tjtljli daily bulletin - university of...

S$$$. .. r?" T JtLJli DAILY BULLETIN llMf d" Vol. II. "No. 498. il. SEl'TEMBEK 1883. 8UDBOniPTION HONOLULU, L, "WEDNESDAY, 5, 60 0ENT8 PER MONTH ' 4 THE. DAILY BULLETIN STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. WALTER HILL, Proprietor. Tins DaiiiY BuMinrrm Is printed nhd published every morning una circulated throughout the towa by carriers, and forwiirilcd'to thb other Islands by every opportunity. Subscription, - 50 conts por Month. GHAtR BcoklAnd, Editor. All busiucsscommunlcatlons to be adi dressed, .Manager --Daily, Bulletin, Post Office, ,JJqx N6I4. fdloph'orid 256. omco, .-- .- queen Street, Opposllo Wcat's Carrlogo Factory. J. G. CiiKViou, Manager a mMmmmmmmmm 8. M. CAUTKK. s. F. OUAHAM. U J Sf M. CARTER & 00. 8 Kins Street, - Honolulu, II. I. RETAIIi DEAIjEIIB IN Fire Wcitfd, Coal and Feed. XTTE would notify tho public, and YV House keepers in particular, that we keep on hand and far sale in, quan- tities to suit purchasers and at LOWEST RATES, fuel, as follows : Hard and Soft Woods, r ) Cut any lengths i t Charcoal; N.S.W. Newcastle Coals, Scotch Coals, and the Celebrated Wellington Mine Departure Bay Coals ; Also, Blacksmiths 'Coatt J . ) The above can be ordered by telephone or otherwise, and immediate dolivcry guaranteed. , g " . , f " GHV33 US? ACfliE. I ' Tclephonc,.No.,187. J , -- . , WE ALSO KEEP IN STOCK California and.Ncw Zealand; Barley, Wliole 'and Ground ; ' ; Wheat, Corn Whole and Cracked ; Bran, Middlings, and other Feed. . ESrOrder the above through Teleponc"N6.v IIW, and wc warrant quick delivery, and full "weight'Ordcrs from the other" ' Islands solicited-- . FJEfcEE DELIVEBY to all parts of chc city. Kemember, SfiTSiag street, 380 Bffi"And Telephone No. 187., Plantation goods. SimpJcBclting, Helvetia Laces, f ' Tuck Packing; ' ' f Sugar Coolers, Clariilefs, ' Fire Cluy, Hemp Packing, with or without India Rubber, . ., , Babbit Metal, - ' Barbed Fence Wire, Mining Steels, ..- - Hoes,-Pickaxc- s, Cane Knives, with or without hooks, Hantt aridt,Smith Hammers, T . ' Clintrnlc Avp.H. Jackscrews, Vices, Steam-pip- e Brushes, "' " " Patent Stcam-plpp'Covcrln- g, ly " '" H ' Lubricating Olir .r Cement, Steel Rails, Sujjar and Coal Bags, Twiue, &c, &c. . For sale by,,. , , ,u . i Jlt ... . 41 TJ.HACKFELTO&Co., Oct. ltll mm w pEORGE LUCAS, vX" ' Contractor und Builder,' hoitolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla- nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll and Hand Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Flail- ing, Morticing and Tenanting, Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other Is- - uuds solicited THE OLD CORNER Estublluhud, 1858. ilAitT Buos., : : Proprietors. M EALS Served up In llrnt'Olnsfl stylo ut till hours ' "Opon from 2 a, m. to 10 p, m. Ahviiys on lmwl OigEtrs, Tpbaooq, Pipes &Un AM, A)S0 XqocI XHiiUI n 1,SW,'J ,lol IVIiiMmk Till lRn.vlwiW.Tiw umuvi (Jwsph B. R EHLEBS & Oo.9 B&Y GOODS 1MPOR1 All tho Latest Novelties in Fancy Qodds Received by every stoamor i A. A. M0NTAN0, PHOTOGRAPHER, Corner Fort & King Sts. Desires to inform his iTtim6rous friends ' and, tho public generally that ho lins Reduced1 the Prices! 6f Photographs, which for Style, Quality and Finish canuot be excelled, From Locket to Life Size " n. cveryJStyle. A oplcndid assortment of NEW PHOTO FRAMES in Silk, Satin, Plush, Leather, &c, &c, of the latest styles. Also, a very largo collection of Island Views, Including the Volcano, Lava Flows, Sugar Mills and Plantations, Groups of Hawaiiansjin ancient and modern costumes. 3So. 78 Fort Street, 453 ly Opposite E. O. Hall & Son's W. E. HERRICK - ,'. ' aiASiBEirovED nis .Turning .Establishment From 110 Fort street, rJCO BETHEL S'EKJEET, opposite the Bethel, next door to Daiglp's machine shop andlBrun's Fur-nitiir"- e Fdcfory, whero lielwill continue to supply his customers with all kinds of I 'IWood andjvory Turning. Thankful for past favors, he hopes for a continuance of the same. 390 d A NEW DEPARTURE ! M toliam: Mlleb:'? Cabiuetmaker CL. Jk jM"1'8- - And UpIioltcrcr, No. 03 Hotel street, Opposite International Hotel, Between Nuuanu and Fort streets. A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. K0HM & ETJPPEE0HT , Beg to intimate to their friends and the public generally, that they are now pre- pared to execute orders for Plain, and Decorative Painting & Paperliangmg in the best and newest styles. Orders may be left lit his residence, No 09 Hotel street, or by letter at P. O Box, No. 411. 401 ly '' i" JOHN N0TT, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c. Stoves and Banges of all kinds. Plumbers' stock and metals, Houso Furnishing Goods, 7? Chandeliers, Lamps, &c. FOR SALE, a No. 2 Warehouse Feed Mill Grinds from fi to 10 tons pur day. Also, pulleys, belts, etc, all In good ordori can bo run by steam or horso power, just tho article for u pluntatlon. ALSO, HAY, OATS, CORN, Wheat, Urnn, Binloy, Wliolo und Ground, Mixed Feed, oto, AS aillSA'P AS THE OIIKAPKBT ftl) LAIN10 Co,, ill Fort Bt, CANDY FACTORY and mm)Y I'', IJ)IN, PnurttoHl ('Hiiroollmiiir, 1'iiHtry im) timl lliilr m1lmh, TulviliQo i LAWRENCE St FREETH, , CONTRACTORS. , Plans and Estimates furnished for works I of construction. Civil Engineering fcl Surveying Office, cor. Halckauwlla ancl Kilauca sts., next door to Wldemann's brick warehouse. . ,. J 800 P. O. Box, 101. ly' S. TREGLOAN, H. TAILOR, 204 FORT QT. HMEAD, & BUILDER,' No. 12 King st.,snoar.tho Bridge. All, kinds of Ico Chests, Refrigerators.) Bath Tubs, &c, &c, made and repaired 'at moderate charges. a05 ly & PHILLIPS, BROWN Plunibeis, Gas Fitters, and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St., Honolulu. 5" Houso and Ship Job Work promptly oxecutcd. 17 Robert Lewern, , , O. II. Cooke. L EWERS & OOOKE, (successors to Lowers & Dickson,) Importers and Dealers in Ltimbor and all kinds ot Bmldinc Mhterials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 & CO., WILDER Dealers In Lumber, Paints, Oils', Nails, Salt andBuUdhig Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sis., Honolulu. ' i iHR. QBRTZ. i,te- - No. 80 Fort street, Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies' and Children's uoots, suoes aim suppers. C. D. GEMSClt. 1 W. J. FAGEnilOOS. & PFAaBRROOSi rff iijiiT Practical "WAtcnmakers and Jewelers; No. 88 King Street, : : : Honolulu, opposite J. T. Vatcrhouse's. Watches of all kinds repaired in a satisfac. lory manner, and at itaASOXAItkR F1UCK&. Island orders attended to with prompt- ness, and all wont done by us ijuar- - 428 auleecLto giva.satisfaction. Gm i A. KRAFT, JEWELER, OPTICI AN, Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities. Store in the "Hawaiian Gazette" build-4- 4 ing, opposite the Bank. BKEAKINGr HORSES IN GENUINE STYLE. WALLACE JACKSON the thorough experienc- ed m horse brcaUer.wishcs 4 I n alfcllm l.ttAnf 41fc v "x iiiu juuiii; luiviiutv iiiut nc is miiy prepared 10 take charge of stock, and guarantees to break them thoroughly on hist Ranch, and attend carefully to feeding and doctoring horses. He lias now in his charge buch celebrated steeds as Black Thorn and other thoroughbreds, and has the exclusive charge of all of Mr. James Campbell's stock. Orders left at the Pantheon Stables, or at tho monimoth stables on Mr. James Campbell'.s property nt Kapiolani Park, will meet with promptness. 295 ly Wilson Brothers, mmmmmmW9m9to3mmmmmmmmmWmm)wyif' GENERxVL BLACKSMITHS. Shoeing a specialty A first-cla- ss man being specially engaged for that work, Ship and Wagon work faithfully attended to. Shop 011 tho Esplanade, op. llopper's.204 HAVE JUHT RECEIVED yy lot of very lino Gent's Saddles, And nlbo, some Very Fanoy Ladies' Bide Saddles. 846 A. H. CIlwIi'QNi & Oo'm, UYMXANTICN J INHTHUOTIONH In (lymniiBtlw will J lid kIvuii id JmlliH mid (Jlilhlpin lUUJi ( (0 1) (Ailooli, in mliUlIim In u BviiiiIhi,' (JI111.HK. H, II, UOM'i, liai J'niftlilimi .MIiltilliMOiiiilioii Hull I'rMriMiiiiH'N 1 MB)y npUMJiiiirjiiiulvwIfiiijii r, fliTui; ihm' mm Ojiiw ir$z '. 2v .. w j TtjfTTD ?.?. v. V' ' U; U mwMgVREJilT.. Commission Merchants. Brewer & Company, KJm (Limited) General Mercantile and C0MMI8Slf)N AtlUM'S.) LIST ov officers: ' P. C. Jones, Jr. . . .President & Manager 'J. O. CArter Treasurer & Secretary' directors: Hon. C. R. Bishop. Hon. H. A. P. Carter1 388 ly ' Geo. W. Macfarlanc. H. R. Macfarlane. Q. W. MACZARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MElk CHANTS and Sugar Factors, Firc-Proo- f Building, 52 (Jueen street,1 Honolulu. H. I. AGENTS tor Tho WuikapuSugar Plantation, Maui, Tho Spencer Sugar Plauiuiiou, Hawaii, The llcei.i augar nuutation, uunu, Huolo Sugar Mill, Maui, Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuloa Sncep Ranch Co., Huw'nii, J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow ami Port- able Tramway Works, Leeds, Mirrlces, Wation & Co'h Bujjar Machin ery, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets. 185 J. LYONS, L. J. LEVEY. LYONS & LEVEY, Auctioneers and General Commission Merchants, Beaver Block, Queen &t., - -- Honolulu. Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estate and General Merchandise promptly at- tended to. Sole Agents for American and Euro, pcan merchandise: 818' Claus Spreckc Wm. G. Irwin. irwin & Company. TT Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 HHaokfeld & Company, Commission Agents, Queen street, Honolulu. 1 GliEGHORN & CO. AS. Importers and Commission Merchants, dealers in General Merchan- dise, Queen and Kauhumanu"sts., Hono- lulu. 78 DIAS 8s QONSAL.VES, No. 57 Hotel Sticet, Honolulu, Importers and Dcalers'in Dry and Fancy Goods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery, 289 &c, &c, &c. JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 MS. GRINBAUM & CO., Importers of General Mer- - and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, 1 M, S. GRINBAUM & CO., Commission jMercluvnts, iz-i- . uuuioinia street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. BROWN & CO.. Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants, No. 14 Merchant st., Honolulu. 380 FT. LENEHAN & CO., Importers and Commission Merchants, Nuuanu St., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Castle. J. b, Athcrton. Castle '& Cooke, Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. l WING WO CHAN & CO., Importers and General Dealers In English, American and Chinese Pro- visions, Plantation Tea and General Supplies. Also, white and colored con- tract matting, all qualities and prices'. B6T" No. 22 Nuuanu Street, opposite Mr. Afonjt's. 81 G. II. ROBERTSON, tmBiAwrrnbim Drayman best teams in town. ' I'olenhono No. 05. 15 -- ff Honolulu Iron works, ... ninrllii.u ..rt..., .... uilirnv tnllla ., linll - ors, coolers: iron, bmss and lead cast ings; maohinury of every description made lo order. Paiticular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work oxe,-cute- d at short notice. W.1I. MoOAIVIM-:.SN- , No. 0 Qitvuu struol, Finlt Market. Dealer In choicest iiuiir, vm, .liuuoii, rHi, a', Faijilly and Shipping Orders cnnifiilly iiltouilml to, Llvo Biook fiirnlblinl in vvMHuU nt shiirt nolloo, and Yogctnblos of all I;ikIh supil(i(l to order, ill( ly " A JVow Jo(. l KEROSENE OIL! llM liri'l VUll, iWVllll'II .1 Ml III III!) IllWItol inui'i im ipniiiiiuim in nil lllf'IIIUIl'. Mn njmwwvni T IJITHDN, AfJ'lM'NTANT M Tu hit riimi hi (J. I . KiiliulUnli1 ulUuu, (jtiuuii ,m dij Professionals. DR. THAOHER, DENTIST, 10iy, Fort street (up stairs.) Clmrgetlowcr than any other dentist In Honolulu, whether traveling dentist or otherwise. Satisfaction guaranteed. j)(W ., DR. EMERBON, Residence and consultation rooms at No. 2 Kukul st.,. corner of Fort. Telephono No. 140. , 59,2m A ROSA, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Notary Public, Ofilcc with the Attorney General, ,AUo. lani Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly W AUSTIN WHITING, Attorney and Counscllbr at Law. Agent to tako acknowledgments of lnfairumcius. , ,, Kaahumanu 6t., Honolulu. J S09 SB. DOLE, - 'i.W! Lawyer and Notary.Publlti 11 No. 15 Kaahumanu TRANOIS M. HATCH, X Attorney at Law, M is Kaahuinaiiu st RICHARD F. BlOKERTONr and Counsellor nt Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free holds. Olllce. No. 84 Merchant st. 1 BROWN, Attorncr and Counsellor at Law-Notar- y Public, and Agent for taking Ac- knowledgments of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. No. 8 Knuhumanu st Honolulu. 1 JM. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public Real Estate in any part of the Kingdowu bought, sold' and leased, on commission. .Loans ncgotiti ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 10Q r O. BERGER, KAAHUMANU BTn'EKT. General Agent ior ' '' The N. Y. Life Insurance Company, The City of London Firo In. Co(li'mil'd Macnealci & Urban Safes, The Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. 238 J. WILLIAMS & Co. 120 Fort trcct, . - Honolulu Portrait and Landscape) DPliotog-raplieirS- s 180 ly WILLIAM AULD, to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for the District of Kona, Island of Oahu, at the office of the Honolulu Waterworks, foot of Nuu. ami street. 18b .f WILLIAM WOND, to take Acknowledg. ments to Contracts for Labor. Office Station House. 351 ly JOHN A. HASSINGER, A gout to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior Office, Honolulu. A7 O. akana, T T Chinese and Hawaiian Translator and Interpreter, No. 48 King street, Honolulu. Translations of either of the above lunguages made with accuracy and dis- patch,, and on reasonable terms. 209 Notice. TO BUTCHERS, GRAZIERS and all whom it may concern. Tho undersigned having Filler PTM"il mado'.altcrations. additions. raSE Hand improvements in his ra Mt.llPirvrJkv : is now prepared to givo The Uigliest Cash Value for nuy quantity qf And will furnish containers for tho biiuic free of cost to any one who may desire TIKIS. W. ItAAVf,TnS, "onol"!" Soap Works. Olllce In Brick Building, King street, Lelco, 483 lm FIRE WOOD! FOR SALE, Apply to S. M. OAUTJSR, 11)7 1. M. . Wlmrf. THE CITY SHOEING SHOP, No, 111 roil pirool, 0)iiltp, , .,,,,,,,, , 'iiniu tfinblw, N. J Hlmw, )l'(i)i'iiiir, I?UM,Y IWTAIIMHIIKl), ,vllli IhM iinuilrml mw 1 Ixllimlnji . Miuriii , ,VV llMlBjU'll muff timl PrlllXlCrt'Mi'lS iij'jv uni Mmmm m

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WALTER HILL, Proprietor.

Tins DaiiiY BuMinrrm Is printed nhdpublished every morning una circulatedthroughout the towa by carriers, andforwiirilcd'to thb other Islands by everyopportunity.Subscription, - 50 conts por Month.

GHAtR BcoklAnd, Editor.All busiucsscommunlcatlons to be adi

dressed, .Manager --Daily, Bulletin, PostOffice, ,JJqx N6I4. fdloph'orid 256.

omco, .-- .- queen Street,Opposllo Wcat's Carrlogo Factory.

J. G. CiiKViou, Managera mMmmmmmmmm


Sf M. CARTER & 00.8 Kins Street, - Honolulu, II. I.


Fire Wcitfd,Coal and Feed.

XTTE would notify tho public, andYV House keepers in particular, that

we keep on hand and far sale in, quan-

tities to suit purchasers and at LOWESTRATES, fuel, as follows :

Hard and Soft Woods,r ) Cut any lengths i


Charcoal; N.S.W. Newcastle Coals,

Scotch Coals, and theCelebrated Wellington Mine

Departure Bay Coals ;

Also, Blacksmiths 'Coatt J . )

The above can be ordered by telephoneor otherwise, and immediate dolivcryguaranteed. , g " . , f"

GHV33 US? ACfliE. I '

Tclephonc,.No.,187.J , -- . ,


California and.Ncw Zealand;

Barley, Wliole 'and Ground ;' ;

Wheat, Corn Whole and Cracked ;

Bran, Middlings, and other Feed. .

ESrOrder the above through

Teleponc"N6.v IIW,

and wc warrant quick delivery, and full"weight'Ordcrs from the other"

' Islands solicited-- .

FJEfcEE DELIVEBYto all parts of chc city.

Kemember, SfiTSiag street,380 Bffi"And Telephone No. 187.,

Plantation goods.SimpJcBclting,

Helvetia Laces,f ' Tuck Packing; ' ' f

Sugar Coolers,Clariilefs, '

Fire Cluy,

Hemp Packing, with or without IndiaRubber, . .,

, Babbit Metal, - '

Barbed Fence Wire,Mining Steels,

..- - Hoes,-Pickaxc- s,

Cane Knives, with or without hooks,Hantt aridt,Smith Hammers, T

. ' Clintrnlc Avp.H.

Jackscrews, Vices,Steam-pip- e Brushes,

"' " "Patent Stcam-plpp'Covcrln- g, ly" '" H 'Lubricating Olir .r

Cement, Steel Rails,Sujjar and Coal Bags,

Twiue, &c, &c. .

For sale by,,. , , ,u . i

Jlt ... . 41TJ.HACKFELTO&Co.,

Oct. ltll mm w

pEORGE LUCAS,vX" ' Contractor

und Builder,'hoitolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-

nade, Honolulu.Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-

work finish. Turning, Scroll and HandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Flail-

ing, Morticing and Tenanting,Orders promptly attended to and work

guaranteed. Orders from tho other Is- -

uuds solicited

THE OLD CORNEREstublluhud, 1858.

ilAitT Buos., : : Proprietors.

M EALSServed up In llrnt'Olnsfl stylo ut till hours

' "Opon from 2 a, m. to 10 p, m.

Ahviiys on lmwl

OigEtrs, Tpbaooq, Pipes&Un AM, A)S0

XqocI XHiiUIn1,SW,'J

,lol IVIiiMmk

Till lRn.vlwiW.Tiw umuvi (Jwsph

B. R EHLEBS & Oo.9

B&Y GOODS 1MPOR1All tho Latest Novelties in Fancy Qodds Received by every stoamor



Corner Fort & King Sts.Desires to inform his iTtim6rous friends '

and, tho public generally that ho lins

Reduced1 the Prices!6f Photographs, which for Style, Qualityand Finish canuot be excelled,

From Locket to Life Size" n. cveryJStyle.

A oplcndid assortment of

NEW PHOTO FRAMESin Silk, Satin, Plush, Leather, &c, &c,of the latest styles. Also, a very largocollection of

Island Views,Including the Volcano, Lava Flows,

Sugar Mills and Plantations,Groups of Hawaiiansjin ancient

and modern costumes.

3So. 78 Fort Street,453 ly Opposite E. O. Hall & Son's

W. E. HERRICK- ,'. ' aiASiBEirovED nis

.Turning .EstablishmentFrom 110 Fort street,

rJCO BETHEL S'EKJEET,opposite the Bethel, next door to

Daiglp's machine shop andlBrun's Fur-nitiir"- e

Fdcfory, whero lielwill continueto supply his customers with all kinds of

I 'IWood andjvory Turning.Thankful for past favors, he hopes for

a continuance of the same. 390 d


M toliam: Mlleb:'?


Jk jM"1'8--

And UpIioltcrcr,No. 03 Hotel street,

Opposite International Hotel,Between Nuuanu and Fort streets.


K0HM & ETJPPEE0HT, Beg to intimate to their friends and the

public generally, that they are now pre-pared to execute orders for

Plain, and DecorativePainting & Paperliangmg

in the best and newest styles.

Orders may be left lit his residence,No 09 Hotel street, or by letter at P. OBox, No. 411. 401 ly'' i"

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker,

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Bangesof all kinds.

Plumbers' stock and metals,

Houso Furnishing Goods,

7? Chandeliers, Lamps, &c.

FOR SALE, a No. 2

Warehouse Feed MillGrinds from fi to 10 tons pur day.

Also, pulleys, belts, etc, all In goodordori can bo run by steam or horsopower, just tho article for u pluntatlon.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, Urnn, Binloy, Wliolo und

Ground, Mixed Feed, oto,

AS aillSA'P AS THE OIIKAPKBTftl) LAIN10 Co,, ill Fort Bt,


I'', IJ)IN, PnurttoHl ('Hiiroollmiiir,1'iiHtry im) timl lliilr

m1lmh, TulviliQo i



Plans and Estimates furnished for works I

of construction. Civil Engineering fclSurveying Office, cor. Halckauwlla anclKilauca sts., next door to Wldemann'sbrick warehouse. . ,. J

800 P. O. Box, 101. ly'


HMEAD, & BUILDER,'No. 12 King st.,snoar.tho Bridge.

All, kinds of Ico Chests, Refrigerators.)Bath Tubs, &c, &c, made and repaired'at moderate charges. a05 ly

& PHILLIPS,BROWN Plunibeis, Gas Fitters,and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St.,Honolulu. 5" Houso and Ship JobWork promptly oxecutcd. 17

Robert Lewern, , , O. II. Cooke.

LEWERS & OOOKE,(successors to Lowers & Dickson,)

Importers and Dealers in Ltimbor and allkinds ot Bmldinc Mhterials, Fort street,Honolulu 1

& CO.,WILDER Dealers In Lumber, Paints,Oils', Nails, Salt andBuUdhig Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sis.,Honolulu. ' i

iHR. QBRTZ. i,te--No. 80 Fort street,Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies'and Children's uoots, suoes aim suppers.

C. D. GEMSClt. 1 W. J. FAGEnilOOS.

& PFAaBRROOSirff iijiiT

Practical "WAtcnmakersand Jewelers;

No. 88 King Street, : : : Honolulu,opposite J. T. Vatcrhouse's.

Watches of all kinds repaired in a satisfac.lory manner, and at

itaASOXAItkR F1UCK&.Island orders attended to with prompt-

ness, and all wont done by us ijuar- -428 auleecLto giva.satisfaction. Gm i


Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities.Store in the "Hawaiian Gazette" build-4- 4

ing, opposite the Bank.


WALLACE JACKSONthe thorough experienc-edm horse brcaUer.wishcs4 I n alfcllm l.ttAnf 41fc

v "x iiiu juuiii; luiviiutv iiiutnc is miiy prepared 10

take charge of stock, and guaranteesto break them thoroughly on hist Ranch,and attend carefully to feeding anddoctoring horses. He lias now in hischarge buch celebrated steeds as BlackThorn and other thoroughbreds, and hasthe exclusive charge of all of Mr. JamesCampbell's stock.

Orders left at the Pantheon Stables,or at tho monimoth stables on Mr. JamesCampbell'.s property nt Kapiolani Park,will meet with promptness. 295 ly

Wilson Brothers,


GENERxVL BLACKSMITHS.Shoeing a specialty

A first-cla- ss man being specially engagedfor that work,

Ship and Wagon work faithfullyattended to.

Shop 011 tho Esplanade, op. llopper's.204

HAVE JUHT RECEIVEDyy lot of very lino

Gent's Saddles,And nlbo, some

Very Fanoy Ladies' Bide Saddles.846 A. H. CIlwIi'QNi & Oo'm,


INHTHUOTIONH In (lymniiBtlw willJ lid kIvuii id JmlliH mid (Jlilhlpin

lUUJi ( (0 1) (Ailooli, in mliUlIim In uBviiiiIhi,' (JI111.HK. H, II, UOM'i,liai J'niftlilimi .MIiltilliMOiiiilioii

Hull I'rMriMiiiiH'N 1

MB)y npUMJiiiirjiiiulvwIfiiijiir, fliTui; ihm'mm Ojiiw

ir$z '.2v..w j

TtjfTTD ?.?. v.V' ' U; UmwMgVREJilT..Commission Merchants.

Brewer & Company,KJm (Limited)

General Mercantile andC0MMI8Slf)N AtlUM'S.)

LIST ov officers: '

P. C. Jones, Jr. . . .President & Manager'J. O. CArter Treasurer & Secretary'

directors:Hon. C. R. Bishop. Hon. H. A. P. Carter1

388 ly '

Geo. W. Macfarlanc. H. R. Macfarlane.Q. W. MACZARLANE & Co.


Sugar Factors,Firc-Proo- f Building, 52 (Jueen street,1

Honolulu. H. I.AGENTS tor

Tho WuikapuSugar Plantation, Maui,Tho Spencer Sugar Plauiuiiou, Hawaii,The llcei.i augar nuutation, uunu,Huolo Sugar Mill, Maui,Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Sncep Ranch Co., Huw'nii,J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow ami Port-

able Tramway Works, Leeds,Mirrlces, Wation & Co'h Bujjar Machin

ery, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets.



LYONS & LEVEY,Auctioneers and General

Commission Merchants,Beaver Block, Queen &t., - - - Honolulu.

Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estateand General Merchandise promptly at-tended to.

Sole Agents for American and Euro,pcan merchandise: 818'

Claus Spreckc Wm. G. Irwin.irwin & Company.

TT Sugar Factors and CommissionAgents, Honolulu. 1

HHaokfeld & Company,Commission Agents,

Queen street, Honolulu. 1

GliEGHORN & CO.AS. Importers and CommissionMerchants, dealers in General Merchan-dise, Queen and Kauhumanu"sts., Hono-lulu. 78

DIAS 8s QONSAL.VES,No. 57 Hotel Sticet, Honolulu,

Importers and Dcalers'in Dry and FancyGoods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery,

289 &c, &c, &c.

JOHN T. WATERHOUSE,Importer and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

MS. GRINBAUM & CO.,Importers of General Mer- - and Commission Merchants,Honolulu, 1

M, S. GRINBAUM & CO.,Commission jMercluvnts,

iz-i- . uuuioinia street,1 San Francisco, Cal.

BROWN & CO..Wholesale Wine and Spirit

Merchants, No. 14 Merchant st.,Honolulu. 380

FT. LENEHAN & CO.,Importers and Commission

Merchants, Nuuanu St., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Castle. J. b, Athcrton.

Castle '& Cooke,Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. l

WING WO CHAN & CO.,Importers and General Dealers

In English, American and Chinese Pro-visions, Plantation Tea and GeneralSupplies. Also, white and colored con-tract matting, all qualities and prices'.

B6T" No. 22 Nuuanu Street, oppositeMr. Afonjt's. 81

G. II. ROBERTSON,tmBiAwrrnbim Drayman best teamsin town. ' I'olenhono No. 05. 15

--ff Honolulu Iron works,... ninrllii.u..rt..., ....uilirnv tnllla., linll -

ors, coolers: iron, bmss and lead castings; maohinury of every descriptionmade lo order. Paiticular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work oxe,-cute- d

at short notice.

W.1I. MoOAIVIM-:.SN- ,

No. 0 Qitvuu struol, Finlt Market.Dealer In choicest

iiuiir, vm, .liuuoii, rHi, a',Faijilly and Shipping Orders cnnifiilly

iiltouilml to, Llvo Biook fiirnlblinl invvMHuU nt shiirt nolloo, and Yogctnblosof all I;ikIh supil(i(l to order, ill( ly

"A JVow Jo(. l

KEROSENE OIL!llM liri'l VUll, iWVllll'II .1 Ml III III!) IllWItol

inui'i im ipniiiiiuim in nil lllf'IIIUIl'.Mn njmwwvniT IJITHDN, AfJ'lM'NTANT

M Tu hit riimi hi (J. I . KiiliulUnli1ulUuu, (jtiuuii ,m dij



10iy, Fort street (up stairs.)Clmrgetlowcr than any other dentist

In Honolulu, whether traveling dentistor otherwise. Satisfaction guaranteed.

j)(W .,

DR. EMERBON,Residence and consultation rooms

at No. 2 Kukul st.,. corner of Fort.Telephono No. 140. , 59,2m


And Notary Public,Ofilcc with the Attorney General, ,AUo.lani Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly

W AUSTIN WHITING,Attorney and Counscllbr at Law.

Agent to tako acknowledgments oflnfairumcius. , ,,

Kaahumanu 6t., Honolulu. J S09

SB. DOLE, - 'i.W!Lawyer and Notary.Publlti

11 No. 15 Kaahumanu

TRANOIS M. HATCH,X Attorney at Law,M is Kaahuinaiiu st

RICHARD F. BlOKERTONrand Counsellor nt Law.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Freeholds. Olllce. No. 84 Merchant st. 1

BROWN,Attorncr and Counsellor at Law-Notar- y

Public, and Agent for taking Ac-knowledgments of Instruments for theIsland of Oahu. No. 8 Knuhumanu stHonolulu. 1


and Notary Public Real Estate in anypart of the Kingdowu bought, sold' andleased, on commission. .Loans ncgotitited, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 10Q


KAAHUMANU BTn'EKT.General Agent ior ' ''

The N. Y. Life Insurance Company,The City of London Firo In. Co(li'mil'dMacnealci & Urban Safes,The Celebrated Springfield Gas MachineGas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.


J. WILLIAMS & Co.120 Fort trcct, . - Honolulu

Portrait and Landscape)DPliotog-raplieirS- s

180 ly

WILLIAM AULD,to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for the Districtof Kona, Island of Oahu, at the office ofthe Honolulu Waterworks, foot of Nuu.ami street. 18b .f

WILLIAM WOND,to take Acknowledg.

ments to Contracts for Labor.Office Station House. 351 ly

JOHN A. HASSINGER,A gout to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor. Interior Office,Honolulu.

A7 O. akana,T T Chinese and Hawaiian Translator

and Interpreter,No. 48 King street, Honolulu.

Translations of either of the abovelunguages made with accuracy and dis-patch,, and on reasonable terms. 209


and all whom it may concern.Tho undersigned having

Filler PTM"il mado'.altcrations. additions.raSEHand improvements in his

ra Mt.llPirvrJkv:is now prepared to givo

The Uigliest Cash Valuefor nuy quantity qf

And will furnish containers for tho biiuicfree of cost to any one who may desireTIKIS. W. ItAAVf,TnS,

"onol"!" Soap Works.Olllce In Brick Building,

King street, Lelco, 483 lm


Apply to

S. M. OAUTJSR,11)7 1. M. . Wlmrf.

THE CITY SHOEING SHOP,No, 111 roil pirool,

0)iiltp, , .,,,,,,,, , 'iiniu tfinblw,N. J Hlmw, )l'(i)i'iiiir,

I?UM,Y IWTAIIMHIIKl), ,vllliIhM iinuilrml mw 1

Ixllimlnji . Miuriii , ,VVllMlBjU'll muff timl PrlllXlCrt'Mi'lS

iij'jv uni Mmmm m


V ".

$be flx ltlcliilWEDNESDAY, SEPT. 0 1883.


Oulm Lodge, No. t K. of 1 7 :l)0.

Bethel Prayer Electing, nt 7:130.Fori St. Church, Prayer Meeting

at 7:30.St. Andrew's Cathedral, usual

services, at 7 :30.




The Hawaiian Band returned some-what unexpectedly on the Maiiposawithout Mr. Bcrger who was de-

tained to arrange their business mat-

ters. The remuneration paid to theband for their various engagementsdid not cover their expenses so thatthey decided to return at once toHonolulu.

At the Concert and' Fan brigadeevolutions in connection with theKnights 'Templars celebration a S.

F. paper says :

Tho! orchestral-portio- of the en-

tertainment was not neglected, asfour excellent bands were in atten-

dance, alternating in rendering thefollowing varied programme :

i'lUST AKTII.IiKUY IAS1.Sei liiMcle Magnol in Mi-sn- t

Selection Robert lc Diablo. .MeyerbeerWAI.IlA WAU.A HANI).

Ronmnzn Spring Awakening BachGrand March St. GeinitiincFcnutiiei


Lnccr& Madame Angot LtcocqAValtz My Queen CooteSchoUisehc When My Ship Conic In

JorgeQuadrille Mascot Audi anPolka A Good Ki&s Wnldteufel

riircKix band.Waltz Winter Night's Dicnni.-SUirtz- e

Polka Sunbeam StraussIn the account of the procession

another paper says: "There is asort of "Aloha" and the Royal Ha-

waiian Band comes by, headed 1)3' ai

gorgeous Drum-Majo- r, blowing mostlustily and lamenting that its brand-ne- w

uniforms had been delayed onthe way from New York, uniformswhich would have surpassed eventhose of Lyon & Healy's Band.They are playing for the Third orIrish Regiment, headed by ColonelRobert Tobin. The regiment halts

, by the way as something of a blockoccurs ahead and the Hawaiians fillup the time by singing their nationalhymn, whereat the crowd cheersInstil', while one enthusiastic indi-vidual shouts out that the represen-tatives of all that is most musical inthe Sandwich Islands do most deci-

dedly "take the poi."skmi-sagki:- d.

"The music till the beginning' ofthe service was furnished by the Ha-

waiian Band, who rendered melodiesof a semi-sacre- d character suited tothe occasion. Their principal num-

bers were :

1. Grand March from Tannhattscr.2. Chorus from Beethoven. .3. Choi us fiom Schneider's Day of

Judgment.4. Chorus from Welby's "O Lord,

My God."5. Suite fiom Lachner.0. Overture to Glide's Itcmiuiscaiccs of


was at Woodward's Gardens wherethey were advertised for a "SpecialEngagement and Positively Last Ap-

pearance of the Royal Hawaiian Mi-

litary Band (The King's CourtBand). 36 Solo Artists 3G 36Solo Artists 36. II. Burger, Con-

ductor. Acknowledged by the pressand public to be the best Band thathas ever visited San Francisco."


In speaking of their arrival theChronicle says. "The arrival of thesteamer Mariposa on Tuesdaybrought to this port the

band of Hawaiian na-

tive musicians, among whom it wasreported that the loathsome diseaseof leprosy existed. This is theKind's own military band and num-

bers thirty-tw- o in . Just beforeleaving the island two of them werefound to be too sick to make thevoyage, but what the cause of theirsickness was has not been ascer-tained. On leaving Honolulu theypassed through an inspection by theQuarantine Uillccr ana wcro pro-

nounced to bo in sound health, butoji arriving in this port by thethorough examination made byQuarantine OlHccr Dr. McAllistertwo inoro cases pf sickness wore dis-

covered, and, too, of such a natureUnit tio invalid Kanakas wore imme-

diately sent to tho hospital. Tlireoclays boforo tlio arrival ft who ofauiito plmirlHy was found, mid on(lie arrival Dr, WoAlllHtor furrotoflout I ho other hIoIv miihIuImi.

TIipwj two fllfsk oiiuh reiluot) tholimifl to only twimti'Plglit j)urfoiihpih, luit tliu wliolo llili'ly urn imriwliumU or 8JIWI win!), wlilyli tiro alvDiiby tlm limifl miwli'i'i II. Wmw,TIib&h ImmlN hid n niiuninly of llii'lrJVUiniliHllnlllHIljlU'

A r wiWi i'iiIIihb on Him ijiiihI

master, found that individual veryangry at the reports that had pre-

ceded him. The Professor, speak-ing of leprosy, said: "It is all ialse.Sonic three years ngo there was acase of supposed leprosy in the bandand the man was immediately dis-

charged. We pass both the quaran-tine "ollicors at Honolulu and thispoit and have clean ceililicates ofhealth." This statement somewhatcontradicts that of Dr. McAllisterwho refused to pass two of themusicians, and wondered how one ofthe cases could have escaped detec-tion at Honolulu.

Some Honolulu ic talents whowere in San Francisco at the sametime as tho band" tetato that the boyswere well received and very well be-

haved during the whole trip, thattheir music was good and alwaysannrcciated. When returning fromthe review on turning the corner ofSacramento street, where the build-

ings were all crowded with peoplethey were loudly cheered, and, onreaching the Baldwin, they receiveda perfect ovation. At the perfor-mance at Woodwaid's Gar-dens some 15,000 people werepresent and the Hawaiianband was encored for every num-ber they performed, twice the' sangthe Hawaiian National Anthemwhich was well received. At thePalace Hotel upon one occasion theChicago band was playing while ourboys were playing at the GrandHotel, subsequently the Hawaiianswent to the Palace and receivedmore than twice as much applauseand cheering as their friendly op-



An Account of her Trial Trip.

Yesterday the new iron steamshipKinau, built by the Cramps for inter-islan- d

service among the SandwichIslands, made a successful trial tripdown the Delaware River to tlieEdgm,oor Ironworks, near Wilming-ton, Del., and returned to the ship-yard. She is the latest addition to afleet of wooden steamers now lim-ning i'n the Sandwich Islands, ownedand controlled by Hon. S. G. Wilder,of Honolulu. Her gross register is1000 tons and her dimensions are:Length,- - 200 feet ; breadth of beam,33 feet, and 15 feet depth of hold,with accommodations for seventysaloon and 400 steerage passengers.The engines are of.thc two-cylind- er

inverted vertical type, and are of the600 indicated horse-powe- r. Thecylinders are 24 and J 1 inches indiameter, and have a piston stroke of3G inches. During the trip twelveknots per hour weie made, the pro-

peller making eighty-fo- ur revolutionsper minute, exceeding the expecta-tions of her builders and owner.The following passengers ere on thetrip: Hon. S. G. Wilder, Hon. J.Mott Smith, Hawaiian Commissioner ;

Mr. and Mrs. Ilosracr, Miss Hosmer,Volncy V. Ashford, Judge Wlrygt,Miss Curtis, Miss Miller, Mrs. Miller,Horace Sea, Edward Cramp, JacobCramp and George Paul.

The Kinau will sail next Saturdayunder the command of the followingofficers : Captain E. A. Von Schmidt ;

chief officer, John Anderson ; chiefengineer, Thomas, C. Warley, withA. Gurgland as lirst assistant. Thedistance from the Delaware Capes toHonolulu is 15,000 miles. A cargoconsisting of 700 tons of coal and100 tons of merchandise will be takenon board. The Kinau is. the firstiron vessel that flew the Hawaiianflaj? in the Pacilic.

SHIPPING NOTES.The German bark Frledcrlch is load-

ing at Hongkong for Honolulu.The Suez arrived at Hongkong on

July 20th, 25 days from Honolulu. Hadline weather to Loochoo Islands, thencestrong monsoons and heavy rain.

Tho Spaitan is 174 days out"The teni Eva, Capt. J. O. Wikman,

arrived yesterday, 17 days from Eureka,with 284,325 ft of lumber, and 252,000shingles. She is consigned to Messrs.Wilder & Co.

The schr Claus Spicckcls, Capt. Drew,arrived ycsteiday, 10 days fiom SanFrancisco, with 515 ska out?, 200 baleshay, COO sks flour, 100 sks bran, 400 sksbarley, 1291 .ska bone-meal- , 1 horw, and51 hogs, tie. She is consigned to MonrsAV. O. Irwin Co,


KUiiiiqii volimuo Is very active,

Fred Ficuiiiiiii bus inunlud MollloJ lay,

Aiiuiliitr cliluiiuiuii whh urrafclml Mon-

day will) "plum In liU )0H$(iBb(in,

i.'aitain .MDlirlniiw liiiMiiiiiriul tlirmiIIIDI'H CIlllllllPI) Will) )( llill!ll In ilitiic))UNiUf)lli

'A iii'iv iiml iiiitjiui iniilp m oiwhul

on I lti )liuu Muiiiluy uuiiiliiK iur I lit)

wli Hit) u )U Wlllt'UJt ul lliu Muj'ljiutu.

Colonel Clans 'Spreckeis left oa the Likclikc for Maul.

A largo quantity of frcMi fruit was

brought by the Mariposa, also some


Lycan anb Johnson have effected very

large sales this week and cleaicd outplenty of stock.

Mkssks. A. W.. Richardson & Co.,have received a choice lot of new goods

by tho Mariposa.

The Jas. Makee brings news of plnn.teous rains at Kauai, nnd every prospei Is of a goodly crop.

oThree thousand three hundred people

wero staying at the l'aleec Hotel S. F.dining the recent conclave.

.- --

A meeting of the Trustees of OnhuCollege was held on Monday night toanange for furnishing their new build.l,,s?- -

The German laborers for Ookola plan-tutio- n

were marched down to the Like-lik- e

yesterday by a detachment of thopolice force.

ii4Some of the Knights Templar came to

Honolulu by the Mariposa, extendingtheir tiip so as to make a short visit tothese islands.

A child, named Mary Burgess, fourmonths old, whose paients live oil Bore-tani- a

street, was suffocated yesterdaywhile lying in bed.

.The band was playing at the Palace

yesterday morning. One of the boys actsas conductor and ij: is generally reportedthat Mr. Bcrger will not return.

A largo quantity of material for theproposed tramway to Kapiolanl Parkhas been received ''by the Mariposa, itconsists chiefly of mateiial for curves.

. Mn. E. O. Hall has resigned his posi-

tion as agent for the American Board ofMissions, and 'Mr. W. W- - Hall lias'beenappointed agent in 'his father's place.


On Saturday afternoon water wasstruck at a depth-o- f 470 feet on. Mr.Herbert's property on the plains whereaitesiau well boiing had been continued...

Messrs Well?. Fargo & Co. have Avestreet, boxes to be placed in various partsof the cliy for theWcption of letters!there is also a box'for the Hawaiian Ho-

tel and another to,be placed in front ofJ. "V. Robeitson's --store. They will allbe cleared at the latest posMble momentbefore tlie departure of tho O. S. S. Co'ssteamers.

The August uumber'of the 'MissionaryHerald has a long "In memorium" arti-cle concerning thoj late Mrs. Peter J.Gulick, an aunt of the present Ministerof the Interior, who ranio'to these islandsin November 1827 with the fourth com-pany of inissiouarics.aud nine years agowent to Japan. Mrs. Gulick, at the timeof her death, was eighty live years ofage. She is said to have been the firstperson who'intructed the natives "inplaiting the stinw-lik- e covcriug of thesugar-can- s blossom into materhls forhats and bonnets."


French attacked Ilordiing in Ton- -

quin on lUth Augt.Fortyfour houses burned in Como,

Italy. 193 deaths from cholera inEgypt on Augt. 21st.

Three large grain and groceryArms in Cincinnati have assignedtheir Estates.

The next Triennial Conclave willbe ,held at St. Louis.

Destructive Mountain fires areraging in America.

Slade is preparing 'to meet Mitch-ell in KanBas but the governor re-

fuses to allow them o fight there.Yellow fever is not spreading at

Pensacola.It is reported that cholera has

broken out in Sumatra. !'

Five lives were lost at a fire inBoston.

Shocks of earthqunke hayebeenfelt in Lima and Tasmania.

Lord Coleridge has arrived,, jn.New York.

Archbishop Vauglmn, CatholicBishop of New South Wales diedsuddenly.

Itoss won the single scull racebeating Tecmer, Tcueyck, Hosmer,and McKay.

Four persons drowned while bath-ing at Wells.

Knights Templar Masonic Con-clave passed off triumphantly.

Cctewayo is still alive.Tito Telegraph operators strike

has como to tin end.The printers strike in Sim Fran-

cisco still continues,Dollarvillo (Midi.) nearly des-troy- ed

by flro. Two children burnedto dentil,. X'rlnccbu Botilrluo has boon en-gaged to funilsli ekotdica for pub-liuntl-

in u prominent monthlyjoiiniiil In Kimliiud.V Tiii.ii i.mim.1. ...ti ,l.i,.-g- w.


,. I Hi flly. mi Hnnl, Ilnl.liy III IIV.

III 11 111 IIIIJIJ. lllllllin1 l itlmn to MlnsAllmiKWl


Hit Niml, llnl, id Him I'tntltliinuu nl' Jloii.))' il In, II.,, II, , X ,i,,l,uri.l I'llM'l 111. IIIU IIH1I i III (MilMini .. inn , n I id tnhiiiiiiiir fi Mini liu.

lUI" IUMIlDliUliii "I )lni'iiiii,




HARKNESS FIRE EXTINGUISHERS!Guaranteed to put out twice ns large a firo in half tho thno of any other machine.

It does not get out of order, and is always ready for inc.

Every icidenec, Sugar Mill and Store should liavo one.

Magneso-Calcit- e Fire Proof Safes & Boxes'Absolutely

With largei percentage of inside spaco than any other safc--AOBNTS KOll TltK AllOVE.

NEW DESIGNS IN SILVER PLATED WAREWire Cloth, Wire Netting, Rice Cloth, Bird Cages,

Barb Fencing Wire,, Pumps, Windwills, Tanks,- -HYDRAULIC RAMS.

Kerosene and Libricatlng Oils a specially

Call and examine

--rfIS.DEVT'-Shoe & Clothing Sale

-A. M. Mellis', : : :

Commencing This, Day- -

On account of retiring from this branch of

busiaess",' I will sell my, entire stock ofLadies', Gent's, and Ohildrenfsv;-.'- ,


iv ,: Shoesy and Men's and.(1 4

Boy's Olpthing i.' Regakdless of Cost"!

A.TSo. 68

E.Real Brokr.


- .ili.l J '5BBfi'

Wb'ark Sole


A good stock on hand and to arrive. '

our New Goods.



: : 104 Fort

i 1

' U ilfli


Go's.,Fort SLi-ce- t.

WISEMAN, tij')





(tE'ECTEo ir oun mh. stockley) at







Cutsitoiu IIouwc 13-oli-

Employment Vgreut, andGeneral BusmeRs A.fgGrii3

Ofllee.i 27 Merchant street, ' - Hawaiian Gazetto Blocks '

By request, I have added to my business that of a CUSTOM HOUSE BUOKEKand will hereafter attend to making entries at the Custom House of goods throughPower of Attorney from merchants. Qur business community will find this dc.partment a great source of convenience. i

ESTThe ONLY recognized Real Estate Broker in this Kingdom.'8,Land and property for sale in all parts1 of Honolulu, and tho various Inlands. 'Houses to lease and rent in Honolulu and suburbs.Rooms to rent, en suite or siugle, throughout Honolulu.Books and Accounts kept. Bills collected. Legal papeis of every "description

drawn. Agent' for Vickery's Monthly Fircsldu Magazine and Visitor, with18 Chromos; 'subscription $l'25 por year. Agent for tho Best Life

Insurancq Company in tho World. i 'Its?' Charges always moderate. Telcj)hono No. 172.


A Supply of New Goods,'

Coal, Iron, Oak, Ash, Spokes, RIiiib,Fulloos, IIiiIm, SliuftB, &,, of tho host cjuuUty,

H9ld;ittliulowJ!jt)JrJo8,' '

'OUT-TODE- R CARRIAGES,'Pheetonif Bulei, Wagons, &o,f &o.r

Mitiiuriiutiii'oi W nil Hi" Intel Impiovmuuiiu,

HiiiolfNininuim Wiihvri iini H'!Yi'y;fhwiM'iMioiMlliivlng Hid iii;t;mm ii m I hid nimhlm) n (o wor

JliiiM)v iiml itfiliov lliiui miy oIImu- - firm In iiuh niiyf .

Muw wuib UJJfl llinlrlug iIuhd v lib nniH.i,li,'lliifuBHHi nr nu ilii)ip iiijifjuj

TELEPHONIC.Dimond Head, Sept. 5, 0:00 a.m.

Fresh North E. wind.Nothing in sight.

ARRIVALS.t Sent I 'Schr Chtus Srh-cckelf- c from S. F.Tern Eva from EurekaStmr James Mnkuc from KauaiSehr Waluhu from Paukaa'Sopt 5- - '

Stur Iwalani from windward ports



Stmr Likcliko for windward portsSohr Marion for KukuilmeloSehr Ehukal for WninliiuSchr Emma for Ililo .

VESSELS LEAVING THIS DAYBark Elsinore for S. F.Sehr Liholiho for "WaianacSchr Caterina fpr Ilaimlci,SohWaioliifor Paaqlmut


-- From San Franqisco per Claus.Spreckels Sept 4 C E Hall, JohnBurke, W E Trigg, P Hatman MCropley

From Kauai per Jas Makee, Septi4- - chinead 'imd 60 deck.

For windward ports, per Eikelike,Sept. 4th J Nawahi, Miss Apau,B E Bond, Mr Apau, wife & child,D C" Williams, Kev Lconor, MrsWilliams, Rev Forbes & daughter,Bro Acorn, H L Sheldon, H CornwellBro Mark, Bro Parr, Miss Terry,J Bicknell, Mr Kunuiakea and wife,J M Stinson, Mrs T E Atwater, G--

Wilder, J F Gilthuen, A,Diverill,J II Sopor, D II Hitchcock, II PWood, W X Horner, J J Horner,wife and 3 children, Mrs II Muller,Mrs C Dudoit, E G-- Hitchcock, FHorner and wife, J W Halm, MrKutz, H A Widomann, M M Wilson,J Kieefillan, and 125 deck.

From windvard ports per IwalaniSept 5th H R II Pnnuess Likelike,Princess Kauilani, J W Robertsonand wife, Miss Barnes, Miss 'Atkin-son, J A Buck, C N Spencer, W MGiffard, Mrs Fuller and child, MrsOeding and son, 'Miss Babcock, FAllen, Lieut Roberts, W" II Corn-wel- l,

A Barnes,' Misses Williams,Miss Cooke, and 80 deck.

VESSELS IN PORTStmr Maripora, HowardGr bk Canopus, Scknatmcycr.Bk Elsinore, .leaks. 'Bk Martha Hideout, Sears.Bk Kalakaua, Miller , .

BkCalbarieri,'Hul)bardBgtne Qpnsuelo, CousinsTcra Eva, Wikinan rSchr Claus Spreckels, Drow


ATTORNEY AT LAW.Office, on Merchant street, (next door

to Dr. Stangcnwald.) k 405 ly

Notice.IS HEREBY GIVEN that Sing Tong

Ping Chong Afau, and Aiuhave retired f i om the tlrm of Sun Che-on- g

Leong & Co. Aiong will carry onthe business under the Arm name of SunCheong ,Leong & Co., at Hceia, Koolau-poko- ,

Oahu, and assume all liabilities.jgjfAll debts owing said Arm must be

paid to him. AIONG.Sept. 8, 1883. 495 2w


from the Honolulu Jcb FactoryICE can now be had

In any Ciia'ntity,407

Algcrolm Woorf For Sale.IN'QUANTITIES TO SUIT,rcarted to

apply at ouce toA. Marques, Bcckwith street, Punahou,or Post Olllce. 407 3t

When are you going to school,Boys ?A NICE HORSE, thoroughly sound and kiud

"f as't trotter; the proper-ty of a school bov irone

to the coast, for sale oneasy "terms. Apply to A. $l. dailyBulletin office. 407 8t

WnutedSMART INTELLIGENT BOY,A from 14 to 1G, ycars-o- f ago apply

at Hawaiian Hotel olUee. 493 lw

Wanted,Empty Soda or Ginger Ale

J30rXirXXiliBelonging to PALMER & THACIIERPlease leave word at the Drug Store, No.113 Fort street. 470 lm

IjOHt.BOORS containing surveys

THREE at Kullhl Oahu. Thefinder or uiiyone giving information

will bo au r nlo Jby apftylng IQ J. P. BHOWN, or

4l3 .Ittfovornuiant Survey OIJIco.

"fHtTHtoleiM' Htrnyoil,MtrJj HA-- MAUN wlththroo

ONK polaji) lmr (k y, wJjorotho

SIuRnlilu rowurU will M Wli Mi'Inn i Hil olllofli ..JZi:'

MlO IIOWIU'O,fmTonh,,iii'''lity1 ilJi ,1N0t,y1M'

i A tlf i YmWm TinvitlliiK Hun,


"W wv - Tfrp' ta 7



Oceanic Steamship Oomp'y.--5j$j: the "aiagnificent

jSjjjifej&riicw and Elog.uit Steamship

MARIPOSA & ALAMEDA,Will leave Honolulu for San Fran,

Cisco as follows:M Alt IPOS A

Leave Honolulu Sept 10, noonLeave San FianchCo OcU 1stLeave Honolulu Oct. 15, noon

AIAMJEDALeave San Francisco Oct. 15thLeave Honolulu Nov. 1, nOoti

Passkkukus may have their namesbooked in advance by applying at theolllce of the1 agents.

Passengers by this line are hereby no-tified that they will bo allowed 200 lbsof baggage free by tlio Overland Hall-way, when traveling East.

Mkuciianimse intended for shipmentby this line will be received froe ofcharge in the Company's New Ware-house and receipts issued for same.

inbuiuncm on mcrehamlisewhllsMnthe warehouse, will be nt'owner's lisk.

Wm. G. Iuwin & Co.,Agents, O. S.'S. Co.


ifi" Tim 'RftllollayrattT , ,

Steamship " MadraB." jBradley, Master,

Theo. H. Davies & Co. have this dayreceived instructions that the steamshipMadras will not take passengers fromthis port to Hongkong.

Honolulu, Sept. 1st, 1883.


Elegant Trunksand Valises,


Satin Lined Clothing,

Gent's Furnishing Goods,

Dry Goods, Real Laces,Unprecedented Bargains.

The Louvre of Brussels,483 lm Cor. Alakca & Xing sta.

WILLIAM J. BRYSON. ABOILER MAKER,.And Sheet Iron Worker. TanksandfCoolc'ra made to order. Particularattention paid to Repair AVork. Ordersleft at R. Moore's Machine Shop, Kingstreet, will be promptly attended to.

487 lm

A. G. EIXIS,BROKER, will buy or sell

Plantation Stock, Bonds, andOther Marketable Securities,

Attheir market value for cash.215 Office with E. P. Adams. Auct'r.


8 and 10 Merohaht Street.No. H0S. 4841m

FOR SALE,HORSE & CARRIAGES(Express) suitable for

i Family use. Hoise gentle and in good condi

tion. Call at once. Sell for 225.Also, a very line OUT-FI- consisting

ofja First-clas- s Top Buggy, New Har-ness and fine Driving Horse, suitablefo.r a Jady to drive, and warranted.

Apply toJ. E. WISEMAN.

Jw402 Gen'l Business Agent:

Poultrymen take Notice.HAVE ii bran new INCUBATORI for Sale, manufactured in the Eas-

tern Market never been used. Is justthe thing needed by Poultrymen and isa perfect model in every respect. Sellreasonable.

For further particulars, nnnlv toJ. E. WISEMAN,

lw 400 Gen'l Business Agent.

For Sale or Bent.a HOUSE AN D LUT.ou Jruncu- -

bowl St. above School St,containing 0 Rooms, Kitchen,

Pantry, Bathhouse, Stable anil Carriage,House.408"2w Apply to E. KRUSE.

To let,A HOUSE on Emma street,containing 7 rooms, kitchen, nantrv. servant'sIBWB"i " ' - i

room, carriage-house- , staining, anu iowihousp. Inquire t 70 Fort street or CITSmrnn street. 434 tf


X private family! 10 minutes fromthe Post Olllce. Garden and comfort-able surroundings. The rooms are spa-clou- s

and lofty ami well ventilated.Particulars at the Windsor Saloon,

King struct. 478

"" ToliCt.ROOM, suitable either for ijONE or gontU'inun. .PJuiuHHtniM.

.uj(it locality, about 10 mlitulca walkfrom tiwj, Al'Ply Hi oo. .181 tf

B'lll'IlNlltMl UOiJWffrpo WiT.iioinor of Qiionn and Jniiol.

w I f , i jiply '! ))w Vi mji I w

A PINK WIT 0'Ooi)t'oi. MntMng

I'm Hiilr hi


ship Company.

FUR SAN F11ANU1SCO,The Splendid Steamship

Zealandia,Webber, - - Commander,

Will leave Honolulu for San Franciscoon or about Sept. 2d.

FOR SYDNEY via AUCKLANDThe Splendid Steamship

City of New York,Cobb, - - - Commander,

On or about Sept. iJO,

For freight or passage apply to theuhdersigned agents,

Wo are now prepared to issuo ticketsto San Franoisco and return for $125,the Round Trip.

II. Haukfemo & Co.


The A 1 bark

Elsinor.e,Jenks, - Master,- - -

Will have quick dispatch for the aboveport. For freight or passage apply to

F. A. ScitAKFKii & Co., Agents.


The clipper bgtno

Consuelo,Cousins, - - Master,

Will have quick dispatch for the aboveport. For freigiit or passage apply to

W. G. InwiN & Co., Agents.


The clipper,

Miller, - master,Will have quick dispatcli for the aboveport. For freight or passage apply to

F. A. Sciiahpeu & Co, Agents.


The favorite barkCaibarien,

Hubbard, - - - Master,Will have quick dispatch for above port.For freight or passage apply to

l.'ASTtw & Cooke, Agents.

IKTEKIS,ANISteam Navigation Company's


The Iwalani,hates, - - - - Commander,

Runs regularly to Kona and Kau, asper following- - time table:

Leaves Honolulu at 4 p.m. onFriday, July 0 Friday, Aug 17Tuesday, July 17 Tuesday, Aug 28Friday, July 27 Friday, Sept 7

Tuesday, Aug 7 Tuesday, Sept 18Friday, Sepf28. ,

Akkives at Honolulu:Saturday,1 July 14 Saturday, Aug 25Wed'. July 25 Wed., Sept 5Saturday, Aug 4 Saturday, Sept 15Wed." Aug 15 Wed. Sept 20

The C. R. Bishop,camekoi, - - Commander,

Leaves Honolulu every Mondayat 5 p.m., for Nawiliwili, Koloa, Eleelc,and Waimea,'Kauai. Returning, leavesNawiliwili every Fridayevening.

The James Makee,mcdonald, - - - Commander,

LeavSlHonoluluevery Thursday, at 5 p.m. for Kapaa andKilauea. Returning leaves Kapaaevery Tuesday evening.

Steamer Likelike,JKing, - Master.

Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.m., touching at Lahaina, Mna-laei- v

Bay, Makena, Mabukona,Laupahoehoo and Hllo. '

Returning, wi touch at all thealov ports, arriving at Honolulueach Sunday a.m. 1


Schooner Ehukai2Sif. will run regularly

TO WAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,Returning on Thursday, weather

permitting.For freight or passage apply to the

Captain on board, or to181 A. F. Cookk. Airent.

ANCHOR SALOON.Cut, E, M. Noudiiuiio, i : Proprietor

Cor. King $? Nuuaiui Hts.

Tito finest and choicest brands of Liquors,

Wlnos, Ales, Spirits, and Cigars,

Kept on hand (483 Jm) CJlvo nie a call

xotick.fF YOUU HOHSB IS SICIC or LAMB,X or any way out of order, gull on, ,

T. UiVICRU, atCMpt. J. 0. 0lunoy8 Ma,hi u.1, corner of (innun it I'unulibuwl bts,

tyllnmkliiL' inr()S U saddle or oar.

rji n Micnl'ill'! NiUrVll"H suiintn.1WVU

.VI V "I 'MHM i'iO )y

r ...IM.firi..Jt..HMI H.iM'),

Tlll'3 IUHJHK AND LOTm lliiiiui'iii'i'iii Pint mill limn,

wmmmm inula ciiuiu, lliiiiuliihi, iiiinuilluilio Ftill Hlr'el I'lnihl). r'nnliMiiiUn hi m of lui, t'irn. i'.ii,, iiiiy to

i . . "ii' ' ' . .

IIW) A l U III i! w PI kVi-u- .

Ladies' mul Gent's f p. '

Gold and Silver "Watches L l8 KHo.

Just to-han-Actual wolght..

of Gold- -

Every "Watch warranted as GroSsWgtrepresented. c

v-- J

VVVlHISISTOCtiairfllltcorapSaCasa ff 36utoEhrtifs-thnllhoaccon5ini5ln-

stojMiWimlhJiMirlLrio Jf Vncatuinj?ea.TTlth ouiTraoc Mark


Fac-simil- o oi bilvcr Cases. (215)Mmtii1 .jjLMtimiTKriwuiiniiiiiwffTMWnnwi.nifwwTf

, Pioneer Carriage Manufactory,

75, 77 and 81

King St.



M. Mclneriiy,Agent for this KingdomN. Beware imita-

tions, discoveredseveral silver watches bear-ing the name "WalthamWatches," which SwissManufacture, and soldscnuine "Waltham watches.

Fac-simil- e Gold Cases

75, 77uul 81

Khiff St.



the finest, largest and bcst-sclc- c

Children's Clothing ridiculously low


OOato 3H. XtOSJi.)All orders for Wheel-vehicle- s every description filled with promptness and

dispatch. First-clas- s Mechanics employed the year round.BST FINE CARRIAGE WORK A SPECIALTY,

Nothing hot heavy for TRAM CARS, OMNIBUSSES, PLANTA.TION WAGONS, MULE OX CARTS, made order, altered repaired.

Our Horse Shoeing Departmentunder the supervision a practical man a mechanic second none. We

have soaking scalds tubs. All work guaranteed.Charges moderate. WHITMAN WRIGHT,

408 75, and King Street


25 per cent Cheaper atPALMER & TEACHER'S



LOW PRICES MUST RULE.Bargain ItaiaiiiH IJaiaiiiH

At the Great American Clothing" HouseAs need room, we are now olleiing

stocks Men's, Boy's anilprices350 Gent's Complete Business Suits, $10, worth $16.50.

Spring Cheviot Suits, styles, worthlarge assnrtment latest stylo Scotch Tweed Suits worthVery French Worsted Suits, largo variety, reduced prices

Gent's Worsted Diagonal Suits,immenso assortment Flannel Suits,

Very Yacht Suits, shades Gent's constantly hand.

Gent's Lightweight Ovcr-coat- i, prices.

Great Reduction Boy's Clothing DepartmentBoy's Linen School Suits, $1.75: worth $2.50.

Kent's Fiii'!iiMliinj.v JJepartmt'nt ICavaiiiHGent's White Shirts, $1.25 Porw.lo Shirts, latestdozen heavy British llo'o, pair.'

dozen Fancy Hose, color,dozen Fancy lloso, pair.dozen patent Merino UudorshirU, finished

Latest Novelties Gent's Neekwoar, Ollh1"j0'

Hut Department Groat BsirahiH.stylos constantly band. Fioncli I'liinmiu

Mackinaw Cheapen value ..'If tX6,elsowhero bOOltar discover they MIKSBD l).Ul

J!?L C0H:N American Clothing House

frs.W L if ?y






B. ofas I have

ofare ofarc as




-- atoo or too us.

& to or

Is of tono ue for or rot

&ly 77 81


! !

wced of




atin all at $15, $20.

A of the of at $18, $5 'line in atDark from $15 up.

Au of Rluo from 10 up.line Cloth in all and

The latest in Dress Suits onat low

in our'150 at

from Uno itvlus ftl n150 extra ' " U1'' 'U 25 cents a00 in all at 20 cents a pair.75 at 12M cents05 full at rtt

in at low ' ' ' i

The latest on irniu ?Hals at $1. in tow, . vo i,

will or later that have IT YB

l' S' & Co- - otit

fliftr1 .' i' ji4 "'Vis f s-if













MAX. ECKARTllii to notlf) his fiiiioinor mul puhlio of Honoluluinl Urn Iftluiuls grWrully,

hi. i vi-- lo kiipply lliolr 0t.,JWATCIIWH AN1 ,niWliitvmul, liiiilim iiiuiuiil a ('oniiHiuiu AfrfclNliinf lit-- iim

Willi lllllilMlit; .uul lluimllliV"

Now my)m n Am, WnHlinm Wntonow,I'll kullil blhi Wiii-l- i Koiiiii uf ibu Ht.i, ""Mi nt

t .'? v

pippppp . ? 'TTi

It ' w






Bbls Mess Beei",

Bbls Prime Mess Pork,

Bbls Salmon,

Half bbls Salmon,

Kits Salmon Bellies,

lit' bbls extra Family Beef,

Oases Fairbank's Lard,

3, 5, and 10 lb cans,

Butter in Glass Jars, 41b.

Butter in kegs,

Itollcs & Co.August 1st, 188.


New Manilla Cigars !

Ex Elsiuorc,



I KENNEDY & Co.,Jobbing and Retail

GMIOCERS,Campbell's Eire-Proo- f Buildings

i No. 67 Hotel Street.P. 0. Boz No. 297.

G4 ly Ring up Telephone No. 240.

Messrs; Kennedy & Uo. beg to announcethat they their store is the

Depot for the Artesian Ice,and will always keep

ICE ON HANDto supply custnmers and others.

Water the scarcity of water, meOWING for irrigation will be

Limited to 4 hours per dayfrom 0 to 8 a. m. and from 4 to 0 p.m.until further notice.

CHAS. B. WILSON,Approved : Sup't Water Works.

Jno. E.Bdsii, Minister of Interior.May 5th, 1883. 304

True to the Test !


A. CARD.C. O. Beroeii, Esq., Agent,

Mucnealc & Urbau Safes,Honolulu.

Dkak Sih, I tako great pleasure, toinform you that the No. 3 Macncalc &Urban Fireproof Safe purchased someyears ago has passed through the disas-trous Are of last night to my entire

1 opened the same on thecombination (tips and handle havingmelted off), without any difficulty, andfound contents in perfect order.

' Yours very truly, L. WAY.Honolulu, Juno 28, 188U.

.A. Liix-gf-O

of these Justly Celebrated Safes

CONSTANTLY ON HANDOld Safcsitakcn iu Exchange.

General Agent Hawaiian Islands.44a tf



At IiQWOBfc Prices, byM)YEJOY CJti,,

487 1W Band 10 .MurullilllUt,

rflJHT HKOWIVIWijiur " TJmt'Kiti"


J'ur bilB hi iiniiiililtw in mill !' .

)y U. 1)151- -



iyCI3BII..We r.nvc just iceolved

The Finest AssortmentOF


Embroidery,Boots and Shoes,

Walking Citnes,

Fancy Baskets, &c.

(all hanu made)


To enumerate tlicih all would take too

much space, but this will give you anidea:

Chairs, TaMcs, Sofas,DOS-A-DO- SEATS,

Layettes, "Work Tables,Embroidered Bedspreads,

Guitars, Toilet Sets, &c;

Civil mill Sec Xlitem.DIAS' & "GONZALVES,

400 lm Hotel Street.

0(0 03U





I.-b- H


''v "m Inl


ROPE MARKET!Yes, and we sell

.A.H 3Liov as tlio JLoveHt I

nnd don't anybody forget it.

Wc sell New Bedford Rope, and anyretailer knows how it will hold out innet weight.

We also have the mot varied assort-ment of

SHIP CHANDLERYkept by any house this side of the ltockyMountains, such as

Hemp nnd Manila Cordage, all sizes,Artesian Well Boring Hopes,Manila Hawsora, Wire Hope,Cotton and Hemp Duck and Twine,Galvanized Marine Hardware,

PAINTS AND OILS,Pure Copper Sheathing, 14, 1(1 & 18 ozYellow utalnnd Nails. 14 to!28oz.Copper Paint (Turr & Wonsln's)AVliulo Boats, Boat Stocks,Gal. Boat Nails, all kinds and sizes,Ami 1001 other things too numerous

to mention Also, agents for

Perry DuvIm' Pnln Killer,Ununl it PJovco'a ttomlt Gtina imil

Bpiiilt LmieuH, i'o,, &o,,All of wlii olt we will soil tt the

Lowest JUtea,

IOIIIMl,UATl'IIDAY, it Lnilliw' llipoliil, Tim

iiWIIIT (HIM IjHVli llllHjlHIUHlll IIJ0V.

W.G.ASHLEY,Custom House Broker

has opened an agency forCustom House Brokerage,

Real Estate Transactions,Employment Service,

And General Business,

At .1. W. ltolcrHon & Co'h. Station-ery Htorc,

Merchant street (near the Post Office.)

Books and Accounts neatly kept andadjusted.

Bills collected.Legal Documents of every description

drawn up.Anything in the way of business care-

fully and promptly attended to.P. O. Box 434; telephone 2. 470


IO TIVATION of the VOICE.Pianos Tuned, Repaired and Polished.Orders received only at the Furniture

and Piano Store of C. E. Williams, 111Fort Street Telephone- 70; or at myresidence. Please send orders one daybeforo the work is required to be done.


"Try tho Fragranco of the Wood, Nicotian,"

Choice Havana CigarsOf the Finest Brands

And JBcMt riavors,As follows:

Manuel Garcia, Figaro,Margarita, La Corona,

Flon de Cuba, Coney Island,MAY NOW BE HAD FROM

H. J. WOLTE,Beaver Saloon, Fort street.

IST'Other goods as before.

JTOlt SAME,ATA BARGAIN, a complete, tine,


First-Cla- ss Restaurant,Consisting of

Crockeryware, Cooking Utensils,Knives' and Forks,

Extra Fine White Linen Table Cloths,Together with

Everything NeededIn a first-clas- s establishment. RangeBoiler, and all appliances used in a Restaurant. Apply to

Z. Y. SQUIRES, American House,408 tf Maunakea street.





BEVERAGE,According to the highest and best medi- -

cal testimony.Manufactory, : : : No. 18 Liliha St

P. O. Box,,379. Telephone, 284.

ftSfAU orders receiveprompt attention.


A Large AssortmentOF TUB


Fine Wall PapersAND

BORDERS!Just received, and for sale by

WILDER & CO.CQJ, Call and examine, 147

" Variety the Sitlce ofLife."


Wo huvo on hand

Put up in 5 gall, tins

and cases of 10 galls.


Oloar and Pure Sperm OilTaken hy the Onm," " JniiJnii,u nml

" Wnry As IIuIqii," wliltili will lw







40 More Oases just arrived ex u

No High Ren ! No Baits! No Trash to Give Away ! but good, solid

Clothing, Straw and Felt Hats, Caps, Boots,Shoes, Slippers, Trunks, Bags, Valises, &o., &o.,

A.T X11XCJ3S "A'MIA.T WILL TSZ A.IC33 YOU lEEL 1I'AX?XYWo have tho largest stock on the Islands, nil grades, from the Cheapest to

the Best; nil fresh and well selected, from our buyers in Now York nnd Son FranvOur goods sell too quickly to get old. you want Fresh Styles and New

Goods, go direct to tho

ONE PRICE BAZARComer of Fort nnd Merchant Streets', Honolulu.

S. W. LEDERER, Manager. (252) J. L. R0SENBERQ




Gent's Furnishing Goods!


The Hew Firm of Lycan & JohnsonHave many TScsy Groodw,

an all articles sold by them aro at now prices.

Pianos, Organs, Furniture, & Sewing Machine's :

sold on the installment plan, and rented at very reasonable rates, allowing thomoney paid, as rent, to be applied as purchase money. They make a

Specialty of Furnishing Housesor, rooms completely, in anystylethat may desired. Thcygmanufnc'turc PictureFramed, nnd 'have in stock

Over One Thousand different Styles of Mouldingfor frames and window or door roniinpa.

They have brass poles and rings, walnut ...ii. ebony finished poles and rings,unu cun inunuiuciurc jjamurequms aim nouse drapery to please all tastes. Intheir Fancy Goods Department you can find Oil Paintings, Steel Engravings,Allotypes, beautiful Water' Colors, Vases, Albums, Japancso Goods consisting olica oeis, Dcrecns, vasos, naques, Jtans,Maiolico ever seen in this market.





.A. line assortment; of Toys.

UNION FEED COMPANY .'Have Received' per "Glaus Spreckels'-- " & " W. G-- . Irwin,"

1000 BALES OF CHOICE NEW HAY,500 bags Oats, 600 bags Barley,

800 bags of Bran,--AU of which will he sold at bottom prices- - " '


All orders promptly attended to.4G2 8m

a low raio




tec., Some of the most

Telephone No. 175.

i.e. Ml wJr., &


WATKIt NOTICM.wiitoc for lirlvlluuoa uoii

J, lllKltfll Willi HitiirnmamiiuniH linvt

liiioii mmlu mi wutor will lmiililu m liulwi'uii IIhi Imui'ti of f) it,in. to i it. iiii iiml for ilioao nn ilitiVunnlilmwl I'l'imi .Imlil Hill to Ivii'1IHIIIHM (tlM'llli IPVIM 'i H iniiiiu ll H III

in 7 niii .fiirlhu: . iiuikPimiia- - l .

.illli'l ui iviilni' ll'nrl.'k.rr ii nisi il uilUIo,Jlli) liN W. W

ENTEEPRISE jtEED CO.Corner of Queen and Edinburg Streets.

I - i

Teleplioiic, JSo. S80

BEGS inform his friends and the public generally that he has OPENEDat tho above stand, and has made complete arrangements for a con.

tinuous supply of

Fresh G-ood- s of very best qualitywhicu'hc will offer for salo

AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES.He hopes, by giving his.bestnttentionfto please the public, to merit a part of thein-patronag- c.

A large stock of ' ' ' l tWheat and Oat Hay, Whole and Barley,

California and Oregon Oata,i Bran, iddlingst &Vnow on hand. Orders solicited and guaranteed, or no pay asked.


J. M. OAT,


Have just received ex Suez, ,

A new lot of Blank Books, Blottina; Tablet' 3Vot'o Paperisi, i

XiiIcm, 3ncilag-e- , Gold Pcun; &ic.ALBO, A SSIAIiL ABSOllTMENT OF

DPlaq-ixe- for DEIoiise Xecoi,a-tiiig"- -

Red Rubber Stamp Agency.E"A11 orders filled promptly.3J

253 Gazette Block, No. 35 Merchant Street,


Subscription Departmentaro prepared to rccolvo further ordciH for any Paper or Magazino pubUshWE ed iu California, tho Eastern Stales, Canada, and Europe.

At tho present time vu receive by every mail over onu hundred and fiftydill'erent Papers and MugazlucB, published iu the English, French, German, andScandinavian Languages,

An our subscription list Jh largo, wq aro enabled to furnUli tho Papers aminlilguziiiUB at oi Diuiscripnuu

Water Notice,OiUoo Sup't Wnlor Wnrl8,

Honolulu, Inly il, 1881),

AUh iiuiHops iinvlnu WiMr VrlvlluKuaimitilpil tlmi Hmlr Wwtwr liiiw

nni liiiyiililn ihIviiimiu,ut Urn nllltui tlui Hiiiiirliili'inli'iil illWiiior,Wiiili Niimmv Mi'ii

iiioliymir. AHJI. WJLBONi,Hiiji'I Wiilyr Wui l.i.

NiKAAiiMiiiUtPniniitDi'lur' vol

occ choice


rpo pnmiroUlH)r Nihiihui

Husurvolr,Unit iiviill



iii. iii iwilUlWWNi..





