toe american association. mrsherman ohio. pcblio … · i-pv-ti.. ¦. ii:i_ io seeveal (oreel ares;...

TOE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. PCBLIO DfTCKSST rXAl.ATr.D. rt.;V i .rHUfSB i.KfV'.vi t> i i;..\i tm: nniT- ,,. .- ., moa. 'in- ci nv ui'-N ii luann errt v..¦¦ y kW mm Ii-TIIK T- t'..Illi.\r BIBED, AM) MICH CIXKRAI. r:--l\i-. - a iH'iatioii eotitinaefl ka ttj* ^.jv-, | . hospitality la Pestes-. It reeei.ed . -,.. j i fihle taeaaage from the British ip in reeponefl te tko e-tutgratalatori ,..,,. | - at. In tit* iroiu ral ._*_ m ia - c iiiltiViifioii ol ltrlicrau'l t'ii eol- ,. i it .1 -ta! sn,-- w.r,. K-uil. It, the j^ti ).,s the ;oi'opho:ie was deeeribed* and matti 1 i1 .peta were read. Tin: liri ll DATS __ES8I05, gaaTiT. aa iuccbbb a _n_TBD~_j_u_u_, m__n- i ii rrtns hopi \.-i t> at aoatox. ipmu vl oaaaaaeoaassarr ea twa Taraeaa.] .. iH> .The safir eas nf tina Hooting of t . ., -.ii aBBaied. lina is ¦ ii'iii'-- ead varied ebon tr of I .if.I. hal .1 ii !.. thc ...'rai raman I tho beal eotaartttae, waieh have been I the bowndlesa ooartaay aad hespitaliti 0l tim "til.- cf Boat ea sad tta riciorty. Bo muili baa leen deas ami arraagod to be,;, .. -for the of the vi-it:n._ mein- sd tejaatify lea lufcuaee that every- t'tiii--' laeansu atsd to the one ahj . t of pl- i- ¦ the tamala To w* ar one of thc _...;,icu ' yellow badges af tbs aaaaeiataoa is tesoesiTa ottea- t- tarter aiteattoaathaitaoa* i - I leas, ..s-.l> nt. A m. mo r ot the BM I ation, from New-York, who is n :.i ni rn a very mild Way, weat into I barker saep oa Tre-ioot-st. on Batnrday. H's '''1 ibo notice of his barber, who at on ¦« pin iged into an a'armin, dtaeaei t ol >vo u'.ifn. aad attoeked I:oi,'ss..r .\h-x- .>_<!. r.',. is-ia tor the allaaioaa hs sasda la ala lao* t rotgi i? to the hasty eoaelo- i rwia awi Boxley. Thi-extraordinary har* i >n anea tbe goon t!i'-1" Cobbi whoa bil victim, who feared to ¦'.ik'br to.-; t Ida raff, and ereaSod a sn i ncident illaatratea well the toter- ,-. .1 ¦> a the P-oeeediaga af tbe ! : bis 'a' ns tah n to . ta mee I .-::¦' i-xteridtd to the r -f that i- appal _ ¦¦'..¦¦ _ro_ t .a crifa!i Academy of A fejeiem baeetta Ihs- i Society, tho Boa Roeioty ol Natural Society ot DeooratiTs tit, the in of Narara] Hi-:..ry. the -arv tbs Athenenm L;- . . gi the i I, thc Metrt. Baroaa, Tuft's CoUege> tbs Vi i .; the Oi.l Booth, aad i 1 Buttes boa loft nothing un- , f.) tbs pl. aa ure ras s] .' outside of \. ¦¦ rs, in"-t ot whom m.-nt to by a a auaitt* t .fc I- : Essex Ins, A .. '.A.'i other i' Interest 5 o'clock * wa Kern wood, v, bera : i re received bs- s. ____Ucott Peabody. ..I. reaorta of Cape Ann, i ra weat to liarblehead Neck, sad I ti..- fanrrai : id iV. in. -I-.'.- will bo devoted to pa¬ pa '.--... .:it;o;i will ai'.journ on Brsday in r inganexeura id party ¦.:..... psiaona will sturt tor ii-, wh le the otb r* have inv Ito attend au archery tournament ol I:-.. J. whiohUovernor Lone will be p pparent dra* back i" uh i ._*. When . md sub-eecti ms then . ._-- Ul pl op 11 ob at (Hil a ia \ arion I er of -Bombi there re be. q : many who-, i-inji ie appears to bi ti bear who, there* : v going from room roro.u;. e of both ipi a in Ilunt- I'clock. A nmabor of new id ( selected tor the ia _: in- eting "l" i .in ou 17,1881. Im : ? and the (.'itv ol 1 ontn al, for a meetiag of tbe Isonrlatl n in th .-. p aces. Ins 1 - red: -:. ..'. eomptottaglts flt'eentii y(,r returni thant ratnhttloni to its brother _- a i-i.K. poa roai ai cxtlt-aa. ¦i-iiits' to memorialise Congress ami Legii itaies re lardi . tbs enlttvarttoa ' ot throagh Dr. Franklin B. Bo 1 IS a York. Tbe e port a a - aceon itt of a -Beaiorial to tbe following efl lal tai it eattos of Sta t ne amat and lasrsaans importaaee of provld -inti.>t. : : .ti I tt.t* 'i- i indi..' ' be eoaatrv atolnirl n- h ¦!(* iur.n'i-ui"'i' ". measures teuding t..a i i:-.e nod propel saaiutenaiieeofooi tiuit. ply ; ll betas ev__eal t...»t Me foreel* of Um t. .elng .-.-I aad wast*, ha u maehgtcatat c bair rsst-soUos by Barara, srowth. mmi les reeomme ult a law to protect trees rhg Mai- aad t.. saeoorace .neb plant* d-dion* from highway toaas; alao tha ps . that shall soi mut from taxation the lucre;,-.- v_;u- of .und arising the ; ; of tl.fl When Dune Wen _rowiu_ v i-ui.iy ai>:>en: i.ri.j.t-r.ut-uiitii-'.tue profit ma. .. i ...-.. i rr om plant attona j by anpropt.tioaa i t a. mu un ni oil horiifiiiiuril aocietlaa, t.. b* appin us ir. in u as fr Iree-planttna, ami tor pri.-- ,.¦ ins i-f.-t ?-»-irs ate! r. i-.fts apon laldaets ol an reat-eoltare; by Bneoaraglag edneational in-t utiuni ii. latrodaes eaanea of instruction bar:n_ refstsaes to prac-tiesl iilvi.iiitiir.- I- ¦. ii:i_ io seeveal (oreel ares; bj ImposlDg pV-ti.. ic ,-: wi tm ascatclasa s. ;t.i aol saeb fire*. BBS enlarging sod aaUalac the powers of oca otfleert i- .,; es .net ii sdaptlas meaaataa for ¦opp. dh iiiein; try ratabuahtog andat tavorab ¦ Bir* r^ll-¦.¦ .- n,...I.- piont .tloui; by the appointment of BCwt n of Forestry ,iii.It-r Hillie autlionty utiui.i- ftu- lo the! iiiulssloll Sf Kisi.. This report or was atgBBfl by L. II. ^. . -ter. S. T.j Preftasoe Aaa Gray, af Ci tige, Htid F. h. Hough, of Lowville, N. T. I waa adopted, MK VI III KUll I I'S AND BIB-DIVISION. Tl) r .nm,! tit-on Memoir Inn matte a report ta favor of exteadiaa tbi aeons of the Association and abawBiBi niling ibat the Assoo-Mlea he lividod tate tkgml - tn.iis. instead of two. as now, a. follows. A-Pl \ | cs. H.Aatroiiomv and i'.ire Mutbe- njia- - ( -Cheauatry, iaeludiag tte anplicatlons to e.r.-1. tate aad the ur a D._han__ieal adeaea, E. li.. ii-.v and geegrapby. F.Ihology. (J.An- thr .> -fy, H.-aionouiie seieace ead statistics, lt Was a.- ic, oiiiinr-mi.-d Unit lix re un V Bfl a Irtrtna- aroi -a -. una of ntereeeoey. which shall elect uh fwii cfll a-, und he reoponaible directly to tbe ht-t. a it * ommittee, and rbal tbe Beotional Coat* autit-. oi any ¦eottan m.iv. al its pieosoura, form oas uri; -. . orari rabaections, a:ni msj rn- t_' cer thereof, fbe rvpoal will be acted ujmu st t > _) , ,,.,.| ,Ill{# I b.1 im reportedfor tbe obi committee oa tbs togistratiou ot I - births ami attwriages, n.iit ff sri uini that a law on ii." sub- ¦tnill If .nani, he pass"! hy the in-xi I ol isa cou .ii. waa revived. No woori was Blade Jfl t (iiniuittee on VVeigbto and Msasurwi aad yt ur t.v ibe one appomtasd to memoralize the _*m->a iii of New-York for a new _urvt» ot .,.-. Ile . ion bav.ii, adjourned. t_M w0"** Bad ¦ubaections mit in tb'-ir resp to,,-; ., ^ itt* < .',. in:, .ii Beetiea. PrafeaaoB S, P. Bbarriea ^.tiiUi ed ., ..U( tn al method ol' working which is a ¦- ininti, lal iaboraiory in tcsiing T*^* sod mnliiaga J 1-. KlalnssliiBidl .*"'.. f ¦ i'.-tim. .s in iroo, aad Profes- ."."'l.W.u ipokeupon tbe iaduanoe ofhoat- _twii- isliiikiiiKwithb.n.' coal, _*".'"' ie niiatiugpower ufglaeoas. Profsasoi 1. JJ rt ..a ., .,|H-i unoii the geiiesis ol cer- Ul_ fog tuk'i.oNr:. ¦.*.«¦ bv <t ion a Professor A. M. Maier dflflsrfaei 1 invented by buns. 1: and celled tba '"i*"'!'1 win, vi ad to detstasias tta .aettiuu _:.,| position ol a Bour-.e ol sound, or with _ the abaelal oiijoet .r iafaalBlBgj ena direction, Boaltioe aad saBfcaaaa al lbs teg-beeaa ea load abbi Hons,,,- of whbnioaoi boardBteaaBSta. Ha riitu- bas baan lasssd by tbe Ugbtboaae Board, sad bas heea tenn, ts rive tin- pasttkai af a fog- ti'-rn to withiii a jxiint at ttieilista: nubs. A paper hy tin* R v. H. C. Borey ii I QoBR-aa of Cabaneoaa or Orieatal Alabaatss Bad Flint, rn- tit. ..'d thc at ennui of th :,u: , section i|uf|t)_ mi«t of til.- (n-TIinii. sc-, ,11. ll;c paner waa prefasery illus rated hy arana, dtaci Maa ami s-.t-i itii-ns, ami tte- dis-,.v. fies deaBXlb "ia r. niitrlc in e nature. The gaarrlsfl are in the Wyandotte Care, fadiaas, sad hare loaf bena re larded aa eTidonee ot tbs voadalis. of laltpetrs adnera .who labored hers la 1812) bal axpert-eata ns to ihe ra-e of -td growth thia bf be aa error, aad thal these work- ara st least 1,000 reen aid. La further pron ,,f ther in nz due to tba butane, twa yean ano Mr. ll .\, y fouml a _ia| untie and workshop iib nt ;i Baila aaderga ead, amtd cinders of old Bi -. tragaMiali af torebea, aad dmllar proof* ot Indian ¦'¦<.iiliiiny. A atOBa lunn was also foeed,to¬ gether with an ah ".miiiiifc of Dial ekftps sad oblong blocks- of a siz bonn ml tat la ba earrled SWaj to bl into arrow h. ads. bois, et.-., in tbe open mr. Beare- al tbe aa mb of tba care had aaoartbod qaaatitles of sneh arti* tiela. Alabaster ornaments are lem plentiful, tbs '- -i al ei I.- iee .... "I. exposure to tbs ale* m< ms, y,; a t, m pei qi wen fooad and de¬ li mi-.i with the Smi!bson .-rn lustitatton. The pepi r rn u disemwed bi Profess r Putnam, Profeseor Cox, (ten,-i al i aiTiagtoo, .-.mi ether members, who man ft -h d I fl. rides! interest ;n t* cont, uta. In Section A Mr. W. Anthon] de rvered s teetora ciii exp*iiiments, sh* wit g t .- tnovemeo! >.f abori* rn lit il) the eui'tli - m;i|_:i>-tie ti-les. pro- fossoi Wi A. Rogers read a paper on thepre- liminarv determination ol tbe equation between lao li'ti-b tapenal Standard Tani and Metei ot ti:.- An-iiiii-: and Henry Morton and B, F.Thomas n ive -one obeen attona on leetitnaotiTe force and tin- Bruah di aamo-eleetnc bo* brae. kfithems I.* uml aatroaomy wore lteated bf il. t'. Les is. ami anon tbe aaron and lodiacal light ol May '2. 1-77. bv Seth T. Chandler, jr.. with a de.-, ni u-ii ol two txiw li td: imenta.or tbe deter¬ mination ol tune and Latitude. Papen were also read by Professor Ormond St on* anon astronomy, and Mr. 8. Frishy occupied twenty minutes eas,'in. ivinmetrical oona! ion* lu tbe p 'rmanent snb-aeetion of microscopy, Mr. C. II. Fernald described bis method of pre parin a ¦ai mounting the wiagi of micro-lepidontera, sm] Ur. Ephraim Cnttrr invoke ol tbe abundance of .' pic t mos of life in central and lateral -al¬ ine.-- of loki - and pt Ur. Vf. ti. Beam i rioftnonnt irur oi glycerine and cert atioua ol Btrnctori produced by h on insects. li, the sc e. .on ..I natural his .rv, pap -rs were n-a.l own; Graniteain tbe White-fountain Notch upon MonntWill rContact Phenomena, by George W. Hawes j trap* ive hocks of .Munni -.- >. | Profeseor CH. Bitx hooch ; "vi.a-, by .'¦. Silliinan, aiad Auriferous (.ravels ol tbe I i>pei R »Oi mde ia New-Mexico, by tbe same. P son read a papei dei uted to texii -' tbe ancient inhsl io1 rn- Miaaiasipoi 1 tr-iteii with ins imens of bark, ipindle a si (.(H'M INO TUB INDIANS. The lit- tenth oem na for ol I ixed Indiana waa treated by Professor ..rv. Subjoined is pori of thia papen !. ni !¦¦ loni riirec ..¦ bc taken, t. .- ;t..r. -!, a* -- l ri of tbe pop dallon nor t anj bas * td r tatton, were disregarded I ,. .-:¦- nt law prof U 1 :,¦¦.¦:' the sui .iiry ex ine- : ihe Indians u t be bodr a ll. of tbrou. * .-iii whom he of n ma by thi i. ' ol areal pract om- i>. pular iv ,-t. -.1 11 j c i, - li ¦- islal pnilanthropi, ai . ¦ tratioo. Tlie .ched a el then of the duct i learcb into pointi oi tb-.-;. ______ ________ MTSTBRIOCS ROBBKR1 l.\ A MOTEL sF.Vi.l.Al. t.iii- hi THC TRKMOXT HOCSE lill: .One of the proprieton tie. in Broadway, hs t ween Die. ter Bj during I lie previom :n t:.r hotel h.ul been entered bv tl : iiii.-.l af over |' i toted . the robbery und vere till boa b.-t nig it. without ba. u .. ,. to ila thieves. From ! tbe hotel, would app* i he' ti. .:- wer > committed ift i. J. VT* lah, W C. Hoots sad J. T. li B. C., ot il floor. 1 !..y did pol go fi late boor. When ti ej were .. -'--I.bu morni I. t.i tl thai tcy had be. n robbed. Mi. V ;.r> viniis to _(i.:i_ to -! led np $1,000 In book o had pl iced the p - trousers' pocke Tl e n - spue. afr. Moor- bad lost «_0 and Mr. Hm ter "ri". reported theil asea at the office of tba b< .i: erward, >. l. Jenkins, ol' Atlanta, Go., who had occupied a room on the fourth il ir. re¬ ported oom had been visited by thief< bsd lost a watch and cuaia worth $100. II- Iud found h:s rn .'.ii door locked mi tbe outside when bs awoke. While Hr. Jenkins was i lose, William K. Falkner, of Peters¬ burg Virginia, reported thai s sold watch and chain, winch be fained -.t WOO, had been stolen from ins roon) in tba second story. Mr. Falkner declared that bis roc. door hud been h-fi by tbe thieves locked, aa bo had (efl lt whan he went to bed. Ibe rep uta of the robberies oaaaed coi.Bid- erable excitement in tba hotel. DR. ADAMS i NCOSSCIOUS. Tia- ciiditi-.n of the Ber. I)r.William Adana was muili bbgod at u hue hour liiot niis'ht. Bs baa remained throughout hm Ulaeaa at tbe boase of bis .on-ia-law, John Crosby Browa, of tbe Grin of brown brothers & Co., hanker.", who live at Oraaas 1Mountain, N. J. Dariag tbe whola af peoisrday be was aaeooseioas, ___fa__*g no pam, ami it was expected that ht- weald not live tiiitil ev.a.,n,'. as his physicians in BflSttndanon had irtven ni> all hope of Ins recoverv. His remark- able viral energy, however, kepi bim ap, although la-waa Buskingr__hly evsey bom. a\)i the mem¬ bers of his iinini'iliate tinnily hath Blaem hied at h. bedside. A-BOBB thea, his nan. Thatcher bf. A.lams, n lawyer la tina city and William Adam*, jr., of the nra ol A..ams A: aleHsrg, baakera, ot No. 33 A, with their wives Hi" two daagbtora are also praMntr-one the wife of -Mr. brown and tuc other married to EagStM Delano, of Philadelphia. ME. WEED MUCB I MI'ROTED. A Tkihink reporter called BBOa Thurlow Wami loot --v.-ii ag and fooad biaooadition very aiaeh im- proved. ib phyabdaaa say that the ebansasef bm fall rec ivery are now quite certain. In conversation with tho reporter, bur. vTeed saul that wini th.* exception of a alight affection ot hm bowels, ood a loeb of appetite, bs was very maeh encouraged, and thought that be would be abb- lo b- aix.ut in s few day. Mr.\\ ead aaa dwaB-d, aad recitred thc report a with a beatty shake ot the band, and looked mach netter than woold be ex¬ pected ol a mau eba hud rsssri throagh such a as- v.-ic illness. _ DESPEEA TE SUICIDE 1 v CLEVELAND. <'I). Ubi*), Atifc'. 30..J. S. Morgan, ot J. H. M'»r;.'-u * Ci).,J.)u primers, of , eu.nd t,,- ott at flt. f'luir-place, ou a Mri. Lii.-hrs, who Uulds hld BJlt IIB PJ.flOO Aller a tink with lier, he said slit-bad mtier lend Demote to Cincinnati, BS a rneeilng of bis er* allto rs uoui'i h.- tieid there ii,- -haaasaai from h's -cit wiilUed to the other side of th.- r....tu, nnd ...., ,irew a rca.Iver and ano: luinst-ir Ihrouab tbs brod, UifllcUog i wound -auu-ii iSMStaatad fata,.) a Pw iiourit luiat-r. A MOCE MARRIAGE ASP SUICIDE. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. IHh-Mary Lou Csssp- bsll. tai ".111)1-"f 1,"H- which cau.e.; her nilli. S-mailttSd siu.-.-l-' hire to-day hy Using tWSOty Ki'tuna ot mei pintie. COAL IS TERESTS. PuiLADKLi'iiiA, Aug. 3<>.-Tlie rcct'ircrs of f,,. gisflt-fl < sal .i'"j ir"" Ossapaaa aaaaaaas _.) las price* for coal, free ou board al Tort llich- mi*n<!. are hs tallowa: Lamp, ste*-' . li.- ..LU -IV, , 1.1 li ,, !.»") -Ucl!. I si ..... .n tLii ..m..) .. ,,rk ..ii tail nm.' io '!.>}. EMU [SH MAS' fACTUBERB. Till.IK AI'VAN i \'.i- IND I»:s \I>V \V '.I- \ fAi.k wno a. il -haw. uuiian BTATaa n usn at au ' iM.s.iMr oi ill 1.1.Sf KV ITU >N«. Albert l>. shaw, United Btatee Consul ai ¦ii. is .1 ll). Plftb Av.-, ne II..-.- I .. two mouth-' barra af aaaaass fara, au psst Hr. fhaa -' ne iviin a In tn- o' j. nt:, pa toa iu tin- einn- iii'!, efl l:tt|(ti!i_, w ttl BeWS "f Ih- ;. sta (.fats. r, aad aa b i in rj.fli.l tl... -t ,,f lil, IthaS Will. tin- I'¬ ll the rn ma af a n porter. Mr. tmrnm me ad* vinita..- i.l i.i., iiiv..nta..s wl.n-h EagUsk iniifiiif.n tarara I ive, sod w inch ar.- not lound nt tins Bsaatiy. '. is the itule of trude m ymir ( oiisu.ur iii* r !)'. was :isK' it. " A ,i « Im | I Hunk lt li not ov.-r-f*ti.'.nir-iirin_ ur sit mfHCiny to i.iiiniifiictitrci ." fl ..- tin- rc| i. "The good wsof tt'tecnyears or so aga bars aol istiuasd, .uni it i* :i MftoOl flOSSU ai when good titiii!-' w ill olin- otrated pressars nf taralga i till..ii tn ii.iti'.y wins ls now vSty .i-n-u- v felt iii the ii iiiu'-i. tortag esatrsfl ol 1. -'in:.). Praflti ors aol tory, sad ss a whole 1 e ontlool i- aol eBcoot- BgtaO, -o ir ns tuy ShS-Tl Bttl Bl Tf'-nd." " Wli.-i! ('.o von mein hy ' itic eooeastf .t' il fire- -tin- ol foreisi b'I" ">i!ii]'i-. th-: Thal tin- development of ¦aaafoe- tnnageatarpimae la tbs Catted states, in Fra (..-'imiiiv. in luiila. ni,,u i Maa nml J ., ia Coaada and Aaatrnlta. hains ts hil __arketa formerly ¦np Had from Bagheb mi.;-. Iks rsaolttatbatg taiinil'ae'ii- .-- *e Bid murki ts ninl BIS pat ~ Bad ii"-" ..fie-. Th- uh ini'..:ii Tankee sppean -ii vari bow way into all old maik.ts, determined ta have ;i shara la ti sf fOretan eeottes; and bs li ¦.paaied hi mea aad thc Pi-aoekoian. gaded t.. this is tin- ever-ia- u ion ia' foreign Biaiiiifsnuiiss nata Oft ii Iiritain." " ll,.ii i- .: i. .. :. agaiasi tm- i Thors ur.- - / Tbs I. a -~;i '- ' id for manufacturing varkmi bumld fy of 1 nnblea man gre mp rtaaei .. -rn..",'- lion i.l other ! r"! nano, sra * lb iva .. . .r. r Qc tl I. only li k to .1" in ti. on, s.iti-n-1 ii b< ii ino ..rr ena ih ir lull-., n luhte. 1 . li .- gea In opei mill-owner I I ml li .' n ti iii hu fori .in- bad ll and . i. mai r ol tum." .* w- .. I" .. V.. The inn i i'll ld- i uni] ii nu ! c. ni ta _,!! Wi,lob I! 'n ad s ll.-. ll.naidered i h _T,.ii ,, and l natue iii tn the 1 oturer. I 1-tl il :. m.iv a "Ate Ani' trout Am.! lea and ..wu un fl landlords li :. ,i II..- in- pei pi ¦-. .. \\ in i. lahtud ii i; I fancy not. Tu.- cluu.ite i- noi adapte to .- " much, i. lt will tali (lovt ii i.i ta, tr IC ntl . aa a lilian, fermi i alta Amt rican pt a our products will have soe loch favor in J wi i be -.. c .'. ipi) laid t n mi tann i.-i Ei gland *i. to the ii len it. Thi r. ir" foi tIii. iles in tbegrea .. i- l.-s I" ''Decided!, io, 1 ba. .frequentlyeaUeda tentton.ln nu m. in Am- r.i m ii.ti tbe Imperf, rt w.-.. I ro- Oucti iiu.-ii tbe Bngliah conaam ra, Onlj n-i- dayi aso a large ct inion.I mi lhai be ..ill li Iii, ll .1-SI coiiiii. i uta foi making cov un,--ta * and bia Arm was one of ¦ v.-ril tbal inpitlied tl iu> .'. bams corns from thi l oiled tatt -, _n.i >.u .. i.a.-i .ii. an dose op la I ami sn,a ns Kngilab bama, kl n s...n|i .-. This is done with our eb. si tic um Bool -a -'"in of .c.,nhl toe caret d. and a mora direet and cn. prehenai. system ol wpi _>art_erablpa abon'd ba fpi ti Ainerli - produce d___er_--_ucn t a uune ns i now eon bine w tb tb. de .ii many nie wen.i foi ti., roi ol ma itac tm.-U gooda o.' rarloua k ads." M1DNIQR1 WEATHER REPORT. (ovKf.N.Mh . i .n<m Wasboiotox, Aili:. 31, 1 a. m..Thc cyclone remains itattoaarf s,,nm | r nsaeoia, a smetcresaUaassslawi] fsilisg Ths baro-seisi ami fulling iu the Kort hiie-t. iiiiii l- li,_h"»i ia >'. ,i- gasianfl Tba himpnrsiais koa tallina m Bew-Enslaad, tin- UlAdie, -outli Atl.iutn- uu.l nii.l E.i.-i (.u'f Sinter, elaewhcie lt hus Ullin. Not tin-nsii-rly vnn.i-, staody ;it!,i Ihsaataatag wsathi t aad iu.n. ena innes ta tlie e_jtl«*rn i»irt.on of tbs M -i A i Ila, Bala hoi fallen Btaea tho lost repsal la Uaw _a_*lBad, ths touth Atlantic uud Bast Ooli Motes, .'loli'-a/ioii. For the Middle A leoak* stn*-*, stiltl"miry fo'lowe.I hy failing barometer, stattoaar* or lower fellowed by burbar ismpera! re, non >sst t" -ootawsal wbkdi, partly c oudy icith-r aad aoOMnMH raius iu the,..-I ¦ ru poraoa, Pot >.« Kd_i.hi followed by fa Tin sr saastsf. itatlunary ..r fa d bj bigOar teat- peraiore, i tobli vmiil- aOlfttag to *.,ututi.), pai ny fioiiiv weatbar. I'lii'i'.iiiirv SifjiiuU. C-aattaaaty -bntab sonitaas tri ut Part Eada to riimiy Ilo.k. Kl I.l'N'1'' I.''''M. <ms|-'.'*V*. ''[')VS. n(.f*It3:Mornln-;. Ni ht. ? , »* r, « : lIMtrtt. inti ; lewm-JiT i ¦¦ .,.¦'¦») t m..- i i -.- JO _ ¦ i 11 i.i -____ Hs.. «l'r ari.i,.. ,1 ii ai :.--,- .i um - irrrfalsr .Sits !lser*pr*«r'iu t.-lriKli,. l .a ,. r-lal. l!)r.,ras-« -r a-t liv. rr|>r .m ,.n..i_ i's rui.»rr.i_ir. m i_-jr_Uj or l-s uier-ioiucld al M.__.l'< ¦ ]. .. Uorsass/ tkjbi'.nk Obi mr.. au«. ai. i a. bv.ts ap t<- -1 ll nd uni wind, tin- barometer rose steadily rearer lay and 1* now BOlf il Ul,ie hfb.w tin- afStBga. Th. ri BBS BgNOf t.iii In I, mix latnre. how, i, fi..- nniiluiuiu belnir UT3 al __ m. incl the ni mini um 10 »it li an uvuruiteof --V. Tan ti n%3 lower than on the earraapefluaag dav hut yeal and l'.'*_° lower titan on ISHBSey. Cn.u.iv or jiartiv < h.u.iv uoilher. WithOSCaaroaal tSlBS i.igb.r i<-in io r-1 ui i, luay ue SSpSMSfl lo- io| ui lui* oily and ficiuuy. MR SHERMAN IN OHIO. tUP] [AT Cl INN'ATI. iu- cami lina "i* san by i ( _rn u, I IDDB1 TO ni:- i, i IUD I-..... rtcAi --.I s. tiirv Bl s lutrotuce l to the of Comneree of Cincinnati yeeter- .i i\. :,n lt.' ti the ne lu-r*. In tbfl flTcning he delil red his lirsf apeecb of th.-ca , ra Houae, to a cioTtlfil Budieoce. He discusse*- tbfl up matt d' the (lay lunn :i business p.iut of View. AN APPEAL TO PRACTICAL Ul If. lill: IM ll KM- Ol' Mir- |.\\ V--IIAN .il-ilUU Ot Titi BIM Bl ll. < In cinvati. Ana. Ho..-f r.-turv Bberasafl wa* lrifniini-eil on .Change l-o-dav. Se ipoke fen brie- c ;i!..' bai ibee ... Cai aaeree mi tb- a. Into tb,- new build- lng, there being no I -be Mle "t tbs present Posit Boase building ll.- id-, paid a high complimaat to ti..- BBpariBtaad* eatoftbe Chamber, Colonel Paine] I'.'!. wii.itii be regarded aa oue ol the ah ..f tin- country. Bo referred to tbe fad thal anea be waa ber.-, a ye. lonni ns to tbe ability a be re¬ funding Kb* s- nv to announce rb.-it it biol been accomplished, and dial r rampth n Wi'* il li.t'-il lin-*. 1,.-: orman delivered his Bu thee mpsign, al l 0 rt ib.'i*.-. Major A.T. Goahorn presided. The Opera Honaew and tast I illy decorated eitb il i_'* un i tl .wera, sad ¦.! u 1 rti ;. opie h.-.'.' bel tbe i caking began, .be 8 retort bad an enthusiastic greeting. Mr. >.,.'!. hy rei isa ina the Bork ol tbe Republican psi ty end t! e history 11 refunding sad resnmpl . He i tbs ri il mew of the public !. .!;t. and Derate attempts ol tbs Demo ratio party in I the whole Boam ml p i. y of IheG he t.'.t iul col 11. lion of tbe revenue aa one of tbe incid iblican rule; the inter¬ nal i.-v.-n'ie ban ig -i i on tbe v. ol ernmenl thc .a bo nest I m. t ie -l 1 Tl. M*l .. nts I.-iu ill that 1 tin : te tl | lt bul lilli tl,eil e 'hi* A,l-l,! -. line - ll .¦f 11 - .. m.. P i J -¦¦.-¦!.-. -i I ar ii,; a ii c. aid i... a i fr. ni a !re"i...l ol v ir reached sum o.' s' sn ll 1873 of «! - our- h i .- an :. 1.75 of fl ;i and ni. i ci tin, t. it wttti Infill. and Soutn. and may hops ma ¦b 'rt time to -neil'.)- iii. tn wi D ot tors In the arel nf Indus; ry.auric are now ilkina our raak aa tbe I Wita tor i i*i win are willina to work with cheap apt tal, we ..".richie I fbi ci. i. i. ' i world. Tl l ai. and 11 in proportion. Foi 'li -».- tn.ti 11ix d. an tr* i tr m ec ted. We rici -n men) iietot, f" that * ni'.m not landi n re* "I,, ii,.i.l .ii 1875 ; in ti th, .ii ii co of trade li ia ... di ar fnv.r thal foreign coan file*, no to -. ilk '.ur lecnnUes, are compelled :. cold. I!. ;. ..ur genera r railer, and y. off brtioun* ¦. tillace, M- our et and icu..tin' tullun-, have been reduced mon than one-haU. Ina tl >;.cit bal ind al in.-r. ii tb and f tn our « h de ounrry leen. 1 ..:, i nu cf i-it, natm tloo a.fitin tba sir, ;i u ni in .-i.-iniy to mi ri.-.i I 455,49 1", 7.-'.'*. ii 1870. 7_ .".t>7 , esl ire hare report* th' ,.<-r is ,lh.,.i . - ate. itt ie be i- tic] .f fe Bi n .. an party. ri' ,: i. i- i fUl H tin.III.- li itt ion ol iiu (...v.-nunen i u ti. iu .. lereuce to the re- u and ..- ilual il .r i.,..i"-- : n ;-,.. proteetlnu o' a .ii our t.inti lan . rkol ino Republicanoartr.thai iiavec.ui tnbuted to om proapenty. It la true Uiat Providence _ ii c a- h..uti'.-i.ii- rrop ant th--"' cam :tft -r resuuip- are, una un. r ma b ol bud thc foun lal ll V illl.l .ilid-IIi a, l..,|ll-ll> . Willi ll Cl) , the hleaaiucfl .! r on u -. Certain I li that * ¦ -. .-.-1". pa i "f -.iir in st eritj to th-- Demoeratte ...:;}. pjUaUOoaATic ritKi'KM'K*. 'li I) ic oral ii' BB live years, BOI hail co-)!!!, if one b I'. un.I f..r ueurlv .v iobis el beth broaeoet, Wbal basttaoao,ov pro- jmi-i lo .!... f" Lei'.. Iii tb* jiu'.I:.-, or IS t-viui-t! any di*. position t" bring :ih".it teform. I ft «.-t ..ut oilba pretece of redocioa t'i" expeudltaresot thc Govsra me: t. It clipped bete aad theta thai clerks or tedaeed meir stuakar, sad, la isms caa* -, serwosly 1,1, -till, 'led ttl"- pilli Ile 1.11-1 Ila- - -. It Wltlill-l't lie,, appi prtatioBfl torn tune ti- ibow a rsdoetlos of er A trust , bul * ,»s eumpellfld to msks them good hyde- cia l ] In ls.:,, tn. laal feat tn winch ths Bepnbllcani bsd a tn,I !-. iii ii..;.i Hoaara, the appropriation* wera 1147,714,040. At tb* next-niton the Demucrata con- iroiied tbe House, and, b) refasiag to appropriate for tome ol ii,.- m.. t nceassary espotute* .f he Uovern meat, radueed u.e appropi i. lons to Bl'-' L.'.2'_,'il0, and tue ;.i:,. .v.:,_ t in ..i.i.r pi.octet the r ----I i.-ut, br a tail nra t ps fl ay bill sad to provide (or other i).--.n einenaes, ti.ey rsduoed tim approprtaUonc io .-*-- ii.,ii.i>-.i. bat ,k! tba :. *wloB is.loo, good these 'f.-ii. i.-ncie- :iini t.. r.-.cttr rr..- tanita .-¦ m n niel, tn, y appruprlatad B172.018.SoB, betaa 0,000 ui.>re tban it .1* at pt-pna ad iu is7ii. una in I--'.:.'..--. appi 1182 104.647; an f. r 1**1 in.-i i.u.- .»|.,.rtipi'i ii .-.i .*¦!..i.i ls._1_, av #7, ooo. oimi mi.;, than the approprtttlooa mads iu..- last yest tue Ko¬ pai.a, ii!,- i,nil ,, cl the Hollie. Th ¦- it appean thai ihe beaatafl seoaomy of a Demo eratic Boose, tn a tlrae of profound peace n UM I.ii,.- r.'.iiictlni.H BJ a K.-puiiiii-au Adw_lst__r .lei iu in ;ii. ie.i-f ol spproptlaUonsCrom i.i . Uuriiia un thia tune the Democrats hSTS PfOpeSlI no reduction of laaaa aad aa ¦sssata of a .m. us u .. .n .-r -ir ur tha country Mr. Sherman went BB to sneak ..f Mr.'I erv of fi mid in re_iinl to the i-i.-. tioii of i*t7t). Jj,. replied ta it ny un anpbetie denial and by i raaiiaJ ot the tn mle aU.-inp:."t by .Mr rildofl klnisslf. aa -1 bf lb filmer .; ult. b .ere tr:ii,si itfi and pablished by Tub tninoaa utt- r ....I..,.. He ___cil what would happiu wara there a "ebsnga*" in ti <. raaasat, Ba saul: Aad bow, f('ll.!'v.i-'t.. -.. un, ,1; mat suppose, tr.e testralnt o' a 1: p lent ls wita, tit 1- c. '.'.. ll Will tile I) .. ic . t..r «,nen J Itt* ( bardi ol ,!,.(,fri , will doa n ii'."ti 1 (hen- tor need 11 en a Hi. 11 1 fuue- ii of kc Bl Ute, r.ei. -. Bi¬ ll 1 .mi 1..! lily an n / .1 e-. iv fae 1 . ...... in ii.i-,,|. r 1 .1 eil li inda, \ - ,...,..¦ I, .. .o', nts, now ¦!, ad) ¦ ii al. ibe t: '.< V - of the ie eg to open -as m ti,,. 1 tent ir, (.> ibe Bo a. id_ n v ie -. w iii wurr in ' 1 -ir. Iii'i- (ar dOi ina 'his Bud 0 irr.-.i statute or limit bi mi.t iii. nc. lloni Of ile I>'-t. r'tne.if in-i-¦ cut ii.eiuoft'; t.-i a Urmo , : 1 ¦ talent, bow eos) it ould be to break dowi -. 1 know fruin un pena 11 1.1. n. Who r ii ex k on t"lie .'C. 'in-i h 1! bl*. ...... in -.. er claims bow baned A thu lanced .1 ocauae rnndlng ol tn -. moo Un : .'.. #68.00 v MuSt nf tbC lU.Illl. I "I tue louth, (brough (heir const -.-.-. are interested in a -. Aa ot tbe period of limitation m lo elalmi for 1 1 ttoo, wi opes np ten* of mi'lia An enlargement adoi ti words ol ile- law aeatof . note* -.i 11 ai. apoa in 1 demi nhs '..r 1 i'i on .1 ¦:. Itara f. t- f..-. t c n tum .1 nv am army ta l e War of tbe Rebellion, lakes fross d lalor al md lor 'i '.i. f .is a n.ttorin ra -n. o icnuenceof tba war.* baa woora trial to -u. n tue*- elalmi unfold or even a haudred- -iiinoi-v c,.u ne ii,amt-ie Hired wiin tue g., I eal and apparent y of ths ela*rmi snatactrr. li up n ni in officer frteodlj to thc >ij.-I--.oo neil- caa e-'in.ii-- ti.-- a .1 n tiijs ,,,-,r .a rich in-.v ne foisted upon opie "f the I.,' a - slea, Aad nb ula nt f 1- ic .lon- I If IBs prill- ita I. ni-cr.a.- party aro to he ..#_..»'" adopted y in- votea "f tbe people, sad bs v r- meu woo f..u»ut lor them an (o be placed lu power, wuj skoald tBef noi ht taeaf Why I ... IB. y not be pa d lol * '.. I mourn noi tbe brav* bo fought tor theil pnoclplca be placed oa thc i, nato i. l I.-.- i "ii- bj ti. - Wai and hi Tr awry woo.- bring i an f -..ii ...-! n el Ital .. .Di ni", i-.lie POI tv I .; for m. ni, .,, o ror.) .ni will Hu,I t .. in in.- 1'.- .. ..rat- ol tai Ibo war. 1 >. ... i .,. ipokeu, v i.i I..- inc Sr t to :n -a ita, and ned tore vet. A muesli .-..*¦« ni be iir.,ci.. u. tl for the mi Lc, !, c. gun rn i.:. \i hal pn ted on a hi (ben .ri will Were he i. i ¦.¦ Iel ... i' C .-....:,¦.,.- ,1 i c.ll Ol 'le I Vet. All WHr lei HU! ,.1 I,.,- I' ... | .,! i, om wi ii-t. .. I elr . Ai lntei il Ar a- "ll' bc waa not ii ra ot tl li"ii*.-. While 1 fcL i.... a I seri HID i.\ :."¦ : iSi Vt E__ L.V- BOBI I ID. Tn thr f ii i tor or The [ritual. Bini _ly mei od. I do uoi forget er ii Wini ... f ii-'' : i a ..- il ,. rc- J but. Bl -li. el . .... i iiiios tbal ihouid be bel ped, bat not that tba lo] I ..- ls.ii,u was lo k- .1 upon i- » pi* > .. , had h.tia. io rt n. J. fl. 1 r rn ar .i Ivtaad ih.- P lng lift Wee: . ¦uni worse. Louisiana was to ba recoaitraeted b > .i.i battas tailed. Ita timi tba ,-. il -u- .. Phillp il :-I IB L.'.i- i'.'.-i i the cavalry man from eommaad. And whyl Bce-usc .*i<- ivmp i'iiy with i who saved i,, di ..><. uiin -ii.iii i ai in , ommaad :" I Ftes andrew Johnson. Ja ie B mk replied: "Pal Uenei a ii ii....-,- in i .. .,..i Cfc in cr it, ml le Ll do li wa . ii and mi mut ik cou -t he made n ithoui peril i-> .tbal ..Johnson nolie] .,. t Other reasons exiet< .1 which helped on the -. -u.-.-. nut 't c inn- more Iron, whul Impended lunn for Whet had .il- r adv bapp. u.-.l in Louiil Flanders, aad th* row aboat Ihe Freedm ouwsy, w.-i, mers trifles ss_s* pored with tbe controversy with Congress, rbi bUfVens, -.mi ,.-r. -li.-ii" Wads, William Pill den, ii'ii-iai (...rr1,,-,.: and omer* were oa sos ¦Ide, and tolrew JobBsoa, Jeremiah Black timi., watt ou the ot.irr. 'lhus, tiri, n \- I git .... prior to and attenI- appointment of Hancock an t the di*i> acemeut .¦I "ii.-ii'Uu. i' .ai my itatementaara trnsmay bc !.;.err.-.t v, ..ii Iaay il i> t was a psrsotioi wttooss or mast nf w bat took tia... ia eonneetton with tb* chaags of conimander* la Loulauiaa ami bad pst-oaal kn*wleda* of -arly all tbe faeta ofthe reoonitrucUon of tbe State, tact i which l Bira relatiua to the tnten ewi ¦. .in.l l'r.-iiiieiit Ji.liiisuti, cone. i;... rem ol il ol Bberidan sud tbe appointment of [gath -edfrom i dl_tingui»bed Confederati fJen* cral, noa dead, aad flam an ex Q ivernor af Looistaaa, atnl living, who war* praacat aub th* President ut iht- H..,.-. ina,-r.i s un h.m. in I. mist :in:i. associated more with tba linn WhO served With lolu ill tue WOT IO pttt doWU tbe-tebeilion than with tl.'Wh did all they. nldt< m.ii;.- tbe K.' I. sn. ic*.. Oetieral Hine "k. tu ;. ina.aaaocuated .ir...-e uni. tb* m.-n wbo ti-ie.l to pul ,i,ii-ii r.-ic I'-i'.in rh.m <t rh bose wbo did their beal lt. *re,.-rii Sherldon did aUha eoatd to kelp ra* construct I. u il* a on a loyal baals. Geacral Ha-rmitik did till he .-un 1 to be " r.-.i.a-tr.n t ll on th hn-i- of Hie wishes nf thosi abo tried ta destroy the Nation. Goo* ..tu I .bari-Un I wita a h y it ooareafl Ulan .t,trli a disloyal P.'es.tliit. General Hancock favored toe. traitorous Preata. ni ai d d:d all he>» do IO deie..l COOfl ,il sn-: ni .ii lat vviiui ..s .'..iiiltl IO PT* iel. .- tin- ItVCS "i the I'lll.'U tn-ti ol Li.ut*.un I. lii-n- -r. il llilic-c- ai.owed Wot* Lanai iii.-u IS bc killed during tho ol 1868 loos li.i\.' BOSa kl'.'ed ill uni eleen,,11 _lu_e. ll.e WBO in u .lire.1 500 Villon men lu tbfl mir laen ul Joly, 1806. hated BtMitdas bacaase ol flirt* to bring them i.. untie.-, bat thoa* flr-mea, ta 1807. alter-,!..!itiiii-rii in».-!v"s li., .r-w- tot "J ft" Davis. wBo waa thsa stoppiwt ol I « st. Charles Hotel. Went lol !l,W!Iu lind »h...Heil fol Huneoek. whose lleiid- oi ;.i les .il ihe Par! Hoi.S. ou bal ii DU* s, t .., fi i 'hil: I. r.-I Uel'e far Jeff" D.lVl* MU 1 far ____tj- cock thea, la 1867; sod last ats .¦»- ta-day. i* u any _ man i,ie..."!-.* tn fi,- Clneinuail I .ni ntl.iii Were r.n- tile n.iinillutliMi of tin- aid taVOt i.¬ ii' itip . Wuitc la--i.».'U." Ilrst. Url. and all the :.i mit. lt wu* in psrtosl ii..riu.)ny with tba liaaaa of thiuiri. 1... seymour anl Blair rloU ot l*t(5S were all winked ul hf Hine.H'k lu Uta itil.-.-c*' Ol Ins Whit* f IBgOB In li)'- nope 'hut tari tu gBt bfl ti,.- means ,,f __. Vlf ..._ Hf- *u i'. M nf lb* portf ti inch lion. twOlfS years ,n it-l'i.e -nine Han,-nek fut UM I'r.-sl- deaev. 1' ib.< same nj. ju. aoald ne rsi i ed t., Mus year. :i ti.-t-essiii y. and hy tile seli-satu-- turu, ml ¦tte al ss donut. ca tosas Wan.. inBagBsrs "naadttn." ak, m bis Bildra. ta thom ta Itarsh, i*>07. from r tb* Park House, uallod i.ieiu " Geotl*- :u.-.-.'* me merni r. t-..riri i.-i -.. 111i_r iuem, as did Seymour th* ti-Ben ia lst*iJ. " M* tnen.!.-,** Not I _d kim A kl " l."I,: lc ll- uiu-t li.iv- known linn laen- tvere a ti.-¦ ot h..-in abs wt-ie tu ii-iiT'-not boom ot lbs rsc] men wno willi lilli) nuder the " stun ii - ¦.. ,titf, rett.-e. ti'.ei wera Desoorats, and, ibets fore. " .flinn." WhSO mis '* Ulilslriuils soiUier'' is ¦0_oU.sated fur hu " su cudid touduct m laaXM aos*al! [ _av« : .-.- I*, r.-r | lor "of I al n. in Iv kn wi. aad ne si I Ile i. il I' at* 'US «. w a i-f.. .Ij". ..ii ¦ :¦¦ .. l'sJo. LATES1 -illf A rottT or mia rom ",,T s '.tr rn iir Ami .Wa, J |BSSOH IB.I lg W J Hum*. I s fl '! ' Kc tin. ,t it r Lam..-*, oat* Nurbe -. I*, er Yu nv lor I rijtiri » .'leant il vi Iii nt., . i ns 1. .ttl D lt r N,._. iiu.. i. 11 ar nj' nie .. _|.t I -a- I , . -a. _> lb I". A ni- -1:1*1 spt All Ilufkun ..ff Raker ..ff -ci; r l.-ike iif '1 ,ai Lima ' .tit ertouii.-, M_«d_.a_ Merci, I'll.*: -i.ii .... -'I'! -. 'i CAIIFOENIA MININQ BTOCEM, -t\ Iris. i-f... .\11_-. ll*)..Hie following ara -:u»< ofllf ia. pt! es of tulumi MOBBS J- *:e;d..y and at flay. Yestenlsr. To nay. Y.tater.lar. To dav. Aloha. Bo M-xlean .li7, tl l\ 1 . i '-». '-S . 1 v, .inn Wari* . '. a.-ru Us.le .13 i s nest and B_u-h-r...l"\ I S .it '( -H amain.... i'» "¦» "i.u.r. 7'. "*. -. ". I 1.... 1 "-j 1 r>. vi.:, rc. i 1i .v-rnmn_. I1* 1'? Kn.wer. i. . .... I'll OH!. .J's a .1 ....... a** I I . il'. , -ci, ..».*..l-l . I'us. Vi roma_. i. SI tot Klug. - . ".wu feint ........ f-i .' . 1 ; Ts. ;i« . _¦« -** .!»li Ult SOU.-UM '-'_ . i...i.lcnT.-rra . I ai» aiirfi. CS 4-j, y «m lemmm.. So H's BocdflBaa. . . I . Hinter .*,., *%« O.ann erins. 7n '.*. On.lev. »,« tis.e anti .Noi-(T(.»s.. . a I . .- .-t .ay. l _l ¦»« DIED BAItKI.I'V- .11-afar liv. kag ri !. w'.tf. son ra .un: f. i.-i.. ara I* rilad tn sit.-id iii- taaan *-r- 1 .'cluck p- in , at Ml tat* a.,1 .1 -t :...! -t BEEB8 in lirookiy,. IS liatlle C., wif. -if W .rren I .. - at her hit* 1 N I' ->'i.-i rncriiuru; fe .).-* p ni Interment ai Elm Gruvi UMaMflty. .it--.,. < i._ ; . .. l.v "'ml ll" iii ki-'" 1. ii.ou -un > Ibis etty, Baal >r_ 1.. oft .1 1, ir Ina atti-r". house ni id-on. .> , m. t ki _¦.. ¦- . . u m. Mi I.M... .1 ir N .1 .1 I 1 .1 L. O.ili n 1*. V,s I" lthUUlt H j,, .11 \ rsa Jn.Cldl AJUCC5 I1hii_* .. I ... li li. -. a it. 1. W ELI : Slat fl s, Vi n-i., - :m. \.'i i.i .: I I men mit l i- . .I . irter. ¦ .1 1 _ ' I New "-tine. V II.I. ni¦,..-, ni: .1(1 I I' ll . lu r I. lacon-:ii. wi 1 .r-ia .ni rn c.--. 1 ¦ -,,t 1 ::i .Lit. ,- , ii itv ot Ricbmoad, mila t ' ' ¦ ir H* .min .11. ...-..-:.. ind. via Ant* ;.. : * - i.,r an Bramall M ira. cl \ ¦' . ic, : r jillillia- . - 1 ii nu v. nat Indies ie:ii.- sen \ .; - faa -. .it B vin Ila At*. r a*w-York -apta-mber J. ih, tn .1 . f ,i s.-w- iud leave Sew-Yo als fur lieu.* ntni Bay Ii ivs I r York **«_r-mber _ . 1 4. I!,cai,:.- ,, the W -f louies I:../ll anti Anon; ma ,._v* .: l -. fl.-ni ie ad Hat* ..- -, yic-i.... r t, ha ..- ll , ind I nulli* for Aunt j la. e., *i*a. l .I - L. ' Hi.s i-,., 1. |-.i.*t Dill e. N-tr '.a. Mi.ii ._ I* I_ ii . Th.s .'.loraina lilt; si-.MI-v. i.Ciil.V I'KiBUN-, .... i.ciier. Mafl aad sta .-.-» 1 ti- >. 1 V\,.ri.i ami BM gi iv I'rice in wi a is-n t .-*..! 1 its pw**)/ . 1 i ., 1 rill... r.'* i'.-l '_.¦ i. 1.. 111 f-trlciare. Iiniioli'iiee ina Di.-itei at .' i,-.-i j- k.i. s i_a,i_- 1 ai -,>'. j ,-u - 1. ii 1 its, -1) , 1, j li' M". 1 -.¦'.- ti 0 1 '¦¦ t -i -i nar, ___ j .;i ,% lu.- BSS__S l.lDcurv. <>l" r lU-I.-'iY IN CLEAR, liol.!' illM'siiMKTVI'". HE \-ll'l. ll... Aid .Nu. *.o. -white wi.sum a y ac h ri .Hu) annas Ly WILLIAM BLACK, l'me, 1J c-uts. -Iso ga -,- -i * 11 ru. Uy L. B. WAJ-V IBO I'l".,.. I .cuts. OtTTTO-MOaaOW.MCLEAH, SOLA HAM'- .MKTYfE. N... -I*. flt r -I KA H lt 'I -li Ot, A TRIP ACKO-*- .Nt.KlHKI'.v I'.'.ll 1'irt I. By J I LfcS VEK.N... li LAT' VS ill Tba Thu tannli Hnaeiia Bv BaiUa Oabsctaa.1-)* Sd. -Ali «a.!.l.-»ii I itu..*-. BfUeurg* I .:* -.'do n.l I'u.l.ev- Carlaoa ttl -lisa M. h. iirad.i.iu. i.hj «o* n. ic- Burna. By Prluciaai *.b*iro ..s- il .-.ti. -liiu. ny Kduiun Aboai Ml. n'.i. -.-....-! ,, ,_!,:.,',. ii, I,. H \A'_lf..rt _0C K'.r »_:e 1.. 11. v.* laster* si ale...,- yri.-.-s, di im:, pnainata.sq re. i] ... la! nu lor 10.1 eui uuiuut-1 - sud ., vet. is lu. ..., m l.UIu!..- _CEO ROE Mt' Min. 17 to '.'7 Vai N. Y. To the f-it-.e aud Hardware Tiadr. Oar work* are mal* ,. ..ji.-rt t. n. orders ;..r-t..v,-_. Haal. its. Han,<-». iioi.uw ,i_r a .iltag .-li li.l, I'r.Ti.llsoN ,t CO., Au-iist *), is*o. Ill'.i.t ili.i .Nulli,, lillis,leli.hta. Wei Ile Mrifr'* Catarrh (ure. O.M. PA( KAOEl-iOKM RALL. Hi r I- It'IKNT. A l'.l_A_. CL Ital. ItDtt tl iO! po.iticdl IfetUtffl Eleetrle l.labl* lor p..littf_l rsiliennirs. finil*li_d br Ali.Nol I -l lt lill 1. -,.\ _-- .- mUnmnpmunman sw rxiLirl* .t. st en aaa, I lilUAll-. illa- _m CAMr.Vl.N OUfflfflL M. R I.KVY 1 .... _ *'». S_ Hu*ard *i N. w \ ,r» The ll.klu.r_u_ ." One liundr.-il rup:.-.. au h. in ;,. ,,( Jnv let er or t-lrrular ll V.I IU .. il. Wltll.Ult tllell..- nf _,|,|. .r _ |,cr.s. lt |_ ,u\ ul, abie lu lu lilt nus. CiUt>, aud EtSCtltlVI C.iinniU.ees, a*j|J by all i.iiaiuiiA ii. k roon \ i'h cones nv .1 MOhaesh m -Nm \a,r__

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Page 1: TOE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. MRSHERMAN OHIO. PCBLIO … · I-pV-ti.. ¦. ii:i_ io seeveal (oreel ares; bj ImposlDg ic,-: wi tm ascatclasa s.;t.i aol saeb fire*. ... ftu-lothe! iiiulssloll


rt.;V i .rHUfSB i.KfV'.vi t> i i;..\i tm: nniT-

,,. .- ., moa. 'in- ci nv ui'-N ii luann

errt v..¦¦ y kW mm Ii-TIIK T- t'..Illi.\r


- a iH'iatioii eotitinaefl ka ttj*

^.jv-, | . hospitality la Pestes-. It reeei.ed. -,.. j i fihle taeaaage from the Britiship in reeponefl te tko e-tutgratalatori

,..,,. | - at. In tit* iroiu ral ._*_ m ia -

c iiiltiViifioii ol ltrlicrau'l t'ii eol-,. i it .1 -ta! sn,-- w.r,. K-uil. It, the

j^ti ).,s the ;oi'opho:ie was deeeribed* andmatti 1 i1 .peta were read.

Tin: liri ll DATS __ES8I05,gaaTiT. aa iuccbbb a _n_TBD~_j_u_u_, m__n-

i ii rrtns hopi \.-i t> at aoatox.ipmu vl oaaaaaeoaassarr ea twa Taraeaa.]

.. iH>.The safireas nf tina Hooting oft .

., -.ii aBBaied. lina is¦ ii'iii'-- ead varied ebon tr of

I .if.I. hal .1 ii !.. thc ...'rai raman

I tho beal eotaartttae, waieh have beenI the bowndlesa ooartaay aad hespitaliti

0l tim i» "til.- cf Boatea sad tta riciorty. Bomuili baa leen deas ami arraagod tobe,;, .. -for the of the vi-it:n._ mein-

sd tejaatify lea lufcuaee that every-t'tiii--' laeansu atsd to the one ahj . t

of pl- i- ¦ the tamala To w* ar one of thc _...;,icu' yellow badges af tbs aaaaeiataoa is tesoesiTa ottea-

t- tarter aiteattoaathaitaoa* i - Ileas, ..s-.l> nt. A m. mo r ot

the BM I ation, from New-York, who is n

:.i ni rn a very mild Way, weat into

I barker saep oa Tre-ioot-st. on Batnrday. H's'''1 ibo notice of his barber, who at

on ¦« pin iged into an a'armin, dtaeaeit ol >vo u'.ifn. aad attoeked I:oi,'ss..r .\h-x-.>_<!. r.',. is-ia tor the allaaioaa hs sasda la ala lao*

trotgi i? to the hasty eoaelo-i rwia awi Boxley. Thi-extraordinary har*

i >n anea tbe goont!i'-1" Cobbi whoa bil victim, who feared to

¦'.ik'br to.-;

t Ida raff, and ereaSod a sn

i ncident illaatratea well the toter-,-. .1 ¦> a the P-oeeediaga af tbe !: bis'a' ns tah n to. ta mee

I.-::¦' i-xteridtd to ther -f that i- appal _

¦¦'..¦¦ _ro_ t .a crifa!i Academyof Afejeiem baeetta Ihs-i Society, tho Boa Roeioty ol Natural

Society ot DeooratiTs tit, thein of Narara] Hi-:..ry. the

-arv tbs Athenenm L;-. . gi the

i I, thc Metrt. Baroaa, Tuft's CoUege> tbsVi i .; the Oi.l Booth, aadi

1 Buttes boa loft nothing un-

,f.) tbs pl. aa ureras s] .' outside of

\. ¦¦ rs, in"-t ot whom m.-nt toby a a auaitt*

t .fc I- : Essex Ins,A .. '.A.'i other i'

Interest 5 o'clock *

wa Kern wood, v, bera: i re received bs- s. ____Ucott Peabody.


reaorta of Cape Ann,i ra weat to liarblehead Neck, sad

I ti..- fanrrai:

id iV. in. -I-.'.- will bo devoted to pa¬pa '.--... .:it;o;i will ai'.journ on

Brsday in r inganexeura id party¦.:..... psiaona will sturt tor

ii-, wh le the otb r* haveinv Ito attend au archery tournament ol I:-..

J.whiohUovernor Lone will be ppparent dra* back i" uh

i ._*. When .

md sub-eecti ms then. ._-- Ul pl op 11 ob at (Hil a ia \ arion

I er of -Bombi there re be. q

: many who-, i-inji ie appears to bi ti bearwho, there*

: v going from room roro.u;.

e of both ipia in Ilunt-

I'clock. A nmabor of new

id ( selected tor theia _: in- eting "l" i .in ou

17,1881. Im :

? and the (.'itv ol 1ontn al, for a meetiag of tbe

Isonrlatl n in th .-. p aces.


1 - red:-:. ..'. eomptottaglts flt'eentii

y(,r returni thant ratnhttloni to its brother_-

a i-i.K. poa roai ai cxtlt-aa.¦i-iiits' to memorialise Congress ami

Legii itaies re lardi . tbs enlttvarttoa' ot

throagh Dr. Franklin B. Bo1 IS a York. Tbe e port a a - aceon

itt of a -Beaiorial to tbe following efllal tai it eattos of Sta

t ne amat and lasrsaans importaaee of provld-inti.>t. : : .ti I tt.t* 'i-

i indi..' ' be eoaatrv atolnirl n-

h ¦!(* iur.n'i-ui"'i' ". measures teuding i:-.e nod propel saaiutenaiieeofooitiuit. ply ; ll betas ev__eal t...»t Me foreel* of Umt. .elng .-.-I aad wast*, ha u maehgtcatat

c bair rsst-soUos by Barara, srowth.mmi les reeomme ult a law to protect trees

rhg Mai- aad t.. saeoorace .neb plant*d-dion* from highway toaas; alao tha ps. that shall soi mut from taxation the

lucre;,-.- v_;u- of .und arising the

; ; of tl.fl When Dune Wen _rowiu_v i-ui.iy ai>:>en: i.ri.j.t-r.ut-uiitii-'.tue profit

ma. .. i ...-.. i rr om plantattona j by anpropt.tioaai t un ni oil horiifiiiiuril aocietlaa, t..

b* appin us ir. in u as fr Iree-planttna, ami torpri.-- ,.¦ ins i-f.-t ?-»-irs ate! r. i-.fts apon laldaets olan reat-eoltare; by Bneoaraglag edneationalin-t utiuni ii. latrodaes eaanea of instructionbar:n_ refstsaes to prac-tiesl iilvi.iiitiir.-I- ¦. ii:i_ io seeveal (oreel ares; bj ImposlDgpV-ti.. ic ,-: wi tm ascatclasa s. ;t.i aol saeb fire*.

BBS enlarging sod aaUalac the powers of oca otfleerti- .,; es .net ii sdaptlas meaaataa for

¦opp. dh iiiein; try ratabuahtog andat tavorab ¦ Bir*r^ll-¦.¦ .- n,...I.- piont .tloui; by the appointment ofBCwt n of Forestry ,iii.It-r Hillie autlionty utiui.i-

ftu- lo the! iiiulssloll Sf Kisi..

This report or was atgBBfl by L. II.^. . -ter. S. T.j Preftasoe Aaa Gray, af

Ci tige, Htid F. h. Hough, of Lowville, N. T.I waa adopted,

MK VI III KUll I I'S AND BIB-DIVISION.Tl) r .nm,! tit-on Memoir Inn matte a report ta

favor of exteadiaa tbi aeons of the Association andabawBiBi niling ibat the Assoo-Mlea he lividod tatetkgml - tn.iis. instead of two. as now, a. follows.A-Pl \ | cs. H.Aatroiiomv and i'.ire Mutbe-njia- - ( -Cheauatry, iaeludiag tte anplicatlons toe.r.-1. tate aad the ur a D._han__ieal adeaea,E. li.. ii-.v and geegrapby. F.Ihology. (J.An-thr .> -fy, H.-aionouiie seieace ead statistics, ltWas a.- ic, oiiiinr-mi.-d Unit lix re un V Bfl a Irtrtna-aroi -a -. una of ntereeeoey. which shall elect uh

fwii cfll a-, und he reoponaible directly to tbeht-t. a it * ommittee, and rbal tbe Beotional Coat*autit-. oi any ¦eottan m.iv. al its pieosoura, form oasuri; -. . orari rabaections, a:ni msj rn-t_' cer thereof, fbe rvpoal will be acted ujmust t > _) , ,,.,.| ,Ill{#I b.1 im reportedfor tbe obi committee oa tbs

togistratiou ot I - births ami attwriages, n.iit

ffsri uini that a law on ii." sub-¦tnill If .nani, he pass"! hy the in-xi I olisa cou .ii. waa revived. No woori was BladeJfl t (iiniuittee on VVeigbto and Msasurwi aadyt ur t.v ibe one appomtasd to memoralize the

_*m->a iii of New-York for a new _urvt» ot.,.-.

Ile . ion bav.ii, adjourned. t_Mw0"** Bad ¦ubaections mit in tb'-ir respto,,-; .,

^ itt* < .',. in:, .ii Beetiea. PrafeaaoB S, P. Bbarriea^.tiiUi ed ., ..U( tn al method ol' working which is

a ¦- ininti, lal iaboraiory in tcsiing

T*^* sod mnliiaga J 1-. KlalnssliiBidl.*"'.. f ¦ i'.-tim. .s in iroo, aad Profes-."."'l.W.u ipokeupon tbe iaduanoe ofhoat-_twii- isliiikiiiKwithb.n.' coal,

_*".'"' ie niiatiugpower ufglaeoas. Profsasoi 1.

JJ rt ..a ., .,|H-i unoii the geiiesis ol cer-Ul_ fog

tuk'i.oNr:.¦.*.«¦ bv <t ion a Professor A. M. Maier dflflsrfaei

1 invented by buns. 1: and celled tba'"i*"'!'1 win, (¦ vi ad to detstasias tta.aettiuu _:.,| position ol a Bour-.e ol sound, or with


the abaelal oiijoet .r iafaalBlBgj ena direction,Boaltioe aad saBfcaaaa al lbs teg-beeaa ea load abbiHons,,,- of whbnioaoi boardBteaaBSta. Hariitu- bas baan lasssd by tbe Ugbtboaae Board,sad bas heea tenn, ts rive tin- pasttkai af a fog-ti'-rn to withiii a jxiint at ttieilista: nubs.A paper hy tin* R v. H. C. Borey ii I

QoBR-aa of Cabaneoaa or Orieatal Alabaatss BadFlint, rn- tit. ..'d thc at ennui of th :,u: ,

section i|uf|t)_ mi«t of til.- (n-TIinii. sc-, ,11. ll;cpaner waa prefasery illus rated hy arana, dtaci Maaami s-.t-i itii-ns, ami tte- dis-,.v. fies deaBXlb"ia r. niitrlc in e nature. The gaarrlsfl are in theWyandotte Care, fadiaas, sad hare loaf bena relarded aa eTidonee ot tbs voadalis. of laltpetrsadnera .who labored hers la 1812) balaxpert-eata ns to ihe ra-e of -td

growth thia bf be aa error, aad thalthese work- ara st least 1,000 reen aid. La furtherpron ,,f ther in nz due to tba butane, twa yeanano Mr. ll .\, y fouml a _ia| untie and workshopiib nt ;i Baila aaderga ead, amtd cinders of old Bi -.

tragaMiali af torebea, aad dmllar proof* ot Indian¦'¦<.iiliiiny. A atOBa lunn was also foeed,to¬gether with an ah ".miiiiifc of Dial ekftps sad oblongblocks- of a siz bonn ml tat la ba earrledSWaj to bl into arrow h. ads. bois,et.-., in tbe open mr. Beare- al tbe aa mbof tba care had aaoartbod qaaatitles of sneh arti*tiela. Alabaster ornaments are lem plentiful, tbs'- -i al ei I.- iee .... "I. exposure to tbs ale*m< ms, y,; a t, m pei qi wen fooad and de¬li mi-.i with the Smi!bson .-rn lustitatton. Thepepi r rn u disemwed bi Profess r Putnam, ProfeseorCox, (ten,-i al i aiTiagtoo, .-.mi ether members, whoman ft -h d I fl. rides! interest ;n t* cont, uta.

In Section A Mr. W. Anthon] de rvered s teetoraciii exp*iiiments, sh* wit g t .- tnovemeo! >.f abori*

rn lit il) the eui'tli - m;i|_:i>-tie ti-les. pro-fossoi Wi A. Rogers read a paper on thepre-liminarv determination ol tbe equation betweenlao li'ti-b tapenal Standard Tani and Metei otti:.- An-iiiii-: and Henry Morton and B, F.Thomasn ive -one obeen attona on leetitnaotiTe force andtin- Bruah di aamo-eleetnc bo* brae.kfithems I.* uml aatroaomy wore lteated bf il.

t'. Les is. ami anon tbe aaron and lodiacal light olMay '2. 1-77. bv Seth T. Chandler, jr.. with ade.-, ni u-ii ol two txiw li td: imenta.or tbe deter¬mination ol tune and Latitude. Papen were alsoread by Professor Ormond Ston* anon astronomy,and Mr. 8. Frishy occupied twenty minuteseas,'in. ivinmetrical oona! ion*lu tbe p 'rmanent snb-aeetion of microscopy, Mr.

C. II. Fernald described bis method of preparin a¦ai mounting the wiagi of micro-lepidontera, sm]Ur. Ephraim Cnttrr invoke ol tbe abundance of

.' pic t mos of life in central and lateral -al¬

ine.-- of loki - and ptUr. Vf. ti. Beam i rioftnonnt

irur oi glycerine and cert atioua olBtrnctori produced by h on insects.

li, the sc e. .on ..I natural his .rv, pap -rs were n-a.lown; Graniteain tbe White-fountain Notch

upon MonntWill rContact Phenomena,by George W. Hawes j trap*ive hocks of .Munni

-.- >. | Profeseor CH. Bitx hooch ;"vi.a-, by .'¦. Silliinan,

aiad Auriferous (.ravels ol tbe I i>pei R »Oi mde ia

New-Mexico, by tbe same. Pson read a papei dei uted to texii -' tbeancient inhsl io1 rn- Miaaiasipoi 1tr-iteii with ins imens of bark, ipindle a


The lit- tenth oem na for ol Iixed Indiana waa treated by Professor

..rv. Subjoined is pori of thia papen!. ni !¦¦ loni

riirec ..¦ bc taken, t. .-

;t..r. -!, a* -- l ri of tbepop dallon nor t anj bas * td r

tatton, were disregarded I ,. .-:¦- nt law profU 1 :,¦¦.¦:'

the sui .iiry ex ine-

: ihe Indians u t be bodr all. of



whom he ofn ma by thi i.


ol areal pract om- i>. pulariv ,-t. -.1 11 j c i, - li ¦- islal

pnilanthropi, ai. ¦ tratioo. Tlie .ched a el

then of theduct i learcb into pointi oi tb-.-;.



sF.Vi.l.Al. t.iii- hi THC TRKMOXT HOCSE lill:

.One of the proprietontie. inBroadway, hs t ween Die.

ter Bj during I lie previom:n t:.r hotel h.ul been entered bv tl

: iiii.-.l af over |'i toted . the robbery und

vere till boa b.-t nig it. without ba.u .. ,. to ila thieves. From

! tbe hotel, would app*i he' ti. .:- wer > committed ift

i. J. VT* lah, W C. Hoots sad J.T. liB. C., ot

il floor. 1 !..y didpol go fi late boor. When ti ej were

.. -'--I.bu morni I. t.i

tl thai tcy had be. n robbed. Mi. V;.r> viniis to _(i.:i_ to -! led np $1,000 Inbook o had pl iced the p

- trousers' pocke Tl e n - spue.afr. Moor- bad lost «_0 and Mr. Hm ter "ri".reported theil asea at the office of tba b<

.i: erward, >. l. Jenkins, ol' Atlanta, Go.,who had occupied a room on the fourth il ir. re¬

ported oom had been visited by thief <

bsd lost a watch and cuaia worth $100.II- Iud found h:s rn .'.ii door locked mi tbeoutside when bs awoke. While Hr. Jenkins was

i lose, William K. Falkner, of Peters¬burg Virginia, reported thai s sold watch andchain, winch be fained -.t WOO, had been stolenfrom ins roon) in tba second story. Mr. Falknerdeclared that bis roc. door hud been h-fi by tbethieves locked, aa bohad (efl lt whan he went tobed. Ibe rep uta of the robberies oaaaed coi.Bid-erable excitement in tba hotel.


Tia- ciiditi-.n of the Ber. I)r.William Adana was

muilibbgod at u hue hour liiot niis'ht. Bs baaremained throughout hm Ulaeaa at tbeboase of bis .on-ia-law, John Crosby Browa,of tbe Grin of brown brothers & Co., hanker.", wholive at Oraaas 1Mountain, N. J. Dariag tbe wholaaf peoisrday be was aaeooseioas, ___fa__*g no pam,ami it was expected that ht- weald not livetiiitil ev.a.,n,'. as his physicians in BflSttndanonhad irtven ni> all hope of Ins recoverv. His remark-able viral energy, however, kepi bim ap, althoughla-waa Buskingr__hly evsey bom. a\)i the mem¬bers of his iinini'iliate tinnily hath Blaemhied at h. bedside. A-BOBB thea, hisnan. Thatcher bf. A.lams, n lawyer la tina

city and William Adam*, jr., of the nra ol A..amsA: aleHsrg, baakera, ot No. 33 A, with theirwives Hi" two daagbtora are also praMntr-one thewife of -Mr. brown and tuc other married to EagStMDelano, of Philadelphia.


A Tkihink reporter called BBOa Thurlow Wamiloot --v.-ii ag and fooad biaooadition very aiaeh im-

proved. ib phyabdaaa say that the ebansasefbm fall rec ivery are now quite certain. Inconversation with tho reporter, bur. vTeed saul thatwini th.* exception of a alight affection ot hmbowels, ood a loeb of appetite, bs was very maehencouraged, and thought that be would be abb- lob- aix.ut in s few day. Mr.\\ ead aaa dwaB-d, aadrecitred thc report a with a beatty shake ot theband, and looked mach netter than woold be ex¬

pected ol a mau eba hud rsssri throagh such a as-v.-ic illness. _¦ _


<'I). Ubi*), Atifc'. 30..J. S. Morgan,ot J. H. M'»r;.'-u * Ci).,J.)u primers, of , eu.nd

t,,- ott at flt. f'luir-place, ou a Mri. Lii.-hrs, who Uulds hld

BJlt IIB PJ.flOO Aller a tink with lier, he said slit-bad

mtier lend Demote to Cincinnati, BS a rneeilng of bis

er*alltors uoui'i h.- tieid there ii,- -haaasaaifrom h's -cit wiilUed to the other side of th.- r....tu, nnd...., ,irew a rca.Iver and ano: luinst-ir

Ihrouab tbs brod, UifllcUog i wound -auu-ii iSMStaatadfata,.) a Pw iiourit luiat-r.


Atlanta, Ga., Aug. IHh-Mary Lou Csssp-bsll. tai ".111)1-"f 1,"H- which cau.e.; her

nilli. S-mailttSd siu.-.-l-' hire to-day hy Using tWSOtyKi'tuna ot mei pintie.


PuiLADKLi'iiiA, Aug. 3<>.-Tlie rcct'ircrs of

f,,. gisflt-fl < sal .i'"j ir"" Ossapaaa aaaaaaas _.) las price* for coal, free ou board al Tort llich-

mi*n<!. are hs tallowa: Lamp, ste*-'. li.- ..LU -IV, , 1.1 li ,, !.»") -Ucl!. I

si ......n tLii

..m..) .. ,,rk ..ii tail nm.' io '!.>}.


Till.IK AI'VAN i \'.i- IND I»:s \I>V \V '.I-

\ fAi.k wno a. il -haw. uuiian BTATaa n usnat au ' iM.s.iMr oi

ill 1.1.Sf KV ITU >N«.

Albert l>. shaw, United Btatee Consul ai¦ii. is .1 ll). Plftb Av.-, ne II..-.- I ..

two mouth-' barra af aaaaass fara, au psst Hr. fhaa-' ne iviin a In tn- o' j. nt:, pa toa iu tin- einn-

iii'!, efl l:tt|(ti!i_, w ttl BeWS "f Ih-;. sta (.fats. r, aad aa b i

in rj.fli.l tl... -t ,,f lil, IthaS Will. tin- I'¬

ll the rn ma af a n

porter. Mr. tmrnm me ad*vinita..- i.l i.i., iiiv..nta..s wl.n-h EagUsk iniifiiif.ntarara I ive, sod w inch ar.- not lound nt tins Bsaatiy.

'. is the itule of trude m ymir ( oiisu.ur iii*

r !)'. was :isK' it." A ,i « Im | I Hunk lt li not ov.-r-f*ti.'.nir-iirin_ ur sit

mfHCiny to i.iiiniifiictitrci ." fl ..- tin- rc| i. "The goodwsof tt'tecnyears or so aga bars aol istiuasd,

.uni it i* :i MftoOl flOSSU ai when good titiii!-' w ill olin-

otrated pressars nf taralga itill..ii tn ii.iti'.y wins ls now vSty .i-n-u- v felt iii theii iiiu'-i. tortag esatrsfl ol 1. -'in:.). Praflti ors aol

tory, sad ss a whole 1 e ontlool i- aol eBcoot-BgtaO, -o ir ns tuy ShS-Tl Bttl Bl Tf'-nd."" Wli.-i! ('.o von mein hy ' itic eooeastf .t' il fire- -tin- ol

foreisi b'I"">i!ii]'i-. th-: Thal tin- development of ¦aaafoe-

tnnageatarpimae la tbs Catted states, in Fra(..-'imiiiv. in luiila. ni,,u i Maa nml J .,

ia Coaada and Aaatrnlta. hains ts hil __arketa formerly¦np Had from Bagheb mi.;-. Iks rsaolttatbatgtaiinil'ae'ii- .-- *e Bid murki ts ninl BIS pat ~

Bad ii"-" ..fie-. Th- uh ini'..:ii Tankeesppean -ii vari bow way into allold maik.ts, determined ta have ;i shara la ti

sf fOretan eeottes; and bs li ¦.paaied himea aad thc Pi-aoekoian. gaded t.. this is tin- ever-ia-

u ion ia' foreign Biaiiiifsnuiiss nataOft ii Iiritain."

" ll,.ii i- .: i. .. :.

agaiasi tm- i*¦ Thors ur.- -

/ Tbs I. a -~;i '¦ '- ' id for

manufacturing varkmibumld fy of 1 nnblea man

gre mp rtaaei.. -rn..",'- lion i.l

other !

r"! nano, sra * lb iva


. .r. r Qc tl


only li k to .1" in ti.

on, s.iti-n-1 ii b< ii ino ..rr enaih ir lull-., n luhte. 1 . li .-

gea In opeimill-owner I I

ml li .' n tiiii hu fori .in- bad


and . i. mai r ol

tum.".* w-

.. I".. V..

The inn ii'll ld-

i uni]

ii nu ! c. nita

_,!! Wi,lob I!

'n ad

s ll.-.ll.naidered i h

_T,.ii ,, and l natue iii tnthe 1

oturer. I1-tl il :.

m.iv a"Ate Ani'

trout Am.! lea and


un fl

landlords li

:. ,i II..-

in- pei pi ¦-.

.. \\ in i. lahtud

ii i; I fancy not. Tu.- cluu.ite i- noi adapte to.- " much,

i. lt will tali(lovt ii i.i ta, tr IC ntl . aa a lilian,

fermi i '¦ alta Amt rican pt a

our products will have soe loch favor in Jwi i be -.. c .'. ipi) laidt n mitann i.-i Ei gland *i. to the ii len:¦ it. Thi r. ir" foi tIii. iles in tbegrea

.. i-l.-s I"''Decided!, io, 1 ba. .frequentlyeaUeda tentton.ln

nu m. in Am- r.i mii.ti tbe Imperf, rt w.-.. I ro-

Oucti iiu.-ii tbe Bngliah conaam ra, Onlj n-i- dayiaso a large ct inion.I mi lhai be

..ill li Iii, ll .1-SI

coiiiii. i uta foi making cov un,--ta *

and bia Arm was one of ¦ v.-ril tbal inpitlied tliu> .'. bams corns from thi l oiled tatt -, _n.i >.u

.. i.a.-i .ii. an dose op la Iami sn,a ns Kngilab bama, kl n s...n|i

.-. This is done with oureb. sitic um Bool -a -'"in of.c.,nhl toe caret d. and a mora direet and cn.

prehenai. >¦ system ol wpi_>art_erablpa abon'd ba fpi ti Ainerli

- produce d___er_--_ucn t a uune ns inow eon bine w tb tb. de .ii manynie wen.i foi ti., roi ol ma itac

tm.-U gooda o.' rarloua k ads."


(ovKf.N.Mh . i .n<m

Wasboiotox, Aili:. 31, 1 a. m..Thc cycloneremains itattoaarf s,,nm | r nsaeoia, a

smetcresaUaassslawi] fsilisg Ths baro-seisiami fulling iu the Kort hiie-t. iiiiii l- li,_h"»i ia >'. ,i-

gasianfl Tba himpnrsiais koa tallina m Bew-Enslaad,tin- UlAdie, -outli Atl.iutn- uu.l nii.l E.i.-i (.u'f Sinter,

elaewhcie lt hus Ullin. Not tin-nsii-rly vnn.i-,

staody ;it!,i Ihsaataatag wsathi t aad iu.n. ena innes tatlie e_jtl«*rn i»irt.on of tbs M -i A i Ila, Bala hoifallen Btaea tho lost repsal la Uaw _a_*lBad, ths touth

Atlantic uud Bast Ooli Motes,.'loli'-a/ioii.

For the Middle A leoak* stn*-*, stiltl"miry fo'lowe.I

hy failing barometer, stattoaar* or lower fellowed byburbar ismpera! re, non >sst t" -ootawsal wbkdi,partly c oudy icith-r aad aoOMnMH raius iu the,..-I¦ ru poraoa,Pot >.« Kd_i.hi followed by fa Tin sr

saastsf. itatlunary ..r fa d bj bigOar teat-peraiore, i tobli vmiil- aOlfttag to *.,ututi.), pai nyfioiiiv weatbar.

I'lii'i'.iiiirv SifjiiuU.C-aattaaaty -bntab sonitaas tri ut Part Eada to riimiy


Kl I.l'N'1'' I.''''M. <ms|-'.'*V*. ''[')VS.

n(.f*It3:Mornln-;. Ni ht. ? ,

» * r, « : lIMtrtt. inti ; lewm-JiT i¦¦ .,.¦'¦») t m..- i i -.- JO

_ ¦ i 11 i.i-____ Hs.. «l'r ari.i,.. ,1 ii ai :.--,- .i um

- irrrfalsr .Sits !lser*pr*«r'iu t.-lriKli,. l .a ,.

r-lal. l!)r.,ras-« -r a-t liv. rr|>r

.m ,.n..i_ i's rui.»rr.i_ir. m i_-jr_Uj or l-s uier-ioiucld al M.__.l'<¦ ]. .. Uorsass/

tkjbi'.nk Obi mr.. au«. ai. i a. bv.ts ap t<- -1 ll nduni wind, tin- barometer rose steadily rearer lay and 1*

now BOlf il Ul,ie hfb.w tin- afStBga. Th. ri BBS BgNOft.iii In I, mix latnre. how, i, fi..- nniiluiuiu belnir UT3

al __ m. incl the ni mini um 10 »it li an uvuruiteof--V. Tan ti n%3 lower than on the earraapefluaagdav hut yeal and l'.'*_° lower titan on ISHBSey.Cn.u.iv or jiartiv < h.u.iv uoilher. WithOSCaaroaal tSlBS

i.igb.r i<-in io r-1 ui i, luay ue SSpSMSfl lo-

io| ui lui* oily and ficiuuy.


iu- cami lina "i* san by i ( _rn u,I IDDB1 TO ni:- i, i IUD

I-..... rtcAi --.I s.

tiirv Bl s lutrotuce l to theof Comneree of Cincinnati yeeter-

.i i\. :,n lt.' ti thenelu-r*. In tbfl flTcning he delil red his lirsf

apeecb of th.-ca , ra Houae,to a cioTtlfil Budieoce. He discusse*- tbfl up

matt d' the (lay lunn :i business p.iut ofView.

AN APPEAL TO PRACTICAL Ul If.lill: IM ll KM- Ol' Mir- |.\\ V--IIAN .il-ilUU Ot

Titi BIM Bl ll.

< In cinvati. Ana. Ho..-f r.-turv Bberasafl wa*

lrifniini-eil on .Change l-o-dav. Se ipoke fen

brie- c ;i!..' bai ibee ... Cai aaeree

mi tb- a. Into tb,- new build-lng, there being no I -be Mle "t

tbs present Posit Boase buildingll.- id-, paid a high complimaat to ti..- BBpariBtaad*eatoftbe Chamber, Colonel Paine] I'.'!.wii.itii be regarded aaoue ol the ah..f tin- country. Bo referred to tbe fad thal anea

be waa ber.-, a ye. lonni ns to

tbe ability a be re¬

funding Kb* s- nv to announce

rb.-it it biol been accomplished, and dial r rampth n

Wi'* il li.t'-il lin-*.1,.-: orman delivered his Bu

thee mpsign, al l 0 rt ib.'i*.-. Major A.T.Goahorn presided. The Opera Honaewand tast I illy decorated eitb il i_'* un i tl .wera, sad

¦.! u 1 rti ;. opie h.-.'.' bel tbe i cakingbegan, .be 8 retort bad an enthusiastic greeting.

Mr. >.,.'!. hy rei isa ina the Bork ol tbeRepublican psi ty end t! e history 11 refunding sadresnmpl . He i tbs ri >¦

il mew of the public !. .!;t. and Derateattempts ol tbs Demo ratio party in I

the whole Boam ml p i. y of IheGhe t.'.t iul col 11. lion of tbe revenue

aa one of tbe incid iblican rule; the inter¬nal i.-v.-n'ie ban ig-i i

on tbe v. olernmenl thc

.a bonest I

m. t ie

-l 1 Tl. M*l..


I.-iu ill that 1,¦ tin : te tl |lt bul

lilli tl,eil e'hi* A,l-l,!




ll.¦f 11 - .. m..


J -¦¦.-¦!.-. -iI ar ii,;


ii c. aid i...


i fr. ni a !re"i...l olv

ir reachedsum o.' :» s' sn ll1873 of «!

- our-

h i .- an :. 1.75 of fl

;i andni.

i ci tin, t. it wtttiInfill.

'¦ and Soutn. and may hops ma¦b 'rt time to -neil'.)- iii. tn wi D

ot tors In the arelnf Indus; ry.auricare now ilkina our raak aa tbe I Wita

tor i i*i win are willina to work with cheap apt tal, we

..".richie I fbici. i. i.

' i world. Tll ai. and 11

in proportion. Foi 'li -».- tn.ti 11ix d.antr* i trm ec ted. We

rici -n men) iietot, f"that

* ni'.m not landi n re*"I,, ii,.i.l .ii 1875 ; in ti

th, .ii ii co of trade li ia ... di arfnv.r thal foreign coan file*, no

to -. ilk '.ur lecnnUes, are compelled:. cold. I!.;. ..ur genera

r railer, and brtioun*

¦. tillace, M-

our ;¦ et and icu..tin'

tullun-, have been reduced mon than one-haU. Inatl .¦ >;.cit bal ind al

in.-r. ii tb and f tn our « h de ounrryleen. 1 ..:, i

nu cfi-it, natm tloo a.fitin tba

sir, ;i u ni in .-i.-iniyto miri.-.i I 455,491", 7.-'.'*. ii 1870. >¦7_ .".t>7

, esl ire hare report* th' ,.<-r is

,lh.,.i . - ate.itt ie

be i- tic] .f fe Bi n .. an party.ri' ,: i. i- i

fUl H tin.III.-

li itt ion ol iiu (...v.-nunen i u ti. iu .. lereuce to the re-u and

..- ilual il .r i.,..i"-- : n ;-,.. proteetlnuo' a .ii our t.inti lan.rkol ino Republicanoartr.thai iiavec.ui

tnbuted to om proapenty. It la true Uiat Providence_ ii c a- h..uti'.-i.ii- rrop ant th--"' cam :tft -r resuuip-

are, una un. r ma b ol bud thc foun lalll V illl.l .ilid-IIi a, l..,|ll-ll> . Willi ll Cl) ,

the hleaaiucfl .! r on u -. Certain I lithat * ¦ -. .-.-1". pa i "f -.iir in st eritj to th-- Demoeratte...:;}.

pjUaUOoaATic ritKi'KM'K*.

'li I) ic oral ii' BB live years, BOIhail co-)!!!, if one b I'. un.I f..r ueurlv.v iobis el beth broaeoet, Wbal basttaoao,ov pro-

jmi-i lo .!... f" Lei'.. Iii tb* jiu'.I:.-, or IS t-viui-t! any di*.

position t" bring :ih".it teform. I ft «.-t ..ut oilba

pretece of redocioa t'i" expeudltaresot thc Govsrame: t. It clipped bete aad theta thai clerksor tedaeed meir stuakar, sad, la isms caa* -, serwosly1,1, -till, 'led ttl"- pilli Ile 1.11-1 Ila- - -. It Wltlill-l't lie,,

appi prtatioBfl torn tune ti- ibow a rsdoetlos of er

A trust , bul * ,»s eumpellfld to msks them good hyde-cia l ]

In ls.:,, tn. laal feat tn winch ths Bepnbllcani bsd a

tn,I !-. iii ii..;.i Hoaara, the appropriation* wera1147,714,040. At tb* next-niton the Demucrata con-iroiied tbe House, and, b) refasiag to appropriate fortome ol ii,.- m.. t nceassary espotute* .f he Uovernmeat, radueed u.e appropi i. lons to Bl'-' L.'.2'_,'il0, andtue ;.i:,. .v.:,_ t in ..i.i.r pi.octet the r ----I i.-ut, br atailnra t ps fl ay bill sad to provide (or otheri).--.n einenaes, ti.ey rsduoed tim approprtaUoncio .-*-- ii.,ii.i>-.i. bat ,k! tba :. *wloB is.loo,good these 'f.-ii. i.-ncie- :iini t.. r.-.cttr rr..- tanita .-¦ m

n niel, tn, y appruprlatad B172.018.SoB, betaa0,000 ui.>re tban it .1* at pt-pna ad iu is7ii. una

in I--'.:.'..--. appi 1182 104.647; an f. r 1**1in.-i i.u.- .»|.,.rtipi'i ii .-.i .*¦!..i.i ls._1_, av #7,ooo. oimimi.;, than the approprtttlooa mads iu..- last yest tue Ko¬pai.a, ii!,- i,nil ,, cl the Hollie.Th ¦- it appean thai ihe beaatafl seoaomy of a Demo

eratic Boose, tn a tlrae of profound peace n

UM I.ii,.- r.'.iiictlni.H BJ a K.-puiiiii-au Adw_lst__r.lei iu in ;ii. ie.i-f ol spproptlaUonsCrom i.i .

Uuriiia un thia tune the Democrats hSTS PfOpeSlI no

reduction of laaaa aad aa ¦sssata of a .m. usu .. .n .-r -ir ur tha countryMr. Sherman went BB to sneak ..f Mr.'I

erv of fi mid in re_iinl to the i-i.-. tioii of i*t7t). Jj,.

replied ta it ny un anpbetie denial and by i raaiiaJot the tn mle aU.-inp:."t by .Mr rildofl klnisslf. aa

-1 bf lb filmer .; ult. b .eretr:ii,si itfi and pablished by Tub tninoaa utt- r

....I..,.. He ___cil what would happiu

wara there a "ebsnga*" in ti <. raaasat, Basaul:Aad bow, f('ll.!'v.i-'t.. -.. un, ,1; mat

suppose, tr.e testralnt o' a 1: p lent ls wita,tit 1- c. '.'.. ll Will tile I) .. ic

. t..r «,nen J Itt*( bardi ol,!,.(,fri , will

doa n ii'."ti 1 ( tor need11 en a Hi. 11 1

fuue- ii of kc Bl Ute, r.ei. -. Bi¬ll 1 .mi 1..! lily an n / .1 e-. iv

fae 1 . ...... in ii.i-,,|. r 1 .1 eil

li inda,\ - ,...,..¦ I, .. .o', nts, now

¦!, ad) ¦

ii al. ibe t: '.< V - of the ieeg to open-as m ti,,. 1 tent ir, (.> ibe

Bo a. id_ n v ie -. w iiiwurr in ' 1 -ir. Iii'i- (ar dOi ina 'his

Bud 0 irr.-.istatute or limit bi

mi.t iii. nc. lloni Of ile I>'-t. r'tne.if in-i-¦ cut ii.eiuoft';t.-i a Urmo , : 1 ¦

talent, bow eos) it ould be to break dowi-. 1 know fruin un pena

11 1.1. n. Whor iiex k on t"lie .'C. 'in-i h 1! bl*. ...... in -..

er claims bow baned A thu lanced .1 ocauaernndlng ol tn -. moo Un : .'.. #68.00 v

MuSt nf tbC lU.Illl. I "I tue

louth, (brough (heir const -.-.-. are interested ina -.

Aa ot tbe period of limitation m loelalmifor 1 1 ttoo, wi opes npten* of mi'lia An enlargement

adoi ti words ol ile- law aeatof. note* -.i 11 ai. apoa

in 1 demi nhs '..r 1 i'i on

.1 ¦:. Itara f. t- f..-. t c n tum .1 nv amarmy ta l e War of tbe Rebellion, lakes fross dlalor al

md lor 'i '.i. f .¦ .is a n.ttorin ra-n. o icnuenceof tba war.* baa wooratrial to -u. n tue*- elalmi unfold or even a haudred-

-iiinoi-v c,.u ne ii,amt-ie Hired wiin tue g., I ealand apparent y of ths ela*rmi snatactrr.

li up n ni in officer frteodlj to thc>ij.-I--.oo neil- caa e-'in.ii-- ti.-- a .1 n tiijs

,,,-,r .a rich in-.v ne foisted uponopie "f the I.,' a - slea, Aad

nb ula nt f 1- ic .lon- I If IBs prill-ita I. ni-cr.a.- party aro to he ..#_..»'" adopted

y in- votea "f tbe people, sad bs v r- meu woo f..u»utlor them an (o be placed lu power, wuj skoald tBef

noi ht taeaf Why I ... IB. y

not be pa d lol * '.. I mourn noi tbe brav*bo fought tor theil pnoclplca be placed oa thc

i, nato i. l I.-.- i "ii- bj ti. -

Wai and hi Tr awry woo.- bring ian f -..ii ...-! n el

Ital.. .Di ni", i-.lie POI tvI .; for m. ni,

.,, o ror.) .ni will Hu,It .. i» in

in.- 1'.- .. ..rat- ol tai Ibo war. 1 >.

... i .,. ipokeu, v i.i I..- inc Sr t to

:n -a ita, and a¦ned torevet. Amuesli

.-..*¦« ni be iir.,ci.. u. tl for the miLc, !, c.

gun rn i.:. \i hal pn ted on a hi (ben.ri will Were he

i. i ¦.¦

Iel ... i' C

.-....:,¦.,.- ,1

i c.ll

Ol 'le

IVet. All WHr leiHU! ,.1 I,.,- I' ... | .,!

i, om wi ii-t...

I elr



lnteiil Ar a-


bc waa not ii ra ot tl

li"ii*.-. While 1

fcL i.... a I seri

HID i.\ :."¦ : iSi

Vt E__ L.V-

BOBI I ID.Tn thr f ii i tor or The [ritual.

Bini _ly mei od. I do uoi forget

er ii Wini ...

f ii-'' : i a ..- il ,. rc-


but. Bl

-li. el

. .... i iiiios tbalihouid be belped, bat not that tba lo] I ..-

ls.ii,u was lo k- .1 upon i- » pi* > .. ,

had h.tia. io rt n. J. fl. 1 r rn ar.i Ivtaad ih.- P

lng lift Wee: .

¦uni worse. Louisiana was to ba recoaitraeted b> .i.i battas tailed. Ita

timi tba ,-. il -u-

.. Phillp il:-I IB L.'.i-

i'.'.-i i thecavalryman from eommaad. And whyl Bce-usc .*i<-

ivmp i'iiy with i who savedi,, di

..><. uiin -ii.iii i ai in , ommaad :" I Ftesandrew Johnson. Ja ie B mk replied: "Pal

Uenei a ii ii....-,- in i .. .,..i Cfc in cr it,ml le Ll do li wa . ii and mi mut ik cou -t he made n ithoui peril i->.tbal ..Johnson nolie]

.,. tOther reasons exiet< .1 which helped on the -. -u.-.-. nut't c inn- more Iron, whul Impended lunn for Whet had .il-r adv bapp. u.-.l in LouiilFlanders, aad th* row aboat Ihe Freedm

ouwsy, w.-i, mers trifles ss_s*pored with tbe controversy with Congress, rbibUfVens, -.mi ,.-r. -li.-ii" Wads, William Pill

den, ii'ii-iai (...rr1,,-,.: and omer* were oa sos¦Ide, and tolrew JobBsoa, Jeremiah Black timi., wattou the ot.irr.'lhus, tiri,n \- I git .... prior to and attenI-

appointment of Hancock an t the di*i> acemeut.¦I "ii.-ii'Uu. i' .ai my itatementaara trnsmay bc !.;, ..ii Iaay il i> t was a psrsotioi wttooss or mastnf wbat took tia... ia eonneetton with tb* chaags ofconimander* la Loulauiaa ami bad pst-oaal kn*wleda*of -arly all tbe faeta ofthe reoonitrucUon of tbe State,

tacti which l Bira relatiua to the tnten ewi ¦.

.in.l l'r.-iiiieiit Ji.liiisuti, cone.i;... remol il ol Bberidan sud tbe appointment of

[gath -edfrom i dl_tingui»bed Confederati fJen*cral, noa dead, aad flam an ex Q ivernor af Looistaaa,atnl living, who war* praacat aub th* President ut iht-H..,.-.ina,-r.i s un h.m. in I. mist :in:i. associated more with

tba linn WhO served With lolu ill tue WOT IO pttt doWUtbe-tebeilion than with tl.'Wh did all they. nldt<m.ii;.- tbe K.' I. sn. ic*.. Oetieral Hine "k. tu;. ina.aaaocuated .ir...-e uni. tb* m.-n wbo ti-ie.l to

pul ,i,ii-ii r.-ic I'-i'.in rh.m <t rh bose wbo did their beallt. *re,.-rii Sherldon did aUha eoatd to kelp ra*

construct I. u il* a on a loyal baals. Geacral Ha-rmitikdid till he .-un 1 to be " r.-.i.a-tr.n t ll on th hn-i- of Hie

wishes nf thosi abo tried ta destroy the Nation. Goo*..tu I .bari-Un I wita a h y it ooareaflUlan .t,trli a disloyal P.'es.tliit. General Hancockfavored toe. traitorous Preata. ni ai d d:d all he>» doIO deie..l COOfl ,il sn-: ni .ii lat vviiui ..s .'..iiiltlIO PT* iel. .- tin- ItVCS "i the I'lll.'U tn-ti ol Li.ut*.un I.

lii-n- -r. il llilic-c- ai.owed Wot* Lanai iii.-u ISbc killed during tho ol 1868 loosli.i\.' BOSa kl'.'ed ill uni eleen,,11 _lu_e.ll.e WBO in u .lire.1 500 Villon men lu tbfl mir

laen ul Joly, 1806. hated BtMitdas bacaase olflirt* to bring them i.. untie.-, bat thoa* flr-mea, ta

1807. alter-,!..!itiiii-rii in».-!v"s li., .r-w- tot "J ft"Davis. wBo waa thsa stoppiwt ol I « st. Charles Hotel.Went lol !l,W!Iu lind »h...Heil fol Huneoek. whose lleiid-oi ;.i les .il ihe Par! Hoi.S. ou bal ii DU* s, t .., fi

i 'hil: I. r.-I Uel'e far Jeff" D.lVl* MU 1 far ____tj-cock thea, la 1867; sod last ats .¦»- ta-day. i* u any

_ man i,ie..."!-.* tn fi,- ClneinuailI .ni ntl.iii Were r.n- tile n.iinillutliMi of tin- aid taVOt i.¬

ii' itip . Wuitc la--i.».'U." Ilrst. Url. and all the :.i

mit. lt wu* in psrtosl ii..riu.)ny with tba liaaaaof thiuiri.

1... seymour anl Blair rloU ot l*t(5S were all winkedul hf Hine.H'k lu Uta itil.-.-c*' Ol Ins Whit* f IBgOB

In li)'- nope 'hut tari tu gBt bfl ti,.- means ,,f __.

Vlf ..._ Hf- *u i'. M nf lb* portf ti inch lion. twOlfS years,n it-l'i.e -nine Han,-nek fut UM I'r.-sl-

deaev. 1' ib.< same nj. ju. aoald ne rsi i edt., Mus year. :i ti.-t-essiii y. and hy tile seli-satu-- turu, ml¦tte al ss donut.

ca tosas Wan.. inBagBsrs "naadttn."ak, m bis Bildra. ta thom ta Itarsh, i*>07. from

r tb* Park House, uallod i.ieiu " Geotl*-:u.-.-.'* me merni r. t-..riri i.-i -.. 111i_r iuem, as didSeymour th* ti-Ben ia lst*iJ. " M* tnen.!.-,** Not I

_d kim A kl ,»" l."I,: lc

ll- uiu-t li.iv- known linn laen- tvere a ti.-¦

ot h..-in abs wt-ie tu ii-iiT'-not boom ot lbs rsc] men wno willi lilli) nuder the " stun ii-

¦.. ,titf, rett.-e. ti'.ei wera Desoorats, and, ibetsfore. " .flinn." WhSO mis '* Ulilslriuils soiUier'' is

¦0_oU.sated fur hu " su cudid touduct m laaXM

aos*al! [ _av« : .-.- I*, r.-r | lor "of I aln. in Iv kn wi. aad ne si I Ile i. il I' at* 'US

«. w ai-f.. .Ij". ..ii ¦ :¦¦ .. l'sJo.

LATES1 -illf A

rottT or mia rom ",,T s'.tr rn iir Ami .Wa, J |BSSOH 7»

IB.I lg W J Hum*.

I .¦ s fl '!'

Kc tin.,t it rLam..-*, oat* Nurbe -. I*, er Yu nv lor I rijtiri


.'leantil vi Iii nt.,

. i ns 1. .ttlD lt

r N,._. iiu..i. 11 ar nj' nie .. _|.t I -a-

I , . -a. _> lb I". A ni--1:1*1 spt All

Ilufkun ..ff ..ff -ci; r l.-ike iif


,ai Lima' .tit

ertouii.-, M_«d_.a_Merci, I'll.*: -i.ii .... -'I'! '¦ -. 'i


-t\ Iris. i-f... .\11_-. ll*)..Hie following ara

-:u»< ofllf ia. pt! es of tulumi MOBBS J- *:e;d..y and

at flay.Yestenlsr. To nay. Y.tater.lar. To dav.

Aloha. Bo M-xlean .li7, tll\ 1 .

i '-». '-S.1 v, .inn Wari* . '.

a.-ru Us.le .13 i s

nest and B_u-h-r...l"\ I S .it '( -Hamain.... i'» "¦» "i.u.r. 7'."*.

-. ". I 1.... 1 "-j 1r>. vi.:, rc. i 1i .v-rnmn_. I1* 1'?Kn.wer. i. . .... I'll OH!. .J'sa

. 1 ....... a** I I . il'. , -ci, ..».*..l-l.I'us. Viroma_. i. SI totKlug. - .

".wu feint ........ f-i .' . 1 ; Ts. ;i«. _¦« -** .!»li UltSOU.-UM '-'_ .

i...i.lcnT.-rra . I ai»aiirfi. CS 4-j, y «m lemmm.. So H's

BocdflBaa. . . I . Hinter .*,., *%«O.ann erins. 7n '.*. On.lev. »,«tis.e anti .Noi-(T(.»s.. . a I . .- .-t .ay. l _l ¦»«

DIEDBAItKI.I'V- .11-afar liv. kag ri !. w'.tf. son

ra .un: f. i.-i.. ara I* rilad tn sit.-id iii- taaan *-r-

1 .'cluck p- in , at Ml tat*a.,1 .1 -t :...! -t

BEEB8 in lirookiy,. IS liatlle C., wif. -if W .rrenI ..

- at her hit* 1 N I' ->'i.-i rncriiuru;fe .).-* p ni

Interment ai Elm Gruvi UMaMflty. .it--.,. < i._ ; .

.. l.v "'ml ll"

iii ki-'" 1. ii.ou -un > Ibis etty, Baal >r_1.. oft .1 1,

ir Ina atti-r". house ni id-on..> ,


tki _¦..


. .

u m.

Mi I.M... .1 ir N .1 .1 I 1

.1 L. O.ili n1*.

V,s I" lthUUlt Hj,, .11 \ rsa

Jn.Cldl AJUCC5I1hii_* .. I ... li li. -.

a it.


W ELI : Slat fl s,

Vi n-i., - :m. \.'i i.i .:I


men mitl


. .I

. irter.¦

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New "-tine.

V II.I. ni¦,..-, ni:.1(1

II' ll .

lu r I.lacon-:ii. wi

1 .r-ia

.ni rn c.--. 1 ¦ -,,t1 ::i .Lit.


,ii itv ot Ricbmoad,

mila t ' ' ¦ ir H* .min .11....-..-:.. ind. via Ant* ;.. : * - i.,r

an Bramall M

\ ¦'. ic, : r

jillillia- . - 1 ii nu

v. nat Indies ie:ii.- sen \ .; - faa-. .it

B vin Ila At*. r

a*w-York -apta-mber J. ih, tn .1 . f ,i s.-w-

iud leave Sew-Yo als fur lieu.*ntni Bay Ii ivs I r York **«_r-mber _ . 1 4.I!,cai,:.- ,, theW -f louies I:../ll anti Anon; ma ,._v*

.: l -. fl.-ni ie ad Hat*..- ,» -, yic-i.... r t, ha ..- ll ,

ind I nulli*for Aunt j la. e., *i*a. _¦

l .I - L. ' Hi.s i-,., 1.|-.i.*t Dill e. N-tr '.a. Mi.ii ._ I* I_ ii . Th.s .'.loraina

lilt; si-.MI-v. i.Ciil.V I'KiBUN-,....

i.ciier. Mafl aad sta .-.-» 1 ti- >. 1

V\,.ri.i ami BM gi iv

I'rice in wi a is-n t .-*..! 1 its pw**)/. 1 i ., 1

rill... r.'* i'.-l '_.¦ i. 1.. 111

f-trlciare. Iiniioli'iiee ina Di.-itei at .' ;« i,-.-i j-k.i. s i_a,i_- 1 ai -,>'. j ,-u - 1. ii 1 its, -1) , 1, jli' M". 1 -.¦'.- ti 0 1 '¦¦ t -i -i nar, ___ j .;i ,%

lu.- BSS__S l.lDcurv.

<>l" r lU-I.-'iY INCLEAR, liol.!' illM'siiMKTVI'".HE \-ll'l. ll... Aid .Nu. *.o.

-white wi.sum a yachri .Hu) annasLy WILLIAM BLACK, l'me, 1J c-uts.

-Isoga -,- -i * 11 ru.

Uy L. B. WAJ-V IBO I'l".,.. I .cuts.

OtTTTO-MOaaOW.MCLEAH, SOLA HAM'- .MKTYfE.N... -I*. flt r -I KA H lt 'I -li

Ot, A TRIP ACKO-*- .Nt.KlHKI'.v I'.'.ll 1'irt I.By J I LfcS VEK.N... li

LAT' VSill Tba Thu tann li Hnaeiia Bv BaiUa Oabsctaa.1-)*Sd. -Ali «a.!.l.-»ii I itu..*-. BfUeurg* I .:* -.'don.l I'u.l.ev- Carlaoa ttl -lisa M. h. iirad.i.iu. i.hj«o* n. ic- Burna. By Prluciaai *.b*iro ..s-

il .-.ti. -liiu. ny Kduiun AboaiMl. n'.i. -.-....-! ,, ,_!,:.,',. ii, I,. H \A'_lf..rt_0C

K'.r »_:e 1.. 11. v.* laster* si ale...,- yri.-.-s, di im:, pnainata.sqre. i] ... la! nu lor 10.1 eui uuiuut-1 - sud ., vet. is lu. ...,ml.UIu!..-_CEOROE Mt' Min. 17 to '.'7 Vai N. Y.

To the f-it-.e aud Hardware Tiadr.Oar work* are mal* ,. ..ji.-rt t. n. orders ;..r-t..v,-_. Haal.

its. Han,<-». iioi.uw ,i_r a .iltag.-li li.l, I'r.Ti.llsoN ,t CO.,

Au-iist *), is*o. Ill'.i.t ili.i .Nulli,, lillis,leli.hta.

Wei Ile Mrifr'* Catarrh (ure.O.M. PA( KAOEl-iOKM RALL. Hi r I- It'IKNT.

A l'.l_A_. CL Ital. ItDtt tl iO!

po.iticdl IfetUtfflEleetrle l.labl* lor p..littf_l rsiliennirs. finil*li_d br

Ali.Nol I -l lt lill 1. -,.\


mUnmnpmunman sw rxiLirl* .t. stenaaa,I lilUAll-. illa- _m CAMr.Vl.N OUfflfflL

M. R I.KVY 1 ...._

*'». S_ Hu*ard *i N. w \ ,r»

The ll.klu.r_u_ ."

One liundr.-il rup:.-.. au h. in ;,. ,,( Jnv let er or t-lrrular llV.I IU .. il. Wltll.Ult tllell..- nf _,|,|. .r _ |,cr.s. lt |_ ,u\ ul,abie lu lu lilt nus. CiUt>, aud EtSCtltlVI C.iinniU.ees, a*j|Jby all i.iiaiuiiA

ii. k roon \ i'h cones nv.1 MOhaesh m -Nm \a,r__