to understand how sustainability is evolving (and to ... · these are the thought leaders, media...

To understand how sustainability is evolving (and to understand how to communicate it) you have to have a full picture of the issues, innovation, reputation risks and storytelling. That’s why this year’s Sustainly Sustainerati looks beyond the traditional strongholds of sustainability and CSR experts in order to provide a more expansive view of how sustainability is influencing and being influenced by the greater world of business. These are the thought leaders, media mavens, opinion formers, brand ambassadors, future gazers and sharing, printing, connecting and making innovators who command our Twitter attention. PSFK Inspiring Creative Business DIGIDAY One of the new breed of digital media magazines and a must read FAST COMPANY EXIST Fast Company’s channel devoted to sustainable innovation SUSTAINABLE BRANDS Part must-attend conference, part must read news and views GUARDIAN SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS A heavyweight in the field of sustainability news GREENBIZ News and views with a US focus CSR WIRE Strategy & Business Helping companies tell their story STRATEGY & BUSINESS Business strategy with a sharp focus on sustainability MIT SLOAN MANAGEMENT REVIEW A publication with a sharp focus both on sustainability and social business UPWORTHY Compelling living with a conscience content despite the link bait headlines COLLECTIVELY Ambtious and well-resourced new site for sustainable living 2.0 CONTAGIOUS IDEAS Blog about interactive communications LIQUID NEWSROOM New journalism and tech-led storytelling by Steffan Konrath INHABITAT Focus on sustainable design POPSOP Online magazine with focus on ethical brands 2DEGREES Leading sustainability professional community

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Page 1: To understand how sustainability is evolving (and to ... · These are the thought leaders, media mavens, opinion formers, brand ambassadors, future gazers and sharing, printing, connecting

To understand how sustainability is evolving (and to understand how to communicate it) you have to have a full picture of the issues, innovation, reputation risks and storytelling.

That’s why this year’s Sustainly Sustainerati looks beyond the traditional strongholds of sustainability and CSR experts in order to provide a more expansive view of how sustainability is influencing and being influenced by the greater world of business.

These are the thought leaders, media mavens, opinion formers, brand ambassadors, future gazers and sharing, printing, connecting and making innovators who command our Twitter attention.

ADAM ELMANGlobal Head of Plan A Delivery, M&S

PETER LACYSustainability lead at Accenture

MICHAEL SADOWSKISustainable business at Nike

DAVE STANGISVP Public Affairs/CR at Campbell Soup Company

SHANNON SCHUYLERPwC’s Corporate Responsibility Leader

BJORN HAUGLANDChief Sustainability Officer DNV GL


ANDY WALESSVP Sustainable Development@SABMiller

KATE HEINYSustainability at Target

JOHN FRIEDMANSodexo comms and author of PR 2.0

DAVE COPLINMicrosoft’s Chief Envisioning Officer and author of the Future of Work

MIKE BARRYHead of Marks & Spencer Plan A

BEATRIZ PEREZChief Sustainability Officer at Coca-Cola

MITCH JACKSONVP of FedEx Corporation’s Environmental Affairs & Sustainability

NIALL DUNNEBT’s Chief Sustainability Officer

JEREMIAH OWYANGFounder of Crowd Companies

JO CONFINO Crafts the conversation around sustainability in business

ALICE KORNGOLDSmart insights into company and stakeholder collaboration

THOMAS KOLSTER Creative director, speaker & author. Founder of WhereGoodGrows

SIMON MAINWARINGOne of the much needed voices that gets both sustainability and marketing

KOANN VIKOREN SKRZYNIARZ Passionate about showing business there’s a better way. Founder of Sustainable Brands

MARC GUNTHERVeteran sustainability observer and writer

TOBIAS WEBBPull-no-punches commentator on sustainability and CSR

IOANNIS IOANNOUStrategic thinker at London Business School

SUSAN MCPHERSONWhen it comes to diversity and CSR − gets stuff done

JIM MCCLELLANDServes up a daily dose of sustainability news

DAVID CONNORHead of CSRwire and the ultimate sustainability news aggregator

WAYNE VISSERRespected author and thinker on sustainable business

GERD LEONHARDInsightful futurist − two words that don’t always go together

BRIAN SOLISOne of the original social media thinking crew. More relevant than ever today

RACHEL BOTSMANWriting eloquenty and insightfully about the collaborative economy

FUTERRAWere doing it before sustinability strategy and comms got cool

CORPORATE CITIZENSHIPGlobal corporate responsibility consultancy

SALTER BAXTER MSLLong standing sustainability agency recently acquired by Publicis

SAATCHI SBlending, strategy, engagement and communication

OGILVY EARTH Strategic sustainability planning and comms

OPEN IDEODesign firms innovation platform

ANDREA LEARNEDSocial media and sustainability

EKATERINA WALTERConnecting the important dots between social media understanding and sustainability

AMAN SINGHA wealth of knowledge and knowhow. Now VP at Edelman’s B+SP NY practice

THE CROWDConvening business crowds to tackle the big challenges of our time


UWE HOOKA marketing mind who understands the undercurrents of sustainability

HENK CAMPHERAn angry but erudite African sustainability at Edelman

SOLITAIRE TOWNSENDOriginal thinker and smart strategist

PSFKInspiring Creative Business

DIGIDAY One of the new breed of digital media magazines and a must read

FAST COMPANY EXISTFast Company’s channel devoted to sustainable innovation

SUSTAINABLE BRANDS Part must-attend conference, part must read news and views

GUARDIAN SUSTAINABLE BUSINESSA heavyweight in the field of sustainability news

GREENBIZ News and views with a US focus

CSR WIRE Strategy & Business Helping companies tell their story

STRATEGY & BUSINESSBusiness strategy with a sharp focus on sustainability

MIT SLOAN MANAGEMENT REVIEWA publication with a sharp focus both on sustainability and social business

UPWORTHYCompelling living with a conscience content despite the link bait headlines

COLLECTIVELY Ambtious and well-resourced new site for sustainable living

2.0 CONTAGIOUS IDEASBlog about interactive communications

LIQUID NEWSROOMNew journalism and tech-led storytelling by Steffan Konrath

INHABITATFocus on sustainable design

POPSOPOnline magazine with focus on ethical brands

2DEGREESLeading sustainability professional community

VENTURE BEATSilicon Valley innovation must-read

OCULUS RIFTWanna understand VR? OR are the guys to follow

THE VERGETechnology, culture and innovation

SUSTAINIASharing sustainable solutions from different sectors to use today

SPRINGWISENew biz ideas and innovation from around the world

RESILIENT CITIES Helping cities adapt to a changing world

DON CARLISustainability and IoT

INTERNET OF THINGSAggregated news for all things IoT

TONY FADELLFounder of Nest Labs

ADAM WERBACHFounder of Yerdel

ELAINE HSIEHProgram Director of VERGE @GreenBiz

MAKE MAGAZINECovering the Makers Movement

3D PRINT3D printing news

DION HINCHCLIFFESustainability is driven by digital change. Dion Hinchcliffe puts it all in context

BRE PETTISPersonal 3D printing pioneer. Founder of MakerBot