toefl テスト特別授業 『英語で学ぶチカラ』 が拓 …more important than excellent...

APU & TOEFL 日本事務局 CIEE 共催 ETS TOEFL 公認トレーナー 立命館アジア太平洋大学 教育開発学修支援センター 五十峰 聖 Sei Isomine 中高生・大学生・英語学習者対象 ~ TOEFL ® テスト特別授業 ~ 『英語で学ぶチカラ』 が拓く未来 August 8th, 2020 10:30 – 12:00

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Page 1: TOEFL テスト特別授業 『英語で学ぶチカラ』 が拓 …more important than excellent knowledge of the subject being taught for a teacher. There are several reasons why

APU & TOEFL 日本事務局 CIEE 共催

ETS TOEFL公認トレーナー

立命館アジア太平洋大学 教育開発学修支援センター

五十峰 聖 Sei Isomine

中高生 ・大学生 ・英語学習者対象




August 8th, 2020

10:30 – 12:00

Page 2: TOEFL テスト特別授業 『英語で学ぶチカラ』 が拓 …more important than excellent knowledge of the subject being taught for a teacher. There are several reasons why



1) 大学入試、大学、留学、海外進学で必要となる英語力を確認しよう

(文科省 HP より一部抜粋

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2) 4技能(Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing)の問題を体験してみよう

TOEFL iBT® Listening

Narrator Listen to part of conversation between a student and a professor:

Q1. Why does the woman go to see her professor?

a. To get materials for a class she missed

b. To discuss an assignment she is working on

c. To ask a question about a video her class recently watched

d. To inform the professor of changes in her schedule

Q2. Why does the professor change his mind about when he will lend the woman the video?

a. He remembers that he does not have the video in his office.

b. He realizes that the woman does not have a VCR.

c. He is worried that he will not have the video back in time for his class.

d. He realizes that he will not need the video until the following week.

Q3. Why will the woman stop by the professor’s office on Friday morning?

a. To return the video to the professor

b. To get the video from the professor

c. To hand in an assignment to the professor

d. To discuss the handouts with the professor

Q4. Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.

Why does the professor say this:

a. To indicate that he is not concerned about the woman’s absence

b. To assure the woman that her absence will not affect her grade

c. To indicate that he has finished discussing the woman’s absence

d. To encourage the woman to explain why she was absent

Q5. Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.

What can be inferred about the professor?

a. He is not planning to talk about the handouts now.

b. He expects the woman to respond to questions in the handouts.

c. He is concerned that the handouts may be difficult to understand.

d. He is not sure if he has the handouts the woman needs.

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Sample Replay Questions


1. 【researchで困っている学生に対して】

Professor: “You mean you can’t find resources about bird migration…?”

2. 【大学のプールの利用が無料ではないことを告げられた学生が】

Student: “But I mean, look at all these people swimming. What about them?”

University Staff: “Well, they are taking a swimming class - that’s a different story.”

3. 【Lecture 中に必要な用語がでてきた時に】

Professor: “I don’t have to spell that out for you, do I?”

4. 【study groupの日程調整をしている時に】

Student: I wish I could say another time is OK, but you know how things are....”

5. 【Lecture 中に少し話題がずれて】

Professor: “We’re getting ahead of ourselves here.”

TOEFL iBT® Reading

The diffusion of agriculture and later of iron was accompanied by a great movement of people who may have

carried these innovations. These people probably originated in eastern Nigeria. [A] Their migration may

have been set in motion by an increase in population caused by a movement of peoples (Q1) fleeing the

desiccation, or drying up, of the Sahara. [B] They spoke a language, proto-Bantu (“bantu” means “the

people”), which is the parent tongue of a large number of Bantu languages still spoken throughout sub-

Saharan Africa. Why and how these people spread out into central and southern Africa remains a mystery,

but archaeologists believe that their iron weapons allowed them to conquer their hunting-gathering

opponents, who still used stone implements. [C] Still, the process is uncertain, and peaceful migration—or

simply rapid demographic growth—may have also caused the Bantu explosion. [D]

Q1. The word “fleeing” in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) afraid of (B) displaced by (C) running away from (D) responding to

Q2. The following sentence is missing from the paragraph.

These people had a significant linguistic impact on the continent as well.

Where would the sentence best fit (A, B, C, or D) in the paragraph?

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TOEFL iBT® Speaking

Task 1: Independent Task

Q. Some students would prefer to live with roommates. Others would prefer to live alone.

Which opinion would you prefer and why?

Preparation Time: 15 seconds

Response Time: 45 seconds

(The Official Guide to the TOEFL Test, 5th edition, p.366)

Task 2: Integrated Task

The Northfield College Student Association recently decided to make a new purchase. Read the

following announcement in the college newspaper about the decision. (Reading time: 45 seconds)

Good News for Movie Fans

The Student Association has just purchased a new sound system for the Old Lincoln Hall auditorium,

the place where movies on campus are currently shown. By installing the new sound system, the

Student Association hopes to attract more students to the movies and increase ticket sales. Before

making the purchase of the new equipment, the Student Association conducted a survey on campus to

see what kind of entertainment students liked best. Going to the movies ranked number one. "Students

at Northfield College love going to the movies," said the president of the Student Association, "so we

decided to make what they already love even better. We're confident that the investment into the sound

system will translate into increased ticket sales."

(TOEFL Test Prep Planner, p.61)

Now listen to two students as they discuss the announcement:

Question: The man expresses his opinion of the Student Association's recent purchase. State his opinion

and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

Preparation Time: 30 seconds

Response Time: 60 seconds

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TOEFL iBT® Writing

Independent Task

Sample Question 1

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

A teacher’s ability to relate well with students is more important than excellent

knowledge of the subject being taught.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Be sure to use your own words. Do NOT

use memorized examples.

(TOEFL Test Prep Planner, p.67)

Sample Question 2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Television advertising directed toward young children (aged two to five) should not be


Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

(TOEFL Quick Prep Vol.2, p.33)

Sample Question 3

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is more important for students to understand ideas and concepts than it is for them

to learn facts.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

(TOEFL Quick Prep Vol.4, p.25)

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Sample Question 1- Sample Response (SCORE 4)

I disagree with the idea that the possessing the ability to relate well with student is

more important than excellent knowledge of the subject being taught for a teacher. There

are several reasons why I disagree with that idea.

First, teachers’ job is to educate their student with their knowledge. The ability to

relate well with their student is something a counselor should possess, not a teacher.

That’s why the board of education gives an award to a teacher with an excellent

knowledge of the subject they teach. Teachers who can get along with their students but

have no knowledge can be popular and be liked by his or her students, however I don’t

consider a teacher with no knowledge a good teacher.

Second, Students go to schools because they want to learn knowledge from their

teachers not to get along with their teachers. I knew a math teacher who was well known

among other mathematics teachers. Some students always complained how he never

entertains his students which made many of his students to fall asleep. Nevertheless, all

of his classes were all full even before the semester began because many students who

were eager to learn already booked in. He won the Apples prize (it’s given to a noticed

teacher annually) a couple of times and that enabled students to firmly believe in his way

of teaching.

Thirdly, teachers are responsible for conceding their knowledge to their next

generation. Teachers already had an experience of getting advantaged education from

college. Teachers should not let that privilege become useless and workless. We all learn

because we want to become the better person that this world needs. Students will also

eventually grow up to be influencing other people and teachers should volunteerily be their

students’ role models.

For conclusion, I think the most important quality a teacher must have is an

excellent knowledge of the subject they teach, not an ability to relate well with their

students. (326 words)

(TOEFL Test Prep Planner, p.73)

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3) 明日からはじめる勉強方法を学ぼう

1. Listening

音声練習1: スラッシュリーディング・サイト・トランスレーション

目的: 「英語を前から読む」

効用: ・ 話し手(もしくは筆者)と同じ思考プロセスをたどることになり、理解度が増す

・ 読む速度が速くなる

・ 聞く速度が速くなる

方法: ・ 意味の区切りごとにスラッシュ(/)を入れる。

・ 文の構造(=5文型)をつかみながら、この「区切り」ごとに音読し、独立した意味をとる。

・ スラッシュごとに、即座に口頭でスラッシュ内を訳す

・ その際、変な日本語になって構わない

・ 多少前後して補足してもOKだが、できるだけスラッシュ内にとどまる

・ 主語はどれ、動詞はどれ、目的語は、補語は、残りの言葉はどうつながるのか、を意識する

・ 「いつ?」「誰が?」「なんで?」「どうやって?」などの情報を探しつつ読む。


音声練習2: 暗唱

目的: 英文の吸収・溜め込み

効用: 短期記憶の向上、英語フレーズの増強

方法: “Read and Look up”

- まずスラッシュを音読する(read)

- 目を上げ、テキストを見ないでそのスラッシュを口で暗唱する

- 暗唱できたら次のスラッシュへ移行、詰まったり忘れたりしたらもう一度見て音読、暗唱の繰り返し

音声練習 3: Repeating

目的: 英語の吸収、短期記憶の向上

効用: 理解が速くなる、残像を残せる


- テキストを見ない(慣れるまでは見ても良いが、できるだけ見ない努力をする)

- 音声を途中で止め(配信音声がある場合はそれを利用して)、即座に口頭で repeatする

- 飛んでしまっても構わないので、先に進む

- 比較的体力を使うので、1回のリミットを決めておく(5分まで、第一段落だけ、など)

- 特に repeat しにくい部分を、テキストを見て暗唱しなおす

2. Reading


まずは TOEFL レベルの題材の単語を確実に!

a. 基本動詞とその用法を各センテンスごとに必ずチェック

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b. アカデミック用語(分野別に単語帳を作ると良い)

c. 個人で単語学習を進めたい人は、必ず以下のようなものを選ぶ

- 例文があるもの

- 文章(パラグラフ程度)になっているアカデミックなもの

- 音声(CD/ダウンロード)がついているもの


a) 1ヶ月に1冊ペーパーバックを読破する!

b) 単語などわからないまま飛ばして構わない。話をある程度想像しながら、とにかく進む。

c) かっこつけて難しいものを選ぶより、自分の好きなジャンル・作家などにする。



Audio Transcript

Listening - conversation

Woman: Hi, Professor Johnson.

Professor: Hi, Anna. What can I do for you?

Woman: Remember I e-mailed you about getting the handouts from the class I missed the

other day? And you said I could stop by and pick them up today.

Professor: Oh, that’s right. You know, that’s the fourth class you’ve missed this semester, and

that’s not doing your grade any good. I assume you had a good reason for being out?

Woman: I know, I really hated to miss another class. But I had the flu and I could hardly get out

of bed. That’ll be the last class I miss, though, I promise.

Professor: Okay. So how are you feeling now? Are you all recovered?

Woman: Well, I’m still not quite a hundred percent, but I’m feeling much better than I did a few

days ago.

Professor: Well, that’s good. Okay, uh…m, oh, yes, the handouts. There were three of them, and

I’ll get those for you in just a minute. They are pretty self-explanatory, but if you have

any questions, just send me an e-mail ---

Woman: Okay.

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Professor: --- but

Woman: Thank you.

Professor: Sure. Uh, but we also watched a video, and we’ll be having an essay question about

it on the next exam. So, uh…do you have a VCR at home?

Woman: Actually, I don’t. But I do have access to one.

Professor: Okay, well, I can lend it to you, but the only thing is you’d have to watch it tonight and

get it back to me early tomorrow, because I’m going to be showing it in the other

section of that class tomorrow afternoon.

Woman: That’ll be great.

Professor: But you’ll REALLY have to get it back to me tomorrow before my class.

Woman: No problem. I can drop it off first thing in the morning, if you’d like.

Professor: Okay…you know what? How about if we do it this way: I’ll keep it for now, and show it

in my class tomorrow, and then you can drop by here and pick it up on Friday

morning, and keep it for the whole weekend. And just bring it with you when you

come to class next week. How does that sound? Uh…then you’ll have a couple of

days to watch it, and you won’t have to worry about getting it back here tomorrow.

Woman: Let’s see…Friday morning…oh, yeah, that’ll work.

Professor: Excellent. I’ll be here from about 10 to 11:30.

Woman: Great. I’ll see you then.

Professor: Ah, just a second. Let me get you those handouts.

Woman: Oh, yeah. Thank you.

Speaking – Task 2

(Male student) I really think the Student Association made a bad decision.

(Female student) Really? Why? Don’t you like going to the movies?

(Male student) Sure I do. But this new purchase is just a waste of money.

(Female student) What do you mean? It’s supposed to sound really good.

(Male student) Yeah, well, I’m sure it does, but, in Old Lincoln Hall? I mean that building

must be 200 years old! It used to be the college gym! The acoustics are terrible.

(Female student) So you’re saying there’ll be no improvement?

(Male student) That’s right. And also, I seriously doubt that going to the movies is the

number one social activity for most students.

(Female student) Yeah, but that’s what students said.

(Male student) Well, of course that’s what they said. What else is there to do on campus?

(Female student) What do you mean?

(Male student) I mean, there isn’t much to do on campus besides go to the movies. If there

were other forms of, uh recreation, or other social activities, you know, I don’t think

most students would have said that going to the movies was their first choice.