tl tfh ah - chronicling...

il TEHRIBIJi DISASTER j Steamship Atlantic Wrecked Near Halifax. ' OVER SEVEN HUNDRED LIVES L08T. i Only 250 Out of 1,000 Souls Saved. Mi. VKSSKL 001X0 TO IMKl'KS. Womon And Children Drowned m Their Berths. j April 1. Tin1 sli':ituslili At- - Until. f 'White Star Line, from Liverpool, j Man-I- ' f r New York, tunning stunt of coat, ! mn.le fr II i' f.ix. When about twenty miles front '.f Clpo Prospect at 2.:1 o'clock this nintnuu' ' rui ashore on Meagher's Head. Shell mi aril over l.lsij nii'ii, women, ami Ohihlieii '' iid succeeded In loliilllii. The ,e-- I ' oiMii.l ;. . i idlng all tho w.. men and children, re I I lie nptalti and third ullk'cr wer util.ti Hi t oihcer was iliouncil. j On the Hi ' receipt of tho newt of the disaster j ifre n I' in ml and a Cinvcnimeiit steamer tn 'li- of tho Atlnilic; hut thu tluido'.li- t.Wiu nrr.vod here at O.'M thin iiftir-- g Mil, s.iv he vessel and cargo are a total lima, I'iiII firM ill it wi'l he sent inn. rvilllit I.VHs OK Till; CVI.VMITV. tl v, N. S April I. I'lm atteriioon a re- tort current a steamer had heen f u Hie coast and several live lout was Ire! re.'i-d-'- d ru aeruel April fool lion, hut till netting the I'linanl agent hero rorincd iipivj lust it was all true, and tlul only a lltllu of tho truth had heati told, the fact t 'intr that tho Whltts 'tir "tenner Atlantic, Capt. Williams, fniii Liven, "d for N'cv Vurk, wnlle coining Into the t irt f ir coal struck on Me utlier' Hock, near Pnspc, t, twenty-tw- mile west of Hall-fa- t, nh I he Mine n total wroik. (If about l.iol ajuls on tin ird upward of 71H were drowned. tiii- - riitun nrriccii's stvti:mi..t. The third Hirer, llrady, arrived luthi-clt- y this ovening. He says that the Atl.iuth' left Liverpool on the):li of March with upward of 501 steerage ptfeneers and about fifty eahln pioi'ii.-fn- . The steamer e.p rlemed bnter-o- u weather diirlns the passage, hut all went well until iikiiii on Mniidny. Man it ..I, when the ijpply of mil hei'.tine nearly exhausted. The c ill. on il""rmlned to put ri 1 Halifax. Tho oi, uln jnl third oflleer wot- - mi deik until midnight. I'll" position w.u t i vii Judged to hu Fdtniro Light, heartn.' N. N. W. iW utiles. Tho Captain ' In n went Into his chart rooui.loav In.: or- ders to Iv .illeil If there an. change of tho teasel llrady went to bed about tho n.unti 'mi. .isthe cuptulii, The next thliu tit t he reiin Tube-- s is that ho thiuw ii out of Ids bunk, mi I In' felt the ship strike several times. Ilrtl'Mi r on the deck and found tho cap' m .n 'Ulcers there, and the deck full of pvxi'ii' - lb' got an uxo and began to eleir ' a' rhe captain and the oilier of!I. er i rt- - hii-- i !. in thu tame tliln.'. llradv .ot h!u I "iai hi' t ti i two women In It. A niiiuher of ii. "ii n ipt 'l toi;et Into It and nh.iut a d ' lej. .lust at tint inomeut the t " ' utron her beam end and .ink. Only i..' h .' h id bten u'ot out and that w.u .i.ii ii' nnw nv Tin: TrtMi:it. ainl i.i n were llraily i r.iinlied Into thu n ri.i,in... wh. n wa above the water, Kid ..- ,at he c ild do mitlilnu there ho th.'. w. ut forward and unwme the hazards, !'.!.. i d l. Quartermaster -- pnakman and Own ft- - i.l v then took the h.ilard and all tlir to the rocks, and tlii-- a lino w.w hmli a-- h irn and a number of thu paeuk'era Un l" I hv I'. A number had cot on the rock, lut xt th.' tide wiu :Uln.' their poiltlon wa no better than on the ve&tel. Just then the Usher-ni'- ti hi the shore came out In boats and lev ued those on the rock mid a larse number fr m the rluulic- - llrady remained at th.- - s. eno until noon, when ill who v ere allo on hoard had been saveC ex- cept the chief offlcor, Mr. Frith, ho was In the nirslns shoutlnc for help. llrady savs he tried nk'ei a crew lo bo in the rescue of I fill, but the sus. iv.t 40 heavy that nobody would volun- teer Alt ii.'i'thiT. about iV) persons were saved, lii' l'idlmri'ipt. Williams, alo the fourth officer, !' Ilr mvu. t!ie doctor, andneveral of thoemrl-ne- r at. 1 nallms. Not a tlnule womiin or child "i' "in I Mmt of them, ai well as liuiidieds of tui no ti. wero IlllOWMUl IN TIIKIII IIKHTII". The siH.mier strui k about two o clock this murium? 'I he weather at tho tlmo was dark, b'lt ii it liili k, and the sea roiitrh. Steamers are ciin.-i- l .wn to render what o tin y p iniiil) i an. All the people fined from thu r' .. with the exception of Ilrad), are Ktlll ' Al l'r'i..i"t where the ll.lirriiKin arc civilly them all the allcutloii they posilbly can. Tin. i iiiiii.Mi i.i.V ui.roiii. Tho follow ins Is the (Tiiuttdlr't rejiori of the ll.ister ' It is our p.niifiil duty this monilni; to rec ird the most li'riililc niariiti illoUT that h.ii ever occutieil on our C'i.11.1 tin loss of a ocean pteaiiiship unit about ?.VI lives. Vi"'ni'day afton n a leport hi .itue corrcnt that a ' steamiT hen wreckoil Konii'W here on thu coast Mini one or two lues lost. The reoortwas ri'iMidrd a- - !. i.l the i .ui.irdi put .tlloat on All l'ool' day and little ieir ird was paid to it. Boon tin r "poit huiMinu more 'lulimto. and (vo kneu tint Hi" uleiimcr All.tittn , o tho Whim Mnr line, hus ashore neai I'losnmt and that fetural Iim's had been lust, i'.voii sut the piiblio were mi lined to tuiaiil the story as a mill- - Hi lls .i x . A little later, however, it be- came knonii that the report w .u an I that but a small part of Hi.- truth had been told the Tai l hclmr Hint the Atlantic had be, ti him. ked on MtuwhiT' U'"'k, near Pros. " I, twi iiit-iw- o miles west of Halifax, and out o ah nit I.ooimiuIs on board '.Wweio lot. .Need ") that the lerrlbln annoiiiii emunt oroated a protoiind feelinu of horror throiii.'hoiit tho rniiiihiinliy ' llavlni; as. ertalned that one man from tho wrecked sh.p had arrived In town, a reporter went in search of him and found hint In an eat-- I In,' house In I'pper Water street Hu proved to he Mr. III. id), third olhier of tho Atlantic, btHi.i,,, wot ii out, ami .ilium t spenihlcss. after , th" teititilii events ol the murium:. He was, as ll'lk'ht be eipeetMl, ill no l'oiiiniii to talk i iii verti i lr.. ih i linerfully conseiiti il to answer the r.ori. iV qiiestlous and u ve .sm Ii Inf., una-Um- ii at hu c ulil. nit tii i it u ortii Kit's Mniir Tim All, i, tic Mr. llrady said, h f: l.nerponl m ilmrsin Ma,,i ...f.irNew Von.; toncliod nt .V.i".'"1' "'" l l)' I" ice. m- the in ills n ii,.r which sho n.irti d on her viij a.. in ii e oi.mi,. .hu had a full cariro I Ir"'..'f ' "'"""h- - and a ei lartn iiuin-.i.- f. i.1' r. Ilrad) eoiild not ii.... ' ,n" iwmbur. but thoiii;ht were ii .re than tmj in tho Htecratm Mid ahoiil Mi, ,,u tai,ln. 'llnno, with " ' ""'thl pi .luldy m.iko the total ttuni-- J ," ' ' "u" I.U souls. .Sim was I'liiiimaml-'- l hi t apt Jan. ii. Aunow Willi mis. II. mull wesiorwa. e unci lem oil ; hut iiotuilii: wi.ithy fd noti in unud uiilil no .hi on Monday, the ait, when II, o ioal l. uij sliort, ('apt. Wltllann to p,,t l(1 ilfrtX for a supply, Tim itpliin rid Mr. llridy hail thu nli;ht wati h up to in nl it i t. whon they ,rero relieved by the fl'l'd ami foiiith lai.-ti- . At that time tliev J iiltfon llist Hamhru Llcht then hnre N.N.W. as tutles. Tim mi wu rough mil th ulnltt dark, Th jlilcf and fourth officer lixvlng taken charge, Mr, llrady went below and turned littnhls berin. lite captain at the eamn time went to Ids room to lie id iw n. What occurred between inldnlirht and a o'clock -t- he, time of tho disaster Mr. i .iiiiioi tell, us ho whs slcepltm. He was awakened and thrown out of his bunk liy tho shot k when tiik min.Mrtt rtiu'ck. She struck heavily three or lour times. Mr. llrady ran up to the deck and found It full of pascm.'ers. I In found nil axe and with it lo clear oway tho starboard life boat. He o'.scricd that tho captain and the othei off- icers were ciiiMfcil 111 clenrliiB the other boats. Mr. llrady succeeded In Kottlmr his life boat nut. 'Ibis was the only boat launched ami It had no sooner touched tho water than u crowd made it to not Into It. v hail to use force to prevent them i r.iv.llii'.r In. Ho put two women and about a iliicn men intif it. and also c,,t ti himself. Just then the iuiier fell nnd ank, The bunt, with Its livinu fieiiiht, was canled down with tho steamer, and all In it were drowned except lliady. 'I he hull of the steamer became almost totally siiliiiiiTk'cd. and only the bow and the masts re- mained above aater. The ure.iter part of the li'icm.'! re wire In their rooms below nt the time, ami "etc immediately drowned. Indeed, so mini after stnkliiu did the steamer sink, that man) of tho im- - eiiiiris were no ilotiht sleeping peacefully in ll luiioraiico of all that was i'o, ut.' on urniind tin in. and passed Into eternity ultlioitt a stnitvle. Ilf tlio.e on dei k, iiumber-lfi- it hiimlreils. many were washed ovei. b.iard when the ship fell o,t nud then i nns nut nt l,i as tli'v slriik'L'leil lit vain for life, were most heart rend Inc. Many, however, had taken retime In tne iiiVKltut ami on tho bow ami wero still liviiu. but with the iroupecl of al- ums! certain death before them, for they knew not where thev were, and were In itiomcntarv expectation of the ship sliiklm: further and eiiuulphltii; them all. Kten as thev wero clliik'ltii.' In desperation to tho rlcuini:, with the sea washlnu' over them continually, their situation was Indeed moht tr I iir. mid ever) few minutes omo of them beiiiimhed by tho cold nit I exhausted Irotn their strule loosed their hold ami perlslu d. I w ' s'c.imei lelt here at one A. M. to-d- for the scene. There will be notliliitf f urtlici- - until tliev i. turn. Anion;; the cabin piisapnuei-- s par the nt Kte.imcr Ailatitlc. atv M in. II. Mcrrltt and wife o. .New York. ll- - anil MI-.- S Tjiuser. Hit'. VIltAT!" SI'IMtllT.ll lit' Till: Lite vcterdiiy afteruonti the fi'llnwliik' w.. received In tho intent of the White line iu thl- - city: lUittxx. Xprll 1 1 l.e itninrr Atlsiillc. if ll.t ntnti lr ,.u.. !ille pultii, n. lu H.illtVl '.ii i I'ci o! ciiu -i .rj on tl .it.1 t's llcsil, iim-- ty no from Its '.fax h luil i.iie tnnusoui ti iier .mi I, sti I It Is h,.)ip,i.ii .rti hunilriil n re lu.t.ui-- t hi.tiiik woturii sail eti'l.iriii. A ( iitisril liistl iicisuu'r reinirriil The A Usui It it a total luis. Th" despatch was shrned by tho third ofllcer of the iiuiortiimtle ves-e- l. WHAT TIIK AIIKXT f. A St'N reporter railed led cvenlnc on Jo.eph Hvdc .sparks, the .meiit for the White Star line, lit his icsldenccJII la. t roiirteclitli sttcel He said that he had Ju-- t received u I. fr"lil Mi.. t tiiiard. the .i.'. nt In Halit.ix. stalliik' thill si pas. cheers were salely lamleil on Mather's Islal. i. tliiltv mill - f Halifax. Mr. does not In in c that tne hu.- - . ipiito as heav y us II. nt ii ported. When he flr- -t re eivcd the mi. welcome Intellii; Inc. li , u.- - im lined to think .t all April-fo.- trick. .Mr. i.irs objected to k'lve the names ol ttte er and lew, for fear of the fear- - of m.tiiv who had friends mi board the fated vcs-e- l. Captain II- - ' iiams. the olliccr iiichark'e, is the oldest cantaiii In Hie .North Atlan'ic trade, l'hu aifeiit-o- f tlio company have no fears hut that the apt. tut Will' Use every endeavor to save the Inm ol those Iu peril. AMITIIt'll MMifM III' TIIK ll Superintendent of the Merchants' Kxchiiiure, Mr John r ."iilth.sald tun-- . rep rter list nl.'ht tl e Atlantic lelt l.lvnpnol mi Match Lit w it It a lull c.irk'oaud about Bnup issencers. she toiti lied at tiiteenstown on thu lollowltit; dav, vrhcie she o.iled and took oil about I'M addl-lltn.- jl piissen.'ers and itu ro freluht. Wlitio iro itii; tho Atlantic she encountered head , vi ,nds and a very MUk'h sea. (In - .turday ninlit, w hen ahoiil P.) miles out, tho wind lucrcised to u hiiirn inc Ti e All iti'le's coal k'Vc out. and ('npt. Wll-- I Hams com Pidt il in run into Halifax for. i sup. ' j If. About tw n l,n k, whde the vesMd w.s liborln.' In a hcii e i. all. mii twenty miles out-hi- o( lU.'K.ix. .'.i -- ti id. Mcauher's Head, a llallffi'Mlls r k "tl t ape I'll ipec t. TIlO Wllld wa. bli.wi'u; I. ward tho simre, and the sea threw tl.e I withk'reat for. o on the rock. where hc sin k 'a-- l. I'tie'iint; of the hull, combined win tl.e !i iwlina- - wind and mariiik water- - i p ali d j v I" mi aviiMi nr who n in,' i". d al.i nt I.ksi -- nils, w ii we , .i, leu ami i hlldicit. The orin crs ailed with 1. mini nd ible cinirnue, and did I'n'i) 'r:,.' in their povn r lo the -- hip It ; so .it I.e. ante ni'puretii that the vessel mut o I down, a.-- the wa.os were -- weepln.' over her. and sh'- w:i- - -- Viwlv -- ettllmr. 'I he crnwd-- I ed mi the liurri, me dei k, and matt) of them were swed Into the ea. Al.iait "si men n.aii.tccd to reach the rock, where they huddled together iiuxh.iisl) await-li.- k' lor di)hreak. Set mid llradv, n iu was ar.i.iiik' the saved, immedlatelv rtarlod for Halifax for at.'tatiie. He ren hed that cltv, . and the colonial authorities despatched the steamer latdv Head, and the (omird line also sent the "teamer Delta. These -- learners Allot r Till. IX llfMilltll IHsst.M.l'HS, nil in ,les. The rest, nesrli all women and hll- -' dren, were lot. Many of the dead were found on the steamship, whh h was slowly k'niiii: to piece. Suite of tlteni were killed by l.ilihik' sars, and s..iue by beliik' dashed mraliist haul substances, while others wero swept Into thu sea. The second despatch Mr. Smith received re- ported that I'apt. Williams, his chief utlh or, and many of the iiitlcers uu! crew, were niuonk' the lost. A later de.-pat- announced that the Cap-U- ln was avcil. Mr. Smith thinks that a majority of the rs were Swedes, (ieruialis, and N'orweclans. Hill NINMKKNTII THIP. The Atlantic was XM tons burden, and was built two years ru:o Iu llellait This was her nineteenth trip She had fllty cabin passengers fche w.u- - vabml it tMM0 L'apt Wil, lams was formerly commander Id the Union line itllODi: ISLAM) t'OI.ITH'S. The True Issue In this Week's r.lfcllnn. Ccrrc.l'ntitlrnri' nf The Sun. 1'iiiiviiii:n( ,, Man li ".. Tho nnvv 8lnto House contest is after all only heirnu. The ipies. tloii of location Is likely to he disputed most hitter!). The rlvalrv between Hartford and New Haven Is in t as stronu us the feelinir which ex. Ists between tl.e east and tho west sides of 1'rovldi nee river, rrovldoin e has heentiruwinir j most for years, because the bind holders in the i north and east w 111 not sell.ornsksitcli hlk'h prices as to miii,. tint to a refusal. t'onsoiiitiitly, tlioimli the north and ea't aie much pleiranter sec. Hons, the west, w Ith lt swamps and ipih I, solids, Isheliik' m. re rapidly built up. Tor years the war between the t ao sides has heen r.ik'lnk. Nu Aldurinan or ('oiinciliiiaii is i lei ti d, iinlcs thu people of his ward know him tube'ht on tliol'lty Hall iUesti,n. Tho idvlc conte-- t h;is not heretofore, however, boon obtruded Into State polltli h. This )ear tho West sldcrs trot UP a State House scheme, land sought to rush it qui' tl.. thioUt.'h the A 'I h had on their side the local pre-- s of both Itcpubllcaii factious and the silent assistance of the Dcuio-crat- li nr.'aiis. Tin l' Idcr- had the power nud wealth of tin ir section, and the almost iili.'iiiimoiis .sympathy of the populous mauulai'-tuiili- L' tow n- - on I he lllackslone. The scliemo pas-- i d the Sonata i hut, after a prnlrai led strok'kle. It h .s bei n .i,piinued lu tho lloiiho to the m xt . v b) a miiioritr of one. Six if i he nine waid t elected ilelekMti s to tho Pity ( ...m iilton rnday nlk'ht favorable tu n State lb, i, u on th.' west side. Hut Hie country Is to be In aril flout. The west shier are also Pri'ssliik' lite si he, no for the erection of a illy hall on the s near tho Cove. It Is dilll-cu- lt to ti II how tne contest will end, hut per-Im- p, It would bo wise lu thu cal-ldc- nud tho land owners In the northern section to otfer some of their waste land In lots, nud thus draw population there. 1'cnplo would come the ro more rcadity than to the west tide, If they could buy at a le.ttonihlc price. If thltik's continue as Is evident that the lncrc,aalhk' iil strength of the wi st side cannot Iiiiik bo even liy the and a) on-- , wloi.c rn iiii-l- . mis iidorn tho huautlful lull' of the c.ift. The l'i rsldeul of the Xssrinlili Threnleiilnii In I'viii . A ril I.- - The Assembly has been delist-l- i. (v ,i ,i.).iln' I. yen Muiilrlnilily bill. Tne illic iitkil, a t" !'0 ..ed nidi a reninrkalile vrene. M. I.e !!) r, a, r Itie l the committer t ripurl uliitli si luinpi-Jlt- . i the hill ui trumpery. 'I lie MtrrjuU ilr liuiiii'ioi.t hi . r y retcrted, ami the lirputy of tiiiprrllnciire, Prsiiilent On vy railed Ihs vir' order, but I he Utter reluie.l lo rilrjcl l.n liiik'Utji'. 'I lis ineiti' rs of the Uulit ei it Hie c 11 to or I. r. Itiretti'iti'il In quit ins Cli.ii,oer. I're.i.i.'iii i.ri'i i mole s iliuiiineil , la which he Iniiinsteil ttist he ibuulil resign sail UitlsrcU Itistlt-tllij- enileil. P.n hrolie up sintil the Intentstt etcilmiient. (leputle. of sll ilitile. of pulll Icsl opllll'lll wiilled on Ilr. ore r sail beited liuit lu urerlnuk ttto in, ci'tenl i but It it cii'nclrj Ibit nu reiicusiloa h III bt Itrsil lo luoriosr. TIIK IMG FIGHT IN ALBANY. a sQt'.tni: ricronr ron M.iron i.i ;. ;,r; i. tiii: siix.trt:. The Vexed A pnolnllmr Power- - Comptroller (Irren in ho lln-l- nt A l.ltelr Talk About the I'uIKe ( iiiiiiiilssliiucrs- - FIhIiiIds the . Ilrnoklyii lliarirr. Ai.iianv, April l.Tlio C'tmloni Ilntiso I clhiue this mornlne; abandoned their position on tho Woodln nmciidmctit to clvo the nppolttline power to the Mayor anil Hie heads of the two Hoards of Aldermen. On the arrival of lloss MurpJiy, 11. H. Webster. Davenport, nnil tho rest, ' tills nioinliu'. It was found that they could only count on nine votes. Accordlticly Senator Woodln wa lii'tnn tcd lint tn press his aineml-- ! Incut to a vote, but to amend Senator Irfiwery'a so os to retain Messrs. Van Sort. Delafleld Smith, Stcbhlns. and llcnrv Smith. This procrammo was cart ad mil. Thrre Is no reason to doubt that the charter will pass the Senato In this j shape, iilthiiucli It Is not satisfactory to the Ctis-- I torn House clique. Iloss Murpli) Is now Innklmt to the Assetnbl) and a conference committee to j accomplish w hat he has failed to do In the Hen- - ' nle. It l asseited that the lower lloile has be- - romo so demoralized that it Is ripe to do the biildlllk' of lloss Torn. I Mil MOOIIIVH AMKNIlMr.X'T. At the o eniiik' of the Senate Ml. Woodln In purle. 'I lil C'liendment so that It would renl Hint the Mavor nnd the Presidents of the two In, in ds shall appoint ell olUcers except j t'oininlssionejH of l'ubllc Instruction nnd such nlllcers ..s are provided fur lu this net. I The senator fiom the I weitty-s- i ml. said he, asserted on lildiv that I had olfered this ' amendment and that I claimed It lo be my own. That was untrue. I wished to postpone It until that the feiitli inan w ho did ploliose It mlu'ht be here. 1 desire to offer the follow ins; amendment . See "7 Ttie xt). r (hail riotiiinitetml.tiv sail llh the rotiirrt ! the It, sr.l nf Atdcriiien. ippntiit tin lirsiis of di I'srtiai rut sua sll isuiiiuissliiiii ri, rxrrpt tie' ( otn- - nils, lulu rs of l'lili'ic lii.triiciiiin ss stdl s all uieiu, ! hereof sny hosril nr iniunilttliMi stitlmrirrit In supt-r- - I Inti'iiil tin tiorti'pslr of sny htilMuiK (otis psl-- fur by the ell, . thttirr limned nj any Isw or Appoint',! br sny Iih'sI suite rli) , ainl si j oilier lo- - cul si, mti r utile is imi elietr.t by ihe puplo I npi'iiiii'ii 1, i. mil in title set exi cpii it or ntht r f w st provitlt'l t,.. Ttie pri-e- nl laeuliibsiite of ttn- of) c's uf ( ,'icitet to ttie ( erporntliin, Pri'sl.ti nt nf u.f I .ird in Puiue, i eitiinlt-l- , nrr nt l'iillc V,.r-s- , sr,, I'.eplpem nf i' e ,,l Pntitlr Parks stisll lo liotil nnil i, iiijv nii'tr rstiiefiive etta'cs nm I t e ml i,i i eriiie i .eiiul unites sooner i inoi ss II. ri III pmrlill'it. , 'I Ills was carrli d utmost unanimous)), Mr. II. I'. Wood I move to amend the amend- ment Just adopted iiystrlklm: out the four IteJds of ilepnrlmciits. Lost, A to 10. Mr. II. P. Wood I move to retain Mr. (Ireen in place of the Piesldent of Hie Hoard of Police. I ret-nr- d this propo-itio- to retain the-- o four ' heads of department as ntit iitlte so hnd ns to lecl-lat- o titi in Into oftlce. Tliev are now In pos. scs-ln- ii ami have some claim to the unices. ciM Mint M HlllM Mlt. MMHIIA. Mr. M.uldi n Is tl.e Senater 111 favor of retiior- - litk- - lie Mi..r; Mr 1. I'. Wood-N- o. sir: that Is what the Sen-- , atiirvvisiet.nlo. This will take frutii the Ma), r the entile power vo tid in him. The Sritat T from tl.e Tenth last week Insinuated serious charges iik'ainsi Mr. (ireen. Mr. Madden More than Insinuated. Mr. I). P. Woml 1' ten I should like them to bo made manfully, II, at they ma) be met. Mr, (Ireen has made many enemies of those men who have found It Impus-lbl- e to plunder the Iieasury. 'Hie Senator wns bitter iik'.ilhst Mr. ' (Ireen liernu-- o ho nsked any salary, charitu that he received ttO.iul. Mr. I b in, nu II was ii"t so. Mr. I). P. V. i d I Know that It was not so, hut II was relti rated even after tlio St Ir ni New Vork dcnii d it. I know somethini; of Mr. (iteeh's fiiialiHi allons while he was at the head of Hie I'vutral I'ark. and I fetl iny-e- lt author- ized to speak b r him. The uiotn u to retain Mr. lirccn was lost-- 12 tn. I Mr. Chatfleld I move to add the name of Mr. (lieeti In the-- e ficepth its Lost. Ik to I.i. Mr. leiwcry I nunc to strike out the name of the Piesldi nt of the llourd of Police. This w.vs lost- - .ijes I. 'Hie Thlrtv-fiis- l section was tnheii up, and Mr. ; I) P. Wood no. veil to strike out the words, "N'urtii i.iestloti the due perlornianee of hi duties hv such ,l!',.aer. except when neccs-ar- y to prevent fraud." Mr. lb P. Wood believed that If the amt'titiiient was adopted sinecures would he cut o.f and salaries reduced. I wit VI MIIII' nvvl; 1IITN IIOM'. Mr. Madden I am in fxvor of cutting down salaries. I think. It should have been dull" iu the , e if ilieeii. I made a ml take tibotit the tune " hen Mr. dn i li ,'.i.iineii, e.l to draw pa v. Hut I have lot li Id half the truth about this in in Mr I). P. Wood When tlie si,"r fnMn the Tenth iV. ddeiii acts It out of ins i,e ticj wo are not maMiik a -- t: nt-- J e Let fur estr-- . (ireen and Huvi mevei. then l.e v. ill hitter undir-st.m- d my pr positli.ti. I Mr. Mail. I. m I said that 1 did not propose to have this jHiwcri'.i nt Mi.ttreeu. it any other mail, not even the Aii.'el ' ibrh l himself. Mr. II P. Wood - VV hy Is it that the Senntur. five thu treat powir to tlie Cuinp- - ttoller'i' I Mr. Wu.idln I want to cot away from Mr. (ireen. and w to talk about this seetinii. It k'lves Mr. (ir in the power toipiesiiou any claim that may he prisented, to pieveui fraud, if lids provision strh ken out. then sine, ores must lire vail, because t he Com Jit roller cannot tpiestii.ti hisilalm. This was put iu by Mr. Il. rinaii li. Iiton. .Mr. bowls-T- he Senator from the Twenty-secon- d sei ins to think that some Sen itor about this circle has friends In some sinecure ii In New Vork. I never have, nor do I know of any one who has had, unless It Is the Senator from the Twenty-secon- Mr. I). P. Wood- - I supposed Hint I was under- stood. I said that 1 did not refer to any person In this Mr. Tlem.iiin-M- r. Chairman, can I make an explanation ' 1 this mi.rnliik Introduced a reso- lution Mr. Lewis -- I do not k'lve wav for a speech, Mr. Tic inanu - Well, k'o ahead, then. what mt. i.i'.wm win, voTr. ion. Mr. l.e wis I am told that the most lucrative office iu New Vork Is that of the attorney of ihu Comptroller. Now. I am wlllliik' to vest the i otiipiroiier wnit it. iitucii auinoriiy as no s, hut 1 will not vote to clvc him any power In this direction unless It Is lo prevent fraud The motion to strike out was lost. Mr. Ileiiedlct i ,'illie tn with an amend inelit that the " endorsement of the Comptroller that there niu an appropriation lo pay tlio estimated ex- pense of cxeciit.iik' a contract should he suff- icient evidence of such appropriation." 'J his was carried. Mr. 1. P. Wood moved llfat the collection of the water rents bo taken from tho llmrd of Public Wmks and ulvcn lo the Coiuptroll r, 'I lie ark'Uliielit lu Ha lavor was Hint It prevented unv dau.'cr of ir.iud h) separatln.' Hie otlb u wiier the chark'e w as fixed front the othce w here the pay was colleelcd. Mi. Woodln moved that the committee report prokTcss and ask leave to sit ak'aiit, 'litis was, tarried. lu the eveuim: section ild was amended by the Cliiiinherl.tiii's term of office from two to four le.tia, Mr. Woodln pioposcd to amend the fortieth sei linn by k'lvitik' to tho Corporation I'oiinsi I ten per i out. of the costs recovered Tills was osi. Mr. Cliatllehl moved hat the coinmisMoiis and costs should be i.ilil inlo thu trex-ii- i ) immthly, whicu was adopti d. Ill the forty-tlrs- t so. Hon Mr. Woodln moved that the Police Coiiiiiiissloiiers ho luado tlvo. Mr. Weihiuami priipo-ci- l to make it four. Mr II P Wood mid Mr Welsntann favored four, that tncro mlclil bo two from each party, luakllik' It ii A piieimtN lioviin. Mr. Woodln That Is a nilstxhe. Two fu ni each lutrti would make It doubly partisan. Tito only way to make it will he to take Its members all from one party. Mr. II. P Wood This Is pot so. If )ou put both political panics on the commission II will tuke two from one iuity and one (nun another lo Insure appointments. This would procure tho best men men w hu are not selected entirely becniise of patlvhlas. .Mr. Madili n I hellovo that the whole trouble has crown out of the fact that u police board has been attempted. I believe In n civil service reform that will keep iu nlllco every competent man. It la tho discipline and eff- iciency of tho force that Is lu bo consulted, not lis party bias. Iluvv can vim make the commis- sion noli partisan 'I Not by four, for one will bo sliuffl ilk' i IT, and thus the lutlaucu Is lost. Lot ns live. Tin n we shall alwnjshavo a majorit). Mr. Ileiiedlct I have mi conlldencu lu iirriiDk'emcnts, In tho old Hoard of hupei visors wn tried and wn never could tell who were appoint 'd. or to whin party they o could not loll w hat they corn el veil In and hroiik'ht forth lu doubt, and wit ii their proven) vviis k'ronn up no one rcco,' thum. I am opposed to IIM.IVI.IIANI'M and the children born of them. I inn oppiwul lo cimimlsshuis. Vou can Hipieezo no mailer out ol them 1 tit Is not (ibjcctiiiishle. A null partisan commission la like a man who I, clones lo mi parly, and Is tho tall end nf tho worst party, Theru Is no responsibility In a bo ird. 1 want responsibility personal or party. Is there anvlhlnit wroim iu purty ' 1 have been ii party man all of my life, and so havo all men. Hut to come, back to tho Police Hoard, Are three cnouehr Can they conduct ail uf the uoousaary ttulj? 1 tliluk not. We want more than three nommlslonors, and t think Hu in ipo'ltlon fair. I Theinotloii to make five comml"loiier-- i wag I Cnr'led. I Section III was Binenileil so that the Ilnnrd of Police, with the iprohatloii In writltu; of tho Mayor nr (luveruor, may ileinnml the assistance of the military In case nf Invasion, riot, Ac Section 07 wni so amended that the chief off- icers of street cli nnliuf shall file their statement! monthly Instead of ipiarte rly. Mr. II. P. Wood moved to strike out the Brat ontenee In section TS, which would do nway XTlth Ir. nn Norl. The motion wni Irst. O llrleti, Tlonianii, Wlesuiatin, und lleiiedh v ' xnllhtf for It. rl'I'KIIVItlO.s tW HTItLIMS. Senator Ileiiedlct moved to strike out that por- tion of tho seveitty-tilt- h section that fives the ilreets nbovo Flftr-nltit- h street lo the stipends. Ion of tho l)eparlinent of Public Works. Ho had letters from Htchhlns and Van Noll favotltiK that proposition. After detiate, In which Mr, Jus. Wood said that It was n mistake to think that It was daitk'oroui tu place tho entire power In thu hands of one Itinii, Mr. Tlenintiu said that Senators scorned to Jmaclne that It wns necessary ti live In Krle, I Jlonroe, or l.ivlnt'sioii county to properly un- - ' tterstaud the wants of New Vork city, the mo. Hon wns iut. i At Klo'ciock It beromlnireildentthatltwoiild bo Impo'slino to Ret lliro.iili with It the Somite adjourned. The clurter will ho taken up nsraln in the inoriilnir. ' The Assemhlypissedihoovenlmrlii dlsriisslni; flie local option bill, ft was advocited hv Mr. ( rawfonl or Madison, and opposed by Mr. Ilxltz '".."-- . An effort was made to recommit It xvlth Instructions to strike out the cinctlnt tlause, but It was defeated. '.) to if.', and the bill was ordered to a third readltik'. ridim.xn the tutooKi.v.v The llrooklyncliarter wa- - tho special order lu the Assomhly. Thero was a lanrn arrival of Ilrookljiiltes who opposed It as It had been llxi d up by II. 1 Tracv .V Co. Amoni them were Assessor Leech, Collector lillnnilkTls, s. simhljinm Morton, and lltnry A. Howcn of tho I'lifiiii. Tho Trarey faction had retained Mai., den. Husted, Plcrson, and others lo put the charter through. They had agreed to icaln let the I Mloiiln.ii a corporation paper In order to disarm Its hostility. This patronage wns tnken fr.,ui Hie paper Hv Trace)' because It had helped oust him from the office of l iill 'd states Ills-trl- ct Attorney. .Mr. Sii) was the only of the Klnir- - county di leotloii who refused to Join Tnicey itcomblnnti.iii. The fiuht was led by Mr. Jacobs, who was hacked up by ttltocho and Sii)dam. Tlio compensation for the corporation prlnt-- I in.- - lis llxed in the chatter at ii.oi. Mr. Itoche wanted th,i compensation placed III the hands of the Co iitn, n Cotlin II, sa villi; (hit It could ho done for less thuti the sum It lined Mr. Woitlt opposed. He said the amount was fixed lit order to keep the papers out of tho con- - ' trol of the Common I ' that tin Ir dotiik's in l: lit be erltb leil by the lievvipaiicis. I In answer to a ipiestP n hy Mr. Mums, tho ' nieu.bir from slliro. as tn whether he tliotik'ht the Common Council cmihl bebiined by liavllik' this pitroiiak'e, he denied uiakliik' any such charce, hut ho thought It best to keep them from lieln." tempted. When the charter nos beforo the couinilttee, an amendment was adopted suhmltlliii' the lUietloii of nnnexntloii to oaeh town. The Klii.-- s ounty dilok'atlon cliaiik'cd this so as to sol cilt It to a vote of the city and towns e.ille.-tlvr- lv, whl. h meant annexation whether the towns wished It or not. ns the i Ity favors It. Mr ,,i,s this uu rnliiir rnUed the point nf order that the dolciMtlou had ho rich! to set S'ble the action of the House, and Ills point was sustained. This was the tlrst black c)o for the Trace faction. Mr Siiydam moved nn amendment to continue the lowers and duties of the Collector of I'nxe i Mr. Hiirroiik'lisi until tho olid of his term of office. VMM' IT l HONK. Mr Jacobs said that the only reason whv It was pr .posed to curt ill the powers of this because he was nut III ;u . ord with cer- tain w itild-b- c lenders of hi party lu Kliikts county. Mr. Mivdiim's amendment was ndoptod. lllack eje number two for the Tracev faction. MaJ (ien. Husted inoveii to reconsider the t vote. That the ipiestion of iini exatloti be sub- mitted to a vote of the tow lis sop iratelv. Tols was opposed by Jacobs In the must vigor- ous and tellliik' speech he has made this session. He claimed that the people of the city of 1 were at t em lit lilt; to force these towns Into num J itlon against ihelr w III. The city portion of h's constituents favored nnnexntloii. tho pent ie of tne towns opposed It. lie claimed i t lint t It ntik'ht to have n chalice in vote. Ho asked that this be not mide n party measure. fur If this svstein prevails it iid.dit not be Imik' before Alhnnv. Ilulfalo. and other cltle- - would bo takl is iu all the -- urroundin.' towns, whether they were wlllin.- - ,.r m i Misrs. Worth. . hi Cm', and others replied, but tin rural members had taken the alarm and retalm I the clause s duidil.tic the ipiotion of lltlllS'Xlltloll to a vote of the pot us. Mnior-ite- ii Husted ih termined on one more effort, and when the committee lose he moved to vwto this amendment, and evi-- I dentl) lielitk' afraid of kUiiik'.liie bs another op- - poriuiiit) to talk, moved the previous question, cutiiitk off debate. Meanwhile it w.,s whispered that this wns i part) measure and that Republican, must c for it. Mr. Worth al"o. umli r the plea of a-- l I nc to tie eieii-i'- fnuit vntiitk'. aiiealed to the Republi- cans to sustain Hutted uuieiiduieitt, but It wa llteh s. llnsied's limt I. hi was o.t It to .VI 'J he i barter is n or oulered to a third rcxJlnc, nm nisri itn i i t:.s i. sv.uf. Ilautls nf Curllsis ItreeltliiK Arms nnd Am. titiiiiHlon- - Iti'publicau X'lriurr nt Vlun roz A muioIkIi Vlre-Cens- ul Arrrsleil. Uayonni:, Airil 1. Tlio Citrlislii tn fpnln are reei Ivltnr supplies of arms, ammunition, and provisions In various ways, but mostly by sea. Knur hundred Carllsts recruited In Navarre last week were equipped nltuost a soon as their wa effected. Senor Kilo, who was the director of the Carllst Comuilttee here, eluded the local authorities, w ho had orders for his arrest, lie crossed Into Spain on Saturday last. A force of Carllsts under ronihir.nd of the L'hleltain Cucula made an attack on Vlttaroz, Province of do ta Plana, jesterday. After a tJiort ., ntest the werede. feated by the troops, and tied In dis- order from before the town. I A bvttall.inof Trench troops starts from this city for the frontier It is rumored that all the ( ustotn Houses on the front Ie- except that at I run, have he n occu- - j Pled hy the Cirllsts. who are fnrtlf) im: tlieui. M tump, Aitll I. -- The Cur6 of Santa Cruz liav-lii- k' been suiprtseil yesterday narrowly escape, I capture. ut Ids tueii were taken prl- - ' sutlers, T he ak'ltatloit in ll.ireelolia Is suhsidllik'. No further outr.ik'cs hinii neon petpelr.ited hy the populace. PvltlK, April 1. The Spanish l, I'haik'cd with ombet7eiuent of public funds, ha been arrested and sent in ciutodv to Spain. rut: r.t.r.i'iiA.s r is nu: roMits, Preputial! fur (.rem Coolest In Justice Holy's. Collll. Tlio I'li'plmnt was up lirlKlit mid early yesterday iiiiirnlnc. wrapped In his blanket, tosslinr letters and eplk'rams from his coll to the outside world. A monk' the letters was a startllinr one to Jild.'.i llruily, who has decided that tho Indictment Is Hut few visitors saw the elephant, na ho Is dev., tin. all hli tlnm preparing; for the comliu; contest in court. The liniidsomo Warden Johusoii went the rounds of the prison at an early hour and win heartily coiikTatuhttcd by all the prisoners on Ids complete restoration to health, nnd the ele- phant showered compliments upon him. At 2 o'clock Keeper Kllroy, who has charite of Mur- der, rs' llow, thrust n dellcnte missive thmii.'h the bars of cell M. Tho elephant broke the seal and toad : Cirv nii Cui'sn or Sew Yoiik,) liisim r ArioBMt'silrrie. The Peiiphm. (!eo. K. Trslu liiilli inuui (ut publish. tuv; i.bsci'ar litiTUtnre. ft '. i'i am, Jt. IisvkSiri 'I lie Intrstnritliiii as tn jour sanity villi Iske p.uie In tun, i hut .lu.ilce lull an I s jury on Iliun-lJ- ). April. 1, 4ri3. at I n'rlot k, P. M . In ('nurt ol ( iiiniiKiii Pit ui, in the nt' rv i 'nurt lluii, I' t uiuim lu tho Clisc bsve been llolllleil, V, ry rctpe Ifuily, April 1, Isl I. IIsnj. K., lUstrli I Attorney, Tho lik'lituliik' Trnln checked up for a moment, but wits soon started, and Keeper Ivilroy tho folliiwltcaddiessed lo tho Dlotlu t Attoine) : CfcU. M, Mciioi urns' llow, Tim Tonus, I All I'ouls Us), Isfi, Klftui'iith Wees). ( JlttiJilhllH l. 1'liH), lull i, I .lUurii't While pBiue crushes lliruavli the binks our iiulii'u I r reive with tlunks It t mil tit? tlie lllli!ti Is "oli.i I'lie," '1 his s:urs hi iluiter ui'ik'Hiue .M it tne HnotittHni T r.ila Aiel pruve Isitli Court sic! Church ttisntie vv I en bar tint entile once coin ie Not iliik' cut tiiip thi hiiailctilj. Aire uly liliur'e t'liiiiiiuii; mats Are vrsllltiK to tlnil oil Hie irt.. (Iro, KltsM'is Tkiin. I'll'. I tcnl Miir.lerri.' tTuh. Pie t'uiiiiii IMetstur. Afler this hnd been sent on Its way to tho off- icial to whom It wan addressed, Ihu keener In nut bed fiiT, nnil Wniden Johiisoii tluevv him-se- ll bark lu hit irrcat arutuhair and poscofully tluuibtrod. TIIK FLUCTUATIONS IN GOLD j.'Vitoi'i: i mi tvsrixa am rr.ic.i'B vnouiVT or iivt.i.ios. It il Tn t llnlrli Tellluir Wlioletnmo Truths -- Tho Nutlr Hushing Headlong o Itank-ruiter-J- (loubl's Knorinnut Mtcnmer, ami his Nrtr llallroad le llnltlmore. Uospllo tlio ot tlio monny market yostonlny, there was oompnrallvely little oxrltcment In Wall street. The market de- veloped treat strength, nnd money was lent at as lilcli as and I per cent, a day, or 'Ml per cent. Per anutiiii. No failures were nntioiineed, but It Is said that a uroat many marulns were wiped out At about noon n St'M reporter called on Mr Itufus Hatch tu learn his views on tho sittintlnti. Mr Hatch's establishment Is thoroughly demo- cratic. You ifu rlnlit In and enter the private office without porter or fli.ltkey to block your way. Mr. It itch was very cordial, but declined to bo Interviewed. He was very busy he had something elso to think about ho didn't caro tu talk for newspapers, "Perhaps, Mr. Hatch," the reporter said, "vou will permit mo to call on jou at )our ruinsi this ovetilnir?" "I'm alvravs at home after dinner," Mr. Hatch said, "and am plensed tu seo and converse with any of my friends." In the cTcnliik' the reporter called at Mr. Hatch's house. He was asleep on tho couch In Ids study. Ho started up nnd seemed soiuowhnt surprised to seo the reporter. Ho arose, how-ove- r, and i?ra..ped the vltltur warmly by the hand. Iloporter Mr. Hatch, have you dined f Mr Hatch- - Ye. I have, ami feel better for It. llep irler As one of sunt friends lhavo come, then, to converse with vou. Mr. Hatch (siulllm:)-r- m clad tn seo you. Mr. Hatch settled himself lu his easy chair, and rested his feel on tho table. VVIIKN lll'l't'rt HATCH IIItST I'OIIKHW IT. Iloporter - When was the possibility of arise 111 cold first stiL'ucsted to your mind 1 Mr. Hatch- - When I was In London Inst No. Tember. I learned Hint the Hank of Ihiclaml wis the illstrlliutiii2 aitciiey to supply l'.urope with cold. KiiL'Inn.l and xtucrlcii have the only cold prodticlnz territory In the world. Actual flcnrc show that we have a.ilppcd tn Huclnud during the pnst fifteen vears over f;Vi,(n,i) l of specie and million, half c.dd nnd half silver. Tho sold product In this country lias decreased, ami the silver increased. Our product of cold Is not over t r.i"M Per annum, nnd of silver about f l."i.iui) r.tik'lniiil receives from iVinO.utl tu f 4ii.ii.miof our bullion every year. Last yearour akNrei:uto shipment of bullion and specie nm C2.isxi.imi, the largest slilpmeiit ever made in one ear. So th'it we have been shlpplnc morn cold than we were producinc. until we havo re lb nod tlie bullion to the nominal sum of U!i- ,- an.iMjiik'iiliist t laUMi.tumlti sr- - This Is shown by the statement of the (lovcrnmeiit Just madj. I'ltTV MI1.IJONM SllllllT. Iloporter How much do you consider tho Im- porters short of the market? Mr. Hati h An) where from JOT.IOJ.fXO to JM,-Ci.i- J. ltoportcr -- To whxt do you attribute the ad- vance In cold uf )ctord.i), and II decline to- day ' Mr. llatch-SluiP- ly to speculation for the day. It has iiotliim: to do with the future price. Iloporter - How tint, li edd do ymi think the Treasury could count upon In an ouiorccnov, nnd what do V' think would bo tlio actual amount In the S utter dotlm-tlti- tho accrue. I Inteiest and ccrtltl.'.ites ' Mr. Hat i h Probably not over J l,",nio.riYI. Iloporter - Is there n recnlarly orcaulrod pool In cold, or were the purchase made on unlit account, In a belief that the market would advmee r Mr, Hatch I know uf no combination what- ever. Keporter Then tho rumor that you have been Interested xiith smith, (iottld, and Stoekwell Is not correct WHAT KTIKKWCI.I. (IAS (IN THE IIIl.VIM. Mr. Hatch-No- t In any manner. I alvva)s tell thrso cenllemeli the trittli. and Ciey think I am tidkliic for my own Interest - w hl.-h- , of course, I never do ismillnir). As for Mr. (iould. my Im- pression s that he Is short of cold. And as for Mr Stoekwell. I don't think he ever hulls all), thine exeept the Howe Sew Inc Mm nine and Pa- cific Mali. Tho latter he has on the brain. Mr. Smith. I think, has some cold that Is, If u took tho a, lib e 1 cave him some tlmo a "u. Keporter -- How much cold do these vlduals represent Mr. Ilnti h- - Perhxps fl.nii.0n or f.Vfxl.iOl of contra, ts; not uiv cohi. All the cold 's owned b) tlie f'.relcn Icnikers. and the slightest tluaii-c- i d breere .it P ir would i all home nil) whore from f M.'i...ioto In cold, und with only ftyi.ioi.iin In this country any man who un- derstands and subtraction can see what the coiiso-p- uees would he. tiik ri n m: t'liicc or iiot.o. Iloporter What will probably he the price of cold before the autumn crops are marketed .' Mr. Hat. h- - Piovldinc there are n,, financial troubles ami imps. "Xto Im. Iie;.,,rler l.ikou all the-- o Ihlitk's Into con- sideration, what Is jour opinion if the financial .ri.sM'ct-i- i Mr. Hatch Kit rope ha been buvlnirniir I'nlled Stat, (ioveriimeiil bonds, State bonds, city bonds, and railroad bonds by hundreds of mil- lion each year for elcht )ear past. These havo paid for our Imports over our exports, or in other words, we have been colnc on tlie princi- ple uf a man who cannot pay his note at the end of the )rnr, but Issues another note to pay the Interest on the one already out. Of course a Kcttllnc day must come, (iermuny has substi- tuted colli coin for silver; this requires al least f Pti.iiij.iMi more cold lo bo distributed throiik'h tho Herman Umpire. Tills cold must come from Frame, Kucl.iud, ami America. Our Interest account to-d- due b'tiropo Is not less than U per annum. Ot'n IIVSIKHPI'T lUtl.llOAps. Another bad feature ol our financial condition Is that the majority of the new railroad enter- prises which have been so largely diveloed iliirln. the last Hie vears hero und lu I'uropo will contli'tie to pay Interest on their securities only snl :ik' a they ran sell bonds. The ma- jority ol them vm'I net ho needed for llfty years to come, unle-- s r.umiir can send to this country 2,Mi.inj ,,r :i,m.i.ui) ,.f , nilci.tnt every jear, to settle the new Territories, w lib li those roads are built to develop. Heportrr- - W hat do ou think of Mr. lllchard-ton'- s policy I Mr. I Int. It- - sin i ii rli'leiil nis. He' colnc on the pnticlphi of ccitliu' ,id ; k'o'd as fast a possible b) maklnc it tne i heal . t product III the country. He adopt the svs. "ii of larco liabilities represented by over f "l"J,l'm,ljn of local tenders, national bank notes, and frac- tional curremy, with only Jivj.mi.mj of c.w,h . assets, vviut jii linri.n svvs. I Another Si .n rorfiru r called on Mr. Jay (Iould at his house on I'iftlt itvenue. A , aina.'c w.u sian, line at the door Mr (Iould Ii. id Just ar- rive I iron Newport, II. I. , where hols supi rill-te- i iik' Iho tiiilldimr of a imimiiioth sle.unboal, which is in earn a tram of tidily cars from this cltv to Sand) Hook In one hour in connect Inn vi all the New Jersey Southern llallroa.l. This I a new lino w lilcli Mr. duiihl has undertkkoii tu construct in ninety davs trout this city lo llaltl-inor- Mr. (Iould said that he h id only a lew minutes to spare, ns Im was about to start on another Journey Immediately. Keporter To what do vou atttlhtite the piesent stale of the market, Mr. (Iould ? Mr. (Iould My information Is that iitoner is made artificially ticht hv a Itlnc who wished to k'lve the (ioverntueiit a pl.iu-ibl- ii excuse fur Is. tuilnc part of the reserve of f n.(MI,ixi. II. .poller V, hal ,o jou inc in by "a Klncr" Mr. (iould -- Parties who lecelvo Pltlv.viK l.MdltM.ninx from the (lovernuieiit In advance. The pio. ci'.uniiio of the Sei rotary of the I reason Hs iuh-- I llshed for this mouth, was intended to boar Hie market that is, to put stm ks down, parties know inc this from nceitt of Hie I lovernuieiit in advance, have had nu opportunity to put out their Hues of stock at Inch pi Ices on the an-l- i. inurement of thu Secielary' procranime. Vesteiiln) and y of course the) hoitcht In their previous s.tUs nt a lurce prollt, and went nlonc with Hi" in ukrt. liy plnehlnc money and maklnc It no close, tho combination ctvesthe (loverumelit an importunity to issue part of the lesoi vo, for the benefit ostensibly o tho community. I don't kihw that the sale of il iMl.imi has had mi) ollect on the cold mar- ket, us the so, reiary ol the Trc.isur) Issued tho tkiiite atiiiiitut last month. Keporter How do) on account for tho rise 111 cold )ostcrd v? Mr. liouhl I'ho hlk'h iirb us of cold are caused by thu excessive impori.iii.iin and hy the pay- ment of Inteiest on (iovernnient, iniinliTpiil, nnd mill noil siiciirltles held aliroad. AN K.VtlPII MMthKT. Keporter W liul do you tliiuk of tho prospect botwi en now and September' Mr. (Iould Money will work easier; but un-e- is tlio II tverniti "lit Inflate the ciirrnnuy by Issitlnc all or a p.til of Hie fit,UM,i) icsurvu iiiotio) will not be so o.t-i- y ui II has been forsoiuii time hack. Iteponer- - What is your opinion nf Mr, 's policy f fir. (Iould It would hn wroii'' to Judco Mr. Ilicharilsnn In ndvaneo. Wo want a llxed slahlo pulley, and tho coiintiy will smut iul.iH Itself lo It, Hop, irtur-U- n you believe that there Is nitty-lili- millions In tlie V Mr. liouhl My belief Is lust there it much let. TIIK VOL A It KXl'MUTIONH. A (Irenl Kxtplorrr'n Lectures -- The Fntlle In Itenrh Ihellprn Polar Moil -- Curl-"in Customs of Hie r.saiiliiinnx Dr. IsiiiioJ. Ilnj'cs, tlicciiilnoiit Arctic dellvorod the first nf three leeltires last flight In Aseoclatlon Hall, Tho speaker passed rapidly Aver the nimiOrotni otpedltlon- - In soaroh of the open Polar Sea, Including that of the sir John I'ranklln In 1313. Ho Incred- ulously alluded to tlio records of two whalers, ono of whom proton. led to havo reached tho North Pole, and the other to have sailed two beyond It. In Wil, Dr. lla)es first e.illod Into the frozen reclnn of the North, rctiiriilncaftor an ahseneo of two and a half )enrs without any crest meed of success. Dr. Kane subsequently made an effort to ponetrato to tho open Polar Sea. Ho failed. Hut sumo of of his party travelled over the Ice on alright, nnd sav they saw It. Pol low. tic In the footsteps) of Dr. Katie, Ilr. Hayes In 1PU0 led another expedition towards the North Pole, passed a winter where Kane had snipped before, and lu 1801 looked out upon i,n open Polar Sea from the most noteworthy poo.i jet roae.hed by any exnlo r, "unless," added the lecturer, "('sol Hr " has pli kfil up me little flair I plant- ed I horno it onward to the North Polo, ns 1 since, ly hope, ho has." Applause.) Dr. Hayes ne sketched Iho procrcst of civilization In llreeiila I, Iceland, Denmark, and other Portions of Northern llurupe, wliero the codly KlncOC.f id worked bravely In tho cause of rellclon.i .rlstlanlzlnc all beneath his sway by the simple operation of decapltatlnc the heathen. A HACn Of l'HlMIKS. "The men of the Arctic rechms," nd Hr. Haves, "stand for the most part about four and a half feet In heicht, and In color clo-el- v re- semble nn unwashed North American Indian. Their dress It composed of hour and seal skins. There Is little difference between Ihocusliimeof tho sexes, hut tho headdress of the women Is suluclentlystrlkliik'todlstluculshthem from the men. The hair Is twisted up on tho top ol the head In tho form of a horn, several Inches In leimth, Its pirn holm; en- hanced by the Jiidlcliius Interlaclnc with It of strips nf seal skin, which also surve to keep It In Us Place. Thoiik'li the ladles of nations tens far north resort to artifices somewhat slnillir, they catiltot he said to lie equally successful, for Ihelr sisters of the Artie reclons, harlnc once done up their hair do not lln.l It necessary to touch It twain for several month, until In fact, the Interlaced seal skin lalls to pieces front y, and lite larefully built cone tumbles at last. ll.aiieht,'r, A plurality of wives Is almost Invariably In, nnd little Jealousy is manifested hy the fair sex Tho lecturer related an Instance of n limn who e.itne under his observation who had three wives These women wero perfectly content except In one parti, ular they c It no smnll ei leviince that their husband obstinately lefused to take a fourth wife, and thus llcliten the household labors of thu other three In this Interesting family there had orientally been seven ihlldreii Iho had died from causes lucldeiitnl to elilldhnoil, nnd u third havlnc been horn with a clubbed f, mt, the father mournfully Informed Ilr Ha)es that ho ihoucht It best lo place It In a hole In tho snow and cover It up. tiii: itKi.tntoN or tiik The Idea of a Supreme Heine a' ' theories recardllic a future existence cntei, allied by those penplo are very peetill ir. Their (lod Is enthroned on ii rock, with It head pterclnc the heavens, on a croon Mimd, nnd overlooks a I the wor.d-tb- at Is, all nf it that Is worth overlook-Inc- - the land of the (In this island i. re live steps lead Inc to paradise, and on each of those am dishes conlalnliic food varvlnc In qual- ity In proportion to the heicht of tho stop on vv lilcli they arn placed. To this Island the spirits of k'ood l.sqiilmaiix are and de- posited ai rdlns to their decree of merit on the steps of tho rock, where they recalo them- selves thrutich all eternity on thefood contained In the dishes. At for the spirits ot the unfortu- nate llsiitilmaiix who havo not merited salva- tion, they .ire cast out Into a reclon of Intense, iinlmaciiiahle cold, where no such thine as food 1 ever seen. line kwimaux's f. xtan. Their evil spirit Is a woman, dwellliw tit tho bottom of the sea. nud occasionally wreaklnc her spite upon them by keeping the lih from rlslttk' to the mtrfai e.and thus creating a famine. The must curious ceremony known to the Ls. (luimaitx Is, perhaps, that of murrlace. 1 1 to done thus : vv hen a b kills a polar hear, it Is consid- ered suffli lent proof nf Ids itbllllT to maintain a family; ho Is thereloro told "to co and catch u wife." Wati liiuc Ids opp .rtuiiit) at nlsl.t time, he pounces upon a victim, and attempts to carry her off; she, however, struccle and shrieks un- til she has collected lound her a croup of sympa- thizers. She then turns upon her captor, ami bites and scratches him until ho Is com- pelled to release her; then she darts Into thu crowd mid attempts to esiapo; ho follow, but Hot unto. 'letted. All the old worn, n take s. ources of dried seal, skin and n.i.'ellatc him titnuer. tfiilly as ho passes, maklnc at Hie ame time over) effort to arrest him iu his onr-e- . If, despite these little Impediments to matrimonial bliss, ho should catch his victim. Iho bitinc ami scratchluc scene is renewed, ami In all pn.b il. litv be Is ac.dn compelled tu release Iter, and the chase, with lis attendant discomforts, Is resumed. Should lie overcome all obstacle, the third capture usually proves effectual, and the victim, ceaslnc her tru. ".',, Is led away amid the a. . Initiations and rejoicings of the assembled multitude. The extremely simple manner of admlidster-- I ilk.- - Justice It worthy uf imitation. Judges are not necessary, and Hie Impaitcllinc of a Jury is unknown. A large crowd of people assemble, and both plaintiff and defendant In turn rcl-- le anecdotes and other Jokes for several hours, Judgment being ultimately given In furor of the man who has best succeeded In amusing tne multitude. A, nilll. (11)0 XiorlBsne. om Me i.d,on A'Mr, Jncs V. Them wits Illeil In tho C'leik's oltlce of Columbia county yesterdaya niorttrace, clven by the New York Central and Hudson Klver llallroad Company 1 Cornelius Vanderlnlt, Jr., and Wm. K. X'underhilt, trustees, to secure f'SMOMMj In seven per cunt, bonds, payable, lu Utl. Tho inortcage was given under the con- solidation of the New Vork Central with the Hudson Hit or ltallro id, for the purpose of f und- ine its Indebtedness and to provide moans for nutting dowiiaddltional trai'ks,c. The Allien branch, ur White Klcphaut llallroad, is excepted from tho mortgage. A Child Killed hi Attorney nud Ilrlniicey fstreet-Tiiioi- ilit of Lynching. Yesterd.i', atteriioon Mary Drown, aged nine yrsrt, uf l!W Btsutou itteet, while returning from sttniol, vtatruamer srnl It . tsnt'y killed st lieltncey u,l Attorney street, hy a lieer beer ntgon, ovsnsit hr I ckirl & u luli-ro- t - i'ty nllli .lie, I, sn, driven hr Tlieo tiire Msr.hill nf S Ksst 1 oily si'iona ttreit. Mtrkhsll. slur running ovtr the chlM, slarie.l hit liursi's nn a rtiu. sn.l irh a in esctpe. hergesut IUn,lsll, titling st his in tlie Itt'lstii ei street puln-i- , stall, a, vliiireil the kllhnc uf tin, el.11,1. sml onlereii oitici r Post lu seres! MsrJiail rue ofticr cauglii the fug! till at lilv liigl.iu sn.l Mini's streets At ll.epiiliie It lil.ui the t'ti Iti'.l crew .1 vvi,til,l hiv, lynclie.l Vlnr.litll, l,ul the police prntccteit bltii Ciiruucr ht'stler per' lulltcu the psrrnis to take tne l ,1 home. Coux erllng tho (.milliter. Dknvkh, Col., April 1. -- Mr. Hammond prcat hed yetttTilay to IAlortiiiipcrsena st Itiike tad Fifteenth streets. The meeting sltrrvvsrd ailjniiriiej ta the llerl.leninl Hall, s Urge ssluon sml (tin y ilxnro huiite, liy tin il ui, ut of im- - pn.iirlet ir. Ahuiif Otto s eittert ,1 Hie Ii ill. prntistily in of wh.iiit were gain bh'rs sml tpnrls. The meeting vv it u,hlr"st'il hy run ei gamblers, bevertl uxnil'lert lime already In cn courerted. I.oiiHed tor 101 X'onrn. At a meeting nl the directors of both roads yesterday, the Harlem I'.usl vtss h.isr, to the New Vo k Ceiitrsl, Ilie term being itistti.e II irleui i ntnpanr still) lelsln Ihe City roa !s, nnd t of i leht per cent, he nu n in l Ik hul.ti is uf taint il stuck. Tin) lent' i tpiret In luurhundtt.l sud une )i srs. The XA'ti.uher To-lln- Wasiiimitiin, April I. The Signal Officii pre- dicts fur llu' Middle Atlantic custt nrls, winds und cluuily tnu weaihiT. Knr New Miigltitd v, etttrl) windi, vtitu cluudt sud rslu. cat i ox i ri i:s o r v it i m j;. Two men answering exactly tnlho deserlpllou ot the pt'rsuu. hu luurilrred till' W trdt-i- u( the Jill In which they wero cunnncd in Annum, N Y. severs! days ago, ii ere dt rested In .Ml.hlictumi, (iiilo, ou , tud vvtil be held until di let live, si'.utiis riio.ii in r. Tiu.r.o it. Put her l.'ipic. the oldest priest of the IMoceso of tlgile islmrg, uu il al t tirlinsit. N. Y .. nil hslurdt) la it, Hk'g'sl ,1 ycsis The Delaware and Hudson cnnsl is oimiii, the cuiiuisMy hay t'lveii orders to tMaitnun iocoiu liicnee t r.ip Muiidsy uett. The t.ropo Itlon to wlilnii Water stioot, llos-ni- in itie of the new pn.t (inlo, list been tin prui i d hy the Hoard of Aldermen-- !) to 3, lu the Lower lluureof the Ohio legislature yi'.telds) the hill lo sUuhatt t spit si piiuiil.ii.clit st, ou listed, only Wvolei heiugrstl In in fau.r. Tho elglity-thir- il session of the New VorkCon-fem.e- e nf ihe tlellioiil.t Church will im inl.lo iu Hud sun tint inurnliig sud inntlnue Ihrnush thu work. Tho rot urns of the city election In St. Louis )etirrita sre nietgte, bill indicate the thitluu o( Jotejili Ittowii, Iteiiiiiertt, Mtyur, uver deorge lisir, Itepublictn. by probthly teoiiitjurtly, The Hon. Arthur W. Hunter. Homorrnt, was rhcti'd Mtror ol Hchcoccunt by rT niijurlly Ihe I reit ut the iteiiHK'rtnc cue ticket. m tares Ifepubll. Ctu tad two Ilsmocrstlc AUtluita, sre eltnAiJ, LIFE IN TlIEJIKTUOrOLlS, u.tsnr.H nana asi nr tiik HVS'H n t:v OUT Kits, , A llrondvvny Slnsn Hloned while I'nll ol White slags Ifll uf tho Twenty-thir- d streot Una wit going lip Proailn-a- r jesterdsy. nesr Sprlne street. ' It was sloti-- J hy thort, thick set fellovr, who the driver ttyiht.l hid soma ilimralty with him. The tlrst . tone grste,l the drlrer't sml struck pjslirtr tsge. Alinther W1, lilltiiig II- ,- ilrrffT s 1S. The itagc wss ttnni I, gn,l -- hoe ihn drlirr wss shout tn drtceml Itruhiure It re, in, on were hurled st him. Oua erathed through a of glsss, nsirowly esesplatl " a Im wlihlu. 1 he DS'silsut ctcipril. , Thr Mi air Hull lliisliirss. 'Col." Oscar K. Walnwrlglit, who prufessei t be eiurtgeil In the rsllrotd butlness, and, wlthM.T. Btcls, who call hluitrlfs lawyer, slid iillu rt, hit sn ottlre st V) Mrosdwsy, wsi taken before Shielilt )i stenlty on s thargenf perjury, la twesring, while ollrrlug hliii.t If as .uri ly la s criminal cste hefure Commlssintier Phiitdii, thst !,c owned prop- - erty nol trlongtng to him. tJJ)JJ)JJ)JJB huuie lime sgo. In a civil ttilt, XVslnwrtglit tirriate4 htnitelf s. auri'tv. iiretenillnK lo usii tin prnprrty st H I'sootiie street. An exsmlrialliin Itien rcvcnlrd the lart tkd vvalnwrtght had nhtained Ilie registry nf a (raitdti. )JJJJJJJH I, .it ileeil nf the property, Ssi it's mnie being on the tfH deed, Ihc properly, instead of hilutiglng to Walo- - Tl wrlirht, la, and hat htru for the last titty tsars, uwne aH by tlie Cot faiiillr. In the iritnliisl rate lirfnic Coinitilsslonrr fthlrdds, ' which catne on tiihtriurntl) to the rlvll esse mention- - i rrt.he slso pretend d to own this ssme property, telling , eontrsdletury storh s ri sporting hunt, ir, snd It wss this Inst stiriiipt itixilmltohlt arriit. lie was eunirallleat iB In default of J,ei hill. A The n ml Hinge Asirnt In the Slnrhor. , On Monday nttcrnnoii the tiighont ('oimver, Cspt. Psrsasn, tslled from fuutti Ainlniy with tries ' lirstily lusdid rnsl hxrgrs In tow. Off lledlue's Itlsef the engine broke down, slut the barges, becoming ua- - I manageable, drilled back with the tide snd fouled wltk sntneof the shipping at anchor off Stuteit lalitul i sntl ' having been sepnrated, one nf them was sunk Iniuiedt- - H ateir aernst s srilp's hnwt one i sine to snertur, the tog slut one barge drtltnl nslinre on Uuig Island, snd four ilrlltrd nut of I lie Narrows to West Hank. All Ih . rrevvt were ttsen ashore at Vsnderlillt's l.sndlnir, wilta , fTtjJH the ctcciitlnn of s uisn and woiastt who were on tiusra the tuukt'u tisrg", stt'l who are lo have . drowned. Marly veaii-ras- the drifting bsrge wera fH recurid by s tug snd t.iWi'11 to the Coast W'reeklnR Cunt- - tlH pint's wharf st Htnplrton. sml Ftihsriu.ently they were 1 alS tcul to llu.'lr dtilliisllon, deraiy t Hy. The (.'rent Opernlnr Wniilrd In l.ntibtvlllsx Yesterdnv Cnder Hherllf Joel O. Stevens re- - celvrd a letter from Chief llllgh. of the Loiilavlllr de- - i a requisition for (Korge Macdon- - nrll, of the Hank ot Pnglamt forgrry notoilely, hit i sent lu (l.iv lilt, sn, nsklng the (sheriff tn holt I (the prt'imer subject to Ihit rciiutsliluii lu cats he wtt I tint ettriillted and retli'lird lo I nglaml. IJJ)jJj)jj)jj) Chlet llllgh ss)s vine liinneil Is known to the Louis- - Title police ss sin si. lie is wniiteil fiirsuiiie fnrgenes cniiiiiiitiid there In cnnt'erilen nlih Mistln Itldwell. IJJj)jJj)jj)j , sllas alter. The l.iillitv ille detective established Mai donnrll's Identity thr iugh Tiik Si n's nccouct of Lll the prlncrly furerr's etpliilts. Msi il'iniieU's picture Is tjjtjjfjjtl In the'a ilaiier) in the Pnhce Crnirsl offlir. It vTvTvtH was taken when l.e went hy the name uf wil. on. Uther viiliini may Id. utlfy him ny the photograph. Jiiilne stiilhctlniurit Advice to llrnrr Wilsons lloury Wilson was )estcrdav nrralcnod In th I (Icnrral fetalum on rhsrgr of nesting a rtrprt bsc coLt.tluliig a pair of pautsloont, two shirts, collars, ' cutis, nrck-tl- snd socks, the property of Isaac Fouirra. Judge PiilheiltDd sentenced htm to three yean In Sing hut when it became knuwn that the prlaenrr hta oi. , I four small children depending on him fur !8lng, and that he wns driven to I lie tit because ha IH nothing to eat snd wss starving, the sentence was 1 to nne year. Ills Honor gave ihe prisoner the I H lulhiu lug advice :' vv hen ) uu gel out try tu get soma , H empl'i) men get your children .w ork. If vou drink, IJJ)JJ)jj)jj)jj ttnpiiiat Attend itiiirclt ciery Miuday, and vou will c M beeumc ait honorable niriiiher of sottt'ty." H A Speelnclo on the Hirer. Last night an oil tank In Imibard. Ayrcs A Co 'anil work, at nlxty tlxth ttrect ntt.l North river, tuok Ore, an! the burnlni oil ran in streams of tire lo ',, and out In the rtrtr, sad toon theiurtscrof the Hud- - i son wsa a broad expanse of tlanir. Several schouuers sml slonpt lying noar Ilie oil works were saved with . flH rttfrtculty. The lire burned until a lste hour last night, 'the luss la caiimatid at shout iXVH). The nre la sup- - IH ' pencil to hsve liad Its origin tn sn overhested still. 1 tin IJjH stiim.nt ol insiiritiri' cnuld nut he ascertained. Till Is H tl.e filth lime Put these oil works hsiobecu ou fire la IH the last nitron month. Phnlncrnphlnc lit r.ticrHvltig. Otto Hilars wns taken before ComiiiKshiuer JH ftilehb yetttrday muratiig on the charge of nigral lug i ittH s plate from which tu print luunt, ifi lt lea ceut cur- - JH rei ry. Ilasrs says that he Ins dlscntered inew H nf engraving. I. inrans of pliutugrstihliig on ciqiper pistes t that he had engrav ed thla plate, not fur the pur- - pose of ro .ntrrfeitlng, but simply to prove that s diffl. !gH cult feat uf i iiKravln. iould hcsi couipllshcd by hlsurw JH pn i" sa. ukd " at, a fir from miking s secret of htl liaTlnglllidi'tbrl.iate.hrlltliiiedlalely exhlhlteil It to Ih Nnil iiial Hank Sole luuipan). He gave tl,uu btll l aTttH The I'ri slilenl unit I'nmlly In the (Tiy. President ( Mrs. (Jrnitt, Miss Nellie tlrxnt, and (ien. ltuhcot-k- . who started from Wathlngton st I o'lTuck )t'stcriU.v arrived st thu lTtth Avo- - KH r.tie lluiel st II .V P.M. The psrly w, re tlinwit lo Ih assl etegsnt suite nf rnnnii IX, II. Si, slid M. on the psrlor fleiir. louklug out upon .vladis,,n tiptsro and Twenty- - fourth stn Alttr suppi r. win. h wsa served tu their ronina, the party rt'tlri-d- Pri sldeni tlrsnt i tperts to ttay in .New Yurs Die remaiuilcr nf tlda week. Th iiiuieineni. uf ihe party while in thla city will be IIH ranged this morning. H Slllelile III Treliinul. All unknown man, supposed tn bo a Spaniard or Krrnclinitn, cumniltted ainclde tt G o'rinck Itatolght In Trciuont hy thnotlrg hlrntelf. lie watabont S3)etrt eld. dark 'oiurdeitoo and eyes and Msek hair. He had ffH ou dark pautstuoiia, coat, and vest, low cut ilioci. while v7c7c7c7c7 Ihlrl sml socks, blue neck tie. Slid high Mart hat. Th JtH sd.lieaaot Anderaou & VMlaon, lirecupulot, wtt fouud IIH on hit pvrtou, tjtJtH Cniisieriiutlnii In ii Third Avenue ('nr. laist evening two horse owned and driven bf 1'hllip Olelterof (J3 Welt Thlrt) eighth itrci t berime uoinansgeshte st eighth street and Third avenue. Tbey daahed lutu the aide of Third stt'iiur ear Si, which wa iiH crowded. The paiietigen rualicil fur thr plitform. B due eld-rl- y matrun hist her chignnii in Ihe eruah ; hut the out) other ilamage dune was the dcutuiltiua of th wlaUowi snd one tide of the tar. H Confessing the Minder ol his Infant Chile. IhisTO.N, April 1- .- Iu the Charlc stnwn Police Court to dut, Iiuuul s. Mirth wit arrilgued fur killing hit Infant ihlld by drowning In September, lsll. Pre- - vlout tn ttie rc.vllng of tlie computet the prlenner ruio H lo the dui k and prior. I. In answer to the complaint h JjJjJjJI said: I'lheas lunda did it." He itu'li narrated s sail H tlury of dnitieallc Iruutdia which culmlualed In hi w H taking Ihe life of Ihe tlilnl. He wss inuiailltcJ fur lll teuteuce. H Ccn. Cnnliy Siirriiiinillng Ihe .Undoes. Sin I'iixmiikco. April I It Is snl, I that dsn. Canti) ts siirruuuillng the 'tod., ei. and will snun nlill g1J)JjJjJj)JJ thi'tii to turrea 1. r Captain .lack1 tmcu It nty thrvo. H ri..i.sif t:s ntoM t n i; ovi:.i s v.t iti.a. The Kitssslan (Irniid Duke Aloxis ha arrived Llll The Spxnish Vice Consul In Paris ha-- s b. siuuili'd. leaving u detlcit lu his accoitula lu tlie tinntiut iiH Tho l'olkethlng, the Lower lions" of the Klgtdug, h is pasjed s vute ileclirlng s want of glH cunhdeiice in the Mlnlsiry 1 jomsos oir.v. Otti-lm-v Qtiiiitttfp OMiiftrt 111 Do (lurmo' licit iH to iH H, M. W. nf HruiiKIyri steinU 1 1 tnTllK Hu.v f ijH (hi (iiiiily. ttB 'I hc tn M V Ht .vl It.ttiU storklhiMcrrt Iwtvo f)iit !ljH MTtt-- ft'M', and tiw tti niili ir fIS'.iXo, l unl ih M f.w).(in uf im u- rrlt-r- (I fi..c!,. H Sfimtiir FUIiI.iii, nml (ten, ijH 1'iitnnT m niiiii a v lu itn Fifth Airiiii" H tiittt r tliflluiiuiiht'ii judc irom tiituttcr ilHH uci'iipl' it Hiidihcr I'Oit H Vcitt' In the 4ieiuM;il tho t iH Atlurnr) It Minn mm. 'Him M fie uf Hticn Mm H well, Him (tfrvfil ui liistrli 1 Atfurupy from Hfl tu XVt, H ulfrml upjiruprl.ttu rtiuluiiont. H A .limilnoint'ly iItohhimI ItMitU-- nf tlio kwoII orUT ums issttt riliy pritiiifiirtilliiki Uroiiilwiy hrnrin H (.ruiz ItrtiH n on bin r otrti'i, H 1'or inijiilrc tu thr itawnurukcru H Tin' lerh oflicn wns rli.itott until ft 1' M ym ijl tirn ty tin ri roitut if tht nr Mm. .Innirtt Ont'lim Hcnnt'lt, tin' lutiihor of lit propit-'lur- . hit li occurred H t lviiiil;n tti, httstony, vtx iloii'ly, Urili Jl.ofier HH Tho N. itlon. I WtntitMi'j SttfTru-'- o At.'irlnthm H will hl l ilicir (Hfiiiy flriti itniun tnr) hi l(itliusv H IUII n thu c)iy mi Tui ftji), A, l.urri lit Moil ft hit H Kilriii Ctdy htuntuii u i II In nrcix'iit to euro thclf Tim iiioihImtt of tho Klr.t Hnnti-i- t Uhurcti. ijH rifilmv n iiuitv--i- i,'tiii ttiul lilih fetrtfK, Ur.rini, H nit l la nt nlrhi in iho Iciium mum of thr i huuli tti cot- - ikkfl ltct n umii itf nioitt y to iw KtYLii to the,KUJ H J.ucMs, their Ut" luolor. iH ItminiUnmn I't lt r Mt lley lmiiw titwii cftllod lifor lite 1'ullcn ('iiiiiiiiitnnn'rit yi'tt My l ntuMi-- lH a rlitrK of Wnnl itlva jH kpt'iM'm.miJ Hut tut r ifr mi a (unii'lrm j iDtini4 ijjH hint in rvlil'itlan for lit llchitrit of hi Juty , Thu inuney Hent InTiif hi!N fur tlio iiitc.iv-- . tlio h U'i'ii iit in the (thl reiir uu ImnJ. htia H ctunil'lr--l i uiih htr lUiL'.'rt utxl dn w it tutih r Inr td- - M Cowfiuif. Her hi lirlrht li.,f hrulitn t 1t hrr dark f,tr fairly aiiuitu with liapjhir, nml ate H iitltioly kHixJ I hat It waa h tfotij ,Iuj or inuuc) lor hi r H Itr. Klnlirer wdh y.Umhiy appnlnlo Ixnitv iH uriCfonuf tin cul i c sStrrfi ihwini M, iu iht i1c H )r. Katiion Amahlli', whn hu nude ut mor Jl. H tant Riirjroti, thi fit, mrily UIIihI liy Ur, HaraJt, iH whu Ixtsi I. era vf.l lr Corrt A Jo)c waa ip-- H polutnl aitit'ilauii' ui Ue piace Of lr itia H isunifHBy,riuorc(t. H

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il TEHRIBIJi DISASTER jSteamship Atlantic Wrecked

Near Halifax.'


Only 250 Out of 1,000Souls Saved.


Womon And Children Drownedm Their Berths. j April 1. Tin1 sli':ituslili At- -

Until. f 'White Star Line, from Liverpool, j

Man-I- ' f r New York, tunning stunt of coat, !

mn.le fr II i' f.ix. When about twenty miles

front '.f Clpo Prospect at 2.:1 o'clock thisnintnuu' ' rui ashore on Meagher's Head.Shell mi aril over l.lsij nii'ii, women, ami

Ohihlieii '' iid succeeded In loliilllii. The ,e-- I'

oiMii.l ;. . i idlng all tho w.. men and children,re I I lie nptalti and third ullk'cr wer

util.ti Hi t oihcer was iliouncil. j

On the Hi ' receipt of tho newt of the disaster j

ifre n I' in ml and a Cinvcnimeiit steamertn 'li- of tho Atlnilic; hut thu

tluido'.li- t.Wiu nrr.vod here at O.'M thin iiftir-- g

Mil, s.iv he vessel and cargo are a total lima,

I'iiII firM ill it wi'l he sent inn.

rvilllit I.VHs OK Till; CVI.VMITV.

tl v, N. S April I. I'lm atteriioon a re-

tort current a steamer had heenf u Hie coast and several live lout was

Ire! re.'i-d-'- d ru aeruel April fool lion, hut tillnetting the I'linanl agent hero rorincd iipivj

lust it was all true, and tlul only a lltllu of thotruth had heati told, the fact t 'intr that thoWhltts 'tir "tenner Atlantic, Capt. Williams,

fniii Liven, "d for N'cv Vurk, wnlle coiningInto the t irt f ir coal struck on Me utlier' Hock,

near Pnspc, t, twenty-tw- mile west of Hall-fa- t,

nh I he Mine n total wroik. (If about l.iolajuls on tin ird upward of 71H were drowned.

tiii- - riitun nrriccii's stvti:mi..t.The third Hirer, llrady, arrived luthi-clt- y

this ovening. He says that the Atl.iuth' leftLiverpool on the):li of March with upward of501 steerage ptfeneers and about fifty eahlnpioi'ii.-fn- . The steamer e.p rlemed bnter-o- u

weather diirlns the passage, hut all wentwell until iikiiii on Mniidny. Man it ..I, when theijpply of mil hei'.tine nearly exhausted. Thec ill. on il""rmlned to put ri 1 Halifax. Thooi, uln jnl third oflleer wot- - mi deik untilmidnight. I'll" position w.u t i vii Judged to huFdtniro Light, heartn.' N. N. W. iW utiles. ThoCaptain ' In n went Into his chart rooui.loav In.: or-

ders to I v .illeil If there an. change of thoteasel llrady went to bed about thon.unti 'mi. .isthe cuptulii, The next thliu tit the reiin Tube-- s is that ho thiuw ii out of Idsbunk, mi I In' felt the ship strike several times.Ilrtl'Mi r on the deck and found thocap' m .n 'Ulcers there, and the deck full ofpvxi'ii' - lb' got an uxo and began to eleir

' a' rhe captain and the oilier of!I. eri rt-- hii-- i !. in thu tame tliln.'. llradv .ot h!u

I "iai hi' t ti i two women In It. A niiiuherof ii. "ii n ipt ' l toi;et Into It and nh.iut ad ' lej. .lust at tint inomeut the

t " ' utron her beam end and .ink.Only i..' h .' h id bten u'ot out and that w.u

.i.ii ii' nnw nv Tin: TrtMi:it.ainl i.i n were llraily i r.iinlied Intothu n ri.i,in... wh. n wa above the water,Kid ..- ,at he c ild do mitlilnu there hoth.'. w. ut forward and unwme the hazards,!'.!.. i d l. Quartermaster -- pnakman andOwn ft- - i.l v then took the h.ilard and alltlir to the rocks, and tlii-- a lino w.whmli a-- h irn and a number of thu paeuk'eraUn l" I hv I'. A number had cot on the rock,lut xt th.' tide wiu :Uln.' their poiltlon wa nobetter than on the ve&tel. Just then the Usher-ni'- ti

hi the shore came out In boats andlev ued those on the rock mid a larsenumber fr m the rluulic- - llrady remainedat th.- - s. eno until noon, whenill who v ere allo on hoard had been saveC ex-

cept the chief offlcor, Mr. Frith, ho was In thenirslns shoutlnc for help. llrady savs he triednk'ei a crew lo bo in the rescue of I fill, butthe sus. iv.t 40 heavy that nobody would volun-teer Alt ii.'i'thiT. about iV) persons were saved,lii' l'idlmri'ipt. Williams, alo the fourth officer,!' Ilr mvu. t!ie doctor, andneveral of thoemrl-ne- r

at. 1 nallms. Not a tlnule womiin or child"i' "in I Mmt of them, ai well as liuiidiedsof tui no ti. wero

IlllOWMUl IN TIIKIII IIKHTII".The siH.mier strui k about two o clock this

murium? 'I he weather at tho tlmo was dark,b'lt ii it liili k, and the sea roiitrh. Steamers areciin.-i-l .wn to render what otin y p iniiil) i an. All the people fined fromthu r' .. with the exception of Ilrad), are Ktlll '

Al l'r'i..i"t where the ll.lirriiKin arc civillythem all the allcutloii they posilbly can.

Tin. i iiiiii.Mi i.i.V ui.roiii.Tho follow ins Is the (Tiiuttdlr't rejiori of the

ll.ister 'It is our p.niifiil duty this monilni; to rec ird

the most li'riililc niariiti illoUT that h.ii everoccutieil on our C'i.11.1 tin loss of a oceanpteaiiiship unit about ?.VI lives. Vi"'ni'dayafton n a leport hi .itue corrcnt that a '

steamiT hen wreckoil Konii'W here on thucoast Mini one or two lues lost. The reoortwasri'iMidrd a- - !. i.l the i .ui.irdi put .tlloat on Alll'ool' day and little ieir ird was paid to it.

Boon tin r"poit huiMinu more 'lulimto. and (vokneu tint Hi" uleiimcr All.tittn , o tho WhimMnr line, hus ashore neai I'losnmt and thatfetural Iim's had been lust, i'.voii sut the piibliowere mi lined to tuiaiil the story as a mill- -Hi lls .i x . A little later, however, it be-came knonii that the report w .uan I that but a small part of Hi.- truth hadbeen told the Tai l hclmr Hint the Atlantic hadbe, ti him. ked on MtuwhiT' U'"'k, near Pros.

" I, twi iiit-iw- o miles west of Halifax, and outo ah nit I.ooimiuIs on board '.Wweio lot. .Need") that the lerrlbln annoiiiii emunt oroateda protoiind feelinu of horror throiii.'hoiit thorniiiihiinliy '

llavlni; as. ertalned that one man from thowrecked sh.p had arrived In town, a reporterwent in search of him and found hint In an eat-- IIn,' house In I'pper Water street Hu proved tohe Mr. III. id), third olhier of tho Atlantic,btHi.i,,, wot ii out, ami .ilium t spenihlcss. after

, th" teititilii events ol the murium:. He was, asll'lk'ht be eipeetMl, ill no l'oiiiniii to talk iiii verti i lr.. ih i linerfully conseiiti il to answerthe r.ori. iV qiiestlous and u ve .sm Ii Inf., una-Um- ii

at hu c ulil.nit tii i it u ortii Kit's Mniir

Tim All, i, tic Mr. llrady said, h f: l.nerponl milmrsin Ma,,i ...f.irNew Von.; toncliod nt.V.i".'"1' "'" l l)' I" ice. m- the in illsn ii,.r which sho n.irti d on herviij a.. in ii e oi.mi,. .hu had a full cariroI Ir"'..'f ' "'"""h- - and a ei lartn iiuin-.i.- f.

i.1' r. Ilrad) eoiild notii....

' ,n" iwmbur. but thoiii;htwere ii .re than tmj in tho HtecratmMid ahoiil Mi, ,,u tai,ln. 'llnno, with" ' ""'thl pi .luldy m.iko the total ttuni-- J," ' ' "u" I.U souls. .Sim was I'liiiimaml-'- lhi t apt Jan. ii. Aunow Willi mis. II. mullwesiorwa. e unci lem oil ; hut iiotuilii: wi.ithyfd noti in unud uiilil no .hi on Monday, the ait,when II, o ioal l. uij sliort, ('apt. Wltllannto p,,t l(1 ilfrtX for a supply, Timitpliin rid Mr. llridy hail thu nli;ht wati h upto in nl it i t. whon they ,rero relieved by the

fl'l'd ami foiiith lai.-ti- . At that time tlievJ iiltfon llist Hamhru Llcht then hnre N.N.W. astutles.

Tim mi wu rough mil th ulnltt dark, Th

jlilcf and fourth officer lixvlng taken charge,Mr, llrady went below and turned littnhls berin.lite captain at the eamn time went to Ids roomto lie id iw n. What occurred between inldnlirhtand a o'clock -t-he, time of tho disaster i .iiiiioi tell, us ho whs slcepltm. He wasawakened and thrown out of his bunk liy thoshot k when

tiik min.Mrtt rtiu'ck.She struck heavily three or lour times. Mr.

llrady ran up to the deck and found It full ofpascm.'ers. I In found nil axe and with it

lo clear oway tho starboard life boat.He o'.scricd that tho captain and the othei off-icers were ciiiMfcil 111 clenrliiB the other boats.Mr. llrady succeeded In Kottlmr his life boatnut. 'Ibis was the only boat launchedami It had no sooner touched tho waterthan u crowd made it to not IntoIt. v hail to use force to prevent themi r.iv.llii'.r In. Ho put two women and about ailiicn men intif it. and also c,,t ti himself. Justthen the iuiier fell nnd ank, The bunt, withIts livinu fieiiiht, was canled down with thosteamer, and all In it were drowned exceptlliady.

'I he hull of the steamer became almost totallysiiliiiiiTk'cd. and only the bow and the masts re-mained above aater. The ure.iter part of theli'icm.'! re wire In their rooms below nt thetime, ami "etc immediately drowned. Indeed,so mini after stnkliiu did the steamer sink, thatman) of tho im- - eiiiiris were no ilotiht sleepingpeacefully in ll luiioraiico of all that wasi'o, ut.' on urniind tin in. and passed Into eternityultlioitt a stnitvle. Ilf tlio.e on dei k, iiumber-lfi- it hiimlreils. many were washed ovei.b.iard when the ship fell o,t nud theni nns nut nt l,i

as tli'v slriik'L'leil lit vain for life, were mostheart rend Inc. Many, however, had taken retimeIn tne iiiVKltut ami on tho bow ami werostill liviiu. but with the iroupecl of al-

ums! certain death before them, forthey knew not where thev were,and were In itiomcntarv expectation ofthe ship sliiklm: further and eiiuulphltii; themall. Kten as thev wero clliik'ltii.' In desperationto tho rlcuini:, with the sea washlnu'over them continually, their situationwas Indeed moht t r I iir. mid ever) fewminutes omo of them beiiiimhed by tho coldnit I exhausted Irotn their strule loosed theirhold ami perlslu d.

I w ' s'c.imei lelt here at one A. M. to-d- forthe scene. There will be notliliitf f urtlici- - untiltliev i. turn.

Anion;; the cabin piisapnuei-- s par the ntKte.imcr Ailatitlc. atv M in. II. Mcrrltt and wifeo. .New York. ll- - anil MI-.- S Tjiuser.

Hit'. VIltAT!" SI'IMtllT.ll lit' Till: vcterdiiy afteruonti the fi'llnwliik'

w.. received In tho intent of the line iu thl- - city:

lUittxx. Xprll 1 1 l.e itninrr Atlsiillc. if ll.tntnti lr ,.u.. !ille pultii, n. lu H.illtVl '.ii i I'cio! ciiu -i .rj on tl .it.1 t's llcsil, iim-- ty nofrom Its '.fax h luil i.iie tnnusoui ti iier I, sti I It Is h,.)ip,i.ii .rti hunilriil n re lu.t.ui-- t

hi.tiiik woturii sail eti'l.iriii. A ( iitisril liistl iicisuu'rreinirriil The A Usui It it a total luis.

Th" despatch was shrned by tho third ofllcerof the iiuiortiimtle ves-e- l.

WHAT TIIK AIIKXT f.A St'N reporter railed led cvenlnc on Jo.eph

Hvdc .sparks, the .meiit for the White Star line,lit his icsldenccJII la. t roiirteclitli sttcel Hesaid that he had Ju-- t received u I. fr"lilMi.. t tiiiard. the .i.'. nt In Halit.ix. stalliik' thill

si pas.cheers were salely lamleil on Mather'sIslal. i. tliiltv mill - f Halifax. Mr.does not In in c that tne hu.- - . ipiito as heav yus II. nt ii ported. When he flr- -t re eivcd the mi.welcome Intellii; Inc. li , u.- - im lined to think.t all April-fo.- trick. .Mr. i.irs objected tok'lve the names ol ttte er and lew, forfear of the fear- - of m.tiiv who hadfriends mi board the fated vcs-e- l. Captain II- -

' iiams. the olliccr iiichark'e, is the oldest cantaiiiIn Hie .North Atlan'ic trade, l'hu aifeiit-o- f tliocompany have no fears hut that the apt. tut Will'Use every endeavor to save the Inm ol those Iuperil.

AMITIIt'll MMifM III' TIIK llSuperintendent of the Merchants' Kxchiiiure,

Mr John r ."iilth.sald tun-- . rep rter listnl.'ht tl e Atlantic lelt l.lvnpnol mi MatchLit w it It a lull c.irk'oaud about Bnup issencers. shetoiti lied at tiiteenstown on thu lollowltit; dav,vrhcie she o.iled and took oil about I'M addl-lltn.- jl

piissen.'ers and itu ro freluht. Wlitioiro itii; tho Atlantic she encountered head

, vi ,nds and a very MUk'h sea. (In - .turday ninlit,w hen ahoiil P.) miles out, tho wind lucrcised tou hiiirn inc

Ti e All iti'le's coal k'Vc out. and ('npt. Wll-- IHams com Pidt il in run into Halifax for. i sup.

' j If. About tw n l,n k, whde the vesMd w.sliborln.' In a hcii e i. all. mii twenty miles out-hi-

o( lU.'K.ix. .'.i -- ti id. Mcauher's Head, allallffi'Mlls r k "tl t ape I'll ipec t. TIlO Wllldwa. bli.wi'u; I. ward tho simre, and the seathrew tl.e I withk'reat for. o on the rock.where hc sin k 'a-- l. I'tie'iint; of the hull,combined win tl.e !i iwlina- - wind and mariiikwater- - i p ali d

j v I" mi aviiMi nrwho n in,' i". d al.i nt I.ksi -- nils,w ii we , .i, leu ami i hlldicit. The orin crsailed with 1. mini nd ible cinirnue, and didI'n'i) 'r:,.' in their povn r lo the -- hip It

; so .it I.e. ante ni'puretii that the vessel mut oI down, a.-- the wa.os were -- weepln.' over her. and

sh'- w:i- - -- Viwlv -- ettllmr. 'I he crnwd-- Ied mi the liurri, me dei k, and matt) of themwere swed Into the ea.

Al.iait "si men n.aii.tccd to reach the rock,where they huddled together iiuxh.iisl) await-li.- k'

lor di)hreak. Set mid llradv, n iuwas ar.i.iiik' the saved, immedlatelv rtarlod forHalifax for at.'tatiie. He ren hed that cltv,

. and the colonial authorities despatched thesteamer latdv Head, and the (omird line alsosent the "teamer Delta. These -- learners Allot r Till. IX llfMilltll IHsst.M.l'HS,nil in ,les. The rest, nesrli all women and hll- -'

dren, were lot. Many of the dead were foundon the steamship, whh h was slowly k'niiii: topiece. Suite of tlteni were killed by l.ilihik'sars, and s..iue by beliik' dashed mraliist haulsubstances, while others wero swept Into thusea.

The second despatch Mr. Smith received re-ported that I'apt. Williams, his chief utlh or, andmany of the iiitlcers uu! crew, were niuonk' thelost. A later de.-pat- announced that the Cap-U- ln

was avcil.Mr. Smith thinks that a majority of the rs

were Swedes, (ieruialis, and N'orweclans.Hill NINMKKNTII THIP.

The Atlantic was XM tons burden, and wasbuilt two years ru:o Iu llellait This was hernineteenth trip She had fllty cabin passengersfche w.u- - vabml it tMM0

L'apt Wil, lams was formerly commander Idthe Union line

itllODi: ISLAM) t'OI.ITH'S.The True Issue In this Week's r.lfcllnn.

Ccrrc.l'ntitlrnri' nf The Sun.1'iiiiviiii:n( ,, Man li ".. Tho nnvv 8lnto

House contest is after all only heirnu. The ipies.tloii of location Is likely to he disputed mosthitter!). The rlvalrv between Hartford and NewHaven Is in t as stronu us the feelinir which ex.Ists between tl.e east and tho west sides of1'rovldi nee river, rrovldoin e has heentiruwinir j

most for years, because the bind holders in the i

north and east w 111 not sell.ornsksitcli hlk'h pricesas to miii,. tint to a refusal. t'onsoiiitiitly, tlioimlithe north and ea't aie much pleiranter sec.Hons, the west, w Ith lt swamps and ipih I, solids,Isheliik' m. re rapidly built up. Tor years thewar between the t ao sides has heen r.ik'lnk. NuAldurinan or ('oiinciliiiaii is i lei ti d, iinlcs thupeople of his ward know him tube'ht ontliol'lty Hall iUesti,n. Tho idvlc conte-- t h;isnot heretofore, however, boon obtruded IntoState polltli h. This )ear tho West sldcrs trot UPa State House scheme, land sought to rush itqui' tl.. thioUt.'h the A 'I h had ontheir side the local pre-- s of both Itcpubllcaiifactious and the silent assistance of the Dcuio-crat- li

nr.'aiis. Tin l' Idcr- had the powernud wealth of tin ir section, and the almostiili.'iiiimoiis .sympathy of the populous mauulai'-tuiili- L'

tow n- - on I he lllackslone. The scliemopas-- i d the Sonata i hut, after a prnlrai ledstrok'kle. It h .s bei n .i,piinued lu tho lloiihoto the m xt . v b) a miiioritr of one.

Six if i he nine waid t elected ilelekMti s to thoPity ( ...m iilton rnday nlk'ht favorable tu nState lb, i, u on th.' west side. Hut Hie countryIs to be In aril flout. The west shier are alsoPri'ssliik' lite si he, no for the erection of a illyhall on the s near tho Cove. It Is dilll-cu- lt

to ti II how tne contest will end, hut per-Im- p,

It would bo wise lu thu cal-ldc- nud tholand owners In the northern section to otfersome of their waste land In lots, nud thus drawpopulation there. 1'cnplo would come the romore rcadity than to the west tide, If they couldbuy at a le.ttonihlc price. If thltik's continue Is evident that the lncrc,aalhk'

iil strength of the wi st side cannot Iiiiik boeven liy the and a)

on-- , wloi.c rn iiii-l- . mis iidorn tho huautlfullull' of the c.ift.

The l'i rsldeul of the Xssrinlili ThrenleiilniiIn

I'viii . A ril I.- - The Assembly has been delist-l- i. (v ,i ,i.).iln' I. yen Muiilrlnilily bill. Tne illiciitkil, a t" !'0 ..ed nidi a reninrkalile vrene.

M. I.e !!) r, a, r Itie l the committer tripurl uliitli si luinpi-Jlt-

. i the hill ui trumpery.'I lie MtrrjuU ilr liuiiii'ioi.t hi . r y retcrted, ami

the lirputy of tiiiprrllnciire,Prsiiilent On vy railed Ihs vir' order, but I he

Utter reluie.l lo rilrjcl l.n liiik'Utji'.'I lis ineiti' rs of the Uulit ei it Hie c 11 to

or I. r. Itiretti'iti'il In quit ins Cli.ii,oer.I're.i.i.'iii i.ri'i i mole s iliuiiineil , la which he

Iniiinsteil ttist he ibuulil resign sail UitlsrcU Itistlt-tllij-

enileil.P.n hrolie up sintil the Intentstt etcilmiient.(leputle. of sll ilitile. of pulll Icsl opllll'lll wiilled on

Ilr. ore r sail beited liuit lu urerlnuk ttto in,ci'tenl i but It it cii'nclrj Ibit nu reiicusiloa h III btItrsil lo luoriosr.


a sQt'.tni: ricronr ron M.ironi.i ;. ;,r; i. tiii: siix.trt:.

The Vexed A pnolnllmr Power- - Comptroller(Irren in ho lln-l- nt A l.ltelr Talk Aboutthe I'uIKe ( iiiiiiiilssliiucrs- - FIhIiiIds the .

Ilrnoklyii lliarirr.Ai.iianv, April l.Tlio C'tmloni Ilntiso I

clhiue this mornlne; abandoned their position ontho Woodln nmciidmctit to clvo the nppolttlinepower to the Mayor anil Hie heads of the twoHoards of Aldermen. On the arrival of llossMurpJiy, 11. H. Webster. Davenport, nnil tho rest, '

tills nioinliu'. It was found that they could onlycount on nine votes. Accordlticly SenatorWoodln wa lii'tnn tcd lint tn press his aineml-- !Incut to a vote, but to amend Senator Irfiwery'aso os to retain Messrs. Van Sort. Delafleld Smith,Stcbhlns. and llcnrv Smith. This procrammowas cart ad mil. Thrre Is no reason to doubtthat the charter will pass the Senato In this

j shape, iilthiiucli It Is not satisfactory to the Ctis--Itorn House clique. Iloss Murpli) Is now Innklmtto the Assetnbl) and a conference committee to j

accomplish w hat he has failed to do In the Hen- - '

nle. It l asseited that the lower lloile has be- -romo so demoralized that it Is ripe to do thebiildlllk' of lloss Torn.

I Mil MOOIIIVH AMKNIlMr.X'T.At the o eniiik' of the Senate Ml. Woodln

In purle. 'I lil C'liendment so that It wouldrenl Hint the Mavor nnd the Presidents of thetwo In, in ds shall appoint ell olUcers except

j t'oininlssionejH of l'ubllc Instruction nnd suchnlllcers ..s are provided fur lu this net.

I The senator fiom the I weitty-s- i ml. said he,asserted on lildiv that I had olfered this

' amendment and that I claimed It lo be my own.That was untrue. I wished to postpone It until

that the feiitli inan w ho did ploliose Itmlu'ht be here. 1 desire to offer the follow ins;amendment .

See "7 Ttie xt). r (hail riotiiinitetml.tiv sail llh therotiirrt ! the It, sr.l nf Atdcriiien. ippntiit tin lirsiisof di I'srtiai rut sua sll isuiiiuissliiiii ri, rxrrpt tie' ( otn- -nils, lulu rs of l'lili'ic lii.triiciiiin ss stdl s all uieiu, !

hereof sny hosril nr iniunilttliMi stitlmrirrit In supt-r-- I

Inti'iiil tin tiorti'pslr of sny htilMuiK (otis psl--fur by the ell, . thttirr limned nj any Isw or Appoint',!br sny Iih'sI suite rli) , ainl si j oilier lo- -cul si, mti r utile is imi elietr.t by ihe puplo I npi'iiiii'ii 1, i. mil in title set exi cpii it or ntht r f

w st provitlt'l t,.. Ttie pri-e- nl laeuliibsiite of ttn-of) c's uf ( ,'icitet to ttie ( erporntliin, Pri'sl.ti nt nf u.fI .ird in Puiue, i eitiinlt-l- , nrr nt l'iillc V,.r-s- , sr,,I'.eplpem nf i ' e ,,l Pntitlr Parks stisll

lo liotil nnil i, iiijv nii'tr rstiiefiive etta'cs nm I

t e ml i,i i eriiie i .eiiul unites sooner i inoi ssII. ri III pmrlill'it.

, 'I Ills was carrli d utmost unanimous)),Mr. II. I'. Wood I move to amend the amend-

ment Just adopted iiystrlklm: out the four IteJdsof ilepnrlmciits. Lost, A to 10.

Mr. II. P. Wood I move to retain Mr. (Ireen inplace of the Piesldent of Hie Hoard of Police.I ret-nr- d this propo-itio- to retain the-- o four '

heads of department as ntit iitlte so hnd ns tolecl-lat- o titi in Into oftlce. Tliev are now In pos.scs-ln- ii ami have some claim to the unices.

ciM Mint M HlllM Mlt. MMHIIA.Mr. M.uldi n Is tl.e Senater 111 favor of retiior- -

litk- - lie Mi..r;Mr 1. I'. Wood-N- o. sir: that Is what the Sen-- ,

atiirvvisiet.nlo. This will take frutii the Ma), rthe entile power vo tid in him. The Sritat Tfrom tl.e Tenth last week Insinuated seriouscharges iik'ainsi Mr. (ireen.

Mr. Madden More than Insinuated.Mr. I). P. Woml 1' ten I should like them to

bo made manfully, II, at they ma) be met. Mr,(Ireen has made many enemies of those menwho have found It Impus-lbl- e to plunder theIieasury. 'Hie Senator wns bitter iik'.ilhst Mr.

'(Ireen liernu-- o ho nsked any salary, charituthat he received ttO.iul.

Mr. I b in, nu II was ii"t so.Mr. I). P. V. i d I Know that It was not so, hut

II was relti rated even after tlio St Ir niNew Vork dcnii d it. I know somethini; of Mr.(iteeh's fiiialiHi allons while he was at the headof Hie I'vutral I'ark. and I fetl iny-e- lt author-ized to speak b r him.

The uiotn u to retain Mr. lirccn was lost-- 12tn.I Mr. Chatfleld I move to add the name of Mr.

(lieeti In the-- e ficepth its Lost. Ik to I.i.Mr. leiwcry I nunc to strike out the name of

the Piesldi nt of the llourd of Police. This w.vslost- - .ijes I.

'Hie Thlrtv-fiis- l section was tnheii up, and Mr.; I) P. Wood no. veil to strike out the words,

"N'urtii i.iestloti the due perlornianee of hiduties hv such ,l!',.aer. except when neccs-ar- y toprevent fraud." Mr. lb P. Wood believed that Ifthe amt'titiiient was adopted sinecures would hecut o.f and salaries reduced.

I wit VI MIIII' nvvl; 1IITN IIOM'.Mr. Madden I am in fxvor of cutting down

salaries. I think. It should have been dull" iuthe , e if ilieeii. I made a ml take tibotit thetune " hen Mr. dn i li ,'.i.iineii, e.l to draw pa v.Hut I have lot li Id half the truth about thisin in

Mr I). P. Wood When tlie si,"r fnMn theTenth iV. ddeiii acts It out of ins i,e ticj woare not maMiik a -- t: nt-- J e Let fur estr--.(ireen and Huvi mevei. then l.e v. ill hitter undir-st.m- d

my pr positli.ti.I Mr. Mail. I. m I said that 1 did not propose to

have this jHiwcri'.i n t Mi.ttreeu. it any othermail, not even the Aii.'el ' ibrh l himself.

Mr. II P. Wood - VV hy Is it that the Senntur.five thu treat powir to tlie Cuinp- -

ttoller'i'I Mr. Wu.idln I want to cot away from Mr.

(ireen. and w to talk about this seetinii. Itk'lves Mr. (ir i n the power toipiesiiou any claimthat may he prisented, to pieveui fraud, if lidsprovision strh ken out. then sine, ores mustlire vail, because t he Com Jit roller cannot tpiestii.tihisilalm. This was put iu by Mr. Il. rinaii li.Iiton.

.Mr. bowls-T- he Senator from the Twenty-secon- d

sei ins to think that some Sen itor aboutthis circle has friends In some sinecure ii

In New Vork. I never have, nor do I know ofany one who has had, unless It Is the Senatorfrom the Twenty-secon-

Mr. I). P. Wood- - I supposed Hint I was under-stood. I said that 1 did not refer to any personIn this

Mr. Tlem.iiin-M- r. Chairman, can I make anexplanation ' 1 this mi.rnliik Introduced a reso-lution

Mr. Lewis -- I do not k'lve wav for a speech,Mr. Tic inanu - Well, k'o ahead, then.

what mt. i.i'.wm win, voTr. ion.Mr. l.e wis I am told that the most lucrative

office iu New Vork Is that of the attorney of ihuComptroller. Now. I am wlllliik' to vest thei otiipiroiier wnit it. iitucii auinoriiy as no

s, hut 1 will not vote to clvc him anypower In this direction unless It Is lo preventfraud The motion to strike out was lost.

Mr. Ileiiedlct i ,'illie tn with an amend inelit thatthe " endorsement of the Comptroller that thereniu an appropriation lo pay tlio estimated ex-pense of cxeciit.iik' a contract should he suff-icient evidence of such appropriation." 'J hiswas carried.

Mr. 1. P. Wood moved llfat the collection ofthe water rents bo taken from tho llmrd ofPublic Wmks and ulvcn lo the Coiuptroll r,'I lie ark'Uliielit lu Ha lavor was Hint It preventedunv dau.'cr of ir.iud h) separatln.' Hie otlb uwiier the chark'e w as fixed front the othce w herethe pay was colleelcd.

Mi. Woodln moved that the committee reportprokTcss and ask leave to sit ak'aiit, 'litis was,tarried.

lu the eveuim: section ild was amended bythe Cliiiinherl.tiii's term of office from

two to four le.tia,Mr. Woodln pioposcd to amend the fortieth

sei linn by k'lvitik' to tho Corporation I'oiinsi I tenper i out. of the costs recovered Tills was osi.

Mr. Cliatllehl moved hat the coinmisMoiis andcosts should be i.ilil inlo thu trex-ii- i ) immthly,whicu was adopti d.

Ill the forty-tlrs- t so. Hon Mr. Woodln movedthat the Police Coiiiiiiissloiiers ho luado tlvo.

Mr. Weihiuami priipo-ci- l to make it four.Mr II P Wood mid Mr Welsntann favored

four, that tncro mlclil bo two from each party,luakllik' It ii

A piieimtN lioviin.Mr. Woodln That Is a nilstxhe. Two fu ni

each lutrti would make It doubly partisan. Titoonly way to make it will he to takeIts members all from one party.

Mr. II. P Wood This Is pot so. If )ou putboth political panics on the commission II willtuke two from one iuity and one (nun anotherlo Insure appointments. This would procuretho best men men w hu are not selected entirelybecniise of patlvhlas.

.Mr. Madili n I hellovo that the whole troublehas crown out of the fact that upolice board has been attempted. I believe In ncivil service reform that will keep iu nlllco everycompetent man. It la tho discipline and eff-iciency of tho force that Is lu bo consulted, notlis party bias. Iluvv can vim make the commis-sion noli partisan 'I Not by four, for one will bosliuffl ilk' i IT, and thus the lutlaucu Is lost. Lot live. Tin n we shall alwnjshavo a majorit).

Mr. Ileiiedlct I have mi conlldencu luiirriiDk'emcnts, In tho old Hoard of

hupei visors wn tried and wn never could tellwho were appoint 'd. or to whin party they

o could not loll w hat they corn el veilIn and hroiik'ht forth lu doubt, and wit iitheir proven) vviis k'ronn up no one rcco,'ii..cdthum. I am opposed to

IIM.IVI.IIANI'Mand the children born of them. I inn oppiwullo cimimlsshuis. Vou can Hipieezono mailer out ol them 1 tit Is not (ibjcctiiiishle.A null partisan commission la like a man whoI, clones lo mi parly, and Is tho tall end nf thoworst party, Theru Is no responsibility In a

bo ird. 1 want responsibility personalor party. Is there anvlhlnit wroim iu purty ' 1

have been ii party man all of my life, and sohavo all men. Hut to come, back to tho PoliceHoard, Are three cnouehr Can they conductail uf the uoousaary ttulj? 1 tliluk not. We

want more than three nommlslonors, and tthink Hu in ipo'ltlon fair. I

Theinotloii to make five comml"loiier-- i wag I

Cnr'led. I

Section III was Binenileil so that the Ilnnrd ofPolice, with the iprohatloii In writltu; of thoMayor nr (luveruor, may ileinnml the assistanceof the military In case nf Invasion, riot, Ac

Section 07 wni so amended that the chief off-icers of street cli nnliuf shall file their statement!monthly Instead of ipiarte rly.

Mr. II. P. Wood moved to strike out the Bratontenee In section TS, which would do nway

XTlth Ir. nn Norl. The motion wni Irst.O llrleti, Tlonianii, Wlesuiatin, und lleiiedh v 'xnllhtf for It.

rl'I'KIIVItlO.s tW HTItLIMS.Senator Ileiiedlct moved to strike out that por-

tion of tho seveitty-tilt-h section that fives theilreets nbovo Flftr-nltit- h street lo the stipends.Ion of tho l)eparlinent of Public Works. Hohad letters from Htchhlns and Van Noll favotltiKthat proposition.

After detiate, In which Mr, Jus. Wood said thatIt was n mistake to think that It was daitk'orouitu place tho entire power In thu hands of oneItinii, Mr. Tlenintiu said that Senators scorned toJmaclne that It wns necessary ti live In Krle, I

Jlonroe, or l.ivlnt'sioii county to properly un- - 'tterstaud the wants of New Vork city, the mo.Hon wns iut. i

At Klo'ciock It beromlnireildentthatltwoiildbo Impo'slino to Ret lliro.iili with Itthe Somite adjourned. The clurter will hotaken up nsraln in the inoriilnir. '

The Assemhlypissedihoovenlmrlii dlsriisslni;flie local option bill, ft was advocited hv Mr.( rawfonl or Madison, and opposed by Mr. Ilxltz'".."-- . An effort was made to recommit It

xvlth Instructions to strike out the cinctlnttlause, but It was defeated. '.) to if.', and the billwas ordered to a third readltik'.

ridim.xn the tutooKi.v.v llrooklyncliarter wa- - tho special order lu

the Assomhly. Thero was a lanrn arrival ofIlrookljiiltes who opposed It as It had beenllxi d up by II. 1 Tracv .V Co. Amoni them wereAssessor Leech, Collector lillnnilkTls, s.

simhljinm Morton, and lltnry A. Howcn of thoI'lifiiii. Tho Trarey faction had retained Mai.,den. Husted, Plcrson, and others lo put thecharter through. They had agreed to icaln letthe I Mloiiln.ii a corporation paper In order todisarm Its hostility. This patronage wns tnkenfr.,ui Hie paper Hv Trace)' because It had helpedoust him from the office of l iill 'd states Ills-trl- ct

Attorney. .Mr. Sii) was the onlyof the Klnir- - county di leotloii who

refused to Join Tnicey itcomblnnti.iii. The fiuhtwas led by Mr. Jacobs, who was hacked up by

ttltocho and Sii)dam.Tlio compensation for the corporation prlnt--I

in.- - lis llxed in the chatter at ii.oi.Mr. Itoche wanted th,i compensation placed

III the hands of the Co iitn, n Cotlin II, sa villi;(hit It could ho done for less thuti the sumIt lined

Mr. Woitlt opposed. He said the amount wasfixed lit order to keep the papers out of tho con- - '

trol of the Common I ' that tin Ir dotiik'sin l: lit be erltb leil by the lievvipaiicis. I

In answer to a ipiestP n hy Mr. Mums, tho 'nieu.bir from slliro. as tn whether he tliotik'htthe Common Council cmihl bebiined by liavllik'this pitroiiak'e, he denied uiakliik' any suchcharce, hut ho thought It best to keep themfrom lieln." tempted.

When the charter nos beforo the couinilttee,an amendment was adopted suhmltlliii' thelUietloii of nnnexntloii to oaeh town. The

Klii.--s ounty dilok'atlon cliaiik'cd this so as tosol cilt It to a vote of the city and towns e.ille.-tlvr- lv,

whl. h meant annexation whether thetowns wished It or not. ns the i Ity favors It.

Mr ,,i,s this uu rnliiir rnUed the point nforder that the dolciMtlou had ho rich! to setS'ble the action of the House, and Ills pointwas sustained. This was the tlrst black c)o forthe Trace faction.

Mr Siiydam moved nn amendment to continuethe lowers and duties of the Collector of I'nxei Mr. Hiirroiik'lisi until tho olid of his term ofoffice.

VMM' IT l HONK.Mr Jacobs said that the only reason whv It

was pr .posed to curt ill the powers of thisbecause he was nut III ;u . ord with cer-

tain w itild-b- c lenders of hi party lu Kliiktscounty.

Mr. Mivdiim's amendment was ndoptod. lllackeje number two for the Tracev faction.

MaJ (ien. Husted inoveii to reconsider the t

vote. That the ipiestion of iini exatloti be sub-mitted to a vote of the tow lis sop iratelv.

Tols was opposed by Jacobs In the must vigor-ous and tellliik' speech he has made this session.He claimed that the people of the city of 1

were at t em lit lilt; to force these towns Intonum J itlon against ihelr w III. The city portionof h's constituents favored nnnexntloii. thopent ie of tne towns opposed It. lie claimed i

t lint t It ntik'ht to have n chalice in vote. Hoasked that this be not mide n party measure.fur If this svstein prevails it iid.dit not be Imik'before Alhnnv. Ilulfalo. and other cltle- - wouldbo takl is iu all the -- urroundin.' towns, whetherthey were wlllin.-- ,.r m i

Misrs. Worth. . hi Cm', and others replied,but tin rural members had taken the alarm andretalm I the clause s duidil.tic the ipiotion oflltlllS'Xlltloll to a vote of the pot us.

Mnior-ite- ii Husted ih termined on one moreeffort, and when the committee lose he movedto vwto this amendment, and evi-- Identl) lielitk' afraid of kUiiik'.liie bs another op- -poriuiiit) to talk, moved the previous question,cutiiitk off debate.

Meanwhile it w.,s whispered that this wns ipart) measure and that Republican, must cfor it.

Mr. Worth al"o. umli r the plea of a--l I nc to tieeieii-i'- fnuit vntiitk'. aiiealed to the Republi-cans to sustain Hutted uuieiiduieitt, but It wallteh s.

llnsied's limt I. hi was o.t It to .VI

'J he i barter is n or oulered to a third rcxJlnc,

nm nisri itn i i t:.s i. sv.uf.Ilautls nf Curllsis ItreeltliiK Arms nnd Am.

titiiiiHlon- - Iti'publicau X'lriurr nt Vlunroz A muioIkIi Vlre-Cens- ul Arrrsleil.

Uayonni:, Airil 1. Tlio Citrlislii tn fpnlnare reei Ivltnr supplies of arms, ammunition, andprovisions In various ways, but mostly by sea.Knur hundred Carllsts recruited In Navarre lastweek were equipped nltuost a soon as their

wa effected.Senor Kilo, who was the director of the Carllst

Comuilttee here, eluded the local authorities,w ho had orders for his arrest, lie crossed IntoSpain on Saturday last.

A force of Carllsts under ronihir.nd of theL'hleltain Cucula made an attack on Vlttaroz,Province of do ta Plana, jesterday.After a tJiort .,ntest the werede.feated by the troops, and tied In dis-order from before the town.

I A bvttall.inof Trench troops starts from thiscity for the frontier

It is rumored that all the ( ustotn Houses onthe front Ie- except that at I run, have he n occu- -

j Pled hy the Cirllsts. who are fnrtlf) im: tlieui.M tump, Aitll I. -- The Cur6 of Santa Cruz liav-lii- k'

been suiprtseil yesterday narrowly escape, I

capture. ut Ids tueii were taken prl- -' sutlers,

T he ak'ltatloit in ll.ireelolia Is suhsidllik'. Nofurther outr.ik'cs hinii neon petpelr.ited hy thepopulace.

PvltlK, April 1. The Spanish l,

I'haik'cd with ombet7eiuent of public funds, habeen arrested and sent in ciutodv to Spain.

rut: r.t.r.i'iiA.s r is nu: roMits,Preputial! fur (.rem Coolest In

Justice Holy's. Collll.Tlio I'li'plmnt was up lirlKlit mid early

yesterday iiiiirnlnc. wrapped In his blanket,tosslinr letters and eplk'rams from his coll to theoutside world. A monk' the letters was a startllinrone to Jild.'.i llruily, who has decided that thoIndictment Is Hut few visitors saw theelephant, na ho Is dev., tin. all hli tlnm preparing;for the comliu; contest in court.

The liniidsomo Warden Johusoii went therounds of the prison at an early hour and winheartily coiikTatuhttcd by all the prisoners onIds complete restoration to health, nnd the ele-

phant showered compliments upon him. At 2o'clock Keeper Kllroy, who has charite of Mur-der, rs' llow, thrust n dellcnte missive thmii.'hthe bars of cell M. Tho elephant broke the sealand toad :

Cirv nii Cui'sn or Sew Yoiik,)liisim r ArioBMt'silrrie.The Peiiphm. (!eo. K. Trslu liiilli inuui (ut publish.

tuv; i.bsci'ar litiTUtnre.ft '. i'i am, Jt.

IisvkSiri 'I lie Intrstnritliiii as tn jour sanity villiIske p.uie In tun, i hut .lu.ilce lull an I s jury onIliun-lJ- ). April. 1, 4ri3. at I n'rlot k, P. M . In ('nurt ol( iiiniiKiii Pit ui, in the nt' rv i 'nurt lluii, I' t uiuim lu thoClisc bsve been llolllleil, V, ry rctpe Ifuily,

April 1, Isl I. IIsnj. K., lUstrli I Attorney,Tho lik'lituliik' Trnln checked up for a moment,

but wits soon started, and Keeper Ivilroytho folliiwltcaddiessed lo tho Dlotlu t

Attoine) :

CfcU. M, Mciioi urns' llow, Tim Tonus, I

All I'ouls Us), Isfi, Klftui'iith Wees). (

JlttiJilhllH l. 1'liH), lull i, I .lUurii'tWhile pBiue crushes lliruavli the binks

our iiulii'u I r reive with tlunksIt t mil tit? tlie lllli!ti Is "oli.i I'lie,"'1 his s:urs hi iluiter ui'ik'Hiue.M it tne HnotittHni T r.ilaAiel pruve Isitli Court sic! Church ttisntievv I en bar tint entile once coin ieNot iliik' cut tiiip thi hiiailctilj.Aire uly liliur'e t'liiiiiiuii; matsAre vrsllltiK to tlnil oil Hie irt..(Iro, KltsM'is Tkiin.I'll'. I tcnl Miir.lerri.' tTuh. Pie t'uiiiiii IMetstur.

Afler this hnd been sent on Its way to tho off-icial to whom It wan addressed, Ihu keenerIn nut bed fiiT, nnil Wniden Johiisoii tluevv him-se- ll

bark lu hit irrcat arutuhair and poscofullytluuibtrod.


j.'Vitoi'i: i mi tvsrixa am rr.ic.i'BvnouiVT or iivt.i.ios.

It il Tn t llnlrli Tellluir Wlioletnmo Truths --

Tho Nutlr Hushing Headlong o Itank-ruiter-J-

(loubl's Knorinnut Mtcnmer,ami his Nrtr llallroad le llnltlmore.

Uospllo tlio ot tlio monnymarket yostonlny, there was oompnrallvely littleoxrltcment In Wall street. The market de-

veloped treat strength, nnd money was lent atas lilcli as and I per cent, a day, or 'Ml percent. Per anutiiii. No failures were nntioiineed,but It Is said that a uroat many marulns werewiped out

At about noon n St'M reporter called on MrItufus Hatch tu learn his views on tho sittintlnti.Mr Hatch's establishment Is thoroughly demo-cratic. You ifu rlnlit In and enter the privateoffice without porter or fli.ltkey to block yourway. Mr. It itch was very cordial, but declinedto bo Interviewed. He was very busy he hadsomething elso to think about ho didn't caro tutalk for newspapers,

"Perhaps, Mr. Hatch," the reporter said,"vou will permit mo to call on jou at )ourruinsi this ovetilnir?"

"I'm alvravs at home after dinner," Mr. Hatchsaid, "and am plensed tu seo and converse withany of my friends."

In the cTcnliik' the reporter called at Mr.Hatch's house. He was asleep on tho couch InIds study. Ho started up nnd seemed soiuowhntsurprised to seo the reporter. Ho arose, how-ove- r,

and i?ra..ped the vltltur warmly by thehand.

Iloporter Mr. Hatch, have you dined fMr Hatch- - Ye. I have, ami feel better for It.llep irler As one of sunt friends lhavo come,

then, to converse with vou.Mr. Hatch (siulllm:)-r- m clad tn seo you.Mr. Hatch settled himself lu his easy chair,

and rested his feel on tho table.VVIIKN lll'l't'rt HATCH IIItST I'OIIKHW IT.

Iloporter - When was the possibility of arise111 cold first stiL'ucsted to your mind 1

Mr. Hatch- - When I was In London Inst No.Tember. I learned Hint the Hank of Ihiclaml wisthe illstrlliutiii2 aitciiey to supply l'.urope withcold. KiiL'Inn.l and xtucrlcii have the only coldprodticlnz territory In the world. Actual flcnrcshow that we have a.ilppcd tn Huclnud duringthe pnst fifteen vears over f;Vi,(n,i) l of specieand million, half c.dd nnd half silver. Tho soldproduct In this country lias decreased, ami thesilver increased. Our product of cold Is notover t r.i"M Per annum, nnd of silver aboutf l."i.iui) r.tik'lniiil receives from iVinO.utl tuf 4ii.ii.miof our bullion every year. Last yearourakNrei:uto shipment of bullion and specie nmC2.isxi.imi, the largest slilpmeiit ever made inone ear. So th'it we have been shlpplnc morncold than we were producinc. until we havo relb nod tlie bullion to the nominal sum of U!i- ,-

an.iMjiik'iiliist t laUMi.tumlti sr-- This Is shownby the statement of the (lovcrnmeiit Just madj.

I'ltTV MI1.IJONM SllllllT.Iloporter How much do you consider tho Im-

porters short of the market?Mr. Hati h An) where from JOT.IOJ.fXO to JM,-Ci.i- J.

ltoportcr -- To whxt do you attribute the ad-vance In cold uf )ctord.i), and II decline to-day '

Mr. llatch-SluiP- ly to speculation for the day.It has iiotliim: to do with the future price.

Iloporter - How tint, li edd do ymi think theTreasury could count upon In an ouiorccnov,nnd what do V' think would bo tlio actualamount In the S utter dotlm-tlti- thoaccrue. I Inteiest and ccrtltl.'.ites '

Mr. Hat i h Probably not over J l,",nio.riYI.Iloporter - Is there n recnlarly orcaulrod pool

In cold, or were the purchase made on unlitaccount, In a belief that the market would

advmee rMr, Hatch I know uf no combination what-

ever.Keporter Then tho rumor that you have been

Interested xiith smith, (iottld, and Stoekwell Isnot correct

WHAT KTIKKWCI.I. (IAS (IN THE IIIl.VIM.Mr. Hatch-No- t In any manner. I alvva)s tell

thrso cenllemeli the trittli. and Ciey think I amtidkliic for my own Interest - w hl.-h- , of course, Inever do ismillnir). As for Mr. (iould. my Im-pression s that he Is short of cold. And as forMr Stoekwell. I don't think he ever hulls all),thine exeept the Howe Sew Inc Mm nine and Pa-cific Mali. Tho latter he has on the brain. Mr.Smith. I think, has some cold that Is, If utook tho a, lib e 1 cave him some tlmo a "u.

Keporter -- How much cold do thesevlduals represent

Mr. Ilnti h- - Perhxps fl.nii.0n or f.Vfxl.iOl ofcontra, ts; not uiv cohi. All the cold 's ownedb) tlie f'.relcn Icnikers. and the slightest tluaii-c- i

d breere .it P ir would i all home nil) whorefrom f M.'i...ioto In cold, und withonly ftyi.ioi.iin In this country any man who un-derstands and subtraction can see whatthe coiiso-p- uees would he.

tiik ri n m: t'liicc or iiot.o.Iloporter What will probably he the price of

cold before the autumn crops are marketed .'Mr. Hat. h- - Piovldinc there are n,, financial

troubles ami imps. "Xto Im.Iie;.,,rler l.ikou all the-- o Ihlitk's Into con-

sideration, what Is jour opinion if the financial.ri.sM'ct-i- i

Mr. Hatch Kit rope ha been buvlnirniir I'nlledStat, (ioveriimeiil bonds, State bonds, citybonds, and railroad bonds by hundreds of mil-lion each year for elcht )ear past. These havopaid for our Imports over our exports, or inother words, we have been colnc on tlie princi-ple uf a man who cannot pay his note at the endof the )rnr, but Issues another note to pay theInterest on the one already out. Of course aKcttllnc day must come, (iermuny has substi-tuted colli coin for silver; this requires al leastf Pti.iiij.iMi more cold lo bo distributed throiik'htho Herman Umpire. Tills cold must come fromFrame, Kucl.iud, ami America. Our Interestaccount to-d- due b'tiropo Is not less than U

per annum.Ot'n IIVSIKHPI'T lUtl.llOAps.

Another bad feature ol our financial conditionIs that the majority of the new railroad enter-prises which have been so largely diveloediliirln. the last Hie vears hero und lu I'uropowill contli'tie to pay Interest on their securitiesonly snl :ik' a they ran sell bonds. The ma-jority ol them vm'I net ho needed for llfty yearsto come, unle-- s r.umiir can send to this country2,Mi.inj ,,r :i,m.i.ui) ,.f , nilci.tnt every jear, tosettle the new Territories, w lib li those roads arebuilt to develop.

Heportrr- - W hat do ou think of Mr. lllchard-ton'- spolicy I

Mr. I Int. It- - sin i ii rli'leiil nis. He' colnc onthe pnticlphi of ccitliu' ,id ; k'o'd as fast apossible b) maklnc it tne i heal . t product IIIthe country. He adopt the svs. "ii of larcoliabilities represented by over f "l"J,l'm,ljn oflocal tenders, national bank notes, and frac-tional curremy, with only Jivj.mi.mj of c.w,h

. assets,vviut jii linri.n svvs.

I Another Si .n rorfiru r called on Mr. Jay (Iouldat his house on I'iftlt itvenue. A , aina.'c w.usian, line at the door Mr (Iould Ii. id Just ar-rive I iron Newport, II. I. , where hols supi rill-te-

i iik' Iho tiiilldimr of a imimiiioth sle.unboal,which is in earn a tram of tidily cars from thiscltv to Sand) Hook In one hour in connect Innvi all the New Jersey Southern llallroa.l. This I anew lino w lilcli Mr. duiihl has undertkkoii tuconstruct in ninety davs trout this city lo llaltl-inor-

Mr. (Iould said that he h id only a lewminutes to spare, ns Im was about to start onanother Journey Immediately.

Keporter To what do vou atttlhtite thepiesent stale of the market, Mr. (Iould ?

Mr. (Iould My information Is that iitoner ismade artificially ticht hv a Itlnc who wished tok'lve the (ioverntueiit a pl.iu-ibl- ii excuse fur Is.tuilnc part of the reserve of f n.(MI,ixi.

II. .poller V, hal ,o jou inc in by "a Klncr"Mr. (iould -- Parties who lecelvo

Pltlv.viK l.MdltM.ninxfrom the (lovernuieiit In advance. The'.uniiio of the Sei rotary of the I reason Hs iuh-- Illshed for this mouth, was intended to boar Hiemarket that is, to put stm ks down, partiesknow inc this from nceitt of Hie I lovernuieiit inadvance, have had nu opportunity to put outtheir Hues of stock at Inch pi Ices on the an-l- i.

inurement of thu Secielary' procranime.Vesteiiln) and y of course the) hoitcht Intheir previous s.tUs nt a lurce prollt, and wentnlonc with Hi" in ukrt. liy plnehlnc money andmaklnc It no close, tho combination ctvesthe(loverumelit an importunity to issue part of thelesoi vo, for the benefit ostensibly o tho

community. I don't kihw that the saleof il iMl.imi has had mi) ollect on the cold mar-ket, us the so, reiary ol the Trc.isur) Issued thotkiiite atiiiiitut last month.

Keporter How do) on account for tho rise 111

cold )ostcrd v?Mr. liouhl I'ho hlk'h iirb us of cold are caused

by thu excessive impori.iii.iin and hy the pay-ment of Inteiest on (iovernnient, iniinliTpiil, nndmill noil siiciirltles held aliroad.

AN K.VtlPII MMthKT.Keporter W liul do you tliiuk of tho prospect

botwi en now and September'Mr. (Iould Money will work easier; but un-e- is

tlio II tverniti "lit Inflate the ciirrnnuy byIssitlnc all or a p.til of Hie fit,UM,i) icsurvuiiiotio) will not be so o.t-i- y ui II has been forsoiuiitime hack.

Iteponer- - What is your opinion nf Mr, 's

policy ffir. (Iould It would hn wroii'' to Judco Mr.

Ilicharilsnn In ndvaneo. Wo want a llxed slahlopulley, and tho coiintiy will smut iul.iH Itselflo It,

Hop, irtur-U- n you believe that there Is nitty-lili-

millions In tlie V

Mr. liouhl My belief Is lust there it muchlet.

TIIK VOL A It KXl'MUTIONH.A (Irenl Kxtplorrr'n Lectures -- The Fntlle

In Itenrh Ihellprn Polar Moil -- Curl-"in

Customs of Hie r.saiiliiinnxDr. IsiiiioJ. Ilnj'cs, tlicciiilnoiit Arctic

dellvorod the first nf three leeltires lastflight In Aseoclatlon Hall, Tho speaker passedrapidly Aver the nimiOrotni otpedltlon- - In soarohof the open Polar Sea, Including that of the

sir John I'ranklln In 1313. Ho Incred-ulously alluded to tlio records of two whalers,ono of whom proton. led to havo reached thoNorth Pole, and the other to have sailed two

beyond It.In Wil, Dr. lla)es first e.illod Into the frozen

reclnn of the North, rctiiriilncaftor an ahseneoof two and a half )enrs without any crest meedof success. Dr. Kane subsequently made aneffort to ponetrato to tho open Polar Sea. Hofailed. Hut sumo of of his party travelled overthe Ice on alright, nnd sav they saw It. Pol low.tic In the footsteps) of Dr. Katie, Ilr. Hayes In 1PU0

led another expedition towards the North Pole,passed a winter where Kane had snipped before,and lu 1801 looked out upon i,n open Polar Seafrom the most noteworthy poo.i jet roae.hed byany exnlo r, "unless," added the lecturer,"('sol Hr " has pli kfil up me little flair I plant-ed I horno it onward to the North Polo,ns 1 since, ly hope, ho has." Applause.) Dr.Hayes ne sketched Iho procrcst of civilizationIn llreeiila I, Iceland, Denmark, and otherPortions of Northern llurupe, wliero the codlyKlncOC.f id worked bravely In tho cause ofrellclon.i .rlstlanlzlnc all beneath his sway bythe simple operation of decapltatlnc theheathen.

A HACn Of l'HlMIKS."The men of the Arctic rechms," nd Hr.

Haves, "stand for the most part about four anda half feet In heicht, and In color clo-el- v re-semble nn unwashed North American Indian.Their dress It composed of hour and seal skins.There Is little difference between Ihocusliimeoftho sexes, hut tho headdress of the women Issuluclentlystrlkliik'todlstluculshthem from themen. The hair Is twisted up on tho top ol thehead In tho form of a horn, severalInches In leimth, Its pirn holm; en-hanced by the Jiidlcliius Interlaclnc withIt of strips nf seal skin, which also surve to keepIt In Us Place. Thoiik'li the ladles of nations tensfar north resort to artifices somewhat slnillir,they catiltot he said to lie equally successful, forIhelr sisters of the Artie reclons, harlnc oncedone up their hair do not lln.l It necessary totouch It twain for several month, until In fact,the Interlaced seal skin lalls to pieces front y,

and lite larefully built cone tumbles at last.ll.aiieht,'r,

A plurality of wives Is almost InvariablyIn, nnd little Jealousy is manifested hy

the fair sex Tho lecturer related an Instanceof n limn who e.itne under his observation whohad three wives These women wero perfectlycontent except In one parti, ular they c

It no smnll ei leviince that their husbandobstinately lefused to take a fourth wife, andthus llcliten the household labors of thu otherthree In this Interesting family there hadorientally been seven ihlldreii Iho had diedfrom causes lucldeiitnl to elilldhnoil, nnd u thirdhavlnc been horn with a clubbed f, mt, the fathermournfully Informed Ilr Ha)es that ho ihouchtIt best lo place It In a hole In tho snow and coverIt up.

tiii: itKi.tntoN or tiikThe Idea of a Supreme Heine a' ' theories

recardllic a future existence cntei, allied bythose penplo are very peetill ir. Their (lod Isenthroned on ii rock, with It head pterclnc theheavens, on a croon Mimd, nnd overlooks a I thewor.d-tb- at Is, all nf it that Is worth overlook-Inc- -

the land of the (In this islandi. re live steps lead Inc to paradise, and on each ofthose am dishes conlalnliic food varvlnc In qual-ity In proportion to the heicht of tho stop onvv lilcli they arn placed. To this Island the spiritsof k'ood l.sqiilmaiix are and de-posited ai rdlns to their decree of merit onthe steps of tho rock, where they recalo them-selves thrutich all eternity on thefood containedIn the dishes. At for the spirits ot the unfortu-nate llsiitilmaiix who havo not merited salva-tion, they .ire cast out Into a reclon of Intense,iinlmaciiiahle cold, where no such thine as food1 ever seen.

line kwimaux's f. xtan.Their evil spirit Is a woman, dwellliw tit tho

bottom of the sea. nud occasionally wreaklncher spite upon them by keeping the lih fromrlslttk' to the mtrfai e.and thus creating a famine.

The must curious ceremony known to the Ls.(luimaitx Is, perhaps, that of murrlace. 1 1 to donethus : vv hen a b kills a polar hear, it Is consid-ered suffli lent proof nf Ids itbllllT to maintain afamily; ho Is thereloro told "to co and catch uwife." Wati liiuc Ids opp .rtuiiit) at nlsl.t time,he pounces upon a victim, and attempts to carryher off; she, however, struccle and shrieks un-til she has collected lound her a croup of sympa-thizers. She then turns upon her captor, amibites and scratches him until ho Is com-pelled to release her; then she darts Into thucrowd mid attempts to esiapo; ho follow, butHot unto. 'letted.

All the old worn, n take s. ources of dried seal,skin and n.i.'ellatc him titnuer. tfiilly as hopasses, maklnc at Hie ame time over) effort toarrest him iu his onr-e- . If, despite these littleImpediments to matrimonial bliss, ho shouldcatch his victim. Iho bitinc ami scratchluc sceneis renewed, ami In all pn.b il. litv be Is ac.dncompelled tu release Iter, and the chase, with lisattendant discomforts, Is resumed. Should lieovercome all obstacle, the third capture usuallyproves effectual, and the victim, ceaslnc hertru.".',, Is led away amid the a. . Initiations and

rejoicings of the assembled multitude.The extremely simple manner of admlidster-- I

ilk.-- Justice It worthy uf imitation. Judges arenot necessary, and Hie Impaitcllinc of a Jury isunknown. A large crowd of people assemble,and both plaintiff and defendant In turn rcl-- le

anecdotes and other Jokes for several hours,Judgment being ultimately given In furor of theman who has best succeeded In amusing tnemultitude.

A, nilll. (11)0 Me i.d,on A'Mr, Jncs V.

Them wits Illeil In tho C'leik's oltlce ofColumbia county yesterdaya niorttrace, clvenby the New York Central and Hudson Klverllallroad Company 1 Cornelius Vanderlnlt, Jr.,and Wm. K. X'underhilt, trustees, to securef'SMOMMj In seven per cunt, bonds, payable, luUtl. Tho inortcage was given under the con-solidation of the New Vork Central with theHudson Hit or ltallro id, for the purpose of fund-ine its Indebtedness and to provide moans fornutting dowiiaddltional trai'ks,c. The Allienbranch, ur White Klcphaut llallroad, is exceptedfrom tho mortgage.

A Child Killed hi Attorney nud Ilrlniiceyfstreet-Tiiioi- ilit of Lynching.

Yesterd.i', atteriioon Mary Drown, aged nineyrsrt, uf l!W Btsutou itteet, while returning fromsttniol, vtatruamer srnl It . tsnt'y killed st lieltncey

u,l Attorney street, hy a lieer beer ntgon, ovsnsit hrI ckirl & u luli-ro- t - i'ty nllli .lie, I, sn, driven hrTlieo tiire Msr.hill nf S Ksst 1 oily si'iona ttreit.Mtrkhsll. slur running ovtr the chlM, slarie.l hitliursi's nn a rtiu. sn.l irh a in esctpe. hergesut IUn,lsll,titling st his in tlie Itt'lstii ei street puln-i- , stall, a,vliiireil the kllhnc uf tin, el.11,1. sml onlereii oitici rPost lu seres! MsrJiail rue ofticr cauglii the fug!till at lilv liigl.iu sn.l Mini's streets At ll.epiiliieIt lil.ui the t'ti Iti'.l crew .1 vvi,til,l hiv, lynclie.l Vlnr.litll,l,ul the police prntccteit bltii Ciiruucr ht'stler per'lulltcu the psrrnis to take tne l ,1 home.

Coux erllng tho (.milliter.Dknvkh, Col., April 1. -- Mr. Hammond

prcat hed yetttTilay to IAlortiiiipcrsena st Itiike tadFifteenth streets. The meeting sltrrvvsrd ailjniiriiej tathe llerl.leninl Hall, s Urge ssluon sml (tin y ilxnrohuiite, liy tin il ui, ut of im- - pn.iirlet ir. Ahuiif Otto s

eittert ,1 Hie Ii ill. prntistily in of wh.iiit were gainbh'rs sml tpnrls. The meeting vv it u,hlr"st'il hy run

ei gamblers, bevertl uxnil'lert lime already In cncourerted.

I.oiiHed tor 101 X'onrn.At a meeting nl the directors of both roads

yesterday, the Harlem I'.usl vtss h.isr, to the NewVo k Ceiitrsl, Ilie term being itistti.e II irleui i ntnpanrstill) lelsln Ihe City roa !s, nnd t of i lehtper cent, he nu n in l Ik hul.ti is uf taint il stuck. Tin)lent' i tpiret In luurhundtt.l sud une )i srs.

The XA'ti.uher To-lln-

Wasiiimitiin, April I. The Signal Officii pre-dicts fur llu' Middle Atlantic custt nrls, winds undcluuily tnu weaihiT. Knr New Miigltitd

v, etttrl) windi, vtitu cluudt sud rslu.

cat i ox i ri i:s o r v it i m j;.

Two men answering exactly tnlho deserlpllouot the pt'rsuu. hu luurilrred till' W trdt-i- u( the Jill Inwhich they wero cunnncd in Annum, N Y. severs!days ago, ii ere dt rested In .Ml.hlictumi, (iiilo, ou ,

tud vvtil be held until di let live,

si'.utiis riio.ii in r. Tiu.r.o it.Put her l.'ipic. the oldest priest of the IMoceso

of tlgile islmrg, uu il al t tirlinsit. N. Y .. nil hslurdt) la it,Hk'g'sl ,1 ycsis

The Delaware and Hudson cnnsl is oimiii,the cuiiuisMy hay t'lveii orders to tMaitnun iocoiuliicnee t r.ip Muiidsy uett.

The t.ropo Itlon to wlilnii Water stioot, llos-ni-

in itie of the new pn.t (inlo, list been tinprui i d hy the Hoard of Aldermen-- !) to 3,

lu the Lower lluureof the Ohio legislatureyi'.telds) the hill lo sUuhatt t spit si piiuiil.ii.clit st, oulisted, only Wvolei heiugrstl In in fau.r.

Tho elglity-thir- il session of the New VorkCon-fem.e- e

nf ihe tlellioiil.t Church will im inl.lo iu Hudsun tint inurnliig sud inntlnue Ihrnush thu work.

Tho rot urns of the city election In St. Louis)etirrita sre nietgte, bill indicate the thitluu o(Jotejili Ittowii, Iteiiiiiertt, Mtyur, uver deorge lisir,Itepublictn. by probthly teoiiitjurtly,

The Hon. Arthur W. Hunter. Homorrnt, wasrhcti'd Mtror ol Hchcoccunt by rT niijurlly IheI reit ut the iteiiHK'rtnc cue ticket. m tares Ifepubll.Ctu tad two Ilsmocrstlc AUtluita, sre eltnAiJ,


u.tsnr.H nana asi nr tiikHVS'H n t:v OUT Kits, ,

A llrondvvny Slnsn Hloned while I'nll ol

White slags Ifll uf tho Twenty-thir- d streot Unawit going lip Proailn-a- r jesterdsy. nesr Sprlne street. 'It was sloti-- J hy thort, thick set fellovr, who thedriver ttyiht.l hid soma ilimralty with him. The tlrst .tone grste,l the drlrer't sml struck pjslirtrtsge. Alinther W1, lilltiiig II- ,- ilrrffT s 1S.

The itagc wss ttnni I, gn,l -- hoe ihn drlirr wss shouttn drtceml Itruhiure It re, in, on were hurled st him.Oua erathed through a of glsss, nsirowly esesplatl "a Im wlihlu. 1 he DS'silsut ctcipril. ,

Thr Mi air Hull lliisliirss.'Col." Oscar K. Walnwrlglit, who prufessei t

be eiurtgeil In the rsllrotd butlness, and, wlthM.T.Btcls, who call hluitrlfs lawyer, slid iillu rt, hit

sn ottlre st V) Mrosdwsy, wsi taken beforeShielilt )i stenlty on s thargenf perjury, la

twesring, while ollrrlug hliii.t If as .uri ly la s criminalcste hefure Commlssintier Phiitdii, thst !,c owned prop- -erty nol trlongtng to him. tJJ)JJ)JJ)JJB

huuie lime sgo. In a civil ttilt, XVslnwrtglit tirriate4htnitelf s. auri'tv. iiretenillnK lo usii tin prnprrty st HI'sootiie street. An exsmlrialliin Itien rcvcnlrd the larttkd vvalnwrtght had nhtained Ilie registry nf a (raitdti. )JJJJJJJHI, .it ileeil nf the property, Ssi it's mnie being on the tfHdeed, Ihc properly, instead of hilutiglng to Walo- - Tlwrlirht, la, and hat htru for the last titty tsars, uwne aHby tlie Cot faiiillr.

In the iritnliisl rate lirfnic Coinitilsslonrr fthlrdds, 'which catne on tiihtriurntl) to the rlvll esse mention- - irrt.he slso pretend d to own this ssme property, telling ,eontrsdletury storh s ri sporting hunt, ir, snd It wss thisInst stiriiipt itixilmltohlt arriit. lie was eunirallleat iBIn default of J,ei hill.

A The n ml Hinge Asirnt In the Slnrhor. ,On Monday nttcrnnoii the tiighont ('oimver,

Cspt. Psrsasn, tslled from fuutti Ainlniy with tries 'lirstily lusdid rnsl hxrgrs In tow. Off lledlue's Itlsefthe engine broke down, slut the barges, becoming ua-- I

manageable, drilled back with the tide snd fouled wltksntneof the shipping at anchor off Stuteit lalitul i sntl 'having been sepnrated, one nf them was sunk Iniuiedt- - Hateir aernst s srilp's hnwt one i sine to snertur, the togslut one barge drtltnl nslinre on Uuig Island, snd fourilrlltrd nut of I lie Narrows to West Hank. All Ih .rrevvt were ttsen ashore at Vsnderlillt's l.sndlnir, wilta , fTtjJHthe ctcciitlnn of s uisn and woiastt who were on tiusrathe tuukt'u tisrg", stt'l who are lo have .drowned. Marly veaii-ras- the drifting bsrge wera fHrecurid by s tug snd t.iWi'11 to the Coast W'reeklnR Cunt- - tlHpint's wharf st Htnplrton. sml Ftihsriu.ently they were 1 alStcul to llu.'lr dtilliisllon, deraiy t Hy.

The (.'rent Opernlnr Wniilrd In l.ntibtvlllsxYesterdnv Cnder Hherllf Joel O. Stevens re- -

celvrd a letter from Chief llllgh. of the Loiilavlllr de-- a requisition for (Korge Macdon- -

nrll, of the Hank ot Pnglamt forgrry notoilely, hit isent lu (l.iv lilt, sn, nsklng the (sheriff tn holt I

(the prt'imer subject to Ihit rciiutsliluii lu cats he wttI tint ettriillted and retli'lird lo I nglaml. IJJ)jJj)jj)jj)

Chlet llllgh ss)s vine liinneil Is known to the Louis- -Title police ss sin si. lie is wniiteil fiirsuiiie fnrgenescniiiiiiitiid there In cnnt'erilen nlih Mistln Itldwell. IJJj)jJj)jj)j

, sllas alter. The l.iillitv ille detective establishedMai donnrll's Identity thr iugh Tiik Si n's nccouct of Lllthe prlncrly furerr's etpliilts. Msi il'iniieU's picture Is tjjtjjfjjtlIn the'a ilaiier) in the Pnhce Crnirsl offlir. It vTvTvtHwas taken when l.e went hy the name uf wil. on. Utherviiliini may Id. utlfy him ny the photograph.

Jiiilne stiilhctlniurit Advice to llrnrr Wilsonslloury Wilson was )estcrdav nrralcnod In th I

(Icnrral fetalum on rhsrgr of nesting a rtrprt bsccoLt.tluliig a pair of pautsloont, two shirts, collars, 'cutis, nrck-tl- snd socks, the property of Isaac Fouirra.Judge PiilheiltDd sentenced htm to three yean In Sing

hut when it became knuwn that the prlaenrr htaoi. , I four small children depending on him fur

!8lng, and that he wns driven to I lie tit because ha IHnothing to eat snd wss starving, the sentence was 1to nne year. Ills Honor gave ihe prisoner the I Hlulhiu lug advice :' vv hen ) uu gel out try tu get soma , Hempl'i) men get your children .w ork. If vou drink, IJJ)JJ)jj)jj)jj

ttnpiiiat Attend itiiirclt ciery Miuday, and vou will c Mbeeumc ait honorable niriiiher of sottt'ty." H

A Speelnclo on the Hirer.Last night an oil tank In Imibard. Ayrcs A

Co 'anil work, at nlxty tlxth ttrect ntt.l North river,tuok Ore, an! the burnlni oil ran in streams of tire lo ',,and out In the rtrtr, sad toon theiurtscrof the Hud- - ison wsa a broad expanse of tlanir. Several schouuerssml slonpt lying noar Ilie oil works were saved with . flHrttfrtculty. The lire burned until a lste hour last night,'the luss la caiimatid at shout iXVH). The nre la sup- - IH' pencil to hsve liad Its origin tn sn overhested still. 1 tin IJjHstiim.nt ol insiiritiri' cnuld nut he ascertained. Till Is Htl.e filth lime Put these oil works hsiobecu ou fire la IHthe last nitron month.

Phnlncrnphlnc lit r.ticrHvltig.Otto Hilars wns taken before ComiiiKshiuer JHftilehb yetttrday muratiig on the charge of nigral lug i ittH

s plate from which tu print luunt, ifi lt lea ceut cur- - JHrei ry. Ilasrs says that he Ins dlscntered inew Hnf engraving. I. inrans of pliutugrstihliig on ciqiperpistes t that he had engrav ed thla plate, not fur the pur- -pose of ro .ntrrfeitlng, but simply to prove that s diffl. !gHcult feat uf i iiKravln. iould hcsi couipllshcd by hlsurw JHpn i" sa. ukd " at, a fir from miking s secret of htlliaTlnglllidi'tbrl.iate.hrlltliiiedlalely exhlhlteil It to IhNnil iiial Hank Sole luuipan). He gave tl,uu btll l aTttH

The I'ri slilenl unit I'nmlly In the (Tiy.President ( Mrs. (Jrnitt, Miss Nellie tlrxnt,

and (ien. ltuhcot-k- . who started from Wathlngton st Io'lTuck )t'stcriU.v arrived st thu lTtth Avo- - KHr.tie lluiel st II .V P.M. The psrly w, re tlinwit lo Ih assletegsnt suite nf rnnnii IX, II. Si, slid M. on the psrlorfleiir. louklug out upon .vladis,,n tiptsro and Twenty- -

fourth stn Alttr suppi r. win. h wsa served tu theirronina, the party rt'tlri-d- Pri sldeni tlrsnt i tperts tottay in .New Yurs Die remaiuilcr nf tlda week. Thiiiuieineni. uf ihe party while in thla city will be IIHranged this morning. H

Slllelile III Treliinul.All unknown man, supposed tn bo a Spaniard

or Krrnclinitn, cumniltted ainclde tt G o'rinck ItatolghtIn Trciuont hy thnotlrg hlrntelf. lie watabont S3)etrteld. dark 'oiurdeitoo and eyes and Msek hair. He had ffHou dark pautstuoiia, coat, and vest, low cut ilioci. while v7c7c7c7c7Ihlrl sml socks, blue neck tie. Slid high Mart hat. Th JtHsd.lieaaot Anderaou & VMlaon, lirecupulot, wtt fouud IIHon hit pvrtou, tjtJtH

Cniisieriiutlnii In ii Third Avenue ('nr.laist evening two horse owned and driven bf

1'hllip Olelterof (J3 Welt Thlrt) eighth itrci t berimeuoinansgeshte st eighth street and Third avenue. Tbeydaahed lutu the aide of Third stt'iiur ear Si, which wa iiHcrowded. The paiietigen rualicil fur thr plitform. Bdue eld-rl- y matrun hist her chignnii in Ihe eruah ; hutthe out) other ilamage dune was the dcutuiltiua of thwlaUowi snd one tide of the tar. H

Confessing the Minder ol his Infant Chile.IhisTO.N, April 1- .- Iu the Charlc stnwn Police

Court to dut, Iiuuul s. Mirth wit arrilgued fur killinghit Infant ihlld by drowning In September, lsll. Pre--vlout tn ttie rc.vllng of tlie computet the prlenner ruio Hlo the dui k and prior. I. In answer to the complaint h JjJjJjJIsaid: I'lheas lunda did it." He itu'li narrated s sail Htlury of dnitieallc Iruutdia which culmlualed In hi w Htaking Ihe life of Ihe tlilnl. He wss inuiailltcJ fur lllteuteuce. H

Ccn. Cnnliy Siirriiiinillng Ihe .Undoes.Sin I'iixmiikco. April I It Is snl, I that dsn.

Canti) ts siirruuuillng the 'tod., ei. and will snun nlill g1J)JjJjJj)JJthi'tii to turrea 1. r Captain .lack1 tmcu It nty thrvo. H

ri..i.sif t:s ntoM t n i; ovi:.i s v.t iti.a.The Kitssslan (Irniid Duke Aloxis ha arrived LlllThe Spxnish Vice Consul In Paris ha-- s b.

siuuili'd. leaving u detlcit lu his accoitula lu tlie tinntiut iiHTho l'olkethlng, the Lower lions" of the Klgtdug, h is pasjed s vute ileclirlng s want of glHcunhdeiice in the Mlnlsiry 1jomsos oir.v.

Otti-lm-v Qtiiiitttfp OMiiftrt 111 Do (lurmo' licit iHto iHH, M. W. nf HruiiKIyri steinU 1 1 tnTllK Hu.v f ijH(hi (iiiiily. ttB'I hc tn M V Ht .vl It.ttiU storklhiMcrrt Iwtvo f)iit !ljH

MTtt-- ft'M', and tiw tti niili ir fIS'.iXo, l unl ih Mf.w).(in uf im u- rrlt-r- (I fi..c!,. H

Sfimtiir FUIiI.iii, nml (ten, ijH1'iitnnT m niiiii a v lu itn Fifth Airiiii" Htiittt r tliflluiiuiiht'ii judc irom tiituttcr ilHHuci'iipl' it Hiidihcr I'Oit H

Vcitt' In the 4ieiuM;il tho t iHAtlurnr) It Minn mm. 'Him M fie uf Hticn Mm Hwell, Him (tfrvfil ui liistrli 1 Atfurupy from Hfl tu XVt, Hulfrml upjiruprl.ttu rtiuluiiont. H

A .limilnoint'ly iItohhimI ItMitU-- nf tlio kwoIIorUT ums issttt riliy pritiiifiirtilliiki Uroiiilwiy hrnrin H(.ruiz ItrtiH n on bin r otrti'i, H

1'or inijiilrc tu thr itawnurukcru HTin' lerh oflicn wns rli.itott until ft 1' M ym ijltirn ty tin ri roitut if tht nr Mm. .Innirtt Ont'lim

Hcnnt'lt, tin' lutiihor of lit propit-'lur- . hit li occurred Ht lviiiil;n tti, httstony, vtx iloii'ly, Urili Jl.ofier HHTho N. itlon. I WtntitMi'j SttfTru-'- o At.'irlnthm H

will hl l ilicir (Hfiiiy flriti itniun tnr) hi l(itliusv HIUII n thu c)iy mi Tui ftji), A, l.urri lit Moil ft hit HKilriii Ctdy htuntuii u i II In nrcix'iit to euro thclf

Tim iiioihImtt of tho Klr.t Hnnti-i- t Uhurcti. ijHrifilmv n iiuitv--i- i,'tiii ttiul lilih fetrtfK, Ur.rini, Hnit l la nt nlrhi in iho Iciium mum of thr i huuli tti cot- - ikkflltct n umii itf nioitt y to iw KtYLii to the,KUJ HJ.ucMs, their Ut" luolor. iHItminiUnmn I't lt r Mt lley lmiiw titwii cftllodlifor lite 1'ullcn ('iiiiiiiiitnnn'rit yi'tt My l ntuMi-- lHa rlitrK of Wnnl itlva jHkpt'iM'm.miJ Hut tut r ifr mi a (unii'lrm j iDtini4 ijjHhint in rvlil'itlan for lit llchitrit of hi Juty ,

Thu inuney Hent InTiif hi!N fur tlio iiitc.iv-- .tlio h U'i'ii iit in the (thl reiir uu ImnJ. htia Hctunil'lr--l i uiih htr lUiL'.'rt utxl dn w it tutih r Inr td- - MCowfiuif. Her hi lirlrht li.,f hrulitn t 1t

hrr dark f,tr fairly aiiuitu with liapjhir, nml ate Hiitltioly kHixJ I hat It waa h tfotij ,Iuj or inuuc) lor hi r H

Itr. Klnlirer wdh y.Umhiy appnlnlo Ixnitv iHuriCfonuf tin cul i c sStrrfi ihwini M, iu iht i1c H)r. Katiion Amahlli', whn hu nude ut mor Jl. H

tant Riirjroti, thi fit, mrily UIIihI liy Ur, HaraJt, iHwhu Ixtsi I.era vf.l lr Corrt A Jo)c waa ip-- Hpolutnl aitit'ilauii' ui Ue piace Of lr itia HisunifHBy,riuorc(t. H