titrasi aasam basa (1)

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  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)


    Acid Base Titrations

  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)


    Titration Curve

    A titration curve is a plot of pH vs. the

    amount of titrant added. Typically the

    titrant is a strong (completely)dissociated acid or base. Such curves

    are useful for determining endpoints

    and dissociation constants of ea!acids or bases.

  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)


  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)


    "eatures of the Strong Acid#Strong Base

    Titration Curve

    1. The pH starts out low, reflecting the high [H3O+] of the

    strong acid and increases gradually as acid is neutralized

    by the added base.

    . !uddenly the pH rises steeply. This occurs in the

    i""ediate #icinity of the e$ui#alence point. %or this type

    of titration the pH is &.' at the e$ui#alence point.

    3. (eyond this steep portion, the pH increases slowly as "orebase is added.

  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)


    Sample Calculation$ Strong Acid#Strong

    Base Titration Curve

    Problem 24-1.)onsider the titration of *'.' " of '.1''

    H)l with '.1'' -aOH.

    Region 1.(efore the e$ui#alence point, after adding '.' " of

    '.1'' -aOH. Half way to the e$ui#alence point./0nitial "oles of H3O


    2 oles of OH2added

    baseaddedof#olu"eacidof#olu"eoriginalre"ainingOHof"ol/a"ount]O[H 33





  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)


    Sample Calculation$ Strong Acid#Strong

    Base Titration Curve (Cont. %)

    Region 2.t the e$ui#alence point, after adding *'.' " of '.1''


    0nitial "oles of H3O+ '.'*'' 4 '.1'' '.''*'' H3O


    2 oles of OH2added '.'*'' 4 '.1'' '.''*'' "ol OH2


    re"ainingOHof"ol/a"ount]O[H 33





  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)


    Sample Calculation$ Strong Acid#Strong

    Base Titration Curve (cont. %%)

    Region 3.fter the e$ui#alence point, after adding 5'.' " of '.1'' -aOH. -ow calculate e4cess OH2/

    Total "oles of OH2 '.'5'' 4 '.1'' '.''5'' "ol OH2

    2oles of H3O+consu"ed '.'*'' 4 '.1'' '.''*'' "ol





  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)


    H6r 6ropionic cid

  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)


    Contoh soal $

    Hitung pH pada &' &' *' *& dan +& titran pada titrasi

    *& m, &'&& - asam asetat dengan &' - a/H.

  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)


  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)


    Titration of Weak Base with Strong Aci

    [H+] = KaF

    F=( FVi) / (Vi+Va)

    [OH] = KbF = KwF /Ka

    F=( FVi) / (Vi+Va)

    Equivalence point

    Ate! equivalence point


    pH = p#b+ lo$[%H&+]/[%H']

    pH = pKa+ lo$ [A] /[HA]

    eo!e te equivalencepoint (*V aV e)

    [OH,] = KbF =-.&-*'[H+] = KaFnitial

    + H0O 1 H++ OH,HA + OH,1 H0O + A

    ,2it!ation !eaction

    3ea4 a5e wit 6t!on$ a5e3ea4 Aci7 wit 6t!on$ a5e

    (Vi+ Va)8

    (Va Ve)9FH:l=[H


    (Vi+ Va)8

    (Va Ve)9F%aOH=[OH


    !om"arison of Weak Aci# Base with Strong Base#Aci

  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)


    0agam !urva titrasi $ berdasar titi! e1uivalen

    antara asam lemah dengan basa !uat

    .2onsentrasi asam lemah yang dititrasi

    (&'&& 3 &'&& 3 &'&& -)

    . Asam dengan perbedaan nilai 2a(sema!in !ecil 2a ###4 asam sema!in lemah

    ma!a a!an menyebab!an titi! e1uivalen tida!


  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)


    The four -a5or 6ifferences Beteen a Strong Acid#

    Strong Base Titration Curve and a 7ea! Acid#Strong

    Base Titration Curve

    1. The initial pH is higher.

    . gradually rising portion of the cur#e, called

    the buffer region, appears before the steep rise

    to the e$ui#alence point.

    3. The pH at the e$ui#alence point is greater than


    *. The steep rise inter#al is less pronounced.

  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)


    Sample Calculation$ 7ea! Acid#Strong

    Base Titration Curve

    Problem 24-2.)onsider the titration of *'.' " of '.1''

    H6r 7a 1.3 4 1'25/ with '.1'' -aOH.

    Region 1.The solution of wea8 acid to be titrated, before any

    base is added.



  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)


    Sample Calculation$ 7ea! Acid#Strong

    Base Titration Curve (Cont.%)

    Problem 24-2.)onsider the titration of *'.' " of '.1''

    H6r 7a 1.3 4 1'25/ with '.1'' -aOH.

    Region 2.fter 3'. " of base total/ has been added. This is

    clearly in the buffer region of the titration cur#e.

    !olution9 :efer to ecture 3.

    )an use the calculator progra", ;(uf< de#eloped in lecture 3. (ut

    first "ust calculate the no"inal a"ounts of acid and base for"s of

    the wea8 acid created by addition of the strong base. These are9[H]'


    ns9 %ro" buffer progra"9 "$ %

  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)


    Sample Calculation$ 7ea! Acid#Strong

    Base Titration Curve (Cont.ll)

    Problem 24-2.)onsider the titration of *'.' " of '.1''

    H6r 7a 1.3 4 1'25/ with '.1'' -aOH.

    Region 3.fter *'. " of base total/ has been added. This is

    clearly at the e$ui#alence point of the titration cur#e.

    !olution9 :efer to ecture 3.

    )an use the calculator progra" de#eloped in lecture 3. (ut first

    "ust calculate the no"inal a"ounts of acid and base for"s of the

    wea8 acid created by addition of the strong base. These are9



    ns9 %ro" buffer progra"9 "$ %

  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)


    Sample Calculation$ Strong Acid#Strong

    Base Titration Curve (cont. %%l)

    Region 4.fter the e$ui#alence point, after adding 5'.' " of '.1'' -aOH. -ow calculate e4cess OH2/

    Total "oles of OH2

    2oles of wea8 acid consu"ed

    oles of OH2re"aining





  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)


  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)


    The four -a5or 6ifferences Beteen a 7ea!

    Acid#Strong Base Titration Curve and a 7ea!

    Base#Strong Acid Titration Curve1. The initial pH is abo#e &.''.

    . gradually decreasing portion of the cur#e,

    called the buffer region, appears before asteep fall to the e$ui#alence point.

    3. The pH at the e$ui#alence point is less than


    *. Thereafter, the pH decreases slowly as

    e4cess strong acid is added.

  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)


  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)


    "eatures of the Titration of a

    8olyprotic Acid ith a Strong Base

    1. The loss of each "ole of H+shows up as

    separate e$ui#alence point but only if the

    two p7a

    s are separated by "ore than 3 p7


    . The pH at the "idpoint of the buffer region

    is e$ual to the p7aof that acid species.

    3. The sa"e #olu"e of added base is re$uired

    to re"o#e each "ole of H+.

  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)


  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)


    Acid#Base %ndicators and the

    -easurement of pH

    = >efinition9 wea8 organic acid, H0n that has a differentcolor than its con?ugate base, 0n2, with the color change

    occurring o#er a specific and relati#ely narrow pH range.

    = Typically, one or both for"s are intensely colored, so only

    a tiny a"ount of indicator is needed, far too little toperturb the pH of the solution.

    = !ince the indicator "olecule is a wea8 acid, the ratio of the

    two for"s go#erned by the [H3O+] of the test solution9

    [ ][ ][ ]

    [ ]

    [ ]

    [ ]

    [ ]a














    =+=+ aqaqlaq

  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)


    ,et us consider 1uantitatively' the case of titrating a ea!

    acid ith a strong base. %f the ea! acid has one

    dissociable proton' then the overall reaction is$

    HA 9 /H#: A#9 H&

    7e ill assume that the strong base a/H and the ea!

    acid anion aA are completely dissociated in solution.

    "urthermore' e ill not neglect the contribution of the

    dissociation of ater.

  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)


    /ur Titration System is ;overned by


  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)


    = !uch a syste" has @ e4peri"entally "easurable#ariables9 7a, 7w, [H]'and [-aOH]'

    = 0f we assu"e that the first four 7a, 7w, [H]'and

    [-aOH]'/ are 8nown, then we are left with *

    e$uations in * un8nowns.

    = Of the * un8nowns, the only one we cancon#eniently "easure is [H+]. This suggests that

    we sol#e the four e$uations for [H


    ] by successi#eeli"ination.

  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)



  • 7/24/2019 Titrasi Aasam Basa (1)



    1. :egion 1, pH 1.*&&, :egion , pH &.''', :egion 3,pH 1.'*C

    . :egion 1, pH .D5 , :egion , pH 5.3C , :egion 3,

    pH @.&D , :egion * 1.'5