to remain unbroken

To Remain Unbroken It was a bitter wind as the dirt kicked around in the air. Ichiro looked up at the pale sky through the trees. He could not see the horizon this far into the woods, but the sun would set soon. He nursed the wound in his side and kept wandering into the forest, desperate to find out if the stories of the tainted ronin were true. *** A fire was started in this simple cottage. A woman reached into a pot with her bowl and scooped out some fresh rice. She had saved up for several seasons and this would be the first meal with her new rice she would enjoy. But the fates tended to work against her, she found. Outside, there was a clatter and much discussion. She set the bowl down on the table, grabbed her naginata and stepped outside. “Mariko! Come quick, we have found an injured man!” said an old man. Mariko moved over to the throng of people helping a wounded man into one of the houses at the edge of the village. She moved people aside gently as she entered the door. “Ahh, Mariko. Glad you’re here. We found him not twenty minutes from these doors. I think he was looking for us,” spoke Turoka; a young farmer who had spent the past five winters here. “What makes you think that” asked Mariko. As if possessed by some dark being, the wounded man leapt up from the bed he was just placed on and grabbed Mariko’s shirt. Several of the men tried to pull him off of Mariko, but his grip was too strong. “Unbroken,” the wounded man whispered just as he passed out. Mariko stood, watching him being put back in the bed. “Dress the wound and see that he’s well. You’re right, he was looking for us.” Mariko left the house, determined to finish that dinner. The strange man would keep better than the hot bowl of rice anyways.

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Post on 07-Sep-2015




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This is a story about a young samurai in his search for the legendary tainted Ronin. It's based upon the Legend of Five Rings game.


  • To Remain Unbroken

    It was a bitter wind as the dirt kicked around in the air. Ichiro looked up at the pale sky through

    the trees. He could not see the horizon this far into the woods, but the sun would set soon. He

    nursed the wound in his side and kept wandering into the forest, desperate to find out if the

    stories of the tainted ronin were true.


    A fire was started in this simple cottage. A woman reached into a pot with her bowl and

    scooped out some fresh rice. She had saved up for several seasons and this would be the first

    meal with her new rice she would enjoy. But the fates tended to work against her, she found.

    Outside, there was a clatter and much discussion. She set the bowl down on the table, grabbed

    her naginata and stepped outside.

    Mariko! Come quick, we have found an injured man! said an old man.

    Mariko moved over to the throng of people helping a wounded man into one of the houses at

    the edge of the village. She moved people aside gently as she entered the door.

    Ahh, Mariko. Glad youre here. We found him not twenty minutes from these doors. I think

    he was looking for us, spoke Turoka; a young farmer who had spent the past five winters


    What makes you think that asked Mariko.

    As if possessed by some dark being, the wounded man leapt up from the bed he was just

    placed on and grabbed Marikos shirt. Several of the men tried to pull him off of Mariko, but

    his grip was too strong.

    Unbroken, the wounded man whispered just as he passed out. Mariko stood, watching him

    being put back in the bed.

    Dress the wound and see that hes well. Youre right, he was looking for us.

    Mariko left the house, determined to finish that dinner. The strange man would keep better

    than the hot bowl of rice anyways.

  • ***

    Morning came as the suns rays filled the farmlands around the village with light. The rays

    played through the trees surrounding the village, making kaleidoscopic images on the grass

    floor. Mariko knocked on Turokas door. She had been waiting there ten minutes and was

    growing impatient. Turoka opened the door, greeting Mariko in a plain brown kimono he wore

    during his days off.

    My apologies, Mariko. Chien awoke sick this morning and needed some tea, said Turoka.

    Its alright. Wheres our guest asked Mariko.

    Turoka led Mariko to the room the new guest had stayed in. His wound was neatly dressed and

    bled very little overnight. Turoka tapped the man on the shoulder, and he awoke slowly. He

    looked around the room, trying to gauge where he was. His eyes settled on Mariko.

    Unbroken, spoke the man.

    Tell me what you know of them asked Mariko as she sat down next to him.

    I have heard of a village where the tainted become clean, answered the man.

    And what is this to you

    I was part of a farming convey, sending some fresh rice to the Kyuden Hiruma. We were

    ambushed by goblins, and all were killed save me. I was wounded trying to run away, and have

    felt the Taint growing. I have been wandering these forests for days searching for them. But

    they must be myths. The Taint will claim me.

    What if we are the Unbroken What would purification be worth to you asked Mariko.

    My life, replied the man weakly.

    Mariko stood and motioned for Turoka to join her outside the room.

  • What should we do asked Turoka.

    Give him his health back. I will call the Jakla, answered Mariko. She made her way out of the

    home, and Turoka turned back to tend to the wounded man.

    What is you name, my friend asked Turoka.



    Ichiro looked up at the pale sky. He was beginning to grow accustomed to the fact that though

    Lord Sun shone overhead, the light would not reach this place. He had been in this village for

    two months after being nursed back to health. Mariko quickly filled his days with work in the

    fields. In exchange for his help, he would receive the purification of the Taint growing within


    He could hear the call of Fu Leng whispering in his ear. The sound was unmistakable. It was the

    voice of screams over a still lake. It whispered dark thoughts, thoughts he tried to suppress.

    But it was worse at night. The thoughts became dreams. He had dreams of himself

    slaughtering the village. He could see himself burning Otosan Uchi down as he stood

    victoriously over all. He could sense Fu Lengs eyes watching his every movement. But he was

    in the right place. The Taint would soon be gone with the purification. Mariko had told him

    that everything was in place for tomorrows ceremony. He would be one among others

    receiving the blessing. He used to wonder why such a small village would keep this secret from

    the outside world. But growing accustomed to the bandaged warriors, men and woman with

    Taint who were forced to cover their faces and hands, he realized none would believe this

    ronin pack.

    Tomorrow, though, all would change. He would be free of this curse.


    Mariko guided the six men to an altar set up in the middle of the forest. The sun was beginning

    to set. The six men sat down and removed their hoods. Ichiro looked around, gathering up his

    surroundings. When he gazed on the faces of the other men, he felt happy to be here.

  • The other men had been twisted by the Taint. Ichiro mustve come at the right time; otherwise

    he would also resemble the goblin-men sitting next to him.

    We, of the Unbroken, seek the Jakla and their wisdom. We, of the Unbroken, seek to rid

    ourselves and this world of the Taint. We, of the Unbroken, have come, once again, humbly

    before the wisdom of the Jakla and beg for their mercy, spoke Mariko in a practiced voice.

    A wind blew over the altar suddenly, throwing the fallen leaves into the faces of the six tainted

    men. Suddenly, three men showed themselves from behind the altar. But these were not

    normal men; the slithering tails of the Naga indicated their true form. Ichiro was frightened for

    a second, for he had never seen a Naga this close. In truth, he thought them to be a bedtime

    story his mother had told to him.

    Mariko of the Unbroken, we have heard your plea and will do as you request. Those here

    tonight will receive the blessings, spoke the Naga in the center.

    Mariko of the Unbroken, we will bless these souls and allow the Foul to be purged from their

    bodies, provided they are worth, spoke the Naga on the right.

    Mariko of the Unbroken, we see your plight and know of your pain. The Foul shall be rid of

    the land and these bodies, spoke the Naga on the left.

    The three Naga began chanting in unison and lights began to swirl around them. Ichiro felt

    light suddenly. He could feel the Nagas magic deep within him and it felt warm, soothing. The

    chanting stopped suddenly, and Ichiro opened his eyes to see nothing. He was back in Turokas

    bed and did not know how he arrived.

    Glad to see you finally awake. We were worried about you, spoke Turoka.

    Howhow did I get here asked Ichiro, trying to wash the dizziness from his face.

    The Jakla have that effect on people. You feel like the world loves you, then you have no idea

    where you are. The ceremony was yesterday. Its time you learn the rest of the story,

    answered Turoka.

  • Turoka stood, motioning for Ichiro to follow him. Ichiro stepped into Marikos home. She was

    sitting at her table, eating a hot bowl of rice. A second bowl was prepared and Mariko

    motioned for him to sit and eat.

    Glad to see you, Ichiro. No doubt, youre confused, said Mariko. Ichiro merely nodded as he


    The Jakla have given you your blessing. But its not over yet. Their blessings work twice over.

    Killing the Taint in you requires that you kill the Taint in others. Understand

    Not really. What am I supposed to do asked Ichiro.

    The blessings only work when you kill Tainted creatures. You will need to find goblins or oni,

    anything from Taint, and kill it. When you have killed enough, the Taint will be gone and you

    will be free. That is how we become Unbroken. The Taint has injured us, but we purge it from

    our bodies and lands.

    And if I am retainted What then

    Mariko smiled, The blessings are not forever. It will run itself out in one years time. For that

    year, you are effectively immune to the Taint. But, if you are still Tainted come one year from

    now, you will die. If you are freed from the Taint, then you may live your life as you see fit.

    Ichiro nodded and finished his bowl of rice. He stood and bowed to Mariko.

    Dont tell anyone of this village, Ichiro. Dont tell anyone of your mission or blessings. No

    shugenja, even the Kuni, will find Taint on you. This village and your misfortune are your

    secret. And ours.

    Ichiro nodded one final time and exited, determined to cleanse himself.


    The goblins rushed the line of bushi guarding the tall wall. One by one, the goblins were cut

    down. But where one fell, two replaced it. The fight was a losing one, but it was not one these

    bushi were going to run from.

  • Four more goblins met their blades, and from nowhere in particular, a warrior had rushed

    through the ranks determined to help these men.

    Ichiro! Thank the Fortunes youre here! yelled one of the bushi.

    Ichiro swing his tetsubo, taking out three goblins with it.

    Get behind me. Weve been ordered to fall back let them come to us! barked Ichiro as his

    tetsubo found another goblin head.

    The four bushi stepped around him as began a slow withdraw as the goblins poured over the

    edges of the Kaiu Wall. Ichiro was fighting off the goblins as quickly as he could, trying to allow

    his comrades to flee. A regrouping was being planned and every able body was needed.

    Without warning, a second group of goblins cut off the bushis escape route.

    Ichiro! There are more now! yelled the bushi.

    The goblins leapt forward, grabbing two bushi and dragging them off the wall. The other two

    fought bravely as they were surrounded on all sides.

    Ichiro swung his tetsubo, painting the walls with goblin blood. He could hear the bushi behind

    him being overrun. He turned just in time to see one more bushi cut down by a primitive

    goblin knife. Ichiro grabbed his tetsubo by both ends and charged forward past the sole

    remaining bushi. He used the tetsubo to push the goblins back toward a tower wall, clearing

    the way down for the last bushi. The bushi rushed past him into the stairwell. Ichiro swung the

    tetsubo at a couple goblins and ran through the doorway, locking it behind him.

    They were safe for now. The doors were blessed by Kuni magic. No tainted creature could pass

    through them. But Ichiro knew a truth. There was magic greater than the Kuni. He had left the

    village eight months ago and joined the Crab. He could still feel the Taint inside him. It had

    shrunken in time, Fu Lengs whisper turning into a wind. But it was still there. No one knew,

    however. He would tell no one as he promised Mariko. Ichiro touched an amulet he wore over

    his armor. It was green with a yellow fist. The mon of the Legion of the Jade Hand.

    When he came to Crab lands seeking a way to join, he found the Jade Hand inviting. There, he

    learned about fighting the Shadowlands, the effects the Taint has had on others, and how

  • important this wall was. They accepted him as one of their own, and they in turn found a spot

    for him to fight. This group gave the amulet to him, and he knew it was a good luck charm. He

    never forgot to give his thanks to the Fortunes for every battle he lived through, but he

    realized he needed more goblin blood to wash his soul clean.


    Ichiro cradled his tetsubo. The goblin blood from todays fight was now dry. He sat and tried to

    listen to his generals orders, but found his mind wandering. What little Taint remained in him

    churned. It knew it was almost gone. Some time ago, he realized the Taint was not a mere

    disease or side effect. The Taint was the Shadowlands. Its twisted version of wisdom was

    collected there. It was spread by those who worshipped it, and would destroy all life if left

    unchecked. The general finished his orders and told everyone where to report and when.

    Ichiro listened for his name. He would report to the tunnels below the wall where he fought

    earlier. He was to leave in ten minutes. The counterattack would begin within moments.

    Ichiro walked slowly, the tunnel was nearby and ten minutes was more than sufficient time to

    reach it. He looked up at the night sky. Lady Moon was out and shining her full light on the

    Wall. He couldnt help but think of the battle to come to retake land. He wondered if it was

    possible to move the Kaiu Wall forward one foot every day, for surely the engineers could

    figure out such a simple problem. And moving the Kaiu Wall every day would mean purpose.

    Each day, they would take back the land Fu Leng claimed as his own. They would push the

    Taint into the sea and then move the Kaiu Wall to water. Each day new land would be freed

    and purified. Each day the Taint would lose. Then, one day, the Crab would win. Rokugan

    would be freed of this malady. He wondered if he would ever see such a day in his lifetime.

    The troops massed by the tunnel entrance. Ichiro made his way to the group. The surviving

    bushi was there next to him, happy to see his savior once again.

    Wont be long now until we show these goblins what messing with the Crab means, spoke

    the bushi.

    Ichiro remained quiet for a second, Yes, I suppose so. He was surprised at the somber sound

    of his voice.

    Is something wrong asked the bushi.

    No. Nothing. These goblins are no match for us, replied Ichiro with a smile.

  • The group leader let out a yell and the troops marched through the tunnel.

    When they exited on the other side of the Wall, the goblin encampment was surprised. The

    troops rushed into the camp, slaughtering any goblin they could find. High above them, they

    could hear the battle of their fellow soldiers as they also met with victory. Minutes later, the

    battle stopped.

    The Crab had won.

    Ichiro looked around, the carnage was everywhere. Crab bushi lay with dead or dying goblin.

    Several of the troops moved to the bushi bodies, removing the heads. Ichiro walked around,

    looking for the young bushi. He found him near the center of the camp where the fighting had

    been severe. He had a long goblin blade in his chest and his life had already left him. Ichiro

    knelt and removed the bushis head.

    This was senseless slaughter. Maybe the Crab had won the land, but men died today. The Taint

    moved inside Ichiro, almost willing to leap out and find someone nearby who hadnt been

    blessed by the Jakla.

    Ichiro stared deeply into the Shadowlands. There was movement some distance in. He stood

    up, grabbed his tetsubo, and walked into the Shadowlands. To the others, he was just one

    more bushi they would never find. But he needed to do something. The Taint within him

    screamed as Ichiro began the hunt for the blood he needed to clean his soul.