tm - · irlior mftcclutiiint laiet appear temporal lly •» direct*!1, and wield...

COCKISS WAXT ADVS. FAT. I li; f "' \tm VOL-III NO. 160 PLAINFIELD. N. J. WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1894. PRICE TWO CENTS. MUSIC LOVERS REGALED tbi Cornl* Orthrttra Coseert la Cmno, Ult S-.thX, WM Ptrfwt SB "...II wu CoBtlaul Irn A large and v-ry .highly delight- etxiie c e n t In the Caul no, laat n\(' laileet the orchestral concert gj»«>n P. LntlwigConde. The latter was (•]--• i! by nla Young, Hen'* Sympln Orchestra, a New Vork Oi " Prote r W E MacClvmom, W. A . Jfndson, W Inm N. Uiriow, KnAff.w Nebel, M Violet Truell and Clarence Mil C^lHronce L Eicfc W^BaccompaniM. The overture was Ros8lui% "William TVU." Tiitfae wlio havti heart' (he sum •eleciion by Seidl andDaroroBch liny theirs "as no tietler. Tbe vl da.-t bj Muw Truell and her tear Mr. Conrie, was mi excellent eieeat highly appreciated aiid heartily coivil. The piano 81 >l°' "Caprice b y P r o f e s s o r M C i J i " " alher cille remleruip •hir-li *a» tnoron^liiy * hijed mid rreqiiPiiilv Mentioned. Pi Irlior MftcClutiiint laiet appear temporal lly •» direct*! 1 , and wield the baton utithtliu prace of a c iml (jJIJwm He freely encored. T r<.riiet solo, "Ii.ll)iaiqin<us," Rossui Mn»ierpicM, wos rendered by Willis K. Ifrtrlnw. wlio Is a perfect wonrlt and .'ne (if the hcnt oornerlPts In tl world. Sir. .Hndsf.-n'a 1 rendering Aria, from "Tue Ureilion," nas ol t'unile's pupils,wtiorlurjng their playi Convinced evtryonp Q( bis excel Je »!)ilitica as (i teacber. Their selirU aus Iroui •-Muillia," and il brought i. K.'ii meiited encores (Theviolin solo, bull air. with variallims, by M> Ctireneo Mills, aao lift popM, was oiher rlPVT rendering wliirh took nell. The zillipr sdhM liy Anrfr— Kebel were sumpihiiiff new 'o a I'ln Ui'fl auiliem-\ ami lompfiSed Bu d rtii-uli liui eitvlleL.JBXBcuttani fri i:uri;»t»iler and Strauss. Mr. Cond Tiolm solo, •fmiiasia 'de Bulle'l" B ml a Ilia.iJ (i(p|pi^"uitJii ^" .••»- ..... programme, wWch was aaopity Clio* In us di'iuila to snii all who were jin «nt Tue only objection Iliat anyo Cadld liave cffr-rei) war to ttie length of Ii. which detained tlie hearers pai their usual lioar*. This, however, wi tlitlr own iHiiU, fur Uiej called BO oil* for ent'ores lliai ilie programme ttou ti'ri be implied Winer, Agreat inur i-rfflent wlio liml never liear.l M C'inde before. He I captured a.'l ol led liin elf p Ijturera. ulio ailcndtd" for the tiuu and'free cay ofbho s TBTJ grati BO well ai> -." Courier want ,,.h pjj. iven iy Fcurt$s:n A Inches it ihcluc of each c A Iwausiful phoipgiaphic VIEW* J World 1 , Fair j in the Whin J « ll th« But of M.n. excttqment occotred »t ii,e ftrateriiily VAaXt on &H ni*ht, rnneil tiy the f 9 lamp Tne 1 in t bl It nmmetictd Lu B|.ntitr and Iry, scariiic Juliet., run inand wijii «vv\. eloih ex- tlBgiiithfld Hie biBir in the nick of Uiue, [..-evrnling a r|iUBlro|.lie. ASOTBIK HDlIC BOOK A J*i>1 j" HI Tnoleji La., waitery nl( «lih WlWM colic «ben M G. Ti«ler, pruujliieirt tneruliatiL nf theluwn itav_ ht-r u oottle of (^iimberlaiu'a Colii-, tholcra mid DiwrboBi Remedy. He sain xlie «in well iii luny uiinutes »Ju taniiit; tlie Brat dose. For sule 1 Rewiold 1 * Kharin«ej, 1'ark and Son •vvuue, T. S. Arm»lrong,Manager. AT THIS MINUTE Two thousand people are reading THE COURIER. - Some one ; of them may be the very pan you want when you-'wanl a want. BENtFJTTtNG ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH , ARRAH NA POiUE Crowd! Attnd the Pair I: bj tlit Win of tb* Church ud Thommgblj lojoj I h r a i i l m . The attendance al St Joseph'* fi wblch I* being beld In Saeoger Hall, unusually large' laat uiglit. Tbi iy stale of affairs WM caused b resence of tbe Union Cornet ii»n. New Brnnawici^wbo, sixteen mei strong, bad marched Irom the corner of Park' avenue and Sixth Street to tb< ia.ll, playing as,Hiey came along. The band, which 1* composed In a! >f thirty players, I* quite woll-koowi are played at Coney Island and Ii ."ew York city for various 'estiva!* Ud have liikc'n part in several In ugurals at Washington. Tliuseofthc *nd present last evening were Assert lyman W. F Harking, leader; Wi mo Harden, BHat cornet; John Fran ohu Dunnlgan, B and William Stlner J Hut clarwieis; Wtjliara McGovern alto; Willmni Fewier, second alto i Ginason and John Sheridan, flrs second itlidelronilione; James liar baritone; James Welali and Gtore< eman. !••-•'. and second bass; M >>n, W. O'Connor and J. Djuluy jnnjf the evening the band gavi excellent concert, and r-lnytt Tig oilier airs, plantation and col melodies, tbe PrinreRs ROYH •H-liolllsclle, "Daisy B-ll," anil pojini -n^so/ibe day, wltile W. F. llar.l H.i TimPUr Prodamd la B u t e Hull Vtia th* 4o.p.c« of tht Cathollfl T«mnc •••'* L;MU, a SncMU.-! LamAadlne* PERSONALIA .. Arthur Carrington, of East Fro street, who has been away onftvis j returned boi WertphaJ, if Liberty a urea the t aolo. iber Miller, wji« ii-Hi-iii , the < o large if iBeiiL-e, (larii ruwd was I about. luhere « was midnight before e band r Mtl .1 fui their liu Hiss T. Wuith, Mi.* MshandMr. Bailey will take part, I begiren, while toroorrow and ' " PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. —George Ricluer, the barber, d not change hie location ranged lhal no one can enter his es- biishmeut without the bell ringing. —The ellrPweH of temperature yes- were B4 and 41. On the same 81 year they were 61 and 43.Tt:e lie iwo days was 33 while the —The sale of tickets for "The Gr 1 ha» already assur ed ttie Qiia icceas of tbe undertaking, and —Owing to gome misunderstand!i lodge of the Junior On tltuted at Scotch Pla t ti!.;!r. Several members ol • liuHeld socieiiea went to Scol lojuiuluttie fesuvitles, but ned b (rd —Great preparations are oemg mad he Colored Y. W. C. A (onoedir puny to be held in Central EIHIL U row and Friday mghL Tbe I'reh i Mr, {•':• !,.T II sparing n to make the o<'casion a great e\it i. Good mosie will t,« a leature all .tiling I-JT a pleamini llmu lias bet dd presentation of a. play by member* tbe Catholic Yonns: Men's Lycenm , assisted by a tew or tbelr lad Tbat they were not disap Minted at tbe effort* of tbe performers wa* evidenced by the almost cootini applause and laughter with which various good points Of tbe play i reeved. The play had to do with a yo Mrl about to lie mirricl, rtnse'li •ommtts highway robbery inorder r ie may give ber a wedding prt>» Is he gives her the money, tbe act een and ibe luckless swain Is *el is.! consigned to prison, from wblci veninally he IB released and pardonex iirongti ibe efforts of tbe girl herself The play abounded In strong sitaationi and all the pans were well taken Jlmrles J. Ward, Conn Guinee, II. J ^Fhln and Miss May Paismore can-} The cast of characters was us fol M BaeenBl O'Grady M. J.nashln Beamish MCCOBI .... ; C Gninet Mujor Cuffin Wm. J. O'Uoui T1108.C1 West Fourth streets, i* very »icfc at 1 bome with consompttoD. .. Alexander Fraiee, of Watcb u 1 venue, *tao went soma time ago to Lonl*,bas returned bome. and Mrs. L. Compton, of We* Front street, returned latt evenin from a visit. In New York. .. William Brower, of Wa-tchL e, ha* erected to Edtrard Pound tb use at Fifth and Sycamore streets. . .Uncle Dan Roberta, of North uv e, returned last nlgbt from a vji th relative* in Bridgeport, Con nee Cut. rr. and Mm. Frank Llnke, Somerset street, having a house < Vashingion avenue, will move Into >[ once. . .The home of Mr. and Mrs. T. II 'unily, ot Johnston avenue, wa* mad appy ibis morning by the arrival . little daughier. . .Robert Rash more, of Grant a' ne, has just Dongbt a new borse for ingle driving which Is mid by some >e tlie nicest ID the city. Mrs. James Rsdln, of North ai % who was taken suddenly *ick M r,i; days ago, is Just able to be again - - eiiey Pt John U'iiklow Carmi —Clii*. J ^ "arrel, Andy Began, Lana 'y, Irish Peasants Mil ,,gms, Charles Lang, Edward Del- ehanty, Wm. Winn. Arrah Mullah., Uiss May Passmore " iy Powers .Mies Julia Day y :.MUBB Kate ('ml Pe»8ant Girls, Ulss M Churcu ss M Uouley, MISBH Flatlej-.M •ring tbe play, Tim McCart L'al donkev made his app^urai e<t to an Insti jaunting car, a members of the TBE CODDIKGTON SSTATB BO* BIT TLBD. The continoe my, blacksmitl tig belonging t' ie mill prop- small dwell n Valley Mil M. See, The [inr- J Ice K I Uol< irage Company, at 81 ,225. They ve not yet decided what they will d<t wirb it. By a permiaslmu of Mr See the sale of the mill and other property were separately aod Jaier logethir, wit)i uuderstandiBg thai the highest biu 10 be tak«n. .-ioi-i separately the jmrcels brongbt £1,1^0, but to- ler lor 81,225. This settled tbe 1.1 (Joddrogton estate wbich has re- named undivided since 1B65. ss Wanda , to exa West Fro band lor fiber »8l f> p h was gettig out from a point near the base econd finger a needle winds bad avelhiiK about Ibe llesb [or tbe ur year*. It was only when it earer the .surface of tbe skin he nerves terminate that It be- roublesome. -—The of tlie Bt-eived l>y a Uit:u.l>era- ' of Uuvet msierable.' —Al the meeting of the PoiuJ oim ( 10 Iw lield Hidd. ill Ueilv Crefic I'UllglllCTt tight, H * them lo meeting MKIH from IIIII Monday m^l.t, lu Liederkranz may have night for thtmnelves. In case Ihe ilfM should rt-luse to do thm, theH the Lerkrajic «ih lie crmp^lled (o ob- oiher quarters, because their leader i it inijioaaibJe to give them insirac- in and singing on any other Dighl. •AINFIELD MANUALTE*IH:HGBCBOOL. A desire haa been eipreased by some ends o( the school that it sboold be pt open during the Hummer. Those stung to join classes in Drawing, anual Training and Natural History u oumin particulars from John Dal- rf :ui'j East Front street at the school on over the Fnands 1 Meeting House. IEKDEEED 4 VOTZ OFIHAFES. .Un who Ii ed In tba of,er bouse oo Narmouy strael ved her iamlly yehierday to the of Wai Wared through Lyraan •rts, John G. Musgravt f frieudB at having secured a v< .rnage borse which lie will sooi sing. R. F. Fenno,of Walchung s •a belong Male estate ue. The deal was roujfh Mulford'f agenrv ..The Independent Order of Ode adies will recoive s, visit May 14, fron ic Lady Insirocior, the Uigbt Wonhj overness, from Boston who comes U spect the work in this city. . .Mayor E. E Anderson ancj T. L f Ilb 1, of 1 een here a Tew t tbe ini Mutual Building Loan Ai ition wilj leave for home tomorrow. . .Rev. S. I. Baldwin, D. D., a •e of Somerset connty, tor i arB a missionary In China, and nnected wuh tbe Methodist Missioo- y Society, will BpeaK tonight inG E Church. ..At the last meeting of the Fi'rt- tbtly Whist Olnb for Ibis season lied was held at (he residence of E Faber, Bockview avenue, tbe priie ' the highest score was awarded ', and Mrs. Harvey Phillips. Tbe ire consisted ol a dcz»n flue photo- i'iis of tbe World's Fair wbtcb were ten by Harold Serrell. The clnb de- ic-il to have a couple of excursions ring tbe Summer, andtben adjourned tbout date. L the EED A V0 leetiug /ol Som at i.. ri[ i:s itik« was ui mnusly tendered to ibe Itev. J. Itunmrdson, pastor ol ibe Park Avi Bnpii*l Church, for tbe estellent mult wbiL'li he preached to the Jui ln»l Sunday eveniOB. IN JDDOB CODSWTOH COUXT. William H. Cartiile, wbo suld be wai 1 [•niisin of the Hecrelary of tlie Trea* try. wa* arraigned lor beirR drunk Kin llsorderly. Oo conillllon of hi* leavini lie i-lty, Bcnienco waa suspended. —Ttie slide* of tbe Waierbury Cam- era Clubwnlth are to be sbown next week inthis city, arc tbe last in tlie Interchange eerie*, and after tbe fif- teenth ot thia month, those sent oat by tbe I'lftsriUelrJ Club will be received and THE BANK WISS THE C U E The Brat case tried today In the Su- Court list at Elizabeth, w&* the if the City National Bask, of ainBeld, vs. Qeorge W. Williamson d nineteen others. Tbe case emme 1 at the last term, when tbe defend- ils refused lo admit their signatures oday In opening the case, Craig A. arsb for the plaintiff, slated that he ad served notice on tt6other side tber to admit their ilgnatures or to d tb" expense or his obtaining I tine w hero. This be said broagbt 1 to terms, and they nowadmllted their sgiBinres. It remained, how- ever, for tbe bank to prove tbe stgns- inresofE. Bennett &. Son, mdorsera, wbo lived in the West and could not if-e.i f attend c There was otes his, but Oasbler Arnold to it "We rest," aald coun- Tbe totl ed hy fraud. as that tbe .3,000 were fraud was hat tbe bank's counsel only provei smiled, roved that the bank wa* Innocent snd >k the note* in good faith. Tbe lurt WM •boot to )esr« tbe c u t to tl e Jury, when Mr. Harib insisted that he wa* entitled to have the court direct ibe jnry lo OndaTerdlct In tbe bank'* favor for the loll amount claimed without leaving tbelr •««'•. He did not want to take any cbaocri about what s jury might do wnen he repre- sented » rlcb bank against a lot of iirmcrt. He banded up a decision to ibe court, and tbe court granted hi* motion and ordered a verdict accArd- Insly. Charles Hyde, President; Ella* It Pope, Vice President- W. T. Arnold, Oaabier, and J. B. Coward, of ibe Board of l'irectors, were present at the trial, and natorally were mQcb (rat- ified over the result. EXPLOSION IN ELIZABETH [SPECIAL TO TBS COCKIERj ELIZABETH, Msy 3—A terrifflc ex plosion occurred at eleven o'clock thia morning in tbe newRogge building on Morris avenue, when a part of tbe roo -i I a side of the bntiding were blowi Tbe bnlliflng was occupied by Drake SOD, real estate agents, and John Bogge, tbe owner. When the explo- sion occurred tooa of brick fell to tbe wall. The orcupanta rosbed to the «reet tor their JiFes in a cload Ol flying Tbelr eacape from Injury was narrow. Tbe building nngbt flre, bat tbe flames were by hard work extinguished. The explosion was doe to the accumulated accidentally set on flre, It Is ^bi, by electric wlrea. The loas will be beavy. GEN. COX£Y ARRESTED WASHISOTON, May2—ThU moraine 1.1' Gen. Ouxey wa*at court in lot< r. •is of tbe commonweal cases, be w>~ rrested on the charge of trespuaing 0 ie Cafiiol ground*, and Injuring cet kin plains abd shrnba. Judge Mille ted bis ball at 8S00 which was fluati imisbed by a liquor dealer. FuamJ'trnrr K)W«iBfnMli ,r»Uv MmyI. at Sp. m. at Crprev liUin. on Prldar. BPIELD-In North Pla._ r Ut. ISM. LJII1P A- daiisbitrr or Mn —_T A. tua ihe late John WakeHrHd. Funeral rrom Orace Molhodlai Cburcb Park place. Prldsr War *">. *t l.attJJ. n. In- termentln Er<rm«) Cem»- WAKT3 AMD OTTERS. I Don't think that Peck is Asleep! Becaase be doe* not say maeb. Come to his htore, see tbe new good*, get prices, see the buyers, and aee the goods going onL . Oh ! Peck is Not! Askpp. The Pyramid Stands ^he Highest. lonsekeepers HAVE YOGUSED I Attention. -;ff NOT, JUST; V ANTED. —A in ii HEKE ASS THERE. - Carey Ins a big suction sale a riday, which be wants the people t now about, —On Friday evrnlng Hay 9, an en nalnmeut |* to be given in the Parl renue Baptist Ghorcb, by tbi 'omen's Foreign Missionary Society t wblch some lantern slides will be torn. —Another reainre which will a< ie interest of Pangh Caajsh Naugb nqne fair is ayearly cummoters lirki 1 NewYork. This will arouse the i irest ol' the many wQo find such an a de userul in tbe their daily trips. —At Hie next meetlog of the Boat " Governor* ofibe Crescent Wheel met le matter ul forming a base ball tea ill be discussed. In case a team otten on, it is understood tbat B. A. egeman Jr. will undertake its mai jemenL —At the meeting of tbe Pl«lu8el •mera Ulub last night, a committee naming of Secretary H. H Coward id J. Hervey Doane waaappointed to blaiu a room in which to showtbe ides of the Wsterbary Club, wblcb ive been received. The slides will be town tbe Dret of next week. —Persons who appreciate the lux y of good nutritions aud bealthfo read naturally waul to know where tc if baking powder which will make It. e pyramid baking powder I* tbat id. Samples an way by Mr. Atbi p now being given nia at F. W. Dunn's n Park a [Um White, of North Plainfleld, Sebrlng's Mills last nigiu 01 grlng expedition. While busy with b bis hone walked home and left him do the same although be wai rom head to foot, the result 01 bi sled involuntary bath. Bat be got IR SAI.E Desirable Iwo-slory and French roof houte, 117 E»st Stslh »tr«t Broadway. Five minutes easy walk Station, excellent neighborhood, house ...jiM parlor, dining-room, kilchen, laun- dry six bedrooms «nd bath. Apply lo own- r Mrs Frank, Urange, N. lo F.. C. Mulford or W. A. Woodruff, I, Plainfield. 4 '9 3m° riOK SALE—Cedar pos« »nd ocu pole*. V E. Sebring, Mioning't garble yrd. If OPENING OF ummer Millinery The latest NewYork and Paris Ideas •trained Hals and Bonneta, Friday ay 4th, at 107 East Front street, op- nlte Park avenue, up stairs. Im- rted India silk dress patterns, no two Mrs. L. Adams. BY SPECIAL AREANQEMT with Daniel Froliman he Gray Mare The Liwnm The«tr« BawM will The CASINO nurtday Evening May 3rd. Ticket" may tie obtained at tbe itotry Olnb and at Reynold's and gg«tt's Pbannacloi, tlao rrom-mem- ra of the Company. Admission - $1. or OHIO. Crrr or Touoo,} *BK j c CH"«5.SS"Sik^ wtii that h« 1. J. B. WlbJon, 371 City BL, Sh»n* •i-oin r ' D «r n i^nPrru n ,'|*fl"|' tL [ r ii™ cftv"if < To'iSr.! r burg, Fa^ says he will not be without 7,hu count'r *«" »'«• »io"»w. •od lh "' •""« Dr. King's NewDiscovery for Consump- itirbM- nrm ,r^lJ'V lhe .a u ?»it lf J T<S« or c*-' "on, Ooagb* and Cold*, that It cured in n. r < ^',,,'R ,h,r cinnnr* cured 61 tb« wof his wife wbo wa* threatened with Pnoe- ideMJItj'. aod a.l uttiio 'rsiunt j . CK flworn tobetortm* and «ub«rirfW) in tnr . r w n . c Itali Mh da) Ot tJ««, A. O A. W. OLEiBON, S-.turj- futile. I pbysiciaus bad done her no good, -loberl Barber, of Oooksport, Pa., claim* Dr. King-* New Discovery ha* done htm mor« good than anytbing be ever used Tor Luna: Trouble. Nothing RkeiL Try it frm Trt»i BoUJea at Street, PlainOeld, N. J botU^Uctud il.w. filing in . 1. Peebl D AYS »o ing. tak Eisl Third B ed.—Washing and in i or go out, by respe Addreu A. L-, 4 W ANTF.IJ— P l u u n l home Mid , cue for aged lady for ihe Sum befit of reference! jriven and required. Home, ca.e Courier. 5- P NKUMAT1C Safety, sale or »ill exchang b E Y Vil Ask your Grocer for a FREE: SAHPL5 CAH. | - FRED. W. DUNN, g TheGrocer, Park & North km. HDd fret a enn F R E E . !"><• it, nod 1..- con<iit««d of its merit. It il the BF8T and STRICTLY PURE. rromoteB UijtcBtion, and' ii dcttincd to Iwcome a favorite. The price will suit the Times.—i—1- W ILL cichapge sewing mv: new, for ladies bicycle. 1 Boice 107 Easi Fronl ittei W ANTED Immediately—J general housework. Cat NTED—A good refriaeralor, tonable. with wjter lank prefe mily. Address. Hsffigerator, Courier F EW gentlemen I I'a.k aven-e. A Private family would like to tike »few boarders. Three large liry rooroj, good table and first-class neighborhood. Within teven minulu of depot. Addre*4, P. M. D W XNTtD^For lio or thieTionthi » good saddle horse and todrive Jingl) inyoneKt»ng «way. Horse will have goot P. 6. liol 10, Netherwood, N. f. ! I quired. Address P. O. B i 353. CRNISHED ROOMS with or with bd f ihinged cen 1 LD PAl'EK for carpet lining•' •- Appl. h* Thom block, all . ir Somerwt ud Craig Al«. Thorn, 2J Somerset If The Fits,> You- Can Wear Wiilett IO7 PARK An. A nd« . Can Fit XJth Wearing Kew Style Oxford Tta Black Or BuM From t l to $3. AUSiiei PUTNAM &DEGRAW 210 WEST FROST ST. We have added to o Fancy Hals and Lace Caps at Prices within tbe reach of all Glieniisettes, are all tbe rage. We have themIn SOLID PINK, BLUE, WHITE AND STRIPE?- Ladies 1 Rib Vests from 12c, Up, One luorlmeirt or White Goods, Ginghams, Russian Dock, Linens, Out- ings, Laces, Notion*. Handkerchiefs tod Linings la np to tbe time* MIX •* ALL NEWGOODS OUR JAPANESE WARE selling fast, < upi and Sana y a few or the left at 39eta. PUTNAM ft DEGRAW PA88AIC VALLEY DAIBY. PCM ULE rrom? e r t at j Cream la rlota and pun ptl tldd t Ordtn br n*U jr.mplij u E, E, COOPER, H. Clarence Hodley j PIANOS Tu>KO' »n RBPAIBEB THE BALL that was te have been held for the' bepeQtof JOIIX XESLER, HALL April 26, DA been poctpooed j .-. to.MayB. •ETEKVl.THN.Jr. CSAS, KBTCK, DAKL 'Htm AN. JIICHAIL tlTl.l., WILLIAM CLAAS3KN. Cll^SQENT ;i ; j HOTEL RUDOLPH SPIEGEL j 70 ami ;i S nit. » Koiih IllinflfId WINES, LIQCORS AND'.SHJARS. Regular anil Transient To whom, it 7 Marth. 1 wl hb aj/Ci l.unch h»vinir left m^bed ud Juit (SUM or prorocalion. I all perfcon- not lobarboror DO YOU EEJALIZE What a =haiigo has been coming over tho «hc« bnatnera of late. Get the price of a. pair of elioes to day, put thofn alon^ side tlie price of any «niilar pair of a few Eeasons ago, toej what a change to your ad- tsge j ' ' g j j, The mannfacturere intend to keep tJhr»e factoriea bnay. drop their profits, we drop oure. «| SEVEN They st arrived from factory. I*ast year gav^ good satisfaction at, (1.88 per pair. jVVe Bay this ye«x tl'.tS. ( Look al Them. DOANE & K1>S ll.I, That Long-felt Want-vis A First-class Millinery HepaHiuent. IN PLAINflELD Wl>«ra New York ItvlM of bat* and bonnet* «tn tw had at—w^Jwon'l^aj at New York price*, bat will *ay lea*—for that 1* what the hnadrodi of women ay wbo Q»TB *e«D oar Mock. I* being raccewTallj •applied tit Edttll'i new ilepartment. Ona vialt will eonnnw yon of thi» latt ifjon are not already. Wo coutinaetomake, lay and lino Carpet* aoove SOo. free, except Mo- qneite, for a >bort time longer. - ' < iryon need anything In Crockery or Hoaaelbrntailing line, It will na; jam to wait noUl we open oor new IloaaefurnUhing DepaMment In tbe Babcoct Blldlaf. Ererftalnt; new, fresh and at the loweei prico*. Oar Shoe Department I* ju«t brim fnUof new Spring Footwear right up T data in »tj}e. qnalitj and price. ! EDSALL'S! COCRIER WAST ADVS. PAY. fP)e Paittfield fonfiet COtJRl&R WA«T ADVA PAT. VOL-III NO. 160 PLAINFIELD. N. J. WEDNESDAY. MAY 2. 1894. E TWO CEI PRICE TWO CENTS. MUSIC LOVERS REGALEO Ykt C«4* Orthretra Coacrrt la Cana*. Ust *>«*«. * u * FnfretM* CMS.—It m a CNtUul Treat Tran First to last A large and v»ry highly dullgblwd andi* c* aat la (he Chslno, laat night, and f.»r three hours eotoyed to I bo fullest tbo orchestral concert given by P Ludwig Conde. Tka latter *u tt- by tils Young Mens Symphony Orchestra, a New York Orcbestn of twenty fire pieces. Professor W. E MacCltOont, 'V. A . Had*on, WII litm N. Hinow, Andrew Nebel, Ml»a Violet Trnell and Clarence Mills. Clarence L E'ek w.-s accompanist The overture waa R-wnm's, "William Tell." Tn«*fte who have heard the same selection by Seuil and Darorooch, •ay tlielm a as no belter. The violin dart by Miss Trnell and her teacher, Mr C'otfc, waa an excellent execution, hivhiy appreciated anil heartily sr- eored. The r-fa n " Capnccio." by |*rofesaor M«cCljrw*nt and orcbea tr», whs another excellent pi.-oe ol rendering ablch »»» tiorough'y en lnteii and frequently iflenli»*oed. Pro- /• ••or MneClj moot later appeared temporal Ur aa director, and wielded the baton withtlio gr««-e of a <• .mine OiLnore He am frcslv encored The r«r»iet solo, ' Indammatsa." Rnsnmi a Mnsterpfcre, was rendered by William N. Bartow, who la a |K*rfect wonder, and one of the ln-*t oornellfts la the world. Mr. lludwna tendering of Aris, from "Tue CreHiOn," ana ala. fpcclnl-Interval wan- assured when the Young Men s Symphony Orche-rra was announced. Tljese were Mr l onde'spupils,whoder|og tlielr plavmv «.nit-laced everyone of bis excellent rulltics as a teacber Their avlmion »j« ir<.in "Maltha." and it brought aril raciited encores Tb* violins t in air. atth vflrtmlmis, by Master fiucare Mill*, ano lo r pupil, was an- ©•her ctevr reti«1eri|»K which took ar. The zitber aolos by Andrew Nehel were auibriblug new *o a Plain Bi-id andieiir *. and foinpna.-d 6 IB. oil but excellent from llunfataiW sod Simula Mr ('onde’s Violiu w»to, “Fantasia de Balls't" was Bne. Many cowipHahntary Winstons ere mad :' to I*, attef the concert was •ter. The audience ga'fl every evidence of a heati) npprcciatlhn of the whole plot;ralame, wfcjeli w^s rianpiiv cboaso In us details to suit ill who were i-rev ent Tue only objection that anyone Could have offered was to the length of It. whnh detained the hearers pas*, their usual hours. Tbis, however, waa their own lault, for they called ao oltsn for encores Hint the programme could Dot lie finished aounef. A great uiar »*re present who bad aerer heard M C 1 mde before lie captured oil of H ero, ami auatalaed himself per redly with former hearer*. He wishes to thank those who attended' for their kind apj .reel Hi on a ml'free way of show- Mr Ponde's brat concert in a d lor Its saci caa he dr- greac deal of credit, for he has very bard. It waa very grati- to kuow that be waa ao well ap- aied in return lor it. tried Courier wan! ad« fij. Q'll'e a little ex '.:i|nicnt occurred at the meetirg of u.e Fraternity tlnb on North arena* la*t nl^hf, can sod by the peculiar tenons of s lamp The co'- ©red Janitor was trying to blow It out wtiei. i. Dashed up to tbe ceil mg und •ouimvtietd to sputifr ami irv, scaring tbe roan near.y wLlte. lie nn to oerms trm hall an*i ipid some men who were there line] of them, Frank Jones, ran in and wtjti a wet ,-lotb ex migbwheal H e baqc id the nick ol Mm.-, preventing a catastrophe A10TH1B BUUC 8001 llannonlx-d Mefadn a was aurh a gie»l sure ea« I hut »? I.av« secured another tsluabljs mtinr book known a* ••I’"polar Melotliea t T«U last Includes Ijf He* announce- t In l sorrow's Courier. A li'ly st T«ok>>4 Ls . was very sick Wjib bilious colic thru M C TiaJer, a prominent memI ml of Hie town gave her Doiila ..f aiBknMrt Cade Cholera and Darr|o i Remedy He says sue was well Id lorty annates alter taking tue Drat dos*. For safe hv Remold's Pharmacy, Park and Sonb •venue, T. SJ. Armstrong.Manager. AT THIS MINUTE Two thousand people arc reading The COURIER. Some one of them may be the very plan you want when you want a want. BENtFITTMG ST. WSTPh'S CHURCH Crowd, Atuad Ik hu U I by tk. UdiM VO. ( Thormchlr l.J-T Tha htteodonee hi St JOMph’d (hlr, which U h«ln* held In BnenKcr Hall, was unusually large' last night Tbis bappy slate of sffairs was caused by Iheprraeace of the Colon Comet Baud from Sew Brunswick,who, sixteen men strong, bad marched irom tbe corner or Park aveoue aud Sixth street to the ball, p’aylng as^tber came along. Tbe band, which Is composed In o!l of thirty plsyera, Is quite well-koowa ihrougboot the country. Its members have played at Coney Island and in New York olfy for various 'estiva!*, and have taken part in several In- augurals at Washing!on Tbvee of tna band present last evening were Asse lily man W. F Harking, leader; Wil- l am Harden, B Bat cornet; John Frau els and John Lvoeh, E flat cornets; John Dannlgsn, II and William Siiner, E flat clar.oneis; Wjlliaio McGovern, drat alio; William Fwister, second alu» John Gicaaon and John Sbaridao, first .d second slide irondione; James II per, baritoue; James Welsh and George Liudeman. fir>l and second bass; M Nort- n, W. Ol onoor and J Hoalby, iims and symbols. During the evening Ibo band gave excellent concert, and played long other airs, plantation and col- lege mrlodin*. the Princess Royal Schottiache, “Ihtiay B- ll," and popular songs of tbe dsy, while W. F. Harden favored ifce audience with a very pretty comet solo. At the eonc!a*ion of tbo concert, tbe members of tbe hand wrre taken to ihe residence of Father Miller, where ibey »cre royoi j emeriameo. Daring their temporary absence, dancing wwa enjoyed, bul U o crowd was so large it waa difficult move about. When Hie band returne«l, its m< in tiers were made lu feel at home, and it was midnight before they partid ror Uielr homes Tonigot, a programme consisting of eitstlons by Jobn Carney and Charles Ward, a solo by James Hailey, and trio, lu which Mias T. SjitQ, Mbs Waish and Mr. Bailey will lake part, III be given, while tomorrow and rfat arday afternoons, tha fair will U thrown o|»eo without charge to th* sefiool children of Plainfield and the Borough ARRAH MA PO.UE TM FUr Tr«4ass4 AsspMM af tbs Catholic Issue In i Lyessa, a tacesss. A Largs Aaiisacs Zsjsrs Its PrsssataUoa. A very fair used audience gathered In Music Hall last night to witness tbs presentation of a play by members of the Catholic Young Men’s Lyceum of this city, assisted by a lew of tbelr lady friends. That they were not disap- pointed at ibe efforts of lb# performers was evidenced by th* almost contlnuoos applause and laughter with which tbs various good points of tbe plsy were Tbe play bad U> do with a young rl about to be married, whose lover commits bighwsj robbery In order that be may give her a wedding present. As be give* her tbe money, tbe set is seen and tbe locklem swain Is srixed and consigned to prtsoo, from wblch event daily be la released aud pardoned through the efforts of the girl hereell. The play abounded in strong s'laation* and all tbe parts were well taken, Charles J. Ward, Coim Gu Arthur Carrington, of East Front I ..Fred Westphal, of Llbwrty sod West Fourth street», Is very sick at his borne with consumption. .. Alexander Fra see, of Watcbang avenue, who went some time ago to 8l Loots, baa returned borne. . .Mr. and Mrs. L Compton, of West Front street, returned last evening from a visit lu New York. ..William Browwr, ofWalcbuocave- nue, baa erected to Edward Poflr.d tbe house at Fifth and Sycamore streets. . .Tode Dan Roberta, of Sonb ave- ue, returned last night Rom a visit with relatives in Bridgeport, Connecti- cut. LATE NEWS. Carhln and Mias May P, Ing off the honors of tbe The cast of characters lows: C<>l Bsgenal U'Orady... Beamiah .MrCoul Mujor Cofflo ‘^vnceaoi Michael Feeney. Shaun, the Poet, e*rr> V as for w M J.Casbto ..C Go.nee J. O’Co Tnoaf utnmerford Jobn Whalen i»w Cai —Cfiafl J Ward PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS —George Richter, tbe bartier, derided not change bis location I donieraet street, sad will remain under bis Cve years' lease. —J. ifervey Doane. the Park avenue jeweler, has had the coooectious of a •mal electric bell placed id the floor at o bis store which la ao arrange<l that no one can enter bis es- tablishment without the bell ringing. —Tbe extremes of tem;>eratnrw yes- terday were M and 47. tin tbe Rame date last year they were 61 and 43.Tte difference between the maximum de- o days was 33 while the diff reuce In tbe mean amounted to 18 degrees. And vet yesterday wai Mb —The sale of tickets for “The Grey are" has already aaaur ed tbe finan- cial success of tbe undertaking, and to i id eased some of toe rehearsals, tbe artistic excellence ol the perlormancu lias been placed be jui.d a doubt Tbe lull dress rvbearaal ill lake place tonight, and will be en- tirely private Owing to some misunderstanding, lodge of tbe Junior Order United American Mechanics waa itoted at Scotch Plains night. Several members of the i'.aibfivid societies went to Scotch Plains to Join lu tbe festivities, but r«- urned be me greatly disap|HMnl«d —Great preparations are wing made by tbe Colored Y. M. G. A lor tee din- party to be held in Central Hall lo- rn w and Friday mgOL The I’renU i Mrs Job ma Flalier is sparing no :* make the occasion a great sur- l Guod music will be s Ivsture atd evey thing lur a plesaaiil time bas betii provided. fby mrmliera of tbe Crescent Wheelmen received by mail ibis morn- kuruitwrabip licke O ny Parrel, Andy Regan, Patsy, Irish I'cssants.. IDggibs, Charles Lang, Edward Del- ebanty, Wm Wlnfi. Arrab Mullah.... Miss May Passmore y Powers Hiii Jolla Day K-tiy Miss Kute ( alien Ir.nh Peasant Girls, MIm M Churchill, M-sa M Dooley, S|lssD Plotley.Misa L. (Juinn. Daring the play, Tim McCsrty'i mu Heal donkey made hiB appvarnbet fnicbcd to an lns|i Jannung car, an< at'icd.liia part well I'rofrasor Gutlmnt iiirni*hrd the masle between tbe sct» and bis orrbestra played well The members of the Lyceum deserve to be congratulated upoo ib^ success whtcb tbelr efforts Were received Tb* continued sale of tbe mill prop- erty, blacksmith shop and small dwell Ing belonging to tbe Green Valley Mill proprrfy, or tbe Coddlrtgion estate, was b. Id yesterday aliemooo by Master Chancery W. G. M. See. The par- chaser was tbe Plaisncbl Ice and Storage Company, at gl They have not yet decided whal they will do wlb It By a permiaalou of Mr dee the sale of the mill and other properly were put separately sod later logeebir, with the undersisndlug that the bigbewt bit. aa U> be taken rioid ae|>arately (he •o pvrcels brongbt $1,110, but to- gether tor $1,225 This settled the old Goddingcoo estate which baa re- ned uudivlded since l«6j. This forenoon Dr. 2^egllo was called by Miss Wanda Hut, ol West Front stree’, to examine ber band lor o troublesome pam which was getting wor>e 11 tie utae, aud in a abort time be drew out from a point near the base of lb* second Unger a needle which bad been travelling about tbe flesh lor the past four years. It was only when It came nearer the surface of the akin here the nerves terminate that It be- came troublesome. P LAIS MELD AflUALTEAlElflOSCHOOL deal re has been expressed by some friends of tbe ocbool that it should be kept open during the Hummer. Those tailing to Join olasees in Drawiug, Manual Training and Naloral History uu ootain particulars from Jo*u Dal- xief 309 East Front street at the arboo! room over tbe Frtend*’ Meeting House. TEVDKBXD A VOTE OF 1BAFK* At tbe meeting /ol Somerset Connell last tight, a vote Af thanks was nnswl- ily tendered to ibe Re L , .'Ill'i.—lut,, B l , ;hurcb , , b .K.lLniror. to Hie house and Krnui.da and lo ah , * games sue Scoria held under the au- •cn-es ol Ihe ciub. Tue D«iel is not rant crahle. —At the meeting of the I'augiiU’ia of Poiol O.ta , .o be held Plight, a iMopoaitloii w | 'ng rrrciveil from the ainfl. id Liedrrkranx aaklm; them io >ange their meeibig night from cduesday until Monday night, in <Jer that tbe Licdcrkranx may bars night for tiiemaeives. In case the -lea should refuse to do this, then tbe Uederkranx mill l>e compelled to ot>- In other quarters, because tlieir leader finds it iui|M<aaibJe io glv« them lustruc- tion in sod sloging on any other night. IM JVDOM CODDIIflTOEfi COOtr. William If. CarHale, who said be w«s cousin of tbe Secretary of ihe Tress Si v, was arraigned for being drunk sod disorderly On condition of his leaving the city, sentence was sospeoded. Washington avenue, will move into nee. -The home of Mr. nod Mrs. T. II Candy, of Johnston avenue, was made bappy this morning by tbe arrival of s little daughter. Robert Rush more, of Oran’, see- no*, has just bought a new horse lot single driving which Is said by noma !< lie tbe nicest io the city. Mrs. James Radio, of North ave uue, who was taken auddcnlT nek aev. eral days ago, is joat able to be nr again a litUe while at a time. . Mrs. Summer, who lived In tbe CoojF«r boose on Harmony airyrt moved b**r family veaierday to tbi corner of Warren ami Race street a . John If lfeljard, of Brooklyo. ba* secured through Lyman A Petrie's ef- •oris. John G. Mangrove's residence Mercer avenue, for n term of »' W. T Broadway, of 1* Grande avenue, is receiving tne congiatulatioos of fnerol* at having secured a very flqe •amage horse which be will aooo beghi using It. F. Fenno.of Walcbung av*i has (.urehose*! one of tbe bouse# belong- be Male estate on Carl too I'he deal «uh consummated through Mulford's agency. . .The IndepflOdMt Order of Odd Ladle* will receive a visit May 14, from ihe Lady I nil rector, tbo Right Worthy Governess, from Boston who comes to ispeet the work in this cliy. Mayor E E Aodersoo and T. L ..Rev. S. L Baldwin, D. D., a nn- live of Soiuoroel county, for many years a missionary In Cbina, and connected wub the Methodist Mission- ary Hociety, w|i; apeak tvuigbl In Grace ** E Church. Atth* last meeting or th* Fort- nightly Whist dob for tbis acasoi bkb was held at tbe residence of E ro Faber, Rockview avenue, tbe prite for tbe blgbe«t score was awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Phillips. Tbe orlxe consisted of a dcz*n fine photo- graphs of tbe World’s Fair which wen t*kcn by Harold Serrell. The clot d* cided to have a couple of excursions daring tbe .Summer, aud then adjourned without dote TH* BAflE ;«.* TH* Cill. Tbe first css* tried today In tbe Se- em* Court list at Elisabeth, was tbe suit of tbe City Nstlooal Bank, of Pialofleld, va. George W. Will atnson aud nineteen others. Tbe case came t the fast term, when tbe defend, refused to admit tbelr signatures Today In opening tbe case, Craig A. Marsh for the plaintiff, stated that be rved notice on tte other aide either to admit tbelr signature* or to sfand lb* expense of bis obulnmg proof elsewhere. Tbis be said brought them to terms, and they now > admitted tbe.r s g isiurea. It remained, bow- ver, for the bank to prove tbe signs. ires of K. Bennett A Son, indorsers, ho lived In the West and coaid not be Induced to attend coart. Tbere was a struggle over tbiB, hot Cashier Arnold as equal to it. "We rest.” said coun- sel. Tbe defense pot in was that tbe notes to tbe amoaoi of $3,000 were obtained by frond. Tb* frond was proven, hot tbe bank's coansel only smiled, and on era** examination proved that tbe bank was Innocent nod took the note* in good faith. Tbe court was about to I*-1* tb* o<%s* to t! Jury, when Mr. Marsh Insisfad that be was entitled to have the court direct the Jury to find a verdict In tb* bank's favor for tb* foil amount claimed without leaving tbelr sear* If* did want to lake any ebanevi about what a Jury might do when be repre- sented s rich bank against lot of farmer*, lie haoded up a decision to be ronrt, and th* court granted bu motion and ordered a verdict aecArd- logly. Charles Hyde, Preside*t; Ellas R Pope, YIce President; W T. Arnold, —Th* slides of Ihe Waterbary Cam- era Clobwhleh are to be shown next week In this city, are the last in llie ^ # Interchange serle*, and after the flf- '^ j g Coward, of tbe Board of Directors, were present at tbe trial, and nattrally were much grot leeoib ol ibis moo tb, tb Um Plainfield Club will be received and arrangements will be made to show them to tbe po&Uo. WTATS or OWIO.CITT rTouuo.i I” roro.',", •« l*m« «o ®.ae her Some life harp,, has goSsy a«S S*Me arore^UL ao<I .hat m* ified over tbe reenlt. bofor* and Mhwinhrd in mr proaeece. iSla WS day of A. D '•-I'jsrShro. A. W. OLE as iff © Xoaary Public. £^u. 1 bro£~atH° l B ro roro. -r.ronro rm^i. dr m 00. T«roro.o n SkroU MU Irory Hroro. J. B WUfOB. 871 CUy St, Sb»rj» bnry. P«. ro;i be -111 not be wltboet Dr Kmc'e N*ewIbeccvery for Cooeenp. tloe, Coagbe eo4 Coble, tbet It cored bla wife ebo eu Lbreeteoed with 1*000- roonlo after ao attack of “Iro Oripfie,- when eortooo other renedloo ood ooror- ol phyairlona hod dooo bar wo good Robert Berber, of Cookaport, I'o., dalma Ilr. Klo*-a New IHaroroecj boa dooe bid more good thee eoytUow be wrer oaed for boon Tremble. Noth Bkoil. Try to - Tree Trial Bottlre L. W. Reodolpk. 1‘bemaalaa, 11 »ro Froot Street, PtmnBrld, K. 1 Imp bottle*, toe and *1.08. EXPLOSION IN ELIZABETH (•mUL TO Tilt OOtntlkk-J Eutiorra, May J —A lerrlfflc ei- ploelon occorred at alerea o'clock Ibla IO( la Iba BOW Reap belldin* on Morrta aranac, wbea a part of tbo roof aklo of Ibo Dolldleg ware blown Tbe bonding waa occupied by Drake * Son, reel eetate OKeeu, end Jobn Rof/X, the owner. When Ibe eiplo- alon occorred tool of brtek feU to tbe welk- Tbe orcupaata raabed to tbe atreet for tbeir llrca In a clond of Itrioa d.brle * Tbelr eacape fromInjory waa narrow. The balkllng ranytil Are, bat Iba flamra were by herd work ejUnfoiabed. The explboion wo* do* to the accumulated gaa, see Mentally set on Are, It is thought, by electric wires. Tha loaa will be heavy. GEN. COXEY ARRESTED (MPKCIAL TO TUB COCKIER ) Wasm-tOTO*, May 2 —This moraine wb l'Gco. tkixey was at court id iaura of tbs commonweal cases, Os » urreated on the charge or trespassing . tb* Capitol grounds, and Injanng cer- tain plants abd shrubs Judge Miller fixed bla ball at$.MH) wbicb was Anally luroisbcd by a liquor dealer. HERE AMD THERE _ Carey bas a Wg anctJon aa'o the people ffcateSttfcSsjafsm •I ORpreoa HUk. oe Vrtftav. Wakefield —in Tur I&tJfiLgSAi *gsu*m Funeral mvt.rwi fromdrat* Mrtbndmi ( hurra Park lalaoe. Vr»d«r Mar «L. at Lie w. m. !- In flvarareea Orw*«j, ElUabeth. Don’t think that Peck is Asleep! WANTS AND OTTXRB. non 5ALL;—Very Hoc fic%h cow. L rmce toUinx. Scotch PUmt. s-:-at. ANTED:—Om thoouad door mod window »crccn» to make and repair. 114 West Second street. S-a-4<- W A J Akt 1TJ e-.ROOM tut IO Id; new betiding; city fj water. Chailea If. Ilaad.317 Waubuag WANTED.—A n Plain held —Go Friday evening May 9, a lertalnuMut la to be given la the Part Avenue Baptist Chnrrb, by Women’s Porelgn Missionary Society, at which some lantern alidea will be sbovn. Another feature wbicb will add ike Interest of 1‘angb Cauacb Naugb Mlfjqne fair la a yearly commuters ticket to New York. This will arouse tb* lu tereat of the many wbo find such an ar tlol* useful in lb* the r daily tnpc —At Ui* next meeting of lb* Board of Governor* of ibe Crescent Wheel men, th* matter of forming a haae hall teai will be dfacuaaed. In case a team gotten up, it Is understood that B A liegeman Jr. will undertake da mat agemenL —At tbe meeting of tbe Plain Odd Camera Club laat night, a corns -ooaiaUng of Fecrelary II. H Coward and J . Hervcy Down* was appointed obtain a room in which to show tbe aiidM of tbe Waterbary Clob, which been received. Tbe slide* win be shown the first of next week —Persona wbo appreciate tha lux ry of good nutritious aud bea.thful bread naturally want to know where u find baking.powder wbicb wil] make It Tbe pyramid baking powder la that kind. Samples are uow being gives way by Mr. Albertis at F W Dono'a grocery noose on Park a/enue. —William White, of North Pfaiofleld, went to Hcbrlog's Mills laat night on a gigging expedition. Whi * busy with bis fish bis bora* walked bom* and teflhii do tbe asm* ailbougb be was wet from head to foot, the result ol bis peated Involunfary bath. But ke got lota or flab. OPENING OF Summer Millinery The latest New York and Paris Ideas in Tnrnrncd liars and Bonnets, Friday May 4th, at 107 East Front street, op- posit* Park avenue, up stairs. Im- ported India silk dress pattern* no two Mrs. L. Adams, like. BY SPECIAL AKRANGKMT with Daniel Fro liman The Gray Mare p Liwua Ttwif. a The CASINO Thursday Evening May 3rd. Tickets may be obtained at lbs Coaatry C*» b »* Reynold*• and Leggett's Pharmacies, also from mem- ber* of tb* Company. Broadway, N. Y. r re Wes & Go , sre* I r:r. anted. Wash able color'd women. AdSrrea E*at Tbird rtrect. iccottd floor. W A J28 brat of rtfirfo and re*|uirrd. Ad- Becaaac be doe* not say maefi. tb* prices, see tb* buyers, and nee t tome to bis store, a*« tbe 1 9 goods going 0*1 Oh ! Peck is Not Asleep. The Pyramid Stands the Highest. Housekeepers HAVE YOB USED Attention. IF XOT, JUST Ask your Grocer for a FREE SAMPLE CAN, and try IL If be baa It out go u>—r- FRED. W. DUNN, The Grocer, Park 4 North Ave*. and ge* a cun FREE. Um it, and lio convinced of it* merit. It U the BIST and STRICTLY PURE. Promote* Digestion, and if destined to l»ecoote a favorite. The prioo will suit the Times. ONF.DMATIC Btfcty. nearly new. I I tale or will r*change for cushion 1 anJ cash. K. F. Vail. 177 North arcni WILL'’ change tewing attchine acarl; new. for ladtn bicycis. Mrv. K.L . -it H IC- lu: Kill Kioni ktiert. l.l J WANTED Immediately—A gu! U> gracial boriK«oik. Call SI OSj W 7th meet. S I * * with hoard. 1 WANTED—A r»d .efngcralor, .ca winah.e, w.lh water laak preferred Small family. Address Krfngcratcr, Conner family would like to uke a few boarders. Three large airy rooms, good table and hral claa* neighborhood. Within A W' ; away. Ha J reference* giv« , Nether wood, N. T30ARDLRS -anted. 1 SALE Desirable •cae, Broadwar. Fire sutiou. excellent oeighborhood. houre contain, parlor, dining-ruom. kitebea, iaun- dry. »•* bedroom* and hath. Apply to own a. Frank W. Baldwin, Orange, N. R. C. Muiford or W. A. Woodruff, agnu. PUmficiA 4 19 F Furnished rooms -ith « i board, references richangrd. ; no rapftaT^u^ O' rjX) LET—P place. Apply at, fa the Thom block, all rat*, ror Soraerret and Craig 0 Alex. Thorn. »J Somerset %if ANTBI>—Aoitlei VV cnlrr. for •oaaiMt oaoa, vsn cure. CDAKUH a. reed. If The c r “. sh 0f -r Fits, >00O d You- Woorio, Can Wear •»" Oxford PUTNAM &DEGRAW 210 WEST FRONT ST. r w.ll 9*lKMd CHI LUBE NTS’ CHemlaettes, ar* all lbs rog*. We bavs them In STRIPE?- Ladies' Rib Vests from 12c Up. On* assortment of Whit* Goods, Gingbams, Russian Duck, Linens, Out- ings, Lace*. Notions, Handkerchiefs aud Linings la up to the times aud A—ALL NEW GOODS OUR JAPANESE WARE I* selling fast, only n few of the flue Capa and Saucers left at 39cta. PUTNAM ft DEGRAW PASSAIC VALLEY DAIRY. H. Clarence Hadley (LataTrILk Automaton MkkoCdl* PIANOS TwirWw A »i,K THE BALL JOll.V JtESLEK, SANQER April M, lain H A LL rLTOHVltSH. Jr. CRAB. MOT DAJTL HOOAK. MICHAEL OIU. WILLIAM CLAA9AEH. CliESGENT / HOTEL RUDOLPH SPIEGEL •; (PitprlMer.) 0 Aod JS 8. me wt st. NorO rioloMd CHOICE WBfES, LIQUORS AN'O'SEOARS. Regular and Tran weal Boardejt. ba* Hitterboacb hartns left m^bad and wsxArsessy >i Servo »y acrenint aa I will no longer DO YOU REALIZE Whnl a '.hang* has l>wn coming over tho iboe basinosa of Into. Got the prioc of a.pair of shoo* to day, put tbdfn along aide tlio prioo of any aimilnr pair of a few reasons ago, too what a change to jour ad- vantage. Tho manufacturer* intend to keep thrao factories boay. They drop their profits, wo drop ours. SEVEN FRESH STYLISH NEW LINKS- OF OXFORD TIBS. just arrived from factory. Last yoar gave good satisfaction at |1.88 por p*ir. fife say this year ftl.48. Look at Them. DOANE & EDS ALL That Long-felt Want-vis . First-class Millinery Department. IN PLAINFIELD Wl an Sew Tort K,Ma ofkau Bad BbbbbU bob be bad .1—w.jwob'iSto, at Sww York pncaa bat >UI aa; la» kx tbal la rbai ibe haodrada of worn aa; aba bare aeea oar atoak. la bale* ncoMelbll; aappU»> ^ MaaU'a nr itaeil. Ooa -Ml will eoflviac. to. ot P. lact If ye. are aot alraad;. We eoatlaae lo ad. lay aad Ua« OaryoU abora »0e. free, auept Mo. qaalta, lor a abort lima loogar. iryoa BMd aaytbia, la Croetary ar Hoaaalbralibla, Uaa, It aU j>ay roe to vail Belli n opm oar aea Hooaarara^bla, Daeutmwt lo the —‘ ar Bboa Departtaeot la Jaat brim full ot naa 8prla( Puotaaar rt*»t up If tyte.qaallt) aad prt»

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Post on 03-Oct-2020




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Page 1: tm - · Irlior MftcClutiiint laiet appear temporal lly •» direct*!1, and wield the baton utithtliu prace of a c iml (jJIJwm He freely encored. T r


I l i ;f "'



t b i Cornl* Orthrttra Coseert la

Cmno, Ul t S-.thX, WM • Ptrfwt SB

" . . . I I wu • CoBtlaul I r n

A large and v-ry .highly delight-etxiie c e n t In the Caul no, laat n\('

laileet the orchestral concert gj»«>nP. LntlwigConde. The latter was(•]--• i! by nla Young, Hen'* SymplnOrchestra, a New Vork Oi "

Prote r WE MacClvmom, W. A . Jfndson, WInm N. Uiriow, KnAff.w Nebel, MViolet Truell and Clarence MilC lHronce L Eicfc W^B accompaniM.

The overture was Ros8lui% "WilliamTVU." Tiitfae wlio havti heart' (he sum•eleciion by Seidl and DaroroBchliny theirs "as no tietler. Tbe vlda.-t bj Muw Truell and her tearMr. Conrie, was mi excellent eieeathighly appreciated aiid heartilycoivil. The piano 81>l°' "Capriceb y P r o f e s s o r M C i J i " "

alher cilleremleruip •hir-li *a» tnoron^liiy *hijed mid rreqiiPiiilv Mentioned. PiIrlior MftcClutiiint laiet appeartemporal lly •» direct*!1, and wieldthe baton utithtliu prace of a c iml(jJIJwm He freely encored. Tr<.riiet solo, "Ii.ll)iaiqin<us," RossuiMn»ierpicM, wos rendered by WillisK. Ifrtrlnw. wlio Is a perfect wonrltand .'ne (if the hcnt oornerlPts In tlworld. Sir. .Hndsf.-n'a1 renderingAria, from "Tue Ureilion," nas ol

t'unile's pupils,wtiorlurjng their playiConvinced evtryonp Q( bis excel Je»!)ilitica as (i teacber. Their selirUaus Iroui •-Muillia," and il brought i.K.'ii meiited encores (The violin solo,bull air. with variallims, by M>Ctireneo Mills, aao lift popM, wasoiher rlPVT rendering wliirh tooknell. The zillipr sdhM liy Anrfr—Kebel were sumpihiiiff new 'o a I'lnUi'fl auiliem-\ ami lompfiSed Bud rtii-uli liui eitvlleL.JBXBcuttani frii:uri;»t»iler and Strauss. Mr. CondTiolm solo, • •fmiiasia 'de Bulle'l" B

ml a Ilia.iJ (i(p|pi^"uitJii ^" .••»- .... .programme, wWch was aaopity Clio*In us di'iuila to snii all who were jin«nt Tue only objection Iliat anyoCadld liave cffr-rei) war to ttie length ofIi. which detained tlie hearers paitheir usual lioar*. This, however, witlitlr own iHiiU, fur Uiej called BO oil*for ent'ores lliai ilie programme ttouti'ri be implied Winer, A great i-rfflent wlio liml never liear.l MC'inde before. He I captured a.'l ol

led liin elf pIjturera.

ulio ailcndtd" for thetiuu and'free cay ofbho

s TBTJ gratiBO well ai>

- . " Courier want ,,.h p j j .

iven i y Fcurt$s:n

A Inches it ihcluc of each cA Iwausiful phoipgiaphic VIEW*J World1, Fair j in the Whin

J «ll th« But of • M.n.

excttqment occotred »tii,e ftrateriiily VAaXt on&H ni*ht, rnneil tiy the

f 9 lamp Tne 1

in t bl It

nmmetictd Lu B|.ntitr and Iry, scariiic

Juliet., run in and wijii « vv\. eloih ex-tlBgiiithfld Hie biBir in the nick ofUiue, [..-evrnling a r|iUBlro|.lie.


A J*i>1 j" HI Tnoleji La., waitery nl(«lih WlWM colic «ben M G. Ti«ler,pruujliieirt tneruliatiL nf the luwn itav_ht-r u oottle of (^iimberlaiu'a Colii-,tholcra mid DiwrboBi Remedy. Hesain xlie «in well iii luny uiinutes »Jutaniiit; tlie Brat dose. For sule 1Rewiold1* Kharin«ej, 1'ark and Son•vvuue, T. S. Arm»lrong,Manager.


Two thousand people are

reading T H E C O U R I E R .

- Some one;of them may be

the very p a n you want

when you-'wanl a want.


Crowd! Attnd the Pair I: bj tlit W i n of tb* Church u d

Thommgblj lojoj Ih ra i i lm.

The attendance al St Joseph'* fiwblch I* being beld In Saeoger Hall,

unusually large' laat uiglit. Tbiiy stale of affairs WM caused bresence of tbe Union Cornet ii»n.New Brnnawici^wbo, sixteen mei

strong, bad marched Irom the cornerof Park' avenue and Sixth Street to tb<ia.ll, playing as,Hiey came along.

The band, which 1* composed In a!>f thirty players, I* quite woll-koowi

are played at Coney Island and Ii."ew York city for various 'estiva!*Ud have liikc'n part in several Inugurals at Washington. Tliuseofthc*nd present last evening were Assertlyman W. F Harking, leader; Wimo Harden, B Hat cornet; John Fran

ohu Dunnlgan, B and William StlnerJ Hut clarwieis; Wtjliara McGovern

alto; Willmni Fewier, second altoi Ginason and John Sheridan, flrssecond itlidelronilione; James liarbaritone; James Welali and Gtore<eman. !••-•'. and second bass; M>>n, W. O'Connor and J. Djuluy

jnnjf the evening the band gaviexcellent concert, and r-lnyttTig oilier airs, plantation and col

melodies, tbe PrinreRs ROYH•H-liolllsclle, "Daisy B-ll," anil pojini

-n^so/ibe day, wltile W. F. llar.l

H.i Tim PUr Prodamd la Bute Hull Vtia th*

4o.p.c« of tht Cathollfl T«mnc • • • ' *

L ; M U , a SncMU.-! Lam Aadlne*

PERSONALIA.. Arthur Carrington, of East Fro

street, who has been away on ft visj returned boi

WertphaJ, if Liberty a

urea thet aolo.

iber Miller, wji«

i i - H i - i i i

, the <

o large ifiBeiiL-e, (larii

ruwd was Iabout.luhere «

was midnight before

e band r

Mtl .1 fui their liu

Hiss T. Wuith, Mi.*MshandMr. Bailey will take part,I begiren, while toroorrow and ' "

PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS.—George Ricluer, the barber,

d not change hie location

ranged lhal no one can enter his es-biishmeut without the bell ringing.—The ellrPweH of temperature yes-

were B4 and 41. On the same81 year they were 61 and 43.Tt:e

lie iwo days was 33 while the

—The sale of tickets for "The Gr1 ha» already assur ed ttie Qiiaicceas of tbe undertaking, and

—Owing to gome misunderstand!ilodge of the Junior On

tltuted at Scotch Plat ti!.;!r. Several members ol •liuHeld socieiiea went to Scol

lojuiuluttie fesuvitles, butned b (rd

—Great preparations are oemg madhe Colored Y. W. C. A (onoedirpuny to be held in Central EIHIL Urow and Friday mghL Tbe I'rehi Mr, {•':• !,.T II sparing n!« to make the o<'casion a great e\iti. Good mosie will t,« a leature all.tiling I-JT a pleamini llmu lias bet


presentation of a. play by member*tbe Catholic Yonns: Men's Lycenm

, assisted by a tew or tbelr ladTbat they were not disap

Minted at tbe effort* of tbe performerswa* evidenced by the almost cootiniapplause and laughter with whichvarious good points Of tbe play ireeved.

The play had to do with a yoMrl about to lie mirricl, rtnse'li•ommtts highway robbery in order rie may give ber a wedding prt>»Is he gives her the money, tbe acteen and ibe luckless swain Is *elis.! consigned to prison, from wblciveninally he IB released and pardonexiirongti ibe efforts of tbe girl herself

The play abounded In strong sitaationiand all the pans were well takenJlmrles J. Ward, Conn Guinee, II. J^Fhln and Miss May Paismore can-}

The cast of characters was us fol

M BaeenBl O'Grady M. J.nashlnBeamish MCCOBI. . . . ; C GninetMujor Cuffin Wm. J. O'Uoui


West Fourth streets, i* very »icfc at 1bome with consompttoD.

.. Alexander Fraiee, of Watcb u1 venue, *tao went soma time ago to

Lonl*,bas returned bome.and Mrs. L. Compton, of We*

Front street, returned latt eveninfrom a visit. In New York.

.. William Brower, of Wa-tchL „e, ha* erected to Edtrard Pound tbuse at Fifth and Sycamore streets.. .Uncle Dan Roberta, of North uve, returned last nlgbt from a vjith relative* in Bridgeport, Con nee

Cut.rr. and Mm. Frank Llnke,

Somerset street, having a house <Vashingion avenue, will move Into>[ once.

. .The home of Mr. and Mrs. T. II'unily, ot Johnston avenue, wa* madappy ibis morning by the arrival. little daughier.

. .Robert Rash more, of Grant a'ne, has just Dongbt a new borse foringle driving which Is mid by some>e tlie nicest ID the city.

Mrs. James Rsdln, of North ai% who was taken suddenly *ick M

r,i; days ago, is Just able to beagain - -


JohnU'iiklow Carmi

—Clii*. J ^"arrel, Andy Began, Lana'y, Irish Peasants Mil

,,gms, Charles Lang, Edward Del-ehanty, Wm. Winn.

Arrah Mullah., Uiss May Passmore" iy Powers .Mies Julia Day

y :.MUBB Kate ('mlPe»8ant Girls, Ulss M Churcu

ss M Uouley, MISBH Flatlej-.M

•ring tbe play, Tim McCartL'al donkev made his app^uraie<t to an Insti jaunting car, a

members of the



The continoemy, blacksmitltig belonging t'

ie mill prop-small dwell

n Valley Mil

M. See, The [inr-J Ice K I Uol<

irage Company, at 81 ,225. Theyve not yet decided what they will d<t

wirb it. By a permiaslmu of Mr See thesale of the mill and other property were

separately aod Jaier logethir, wit)iuuderstandiBg thai the highest biu10 be tak«n. .-ioi-i separately thejmrcels brongbt £1,1^0, but to-

ler lor 81,225. This settled tbe1.1 (Joddrogton estate wbich has re-named undivided since 1B65.

ss Wanda, to exa

West Froband lor


»8l f>

p h was ge t t i g

out from a point near the baseecond finger a needle winds badavelhiiK about Ibe llesb [or tbeur year*. It was only when itearer the .surface of tbe skinhe nerves terminate that It be-roublesome.

-—The of tlieBt-eived l>y a

Uit:u.l>era- 'of Uuvet

msierable . '

—Al the meeting of thePoiuJ o i m ( 10 Iw lield

Hidd. ill Ueilv


I'UllglllCTtt i g h t , H

* them lomeeting MKIH from

IIIII Monday m^l.t, luLiederkranz may have

night for thtmnelves. In case IheilfM should rt-luse to do thm, theH the

Lerkrajic «ih lie crmp^lled (o ob-oiher quarters, because their leaderi it inijioaaibJe to give them insirac-in and singing on any other Dighl.

•AINFIELD MANUALTE*IH:HGBCBOOL.A desire haa been eipreased by someends o( the school that it sboold bept open during the Hummer. Thosestung to join classes in Drawing,anual Training and Natural Historyu oumin particulars from John Dal-rf :ui'j East Front street at the schoolon over the Fnands1 Meeting House.


. U n who Ii ed In tba

of,er bouse oo Narmouy straelved her iamlly yehierday to the

of Wai

Wared through Lyraan•rts, John G. Musgravt

f frieudB at having secured a v<.rnage borse which lie will sooi


R. F. Fenno,of Walchung s•a belong

Male estateue. The deal wasroujfh Mulford'f agenrv..The Independent Order of Ode

adies will recoive s, visit May 14, fronic Lady Insirocior, the Uigbt Wonhjoverness, from Boston who comes Uspect the work in this city.. .Mayor E. E Anderson ancj T. L

f I l b1, of 1een here a Tew t tbe ini

Mutual Building Loan Aiition wilj leave for home tomorrow.. .Rev. S. I. Baldwin, D. D., a•e of Somerset connty, tor iarB a missionary In China, andnnected wuh tbe Methodist Missioo-y Society, will BpeaK tonight inGE Church.

. .At the last meeting of the Fi'rt-tbtly Whist Olnb for Ibis seasonlied was held at (he residence of EFaber, Bockview avenue, tbe priie

' the highest score was awarded', and Mrs. Harvey Phillips. Tbeire consisted ol a dcz»n flue photo-• i'iis of tbe World's Fair wbtcb wereten by Harold Serrell. The clnb de-ic-il to have a couple of excursionsring tbe Summer, and tben adjournedtbout date.

L theEED A V0l e e t i u g /o l Som

a t i . . ri[ i:s itik« w a s u imnusly tendered to ibe Itev. J.Itunmrdson, pastor ol ibe Park AviBnpii*l Church, for tbe estellentmult wbiL'li he preached to the Juiln»l Sunday eveniOB.

IN JDDOB CODSWTOH COUXT.William H. Cartiile, wbo suld be wai

1 [•niisin of the Hecrelary of tlie Trea*try. wa* arraigned lor beirR drunk Kinllsorderly. Oo conillllon of hi* leavinilie i-lty, Bcnienco waa suspended.

—Ttie slide* of tbe Waierbury Cam-era Clubwnlth are to be sbown nextweek in this city, arc tbe last in tlieInterchange eerie*, and after tbe fif-teenth ot thia month, those sent oat bytbe I'lftsriUelrJ Club will be received and

THE BANK WISS THE C U EThe Brat case tried today In the Su-

Court list at Elizabeth, w&* theif the City National Bask, of

ainBeld, vs. Qeorge W. Williamsond nineteen others. Tbe case emme1 at the last term, when tbe defend-ils refused lo admit their signaturesoday In opening the case, Craig A.arsb for the plaintiff, slated that he

ad served notice on tt6 other sidetber to admit their ilgnatures or to

d tb" expense or his obtainingI tine w hero. This be said broagbt1 to terms, and they nowadmllted

their sgiBinres. It remained, how-ever, for tbe bank to prove tbe stgns-inresofE. Bennett &. Son, mdorsera,wbo lived in the West and could not

if-e.i f attend c There was


his, but Oasbler Arnoldto it "We rest," aald coun-

Tbetotled hy fraud.

as that tbe.3,000 were

fraud washat tbe bank's counsel only


roved that the bank wa* Innocent snd>k the note* in good faith. Tbe

lurt WM •boot to )esr« tbe c u t to tl eJury, when Mr. Harib insisted that hewa* entitled to have the court directibe jnry lo OndaTerdlct In tbe bank'*favor for the loll amount claimedwithout leaving tbelr •««'•. He didnot want to take any cbaocri aboutwhat s jury might do wnen he repre-sented » rlcb bank against a lot ofiirmcrt. He banded up a decision toibe court, and tbe court granted hi*motion and ordered a verdict accArd-Insly. Charles Hyde, President; Ella*It Pope, Vice President- W. T. Arnold,Oaabier, and J. B. Coward, of ibeBoard of l'irectors, were present atthe trial, and natorally were mQcb (rat-ified over the result.



ELIZABETH, Msy 3 —A terrifflc explosion occurred at eleven o'clock thiamorning in tbe new Rogge building onMorris avenue, when a part of tbe roo

-i I a side of the bntiding were blowi

Tbe bnlliflng was occupied by DrakeSOD, real estate agents, and John

Bogge, tbe owner. When the explo-sion occurred tooa of brick fell to tbewall. The orcupanta rosbed to the«reet tor their JiFes in a cload Ol flying

Tbelr eacape from Injury was narrow.Tbe building nngbt flre, bat tbe flameswere by hard work extinguished. Theexplosion was doe to the accumulated

accidentally set on flre, It Is^bi, by electric wlrea. The loas

will be beavy.


WASHISOTON, May 2— ThU moraine1.1' Gen. Ouxey wa* at court in lot< r .•is of tbe commonweal cases, be w>~rrested on the charge of trespuaing 0ie Cafiiol ground*, and Injuring cetkin plains abd shrnba. Judge Milleted bis ball at 8S00 which was fluatiimisbed by a liquor dealer.

FuamJ'trnrr K)W«iBfnMli,r»Uv Mmy I. at Sp. m.

at Crprev liUin. on Prldar.

BPIELD-In North Pla._r Ut. ISM. LJII1P A- daiisbitrr or Mn

—_T A. tua ihe late John WakeHrHd.Funeral rrom Orace Molhodlai Cburcb

Park place. Prlds r War *">. *t l.attJJ. n . In-termentln E r<rm«) Cem»- —


IDon't think that

Peck is Asleep!Becaase be doe* not say maeb. Come to his htore, see tbe new good*, get

prices, see the buyers, and aee the goods going onL .

Oh ! Peck is Not! Askpp.

The Pyramid Stands ^he Highest.

lonsekeepersHAVE YOG USED

I • Attention.

- ; f f NOT, JUST; •

VANTED. —Ain ii

HEKE ASS THERE.- Carey Ins a big suction sale ariday, which be wants the people t

now about,—On Friday evrnlng Hay 9, an ennalnmeut |* to be given in the Parlrenue Baptist Ghorcb, by tbi'omen's Foreign Missionary Society

t wblch some lantern slides will betorn.—Another reainre which will a<

ie interest of Pangh Caajsh Naugbnqne fair is a yearly cummoters lirki1 New York. This will arouse the iirest ol' the many wQo find such an ade userul in tbe their daily trips.—At Hie next meetlog of the Boat

" Governor* ofibe Crescent W heel metle matter ul forming a base ball teaill be discussed. In case a teamotten on, it is understood tbat B. A.egeman Jr. will undertake its maijemenL—At the meeting of tbe Pl«lu8el•mera Ulub last night, a committee• naming of Secretary H. H Cowardid J . Hervey Doane waa appointed toblaiu a room in which to show tbeides of the Wsterbary Club, wblcbive been received. The slides will betown tbe Dret of next week.—Persons who appreciate the luxy of good nutritions aud bealthfo

read naturally waul to know where tcif baking powder which will make It.e pyramid baking powder I* tbatid. Samples an

way by Mr. Atbi

pnow being given

nia at F. W. Dunn'sn Park a

[Um White, of North Plainfleld,Sebrlng's Mills last nigiu 01

grlng expedition. While busy withb bis hone walked home and left himdo the same although be wai

rom head to foot, the result 01 bisled involuntary bath. Bat be got

IR SAI.E — Desirable Iwo-slory andFrench roof houte, 117 E»st Stslh »tr«tBroadway. Five minutes easy walk

Station, excellent neighborhood, house. . . j iM parlor, dining-room, kilchen, laun-

dry six bedrooms «nd bath. Apply lo own-r Mrs Frank, Urange, N.

lo F.. C. Mulford or W. A. Woodruff,I, Plainfield. 4 '9 3m°

riOK SALE—Cedar pos« »nd ocu pole*.V E. Sebring, Mioning't garble yrd. If


ummer MillineryThe latest New York and Paris Ideas

•trained Hals and Bonneta, Fridayay 4th, at 107 East Front street, op-nlte Park avenue, up stairs. Im-rted India silk dress patterns, no two


with Daniel Froliman

he Gray MareThe Liwnm The«tr« BawM will

The CASINOnurtday Evening May 3rd.Ticket" may tie obtained at tbeitotry Olnb and at Reynold's andgg«tt's Pbannacloi, tlao rrom-mem-ra of the Company.

Admiss ion - $1.

• or OHIO. Crrr or Touoo,} —*BK jcCH"«5.SS"Sik^ wtii that h« 1. J. B. WlbJon, 371 City BL, Sh»n*


rii™ cftv"if<To'iSr.!r burg, Fa^ says he will not be without7 ,hu count'r *«" »'«• »io"»w. •od lh"' •""« Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump-itirbM- nrm,r^lJ'V»it l fJ T <S« or c*-' "on, Ooagb* and Cold*, that It curedin n. r < ^ ' , , , 'R ,h,r cinnnr* i» cured 61 tb« w of his wife wbo wa* threatened with Pnoe-

ideMJItj'. aod a.l uttiio

' r s i u n t j . CKflworn tobetortm* and «ub«rirfW) in tnr

. rwn.c Itali Mh da) Ot tJ««, A. OA. W. OLEiBON,

S-.turj- futile.

I pbysiciaus bad done her no good,-loberl Barber, of Oooksport, Pa.,claim* Dr. King-* New Discovery ha*done htm mor« good than anytbing beever used Tor Luna: Trouble. NothingRkeiL Try i t frm Trt»i BoUJea at

Street, PlainOeld, N. Jb o t U ^ U c t u d i l .w.

filing in .1. Peebl

DAYS »oing. tak

Eisl Third B

ed.—Washing and ini or go out, by respe

Addreu A. L-, 4

WANTF.IJ— P l u u n l home Mid ,cue for aged lady for ihe Sum

befit of reference! jriven and required.Home, ca.e Courier. 5-

PNKUMAT1C Safety,sale or »ill exchang

• b E Y V i l

Ask your Grocer for a FREE: SAHPL5 CAH. | -

FRED. W. DUNN,gTheGrocer, Park & North km.HDd fret a enn FREE. !"><• it, nod 1..- con<iit««d of its merit. It il the

BF8T and STRICTLY PURE. rromoteB UijtcBtion, and'ii dcttincd to Iwcome a favorite. The price will suit

the Times.—i—1-

W ILL cichapge sewing mv:new, for ladies bicycle.

1 Boice 107 Easi Fronl ittei

WANTED Immediately—Jgeneral housework. Cat

NTED—A good refriaeralor,tonable. with wjter lank prefe

mily. Address. Hsffigerator, Courier

FEW gentlemen II'a.k aven-e.

A Private family would like to tike » fewboarders. Three large liry rooroj, good

table and first-class neighborhood. Withinteven minulu of depot. Addre*4, P. M. D

WXNTtD^For lio or thieTionthi »good saddle horse and to drive Jingl)

inyone Kt»ng «way. Horse will have goot

P. 6. liol 10, Netherwood, N. f. ! I

quired. Address P. O. Bi 353.

CRNISHED ROOMS with or withbd f ihinged cen1

LD PAl'EK for carpet lining • '

•- Appl.

h* Thom block, all. ir Somerwt u d Craig

Al«. Thorn, 2J Somerset





A n d « .Can Fit








B u M

From t l to

$3. AUSiiei



We have added to o

Fancy Hals and Lace Caps at Priceswithin tbe reach of all

Glieniisettes,are all tbe rage. We have them In


Ladies1 Rib Vests from 12c, Up,One luorlmeirt or White Goods,

Ginghams, Russian Dock, Linens, Out-ings, Laces, Notion*. Handkerchiefstod Linings la np to tbe time* MIX



selling fast, <upi and Sana

y a few or theleft at 39eta.


PA88AIC VALLEY DAIBY.PCM ULE rrom J « ? e r t at

j Cream la rlota and punptl t l d d tOrdtn br n*U jr.mplij u


H. Clarence Hodleyj


THE BALLthat was te have been held for the'


H A L LApril 26, DA been poctpooed

j . - . to.MayB.





70 ami ;i S nit. » Koiih IllinflfId


Regular anil Transient

To whom, it 7Marth.1 wlhb

aj/Cil.unch h»vinir left m^bed u dJuit (SUM or prorocalion. Iall perfcon- not lobarboror

DO YOU EEJALIZEWhat a =haiigo has been coming over tho «hc« bnatnera of late. Getthe price of a. pair of elioes to day, put thofn alon^ side tlie price ofany «niilar pair of a few Eeasons ago, toej what a change to your ad-

tsge j ' 'g j j ,The mannfacturere intend to keep tJhr»e factoriea bnay.

drop their profits, we drop oure. «|SEVEN


st arrived from factory. I*ast year gav^ good satisfaction at, (1.88per pair. jVVe Bay this ye«x t l ' . t S . (

Look al Them.

DOANE & K1>S l l . I ,

That Long-felt Want-visA First-class

Millinery HepaHiuent.

IN PLAINflELDWl>«ra New York ItvlM of bat* and bonnet* «tn tw had at—w^Jwon'l^aj

at New York price*, bat will *ay lea*—for that 1* what the hnadrodi of womenay wbo Q»TB *e«D oar Mock. I* being raccewTallj •applied tit Edttll'i new

ilepartment. Ona vialt will eonnnw yon of thi» latt ifjon are not already.Wo coutinaetomake, lay and lino Carpet* aoove SOo. free, except Mo-

qneite, for a >bort time longer. - ' <iryon need anything In Crockery or Hoaaelbrntailing line, It will na; jam

to wait noUl we open oor new IloaaefurnUhing DepaMment In tbe BabcoctBlldlaf. Ererftalnt; new, fresh and at the loweei prico*.

Oar Shoe Department I* ju«t brim fnU of new Spring Footwear right up Tdata in »tj}e. qnalitj and price.



COCRIER WAST AD VS. PAY. fP)e Paittfield fonfiet



Ykt C«4* Orthretra Coacrrt la U« Cana*. Ust *>«*«. *u * FnfretM* CMS.—It m a CNtUul Treat Tran First to last A large and v»ry highly dullgblwd andi* c* aat la (he Chslno, laat night, and f.»r three hours eotoyed to I bo fullest tbo orchestral concert given by P Ludwig Conde. Tka latter *u tt- by tils Young Mens Symphony Orchestra, a New York Orcbestn of twenty fire pieces. Professor W. E MacCltOont, 'V. A . Had*on, WII litm N. Hinow, Andrew Nebel, Ml»a Violet Trnell and Clarence Mills. Clarence L E'ek w.-s accompanist The overture waa R-wnm's, "William Tell." Tn«*fte who have heard the same selection by Seuil and Darorooch, •ay tlielm a as no belter. The violin dart by Miss Trnell and her teacher, Mr C'otfc, waa an excellent execution, hivhiy appreciated anil heartily sr- eored. The r-fan" •■Capnccio." by |*rofesaor M«cCljrw*nt and orcbea tr», whs another excellent pi.-oe ol rendering ablch »»» tiorough'y en lnteii and frequently iflenli»*oed. Pro- /•■••or MneClj moot later appeared temporal Ur aa director, and wielded the baton withtlio gr««-e of a <• .mine OiLnore He am frcslv encored The r«r»iet solo, '■Indammatsa." Rnsnmi a Mnsterpfcre, was rendered by William N. Bartow, who la a |K*rfect wonder, and one of the ln-*t oornellfts la the world. Mr. lludwna tendering of Aris, from "Tue CreHiOn," ana ala.

fpcclnl-Interval wan- assured when the Young Men s Symphony Orche-rra was announced. Tljese were Mr l onde'spupils,whoder|og tlielr plavmv «.nit-laced everyone of bis excellent rulltics as a teacber Their avlmion »j« ir<.in "Maltha." and it brought aril raciited encores Tb* violins t in air. atth vflrtmlmis, by Master fiucare Mill*, ano lo r pupil, was an- ©•her ctevr reti«1eri|»K which took ar. The zitber aolos by Andrew Nehel were auibriblug new *o a Plain Bi-id andieiir *. and foinpna.-d 6 IB. oil but excellent from llunfataiW sod Simula Mr ('onde’s Violiu w»to, “Fantasia de Balls't" was Bne. Many cowipHahntary Winstons • ere mad :' to I*, attef the concert was •ter. The audience ga'fl every evidence of a heati) npprcciatlhn of the whole plot;ralame, wfcjeli w^s rianpiiv cboaso In us details to suit ill who were i-rev ent Tue only objection that anyone Could have offered was to the length of It. whnh detained the hearers pas*, their usual hours. Tbis, however, waa their own lault, for they called ao oltsn for encores Hint the programme could Dot lie finished aounef. A great uiar »*re present who bad aerer heard M C1 mde before lie captured oil of H ero, ami auatalaed himself per redly with former hearer*. He wishes to thank those who attended' for their kind apj .reel Hi on a ml'free way of show- Mr Ponde's brat concert in a d lor Its saci caa he dr- greac deal of credit, for he has very bard. It waa very grati- to kuow that be waa ao well ap- aied in return lor it.


‘ Courier wan! ad« fij.

Q'll'e a little ex '.:i|nicnt occurred at the meetirg of u.e Fraternity tlnb on North arena* la*t nl^hf, can sod by the peculiar tenons of s lamp The co'- ©red Janitor was trying to blow It out wtiei. i. Dashed up to tbe ceil mg und •ouimvtietd to sputifr ami irv, scaring tbe roan near.y wLlte. lie nn to oerms trm hall an*i ipid some men who were there line] of them, Frank Jones, ran in and wtjti a wet ,-lotb ex migbwheal H e baqc id the nick ol Mm.-, preventing a catastrophe A10TH1B BUUC 8001

llannonlx-d Mefadn a was aurh a gie»l sure ea« I hut »? I.av« secured another tsluabljs mtinr book known a* ••I’"polar Melotliea t T«U last Includes Ijf He* announce- t In l sorrow's Courier. A li'ly st T«ok>>4 Ls . was very sick Wjib bilious colic thru M C TiaJer, a prominent mem I ml of Hie town gave her i» Doiila ..f aiBknMrt Cade Cholera and Darr|o i Remedy He says sue was well Id lorty annates alter taking tue Drat dos*. For safe hv Remold's Pharmacy, Park and Sonb •venue, T. SJ. Armstrong.Manager.



Two thousand people arc reading The COURIER. Some one of them may be the very plan you want when you want a want.

BENtFITTMG ST. WSTPh'S CHURCH Crowd, Atuad Ik hu U I by tk. UdiM VO. ( Thormchlr l.J-T Tha htteodonee hi St JOMph’d (hlr, which U h«ln* held In BnenKcr Hall, was unusually large' last night Tbis bappy slate of sffairs was caused by Iheprraeace of the Colon Comet Baud from Sew Brunswick,who, sixteen men strong, bad marched irom tbe corner or Park aveoue aud Sixth street to the ball, p’aylng as^tber came along. Tbe band, which Is composed In o!l of thirty plsyera, Is quite well-koowa ihrougboot the country. Its members have played at Coney Island and in New York olfy for various 'estiva!*, and have taken part in several In- augurals at Washing!on Tbvee of tna band present last evening were Asse lily man W. F Harking, leader; Wil- l am Harden, B Bat cornet; John Frau els and John Lvoeh, E flat cornets; John Dannlgsn, II and William Siiner, E flat clar.oneis; Wjlliaio McGovern, drat alio; William Fwister, second alu» John Gicaaon and John Sbaridao, first .d second slide irondione; James II per, baritoue; James Welsh and George Liudeman. fir>l and second bass; M Nort- n, W. O l onoor and J Hoalby, iims and symbols. During the evening Ibo band gave excellent concert, and played long other airs, plantation and col- lege mrlodin*. the Princess Royal Schottiache, “Ihtiay B- ll," and popular songs of tbe dsy, while W. F. Harden favored ifce audience with a very pretty comet solo. At the eonc!a*ion of tbo concert, tbe members of tbe hand wrre taken to ihe residence of Father Miller, where ibey »cre royoi j emeriameo. Daring their temporary absence, dancing wwa enjoyed, bul U o crowd was so large it waa difficult move about. When Hie band returne«l, its m< in tiers were made lu feel at home, and it was midnight before they d« partid ror Uielr homes Tonigot, a programme consisting of eitstlons by Jobn Carney and Charles Ward, a solo by James Hailey, and trio, lu which Mias T. SjitQ, Mbs Waish and Mr. Bailey will lake part, III be given, while tomorrow and rfat arday afternoons, tha fair will U thrown o|»eo without charge to th* sefiool children of Plainfield and the Borough


AsspMM af tbs Catholic Issue In i Lyessa, a tacesss. A Largs Aaiisacs Zsjsrs Its PrsssataUoa. A very fair used audience gathered In Music Hall last night to witness tbs presentation of a play by members of the Catholic Young Men’s Lyceum of this city, assisted by a lew of tbelr lady friends. That they were not disap- pointed at ibe efforts of lb# performers was evidenced by th* almost contlnuoos applause and laughter with which tbs various good points of tbe plsy were Tbe play bad U> do with a young rl about to be married, whose lover commits bighwsj robbery In order that be may give her a wedding present. As be give* her tbe money, tbe set is seen and tbe locklem swain Is srixed and consigned to prtsoo, from wblch event daily be la released aud pardoned through the efforts of the girl hereell. The play abounded in strong s'laation* and all tbe parts were well taken, Charles J. Ward, Coim Gu

Arthur Carrington, of East Front I ..Fred Westphal, of Llbwrty sod West Fourth street», Is very sick at his borne with consumption. .. Alexander Fra see, of Watcbang avenue, who went some time ago to 8l Loots, baa returned borne. . .Mr. and Mrs. L Compton, of West Front street, returned last evening from a visit lu New York. ..William Browwr, ofWalcbuocave- nue, baa erected to Edward Poflr.d tbe house at Fifth and Sycamore streets. . .Tode Dan Roberta, of Sonb ave- ue, returned last night Rom a visit with relatives in Bridgeport, Connecti- cut.


Carhln and Mias May P, Ing off the honors of tbe ■ The cast of characters lows: C<>l Bsgenal U'Orady... Beamiah .MrCoul Mujor Cofflo ‘^vnceaoi Michael Feeney. Shaun, the Poet,

e*rr> V as for

w M J.Casbto ..C Go.nee J. O’Co Tnoaf utnmerford Jobn Whalen i»w Cai —Cfiafl J Ward

PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS —George Richter, tbe bartier, derided not change bis location I donieraet street, sad will remain under bis Cve years' lease. —J. ifervey Doane. the Park avenue jeweler, has had the coooectious of a •mal electric bell placed id the floor at o bis store which la ao arrange<l that no one can enter bis es- tablishment without the bell ringing. —Tbe extremes of tem;>eratnrw yes- terday were M and 47. tin tbe Rame date last year they were 61 and 43.Tte difference between the maximum de- o days was 33 while the diff reuce In tbe mean amounted to 18 degrees. And vet yesterday wai Mb —The sale of tickets for “The Grey are" has already aaaur ed tbe finan- cial success of tbe undertaking, and to i id eased some of toe rehearsals, tbe artistic excellence ol the perlormancu lias been placed be jui.d a doubt Tbe lull dress rvbearaal ill lake place tonight, and will be en- tirely private Owing to some misunderstanding, lodge of tbe Junior Order United American Mechanics waa itoted at Scotch Plains night. Several members of the i'.aibfivid societies went to Scotch Plains to Join lu tbe festivities, but r«- urned be me greatly disap|HMnl«d —Great preparations are wing made by tbe Colored Y. M. G. A lor tee din- party to be held in Central Hall lo- rn w and Friday mgOL The I’renU i Mrs Job ma Flalier is sparing no :* u» make the occasion a great sur- l Guod music will be s Ivsture atd evey thing lur a plesaaiil time bas betii provided. — fby mrmliera of tbe Crescent Wheelmen received by mail ibis morn- kuruitwrabip licke

O ny Parrel, Andy Regan, Patsy, Irish I'cssants.. IDggibs, Charles Lang, Edward Del- ebanty, Wm Wlnfi. Arrab Mullah.... Miss May Passmore y Powers Hiii Jolla Day K-tiy Miss Kute ( alien Ir.nh Peasant Girls, MIm M Churchill, M-sa M Dooley, S|lssD Plotley.Misa L. (Juinn. Daring the play, Tim McCsrty'i mu Heal donkey made hiB appvarnbet fnicbcd to an lns|i Jannung car, an< at'icd.liia part well I'rofrasor Gutlmnt iiirni*hrd the masle between tbe sct» and bis orrbestra played well The members of the Lyceum deserve to be congratulated upoo ib^ success whtcb tbelr efforts Were received

Tb* continued sale of tbe mill prop- erty, blacksmith shop and small dwell Ing belonging to tbe Green Valley Mill proprrfy, or tbe Coddlrtgion estate, was b. Id yesterday aliemooo by Master Chancery W. G. M. See. The par- chaser was tbe Plaisncbl Ice and Storage Company, at gl They have not yet decided whal they will do wlb It By a permiaalou of Mr dee the sale of the mill and other properly were put separately sod later logeebir, with the undersisndlug that the bigbewt bit. aa U> be taken rioid ae|>arately (he •o pvrcels brongbt $1,110, but to- gether tor $1,225 This settled the old Goddingcoo estate which baa re- ned uudivlded since l«6j.

This forenoon Dr. 2^egllo was called by Miss Wanda Hut, ol West Front stree’, to examine ber band lor o troublesome pam which was getting wor>e 11 tie utae, aud in a abort time be drew out from a point near the base of lb* second Unger a needle which bad been travelling about tbe flesh lor the past four years. It was only when It came nearer the surface of the akin here the nerves terminate that It be- came troublesome. P LAIS MELD ■AflUALTEAlElflO SCHOOL deal re has been expressed by some friends of tbe ocbool that it should be kept open during the Hummer. Those tailing to Join olasees in Drawiug, Manual Training and Naloral History uu ootain particulars from Jo*u Dal- xief 309 East Front street at the arboo! room over tbe Frtend*’ Meeting House.

TEVDKBXD A VOTE OF 1BAFK* At tbe meeting /ol Somerset Connell last tight, a vote Af thanks was nnswl- ily tendered to ibe Re L , .'Ill'i.—lut,, B l ,;hurcb , ,b„ .K.lLniror. to Hie house and Krnui.da and lo ah , * games sue Scoria held under the au- •cn-es ol Ihe ciub. Tue D«iel is not rant crahle. —At the meeting of the I'augiiU’ia of Poiol O.ta , .o be held Plight, a iMopoaitloii w | 'ng rrrciveil from the ainfl. id Liedrrkranx aaklm; them io >ange their meeibig night from cduesday until Monday night, in <Jer that tbe Licdcrkranx may bars night for tiiemaeives. In case the -lea should refuse to do this, then tbe Uederkranx mill l>e compelled to ot>- In other quarters, because tlieir leader finds it iui|M<aaibJe io glv« them lustruc- tion in sod sloging on any other night.

IM JVDOM CODDIIflTOEfi COOtr. William If. CarHale, who said be w«s • cousin of tbe Secretary of ihe Tress Si v, was arraigned for being drunk sod disorderly On condition of his leaving the city, sentence was sospeoded.

Washington avenue, will move into nee. -The home of Mr. nod Mrs. T. II Candy, of Johnston avenue, was made bappy this morning by tbe arrival of s little daughter. • Robert Rush more, of Oran’, see- no*, has just bought a new horse lot single driving which Is said by noma !< lie tbe nicest io the city. Mrs. James Radio, of North ave uue, who was taken auddcnlT nek aev. eral days ago, is joat able to be nr again a litUe while at a time. . Mrs. Summer, who lived In tbe CoojF«r boose on Harmony airyrt moved b**r family veaierday to tbi corner of Warren ami Race street a . John If lfeljard, of Brooklyo. ba* secured through Lyman A Petrie's ef- •oris. John G. Mangrove's residence Mercer avenue, for n term of »' 5® W. T Broadway, of 1* Grande avenue, is receiving tne congiatulatioos of fnerol* at having secured a very flqe •amage horse which be will aooo beghi using It. F. Fenno.of Walcbung av*i has (.urehose*! one of tbe bouse# belong- be Male estate on Carl too I'he deal «uh consummated through Mulford's agency. . .The IndepflOdMt Order of Odd Ladle* will receive a visit May 14, from ihe Lady I nil rector, tbo Right Worthy Governess, from Boston who comes to ispeet the work in this cliy. Mayor E E Aodersoo and T. L

..Rev. S. L Baldwin, D. D., a nn- live of Soiuoroel county, for many years a missionary In Cbina, and connected wub the Methodist Mission- ary Hociety, w|i; apeak tvuigbl In Grace ** E Church. Atth* last meeting or th* Fort- nightly Whist dob for tbis acasoi bkb was held at tbe residence of E ro Faber, Rockview avenue, tbe prite for tbe blgbe«t score was awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Phillips. Tbe orlxe consisted of a dcz*n fine photo- graphs of tbe World’s Fair which wen t*kcn by Harold Serrell. The clot d* cided to have a couple of excursions daring tbe .Summer, aud then adjourned without dote TH* BAflE ;«.* TH* Cill.

Tbe first css* tried today In tbe Se- em* Court list at Elisabeth, was tbe suit of tbe City Nstlooal Bank, of Pialofleld, va. George W. Will atnson aud nineteen others. Tbe case came t the fast term, when tbe defend, refused to admit tbelr signatures Today In opening tbe case, Craig A. Marsh for the plaintiff, stated that be rved notice on tte other aide either to admit tbelr signature* or to sfand lb* expense of bis obulnmg proof elsewhere. Tbis be said brought them to terms, and they now> admitted tbe.r s g isiurea. It remained, bow- ver, for the bank to prove tbe signs. ires of K. Bennett A Son, indorsers, ho lived In the West and coaid not be Induced to attend coart. Tbere was a struggle over tbiB, hot Cashier Arnold as equal to it. "We rest.” said coun- sel. Tbe defense pot in was that tbe notes to tbe amoaoi of $3,000 were obtained by frond. Tb* frond was proven, hot tbe bank's coansel only smiled, and on era** examination proved that tbe bank was Innocent nod took the note* in good faith. Tbe court was about to I*-1* tb* o<%s* to t! • Jury, when Mr. Marsh Insisfad that be was entitled to have the court direct the Jury to find a verdict In tb* bank's favor for tb* foil amount claimed without leaving tbelr sear* If* did want to lake any ebanevi about what a Jury might do when be repre- sented s rich bank against • lot of farmer*, lie haoded up a decision to be ronrt, and th* court granted bu motion and ordered a verdict aecArd- logly. Charles Hyde, Preside*t; Ellas R Pope, YIce President; W T. Arnold, —Th* slides of Ihe Waterbary Cam- era Clobwhleh are to be shown next week In this city, are the last in llie ^ # Interchange serle*, and after the flf- '^ j g Coward, of tbe Board of Directors, were present at tbe trial, and nattrally were much grot leeoib ol ibis moo tb, tb Um Plainfield Club will be received and arrangements will be made to show them to tbe po&Uo.

WTATS or OWIO.CITT ■ rTouuo.i I” roro.',", •« l*m« «o ®.ae her Some life harp,, has goSsy a«S S*Me arore^UL ao<I .hat m*

ified over tbe reenlt.

bofor* and Mhwinhrd in mr proaeece. iSla WS day of A. D '•-I'jsrShro. A. W. OLE as iff

© Xoaary Public. £^u.1bro£~atH°lB

ro roro. -r.ronro rm^i. dr m 00. T«roro.o

n SkroU M U Irory Hroro. J. B WUfOB. 871 CUy St, Sb»rj» bnry. P«. ro;i be -111 not be wltboet Dr Kmc'e N*ew Ibeccvery for Cooeenp. tloe, Coagbe eo4 Coble, tbet It cored bla wife ebo eu Lbreeteoed with 1*000- roonlo after ao attack of “Iro Oripfie,- when eortooo other renedloo ood ooror- ol phyairlona hod dooo bar wo good Robert Berber, of Cookaport, I'o., dalma Ilr. Klo*-a New IHaroroecj boa dooe bid more good thee eoytUow be wrer oaed for boon Tremble. Noth Bkoil. Try to - Tree Trial Bottlre L. W. Reodolpk. 1‘bemaalaa, 11 »ro Froot Street, PtmnBrld, K. 1 Imp bottle*, toe and *1.08.


Eutiorra, May J —A lerrlfflc ei- ploelon occorred at alerea o'clock Ibla IO( la Iba BOW Reap belldin* on Morrta aranac, wbea a part of tbo roof aklo of Ibo Dolldleg ware blown Tbe bonding waa occupied by Drake * Son, reel eetate OKeeu, end Jobn Rof/X, the owner. When Ibe eiplo- alon occorred tool of brtek feU to tbe welk- Tbe orcupaata raabed to tbe atreet for tbeir llrca In a clond of Itrioa d.brle * Tbelr eacape from Injory waa narrow. The balkllng ranytil Are, bat Iba flamra were by herd work ejUnfoiabed. The explboion wo* do* to the accumulated gaa, see Mentally set on Are, It is thought, by electric wires. Tha loaa will be heavy.

GEN. COXEY ARRESTED (MPKCIAL TO TUB COCKIER ) Wasm-tOTO*, May 2 —This moraine wb l'Gco. tkixey was at court id iaura of tbs commonweal cases, Os » urreated on the charge or trespassing . tb* Capitol grounds, and Injanng cer- tain plants abd shrubs Judge Miller fixed bla ball at$.MH) wbicb was Anally luroisbcd by a liquor dealer.

HERE AMD THERE _ — Carey bas a Wg anctJon aa'o the people

ffcateSttfcSsjafsm •I ORpreoa HUk. oe Vrtftav.

Wakefield —in ► Tur I& tJfiLgSAi *gsu*m Funeral mvt.rwi from drat* Mrtbndmi ( hurra Park lalaoe. Vr»d«r Mar «L. at Lie w. m. !■- In flvarareea Orw*«j, ElUabeth.

Don’t think that

Peck is Asleep!


non 5ALL;—Very Hoc fic%h cow. L rmce toUinx. Scotch PUmt. s-:-at. ANTED:—Om thoouad door mod window »crccn» to make and repair. 114 West Second street. S-a-4<- WA

J Akt 1TJ

e-.ROOM tut IO Id; new betiding; city fj water. Chailea If. Ilaad.317 Waubuag WANTED.—A ■n Plain held

—Go Friday evening May 9, a lertalnuMut la to be given la the Part Avenue Baptist Chnrrb, by Women’s Porelgn Missionary Society, at which some lantern alidea will be sbovn. — Another feature wbicb will add ike Interest of 1‘angb Cauacb Naugb Mlfjqne fair la a yearly commuters ticket to New York. This will arouse tb* lu tereat of the many wbo find such an ar tlol* useful in lb* the r daily tnpc —At Ui* next meeting of lb* Board of Governor* of ibe Crescent Wheel men, th* matter of forming a haae hall teai will be dfacuaaed. In case a team gotten up, it Is understood that B A liegeman Jr. will undertake da mat agemenL —At tbe meeting of tbe Plain Odd Camera Club laat night, a corns -ooaiaUng of Fecrelary II. H Coward and J . Hervcy Down* was appointed obtain a room in which to show tbe aiidM of tbe Waterbary Clob, which been received. Tbe slide* win be shown the first of next week —Persona wbo appreciate tha lux ry of good nutritious aud bea.thful bread naturally want to know where u find baking.powder wbicb wil] make It Tbe pyramid baking powder la that kind. Samples are uow being gives way by Mr. Albertis at F W Dono'a grocery noose on Park a/enue. —William White, of North Pfaiofleld, went to Hcbrlog's Mills laat night on a gigging expedition. Whi * busy with bis fish bis bora* walked bom* and teflhii do tbe asm* ailbougb be was wet from head to foot, the result ol bis peated Involunfary bath. But ke got lota or flab.

OPENING OF Summer Millinery

The latest New York and Paris Ideas in Tnrnrncd liars and Bonnets, Friday May 4th, at 107 East Front street, op- posit* Park avenue, up stairs. Im- ported India silk dress pattern* no two Mrs. L. Adams,


BY SPECIAL AKRANGKMT with Daniel Fro liman

The Gray Mare p Liwua Ttwif. a

The CASINO Thursday Evening May 3rd.

Tickets may be obtained at lbs Coaatry C*»b »* Reynold*• and Leggett's Pharmacies, also from mem- ber* of tb* Company.

Broadway, N. Y. r re Wes & Go , sre* I r:r. anted. — Wash able color'd women. AdSrrea E*at Tbird rtrect. iccottd floor. WAJ28 “ brat of rtfirfo and re*|uirrd. Ad-

Becaaac be doe* not say maefi. tb* prices, see tb* buyers, and nee t tome to bis store, a*« tbe 1 9 goods going 0*1 Oh ! Peck is Not Asleep.

The Pyramid Stands the Highest.

Housekeepers HAVE YOB USED

Attention. IF XOT, JUST •

Ask your Grocer for a FREE SAMPLE CAN, and try IL If be baa It out go u>—r- FRED. W. DUNN, The Grocer, Park 4 North Ave*. and ge* a cun FREE. Um it, and lio convinced of it* merit. It U the BIST and STRICTLY PURE. Promote* Digestion, and if destined to l»ecoote a favorite. The prioo will suit — the Times. — ■

ONF.DMATIC Btfcty. nearly new. I I tale or will r*change for cushion 1 anJ cash. K. F. Vail. 177 North arcni WILL'’■change tewing attchine acarl; new. for ladtn bicycis. Mrv. K.L . -it H IC- lu: Kill Kioni ktiert. l.l J WANTED Immediately—A gu! U> gracial boriK«oik. Call SI OSj W 7th meet. S I *

* with hoard. 1

WANTED—A r»d .efngcralor, .ca winah.e, w.lh water laak preferred Small family. Address Krfngcratcr, Conner

family would like to uke a few boarders. Three large airy rooms, good table and hral claa* neighborhood. Within A

W' ; away. Ha J reference* giv« , Nether wood, N. T30ARDLRS -anted. 1

SALE — Desirable •cae, Broadwar. Fire sutiou. excellent oeighborhood. houre contain, parlor, dining-ruom. kitebea, iaun- dry. »•* bedroom* and hath. Apply to own a. Frank W. Baldwin, Orange, N. R. C. Muiford or W. A. Woodruff, agnu. PUmficiA 4 19 F Furnished rooms -ith « i board, references richangrd.

; no rapftaT^u^ O' rjX) LET—P place. Apply

at, fa the Thom block, all rat*, ror Soraerret and Craig 0 Alex. Thorn. »J Somerset %if ANTBI>—Aoitlei VV cnlrr. for •oaaiMt

oaoa, • vsn cure. CDAKUH a. reed.

If The c“r“. sh0f-r Fits, >00Od You- Woorio, Can Wear •»"



210 WEST FRONT ST. r w.ll 9*lKMd


CHemlaettes, ar* all lbs rog*. We bavs them In

STRIPE?- Ladies' Rib Vests from 12c Up.

On* assortment of Whit* Goods, Gingbams, Russian Duck, Linens, Out- ings, Lace*. Notions, Handkerchiefs aud Linings la up to the times aud A—ALL NEW GOODS

OUR JAPANESE WARE I* selling fast, only n few of the flue Capa and Saucers left at 39cta. PUTNAM ft DEGRAW


H. Clarence Hadley (LataTrILk Automaton MkkoCdl* PIANOS




April M, lain H A LL




• 0 Aod JS 8. me wt st. NorO rioloMd CHOICE WBfES, LIQUORS

AN'O'SEOARS. Regular and Tran weal Boardejt.

ba* Hitterboacb hartns left m^bad and w sxArsessy >i Servo »y acrenint aa I will no longer

DO YOU REALIZE Whnl a '.hang* has l>wn coming over tho iboe basinosa of Into. Got the prioc of a.pair of shoo* to day, put tbdfn along aide tlio prioo of any aimilnr pair of a few reasons ago, too what a change to jour ad- vantage. Tho manufacturer* intend to keep thrao factories boay. They drop their profits, wo drop ours. •

SEVEN FRESH STYLISH NEW LINKS- OF OXFORD TIBS. just arrived from factory. Last yoar gave good satisfaction at |1.88 por p*ir. fife say this year ftl.48.

Look at Them. DOANE & EDS ALL

That Long-felt Want-vis

. First-class Millinery Department.

IN PLAINFIELD Wl an Sew Tort K,Ma ofkau Bad BbbbbU bob be bad .1—w.jwob'iSto, at Sww York pncaa bat >UI aa; la» kx tbal la rbai ibe haodrada of worn aa; aba bare aeea oar atoak. la bale* ncoMelbll; aappU»> ^ MaaU'a nr itaeil. Ooa -Ml will eoflviac. to. ot P. lact If ye. are aot alraad;. We eoatlaae lo ad. lay aad Ua« OaryoU abora »0e. free, auept Mo. qaalta, lor a abort lima loogar. iryoa BMd aaytbia, la Croetary ar Hoaaalbralibla, Uaa, It aU j>ay roe to vail Belli n opm oar aea Hooaarara^bla, Daeutmwt lo the —‘

ar Bboa Departtaeot la Jaat brim full ot naa 8prla( Puotaaar rt*»t up If ■ ■tyte.qaallt) aad prt»

Page 2: tm - · Irlior MftcClutiiint laiet appear temporal lly •» direct*!1, and wield the baton utithtliu prace of a c iml (jJIJwm He freely encored. T r

THB P L A H W L D O O a B I E B , WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1894



NO. 101 l u r F M T t STRTPT,

Firs'. Floor.

i nm rjtn • < fm n

•r«4 bj o v r l n u i o u t i • >rgk

e«nt •nbllo«-

WEDNEdDAY, MAT 2. 1894. ~

Dice TUOMPSWe they got their combs welt

GovERSORWEBTavPiierdiyoiftnill allowing; WestDetd Township;

appropriate, teonial celeb-at lore.

A L*DT, recently or Newark bata resident of ! / B A'i(:e o--, Cs.1, Bttnai the (.heep raisers of that aeioffer their wool free to any ooewill sbear tbe sheep. Hereby bangsa '•Free wool" tale.

• — ' .

THE statement made by lbe Presslast nigbt iha-i aa amendment toB-nrd or Eluiation bill bad beenoffered by Sewtrne. Tne atCum ifr ibet tbe amendment woultiprobably be made was

THE B!IU to the Memorial Detailstbe Oranil Army Posts marie bvPi.liineld g-nilemw,who does no't. «bis name uieniloned, should be sodaeement to otlier geoeroas Plainflmen to tarn tbe Ht»l of ibeir generoa-lly toward Ihla moist worthy object.

CONGRESSMAN Djinrj announces thahe will not seek renomi nation in tb<Fall, and baa written a letier to tbiEi.Enb.elb Herald/, la winch be BSJIthat '-tbe position is nnsHtijIact

presthat "so far as tbe remicontented, it ka not tulUciany man of sbnuy." u:i,



To TBI EDITOR OP TBI everywhere bereftbott bro-

ken class Is to bv foaod ID Ibe rouU,and is U>« cause among bicyclers of ftgreat deal of annoyance, expense ~profanity.

There are curves In some lamp cblm-v* ibftl mftj b« more deatrociive to than a dynamite bomb. Will you gi""

your valuable aid to this appeal to utbe bentvoleut snioug wbeelmeodumoant occasionally, and gatheraactt marderoas traanneotsf I bdone soineibinicoftbl* myself sod aadd.ilODBl willing; bands will teep tberoads comparatively clear.

If, besides this, tbe general publwill—well, let as say—encourage the•oo-'h rotting of glass Into tbe street*,[he reform will be sell-Digs accomplish

be'wisoed lor.C

IT TSI WAT.—Tbe Women's Relief Corps wll

meet • IT nigbt.Tbe Board of Governors of the

Crescent Wheelmen will meet toulgl—Tbe regular monthly meetingie Gesang and Tarn Verein vlil

btli! tomorrow nighL—At the meeiloir of tbe ReCot

Clnb mofght apecial matters of bnalmre expected to come up.—Rowell Division S. of T. Is expe

ig' a visit from Welcome Divisionew Brunswick about May 15.—Tomorrow will be observed ss as-

?r.aion day st Holy Cross Cnuri-h bylormog service and communion.

— Donster & Bon, or the Metropo!:

in Stables, will hold an auction (orses tomorrow at Bernardaville.—1 he directors of tbe Library As-

icialion met last niffbt ana p tssedIlls. No special business was done•—Five new houses are to be erected

Inns and specifications can be pre-ed.

—Sian-h. Wllson and Line changedr r>eau [sat night The Waablng-Park District u now looked aftei

by Marshal Line .—"What shall we eat?" will be tb«ibjpci of Mrs. Etta Morse Hu'ller'a

0 Scrlbner School.—The Liederkranz will enjoy tbel:*t May walk on the last Sunday i,is mouth, but Just wtere they wiU gt

baa not yet been decided.—Tbe New York Institute for Arilsrtisans will bold an Informal reunloi

1 rooms on Msy 5 and 7.

—On Sunday May, J3, severs! mem•rs ot ibe PlainQeld Liederkrai.z wili to Bridgeport, Coon , lo Lake partthe May walk of the society at

-Jeweler Caleb I of Nor'

teadIng the tomcion Fieaa tftS t a l e a a d ( i L n ' j i i - i ; i . . > i r

County Coans made uplnitrlcls and presided over oy Judgeelected by ibe people. Counties oover 6O,0uO population shall cunmitu'iseparate dminasaei l in cases of ovei3OU.U00 population shall be entitled Ut#o juilgea. Tne' other districts anmade np of Murns and Susst-x, Bergciand Somerset, Cum "Deri and ai<d SalemAilautic, Ukuceater tod Cspe May.Tni.Uw Is to KO Into dffett oil December 1,189*. and the "new judges lo lie electedin tbe Fall ol 1894. fur a term or Oveyears st (s lants fauglug Irom $3,5<jtto $6,000 accordlbg io tbe poptOf ihe judicial diatricis. CandidaJudges mnai have been attorneycounseliois at law lor a period <years. These new County Courtsupersede In addition to the CuuC moon fleas, the Coans of U..T<:rii,luer and quarter Sessiuuabolishes tbe lay judges.

T H E atioii by Ooveroaorqetsto beCir

it la to il

• We

ors*Judge, whichyesterday, waa a most greceiul compllmeni to the man in whom every liepublican in Lbe State Ukes nidi pridetoday. It Is Dot likely, bowever, thaiMr Voorbees till sccepL The posllioo is a most envi&iile one. Tn<

tbe salary S7,5aO per ye*r. The h'onotla" enough to tempt many men, but It ladounUul whether Ur. Voorbeea wlaccept it

Mr. Voorlir-pi Is tbe recognized Of the Repnbllcaa party tn NeJersey today Hia honesty, bis abso-Ut«ineorrapiibilLy,hifisbii]iyi.nd finallybiaper*onal magtieiiaai have so attracted lo him tbe denendeuceorbis party litbe Bute, that td have him drop fromactive pa rut I put ton, I n poi:ft great party l

•i lu i

Uon, and it la hardly liatly _ .embarrass bis piny by accep'ing tb>Jqdgeahip.

As it stands to^fty, Mr. Voorhees 1almost sure lo receive me Bepnbllcarnomination lor Governor In 1H95. TheDbmittftUou of the Uoion Countylor, made by tbe Courier early-1Winter, baa been endorsed evervwb^reIn the Si*[e by pand Rf|-T]l)lu-an letKleis Hia deciina-tion ol lifo JudgesMp at tbla time,b d b ls r otionbis v

Jgud bis

sary to bla party, will make bis nominatlun for Qovernur doubly sore.

Ur. ViMirhees inany decline ihe p"sition on Ibe twncb, bol tbe people wllInsist on nat ing him Governor.

Tnls remedy is becoming m> wellknown and so popular as lo need nospecial mention All wbo have usedElectric Bitten aing tbe aame song ofpraise. A parer;medicine does not ex-lii and it is guaranteed to do all that IsoUlmed. Electric Bitiers will remove

drive Malaria from ibe syateiTCDt as well ft* cure all Malaria! fevers.—For cure of Headache, Constipationaud Indigestion icy Electric Bitters—E i stislftiiun gnaranteetl,

t the C

Hit RidlPgClabwillhsrcises tonight instead

mbers of the bowling ir Pr. ss Works j,ra

y tt ton the Arlington allejreparation for their eame no Fridayighl with the Scott Press Worka team

— It .- expected that at tbe ball o!descent Division, Uniformed Bank,:. of P. which will be held in Sanger(ill on May 29, a pnze exhibition dnl'ill be ;;,V<TI by a number of the mem


—George WilsVilsou, of Chatham street,iroself recently, was enabled'ork yesterday fc '

of Marshall

bullet v.Hi, him in bla leg.—Agent Mills, or the United Stal

Express Company, made an eichanor sales today, sending bis own to BonBrook and setting tbe mncb larger g

modate tbe ra| illy growing bualiiesathe I'lalntleld office.

—Sundford Robinson, of Wort Second street, was obliged to leave

isiness on North arenas and go homeid yesterday where be remains,i account of a felon developedi a finger which bestiacksftbon tlmi•o with a hammer.

—Aaer ihe grade al the Rocap hi!completed Street Com wins! oner

eeker expects lo cut Fourthtbe KockiHIow coreer downerode. This will necessitateuitment of sidewalks from tbi-f l'urk nvfimc to Arlington a

—At tbe meeting or Court PrideJo. 8034, A. 0. F. last nlgbi.uti-ii wbicb was not taken at tb

gifen by the order in Saoger H«l_, _irded to CourtOenersl Phil Cearny,7709, of Belleville. I l l s a "

guld waicb purchased at Collier's—Tbe grading of tbe Borough School

yard is almost finished. When doue, a111 be pli '

pre rihe aod while playing, and a Usgfili be laid on either side of tbe bnild-»g, lending fmm Somerset street tobe play grounds.

—Tne members of tba Bloglag Sec-Ian of ibe Gesaiig and Turn Verein,

did opt rehearse last nigbl at tbeArlington, but went to the residence ofCLarles Prcaaelt. on SLeiner place,naiead, where lbe music for their en-

teruUomenl next Sunday was* practiced.—At t ie meeting of Somerset Coun-

eil, .Ir O. U A. U. which was beld•at night, two propositions for mem-

be'rsbip were received and Wniiara A.8tit«s was received by card from Mao-

on Council No. 148. From praaem-ospects, five candidate* will be iniii-ed next Tuesday evening—On Friday night, at tht> meeting

1 tbe Borough Council, tbe questionwhether Chiel Marshal Fangborn will

be » general Impression that he will bekept in office for another year thereare many wbo argue that "to thevictor belong the spoi'.i". There is

" - Panghoni has


lay be a

Tat**M* TsstlsMalsi In Br*T*rj br

T. C. Matt tk* Wi1ln» or th*


a. Efw*nD MILLS, EXFKESS GCABD.My dear air: -1 take great pleaaore In presenting

on on behalf of the United StatesExpress Company, the accompany Inggold waicb', Chain and charm, lo recognitlon of the brave, prompt and efficlerservice rendered by yoa m ordtr Iprotect the property ot tbe eonpan;on the night ot Jaanary 28,you believed an attempt

• run So 47. Hoping lbsDie to wear tbls beanUfn

, our braverywith bonor to yoomelf and tbe compan; you represent, I am

Very truly yoors,T. 0 Platt,

PresidentTbe above Is a copy of tbe letter jns

received by a relative of Mr. Mills ".be PlatnQeld offlce, In recognition,iln services lo repelling an Invasioiill car, which carried valaaUe exprenmatter running between WssningtoQ

New York on the niahl ol Jannaryiy two men wbo suddenly confront, with the determlnation to ove

power him and get at tbe sale. Malills shoi one of them, wbicb ueterretbe other from tempung a like fal(Tbe former gave bis name as ThomasDevery but as yet baa never been Ideititled. YeaWrday General Saperinlendent Topping, of thmeity, called MrMills to bis office and surprised him

cb by preaenllng him wilb lbetbe prasenve of some of Ibi

beads of departments. Togethewnb it be alto presented, lbe letteirom the President, HOD . Thomas CPlait, wbicb Mr. Hills ID reply said b<fouid prize equally with tbe valuableatcb.

Tuesday evening a Literaliven at Ihe Lenox Aveitiurrh of the Disciples, OIK

and Nineteenth street, m Leu

.mes Wiilard PbiUput is pastor. Tintesta ot tbe evenlDg enjuywl songs byif-s King, Bccoropanled by Miss-over, piano solos by Miss Bertha

Rockwell, niece of Presldeot Oarneldami a most Interesting speech by MIei

e Dodge on tbe "Teachers' Col;ege."'

Tin* building, which will be opened3X1 Fall, is situated on Morning Side

Heights, nnd will be devoted to the* >Bslonal ettncallon of teachers

Dodge outlined tbe work andspoke of tbe need of putting teachmion a profcaaional basis Alter ilectore, tbe gsesis were served wll;<>ffee and wB<er«, cream and cake, b>.be King's Daughter Circlechurch.

Amon? those present from PlainBel<re Rev. B. W Hand, H. Vi•Bwori-i and H. Bull Wilson.

ed New Yorkers.



ie Recruit Committee of tbi"s Association, of Gmce Episcopa

Cbnrch, gave an enIgbt oa an inirodacllon of the readinjwm for tbe parlsa which it is

r>osed to keep open Tuesday amlty ulghis. An ioformal progrwas presented and piano selection!rendered by MUs Bidweil who performe l on tn J Janko keyboard st the Mondiy Aitemoon Ciob, and by Atihi

ered by F. J- l*op« and W. H. TitII. B. Siy waa called and ga'

i cODtlcailtlea la dialect for trull

idly.The reading room will be in keeping

wkb the activity which has bn 'led among tbe yonngi

om will have go-r those wbo drop have an entertaini

li building once • moDll



. II. W.. Anglemao, of Madisoni. Is confined at home by an acto her hand wlicd seemed ah "

geroas symptotDS. Sbe iajored It Iniisiru: ol a do«r and gave It but litl'eientlon. i>ome lime after sheNewark and wore tight kid gloves.

Tne hana hurt1 while tbe glove was ou.waa palled off the skin peelecA bad swelling followed which

resembled gattgreue. It Is thoughtthe gloves poisoned tbe injured placi

THET HIVE A • 0 * « T THAT SlOE'l .

The snokiDg monkeytion In the window of Schwed

Brothers clothing house on East Fromstreet, Is ibe neatest aitractlon tbaihas been seen In tbls city. U is a Giniece of work recently Imported fromParis, and amuses every one very

The bouse has a contract wittirlBlaa Ii

Syracuse for a- i


COST W i l l TO StllS IT.

Druggist A. D. Malllaon carries)bis sod. fountain Dfleen different kindsof syrup msde by himself from thepnrf emitted fruit- He baa also tb«celebrated Qrape Phospbate wbicb

" IT II delicious, aod will soon bav«London Sbrab. One wbo Tall'

s it a trial, la worse than tbe hungryman who refuses to e»t. PlaJutleldsets op the nicest soda fountain drink*of any place In this country. _

£ou;o satisladloft guaranteed, or mon- no qaesuoo mat Mr. rangnorn nas v t e a t•y refunded.—Price 50 eta. anil »1.00 made a goon officer and there are n - ^ .per botilealL.W, Randolph's Pbarma- many Be publicans as well aa Demo- _ _ A

elM,31 W m Front SuwM, PtomOeld, crau wbo wood be sorry to bar . , « — - •J P j . 1 anotherjenoo put In bis plan,[ another f.erson put ii

A swslness meetloc of tbe CbrittlaEndeavor Society of ths PreabyteriarCQurch Is to be held tomorrow night,at wblch bnsineas of lmporUoce will beconsidered.

TtasjsBMDbeiaof tne Christian I ndfftvoc Socletj of Uw FreabyteriaChurch Dave decided to five ft aoelabkibe latter p u t of tbla month.

Mrs Baldwin and her four cbildrewent to Sidney, Hnnterdon countj, yes-

irdfty afternoon, to visit relatlvei

At tbe entertainment given by_pwonh Lesgoe on Monday nightaddition to tbe preaenuUou of ' •"llin's Daughter" by members at ih.aciety from PiftlnOeld anJ tbe playlnof several ritlier aoloa b j J. VanEps, oihe same place. Her. and Mrs. KlnseMDg, Mrs. If air, Miaa Ella Fisher •Rev. Mr. Klnsey read and Mr. Joy,PialDSeid, recited. The very pleasaueotertslnmeut was enjoyed Uy memberof tbe Scbnbert Clobwbe gave up theusual practice, In order that they tnlghlisten to Mr. Tan Epa' zither solos.

Ned, tbe water spaniel ownedMrs. Waiter Iletfield, waa clipped 70sterday afternoon b j Miss May Olesewaiated by Hurry Mllligao. Whenthey finished It was ft toes up wbelbe

' imal most resembled ftllon, a pos• a kangaroo. Fbe animal wil

bave to be clipped by an expeiiencecsn.A game of base ball Is to be playi

Saturday at Bomerville between tlCentral Bailroad operators and tlPhiladelphia and Reading operatorsPbiladelpbia. Dnuellen will be represeated by W. SUty, Mr. Taylor and MiMcOovern.

A |new doorway has been cut iJohn Tingley's Ice cream parlors,tbe benefit of bis numerous lady

John Cut-Tin's house on West Fronstreet baa been given a coat, of pain

Beusch has bftd tbe Interior 1bis popular bakery covered with in

irted ille paper. It presents a ver.-at appearance.

A. W Heyzer baa been engaged bF. H. Gise to do tbe papering or MT. Welsh's house on Washington ave

Fifty-nine rolls of pftper will '! doing the work.

Last night Park Club wblat playersi?t In ihe reception room of tbe clabenjoy tbe second of a series of even

ings lo be devoted lo duplicate wbisiTfaere were Ove tables sod ten hand

played in duplicatee contestants were divided aa be

Cure, tbbt IB, those anting in a ,log Nonb and Houih played againa

those <rho were placed East and Wealtbe hands tbe E

West players changed tables eiand for lbe duplicate bauds tbe Sortind Sou: b players Rlianged.''compaasablai" and tbe players In tbeievolutions srouod the room are sap*

-d lo -*MX me compass "rben all tbe bands had b«on playeros foajd that the North aud South

players had won by 42 points.

Tuose WQO played were for Sort.nd South. Mr. andWrs J . 11 Hoiill, Mr »ud Mrs. G T. Rogers, Mi

C. E. Home aDdMre. Towusend, Ularnee I- Marpby and Mrs. Lincoln, Miud Mrs Charles Lymao, lor East an

Weal sir. and Hrs. J. C. Pect, Mand Mrs. W. !.. Brown, Mr. aud MrsJ. T Nonbrop, Charles A. Beed, euMissMaigruve, Leslie M. Daniels

1 St. J. McCuiben.Relresbmeots were served due evening. The affair was succes*liy managed by George T. Rogiid Leslie M. Ddniets who compne Wbist Committee of lbe club.


Only a person wbose senses weanted In Ihe genera! strife tor eiiuce coald look upon tbls tiiart strongly appenlmg picture anmain unafficted. A noble olinple thai baa faithfully shared Jo

and Borrow during ball a century, aniw bowed dowo by lbe weight <

years, tremblingly receives iu childreiKraud and great-grand children an1 atens to their congratulations, tbelwords of love and esteem. Very lexpeople are thus blesaed. Tbe pi^tnrepainted by U. Ertlmsn is lu.'i of ii

" linrmony. Evsrytblng appear*diflosed wiib Happiness. The expreasioo on tbe faces of tbe many lamil

ambers present w-a exceeding!tratbfal. And that grand picture wllfourteen others of no less volne can be

'. tbe office of tbls paper for onlynts and a coupon. Don't miasihance; come and call for Part




Last evening about boll past ee<>'clock, a namoer ol lbe yoang ladiessod gentlemen of npper Scmanestreet mounted their bicycles ana

off for a pleasant eveniog's ride.Weal Held was their destination wbicb

ley reached an hour later. Herethey slopDed for light reiresbnnand then pusbed on towards homethe v i ; ol Railway. Among those wb:

enjoyed lbe rld« were tbe Mtsaes MiieaMiss Jessie Coddiogton, Miss JennlSimpson, Miss Kmrnons, H.CoddingtonJ. DeMez*. W. Kitchen, R. V. Clarkw. Morrison.

T. r. •. c 1.The Y. P. S. C. E | or Ihe Seventh

Day Baptist Cburch will entertain thetbera of tbe Plalnfleld Y. P. 3.C.Ein Thursday evening at tbe chnrcu

Tbe Rev. P. a H albert, of the Collegate Reformed Cboreb, of New York, •-lost interesting: Chrtslian Bndeawopeftker, will address tbe meeting. AllhrliUan Eodeavorers are invlied to be

Ths best ssJve ' i tbe world for Cnis,BSlsea, Sores, t i e r s , Sail BbwisJF v B Tt t Ch d H dC h i b l a , C , and ll Skin Eruptions, and poaldveiy ear*. Piles, or maday required. It is guaranteed to give

rft tifction or ftdd y q g gperfect satisfaction, or mooey rafted. Price K ceou a box. For sale tyL W. Randolph, Jl Weal Front street

DR. U6HTHILLof New York and Trenton.

The well known expert inOhronic Diaesaea, requiring achange of air for the benefit ofbis health hu located in Tlaunfieldand leased the premises

So. 144 0EE30ENT AVE

where he can be consulted daily,(except Thursdays) on all OBSTI-NATE » d COMPLICATEDDISEASES of the hninan systemof whatever n»me and nature.

Deftfnvee, Catarrh and Diseasesof the Huad, Throat and Lung*

f l l treated,

Pile* of the most aggravatedture rftdiotlly and permanently

enrod in a few weeks, withoutor detention from bneincer,

uid all other rectal diseaeee areircated with equal saocess.

Mental and Nervons Deraugeenta, Epilepsy, Diseatiee of the

Skin and Blood, Rheumatic,Neuralgic and Scrofulous Affcc-ions.

of the Heart, Lifer.BoweU, Kidneys and Bladder ar<:

other medical skill has failed.

A Pamphletcontaining a large > rr-iy of tcs inonials of remarkable cures, andgiving valuable medicHi i ifornia-ion on iniport»nt trtiitera, will henailed free to any addroBg, or furnished on applicatioa at bis offioe.No. 144 Grew;pnt av. nue.

PlninfieUI, >..!

Van EilirilSf SOJV.



2 3 C


Under the Bank.

Plainfield, N. J.


V3O1 and 2O3 Wrsi Front St.

Qiv» it a trial and you will use no other. A*& your Grocer for u.



Equal to the Best.


CASHOr Easy Payments WHEELMEN'S BEADQUABTERS. lOor. Parti Arenne and Fourtb Si."



P t A l K F l E1.D, M. J .

A First-class i'amily Hotel'

Stables and milliards


Eye Specialists"S. A. Bi!l«», of tboTt arm will b* found »t - ^

M. M. DUNHAM'S 0FHCE, 167 East Front Street;

FOBPork Tenderloins,

Serapple. and

Fine Sausage,

PlainSeld Packing House

153 West Froat Street


D. W. HYDh,Teacher of Piano & Harmon v

Leech, Stiles & Co.

aon* who 1UT»bcadacbe. w*bcMtTHiiTOid«4t dWcoin'orL •lH >Dd tber will reeelTe U i E »nenU*n. NOa , I r « T p ^ r o [ . i u , o . o n l f r « l mimraaUHd lo be auMnotot

W. II.Charles II. Wilson,

Charles H. Gill,Carpenter & Builder,

Estimates fnroiahed on all gradesof work. Jobbing prompt

ly attended.Mi West Fourth stn*L


W. L. DOUGLASS 3 8HOE n.rsu.To

A. WOLETT, l«7 Part ITMSI.

u> Brekam A Cain),

Carpenter and Builder17 GRANDVIEW AVE.,

NOKTH PLAlNriSLD.rtinate. chcerTuUr fumUhed In »

Cndc* of work.


Ten Eyck & Harris,I>ml c»r. tn FACKBB v KI s

LEHIGH VALLEY COALj»rd. M Boulta PI*Infl(M, N J.

Ctt7Om» m WucbuDi avenue, PlalnfleldTIRH3 CASH


Furniture and Pianos

Freight Trunks and Baggage

CARTAGEOUIee. 161 North Avenue

SUBSCRIBENOW—For UM now Matof Plalnrteld and NorthPlaJnfleld, published byF. A. Duobsm, C. E

Tne map will show lota,bnlldlngs, railways, bousenumbers at Street corn-usrs, etc , etc , also splan of Hillside Cemetery.

Published also In atlasform, containing la add)-UOB a donUe page r a pof ibe entire city anil bor-ough; the atlM will behandsomely and sobstantislly boond.

Pries of Hap lio.oo ptr copy.

Prtee of AUas H6.00 p«r copy.

4O8 W. Fifth St. Telephone 160.

She saidShe couldn't wofr that dress any.more bu4 '

She didID fact got another so&son'B wearout of ifc: We cleaned it for her.Shall we clean yours ? We'll callfor it ifijou say ao.

Hlllier ci Co.


7. ./. CareyWill Ops r\ Y\ia'r\&<*i,Store


Today with a new and Complete Hoe of

!!..!< mi ]!-.!,iinr.


Eier SlipsJohn IVeagle,

S13 W. Fifth SL


JMACYanannmmm m

E. J. Richards,


HEUHAH BROS.,IWWlMuiwlK Cor. Vinh Si.

S. SHARKEY, Agent.1 T i n GBOCKB

Ol IMml gUMitt. Wxi I MI k c i . 1 wtfl Mkctad Mock erf

j Cmeries aid PnTisIoas. *



Constantly on Hand. '


DAILT, UCUT HDIIATt. t. W. >07., Utter Hi mrrteter.

M. 101 bn Ttan snrit, Flrf. Floor.

* > tU. A. Ofbittimmi Un •

WEDNESDAY. HAY 2. 1«»A Dcr* Thokpsoot sod -ex-Stirrer Fljoti.stnce toej not ibelr combs cm last Pall, do not crow aa much aa thej did.

Governor Werts vraterdsy sign© d the' bill slk>*in« Westfield Township Com id nice lo appropriate money for Its ecu . tecDlal celf b-aiion. “Czir ' He ED" to Speaker Cnap — I ‘■Will >oo kindly accept ibeae raica?" Cnap.—“Sir, I acorn your 4»ffer Scod ’em to ibe clerk please." A L*OT. recently of Newark but no» a resideut of Loe Angs’oe, Cal , state* tost tbe aheep raisers of that aeclloo offer tbeir wool frf* to any will abear tbe abeep. Hereby bacg* a "Free wool" ia|e. Th« atatemeni made by the Praia laat night that an amenifme B mrd of Education bill bad been offered by Senator Voorheca waa tree. Tne staiemeiii maue i<y Comler that tbe a mend neat would probably be made waa true. Tbe rifle to tbe Memorial Detail! of tbe Urau«J Army Post* made by the PialudeM g *niirm«r, who doea not wiah faia name mentioned, •bould be an in- dacemeot to outer geoeroos PleinOrld men to tom tbe flT>l of tbeir generos- liy toward tbta moat worthy otyect.

— ' T Coxgreirma.v I Hi no announce! that he will not aeck renomlnatiuo Fall, and baa written a letter to the E Ixabclb Herald, In wi.icd be saji that ‘•the position ia nnaatiafactory 10 me under preaeat conditions," and that "so far aa t(ie re numeration Is cooSerned, It la not sullkleni 10 p*j enj man of ability," ot», bo!ob,.bo:

KCTcuaa amp aura glam To tbi Editor or rmt Cocrier: Almost everywhere hereabout bro- kao gtaas Is to be fooad m tbe road* and te tbe canae among Mcyelere of e greet deei of annoyance, expense and profanity. There ere cairee lo some lamp cblm- nlee tbel may be more dootreetlv* to e tire than adyeamkte bomb. Will yoc give year saleable aid la thU appeal to urge the benevolent imocg wheelmen to dttmoanl occasionally, and gather np sack marderoaa Iragmeataf I bare done someUiiog of Ibis myself end e few add tlonal willing bands wiU seep Uie roada comparatively clear. If, beside* this, tbe general pabllc will—well, let as say—eocoaregi non-throwing of glass Into the streets, tbe reform will be a ell-nigh accomplish- ed, a cooaammatioa moat devoutly be wished for. Ctclea. FLAisriELD, May 2, 18*4.

■T THE WAf —The Women's Rebel Corps will ncet tomorrow night. —Tbe Board of G<»vernor* of tbs Crescent Wheelmen will meet tonight. —Tbe regular otontbly meeting of the Geaang and Tarn Verein will be bald tomorrow night. —At the meeting of the Refer Club icnlght special matters of buamci ire expected to come np. —Howell Division B ofT. Is ex peei- ng a vie»l from Welcome Division of N«w Brunswick about May lfi —Tomorroe will be observed an aa cf r.aiou day at lloiy Cross Cnarvb by a morning service and communion. —Donster A 800, of tbe Metropoli- an Stables, will hold an aoetkon of boraea tomorrow at Bcrnardaville. —T be directors of tbe Library As- sociation met last night end piaaed bills No special bualneea was done. —Fire oaw houses are to be erected >o Falrriow avenue, aa toon aa tbe plana and specifications can be pre- 1*1 red. —Marshals Wilson and Line changed tbeir beats laat night Tbe Washing- i Park IN strict is now looked after by Marshal Line. —••What shall we •at?" will be the subject nf Mrs Etta Morse HoUJer'a lecture tomorrow af ernoon at tbe New- ton Scribner School. —The Liederkranx will enjoy their first .May walk oo the last Monday lo thia month, but Jnat wIRre they will go baa nx yet been decided. —The New York Institute for Artist Artiaana will bold an Informal reunion -itb exhibition and aale of an work at Us room* oo May 5 and 7 —Oo Sunday May, 13, several mem- bers ol tbe Plainfield Liederkranx will t Bridgeport, Coon , to taka part In the May walk of tbe society at mat place —Jeweler Caleb Difklnoon. of North avenue, has oo exblblilon lo his wind tbe gold watch tbe President) lutrDduced a hill abo

•letted by ,h„ prop!. J0011..01 ""S'! ““•"«»orro- orrr 60,000 popolhuoo iliill eunililo e | Di*6t *l l“e C‘ r'° •ei.r-l. diairivte hod m croc, of over —Toe m-ruto-rs of the bowllnR learn 300,000 popol.tioo .b.ll Oo eulllied to \ Ibo Poller §*f. u Work, ,.roclire

YtsTtBD.r Seootor iror ,,UBJ° *!•.«"“ •'*' »' lie PremlileM) lulrDOOced • hill .Uo.L N‘0*b 8 ,ul"” Wr Ta"'

!»oJudge* Tbe other diatncts made op of M«rra and Sussex, Berge and Somerset, Cumberland and Salem, Atlantic, Gloucester and Cape May.Tm la* Is to go Into sjffcct OH December I 1824, and the new judges to be elect ed In the Fail ol 1891. for a term of fire years at salaries ranging /rum 83,3<«r to #6,000 according io the imputation of the Judicial dialiicia. Candidates Judges must have been attorneys i louuaeliu a ai law lur a period of yaara These uew County courts supercede la addhloo to the Couna C mmon f leas, tbe Conns of Oyer and T<rn.lncr and Quarter Sessions and abolishes tbe lay judges. Tbe nomination by Governor Werta of Sanator YoortMtS to be Clrvuli Court Judge, Whlcb was sent |D to ibe Senate yesterday, waa a /Dost graceful pllment loth© man In whom every Re- pubhean lo the Bute ukea »nch pnde today. It la aoi likely, however, mat Mr Voorhaea *111 accept Tbe posl tloo la a moat, enviable one Too term o* office ia for seven years, Ibe salary #7,500 per ye«r. Tbe honor ix enough lo tempt many men, bof If doubtful whether Mr. Voorheca m accept it Mr. Voorheee la tbe recognized lead- er of the Republican party la New Jersey today Hia honesty, b>a abso- lste ineorruptibilt.y, bla ability and finally bis personal magnetism bare soalirart edto blm tbe deftenduuce of bla party It the Bute, tbal td have him drop from active partk'lpnlbo.ln poiliics would tx a great party mlalortune. Mr Yoorbees is not lbaen*ib:c to t^e attun tloo. and it !■ Hardly likely that be will embarrass Lis party by accepting tbe Jodgeahip. As It stands today, Mr. Voorhe alwoat sore to rerciv* the Republican nominal loo lor Governor In le95. The nomination of llif Uuloo County Sena- tor, made by tne Conner early lo the Winter, baa been endorsed everywhere lo tbe State by Republican newspapers and Ref/BbJicao leade/s II a declinm- Uoe o« itfe JudgelMpat this time, when his eota and bis coanaelaare ao necca- aary to bla party, will make bla nomto- aikxi for Qoveruor doubly anre. Mr. Yoorbees many deciiae tbs p-wi- tloo oo tbe beech, but tbe people will lasmt oo making him Governor.

every ulgb lou the Arlington ellrjs In preparation for tbeir came oq Friday night with the Scott Press 'Yorks team — It is expected that at tbe ball of Crescent Division. Uniformed Rank, K or P wbicb will be held in Sanger Hall on May 29, a pnze vxblbmoa dnil wtfl be glrea by s number of {be mem- ber*. . —George Wilson, son of Marshall Wklaoe. of Chatham street, who shot himself recently, waa enabled to go to work yesterday for tbe il at time alnce ibe accident He still carries the bullet with him lo bis leg. —Agent Mills, of tbe Tolted Stales Exprets Company, made an exchsnre or as'ea today, oeud<og bla own to Bound Brook and getting tbe much larger oi from the office at that place, to accoi modaiti tbe rapidly growing business of tbe Plainfield office. —Sandford Robinson, of W#« Sec ond atrect, was obliged to leave hit business on North aveoua and go horns sod yesterday where be remains, on account of a felon developed on a Auger which be struck a abort U ago a lib a hammer. —After tbe grade at tbe Itocap bill is completed Street Cotnu.i*sloner Meeker expects lo cut Fourth street at tbe RockiHlow coreer down to tbe erode. Tula will necessitate a re-ad- Juitment of sidewalks from tbe corn of Park avenue to Arlington avenue. —At the meeting of Court Pride No. 8034, A. O F. iaat night, the watch which waa not taken at the fair given by ibe order in Hanger Hail, was awarded to CoortGeneral Phil Kearny, No 7709, of Belleville. It la a fin© gold waicb parcbasvd at Collier’a —Tbe grading of the Boroogn School yard ia aimoat finished. When done, a fence will ne placed across the lot to prevent the scholars from running over ibe sod while playlug, and a Uag walk will be laid on either tide of the build- ing, lending from Home rest street to the play grounds —The members of lha Binging Sec- tion of tbs Gesaog and Taro Yerels, did npl rehearse laat sight at the rlmgUfO, but went to the residence of CLarlea Drrseeit. on Bteloer place, instead, where tbe music for tbeir en- tertainment next Hand ay was* practiced. —At lie meeting of Somerset Coun- cil, Jr O. U. A M. wbicb was hsid last night, two propositions for mem- bCrabip were received and William A. lottrta Bitura. Tbls remedy is becoming so well known sod so popular as to nesd no special men lion All pbo have used Electric Bitter* stag tbe same song of praise. M purer medicine does not ex- ist sod It M guaranteed to dd all that ia claimed. Electric BiUers will remove Pimples, Boila, Halt Rheum and affee tioos caused by. Impure blood.—Will eoosidaraiioo. While there seems to


U. a Kzrmm Commit Omci Of Tin Pmmioot Ml EwtAB) MiUA,Kif»B.atLmo. Hi Mr Sir: - 1 ukr ,mt plMMBrt lo prwelln£ TOO oo betiAlf Of tl>. United 8«II Expreee Compeer, Ibe eccompeojlii* MOM nM, cbelp end cberm. lo racof. oilloo of the brew, prompt end eBcleot eernce rendered by JOO 10 ordir to Too belleeed oo etlempt we. brrn* nude to rob train No 67. llopln* th.t TOO HOT be obt. to mr tbi, boootlfol memeoto ol joor broierjr ouf jroro with booor to job reelf end lb. com- port, JOO represent, I tm Very truly youn, T. 0 Platt, President. The abov* Is s copy of lbs latter Jam received by a relative of Mr. Mills of the Plainfield offer, In recognition bis services In repalling sn tnvssion of bis car, wbicb carried valaalle matter running between Washington ao<1 New York on the niaht ol January 2S by two men who suddenly confronted him, with tbe deiennioatluo to power him snd get si tne sale. Mills shot oo© of them, which deterred tbs other from tempting a like fate. The former gave hta name as Thomas Devery but as jet bas never been iden- tified. Yesterday General Huperia- tendent Topping, of ibis city, called Mr. Mill* to bis office and lorprised biin very much by presenting him with the welch lo tbs presence of some of the heads of departments Tngetbe wiib it he alio presented tbe letter from the I’reildeot, Hon. Thomas 0. Platt, wbicb Mr. Mills In reply said he would pnxe equally with the valuable watch.

prospects, five candlJates will be Initi- ated next Tuesday evening —On Prlday night, at the meeting of tbs Borough Council, the qoestioa whether Chief Marshal Pangborn will be retained Ip office, will oomc ap for

drive Malaria from tbe system sod pre- vent ss well as ears all Malarial fever*. —For core of Headache. CoesUpatloe and Indigestion try Electric Bitten— KnUiC setislaction guaranteed, or

general Impreeeioa that be will be kept in office for another year there are many who argue that "to tbe victor belong (he spoils". There Is no question that Mr. Pangborn bas there are Demo- te bare,

l IIW YORK Tuesday evening a Literary Tea wai given at the Lenox Avenue Union Church of tbe Ihsctpiea, One Hundred and Nloeteenib street, near Leoox avtnoe. New York city, of whlcb R»v James Willard PblUpst la pastor. Tbs guests of tbeevsnisg enjoyed soogs by King, accompanied by Mis* Glover, piano Solos by Miss Bertha Rockwell, niece ol President Garfield lute resting S|>eecb by Ml»s Grace Dodge on tbe "Teachers’ Col. lege " Tbir building, which will be opened •it Fall, is situated oo Morning Side Heights, and will be devoted professional ed oral ion of tot MlkS Judge outlined tbe work and spoke of the need of puttlog teach professional basis Alter lbs itcturr, lbs gsea'.s wars served with ffee and wairrs, cream and cake, by tbe King's Daughter Circle of the burcb. A man? those present from Plainfield were Rev. B. W Hand. H Vao M.0- d esworth sad II Ball Wilson audience wrre s number oi distinguish- ed New Yorker*

OkACI CHUACH kkkDIBO 1001 or** ED. Tbe Recruit Committee of tbe Young Men s Association, of Grace Episcopal Church, gave an etuerla. nlgbt as an inirodoctloo of the reading m for tbe parish which II is pwr- poaed to keep Open Tuewday snd Pri day nights. An iofonsaf programme

Janko keyboard at dij Afternoon Club, and by Ailbur H -non. Vocal oeiwtloos were reud eyed by F. J. Pope and W. o Tim- B Eiy was called and gave aomn coralra'IUee in dialect for w >icb the young lads encored him repeat edlv. The reading room will be lo keepiog with tbe activity which bas bseo inaug- urated among ibe younger ones Tbe room will have good reading and games for those who drop hi Ills Intention to have an eotertalomen the parish belidiog once a mooib. i tlliCCl A SLIGHT ACCIDfVT oorco

Mr*. II. w Angleuiao, of Madisos avenue, la confined at home by aa ac- cident to her baod wh'cb seemed alight at first but bas now ueveloped dan- geroos symptoms. She kajared it ii casing of a door and gave ll but little attention. Home time after she wen to Newark and wore tight kid glove* Tne band hort while the glove was When it was polled off tbe skin peeled off too. A bad swelling fWLwsd wMcb resembled gangrene It ia thought Uie gloves poisoned tne Id lured place. TBIT EATS AMOPKkT THAT MOE'l.

The smoking monkey now oo exbi billon In tbe window of Schwed Brothers cJotbiog bouse oo East Front street, is the neatest attraction that bas been seen In ibis city. It Is piece of work recently imported from Paris, and amuses every oue very mocb The boose has a contract with tbe Parisian Importing Comjway of Syracuse for a new aUrectios twice


Druggist A. D. Moll loon rarriee bis soda fountain fifteen different kinds of syrup made by himself from the pare crushed fruit. He bes also the celebrated Grape Phosphate wbicb ear- tklelv Is delh-ioas. sad will soon hare the London Shrub. Ooe wbo falls to give it s trial, la worss than the hungry iso who refuses to out. Plait.field seta up the nicest soda fountain drinks of any place In this country.

. . _ qaeeUoa that Mr. Pui _ •r rolooded. — FriM 60 ctl ond 11.00 oU.l *oort offlror ond U. perMllauL.W. IUo,lul|.0. IWoi.- ounj UepoUlcuo o. voU *> eW, 21 Wcm Front DtroM, Plte^Wd, cron -no mo d bo ton? u oTj. | u«M f.rooo pot lo bl. pl«».

mmtw IWU7 -I ' ' Obueb to to b. boW Mom* ojrtt, ot which Ma* of lo^nu. will be Vh. oicmbci, of Iho ChlWlu Io droror Bocteij of tbo FnMkjUfte. Cbcrch dodited lo (In • roc 1U* lb. tetter put of IbU noolh. Km Boldwte tod bor lou ehlldrwo wool to Sldoop, Hooterdoo eoutj, J urdoj oftwrwoow, to Ttelt rotetlrao. At tbo rotertoloMot (iron bj lb, Epwonh I«|~ ~ Hood., OIK hi, I. oddllloo to tbo proorotolloo of ■•Loo' UUte’l Dcouhter'’ bj of lb* roctetj from Pmlnllcld ood iho pl.jte. of MTeml lit.or roloa bj J. VooEpo, ol Iho room ptem. Tie., ood Km Kloro, >U|, Hm Htlr. Mao Kite Ftehor ood Rot. Hr Kloroj rood ood Mr. Joj, PloloCdd, rod ted. Tbo rerj ploorooi eotertololMOt wu oojo,ed bj mronber, of Iho Bchobort Clob wbo (oro op then coil prcctlco, lo ordro thoi lhaj mlgb titlen lo Kr. Voo Epo' tllbori ' Nod, Iho water cponi.1 owood bj Mm Walter llwllold, wu cllppod jot loidtj o'tcroooo bj HIM Mo, Otero, wHcitiI by Harry Wlten they flinched ll woo a loro op whclhcr the oolmol moot rerombted o lloo, a poo cum or a koogoroo. The oolmol will hare io be dipped by eo expel ieoeed nee. A game of base ball la to be played Saturday at Borne rvllla be twee Leotral Railroad operators and Philadelphia and Reeding operator* of Philadelphia. Dunellen will be repre- sented by Vi. Histy, Mr. Taylor and Mr. McGovern. A fnew doorway bas been ent In John Tlngley's ice cream parlors, for the benefit of bis numerous lady cus- tomer*. John Carrie's house oo West Froot street has been glrea * coat of point Peter Reuoch has bad too Interior of bis popular bakery covered w ported uie paper. It presents a very neat appearance. A. W Heyxer bas been engaged by F. H. Give to do the papering of M. T. Welsh's boas© on Washington ave- nue. Fifty-wu# rolls of paper will owd in doing tbs work.

DR. LIGHTHILL of New York tod Trooton.

The well known wprrt in Chronic Dtocroro, requiring • change of tlr for thw brnetit of hi. heolth hu looted in Plainfield ond leoaad the


COMPASS WRIST AT TBI PARK CLOB. Lost night Park Club whist player* i*i lu tbe rtcwptloo room of tbe club i enjoy tbe second of s series of eveu Nigs to be devoted io duplicate v ' There were five tablet and ten bands were played In duplicate Tbe rooicftania were divided aa be- fore, that is, those sitting In a list nine North «nd South played against those who were placed East and West For tbe origii S' bands lb© Esst sod West players changed laofee each Uor and for tbe duplicate bands tbe North and South players changed. This ■•compass wbiai" and ibe players In tk rroluiloos around '.be room are snp- poe» d to •'jox toe compass ” When all tbs hands bad been played il was foood that the North sad South players bad won by 42 point* T'io#e wno played were lor North aud South, Mr. and Mr* J. II. ell, Mr aud Mr* G T. Rogers, G. E. Horne aud Mr* Towoseud, Clar ence L. Murphy and Mrs Lincoln, M aud Mr* Cbarlrt Lyman, lor East an Weal Mr and Mr* J. C. Pecs, M aud Mr* W. L Brown, Mr. aud Mrs J. T Northrop, Charles A. Reed, aud Mias Mnsgrure, Leslie M Daniels an S. St. J. HflMM* Rcfreahmcute were served daring iho evening. Tbe affair was success telly managrd by George T Rogrn sod Lesiio M Daniels wbo comprise tbe Wbiot Committee of the club

TBI OOLDKB W1DDIR0. Only e person whose sensei blunted In the general strife for exis teneo could look opoo tbls to heart strongly appealing piotorw remain unaff.cied. A noble oio couple that has faUbfully shared Joy and sorrow during half a century, and is now bowed down by the weight ol years, tremblingly receives Its children, ■rand and great-grand children sod I stens to tbeir congratulations, tbeir word* of love sod esteem. Very le people are thus b:eased. Tbe pictere painted by O. Erdman is In.'! of life and harmony. Everything appears diffused with happiness Tbe exprea aloe oo the faces of tbe many family member* present are exceedingly truthful. And that grand picture fourteen other* of no le*s vain* ca bad at the office of this paper for oaly ten cents and e coupon Don't mlaa your chance; come sod call lor Pan XVI.

KBJOTED AH ITXHIXGI BXCTCLk Last evening about half past seven ’’clock, a Dumber ol tbe young ladies and gentlemen of upper Bomsrset street mounted their bicycles went off for a pleasant evening’* ride West field was tbeir destination which they reached an boar later, they etopood for light refreshment* and thee pushed oo towards home br way oi Rahway. Among those why enjoyed the ride were ike Mloans Mile* Miss Jessie Coddlegtoo, Miss Jeonte Him peon, HIMi Emmons, il. Godding ton,

t. y. * c. x. The Y. P. & C. E | of lb# Seventh Dey Baptist Cbarch will eaiwrtaln thr members of toe Plainfield Y. P ROE Union Thursday evening at toe cbircb Tbe Rev. p. a Halbert, of toe Colleg- iate Reformed Gborcb, of Now York, moat i*(erecting Christian Bodwavi speaker, wtU add roes toe meet lag.

• I—. lA-a wono ior U Hocea, L i WTO, Koit F lr Horea, TeUer, Chapped li OUbialna, dome, ood all akte BIP tioos, aod poritivery eves Pile*, or ao day roquirod. Il Is gsaraatesd lo grie ported skUafeeUoa, or moMT lem&d - hbox. For aale by ,21 West From street

Genuine Vienna Bread svfzuok to ant onnts bread kadi, can now b* bad at

HBtWKT V MBffKE'® BAKERY 301 and 303 West Front St*

Give it a trial and you will ute no other. -hk your Grocer f or ii.

whore he can be consulted daily (exeopt Thoraduy*) on *11 OBSTI KATE and CX)MrLIOATBt DISEASES of tho human tystera of whatever name and nature.

IVefn. ee, Catarrh and Diseases of tke Head, Throat and Lungs surceeafully treated,

Piles of tho most aggravated nature radically and permanently cured io * few week#, without pain or detention from business, and all other rectal disease* are treated with equal oucceoa.

Mental and Nervous Derange menu, Epilepsy, Diacaars of the 8kin and Blood, Rlieumatio, Nauralgic and Scrofulous Affec- tions.


Or Easy Payments w. FBAUK Li C. JUBTI.T.

HEILMEN'H HEADQl'ABTERR. Cor. Park Aveooe sod Foortk V

Diseases of the Heart, Liver, Bowel*, Kidneys and Bladder arc sacceskful.y treated, even when other medical skill has failed.

A Pamphlet

containing a large »rray of tea i itala of remarkable cure*, and giving valuable mcdictu i iforma- tion on important nfoltcra, will >»e M free to any addre««, or fur nished on application at Ins office. No. 144 Crescent av.nue.

FlninfieUI, i\. J.



A Firat-class family Hotel' For Pormoaowt sad Trwnolaat Quasi*.

Stables and Billiards Attache*


Vai Enlonl


Pork Tenderloins, Scrapple and

Fine Sausage, PIminSeld Pecking House

153 West Froat Street JOSEPH A. BLATZ

Paonrroa D. W. HYDb.

Teacher of Piano & Harmony

Leech, Stiles & Co.


f-i •^’sw Eye bpeciallslg M. A SUla* of abov* Ira will ha round as

M. M. DDNHAM'8 OFFICE, 167 East Front Street, •vor) ThurodsrrBOM NiM-WlP*.


Great Bargains




2F 25a



Under the Bank.

Plainfield, N. J.

Charles M. Wilson, (awesoaorls)

* Charles H. Olll, Carpenter & Builder.

E.timotro funij.bed on oil grwle, of work. Jobbing prompt ly mttendod. tOt Wrol Fourth atrrol.

WHKKL®, YIiTX)KS;| $10 - - $75

W. H. ROGERS, Telephone 160.

She said Shecoulda't wqfr that dress any- more but '

B. R. CAIN, to Brckam 4 Gn

Carpenter and Builder, 17 GRANDVIF.W AVE.. HOITTR PUAINFIBLD. Estimates chaerfall, f am tailed in all


W. L. Doucla8 *3 SHOE thTSUSu _ w. *. DOCfliai Sbaw am arlflk, aaay St-

A WILLETT, l#7 Fart Arms*

J. r. Tow Ivc*. a r. Ha* Ten Eyck & Harris, Daoiran la FACKBH VDJI

LEHIGH VALLEY COAL, rare* SI Sow Ik n*l wSafid. IS. J. Cli/ome* 1U Wairhunf avaaiia, minOalk T**M* CASH

Hoag land's EXPRESS

Furniture and Pianos

Freight Tranks and Baggage. CARTAGE Office, 161 North Avenue Tterohnii od in.

Subscribe NOW—For u. o«o lii t>! nuiW ud North PI te. 4.10, P.HU.M hr r. a Doobuo,as To. mtp —III teow lou, boudloa, rHnp, boro. ,o.b.n te terete ooro. MO, Me. tee, ten ■ pU. of H lilted. Otmturj tors,, lo teMI. Uoe 0 flooUo paco rop of te. ooilre at, owl bor. 00fh; Ik. teto. .11 W h.oflros»ly ite robs lull, hoaod.

Pnro of If op flaw pro oopj. Prtro of AUrofU-W pwropp.

5he did in fact got another season's wear out of it* We cleaned it for her. Shall wo clean yours 7 W*’U call for it lf.'you ssy so.

Hilller & O). 179 KdRTH AVENUE .

T. J. Carey

Will Open fvs r\©w-Store

At 32b West L'ho^t 8t. Today with o new snd Complete lioe of

Bed. mod B^tBng.


Mr Sum Of oil Mods

John Neagle, 218 W. Fifth SV

E.J. Richards, Prrprtefor.


*4 NSW >•»* Burba■ ow4 MocnTw Pane

~ fSZCSi fes-s .

k.'Ka.TSL.'SfSai.'LSrsL"* NEUMAN BROS..

S. SHARKEY. Agent.

Mnof^ror. Third terete kroroo roO utocud -rob tl

G metres ud Frerisiois. CANNED GOOD’, BUTTER,

CHEESE AND.EGGS. Con.ltenUy on Hand.

Page 3: tm - · Irlior MftcClutiiint laiet appear temporal lly •» direct*!1, and wield the baton utithtliu prace of a c iml (jJIJwm He freely encored. T r


COXEY SUFPRESSED.Eli Speech on t ie Capitol Steps

Nipped in the Bad,


ip, d o u b t i -

hare during t!QB IB ha a

; Had S.-Thel hwhich st

r mitol I

; Hadon" e«ln K.asjtr*ak from the step* <>cacf tot hi* bill* for

.I:<1- nn.l for «.bli

h a i

Cptur.n -i bnirinKworktotho untrnfloyrd on public ron<by an Issue of l«r*l Under. mded, Imight have bmi predicted, inlourriiptltbj the police. Thfl; performance) wht(w enacted wltbm 'be shadovr of IfCapitol j w t n i l i j

d o » j i f r o m l l r m h i K .c i o a L B t n w M o f ! u « c i t y l i m l b « n « H ( -l l . - > - t " ! b y f l i o u - m i ' I f . H i r n i ' S i - d l i m n - f i r

i»rnt. althi-UKli tlif-Jr BIJUI nutim-dwer*1 ini»T[>rtttjil t>y. t i ir O'mmorju-

I ] i l I - i i i c- I. ] e I-..itntoruf K n r j .

IW. ' r I nrl lir',"ii.- ..n IL wrem tfti-y I'ITChlTOD Htnlliob, (.ii-tltTBl Jn.1,1. M.-.'lirtD a n , I.IH wif« and the infant L ^ l T«i(IITCIIII-J- toifftiicr in luinthrr rarria«eVirginia l\a Valttie. *«id to *>*/ an aolres*on hunebttck, drMH-d in an Anuricaufl.iK a« tha l'lilladflpbia con. in tine's God-dess of Peace, the: rHrrjin*hitc Aunt. ->f p™«> on Sl«vp.. and tlK<i><lf-rn!>t tmniii-r. .ftrinjj furili the dotriitrn of rfiiirnriintinn, B""<i mBd« amienmity to platocrtts, eprbakted Ibrou

Mnr»hal BrowneJidltrd th* prooenniIn Ibentrw-r nritl «*lkiif i'lirk to Coxry't

I- •< t'kWnhv i % 'iu..v inn «i"-itiK>f tbe af-fair. Bn.wii* Sw(ngjDg Hlofi a (mall ban-IHT. f.Ti-f'l «<«• overt fie j.fsjai to theO,pil..l ..eps. their m.-n. actinic under or-d.-m. utandiiiK inlihi-tr trwks. AfterC.IXPT an-i l in.«n- [>r.-i.-r<l H vrllinijrrow-dof N>mJ hundr,4 men, BoWl of themfi'llowiii^ ]Ir >n nr, con-i'LiTiii'i- because "I

T l ' lLi u i t j | « l

I'liv'-il-l" •.M-:V Vt'.Tlr t h" — [.Ufi (if Ni. lirju.iie wiiKh lufmled thr pai-mle. <lt''t a ni'u" n ' hyUh,' um-xpfcied move,

fcll f t t h i TOldfc

itatlon, after bftLimnde H flirt* to re-

Fi* five mlnul* tfacrc »u< riot In tbnl

•I,-].. »bi. li ocndiled «t«>ui an Kcreof thiMptialt, Then. %e t*o t o u t i n g tplriitmriiig Iweo ,r<-iA'iv«l and half a doze

Uacler lia.t n-J,,i6.-.l bis 11 nw, and .Wern freely us»-il tumn the excited ne.

Ing <Hi<turl«ac«t Cable t«m elatbroujiUibu n.iiji Increased the dbur none but iiiipor idjurn'n weraln

"l b

"' r 1 <

S'CRISP SCORES COXEY.CommoLweal Army Leader,!••« U-iiig held under adviiemanL

•roin tbe poopl* who a n in the conn-ice of Coxey It !• learned lliat h» hadi d h h e .t«rt«l kk u n k i n i THE REMEDY FOB EII8TIB8 EVIIA

oblectlon i


a would be o b j « i i o i« speech o n tha at«pa of t h a

inti l bis interview* w i t h Mr. Crisp Basalon M o n d a y did h e b e c o m e j n > r » r e » c « =

He would be stopped. Thena t t e m p t t o carry o u t h U

event*, th ink ing that the

£ . H. HOLMES.DMtar B«wtQiuaiiy

LEHIGHJCOALDry Kindling Wood

Kept conatanUT OD bud.Offles, 17 North Arocne with W. MV

d me with ((real p

Capitol ate

heiryed b

.are at the Capitol.

to make aa far a s," be said. "They•unsi deration, b a t

I tbe law, FTtu If ItM y speech m a k i n g ,

o] Is over, and I shallIt. It would be no


. (heir chief.' * B «

isnlSOTOS. May a—The deiaflsof tha•»iew which Mr. Coiey had wit'ker Crisp Monday night tasre ju-tlearned. To the former** request for

' ' ' meeting on theh , conempatepa tbe

gnplled that

while he did not remember the exact teof th* law, b* doubled that ha had aur

I'hut reasons have jota permission.

to offer i n supporti the operation of

be doat




army, remain* un-

!••/.;, He stilt .It-;nt lias just begun,


it ts yonr pnrposef What do

Boice,Runyon&Co" " " " * \/L D. Coot • SiT


Mason's Materials, &o.,tey said that they came in th* namete. people to doniiad legislation forrelief, and then entered into a Ions

„ „ of tli* people.pacing bin bills. --How are yoa the r*pm*nt»tlTe of tbebrbttuplierColunilnii peoplet" the speaker anked. -By what

Jone** will be tried in the police court. ' amboHty do yoa undertake to representBrowne will be arraigned on the general &s,0u0,0«l Of people of this countrj. The?bnrge of violating a United Stales stat- people's nprerrnUilivrr are tbe aSo repre-ite, the one rt'ifnluting t h H aM> ° ' t n e seiilntiTKS elated lo congress and vented.'npttol Rroumls. Jones will bv charged | w [ , n autrioriiT under the proTisionaof oura'itb disorderly conduct. Samuel r'. Hy- i govtrtinient "niHu, a j-ouiig lawyt-r. IIM been <-nKagedto Coiey objected that congress did notilelslid Browne by soDM uoe whose nania repn^mt the robisrN u> itivt!. lawyer llfman was ••Then," said the xpeaker. "yonrremed1

asked »•* to tbe line of defense.

are now prepared with eoiincieutcilitie*. (h»nng pareWed the w t » i i

»rd. of Meutm. A. D. Cook ft B.':\ Ironptly fill all erdan and aaucit yWB pa

—iV,BOICK. RtnrrcN & c a

lawfully entered tbe

Lat* in the afternHS Hied at toOO.

wualthy residecAnna lUhn,lid*


was set free.vtjeA him in her earrings to brr hor

here be took dinner, and then herued to tbe army in Its new camp m,e rlTer. Jones wan left in tbe Matljiine. None of the C'mey people seemi particularly interested in hid coiiditi

people, subject-

. respect la your method of petitionr than the old method, which is be-onMtantly availed of by the peoplet"iey held that written petition* werer regarded fry congrean, and that he

•ojou expect to Intimidate oongTeaaFon think jon ran frighten ajiy repr»-,tivB intOTOtin? against hi* convic-

opportunity toc g * representing the

nd tLar. they would have to hareit it were secured through

• Mr. Sov- stability o

train even, tho. . be tied up.

o DeaMoines. with tlluwiiiK '

"Kelle;ily. and the quention must be decidedtithin a vpry shiTt time. I Khali attempt

ean only rt.p<

rlda, tbuugh

o if you are refused api wa»," be replied, "that

purpose; that the D ported met hot

meant nothing; and that If the theoryublic ownership w u to be accepted a*

right to tak*ment propertyrasnry and it*

vingiuld apply t

ery ro&d In lowit »«y that tbe Kolghtii.,' Bin li action of it-vir.

with the aid of the American Kailloion, which we can have, such a nvaalil be sucetwjiful. Tbe issue isasqi

patby with this Coxey and Kelley m•„ as it attracts public attentiontes the Industrial ouentiuioi in w.,-e interested. 1 nni rrliably loforthe majority of Ke!l«y'» menbtTM of labor unions, aitd we

Tin Bos.b-d-s H o u r fp.BALTIMORE, May 2.— Chmnpion OeoTgB

ht(tlily plt««d (o think that tbe backersof the "Kentucky KowbuU" hair* coTered

Jack Lyocb, who represents DIxon, said:"It is all n a n « n « to nay the Rosebud

in tbe nun the Rmi-bnfl asked George tomake a fnnny set-to, and then when he


v'Eir HAVES, May 2.—The Provi

nus their captain, Martin Murray

•s i i t t ' commonweiUr at Mnidle

7tn are housed in Central Ijibor 1Ji, which I* «IHO tbe poM, lor Cateetlaud'a Connecticut *juad of in

pate op|lu S to V

i. Ljmr, .

II played o

* reached bi-re lastd they rented theiri. TboCoxeyilesare

tired members bav*

S8AHUK1N. Pa., May 2 , - J Mtery. an agent for an InstalhIn thl* jiUcc. h a s t e n uotlfle

t.-rthf- »rmr<iu rtwted ottump, through double line, ofrredr by a mob of thousands.1 wliiut mtn, cbeiring like ing town of (i:

i Browne. Within tweoty-flv, hniiIIB hud 'et, wirb

late of Port L'nrboilate Sir William *

ternbire, comprlsin

with compound interest thaiain In th* bank In Scotland, i

.. lK06,wni aluotall lo the American heirs.nd as the Knglltfh relatives died without

issue. Tha other hetn are all realde&la of

SATI, May B.-Hetunis fromt:xrr-~t'-HHt difttrict show

l'aul J. Bars [>••"-: biu a plurality of! . « » o v [ r E . a. H*tbl»ne(Bep.(. The sol-dier1» burnt w«j> carried by luthbona by2.000. The Democratic gsin at Sorg's bomsIn MWillrtown WM over GOO. Houk>Democratic plurality In ,1»M- WM 4,900.Tbe three counties of tbe district gaT«McKinley last year • plurality of 500.

Cor\ciLBLITTB. IJ*., M»y S-—Johnaorthe bumlar who shot the town marshal iMissouri Vmlle ~ 'n Saturday, was lynched

lUp-bllea- 1 lelorl.. la I.dlajui.:*(i(i. MaVa.—Municipal elections

were held in a Unrulier of cities in Indianayesterday. Returns so far recelTad Indlcatc Republican Tictories In a majority i

uaa. May a — (J«v.

tTBSTOIIj y .—Colonel W. 0. P.rid«e. the.congreMmsn defendanttree km ridge- Pol lard trial, said tc-. .tart for Lexington tomorrowe, and will open the canvaaa Sat-'i..n,.mn at that place. I aritlcl-

i. of course, bat I am will.i people of my district inId will cheerfully sblds by

decision 1 feel confident that I will



nnTSBLKU, May 2—The *t»U - _tt the People's party nominated thUt: For governor, J. T. Ailmanat*; lieutenant goTernor. Jerome

Alken of WaHtdBBW; *ecr«t4ry »' iat*r-D*i affairs, Abram louder of Erie, audl-

enera.1, W. H. Delsher " "gremmen-at-large, VictorMontonr and B. F. Greer iford.

The platform, the fon-*-• the quotation "LOTSthyself," demand* a ay*l«i.tnportant nationaJ and statto a rote of tbe people; I J I I tTice president. United State* .he postmasters b« elected bye. direct _if the people: declares In faror of a Rrad-lated Income m«l Inheritance tax for•aiainA state bounty and municipal rere-^ urg« that tb- -Uta school book UwH amended so that tha state should pub-tsh B uDiform eyittem of text books freeLo the «cbool cblldreo of the commwealth; demands that all property of«Ute now taxable shall be assessed at

uh Talne for ttate, county and muui.pal purpoaea. and to pay an equal mile-

J w favors state's otHcership and opera-tion of coal milieu, and lodorevlutlonsof tha miner.' eoDTan!

imlntherinrltlmjr there to aatlst the People'i party

rect their wrong* and all other* withwhich our land la cursed. R. A- Thomp-•on, of Indiana, wa. re-elected staM ehair-

ha* appointed Amos M. Dunn, ol tbe crew asoapsd. I

AITOOKA. l'a,, W*» 1 - A . fndubt trainsoing eait on tbe PeniuylTanla railroadwas wrecked by a broken wheel at Tlptoneight mllea eaat ol tbi* rtty. Thirty. "cam were pited up. Brakemau Job]D u l l Ol tbil city, was Instantlykilled, and Harris I.. Marka, of Robert*.dale, who waa riding on the train,




Tbe managers at * repnlarmeetiQK held Dec. 11, IS93,ordered an Interest Dividendpaid at tbe rate of 3 per cent

O llperl i

allplltied tliereio lor money depos-ited three and sii montUiprior to Jannarj 1, 1894, pay-able OD and afler January 10,189*.

Interest not drswn will becredited tbe same a* originaldeposit. Money deposited•ow and before Jannarj- 10,1*94, will draw Interest fromJanuary 1, 1894.

JOHN W. MUKfcL*.?, PntsidaBLELI AS B. POPE, Trttaanrar.

jil Engineer and Stureyor.O, IN PARK ATINTJK, PUlNtlkLU

MunJdpal Enfrlneecinj In all Ita branca*


ialei g-iven and lep.iring prompt-ly attended to.



if 5 Washington Ave.


Cbase & Allen



Office 115 East Second streePLAINPIKLB, N. J.

i f H. DUNHAM.


Insurance, Be&l Eetatr.


Upholstering and Mattress Making.


T h e OnlyNew Art Tile Soda Fountain

IN THE CITYThe mrgt delicious pure crashed fruit Bympe in the world.

p , mctiicines and chemicals of every description. Also a libraryf directories of recent dote hi all the cities nearby Flaiufield, for use


Woolstonfc Buckle,Sa. 1*5 Hwtk inats ,

\ W L D i E OF WALL PAPERSto I'EII tvixr

last jesx's price.stock at

Great ReductionsPainter1! 8rppll«t.

%xalcsstotial (Cards.

UNTOR k Mornn,



10* Esat Front sireeLHotarr Public, MaaU

latner in CbiuKwry.

JJELflOU RUNTOmawanr-at-Law,

Mrs. John Brown.(8OSD18B0B TO JQBM BUBa«.)

Cesspools, Vaults, etc., Cleaned2 5 Per Cent Cheaper

UUD b j M j othar m ecu.

Ou> K m o n i uN r ess


P.O. Box IIPOrdenoan be left at David F. Ken-



2fo- 205 North Ar, Oppotile the Railway Station.

Artistic DMigM A l l T h e I . * t e a t S t p T - s s Obfttr


Diamonds BOAKJE'S Watches

Ormngs Bpooos I

K. TT. B I C E & Vo'mne Imported and dnmeatle fruits sod out* all kinds. Yrnrj ri• jsisHsari fruira.r EtoyaJ Dutch Coffee kuta s aeUdous daror, as tn after dinner drfok It Is aD

48Em1Iy Stree t .

Seeds and FertiUzere

FOR GARDEN AND LAWNGardeo Tools, Hoase Famishinge, Hardware, Sheet

Motal Work, PlambiEg.



L O V E BUILDINGBalance of the stork for aaJe at greatly reduced prices.


William J. Stephenson, C A T E R E R ,Receptions Teas, Waddings and Parties

rimmed wttk146 HOBTH

Henry F. Windham,

Hotel Arlingtonm m M St., and GTMO Brook Rood

scuiar and transient boardFT*.Jnt-oiaa. b ar an) naUai attno***.




BMUMM, IU. S61 Wcat Front St.

Flaintleld, N. J .

antuOf r»en. r AH work prompt-d to. «d ul^f.ttion «u*ruitnd.

G-AVETT'SChina, Pottery and Glass, Lamps, Gas fixtures

and Flower Pots. . *


Lamps and Gas Fixtures.


ClotIiin «• I I CJo-tlxixifr I IFor Men, Boys and Children.

at greatly reduced price*. Now il your ohADce,tak0 it before it it goat

B. R. POPE, Assignee for

C. B U H E P F I J I N & CO.

EDWARD LOVE,North Ave. Plainfield. N. J

Wall paper, glass, rugs, glass put in.

Window shades, glass, wall paper, glass,

[mmense bargains in wall paper, glass.

Full line of Glass ! Glass t Glass !

P4ints, Oils and Varnishes






I wi«h to.inform the pnblic thatI am again in charge at the olditand had wlllba glad to hare rajxienda call. I have employed a

flntclaa. chef, «nd .LaU addmany .improvements.


8E0. W. B00KFELL0W,

* THX GB00KB. -

Bral.. UP

INSURANCE.163 Knctfc'A**

So O d W S t . New York Cilr.



Interior Decorators.Will Piptti it Rrdncrt Rita.

'Us EAST FROirrsT.

J. T. VAIL.Real Estate and Insu ran t*

9*. 177 HOBTH »TE»E.

Bine Same FUgtlmn. Etc


Martile & Grille Worts,Monumental t Cemetery Work

1 Specialty.

• L. V MANHING,ier Central avenne * Treat Bt_ naumSevl

n sacks and cutaways are the latest fad. for' tnen. Tlie Firon anthe combination sni's are what yon wanrforyoor boys.


Spring GoodsOQ hand al ION ilian city prices.




TEN CENTS PEBJ POI^I).Fun Stored »t the low Rita of FOUR 1'KU CKN-TG»rmetiis left for Repair Dating tbe SUMMER MONTHS wltt be Stored

Free or Charge. 1 I



(Oor Second StreM


IT CAN T BE BEAT.—ANi>-4i " ' •

J. F. MacDONLD'SH the Place to;i Bay it.



A- N. DUNSTER & SON. Proprietors.


Rogers' Sea Food Market



. Furniture

caap, doubllM taUdptUoi • |mi nuh vlUVJl UVA/lUAJ VvlklJ J» daring th. Mit f— day* By pay- I ■ ■ — &■«£ 5S1‘JEST.'SS Ho* th. Speaker Bqodehtd *•

USS- 1 OommoDweoI Arm, U*te. d#oc# of Coxey It U Inrnrd that bo hod “ zsszsiisrzx .r&ss ^ ““di mEDira'a to hU makinc a »pe«h on tb# step# of tb# ! CapiloL No* until fa la Interview# wttfa Mr. c:n*r ©*»• »«— lb* authorities on Mod day did fa# b#oom# • B.rWM c*. Wee b. n>M|bi 1MM by convinced that ha would b# stopped. Than . .. ui*«ia« Tbraasfa ##»f CmUMUa ha roohtd to attempt to carry oot faU _ . . program at all events. thinking that tfaa | u^*r*' fc,‘ Ttar**,fc ** oulcoma of polloa lnterfer#oc# would ba W AkltlXQTOX, May *.—Tfaa detail# of tha a» ndvautagrou. aa voces for faU pur- , ,BtWY4#w whlcfa Mr Coxey bad wit 1 Fpeakrr Crlap Monday night hart jua» -1 bare no complaint to mak# a. far a. bwn ie,rn^j. Xo (Ba former’. request for th. „Uca »r- cobccraeil. ‘ b. Mid- "TB.T I . .a*i>.n.loa of lb. MfEOlotloo. w u u tmrt»1 m. with ,r,.l coo.ld<o«llOB. bul th, .obUib aloud media, on tb. tb., had io oorrr ool lb. law....a If It j Capitol .up. lb. n~«-. "fH-l *bot — •" unloM ™ Mr | wbll, b. did wmounbltl.iiMIMnw bow.TCT ottb. Capital U o.rr, and 1 .ball „( ,h. b. doobtod Ib.t b. b*l ■"! not Mg^n ottotnpt lb ll would b. no „,borll, to »r.nt tb. p.rmt..lon ukod. . I "Bui," b. .tided, "If I hb.. lb. "o- blo.1 of tb. ComoioowMlee. Moep.wl th^,„ , tb. praUrtoo. tb. ootcom. of d.toooMrotloo ID tb. Wb.i w,, b.e. too to o!T~ In .uppott MO., .pint,cd b, tbetr cbl.f. But [ „ b... tb. op-MUou of f.w of tb.u. took out p.rt lu lb. distort. u- .tupreiMr •ore .1 lb. Capitol. OU t.ldet. Of tb. lb" | Co„, ,h.t tb^ h.d bm loe locol rlrmcut brfnir rMpou.lblo for : M ,.prn,n, uililloo. of UDMUplopwl «od tba brief uproar. I ..,,.1^,, people. The urlimi rhantrr of tha affair i . Vb.i

FINE LEHIGHJC0A1 Dry Kindling Wood


Upholstering and Mattress Making.


WHERE? Oflloo, 17 Norlb A recto, with W, A b I with to Inform tht public that I ura ujr»in In eharn ll tht old •t*nd tnd *111 be glad to hare m, frieodt call. I huro employed a Hrttditt chef, and thalT add mto, improvement,. 123 NORTH AVENUE.

WamraoTO**. May 8. —'Tha march of Coxey’# Common* eJ army, which started from Massillon Ka.j#r Monday. that lu leader might speak from th* step* of the Capitol In advocacy <of bl* Mil* for i*ir»- Interest bearing bond* and for giving work to tha nnrmpltiycd on public roads by an Uaua of Inti Un<ler. aiiilrd. e» fc.lgbl bare hraD predict ad, In Interruption by lb# police. The-’ performance which wnWlsy •* wjilMia «nm» part In (be memoryjof Wa«bin*loolan« Over I he broad. jila/B of acvrral a-fa-facin* the eu-t:fn>nt of Ilia Capilol wa« l-ark«l a cn«»d of n»*i> and women niimtierltii/ 10.0U0 by c«ii*er»ati*c catl b.Htea, auch a«atli*pnK a* la never areti Ihrre #>o#pC on tna-iR'iratioii day* It wan shortly afi^r 1 o'clock when the army faalie-1 It. the public -frt^l. a..nth of the t'apiiol kround4. It- live mil* march d mu fn-ui llnuhtwi—l thn.ii*h^be prin

ni-^ed by tb«.u-o»uil< attrat led more from mil. auhotipli iliHr if-d naturvd »ella were luteri>rcted hf fb# < ommonwealerr

Boice, Runyon & Co — {Kf&SiSr Mrs. John Brown.

Cesspools, Vaults, etc., Cleaned 25 Per Cent. Cheaper

— like by toy otbor mu

GEO. W. ROOKFELLOW, Muon’s Materials, io.,

4* lo 6o Park "arm ar WtU Piptn tl Redtrrd Rato. 141 HAST FRONT ST. J. T. VAIL.

Real Estata and lnavranoa Henry P. Windham,

Hotel Arlington

SOUTH 8EC0ND ST PLAINFIELD, N. J. r.O. Box TIP rUM.Mnb.onu land r Km. yrinatutol. vrf |iariUel the |.'iblie Coley objected that cvnfireaa did D«*t rrpn w nt the people. -Then." aald tbr speaker, "toorremedy la at lbe ballot box. I’nder our ay«t#m of povrrnment the gorronrat Itaelf la tba [ people, subject U» f reqnent cbaD|(ea when [ the people IndIrate at the ballot hex that they want a ebaax*. and you appear to be a a. if oooatftuted rapr*weafn(ire ot the people " Coxey replied that the appeal to the ballot Idi.mMo alow, that tha relief de- ^mnruled oiuat l*e had at once, "Do you propoee to coerce conxresa* lu whet rcopcct im yoor method of petition better then the old method, which la be- Idk rnnatantly eVellrd of by the people*" Coiry held that urlttrn prtiUooa w#r# never regard**! by congre**, end that be thought hi* method would compel con- sideration. "Doyon expect to Intimidate eongrmal Do you think you can frighten any reprw tentative Into vutlng agaluat hia convlo-



BmUoooo, So. Ml Wort Frool St.. Plainfield. N. J.

colored .tceul rvpr.-*nliiig the l«d.1i*e of Peace. Curl l»r..w oe on a great grey Per cberon MallloD, tlen.ral Jacob }*l-eher Coxey. hit wife and the infant 1-egal Ten- der Coley togrlhrf In another carriage, Virginia I* Valet!#, —Id to be an acfrw—. on horseback, drafted In an American Bag. aa the rhtla<!rlpbia commane'a Uod- deaa of I'eare. tbet uuemploye<l . arrylng white Bag. of ,-aC# on atavea. and the nondescript banner*anting forth Ihe dor- trine- of rrifMamalion. (pml mad* and enmity W* plulocrata, .prmkied through them. Marshal llrowne halted th# procession

Mono mental l Cemetery Work a Specialty.



Fountain be aw hi id DR aloft a small lien- Ihnr wiv over the pfaralo th* •P*. their men. acting oudrr or dmg tn. their traclta After llruwne >rro«*da relJinRcrowd men. iuA»t of them Urow n#. *on*pirti«ni* becau*r oi ciMumr, Trampling and lear- ’ thronvb tbec*w»lv ahrnbbery, pi.!, w Ini# the M|iiad of mounted •h had headed t be parade. da».*l , „t 1 > ithe uneapected move. . kle.-ly fnto their fiihNt. a« #*>Dfr4ul#<l by the pollrw ai r h • hat »■• speak on (hr Mrp^

fair. Brown B-r. forc**l IN THE CITY Coxey atated that he did oot know, but ha brli«v#«| it waa th# duty of th# govern- ment to appropriate money for th# em- ployment of th# unemployed. He eald they could not wait for the opportunity to elect men t<> C>ngr*-*a representing tha people, and that they would bav# to have relief, rvru if H were anured through r# volution. "Your propoaltloo." aald lh# Bpeaker. "would l«r. if carried out. anhverslva of the government. Our inatltutiona would ba overthrown, and 'hers would b# no

Tlie mi at delirious pure crashed fruit »jmpe in the Drum, medicines and chemicals of every description. Alao a of directories of recent date bf all the cities nearby Plainfield, by any who wish. China, Pottery and Glass, Lamps, Gas

Flower Pots. fixtures JOHN W MT7KKAY, PnwHaat ELLAS R. POPE, Treagurer.

A. D. MALLINSON. Pr« MOfNM, la.. May S.-tJraud Maater Workman Sov*re4gn arrived In Dew MalDM with the avowed Intrn'lou of throwing the laBueuc* of lb# KulghU of ] 1 ^lar Into lb# effort to aevure a train for K#ll#y*a arm. In an interview with th. A—- Intel ITe-i repre—utatlv# Mr. !*<.«•- ' erelgu —Id that h««a. tioU wa. determined up»ri at a meeting id hU executive laiard h. ld in Chicago, and asserted that

ALTERING AND REFINISHING Civil Engineer ind Snmyor. No. SOS Norik Avenue, Lamps and Gas Fixtures. i liI• li proved f I*iipiilialIc

THEODORE GRAT. MASON AND CONTRACTOR, Kail mate# given and tep tiring prompt- ly attended u» ■minCNCK. • TTBIUOIDKAVI

Diamonds Watchee ROANE’S

In sack• and cutaways are the latest fad for' men. The Piron and phyttral the combination soi‘s are what yon want for your boys. A PULL USE OF *


25 Washington Ave. ia-„.n.Tu*i., a-p.. n. na French. Mu He. Drawtog, CalMb«uUa. Aa pp-wtunity to fotm ik—MMMMwiUMaf. rded to lh.— ao« exmnwiri wfU th# aohooi At h— * Wrir—hnltflta ».

Our oanari rrull. and *eg**ati>— ar# th# b—i all or totephone. reOHve prompt at'criloo The North Plaimield Grocer*. apifol Seeds and Fertilizer*

FOR GARDEN AND LAWN Oarden TooU, IIon*c Furnishing*. Hardware, Sheet Metal Work, Plumbing.


SCHWED BROTHERS, ran naiiway — — . aueh a mor# hi# dep—lt of Sl.UOO to mak# a match, i# Ui#iuar* Jack Lynch, who r*l£r~n,-|

CH'ry* more- knocked Georg# out. When lh# two met tteutina and »h« ring lb# Ko##tad naked (ieorg# to SJlotted • chance tried to mak# a reputation r * men ar# for hltna«!f by throwing Dixon down, and w# will There will b# au lr.rubl# now If tboMother walk out of | Will com# to term#.” Br.iklirl#|* CoahUaL WtfHiXBTM, Way 2 -OIomI W. O. P. Dr^ktundge. thecongr—imao d#f#ndaol in the BreekinrldgwPullard trial, aald to- day "I atari for Lextngtoa tomorrow

uSSy Steruooo at That place. I antlet- ;vat# oppoaltlou. of cour—, but I am will- 1 lug to truot th# peopla of my dlotriet In thi# matter, add will cheerfully abld# by th«tr drclxiou. I f##l cuufldeot that I will U nominated sod rwel#ot#d."

trough W. S.’.CHASE, JR., Chase A Allen

Painters Interior Deoorj tors



mted poll—

MOTHYLENE ;lng their club# Deoreat person*, in terror, men - m# were tiring led upon.

IX# Molars. Nbu IIavl.v. May 8.-The I'rovideuc# • •.a tion of tb# Cox#y army arrlvr.1 her# Biinur their captain. Msrtlu Murray Hia bicu dec lare be remained behind to car# for a sick Commuowealer at Middletown. Twelv# mm were In the detachment The d«um are houoed Hi Central I-nbor Colon ball. Which 1» also th# powt for Captain S-vet laud ■ Connecticut oquad of iweuly


Far, Stored at tho low Rrto of FOUR PER CENT. Garment, left for Ropmr Daring th, SUMMER MONTHS will bw Stored two of Charge. ^ j


Office 110 Eaat Second 8tree PLAIN FIELD, N. I. LOVE BUILDING Balance of tho stock for solo at greatly reduced pric


teat imme- theatrvet. PENNSYLVANIA POPULISTS GriLtunu. Couo.. May 8.—Swlfl'a llltglDl of fifty ll.r*-e rrat Lv! hX night rroui Lym#. and they rested t weary llrn'is In a barn. The Caxerltei pretty well played out. and It la aoul If *oui#of them continue to march tbvr Many of th# tired members I Ian taken with kick new*.

HERMAN A. WEBER, . STAPLE BOT5Y GfiOCEItfES liberty BOoot (Oow. Boeoad Street

tb# Oe'MMnhlp n*nm«»citaf May 8 —Tb# #tate ofmrmu- tlon of ths People’s party nominated this ticket For governor. J. T. Allman of Juniata; lieutenant governor. J#rv»m# B. Aiken of Washington; aecntary of Inter- nal alTairs. Abram louder of Erie; audi- tor general. W. H. D*l.h«r of B^rka; oon- gre—tueu-mi-large. Victor O. LolJf of Montour nod B F. Or##i maun of Brad- ford. Tb# platform, the foundation of which la the quotation "Lov# thy neighbor n# thyself.” demand* a aystew of Babmlttlng Important natlooal and elate legialatlon to a vote of tb# pwp>»; »-at th# pr—ld#nt. vie pc##ld«nt, United Slate# hmIon aod th# poatmaawrs b# rl#«ted by a dlr#ct vote of th# people*, declare In favor of a grad- uated tacom# and Inheritance tax for nulne .tat*, couot, .ad moolrtpal rara Da., onn that tb. rtala school book law 1» o»,M » that lb. «.<• .booId pob. Il.b . uaUm .n““ °t ““ *«*• f— to th# school children of th# common- wealth, demand* that all property of tha ■tat. now .ball b. Mm—1 " "• ra.h .ala. ftw .toM. ooublf aad «aat-

Re&l Eetatr. Insor&oce, William J. Stephenson, CATERER,

Recaptions Teas. Weddings and Parties tt.«rwa*vd th# Woolston & Buckle,


SO PER CUTf LESS Tb.. lut mT. pka La.t 7— slock at .

Great Reductions

thm«t nptlir r ltan.l. for her to shake »#ry. an agent for an Installment concern the an. :.nn;» atveplcd the rivillty, with In this place, haa been not I del that he Is h- #ppor»nl fvaf of harm from lh# mob on# of ten« u» vast Luglish estate# that surged .i-,m i.r, .libont hindrance I ealuetl at fio.ottf.ono Ills grandmorber tomvtiBiv after lh# army waa started off Mrs Sarmh Slattery, late of Fort Uarhon, fur it* or• tamp, through double line# of wm. a »l«ter of th* late Hr William K. poltrr, followed- I.y a mob of thou—nds. Ball, a ho—estate consl-t* of the flourish- Degfws and white men. cb#*nng lik# Ing txwn of Manc—tersblr#. '■••■nprlstug an hour the Ca#U*«l gnmntl* had almost Mxj'fttwltb compountl inirmt tbil hss few pe. p'.# xiniUng ar ui.d ami nothing 1HJ*. wnialaoflnto tb# American'helra! but trample,! ahruhl- rj nn<l grass ground aa th# KuglUb rvlaMvs# d1#d without BD<ler th'»i<aii4s of feet left aa «vld«ac«# Usue. Tb# other h«lr» or# all realdsata of •f the riot. 1 tltla state. Over in the sla'lon bon*#. In the south-' •astern sew iI' ll t.f lbs rliy. Carl llrowu# Wa* i.-.kiitg Utr ugh Ibr grating of bis Ceil, hi* pockvtt having l»»ii searched ami



For Men, Boys and Children. at groutlj rod ucod priooa. Now if your ohao<*,Uke it bofor*

E. B. POPE. Assignee for MacDONLD’S Reek's Hial.trI Mill DanaeeeetlO. CrCciXXATt, May 1-H.tunis from the Third cv.ngrea-lonal di-trict show that Paul J. <D#m.) haa a plurality of 8.0)0 over K t». Hat his hi# (Itep The ool- dter • hum# was carried by Hathbou* by 2.000. Th# Democratic gain at feorg’a hnm# In Middletown waa over B«> llouk # IX-mo<-ratlc plurality In l«l waa «.■» Th# three rountlm of th# district gav# McKinley Uat yeur a pluraUty of SCO.

with ordluary cflender* Tb# re«ul| of th# MSI Q was *T io motwy. a small tils- Commoo«»*l flteratur#. Assiatant Ib»- trict Attorney Mullowury dwided that luiloMot tb. oila—I- oob'.uiIdd al C» luanbua. A r#->lutl<m waa adopted extending tha sympathy of th# Populist# to th# oppes—sd coal miners of this aad other state#, and . ... .a l.i tk. narl. EDWARD LOVE,

Plainfield. N. J talking, th# American pro- now. he declared grand!I- ? North Ave. Wall paper, glass, rugs, glass put in. Window shades, glass, wall paper, glass. Immense bargains in wall paper, glass. Full line of Glass f Glass I Glass I

Paints, Oils and Varnishes

COryciL Bli j n. la. May th# burglar wbo shot th# tow Missouri Valley on Saturday yesterday. Tb# mob went lo after 1 o’clock; broke lu th Johnson out, an<f,batig#d hit kfe" Little attent Imi -a. paid toChrteftopW* VUlUBibtM JonAi. tfa# lull# leader of th# Phllaitwlphia tlai..,n who had iwm unow tentatlaUwly .oil quietly folded Into th# •mbrace of the law during the dial urbane#, and Who poafd lh. cell adjourning Browne# f General Cogpy accepted tha sltnatipn phllosophu olly. Hu army waa pul to work clearing up the new camping ground, tow occupatloo. while Co*#y 4*uv# over to th# office of th# dUtrirt com-

lu a »r#lgh» *rwk •a, Mag l-A faMght teala th# Pennsylvania railroad iy a broken vbw 1 at Tipton, «t of this rtly Thlrty-ulno 4 up. Broke man John D. of thM eft/. — In-te-tly kilted, and Barria L diark^ od BulueU- , dal#, who waa riding on th# train. — Patti- * seriously Injured Th# «#h#v wntei of .. .v • le trn I fhal Ika

N. DUNSTER & 80N. Proprletora. RegsMIoaoa Ttete.Ua te leUtaua. CHHAUO. Msw-X-Municipal flections wrr# bald In a Bomber of cttl## lu Indiana yesterday. Heiurus no far received Indi- cate Republican victories lu a majority of 0£i>ER YOUR BREAKFAST

Rogers’ Sea Food Market

Page 4: tm - · Irlior MftcClutiiint laiet appear temporal lly •» direct*!1, and wield the baton utithtliu prace of a c iml (jJIJwm He freely encored. T r


. .Mr. TrmcT, ol Weit Ktehth A mwbo bai been irateliog to Earope, breturned borne. ; '

. . N . 0 . Pointer, ofSonervllte, wthe gnesl loilav of hit ennslu ChurlDamter, or Nortti avenue.

, . Marlon, tbe liule dangbter of JobBtlmm, of East Third ureet is qultick with intermittent fever.

. . Mrs. Brooki, of Brooklynrented a house on Sanillonl arfrom E. Wesierrelt l or lhe Surora.

. .Frnuk Rujnicrni, of Muili-onnnp, left at noon loday lor New Yoand will sail loiiifjiu for Europe.

..Archil*?* A.;Ii. 0. Marsh waa efrsee<i jesterday letting atakei Tor t»-<;<• nil of n wit ami handsome re-dence to be built; by Ernuet K. Aokrnin, ofWert Sevtnth sireelnpon bisrecently p ircbaseil at ine corner of Ul»ion ureirt.

. . Kx-CoriKresstfcan Koswell G Hoof I'ark avenue, will go tomorrowOregon to remain nnitl June 7, busen cage J in tbe : political . campalfwor* upon which .-be left mcb a goImpreeaiorj two rears ago,when be walmost ihe ctiier inspiration la mat I:the Hate Republican.

..Wins Lllile A. Wakffield diedber home In North natufielil last nigaHer • I ngeniiK lHsiOft. Her rune)."••: i-iYj will be Imld Friday af fernyat 1.30 ami luiprmeul will be m lat Evergreen Cemetery, El ialwtn.

..Mr ami Mrs' Lewis V. F. R>dolpb have Issuer!, inviiftii.tns annouuIng the marriage : of tbelr dauzliuVirginia, io Mr. ILee Astilny Qracthe event to take JIJA'.'IS on Wadnesiitevening, May 16, w, the F.rrt BafiLl

' (';:,[.c!i, at ball p u t seven o'clock...Prof. Peter I+Conde sails ou We

n mi.iy. M i? 23, IbrOerrnsuy on onet ia Red Star 7.TI? a • iniers. He doe

, urn intend U> rttilru ifiljtlleSeptember.

. .Bctiard McLtonald, wbo fur ROItime jiast.baa beeh the sexton at (IrsH E Ctnrflh, gave up bia posiliiye^terdpy aud D^f Id Martin, a eolore<man, waa appointed In his place.

. . Professor Cofctle feels so wellaQfd wiii tbe resnlt at lit* conceinl^bl that be will give anotherbe reiarns Iron) Genanay lu We It

..Mr*. Seamst} W.IlLnms, of tiandford avenue, wnb ber daauliU-ra ]Minnie Williams, and M-a." JamesMae Murray, ot East Frouleireet, iloday to Newark lo utleod tue lutiof ber nephew. :

:Mrs. Wojlsevi, of New York,rented Mm. Ltffler's house onGran le avenue near Neinerwoodtne DUmtuer.

..Naib.n Hi Damn, fatheC r m w U i r s Her ir;iii S.Ml00 o'clock this alu-rnborne of t&e latter-after an ilperitonitis. He' waa sevyears old.


Persons tttio sympathize with ill?• IBMed will r*-j'jlc6 wilh I». E Carr, el1235 H.frlson street, Kansas City. Hrin un Old sufferer froiw luflamrnaton

been troubled in ttila climate. LmiWinter lie wt-nt u|i into Wisconsin, aidID couwquence bas bad another attack.

upon cute a— „ . . , "My join_ - ..

almost to look bt.; Upon tlie argent.„quest ol tiiv mother-in law I trierChamberlaln'a Pain ii <.::. ••• :v;u •<• the••elllng and case ibe pain, and to miagreeaule surprise, ltdldbotb 1 havifl>ed three tlTiy-ceot bolLles and believe it to be Ihe finest tiling for rheumatism, iiama and swellings exlauiForwleijy Reynold'a-Pharmacy, Par!and Nonn »veuue, T. M. ArmstrongManager.


IPAST 16-Ko. 3.


A An QdltHM *( th. Warld.-' A

V N't-nht-i, -hi \<!fi doily. f

V Send or brine to the office V• of thii p»per Three Coupon*, I

V with ten centu in money, tad OJ you will r w ™ one p u t of J

A tbe grnl portfolio of Aft. A

Music CouponDaify Courier.

"Harmonhid Melodies,"

B U I AMD TUBS.—Farmer* to tbe vicinity of Oak

Tree complain that they need rain fortbe aafeiy or the Spring cropa.

—On Wedowday, of next week, the(he State Trap tihuotert League willmeet on tbe ground*, or ibe Climax GuuUlnb and bare a Miict or handicap•hoot*.

—On Thursday evening, a lecturewill be given ID ibe Trimly ReformedChurch, by Mrs. Edward. Burte Mor-ion, of Craolurd, wlio will illuiirateni-r reuiaraS wlib stereoscopic viewsmade b ; herself.

—Al tbe Christian Endeavor meet-ing ii tbe Seventu Day Bipmt Cbnrcblomorrow night, when ibe Rev. P. S.Hurlbut or New York »lil leciure,Artbor Tiuwonb, (be organist, willjilav several orgau rotoa.

—Tbedirecionoi the Y. M. C.

Of iheir uew build

RIOTING ITCLEVEUNDA May Day Demonstration Leads

to Great Disorder.


If IM rlouil 1 Hurt.

, May!.—ThanneTaployodofCleveland celeb*a,t*d May D»y wltb •meeting, a proctMlon that * u marked byaereral riotous riemonittatloni, and by

odU teps t<

— Wliiie William Dolen was deliverag some meat un Somerset slreet tliituoruiug his bonetuok ingot at a passBE car, and ran away. AC Craig place

apiured afier throwing ibe..;•• i ..!.•. The wagon was auirjored.

— i t ibe meeting of the auxiliary obe Young Meu'a UuriaUau AMOCIBIIOL-iiu II was belt! last nigliL, several seTni<]iis irtjii] ifsnteB W^IITCOUID !i lc\ i.oetoa were read by James R. Joy'ictor Chtiitopheraon did some eicelrat % izmMI bar.

• ml adilurt of The

rek »BO hepfrfsct pic-

ten.lcd sail-

Alwll H-U the >

ietorof the Bald

Mpet-. By the tiat hii drnlh ib

jail here*

ested t


creditug "bat U

Hi, TVnn.. May 2.—All the n1 Creek hnv* quit work. Thei

forking In District N'o. IB whiCoal Creek. JeWce, Laurel at

iucinnmi Souihern road rrgion, eHock wood, Tenn.. and iin^ ih'

Ther.1 Creek.

:ilon l u t night. Tbe ere*escaped Injury, but the \

rigbtenvd. Ouo lady had he;!-..<,< ,';i-.l. Both engioei n

wracked. ^ _ _

ex.. M«j

1 befon Just it

lor TBD rirrt KcsppolBUd.lav 3.-AbrBhaoi V. V.n

'br'^mmlMio'o" Mr. V^a

3.—Admiral da Gama. h

io, naying that be I* coi


The »l-(*r of Mrs. JayMe, a Phils


ite marellnK. Tw u oompoMd of between 6,000

men and boya. moatly tartXga-lollowed a U d S S

ly gn . Tber l o w e d a U Stale* Sag,,nd itartod In mJlitary order. They hadlot gone a mile, however, befor* tb* pin-•tBinn collided with an electric car. TheQOtormau r*fai*d lo atop, and uiacarwai

A few mi i n t o WbBC another c

i it policeman tired hisManrof the men dre(in HK, «t least 100 sh<

•c fused


r of S A l b u u . Ua Wife,d D i d G t h i

thler. a lum.r of St. Albuu. U ,their pan Jowph, and David Gaathier.their brother, a n buried nnd«r a huadrrfteet of «rth by th . Mrrlbl* UiutalUU ofFriday lut, 8oma sajr t hat Madia« Oso-thiar W H a«en goiu, down Into th* Bt.Ann* riT*T while trjing to u n hanaU bymnolng away, but th* Telocity ot tbamoTing earth waa ao gnat that aha waacarried along by It, and while crying forhelp waa drawn Into the wild maelntrom

F H mile. th*r« ii nothing bat dwola-tlon. Wbera tfaa SI 'oearJy a mil* wtd* 1itream, raging and

MtESUAT fMAY 2. 18»4.

JNew Planing Mill!Th*manwi...i» h-nglER to icable car often hear* convert Ions whichan worth rapeatlng.

"Don1, yoo hat* t* hav* to aak yoor hiband for money tc buy y d t aib i h M tbate with V n

i l b

tc buy your di matron la dark grf*D

w bounds. Waoda,tempt to b n a k 1U• • - - ; l« ,aI la J

height (or i l l mile* back. H e n u d tl

ID th*d

of Ihe bullets want through tha windowser. and two of the clerks

was brokrn up tempor-

sn. and when the driver . fc

refu-wd U> stop be was felled witb a brick, j .

cession moved up Snperior street, on the | °

•topped snd alL traffic suspended for a °time. Ths driver of a track who refused [ Jj

ike bin u u n : o o t of the way received awound In tbe hide of tbe f&ce from an

During all these disturbances not a' arrest was made, tba police evi-

debris ogranaries nodlitUa heap.. I

rots and earcawes of dead cattle, bui o n of It has been swept Into tha river•d carried long sine* Inran. and thencv toward __The aborea of tbe river are of peculiar

irmatlon and r l » tSO feet above the lavaof the water, except lor * mil* or *o 'tbe slide occurred. H e n fur almost

' back tbe earth now bas a gentle de-j and it DCBHT level with tbe '

whose bed has risen at least a t i t r feet.Tbe lower/toll of the river bank la compoa«d of q W , boneycombrd bvthat for } W * back has filtered throughfrom the Laartntlan mountains. It was

:iock ID the evening when these cl,

of Hand on top slid Into the river.

dently nb o d

WiLMTMiTOS,D«l..May 3 . - S i x thoQsai.__ d o l l s n In KrwnbBclt> mvsterlouslv d l u p -

edto the«qnaresev - pe«red from the safe In Ihe Adams s iids bv Central Labor | c»r on the Delaware, Maryland anderal speeches

leaden ivnn jvlvinen m ebut an auBrcbitit floallj B

spe«ch wbicb . "•••> '!"•••It headrdout " « cor

IR district. In ;tlon»J bpart of the city, and it waa Harringr

feared that more violence would be con1, but the rppartfl!mlK--atethat not!*>re ttpiioiis than tbe breaking of

lew windou-n iu a factory occurred.

started a

LANCASTER. Pa.. May 3.—Officers whoait nmlit brought in Jake Buiiard, sonjf Abe Buizsn l .and Hardj- Hower. tbe si-eged Welsh moontftiQ thieTes.whomtbej

•rrvsted In Reading jenterday, claim to

Abu Buzzard, the no called reformed out-bo is in jail here on nuspicion. Con-P f l s sars h* secured Abe Buzzard's.. and in It he found a Bible, a pitbain, a ht-t of btirglar'i tools an'

Bawley, asl

pp* bta eg y,

Jumped from tlie car and t u n e d _•witch. When be returnrd be unlockedthe safe and found tbe money mihaing.ii ftUpponed Ihe money waa taken by sol

f W e b b nS for the (

THOMSOK, Nofway. 5 f a.—The Ameri-ton, under thallman, left her*

u board tbe steamer Ptagn-


Philadelpbia-Boston. T; Philadel-phia. 3.

At New York—New York. 7; Baltimore,

At Cincinnati—Pittsbarg. T; Cincinnati,

A t Washington—Brooklyn, tt; Wishing->n, ft forfeited In sixth Inning on account

1 toon- at that time was 3 to Q in favor

Id, 4. At Provident


1 yesterday, but the trading W H me

ket » „ Uett*.' Sus»r W U K U D tho lead1 * • ; - . . - - J J I . ' . . . . ; • ' i . . ' - . K L i :u -

l»hV«Jl»T 87H W.N. Y. * P a :nnylvsnia -..-.H»H Erie. - IIding - - lSlt D., L. A W _ ]«

i<t44c Hk>l. wltlilSWc. Ma B

M«Ue.; EIRIS*.7V d

k!n». 8*vaiK-.; <•"< •«!r. N<— Yori and rVn

wutorn rrrsb. 10h»l

•e Biven for "the flag AmerTcan""»«-*»t «Mi3WhIe*p«Tlh"i^dwal(ht: refrtfentor berf. THS*Hc per™ steady: poor to fair « a l . . R S i u par

sbeep. poor to primp. t*Jl-ia ber 1W lbs.;cUpix-d Ismb*. prime. %* H: UUfthirD Lambs,

lambs (Virginia), fair.

m s M U M T b i c n dburglar who -hot

City Marshal Whitneyst Missouri Valley,I., last Saturday, wan lynched yesterday.Right. Kev. Hon. John Thomas Pel- _

am, D. D., who recently reniicned the «4c. per Ih. Hofsflrm;ird blnhopr of Norwicb. died In I<ondon. I tp " P" "I >ba.The Hrrrcboffs. of Bristol. B. L, hate EAST Liaiarr, Pa.. M

alves, H

If Ring Solomon waa B||ve he wotiw aay: ''Go to tbe travel lop miurn his waja, and be wise." Mr'• Baltell, a Cincinnati (ravelin* mi!>roitcntmi,' tbe Qu»eo Cltj PriatlDgit Co , al iT snfTiinnK mtenily for two

or three day* with Ismen-M of theboalnrr, reiuking from rneumaUwn,

lpletelj cared it wild two appllc*-• of Cbamberiain'a Pain Balm,i remedy Ii paining a vide repnta-

_j lor i(s prompt care* ot rheums-•m, tame ba*fcT aplWlUTJ»elllnes,«nfi

earn, 50 cent bottle* lor tale..Bjnold'a Fbannacy Park and

ortb avenuea, T. a Armstrong, U a B '

ta.HOt. Hiwi stuulj. loser: bastPhiladelphia*. V- SAitS * , but Vorkert. IS »*A W; common U (sir Yorker* IA atOk.W;pin. •&•»«£.». fil.™pl<,w.r.. llr*.»3aoa»;•Md S3 KNtS BO; fair, f «kB*; commuD. 60c »

F.AUA. Ills.. May 2 . - T h e strike ID

iot beeo aice has beei

complete. Tbe Operator!inrerred witb, and n<i submitted for adjust-

and . hil-iren, a n wilhoat mean;support. Tberu ia no d;. t u rljunce Tha

J i m«a, l

S a n


•threadfTHtlvl there ii

doval and

they wUl n<

ions of the n w l at tblii now no coal In night.sumption. The minersii'lin. a few miles north

.t hold out through tbe

ABHLIKO. Pa.. May 2.—The Lehigh Coal

jesterdsy moisaw smoks Utagfs. They h

feared tl

m Inert ci

me difficulty In reach-ins Loped and Sebar• were working in th*

b h

RALEIGH, X. C , May 2.—Two large, boil- Wllliamston, exploded yesterday

ings, and all were injured. Isaac Brightwaii dead when taken out, and four oth*nare dying. Several of iboM injured w e nwomen, who bad taken dinner to theirhunbaoda, who were emplojea. On* boilerwas blown thirty yards from its bed.

• IttmU Ma] Wilcoi

irlfe, Ettaill*. Frank Fo>Frank WUcox, who were convictedUnited States district court on Friday for"tightening11 United States gold coinswere sentenced yesterday. Jndge Morrisentenced Wileox to four jears ia thiMaryland penitentiary and tit") One. Thswoman was aenlcnced to Jail formonths and fined $50.

KLiM, M a y S - K e c t o r Ahl ward t. the

frotu the Ploetiensea prinou on March a.w h e n he had been con6ned after beingconvicted of libeling the Loewe Brm ofI l e b n w gnnmahers. waa sentenced r**Mr-

o three tniinthn' imprison mint lor In-n B PniBBioD officials during a recent

speech made at £ns«n.

S T . P A I

l y i, May a—The TOI

nlth (D.

te wite in >eal brown."I never do." wa* tha reply."Don'tyour DoeahegivelttoToawttli

°*Th" matron In seal shook her head."Ilareyon a regular allowance, mdoc*

oiaiulaln ts tbe correct thlngf""Neither."•Then Ton mnst havs private means

voor own to draw on, bat tv«rr womannot so well ultnMed as that"

"WronxsKivln. I b«ve no fortnn* of nown, and my husband paya for sveryth in

•Then how d< n manage It if you m

any without askingf"

tbe thinu*™banred-"-Pittsburg ChroniclTelegraph.

The Only One.Mm. Norrin—Since I bave been married

have had only one wish ungrntifled.Mr. Norrif-Aod what is that, my dearMm. Korrls-Tbic 1 were ..DKle ag.Lu

Tit-Bits. _ ^ _ ^ _ _

WMt sad South Via a a t p M U t Ohio.

Tbe F. F. V., a solid train of Palman res libale sleepers, dining eftday coaches, heated by Btearo,lighted by eleotrtclty. New. York tcCincinnali and Louisville, via WaalIngton, without extra fatv, leave* NewYork dally by Pennsylvania Railroad5.00 p. m , Fhilailelphia, 1.40 p. marrives Cincinnati. 6 p. m. next dayLonl»vllle,9.00; CliicagO; 6.55 and tit.Lonla,7.05 upit morning. Tlie Cinelnnati expreaa lesvea New York, weekday6 00 a. to , PhlladelDtila. 10 20 a. -

doe Cincinnati, 1.2Chicago din*yon it.


lorningin'! St. Louis, 6.30 p.coDDneL-tions to point* be

819;*"nl miM lrom,U, «16; Louisvl.

50; SL Lonia, »21.2S. Calitornia o•ray anil excnnlon tickets i t greairedocert rstea Through ticketi a;baggage checks a' PenotyWanla RStation, Elizabeth.

FpJSK MCCOSNELL, P. A-36! Broadway, "F r u SR, O V A.

Hi MawbiCh EDesflB home-ma

bread, will be [be specif

ty at Gardner's bake

*1 Somerset street.

To b3 opened MAT 1.

Hotels, Ac.

Hotel GrenadaNorth Avenua.

tfl Flnooi: Hct«! l-a t h a C l t r

It now opm for booking rows, and«r

"J*Cem«n t of


DAVE'S213 West Frsnt St.

Tonsorial Parlors.adiee' and children's hair dress-

ing a specialty.Firtt Class Attendance.

COMMUTERS!» u j bnr rour Oltars tn New

Mbaber-s, UT "orth A T » _ jouo

weat ber. Forty-rd from give 4,730 forI (or Ik.r«n (Rep.), and ,(Pop.). There ars lilt i "

irecinctn io all. ani) tha remaining onesire about eqnally divided between the.wo leading partfm.

LTIMOKE, May i—David Harrison,eolond, was committed for court hy Jitice Hobbs charged with erimlnall riaultiog hia lS-year-old daughter ElThi girl admitted that the charg* waa

rrect. Haying her father had threatenedkill ber If .he told. Harriaoa denied

thscharga. ^

I E K B I E S E , Pa., MayS.—John Priceand Mike Morris, miners, were probablyfatally Injured by in explosion of gas InPort Bowkley shaft. The men went into

d working without patting tbetafe t 'bment to tbeir lawpa, and tbe naL• Ignited a largs body at gaa.

ped at her door.' " V «teadr calling."

- I have me ptrfeealoti," he replisd, with

" Wi-ll. wby uinlfr tbe ran don't you |ro»work M itr You're risht to '

of life.""I know It. That'. I'm an Infant c

whfet the mattaf

m u n n business.1 ' -Washington SCu;

CB1CAOO, May 3.—General Kalatn A.Wiles has retamed from . muutlTi toar

(ha weat. He u l d a ooart "ai lI f 1

•Id be called to invntigatc the klUtogof Captain Hadberg by LisatenaDt UanayaotwsihttaadiDc the vaqaiual of Umimjby th* criminal court

•Dr."a P . Seott, Blna Eldge, Harrl-n Oo. Mo, • * ; • : "For whooping

cough Obaaberlain's Congo Remedy we l l t " B h

rmiirong, Managet.

j ; "We Put in Our W rWhen It conies to talkingabout soda wate trait '

Be ,

cnuae*, Bne Qa*ora, puri-ty of nyrtips. Wa hav*them In tnelr perfection. , ,Ice cream toda In all lUv-on. Drink liandolpli's , ,lamoni todft. . . ,




SHOULDER BRACES,Hot Watsr 1Atomizers and Inhalers.

at 8HAW8 PHARMACY* • o

EUrtl Wood VioorlBf, Mouldinn. Window Frame*

Tumiac *nd Scroll Sawing-Steam Klin Drlad Kindling W osd,

U B H I C H C O A L ,

Lumber and Mason's MaterialIt. A. H h n n i n , A«*«>


—SOABS—OhUdren dnri«g the Snmme

or part of vacation, atROCKVIE-W SCHCOL.

Music arid instruction if deeiretAITLT TO THB


Coal Delivered


Dust and NoiseT R Y OUR NEW SYSTEM

No Extra Charge.


Merchant TailorVultom f o r k . Specially. O w i l n g In

K^>«lrln«. l^dl M ' 6ioaka Alterm . . d Kr

Ko. 183 »AST yotJRTH ST

Central Hotel.






Flour, Oraln,FEED, HAY. STRAW.

And all Country Produce

$41 Broadway,Ma. HUA INTLtLD. r)

Hotel Albionis DOW open

for acootuodation ot gneeft.

A. ii. RUKT0K & SON.Undertakers and Embalme

HU. m FAKK 1 W


. DICIUSOI, FI1CTIC1L OPTICIAN« « I D P 1 1 T « . 142 N..rth ATC

Edw. C. HULFORD,Real EstateAnd Insurance.

168 North Avenue.




' • n U e

aAMim«iiI^8Aia?a?iA¥s-Hi. 1 oL/X p. m.

Le»ve Kaston Bl Uft. 7.WI, BJS». ••. m~ tili-qL. :Sb p. m. Suoda* al 7.U, VHM a. n- a.l « P . m .

P u n n i u i ' • >• U w i J J. .i< .-•• I-IM.Leave PlainbXd al iJM t. m. & •'•. ''.It.

mrwAMO o

The Latest

Theodora WilsonVATTLTS, CESSPOOLS 4o.


-C. B. ViN BEST,W K Cl



w A I^TIl I>—Hal •-m

•prma, . Oulflt frw' A- H ffrrc-iiiln-s * A

J6a, rn.—For Flr«iincH>n, IJ

. - n.lniriolL. BrLdW. B, K.,'Buton. Allwii..-

E«a41iiK. Harrietrur«.MBuch Chunk, Wliliaio*.rL. Tnmat]lia^ Puttavlllp, ^tisniirkin. Nalooke, and I'tnin Lnhlsii. WilkesbarrFcranton, *c.Tbruu«h ouacta to wtiu.unp,.ti.ia p. m. war for Suton .-"nn-^in

t Junction for stalli•an on u. L.* W. K. K.S.W p. ro.—For rieinlDiilun, Eutuci.llct

mom, Baniror, Alleouiwa, HuuvD Chun

VIM:ajnBpurt. Wt[ksbsrrr and Si-rs"""1

SJ*lj.n). war lor iu«..,i. e n

SS'IL":!!. Sundan—Tor Basinn. AlleotomMiiHb Chunk, Tunaqua. 8namukin. WiJifEiflpcirL, ko.

p. m.tivinda>-l—For fl:dfc> Uridne Di-n. AJIeomwn. Kaucta Cnuna, Taioln« and HurTlrbiirs.p. ai. Sundavit— Por KMHID. Brthlehcotiwn, Maucb Cliuoa. Bvaitlns. H i m

Loavc Plal-.jli-iii at 3^7. » -0. HJi a. mLJ4. 4.01. &j« ; . m. »u. laj , I6.eeUli>nUrv<r>)U< s. m.j iui | ( . i.

—3J<. H.vO.l'Ji s. ml; 1.14,

K>uSoo* o ni\3«p.F b


an Vi

ns and allbuled sl(*|>-

* o n via SbFOSixloani \3«p. m. buffalo, iiiMiu.ii sod sl

neitdiijOa. m-neitdiij .

1nprTrrmm*l,*.lrf.r>.*i. f.i5,[t.-*l ajn.jUiJO, IJi, ^ 0 7 / 8 ; * , p m_ l t l o nfaht

Sundays t.10. ».*i, if^I a, DL, a.60, o.UO

Frr m S*Tti and Chwnut—3.te. &J«iu a.,3.W.«,li.»,16.H.iDp.m. sSnd.j11'a.m a * , iS-l^KiH, Il.lSp.'Tn.LC«TP TrBnt*">n, w arrvn anil Tucker f

*,SS, Bfl!, I 0 A a. lAlS* SW

tS; vm, 8 5 , £»•."- " i l l Bound Bro.

'o'n'spp^'i'tlo^• HI


.'I Pass../)

Post Office Time Table.

ARBITI—7.80 , S.iO mnd 11.90 * M,.30 m d 5.80 p. M.

8OH>BV]LI.B, BAHTOR, ac.. MAIL*C L O U — 7 . 8 0 *. M.. and 1.80 P.M.A R B I T * - 8 40 i . M., i *M and 6.1ftDirect mail lor Ttvnlon and Pliliadel

kU at 4.80 p. m.HaU for WarrenMlle daily 18.00 • .Post-offlcc open* at 1 • t . anil chxw

at 7.00 p. H, Saturdays d o s e * at 7.80 r•L; Open every e n n i n g until 8.00 p.- iwners, of lock bosM.

trNO.T MAILO—OPKH al B.80 . . <_51Bc« open from 8.80 to 10.3C L L Mil• - t at 8.30 P . M . •




Gecrge CUssrld,Pattern a-d Model Maker

P. O. Boa I A Bound Brook, N. J.


Dobbin'sGigirjIY NOT. TUT THKM,

|j<^a»ogjjt1ajai U . M . u full l l M of T*

rJurl.rng'B U o l d o n Hc-nptr«.


f You Wantflour, feed or eraio of the benquality and the most for jour•oooey, or hay of the hnett grade,

you can timl it it 1 aaiton's .tortNo. 3+3 Watchaeg avenoe. He•wkei a »pecl«lt- o/ f«e4 and

— ^H^r rUntan mills. O «




l l.NO0B"RM| INTa"w? S™ lPqEl tFKfTe f 1 ? "

SJ.» •IjisTnillin. f > p h n d t e o l ^ n

Cutiblp - in and wni wTIta jour name and

TK* IVitt Tailoring Co.

wry whiTc Ni. * Ty-i u .u ' i ,1P I Adilri

Wall PaperFnmiSf ir!*lliin Bend Be In namps For

anjiilrm. tu 1). F. GorhBBi * Co.. 3T8 Canal W_-

VV'P W a u l O n l y V o u i i g Mun! Abi l i ty .

A tew men oan accure permanent

A; Ounitsa ssd AnoldsBt Lloyds,fli • ' .IS Wall 8V, Hav Tork'

TTi^flnnnc-ial rranoDJilblutjr of ih.< Q

-'••.i,-.ii i A . t h l y n l L I . P J I U la ( r « l e r I


MASON&HAHLIN1(58 Fifth Avenue.

' T O M 0ITY,pt of Grand1 UK! Upiiflbt

•IAKOS.Iheir unproved Bothod of Wring-atest improrcBMnt in halt a uen-

h- . A * celebrated

MSZT ORGAN,i'sriot and Ckmrchrt, U tl

i sold for eath oroa«at>

►ATfMAY 2. I8M4. Latest New Planing Mill! PERSONALIA

. .Mr. Tracy, o( W« Klrbtb Btrret, wbo bn breu traveling Id Burops, bu -THE GREAT LANDSLIDE. -Farm.™ Id ibe vicinity of 041 Tree complain that they ared rain for ib« «foly of tbs Spring crop* —Oo Wrdoreday, of mil week, the th« Slat# Trap Hbootsru Lcago# will oiuut od tbe grounds of ibe C.ltnax Gan L1«D and bava a aeries of baidknp •boots. —Oo Thursday evening, a led ore will be given Id ike Trioitv Keforaed Church, by Mr*. Edward Burke Mor- ion, of Craulonl, wbo will ill oat rat* tier remark* 'wiib aiereoaeopie vlawa tuade by beraelf. —At ibe UbrUUau Etidtavor awl- iuf li ibe Seventh Day Baptiak Ob arch tomorrow night, wben ibe Rev. P. B Halibut of New York will lecture. Arthur Titewortb, tbe organ tat, will piay several organ roloa. —The director< ol Uie Y. M. C. A. will meet tomorrow n gbt, to talk about tbe eompletlua ol (her new budding .ud u* take itepa to organlxe a cycling

A Hi; Dzj Demonitmtion Laedi to QrMt Diiordsr.


Turning und Scroll Sowing, Stem Kill Drtod KUklflnf toed.

LEHIGH COAL. 'Ilawyoa a regular allowance or does hr y T«a a weekly salary, as soma women uAitaln Is the correct thlngr* •Neither " -Then yon mast havs private means ol or own to draw on. bat every woman D t so well situated a- that." •Wrong again. I bars no fortune of my a. and my huaband pay* for everything

Lumber tad Mason's Material u a. as——a Ar<-. m UOADWAT.

•a « W-t »r—1 Wwrt. • Theodore Wilson

VAIjLTS, CESSPOOLS 4c. •f CLEANED. C%tj>rr rliam Orders cu


Clxtklaxd. May *—The unemployed of Cleveland cal a bra tad Mar Day with a macting, a procession that was marked by several riotous demon .r ration*. and by hatcnlngi to and applauding a rank an- archist address on the pabllo soaare when they had flnubed their marching. The proerasion waa oompoeed of between 6000 and 10.000 men and boys mastir foreign er*. They lullowed a United Htales flag, and started In military order. They had not gone a mile, however, before the pro- evasion collided with me electric oar. The motorman refused to stop, and the car was wrecked. A few mlnutea later another car cam# with police man an tbe front platform and ordered them to «Kv way They rvfused to do an, and a policeman Bred his revolver Into them. Many of the men drew pistols and began Snag, at least 100 shots being discharged. but bobody was hurt. Soma of tbe bullets wont through tbs windows of a slora. howrtrt, and two of the olarks had narrow mod)**. | The procaastoo waa broken up tempor- arily. but tbe lines were reformed. So<m a third car was mod. and when the driver . refused to atop be was felled with a brick, though not sertou-ly hurt. As ths pro- cession moved up .Superior street, on tbe Ailed that thoroughfare from building to budding. Street cars were . Stopped and all traffic euspeitded for a time. Ths driver of a truck who refused to taka bU turn out of tbe way received a j bad wound In tbe side of lb* face from an iron bolt thrown by uns of lbs . march era , During all the.# dlstnrhaacaa not a , single arrest waa made, ths police evi- dently not desiring to court trouble with a mob of such an ugly temper. Wben tbe prooriwlon bad returned to tbe square ssv- ersl speeches were made by Central Labor home, but an anarchist dually got bold of , the crowd and made a speech which started another procession It hea<ledoilt through the manufacturing district. In tbs eastern part of tbe dty. and It waa feared that imore «lolenc* would Iw com- l ml teed, but the report* indicate that noth- ' log more errto'is chan the break log of a 1 few windows Ip a factory occurred

For Children during the Summer or pert of vacation, at ROCXTZXW eCHOCL.

Music and instruction if deaired APTLY TO TH1



BROKERS. JffirWtuwj ■•rat fliiWd#«»hla. fa. -f-»

. . Px-Coogrcaatoao Roswell G Horr, of Part: avenue. *|li go tomorrow tu Oregon to remain aotli June 7, busily engaged U ibe political campaign wort upon which be led auch a goo-) Impreasioo two year* ago.wbco be was aiiooet Jbe cblei Inspiration In making the slate Republican ..Misa LI We A. Wskrfielrf died mt b«r homo In North Plaluflehl last ulgl t a'tef a l ngenng illueaa. Her funeral sernces will be htltl Friday afWrnyOJ at 1.30 an<l interment will be tnkde at Evergreen Ccffieiery, El aabeth. Mr ami Mra. Lewi* V. F. Ran- dolph have l*oue<l Invitations antioutic Ing tbe marna'* of lb Hr daughter. Virginia, lo Mr I.*# Ashley Grace, tbe event to lake pla -e on Wsdnuflday evening, May 16, at Vfie F.r»t Baptist ' Church, at ball pksl aeven o’clock. . . Prof Peter LCoud* sails on Wcd- d 1*1 ay. M »v 73. fbrGermany on one oi t to Red Star Ltoq a e oners. He does . not luteud to retilru uuul LUC diddle Ol September. . .K chard Mclboa'd. who for some tloia past,has be*h lb# Boston al t.rer* M E Uburcb. gave up his poaitioo yeuerany and Dafrhl Martin, a colored mao, waa appointed In bis place. . . Professor I'ofcd* feels so well aal- laflrd vrtth the rrtuli at hia concert Iasi night that be will-give another when be returns irum Gt*rmna> 11 the IsIL ..Mrs Sesujsi) W Llama, of tfaad- ford avenue, with her dauglilera Miss Miuuls Williams, had Mu. James T Mac Murray, ol East Front street, went today to Newark to attend Uie lunerai of her nephew ; Mr*. Wo>l*e£ of New York, bas rented Mr* LHDer’s nous# on J> Gr«n la avenue near Nciberwood |tr the cummer. -. Natbsti Hillman, father of Mrs 1

C -re* and Mrs. Herman .*w h*ed,died j ail 25 o'clock Uils afternoon at ibi home of tbe latter aRer ail illness with | pen tool tie. Ue was aevenij a-.reo , year* old.

re been married I igmttfled. • that, my dearf vault again.- —wmi# Will mm Dolan was deliver- ing some meat on Somer^i Mreet ibis uioruiug bta liorae took inght at a pass- ing car, and ran away. AC Craig place .tie annual ujiael lb* wagon, aud was captured after throwing ibe ——• •" dirci tlotia The wagon waa —At tbe meeting of tbe a lie Young Meu’st.urlatlau Association, *DK0 wav beld last eight, aereral u- i-cuons irooi James Wbiuomn R ley’s plains w»ro read by James R. Joy. Victor CkrlskopberDOD did s-nne excel- ienl work oo toe boril jotml bar. A. Wagner »waog Icdisu .-iuo« in agrscc- lul manner and Fred Fullerton ren- dered several piano aoloe ltclr«ah- meoia brought the ev#inug's enjoyment

of the water, except for a mils or so where tb# olid# occurred. Here for almost seven mils- back Ike eartk bow kae a gentle d» i ellvity and la nearly levrl with ibe river, vrhoee bed bae rteca ml learnt aJ*»y fart. Tbe lowrr/soil of tbe river bank ia com poead of iAay. koneyoombed by «he water that for yvare back kaa flllered through from the I^arvntlan monntalna. It waa • o'clock In tbe evening when these day banka caved In. and with Ibe hundreds of tons of Band on top slid Into tbe river. The water rcee for jnllea It was folly 100 fret high when tbe earth be*an again to move, flrst slowly, then faster, and Anally so fast that ib.-e »Wo were fleeing were thrown dow#. It is a miracle Indeed that oo move human lives were lost. Tbe ground near tbe river dipped off first and the house nearest *u that of Gauthier*, which ebarod tb* fat* of tbe palp mill sent down by the first break In tbe abors

Want sad Beaik YU Cbaaapeake a Okie. The P. P. V., e solid train of Poll man ve# tlbul# aWpem, dining car nd dar coaches, bested by stesra, sod lighted by electricity. New York to Cincinnati and Louisville, vis Wash- ington, wit hoot extra fare, leaves New York daily by Pennsylvania Railroad, 5 00 p. m , Philadelphia, 7.40 p. m., arrives Cincinnati. 6 p. m ncit day; Loai«nl!«,9.00; Chicago; 6.35 and BL Loots, 7 .05 next morning. The Cincin- nati express lesvea New York, weekdays 8.00 a. m., Pblladelnlila. 10 JO a. m.; due CtBdaaati, 7.30 next morning, Chicago 3 and St LooJa, 13Op m , , giving direct connnectlons to points be yond. First-class llnL’M rates from Eliza- beth u. Cincinnati, f 16; Louisville f 19. 50; BU Loots, $21.23. California one wav ami eicnrsion tickets al greatly reduced rates. Through tickets and baggage checks a'. Pennsylvania K R. StAUun, Elisabeth.




Coal Delivered WITHOUT

Dust and Noise. TRY OUR NEW SYSTEM

No Extra Chare*.

■ill- *«0—O fr-n. M Ejipr-M HI. Wilm!jcoto>.1M..M,, a-8U iSwead dollars In nrw»l*rka mysleHoasly di>ap- pvarwl from tbr safv In lha Adams exprma gtnia railroad. Al Milford lha money war banded lo M*sM>ngrr (!•**• Raw ley, by an offlrvr of I be Mllfrrd National bank. It was consiicned to tbe Philadelphia Na- tional bank. As tbs train approached Hhmngton Hawley, as waa his custom. Jumped from tb# car and turned tbs switch When be returned be unlocked tb# sa/r and foand tbe money missing. Ji U supposed tbe money waa taken by soma •na on tbe (nun familiar with tbe sa/a.

V"—. jua. Hottanilo. SbaiuokH !. a an, BAtTtUK

of bis lllueas, but to tbe Mu mediate family and rvla'ive* He was at Tbe t*un ofllce on Friday and *b*U leaving said, as ba down Saiunlay. Krl-lay night lie luwl a Chill, surr##-l#-l by fever, and medical aid waa summoned Sunday mghl doable put-uojoula developed an I on Mouday hi# condition occasioned alarm and a priest

Chunk. M. J. COYNE,

Merchant Tailor Hccbtffeeiv. Allan luv and Ma/rlanur*

gvldesee AytlsM Ike -k.lerw^ OsUlW.* Lam a'TKR, Pa . May X.—Officer* who last night brought lb Jake Buzxard. son of Abe li uk sard .aud Hardy llow*r. the al- leged Welsh mountain thieve*.whom tbry arrested In Hr«ding yeeferday. claim to have tbe mont ^ouvinciog proof against Abe Huxaard. !he so called reformed out- law. who is in jail her* on suspicion Cod- stable Pyle >ays »<# secured A be Riisaard s satchel, and in 1| he found a Bible, a pis- tol. a cbaln. a set of burglar’s tools and sum*ticketsBustard's lectur*on "Ruia aud Reformatio# " Thrre are now nina m#mtier* of the WrUh mountain gang In Jail her* watting for tha courts to act.

Ckwbalia. Ills.. May J —Tha strike In the wine* here is complete The operator* bavB not been conferred with, and no grievance bas been submitted for adjust- ment. About 1.3a> individuals. Bleu. Women and children, are without tkeau* of support. Tberv Is uo disturbans* Tbs llltitou Central railway get. most of tta coal for three Ul« i-mns of the n-ad at this place, and there Is Uow no o-ial In UgbL even for local consumption. The miners at Sandoval and t»dio. a few miles north

,\fr Abell was tbe second son of A 8. Abell, th* founder and f«*r over fifty year. educated at the Cuivendty of Marylaud. where he gradualrsl and delivered the valedictory addn-ss in 1M11. He studied law with the late Charles J M. Gwluo. and was admitted Co the bar in /Avember. I*Yd. tit practiced but a short time, pr» flee, lu about four or five year* he so thoroughly inaslerwl awry detail of the great Journal that his father practically s-arrendetod to kl-u the mauageu-rni of the paper. Hy the term* nt A. a. Abell’s will at bla deaib ibe paper became tbe sole property of his threw sons, who con- ducted It for a short tunc, but ths death of tbe yonnget son. Walter K. Abell, sug- gested the wisdom of irvallui "hat la now known «. the A. J* AIwll company, which continue* tb* publication.

bread,will be the special- ty at Gardner’* bakerj 41 Somerwt sirMi. Central Hotel.

To b3 opened MAY 1. they will Dot bold nut through the ii3 east front bt. Wall biss Off far BpIKkergei Tuouw.g. Norway. May 1—Tha can north polar expedition, nod

yesterday afternoon for tb* Ul. Hpltslwrgen, on board the steamer void -lari. The expedition carries : oua letter* aud arua^e* from the and relative*of the member* of ths and Nanaoar partlea.

Peraona who aympalblz* with ihr aflli-ted will r»J>lca with D. E Carr, <-i 1223 H ifrlaoa atrtet, Kansas City. Hr is un old aoffvrer from loflaatnaton rheumatism, hut baa doi beretofore been troubled in thla climate. Last Winter lie went uh Into Wiaconaln. ard In baa bad another attack. "It c«me upon tod agaiu very acute and ae»ere.” he *a»d. “My Joint* awelivd and became inflatnvd; aore to touch or ••most to look at. • Upon the urgent re- quest of ty I tried

Hotels, Ac. AbiilaM>. Pa . May 9.—The Lehigh Coal and Iron company have a serious fir* on tbelr bands at Packer No. S colliery, tirsr Glrardrtllt. It ■«* discurervd at 1 o'clock yesterday morning by two workmen, wbo saw smoko issuing through tha air pass- age* They bad some difficulty In reach- ing the surface- Gaa I»p*d and hrbar Fraxy. labcrvr*. why were working in tbs mine, bars not yrt been seen, and U Is fears*! that they have Wen smothered to death. The Are i-bot that none of tbe mlbrra can enter the urine.


Hotel Grenada TING Ih* K-'pis you North Avartus. YESTERDAY $ BASEBALL GAMES

Go.. . CliLooo ■od’Vil polal, W.i[. • Ram. arriving Ui Chicago 1 do V W. J.TUiMSON, Tfvt II Yit Tailoring C< Rs'shllffied 1MT, U Ana «t.. Few At Philadelphia—Boston. T, Pblladal- phla.9- At New York-New York. 7; Baltimore.

At Cincinnati—Pittsburg, 7; Cincinnati. At Nt. Louis—Cleveland. 7; P? Ixmla. 0 At LouUvilU-LouUvUlo-Chicago; no game. At Washington—Brooklyn. F Washing- ton. 0; forfeited In sixth Inning on account of Washington refusing tn ecutinu* Tha actual aeon al that time waa 9 to 0 la favor of Washington

Jxlli. m. Trim . May 9.-A11 the miner* tract expired yesterday. There la no mins working in IHstrict No. 1#, which in- cludes Coal Creek, Jclheo, l.surrl and tbe Cluclnuatl Southern road region, except at KockwtMMi. Tcnn . and |m—lt.(y at Ing at Coal Creek.

Tewlble r* plesle* Is Nerth ravsffiei Ralkich. C., May X—Two larg* bo era at Ro hen son * (rood win a limb Williams!on. exploded There were fifteen ,ere>n. In the bo I Ings. and all were Injured. Isaac Rng waa dead when taken out, and fourotbi are dying. Several of those Injured we women, who had taken dinner to tb< husbands, who wer* employe* One boil was blown thirty yards from its bed.

Flour, Grain, FEED, HAY, STRAW,

hilt, Ve**Ubles, And all Country Produce.

A -fifcBT*. .^^rn Money * ‘ »'seloo If |.rMT^7 ^eaHe.naa 'wsnteil

Wall Paper BS.*S»*u"f.T£«S?.VJKS5i

eras* the r>Hias Valley. WiLKlxPAKKK. Pa, May 3—Passenger train No. S. on tb« l^bigbVallry railroad, crashed Into a wildcat eugiaa at Ptltaloa Junction last uJght Tb* crew, Jg| pefl and mcaped Injury, bu* tbe passengers werv all considerably shaken up aud badly frightened On# Udy had her sbonWcr dislocated. Both cogue* wer* badly

‘MB. •YSKffi*. aasSs

K13 West Fmt St. Tonsorial Parlors.

Ladies' and children's hair dre ing a specialty. Fint Class Attendance-

CUT THIS OCT. BaLTIMOUS. May 9.-James I. WUoox. alias Prank Fo-ter, and bis wife, Etta Frank Wilcox, who ware convicted la tbe United Mate* district court oe Friday for "lightening'’ United State* gold coins, were sraUDCed yesterday. Judge Morris sentenced Wilcox to four year* la the Maryland penitentiary aud KOO flu*. Tta waa seeileured U. Jail fo, six mouths and flood #V)

At Wllkeabarte—Wtlkeeharre. U; Buf- falo. 8. At Binghamton Binghamum.117. Erie. 8. At S|wingfl*ld—Troy, 10; Spring- Held. C At Provldeno*—Pro vide oca, 1». Syracuse, X STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS

..‘Munwav PART 16-No. 3, ‘MASTERPIECES * hargeU with Mleallag Dia.OOS. Vi* Yum. May »-Edward Mon tagur. banker and memtwr of the Stock Exchange, was arrir-t—l on a ebarg# of grand larceny, and wn» arraigned In pri- vate In the Tombs court la-fore Justice

W# Waul U/ily Young Men ul. Ability. COMMUTERS I is now open tor Accomodation ol k«o«U.

VSHsilalphle KseSaagee. Hi* Toss. May l —The tranaacUnc Block Excbaage today wer* oouaider than yeetcnUr. but Ibe tradln« Wi widely dlurlktilnl. and tbe «eo»i*l t» Ahl wards Again teeleeeed te Mas Bmix, May t.—Rector Ahlwartlt, tha notorious anti Semite, who waa released from the Plortscnsoe prison on March 8. where ha had been eoofloed after being convicted of libeling Ur I»swe firm of Hsbru" guolashers, waasentanced raster day to three months' imprisonment foe In suiting Prussian officials during a recent speech made st E-sn.

875, WO. of the aianulstlne r'i-Mt lahlch Valley... XTt* W N JVonsylvania *aK* Erta.. Reading I"* D.L A. Id. RUKTCH 8a SON. Undertakers and Embalmen

Phifadef Vfee Gaaollai Vee Hrrt Koappoiaied. TKkSTt.x. May 2-Abraham V. Van Fleet, of Newark, was reappointed aa vice chancellor by Chancellor McGill. The term Is seven year*, tioverer Wvrta at once signed the mtnmJnuon. Mr. Van Fleet haa beld the office for nineteen year*.

Of this p*p« ci WarrvnvUlo dally 19.00 ■. Ice opens U 7 • u. and close m. Katun lay* close* nt 7.80 r i every craning until B.0U r. » a of lock boxes, r Malta—Or*» nt 8.80 a. w ni from 9.80 lo 10.*' A- n. Ma> 6.80 r. *. e

ISnsrrsU Lead la S* PseL Bt. Paul, May *.—The vote In yeater day's city election was n phenomenal oua. notwithstanding rainy weather Forty- aeveu precinct* heard from gir# 4.7* for Smith < D*ui i. 4.500 for Doran (Rep.), and «W for Davidson (Pop i. Tber* aru 119 precincts In all, and the remaining ones ar* about equally divided between tbe two leading partim.

The 'Weather. Prohably shower* thla evening; cooler; southwesterly wiuda 5J. -THE White -City

Art Filio Coupon

(Opttctans. Lit no*. Mar 9—Admiral da Gama cabled to tb# Portuguese governi from Montevedlo, saying that ha la < tog to this port. ; abort dear, lit ji* vtera dairy, do factory, k dairy. 19* NUGGETS OF NEWS i ^2^,; Th. il.ln ol Mr. J.,r.» , n>IU4>l|>hl, I millionaire.<lie«l In tbealnishoiis* there. ; ||r4<f( Preaident Clevelaud ad<1rvs««1 tha con. 1 |l|^ . '» vrntlon of military (urgroas at Washing- ModKh- COO yesterday i Al New York's May Day demonstration ' „„ y UU ol,M «-h~™ -.r. lor "Ik. AL.™„ wa are starving under " | wsigbt; Peter Johnson, the burglar who shot Cnlvutak City Marshal Whitney at Missouri Valley, la. last rtaiurday, wn lynched yesterday. ^ Right Rev. Hon. John Thomas Pel- | ham. D. D . who r*c#aiiy resigned tb# *Sc per lord blsbopr of Norwich,died in I-ondon. ffiTl prr Th# HerroshofTs. of Bristol. R. I . have ! East L contracted with Jams- Gordon Bennett to tl'_*JK"V build a yacht to beat tb* Vigilant Th# pyict U H5.QOO salVaa. I If King Solomon waa alive hs wou'd ^ ’« now uav: "Oo to Mis traveling man. >«•.#> 'nrn Ma way*, *nri be wise " Mr C *** W. Batten, * Cincinnati iraveling man ^: *“* rspreaentlng tbe Qu>*n City FrlnUng a

C. DICIIHSOH, P11CT1C1L OPTICUS I— i.~, 14t Jonk Anmm.

‘We Pui ia uiir llir” Wbsa It comes to Utkin* •bout *od* water, fruit crushes, fins flavor*, port- ly of ajrupu. Wa b*v# them lo thstr psrfirctloo. Ire cream soda la all flav- oru. Drink Raadolpb's

One Coupon and 20 eta. euthlea tbe bolder lo ooe part 8f. thla serlsa G«crf« Cllssrld.

Pattern ard Model Maker P. O. Boa 196. Bound Brook. N. J. Estimates famished oo .11 kinds of Wilxxssakkx. P*.. May*—John Prim and Mike Morris, miners, wer* probably fatally Injured tfy an exploaloa of gaa la Port Bowktey shaft. Th. m#a west Into an old working without patting the tnf* attachment to their lamps, and (ha list flame* Ignited a larg* body of gaa. war Will b# C#ur* Martial#*. Cbicaoo, May X-Gs^val Nalarm A. MUmhaa rtUmid from a mooth'.toar 1» th# weal lie uM a court martial would be called to InvmUgale the kllMng of Captain Had berg by J^utenaal Mooey. wotwlthstoodiog the aogumol *X Money

158 Fifth Avenue. NKW YORK CITY, r*S assortment of Grand*and Upright ■ATI YOU TRIED

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Real Estate And Insurance.


SHOULDER BRACES, Hot Wstar Bin,' Atomizers and Inhalers. at 8HAW8 PHARMACY

'—■rayaYT*— I km, of Ch»nitM*rUin'. P.ln BJm Tbl. mnrdj I, ».>.!•» . wM, repel.. Lion lor Ha prospl ere, oI rlieiiin, flaui, Mas has*. a^l4HlaIawelHnga, and lABcnnt 50 rent bottles lor Mle by Reynold's Pharmacy Part and

GOLD AND SILVER "Htrmonited Melodiet: COLLIERS.