to the point: shigeki sugiyama jay biennium ifi · mdc governol' lillian igmura as ohair· ... a...

TO THE POINT: Shigeki Sugiyama JAY Biennium all( p IFI M.",bcrth lp J'PI"" Am.d"n CIHzom'" (,oo'9"'L Wblilt Los , 90012; /;/131 III> 6.6936 W •• kly h •• pt FIr.! ."d lM.1 W •• h or tfi of, " , ,,", Cro. P.,d .r ltJ, A"'JoI •• , r..IoI. VOL. '79 NO 10 15 CE ''IS Meetlllg \\ It II young people is always pleas ure and joining the JAYs at their filh Biennium III ". an Qu entin South" Ii .e. 'Iikeljohn ll alll 011 Ihe Ca l ' ta lc Hll n\ ard campus was pleas ure· able . mce it was 011 [anllliar gl·ound s. 1 had ·pent many hOllr ill Mikeljoho Hall completing my program on that campu s. The JAY Bi e nlllul1\ Committee, co· b\' Grant Horiuchi \\' es Ka· wase. amI' nale ' hima:aki. ·isted by Biennium ' ec retarl Connie akai and :-;a(iooal .JACL . t.1Uers Pat "Granny" Naka no and Gait hioka. and a host o{ youths bebind the scenes. did an outStanding job of organization and management We so-called "seniol'S" might well receive a lesson from Ihe youths si.nce tbey completed their agenda a good 30 minute ' ahead of schedule on the closing day. ,\11 busi· ne s was concluded satisfactorily. with· out wrangling. Even their constitution. which had gone through numerous "iterations" in the drafting stage this pa t biennium. \\'3S passed with ease. an joh rCl)1' 6senllng the youths. He rem'llns on th e NatlOnl Board ·0 Ihe Nalional J CL will con· tinue 10 benefit (rom his involvement and dedication And Dale, a Junior Econ major al ur Berkeley. ha s amply demonstrated his leadership ability alld dedication in co·chairing Ihe Biennium so we're a sured that the J Ys will can· llllue to be weU representod 011 Ule gXECOM. In the past, the J Y representatives to E, [ECOM did not have a voLe and 01\(.' of lhe Vice PI'csidents, as liaison with the .fAYs . provIded some steward- ship over lhe .JAY program, particular. ly in lhe absence of a Youth Directol. REPEAL SEEN fOR OBSOLETE LAW ENACTED IN 1862 NC·WNDC questions 'save whale' moves SAN'IA ROSA. C;.Ut - C. n rtlln COIAU, twm ['1'01 con",,'Yatton c1\'r,rt. r" ult In Jonah . J""" Melntyra di.crimilUltory actv aalllJa' • M'Uaugh" .... Anll/'Oal minority IUOUp? Thl. que-II,," Pro\l!cU'A' Instiluv" SlWn A. will "" durlnlt f.,tA:k and H.con 3rd NC - W N D C qUArterly Wildlife eo..lIlian. foe Ur- mOl"lIng 0" Sunday. s.,pt II 1118 k' r..:1 Rep._tiDe JA - hl!Te at the !dant.. Ro .. Cll), Cr, 'If' tt,!! l1ao.<l arc llJnuk') Being familiar with tile campus and its relative lack of on·campus housing iacilitie. ils location on top of lhe H3V\\'3rd Fault and removed (rom lo\i' n. I was rather dubious at firsl Ulat the youths would pull it of( without moving their convention to a lUore can· ,'enient location. But the re ull just go to show lhat we know·it·all old timers dOll't necessaril" know it all and thaI we sometimes liave a tendency of un· derestimating what youths can do when tbey are given the chance and a little support. Some credit for succe of the Bien- nium sbould go to the Eden Township JACL Chapter - particularly to past chapter president and now JAY adviser leh Nishida-for the splendid support they gave to their JAY chapter which hosted the affair. EXECOM matters During the convention, Dale Shima· saki, Biennium co-chairman. was unani· ouslv elected as their new NYCC Chair· Stolt FUl'ukawa of Cleveland had wished to step down so that he could devote more time serving his district as Chairman. I'll personally miss Scott on the EXECOM since he's done But now that the NYCC Chairman is a full vo ting E)"'"ECOM member and we do bave a Youth Direclor. Dale can speak and act fully and directly fol' lhe JA '(S In the EXECOM and in wOl'k· ing with staff. He will serve as an equal with the National officers and lhe Chairman of lhe District Governors' Caucus. Thus Dale will be working directlv with Youth Director Gail Nishi· oka. \\ :ith me. 8nd with the EXECOM on .fAY malters without intermediaries. Governon' Caucul T Olav have overlooked it, but 1 don't recall 'whether any public announce- ment bas been made of Ute eleclion of MDC Governol' Lillian IGmura as Ohair· man of the District Governors' Caucus, thus making her a member of the EXECOM also. So for the benefit of the male chauvinists out there, you should be aware that with Lillian join- ing Vice Presidents Helen Kawagoe and Grayce Uyehara on the EXECOM, the ladies will have a powerful voice in Na· lional JACL affairs. With all the changes. JACL has come a long way in a short while, and more changes are UIldoubtedJy in the offing. Some further consultation and co· ordination remains to be completed ill a .. igning prol!Tam responsibilities to the various officers and in tbe estab· Lishment of committees for the bien· nium. A number of committees of tbe past will be dropped or combined with others. I hope to be able to report on these actions shortly. Mr Sug,yama's address: 8319 Cushing Court, Springfield, Va . 22153 IDC with NAACP on issue By MARGRET HASEGAWA eSP-tel&! to Thf' "_c Hi I." CJtheo) ONTARIO. Ore.-Intermoun- tain JACL Distrlct CouncU, at JI& Aug. 17 quarterly .esslon her e. \'oLed to support the NAACP's action to Utah against the Boy Scout.' ot America because of a Mor- mon Church poUey prohibit - Ing black youlhs from hold- ing leadenhip positions in el!urch-sponsored troop>. The IDC aL"O ur ged chap- t e r s to raliIl' the National JACL Convenlloo aCIioo ad- op ing the new SI2 national membelShip dues and amend- in ' the by-laws so that it need no t be amended each time due< arc chanllcd. from 5c"on of the member cha pl .... tried hard to con,·In", · th em.-e1\' EoS the. were f Ull not In Port- la nd as the L, .. ues " ere dis- C\) ed at leDgth and in depth. mc Govemor George KImu- ra aUowed e,· ery delegate to have thci r 5a). - h,,"cc. the aesaion, whi ch Ix'gan Satur- day at J :30 conUnul'Cl Ul! tho: wt e hours 01 2 a.m.. except f or a "freshly - cooked cornu break at 3 and the four-bour dinner procram. A Ihree-hour Sunday mar- rung i Ion Yo 3 Dl-eded 10 tln b" bu. In .. Youth in IDC SCHOLARSHIP WINNElt.-Don Hayashi PNW-IDC re- gional diredor (le(I), presents $200 National JACL schol- arshJp cbeck to Janel NlshlharR as Snake RiveI' JACL pre.;ldcnt Vernon Nokado adds his congratulations. Awardee i& daughter of the Sagle Nlsbiharas of Vale. Ore. P\·esenta- \ton was made during the recent IDC banquet at Eastside Cale, Ontario, Ore. -Photo by George Kimura a &i nQu Tlell()w dai. y I" a field oj allow life h, ameri ca (my hom .. e, [IOU kuow) but rite "'OUI is verv cold alld the dalsy Boon will die dnd runltlllQ dOUlt! Into it.. roo", spirit to make council meet- ings more meaningful to member s -at-Iar g e, Crl>v. Ki- mura reminded. The IDC ex- ecutive commlllee wiU plan the Resolutions Matsunaga Pr ed icts Signature by Ford After Labor Day WASHl NGTON _ ay unu lll- 11 .. 11 of 6&enm""u,; V" Inoua vote. the HOll se Judlcl- A p:m,,; mado up "I rep- CHlTr,rel Uyt<ilf ;. n d ary Commlltee Ins t lV.ok reHIlr...t1v"," from llevt'l'al c:on - Un<>, both ',f !;an TC3JICi>cO. (Aug. 22) " P 1'" 0 V e dRop. ""rv.Uon groupo and from Moot!t2Wr till b<; Jack Grout, Spark Mats unaga's bill to l"C- J ACL will dl!W!Wll the cur- pc?TIOIInel manacCT at H"'M- peal thc ob !iOl otc "cooly tradc renl "save the whale" carn- let.t-P.eknd, Santa flllUt la ws". pil:lgn and h" w !!lemenlE of do II .... t q!1<11!oo the He ""Umulcd th o RoutiO I h a I elTort aro atreelin" mertt of the Save IZIo Whale w i I I clear the meas ur e tor AnIeriCI<D. of Japane..e ance.- camp-otlllD," Pro Hat.aJ:aIc" sl""otur e by PresIdent Ford try, report:; NC-WNDC Gav plalned. '·Cf;rl4Ilnly. f1 the .bol'lly after I b cHou se re- Dr Harry' Hataaaka. I ... n en4aneend ope- iurns from La bor Day reces,. II'h"t's hal/ponlnt al tb. J apane\!(' Amor icnn Youth Con- Discuulon will start lot 3,31) Cle. It JbCtUld 1><, prot.<ded ••• Tbe "cooly trade low." p.m. In the City Councll but we dl) ques!:lon the were Ib·st cnacled in 1862 and vUI1Hoo Is the topic of conversa llon for Ihl. trio of JAY chambers and is part of tile od uoed 1.0 achJeo\-e tht. end. amended sever nl time. in an :deleSll les al the CSU-Hayword. Campus. Pict ured (!.rom day _ long diJtrict coundl e/fort to provent the oxplolta- ell ) ar e Norman Otani, of Freano and Central Ca lUomla meeting. " In thetr !1ful'U 1.0 tor« lion of Orientals, partleulsl'iJ' DI8h1 el Youth Cho lrman : Kathy Ta keuchi , of Sacramento P art 01 Ibb dlticuuion will to loiD a mota!Drium Chinese and Japanesc who nd NOI'Lhem California DI s trict Youlh Cha lrpeuon: and Ix' t"leviaed onthe local Chan- on the killinC ot wnale6 a were "ecrulled b\ theh' nallve Wes Kawnse of Sonoma and one 01 the conventioD'. nel 6 news. n u m b T of Innds and I h e n were sold. rln·-hnlrmcn S P 3 Dr 'U '---k h 111' .ft ..... eroups have <:ndon<d a 'booJ - t d eo ale . na ...-;o a •• "", eott J apanese goods' Irnns erre as sel' vants or np- pajgn. Re>ult has hans- prentlces, or held In service meat ot .Tapanae AJneric;;m Or labor. HAW AllAN ELECTIONS adults well aa cl1I1dren The House Committee ac- ca.... , of their an.oesu-.J liJIoe- tlon makes the "epea1 ot the emo pr.-mary draws .-nterest all":' Dr. Hataaaka cooly trade I a \V s "almoot a .SeuI.., flit present and tt.: - certainty" as . imllw· leglsla- tun. ho;.tillues can p\am- Uon was passed by the House eel by this type of adicn. In three successive congres5e6. he Rid. pointing out 11 -ud only to be kiUed in the Sen- By ALLAN BEEKJllAN had"d only Randolph InoU)"e baa llained rucb an erupt to a lituatioo simi lar ate. But last July, tbe Seo- Crossley and Joseph Hao t ot' awesome r eputation !Dr a t- 10 thP 0Df: faced by .Tapanellf! ate passed n companion nleas· HONOLULU-Th e deadline of Govemor. Crossley has long tracting voLes neither Demo- Americans at the outbreak of ure Introduced by Sen. Hiram Aug. 21 lor ftllng having pasl, been acUve In Republican orats nor RA!publJ cans are op- World War IT L. Fong (R- Hawall). th e COming election shows a politics and expected to cas- posing his re-electi C>l). "By having \IW; paoeI, we Tbe word "coolie" ca "ies a S ·ong Dcmocratic Party op- ily win the Republican noml- For the 1st Coneressional hope- 1.0 learn more about fM. demeaning connotation to a posing a weak Republican. nation. Dlstxict (Urban Honolulu ) lJisue and at the same person at Oriental descent. For tac k of vigorous opposl- C, ·ossley. however. became Rep. Spark M. Ma uunaga Is time diseu.w oar. _ Fong said. "Tt is appUed and tlon, tbe three Democratic dismayed at the situation In unopp<>;cd in the prUnary and with the eooservatlOll ;n:rupc. used ool)' when that con no- Conltres slon al incumbents the recc fOI' Republican no- will !ace only token opposi _ Not 001,. must we work to talioll Is intended." nl nnlng fo.· ,.e-electlon appear mination for Lieutenant G<>v- lion in the November gen- the genoal public In: "There Is no pl'aQtical need ured of remaining in ot- entor, in which were entered eral election. OUT own .., today for sucb laws; tbey are II only three newcomers to Ha- In the primary contest for well." merely a source at irritation So interesl ccnters on the waiian pOlitics. For laok of a the 2nd Congressional District n.e Sonoma Colmty JACL 10 persons of Oriental origin race for Governor and Lleu- strong running mate. Crossley (Rural Oahu-Neighbor Is- Is hart toe the quar- .my .... - and should be deleLed [,.om an t Governor, prepared to witbdrew trom lands). Rep. Palsy T. Mink 'lion. G1!on!e Obmoto. ci>ap- our statutes for their appeal'- In tbe Oct. 5 primary in wblcb the contesL faces George B. Caner. In the t or president. and Frank Oda. ance may be a source of ra- formldablc Democratle candi- At this pOint. businessmao last eleetion. she dofeated meeting chairman. will m cial misunderstanding." Ule dates wlll vie for nomioaUoD. Ben F. Dillingham 3lLempLed Carter nine to one; he will of- charge c;f procr--4J!l ID hnn- Senator coocluded. . Fow' strong Democrats are to salvage the RepubUcan fer onJ.y token appositiDD. or .- of Us loogtime. mom- JIlatsunaga added, "Just ex- paigning for nomInatioo ticket by agreejng lD run for LosIng to Mink In the 1972 be:s. James . r!Il3kam!- .. r- runining the language of the tor Governor: Acting Gov. Lieutenanl Governor. Since general eleetioo. Republican ceoUy as _ a!iGllaJ laws makes It clear that they rge R. ArIyoshJ; Honolulu Daniel K. Inouye overwhelm- Diana C. Hansen has beI!D .1ACL are outmoded and unneeded. ayor Fronk F. Fasl ; former ingly deteaLed hJm in 1962 for campaigning toT the oIIice the l UDdteon. . The demeaning connotations t. Go\'". Thomas P Gill and a U.S. Senate seal, DlllJngham ever since. Just be1are the ", ill begin from of tbe IVo,·d. 'coolie'. are an ale Senate Pres. David C. h as been inactive In politi .... de.adline. Hansen wi thdrew 10 am .. m lobby of the alrront to a 11 Americans of Clunb. An unkno wn, Heory- Crossley agreed to stay 1.0 2nd' t1!W; ed the Slate Santa I\Qsa C.= CenIe". wiSh Asian ancestry.'" duiries. also seeking the Dem· "'tim \'ace lf1l>lnedo '"DlDin&- a race. bwf_ ;RSsIOIlS 111 bePn Bepe!ll or the cooly trade ocrat!c Domination, will gar - bam. Sue Stricklin (R). cam- The Republicans re- 11 un. ill C'1.Iy CouD?J J aw s marks seven years ot ner only a handful at votes. palgniDg tor the lieuteDant placed Hansen .... ith State Re- Cb.ambers chaired by DIsIriet efforts by Matsunaga, who but thls bandful could affect governor Domination. chal· publican Chairman Carla Co- Gcwetnor Dr. Haxry . Hat3$aka. guided the bill through tbe the outcome In a close race lenged the eligibility of Dil- ray. Though active in At the House tor a lourU. time. among the leaders. llngbam. She eonLencied be is lican political affairs for 16 gODS v;ill 1<n: a plOru: Three Democrats have filed not a legal resident of Hawaii, years. this Is the first time lunch at Juillaril . aer<1S5 Dist. judge rules for Lieutenant G<>vernor: for - having spent the last seven Mrs. Coray has run for ol6ce. the street from City- mer Circuit J udge Nelson K. years In Australia and own - She will offer only token op- egates may IIIIlr !he --"""" Doi: fOlmer Honolulu City log a home in San Francisco. position. of famoua Council Chainnan Herman G. After a hearing. ArIyoshl. borticulturist. ...-bid> been P. Lemke and Daniel K. Aka- the chiet election officer of p' S a 1:;5. Hawaii marijuana law to be invalid ka. Ibe State. ruled that Di1liDg- nmary cene hislDrical site. To oppose the [ormidable is a legal resideot and Election clerks hne re- On \he oam- Democrats. the to for oII!cc. ceived nomination papers from Mlttee are_ unUl just before the deadline, Smce beating Dillingham. 351 candidates, c:ornpeting !DT HONOLIJLU - Possession of an ounce or less or marijuana in Hawaii is a pelty misde· meanol'. But on J uly 31, Di s- trlcl Judge Wendell K. Huddy. 33. dlsmlsscd possession of NAVAJO WAR HERO CITES NEGLECT, 10% OF VETS POOR, UNEMPLOYED malijuana cha"ges against 3 WASHINGTON _ When they detendants on grounds that raised the U.S. tlag over ML the law was uncostit-utional in SuribachJ on iwojima in 1945, that the state did not sbow Marine Cpl. Frank Isaac was tbnl nlarijuana use Is barm- standlog several hundred feet (ul . a WRY. tlushed with pride. While d e fen s e attorneys More than Ihree decades were ecstatic by tbe decision, laLer. he looked up at the other J. udges were huge bronze Marine Iwojima mltal smce the ease will be Memorial across the Potomac appealed . Circult Judge Ma- Rh'er' but there was bitter- sato Doi noted, howe, .er, "In ne.;,; disappointment. all fairness to lhe pubUc. as "We Na vajOS [ought for our fal' 8S I'm concerned. the law country; we helped win the is stiU on the books and it's war agrunsl Japan. Now oill' still to be I'D forced. " sons have also fought for our oountry. And bow are we treaLed7 On my reservation. 70 per cent of the "eLerans are unemployed. "There are some 140.000 on the reservatioo. of ",hJcb 14.- 000 are veterans at WWI , WW2. Korea and Vietnam. The Na.-ajo Reservation has a per capita Inccme of 759 but veteran benefits abailable 10 other U.S. \' eterans al'C practically Donexistent on the reservation. U 117 seats from OOIlllty- level OIl _ up to U.S. Congress - The can use \he city tlgure 15 up from the Last com- parking lot a' Sanom;i. parable election (1070) wru,n A" .... and D S:. To :!1e 310 . people ran \D the pn- <:ie. . haD. cake US 101 to tho I>dw-n!a-.rn Sanla ROEa off- There at'! 236 D",,:,ocra. ts rainp. dri.... east lom blocks llO Republicans ntDJUDg m to D St. and somb :wo bloeks Continued OD PlIp 5 to \he padting lot.. COMMONWEALTH CLUB OVERFLOWS AS SHOCKLEY·INNIS DEBATE GENETICS FRANCISCO - Prof . re!rogre;si\'e e ,- 0 I uti 0 D William Shockley and Roy Ibrough ercessi..... reprodur- Innis. denied public forums a< lion of the "genetically disad- some ot the nation's m 0 S t \'aIltage,i"). ma.." heighten the prestigious universities. de- o! bared the is".-ue of IQ blaclt:s more SO than v.-hJtes;. deficits" before an overtlow He suggested tha t. in adcii- audience h ere Aug. 23. tion lO study o! me ae:-poru; ibilltl e:. of the IDC with reopeel to the youth and JAY. were d I. cu •• e d al lenilh during I h e Saturday 1eSBi 0n. J D C youth comml - _Iimer Fm nk Y o<hlmura In- troduced newly-elected rovc cba irman Glen Morlnaka of Sall Cil ). who p refnced bis '""", r lu 10 Ihe council by reading J ohn JW8.- aki'. PlM'm, "The Lone Winter". I. the quullul I: WIIV'} Realizing th ai each cha pt er The old Hawaii penal code classified marijuana as a nat·- coUc. On July 1. 1973. it was reclassified as a detrimental drug. Possession of such drugs Is a petty mlsdemeanol' and confined to dlsh'iel court. Pas- scsslon of more than I ounce nnd seIling It Is a mlsdemean- 0.· s ubject to circuit court fOI' trial. while possession oJ 2. 2 pounds 01' more 01' distribution o( 2.2 pounds of the substance L< 8 felony a nd gocs to cir- cuii court . Blacks, Latins Isaac. 51 , was one- of sev- eral dozen Navajo veterans at foul' U.S. wa1'S who galber - ed at the Memorial JUly 26 to p ray in their nati ve tongue and tell oewsmen o[ the dis- criminatory trea tment Viet- era Indian velerans are endu- ring. They ca me to testify. be- fore a Sena te sulleomml ttee 00 a boundary dispute be- iween the Na vajo r ation and Hopi Indians and on legis/a- t I on to establish an Indian Sbockle'·. a Nobel pnz.e- problem. society shoold COIl- winDing physi cist from Stan - sider "bumane_ denoaatic ford Universily. and Innis. di- an .ti-dysgenic and rector of the Coogress of Ra- satd that a progresSI:e cial E<lUali ty, spoke before of cash boml..oes couI<i be 0 '- Dearly 600 persons at the ru-ed. at Common. wealth Club. a prom- persons \\" I t h. I.ow IQ s who loent bU5iness and profession- subMlt :0 stenlliatiOl1. .. 1t,.'.",lnc Ih. 10(' honrtuet tnda 1':' 11" (tIU' Khmf) I b.fl, ami G ITnltl 'ukal 1" t ."""I(o:r, w •• kh ront I')rth .1 A('J, In' mtJf'r en". I OInl 10 Ih. 1' .. IIf.nt rtf W""mln I,., roliellN. IAh ( 'lIy -Pbov, by Vemon NilAeda ",xpresses lile wilt at lIS mem- tile dai'lI willi alld blow. ben; with regard to Nation- awau al JACL cons titutional a m- Ih. "eld agaill '" "pu,e "lid endmenl•. the JDC delegates w ldle" fell il was urge nt 10 have the but 10 UOU in d m.rica budget and dues issue as vo- that', th. wall II . llQuld be, Led upon al the Portland can- RIGHT? veotlon .cltled within the 60- To which. Mori,,"ka coun t- day deadline (Oct. I) . cred, "Wrongl" He lOW the IDC the need to youth In tbe Intermountain a. r a i s c national members hip drowning and " we Arc having dues to $12 al this Urne and resuscitation problems". The . trongly urged delegat es 10 youth at I h e Tll termountaln ""Uclt chaplel' rallOca Uon at have problems peculi ar to lis the amendments as proposed. respet !l"e are{l. Problems In Text of the IDC 1 '", olul1ol\ Ida ho d!fr er t rom th ose In on the Boy SeOUl-NAACP is- Utah, from those In Sa lt Lake aue reads: City and othN mclropoUtan 'th o Int ormoun"'n D I " r Ie t cente.... IrOIn thoo;e in urban Counol t 01 tho J ACL. It ron, l) op- and rural areafi, Morlnaka r. ptJlnled oul l Or)' 10 .:my pe ntOn btc.UM' of Fur th trmorC!. t he )' 0 U t h reU.lun or r.lhnlC' ort.",. to hove difflcully as ... . oc isling with the .e nlora and the NAAOP ," •• rdl n. Ih. ,1 1101 Jt wa. hi:. hope that commu- 01 qu. llned ICOU\ -to hOld n kaMon and yout h C. lII I I!. ta red . Unt - "ddt ttl valct> to who are ty b p t \II (> e n wenl ors a nd rtqUt IU"" 1 t',. 1 ac ll on -a nd .Upu- you th" he ' UJ(ge'tcd "mhcht , .. "Iou rnait'd In, opponuf.lty 1n;JJrovf!d through' month- ly ror um1l, fj Ul'RUon. and an- Qr et hnlt." orllllill IW(>tll among II("nl or nnd y,,,,tl>:' 1978 Nat 'l Con ve ntion Mr)rinf,kn'. IIfU,,.. 1I 1 ,1f'lMltd II II pn'ludr 1.1> I'roI{I'om mln " IDC tl) ",. hoot- NI I1y MI Ol,m pil' .IA('I , " ' 1'., 11 Cl lv In Tl ··/, 11 toct" on youth w n d m·· ... ·pll " fnum.tml'n t. rlJnnN - dtmrt", rooking •• M • mJ" "" Wllrk hr.p to, 1'W)1,,,t.#1'" d flo tit ''''' • ..., .1 ... 1)<,1011 plrumrd frtf I h,., Nov .. mhr-r ('(,n("urr. nt with th,. Inr d.Ie"' .... 'l'hl. wu In ketptn, Wlth thlt IDC !!hll kt U,hlo r ported on .. I,,1 hid by Ih r Snll Lake .nd MI Olym- I , II . r h. p ter. ., Portland 10 " .. t Ihp 25th b,rnnln l NniJon- .1 JA CJ. In 1 078. 'rhlnklnll ho" I",glln 10 nnlqur family \'ACu Uon ' YJ1'" oonV(>l1tioll with two r orl lh'. in lhp. mOllnt- n(IlJl. Sntlw Ii I t rl and City. "vnll"bl, "r 111. S 8 j I P. lno. tn Snit I "Ie<- ('II\" J o.k Ollaml, I DC rf'Co;nl- ConHnuod on NCJ<l 1'1,. Public defe.nder Chris Pe- terson a court In Ole Di s. h1ct of Columblo ruled Ih al to make posscs... loll of mari- juana a erime was c,·u ... 1 and Imus ual punishment. Anothel' defo""e atto"ney related " Boston case In which (0 j udge sold U.nt unless R pl'oseeutor , Igned on nmdovlt thal he 01' . he had never sOlok ... d mari- juana bero"e to not bring nny marljua nK oa. es befol'e him. Pekin mayor powerless to change nickname still lag in college enrollment in '70s NEW YORK - Among raoial medical services program. s n d ethnlo minority enroll- Ooe at the six Marines who menb in American higher ed- rais ed tile fiag O\fer lwojima """ lion. bl acks and Spanis h- was Ira Hayes. a Pima In- surnamed remlli n under-rep- dian who died In Arizona in r.,.ented ",hile Asian Ameri- 1955. (Th e GUa River WRA ca ns at'c ovor-l·cP,·esen.led, ac- ca mp was a pal'L of or ad- cording 10 n Ford Foundation jacent to Ul (> Pima r eserva- reporl released Aug. 25. liol") Tile report pro\oi des a "Cae- One or the mas t decora ted tual bas is" [or correcting MlU"ines of WW2. Isaac was wides pI'cad dislorUons I' e - 0110 of U, e number of Na va- gn "dlng the del1)ography ot jo "code talker s" who r elay- minorities In higher educa- ed millta y Informa tion ,. i a lion, according to Benja min radio in his 'nati, 'e tOJ\ll\.e. F. Payton, Foundation omcer "ll was the only code th e In cha" ge of mlnol'ity pro - Japanese couldn't brea k. Ev- grllm.. In hlghel' education. ery oth er code a nd foreign The r eseal'chers (ound: language that wos tried, the {trot Japanese ci"8cked:' Isaac re- ' .6 U eall. d. " It It hadn't been for PEl KlfIo' , 111. _ Mayo,' WUliom lin". 11.8 1.0 the Navaj o code talker". Ja- WUldc meler last "'''''k ( Aug. t ij 8 pan would have won the war. 29) .a ld he had no Inn"encc IIMto. 11.1.2 80.< "So. \oll 'd thi nk th e U.S. 10 It D\\'" thr communll y "srree rhe yeaI' _ long .(ud), wns would .:ecogn l.t> the contrl bu- 1 . <1 chungln, Ihe othlull c nick- d l'ecled by P I'o f. Madelon D. tions ot ti.e NnvajllS. But our n8mr Ilf Pekin lit /l h Schoo l. Stenl nf fh ... Clly Coliege of a1'& comillg home ft'Om II I' mPl with Ku ng-Lee Wnng Y ur k. Pror. BI'<Own a nd can't O nd o( Roo) l\' llI e, 1I1d . prelldrnt of SU NY- Buf(u lo Willi pdnct- ____ _ ot Ih r Or&; IOlz",lon of Chl- P ,I Inve. UgHt",·, IV h 0 ... lIed - n, Amen .am. whl,'h pl 'O- nn n 1070 conducled tI-. t", 1 IK! hoor. " ." or th 011 100 1(11' Civil RIghL. "('h lnk,." of th. U .s. [l erl of Healtl •• 'I' h ' plthot drew ".'01(' I" Educall <l ll nnd Wl'lfllrr. h'om til. t' lu n " IlnnlSr Prn- B(' I",.'<'n lOlIO Rnd 1970. PIl- motlon I 'n .. C'olumb" ,. Ohio rnlhn. III among hill'''' . A, lon two "ea r' It WA ph°l(.. nnn AIllC"rkHn In- PC:l up Iht, r by 0("1\. <II n ll 'lpbod II'"", 177 .noo 10 which IOlIlIl;1 .uppo; I Croln W hit r enrollmenl medla. pubUc oOkiais and UMI1 doubl"d [rom 2.7 "",u ps 6uch •• JACL. ml Ul on to 6.3 mHUon. Amacho pilgrimage reset for Sept. 28 DENVl>R. Colo.-The ,Unaehe PlllIrlmnJ(e ('ommlt" .... ...... scheduled lro" to Ihr ("I'- mer sit .. 01 III WR Camp neal' Gl'anada !rom Sept. 21 to Sept. 28. aI group. Innis attacked !he validity Orga nimtioo's officials said CODliDaetl IlD Xexi hp It WlIS its bes1 a ttended pr0- gram this year. Shockley a 0 d I IlDIS been lo,ited 10 debate at se\ '- eral campuses. including Har- , ,,, rd, Yale. and PrlDeet on. but ha"e bee n denied a publli: f orum atter strong protests were raised by some lac:ul ty and s tudents. The major 0b- Tanaka to visit with Pres. Ford jection h as been to Shockl ey's TOKYO - Prime geneti c theory. whJch bas Kakuci Ta!l3kll bas added an- been labeled racisL other stop to his ,'iSI of Lat- Although Shockley and In- lo America and Canada in the nls ha,'" appeared on I ele,'\s- coming weeks - Washin.,."ton ioo programs, their appear- on Sept %1 an d meet with ance here was their tir st be- President Ford. fore a live. nonstudio audi- Tanaka is $CIteciuled ,.. eoc:e, and e a c h >\lOire aflcd lea\-e here pt. If for 1Ie:<- drew applause without In",- 100 and then visit Br.Wl ith dent. time \(> ,-Nt on Shocklc). the inventor of his way to Canan the junction transistor. to...,... Foreign lIlinister To $ h 10 cent years has sought to ad- Kimura i:; $clleduled \(> attl!n.d vance the controver.<ial thea- t h t' General that intelllgeoc-e i. large- around Sept. 18. making- pos- b' Inherited and that black sible a U. . - Japan poople suffer n'ore from here- mC'<ltin!:. dll" than - ----- a" coutended that t h .. l'OUI\\ry bad 1\ moral oblisa- Royal Hawaiian band lion to whal h.. call- ed "tragiC raCIal deficils" tlONOLULIJ - Tn .. bl..<torltI amonlt blacks Hawnuan Band .... turn- Innis ro.<ponded Il,,,, the ed home from a I1-day tour tlnlle<l lacked I h" "I Canada UDde.r;;iul' "moral. ml ..ll""tual. N·chol,,- ot tbe t' . Travel Ser\ice !:ical and political Jlbl(':S$" to and tho.> Hawa,ian VI.1Wt>: . Bu- so-called 1'<10,"1 In- reau Keun .. lh t III ,"\Ce dll'rtIOI of the hand. .aid it e S:ockl.;y warned that what \\'a.< th" drs.t time the band ne called "dysgenIcs" (Ibe bad Iell thr bland siDce 1907,

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  • TO THE POINT: Shigeki Sugiyama

    JAY Biennium H a ~\\' ar d , all(

    p IFI M.",bcrthlp ~vbll'.'I''''' . J'PI"" Am.d"n CIHzom'" (,oo'9"'L ~ Wblilt ~I, Los , c..1i~ 90012; /;/131 III> 6.6936

    ~ bll\hod W •• kly h •• pt FIr.! ."d lM.1 W •• h or tfi of, " , ,,", Cro. ~""''''J' P.,d .r ltJ, A"'JoI •• , r..IoI.

    VOL. '79 NO 10 15 CE ''IS

    Meetlllg \\ It II young people is always ~ pleasure and joining the JAYs at their filh Biennium III ". an Quentin South" Ii .e. 'Iikeljohn llalll 011 Ihe Cal ' ta lc Hlln\ ard campus was c\o\lbl ~ pleasure· able . mce it was 011 [anllliar gl·ounds. 1 had ·pent many hOllr ill Mikeljoho Hall completing my ~IP program on that campus.

    The JAY Bienlllul1\ Committee, co· chalfl~d b\' Grant Horiuchi \\'es Ka· wase. amI' nale ' hima:aki . ~ . ·isted by Biennium ' ecretarl Connie akai and :-;a(iooal .JACL . t.1Uers Pat "Granny" Nakano and Gait ~i hioka. and a host o{ youths bebind the scenes. did an outStanding job of organization and management We so-called "seniol'S" might well receive a lesson from Ihe youths si.nce tbey completed their agenda a good 30 minute ' ahead of schedule on the closing day. ,\11 busi· ne s was concluded satisfactorily. with· out wrangling. Even their constitution. which had gone through numerous "iterations" in the drafting stage this pa t biennium. \\'3S passed with ease.

    su~h an e~(('ellellt joh rCl)1'6senllng the youths. He rem'llns on the NatlOnl Board ·0 Ihe Nalional J CL will con· tinue 10 benefit (rom his involvement and dedication And Dale, a Junior Econ major al ur Berkeley. has amply demonstrated his leadership ability alld dedication in co·chairing Ihe Biennium so we're a sured that the J Ys will can· llllue to be weU representod 011 Ule gXECOM.

    In the past, the J Y representatives to E,[ECOM did not have a voLe and 01\(.' of lhe Vice PI'csidents, as liaison with the .fAYs. provIded some steward-ship over lhe .JAY program, particular. ly in lhe absence of a Youth Directol.



    ENACTED IN 1862

    NC·WNDC questions 'save whale' moves SAN'IA ROSA. C;.Ut - C. n rtlln COIAU, twm ['1'01 con",,'Yatton c1\'r,rt. r" ult In Jonah. J""" Melntyra ~ di.crimilUltory actv aalllJa' • .eue~nili M'Uaugh" .... Anll/'Oal minority IUOUp? Thl. que-II,," Pro\l!cU'A' Instiluv" SlWn A. will "" cxpl()l'~d durlnlt th~ f.,tA:k and H.con I)t _.

    The IDC aL"O urged chap-t e r s to raliIl' the National JACL Convenlloo aCIioo ad-op ing the new SI2 national membelShip dues and amend-in ' the by-laws so that it need no t be amended each time due< arc chanllcd . D p l e ~atc. from 5c" on of the

    c l~ ht member chapl.... tried hard to con,·In", · them.-e1\' EoS the. were fUll not In Port-land as the L, .. ues " ere dis-C\) ed at leDgth and in depth. mc Govemor George KImu-ra aUowed e,·ery delegate to have thci r 5a). - h,,"cc. the aesaion, which Ix'gan Satur-day at J :30 conUnul'Cl Ul! tho: wte hours 01 2 a.m .. except for a "freshly - cooked cornu break at 3 and the four-bour dinner procram.

    A Ihree-hour Sunday mar-rung i Ion Yo 3 Dl-eded 10 tlnb" bu. In ..

    Youth in IDC

    SCHOLARSHIP WINNElt.-Don Hayashi PNW-IDC re-gional diredor ( le(I), presents $200 National JACL schol-arshJp cbeck to Janel NlshlharR as Snake RiveI' JACL pre.;ldcnt Vernon Nokado adds his congratulations. Awardee i& daughter of the Sagle Nlsbiharas of Vale. Ore. P\·esenta-\ton was made during the recent IDC banquet at Eastside Cale, Ontario, Ore. -Photo by George Kimura

    a &i nQu Tlell()w dai. y I" a field oj allow life h, america (my hom .. e, [IOU kuow)

    but rite "'OUI is verv cold alld the dalsy Boon will die dnd runltlllQ dOUlt! Into it.. roo" ,

    spirit to make council meet-ings more meaningful to members -at-Iarge, Crl>v. Ki-mura reminded. The IDC ex-ecutive commlllee wiU plan the work. ~ hop s .


    Matsunaga Pred icts

    Signature by Ford

    After Labor Day

    WASHlNGTON _ a y unulll- 11 .. 11 !luy~naea of 6&enm""u,; V" Inoua vote. the HOllse Judlcl- A p:m,,; mado up "I rep- CHlTr,rel Uytult has ~ hans-prentlces, or held In service meat ot .Tapanae AJneric;;m Or labor. HAW AllAN ELECTIONS adults ~ well aa cl1I1dren ~ _

    The House Committee ac- ca...., of their an.oesu-.J liJIoe-

    tlon makes the "epea1 ot the emo pr.-mary draws .-nterest all":' Dr. Hataaaka ~ cooly trade I a \V s "almoot a .SeuI.., flit present and tt.: -certainty" as . imllw· leglsla- tun. ho;.tillues can ~ p\am-Uon was passed by the House eel by this type of adicn. ~ In three successive congres5e6. he Rid. pointing out 11 -ud only to be kiUed in the Sen- By ALLAN BEEKJllAN h ad"d only Randolph InoU)"e baa llained rucb an erupt to a lituatioo similar ate. But las t July, tbe Seo- Crossley and Joseph Hao t ot' awesome r eputation !Dr at- 10 thP 0Df: faced by .Tapanellf! ate passed n companion nleas· HONOLULU-The deadline of Govemor. Crossley has long tracting voLes neither Demo- Americans at the outbreak of ure Introduced by Sen. Hiram Aug. 21 lor ftllng having pasl, been acUve In Republican orats nor RA!publJcans are op- World War IT L. Fong (R -Hawall). the COming election shows a politics and i ~ expected to cas- posing his re-electiC>l). "By having \IW; paoeI, we

    Tbe word "coolie" ca"ies a S ·ong Dcmocratic Party op- ily win the Republican noml- For the 1st Coneressional hope- 1.0 learn more about fM. demeaning connotation to a posing a weak Republican. nation. Dlstxict (Urban Honolulu) ~ lJisue and at the same person at Oriental descent. For tack of vigorous opposl- C,·ossley. however. became Rep. Spark M. Mauunaga Is time diseu.w oar. _ Fong said. "Tt is appUed and tlon, tbe three Democratic dismayed at the situation In unopp;cd in the prUnary and with the eooservatlOll ;n:rupc. used ool)' when that con no- Conltresslon al incumbents the recc fOI' Republican no- will !ace only token opposi _ Not 001,. must we work to talioll Is intended." nlnnlng fo.· ,.e-electlon appear mination for Lieutenant Gv- lion in the November gen- ed uca~ the genoal public In:

    "There Is no pl'aQtical need ured of remaining in ot- entor, in which were entered eral election. OUT o w n ~ .., today for sucb laws; tbey are II only three newcomers to Ha- In the primary contest for well." merely a source at irritation So inte resl ccnters on the waiian pOlitics. For laok of a the 2nd Congressional District n.e Sonoma Colmty JACL 10 persons of Oriental origin race for Governor and Lleu- strong running mate. Crossley (Rural Oahu-Neighbor Is- Is hart toe the .... -and should be deleLed [,.om an t Governor, ~peclally prepared to witbdrew trom lands) . Rep. Palsy T . Mink 'lion. G1!on!e Obmoto. ci>ap-our statutes for their appeal'- In tbe Oct. 5 primary in wblcb the contesL faces George B. Caner. In the tor president. and Frank Oda. ance may be a source of ra- formldablc Democratle candi- At this pOint. businessmao last eleetion. she dofeated meeting chairman. will ~ m cial misunderstanding." Ule dates wlll vie for nomioaUoD. Ben F. Dillingham 3lLempLed Carter nine to one; he will of- charge c;f ~ procr--4J!l ID hnn-Senator coocluded. . Fow' strong Democrats are to salvage the RepubUcan fer onJ.y token appositiDD. or .- of Us loogtime. mom-

    JIlatsunaga added, "Just ex- paigning for nomInatioo ticket by agreejng lD run for LosIng to Mink In the 1972 be:s. James .r!Il3kam!- .. r-runining the language of the tor Governor: Acting Gov. Lieutenanl Governor. Since general eleetioo. Republican ceoUy ~lIed as _ a!iGllaJ laws makes It clear that they rge R. ArIyoshJ; Honolulu Daniel K. Inouye overwhelm- Diana C. Hansen has beI!D .1ACL prest d ent~ _ are outmoded and unneeded. ayor Fronk F . Fasl ; former ingly deteaLed hJm in 1962 for campaigning toT the oIIice the l UDdteon. . The demeaning connotations t. Go\'". Thomas P Gill and a U.S. Senate seal, DlllJngham ever since. Just be1are the R ~~ ",ill begin from of tbe IVo,·d. 'coolie'. are an ale Sena te P res. David C. has been inactive In politi .... de.adline. Hansen withdrew 10 am .. m ~. lobby of the alrront to a 11 Amer icans of Clunb. An unknown, Heory- Crossley agreed to stay 1.0 2nd ' t1!W;ed the Slate Santa I\Qsa C.= CenIe". wiSh Asian ancestry.'" duiries. also seeking the Dem· "'tim \'ace lf1l>lnedo '"DlDin&- a race. bwf_ ;RSsIOIlS 111 bePn ~

    Bepe!ll or the cooly trade ocrat!c Domination, will gar- bam. Sue Stricklin (R). cam- The Republicans bav~ re- 11 un. ill ~ C'1.Iy CouD?J J aw s marks seven years ot ner only a handful at votes. palgniDg tor the lieuteDant placed Hansen .... ith State Re- Cb.ambers chaired by DIsIriet efforts by Matsunaga, who but thls bandful could affect governor Domination. chal· publican Chairman Carla Co- Gcwetnor Dr. Haxry .Hat3$aka. guided the bill through tbe the outcome In a close race lenged the eligibility of Dil- ray. Though active in Repu~ • At ~:30 the business.~ House tor a lourU. time. among the leaders. llngbam. She eonLencied be is lican political affairs for 16 gODS v;ill ~ou.m 1 to Iho~ who are t y b p t \II (> e n wenlors a nd rtqUtIU"" 1t',.1 ac llon -and .Upu-youth" he ' UJ(ge'tcd "mhcht , .. "Iou rnait'd In, t.' ~Uli Ii opponuf.lty b ~ 1n;JJrovf!d through' month- ~~ : rhg~ t· tc:~~~do t, ~1d:;~~~u:cn:I~~ l y ror um1l, fj Ul'RUon. and an- Qr ethnlt." orllllill IW(>tll among II("nl or nnd y,,,,tl>:' 1978 Nat' l Con ve ntion

    Mr)rinf,kn'. IIfU,,.. 1I 1 ,1f'lMltd II II pn'ludr 1.1> I'roI{I'ommln" L h ~ n ~xt IDC ,"p,·\ln~ tl) ",. hoot-NI I1y MI Ol,m pil ' .IA('I , " ' 1'., 11 Cl lv In N.,v~mb", Tl ··/, 11 toct" on youth w n d m·· ... ·pll Inelud~ " v,, " ~y t) . 111 fnum.tml'n t . rlJnnN - dtmrt", rooking I~mpllr •• M • mJ"

    "" Wllrk hr.p to, 1'W)1,,,t.#1'" d flo l · tit ''''' • ..., .1 ... 1)l1tioll with two r orl lh'. in lhp. mOllnt-n(IlJl. Sntlw Ii I t rl and Par ~ . City. "vnll"bl, "r 111. S 8 j I P. lno. tn Snit I "Ie\lOire aflcd lea\-e here ~ pt. If for 1Ie:


    H"RRY K. nOND .... [(Illor auonct.c), po,UI pald.t Ln r'lC' " c.UL Subnrtptlon Rlt~

    ~..r:l. ~ .~'~n~ . J "uci . r. ":b ~~~iD·~: 1 'r:r l~~!=' ~rbo::;lt~ tltm Not. : SublCrtt-rn " 'l thln. l "t ~ C'I .... dellven •• tU'!l.r .tr •• 1Utfl:ee. lhoUld LDQutre ,boul rate- domuth: or lbt~m.UODal

    .\d'UrlbHII R,",.,..,.lAU • lifo, C Lu nuUJa ••• KI'ITnl Rm 4M. Sa.a rranebeo '410'

    D',"1r' R .. preu'ntU-htl ~~"~Wo'~~~~:; H · ~~~J1~tO~~u:ll'~~::: •. e,r.?8C.!~~ RoeoIt.wi. !,(De-loe Tanakl WC-lilt O,hlk I

    ~.lIQa.1 ,\ L U .. lIquUU r • .....'. s"n. ..., .0 Trant" ro. CaW ~tl'

    A M.tter of Gattln, "Iyched' Up.

    2- Friday. Sept. 6. 1974

    • Herry K. Hllnda

    qe eJ.iJA1t'" 7;tdt MIXED MARRIAGE


    • 'otlung o£flcial vet but there's a drift aspiring to Nve the name oC 'isei Week Festival. Inc .. changed and \~;th it the name oC the mid·August celebration. ~.ybe. it's the other way around. Demonstrate the time has come to exercise some relovancy and some· how remove .. isei" as more and more Sansei are participating (the queen candidates. I guess. don't want to be confused as being a "Nisei" when they're Th~rd Generation or an ei) and a sume a bellor Cace WIth which to appeal Cor more help from Japanese. Cirms doing business in outhern California (perhaps In rec· o~fion of their meeting a greater share of lhe finan· oal bacldng needed to enliven the festival).

    Sansei really need not be uptight about being reo ferred to lIS "Nisei" a they are truly second genera· tion Japanese Americans. Their grandparents are what· ever ~neration Japane e who emigrated to the Stales. their children then being tbe first generation of a new grou~apane e born in America. Within lhe Japanese AmerICan family. tbe generationa will un· doubtedly be counted, Sansei. Yonsei. etc .• but in lbe wider community, NI ei has become to figuratively IIINII Americans of Japanese ancestry-though tbe better dictionaries will note the distinctions oC Issei. N'lIei. Kibei and Sansei.

    ImpUcit in the hoopla oC Nisei Week over the years 11'15 to sell the name. "Nisei", to the newspapers then addicted to tbe three·letter epithet in headlines when referring to Nisei. And thi. argument is still vaUd tc-day. To millions of outhlanders who have now come to understand. even anticipate, the traditions oC Nisei Week, substituting the name would mean spending eztra eUort to explain the Cestival a1\ over to them.

    • •

    Nikkei HONOLULU - From abnut everY stallstlc .. 1 lourec. I h e ",';deuce i. t h n t Japane>e Amertcans rNlkkel) • r e In-crUSingly marrying oullsldc their own cthnle &Toup.

    Two U C L A rooeal·eheTl. Akemi K[kumura and lIarry !Glano. have claimed that around 50 per e en I of the marrin,es Involving n Japan-ese Amelican In !ipwali In-vol vo a non-J A spouse though Stale Health Dept. .tatisUes show. lower percentage.

    What is ckar that lbe num-bel 01 Ntkkel femnle marry-I n I oulSlde of lhelr cthole group i._ consistently higher tban that of the Nikkei male.

    Accordinc to t970 Stale Heallb Dept. figures, 25.3 pet. of aU m8rrlage~ Involving Nikkei men In\'olved a non-N i k k e [ (emale. Meanwhile. 35.6 pel or all marriages In-volving Nikkei women in-volved a non-Nikkei male.

    At least one researcher has $tudied lbe compatibilily teo-d~noie, or mixed marriage. lnvolvin, 0 Nikkei.

    Colleen Lea h y J abnson fOlUld that marriages among Japanese Americans are the most stable of aJl in - group man-iages in Hawaii, rcsult-in, in only 14.7 dlvprCe. pOT 100 marriages amOllg Nikkei. The over.ll averaee for Ha-waii w. s 28.8 divorces p

    She also found thai Japan-ese-Chinese marriages are ai-mo. t u stable a. In-&Toup



    • Increase rnalTlo .... but Japan e mar· ritiN to Caucatlan •. !iawall· ans or FiUpinos run a hlgh-N' risk ot divorce. Great chalice of divorce .• he (ound, occurs in those ma""I., .. be-Iween Japan .. e men and Cau-ca.ian women as nearly 68 pot. or sueh marrlaaes end in divorce. usually because of basl. cultural d[trerenc •.

    Asian wives prClject in Tacoma competed

    TACOMA. W •• h.-Re.ulta 01 several months (Aprll·July) ot int""vie",ln, 180 Aalan wives of Amerioan servicemen in the SeaWe-Tacoma region by the As[an Amerlean AUI-ance indicates: Pet". Nallon.llt, 715 .. ............. ... .. Kore 22.5 ........... __ .... _. Japan"" 4.0 ................... V[elnam •• 4.0 ....... ...... _ .. _. _.__ . Th

    Mo"t have been [n lb. U.S. less lban seVen yea .... racial breakdown or their SpOUICS are 73 .7 pet. wb[ • 21.9 pet. black. Mosl of tbe wlvel . (75'1.) are under a,e 40. between 30-40.

    studied Prof.SlItonaU ~. Ihe break-

    down show 44 .3 pct. In nu .... -in" 20.9 in medtclne. 9.6 In pharmacy and thaI only 37.4 pN. were Ilconl cd to r,r actice in the Slale or WSl h nston.

    Tht DPAA IlafT i, currently 100in. to eslabUl h an En,U. h al Second Langua,,, el ... at Seattle Community Colle,e. e peei.lly for Korean wive •. It w ... _ me> found Ihll lenn nunea mlY be deporled 10 the Philippine. and " there seems to be some evidence 01 explol-taUon". lhe DPAA rcporled.

    Servicemen's Wives

    Dlsco-erin, how 10 help Asian wIve. of , .rvlcemen I. one or Ihe DPAA ta.k .. K[m Ill" their , ludl .. Ihus lar In· dlcate lbelr major problema are cultural adJu.tment. lan-illa,. barrier. and exeusive dep

    SALT LAKE CITY _ Carl ~r.:~ns~:':.:'e~ 0 Moc I~ ~: Cluk, 39. lather ot five. and veyed the number or Allan LlIUan Beppu. 32: mol her ot health proressionals in Ihe three. were marned on the [our-county area of Pierce. 1I.750-r1. peak of ML Tlm- King. Snohom[sb and Thurs-part of a plan Cla~k starl- Ion and lbat of lbe 145 were:

    chance for deportation is 100 great lor Oriental. to risk conviction. U she bad to take the exam In Engfuh, she reel would be one way to drive ber out ot business.

    Little Tokyo is proud to have introduced this merry festival of Japanese and American pleasantries. Other Japanese commun1Lies in the states have emulated N'JSei Week in Cormat and respectfully reCrained from ealling tbeirs by the same name.

    H the time has come to consummate a new llame for the Festival. let it be for a midwinter extravaganza and combined with the spirit of the new year. Let summertime i. ei Week course along.

    • •

    ed aboul a year ago In search panotoo on AUi. 24. It was 01 a wile. prom.isint to take his brlde to lbe heights. which he did.

    A heUcopler was hil'ed to transport the familieS. triencU and justice of lbe peace to the peak. Bul because or high winds. they had to land be-Iowan d fl'udge a bou t two mllC$ to the peak.

    The U.S. Forest Service is [nvesJjga tiJlg t b e landing of a hen copIer in the area since lt wa .... in violation or exist-in~ management directives.

    The 1974 Nisei Week f"estival unColded its most &lorious petals at the Ondo parade. People counters .aid the turnout of spectators (about 20,000) wasn't much aCfected by the tran!rlt strike. The sidewalks were jammed-especially the shaded areas . . . What are tbe odds of meeting someone you haven·t seen in dec-

    ad~like Vince Tajiri. erstwhUe Playboy photo editor Inlermounfa'ln-Ind now with a publication firm here? It was his first Nisei Week since tbe \\Iar and he and his wife were Illest.! oC Assemblyman Paul Bannal in the VIP grand· Continued from "'rool Pace I1.and b\ea~her5 at First and San Ped~o ... Overheard tion.t chairman, reported on when Issei pioneer John K. Inadoml rode by in the the suceess of the district In parade; "He speaks better Spanish lhan me." And hlviD, two or Its nom[n • .,o Ih, wa~ a middle-age woman. who spoke with an lor Ni.eI or Ihe Biennium as unmisakable Mexican accent and a shopper at one recipients 0 u t of three pos-C h

    · '. sible: Raymond Uno. the gold 4) II supermarkets .. That look of fatIgue on Masa· medallion' and Yuku. Inouye mon Kojlma's face, while riding in the car Cor his the sliver' medaillon. • b~. Mayor Bradley, might be explained by the The Sail Lake chapl~r .1. 0 obituary noltce which appeared two days later His Wll~ award~ Fccond place In

    th 79 h . the Ina«aki Chapt"I' of I h e

    mo er. . ad passed away that same Sunday ... Biennium Award "htch I n _ Our daughter Patty. who Jus t finished enjoying sel" cluded • SIOO ch~ck [rom lhe era I weeks at Friendhhip Day Camp, was surpl'ised to Inagaki Prize fund adm[nJs-find County Supervisor Ernest Debs among the public tCl'~ by the V

    Subject. ot the Jtudy w l!I'e wtd In ".pecffle" lhinkin, 219 sludenu enrolled In un- .bUlti .. dcr«raduale psychology cour- Tb.. r_reh led )fuzell.a

    at tho Mi noa campu •. The and Golden to spKulale Ih.t JA croup consl.ttd of 55 «~etal thlnkln, .bUI Ut>! are mal ~ . 83 femal. - all San- t~red by OJ\e', . The EA troup consisted of 47 male. 54 femlle - and

    b::-:';O .,e (or both lI'oupo Genetics-

    m'11l. wlIl ~ lro tLlQI Imp , -

    (11' .. ", til'! ' ..... reh ftndlr~': "Eor 'n>e ll)I"" J 'u.q:,«1 mat tKJrn. EA teacMrJ In HawaII - ~.II, at I h e c"I1.", I~el - _, IQrdn JA. • w6tnll. amttflC otht7 II> .. In l~rrJne "II b. I maT w, ver, .Il... In Ul"m.

    -me ... allr.ean \t) ~ a IMP ~lVeI'D wI1~1 II It'2rrAd, \.Iu"'l .1Id valu..! In Ih~ Ia-lI an~.. Ana'rlcan b~ a n It whal /.I uught at Id'"o!."

    M.ndl. a r. d G9\de1 "" • ,.,.1 Usat ~I\.., lnaruttn, and tAhe.- lIdueatoJ's In H .... l1 m .. , be ft, . dDt JA ,wden' Into a Ie:arrJnjl mold that d~ not rnqr the lull u... '" • t: cWttoct eullurall, relalftl ab!-III/ .

    Vorbel Upt 11 •• Id'l lba mu~t be d"~~ lb • two r r ...,.11-11'00" (illcw-IlJlIIU than lITI_ ooes

    '1\,. not a TtLuvto.a~

    )UJ~·B..Jsb (U: .... " .orA W Alb n .!:lh1 St Den ...... _~

    Omalla ($I"~l Joha K .... 3i34 Btzr.dM..t:,p"" o.u .IIW

    ba L .... VantYlo-lJl 11"O'W' tD

    P08GXtSl " C Jo 1lI.1

    Moe uuuco ISI~; n $lf) _Ocun SlU" Cio r~ L"htc.lCO

    C'l.tJJ:LUtl ( .II-!'tl

    RUtlIn .""'" QJ:3 Rod 1I>nl< Rd C'IIociIoNtl mu

    Chnlaa. (W4l1 JalID SIwIl.b uk-_

    _n. Cle\ elaDd " 1"

    Oa~'- (Ill-lt) , ., . 1.0

    Ii OUI Or !l ~ 6W

    O ...... tt I U~lJ") DrKu U. _..s. 1M tn" B-.J!.ld BlIII II

    Mllnlllu ..... ,"'": fCSJ"

    Vtc.t T HelDc.crr. JI U'" I'UIII ••

    MI1"auk" l - .. . ($l!4:!) G n l"'e ~ l

    l ~~~= Dr ........ CUSt;S($ II"': )

    " wh' ....... ....... n 5. Paul III


    C ·r .. I oj Juq IJ Dolinquent membors now bing cut-off by PC!

  • • alii HOIOkiw.

    Frying Pan Falr He ld . Callf.


    of Watergate

    commlHee told San. ''I0uy. t.lI,

    ABA You~1 Lawy'"

    WESTWARD TO WAIT- Weary of waiting lor the arrival of ~and t bUd No. 5. we flew westward to flDd out what \\'a~ taking so IDng. We found Christle heavy with chUd, cheerful but uncomIortable with the resUeM stirrings o f an InIant not quite ready to lace KONOL\1LU - The system the trauma o( CO hin~ wilh this troubled world . And o( ftnanol n~ Atn ~ rlt. n ~I M -

    II t Ik lion compallUls Ion. w ~, ". so we sat and wh e awa ' the hours with rna a nallOMI dlsgrac .....

    Ughted to have you nonetheless . And we're doubly Inouye said lhe Water.ale hi M d th (NC-WNDYC1 , lpONOr- .hlll leclure run by Alan idlj' Ind wlthou • anUnit FrI-

    Pleased that you are likely to have the kind of con· dl!.closures "wlll at'/ect t h.. ler , and Orant Horiuc. onlerey, Ate as!lsle on e . hlp of the 5lh /'li tlonll J ACL Frumkin. Tbp. Mldw ... t then K.

    I!ntploymeut Opportu.nlll .. Worbholl ,..u ' ffer«! 1AY delegl.tes during their Natiooal convention. ?aneIisI3: :!or the workshop included (from left) Geny ~ bO an4 Mike Davis of. the Bank 01 Americ.a, al'd Kent Take4&. of Paaltle Telepbane. Tht. workshop ...... OpoiLomod by !be Inte.nl1ountain District Youth CoundL

    ROGER TOKUNAGA: Marysville JACLer

    Civil engineer on Cal Who's Who YUBA CITY. CaJJ!. - o~er secretary to 'he Boord 0: Df· Tokunaga has ~ Ie.]""ted NC!tors l'f 'h@ MarysTille as ooe of the professional en- Buddhist Church. gintua to appear In the 19B He has Sfl'>~ on .. a~ pUbUcallon of "Who', Who In ot Yuba Cit)· 0.1.1 inUlrview CaUlomla". board 10 • ..,Iect:in elliin .... -

    He has been In consulting I~ p~onoe1. helOD , '0 t..'>e

    clvil engineering p rac~ee (or r~~~~b~ ~:t~b c:.:.j the pasl 14 years ud IS pre- .~l"t'j< Club. He has .. I • 0 sently a co-owner o! the \'on coached loal wtlle I.e.".." Geldom.. Engineerlng Co. In Sund&y Sdlool and .1.

    "Nil o n ~. leuL of nU Lo. An.~lra County. WAntA ~ deny medloal care to onyone In n* ~d and moraUy cannOI

  • 4--Pacific Citizen Friday. Sept 6, 1974

    • K.ts Kunitsugu

    On Margin THE STRIKE AT HORIKAWA- It doe~n ' l

    • course in labor economic al the univcr I.ty (0 flg· ure out that the only power labor has agalOsl man· Igement is numbers. unity and the refusal to work .

    That the "quiet Japanese" Cil1a~y ac~eved lI~at power in of all places Little Tokvo IS. J th~k. a ·lg· nificanl achievement. From Ihe vantage pomt of ?ne who ha been close to the s ituation. however. I think it is too had that the power was achieved for uch a ridiculous purpo e (for that demeans the power) and has been e. ercised wit.hout fairness . human compas· sion or re train!.

    On AUl!Ust 22 at the beginning of the dinner trade, 26 emplo 'ees walked off their jobs at the Restaurant Horikawa: Twenty·eight employees. a little less than half the total \I ork force at the noted. restauran.l. signed a petition in which the majentall vc.

    Ramona's Mexican Food Products

    Mexican food to go. Come in & visit

    our deli . Open for lunch & dinner.

    13633 S. Western

    Garden;a, Calif.


    SONG'S CHEVRON Corner Gardena & No~mand 'r

    Complete Automotive Re~ ' r . Brake Work - Tune-uP) - Tires Batteries & Accessories

    16403 S. Normandie Gardena, Calif.



    Horikawa explained tbe background for the man· Iger·s· appOintment-that hers was an emergency ap· pointment becau e the man he had in mind decided not to come to the U.S. after all; that she was replacing an extremely popular manager who allowed liberties Pre·school • Kindergarten . Elementary JunIor HIgh to emploveeS that contributed to a high gross for the Spiritual Moral Training restaurant but not the projected profit and was under 1473 W. 182nd instructions to tighten up the ship.


    He acknowledged lhal there was a lack in manage· ment. both in system and set·up, and as the man at the top. took full responsibility for that lack ~nd prom· ised to do all in bis power to set things strrught.

    The petitioners asked if he was going to fire the manager. Horikawa replied that that was his preroga· tive. The petitioners asked to have the manager pres-enl and when she came into the meeting, demanded that their grievances against her be read. Horikawa felt it would be a mud·slinging contest and an unequal one at thal but the petitioners prevailed. Much of the criticism against her smacked of envy and jealousy and were subjective judgments. She was asked If she agreed with the charges. She said she did not. It was a psychological lynch mob, if I ever saw one. Aftill' ascertaining that they would no longer be considered employees of Horikawa if they went on strike, the 26 walked out.

    Gardena, Calif.

    ANN FRANCIS FABRICS Specializing in Knit Fabrics. Patterns . FIndings,

    Now Carry ing Woven Fabrics etc .

    2059 Palos Verdes Dr., North 530-2525 __ _ _ _ L_omita, Cali_f_. ___ _

    ROADIUM DRIVE-IN THEATRE Always the Finest Entertainment. Swap meet Daily, Except Monday

    2500 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. 321·3920 Gardena, Calif.


    Featuring a Complete Line of All Mobile Products Tune·ups • Brakes· Alignment. Lube

    4801 E. 2nd St. 439-1262 Lone Beach, Calif.

    Two busboys who signed the petition later said they did not join the strike because they were only told to sign the petition if they had grievance against the manager and never saw the list of grievances until

    the day of the meeting. VIVIANE WOODARD

    AERO· SMITH CUTTER & TOOL GRINDING INC. To.ClI & Sud .. c Grlnd,no

    ~ 8 Inch C.p.clty 1,,1 W. 1351h ]21 . 3061

    G"d. n" C.llt.

    £){tkK (3ilte • • ?~ n :'J(j ~ · ~~P~ "i1 ~~ o,.,.

    3H E. FIr 81. Ln_ ~n r,.' I'\JI • MA " 31)21


    J/lrittanpA C'ope," Brotonn. i' ;; I

    5.1 n F,,"cI,co', Only ' ,eton


    The Cannory 2801 L . ... nworth

    T 01. 776·6996 N~'I () fa'7VAt ~ r- \I ' Y1,*,"lt

    IntemltioNI " .... fd Lu " ch ·o r nner~I«'II' .,, "!l .

    l.. Pltt i~ Af,.r.ged

    Hunt-Wesson Foods, Inc.

    We support equal Opportunity for All Americans Male & Female

    1645 W. Valencia Dr. 871-2100

    Fullerton, C;aUf.


    Insurance ServIces

    1400 N. Harbor Blvd.

    Fullerton, Calif.




    Restaurnnf Cu,,,,, ... ~~I"'.

    F .. ",tt.,. , ,..,.. D,""'.1'1 I ... . ., ,; _H1N ' Hlr t .. " f..~JIII' .

    ' -.4 , . C.

    205 E. Valley Blvd. 5an Gabriel, Calif.

    Tel. 280-8371

    ' S.v,h of 0" •• ,10 04, .11' firS. St " SantI A",#

    (71 41 5)1 .1212

    Tin Sing Rest.lUrant E M PER 0 R

    -.. -

    ~p USTAUItAHT "'" 9 .. 9 N. Hill St.

    '21)) 415-12'4 • PEKING FOOD S'WALTY

    Codihil '-91 ,.tty ~ h""ut


    Try Our S%~dTwa" Sn-.oi«d Duck cr S9tc¥ Fish Of Ku' 1I'P~ $h. mp

    Lunch • O'nner • c:.a.:t, 70 Jean ot age ..". old~r . at a Keirn picnic Oct. 12 at J uniper" S

  • Japan Today - • Itl,h.rd Gima ••

    Aloha from Hawaii Nisei altorney with USAF-Japan cited by Emperor for meritorious service

    ~ .11M


    Paci fie CJtizen-5 Fnday, Sept. IJ, 107


    10",rO - ElIr"' .... 10115 flnt lJr & II I from 20n In

    .,,2 0 for nrrilna", " fa on Ut.

    N.mel in the New.

    H,,,,,lulu laTOI t'l ank F •• I has ap-


    HI':II£ .' .m TlJEBB - A ::~~:AI~oo~I.~~~~Uk~,~i dared"il V S. klte-nd.,... Mike A .... Pa't.on, Elate

    H;arker. _red down. MI. Fu- ~~;,!::d":M~~~::[o.LU::'rf'b~~~ jl. weslem cliff 10\\ pecl. Ih~ Courtroom t,~ 1 to Ih. Improvemonl 01 Lb~ rl"hl' 01 Viner Morlokn. hend EliChl po,.on whn It>Ok pad Jopnn ••• Judicial In d olhr.r 01 Ih. R.publlcl". lor Fa I. to In a political domanllratlnn orllam and 11.0 I.t1 Ih. prop-IUPPOl'! Utc candldlt.c 01 his at Uto KDr~on cOII. ul If r . ~t anrl .m""lh Implement.. rhol"". Sul 'he said. Repub- cently hIve pleaded I"'toe .t lIoll of Ih~ Alr.emonl und.r lIeanl lor Fall I. a misnomer, in dlalrld courl 10 c~8r'.' I Arllel. Viol Ih. Truly 01

    lorloka La 19 yeln old . c.lmlnnl Il'lspu. InR, J u r 'I Mutua l Cooper.Uon .nd Se-laic Rop. 'fony KUlllmura. Irlal ror them will be~ln • curlly belween .1lPllu and the

    fil , a Democral. hIlS wamod week at Scpt. ~, A nlnlh ~. - Unlled Slal ..... AS well al the Ihul Ihe nelKhbor lfland. fac. Ion. " 17-ycor-nld girl, W • promollon f)[ Irlendly rola-,.1100.< problems II Mayor toun •• lerI by juvenflt aulhor· Unn. belw ... n Uto two cOlln-Frank FMI ot Honolulu Is Ille. and I cl.~ •• d They p IrIH, ele.led go"e,""or 01 HawaU It' led Ihe recent arresl. Im- Koshl .. as .Iao pr en~d a Ihl. lall. Th. remu"', wllh- prl&onmcnl and enICncln, 10 __ oul once mentlonlnl Ful by d.nlh 01 luder'ls. ..ollllloua name, weI" mad. II • n.wI Icaders ~nd Inwlleclunl crl-contert'nce In announclnll hI. leal 01 Ihe mllliary r.~me I decl Ion 10 SH'k re-~ Iecllon , ,. SouUt Korean Prealdenl Plltk The Hawaii Governmenl Em- Cbung Hee. Tho.e arr:usn pion .. ' Au".. according 10 were ' \be~ Star ... Bulletin. Is Jeanlng n an. I'.rlc . '.s! l',M . 011"", ..... toward an endorsemenl 01 acl- •• 1 Jam.. I\lbtrUni. 17 .,.lto h" Gov, aeor,. Arll""bl In ~:~:I;!'·' S~",;"::~,Y ';; , Il,o~I.~6. tb. Ocl 5 Dcmocl"aUC! gubcr- IJd,,,, •• u. 50. and Clatr OrolflDAn.

    natorlal primary Much of Ih. 'D III ,'I -dllarl.l. Ute> Hono-HGEN. support h u~ lway.. W been behlnll Gov. John Bum. lulu Advel'U or 'Rld' .. 0

    l would not condone an'l()fle in JI~~'IP::.,.or Elm.r Crav.l- br •• kin, a Ilw 10 make a ho has indlcaled Utal he may polnl, bul In the cnntext 01 be a candldale (Democratic) ovenl, peaceful. le,aI pro I tor .Iale aovernor In the (klo- I. hardly amls •. "

    ber primary oltellon . ae said State Capitol



    HONOLULV Aulhol Jam .. Mlchen .. (. Phlladalphla JA-CL 1000 Club lifo member) ur,ed snme 1.000 Amarlc.n Bar A n. mcmben durin. Ihelr annuftl cnnval1tJon he .. In mld-Alleu.1 thai "II you do only Utln, whll. you're In Rawall •• top In nt one 01 Ute loeallupormarkela",

    An I. I R n d .upel'markel.

    .. rlaln Oahu polls "laken by the oppolltion" have .neour-aced hi", to reconsider his dt-ohlred IntenUon 10 .tlY oul ot Iho .lIto·s pollUcal al'ena IWI 'lear, .. Berman Lemke, 57. who', bren out ot poU.!lcs tor six :rears. lay. h... .e-rloUily conslderln," runnln, tor ~e omer 01 It. ,overnor bul would not be aUIllUt, hlm •• 1f with any 01 Ihe D.m-ocraUe candldalte for ,overn-or In Ut. primary .•. Big It-land county councilman Ber-bert Mataylllhi. 45. has an-nnounned his candidacy (or m.:ror ot the Bill Isllnd. Slat. Rep. WID' ROll' CbODC Is runnln, unoppooeU and fla>'On. color $2.95, 321·6650

    • AfI,,, , .. itm,,,


    Democrat . Bt!CauJe 01 her e>

  • eabrook marks 30th year - Bu.i"es .nd-Professional Guide

    y.." iii C.,1t .tt" , .... ,., 2S

    SEABROOK rSAt'GURAL-Nc ·i,· Inslalled om,~rs Of tho Snbrook .IACL >l!mbl with oUI~olng NoUon"1 JACL. Pre.idonl Hem'" Tnnaka and 30th Annlverury Cmml'llI-orauve OiJln~r' .peak .. r Bill H~okawa o( Denver P t. (From h>!l) Fronl-M .. y Nagao. memb.: Tel''' I MasuluDI.

    JAMES K. KIDA: Portland JACLer

    rcc. sec.: Chorle..< Nagao. 1000 Club; Elten Nakamuro. del-egal" and oulRoin~ pre hl I, the Pncllic K 0) n k n Church dudlwrlUDI Clo In~ date for applicatiON Northwc.t-Intermountnln JA.

    'ner th~ hlnch'"ns arn pr. 1 _.;...;;S Unlv. CIt Cr,lrmtd,,,, or~' wor~ hr,p !llr 'tor Klint hi U.ta ond gr"up I",m the Unlv 0' 11_ Bnola K.bllkl P,""ucll"" nf "MAdam [j"t"'r",." w II I bJibll.h the en~l1aJnrn'nt

    lor1l1 Ilh folk dan r y th

    O,d .. r PC for (our

    ':J(;h...ol. or Llbrart!'"

    NEED A CAR LOAN? Low Cost

    Liberal Terms No Extra Charges

    National JACl Credit Union Mall: P O. 80a 1721, Salt Lako CIty, Utah 114110

    Office: 242 S. 4th Eut, Salt Lako City T I.: 1801) 355-8040

    R.merr"be, ~. .. ." , ~ 000 Oh ,QUI "onJlur. ,*llh • 'lv,II'11id " dlt """1")

    asst. neUvltie. coordlnatol·. Adc!ltlonlll service will be held fit Ihe Minami Kell'o.

    Three Ga.ner.t lon. ot bperl.nco

    F U K U I Mortuary, Inc.

    707 E. Temple St. Los Anllclcs 90012


    Solch ~ukul. Pr •• , Jamal N.k,gawl, MINt., Nobuo O.uml, Counlliiol


    HEAD OFFICE 800 Willhire Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90017 (213) 623·7191

    LITTLE TOKYO OFFICE 321 E.ut Second St., Los Anceles, C .. lif. 90012 (213) 680-2650

    GARDENA OFFICE 1600 W. Redondo BelCh Blvd., Gardena Cmllf. 90247 (213) 532·3360

    M.mber FDIC

    .... . .' " ,

    LoW C051newauio 10805f '.

    Sumltomo Bank of CalifornIa

    Nanka Printing 21l2A E. In S .

    Los N1ge.,. Co •

    .Iuo 8·1835


    TV - Furniture

    ~ TAMURA And Co., I tIC.

    !YIr. $i,r~ .. ~_ ;Jf.,,.uJ,iit~

    3420 W Jefferson aMI. los Arcgaes 18

    RE 1·i261

    NISEI Es1~~~~hed TRADING CO.

    _ ~Ibnces • TV - Fum; .....

    3~8 E. FIRST ST.. L-A. 12

    MMi30n 4~601 C!. 3. "


    * ~':h: . * ~lu:b7n9 -I L ~ :::-"018'5

    PARTS' PliES - Rapil:"l Our SDco.I -

    1 .... S- Gnnd. LOot A.ft,..... RI 9......,71

    -,. ........... "" . . ..... ED SATO


    ~ .no R~ l n \'~l~. _,.,.,Ga._CO...".. .. F...--

    - Se,..icing lc.s ADgel , - I t AX 3·7000 RE 3·0557 i

    ~NEW ~O