title: johnny d. (public enemies) year: 2009 genre: foreign films, drama, crime, history, biography...

Title: Johnny D. (Public Enemies) Year: 2009 Genre: Foreign films , Drama, Crime , History, Biography Country : United States Budget: $ 100 million Title: Johnny D. (Public Enemies)

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Page 1: Title: Johnny D. (Public Enemies) Year: 2009 Genre: Foreign films, Drama, Crime, History, Biography Country : United States Budget: $ 100 million

Title: Johnny D. (Public Enemies)

Year: 2009

Genre: Foreign films , Drama, Crime , History, Biography

Country : United States

Budget: $ 100 million

Title: Johnny D. (Public Enemies)

Page 2: Title: Johnny D. (Public Enemies) Year: 2009 Genre: Foreign films, Drama, Crime, History, Biography Country : United States Budget: $ 100 million

Director: Michael Mann

Page 3: Title: Johnny D. (Public Enemies) Year: 2009 Genre: Foreign films, Drama, Crime, History, Biography Country : United States Budget: $ 100 million

Starring :

Page 4: Title: Johnny D. (Public Enemies) Year: 2009 Genre: Foreign films, Drama, Crime, History, Biography Country : United States Budget: $ 100 million

Starring also starring :Stephen Lang , Jason Clarke , Stephen Graham , Billy Crudup , John Ortiz, Branka Katic , Stephen Dorff

Page 5: Title: Johnny D. (Public Enemies) Year: 2009 Genre: Foreign films, Drama, Crime, History, Biography Country : United States Budget: $ 100 million

Public Enemies" - based on a real life incident of the legendary American bank robber John Dillinger , gained worldwide fame in the 30s of the last century , thanks to the successful commission of multiple crimes. He - one of the most daring and inventive robbers in U.S. history , a few years sweeps the stigma of public enemy number one in the list of the FBI , and at the same time become a true hero and a symbol of protest for all marginalized and disadvantaged Americans government . Inspiring fight against the power of the oppressed its citizens, Dillinger gang with each new time cranked all the more ambitious robbery , subtly leaving from under the nose of law enforcement officers and prison guards . Within days of its leader, managed to win a place in the main target the best FBI agents , many months for throwing his capture all the forces that were in their possession.

Film - another attempt to reconstruct the course of long sunk into oblivion events once in turning ideas about crime in all strata of American society.

Description of the movie " Johnny D. (Public Enemies)"

Page 6: Title: Johnny D. (Public Enemies) Year: 2009 Genre: Foreign films, Drama, Crime, History, Biography Country : United States Budget: $ 100 million

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