to kill a mocking bird

PART I INTRODUCTION The importance of the Literary Analysis is that Literary Analysis gives the opinion or point of view of a person to a particular novel or book. It helps the author to improve their writings as Literary Critics share their opinions and suggestions to them so that sooner or later if the Author is going to write a novel again there will also be a Literary Analytic who will see if that Author had improved their work. If their work had been more different than before. To Kill a Mockingbird is somehow about growing up and experiencing a lot of problems and trying to solve them one by one and at the same time trying to have fun within the problems you had because you never know what could happen after a problem had been solve after the another. 1

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Literary Analysis


Page 1: To Kill a Mocking Bird



The importance of the Literary Analysis is that Literary Analysis gives the

opinion or point of view of a person to a particular novel or book. It helps the author to improve

their writings as Literary Critics share their opinions and suggestions to them so that sooner or

later if the Author is going to write a novel again there will also be a Literary Analytic who will

see if that Author had improved their work. If their work had been more different than before.

To Kill a Mockingbird is somehow about growing up and experiencing a lot of

problems and trying to solve them one by one and at the same time trying to have fun within the

problems you had because you never know what could happen after a problem had been solve

after the another.

Reader’s would expect that this novel will really have the point where the reader’s

think that its only about birds, hunting and killing but as they read it they will feel sorry for

buying the wrong book but take a look closer if one reader will actually give their best to read it

then why not? This story can really happen in real life. It helps us to improve our attitude

towards colored people.


Page 2: To Kill a Mocking Bird

A. Author’s Background

Nelle Harper Lee was born on April 28, 1926 in Monroeville Alabama. She is the

youngest of four children of Amasa Coleman Lee and Frances Finch Lee. Harper Lee attended

Huntingdon College 1944-45, studied law at the University of Alabama 1945-49, and studied

one year at Oxford University. In the 1950s she worked as a reservation clerk with Eastern Air

Lines and BOAC in New York City.  In order to concentrate on writing, Harper Lee gave up her

position with the airline and moved into a cold-water apartment with makeshift furniture. Her

father's sudden illness forced her to divide her time between New York and Monroeville, a

practice she has continued. In 1957 Miss Lee submitted the manuscript of her novel to the J. B.

Lippincott Company. She was told that her novel consisted of a series of short stories strung

together, and she was urged to rewrite it. For the next two and a half years she reworked the

manuscript with the help of her editor, Tay Hohoff, and in 1960 TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD

was published, her only published book. In 1961 she had two articles published: "Love - In Other

Words" in Vogue, and "Christmas to Me" in McCall's. "Christmas to Me" is the story of Harper

Lee receiving the gift of a year's time for writing from friends. "When Children Discover

America" was published in McCall's in 1965. In June of 1966, Harper Lee was one of two people

named by President Johnson to the National Council of Arts. Also named to the 26 member

council was artist Richard Diebenkorn Jr.  There has not been as much published on the doings

of Miss Lee since 1966.  

During the 1930’s, prejudice and discrimination was the ruler of the people living

in Alabama. Like Negro cannot join White people; White people has more privilege than the

Negro. Surely, during that time, it was so unfair to the Negro. Also women should just stay home

while the men were out working. Girls are not allowed to enter the courthouse and join their


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conversation. And girls should wear only dress and nothing, more. See, during that time it’s

really hard to live.

Harper Lee’s purpose on making this novel is to show to the people of Alabama

and the people in the world during the 1930’s the innocence in the heart of one little kid. She

shows to the readers of the stories the evil and good side of the people in a small town. She want

to show the cruelty of the world to those who are being discriminated. She wants us to

understand that in the world where there is prejudice, no good can happen. She also wants to

show that in the eyes of a little girl, everyone is equal.

B. Summary

The story of To Kill a Mocking bird started in the narration of Jean Louise; Scout

was her nickname, about how Jem or Jeremy got his injury in his arm. Jem said it started when

Dill, the boy who came from Meridian for a vacation, gave them the idea of making Boo Radley

came out. Boo Radley was a boy who doesn’t want to come out at their house. They tried many

methods. They even role play the life of the Radley. One time they excluded Scout to their group

so Scout just talked to Ms. Maudie, a friend and neighbor of Atticus. When Dill left to go back to

Meridian, Scout started to go to school. At first she had a hard time because Jem doesn’t want

her to join him during school hours and because her teacher doesn’t want her to let her father

taught her to read. Scout doesn’t want to quit reading so she wants to stop going to school.

Atticus told her that he will let her read if she continues to go to school.

Autumn turned to winter that time. Mr. Avery said that it was written on the

Rosetta that when children disobeyed their parents, the season would change. Old Mrs. Radley

died that winter. The next morning, Scout saw snow outside their house. Atticus said that it was a


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long time since the last time that there was a snow. That night the snow stopped falling. Before

Scout fall asleep, Atticus added woods on the fire. Then after awhile, she was awakened by

Atticus and asked Jem to stay with Scout and guard her in front of the Radley’s house. Atticus

also said that they should not leave that place. Atticus run to Ms. Maudie’s house and help

carrying the things of Ms. Maudie. When they are at home, Atticus asked where did they go even

he asked them to stay at the Radley’s house. Scout explained that they didn’t go anywhere and

Atticus points the blanket on the shoulder of Scout. Scout couldn’t explain how it got there.

Atticus said that it was Boo Radley who gave that blanket to her.

That time, Atticus was defending a Negro named Tom Robinson. He was accused

by raping a white woman. It was Mayella Ewell. During schooldays Cecil, classmate of Scout,

called Atticus a nigger-lover that’s why Scout got angry and fought with her. When Atticus knew

it, he makes Scout promised that she will not fight others because they are calling him a nigger-


One week Atticus did not came home for his work so Calpurnia took care of

them. It was Sunday when Calpurnia asked Jem and Scout to join her participating the mass of

the Negro. Some of the Negro didn’t welcome them because they are white but Reverend Sykes

welcome them and they attended the mass. It is different from the white mass but it’s still the

same in some ways. When they got home they saw Aunt Alexandra in the porch. Aunt Alexandra

wanted Scout to act like a lady. But Scout doesn’t want to because he believed that she cannot do

anything with a dress.


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During summer and Jem was twelve back then, Tom Robinson had a hearing at

the courthouse about his case. Atticus asked many question to Bob Ewell and he was trying to

say that maybe it is Bob Ewell who raped Mayella and they are just making up story. That’s why

Mr. Bob Ewell got irritated with Atticus. Atticus didn’t know that Jem and Scout was there

watching. He just knew it when Calpurnia went there to talk to Atticus about Jem and Scout not

coming home yet. Both Scout and Jem asked permission if they could go back and Atticus allow

them. Jem was expecting that Atticus would win the case but it didn’t happen that’s why Jem got

disappointed. The next day the story about Jem and Scout attending on the hearing spread to the

entire village. But it was stopped when Ms. Rachel talked about how Mr. Bob Ewell threatens

Atticus. Scout and Jem were scared for Atticus. Atticus explained that if Bob Ewell wants to kill

him, he could have done it before his approach Atticus and threatens him.

It was October when Maycomb had a pageant. Children were included in the

pageant. And Scout was a ham. Atticus couldn’t come because of his work and Aunt Alexandra

cannot come because she was exhausted in arranging for the pageant. During the pageant she fell

asleep and came out late. That’s why, she chooses to go when there is only few left. Jem was

with her that time. During their way to their house, it was too dark and they couldn’t see the way.

They taught that someone was following them and they were right. They taught that it was Cecil

but when they shout the name of Cecil nobody answer, so Jem asked Scout to run. But Scout fell

down because of her costume. Then someone tried to kill her. But someone helped her. She

taught it was Jem so she call Jem but no one answered and she heard someone shouting like he

was in pain. Thinking that it was Jem, she followed the voiced and found out that it was not Jem

but someone else because of his breathe. It was like that, that person was drunk so she runs as

fast as she can. When she was near at their house, she saw someone carrying Jem. Mr. Tate and


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dr. Raymond came to their house. Dr. Raymond came to cure the wounds of Jem and Scout

while Mr. Tate was the sheriff and investigated what happened. When Mr. Tate went to the place

where it all happened, he saw Mr. Bob Ewell daed. He said that he fell on the ground and

accidentally killed himself. Atticus couldn’t believe it at first because he doesn’t know what

happened so Scout went to Atticus and said that Mr. Bob Ewell accidentally killed himself.


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A. Title

The novel is entitled “To Kill a Mockingbird” because it was said in the story that

it is a sin to kill a mockingbird. Mockingbirds don’t do anything to people. They don’t eat up

people’s gardens, don’t rest in corncribs. They just sing their hearts out for us. Mockingbird

never disturbed or cause any harm to anyone so the people should repay it by doing good things

to them.

In the story the author choose this title is because maybe, it refers on how it is a

sin to kill a mockingbird or just harm them no matter what is their intention. It is like when Mr.

Bob Ewell, who got irritated with Atticus, tried to kill both Jem and Scout. Maybe the author was

trying to say that killing those two children was like killing a mockingbird that doesn’t harm


B. Setting

The novel happened during the 1930’s. It was said that Alabama was a very

peaceful and lively state. The story took place in Maycomb County in Alabama. Maycomb is an

old town. During rainy weather the streets turned muddy, grass grew on sidewalks and the

courthouse was sagged in the square. The place was silent when people in maycomb were not

that out going but Maycomb County was really a pleasing place.


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In maycomb, the people were very conservative. They don’t even like girls

wearing pants because they believed girls wouldn’t be a lady unless they wear dress. The people

there were divided into two class; the white people and the negroes. The white people have their

own landing and their job is good. They were the so-called “upper class” in their society. While

the negroes they don’t have a job that is that good and they don’t own a land. Some of the

negroes have their own lot but not that big. Negroes are often being judge by others because of

their looks and the color of their skin is so different and also they were often discriminated by the

white people. In their culture, the women stayed home to take care of their house and men were

the one who work. Men have more rights than the women that time.

C. Characters

1. List of Characters

A. Major

Atticus Finch- He is the Father of Jean and Jeremy Finch. He is known as a very

good lawyer in Maycomb County. He is also known as a discipline father to his


Jeremy Finch- He is the elder brother of Jean Finch. Jeremy is three years older

than Jean. He treats his sister as his sibling and bestfriend, Jem has the attitude of

being conscious to Jean when they’re around the school campus.

Jean Finch- She is also known as “Scout”. She is a girl who loves exploring and

finding new things about where they live. She acts like a boy but her aunty

teaches her the proper ways to be a girl.


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B. Minor

Dill- The boy who lived next door with his auntie. He has the same age with

Scout so it’s really not hard for them to get along with each other. He is the boy

who was so curious about everything in the village so he let Scout and Jem show

him around the village and tell him stories about anything and everything.

Calpurnia- She is the caretaker of the house of the Finch family. She is the one

who also takes care of Scout and Jem. She now took place the role of Scout and

Jem’s mother after their mother passed away.

Boo Radley- a man who stays at their house every time. He doesn’t like to go out

and be seen by others. He is the one who had given things to Scout and Jem. He is

one of the best issues that Scout, Jem and Dill wants to talk about almost every


Aunt Alexandra- she is the sister of Atticus. She was a conservative woman. She

doesn’t like Scout to wear pants. She like other white people. She teach scout the

proper ways to act like a girl.

Uncle Jack- He was the brother of Atticus. He plays with Scout and Jem. He was

very supportive to Atticus.

Tom Robinson- He is a Negro. He was accused by the Ewells that he raped a poor

white girl, Mayella Ewell. He is the husband of Helen. He is just another ordinary

person who works and strives harder to feed his family.

Bob Ewell- He is the father of Mayella Ewel. He is just another ordinary man who

works in the forest. Others seem to think of him as secretive and mysterious, he

took revenge on Atticus by trying to kill Atticus’s Children.


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Mr. Heck Tate- He was the sheriff in MayComb. He was an intelligent man. He

was the friend of Atticus. He is the one who helped Atticus about the incident that

happen in the Halloween Night with Scout and Jem.

Miss Maundie- A friend of Atticus, Scout and Jem. If Atticus was not there to

answer the question of Scout, she was the one who answers it. She guides and

teaches the children proper behavior.

Mrs. Dubose- She is a very strict woman. She wants everything to be in place.

She is also old but not to mention that she is already weak. Jem had a big problem

with her because he was irritated to the old woman’s attitude.

2. Character Analysis

A. Major

Atticus Finch- He is a protagonist in the story since he is the father and teacher of

his children. He teaches his children proper ways to act like a Finch. He is round

and dynamic because at first Atticus attitude are just plain and simple. He doesn’t

show yet his true colors even though his children were very shocked of what their

father has become. They remain to understand and help out their father. Atticus

remains to be caring, simple and protective to his family because he is a lawyer

and there are many threats.

Jeremy Finch- He is a protagonist in the story since he always goes with Jean. He

guides his sister and teaches her proper behavior. He is flat and dynamic because

Jem remains to be caring to his sister and curious about everything just like Jean.


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He is always with his sister and together they face problems and seek for


Jean Finch- She is a protagonist in the story because she was the main character.

She was the one narrating the story. She was a boyish little girl who really doesn’t

like wearing dresses. She was a flat and dynamic because in the story she threats

others equal. She thinks that Negroes is equal to white people. She was a simple

and smart girl.

B. Minor

Dill- He was a protagonist because he always accompanies Jem and Scout. He is

also flat and static because he changes as a friend of Jem and Scout. Also he only

shows up when he was needed.

Calpurnia- She is a protagonist in the story because she always helps the Finch

family and took place the role of the mother of Jem and Scout. She was flat and

static because she doesn’t cause any change in the story and also she only appears

when she was needed.

Bob Ewell- he was a antagonist because he tried to kill Jem and Scout just

because he wanted to take revenge to Atticus. He was round and dynamic because

at first he didn’t do anything to the Finches but after the incident in the courthouse

he got angry and did a large twist in the story.

Aunt Alexandra- She is a protagonist since she helps Atticus to make Scout a true

lady. She was flat and dynamic because she never changes. She always tells to

Scout to wear dress and stop acting like a boy. She also creates changes in the life

of Scout and Jem.


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Boo Radley- he was a protagonist. He helps Scout and Je mint he story. He carry

Jem when Bob Ewell tried to kill Jem. He also help during the fire in Ms.

Maudie’s house. He was flat and static because he doesn’t cause any change in

the story and he only showed up during the last chapter although he was

mentioned in the previous chapters. He also just help Jem during the fire in Ms.

Maudie’s house. He was flat and static because he doesn’t cause any change in

the story and he only showed during the last chapter although he was mentioned

in the previous chapters, he also just help Scout and Jem when he needed to.

Miss Maudie- She was a protagonist because she helps Atticus explaining to Jem

and Scout the questions that puzzled them. When Atticus was not around. She

was flat and dynamic because she just help Atticus and the Finches. Also she was

dynamic because she cause great help to Scout and Jem,

Mr. Heck Tate- He was a protagonist because he helps to solve the case when

Bob tried to kill Jem and Scout but instead he accidentally killed himself. Also he

was flat and dynamic bacuse he doesn’t change as a friend of Atticus.

D. Plot

1. Plot Structure

A. Exposition- Scout or Jean and Jem knew Dill, who was the niece of Rachel.

He gave the idea to Jem and Scout to see Boo Radley. When Dill proposed the

idea of going to the Radley’s house, Jem totally agreed but Scout join them

because she was worried about Jem and Dill. Because of that, they almost got

killed but they got escaped. When they are about to escaped Jem was caught

on a fence. That’s why his pants were left to be able to escape. Because many


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people heard a gun was fired it cause a large commotion. When they saw Jem

not having his pant, Atticus asked him what happened. Dill said that they were

just playing. That night Jem couldn’t sleep and was worried about his pant

that’s why he went back to the Radley’s house. When Scout started to go to

school, she had a hard time because her teacher doesn’t want her to be able to

read. And that Atticus should stop teaching her to read.

B. Inciting incident- Aunt Alexandra came to help Atticus in taking care of Jem

and Scout. Aunt Alexandra wanted that Scout act like a grown up lady but

Scout couldn’t. She couldn’t understand why girls should wear a dress and

stay at home.

C. Conflict- During that time, Atticus was defending a Negro named Tom

Robinson. Tom Robinson was accused by the Ewells about raping Mayella

Ewell. Because of it, Atticus was called a nigger-lover which shortens the

temper of Scout. Because for Scout his father was great. At the courthouse,

when Tom Robinson’s case hearing was being geld, Atticus had offended Bob

Ewell. It’s like Atticus was telling that Tom Robinson didn’t do it but it was

Mayella Ewell. That time, Dill, Scout and Jem was watching it without the

consent of Atticus. Jem taught Atticus would win it but he loses. When Tom

was in jail, Atticus tried to help Tom not to lose his hope but Atticus failed.

Tom tried to escaped and got killed by the guards.


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D. Development- Because of what Atticus did to Mr. Bob Ewell, he got irritated

and threatens Atticus that he will kill him. When Jem and Scout knew it from

Ms. Rachel, they became afraid of Bob Ewell. Not for themselves but for

Atticus. They are afraid that they might lose Atticus. But Atticus said that if

Bob Ewell will kill him, he should have done it the first time they met instead

of threatening him. But Jem and Scout never calmed down and always afraid

of what might happen to their father.

E. Climax- In the middle of October, Scout and Jem went to the pageant that

Mrs. Grace Merriweather prepared. It is called the Maycomb County: Ad

Astra per Aspera. Scout is one of the casts in the pageant. She was a ham.

That night, the night of the pageant, Scout and Jem was the only one who

went to the pageant. Atticus cannot come because of his work and Aunt

Alexandra also cannot come because she will sleep early because she was

exhausted from the preparation of the pageant. During the show, Scout fell

asleep and came out on the stage late. Because of it Scout was ashamed of

what she did. So she prefers to go home after the others go. During their way

back to their home, Jem taught that someone was following them. They taught

that it was Cecil trying to scare them. When they call Cecil no one answered

so Jem asked Scout to run. But because of her costume she fell down and

someone tried to kill her but someone help her. Scout taught it was Jem so she

looks for him. Then she heard someone shouting like he was in pain. Scout

followed the voice and she found out that it wasn’t Jem because of the smell


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of that person. So Scout run and when she was near at their house, she saw

someone carrying Jem. Atticus helped the man to carry Jem.

F. Resolution- As Aunt Alexandra help Scout to remove her costume, there Mr.

Raymond and Mr. Tate came. Mr. Raymond was a doctor and he came to cure

Jem and the bruises of Scout. Mr. Tate was the sheriff in Maycomb. When

Doctor Raymond already cures the bruises of Scout and the injury of Jem, Mr.

Tate asks questions to Scout. It is about what happened. She tells the whole

story and Mr. Tate left to check the venue where it happened. While she was

telling the story to Mr. Tate she was curious about the man standing beside

her. Atticus introduced him to Scout. It was Arthur Radley. Scout was

surprised because finally she was able to see Boo Radley. Mr. Tate came back

and told that he found the body of Bob Ewell.

G. Denouement- Atticus couldn’t believe it and was shocked of what he heard.

Mr. Tate told to Atticus that Mr. Bob Ewell fell on his knife but Atticus

cannot believe it unless he heard it from Jem. Then Mr. Tate left. Scout was

worried about Atticus that’s why she told to Atticus that Bob Ewell fell on his

knife. Scout was a bit happy because she finally met Boo Radley. That night

Scout accompanied Boo Radley in returning to their house. Atticus stay that

night at the room of Jem.


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2. Plot Technique

The novel has a complex plot because there are some twists situations on the

novel like when Jem and Scout need to get home just to eat their dinner while the jury is

deciding about the case. There is also a twist in the story when Tom Robinson was killed when

nearly he will be out of prison and be free because of Atticus, who was so great in depending his

client even though Tom Robinson is a colored man.

The movement of events is slow because we consider that almost all events are

not really that main point or the thriiling part of the story. It was just plain and simple. In the

novel, the reader could only find the main point of the story almost at the last because some

events in the novel aren’t that important as of the climax part. Maybe after the reader had

finished it, he/she wil only just appreciate the events that happen in the court with Atticus, Boo

Radley’s Revelation and some adventures of the Finch siblings.

The novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” has a flashback plot technique. It is flashback

because it started with some events then go back to tell what happened before. I am talking about

when the story started with Jem having injury; we didn’t know how he got it so Scout, the

narrator of the story narrates the events that took place before Jem got hurt.

To Kill a Mockingbird is probable because it happens in real life. We already said

it once in the title analysis that this story was based on the situation of the surroundings of the

author. This novel shows how conservative the people during old times. It happened here in the

Philippines in the old times that even the tip of the ladies feet are not allowed by others to see

and girls should wear dress and not pants. Also in the story they differentiate people base on their

physical look or base on the status of their life. Their world had prejudice and pride. It happens

also here in our country when Spaniards invaded us and made us their slaves for three hundred


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years. They didn’t allow us to have a good job and good life because they believed that they are

the only one who has the right to have a better life because they think that they are better than us,

this are the reasons why the novel is propable.

According to what we discussed, this novel has an pen ending because its ending

was hanging. It didn’t tell anything about what happened next after Bob Ewell died and what

Jem did after he recovered. Also we have many questions about the story that wasn’t answered

yet. Like what will happen to Scout, Jem, Dill and Atticus. Also will Scout ever wear a dress

after Jem recovered from his injury? We are looking forward to what will happen next because

for us it is not the ending we expected. That’s why it has an open ending.

E. Theme


The theme of the story is childhood adventures because the story talks about how

Scout together with her brother, Jem search and discover things about their village and some

background about their family. While Scout search for answers to her own questions, Jem is

guiding him in every way. Scout seems to be an adventurous girl who loves exploring and

discovering new things especially about the famous Boo Radley.


The theme of the story is true colors because the story talks about how many

people are just pretending to be something they are not. And those people who think they are

better than others are treating others the way they wanted and never let the others knock them

down. They always wanted to be higher and be better than the others. If they just know that’s it

will all be better if people were all equal.


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F. Point of View

First person is the point of view used by the author in her novel. Because

the main character was the one narrating the novel. Scout was narrating the novel from the

beginning until the end. Also in the novel only Scout was the narrator. The meaning of first

person in the point of view is that the narrator is a character in the story. That’s why it is a first


G. Author’s Style

1. Imagery

1. Maycomb - an old town, but it was tired old time when I first knew it. In rainy

weather the streets turned to red slop; grass grew on the sidewalks, the

courthouse sagged in the square.

2. Calpurnia- she was all angles and bones; she was nearsighted; she squinted; her

hand was wide as a bed slat and twice as hard.

3. Dill- was a curiosity. He wore blue linen shorts that buttoned to his shirt; his hair

was snow white and stuck to his head like duckfluff.

4. Mr. Radley- he a thin leathery man with colorless eyes, so colorless they did not

reflect light. His cheekbones were sharp and his mouth was wide, with a thin

upper lip and a full lower lip.

5. Miss Caroline Fisher- was no more than twenty-one. She had bright auburn hair

pink cheeks, wore crimson fingernail polish. She also wore high-heeled pumps

and a red-and-white-striped dress. She looked and smell like a peppermint drop.


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6. Eula May- was Maycomb’s leading telephone operator. She was entrusted with

issuing public announcements, wedding invitations, setting off the fire siren, and

giving first-aid-instructions when Doctor Reynolds was away.

7. Cousin Ike Finch- was Maycomb County’s sole surviving confederate veteran. He

wore a General Hood type beard of which he was inordinately vain.

8. Uncle Jack- was a head shorter than Atticus; the baby of the family, he was

younger that Aunt Alexandra. He and Aunty looked alike, but Uncle Jack made

better use of his face: we were never wary of his sharp nose and chin.

9. Rose Aylmer- was Uncle Jack’s cat. She was a beautiful yellow female Uncle

Jack said was one of the few women he could stand permanently.

10. Atticus- was a feeble; he was nearly fifty. Our father didn’t do anything. He

worked in an office, not in a drugstore. Atticus did not drive a dump-truck for the

county, he was not the sheriff, he did not farm, work in a garage, or do anything

that could possibly arouse the admiration of anyone. Besides that, he wore

glasses. He was nearly blind in his left eye, and said left eyes were the tribal curse

of the Finches. Whenever he wanted to see something well, he turned his head and

looked from his right eye. He did not do the things our schoolmates’ did: he never

went hunting, he did not play poker or fish or drink or smoke. He sat in the living

room and read.

11. Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose- lived alone except for a Negro girl constant

attendance, two doors up the street from us in a house with steep front steps and a

dog-trot hall. She was very old; she spent most of each day in bed and the rest of

it in a wheelchair.


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12. Tim Johnson- that’s old dog down yonder. Tim Johnson was the property of Mr.

Harry Johnson drove the Mobile bus and lived on the southern edge of the town.

Tim was a liver-colored bird dog, the pet of Maycomb

13. House of the Finch- our houses had no cellars; they were built on stone blocks a

few feet above the ground, the entry of reptiles was not unknown but was not a

common place

2. Symbolism

1. Mockingbirds- In the novel it symbolizes the purity and the innocence of

mockingbirds. Those characteristic of the mockingbird can be seen on the characters in the story.

These are Scout, Jem and Tom Robinson. They were pure and innocent in the happenings

happened in their surroundings but they give joy to people. Those are the characteristic of a

mockingbird. But evil want to destroy it. Evil wants to get rid of that characteristic. Like what

Mr. Bob Ewell. He tried to hurt those innocent kids because of revenge. Like what they did to

Tom Robinson. Even though he doesn’t do anything to them, they hurt him. Thus, it is a sin to

kill a mockingbird because to kill something so pure and innocent is bad. Evil tried to hurt those

kids like what evil want to do to mockingbirds.

2. Curiosity- it symbolize the novel because this novel focus to Jem and Scout.

Their curiosity to explore more things, uncover the hidden truth of the world. The innocence they

had once helped them to grow as a better person. But those characteristic never leave them. It

just helped them to posses more good characteristic.


Page 21: To Kill a Mocking Bird

3. Figures of Speech

1. Simile- her hand was wide as a bed slat

- his hair was snow white and stuck to his head like duckfluff

2. Hyperbole- Two days later Dill arrived in a blaze of glory

- I looked up to see Miss Caroline standing in the middle of the room,

sheer horror flooding her face.

3. Assonance- Finders were keepers unless title was proven

4. Anaphora- “Pull it up, child, pull it up?”

5. Apostrophe- “God almighty!” Jem yelled.

- “Oh God…”

6. Onomatopoeia- I heard an unfamiliar jingle in Jem’s pockets

H. Genre

The genre of this novel is Adventurous. Scout and Jem were fun of

exploring new things about their village and finding out the answers on Scout’s head.

Explaining to Scout somethings could really be difficult but Jem never did give up on

Scout. He tries everything his best just to explain to Scout all that she has to know. The

novel also talks about different things in life like the discrimination and exploring new



Page 22: To Kill a Mocking Bird



Our over-all analysis of the novel is that some parts aren’t that good. Reader’s

might be bored reading in some part because as the readers finished the book they will know that

some part are really are irrelevant or had really nothing to do with the main plot of the story. The

author did just make the story longer but the main story of the novel the reader can easily

identify it.

We rated the novel 8 out of 10 because some parts aren’t really that relevant with

the theme and genre of the story. Also some parts are most confusing than usual because the

more the reader understand the story at first and the story gets more complicated and the reader

were already confused about what happened.

We recommend that the author shouldn’t select scene that has really nothing to do

with the story and we recommend that there should be more or the climax part should be more

extended and the next ime it would be good if the point of view is 2nd person.