toddler factsheet 4.1 common nutritional problems in toddlers · supplementation. other medical...

For Healthcare Professional use Toddler Factsheet 4.1 COMMON NUTRITIONAL PROBLEMS IN TODDLERS LEARNING POINTS 1 Although most toddlers in the UK are well nourished, a minority have nutritional problems that can have immediate and long-term harmful effects on their health, growth and development. 2 Iron deficiency is common in toddlers who eat a poor diet and may cause anaemia and delay their development. 3 Vitamin D deficiency is seen mainly in dark-skinned children in the UK. Toddlers who do not have sufficient exposure to sunlight and/or do not take a vitamin D supplement are at risk of vitamin D deficiency which can lead to rickets. 4 Dietary fibre and omega 3 fatty acids may be inadequate in the diets of some toddlers because they eat insufficient amounts of whole grain cereals, fruit and vegetables, and foods containing fish-oils. 5 Growth faltering is usually due to inadequate dietary energy intake. There is rarely a serious underlying medical cause. 6 Tooth decay in young children may be due to poor oral hygiene, unfluoridated drinking water, an excess of simple sugars and/or acid in foods and drinks, and the habit of snacking throughout the day. 7 Many toddlers do not shed their ‘puppy fat’ as they get older and lifestyle and dietary changes may be required to protect them from becoming overweight. 8 Constipation can be distressing for young children and may be due to a low intake of fluid and/or fibre-rich foods. 9 Allergic disorders are increasing but professional advice should be sought before the elimination of important foods from the diet.

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Page 1: Toddler Factsheet 4.1 COMMON NUTRITIONAL PROBLEMS IN TODDLERS · supplementation. Other medical problems such as constipation, gastro-oesophageal reflux or dental caries can be reasons

For Healthcare Professional use

Toddler Factsheet 4.1


LEARNING POINTS 1 Although most toddlers in the UK are well nourished,

a minority have nutritional problems that can have immediate and long-term harmful effects on their health, growth and development.

2 Iron deficiency is common in toddlers who eat a poor diet and may cause anaemia and delay their development.

3 Vitamin D deficiency is seen mainly in dark-skinned children in the UK. Toddlers who do not have sufficient exposure to sunlight and/or do not take a vitamin D supplement are at risk of vitamin D deficiency which can lead to rickets.

4 Dietary fibre and omega 3 fatty acids may be inadequate in the diets of some toddlers because they eat insufficient amounts of whole grain cereals, fruit and vegetables, and foods containing fish-oils.

5 Growth faltering is usually due to inadequate dietary energy intake. There is rarely a serious underlying medical cause.

6 Tooth decay in young children may be due to poor oral hygiene, unfluoridated drinking water, an excess of simple sugars and/or acid in foods and drinks, and the habit of snacking throughout the day.

7 Many toddlers do not shed their ‘puppy fat’ as they get older and lifestyle and dietary changes may be required to protect them from becoming overweight.

8 Constipation can be distressing for young children and may be due to a low intake of fluid and/or fibre-rich foods.

9 Allergic disorders are increasing but professional advice should be sought before the elimination of important foods from the diet.

Page 2: Toddler Factsheet 4.1 COMMON NUTRITIONAL PROBLEMS IN TODDLERS · supplementation. Other medical problems such as constipation, gastro-oesophageal reflux or dental caries can be reasons

Iron is an essential mineral for haemoglobin in the blood see Factsheet 1.1i . Poor iron status is common in the UK, and anaemia (haemoglobin <110g/l) is seen in about 12 per cent of toddlers2. It is most common between the ages of 18 and 24 months when physical and mental growth and development are rapid and large amounts of iron are needed to support these processes. This is also a time when eating habits are in transition from an infant to an adult dietary pattern and when some toddlers may refuse new foods see Factsheet 2.1 .

The major cause of iron deficiency in the UK is an insufficient intake of iron from the diet. This may be due to a low intake of total iron, a low intake of bioavailable haem iron (iron found in meat), failure to eat foods rich in vitamin C (which helps iron absorption) at the same time as eating non-haem iron (e.g. iron from vegetable or cereal foods) or to a high consumption of substances that interfere with the absorption of iron (such as bran or tea). Toddlers with low iron stores at the end of infancy may be at risk of developing iron deficiency if given unmodified cows’ milk as their sole drink (because it contains little bioavailable iron).

Iron is also essential for the normal development of infants and young children and several studies have shown an association between anaemia in early life and poor neuro-cognitive development3.

A healthy balanced diet should prevent iron deficiency. Iron is found in red meat, follow-on formulas, fortified breakfast cereals and other foods

see Factsheet 1.1i . Iron supplementation should not usually be necessary in the UK. However toddlers who are anaemic, or suspected of being so, should be assessed by a GP or paediatrician.

For more detailed information on iron deficiency see Factsheet 4.4 .

COMMON NUTRITIONAL PROBLEMS IN TODDLERSMost children living in the UK are well nourished and consume foods that contain ample amounts of protein, carbohydrate, fat and micronutrients to meet their nutritional needs.

Deficiencies of most micronutrients (minerals and vitamins) are relatively rare (apart from iron and vitamin D in vulnerable groups). A few children do not consume enough nutritious foods to grow normally and in most cases this is due to a lack of parental knowledge or concern, rather than poverty or disease.



A healthy balanced diet see Factsheets 1.1 and 1.2 will protect against these nutritional problems, and nutrient supplements are rarely needed.

However our relatively affluent and increasingly inactive lifestyle encourages over-consumption of energy (calories) from fat and sugar-rich foods – and under-consumption of dietary fibre, fruit and vegetables. This can have a number of detrimental effects on the health of toddlers, including dental caries, obesity and constipation1.

Each of the common nutritional problems summarised here is the subject of an accompanying Factsheet, which deals with it in more detail.

The Big Book of Recipes for Babies, Toddlers and Children by Bridget Wardley and Judy More © William Lingwood/Duncan Baird Publishers, London.

Page 3: Toddler Factsheet 4.1 COMMON NUTRITIONAL PROBLEMS IN TODDLERS · supplementation. Other medical problems such as constipation, gastro-oesophageal reflux or dental caries can be reasons

VITAMIN D DEFICIENCYVitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is essential for bone growth and health. Vitamin D deficiency can cause rickets, in which the bones become soft and misshapen. Vitamin D is also important in protecting toddlers against infections.

There are only a few dietary sources of vitamin D – oily fish is the best source. Margarines, follow on formulas and some breakfast cereals are fortified with vitamin D see Factsheet 1.1i . Most daily needs are met by the manufacture of vitamin D in the skin when it is exposed to the ultraviolet rays of sunlight.

Dark skinned toddlers from ethnic minorities have a greater tendency towards vitamin D deficiency than white children4. Genetic differences, lifestyle factors (such as less exposure to sunlight owing to less outdoor activity and covering the skin or using sunscreen when outside) and dietary habits (such as replacing fortified infant formula with cows’ milk as the main drink before 12 months) can all be responsible.

The Department of Health recommends a daily supplement of vitamins A and D for all children from the time they are drinking less than 500ml of infant formula until the age of five years

see Factsheet 1.1 . Vitamin D supplementation is particularly important in dark skinned children and others at risk, who should receive it until the age of five years. The daily dose of the NHS Healthy Start Children’s vitamin drops provides 233μg vitamin A and 7.5μg vitamin D.

For more detailed information on vitamin D deficiency and rickets see Factsheet 4.7 .

Clinical signs of other vitamin deficiencies are rare in toddlers in western countries. They are seen mainly in children with chronic diseases (such as cystic fibrosis, intestinal malabsorption and liver disease) or in those receiving unusual and restricted diets for cultural or other reasons (e.g. an improperly managed food allergy or hypersensitivity)5.

However surveys have highlighted that low blood levels of some micronutrients occur in a sizeable minority of toddlers who are not eating a healthy balanced diet. Low dietary intakes of vitamin B6, folic acid, calcium and zinc, as well as iron, are not uncommon in toddlers2.

Children who eat little food, or who consume a diet low in nutrient-dense foods – milk, meat, fish, bread, fortified breakfast cereals and fruit and vegetables – can be at risk of micronutrient deficiencies.

Some toddlers eat too little of foods rich in dietary fibre such as wholegrain cereals and fruit and vegetables, and this may cause constipation.

In recent years diets have changed to contain more omega 6 fats and fewer omega 3 fats with a tendency for children to eat more vegetable oils and margarines based on omega 6 fats. Toddlers need to be encouraged to eat foods containing omega 3 fats, such as oily fish, regularly to maintain a healthy balance of fatty acids see Factsheet 1.2 .



The Big Book of Recipes for Babies, Toddlers and Children by Bridget Wardley and Judy More © William Lingwood/Duncan Baird Publishers, London.

Page 4: Toddler Factsheet 4.1 COMMON NUTRITIONAL PROBLEMS IN TODDLERS · supplementation. Other medical problems such as constipation, gastro-oesophageal reflux or dental caries can be reasons

GROWTH FALTERINGPoor growth and weight faltering are relatively common in the UK and may affect up to 5 per cent of all children and 10 per cent from families with medical or socio-economic problems6,7. Weight faltering usually occurs before 18 months, most commonly during the second six months of life when growth is rapid and energy and nutrient requirements are high6.

Growth faltering is often detected when the weight of a child falls below the bottom centile or crosses centiles downwards on a growth chart. The height, as well as weight, of a child needs to be measured in order to properly interpret changes in the latter8. It is not possible to detect growth faltering without using appropriate growth charts.

Children with diseases that increase their requirements for energy and nutrients (such as cystic fibrosis) are likely to grow poorly unless they receive nutritional supplementation. Other medical problems such as constipation, gastro-oesophageal reflux or dental caries can be reasons for poor food intake in toddlers and lead to poor growth.

The most common cause of growth faltering (except some medical conditions) is insufficient intake of food to support normal growth

see Factsheets 1.1 and 1.2 . There is a variety of reasons for inadequate intake and in most cases behavioural, socio-economic and organic factors play a part6.

Detecting the reason for an inadequate intake of food is important. Some toddlers are faddy eaters and may have difficulty accepting new foods see Factsheets 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 . The growth rates

of many toddlers will respond positively to an increased food intake, so long as the foods eaten contain sufficient energy and all necessary nutrients. Sometimes it may be necessary to increase the energy density of the diet see Factsheet 3.2 . Only a few toddlers will have undiagnosed disease.

For further information about growth, growth faltering and how to treat it see Factsheets 3.1 and 3.2 .

Tooth decay in toddlers is most often caused by frequent consumption of foods or liquids containing simple sugars and sticky foods that leave a residue in the mouth and around the teeth. Prolonged bottle-feeding, particularly when a toddler is allowed to fall asleep with the bottle in the mouth, can be to blame and should be strongly discouraged.

Saliva in the mouth helps protect against tooth decay. During sleep salivary flow and swallowing decline, making clearance of material in the mouth less frequent. Frequent eating (more than seven meals or snacks per day) is also associated with a raised risk of developing dental caries in toddlers9.

Erosion of tooth enamel is another dental problem seen in young children. This is caused by the frequent consumption of acidic foods and drinks such as fruit juice drinks, squashes and fizzy soft drinks. Pure fruit juice can also erode teeth and should therefore be well diluted when given to toddlers. Sweet food and drinks should be restricted to four eating occasions a day e.g. three meals and one snack10.

The ‘milk’ or deciduous teeth help with the development of speech and allow optimum growth of the jaw so that the permanent teeth can grow and develop normally. They are also involved in the transition from a liquid-based infant diet to a solid-based adult diet. Milk teeth are just as prone to dental decay and caries as permanent teeth and need good dental care.

Calcium, vitamin D and fluoride are essential nutrients for normal tooth development. Fluoride strengthens dental enamel and makes it resistant to attack by bacteria, which are involved in causing tooth decay. In some areas of the UK fluoride is added to tap water, while in others tap water naturally contains adequate amounts of fluoride. However, there remain large areas of the UK without adequate levels of fluoride in tap water.

Oral hygiene should begin before the age of one year. Parents should clean their toddler’s teeth with a soft toothbrush and toothpaste (containing fluoride if drinking water is not fluoridated) at least twice each day and regular check-ups by a dentist are wise11. Where fluoride levels are low dentists may recommend fluoride drops or tablets.

Further information on dental caries is found in Factsheet 4.5 .



Growth Chart reproduced with the permission of the Child Growth Foundation, supplies and further information from

Page 5: Toddler Factsheet 4.1 COMMON NUTRITIONAL PROBLEMS IN TODDLERS · supplementation. Other medical problems such as constipation, gastro-oesophageal reflux or dental caries can be reasons

OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITYObesity is fast becoming the most common nutritional disorder of our time. Almost a quarter of preschool age children are overweight or obese12. The long-held view that fat babies and toddlers will ‘grow out of it’ no longer always holds true and the prevention of obesity should begin early in life.

Overweight and obesity are caused by an imbalance in the amount of energy (calories) consumed in food and expended in activity. Children who eat excessive amounts of energy-rich foods and are inactive become obese. The excess energy is ‘laid down’ as fat (sometimes called adipose tissue).

Overweight and obesity can be identified by measuring body weight and height and calculating the Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is defined as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared (BMI=W/H2). Thus a toddler who weighs 13kg and is 90cm tall has a BMI of 13/0.92 = 16.

Both the percentage of body fat and BMI decrease during the toddler years. BMI decreases from an average of about 17.5 at one year to about 15.5 at four to five years of age.

A healthy BMI range for adults of 20-25 is therefore not applicable to children. Using a BMI centile chart for children a BMI over the 91st centile indicates overweight, and above the 98th centile is defined as obesity. The body weight of a toddler of more than two centile lines above that of the height centile suggests that there is cause for concern, and BMI should be calculated.

The diet of toddlers whose BMI is too high should be assessed. Their consumption of concentrated sources of fat and sugars may need to be reduced and exercise encouraged. Increasing physical activity is an essential part of the management of overweight and obesity in all age groups. Toddlers should have at least one hour each day of moderate to vigorous physical activity13. There is usually no need for overweight toddlers and young children to actively lose weight, but weight gain should be slowed or stopped temporarily through healthy eating and exercise so that BMI declines as the child gets taller.

For further information on overweight and obesity see Factsheet 3.3 .

CONSTIPATIONConstipation is defined as the infrequent passage of hard stools, often with difficulty or discomfort. The bowel habits of normal toddlers vary considerably, ranging between once every two days to two times each day14. Constipation can occur in up to 3 per cent of normal toddlers15.

Passage of hard stools is often painful and children may deliberately withhold them, especially if they have an anal fissure. Some toddlers develop a phobia about opening their bowels during the transition from a potty to an adult toilet.

Some rare disorders of the gut that cause constipation (such as Hirshprung’s disease) are also associated with poor appetite and growth faltering, and some children with developmental disorders, such as cerebral palsy, are prone to constipation. However in the vast majority of toddlers constipation is caused by poor diet.

The two most important dietary factors associated with the development of constipation are insufficient fluid and dietary fibre intake. Toddlers need at least one litre of fluids from drinks each day and failure to drink sufficient liquid can contribute to constipation.

At least one serving of a fibre-rich food should be given at each mealtime to protect against the development of constipation. Foods that are naturally rich in fibre include wholegrain cereals, pulses and fruits and vegetables16. Unprocessed bran or fibre-enriched cereals should not be given to toddlers.

It is sometimes necessary to use a simple laxative or stool softener to ease the passage of hard stools, at the same time as modifying the diet or behaviour of the toddler.

For detailed information on constipationsee Factsheet 4.6 .


Page 6: Toddler Factsheet 4.1 COMMON NUTRITIONAL PROBLEMS IN TODDLERS · supplementation. Other medical problems such as constipation, gastro-oesophageal reflux or dental caries can be reasons

FOOD ALLERGIESFood allergy is seen most commonly in early life. In the UK around 2-4 per cent of 1-3 year olds may have allergic symptoms to foods17,18. Symptoms of true food allergy can include skin reactions such as dermatitis or eczema, gastrointestinal symptoms such as reflux, vomiting and diarrhoea and respiratory symptoms such as wheezing. Hyperactivity, which affects 1-5 per cent of children, may be caused by an adverse reaction to food in a very small proportion of children.

The most common food allergens in toddlers’ diets are cows’ milk, egg, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts and soya. Allergy to food additives such as colourings – often suspected by parents – is rare, affecting only 0.03 per cent of the population.

If food allergy is suspected it is important that the toddler is referred to a paediatrician or allergy clinic for investigation and appropriate dietary advice. A diet that eliminates an important food item, such as milk or wheat, must contain adequate nutrients for growth and development19, so appropriate professional advice should be sought.

Most children ‘grow out’ of food allergies, particularly if they started in infancy. About 90 per cent of infants with cows’ milk protein allergy recover by the age of three years. Peanut allergy is an exception and is more likely to be lifelong. Toddlers with allergies (including eczema and asthma) which are thought to be due to food or other allergens, OR who also have immediate members of family (parents or siblings) with a food allergy or allergy (including eczema, asthma and hayfever) may be at higher risk of developing peanut allergy. Such children should be reviewed by their GP, health visitor or a medical allergy specialist before starting to eat peanuts or foods containing peanuts.

Foods removed from the diet because of the risk of allergy can often be slowly reintroduced in very small amounts between the ages of one and three years. It is essential that this is done under medical supervision because there may be a risk of an anaphylactic reaction.

For more detailed information on understanding and managing food allergy see Factsheets 4.2 and 4.3 .

References and Further Reading

1. Morgan J. Nutrition for toddlers: the foundation for good health – 2. Current problems and ways to overcome them. J Fam Health Care. 2005; 15(3): 85-8.2. Gregory JR, Collins DL, Davies PSW et al. National Diet and Nutrition Survey: children aged 11/2 to 41/2 years; Volume 1: Report of the diet and nutrition

survey. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Department of Health. 1995. London: HMSO.3. Aggett PJ, Agostoni C, Axelsson I, Bresson JL, Goulet O, Hernell O, et al. Iron metabolism and requirements in early childhood: do we know enough?: a

commentary by the ESPGHAN Committee on Nutrition. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2002; 34(4): 337-45.4. Lawson M, Thomas M. Vitamin D concentrations in Asian children aged 2 years living in England: population survey. British Medical Journal 1999; 318: 28.5. Bhan MK, Sommerfelt H, Strand T. Micronutrient deficiency in children. British Journal of Nutrition 2001; 85 (suppl): S199-S203.6. Underdown A, Birks E. Faltering growth – taking the failure out of failure to thrive. Professional briefing paper. The Children’s Society 1999.7. Yetman RJ, Coody DK. Failure to thrive: a clinical guideline. University of Texas. Houston Health Science Center. J Pediatr Health Care. 1997; 11(3): 134-7.8. Wright CM, Matthews JN, Aynesley-Green A. What is a normal rate of weight gain in infancy? Acta Paediatrica 1994; 83: 351-356.9. Habibian M, Roberts GJ, Lawson M, Stevenson R, Harris S. Dietary habits and dental health over the first 18 months of life. Community Dentistry & Oral

Epidemiology. 2001; 29: 239-246.10. Moynihan P, Petersen PE. Diet, nutrition and the prevention of dental diseases. Public Health Nutr. 2004; 7(1A): 201-26.11. Department of Health: Birth to Five. Your complete guide to parenthood and the first five years of your child’s life. London: Department of Health; 2006.12. Jotangia D et al. Obesity among children under 11. Office for National Statistics, London: The Stationary Office 2005.13. Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN). Obesity in children and young people: a national clinical guideline, SIGN 69. 14. Weaver LT, Steiner H. The bowel habit of young children. Archives of Disease in Childhood 1984; 59: 649-652.15. Issenman RM, Hewson S, Pirhonen D, Taylor W, Tirosh A. Are chronic digestive complaints the result of abnormal dietary patterns. Diet and digestive

complaints in children at 22 and 40 months of age. American Journal of Diseases of Children 1987; 141: 679-682.16. Aggett PJ, Agostoni C, Axelsson I, Edwards CA, Goulet O, Hernell O, et al. Nondigestible carbohydrates in the diets of infants and young children: a

commentary by the ESPGHAN Committee on Nutrition. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2003 Mar; 36(3): 329-37. 17. Venter C, Pereira B, Grundy J, Clayton CB, Roberts G, Higgins B, et al. Incidence of parentally reported and clinically diagnosed food hypersensitivity in

the first year of life. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2006 May;117(5): 1118-24.18. Venter C, Pereira BN, Grundy J, Clayton CB, Higgins B, Dean T. Food hypersensitivity (FHS) and sensitisation to food allergens over the first three years

of life. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2007; 119(1 Suppl): S112 . 19. Dagnelie PC, Van Staveren WA, Hautvast JG. Stunting and nutrient deficiencies in children on alternative diets. Acta Paediatrica Scaninavica. 1991: 374

(suppl): 111-118.

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The information contained within this Factsheet represents the independent views of the members of the Forum and copyright rests with the Forum members.

ITF120 - May 2007Revised - April 2012

Supported by an educational grant from Danone UK

This Factsheet is intended as an overall introduction to common nutritional problems in toddlers. Each topic will be covered in greater detail in an accompanying Factsheet that will also include the relevant ‘Guidance and Tips for Parents’.