toeic vocabulary - secrets revealed dec 16.11.2v

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  • 8/11/2019 TOEIC Vocabulary - Secrets Revealed Dec 16.11.2v


    Copyright 2011 Lexxica

    Guy Cihi and Brent Culligan

    TOEIC VocabularySecrets Revealed

    Dec 2011

    Lexxica Corporation2-7-8 Shibuya 5FShibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0002

    [email protected]

  • 8/11/2019 TOEIC Vocabulary - Secrets Revealed Dec 16.11.2v


    Corpus analysis reveals that 1/3

    of the words in all parts of everyTOEIC test are NOT commonwords in general English.

    TOEIC versus General English

    Copyright 2011 Lexxica

  • 8/11/2019 TOEIC Vocabulary - Secrets Revealed Dec 16.11.2v


    Students who study with traditional

    4-skills textbooks and readers willnot develop fluency for 33% of theHigh-Frequency words thatcommonly occur on every TOEIC.

    What does this mean?

    Copyright 2011 Lexxica

  • 8/11/2019 TOEIC Vocabulary - Secrets Revealed Dec 16.11.2v


    312,500 words (25%) are from

    actual TOEIC tests

    937,500 words (75%) are fromhigh quality practice tests

    Our TOEIC Corpus Analysis

    Copyright 2011 Lexxica

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    Our TOEIC Corpus Analysis

    1,250,000 total words

    14,652 different words

    Copyright 2011 Lexxica

  • 8/11/2019 TOEIC Vocabulary - Secrets Revealed Dec 16.11.2v


    Just 6,480 different words

    constitute 99% of allword occurrences.

    Copyright 2011 Lexxica

    Our TOEIC Corpus Analysis

  • 8/11/2019 TOEIC Vocabulary - Secrets Revealed Dec 16.11.2v


    982 different words constitute90% of all word occurrences.

    These 982 words are the absolutelyessential Super-High-Frequency

    words of TOEIC.

    Copyright 2011 Lexxica

    Our TOEIC Corpus Analysis

  • 8/11/2019 TOEIC Vocabulary - Secrets Revealed Dec 16.11.2v


    Examples: lettersA


    G 35

    TOEIC General

    A a a

    ability abandon

    able ability

    aboard able

    about about

    above above

    abroad abroad

    absence absence

    absent absolute

    absolutely absolutely

    abstract absorb

    accept abuse

    acceptable academic

    acceptance accept

    TOEIC General

    G gain gain

    gallery gall

    gallon + + game

    game gap

    garage garage

    garbage garden

    garden gas

    gardener gastric

    gas gate

    gasoline gather

    gate gaze

    gather gear

    gender gene

    general general

    27% of high frequencyA

    words are exclusive

    to TOEIC

    33% of high frequencyG

    words are exclusive

    to TOEIC

    Frequent only in the TOEIC corpus.

    Frequent only in the General corpus.

    Note: The general corpus used for comparison contains one billion words from all genres.

  • 8/11/2019 TOEIC Vocabulary - Secrets Revealed Dec 16.11.2v


    TOEIC is an Item Response TheoryProficiency Test not an English

    ability diagnostic test.

    Students are not scored for theirEnglish language ability.

    Students are scored along a bell-curve againstthe relative abilities of other students.

    Copyright 2011 Lexxica

    TOEIC: Esoteric Facts 1

  • 8/11/2019 TOEIC Vocabulary - Secrets Revealed Dec 16.11.2v


    Without difficult Items, Education Testing ServiceETS,would be unable to maintain its bell-curveand generate accurate scores.

    ETS uses difficult vocabulary and third or fourthdefinitions to create difficult Items.

    Copyright 2011 Lexxica

    TOEIC: Esoteric Facts 2

  • 8/11/2019 TOEIC Vocabulary - Secrets Revealed Dec 16.11.2v


    ETS must regularly recycle TOEIC questionsor their IRT scoring system will not work.

    New TOEIC questions are written by a smallteam with low turnover amongst the members.

    TOEIC high-frequency vocabularyis regular and predictable.

    Copyright 2011 Lexxica

    TOEIC: Esoteric Facts 3

  • 8/11/2019 TOEIC Vocabulary - Secrets Revealed Dec 16.11.2v


    ETS has never, and likely will never, issue a vocabularyguide for any of its major tests including: TOEIC,TOEFL, SAT and GRE.

    Why?Because obscure vocabulary is the most reliable wayfor the test authors to create the difficult questionsthat are required to generate accurate scores along

    a bell curve.

    Copyright 2011 Lexxica

    TOEIC: Esoteric Facts 4

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    Copyright 2011 Lexxica

    Our Solution

    High speed learning system

  • 8/11/2019 TOEIC Vocabulary - Secrets Revealed Dec 16.11.2v


    Copyright 2011 Lexxica

    Learn 3.5 new TOEIC words per minute

    Plus: iPhone

    app coming

    April 2012

  • 8/11/2019 TOEIC Vocabulary - Secrets Revealed Dec 16.11.2v


    Copyright 2011 Lexxica

    High Difficulty (Not well-known)

    A scatter plot of TOEIC vocabulary



    Low Difficulty (Well-known)

    Each dot represents one high frequency word in the TOEIC domain Difficulty statistics are calculated by Lexxicas patented technical system

  • 8/11/2019 TOEIC Vocabulary - Secrets Revealed Dec 16.11.2v


    Copyright 2011 Lexxica


    fill up

    V-Checkfinds MYstarting




    99% coverage point

    Patented test identifies each users

    known and unknown TOEIC words

    Student does notneed to learn

    these words for


    Student alreadyknows theseTOEIC words.

    Student knows thesewords, but does not

    need them for TOEIC.

    Student does notknow these wordsand needs to learnthem for TOEIC.

  • 8/11/2019 TOEIC Vocabulary - Secrets Revealed Dec 16.11.2v


    Copyright 2011 Lexxica


    fill up

    V-Checkfinds MYstarting




    Patented test identifies each users

    known and unknown TOEIC words

    Student does notneed to learn

    these words for


    Student alreadyknows theseTOEIC words.

    Student knows thesewords, but does not

    need them for TOEIC.

    Student does notknow these wordsand needs to learnthem for TOEIC.

    With Word Engine, no time

    is wasted studying words

    that are already known.

    University studies show

    that Word Engine quickly

    increases test scores.

  • 8/11/2019 TOEIC Vocabulary - Secrets Revealed Dec 16.11.2v


    Quiz Generator allows teachers toconfirm that students are retainingtheir new TOEIC vocabulary

    Copyright 2011 Lexxica

    Menu offers six types of quizzes.

  • 8/11/2019 TOEIC Vocabulary - Secrets Revealed Dec 16.11.2v


    Some of our notable clients

  • 8/11/2019 TOEIC Vocabulary - Secrets Revealed Dec 16.11.2v


    Copyright 2011 Lexxica

    Guy CihiLexxica Corporation2-7-8 Shibuya 5FShibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0002

    [email protected]

    For more information contact:

    TOEIC VocabularySecrets Revealed