tive i s i march fufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/07/59/08/00807/0594.pdf · cr i 6- pl t v ocala...

cr i 6- pl t v OCALA EVENING STAR SATURDAY MARCH 2t 1906 9 5 I I V It EVENING STAR tfv- 1S B C L BITTINGER d CO r C L Bittingtr and R R Carroll i Proprietors and Publishers 5- xt C L BITTINGER 4 I Editor and General Manager i R R CARROLL i City Editor and Business Manager March 28 In History 1760Margaret Wofflngton the cele- brated ¬ actress died born 1718 3 r 1846 General Zachary Taylor invaded r + i Mexico- 1876General h George n Thomas the Rock of Chickamauga died In San Francisco 4 1900 Count Benedetti French ambas- sador ¬ e at Berlin during the war ex- citement ¬ of 1870 died In Paris c born 1817 v ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS Tonight and Tomorrow Morning Sun sets 616 rises 544 moon rises 440 a m 1000 a m moon at perigee nearest earth 6 a m planet Mercury at aphelion farthest from sun visible low in east before sunrise f March 29 In History i 1461 Battle of Towton and frightful slaughter of defeated Lancastrians- by victorious Yorkists 30000 slain 1746 Carlo Maria Bonaparte father of Napoleon born died 1785 1 1901 James Stephens noted Fenian leader of the last Irish uprising died in Dublin born 1823 i ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS Tonight and Tomorrow Morning Sun sets 6i7 rises 543 moon rises 512 a m 916 p m moon in con- junction ¬ r with Mercury possibly seen i low in east before sunrise 9 a m Yk planet Jupiter apparently stationary ANOTHER CANDIDATE- T f T Mr R W Ferguson of Berlin has- t entered ate ice for county commis t aioner from fne second district Mr r Ferguson is one of the thrifty farm- ers ¬ t v of the western part of the coun- ty r and is well equipped with a fine t business education and training well oJ acquainted with the wants and needs jk of the people ofVthe county and if H elected 1111 I make them a good offi- cial ¬ Mr Fergusons announcement t will be found elsewhere in this issue Col T J Appleyard of the Lake Sf 0 Lake City Index whom we met in Jacksonville last night has concludes rs to make the race for state com- ptroller ¬ r f T t 11 4rT- o EVerybody in Marion county knows Mr H W Long and you never hear 1 of him toeing sick or needing a doc 4 1 tore aterition but this week owing to e having strained himself he was com- pelled ¬ r to call in Dr Veal the first In- s 1 stance in 36 years V S Hon Robert McNamee of Ta- mfannounces himself a candidate for the 44 state senate 4 i Miss Florence Nightingale has demonstrated that it is possible to be s- t a grand old maid Chicago Record HeralA- m + w as K Paul Morton has a plan to curb the 1 a railroads Since the antipass law went into effect a good many people j think the railroads ought to be not f only curbed but pavedKansas City M Star Kry i Senator LaFollette says 100 I men J cause most of the nations troubles 1 and he gives the names it Is cer ¬ tainly astonishing to find not a poli- tician ¬ i in the list Baltimore Ameri- can 1 v J It is all very well for Oil King Rockefeller to say that he never touched whisky but there are thou- sands ¬ of people in this broad load t kho harbor a conviction that he has touched them Manchester Union 1- S = i i i AQ sV- ii J 4r gli- r ± 1 L i- J i C iAgYi6 T AIS i IT WOULD HARDLY SEEM LIKE HOME t without your accustomed glass of Spanish Sherry Port or Sauterne i wine after dinner or as a treat in the evening for yourself or friends When t ityou want a glabs of rich and rare 1 + ahecTy or old port or Sauterne we rft have rare old vintages on hand or j 1 L r the newer grades of California and I0hk wines l1 i- rt r rI t t S a ilol e tJ r L I A CORRECTION- In v justice to Dr Guerrant we make this correction In the report of the test made on the Hiawatha Lake I Dairy herd in yesterdays paper w I stated that the hypodermic injection- of I tuberculin was marls into the veins when tive should have stated that it was made subcutaneously WEKIWA SPRINGS Elsi where in this issue will In seen the advertisement of the famous Ve kiwa Springs mineral water Th Ocala Oottling Works is the local distributor of the water and tin pub ¬ lic can now get the splendid water with no trouble or delay A good many people in Ocala have recently received shipments of the water and given It a thorough test It is most palatable and contains splendid health giving qualities that are bound to make the company owning the springs an independent fortune with- in I a few years- CLERKCARRIER EXAMINATION- At Ocala Florida April 22 1908 The examination will consist of subjects mentioned below Spelling artithmetic numbers common and decimal fractions and United States money penmanship copying from plain copy a simple test in copying accurately a few print- ed ¬ lines in the competitors handwrit- ing United States geography read- ing addresses Age limit all positions 18 to 45 years The age limits are waived however in the cases of persons hon ¬ orably discharged from the military or naval service by reason of disabil- ity resulting from wounds or sickness incurred in the line of duty Male applicants for the postoffice service must be at least 5 feet 4 in ¬ ches in height in bare feet and 125 pounds in weight without overcoat and hat otherwise their applications will be canceled Female applicants- are not required to be of any specific height or weight Applicants for the postoffice ser ¬ vice are required to be physically sound and in good health Married women will not be admitted to this examination This prohibition how ¬ ever does not apply to divorced wo ¬ men or women who are separated from their husbands and support themselves The examination is open- to all citizens of the United States who comply with the requirements- For application blank instructions- to applicants and further information application should be made to the lo ¬ cal secretary at the Ocala Fla post office or the undersigned- No application will be acceptel unless properly executed and filed with the undersigned prior to the hour of closing business on April 15 1908 George S Donnell Secy Fifth Civil Service District Location Atlanta Ga The idle thousands in the cities dont seem to be aware that there is a tremendous demand for farm labor Baltimore Sun I I At f FisheFs MONDAYT- EN I I YARDS FIGURED AND FLOWERED LAWNS 79c Worth 125 e COME AND LOOK AT THEM < I c < d v I HEFLINS GUN WAS HANDY And He Used It With Effect on a Negro Desperado Washington March 8In a ties Iterate affray on a Pennsylvania ave- nue ¬ ear lat night a negro and a white man were shot by Congressman Thomas J Hell in of Alabama Thom- as ¬ Lumby the negro was shot in he head and is in a critical condi- tion ¬ and Thomas McCreary a New York borse trainer is suffering from a wound in the log The shooting of McCivary was ac ¬ cidental- Mr Hefiin was arrested and taken to the Sixth precinct police station where the charge of assault with in tnt to kill was placed against him Later he was released on 5000 bail i Congressman Hefim aceomjaniecl by Congressman Edwin J Ellerbee > f South Carolina had boarded the car at Twelfth street and Pennsylvania- avenue Mr Heflin being on his way to deliver a temperance lecture at the Metropolitan Methodist Episcopal Church Four and Half street and John Marshall place Upon boarding- the car he observed two negro pas- sengers ¬ one of whom was Thomas Lumby and who was in the act of taking a drink from a bottle of whis- ky ¬ There were a number of other passengers including several ladies Mr Heflin remonstrated with Lum ¬ by Jj id asked him to stop drinking saying l Dont take that drink there are ladies here and it is not right It is against the law for you to do this thing in a street car and- I hope you will put that bottle away Lumby became offended at Mr Heflins remonstrances and applied vile epithets Mr Heflin and Lumby were soon engaged in a despertae struggle Mr Heflin who is a large powerful man succeeded in throwing Lumby off the car as it came to a stop Most of the occupants of the car hastily alighted including Mr and Mrs McCreary i The negro fell to the ground on being pushed off the car He rose and began cursing Mr Heflin again and made a motion for his hip pocket- as if to draw a weapon whereupon- Mr Heflin fired at him through the car window missing the negro and hitting Thomas McCreary who was about twenty feet from the car Mr Heflin fired one or twice again- one of the shots striking Lumby in the head above the ear Lumby ran a short distance and fell t AT THE CHURCHES TOMORROW resbyterian- Rev W H Dodge D D Pastor r Services n m and 730 p m Sabbath school 9 30 a m Special music at both morning and evening services A cordial invita- tion ¬ extended to all Baptist Sunday school 945 a m I Morning service 11 a m Roll call of members and recom ¬ mendations from pastor and deacons- as to coming years work B Y P U630 p m I Evening service 730 p m Ser ¬ mon Concerning Collections- A cordial welcome to all who will attend Strangers invited Good music Seats free C C Carroll Pastor Grace Episcopal- Rev Geo Hendree Harrison Rector 730 mHoly communion 10 a mSunday school 11 a m Morning prayer and ser ¬ mon 730 p mEvening prayer and ser- mon ¬ On Tuesday Thursday and Satur ¬ day evening prayer and devotional reading at 430 p m On Wednesday and Friday litany at 10 a m Evening prayer and ad- dress ¬ at 730 p m Public cordially invited to all ser ¬ vices Junior League Meets Sunday at 3 oclock Leader Lucile Landers Subject A Bible Prohibition Party Song Rescue the Perishing Scripture lesson Num Gl4 Prayer Symposium What Whisky Docs for a Boy What Whisky Does for His Family What Whisky Does for- a Man What Whisky Does for a TownFour Boys Song Rally Rally Oh Ye Freemen Reading Temperance Alphabet Annie P Eagleton Exercise by seventeen juniors A Parrel of Whisky Reading the Two Glasses Mrs I John Edwards Song by six juniors The Rum Saloon Shall Go Talks on subject by juniors and vis ¬ itors Roll call- Collection Announcements l Benediction ALDRICH BILL HAS- PASSED THE SENATE Washington D C Harch 28The Aldrich currency bill was passed by the Senate yesterday by a vote of 12 to 16 in the main a party vote The presidents office in the new Bank of Commerce building has a I fireplace with a private chimney 206 feet high Isnt there some danger I that this may cause an overdraft Kansas City Times k > J 1 4 BIG z k + i t for < I R F S Monday March roof f W6 ib 1 h ffi rr tf arid I lJ119- r > 3 Tuesday March M1 t S c > I I l q- xar 1 11J Mermens Talcum Powder regular price 25cv Special price 4y t 12 = r a b- Light ox 1 1t i House Laundry Soap a good soap S 7 bars for il I r 25cLa- dles or = 1- I Embroidered Turnpver Collars r Regular lOc value only I I J 4c > a f7 < > I r i 1 i I A t II f i nlk Granite Art Squares size 7 12x9 feet assorted i i patterns worth 400 only r r j J- I i t 249 I a fiY d Jer t L y t- LLOOKAT j THE i WINDOW I 1 yS f vi I l D E McIVER GEORGE MJeqi McIVER MacKMINFURNITUR- E DEALERS u CI AND I- i HOUSEHOLD GO DSSi furniture Stoves China Crockery Lamps Rigs Carpets 1 t i tings Linoleums Blankets Comforts Table aid led f Linen Pictures Portiere acd Lace Curtains f r i 7 Harness Saddles Trunks Suit Cases and Satchels I I i BUILDING MATERIAL Oils Lime Sewer and Flue Pipe Lath Shingles and Ctl I Wagons Carriages Buggies Undertakers Goofs I CONTRACTORS BUILDERS Call on or write us toi prices I Mclver Nia Kay f OCALA FLORIDA I 7 I 1- I FRESH MEATS AND VEGETABteSJ Western Reef Yea Florida Stall Fed Beef Mafcton A Aiili moors Star Hamt Armours Pork baosage ° Cab- bage 1 Rutabagas lomips Beets Sweet i Potatoes Irish Potato Spanish Onions i fi w P EDWARDS 1 + I S HdNE 103 i < CITY MAlUCt t >J- f f a f- i = tS- iN 1 rJ- n IJ l I1lI < r < c = lW 0

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Page 1: tive I S i March fufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00807/0594.pdf · cr i 6- pl t v OCALA EVENING STAR SATURDAY MARCH 2t 1906 9 5 I I VIt EVENING STAR tfv-1S B C L BITTINGER

cr i 6-

pl t








C L Bittingtr and R R Carroll

i Proprietors and Publishers5-


I Editor and General Manageri


City Editor and Business Manager

March 28 In History1760Margaret Wofflngton the cele-


actress died born 1718

3r 1846 General Zachary Taylor invadedr+

i Mexico-1876Generalh George n Thomas the

Rock of Chickamauga died InSan Francisco

4 1900 Count Benedetti French ambas-sador


e at Berlin during the war ex-citement


of 1870 died In Parisc born 1817v

ASTRONOMICAL EVENTSTonight and Tomorrow Morning

Sun sets 616 rises 544 moon rises440 a m 1000 a m moon at perigeenearest earth 6 a m planet Mercuryat aphelion farthest from sun visiblelow in east before sunrise

f March 29 In Historyi 1461 Battle of Towton and frightful

slaughter of defeated Lancastrians-by victorious Yorkists 30000 slain

1746 Carlo Maria Bonaparte father ofNapoleon born died 1785

1 1901 James Stephens noted Fenianleader of the last Irish uprisingdied in Dublin born 1823

i ASTRONOMICAL EVENTSTonight and Tomorrow Morning

Sun sets 6i7 rises 543 moon rises512 a m 916 p m moon in con-junction


r with Mercury possibly seeni low in east before sunrise 9 a m

Yk planet Jupiter apparently stationary



T Mr R W Ferguson of Berlin has-t entered ate ice for county commis

t aioner from fne second district Mrr Ferguson is one of the thrifty farm-ers

¬tv of the western part of the coun-

tyr and is well equipped with a finet business education and training well

oJ acquainted with the wants and needsjk of the people ofVthe county and ifH elected 1111 I make them a good offi-


Mr Fergusons announcementt will be found elsewhere in this issue

Col T J Appleyard of the LakeSf 0 Lake City Index whom we met in

Jacksonville last night has concludesrs to make the race for state com-



fT t11


EVerybody in Marion county knowsMr H W Long and you never hear

1 of him toeing sick or needing a doc4 1 tore aterition but this week owing to

e having strained himself he was com-pelled


r to call in Dr Veal the first In-

s 1 stance in 36 yearsV S

Hon Robert McNamee of Ta-mfannounces himself a candidate for the

44 state senate4i Miss Florence Nightingale has

demonstrated that it is possible to bes-

ta grand old maid Chicago RecordHeralA-

m+ w


K Paul Morton has a plan to curb the1

a railroads Since the antipass lawwent into effect a good many people

j think the railroads ought to be notf only curbed but pavedKansas City

M StarKry i

Senator LaFollette says 100 I menJ cause most of the nations troubles

1 and he gives the names it Is cer ¬

tainly astonishing to find not a poli-tician


i in the list Baltimore Ameri-can


J It is all very well for Oil KingRockefeller to say that he nevertouched whisky but there are thou-sands


of people in this broad loadt kho harbor a conviction that he has

touched them Manchester Union1-





i AQ sV-


J4r gli-

1 Li-




SEEM LIKE HOMEt without your accustomed glass of

Spanish Sherry Port or Sauternei wine after dinner or as a treat in the

evening for yourself or friends Whent ityou want a glabs of rich and rare

1 + ahecTy or old port or Sauterne werft have rare old vintages on hand or

j 1 L r the newer grades of California andI0hk wines

l1 i-

rtr rItt S a ilol e





justice to Dr Guerrant we makethis correction In the report of thetest made on the Hiawatha Lake


Dairy herd in yesterdays paper w I

stated that the hypodermic injection-of Ituberculin was marls into the veinswhen tive should have stated that itwas made subcutaneously


Elsi where in this issue will In seenthe advertisement of the famous Vekiwa Springs mineral water ThOcala Oottling Works is the localdistributor of the water and tin pub ¬

lic can now get the splendid waterwith no trouble or delay A goodmany people in Ocala have recentlyreceived shipments of the water andgiven It a thorough test It is mostpalatable and contains splendid healthgiving qualities that are bound tomake the company owning thesprings an independent fortune with-inI a few years-


At Ocala Florida April 22 1908The examination will consist of

subjects mentioned belowSpelling artithmetic numbers

common and decimal fractions andUnited States money penmanshipcopying from plain copy a simpletest in copying accurately a few print-ed


lines in the competitors handwrit-ing United States geography read-ing addresses

Age limit all positions 18 to 45years The age limits are waivedhowever in the cases of persons hon ¬

orably discharged from the militaryor naval service by reason of disabil-ity resulting from wounds or sicknessincurred in the line of duty

Male applicants for the postofficeservice must be at least 5 feet 4 in ¬

ches in height in bare feet and 125pounds in weight without overcoatand hat otherwise their applicationswill be canceled Female applicants-are not required to be of any specificheight or weight

Applicants for the postoffice ser ¬

vice are required to be physicallysound and in good health Marriedwomen will not be admitted to thisexamination This prohibition how ¬

ever does not apply to divorced wo ¬

men or women who are separatedfrom their husbands and supportthemselves The examination is open-to all citizens of the United Stateswho comply with the requirements-

For application blank instructions-to applicants and further informationapplication should be made to the lo ¬

cal secretary at the Ocala Fla postoffice or the undersigned-

No application will be acceptelunless properly executed and filedwith the undersigned prior to the hourof closing business on April 15 1908

George S DonnellSecy Fifth Civil Service District

Location Atlanta Ga

The idle thousands in the citiesdont seem to be aware that there isa tremendous demand for farm labor

Baltimore SunI











79cWorth 125



<I c < d v



And He Used It With Effect on aNegro Desperado

Washington March 8In a tiesIterate affray on a Pennsylvania ave-nue


ear lat night a negro and awhite man were shot by CongressmanThomas J Hell in of Alabama Thom-as


Lumby the negro was shot inhe head and is in a critical condi-tion


and Thomas McCreary a NewYork borse trainer is suffering froma wound in the log

The shooting of McCivary was ac ¬

cidental-Mr Hefiin was arrested and taken

to the Sixth precinct police stationwhere the charge of assault with intnt to kill was placed against himLater he was released on 5000 bail


Congressman Hefim aceomjanieclby Congressman Edwin J Ellerbee > fSouth Carolina had boarded the carat Twelfth street and Pennsylvania-avenue Mr Heflin being on his wayto deliver a temperance lecture at theMetropolitan Methodist EpiscopalChurch Four and Half street andJohn Marshall place Upon boarding-the car he observed two negro pas-sengers


one of whom was ThomasLumby and who was in the act oftaking a drink from a bottle of whis-ky


There were a number of otherpassengers including several ladies

Mr Heflin remonstrated with Lum ¬

by Jj id asked him to stop drinkingsaying l Dont take that drinkthere are ladies here and it is notright It is against the law for youto do this thing in a street car and-I hope you will put that bottle away

Lumby became offended at MrHeflins remonstrances and appliedvile epithets Mr Heflin and Lumbywere soon engaged in a despertaestruggle Mr Heflin who is a largepowerful man succeeded in throwingLumby off the car as it came to astop Most of the occupants of thecar hastily alighted including Mrand Mrs McCreary


The negro fell to the ground onbeing pushed off the car He roseand began cursing Mr Heflin againand made a motion for his hip pocket-as if to draw a weapon whereupon-Mr Heflin fired at him through thecar window missing the negro andhitting Thomas McCreary who wasabout twenty feet from the car

Mr Heflin fired one or twice again-one of the shots striking Lumby inthe head above the ear Lumby rana short distance and fell



resbyterian-Rev W H Dodge D D Pastorr

Services n m and 730 p mSabbath school 9 30 a mSpecial music at both morning and

evening services A cordial invita-tion


extended to all

BaptistSunday school 945 a m


Morning service 11 a mRoll call of members and recom ¬

mendations from pastor and deacons-as to coming years work

B Y P U630 p m I

Evening service 730 p m Ser¬

mon Concerning Collections-A cordial welcome to all who will

attend Strangers invited Goodmusic Seats free

C C Carroll Pastor

Grace Episcopal-

Rev Geo Hendree Harrison Rector730 mHoly communion10 a mSunday school11 a m Morning prayer and ser ¬

mon730 p mEvening prayer and ser-


On Tuesday Thursday and Satur ¬

day evening prayer and devotionalreading at 430 p m

On Wednesday and Friday litanyat 10 a m Evening prayer and ad-


at 730 p mPublic cordially invited to all ser ¬


Junior League

Meets Sunday at 3 oclock LeaderLucile Landers Subject A BibleProhibition Party

Song Rescue the PerishingScripture lesson Num Gl4PrayerSymposium What Whisky Docs

for a Boy What Whisky Does forHis Family What Whisky Does for-a Man What Whisky Does for aTownFour Boys

Song Rally Rally Oh Ye FreemenReading Temperance Alphabet

Annie P EagletonExercise by seventeen juniors A

Parrel of WhiskyReading the Two Glasses Mrs

I John EdwardsSong by six juniors The Rum

Saloon Shall GoTalks on subject by juniors and vis ¬

itorsRoll call-CollectionAnnouncements

l Benediction


Washington D C Harch 28TheAldrich currency bill was passed bythe Senate yesterday by a vote of 12to 16 in the main a party vote

The presidents office in the newBank of Commerce building has a


fireplace with a private chimney 206feet high Isnt there some danger

I that this may cause an overdraftKansas City Times

k > J 1

4 BIGz



for < IR F


Monday Marchroof



1h ffirr tfarid I


> 3

Tuesday March M1tS



II lq-


11JMermens Talcum Powder regular price 25cvSpecial price 4y


12 = r a b-


ox 1 1t

iHouse Laundry Soap a good soap S

7 bars for ilI




= 1-

IEmbroidered Turnpver Collars r

Regular lOc value onlyI IJ4c >


f7 < >

I r i 1 i IA tIIf

i nlkGranite Art Squares size 7 12x9 feet assorted i i

patterns worth 400 only rr j J-



249 I



d Jert Ly t-











i HOUSEHOLD GO DSSifurniture Stoves China Crockery Lamps Rigs Carpets


titings Linoleums Blankets Comforts Table aid led f

Linen Pictures Portiere acd Lace Curtains f r

i 7Harness Saddles Trunks Suit Cases and Satchels

I Ii


Oils Lime Sewer and Flue Pipe Lath Shingles and CtlI

Wagons Carriages Buggies Undertakers Goofs



Call on or write us toi prices


Mclver Nia Kay f


I7I 1-


Western Reef Yea Florida Stall Fed Beef MafctonA


moors Star Hamt Armours Pork baosage ° Cab-bage


Rutabagas lomips Beets Sweet iPotatoes Irish Potato Spanish Onions ifiw P EDWARDS


+ I

SHdNE 103 i < CITY MAlUCt t





i= tS-

iN1 rJ-

n IJ l I1lI< r< c = lW 0