollars, executed by Andrew W, VVIiitlaxk to Dennis R. Taylor, bearing (late June \% le-Vi, and recorded in Wyoming County Clerk's office, in Liber II of niortages, at page 1-23. K. E. FARMAN, Referee. J. H.JEFFRRS.PIfts.Atty. Dated $lay I*. fej&. M' » t f l ^ H E Subscriber, having become sole proprie- X tor of the Saw-Mill and Roller Factory, for- merly owned by Thayer & Martin, takes this- method to inform the public that he is now. pre- pared to do C U S T O M S A W I N G , at reduced prices, viz : at $2,50 per M. for soft wood, and at $3.50 per M. for hard wood. PASSWOOI) IiOGS WAITED, for which a liberal consideration will be paid in sawing, or otherwise. M. MARTIN. ORTGAGE SALE.—DefanlLuaViiig been made in the payment of certain moneys fccured tif be paid by a certain mortgage bearing date Sep'ember js-th IKSC-, made executed aim delivered h.^ Cynthia Richards of the town <>f Cranjieville. county tijf FKyomiug and State f New York, to Marshall.J. Cojv.diii of Hie same place, which said'mortgage was recorded in ihe Wyoming couniy clerk's office on the "Ji'lh day of September I =.>ti in Liber 17 of uior sages it page t:H, "and there is claimed to be due upon sail! m •rigage at the date ami lime ol the first publication of this notice the sum of six hundred and riftv-four dollars and forty-three cents, and iheijp is here- after io grow due upon said mortgage ihe further sum of Three Thousand Four Hundred and Twelve dollars and sixty-three cents, wi'h imeresi thereon from thefirstda> of April 1-5-', tin suit ai law having been conirienccd to forech-sc sa':d mortgage nor to collect said sums or any part thereof. Now, therefore, nonce is hereby given that by virtue of a powered" sale contained in andrecorded wish said mortgage, and in pursuance of the •nitiiein such ca«4 made and prr.yided the premises dewrribedin and coveted bv said mortgage as follow , to wit: " All that tractor parcel of land situaie in the town nfOrange- ville ewti'Wy of Wyoming and State of New Yojk, and is distinguished as parts of lot? number fifty-four and fitly- live in SJJHI town of Oraugevi|le. Bounded r.s'ftllows.— west by land u«w uwned tnlleiir 1 Stalh<mi& Hiltierhjyiul. Norih by laud now owned by Alfred d Jf r ilc«x aj»d Henry Rumiger} East by said Rutnige'r's land a n d l h e toad \ ru< ning north to Cobble Mill school house ; So«*hbvihe Slate road am! the said Stmlhfol's laud. A l s i till that tract or parcel of land situate! in the /own. cluiity and state aforesaid, and hounded asfollows : East h| the road above mentioned; s^oufh byJa^d, ow.nedhy Tuife /riiite; West by land now occupied by Henry Staliiolf; North by the state road afoiesaiil. containing in all one hundred and eight.-eight and one half acres of land be ihe same more or less." will be sold at public auction at ihe Court House in Warsaw Village in said county of Wyoming, on tiie 7fh dav of Jutv IS<b. at ten »'clock in the foreuoo.i.— Dated the lothdav of April 1*5*. MARSHALL J: COWDIN, Mortgagee. A. W. WOOD, A It's: 6 IJ CHER IFFSSALE.—Stip-euio Court. VVyomii ^ Theodore Williams, against LureiiKo D. If C l/ a b Warsaw, Feb'v 29, 185P. 518 ••hall 1 buy Diy Goods ? FRANK'S. Where shall I buy Clothing? At FRANK'S. Where shall I buy Carpets ? At FRANK'S. Where shall 1 buy Groceries ? At FRKNK'S. Where can be bought all kinds of Goods at lower prices than else- where ? At , FRANK'S. Where can we save in purchasing ? At FRANK'S. II A U K l * O m S W IV T , WITH . 9TIS G. CORBETT, WHOLESALE DEALER IN BOOTS & SHOES, IVumboi- ST, I>ey Street, Between Broadway and Greenwich Sts., NEW YORK. M' N O T I C E . RS. LUCY H CASE, the wife of the sub scriber, has lift her home, without any jus cause, and though kindly invited to return, has tefused to do so, and avows her determination to live separately. She has also attempted to obtain property on my credit. I therefore'hereby give notice that 1 shall pay no debts contracted by her, while she absents herself from home. Sheldon, Dec. 8th 1657. . 39if KQVAI/P. CASK. Overcoats, Overcoats ' Frock Coats, _. Fanfs, Pants, Vests* Vests / Shirts Shirts/, Drawers! Cravats, Cravats! County, vis and others. 'Notice is hereby given that under and by vir- tue of a judgment of foreclosenre of a .MortgiJje signed tmd entered in the above entitled action, in the onV.e of Hie Clerk ot the County of Wyoming, and in (pursuance of an order of the Supreme Court ifridc in sai*l action. I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the Court House in the village of Warsaw, 111. sail County of Wyoming, on the Wih day of June next, at one o'- clock, p. m.. of that day. All the following described mortgaged premises to wit: All that trdct or piece ot land lying in the village of Anjnde, County of U'yoming. and Slate of NewVork. beitigpart of lot h 11 inter twen- ty-one. township seven, rangb four, beg nnilfc in the eenier id'main street at the south-east coring of laud owned and now occupied by R , l l l . iWe.Clenljjen, from thence running westerly at ligtitlangles with said street, passing ten feet from the wain of said McOleuthen's house, seventy-nine feet. Thei/ce north thirty-four and one-half degrees, wesi ninetyjjywo feet to a stipe eight een inches west of the west K,nnk of the tail |nce from the said Dav is & Price's shops. Thence south seventy three degrees ten minutes, west forty feet to tt. Hitch- cock's laud. Thence norlh thirty-seven degrees, west along said Hitchcock's land to Cattaraugus: Creek.— Thence along up said Cattaraugus Creek and Cffnr Creek to the center of main "treetJ Thence wsterly along ihe center of main sheet about fifty-four feet tiM he place ot beginning,containing about forty-rive rods #f land. ; N. l} Dy J Dated, May 12. IP59. VVni.T. JONES, Ally. ACE SALE.—Wi * **t lam : . \ l A R Y . J r . . Sfcerirt'. DUDUE, Under Sheriff. Iliam S. Ageit and Eli/.a- M ORTGA belli Ins wife, of the town of Eagle, in t^e County of Wyoming and Stale ot New York, have duly mort- gaged to Elbert W-Cook, of Springville. in Hie County of Eric and State aforesaid, "all thai tract or parcel of land, situate in the town of Ea»le. county of Wyoming, and State of New York, on lot fifty-nine of said town, commencing .11 the center of the highway at tlie corner of a lot owned and now occupied by Washington W. Day running easterly in the center of said highway till it in- tersects another roan running northerly."thence along the center ot said lasi described road lo the south tine of Ar- don Tabor's land; Ihence westerly on said Tabor's south line to said Tabor's east, line; thence southerly on said Tabor and Day's east line to the place of h£giniiug. wiih the exception ol\wo small pieces deeded to Hi leu Tryon and Lytuati Scot'., from said lot." " For further particu- lars see two dec ds given bv C. II Denman. OIUJ by Aroou Tabor and one by Wafer Shay, all to William if. Agett." The mortgage is dated the tvventy-sixlh day #f Atiuusi, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, and i< is recorded the power IOHCII there- in contained, in Wyoming County Clerk's otlicj. in tiber IS of mortgages, at"page 19.». on the 'id day Of gepiember II o'clock. A. iVt. The .tmonnt now due on said mortgage. (March-2.1, Iff'S) is two hundred and three dol- lars and sixty nine cents ($-2<*i.i>9) and default hath been made in the payment thereof. The sale of the said prem- ises will be at public auction, and will take plaeo in Iroui of the rost-Otlice at Arcade in the town of China, in said county of Wyoming, on the lirst day of July in-xt. at one o'clock in l he afternoon of that dav. Dated March Will. A. I). IstfS ELItERT W. CtitlK. Mortgagee. Morris Fosrhck, Att'y, Spriugville, Erie Co.,N. Y. allverv cheap bv A. & G. W FRANK. Borders, Curtain Paper, WINDOW SHADES. Curtain Rollers, Cords and Tasstls, Gilt Window Cornices, Curtain Loops and Bands, Fire-Board For sale at WALKER'S BOOK STORE 2 doors south of Rank, Main bt., Warsaw, N. Y. C ITATION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT. .Tnn PEO- PLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, Ity the Grace of God Free and Independent: the creditors tiff and next of kin to Nathan I'armcnter, late ot the town of Attica in ihe County of Wyoming, deceased, and especially to Ann R. Pnrmenier. of Yorkshire, in the county of Catt- araugus, N. Y., Mary Ann Cheney of New Ucrjiu. Wau- kesha county Wis., and Charles W. Itailey of Warsaw, in said county ol Wyoming, N. Y., special guardian of Lucetta I'nrmenier and Charles I'armenterof New Ber- lin, Waukesha county, aforesaid, minors. You and each of you are hereby cittrt and requirctl to be and appear before H.L. Comstock. Esquire, Surrogate of the said county of Wyoming, at his office in Warsaw, in the said county, on the twenty sixth day of May, I^.W. at ten o'- clock in the forenoon, to at tend the final settlement of the accounts of Edward F, Chaffee, executor af the last will and testament of ihe said Nathan l'arutfnlcr, de- ceased, "viih and relative to the estate of said deceased which then and there arc to he settled on the application ot the said l.dward F. Chaffee. In Testimony Whereof, wc have fatiscd the [L. S.] Seal of ihe Surrogate's Court of said county ro be hereunto affixed. Witness H. L.Comstock Esquire. Surrogatoof the said countv. at Warsaw, this 19th dav April in ihe fear of our Lord h"K-». 8 4 II. L.COMSTOCK.Surrogate. tome directedaud delivered against the personal aud real property of Andrew Cole, Alon/.o 1». Davison, Na- than H. Davison, \fofoce Uodge. Walter HQ%ard, arwl Anson lfoward. I have seizetl anct taken all the interest of each or either of said defendants of, in and to the fol- lowing descried real estate, 10 wit: All thai tract or parcel of land situate in the town of Castile, VV>Qmirr|[ Couuty, New- York, bet ng part of lot number five, in the Gardrou reservation, as surveyed by David A. Miller; Begmningai a point on the line of lots beTweeu lots num- ber four" and rive a" the west bank of the cove near the foot of the hill, thence running east twenty-five chains and -nxty-four links to Hie west bank of the Genesee River; ihence up along the Bank of said river and the west branch thereof, to the south line of loi number five thence west ou Jbc south line of lot number five. and between lots five and eight thirteen chains to a stake; thence north thirty-six mid three-fourths degrees, east thirty-three chains and fourteen links to the place of be- ginning, containing forty-two and seventy-seven one- hiiudredths of an acre ol land, more or less Also that other piece or parcel of land situate in Caftilc aforesaid, being pari of lot number four in the said Gartloii reserva- tion, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a point in the south line of said lot No. I, or the south corner ofalolofoO acres of land heretofore sold to William S. Yeckley; thence ruiniug east thirty- nine duons and ninety-two links to the west bank of the Genesee River ; thence north twenty-eight and one-half degrees, east along the bauk of said River, three chains ami twenty-two links; Ihence west twenty-four chains and sixty-four links to the center ot ihe cove; thence north eighteen and three-fourths degrees; east along the the center of said cove eight chains an J sixty-eight links; thence north-westerly upon the centerrtrbottom of a gulf or ravine to the east line of the said fifty acres sold to William S. Yeckley. thence south two degrees, west along the easterly hue of said fifty acres sixteen chains and seventy-threo links lo the place of beginning, con- taining thirty-three and foity-one one-hundrdthsof an acre, more or less. Also all'ihat other tractor parcel of land s ; tuatc in the town of Castile, County of Wyoming and State of New York, being on lot number tilly-fourj of Elisha Johnsons subdivision of the Coli ringer tract bound- ed as follows: beginning at the northeast corner of village lot number fifteen, at a slake and stones in center of Al- legany :oad. so called, and running south forty-five de- giees, west along -aid road, one chain aud fifty-four links toa~stake. tlience norlh forty-five degrees, west three chains and twenty-five links to a slake; ihence north for- ty-five degrees, east one chain and fifty-four links, thence south forty-five degree*, east three chains and twenty- live links to the place of beginning, containing one-half an acre of land, be the same more or less. Also all that oilier piece or parcel of land situate in said town of Cas- tile, being village lot number sixteen, on the south subdi- vision of said lot number fifty-four «m said Cottringer tract, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake at the north-west corner ofvillage lot munber fifteen, thence north forty-five degrees, east two efiaius; thence south forty-five degrees. Cast five chain's-, thence south forty- five degrees, west two ohains. therfce north fjjje 1 y-fivc de- gress, west five chains to the place of beginning, con- tainingoue acre of land, more 01 less. Also all that oth- er tractor parcel of land situaie in the town of Cas.ile, Wyoming County, and State of New York, and being a part ot lot number sixty-eiglit of Elisha Johnson's subdi- vision of the Cottringer tract, and bounded as follows: viz: on the north-west and south by the original Hue of said lot, and on the east by a line parallel to the west at such a distance from the west line so as to include one bundled acres amino wore, off of the wesi end of said lot. Also all that other traut or parcel of land situate iu the town of Cas'ile. Wyoming County and State of New Yolk, bounded as follows : being village lots number fif- teen and the north-west quarter of village lot number sixteen, said lots arc fronting ou the high-way lending from the Baptist meeting house to Wm. Husted's. accor- ding to village plot by Ziba Hurd. said lot is five rods front and rear and to.runback from tlie line of the said highway nine rods, to contain forty-five rods of land and no more.exclusive of the highway, said lot is in section •!, tne north-west corner of lot number fifteen, commencing eighteen rods from ihe south-east line of the Allegany road. Also all that other piece or parcel of hind situaie in the town of Castile aforesaid, lieing part of lot number in Elisha Jolmmm's strhdrrision of the I'otlringertract. bounded as follows: commencing in the center of the highway leading from the village of Castile to Benjamin Lut-ases at the west corner of land deeded to R. G. Bow- man, thence easterly along the north line of said Bow- man's laud to the west line of J. R. (•hampliu's land; thence northerly along Ihe line Of said Ch.implin's land to the south line of Nathaniel Birdsell's land, thence west along the line of said Birdsell's laud to the center of the highway, southerly along the line of the highway to the place of beginning, containing about eight and one half acres of land more or less, the equal undivided one- half of Ihe above eight and one-half acres fs intended to be conveyed to the party of the 'id nart; which I shall sell at public'auction at the ('• urt House in tlie village of Warsaw, in the county of Wyoming, on the 3d day of March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. Dated Warsaw, Jan'y 19,16arf. N. DEMARY. Jr. Sheriff, By J. DODCJK, Under Sherill'. Brown Jt Glowacki. Aity ; s. 4ti 6 The above sale is hereby poslponed until the 13Hi day of April next, at 'he sauie place aud time of dav as above. Dated March 3, li-a- 1 . N. DLMARY.Jr.Sheriff. By J. DODOE. Under Sheriff. The above sale is further postponed until Hie l-'/h day of Ccfobcr next at /he same place and time of dav ns atiUve. N. DE3/AHY Jr.Sheriff. B> J. DODOE under sheriff. Brawn & Glowacki A/f'ys. Dated April -in Igjg. oRTGAGE SALE.—Default h iving been made in the payment of money due.upon a cenaiu Mort- gage made, executed and delivered by Joseph Heine of ihe town of Bennington, the County of Wyoming :«ud the Slate of New-York to James King of the same town, county Mid Stale, dated the first dav of December in the year of our Lord I thousand eight hundred and fifty-llirec, and recorded in ihe ounty Clerk'sOtUcc.on the iWih day ot March, A. D 1834,at li o'clock M,in liber li of Mortgages, at page -&V, which mortgage was on the "J3d day of August 18*1, duly sold, assigned, set over aud transferred for value received by the said James King to EiiasC. Holt of the town, county and Slate aforesaid ; andlhe said Ehas C Holt being how the lawful owner and holder of the said mortgage, aud upon which said mortgage there is claimed to !>.!- due at lime of the first publication of this notice, the sum or one hundred and 1 weniy eight dollars aud fifty cents, and also the following sums to become due in the manner following, 10 wit:— the s'on of thirty dollars and ihe interest for one year up- on the sum of two hundred and seven'y rive dollars on the first day of April, ISig. the sum of thirty dollars and the interest for one year upon the sum of one hundred aud liiiy-live dollars on the first day of April :KM>. and the hit- ther sum ot one hundred and twenty-live dollars ami the interest upon the same for one year on Ihe first »«ay of April isjtki; aud no suit at law having been instituted to recuvet said money or any part 'hereot. now therefore, by a power of sale contained in and recorded with said mortgage, aud in pursuance of statute in such case made and provided, the mortgaged prelnises described in said mortgage as follows, to wit: All tliat Certain piece or parcel of land in the town, of Bennington, county of A y- oming Stale of New York, being part of lot number eighi town line, fourth range; beginning thirty-six cnains twentv-seven links from the south west, comer of lot number eight, thence east scvehty-threc chains stxiy- three links'to the center of the Allegany road, ihence northerly a'ong the center of said road, six chains eighty three links, thence west 60venty-six chains sixiy-niue links lo the west line of said lot. ihence south five chains seventy-one links to the place of beginning, containing forty-four acres of land, he the same more or less, will be DENTIST H .... 'BE.ISf.IS' ** W OULD announce to the citizens of Wa/saw J jwrt. Wyoming County, that he-has come] o Warsaw to make it his permanent borne, ant is prepared to do all work in the line of Dentistry on the shortest notice. Dr. B, hasspaied DO time nor money to mek' hi nisei I thoroughly ace uainted inall of the modern discoveries in the art, and to keep up with the times in all its various branches, and now holds bitnself-in readiness to make Plates from one tooth to a whole set, on gold or silver; and as for com- plete nese of workmanship aud durability, he wiUL give none the preference. Dr, B. would say to those who are wearing parts, or whole sets of artificial teeth, and do not wear them with ease, if they will give htm a call he wilt make them what they should be. Teeth tilled with gold, silver, or amalgum. Particular attention paid to Children's teeth, and advice giv- en. N. B. All work warranted, Office in Gould's Block, up stairs, directly op- posite Bingham's Hotel. i D, M. BENNETT. Warsaw August 5th 1856. A 1 SPRING DRY GOODS ! A. & G . W . PRANK RE NOW RECEIVING THE1RSPRING STOCK, which for Elegance, Variety and Extent is unequaled. Buyers will Had it greatly to their advantage to give our stock a careful examination before purchasing, Silks, Ginghams, Napkins, Shawls, Organdies, Clothing, Jackonels, Embroideries, Clot lies, Prints, Cassimeres, Laces, Challi es. Ribbons, Ves tinge, Barages, Hosiery, Shoes, DeLaines, Wall Paper, Linens, B L A C K SILKS, of the best known brands. BEAUTIFUL MOIRE ANTIQUE, &.C. We invite special attention to these good A. & G. W. FRANK. April 14, 1858. f ' Carpets! Carpels!! «7f7E have still on hand a large assortment o VV CAKPKTS and OiL CLOTHS. We willsell them at reduced rates to reduce the stock. ^__ jA. &-G. W. FRAHK. s cii~cTd~L~~B doK~S7 I\lerchants supplied at regular Wholesale Prices, at WALKER'S BOOK STORE. <r* Small Profits, Quick Sales, PROMPT PAY f GR*EAT INDUCEMENTS To Those Wishing Goods CHEAP ! J have, as usual, a very large slock of new Goods, bought low, and are prepared to C ALL AT ALUS' and look at bis Brown Sugars, just received . F EW Setts left, of those nice morning collars and Sleeves, at ALMS'. "•mTEhave, as usual, a very large stock of new give GREAT BARGAINS ! 1 Every variety of D R E S S GOODS! Beautiful Silks at low prices. Great assortment. Nioe Black OIL BOILED SILKS. Lawns, C/iallies, Barages, Poplins, Organdies, DeLaines, Prints, Muslins, d'c, 8fc.,.$c SHAWLS AND MANTILLAa NICE SILK, STELLA, CRAPE and other Shawls, Beautiful Mantillas ^ry cheap. White Goods and Embroideries. The largest and best variety in Wyoming County. We always keep a large stock. Uuderhandker- chiefs. Sleeves. Collars, Hdkfa, &c. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, CURTAINS, C0RKI0ES, GIMPS, 6c. Dress Triminiffgs & Bonnets. CLOTHING AND CLOTHS J Large Slock of both, and are prepared to manu- facture at all times any article of Clothing. Trunks and Satchels^ Boots and Shoe*. C ii^JR, I 3 E T 8 9 We have a room expressly for Carpets, will give particular attentiion v. R EAD A. & (i. Vf. FRANK'S advertisement and ca II and see their new goods. M' S HERIFF SALB.—Supreme Court—Uriah Johnson, agamst Andrew Morgan aful Laura Morgan. In-i wile and Timothy U. Morgan. IJy virtue of a judgment of Uie Supreme Oouri,.«(" 'lie rotate ol New York, entered aud tiled in the nerk's Otriee of Wyoming bounty, on the 'iOtli day of October, ii-jj, to me directed aud deliv- ered. I sliall sell at Public Auci ion at the Court House. ID liic village of Warsaw, m tlie County ot'-ffyoiniii!.', tn ihe bightst didder, on the "A>th day of June next, at Jo o'clock in the forenoon of that day. The following is a description of the moriagcd premises hereinbelore men- tioned : . All that tractor parcel of land situate in the town of Perry,and County of Wyoming, aud tfta'.eot New York, being parts of Great Lots, number fourteen and liittcu. of the North Ogdiu'tract, (so called) bounded as fal- lows, viz -. Begnimng in the center o! the highway lead- ing from -Covington Center to Perry Center, on'tin: south west comer ol laud owned by HaUal 'l\ Reed, thence easterly to the west line of the Gore, thence southerly iu ilic center of a road to the center of the old Itutlalo road, thenee west alongthe center of said road to the center of the aioresaid road leading from Covington iJenter to ferry Ceuter. thence northerly along the ecu ter of said road to the place of beginning, containing about three Iwnd-ed aud forty-one acres and n hah of land, more or less. Also another piece of laud situaie in the same tract above descrit ed. being a part ol lot No. 14, and hounded as follows : Beginning at a point which is iu the iitnh line otitic said lot, and in the cen- ter of a road, thence west along the north line of the Ut thirty-three chains and sixtv-six links to a post, thence south parallel to the subdivision line which is six chains and one li ok, west theicfrom nine chains and seventeen links to a post in the line oi' Lullicr l'hi.l;p's laud, thence east seveii cliains and twenty-eight links, thence south six chains and one liuK. ihence east t weiity nine chains and ninety-five links to the ceuter of the highway, thence along said road to the place of beein- iiiu-\ containing tifty acres of laud more or less. Also another parcel, being part of the aforesaid lot, No. 14, being part ot the fourth division of the fJgrten Tract.— Beginning at ihe north-wesi corner of said division, thence south niuechaius anil fifteen links, thence east sixchains and onehnk. thence north parallel to ihe first line nine chains and sixieen link*, thence west six chains and one link 10 the place ol beginning, containing five and a half acres of laud. Also another parcel ot land, part of lot No 14, on the same trac. bounded aa iol- lows, viz . Commencing at the north-east corner of subdivision lot No. 5 in the highway, from thence on ihe liorlh line of said subdivision, west six chains and fifty links, tnence south leu degree*, we*! five, chains, aud fifteen-lint's thence cast seven chains to the center of said highway, thence nor'herly along said highway to the place of beginning, containing three acres and sixty rods of land, be the same more or less. N. UBV.AUY, Jr. Sheriff. By J. DfJ'HiB, Under Slieiitf. H.L, COMSTOCK, fllfs. Atty. Dattdftlay II, It-oti. s OVU N E W G O O.U S , T HE most elegant and well selected stock of iVEVV GOODb we ever received is now iu store. GREAT BARGAINS A. & G. W. FRANK our SILKS, SILKS, SILKS. r l V V O THOUSAND yarJs Sliks, all new JL Goods and new Styles, for sale o G. H. JKNKIN'S Cash Stare. UOVER SEED.—Fifty bushels of th« small kiud, ior sale by A &. G.W. FKANK ACE AND EMBROIDERED Window Curtains, from one shilling upwards. A. &G. W. FRANK. "KVU M RENCH Emb'd Collars, French Emb'd aconet Setts, Linen Setts and Collars and emb'd Undersleves at FRANK'S CHKAF STORE. ERCHANTS'. MIMM-- - wiih ' SCHOOL BOOKSat New York City Prices for cash, AT WALKKR'S BOOK STORK. READY MADE CLOTHING. F you wish a nice suit for a very Tittle inone call at G. H. JKNKIN'S Cash Store. C OMBS, BRUSHES. SQAPS, COLOGNE and a variety of other articles sold at WALKKR'S BOOK STORH. JLi Ladies' cheap ! * SHOES—the best assortment of Shoes tn town. Good shoes and A. & G. W. FRANK. r p H E best assortment of DRESS" GOODS' X Dress Trimmings, Fringes. Velvet Ribbons Tassels, Buttons &c A. & G. W. FRANK. P EARL CARD-CASESand Port-Monaies— a large and beautiful assortment just received at WALKKR'S BOOK STORK AC E& Embroidered WindowCnrtains.from lone^hilltngupwards, A. * G. W. FRANK. J ET BRACELETTS and Necklaces, a new lot just received by J. WATTS FIERI FF'SSALE.—By virtue of one execution issued out of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, to me directed aud delivered against the uewonaland real property of Richard Alverson. Allen L.-Dailey and William M. Wing. I have seized and taken all the inter- est of ench or either of said defendants of. in and to ihe following described real estate io wit All that tract <>r parcel df land situate in the town of Covington, County of VVycitiingni'd State of New York; and bounded is follows: beginning at the comer of the Batavia road, in the village of Peoria, and at the north-east coiner of a lot of jland conveyed to John D. Fiasune. by Ar- temns B'ake and occupied as a wagon shop ; tlience run- ning south alongthe east line of said Frisurc*s lot, one hundred and twenty feet; thence east iliirivthree feet-, thence north one hundred and seven fret to tlie ceniei of the sak| road; thence mirlhwest along the center of the said road, thirty seven feet to ihe placr-of beginning, con- tainlnalfonrieen the same intreor less, which t shall sell at public auction at iheCouft House in ihe village of Warsaw, in the county of VVfomi rig on the Itlthldayni June luojclock in thf forenoon. quay Dated April Xi 1?5^ N. DEMARY Jr.. Sheriff, Bv J. DODGE, Under Slier ill'. rtonforth & Terry, Attys. N OTH'ETO CREDITORS.—WYOMING C«HNTY, SS. - - - - - „ty all Pursuant to an order of H.L Cotustofk.County Judge of Wyoming county, notice is hereby given to person^having ctaims or "demands against the estate of Elisha 4- Fierce, late of ihetown ofOastiie,iiisaid coun- ty, deceased,that ihey present the same witp vouchers therefor, at tbestore of J. It llalsteif. in the townofCas- tilc. in the countv of Wyoming,on or before the 15th day of May, IS38. Dated November lOih, 1?57. JOHN B. H AI.STKD, Administrator. HANNAH H. PIERCE. Administratrix: ,V UiK.E TO CREDITORS.—WYOMING 0>1'NTY, ss i\ —Pursuant loan orderrif H. L. t'ouistoek. County Judge ot" Wyoming county, nonce is hereby |»ven to all persons having claims against the estate of Li ailorf Potter late of the town of Sheldon, in said countf of Wyo ming, deceased, thatthev present the same "tith vouch- ers therefor to Philo VV Potior, at his store in the town of Java onor before the -iOthday of Amrust IW. Dated February 10, I8«. PHILO W POTTER.<ptecutor. H ORSE CHESTNUT TREES. —A few at 25 cts. each. Enqoipeof A. & G. W. FJtANK. R EAD A. A G. WTFRANK'S advertisement and call ?ee and their new goods. P APER, ENVELOPES PENS, PENCILS, &.c., a large stock at, WALKER'S BOOK STORE sold at public auction at the dwelling house upon the said inortgased laiidon the ^4th day of June. 1338, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. Dated March •-£!, IS5P. ELI AS r. HOLT. Assignee. QHEBIFF'S SALE.—SUI-REME POURT. Wyoming IO County. James Gay ag't Franklin A. Daniels. Leon- ard A. Bachelder, Lovica Bachclder his wife, Ariemas Blake. Samuel Snow and Charles Forbes. By virtue of a judgment entered in the V\ yoming County Clerk's of- fice, in the above entitled action, on the 3th day of April Isrir 1 , to me directed and delivered. 1 shall cxpo.-e for sale, at public auction at the Court House, iu the village of Warsaw, ou Saturday, the 3t h day ol June. Hi o'- clock A. it/., ** All that trad or parcel of land, situate in the town of Covington,county of FFvoiuing and .-'tale of New-York being the lot containing the custom-flouring and saw-inills. situate in the village of Peoria, and bound- ed as follows, viz: beginning in the center of ihe Bata- via road, at the north-west corner of a lot of land con- veyed by Benjamin Alleu to James Gay, thence north- westerly along.the center of said road, two chains aud twenty-five links, thence south westerly, parallel with the west line of the said Allen lot. two chains and twen- ty-two liuks; thence south-easterly, parallel with the center of the said road two chains and twenty-nve links; thence northerly in the west line of the said Allen lot, two chains aud tweuty-two links to tlie place of begin- ning, containing one-half of an acre of land. Also all that tract or parcel of land situate in the town. County and state aforesaid, being in the village of Peoria, and bounded as follows, viz: beginning in the center of the Batavia road, at the north-west corner of a lot of land now owned by Susan S. Herrington. thence southwester- ly along the line of said Herringlon's lot, three chains and forty-eight links; thence north-westerly parallel to the said Batavia road, two chains and fifty four links to the east line Of a lot of laud conveyed to James Gay by lienjaijiin Allen, ihence north-easterly along the line oj the said Allen lot. tnree chains and foVtv-six links to the center of the said Batavia road; thence south-easterly along the center of said road three chains and forty-foin liuks to the place of beginning, containing one acre of land, be the same more or less. Also all that tract or par- cel of land situate iu the town, cuuty and State afore- said, bounded as follows: beginning at fhe north-west' corner of the mill lot in the village of Peoriaand in the thecenterof the Batavir. road; thence north-westerly, along the center of said road to the north-east corner bf a lot of laud owned by Thomas Me Mann ; thence southerly along the east line of said McMann's kft/wo chains and ninety-eight links; thence tiortli-wlWwiljr, parallel to the said road, to the east line of land owned by Guthbert Guthery; thence southe ly, along Guthery's east line to land owned James Nobles; thence easterly, along Nobles' north linetoasiake in the comer ofGor- dous and t'ooley's lotR; thence north-westerly to the south-west corner of the said Allen lot; thence northerly along the west line of the said Allen lot to the south-east corner of said mill lot; thence north-westerly, alohg the west line of said mill lot to the south-west corn°rof the same; thence north-easterly along the west line of said mill lot to the place of beginning, contai ning ten acres of laud, more or less." Dated Annlv.0 .1°3S. " N. DEMARY, Jr., Sheriff. Comstock St Healy. Pl.tTs Atlys: SUPREME COURT. —County of Wyoming. —The - Fanner's Loan and Trust Cotnpanv. against Joel S. Smith, Thomas Hay and Magdalcua Hay, his wife. Ed- win L. Babbitt and Stephen D. Tabor, the Commission- ers for loaning certain moneys of the "'-•*—* the County of Wyoming, and mons for relief. To the a are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Tin Parmer's Loa.i and Trust Company, plaintiff, a copy n which was filed in the office of the Clerk, of the County of Wyoming. New York. May I3tb. H58, and to serve a cony of vour answer on the subscriber at Warsaw in Said County of Wyoming within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day Of ser- vice ; and if vou fail to answer said complaint as here- ,*y required, the plaintiff will apply to, the Conrt-for the kelief demanded in the complaint. - A W. WOOD, Pl'tns Atty. Warsaw. May M, 1833. -Dcfiiul'. having been made in the payment of two hundred and seven dollars M ORTGAGE SALE, the payment of l\t and sixty-nine cents, claimed lo be due at the first publi- cation of ilus notice, upon a certain Mortgage bearing date the aid day ot January, is.>3. executed by William M. Totton to Andrew Cole,and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County of Wyoming in liber Iti of itforl- gaces at page ••&?}. which Mortgage has been duly as- signed by the said r'ole to the subscriber and saiu as- signment recorded iu the said (Jerk'soffice iu liber 4 of miscellaneous records at page yI and &2 Now, there- fore, notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a pow- er of sale contained in said Mortgage* and of the statute in such case made and provided, the premises described in and conveyed by said Mortgage, to wit: All that tr.ict or parcel of land situaie in the town of Castile. Wyo- ming County and Slate of New York, being part of lot number seventeen of Elisha Johnson's subdivision of the Cottringer tract, and bounded as follow : Begi.i- ning at a stake standing in the center of the Allegany road, thirteen rods north of twenty-two degrees fifty minutes east of the south line of said lot, thence run- ning east twenty-two degrees fifty minutes south, three chains and thirty-three links, thence north twenty-two degrees fifty minutes cast, three chains, thence west twenty-two degrees fifty minutes north.-three chains thirty-ihree iinks to the center of the AWegany'road, thence south alongthe center of said road to the place of beginning, containing one acre of land and no more, Will be sold at Public Auction at Fa*mini's hotel, iu the vilage of Castile, County of Wyoming, ou Wednesday ihe I Ith day of August, 1838, at 10 o'clock in Hie forenoon of that day. J. B. HALSTEAD. Assignee of Mortgage. H.W.SMITH. Atty, Dated May 3. Ie58. per W ney IFF SALE.—Supreme Cohrt—Harvey Hotch- i against Esther Ann Carr, Livingston Cair, Cas- Fay, John W. Whitney and Elizabeth Ann Whit- business, vou buv. and to this branch of Examine our stock, without fail before Also, Olli CLOTHS, WALL P MATT8, Ac. A P E R, . I A large6tock, very cheap. We cannot enumerate at length, but would ask ALL IN WANT OF GOODS *o examine our stock and prices, satisfied that we can offer inducements superior to any other es- tablishment in Wyoming County. A. A <;. \V. FKANK. tiieat Improvement in Dent is! ry I DflJ. J. RAKECOIVS S now constructing solid enificial teeth on a platinum basf, which far surpt'ss in beaun and . . utility any hitherto in use. 'Ihe superiority, ot • this style of teeth over all oihers fonsists first, in*' • • the entire piece—the teeih, plate :tt ; t. 'being * A P E R F E e f l t Y S O L i D * and pure as the finest china, and as easily, kep * < clean and sweet—admitting not a particle of food , ' or saliva between the teeth, or belween the leeth , and plate, and therefore cm not become unwhole-* m some or tend, Second, the gums may be Carved to any Tnickness or Form, and colored any desirable shade, so as to restore most perfectly (he natural fullness any symmetri- cal expression of Hie lips and cheek? Specimens of this most beautifn work, which fuliy recommends itsell at *-ighi, can be seen at his office in Park's block. He is alse constructing Teeth on the Cheoplaa- lie process, which is giving univer nl saiislaction. Teeih made on the old plan, of Gold or Silver, when called lor. ILTTeeth extracted without pain, by the be- numbing process. n2 tf - FRANK'S CHEAP STORE W E have OE band a large quantity and va rietv of T K tlTRTp-, - V-A LISF^, Satchels for Ladies Sf Gentlemeni^fcrtr eling Bags, Carpel Bags, $c., $c. AIM, TO 1515 MII>I> LOW. Some very nice slylesof Trunks. A very nica Trunk for Ladies. Some very ice Valises oft theGentlemen. Onr gentleman's Satchels are Unusually Pretty, Also Umbrellas, Glares, Hosiery, Boats, R*b» bars, Sfc, SfC. A. & G. W. FRAlfcK. WARSAW. AT BRECK, GATES & flURDS'! L E T Olivers do the boasting ; when you want to buy GOOD GOODS CHEAP, cation us. BRECK, GATES & HURDS'. Mav 18th 1857. WAEL PAPER, BORDERS, . Curtain Paper, Window Shaders Curtain Rollers, Co-ds and Tassels Gilt Win- dow Cornices, Curtain Loops, and Bands, Fire Board Prints, Ac, &-C &c-, for Sale at WALKER'S BOOKSTORE. 2doors South of Hank, Main St.Warsaw, N Y SILKS.—Every width style and variety, Cheap— Cke&m—CHKAF A.&f..W.TRm KB LACK- DRESS H ATS—i We are selling splendid HaU. - •--A -A Of™! fnatim. UPERIOR Canton Flannel, at United States of .._ .,. Abraham Spoor, guni- To ihe above named defendants. You of The f AMIS'. S UPREJV/E COURT. Coomnr #r ITTomna.—Jofhua D. Nichols ag'st Afonroe I. Skinner. John Francisco. i Daniel D. Howe. Philander Cook. To Daniel D. Howe defendant. Yon are herebv summoned io answer the com- plaint of Joshua D. Nichols, plaint iff. a copv of which wsafiledin the JFyorniOR County Clerk's office on the 5ih daw of April \CiSa and sesve aeopy ofywar anawerna tne subscriber at his office in tne town of Cnioa, ^Tyo- mipg Coumy N. Y. wi'hin tweity days after the service of this summons, exclusive Of the day of service, or rhe nlaioUff will .ipply to the court for the relief demanded in ihe Ceaajiiiot. i-EVABETT SPRING, Pl'fft Att'y. By virtue of a judgment of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, entered and filed in tne Klerk's Of- fice of WyomiHgCourtty,on Hie 4th day of May, ls.>9, to me directed and delivered. I shall sell at Public Auc- lion, at the Court House in the village of Warsaw, iu the County of Wyoming, to the highest bidder, ou the 23d day of June next, ai 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day. the following described mnrtaged premises, and described in said Mortgage as follows: All that tract or parcel of land situate in the town of Orangeville, in the County of Wyoming, and State of N e w JYork,. beirig' the north-west part of lot number seventeen in the ninth township, and second range of townships, and bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at the north-west c»mer of said lot. thence south on the west line of said lot tbirly-six chains and eighty links to a stake, thence east parallel with the north line of said (ot seventeen chains mid sixty I nks.ihence north one chain and twenty-eight links, thence east parallel with the north line of said lot teu chains and thirty- seven links, thence north parallel with the west line thirtyrfivechains and ?ixty-nine links to the north line of said lot. thence west on the north line of said lot twenty-seven chains and eighty.three link%to the place of beginning, containing one hundred and one and a half acres of land be the same more or less. N. DEMARY. Jr., Sheriff. By J. DODGE. Under Sheriff. F. C. D. McKAY, Atty. Dated Afay II. Ir^. SCHOOL BOOKS. T EACHERS and Parents, land Pej dkrsand Book-buyer*- in general are invite to call at Warsaw Bookstore, nearthe come of Main and Buffalo-sts. and procure their sujp y of School Books. L. E. WALKKK. Ladies Embroidered Collars! W E have the largest assortment in Wyo ming Co., and at such pi ice* as most sel Some very nice. Also Emb'd Edging A. &. G. W.Faann. them. S and Insertions. At NEW QOODS the Rochester Cheap Store at prices entirely below all competition, just re ceived. Those who have CASH to pav for good can save money by examiner my stock before por- chasng elsewhere. AH are invited to call and see for themselves. MATSO» OTI». CLOTHING! ^E have now our FALL CLOTHING prepared to offer our customers. CHEAP! CHE API I CHEAP IV. A. & G.FRAWK. W OtTPREME COURT.—County of Wyoming. Tooker *>-> Wygnnt ag'st Michael .Sullivan. To Michael Sullivan. defendant. You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Tooker Wygant. plaintiff, a copy of which was filed in the clerk's office of Wyoming County on the 5th day ot April 1858 and serve a copy of your answer on the sutiscnl er at his office in China in ihe said county of Wyoming within twenty days after the service of this summons exclusive of ihe day of service or the plaintiff will take jurlgcuient against you for one hundred and fifty dollars with interest from the *>th day of November 1856 besides casts. 06 LEVERETT SPRING. PHP's Att'y. S HAWLS! Brocha. Lang, Wool, Black Silk, Stella, Misses Wool loofMheiraesort- mentis targe. A. &G.W,F»wi. Warsaw, - 1,500 Pair of Boots and Shoes. I n all the various styles for Ladies and Genti men, Calf Kip and Stops Boots, warranted G. H, Jrsaia's Cash Store. N OTICE TO CRE1MTOBS.—WYOMING COUNTY, ss. Pursuant to an order of U. L. Comstock. County Judge of Wyouiiug County, notice is hereby given lo all persons having claims or demands against tbr —•-«- «r John R. Prerca. late of the town ofCasUle, in t ty, deceased, that they present the same with therefor, at the store of John B. Halned.iitfiU »-tite. in the county ol Wyoming, on or hefo Judge of Wyouiiug persons having claims or demands against the estate of John It. Prerca. late of the town ofCasUle, in said coun- ^^^^™ ***~ -——with vouchers £ be town of retbeliih day of May, 1658. batedftfrngabeMI th 1857. V E i EL VET Bibbons, all widths, just received ALUS'. B B ED BLANKETS E! very styls. •/ Wo* Bed blankets. A.& G. W. F«AKK. ATT1NG—nice AT fttta-K*. 35 «IR H**HA« H. PIBBCB, Administratrix. Joux B, HALSTC», Admtnistrator. T ADIES* CLOAKS M JTslARK't. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: tOgoming Cotintg Jtttttor r 0 a s&.a & M nmM I, 1 12/Warsaw NY Wyoming Count… · —An old lady up in Vermont, was ask ed by a young clergymen to what relig ious denomination she

. = • M M * •mma


tOgoming Cotintg Jt t t t tor In n n i n 9 s

— T h e rowdy who ** struck a l i g h t " has been bound ever since to keep the peace.

• — " N o n e of your unkind reflections," as the old maid said to the looking-glass.

— A venerable maiden lady, speaking of marriage, says it's like any other disease, while there is life there is hope.

—Excess of ceremony shows a want of breeding; that civility is the best which ex­cludes ait superfluous formality.

— A western editor perpetrates the fol­lowing : A flock of sheep, composed of all u wethers," may be said to resemble our cl imate.

— A farmer, who married a long nose and peaked chin, says he produced vinegar by simply getting his wife to look into the cider barrel.

— I t is a remarkable fact that, however well young ladies may be versed in gram­mar, very few of them are ahle to decline matrimony.

i « . m •

— " Mr. Speaker ," said a* patriotic M. C. from an agricultural county, " if the question is put to me, I answer boldly in the aff irmative—no!"

r 0 a m f Mnt s&.a & M nmM I, 1 € J± T T fit ,


W a t c h e s , Clocks , J e w e l r y ,


Gould's Blwck, Warsaw, N. Y.

Particular attention given to repairing fine watch­es and j-wefry.

E N G R A V I N G N R A 1 J L T E X E C U T E D .

1 HAVE now on hand a large stork of NF-W GOODS, and shall constantly be in receipt

N E W S T Y I i E S <*F J E W E L R Y ,

and other goods usually kept in stores of the above line. To make a fang story >hort, 1 will say those wishing to examine or purchase will rind a j

NICE STOCK OF GOOD GOODS, and at prices that cannot fail to please. One more thing—I will never sell any article for what s not, if 1 know it. J. WATTS.



T> 8 !

— A t a late trial, the defendant, after hearing a witness*, jumped up and said :

** Them allegations is false, and that alli­gator knows i t ! "

— A retired schoolmaster excuses his passion for angling by saying that, from constant habit he never feels quite himself unless he's handling the rod.

* • | M mm

— " F i g g e r s von't lie, vill they ? " mut­tered a seedy genius, holding on to a lamp­post. " V a i l , " praps they vont; but l'se a figger vot vont stand, any h o w . w




— A suit for divorce is now pending in Rochester, which originated in a dispute between Mr. B. and his wife as to whether they shouhi have beefstake boiled or oysters fried for breakfast.

— A noted miser having relente much as to give a beggar a sixpence, sud­denly dy ing soon after, the attendant phy­sician gave it as his opinion that he "died from enlargement of the heart ."

—Decapi ta te the devil and yon have his character—evil . Drop the "d. and you have vile ; strike out u v . " and you make i l l ; " v i . " and it is er, which an English­m e n will roughen into an uncomfortable local i ty—hel l . Of a truth, the devil is in the word.

^ — —

— T h e author of the following should be watched, or he might" back o u U "

A l>igg destructive dnrk I'll bi, 1*11 bid pharewell too every fear,

Then wipe mine weeping I, An kut mi throat phrom year to year

— A n old lady up in Vermont, was ask­ed by a young clergymen to what relig­ious denomination she belonged. " I doh't k n o w , " said she, " nor I don't care about nominations. For my part, I hold on to the old meetirr house, and what's more I mean to belong there . n

—** Pa , didn't you whip me for bitting Tommy ? " " Yes, my child, for you hurt him very much." 4t Well , then, pa, you ought to whip ma's music teacher, t o o ; for he bit her yesterday right in the mouth; and I know it hurt her, because she put her arm around his neck and tried to choke h i m . "

— " Which is the deepest, the broadest and the smallest grave in this church­yard I " said a pedestrian to his compan­ion, while meditating among tombs at Esh-er. *4 W h y , " replied he, " i t is that in which Miles Button is buried : for it is miles below the sod, miles in length, miles in breadth, and ye t after all, i t is but a but­ton-hole. "

— —

— A verdant young man entered a fan­cy store in a city, lately, while the lady proprietor was arranging a lot of perfu­mery. She inquired of him if he would not like to have some musk bags to put in his drawers. After an examination of the article he told the lady he did not wear drawers, and wanted to know if it wouldeu't do to wear them in his panta­loons.

, r , . — " J e n n y , " said a landlady to her

" h e l p " the other morning, "Jenny , was there, any fire in the kitchen last night while you were sitting up ?" ** Yes, marm, " said Jenny, " t h e r e was a spark the ie when I went down, and I soon fanned it into a flame. *' The landlady looked sus­piciously at the Jenny, but she, innocent

f 'r l , went on scrubbing, and humming— Katy Darl int ." — T h e Jefferson City Inquirer in speak­

ing of some of the symptoms of the disease in Jefferson City known as " national de­mocracy " says :

" T h e unfortunate patient as soon as the word abolitionist is mentioned in his hear-ing, begins to swear, jump, kick, hop, skip, rear, charge, tear, cavort, snort, rip, tum­ble, sneeze, spit, cough, whoop, stutter, squeal, howl, moan, groan, bellow, bewail, lament, despond, turn pale, look savage, froth at the mouth, roll his eyes, stamp bis feet upon the ground, wheel round and round, fall down and get up again, and then does ail that over again. O, horrible!!!

— « _ _«>

— T h o s e who have seen a tamed ea­gle, loafing lazily about a barn yard, will be prepared to appreciate the difference between the proud ** bird of J o v e , " as paint­ed by Tennyson, and the same bird as by our friend G. Whil l ikins,— Chicago Times.


fie clasps the crag with crooked hands, Close to the sun in lonely lands, Ring'd with the azure world he stands. The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls; He watches from his mountain walls, And like a thunderbolt he falls.


With hooked claws he clasps tne fence. Close by the hen-roost: gazing thence He spies a mice, what's .got no sense. Ye mice beneath can't well see him; He watcheth from hia lofty limb, Then jumpeth down and grabbeth him.

P. S.—The difference, though only faint, 'Twixt that and this 1 now will paint; — His eagle's wild, my eagle ain't.

^ •'•,vi

I I IT M P H U E Y ' S

H o m o e o p a t h i c R e m e d i e s , For FamVies, Traveller* and others.

I^i lESE medicines have been carefully pre-. pared, with a view of supplying families and

others with specific remedies for all common ail­ments, such as Coughs, Colds. Headaches, Fe­vers, Worm Complaints, Derangements of the Stomach, Diarrheas, ana for those more sudden and viol ;nt diseases which require to be met at once, and without loss of time : such as Cholera, Dysentery, Inflammations, &c. and also for those more delegate female irregularities and derange­ments which a lady always Muds it so difficult to disclose to a physician, and vet a freedom from which contributes so much to the happiness and enjoyment of life.

The Medicates are prepared in the form ol large Medicated Sugar Pellets, neatly put up in boxes and properly numbered and labelled. Fif­teen such boxes, containing many hundred doses, are enclosed in a neat, portable case, enclosing a Manual, giving a concise description of the dis­ease to be treated, and directions for giving the medicines, diet. Arc

The case comprises thej fot'owing medicines : No. 1. FEVKR PILLS : For Fever and Inflam­

mation Congestions to the head and chest, sttches and pain in the side, palpitation of the Heart, throbbings in any part of the system, flushes o Heat, Irregular Circulation, Ac.

No 2. WORM PILLS; For all Worm Complaints in Children or adults. Worm Fever, Worm Colic, Voracious Appetite, Picking at Nose, wet­ting the Bed. A pleataut, safe and radical rem­edy.

No. 3. BABY'S PILLS: For all complaints of in­fants and young children, such as eolic, crying, worrying, sleeplessness aiid suffering from teeth­ing*

No. 4. DIARRHEA PILLS: For Summer Complaint, Loose Bowels Diarrhea and Cholera Infantum—unquestionably the safesi and most in­valuable remedy known for these complaints.

No. 5. DifSENTERV PIIJLS : For Colic, Gripings Dysentery or Bloody Flux—a sovereign remedy.

No 6."CHOLKRA PILIJS : For Cholera, Chole­ra Morbus, Nausea and Tomitiag—both prevent ative and cure.

No. 7. COUGH PILLS : For bad Colds, Coughs Hoarseness, Bronchiiisi Influenza and Sore Tfiroat.

No. 8. TOOTH-ACHK PII.T.S: For Tooth-Ache, Face-Ache, Tic Ddfereti.t, Neuralgia and similar painful affections.

No. 9. HEADACHE PILLS : For Head-Aches of all sorts; Sick Headache with Nausea and vomit­ing Sec; for Vertigo, Fullness, Heat and Swim­ming of the Head, vanishing of Sight, Numbness.

No. 10. DYSPEPSIA PII,L»: For Weak Stomach Liver Complaint, Heart-bum, spitting up of food, Flatulence, Coated Tonjhe, Bad Taste, Loss of Appetite, Costive Bowels. Biilious Complaints, Kidney Complaints, Gravel, difficult or painful Urination, &e.

No. 11. YOUNG LADIES' PILLS : ForSuppressed Menses, Scanty. Delayed or painful Menses.- for Whites or Leucorrhea, with too scanty Menstru­ation; ait invaluable medicine for females. * No. 12. FEMALE PILLS: For Female Weak­nesses, Leucorrhea or Whiles, too profuse or long continued Menses, or Female Hemorrhages, Beaiing Down or Prolapsus Uteri.

No 13. CROUP PILLS | For Croup of Children or adults. Hoarseness, Croup, Cough ; oppressed wheezing Respiration, &c. used as a preventative and cure.

No. 14. SALT RHEUM PILLS; For Erysipelas, Sal» Rheum, Eruptions in the face, cheeks, ears, hands, &c. ; Pimples on the face of youiig people, Milk Crusts; Barber's Itch ; Scald Head, «fcc.

No. 15 RHEUMATIC I PILLS.* For Acute or Chronic Rheumatism ; Pain, Lameness or sore­ness in the Ba^K, Sides. Chest or Extremities; Sciatica, or Pf in in the Hip, Leg, &c.

These MedJicines are offered in confidence that they will prove invaluable specifics for the cure of the above diseases. The testimony of thousands who have tried them is uniform in asserting their safety and efficiency, as Well as the ease and pleas­ure with which they may be taken. The public have besides a sufficient guarantee in the high professional reputation and standing of their orig­inator, that these medicines are just what they profess to be.

PRICE—Family Casqs with 15 boxesand Man­ual, $2 00 ; Case,' Manual and any 6 boxes,"$ I ; Case. Manual and any 4 Boxes, 75 eta; single Boxes 25 cts. On receiving $2 00 by mnil or otherwise, we forward a full case of Medicines Manual, &.c, free of expense to any part of the countv. Cases of 4 or 6 or single Boxes sent free of charge on receipt of the money. Each pur­chaser ol a case is entitled to a copy of the Jour­nal of Specific Homoepathy for one year.

All orders addressed to HUMPHREYS & pALMER, Utioa.N. Y.

Judd & Lewis Warsaw, S. & B. B. Higgihs, Perrv. Higgins & CalKips, Cyrus Getchell, Cas­tile, Philo W. Potter North Java, Gibson & Net-tletou Arcade. 35 ly

J U S T R E C E I V E D A N D O P E N I N G , A N

E n t i r e N e w S t o c k




R e a d y-ill a d e C I o t h i n g ?

Broad-Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesiings,

Ladles' Dress Goods and Trimmings,

in great variety.

Sl^LKS, S A T I N S , V E L V E T S , ' f;- •. ..-:t' •'"v" '' •"

Mantillas, Silk and Crape Shawls


B o o t s , S h o e s , H a l s , C a p s , & c ,

allot which will be sold ten percent less than any other store in town._

QZFCall acd examine for yourselves. April. 1858. G. H. JENKINS.

^, EFKEEES SAI,ti.—Supreme Couit.—County of Wy- I oHKRIFF*SSAJ..rc;-~By virtue of one exectttionitsued

, ^ omtng.— Christopher «• Jeflirea[and £lam J. Jeffrea ' Out of the Supreme Court 61 the state of New York



S O M E T H I N G N E W W . I¥. T E A L. L

HAS opened a shop in the building formerly occupied by L. W. Thayer as a Law Office,

•vnere he is prepared to ilo all kinds of business in his line. He would respectfully invite all per­sons in want of anything in his Hue, to give him a call, All work done by him is warranted to fit without any exceptions.

Particular Attention Paid to Cutting. A few well selected cloths and Cassimeres on hand, and tor sale cheap (or cash. n 14 tf.

Warsaw, June 9th. 1857.

W A L L P A P E U up

W A L i I i P A P E R , A V A L i I i P A P E R .

4F YOU NEED any ing, or Curtains,

VERY LARGE Stockj 6d upwards.

stylt-s of Paper. Border-call and examine our

Prices verv low ; from A. & G. W. FRANK.

Wyoming County Produce Store.


A RE now paying Cash for Produce at the . Stand ot R. Gould & Co. at Warsa'w.


April 2!>th 1857. n7 tf

ELEGANT Long and Square Brocha Shawls Rich Stella Shawls : Plush Borders, Long

and Square Wool Long Shawls: Chenille Shawls and Scarfs at F R A S K S * S T O R K .

CALL AT ALLIS' and his Browno> k Sugars, just received.

DRESS BUTTONS—Some new styles, very nice, just received by J. W A I T S .

PORT *"i»L.UO i« L t hoicest patterns •ale at . WALKKRS BOOK STORF

GO L D P E N S . - T h e the"heapes i to use


best in the markete — warranted— lor sal


FIAUTIPUL all wo roiMFored ped

Mrrinose** Merinos, Plaid nogilosand Plaia i M d


LADIES' MOROCCO Bags and Purees with chains, a nice lot just received, at very mod-

rate prices, by J, WATTS.



has just iss-ued a new and complete Catalogue of his books, comprising a large and varied assort­ment of all kinds of literature.

$500 worth of Gifts will .be given away with everv $1000 dollars worth of books sold.

A giil worth from m25 c. to $100 will be deliver­ed with each book at the time of sale.

Orders from the country promptly tilled and the goods forwarded by express or mail on the same day the order is received.

A complete Catalogue sent free*. Address, G. G. EVANS, 439 Chestnut st. Philadelphia.

against tills O. Bacon, Leonard Kuhn and Khsha D, Bacon. In pursuance and by virtue of a judgment of fotecli'seure and decree ot si 'e rendered in ibe above entitled action, at a special term of the Supreme Court, held at the Court tlousc in the village of ticnesoo, in the County Of Liviugstou on tl»e l'2ih day of Slay, l>5d. tlou.'f. A . Jol.nson, Justice, presiding. I, Iigijert B. Parinan, having been duly appointed by the Comt a Re­feree in said action fur that purpose, will sell as the law directs, at public auction to the highest bidder, at the front steps of the Court, (louse in the vMtage of Warsaw, in the County of Wyoming, on the 1st day ot July. 18381 at Id o'clock in the forenoon of that day. the following described premises to wit : All that tract or parcel of land situate in Hie town of Perry in the County of Wyoming and Stale of New York, being a part of large lot manlier eleven in the sixteen thousand acre or north Ogdlen traet, being eigii'y acres or the easl half of a tract of rme hundred and sixty acres, which latter is bounded north and south by '.lie lines of said lot and west by the division lines between divisions number one and two, and eastward by a line parallel to the division lii e between divisions number two and three, and dis­tant fas enough from the west line to include the said quantity of one hundred and sixty acres and no more, including highways, if any. And the said eighty acres is bounded north and south by Che lines of said lot, east by the east line of the said tract of one hundred a id sixty acres, and westward by a line parallel to the east mentioned east line and far enough therefrom to contain eighty acres of land, which sale will be made subject to two mortgages on said premises, one of eight hundred dollars executed by Hiram Olney and FrederickOlney to Thomas Otis, hearing date July 13, l!-o2, and fecorded in the Ceiiesje County Clerk's office, July 17. I J3"i, in Li bet i of mortgages at page 1, the other of one thou­sand six hundred and titty dollars, executed by Andrew W, VVIiitlaxk to Dennis R. Taylor, bearing (late June \% le-Vi, and recorded in Wyoming County Clerk's office, in Liber II of niortages, at page 1-23.

K. E. FARMAN, Referee. J. H.JEFFRRS.PIfts.Atty.

Dated $lay I*. fej&.


» t

f l ^ H E Subscriber, having become sole proprie-X tor of the Saw-Mill and Roller Factory, for­

merly owned by Thayer & Martin, takes this-method to inform the public that he is now. pre­pared to do

C U S T O M S A W I N G ,

at reduced prices, viz : at $2,50 per M. for soft wood, and at $3.50 per M. for hard wood.

P A S S W O O I ) I i O G S W A I T E D ,

for which a liberal consideration will be paid in sawing, or otherwise. M. MARTIN.

ORTGAGE SALE.—DefanlLuaViiig been made in the payment of certain moneys fccured tif be paid

by a certain mortgage bearing date Sep'ember js-th IKSC-, made executed aim delivered h. Cynthia Richards of the town <>f Cranjieville. county tijf FKyomiug and State • f New York, to Marshall.J. Cojv.diii of Hie same place, which said'mortgage was recorded in ihe Wyoming couniy clerk's office on the "Ji'lh day of September I =.>ti in Liber 17 of uior sages it page t:H, "and there is claimed to be due upon sail! m •rigage at the date ami lime ol the first publication of this notice the sum of six hundred and riftv-four dollars and forty-three cents, and iheijp is here­after io grow due upon said mortgage ihe further sum of Three Thousand Four Hundred and Twelve dollars and sixty-three cents, wi'h imeresi thereon from the first da> of April 1-5-', tin suit ai law having been conirienccd to forech-sc sa':d mortgage nor to collect said sums or any part thereof. Now, therefore, nonce is hereby given that by virtue of a powered" sale contained in andrecorded wish said mortgage, and in pursuance of the •n i t i i e in such ca«4 made and prr.yided the premises dewrribedin and coveted bv said mortgage as follow , to wit : " All that tractor parcel of land situaie in the town nfOrange-ville ewti'Wy of Wyoming and State of New Yojk, and is distinguished as parts of lot? number fifty-four and fitly-live in SJJHI town of Oraugevi|le. Bounded r.s'ftllows.— west by land u«w uwned tnlleiir1 Stalh<mi& Hiltierhjyiul. Norih by laud now owned by Alfred d Jfrilc«x aj»d Henry Rumiger} East by said Rutnige'r's land a n d l h e toad \ ru< ning north to Cobble Mill school house ; So«*hbvihe Slate road am! the said Stmlhfol's laud. A l s i till that tract or parcel of land situate! in the /own. cluiity and state aforesaid, and hounded asfollows : East h | the road above mentioned; s oufh byJa^d, ow.nedhy Tuife /riiite; West by land now occupied by Henry Staliiolf; North by the state road afoiesaiil. containing in all one hundred and eight.-eight and one half acres of land be ihe same more or less." will be sold at public auction at ihe Court House in Warsaw Village in said county of Wyoming, on tiie 7fh dav of Jutv IS<b. at ten »'clock in the foreuoo.i.— Dated the lothdav of April 1*5*.

MARSHALL J: COWDIN, Mortgagee. A. W. WOOD, A It's: 6 IJ

CHER IFFSSALE.—Stip-euio Court. VVyomii ^ Theodore Williams, against LureiiKo D.

I f C


Warsaw, Feb'v 29, 185P. 518

••hall 1 buy Diy Goods ? FRANK'S.

Where shall I buy Clothing? At FRANK'S.

Where shall I buy Carpets ? At FRANK'S.

Where shall 1 buy Groceries ? At FRKNK'S.

Where can be bought all kinds of Goods at lower prices than else­where ? At , FRANK'S.

Where can we save in purchasing ? At FRANK'S.

II A U K l * O m S W I V T , WITH .


BOOTS & SHOES, I V u m b o i - S T , I>ey S t r e e t ,

Between Broadway and Greenwich Sts., N E W Y O R K .

M' N O T I C E .

RS. LUCY H CASE, the wife of the sub scriber, has lift her home, without any jus

cause, and though kindly invited to return, has tefused to do so, and avows her determination to live separately. She has also attempted to obtain property on my credit. I therefore'hereby give notice that 1 shall pay no debts contracted by her, while she absents herself from home. Sheldon, Dec. 8th 1657. . 39if KQVAI/P. CASK.

Overcoats, Overcoats '

Frock Coats, _. Fanfs, Pants,

Vests* Vests / Shirts Shirts/, Drawers! Cravats, Cravats!

County, vis and

others. 'Notice is hereby given that under and by vir­tue of a judgment of foreclosenre of a .MortgiJje signed tmd entered in the above entitled action, in the onV.e of Hie Clerk ot the County of Wyoming, and in (pursuance of an order of the Supreme Court ifridc in sai*l action. I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the Court House in the village of Warsaw, 111. s a i l County of Wyoming, on the Wih day of June next, at one o'­clock, p. m.. of that day. All the following described mortgaged premises to wit: All that trdct or piece ot land lying in the village of Anjnde, County of U'yoming. and Slate of NewVork. beitigpart of lot h 11 inter twen­ty-one. township seven, rangb four, beg nnilfc in the eenier id'main street at the south-east coring of laud owned and now occupied by R, l l l . iWe.Clenljjen, from thence running westerly at ligtitlangles with said street, passing ten feet from the wain of said McOleuthen's house, seventy-nine feet. Thei/ce north thirty-four and one-half degrees, wesi ninetyjjywo feet to a stipe eight een inches west of the west K,nnk of the tail |nce from the said Dav is & Price's shops. Thence south seventy three degrees ten minutes, west forty feet to tt. Hitch­cock's laud. Thence norlh thirty-seven degrees, west along said Hitchcock's land to Cattaraugus: Creek.— Thence along up said Cattaraugus Creek and Cffnr Creek to the center of main "treetJ Thence wster ly along ihe center of main sheet about fifty-four feet tiM he place ot beginning,containing about forty-rive rods #f land.

; N. l} Dy J

Dated, May 12. IP59. VVni.T. JONES, Ally.


* **t lam :.\lARY.Jr.. Sfcerirt'.

DUDUE, Under Sheriff.

Iliam S. Ageit and Eli/.a-MORTGA belli Ins wife, of the town of Eagle, in t^e County

of Wyoming and Stale ot New York, have duly mort­gaged to Elbert W-Cook, of Springville. in Hie County of Eric and State aforesaid, "all thai tract or parcel of land, situate in the town of Ea»le. county of Wyoming, and State of New York, on lot fifty-nine of said town, commencing .11 the center of the highway at tlie corner of a lot owned and now occupied by Washington W. Day running easterly in the center of said highway till it in­tersects another roan running northerly."thence along the center ot said lasi described road lo the south tine of Ar-don Tabor's land; Ihence westerly on said Tabor's south line to said Tabor's east, line; thence southerly on said Tabor and Day's east line to the place of h£giniiug. wiih the exception o l \wo small pieces deeded to Hi leu Tryon and Lytuati Scot'., from said lot." " For further particu­lars see two dec ds given bv C. II Denman. OIUJ by Aroou Tabor and one by Wafer Shay, all to William if. Agett." The mortgage is dated the tvventy-sixlh day #f Atiuusi, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, and i< is recorded the power IOHCII there­in contained, in Wyoming County Clerk's otlicj. in tiber IS of mortgages, at"page 19.». on the 'id day Of gepiember II o'clock. A. iVt. The .tmonnt now due on said mortgage. (March-2.1, Iff'S) is two hundred and three dol­lars and sixty nine cents ($-2<*i.i>9) and default hath been made in the payment thereof. The sale of the said prem­ises will be at public auction, and will take plaeo in Iroui of the rost-Otlice at Arcade in the town of China, in said county of Wyoming, on the lirst day of July in-xt. at one o'clock in l he afternoon of that dav. Dated March Will. A. I). IstfS ELItERT W. CtitlK. Mortgagee.

Morris Fosrhck, Att'y, Spriugville, Erie C o . , N . Y.

allverv cheap bv A. & G. W FRANK.

Borders, Curtain Paper, WINDOW SHADES. Curtain Rollers,

Cords and Tasstls, Gilt Window Cornices,

Curtain Loops and Bands, Fire-Board

For sale at WALKER'S BOOK STORE 2 doors south of Rank, Main bt., Warsaw, N. Y.


God Free and Independent: T ° the creditors tiff and next of kin to Nathan I'armcnter, late ot the town of Attica in ihe County of Wyoming, deceased, and especially to Ann R. Pnrmenier. of Yorkshire, in the county of Catt­araugus, N. Y., Mary Ann Cheney of New Ucrjiu. Wau­kesha county Wis., and Charles W. Itailey of Warsaw, in said county ol Wyoming, N. Y., special guardian of Lucetta I'nrmenier and Charles I'armenterof New Ber­lin, Waukesha county, aforesaid, minors. You and each of you are hereby cittrt and requirctl to be and appear before H .L . Comstock. Esquire, Surrogate of the said county of Wyoming, at his office in Warsaw, in the said county, on the twenty sixth day of May, I .W. at ten o'­clock in the forenoon, to at tend the final settlement of the accounts of Edward F, Chaffee, executor af the last will and testament of ihe said Nathan l'arutfnlcr, de­ceased, "viih and relative to the estate of said deceased which then and there arc to he settled on the application ot the said l.dward F. Chaffee.

In Testimony Whereof, wc have fatiscd the [L. S.] Seal of ihe Surrogate's Court of said county ro

be hereunto affixed. Witness H. L.Comstock Esquire. Surrogatoof the said

countv. at Warsaw, this 19th dav April in ihe fear of our Lord h"K-». 8 4 II. L.COMSTOCK.Surrogate.

t o m e directedaud delivered against the personal aud real property of Andrew Cole, Alon/.o 1». Davison, Na­than H. Davison, \fofoce Uodge. Walter HQ%ard, arwl Anson lfoward. I have seizetl anct taken all the interest of each or either of said defendants of, in and to the fol­lowing descr ied real estate, 10 w i t : All thai tract or parcel of land situate in the town of Castile, VV>Qmirr|[ Couuty, New- York, bet ng part of lot number five, in the Gardrou reservation, as surveyed by David A. Miller; Begmningai a point on the line of lots beTweeu lots num­ber four" and rive a" the west bank of the cove near the foot of the hill, thence running east twenty-five chains and -nxty-four links to Hie west bank of the Genesee River; ihence up along the Bank of said river and the west branch thereof, to the south line of loi number five thence west ou J b c south line of lot number five. and between lots five and eight thirteen chains to a stake; thence north thirty-six mid three-fourths degrees, east thirty-three chains and fourteen links to the place of be­ginning, containing forty-two and seventy-seven one-hiiudredths of an acre ol land, more or less Also that other piece or parcel of land situate in Caftilc aforesaid, being pari of lot number four in the said Gartloii reserva­tion, and bounded as follows:

Beginning at a point in the south line of said lot No. I, or the south corner ofalolofoO acres of land heretofore sold to William S. Yeckley; thence ruiniug east thirty-nine duons and ninety-two links to the west bank of the Genesee River; thence north twenty-eight and one-half degrees, east along the bauk of said River, three chains ami twenty-two l inks; Ihence west twenty-four chains and sixty-four links to the center ot ihe cove; thence north eighteen and three-fourths degrees; east along the the center of said cove eight chains an J sixty-eight links; thence north-westerly upon the center rtr bottom of a gulf or ravine to the east line of the said fifty acres sold to William S. Yeckley. thence south two degrees, west along the easterly hue of said fifty acres sixteen chains and seventy-threo links lo the place of beginning, con­taining thirty-three and foity-one one-hundrdthsof an acre, more or less. Also all'ihat other tractor parcel of land s;tuatc in the town of Castile, County of Wyoming and State of New York, being on lot number tilly-fourj of Elisha Johnsons subdivision of the Coli ringer tract bound­ed as follows: beginning at the northeast corner of village lot number fifteen, at a slake and stones in center of Al­legany :oad. so called, and running south forty-five de-giees, west along -aid road, one chain aud fifty-four links toa~stake. tlience norlh forty-five degrees, west three chains and twenty-five links to a slake; ihence north for­ty-five degrees, east one chain and fifty-four links, thence south forty-five degree*, east three chains and twenty-live links to the place of beginning, containing one-half an acre of land, be the same more or less. Also all that oilier piece or parcel of land situate in said town of Cas­tile, being village lot number sixteen, on the south subdi­vision of said lot number fifty-four «m said Cottringer tract, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake at the north-west corner ofvil lage lot munber fifteen, thence north forty-five degrees, east two efiaius; thence south forty-five degrees. Cast five chain's-, thence south forty-five degrees, west two ohains. therfce north fjjje 1 y-fivc de­gress, west five chains to the place of beginning, con-tainingoue acre of land, more 01 less. Also all that oth­er tractor parcel of land situaie in the town of Cas.ile, Wyoming County, and State of New York, and being a part ot lot number sixty-eiglit of Elisha Johnson's subdi­vision of the Cottringer tract, and bounded as follows: viz: on the north-west and south by the original Hue of said lot, and on the east by a line parallel to the west at such a distance from the west line so as to include one bundled acres amino wore, off of the wesi end of said lot. Also all that other traut or parcel of land situate iu the town of Cas'ile. Wyoming County and State of New Yolk, bounded as follows : being village lots number fif­teen and the north-west quarter of village lot number sixteen, said lots arc fronting ou the high-way lending from the Baptist meeting house to Wm. Husted's. accor­ding to village plot by Ziba Hurd. said lot is five rods front and rear and to.runback from tlie line of the said highway nine rods, to contain forty-five rods of land and no more.exclusive of the highway, said lot is in section •!, tne north-west corner of lot number fifteen, commencing eighteen rods from ihe south-east line of the Allegany road. Also all that other piece or parcel of hind situaie in the town of Castile aforesaid, lieing part of lot number — in Elisha Jolmmm's strhdrrision of the I'otlringertract. bounded as follows: commencing in the center of the highway leading from the village of Castile to Benjamin Lut-ases at the west corner of land deeded to R. G. Bow­man, thence easterly along the north line of said Bow­man's laud to the west line of J. R. (•hampliu's land; thence northerly along Ihe line Of said Ch.implin's land to the south line of Nathaniel Birdsell's land, thence west along the line of said Birdsell's laud to the center of the highway, southerly along the line of the highway to the place of beginning, containing about eight and one half acres of land more or less, the equal undivided one-half of Ihe above eight and one-half acres fs intended to be conveyed to the party of the 'id nart; which I shall sell at public'auction at the ('• urt House in tlie village of Warsaw, in the county of Wyoming, on the 3d day of March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. Dated Warsaw, Jan'y 19,16arf. N. DEMARY. Jr. Sheriff,

By J. DODCJK, Under Sherill'. Brown Jt Glowacki. Aity ;s. 4ti 6 The above sale is hereby poslponed until the 13Hi day

of April next, at 'he sauie place aud time of dav as above. Dated March 3, li-a-1. N. DLMARY.Jr.Sheriff.

By J. DODOE. Under Sheriff. The above sale is further postponed until Hie l-'/h day of

Ccfobcr next at /he same place and time of dav ns atiUve. N. DE3/AHY Jr.Sheriff.

B> J. DODOE under sheriff. Brawn & Glowacki A/f'ys.

Dated April -in Igjg.

oRTGAGE SALE.—Default h iving been made in the payment of money due.upon a cenaiu Mort­

gage made, executed and delivered by Joseph Heine of ihe town of Bennington, the County of Wyoming :«ud the Slate of New-York to James King of the same town, county Mid Stale, dated the first dav of December in the year of our Lord I thousand eight hundred and fifty-llirec, and recorded in ihe ounty Clerk'sOtUcc.on the iWih day ot March, A. D 1834,at l i o'clock M,in liber l i of Mortgages, at page -&V, which mortgage was on the "J3d day of August 18*1, duly sold, assigned, set over aud transferred for value received by the said James King to EiiasC. Holt of the town, county and Slate aforesaid ; andlhe said Ehas C Holt being how the lawful owner and holder of the said mortgage, aud upon which said mortgage there is claimed to !>.!- due at lime of the first publication of this notice, the sum or one hundred and 1 weniy eight dollars aud fifty cents, and also the following sums to become due in the manner following, 10 wit:— the s'on of thirty dollars and ihe interest for one year up­on the sum of two hundred and seven'y rive dollars on the first day of April, ISig. the sum of thirty dollars and the interest for one year upon the sum of one hundred aud liiiy-live dollars on the first day of April :KM>. and the hit-ther sum ot one hundred and twenty-live dollars ami the interest upon the same for one year on Ihe first »«ay of April isjtki; aud no suit at law having been instituted to recuvet said money or any part 'hereot. now therefore, by a power of sale contained in and recorded with said mortgage, aud in pursuance of statute in such case made and provided, the mortgaged prelnises described in said mortgage as follows, to wit : All tliat Certain piece or parcel of land in the town, of Bennington, county of A y-oming Stale of New York, being part of lot number eighi town line, fourth range; beginning thirty-six cnains twentv-seven links from the south west, comer of lot number eight, thence east scvehty-threc chains stxiy-three links'to the center of the Allegany road, ihence northerly a'ong the center of said road, six chains eighty three links, thence west 60venty-six chains sixiy-niue links lo the west line of said lot. ihence south five chains seventy-one links to the place of beginning, containing forty-four acres of land, he the same more or less, will be

D E N T I S T H....'BE.ISf.IS'

* *

WOULD announce to the citizens of Wa/saw J jwrt. Wyoming County, that he-has come]

o Warsaw to make it his permanent borne, ant is prepared to do all work in the line of Dentistry on the shortest notice.

Dr. B, hasspaied DO time nor money to mek' hi nisei I thoroughly ace uainted inall of the modern discoveries in the art, and to keep up with the times in all its various branches, and now holds bitnself-in readiness to make Plates from one tooth to a whole set, on gold or silver; and as for com­plete nese of workmanship aud durability, he wiUL give none the preference.

Dr, B. would say to those who are wearing parts, or whole sets of artificial teeth, and do not wear them with ease, if they will give htm a call he wilt make them what they should be. Teeth tilled with gold, silver, or amalgum. Particular attention paid to Children's teeth, and advice giv­en. N. B. All work warranted,

Office in Gould's Block, up stairs, directly op­posite Bingham's Hotel.

i D, M. B E N N E T T . Warsaw August 5th 1856.


S P R I N G D R Y G O O D S !


Elegance, Variety and Extent is unequaled. Buyers will Had it greatly to their advantage to give our stock a careful examination before purchasing,

Silks, Ginghams, Napkins, Shawls, Organdies, Clothing, Jackonels, Embroideries, Clot lies, Prints, Cassimeres, Laces, Challi es. Ribbons, Ves tinge, Barages, Hosiery, Shoes, DeLaines, Wall Paper, Linens,

B L A C K S I L K S , of the best known brands.

BEAUTIFUL MOIRE ANTIQUE, &.C. We invite special attention to these good

A. & G. W. FRANK. April 14, 1858.

•f ' C a r p e t s ! C a r p e l s ! ! «7f7E have still on hand a large assortment o VV CAKPKTS and OiL CLOTHS. We willsell

them at reduced rates to reduce the stock. ^__ jA. &-G. W. FRAHK.

s cii~cTd~L~~B doK~S7 I\lerchants supplied at regular Wholesale Prices, at W A L K E R ' S BOOK S T O R E .


Small Profits, Quick Sales, PROMPT P A Y f


J have, as usual, a very large slock of new Goods, bought low, and are prepared to

C ALL AT A L U S ' and look at bis Brown Sugars, just received .

FEW Setts left, of those nice morning collars and Sleeves, at ALMS'.

"•mTEhave , as usual, a very large stock of new


G R E A T B A R G A I N S ! 1 Every variety of

D R E S S G O O D S ! Beautiful Silks at low prices. Great assortment. Nioe Black


C/iallies, Barages,

Poplins, Organdies,

DeLaines, Prints,

Muslins, d'c, 8fc.,.$c

S H A W L S A N D M A N T I L L A a

N I C E S I L K , S T E L L A , C R A P E and other Shawls,

B e a u t i f u l M a n t i l l a s ^ r y cheap.

White Goods and Embroideries. The largest and best variety in Wyoming County. We always keep a large stock. Uuderhandker-chiefs. Sleeves. Collars, Hdkfa, &c.


Dress Triminiffgs & Bonnets.

CLOTHING A N D CLOTHS J Large Slock of both, and are prepared to manu­facture at all times any article of Clothing.

Trunks and Satchels^ B o o t s and Shoe*.

C ii^JR, I 3 E T 8 9 We have a room expressly for Carpets,

will give particular attentiion


R EAD A. & (i. Vf. FRANK'S advertisement and ca II and see their new goods.


SHERIFF SALB.—Supreme Court—Uriah Johnson, agamst Andrew Morgan aful Laura Morgan. In-i wile

and Timothy U. Morgan. IJy virtue of a judgment of Uie Supreme Oouri,.«(" 'lie rotate ol New York, entered aud tiled in the nerk's Otriee of Wyoming bounty, on the 'iOtli day of October, ii-jj, to me directed aud deliv­ered. I sliall sell at Public Auci ion at the Court House. ID liic village of Warsaw, m tlie County ot'-ffyoiniii!.', tn ihe bightst didder, on the "A>th day of June next, at Jo o'clock in the forenoon of that day. The following is a description of the moriagcd premises hereinbelore men­

tioned : . All that tractor parcel of land situate in the town of

Perry,and County of Wyoming, aud tfta'.eot New York, being parts of Great Lots, number fourteen and liittcu. of the North Ogdiu'tract, (so called) bounded as fal­lows, viz -. Begnimng in the center o! the highway lead­ing from -Covington Center to Perry Center, on'tin: south west comer ol laud owned by HaUal 'l\ Reed, thence easterly to the west line of the Gore, thence southerly iu ilic center of a road to the center of the old Itutlalo road, thenee west alongthe center of said road to the center of the aioresaid road leading from Covington iJenter to ferry Ceuter. thence northerly along the ecu ter of said road to the place of beginning, containing about three Iwnd-ed aud forty-one acres and n hah of land, more or less. Also another piece of laud situaie in the same tract above descrit ed. being a part ol lot No. 14, and hounded as follows : Beginning at a point which is iu the i itnh line otitic said lot, and in the cen­ter of a road, thence west along the north line of the Ut thirty-three chains and sixtv-six links to a post, thence south parallel to the subdivision line which is six chains and one li ok, west theicfrom nine chains and seventeen links to a post in the line oi' Lullicr l'hi.l;p's laud, thence east seveii cliains and twenty-eight links, thence south six chains and one liuK. ihence east t weiity nine chains and ninety-five links to the ceuter of the highway, thence along said road to the place of beein-iiiu-\ containing tifty acres of laud more or less. Also another parcel, being part of the aforesaid lot, No. 14, being part ot the fourth division of the fJgrten Tract.— Beginning at ihe north-wesi corner of said division, thence south niuechaius anil fifteen links, thence east sixchains and onehnk. thence north parallel to ihe first line nine chains and sixieen link*, thence west six chains and one link 10 the place ol beginning, containing five and a half acres of laud. Also another parcel ot land, part of lot No 14, on the same trac . bounded aa iol-lows, viz . Commencing at the north-east corner of subdivision lot No. 5 in the highway, from thence on ihe liorlh line of said subdivision, west six chains and fifty links, tnence south leu degree*, we*! five, chains, aud fifteen-lint's thence cast seven chains to the center of said highway, thence nor'herly along said highway to the place of beginning, containing three acres and sixty rods of land, be the same more or less.

N. U B V . A U Y , Jr. Sheriff. By J. DfJ'HiB, Under Slieiitf.

H . L , COMSTOCK, f l l f s . Atty. Dattdftlay II, It-oti.


O V U N E W G O O . U S ,

THE most elegant and well selected stock of iVEVV GOODb we ever received is now iu



S I L K S , S I L K S , S I L K S . r l V V O THOUSAND yarJs Sliks, all new JL Goods and new Styles, for sale o

G. H. JKNKIN'S Cash Stare.

U O V E R S E E D . — F i f t y bushels of th« small kiud, ior sale by A &. G.W. FKANK

ACE AND EMBROIDERED Window Curtains, from one shilling upwards.

A. &G. W. FRANK.



RENCH Emb'd Collars, French Emb'd aconet Setts, Linen Setts and Collars and

emb'd Undersleves at FRANK'S CHKAF STORE.

ERCHANTS'. M I M M - - - wiih ' SCHOOL BOOKSat New York City Prices for cash,

AT W A L K K R ' S B O O K S T O R K .

READY MADE CLOTHING. F you wish a nice suit for a very Tittle inone call at G. H. JKNKIN'S Cash Store.

COMBS, BRUSHES. SQAPS, COLOGNE and a variety of other articles sold at


JLi Ladies' cheap ! *

SHOES—the best assortment of Shoes tn town. Good shoes and

A. & G. W. FRANK.

r p H E best assortment of DRESS" GOODS' X Dress Trimmings, Fringes. Velvet Ribbons

Tassels, Buttons &c A. & G. W. FRANK.

PEARL CARD-CASESand Port-Monaies— a large and beautiful assortment just received


AC E& Embroidered WindowCnrtains.from lone^hilltngupwards,

A. * G. W . FRANK.

JET BRACELETTS and Necklaces, a new lot just received by J. W A T T S

FIERI FF'SSALE.—By virtue of one execution issued out of the Supreme Court of the State of New York,

to me directed aud delivered against the uewonaland real property of Richard Alverson. Allen L.-Dailey and William M. Wing. I have seized and taken all the inter­est of ench or either of said defendants of. in and to ihe following described real estate io wit •• All that tract <>r parcel df land situate in the town of Covington, County of VVycitiingni'd State of New York; and bounded i s follows: beginning at the comer of the Batavia road, in the village of Peoria, and at the north-east coiner of a lot of jland conveyed to John D. Fiasune. by Ar-temns B'ake and occupied as a wagon shop ; tlience run­ning south alongthe east line of said Frisurc*s lot, one hundred and twenty feet; thence east iliirivthree feet-, thence north one hundred and seven fret to tlie ceniei of the sak| road; thence mirlhwest along the center of the said road, thirty seven feet to ihe placr-of beginning, con-tainlnalfonrieen the same intreor less, which t shall sell at public auction at iheCouft House in ihe village of Warsaw, in the county of VVfomi rig on the Itlthldayni June luojclock in thf forenoon. quay Dated April Xi 1?5^ N. DEMARY Jr.. Sheriff,

Bv J. DODGE, Under Slier ill'. rtonforth & Terry, Attys.



Pursuant to an order of H . L Cotustofk.County Judge of Wyoming county, notice is hereby given to person^having ctaims or "demands against the estate of Elisha 4- Fierce, late of ihetown ofOastiie,iiisaid coun­ty, deceased,that ihey present the same witp vouchers therefor, at tbestore of J. It llalsteif. in the townofCas-tilc. in the countv of Wyoming,on or before the 15th day of May, IS38. Dated November lOih, 1?57.

JOHN B. H AI.STKD, Administrator. HANNAH H. PIERCE. Administratrix:

,V U i K . E TO CREDITORS.—WYOMING 0>1'NTY, ss i \ —Pursuant loan orderrif H. L. t'ouistoek. County Judge ot" Wyoming county, nonce is hereby |»ven to all persons having claims against the estate of Li ailorf Potter late of the town of Sheldon, in said countf of Wyo ming, deceased, thatthev present the same "tith vouch­ers therefor to Philo VV Potior, at his store in the town of Java onor before the -iOthday of Amrust IW. Dated February 10, I8«. PHILO W POTTER.<ptecutor.

H O R S E C H E S T N U T T R E E S . —A few at 25 cts. each. Enqoipeof

A. & G. W. FJtANK.

READ A. A G. W T F R A N K ' S advertisement and call ?ee and their new goods.

PAPER, ENVELOPES PENS, PENCILS, &.c., a large stock at,


sold at public auction at the dwelling house upon the said inortgased laiidon the ^4th day of June. 1338, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. Dated March •-£!, IS5P.

ELI AS r. HOLT. Assignee.

Q H E B I F F ' S SALE.—SUI-REME POURT. Wyoming IO County. James Gay ag't Franklin A. Daniels. Leon­ard A. Bachelder, Lovica Bachclder his wife, Ariemas Blake. Samuel Snow and Charles Forbes. By virtue of a judgment entered in the V\ yoming County Clerk's of­fice, in the above entitled action, on the 3th day of April Isrir1, to me directed and delivered. 1 shall cxpo.-e for sale, at public auction at the Court House, iu the village of Warsaw, ou Saturday, the 3t h day ol June. Hi o'­clock A. it/., ** All that trad or parcel of land, situate in the town of Covington,county of FFvoiuing and .-'tale of New-York being the lot containing the custom-flouring and saw-inills. situate in the village of Peoria, and bound­ed as follows, viz: beginning in the center of ihe Bata­via road, at the north-west corner of a lot of land con­veyed by Benjamin Alleu to James Gay, thence north­westerly along.the center of said road, two chains aud twenty-five links, thence south westerly, parallel with the west line of the said Allen lot. two chains and twen­ty-two liuks; thence south-easterly, parallel with the center of the said road two chains and twenty-nve links; thence northerly in the west line of the said Allen lot, two chains aud tweuty-two links to tlie place of begin­ning, containing one-half of an acre of land. Also all that tract or parcel of land situate in the town. County and state aforesaid, being in the village of Peoria, and bounded as follows, viz: beginning in the center of the Batavia road, at the north-west corner of a lot of land now owned by Susan S. Herrington. thence southwester­ly along the line of said Herringlon's lot, three chains and forty-eight links; thence north-westerly parallel to the said Batavia road, two chains and fifty four links to the east line Of a lot of laud conveyed to James Gay by lienjaijiin Allen, ihence north-easterly along the line oj the said Allen lot. tnree chains and foVtv-six links to the center of the said Batavia road; thence south-easterly along the center of said road three chains and forty-foin liuks to the place of beginning, containing one acre of land, be the same more or less. Also all that tract or par­cel of land situate iu the town, c u u t y and State afore­said, bounded as follows: beginning at fhe north-west' corner of the mill lot in the village of Peoriaand in the thecenterof the Batavir. road; thence north-westerly, along the center of said road to the north-east corner bf a lot of laud owned by Thomas Me Mann ; thence southerly along the east line of said McMann's kft /wo chains and ninety-eight links; thence tiortli-wlWwiljr, parallel to the said road, to the east line of land owned by Guthbert Guthery; thence southe ly, along Guthery's east line to land owned James Nobles; thence easterly, along Nobles' north l inetoas iake in the comer ofGor-dous and t'ooley's lotR; thence north-westerly to the south-west corner of the said Allen lot; thence northerly along the west line of the said Allen lot to the south-east corner of said mill lot; thence north-westerly, alohg the west line of said mill lot to the south-west corn°rof the same; thence north-easterly along the west line of said mill lot to the place of beginning, contai ning ten acres of laud, more or less." Dated Annlv.0 .1°3S. "

N. DEMARY, Jr., Sheriff. Comstock St Healy. Pl.tTs Atlys:

S U P R E M E COURT. —County of Wyoming. — T h e - Fanner's Loan and Trust Cotnpanv. against Joel S.

Smith, Thomas Hay and Magdalcua Hay, his wife. Ed­win L. Babbitt and Stephen D. Tabor, the Commission­ers for loaning certain moneys of the "'-•*—* the County of Wyoming, and mons for relief. To the a are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Tin Parmer's Loa.i and Trust Company, plaintiff, a copy n which was filed in the office of the Clerk, of the County of Wyoming. New York. May I3tb. H58, and to serve a cony of vour answer on the subscriber at Warsaw in Said County of Wyoming within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day Of ser­vice ; and if vou fail to answer said complaint as here-

, * y required, the plaintiff will apply to, the Conrt-for the ke l i e f demanded in the complaint. -

A W. WOOD, Pl'tns Atty. Warsaw. May M, 1833.

-Dcfiiul'. having been made in the payment of two hundred and seven dollars MORTGAGE SALE, the payment of l\t

and sixty-nine cents, claimed lo be due at the first publi­cation of ilus notice, upon a certain Mortgage bearing date the aid day ot January, is.>3. executed by William M. Totton to Andrew Cole,and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County of Wyoming in liber Iti of itforl-gaces at page ••&?}. which Mortgage has been duly as­signed by the said r'ole to the subscriber and saiu as­signment recorded iu the said (Jerk'soffice iu liber 4 of miscellaneous records at page yI and &2 Now, there­fore, notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a pow­er of sale contained in said Mortgage* and of the statute in such case made and provided, the premises described in and conveyed by said Mortgage, to wit : All that tr.ict or parcel of land situaie in the town of Castile. Wyo­ming County and Slate of New York, being part of lot number seventeen of Elisha Johnson's subdivision of the Cottringer tract, and bounded as follow : Begi.i-ning at a stake standing in the center of the Allegany road, thirteen rods north of twenty-two degrees fifty minutes east of the south line of said lot, thence run­ning east twenty-two degrees fifty minutes south, three chains and thirty-three links, thence north twenty-two degrees fifty minutes cast, three chains, thence west twenty-two degrees fifty minutes north.-three chains thirty-ihree iinks to the center of the AWegany'road, thence south alongthe center of said road to the place of beginning, containing one acre of land and no more, Will be sold at Public Auction at Fa*mini's hotel, iu the vilage of Castile, County of Wyoming, ou Wednesday ihe I Ith day of August, 1838, at 10 o'clock in Hie forenoon of

that day. J. B. HALSTEAD.

Assignee of Mortgage. H . W . S M I T H . Atty,

Dated May 3. Ie58.

per W ney

IFF SALE.—Supreme Cohrt—Harvey Hotch-i against Esther Ann Carr, Livingston Cair, Cas-Fay, John W. Whitney and Elizabeth Ann Whit-

business , vou buv.

and to this branch of

Examine our stock, without fail before Also,

O l l i C L O T H S ,

W A L L P M A T T 8 , A c .

A P E R , .


A large6tock, very cheap. We cannot enumerate at length, but would ask

ALL IN WANT OF GOODS *o examine our stock and prices, satisfied that we can offer inducements superior to any other es­tablishment in Wyoming County.

A . A <;. \ V . F K A N K .

tiieat Improvement in Dent is! ry I D f l J . J . R A K E C O I V S

S now constructing solid enificial teeth on a platinum basf, which far surpt'ss in beaun and . .

utility any hitherto in use. 'Ihe superiority, ot • • this style of teeth over all oihers fonsists first, in*' • • the entire piece—the teeih, plate : t t ; t. 'being *A

P E R F E e f l t Y S O L i D * and pure as the finest china, and as easily, kep * < clean and sweet—admitting not a particle of food , ' or saliva between the teeth, or belween the leeth • , and plate, and therefore cm not become unwhole-* m some or tend, Second, the gums may be

Carved to any Tnickness or Form,

and colored any desirable shade, so as to restore most perfectly (he natural fullness any symmetri­cal expression of Hie lips and cheek?

Specimens of this most beautifn work, which fuliy recommends itsell at *-ighi, can be seen at his office in Park's block.

He is alse constructing Teeth on the Cheoplaa-lie process, which is giving univer nl saiislaction.

Teeih made on the old plan, of Gold or Silver, when called lor.

ILTTeeth extracted without pain, by the be­numbing process. n2 tf -


WE have OE band a large quantity and va rietv of

T K tlTRTp-, - V - A L I S F ^ , Satchels for Ladies Sf Gentlemeni^fcrtr

eling Bags, Carpel Bags, $c., $c. A I M , T O 1515 M I I > I > L O W . Some very nice slylesof Trunks. A very nica

Trunk for Ladies. Some very ice Valises oft theGentlemen. Onr gentleman's Satchels are

Unusually Pretty, Also Umbrellas, Glares, Hosiery, Boats, R*b»

bars, Sfc, SfC. A. & G. W. FRAlfcK.

W A R S A W .


BRECK, GATES & flURDS'! LET Olivers do the boasting ; when you want

to buy GOOD GOODS CHEAP, cation us. BRECK, GATES & H U R D S ' . • Mav 18th 1857.

WAEL PAPER, BORDERS, . Curtain Paper, Window Shaders Curtain

Rollers, Co-ds and Tassels Gilt Win­dow Cornices, Curtain Loops, and

Bands, Fire Board Prints, A c , &-C &c-, for Sale at

WALKER'S BOOKSTORE. 2doors South of Hank, Main St.Warsaw, N Y

SILKS.—Every width style and variety, Cheap— Cke&m— CHKAF

A . & f . . W . T R m


HATS—i We are selling splendid HaU. - •--A -A Of™! fnatim.

UPERIOR Canton Flannel, at

United States of .._ .,. Abraham Spoor, guni-To ihe above named defendants. You

of The f

A M I S ' .

SUPREJV/E COURT. Coomnr #r ITTomna.—Jofhua D. Nichols ag'st Afonroe I. Skinner. John Francisco.

i Daniel D. Howe. Philander Cook. To Daniel D. Howe defendant. Yon are herebv summoned io answer the com­plaint of Joshua D. Nichols, plaint iff. a copv of which wsa filed in the JFyorniOR County Clerk's office on the 5ih daw of April \CiSa and sesve aeopy ofywar anawerna tne subscriber at his office in tne town of Cnioa, ^Tyo-mipg Coumy N. Y. wi'hin tweity days after the service of this summons, exclusive Of the day of service, or rhe nlaioUff will .ipply to the court for the relief demanded in ihe Ceaajiiiot. i-EVABETT SPRING, Pl'fft Att'y.

By virtue of a judgment of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, entered and filed in tne Klerk's Of­fice of WyomiHgCourtty,on Hie 4th day of May, ls.>9, to me directed and delivered. I shall sell at Public Auc-lion, at the Court House in the village of Warsaw, iu the County of Wyoming, to the highest bidder, ou the 23d day of June next, ai 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day. the following described mnrtaged premises, and described in said Mortgage as follows:

All that tract or parcel of land situate in the town of Orangeville, in the County of Wyoming, and State of New JYork,. beirig' the north-west part of lot number seventeen in the ninth township, and second range of townships, and bounded as follows, to wi t : Beginning at the north-west c»mer of said lot. thence south on the west line of said lot tbirly-six chains and eighty links to a stake, thence east parallel with the north line of said (ot seventeen chains mid sixty I nks.ihence north one chain and twenty-eight links, thence east parallel with the north line of said lot teu chains and thirty-seven links, thence north parallel with the west line thirtyrfivechains and ?ixty-nine links to the north line of said lot. thence west on the north line of said lot twenty-seven chains and eighty.three link%to the place of beginning, containing one hundred and one and a half acres of land be the same more or less.

N. DEMARY. Jr., Sheriff. By J. DODGE. Under Sheriff.

F. C. D. McKAY, Atty. Dated Afay II. I r ^ .


TEACHERS and Parents, land Pej dkrsand Book-buyer*- in general are invite

to call at W a r s a w B o o k s t o r e , nearthe come of Main and Buffalo-sts. and procure their sujp y of School Books. L. E. WALKKK.

Ladies Embroidered Collars!

W E have the largest assortment in Wyo ming Co., and at such pi ice* as most sel Some very nice. Also Emb'd Edging

A. &. G. W . F a a n n . them. S and Insertions.

At N E W Q O O D S

the Rochester Cheap Store at prices entirely below all competition, just re ceived. Those who have CASH to pav for good can save money by examiner my stock before por-chasng elsewhere. AH are invited to call and see for themselves. MATSO» OTI».

C L O T H I N G ! ^ E have now our FALL CLOTHING

prepared to offer our customers. CHEAP! CHE API I CHEAP IV.



OtTPREME COURT.—County of Wyoming. Tooker *>-> Wygnnt ag'st Michael .Sullivan. To Michael Sullivan. defendant. You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Tooker Wygant. plaintiff, a copy of which was filed in the clerk's office of Wyoming County on the 5th day ot April 1858 and serve a copy of your answer on the sutiscnl er at his office in China in ihe said county of Wyoming within twenty days after the service of this summons exclusive of ihe day of service or the plaintiff will take jurlgcuient against you for one hundred and fifty dollars with interest from the *>th day of November 1856 besides casts. 06 LEVERETT SPRING. PHP's Att'y.

SH A W L S ! Brocha. Lang, Wool, Black Silk, Stella, Misses Wool loofMheiraesort-

mentis targe. A . & G . W , F » w i . Warsaw, -

1,500 Pair of Boots and Shoes.

In all the various styles for Ladies and Genti men, Calf Kip and Stops Boots, warranted

G. H, Jrsaia's Cash Store.

NOTICE TO CRE1MTOBS.—WYOMING COUNTY, ss. Pursuant to an order of U. L. Comstock. County

Judge of Wyouiiug County, notice is hereby given lo all persons having claims or demands against tbr —•-«- «r John R. Prerca. late of the town ofCasUle, in t ty, deceased, that they present the same with therefor, at the store of John B. Halned.iitfiU

»-tite. in the county ol Wyoming, on or hefo

Judge of Wyouiiug persons having claims or demands against the estate of John It. Prerca. late of the town ofCasUle, in said coun-

^ ^ ^ ^ ™ ***~ -——with vouchers

£be town of retbeliih

day of May, 1658. bated ftfrngabeM I th 1857.

VEi EL VET Bibbons, all widths, just received A L U S ' .


ED BLANKETS E! very styls. • / Wo* Bed blankets. A.& G. W. F«AKK.

ATT1NG—nice AT fttta-K*.

35 «IR

H**HA« H. PIBBCB, Administratrix. Joux B, HALSTC», Admtnistrator.

T ADIES* CLOAKS M JTslARK't. Untitled Document

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