today's lesson topic: creativity

Today's Lesson Topic: Creativity By Rymel Constantine

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Post on 18-May-2015




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Today's Lesson Topic: Creativity

By Rymel Constantine

Page 2: Today's Lesson Topic: Creativity

During today's lesson, my class mates and I were given a task to discuss the influences of creativity. We then told to go away and reflect on our views and answer a few questions in our own time. Consisting of the following slides…..

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Can you follow conventions but still be creative?

Yes, I do believe you can tail conventions and still be creative. I consider that being creative doesn’t always just ball down to having an innovative idea; I believe that being creative should be/is associated with many different aspects of an idea. For example following conventions can be looked upon as un-unique but however it can also be seen as unique, depending on how the conventions have been recycled. In a sense of a set of convention can be used and look similar but however they may not all be portraying the same in-depth message to the reader. So therefore the convention portraying the most effective message in the conventional message could be seen as a creative idea.

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Can creativity be taught or learnt?

I believe that creativity can be taught, but however depending on the individual’s willingness to want to be creative. Hence if the individual doesn’t have the passion or drive to be creative in whatever aspect they are being taught, I highly doubt that they can be taught how to be creative and retrieve it in the most effective way in order to be creative in whatever aspect they are being taught. In addition from my perspective I do believe that creativity can also be learnt. It again centers down to passion and will, in a sense of the creativeness being manifested in an individual who has the drive and non-distracted interest to perfect the art they want to be creative in or they want to take part in.

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Is Creativity Better If It Is Controlled In Some Way(s)?

From my perspective I believe creativity is not better if controlled in some ways, as the creativity should be seen as giving an individual the freedom to be creative with or in anything with no limitations. However I do have a counter argument against my view, due to the fact that creativity can be looked upon as better if controlled in a sense of that if an individual is given a task to be creative with limitations or being controlled and somehow produces a creative piece of art this can also/ is most likely going to be looked upon as amazing or creative

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Can Technology Enhance and Encourage or Hamper Creativity?

In this day and age, I do believe technology can enhance creativity. In a sense of that technology has made creative software's available such as CAD, 3Dprinting and things that could never of been done before. Of which may also encourage people to try and be creative with these software's after looking at the creative and artistic outcomes from them. However this also may be looked upon as un creative or drifting away from the traditional creative standard. Of an individual actually producing an art or object manually. However although technology can enhance creativity it can also hamper creativity at the same time. As some individuals who don’t know how to use the technology to enhance creativity, this could leave them at a disadvantage as they don’t know how to manipulate software's.

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Overall this task has allowed me to widen my thoughts and thinking in regards to creativity. Of which I believe will benefit my a lot during the production of creating my final piece.

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