title of talk1 unification & b-l in string theory stuart raby b-l workshop, lbl september 21,...

Title of talk 1 Unification & B-L in String Theory Stuart Raby B-L Workshop, LBL September 21, 2007

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Page 1: Title of talk1 Unification & B-L in String Theory Stuart Raby B-L Workshop, LBL September 21, 2007

Title of talk 1

Unification & B-L in String Theory

Stuart Raby

B-L Workshop, LBL September 21, 2007

Page 2: Title of talk1 Unification & B-L in String Theory Stuart Raby B-L Workshop, LBL September 21, 2007


charge quantization gauge coupling unification Yukawa unification neutrino masses

Page 3: Title of talk1 Unification & B-L in String Theory Stuart Raby B-L Workshop, LBL September 21, 2007

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uu u u


u uQ


d dd ed

q u du

u d


uu d







Pati-Salam SU(4)CxSU(2)LxSU(2)R

3 3 = 2EM L RQ T T B L

Page 4: Title of talk1 Unification & B-L in String Theory Stuart Raby B-L Workshop, LBL September 21, 2007

(5) (1)


(4) (

2) 2

( )





31 510 5 1


Q + Q

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spinor repsn.of SO( 10 )

Charge quantization

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charge quantization gauge coupling unification Yukawa unification neutrino masses

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Gauge coupling unification

163 10 GeVGM

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charge quantization gauge coupling unification Yukawa unification neutrino masses

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charge quantization gauge coupling unification Yukawa unification neutrino masses

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charge quantization gauge coupling unification Yukawa unification neutrino masses


MSee-Saw ~ (.01 -.1) MG

Page 11: Title of talk1 Unification & B-L in String Theory Stuart Raby B-L Workshop, LBL September 21, 2007

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4 D GUT problems

GUT symmetry breaking

Higgs doublet – triplet splitting

Solution ?

Orbifold GUTs

Page 12: Title of talk1 Unification & B-L in String Theory Stuart Raby B-L Workshop, LBL September 21, 2007

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M4 x S1/(Z2xZ2’)

P P’

P & P’ parity affect boundary conditionsat fixed points

Page 13: Title of talk1 Unification & B-L in String Theory Stuart Raby B-L Workshop, LBL September 21, 2007

Orbifold SUSY GUTs in 5 or 6DP & P’ boundary conditions can

break N=2 N=1 SUSY give chiral gauge theory gauge symmetry breaking Higgs doublet-triplet splitting

All this first observed in heterotic string in 10D

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Orbifold GUTs / String Orbifolds Kobayashi, SR, Zhang hep-ph/0403065 , hep-ph/0409098 Mini-Landscape : search for MSSM LNR3VW hep-th/0611095, hep-th/0611203 Road to the MSSM w/ R-parity LNR3VW 0708.2691 [hep-th]

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E8 x E8 heterotic string

Constructing MSSM / Caveats

SUSY solution at MS

100’s moduli ( geometric & more )

moduli stabilization & SUSY breaking ?? save for later

gauge & Yukawa couplings fcns. of moduli tune to desired values

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E8 x E8 heterotic string in 10DCompactify 6D on


Then mod by Z6-II = (Z3 x Z2) and Add Wilson lines

Z6 embedded in E8 x E8 gauge latticeas shift V6 : consistent with mod. inv. !

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First consider (T2)3/Z3 + W3 [Wilson line in SU3 torus]

Massless modesFrom Untwisted sector + (G2 , SU3) twisted sector

E6 GUT in 5 or 6D

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E6 Orbifold GUT on M4 x S1/(Z2xZ2’)

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Then add Z2 orbifold + W2 [Wilson Line] [in long direction]

E6 SO(10) SU(4)xSU(2)LxSU(2)R

F3 = (4,2,1), F3c = (4c,1,2) , H = (1,2,2)

P P’ ( V2 ) ( V2+ W2 )

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T1 twisted sector

2 Light fam’s

Vector-like exotics

Local GUT SO(10)

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E6 Orbifold GUT on M4 x S1/(Z2xZ2’)

Vector-like Exotics

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Advantage of Orbifold & Local GUTs

1. Local SO(10) GUT with 16s at fixed points guarantees charge quantization

2. Orbifold GUT with SU(5) or larger

in bulk allows for gauge coupling unification at string scale

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Mini-Landscape searchhep-th/0611095

Lebedev, Nilles, SR, Ramos-Sanchez,

Ratz, Vaudrevange & Wingerter

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Buchmuller, Hamaguchi, Lebedev & Ratz Z6-II orbifold

hep-ph/0511035, hep-ph/0512326

Looked for and found SM gauge group in 4D with 3 families and vector-like


Search for MSSM Spectra in heterotic orbifolds

Page 25: Title of talk1 Unification & B-L in String Theory Stuart Raby B-L Workshop, LBL September 21, 2007

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Mini-Landscape search Z6-II orbifold1. V6 breaks to SO(10) [or E(6)]

2. 2 families [ 16 [or 27] ] in T1 twisted sect. 3. Generate 2 Wilson lines W3 , W2 4. Identify ‘inequivalent’ models5. Select models with6. Select models with 3 net (3,2)7. Select models with non-anom.8. Select models with 3 SM families + Higgses + vector-like exotics

(5) (10)SMG SU SO

1( ) (5)U Y SU

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Mini-Landscape search LNRRRVW

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Mini-Landscape search LNRRRVW

93 MSSM-like models orprobability ~ 1/300

“Fertile patch” in heterotic landscape !!

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Road to the MSSM w/ R-parityLNRRRVW 0708.2691 [hep-th]

1. Check R parity 2. Check for D = 0 directions 3. Check all exotics get large mass4. Check light Higgs 5. Check charged fermion masses 6. Check neutrino masses 7. Check dimension 5 B & L

violating ops.

Page 29: Title of talk1 Unification & B-L in String Theory Stuart Raby B-L Workshop, LBL September 21, 2007

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R parity

i B LR e

2Z Forbid Dim 2 & 3 operators

Family Reflection symmetry or Matter parity



- 2 /B L S f S f

Page 30: Title of talk1 Unification & B-L in String Theory Stuart Raby B-L Workshop, LBL September 21, 2007

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Generalized matter parity Z2

2 2

& = 2 / 2 2 / 2 1

nS n f

f f



0, 2, 2/3, 2/5, 4/5, 2/7, 4/7, ....f

Identify “suitable” B-L standard for SM particles vector-like on exotics maximal no. SM singlets w/

Allow right-handed neutrino masses

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Consider one “Benchmark” Model

G = SU(3)xSU(2)x [SU(4)xSU(2)’]xU(1)9

1. Spectrum2. term3. Yukawa couplings4. Neutrino masses5. Dim. 5 ops.

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Orbifold GUT - SU(6) Local GUT - SO(10) x SO(4)


3 31 1 1 1 1 1 13 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 23

V 2 3 3 0 0 0 0 0


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1 1nS ~ MZ

Yukawa couplings

Not realistic - YET

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Neutrino masses via See-Saw

YES !!

Dimension 5 operators –

suppressed ~

BUT generated again when integrating out states - problem ??


Page 37: Title of talk1 Unification & B-L in String Theory Stuart Raby B-L Workshop, LBL September 21, 2007

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Proton decay

IF families at local GUT fixed points Dimension 6 ops. fixed by 1/ MC


Expect MC < MG

Dimension 5 ops. unsuppressed - Unless find symmetry

R-parity forbids Dimension 3 & 4 B & L violation


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We find MSSM in “fertile patch” of E(8)xE(8) heterotic string

Important to test string theory

SUSY breaking and lifting flat directions ??

Almost realistic “Benchmark” models !!! w/ Caveat

MSSM Orbifold & Local GUT