to each his own


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Page 1: to each his own
Page 2: to each his own

Maybe you’ve



your sister

has done it.

Someone did it to your

best friend or maybe

even to one of your

teachers! No matter how

close to home it is for

you, breaking up seems

to make the world go

‘round (or come to a

screeching halt).

It’s possible that there

are more text messages

sent regarding

information about break-

ups than any other

subject. It’s impossible

to make a teen movie or

television show without

at least two heart-

breaking dumps in the

first few scenes or


While break-

ups can be

both good and



don’t always have to end

badly. When it’s over,

even if he didn’t like

your decision, he should

be able to admire how

you did it. If done

correctly, you might

even be friends and

avoid awkwardness.

Here are four simple

Do’s and Don’ts that

preserve your character,

honor the other person

and set you up for

success in future


Preparing yourself

mentally is the key:

he might get really

mad, defensive, etc.

Knowing what could

happen helps you keep

your cool and to

respond appropriately.

Be Straight – Set up a

specific time and

place that lends

itself to a serious

conversation. Tell him

exactly what you’re

Page 3: to each his own

doing in plain, honest


Make a Clean Break –

Explain what breaking

up means…do we still

hang out at games?

Text into the

early morning?

That’s NOT

breaking up.

Holding on to

mementos and habits

makes it impossible to

move forward.


Bring In Extras –

involve as few people

as possible in this

process. It’s between

you and him and really

isn’t anyone else’s


Drag It Out – There’s

a difference between

thinking of breaking

up and actually doing

it. Don’t play games

by flip-flopping your

decision, talking in

circles and in doing

so, keeping him


Play Victim – It’s

easy to gain sympathy

during a break-up, but

let’s face it…no one

likes a drama queen.

Don’t demand that

everyone feel sorry

for you. Doing so

communicates that your

self-worth is in

relationships and


By: Zamira Gutiérrez.

Page 4: to each his own

Throughout 2009, artists like Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift and Justin

Bieber, among others, had their embarrassing

moments, some of them ended in scandal.

Written by: Daniela Zúñiga.

Actress Emma Watson cut her long hair during the

campaign for the lead role in the Hollywood

adaptation of "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011),

” according to the report in the UK. The star

of "Harry Potter" fans stunned, but his new

hairstyle is believed to be more

than a change of style.

Watson did screen tests for a role in the big-

budget remake of Stieg Larsson "Millennium Trilogy.

"She wanted to get the role

of the hacker Lisbeth Salander, with Daniel Craig.

What a surprise! The one that got

the role was actress Noomi Rapace, apparently her

haircut did not help at all.

In 2010, Kanye West picked the beginning of the Video Music Awards to deliver one of his famous rants.

The rapper stormed the stage just after the first award, for Best Female Video, was presented to Taylor Swift. He cut the teen singer off protesting in support of Beyoncé.

Justin Bieber has a lot to learn at 16, like

how to go through a revolving door. The

pop star was leaving a Radisson Hotel

when he bonked his head, while the

cameras were rolling, of course. Get

ready for a laugh! (He was completely

fine, so it's okay to laugh.)

Noomi Rapace

Emma Watson

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Eva Mendes appears nude in a series of six pictures that were stolen from the photographer Lyndon Chubbuck, and plans to lodge a complaint concerning the theft of the material. According to the site E! Online Latin America, the photographer made the session with Eva Mendes to display images in a gallery in Los Angeles, but never received the material after sending it to print.

Lady Gaga was on everyone's

lips when last August, during a

presentation, showed a "bump" on his

crotch, it was discovered

when her dress up more. The rumors about

being a hermaphroditic were

immediate and she knew how to

take advantage of the situation and did not

deny the incident.

Mariah Carey was performing yesterday at

the Singapore Grand Prix when she

wobbled on her ridiculous heels and

slowly melted down to the ground in a

swoony fall. Celebrities slipping and falling

= always funny, but the best part here is

that afterward, she summons her bowing,

scraping assistant to the stage, water

bottle at the ready, and demands that she

remove the offending shoes. And yet it

takes a team of no less than five people to

unbuckle the heels while propping up


Christina Aguilera has made an

astonishing gaffe by botching a line

as she belted out the lyrics to

the Star Spangled Banner at the

start of today's Super Bowl.

The 30-year-old singer performed a

powerful rendition of the American

national anthem to open the NFL

championship - but appeared to

have been singing incorrect lyrics

from Wikipedia rather than a proper

version, the Daily Mail reports.

Page 6: to each his own


TO EACH HIS OWN (TEHO): Do you ever thought that your career will to change from be a news conductor , to be an actor and singer? JOAQUIN LOPEZ DORIGA (JLD): "Rily ai don thoug tu bicom feimous in yost a fiu wuiks" (Really i don't thought to become famous in just a few weeks)

TEHO: when you decided to become international famous people ?

JLD: Guan dey ai guent tu mai yob, and meid an interviú, like yu raight nau, and ai thoug: Joaquín, tudey is yur dey tu be an internashonal actor. (One day i went to my job, and made an interview, like you right now, and i thought: Joaquín, today is your day to be an international actor) (Joaquin tell us that with his happy face like in the photo) TEHO:So, how did you notice that your plan had functioned? JLD: Bicos, de nexst dey of the interviú, ai hat som miset cals from mai manayer and laik 300 texst mensags from mai niú fants. den ai saú pipol seling mai niú exit at de Lagunilla. (Because, the next day of the interview, i had some missed calls from my manager and like 300 text messages from my new fans.Then i saw people selling my new exit at the Lagunilla) TEHO:Do you have some new propose of job?

JLD:Obiusly guerls, ai haf a lot of fants and a lot of produsers folou mi. ai haf the popous tu film de rito 2 and to du the sóuntrac of Toy History 4. (Obviously girls, i have a lot of fans and a lot of producers follow me. I have the proposed to film the ritus 2 ,and to do the soundtrack of Toy story 4) TEHO:Teacher, Thank you for share this emotive moment of your career with us.

JLD: Its a pleshur, and ai haf a lasd sorprais ... (it's a pleasure, and i have a last surprise…)

Page 7: to each his own

S U M M E R 2 0 1 1


PROM NIGHT Andrea Velázquez Palomeque

Prom is time to

shine, so don’t be


Stand out in

White, make a

statement in

sparkles, let’s be

dramatic in




PROM DRESS The prom night is therefore one such night that holds loads of promises

for most young girls. With the anticipation of the prom night, most girls

are often worried and excited thinking and planning for that ultimate prom

dress. The prom dress holds a very important position in the lives of most

teens, as this is the time young girls want to look glamorous and nothing

short than the best. Girls, do not worry! To look your best, one needs to

plan a little bit in advance in order to get the best look possible. With a

little attention and preparation, you can have the best prom dress you

have ever dreamed about.

Beautiful in your PROM NIGHT

Page 8: to each his own


March 03, 2011

A fog of drama has settled on your life today, and whether or not

your actions are the cause is irrelevant. The problem is that this

haziness could be making trivial issues look like real problems, and

making real problems look like simple things that will just work

themselves out. Flip your perspective around today, and make

your seemingly trivial tasks your first priority. You'll soon see that

they were the ones you needed to deal with after all


March 03, 2011

What's on your mind right now? Good or bad, it's time to talk all

about it. Find a few friends to tell your problems to today. They

might not be able to solve them -- or even help you figure out how

to solve them. But just being able to get things off your chest will

make you feel so much better! That's what friends are really for --

it's not all about how they can make your life better. It's all about

how they can make you feel better about yourself.


March 03, 2011

Be clear with all of your communication today to avoid any type of

misunderstanding. People are working off of a lot of assumptions,

and you need to make sure that -- at least as far as you're

concerned -- they have their facts straight. Working with other

people could be a challenge today. Your goals are not in complete

alignment with theirs, and compromises might not be possible.

Watch out for people who say one thing and then do another. You

can't trust them, no matter how powerful they are.


March 03, 2011

Interesting and positive energy will be circling all around you

today, and these good vibes will put you in a good frame of mind

to deal with some surprising news from a friend. If your reaction is

negative, resist the urge to sound the alarm right away. Respect

the choices your friend is making, and wait a while to see how

things proceed before you voice your concerns. You run the risk of

coming off as judgmental, or as seeming to think that you know

better than everyone else.


March 03, 2011

When you're making a tough decision, use equal parts good old-

fashioned research and good old-fashioned instinct. Facts and

feelings are an unbeatable combination that will steer you right

every time. Even if the decision you need to make today is a fairly

simple one, approach it as if your whole life were riding on it. What

should you order for lunch? Consider your wallet and look at

prices. Then listen to your inner cravings and look for what will

fulfill them.

Page 9: to each his own


March 03, 2011

Mapping the course of your day will be difficult -- everything will be

changing constantly, and you won't be able to count on other people to

keep their commitments (although any flakiness will not be their fault).

The surprising thing is, all this unpredictability is going to keep you

happily on your toes! This isn't a day to count on your normal routine.

Last-minute cancellations, rescheduling and absences will require that

you think on your feet and use your razor-sharp critical eye.


March 03, 2011

Get ready to have some of your daily routine disrupted -- but you

shouldn't let yourself get frustrated. Quite the contrary! The little fires

that erupt throughout your day will offer you some great opportunities to

show what you're really made of. It has been a long time since you've

been tested to this extent, and you could really use the exercise. It's nice

to have a long period of calm, but you need to push yourself every once in

a while.


March 03, 2011

A blast from the past has some big plans in store for you. This person just

might offer the missing links between you and several opportunities --

including greater wealth and a hotter romance. Keep an eye out for

unfamiliar phone numbers or email addresses, because everything isn't

exactly what you assume it to be. Sometimes, relationships or other types

of connections are circular -- they come back to where they started, to

make things complete.


March 03, 2011

If a partner in your life or business just doesn't seem able to get revved up

and get active today, try to encourage this person to pick up the pace. It

might be tempting to let him or her rest while you burn rubber, but

teamwork is important -- and you're not part of a team if you're doing all

the work, now are you? It may be time for you to work on your

motivational skills. Having the right priorities will earn you respect, so go

ahead and be the boss.


March 03, 2011

You don't have to be a poet, songwriter or novelist to know how to be

creative with your words. Creative writing is a gift everyone has -- and

everyone should develop. So today, try to do the unexpected in your

written words. Throw a rhyming scheme into your emails, achieve a lot of

alliteration in an agenda, and see what happens if you begin a memo with

'Once upon a time.' It might seem silly, but creativity is supposed to be



March 03, 2011

Money issues will be swirling around you all day, and it won't be clear

until late in the day whether you'll end up over or under your target. Just

in case, try to curb all spending unless it is absolutely necessary. Today is

not a good day for a shopping trip, no matter how essential the items on

your list might be. If you share an account with someone else, get in

touch with that person to double-check his or her status. On a day like

today, you do not want to rely on guesstimates.


March 03, 2011

Right now, the people around you have more power over your life than

you may realize. So it's important to value others and listen to what they

say. Outside opinions are not something you need to cherish, but it is

important to be aware of the impressions you may be making --

especially if any of them are negative. Getting input from people who

already adore everything you do isn't very productive. You can handle

the truth, so ask for it!

Written by: Paola M. Prado Vera

Page 10: to each his own

A happy marriage is a

matter of giving and

takin… the husband

gives and the wife


Marriage is not

a word, is a

sentence… a life


How do men define a

"50/50" relationship?

We cook-they eat; we

clean-they dirty; we

iron-they wrinkle. How do men exercise

on the beach?

By sucking in their

stomachs every time

they see a bikini

Love is one long sweet

dream, marriage is the


Page 11: to each his own

The consumption of vitamin C

that is found in citrus fruits can

reduce 41% of cancerous


In 10 min a hurricane

releases but energy that

all the nuclear weapons

of the world.

After being fertilized the

female squid it is dedicated

to take care of to its eggs,

reason why it is stopped

feeding and it dies of hunger

Not only is lost the view with

the age, also our sense of

smell is become but weak it

conforms we age

the sex of a turtle depends on

the temperature with the egg

is barreling Which, if this entre

26 ° and 27 ° will be male and

if this entre 32 ° and 33 ° will


The spider Darwin crust an

African species constructs

networks of soothes but

resistant that the material

used in the vest anti bullets.

Page 12: to each his own

Some of the


that we used to see

were: Alvin and the chipmunks

Power rangers, pokemon

The super champions

Ren and Stimpy, ginger

Dragon ball Z, tom and jerry

Looney tunes, Saylor moon

Hey Arnold, the angry beavers

The pink panther

Knights of the Zodiac

Pinky and the brain

Transformers, rocko's modern life,

rugrats, cow and chiken

Ranma ½ and more…

Now the cartoons

that are on tv are: Phineas and ferb, The Simpsons

Bob sponge square pants

Zac and coddy

Wizards of waberly place

The mighty b, Pet pet park,

The fairly oddparents, icarly,

danny phantom, the grim

adventures of billy and mandy

And more…

Only 4

you! Did you remember?

By: Nayeli


Send a message to 52255 and

you will receive some of those


Hey arnold!

Hi, I know you are a young that use to go to

school, on weekends you use to go to cinemas,

to parties, etc.

But... did you remember when you were


Everybody knows that when we were smaller

we used to play and we see cartoons or

programs on tv a lot!

Since then the cartoons have changed, in fact, many of

the cartoons or programs we used to see don't exist now!

That is because the likes of children

have changed, also because some parents do not

allow their children to see that kind of cartoons and


But it’s good to all of us to

remember those happy


Asking to some people almost

all think that the cartoons and

programs of the past were

better than the cartoons that

exist now, maybe we think that

because we grew up with those

cartoons and those always will

be on our hearts because

everybody has a child inside.