tkttkt--2431 soc 2431 soc design - filetkttkt--2431 soc 2431 soc design lec 9 lec 9...

TKT TKT-2431 Soc 2431 Soc Design Design Lec 9 Lec 9 – Parallelism Parallelism Erno Erno Salminen Salminen Department of Computer Systems Department of Computer Systems Tampere University of Technology Tampere University of Technology Tampere University of Technology Tampere University of Technology Fall 2011 Fall 2011 Department of Computer Systems

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TKTTKT--2431 Soc 2431 Soc DesignDesign

Lec 9 Lec 9 –– ParallelismParallelism

ErnoErno SalminenSalminen

Department of Computer SystemsDepartment of Computer SystemsTampere University of TechnologyTampere University of TechnologyTampere University of TechnologyTampere University of Technology

Fall 2011Fall 2011

Department of Computer Systems

ContentsContents Introduction Amdahl’s law once againg

Computer classification by FlynnParallelization methodsParallelization methods Data-parallel Function-parallelp

Communication scheme and memoriesCase study: Data-parallel video encoderCase study: Data parallel video encoder

#2/48 Department of Computer Systems

Copyright noticeCopyright notice

Part of the slidesadapted from slide set by Albertoadapted from slide set by Alberto

Sangiovanni-Vincentelli course EE249 at University of California,

Berkeley http://www-

Part of figures from: Ireneusz Karkowski and Henk Corporaal, Exploiting Fine- and

Coarse-grain Parallelism in Embedded ProgramsCoarse grain Parallelism in Embedded Programs, International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT'98), Paris, October 1998, pp 60-67

#3/48 Department of Computer Systems

At firstAt first

Make sure that simple things worksimple things work before even tryingbefore even trying more complex onesmore complex ones

#4/48 Department of Computer Systems

Von Neumann (vN) Architecture Is Von Neumann (vN) Architecture Is Reaching Its Limits ...Reaching Its Limits

vN: vN: vN Bottleneck


stolen from Bob Colwell

#5/48 Department of Computer Systems

Source: R. Hartenstein, Univ. Kaiserslautern

E. Maehle, E-Seminar IFIP Working Group 10.3 (Concurrent Systems) June 7, 2005

Benefits of parallel executionBenefits of parallel execution Increased performance in terms of throughput or accuracy


Muy importante!

g p y or similar performance with lower cost (lower freq

and lower Vdd!)Partial shutdown Allows more aggressive power reduction

Fault-tolerance Overcomes single-point of failure

Encapsulation, plug-and-play design process Parts are specialized to certain tasks

#6/48 Department of Computer Systems

Computer classification: Flynn Categories Computer classification: Flynn Categories

1. SISD (Single Instruction Single Data) Traditional uniprocessorp

2. MISD (Multiple Instruction Single Data) Systolic arrays / stream based processingy y p g Rare

D # simultaneouslyD, # simultaneously processed data

3. SIMD 4. MIMDMultiple

I # simultaneaously executed

1. SISD 2. MISDSingle

#7/48 Department of Computer Systems

I, # simultaneaously executed instrcutionsSingle Multiple

Flynn Categories (2) Flynn Categories (2) 3. SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) Simple programming model (e.g. Intel MMX) Low overhead Now applied as sub-word parallelism E g count four 8-bit ADD operations with one


E.g. count four 8 bit ADD operations with one 32b ALU

Only one program counter (PC)

4. MIMD (Multiple Instruction Multiple Data) Multiple program counters, “real multiprocessor” Flexible may use off-the-shelf micros Flexible, may use off the shelf micros Special case: Single program, Multiple data

(SPMD)All CPU th d

#8/48 Department of Computer Systems

All CPUs use the same program code, saves memory!

IntroductionIntroduction of of chipchip multiprocessorsmultiprocessors

P t 1 CPU T d /f t lti l Past: 1 CPU, accelerator(s), memories

Today/future: multiple(tens of) processors, accelerator(s),

#9/48 Department of Computer Systems

memoriesRamchan Woo, Tampere Soc, 2004.

Multiprocessor SoC (MPMultiprocessor SoC (MP--SoC)SoC)Tremendous growth of integration capabilities

allow building chip multiprocessors (CMP)g p p ( ) Aka. multiprocessor SoC (MP-SoC) Even on single FPGA!

Heterogeneous IBM Cell broadband engine (PowerPC+8 PPE) TI OMAP (ARM+TI DSP)

Homogeneous Intel/AMD Dual/Quad Core DACI MP-SoC on FPGA

#10/48 Department of Computer Systems

Intel TeraFLOPS IBM Cell [Wikipedia]

MultiprocessorsMultiprocessors in desktop in desktop computingcomputing

Ambric: 336 32-bit RISC cores, each with 2 kB mem, 300 MHz, 0.1 TeraOPS, 6-


12 WCan you spot the trend?

#11/48 Department of Computer SystemsErno Salminen - Nov. 2010

[P. Wolkotte, Exploration within the Network-on-Chip Paradigm, PhD Thesis, Univ. Twente, 2009]

Parallelism and Amdahl’s lawParallelism and Amdahl’s lawSpeedup can be achieved via parallel

computation, but sequential part limits the th ti l dmax theoretical speedup

In practice, computation cannot cannot be distributed in arbitrary sized blocksdistributed in arbitrary sized blocks E.g. use 2 processing elements Divide work into 2 tasks: 0.55*orig and 0.45*orig Divide work into 2 tasks: 0.55 orig and 0.45 orig Max. speedup =1/0.55= 1.81x instead of 2.0x

In practice, seq. part may increase as p q p yparallelism increases More communication,

”M t ” h h d ti t di t ib t th l d

#12/48 Department of Computer Systems

”Master” has harder time to distribute the load

AmdahlAmdahlSpeedup, seq_part=1-10%, min task size=0%, communication overhead 0%



50 : speedup = n_cpu

1. Original Amdahl







2. Quantized load seq_part=10%




0 10 20 30 40 50 60

t_new = t_orig * ( f_par/n_cpu + (1-f_par) )

= Multiples of 1/100 or 1/50


Speedup, seq_part=2-10%, min task size=1-2 %, communication overhead 0%


of orig Improving

steps when

seq_part=2%, task=1%

seq part=2%. task=2%15





steps when N_cpu is integer multiple of


seq_part=10%, task=1%

seq_part=10%, task=2%





#13/48 Department of Computer Systems

task_size 00 10 20 30 40 50 60


AmdahlAmdahl (2)(2)Speedup, seq_part=2%, min task size=0 %, communication overhead (0-5 % per n_cpu) due to




3. Seq. part increases









0/1/5% per added CPU 0



0 10 20 30 40 50 60

n cpu

Speed decreases

4. Combine


Speedup, seq_part=2% , min task size=2 %, communication overhead (0-5 % per n_cpu) due to communication


seq.partincrease and quantized load








quantized load Not so

smooth curve






#14/48 Department of Computer Systems

anymore…0 10 20 30 40 50 60


DataData--parallel and parallel and DataData--parallel and parallel and functionfunction--parallelparallel

Department of Computer Systems

Parallelization methods (1)Parallelization methods (1) HUOM! OBS!

Muy importante!

Example codefor i=1:9 loop


Muy importante!




end loop

A1 refers to first iteration of operation A Operation A can be single instruction or a function

Two methods:1. Data-parallel (or index

set partitioning)set partitioning)

2. Operation-parallel (or functional pipelining)

#16/48 Department of Computer Systems

1. 1. DataData--parallelparallel All CPUs perform the same operations but on

different data sets Usually CPUs must know their own ID Usually CPUs must know their own ID The example below assumes that all iterations of A

can be parallelized If A must be executed before A and B after A CPU2 If Ai must be executed before Ai+1 and B after A, CPU2

and must wait until A3 in ready

Data-parallel method

CPU 1 A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3


CPU 2 A4 A5 A6 B4 B5 B6 C4 C5 C6

CPU 3 A7 A8 A9 B7 B8 B9 C7 C8 C9

#17/48 Department of Computer Systemstime

2. 2. OperationOperation--parallelparallelEach CPU perfoms different operationsAll operations should have roughly equalAll operations should have roughly equal

execution time to have balanced pipelineBalancing may prove difficultBalancing may prove difficult

Operation-parallel method

Otherwise, some parts are

CPU 1 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9

p pidle and waiting for others

CPU 2 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9

CPU 3 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9

#18/48 Department of Computer Systems


DependenciesDependencies complicatecomplicate parallelizationparallelization

Assume that Ai must be executed before Bi(which is executed before Ci)( i)Hence, it takes some time for the pipeline to

fill After that all units are active concurrently

Operation-parallel method with dependenciesNote that the CPU 1 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9

p p p

same may happen with data-

CPU 2 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9

CPU 3 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9

parallel as well E.g. Ai+1 depends

#19/48 Department of Computer Systemstime

on Ai

Benchmarks used by Karkowski and Benchmarks used by Karkowski and CorporaalCorporaalCorporaalCorporaalDSP kernels Small number of lines Lots of looping

Mainly for audio processingy p g

#20/48 Department of Computer SystemsErno Salminen - Nov. 2010

InstructionInstruction--levellevel parallelismparallelism (ILP) (ILP) offersoffersmoderatemoderate speedupspeedupp pp p

CPU has many functional units e.g. ALU, Multiplier, Shifter, and Load/store,

Instructions have dependencies: Cannot be executed in parallelld r3 [r2]ld r3, [r2]

add r3,5

ILP in kernels isILP in kernels is often restricted to <5

That is the maximum speedup for singlespeedup for single-threaded programs through ILP

#21/48 Department of Computer Systems

DataData--parallel vs operation parallelparallel vs operation parallel (Large) data set is easier

to split into equally sized chunks than operations inchunks than operations in task-parallel scheme

Data-parallel (DP) often better method thanbetter method than operation-parallel (OP) But not always Note fe e ceptions in Note few exceptions in

Fig 15 such as mulaw DP+OP should be

combined for bestcombined for best performance

#22/48 Department of Computer Systems

Fine grain + coarse grain parallelismFine grain + coarse grain parallelism ILP is too fine grain to used alone Combine

fine grain: ILP SIMD fine grain: ILP, SIMD coarse grain : multiple CPUs

#23/48 Department of Computer Systems

Hierarchical parallelizationHierarchical parallelization Each CPU

optimized for certain functionscertain functions

Utilize ILP and SIMD

within CPUwithin CPU data-parallel

and operation-parallelparallel approaches for multi-CPU system

minimal inter-CPU communication

#24/48 Department of Computer Systems

MultiprocessorMultiprocessor speedupspeedup is is notnot linearlinear Speedup is never equal

to number of CPUs Task cannot be split into

euqally sized sub-tasks There is always some y

part executed sequentially

More CPUs the moreMore CPUs, the more they have to communicate with each


<nag> One should NOT use 3D bars nor


#25/48 Department of Computer Systems

<nag> One should NOT use 3D bars nor background color for graphs </nag>

Hierarchical parallelization (2)Hierarchical parallelization (2) Combining all

aforementioned happroaches

results in biggest speedupp p

Best combination of approaches depends on application

Trad CPU has Trad. CPU has performance=1.0

#26/48 Department of Computer Systems

MultiMulti--level level parallelism in video encodingparallelism in video encoding Parallelism

appears in many levelslevels

1. Inside processors2. Between parallel p

processing elements

Use combination Use combination for maximum impact

[for video encoding]

#27/48 Department of Computer Systems

Fig. from [O. Lehtoranta, PhD Thesis, TUT 2006]

[for video encoding]

Parallelization methodsParallelization methods Best methods depends-

not surprisingly – on the li tiapplication

Also on non-functional requirementsrequirements

E.g. temporal parallel [Nang] has higher latency than data parallel Not suited for real time Not suited for real-time

encoding, such as surveillanceG d f ff li h

#28/48 Department of Computer Systems[Kulmala, JES, 2006]

Good for off-line, such DVD encoding

Communication schemeCommunication scheme

Department of Computer Systems

Communication modelsCommunication models1. Shared Memory (SM); shared addr space e.g., load, store, atomic swap Simpler programming if cache coherency

implemented CPUs process the data inside shared memory CPUs process the data inside shared memory Shared data protected with mutex

2. Message Passing (MP)2. Message Passing (MP) e.g., send(), receive() library calls Explicit communication, bit harder to program CPU process the in their local, private mem

Note that MP can be build on top of SM and vice versa

#30/48 Department of Computer Systems

and vice versa

Communication models (2)Communication models (2)1. Shared Memory (SM) Often harder to scale large systems than MP Sensitive to memory latency CPU stalled after miss Sensitive to memory latency- CPU stalled after miss

2. Message Passing (MP) Less sensitive to latency Pipelining of computation and communication Sometimes costly for small transfers












#31/48 Department of Computer Systems



”Typical” shared-memory computer, e.g. Dual Core

”Typical” message-passing computer, e.g. TeraFLOPS

arr [ ]x

Centralized vs. distributed memory Centralized vs. distributed memory 1. Physically shared - Symmetric Multi Processors

(SMP) Centralized memory (memories) Centralized memory (memories) Equal access time for all CPUs

2. Physically distributed - Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) Each memory adjacent to one CPU Closest CPU has fast access, others have slower, Unequal access times to different parts of the memory

space More common than SMP in large systemsg y

Practically all msg-passing systems use distr.mem. Explicitly managed local memories are also called ”scratch-

pad memories”

#32/48 Department of Computer Systems

pad memories

MemoryMemoryMemory is no. 1 candidate for the system bottleneck

guilty until proven innocentM i d bi ( l k l )Memories need big area (causes leakage also)

Amount is limited especially inside FPGA Number of ports affects memory area, power, and p y , p ,

delay dramatically More than two ports seldom used Use many parallel memory banks Use many parallel memory banks

How to locate data efficiently?Off-chip memory is impractical for same reasons

M k l di ti ti b t bit (b) d b tMake clear disctinction between bits (b) and bytes (B) when presenting memory sizes

Distinguish kilos (k, 1000) and kibis (Ki, 1024)

#33/48 Department of Computer Systems

Distinguish kilos (k, 1000) and kibis (Ki, 1024)

Memory (2)Memory (2)Build a hierarchy of memories Cache vs. explicitly managed transfers Combination of fast, small memories and large,

slow memoriesCache coherency is difficult in parallelCache coherency is difficult in parallel

systems i.e. all CPUs must have consitent view of all data What if data inside a cache of one CPU is

modified?D i ll tiDynamic memory allocation causes unpredictable execution times What happens if program runs out of memory?

#34/48 Department of Computer Systems

What happens if program runs out of memory?

Memory hierarchyMemory hierarchy




#35/48 Department of Computer Systems

[M. Erez, Stream Architectures –Programmability and Efficiency, Tampere SoC, Nov. 2004]


Example: Intel’s 48Example: Intel’s 48--core chipcore chip


P54c = Pentium + $L1 (16KB+16KB)

$L2 = level-2 cache (256 KB)

MPB = msg-passing buffer (16KB)

MIU=mesh interface unit

GCU = clk generation+synch unit

TG = traffic generator for testinfg NoC

MC = mem controller

VRC = voltage regulator circuitry

Approx latency to read a 32B cache line

In simplest case cores and Noc run at same freq (however, power optimization may change this)

Approx. latency to read a 32B cache line

(L1 access is probably 5 cycles)

#36/48 Department of Computer SystemsErno Salminen - Nov. 2010

Fig: [SCC External Architecture Specification (EAS), revision 0.94, Intel labs, May 2010], Table: [SCC Programmer’s guide, revision 0.61, Intel labs, May 2010]

SynchronizationSynchronization Tasks runinng in parallel must be

synchronized every now and theny y1. Process (task) synchronization Multiple processes are to join up or handshake p p j p

at a certain point2. Data synchronization Keeps multiple copies of a dataset in coherence

with one another to maintains data integrity Process synchronization primitives are

commonly used to implement data synchronization

#37/48 Department of Computer Systems


Synchronization (2)Synchronization (2)1. Semaphore (lock)

Variable for communicating status between parallel tasks Ensures that only one or limited number (usually exactly

1) of tasks updates shared data structure Require atomic test-set functionality q y Mutual exclusion (mutex) is binary semaphore

2. Barrier Ensures that all tasks have reached specific point in

program Tasks read barrier semaphore, stop, and keep waiting

until the last task ”arrives”

Also other types, such as thread join, non-blocking synchronization synchronous communication

#38/48 Department of Computer Systems

synchronization, synchronous communication

ConclusionConclusionAmdahl’s law offers idealistic but fundamental

limitCombine fine and coarse grain parallelismTwo basic methods: function parallel and

d t ll ldata-parallelTwo basic communication schemes: shared

memory and message passingmemory and message-passingLoad balancing is crucial in parallel systems Larger data set simplifies balancing in Data- Larger data set simplifies balancing in Data-

Parallel schemeCommunication between components has

#39/48 Department of Computer Systems

great impact on performance

C t i bl C t i bl Customizable Customizable Datapath Integrated Datapath Integrated p gp gLock UnitLock UnitPekka Jääskeläinen, Pekka Jääskeläinen, Erno SalminenErno Salminen, Otto Esko and , Otto Esko and Jarmo TakalaJarmo TakalaDepartment of Computer SystemsDepartment of Computer SystemsTampere University of TechnologyTampere University of TechnologyTampere University of TechnologyTampere University of Technology

SoC Symposium, Oct 31 SoC Symposium, Oct 31 -- Nov. 2 2011Nov. 2 2011

Department of Computer SystemsErno Salminen - November 2011

Synchronization in multicoresSynchronization in multicoresMultithreaded applications must synchronize

their execution at some pointpAvoid data corruption Ensure that only 1 thread updates the shared y p

data structure at a timeCoordinate the execution Ensure that all threads have completed certain

actions?Shared memory (SM) …

#41/48 Department of Computer SystemsErno Salminen - November 2011


Synchronization in multicores (2)Synchronization in multicores (2)Shared memory


Atomically updated variable with 0 or 1 Only one thread can “hold a lock” at the Only one thread can hold a lock at the

same time (mutual exclusion) Commonly used in “system code” to

protect the “critical sections”…

Forces sequential accesses to shared data structures

Barrier:S h i ti i t h th th d Synchronization point where the threads wait for the others

Common in “massively parallel” programs (scientific computation stream processing(scientific computation, stream processing, …) – e.g. OpenCL C

Can be implemented with shared memory counters protected by locks

#42/48 Department of Computer SystemsErno Salminen - November 2011


Overheads from synchronizationOverheads from synchronizationLocks typically use atomic Read-Modify-Write

(RMW) instructions to access shared memory variablesvariables E.g. If variable was 0, then write 1. Otherwise, try

again Operation must be atomic; others threads cannot Operation must be atomic; others threads cannot

interveneAccessing “lock variables” adds to the memory

bottleneckbottleneck Check for unlock status requires at least a L1 cache

read, and a main memory read in the worst case Total overhead depends on the memory hierarchy Total overhead depends on the memory hierarchy,

cache coherence implementation, etc.Moreover, these lock accesses prevent other

threads from accessing memory

#43/48 Department of Computer Systems

threads from accessing memory

Erno Salminen - November 2011

Proposed lock unitProposed lock unit

Department of Computer SystemsErno Salminen - November 2011

Datapath Integrated Lock Unit (DILU)Datapath Integrated Lock Unit (DILU) Our multicore ASIP (MCASIP) template provides easily

customizable manycores Configurable TTA cores Core counts tens-hundreds TCEMC toolset for simulation, compilation, and VHDL generation Programmer optimizes the local memory usage

Key idea of lightweight synchronization: Key idea of lightweight synchronization: Move the lock variables from the shared memory to a separate

lock register file Integrate the basic lock operations to the instruction set of the g p

ASIP core Benefits:

Minimize shared memory overhead when synchronizing (esp. when waiting in a barrier)when waiting in a barrier)

Provide fast synchronization even in case of manycores without coherent caches

#45/48 Department of Computer SystemsErno Salminen - November 2011

Lock unit in multicore TTA templateLock unit in multicore TTA template

#46/48 Department of Computer SystemsErno Salminen - November 2011

Three new instructions addedThree new instructions added

Special function unit (SFU) in TTA implements 3 instructions and interface to lock unit HW TRY_LOCK stores addr A into HW unit and returns 1 if

there is room UNLOCK does no ownership checking (assumes well-

behaving programs)behaving programs) READ_LOCK returns 1 in case A was locked No access to the shared memory

These enable multiple synchronization primitive These enable multiple synchronization primitive implementations Using more special lock registers vs. more shared memory


#47/48 Department of Computer Systems


Erno Salminen - November 2011

From CPUsLock unit HWLock unit HWParameterizable

#registers and addr widthaddr width

2-cycle latency Reg update

St t / b l Status/arb cycleBoth non-blocking

and blocking goperations

Area <1k ALM (1% from 48-core(1% from 48 core system) Mostly addr regs

and comparators

#48/48 Department of Computer SystemsErno Salminen - November 2011

To CPUsand comparators

Implementing lock and barrierImplementing lock and barrier2 versions of lock primitive Basic version uses 1 lock register and n variables g

in shared memory Register guards all n variables

F t i l l k i t Faster version uses only lock registers #locks active simultaneously must be known at

synthesis/compile timey

2 versions of barrier also Both have the counter variable in shared memoryy Basic version polls until that counter goes to 0 Faster version polls an additional lock register

#49/48 Department of Computer Systems

It will be unlocked by the last arriving thread

Erno Salminen - November 2011

DILU: Spin lock examplesDILU: Spin lock examples

#50/48 Department of Computer SystemsErno Salminen - November 2011

Barrier implementation examplesBarrier implementation examples

#51/48 Department of Computer SystemsErno Salminen - November 2011


Department of Computer SystemsErno Salminen - November 2011

Summary of synchronization primitive Summary of synchronization primitive implementationsimplementationsimplementationsimplementations

#53/48 Department of Computer SystemsErno Salminen - November 2011

DILU: Stress testDILU: Stress test Implemented a 48-core MCASIP

with a lock HW on an Altera FPGA

Measures the barrier overheads with increasing the

FPGA 72k ALM, 50 MHz

easu es e ba e o e eads c eas g ethread imbalance on First core does more shared memory accesses Others wait at the barrier

up asebarrier polling








… …

configurable delay on the first core

#54/48 Department of Computer SystemsErno Salminen - November 2011


Stress testStress testPractically no computation, just synchronizationCore 0 performs dummy memory accesses

before the barrierbefore the barrier Creates thread imbalance In basic case the other threads contend for memory

as they poll the barrier counteras they poll the barrier counter

#55/48 Department of Computer SystemsErno Salminen - November 2011

ConclusionsConclusionsSeparate storage for locks relieves shared

memory contention

Many lock/barrier Very simple HW unit

ystyles possible

Case study had y60% reduction in runtime

Dowload from


#56/48 Department of Computer SystemsErno Salminen - November 2011


For selfstudyFor selfstudy

Department of Computer SystemsErno Salminen - Nov. 2010

Automatic parallelizationAutomatic parallelization Research topic for several years

Only small scale success so far Ti S Tim Sweeney: Actually from

Auto-parallelization of C++ code is not a serious notion Auto-parallelization of C++ code is not a serious notion These techniques applied to C/C++ programs are

completely infeasible on the scale of real applications Writing multithreaded software is very hard Writing multithreaded software is very hard It's about as unnatural to support multithreading in C++ as

it was to write object-oriented software in assembly languagelanguage.

The whole industry is starting to do it now, but it's pretty clear that a new programming model is needed if we're going to scale to ever more parallel architectures.

#58/48 Department of Computer Systems

g g p

Sequential/parallelSequential/parallel comp/comm comp/comm scenariosscenariosscenariosscenarios

1. 1 computation + 1 communication event active in parallel Classical approach where single CPU controls everyhing

2 (1 comp + n comm seems paradoxal)2. (1 comp + n comm seems paradoxal)3. n comp + 1 comm

Many CPUs but single bus or memory creates bottleneck4. n comp + n comm

Many CPUs, memories, and accelerators Multiple parallel links links in net The way to go!


(CPU)’0’ (CPU)producer

(camera) 1




’1’’0’Double buffering:

1. Producer writes data to different buffer (blue) than what is currently processed (red)

#59/48 Department of Computer Systems



2. Buffers are switched for next data

GPGP--GPUs are very attractive for desktopsGPUs are very attractive for desktops

Recent experiments show that GPU implementations of traditionally CPU-p yrestricted algorithms have performance increases of an order of magnitude or greater

#60/48 Department of Computer SystemsErno Salminen - Nov. 2010

HIBI Multiprocessor HIBI Multiprocessor HIBI Multiprocessor HIBI Multiprocessor ExampleExampleScalable Video Encoder

Department of Computer Systems

H.263 Video EncoderH.263 Video Encoder

I/OARM7 H.263






ROM HIBI Wrapper HIBI Wrapper


HIBI Wrapper


HIBI Wrapper



Objective: Show how easily HIBI scales


Processor independent C-source codeMaster + scaleable number of processors

#62/48 Department of Computer Systems

generated automatically

Data Parallel MappingData Parallel Mapping(3 slaves example)(3 slaves example)( p )( p )

Master's DPSRAMDMA data transfer

Top slice

Slave 1ARM7


Middle slice

Slave 2ARM7


Bottom slice

Slave 2ARM7




Slave 3

f f (3 2 288 18 )



#63/48 Department of Computer Systems

foreman.cif (352x288 , 18 MB rows)

Load BalancingLoad Balancing HUOM! OBS!

Muy importante!Muy importante!

Balance load (=computation) so that All processing element (PE) have egual load Communication between PEs is minimized

Poor balance decreases performance

1 slave 2 slaves 3 slaves 4 slaves 5 slaves

Increasing inter-communication

1 MB row

#64/48 Department of Computer Systems

Well balanced Poorly balanced

Load balance exampleLoad balance example Frame is divided into 9 rows Slave with biggest number of slaves defines the performance

S d t li

Frame rate (qcif) @ 100MHz

Speedup not linear

Balance: 1: 9 rows


1: 9 rows 2: 4+5

3: 3+3+3




3: 3 3 3 4: 2+2+2+3

5: 1+2+2+2+20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Number of slaves

6: 1+1+1+2+2+2 7: 1+1+1+1+1+2+2 8: 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+2

#65/48 Department of Computer Systems

9: 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1

Load balance example (2)Load balance example (2) Larger picture size (4CIF) has better balance DMA allows simultaneous computation and communication

#66/48 Department of Computer Systems

Load balance example (3)Load balance example (3) Simulation of WLAN terminal on multiple PCs

See also integration example from Lec 6 Manual load balancing

Mi i l i ti b t PC Minimal communication between PCs

Good scalability Applicable also on

multiprocessor server Simulation task split

into several small processes

Spread sim.tasks to multiple CPUs instead of oneof one

[J. Riihimäki et al., Practical Distributed Simulation of a Network of Wireless Terminals, Tampere Soc,November 2004]

#67/48 Department of Computer Systems