tit mirttrii memphis daily appeal w4a jfoli · a.v sjlzeaa r jtnapai xaa iia ticanuy. til. re.blmoe...

T V rt ml J . J - 1 in att JK. I i Will tolata tUnc " - - ' fkJl - s - - n T - - TIT . mirTTrii 1 CLANAflAN, TROUSDALE & DILL. te arold sitcr, it? conceive-1- . wtt r. rat ....... f a.jg,U.'UAiiAAiAS(, UOH1DJU IJWCISUIj , BXXJAMXX P. BILL, errors tite arax tjcanzn or arctiSASAS, trousdale & dillJ ' nOK AXJ. LETTEE OB J3UJL5ESS, OB OTSXB-- wiie, tHoru) ax aedexked, PaiCE OF JttlBiCRIPTIOS. Dally, la tinne, per snnaa a. ..... ..S10 00 Txl-- a. ifcElTj " . .................... 6 00 VeeKj. " " " in rY- - T tTftf Vlr na-i- r- TriTI be fnrnlced to mats rrYwn sndapwarde titlit each : payable t&TMU&r la snjJtVeerry CIC, tobe made np atoneolos. " - ,'r3Ta0 subscriber aad a new caa wQl b taken etch. tJ-J- n nXciie aj tbe paper be sent ta aewsahscri-bersunleeattssrc- cr tor the same It auandad with .the cash. J" AH Daily tcbecrtpUons will siere4 do ud p?yaMc,fciif -- yearly la edTance. C3"-T- b foregoing lerma will be strictly sad Tlgt&J lilered to. DAILY RATES FOR AJDYERCISX7T04 Adopted bf the Appeal sad ScoU end Emjulrtr. For otjjkyxBAreof tUaescrressCDl:icrUon...tl 00 For eAiU adiltiottHiiierUco of art e.. . . . ... M r f Z 09 i 00,'u H t oo!i2 rei is oojis 76jt: W MOO OSl00il0 li CMts 00,20 aotn 00f3 00 iO CO 7 HilO tOttt 3 4 etjio ixra etUn Si to 00 t ocf W oohs oojis elu oO'jo win talis ooJ oo n Um oofes oo J4 oafu tiJii CM 70 OS iwlis eo!u oolsa cafss ' so oo itaw? QiOi cats 80i S5 i ooga o'io ooi,oogpol JO0 100 00 One aniig'feBetfttie wetoy, per r.nm, f0 W ' " " iwsce a rwt, " 60 00 t3T r"0 KUm. ircnrttU wetMy. ptr itibbti, CO 00 " " tirt watt. " 80 00 t3 AH idrertlKEKaU nqvlred to be kspt o tcatzjl pace, CHAHCE,AJ 2fEW XACK EAT, AI GB Ultd PKa, aa over lated rmU . L3AdnrUaamnU dttectod ta ba dltpUyed, or act la larftyp,cl:atitd socsu raU. I3 Tearlr admtltn lrl I be chaired extra for ocea-pyl- ag apate orer cuatrart, aad vara LARGE TTrr la to ba caad, or taa ajTertlseaeot kept oa 1st Ida of papvi EJ Taarly adTertlsm vfll b ciartrf extra at refclar rate fat Wa3U. Hn-a- , BemeraU. Cepartaenhlp Oiwaixaeea, fee EJ TsAsttcsr ABTutTitrse ttriT be mid roa i a AOTAJICZ. t3 KoadTerUarant irffl appear is the ITeeUr paper uieu rmtwc-a- l contract. 3AdTrQaeamu ta be Isaerted la tbe TTeailT paper carj, erjalUrregaiar (pteTrali la r at taa capera, vfil beaartJgl per Vqaare fer errry lniertteo. X3 Acnssadiis caadldatea far Statr, Caaaty aad Jfn- - Biapaf U&M, $a caca, ta be pa!4 la aaranca ta eTcry laataacel tTCla adTtrHsmeaU tor CiiriUii luutaUaas, me Compnin,''rard,Towa, and otaar FaaBe Statist , t bacaarred fcaif prtce. C Karrtacea aad Deatbi are pcbHed as Bm ; bat O&iCaaih Tribal, vt Sespect xd Taseral iBTttaUoas a otaeraSTeftla-Bieat- a. E7Atca aad Tracslrat AdrertiBeiaesta irfB ba caarCTahyjtac raacrtica. 13 KAlarla) Xatlcea la local Calaaa irffl b charred 31 cit pcrttne r3Tilediica9Berrariatlca'irlll be Badatrcatae rorefoai rattn. ' 31. M'OIJLXtnAX. T&0B5DAT, h. DILI. -f Qifrssioiial toos. - - 1W. D. TTELCH, 1 riOKVSr AT LAVr, Jaeka, Tra AH bataeia4 A. atrateio Cla care proaipay aiuaoeaia. lir XDiFARD PIC RETT," Jr., i ATTOitKKr AT LAW, Unapeia.Tcaa. oaee, Blew ay the hit OSoe AsUdlar. Iaai4vr:t-- J- B. B 'BW.1,.. ........ .............t. if. rBAZEIi, Btraaade. Jleaujibta. for BROTF3f '& FRAZEIt, A TTOONETaAT LAW. OAeeaXa z 5ta atneU SX. erer BVaraa'a Sluslc uff e, VratptU, Tesa , aad "be, Ileraaada, DeSHecvsaty, Xtaa. DI aitesd proacpMy to al eoHeettoaa and baalaeta eatraated to ibem la freat Teeaewe aad Katth VbaiMipcl. KrrEx to TraHL. Bra. Ji Co , rbBalelpUa ; Croaln, ft EbzxUuII & Sean. KaBer . SteUueia. N. T. vr. B. Of naKr,Jaae, JtrearaACa., V J. Wel.bi.Oo Kna-pst- a. pll-dw- i a. e. la ma a..... .. ........,...c. a. aroTT. LA.TIAR &. J!OTT. AriOfiSZTS AX LAV, Il'iJy SjirtiC Vbeiaalppl. n M. i. irCJLTUIU'OUO. SEODK AZ LAW: aad Seal Eatale Aceat, Sapo. ''teocv-Ark- . Refer u A- - Wrtrtt Swj , aad OaL a O Payae, feai- - ti Jsdn &. u JDarwaen, Boaeeaa . o, EaaaauBAlfa,;abTa MOerG. A Bry.ClarkV , aad Ga. T. E. Itaa aey, Da.ba re.. Ark. mr-i-da- J TJOHX RAX.STO.V, , TT0RKET AT LtW. SabUL. Shalt) caaaly, 7eaa. XV. OfSa-ai-i She OX reUe--i' UiS. BCTxm TDHbb w. P. Seadrkk. WaraeaberoacB. 1 Teaau anan Kaadle k. Eeraa. Ekmta y, Ga.Sl B. FrayrDr J. W VTaUon, Km) , U.mr piKa;ijrrta;, X4 . UUK 8ck. Ark ; w. , W.atb. erter-b- v. . arfa. Art f.T J. A. MOOS, ' "A"Tr0atKT AT LAW, General Cbeectiar aBd Lasd XA. Areata, tar b Jtertbera and sxieta CoaaOes ef AraaaaaJ, BIS ABO, ABX. feB3Sdaly L.O. RIVES, . ATTDRSXT- - AKD OOCXSSLOB j&T LAW, Iteatpbll, the roat OSve BeetHs(. " ' -- 1 bfrVnea eatratted ta hi care wffl receiTa proaat asdrfatafal atteataoa. OoRectlaaa presaptly.taad la the aaaaea z wen xesaeaaee, irieaimjpi aaa iaaia1y Dissolution; TSE partsenblp ic tae ptacUfe olthflaw. herrtslore SaUiTaa.TreadwTB et Tfthotloe, la this day.dltaalTad. July 1, ISM. ; COS. . ' . . W. X. TiEAU'WrLL.. K. TOLUKTIXE. TREAD tTELla &TOLEISTI.VE, ATTORKXTS-A- LAW. Jlraf tla,-Ten- Odice, No. atreet, apatajt. aecicd deor'Ealt of Ouaaerclal Ilutel jn3--d It A. C. HARRIS, AT LAW, (tate er Focabaataa, Ark ,) ATTOIUnsX ta aad perauarBtly located at Jackaoo. pert, Art., aiB attend to the caSrcttea of CUlraa at Po eaaaatai, RaadalBli cosaty, Poaraattaa aad SsiltbirBle Lawreaee caaty. Batea rlBe, ladepradeace csaaty. Jack aeacort, Oraad Glalse aad AbxbiU, Jackiea ceaaty. Searcy, WbHe county, Dea Arc, Prairie county, and a-- 1 afar ruf tmahleaa e9rnatod 1. Hi tre tai sale , ceutiea. WWaJao tareatuate Laad TUlea, aadact aB Lasd Axeat far pay tazea. Jcc A. Reference Gerre PatDti a. Co , Jleophli, Teaa.; a it. Qattot, ef theHrjarBU ArrEAL; Haa. Tboa. B Haaly, Haa. Charlea Adaau, JaTld Brataa. ZM J H. C.MHANH, A TS0B.KET AT "LAW", Xa. Co art Scaare. Xen-X- a. jM,T.3B. astS-- tl x. r. sicriAxntox.. x. a. b aot. Richardson & Hii.cs, i'a&UE AT LAW. VatapbU. Teaa. OCceea the Jfejrr! alio aoci jecreoo (trsu. octi-i- y cetlcx x. rxAinx. j alt is johi. FRAZEIt & JOXES, A TTpBKKTS AT LAW, JCaaiphia, Teas. 03ce aactb .a- - aloe Court Soaare. aota-4- at c. j.rr. sCaees, AT LAW, XMnpoli, Teaa. OfSw Bp ATTOBJfBT gl gaat aloe if Kali atreet. ifS-t- a waa. n. XtLr atxice thoj u.loowood HJLPATBICK. & LOGWOOD, a TTiJli'Sl'S AT LAW. Vrmpbln. Teaa.. wiH practice Xx. ta an ail tae ccrniu ia wm ecaeaae aaa r oni lfta la.Ijnir Pattfca ar auenltoo irren'to-bairaet- ta tbeO, B. Bu'rtetCoart at Pjoutoc, lilaa. OOce, Xo. (7 8oatliaMcOaa.'t9qur. 3,111m a. r TAXCE,. a. AxxjExaoa. VASOE & ASDERSOS. a TaOBXtn&l AT LAW, Hra;Ua, Taoa. OSca oa jVbaTSe atreaa.'bet'areen Hata aad Secoad itrecu. Jaal 1 r x. cvr'touxflOT.. .......... .....i. r. r a bxei.lt. .ELOURXOI.& EARRELLY, 1 TTOKN'ATS ATiAW. Xeauibu.Teriaeaiee. Offlee, jfX Secard atreet, Kj the cBdiar, XerUtaat corarr Ql OartSeaare jaaiay CHAS. D. FOSTAEVE, a TTOBXET AT LAW. Peatotoc. allaa , wffl attoad Xi; atrlctly to aU prafeatlcaal bailaeaa which nay be ealraatea ja aua xa aay ex aseoarsa m jiotia. jaasau alppL feb!7-l- It. G. PA TAE. a TTOBJSXT AT LAW. Keiapali, Teaa. oacela tbe X. loat OBie BattdlBt. Jetleraea itiret. nar2l-ll- y SMITH P. ZIASH.KEAD. l TTORNCr AT LAW, KiapBia. Tesa. OScela the Faat OfiVee Block, erer AyAett &. Co., third atory. apt K. F. EOO.Ei", 1. TT0BXBT AT LAW. OOot ,nt O. . Cherry jand-t- f jTPRxii ED A. SEECHES. WJCHERSIIAM St. BEECHEK, TT0RXKT8 AT LAW, XespUa, Teaaeaaee. once. iKo SlJetteraea atreet laatf GEO. DIXON. a .tTOBSET AND COnNSELUB AT LAW. Xetaahla, ,cha.' OSce, asalh aid. of Co art SiCATt, cneioCT weet at WaKaee'a ABCtloa ilooaa, as ataira. febfttf D M. DtTBOSE. a TJOKSTT AT .1W, IfciBBbK, Teaa. Offlee on exit M aHj nf ifala a trtt. betweea Jefiertca aad Annul, Barer te T. Titsa, McSa-ro- , Barrta & UcXeflt, J. T. WaWarsi, W. B. Klflei aad VUea Owes, ICeatphla.TrBa.; aiMi.Jfitn. fc do. . K tit- - l."ia-t- f DR. JAMES HI. KELLER, T) BSriOTriTIA.T cSSera BU pjvleealuBxl aerrieea to the A.V s jlzeaa r jtnapai xaa iia Ticanuy. til. re.blmoe i. oa ilaexner af alaiaaod Betl'treet. Oatieea Ba taldeot JlaU.betarataJtadUoaaadJIoniwv vfaere.be iaay be Isaad at all Lssra, aakai profeealeaajy a . IrrnlT-rf- SOTICE. TABSllTKDEBS'rfBcaAt J. H. edj e fc. Co.'f Drat JJ "Store Bear the Poat OSce. Bant-i- r ' ' HOJIEOPATHr. XDUOXDS.K. 9 , (Uteol.UeaklBiTiBe, Kj., WA. aad Hydropathic Phyaiciaa, teaderr hla prefraatoaal aerrlcea to the dtlxeaaofKeopbia. Beaideace Jaadiaoa atreet. sn to tbe Flaataf MML Office Xadlaea atreet, adjotalar the AdTccaie oaee. Betert ta xlcComba Trice, 1. Terlaa tt Sea. W J. Parte aad W.B KUma. marH-- ej Dr. R. I. EASKI, StafCrbyalciaa aad Director of aererxl Boapltala LATB member ot dlSereat Medical SodeUea haa located la tae city af Memphis:, xsd ra tiateiilcea te tbe pabUc aa rhyaicUa, Accoacher, aad for all operation, in 3 irxrry. X3Z OtBce oa Waabiartoa street, between Mala aad Sacoad, xaa DU. J. K. 5IALEORY, TTAUkeaaBoacerntaetaataideif Co art Sqnare. JidottlE''S'eHece'a AbcUob Mart, aad tradera bU prafeaalooal aerrtees to tae cuuzoa oi jiespal. aaa Tt ty. . . aaai-atc- a W. T. BAILEY, . (Late Sottlo Carolina ) s ifXSa lccaled permaaeBily 1b the city of Memphis, Sera hit acnlcca to the pebUt, la the Tsticus braacaefjfls protrsilon Spedal sttentlea paid tt Obstetrics ?and dlsesea ot women in sxnersl. OOce on Atafn atreet. orer the atore of Win on, ChnrcbW fc Co., Xn ITI . toiii. Cottrc. iEACS Rio CoSss, Just recelTtd sal far sale lew ..,...'.. ..a. ..U, IMC U U ,1 aplSs jCf- -, J DOCCEEBTTk. ATDLm, Xo 22 Trent Row X. SIIERROD, D( entmstad to t 2, vm recuTrpTaapi xttesuos. t BEN. 8HEV AT LAW. Oris, ATTOTIXET to bis care win n la!yl-- tt i m m m m i 1 Cotton $acto. a i. joke, w. x iiowi. at . jgxei a. t. satu. JOHES, BEOWH"'& 'CO., Cotton Factors, Grocers, Commissioa Sc Forwarding Merchants, Jo. ISO Main ptrecf. MEMPHIS, TENJT. U1SOI Of MreilME Pi Shemi, Tbbuco, Strt!i,St.ct sd Toodto 5Trt, to. tetoer rlih I1 xrtUX icpt la Cuaalttba 1Kb", Iie onerlug on rtuuK Mm"'. Being ware with a tdrpr ccamciisvi VTcreJunue roi tdTicz oottia. ire wl coaUfine X ior d Mil coiUo stesrM a.nrti. Ttrrr Crxn res Bale. xjwt oomlst cclttni contlfstd te ej by iKttrs sce selet oilxtwit loured el. Liberil ah adruuu suite a cattonerMhtrpniBca la lero. j.at- - Atrxa-D- cs ...... .........oaXA- - c. jaars. halloa, Sena. Xeapaia. AtEXAyDEE & J OSES, COTTON FACTORS, Oonoral Comrols sion JUTS FORVABDING MERCHANTS, JiOSB t HDNTS NEW BUILDING, o. jis fuox notr, " - MempUi-jTTen- n. Soom Ka. 18, Bp italrt. Lf ."3 J rMit bo tbe ttffDLt of ( rarUiaiaraUeatk.B paid t Bneir lar, Forvareiar aad SeMu Grats, aad all kladi ot Prodaee ai d Kaan'aelgred Goada We ar prepared to AH all ardera lef IK)l,Gr crtM, &c., at the lowest Vboirule vtien AlteoiilBm-B- i sa j riT.r w li be core ed b. ar cpea poUciet, tmleat tnaik M aot laaared oa Ml o; ladtef. AB e ttoa ta atore tai sred, anleea otaerwiae ttutraefd. Oar bnus-a- t belai; exetnaiTely camaiwaKia, aaa ear tiae mrTrrf J oerateo o tfcr taleresl or oar palroBa we feel that we ara tatH led to a IriaL Taat Is all w aar. iaeE4awkai A. I Sxcctnm to PawtU d- - Co.,) Cotton Factors AID COMMISSION iTIERCJIIAIVTS, XO. 41 VJilOX STliU2ET, aepn-l- r VKW OfttaSAKS, LA. GOODLETT, BONE & CO., (Sneeeaaers to GoaUettfJaatfr A Co.) Rcceirinff, Forward Inj AXD GENERAL C03I3HSSIOJ. IHEECnAXTS, DEALEat IX BAGCUG, BOiPI, Etc;, dFflCE NO. 35 FROKT BOW. t anrrioBS' ly laatraelrd tothe asajatraay. - We bare a la"e 'aad we aaaorted stock ed EJSX- - TDCXT AJiD INDIA BaGGIKti.ai alw a cerreapoo- d- ist aapp-- y e, imfs, rr- - ra taeeea. taaBaiaetonea, waKb we wut foralab apcaas easy tenaa as aay basse of this sity- - , tr cha'fes tr STOBIXG. StltPLlKQ, SELLIVO AKD WElOBINorOrrOX, will teas aereleiorv. M eeata per bale, watts cerata all except drayas and lata-raae- a. .aaxIS eawsni BAS-Z- C OAHASC-- .. WM, XESA mt T Cotton Factors, Commission Groceij lilcrchants, SO. 2 FROST ROW, nrE ebaTte, at Beretnfare. flfly per bate fjr Sioriax aad SeSlsa 3ettea We wBI k m at' Cattoa U. tore cerend by laiaraaee. aara etbrrrlae ; aad ,rsaata of Cot too u n tUt,T iB ba tsaaree aruatl tae Ca rr ef VBTtratasei. We are air. eat win eeatteoe tsre-- Cb tae maaa to Teear h tat erocra for rm, Volaaaaa, Tobacco, Baenae. Fiear, urn. Sana. Base. tiri, oeaaei. SaltaodTatae, wrlaa riel atack ar Brjcerlee. tbe UeatpaH OaH- -a MilH, aad Mf- -r at lev artwt tatlr nao-r- c, OrMon Taraa ana jeaas H uauy. AM late ereeri fortae sur uettao 6B. 8RA.nAtf k. TflLL. . t. rATTEXSOX .... . ...J. r. MAMHAZX. PATTERSON, MARSHALL & CO., El COTTON FACTORS, Commission and Grocery MERCHANTS, XO. 62 FB0KT SOW, U5DBB COX. HOTEL, yltniavfa Slempbla, Tenn. D. E. T0iYSEIT), COTTON PACTOB, AXtl COMlSISSIOIi MEECHAI-JT- . aUeotiaa rlrra te Storlar aad SotllDj Cattoa. PBdUrr Xo U f mat Bow, Memphja. aBxiS'dawiy J. F. LIXTHICCM &. CO., Cotton Factors f! . ATO ' ' GENERAL COJDIfcSIDX 3IERCIIAXTS, ME-WPHIS- , TENS. OmOZ, Xe set i'limi., b.trovAiiro aad the store of riearoey, Cateper a. Leake. jBnl2-d.- w JOrCT W LED BETTEX, L. L-- LEDBETTEBr Mem pals. narnsbarc. Mas. JOHN "W. LED BETTER & CO., COTTON FACTORS, AXD C0M3IISSI0X MERCIIAXTS, So. 4 Front Row, OYER HANNAH & SHANKS. Memphis,, Tonn. PARTI C0 LAB ATTBXTrOX paid ta the sale- - ad sblpraei t of OettoB. Baecibs aad Bepe a-l- aya oa bnod at the Wwest market pefee. laass-(- m i xtosTsoatExr, T. a. TATE, Of Ifeapbls. Late et Tateaetne. Xlss. MONTGOMERY & TATE, COTTONJACTORS COHnilSSIOX "niERCIIAXTSy 3To. ,XX IVXaxclisoxx-xBt.- , Between Front Row and Main, MEMPHIS, TENN. Cottoa s tipped to as. or sUre by at after Its losT'aace, na-e- sa otherwise Initrarted. laalb-dw.l- y jr. sotnox. .U. C. JI0XTOX--.- J S- - VeODOELLv Fleresre, Ala. C. 91. 30RT0X & CO., Cotton Factors GROOEHS, Commission and Forwarding MERC HANTS, NO. 33 FRONT ROW, JMEMPHIS, TENN. CTTV-f- r PARTICULAR attrattea paid to Sto-- i! tSStot. SeHtDt aad SMeplsr CMtv V rftrr.r. m eonitAntly Baacia,i Bene, xsd PuntaUoa SeppHcs ceoe. raBy. lil-dfc- W. I. riCEETT XALT It "WOXMELET. wai. r. rsoooriT. HARRIS, W0R3IELEF & CO., Cottoit and. Grain FACTORS, General Commission and Forwarding; JMeroliaiits WnOLT-SAL- CEALEXS IX Produce nuil Groceries, JTO. S TEONT ROTT, ' Jol-da- w MEMPHIS, TEXX. l. wesb... .......... j. r. BAWLIXOS. ."WEBB & "BAWLINGS, GOTTON FACTORS AND COMiTlISSIOIV MERCHAIVTS, 0r door from comer of Main k Catoa sir., (Hp stalrsj M K.M.P H J S, T Eis N . alteajuvfald to recetTlar xad forward, PAETI.'XLAB seffiBTXVln, Baeea, aad all kinds ot Frcdiitavasd msnafacts CXce-ls- . OrSJairsta tmtjen'CASmti. at the lowe.t atrkrt ratttaFrodaarkpped as onWood steamboala coTerad trnV twtlaal "vakrd VW tntm ed " ea tbe bW otpaT ,Ur Jaaared unlets otherwise ilia Jaeta-bein- r exduslTely O frToled Iv the w.Hare of oar aij ComsBetase. and ogr tihet jecn. as well preraotei,, pxtrfea. we fr t city - raate taetr saseresi aa r Eitr, i . - pals, . ? JXO. X. TOTZj Ti B SORMEN: if OM JR ForfcflnsDSlcrcAiauls, Sa. Z, IfciaiBon st., Memphis, Tenn , t-- t TILL atore aad aeil Cotton at "S cents per bale. W Cottoa foTTesxipmentfarwsrded at M cenU per bale. Jy8 dawly . J. L. VERSER, Cotton Factor -- AXD Cozzxxxoisisioxi. JaloxroTi rvrrt TJpralrs Mosbyfc Boat's new bl ck, X6. 17J Front Row, Memphis, TennetJte. C0TT0X aad otl er Produce eeasigaed to ma will ALL lateral Bides otherwise ordered. Per storing and selti&r cottoa 75c per bale. I wlj par partlcnlar aiteatlMi to SUnr ord-- rs far Gro ceries, tlaCTUr,Iupe, fc , at tae Liwestisuact pnra. jilt dsartm s r kcxoax.. w. B. crtntsr MOB G AN" & CHBISP, Cotton Factors, AXU COMMISSION MEBCHAITTS, ,Jto. 18 Jejftrtoa sttetl, (SeeonioooT to the Planters'-Baak- J MEMPHIS, TENN; aIXCpTTpKjanlotber Produce conslexeta'CSiiriB, XA. MeoTereacyaasuaacr, nwssBUCTwueiasarncaea, jjlt-cawl- y MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL W4A jfOli i A w . A. r AEX.. ....JAK E S1UIE3..,..C X. PA.YIa, IAEKEE, ELDSE & DATISj dotton Sellers. Grocers and Commission Itfcrcnatots. A'o. 6 BoaariU .Rate, iltmpbu, Ttnn., TTXtr wataalJroB tied tiifgt) al Maala' iV iln-- a itn-ra!i- y. - JyU daa ta rzus walxe, ..it. c istoxa. Kcv Orleaai, La. OaeeerlUa, IUm. WALKEIi Su SNIDER, fiatton Factors Commission IScrcIiants, Ho. 123 Canal Street, lTlyl-d- Kg-- ORU!ASS,la. o, o. TOWirao. a. n. innmoti TOWNSEND & WH1TH0RE. COTTON ASD GRAIN FACTORS, AXD Oommission and Torwarding ME II CHANTS, JS'o.A JSakjSttvt,3doonfrom BullttltCKct. Uke tats methrd of Informinr tbe pabllc tbit wr WE n .aiD In tbe OtTTOK FACTO BAGS BeTsIKEaS.aadritarnoartBealeuicare taaata tii the patraaaKebeatew'd apaa as darlar the taat two ytars; i knaie. kr strict atteallaa to Mule est. to recetTi tbe upport ef or rtnner trt'iiila, ara aa jcany moreilmy taiak preeer to sire as a iriai. Caiuuate! ta a. will ba oarrrcd by.aBswaace, lcss We ship, store and sen Co! too ai SO cent, per tarsi "Wr are alto prepared teato-ea- kin a brrraaacei aotonr cxirEea for aeauithdatorlnr.S per erst, RuutaatlT aa head a ceod aapaay of EactiBE, Hefi aad i. L. prsTtT ....a. w,L4rys REASEEY & EOTIXG, Cotton Factors, Cormlsslonnicrcnaiits AXD - -- ' 1 C3r onoral Or roo ozr f 4 ' Kepe xad Birjlnj always on bbd. ALABQSatocket per bale, all other Prodoojat Banal raeea. laatrBcUoas sldclly obeyed, obd protrpt reiKaace. AH Produce Insared, ccleM otherwise aarM daw- STBATTOS., EnOAB. MCOATIT. t. DtJXSCOllE. STEATT0N, McDAVITr & CO., Cotton Factors, GROCERS & C03I3IISSIO?r a1IERCIIAtS So. 70 Front Row, WILtr store aad anl Cottea at rTrty- - reata per bale. Cettoa coasiraed te tbem ; TvaBepaeat wBI be forwarded at fifty cents h.ar flrirca, mcAta X3 Areata for artivord! celebrated Gia t5Vuds. Jonnfcwly J. A. sAnrLE. ...M ,. MITCHELL... J. M. SAKPi Alea.ptsi ' Late af Abereeen. Late ofraDtatoc, SA,ar;t.) jiia lai., aai a. lu.,; Cotton Factors, Cominisliioa BeceiTin?, aad Fomardihg JCADIS0S , TH1BD DOOR BAST OPUXIOXSAKT, aiKMPUIS, TEN!. ) . beat Barrtac: and Kope- - alway, u atore. ASTJrfLTci Slk4atthe lowest carhprlcra. We are aha Aetata fer the aale ot Geo W Vlnaa's Daebie Geared Portable Tbreabera aad Wheat rxES,f wblek art aaperlarto sanaing ar iae ttoa erer octree to taw pesnter, brinf eaeaprr. e, aad rssilS' la to cet ra of reaatr, aad say be aaed with eqaataa-TM- er h eltr Gi" Iloa er Held. E At- - ArrESjox.....c deloacit....datid adaIu. E. M. APPERS6X & CO., COTTON FACTORS, Grocery ana Commission, "iVEoroliaats, 1 A'o. 65 JVpal Bate ui 6 Jefftrion Slrttt, MESiPHIS, TBVN. WB haTe la atoje aad are y,w it. . ketruHC suae the lauet. a oe,iiocl ke hare ever rcVred for sals lo ul. m.rtet- - .VI at wblsb we tare pw taaord fr caaa, caBabUBg m part AvaiEen-taai- y aad ladia luacjari Maeblne B.p, roa,- - jrem pnre brnap; UaBd-sa- da ; X utacay aadL.,tT,' and Ow.burta ; Batrm, Jfcse P k Lard, Tebacor- - k. dy. loe. Boortwa, Hr aad Oara Wbtoay ; Shot, Levi aad a seaeral stock f Slspie Grocerlea, At . lc, all o. aateb weiaHIrefl for easn at tae Hiweaa inarm prim, wtoeaTMHtomae-ataeasaaiterBi- ,. . StoreScB or Sblp.CeUW. xs bcretoiere, at PUTT CENTS rEB BALE WewUl lnaare no Oatleo ta sto-e- , aaless tastfacted byawaeraeradraacFden We bare lars Cattoa WATeaosae, (oemafa rroa; waaaw mnu.w.. j earucalar attention will be ctaen to tbe Storisc of Cat toa for sue in tMs Market, eras psaes . aad wfl teake caali e aaaie. Oar open Park-re- t I a crane all Oat tea ceaaaaaael. to aa W steaotaeau, acrom-paate- d by a br aateHa apetUeJ en suae "aa tBsaraae.Ma-'tasBfedlsewhei- . - astl-dawt- a nenutoct" at llantrriflr'. aBd -- BtsbtlrXn" "at eepy laBd cWs4alat offlee. r. TiasfA x. A. oox.....,u t.attisox. TITUS & CO., COTTON FAGTOKS, AXD 'Coiriinissioii Mercliaiits, BANK. BUILDING, OppetUt Commercial Haiti, JrfftTiomlutt, V jyrl dHwawaea MEMPHIS TE?r?f. E. M. APPERSON ti, CO., L COTTON FACTORS, Commission & Forwarding Merchants, AXD EE ALE XS 1 B AGQIKQ.BOPE, GBOCTLBIES, &o. A'0. 66 fit OAT R0 W, end" 6 JEFFERSOX-S- T , MEMPBIS.TBXX. atteatien paid te Storing, Ehlpplax and PARTICULAR PRATT'S COTTON GINS. WB are Aexala far tbe sale of D. PRATT'S celebrated 80TTOX GIK3 wtKh bare-'bee- n so fareraMy kaowB for tbe last BBBtber of ysara. Persons wlshlnr to pa rebate are reqaeated to can and examine them. All Gins are sold aader a tan goaranty. istrlS-ft- n X. U.APPEXSOXfcCO. neHr 8priarj, Mlss.,TiaeSi GreBeda,MlssBe-pnMtca- a; PaneU, M Us., Star; Doaumle, Ala , Adrc-ea- te, Taecaabla, Ala.. EaqBlreri BrawnsrlOe,- - Teaa., Jearaal. crpr aix meatbs a u4 srue MJs to uaa ocaoe. , WABDLAW BOWAETJ. ...WH. T. rtOWABD. w. A; CO., Cotton Factors, Commission and NO. 4 HOWARD'S ROW, MEMPHIS, rag a Basrlat, Bcpe, Twine. Sacar, Conee, Mo. Darir Bice, Plonr, Lard, Bacon, Mackerel, Salt, London Porter, Ale, Wine, Wbirty, Vlnesar. Quxuo, Ll&ev Land-Plast- xsd Groceries Eenrrally. A good stock new oa band, and for sale al reasonablV prices rGasb. tdrxacea made oa Cottons is store for rale or ablrmeat. AU Cottons lasared cElessotlionrUe tastract-- I ad. Oar Opea Policy ot Iasaraace cot art. all Cottoa crfa-- .i . . ... . K,ani Ar w. "J , ., - - w. "u.-v- store, unlets otherwise, 1 attracted. or prices for storing'' ana aemnr.fjouena, ana same .aa we bst aargea tor Mars taat fifty twits par b- - teTM- - T. r. ATP LETT. UEXTT .few Orleans, JXeatBdlJ. V Tf P. AYDLETT & CO., COT'TON FACTORS FORWARDING MERCHANTS, pfO. 6S ORAVIER.-ST- ., SEW ORIaEATIS. DOUGHERTY &. AYDEETT, WHOLESALE GB0CEBS AKD COMMISSION KERCH ANTS, XO 21PBOXT B0W,MBMPIliS,' . 117 ILL make cash adrancex on all Outon or other Pro-- V V dace shipped to T. P. Aydlett fc Co., Xcw Orleans. m . . 1. k g. rotrtJCES s. c. mocxt......t. j. rotrutzi. FOWLKES, MOUNT at CO., C o tt on F a ctor s, AKD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, POST OPPICE BCILDIXG, JEPPEBS0X-3- t MEJipmi, TESft." '' COTTOX la a PlictjProot ...Warehouse. STORE 2o per cent 1cm than any bouse la the ely. fSCotton IX atore olaced nnder lasurance unless rn- - straeted to the cualrary. I EJ" Cottoa consigned to us on geed steam, km and Eatooala eeTerec be our open poKcy of lasarance, nalesa otherwUe' expressed In aceef BIHcf Ladlac ' ter BAGGIXG, ROPE AXD PLAXTA- - TIOX STTPPLIESsoliated trem eurpatrent. Agents for tbe sale uf tbe celebraled Premium Tay- lor Oeitoa 61b, " nuutaf txtared by Caemeas, Brown fc Co.. Ooicrabuf, Georgia. - . We bar supplies ( rsrioui slits In store, and wQl take pleasure la abowing them to those in want of a Gin. PlAnterayeuldo, wetl toiailand examine, these Gins before csratlM elsewhere. " , 4 We esteem tbea the best Gin we hare erer teen In qua'ltlea most dealt able, ix : speed, light draught aad making a superior sample of Got toe. mylt-t- . P0WLEJE3, MOOXT fc CO. X rn, o. O. l)oaXB,1ttoetLeMTHleCr.,basbeeimei HI assoastea wns w la rne umcery saa omnmisatoa Business, eillug from tbe 1st lnattnt. MASON, NORVELL k BOONE, COTTON EAGTOKS, GROCERS,,; Comalsslon & Forwarding merchants No.ieilaain4l,Homphia,Tonn. A BAGGtKO. Rope, Jet at. Lieaeys, and a general stock oH Plantatlsa Supplies ccnstantiyoa nsca. stS- - - J. ill. PJlTBICK Sc. CO., Cotton Factors' COMMISSI OX "MERCHANTS, 3XTo. XO I'btroxx'C JELoXTcr, tr, MEMPHIS, TENN., a rry WILL sirs partleelar atti sties t P5iajS,b SelOng ef Cctton asd otheProdco tiSSZA a tbiamarkt. or ter Sblnment. AB Coltoa stored cy ns ww pa Balets vlberwlee loatracted. Bagglna, Rope, and olber Supphet arderrd through ai, wUmeet wtUx Iae strictest pees pal attention.- - Oar cbatgea for Selling Cotton, Jnolcdlcc Storage, will be : It pr eetrt coamls lea oa amount ot aales. Drsyage and Insurance charted at nraal asgl 4m J M. PATBICE fc CO. r. EASE" XEWT0X POBD.....A. C. TJIEA DWELL. F. JLane & Co., COTTON FACTORS commission'merchants, HO. 2, S0t7TiT SIDE UMON ST., - MEMPHIS, TEMX. fXTTO PARTICULAR atlratlon pi id to 8to-- r FsXZa'fft Sblpptnx and Seflmg Ctton t V lrZ2iPcl stock ot Bsrzlar. Ecpe and P ata-- i -- r tatioa suppiin always- - en oaaa, saa - Xurnlsbed at the lowest Burkai prices. jyZl-daw- MEMPHIS, TEOTESSEE, B. H0WCPTT, DENTIST, .4 icccEsioa to so. . nowcorr. HATIX8 prepared myself well to practice Deatlttry J resrectfally soUcit the patreaire ef an who nay sees myaeraiees urtae ptnui tint. ami ciou aarseit to netform all operatlona on tbe Teeth.aod Insert artificial teeth In taa most appro-re- d style as wall aa It can be doealn this or aay ether country ALUbt reference I wish U crre Is a lair trial ot ,ay work. Office ea Vain street, cppoilts Warshact Btase. rcyl(-C- ra mfi Card. DK. aUXCZL GILBSBT, Ss., has retamcd to bis old near Keatpblt. aad reopeaM bis Innrm-u- r, aad win rmala perauneetly. Tie tresis the follow. ar Cbroalc Slscaaes: Caaerrs; ScruSbaa. Wbt a EweeUBr, Teiaxt and Wins wUhoatSartlcalaperalioas. lie also treats an Cbroalc remaie B- - res er leer stanaur. Totter, It beams tlam, SyphBts, and an fotraj ef Mcrcarlal Affoctloaa. ' Dr G. datts tt asaecearary to aay mora, as be baa lir- - ar of his snccesa from Maias to urer-r- a lr TENXKB atteads exdaslTely to Sarrlcsl SUeasea, DBa a as Piles, nstnla la Ano, Strtctarcs, Stone ta insider. Ulcers. Cancers. Tamers, Polypas, Diseased Ronea and JaiaU. Setcrmltles from Buna. Dalr-Ll- p, Contracted Tvadeaa fton loss ot Liu, Cheek, Xose, Eye. Uds, fcc, Clesed Jaws from StUTaUea, aad aa other dis s's ana aeronuiuei rrcuiiius wua" easepto-dtwawl- Susincss (ari)Se M A RCH, 1857. BOOTS, SHOES AIJ3) HATS, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, &c. WHOLESALE AND BETAIIi. TT late arrlrals, we are In receipt of all kinds of Boots, Jj Shoes cad Hat', that are cew aad deelraWe, maklnc eneefaeiarsesi ana siocxs ot Baniuamua werk for retoil trade to be found In Memphis. Prices will be low for calh. Can and see. AtlU&JS, TEJLUX OC ASVIIiW.1, Xo. Hi Mala street, rxarlSVdly Opposite Court Sqnare, Memphis. D. PANTE & CO., Lard Oil. Soap and Candle I-- Blain street, Xtlemphis. Tenn. market prices paid for roach aadrenderid TniSbisbest and Soap Grease. oot3 1 e L. STREET & CO;, ' KAXUFACT DBXBS OP ALL HINDS Or RAILROAD CARS; CARTS, WlGOIvTS, tSsc, Poplar, between ;Jaia and Second Streets, scsll MEMPHIS, TEJJX. JOHN B. BOITOi BOOT AND SH.0E UANVP ACT 13 1 E IV , So. CG Front Row, SIGN OF THE BIO BOOT, aiom TP it i & f ToTin., AatAracDOSiaBHjoanauu, DUUasa.uja ffam SHOES, ef bis own make, also of othfrJA&l maanlactorera. ne ke-- Tr also. Leather. " Sole aaa rpper. Calf Skias. Preach ana American Sboerindlan. Tronke, Carpet BaisaSdVa- - Bsea. all of which be wll eeb aa cheap aa any la tbU market. OlTe hoae call before porobatiiis etaewaere. deals WOUSMASl llttlTSB, a Corner of ilain and Adams street? Miirui9, txj n. .a a pins Tlooae la iHaated In the centre ft bnslrsMxr anc J Is nowSBlsBSdaad tncoaapleucrder.' Tbe Proprietor pleceea blraelf K srauinot cesarpassea try xay Hesse IB ueBonirweea. - . . . w - .j Bin rrxtefat fer the Terr liberal patronaae JeatowaiPl oa aim for t&e lass two years, oe aopus cy a strecs uiea lloo to bastaess to merit a eomtaoance of tbe ease. orT.tf a J 3. WORsnAV. PrbpriatoT T T BAC.GO, S.O . O OVO-.- ' tttK hare la store and are y recerHar the W meet celebrated braada of TOBACCO f rata Virrlbla J a, mml wl h. uM ., . aa.a.rartnrrr.! Aeciam.j Da " y - prices. We wbM caH att.nlluto the MtlevUr braads Trottor'a Itoash'xnd Beady Twl.ti ' " racf! - Warker&C.'s ' " ' " neBand'. Extra Pascal-- J MoMcaa, peastda; Wtdt TaautaB, peases ( - Pscahiataj Usat Adams " Wre'- - " n John's " rarkln " Satberlta's " Pertlaa SbibHiw ToWcoo. sbarhpgc: fc CABSOX, MI-t- VadKea alr.t. tw dtaafa freta Mala. E. jxULTON, 6 Mad f ton Rtreet, Up Stairs, INSURANCE AGENT, POkSOUE OF THE BSST Marine Insnrante Oeinies in the United 8tAUe. Exchange and Note Broker. I win atlead to Ike oezeUatitr of aU ffOTEi AKD BILLS OF EaCIIJLXGE. oen AT WHOIiESALE! BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. tfjm UUK. sttocx in tae wanetaie oepartnieni r, sKI Is now lirir asd eotnpie', to which we re- - Jf& Oil ,prctf HHy e.11 tbe attention of aalr. Tbeee taiTtn r f t cash, or aatlsf actorr aa per, at abert datea, WW dad it to tkeir louresato glre as a ran before BuktBg their nBrshases. r Wholesale Bems np suits. inOKS, TKHRT fc AXD KB SOX, Xe.' MSMala street. Opposite Court Sa,are,.Menpbli. A. J. WAIiT Ss CO., . wHor.ru i.r. asd bztail GMQCMUSi AKO HEALERS in ALL XIItDS Or UPPER COUNTRY PRODUCE, Southeast Corner af Mala and Calsn Sla MXMPinS, TEXX., always on haad a well and carefoHy selected HATE ef art Idee In their line, which they win sea at he lowest can est prices, rj- - Ordsca promptly fined with dispatch. HrtUUtw T ..J.J. JESSY JAMES BORO.at-CO- ., J WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, XO. 3 TjOWABD'S BOW, UEMPni3. TEXX. feb2I)aW!y J. "W; JAMESa Carpenter Baildor, AM) atAKCrAlTTKEK or S"ashI5opr6,Blinds,,lj7indowiVarnes, MOLDINGS OF ETE'R'xyjESCRIPTIONS. XS'fiuOP ta Tasce atf cet, jicar Bayoa Gayaso. . trai,.. e1- .- L Sugar, CoiTee, &c. 7XE'nCXDHEl) bats Bio CeSeei .VI" ,6a bass Jars Coffee; "sin baza Mocha Coffee : " , kObbft Crnsbed and Powdered Sngtr; t ' tolUt'iniiealtfttiB nM RartrbAnmi.Wt . lOObbla. Rectified Whiaky, , . xwiauoie, nau ana qoariec oaxes lytntl-- f PessJelowliy . " aPOCSHERTT k ATDLETT, Itj--'- , TBtnkAe..JietMisjllsn arid Monriosta. R0 & CO., V DEALEXI IJf filiOtJEiiIES . j Toreign and Domestic liquors, win eg, Cigars, Fruits, &c, NO. 293 MAIN-ST- ., MEMPHIS, TENN. oeUt Ha HOEFEJK, LOOKING-GIiAS- S & GILT PBAME. Frames Looklng-Glatac- s OLD All work wsmnt d. Oil Paintings and Ptc tares on Txand for tale, Washington atreet, below Theatre. myT-dl- y g. WILDS TEBXOXa. ..... D. C. WILLIAM,. S. . a TERM &C0., Cotton Factors, Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS, Xa. a Front Row, erer Meachaai as Oolkrallb'a, MHVPniS, TZXX. - angll r. WELLES. .J. g. EBWIX . WEIsisER t ERWHV, jflempliis Factory AKD LUMBER YARD, Overton ttrttt, near fAt MenphU and 0lo Vefot, for sale and make to otder Doors. Blinds. Sash.' AV. Mantle., Prame,, Mouldings aaaererytblngln tbal4 IlnerStr toe Dsn matrruis ana werzmantaip iney are site prepared to da all kinds el Sawlos and Planing fol tbe trade, aad to erect bcUdlncs of erery deserlptica, ts ahelTe and fit up stares, and other Jobbing. Eaelue procured statable macblBrrya they win saoa be enAbled to manofseture PACEJNG BOXES et aB kinds, ehetfer, and belter than erer beftre made la the city Sblnkiea White Pmej and ether Lumber for sale, dressed and nediessed. ' V-- f a a. card... erntn tS. eTirlr. mmin.Uy attjraAMt t. apfS-daw- Large Cotton Shed. FOR RENT. . THAT larre, coBTealent and era'rsl Cotton Shed andTards, known aa tbe "Patrick ShM" ah Vluniln.1. li,MiMllaaafnt!n, LULsoo, Apply to ancll w JXO. P. ARMOUR. j,s. uiAxrEj .'. x. x. estes I KSHARP.E&CC, i J WHOLESALE TOBACCO .FACTORS? Bo. 28 Pront Row, . . MEMPHIS, TSXX.a ' ' Tin.U and orders UUed with tbe Genuine Article a Jj mAnufacturer'a prices. One hrmdred dl&ren bian tl con i tan try on nana, myl dswly - OSTBIGH FEATHERS, ; ARTIFICIAL FLOWERSi ' riwrv nitvinrwre A Ailvt vailiAuaaj.AM AXS X LACE TRIMMISGS FOR BOXSETSt TO THE ilEXCHASTS Or IVCElVEXXXIiS, TzzzOvisr . nrt TBsaacrbersbaTsIarremsnBcae- - fST.B J?ifn In Pirn aad one In Xew York, er rCr InalTly devoted to the manufacture al$5 tt.. alMvai tirl a. rr rrft Thtle ntrHet ' ttocc embracexciau tbousacd style, of Peaike a- - an Plawer- - t;te,the material for mannfactunns; Ibem, which sreofftredatwb-desa'ecalT.atthet- r WtretRocraa t XBXPinvoM, shiiu K.vu.y uj ja Xe, 0 Broadway, Xew Toik. SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST .29, 1857. 4wtLEJt, atACACLAT. JOBS E. nTOE .IOH.V E HYDE & CO., Commission J. Forwarfing Ulcrcbants. AOEXTI TOB rWE Memphis and New Crletns. Packet Line, ax- - Cox.. Ernin arxXtta Oo.a Through Line of 'Sew Orleans, MOBILE ASD ALABAUA jflVEB PACKETS, ITo. 60 Poydris Stroot, METT'OnLEAKS, LA. and personal aicatloo tlren to tbe PABTICULAB Goods. JJetortcrf-M'ss- r.. M Coitbs fc Trice Hsneock, Sh.rtr kj Co., J..3 Eta Cuts rotter tepv u. t.wsiu., - - Tenn. myll-d- - JAMES M. MURPHY, ' GojxoxvvI linTid Agont. JACESOXPOBT, ABC, TxT ILL xUeod pertoutlty to thelocatlnr of Swamp Land W Scrip aad Warraati la the Jsckscnport aad lteieaa DUtrteu, saHliir Land and paying Taxef. . Boforoncca. Meophla.Ttan., A. S. Hcey. Utile Bock; to- - Brmiley, KJ Hnll.UUe. W M. Polw.B, J- - rt fc Co.. X. O.J f Lane AOs, " J. A. jwuatcau, AAuraase, a P Coottage, Helena, I Tens I Myrtle fcMoore, W.B. Bolts, LawrracertEa, , lira TvlX. " P I 0. W. Board, Jecksenport; Foelk Waitorj,Jacupart oecn-t- y I. LAWT0X, C- - SXZAKEB, Pmmerly of LawtoBTUle, 3. 0 101 Charts tea, 3. 0. LAWT0N & CO., Cpland and Sea island corrux am) wm wctoh-- , Forwarding & Ccmmisslon MercLants, XO. tt EAST BAr AXD BOTOB k CO.'S WHaBP, CHARLESTON, S O. set! Oottoa, Bice, note, wars 1, corn, xara WILL fcc Hastsr aa exreriance of in ucsmess. we CTafaatteTBmta.nTBxtf ttWJ-trpa-rz. B1. Prompt, persoasi xtienuon girca to iae lorwaruiur departmeat. BErEazjtcsa nan. ml. u. rreniw, x.ueni. uot., n. Sbepcerd. Km . of tbe grm of Shrpbird It. He. Cnarys Jas Tapper, Km.. Mattel la Boulijl Ua W, J. Orsy.oa, and Ea O , Cbsrtetton. 9. O. Bee. H D.'DoneaB. Gens L. M Ay r. Barn veil; s O Gov. CJ M.DonaVli JirlsaT Slocks, Georgia. E G. Jsndon, Buj., Du B. 6. MtTS. PlorMa. Joseph Baosey, Esq., Ttxa. w J Datle, Memphis, Teaa. raayMiy at.'BAsrzT.. ........... A. ..A. B. BABTET. f C M. HARVEY & CO., COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS, X0. lafpBATlEB-ST- .; XKW 0BLEAX3. OUR reraoUALTttteulroc will dc giTCOj to lae&xjeor Fnr.. I." e, nVkt. af Prw!ec. eoattrned to durBBi aborc Lyr ellber bj Mil r itcam TesU. xi Wc afre iid terenl ywari ce In or mirket la the pwrlrohif f BUpIei ud sucrtcd tfrt3a&nUt. A(r,B7lrI,Vwt Vt V UlaUAAAj. aa. uiv aJL:tV4 oStraag , Sxnalbli. Sbanks. a. o.rirtTH. . r? OCTKXIE. ,SD. 1. EOETLAXD. SMIinGCTURIE & CO., O.onxusslo,n McrcUvvnts .. XD. .t wSOlfESAIiE GBOCBBS, , EEALEXS III Foreign. And Domestic Liquors, AXSjAOESTS TOB TBE SALE OP Virginia and Kentncky Tobacco, ffe.Jtvt Main Street, between second and Third, jjaalr-l- y LQPISTTtLB, ST. ,C. N. AVEBILLi eceiring, .Forwarding and Commission "A..G--- E STT5 (ifCAltOR TO T, STEXIIOCIE & CO,,) X0 'HAtXB SJBKET. cnABLESTOX. S. 0. T) jrVsRE.SCeS i-- po CsMwetl, PresU-- ot 3. 0. B. R- -, XV. Colambta. SUbfC. J. A.Wbitrstres, aad II. W. Vie ensile, Chattanooga, Tenn ; Grr.ir. VlHiaas k Oo, "A C Chas. X Aader sou. General AX'st, XathrUe, Tenn.; X?ra. Tajltr fc Co., Ksntgem. cry. "rLf!r attastlon glrex to the SETTLKMEXT of PBEIGIITS, ad for lost and damaged Goods by reaaefl. SOLAtrra, atftf .... .A. 1. BDET. S. NOIL AND & CO., GEiXERAL AGENTS a S'tfrA'.. , ....r 7 "a"-a- iiubit, Alias.. R1JEB.IrL5"v'trler. Miles Owen feb7-1- y and Capt n. r:TisEHAU)...ciiAs. ,1UmJ wooDWOBra. H. FITZGERALD & cq., (Saturn tor art. siv, Grocers, Prftduct ijenlersj COMMISSION & FUEWARIxG MERCHANTS No. 92 Frontjaow jiciHphis, jaIdksonport.'Vrkansas. Jai-U- wt LOUISVILLE PAPER MILL C. L & A. V. DulOHT. MAXUPACTTJBtBS OP XEWS AXD BOOK PBIXTiXG PAPER, AXD DEALXB3 IX . PAPERS OP AI.Ii KINDS, 477 3Iain-Strcc- t, Louisville. Ity. dec30-daw- NO HTJMBIJGr Selling off at Cost! A XABX CItARCE FOB LADIES. TO rEXCIIAIE RICH AND SEASONABLE GOODS, AT THE - EITIFOREUItl OF FASHIOiV, AXD Ladies' General PnrnisTiing and Mantilla Establishment, 299 MAIN STREET, MEMPH'S, TENN. WB are rrceiTlng and eptrant,''f or tbe Inspect Ion ef be ladles, one ot the mostbs.l) faabtoaab e stocks of Preach Ministry aad P akcr Dry Gooda erer brace Lt to tola cut. Also, a eery elect assert men t of Dress Goods. SUk, B icgee, Cbal-Ite- s, Ontsndles, Grandees, Tissue Robes, plain ana doited Maslias,fcc We call particular attention to our Millinery Department, Consisting of an styles of Prtrch Bonnets, Leghorn, Eng- lish Straw, Xe poll tan Eu Ernies aad Glpaten, Fiowert andRltbons. Fire thousand dollars worts of flue Preach Embroideries Talendnes, Gimpure, Honlien, Point Lace setts, Cbantaiy Lace, Embroidered Silk mantillas, Lace Batqulnes, Dress Trimmings ot aU styles ; Part tola. Pans, Q impure Laces, fcc Alto, at tb- - Emporium ot Tashlon, Dress and Mentnia Maklagdiae, ruarastjlng utbfactlon as to style aad shape. Moamlns goeds s'ways oa basd, and orders promptly sttended to. The ladles are most rrspectlally laTlted to caB and examine cur goods before pnrcbss-n- elsbwhere. X, STII LMAX fc CO., spit 39? Male street. Memphis. Tenn. Fancy .Prints. CASES Pancy Prints, new stylet, onhasdandfor ZOU salary 'JAUSVLOV fcCO.. mull 118 Main streets, Lcstrrda, Ey. Lawns. , n CASES Fancy la am,, oa nana ror aa cy 1UU jambs low; fc CO.. maral ia jsaia atreet, msanw, Ay. Frcncli JnconetB.f 4 r BALES printed rrcneb; Jacosetta, Terjr hxndjome ID styles, on hand and for sale by - p, JAMES LOW k CO.. marll dlS Mala street, LouUrffla, Ky. Crepe D'Espagne. CASES Crepe IPkipagna, ataetttd colors , 1 case Satin StrlpM and Challl; 1 casarig ard aad CbxBl ; on band aad for sale by . .7AMES LOW'fc CO., " martl 418 Msln'street, LonlrttnejTy.' DeJBege, , far OASE3 H AaeiaegT, IV cetca w ttege.oa ctta aw Zt) tor sale by JAMES LOW k CO, xaarSt ato ttata street, cATuisrtiii. ar, Sea Island Drown Cotton! BALAS Sea IStaxa xarewa LAAt.ii, ovatDU sou v ltJU i Ale y JAMES LOW fc. CO i Qarll eta ssaia ttrcct, AAUiaTtueA WESTERN A.GENCY, FOR S. SWAN & CO.'S Popular Georgia liottorles. rTTt? rii- - mi iat Dtiniea Mnwrt. sfls x lu. VV t HepefleW, Jl rUni, (oppofste atmpa.U Ttna.,) dU iitrsu ror tot er cur TKieu ur utsmioii, a ctxt a r .r a We M x a.A vs KJ-- 'JUji,ttt. JLtlanta, Ga. . r , aflire a. r.f V,.h . . .ul.tl I , jaraar. .r Am w , - , r ' eSwan fc Oo 's ropular Lotfries. would lafrm tni pbblls tbst tbelr principal offlrajaln Hopeneld, Ark., la- - tnscleiei oppasiie tne taiy i Kcnptus. woaeeiaey ar. erresnd to fnrnlsh tkkets either oa personal application r.r orderi and as tbsre It EdPostaSHs at Honeflehl. all ardera addreasel to Spain tv ue.. Box pestofaor. HesupalaTeaa., wiu reeeire prompt aaa xarersi stten-tto- o. All communications wiuas? stran:y connaanuai. Bills of all sol rent BankI takrn at par. Tur schemes see adTertlseaynt In another column, or t hey will se I nrntsoea on appt tea t ion to SPAIN fc CO ltor'd Ark... JutrJtm erB tSM P e,fflr Kemvblt Tenn Conlaae, Oakum &c COOPBH k Cjp..m Pr-t- Street, XewTetk SMITH, Street Xw Orleaf s, manr.ftC aarers of Cordate. Oakum, fcc, offer for.sale a full as sortment of Hasina anl.Ttrrel Bopa,XaTyand Extra lakxm. ceureraDie ia jvev xorg er ja ew Qfieana. 'ST"-"- " ... . D.RTJG? STORE; REMOVED TO'SIT MAIN STREET, MEMPHIS, TENN. . Afev iotnovth ef thk Old Stcni, cppotUi Ham WtWfr Raaiinjt, end Flaherty (r Sro. -- la. Cy"fTtT71i subscriber beg, fcATe to annaunce te bis n THE frienla and cosfmers tbtt In consequence of tmildlrgs at (lis old stand, corner of Mtln tat Maalson ttraeu, ne Atxsnmorea us unuu stobs to 317 Moln-Stj- P Memphis, Tenn., Wbi-r- e he will be pleased) Is see Ills friends and caslom-er- a, amrassttrra them sal all In want at an thing ia tht Drug line, at wholesale or retail, that be Is cfivnng met inducements In iheqaary aad price ef bis gods aa can not fall to glee aausiaeron. r . AH orders from Drugrtts, Phylclins, Merebantt.Plan. tors, and ethers, win mt trim prompt and careful suen- - Tendering my thanks la tbe dtlxent nf Memphis asd V ..tt.. .nnr-t- n naunfr. fnrlhii verr llhenlnstransre ex. tend d ta me do ring nine years past, I trust, by strict at-- lentlon to business and.V the wants of n-- easterners, ittj merit s contlnuanca of their patroeege. - VaBbea1 O. D. JOHX96x!fH Juall-dtw-ly SruHllt sad Apothecary, Mcaaswy -- .A , - WllaliluVIkl VOOliEY, Jllercliant Tailor, Under the Worsiiani Home. rYinEsebteribtra.r leave to aaseaace to hit cattoa. X era and the clws.ua ef Memiiew that be haa mora-e- d froai Xew Task with a fuli assortment ot mosttplca. did GoeJa, wfcUa, be is presarad to taaka Bp fjr ca.h as sboT netlee. aepOly CLOTHING AT WHOLESALE. JENNINGS, WHEELER & CO., NO. 43 CHAMBERS STREET, 10" S-.1717- " TO H K. Maaafectaxr aad Jobbers ot Invito Attention To their large aad acetter Stack et FALL AND "WINTER GOODS. rexiisTixo er Ooats. Voots, ypa.13.-- t a, SBIMIt WIAWEBS, fce. sD grades, cut. Is Ar meat PaskieaaHe slyV, OP mtletethebesl asatMaar jaaie-dti- r CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, XBAB. BOUTAR, Hardoman County, Tenncsaoe. Will be Opened 10th of June. TIIK aaderslgaed, aaeiag reeraUy psrcbssedHe sbtm known a'ertnir place, la new reStnag tbe iasie sudpetiug tbbIMtr, rteeadt. Mf., ib aa tomplete j order ax aa, Suiaxt in 'te tAtuatweat. Vie kalxiat bo- - ring is the hesltbi.sUstHua of Leatet, aaa iry ot access rroc au sectiaes of tbe ceoHry It It benereu tbtt these Springs wW, the eatatfta eaaan. present td tbe seeker of pleasure xsd beaRh altnctioas secoad to bo others ta tbe Union, the water Is ot the beat quality, posaemineSnecarttlTeqaslHies, aad tbe proprietor wtu spare neUu-- r cst rr erftease la reae-rl- his geesU Ocmforisble durleg taair wrHi bita. Tbe means ot aece-- s to these SBttnaa It eery easy thy being sltnated dirrcslyen tbe BaHroad from Mrspbls to Bolirar, 2K miles from BeliTar, atd sixty frea Mem- phis. Tbe cost of rraeMnr beera frem MesspM Is ealy three doflara Parseat aMttast tie Springe caa leare Memphis tt the morBtag aad res eh tbaa &r bm; aad leare la the aflemoua aad reaob Meacbia far sapper. 3. C BAD'LUAX, Preprlator. P. 8 Is addition to tbe ether attraeH ss et the place, there wBI be kept a One band of MVSIC to entires the 'guests. " 3, C. B. xjfff-iiw-fa ifnsmaiice HOME INSURANCE COMPANT, OP MEMPHIS, TENN. AUTHORISED OAPlTALIOVABAXTr CAPITAL stoe.oeo. I sioo,ooo. ) the Leflwatara of Teeueeaar. Seats CHARTBBj:. te ma jte Are, ajfe abef lhriw)BsrxBee sad lei t!rraMtrV tf be re-l-et aVrd waea dVeraed espedieaL InTlewef wklebtbey hare arraaged with tbe tettoaring Ceopaaies, far re--ra tart are by Eteaasot opea policies : BrtOsh Cemmeretal, Leaden .Otptta! $1 f8 ono Bqaitable Prre, " " t.s9otio 1st national LH, 2,M9.0Oa Eatckeitiocker Lite, Catted State,, " Sesxs. 0 CeneelMaled Fire " 300 000 At the aaraatl eSecrlea aa Taeaeay, the lots I stasrt, tae fonarwiBag BUeetors sad OtaJHUo were atcaed far tbe eBaacrH: JAMBS B. TTIOP.CTO,teif?'lCTBEE, GEO B GRAXT, TH'.?,aej(PAlf, stbphbx b. roans, j. k. MtrLroaD, aXBT3.KI.G, JOS B ABBIERB, JAMBS BOBO. riXAMCE COMMITTEE. B. OtTBTrS. L J. rPBB. H. 3. HiX. 3itdieM Eitimrnt O R. SBAXT, 1 . 9. AMhtKCby S. V. BAXaltZsD.llae. Asd at a meeting ef tbe uw Mreeeery ot VedBrMdar, tbe 11th mat., tbe foHewtac edleera were rbssaB ssr tbe 'tJAME3 B. THOW.TOK, PtUent,'' GEO B. GRAXT. Ptce PrmdsssT. TnOS McaDAX Secretary. Xe 8. Madifcao street, saner 1 rat Kesr. feMT-ill- y 31E31PHIS INSUMXCE COSIPAXY, SXcmpliis, Teuneseee. CAPITAL $150,000. 8am. Kodby, Pros't; Ben Slay, Soo'y. orrjss om JErrEBsox- - itxeit. OIRSCTDaS. A. O. n asbis, Sam. MetBT. Q. 0. AVJi.tson. T. w Wiucmoa, J. O. GfeBEMJlW, T. X. AIXEV, 3. 3. SAVUsti. ma-- 7 it District lucnector rV STEAMBOATS, Steanbrwt BoUtrs, asd Staabatt . , r At. , .w hto prraawu. an IMSniltun treat of 1S3S aad Sz. Oasre. S Madtaea street. . marl THOMAS 11 CAD AH. Ia peeler. TENNESSEE MARIXE AXD FIRE IXSDRAXCE CO. Of Nashville, Tenn. CAPlTAIt, :::::: 3150,000. JOSEPH TATTLE pra't A. W. BCTLSB, eet'y. DIBXCTOBS: Joan M Hill, Alex. I SHOT, Taeopaoa Asdersos, jazneauerrey, tt at uarutaeT, r. A. uwen, G. M. Pogg, JoaepbTaalx, JameaEUU, X. . ABeway, W. S. Eakm. MABIXB IXSTJRAXCK aa Cargoes and Prtlghta mtde vtt, mywiMi mmn. waaa , . ,La;i IU3SS CL Merebandbe. by steambsata. rxBreads. or laad carriax,at also, baxarda on risers and laxeato or frest aay part et the United States. FIBX IKSCBAXCE ox bafidlaxs, dwefilrg or other kocsea, goods la store, furniture, fcc., in town er cc entry. tnenrei. J. G. L0X3DALB, Arcat, OSce JeSersoa street, Memphis. Tbe Mutual Life Insurance Company, Ur SAH 1VSA. Accumulated Fund, $3,000,009. THE rstoa adopted by this Company are cased apoo .the most correct obserratlana. Falicy Iwaders get aB tb gains the Company, aa lt Is purely matuaL harlag no prefr red stoex or other capital to Uxe the first fruits ot pi can trem the Insured. Airy person wltblng InsErance ca bis or her life will re-- cei,e all iniormausn, sogeucr wiin ue req unite fottsg tt appucauas,bycamngen J. . LO.N3DALE, Agent jtstEU uie insurance txmpaay, Oct 1 -1 y Pace leg-co- n street. Memphis. W CltESltT, S. B. 510,LL0V,..,...C. II riAILl Presidraf. Secretary. Trtavrr. Memphis Life and General Insnrancc Cemjfj. (LATE a W. CHEB&r fc CO ) Exanango and Bank. No to List. Xew Toik Exchange......... KBt preaj Xew Orleans ' par&l prem St. Louis " ... Ml prem Cincinnati .". .........s .sprem LouirrUle " m Xprem Gold......... KfeSl prem Saver ..I prem Laad warrscu.,... .highest price. Louisiana BankX tet. ....par$t Xpresi Korthern " Tarsjt Vprsm All nncurrrat msner beagbt and sold. Arkansas Swamp Land Scrip bought and told. myl t Mississippi Rcportb. " ' harestt rsortTed a supply of First Gr&rg I " WE lt bels g the '10th Toltrms, and the last, of the Mis- sissippi Beperta. tmi - lamb. Tnuxi, & po. ' On Hand, OXE HUNDRED sacks prim. White Cora ; catka plaan aid caarasaad Hams; GO aa'es Gurtay Bass, . 15 bales India Biggtag; For sale low to tbe trade by ' DOHGHERTT k ATDLETT, jyll BankA.Ttnue. bat. Madltoa fc Monroe its. Just Received; 800 PIECES and half pieces Bagging, 600 cat. Rope; S3 casks snenwea t; , SO ' Ribbed Sides; SO " Clear - to bbla. Mesa Poik; ' gOO boll Wbltky; . 5 bales Jrsna sad Ha try; , . 100 boxes Tobsrce; Wises. Tea. andsnneral assortment af Sta pleAnd 7sncy Grusrtcs. nivvirr A amvra acgH-- 1 a . Xe, d Pjoat Bow. A Dciiraole Farm for Sale. 1 OKPEB f OBiSALCtebr bund ed aad thirty ja teres of Land, tramHea :Korthwett of Grenada, xis,,wiinm nair a mm of tbe JJl'ilailppl and Tennessee Bailroad, three hundred of which f n'w In a An- - stats of eutllTaltea. BuUdinga ron-l- tl of Orer. eer'i heote negro quarters aad other, bslldtngs usu ally forma on a fatm, lieoa w.h water sad. stock water ojoreslent. Terms made eaty. Asply to the nnderilgned. at Gteaada, TanobashA caaaty. Miss., er Cot. H. Talbert, mmyabsenca. JjS-l- m jnHX P. TALBERT. aLT2PI?OVE SPECTACUEiS. aejnsted to the ey. w to suit tht ACCURAlfci.il Tltkin. wlibout occatlaaing that sense at wrskr ess or faligns to the organ generally comidalned ef by wearers ot common glasses bat enabling the waaret ot this ImproTed Spectacle to perrae tba mast mlastt eoployment either by day or canSe light, with cue saa satisracusB, sy CHRTT, MTJItltllR, Optician, or the rtxjt or OHRN. MULLES & BRO , Wholesale sad Retail Dealers la Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, .. IMPROVED SPECTACLES? . Afodtion-sf.- .. ba. Afatn sxd Front Row, - HDPPOSITE I. B. ajBTLAXIVS OPHOE, MEMPHIS ji a rAHXiLULAJt attcnuen paid to tbe repairing oi w stents cy an expervmcea workman. Bern, letern tneo not to oo excelled in sbperlor work- - Aansnip in inis n ranch of tbe business, we ban jij.jid s ursldais Watckmaker.and can natter our selret In saying that there u no House, East or West, that can boast of a better. Clock i carefully repaired sua warraated Jewelry and Specterlet et erery description made to order. Ola Jewelry neatly repaired, and Specta- cle Glasses Inserted In old frames to suit erery sight. P. tt. The numerous eomplalutx of persons who ban been it pot d upon by IndlTaduala peddlUg through tht country an tof.rlor re tele of spectacles, representing them to be these Improves, glasses, render it necessary that we anould caution the pabae against inch Tenders and protect the reputaxma a sitAtea. All spectacles mads by ss are stamper ue name ot toe arm. marlO-da- w CHRISTIAN MTTLLER fc BRO Just Received. A A SBLS. Sweet Cider, by tij , n. n. iwtbb, tuctT Vtlo-- t td door narlb Worabasn House. Suear. Sucar. iQK nHDS. Sugar, just recelsedajad far sale low to Tw u tae traae, oy D0UGEKB1T k ATDLETT, - ' p!5 Xo. U Float Row. ! - "1 Carriage ffiiyiiorus. Carriage Factory. THE undersigned bar e Psctorr to ttreet, betwsea Wsablsgtoa aad Adams streets, wrere they are prepared to Maantsctar aad tr Oarrlagea st the sbertesi settee. All wsrk dese by them was bo guarantied, and s share of pnb:ta patten e Kticuea. lsag-1- , T B. grrgB fc CO. GREAT SOUTHWESTERN CABBIAGE EMPOBIUMl J. M. WISWELL & CO. THIS exteaslse estabttabmeat esatiaaea at the M tUad on Uabrn M, bet awia ttlaaad Seoaad, wbere suy. feseda Teryfiae altcrtmrut ef fsarrtssaa. Mar. ;iea Bockawaya. fcc , at tatrowa mABafaeanrs. Twiy uke ibis method ot retsralng tbsaka far past taTera, aadtarHettiosewublaa; to bay toexsmlae tint' uta before peretatmg elsewbere aarT ly J & A. "WOOBBUFF, CARRIAGE REPOSiro.RX, Hoa. 8 tt 4 Exchange Bnildings, MEMPHIS, TEXX. CONST AXTLToo haad a Urreaswrt. "sent ef 0ABBUR. frea tbe beat "suaaftadaete. In tbe atted States. - Carrtsaet alM to ede, aad wuk rest. gaaraatlecL AB kinds af Bepalsaas datM with neetea aaddlspatck by tpxtW f fcA WOODttBTP Important to Planters & Millers. ' FELTON'S IMPROVED Portia Crist 31111. jn JmrarmniT on alt Other Pattlt. THIS la aeeef the most TihtaMe lBTeatleated ibeeay, ajrtbe e,aa8eeaiieat rtaaniaeu aiaae tt Talaaeie te tbe fatuMr. It u das taxed to tsppiy a wans ihitkukaeLMa UtLvlhitajiMiMd MMnMlta a. la ae Shasta la rfeWrsrUon. tbjt ur. enon r skireia aaa HAi Seep tf X krr Tbe rw saffaeea are ef toeaaedeiabteceaaraeter. baraer lhaa, aoj Lesipweia tacei, atiat taat ataoa. aa, a iB Or .i ta. r It will gilad wheat, Cera, oaU bace-vb- Crags sad spices CTBsb asd grind corn and eet, admirabrr. ar aaenaw eata aad eura. aad eeb ma, be we 1 gnawd tecetaee. Tbe maH a Lxe frame mUl. wHtt newer. v,B nsa( f roa are to eigbl basbels et saportor cers steal rr beast, aad from eight to tee s er feed feed ter stork, sSM requires bat nrtte sttetrtiea, sM btt u tt gia-Se- rt a wnboat looreal rAW-t-e. firi. TO.TTa4e oa will grind eVeftwtee tbtt aaeant per bear. Tae. bm la not heated la grinding a Txlaab'e featare Prfcars are. for Small ties 1 1 j large trie $200. We bare tbe right to sett tbe Stales of Alabama, Mtsaetaet, Lssi-as- aa Arkastaa. Tenaearre, Etataeky, aadaportloaef Texas A tare ebaace la here oeered for csmpsteat asd retpuBstbie Btra to engsge la tbe sale ef fj County tad Sute rletrs sr1 c, itWtVaate'g taraa A3 oraert, optaiWrtlbo. aS tspflcsiloaa fee Btgbta aad Malisaaareued to as Vt ' e areesaftr ttaaA to. x JEXNIKaskBEtMaLOd. P. 8 Datis. HODOE fc WtLLIAMI OaasesltttoB sad Porwardteg Merebaatt are ear areata la Memptds. Teaa. Important to Cotton PIantert THE TAILOR PREMIUM COTTOX CIS, KAXPTACTtlXED nr ClaEMANg, SOTif Si CO., VHV-MUVS- , C2PUGIA. THS tbtarfter bars lesye to calf the stteutkM ef to aa exaatoatloa ef the fa af taese Gna Stisda, wbKb posseat 10 a greater tbtme lie oeaaV-tte- s to be sH ed V a Otrttoi lata ,U. i SfteJ, LifKt DrsuoAf, aad OaeJ toass less sny Sis extoat. aad are d an as reaseeaketeras as aay eaUbBabaest ta the Soath. 1 feei fatty authorized ISj saying that I caefaraeaa, ad IHsgs oaaildered. a sapsuer Gut 8iasJ to say Iictory a the UsMed States. Messrs Pewlk. Meaat k Ce. are aetata fer lie sale ef tbeae Gins, was aH keep a sappij tt mieaa sites oa hand, or wW oeaer say me at short Dottr. CLE on JeSersea street, Memphis, Teas. " mirw-dtwiT- tn a; a. vaowXTox. ajl g. D. TSSsTTatTJlT.. eteaaatai. Jtf. WOODSOtX TRllEHEART & W00DS0X, ta Manulactnrers of Southern Star Cotton Gin, eGEBMAXTOWX, TBXX., RHSFEC7rtTl.LT caH the atteattoa af the Babtic, par , to their GIN MAMC. PACTOKT. now la tBceeatfal eperattea ta tw-,?- , deem It aaaeceesary to pobttsa aa U.aiiallrflait ef the good perrersttneeg of Cs, Is. see, j ptoreS Jiaieato aduaaeeaew a'Saa: bleu resjWatUb aa Blaatrrs aad wott'd not be sattBed xlth any bat a aeoa Sis ; xsd w. will oaly add that we are (etermmed to spsrr eo paltts or aeaastoaakea C.tten GO that wia pt ste the Ftaater. la addition to taw Qia we formerly adTertlsM aad said1 far $3 pr saw. we are vrr git lac as as setarevett style, at coa Merabte lattUeMl rrpeat., wbiett we wtB sell at S3 60 per saw. A st mate o ear fttos caa atwars ba txa at Msaars. Sraaaa fc Hlfft. r gys tu Jralt tat MtatphH. QaatteaeB rif t. read te joar eTders vtth t. lad taey thai be areaptly attesded to. A sat? acteat gaaraaty siren la erery sale. &3 BeaalrlB daaa with aeatcesa aad Hs;atob. atarsldavdm Premium Cotton Gin, THE attesttoa of Oottoa Piaatera U irteeelroHy eaBed tbe abere saaerier Gtas. aaaafeataaed by X. Sar. Ter fc Co., East Brsdgewater, Maas. Dsdar a rrceat be. provetaent, tbe Oarrer Otas are Kfxrded as see best new la general ase ; their suoerterttr aeeds aoceaaeata from at, as tbottitnds are now la lucesatsl operstlaa to tbe Soateera esastry. Te bare oa band fifty Gtes. eaAracteJ 12 tAadtSerent alses sad iiiial.ins of sat3- - Ast re ana a. teat sasafeOBt ports, waaaers, ota,, etne plete. aB ef wbacb we oaar to oar Mends apoa the atesl terms saa tune. gwtxx & GIBSOX. KM. 1 asd 3 Xxcsaare Bussing. Meanbts, Sept. SB. IMS le SFIjZ.IJG off yes. CASH ONLY. IKTI.VDIXG a ebia; a ar Bsjalceaa, I Saw am ay aleak et Goods, la order to state tbea eat, AT EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES, FOR CASH O'NIiY!. Discontinuinc all! abcoonts . from this.dafo. ? OASH BOTERS, ' r a Are larlted to" saS, as the Goods will be offered gn atty t i . r . a. their sdrsataga at Retail or Tf liolesale. A bargain la offered la the satire Stock and nuie- - a '. 'W HOLMES' PATENT SKIRTS; . I MISSES' SKELETON I)0.:f a. - LADIES' DO. -- AO- aV BRASS H00PS1 ?t:jSi-..-- - A' ' SPIRAL. DO.; '. - - LONG WHAL.EJBpN.ET;. CORDED SKIRTINGSJ SWISS MBSLINSj HEMSTITCHED HAaST)ICERCHIEFS ; SMALL PALM FANS ; IVORY HANDLED DO; 'b t MADEILLE srERnbESj, - b WtjlTE; CORDS kliD TASSELS j LONG SILK,. MITTS ;f ,i MISSES' pol a DO ,jr ' ' BLACK SILK MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSE ; d GENTS' LISXE Ht5sl5; SILK UNDERSHIRTS . LIGHT MARINO DO ; ta, iC. i J. Ta TAYLOR. SUglS Hickory Shirting. TWEKTr.riTS bales Portland tlrrpra j tfteea bst nceiTcd and for sale by JAMES LOW k CO.. JyTl-l- m 418 Mala street, LoulrrBle, Ky. Striped Osnahurgsl me B1T.E3 Striped Otaaburgs, en haad and for sale bp 0 JAMESOjOW k CO.., marll Its Mala street, LoultTlOe, Kr. Choice Irish. Potatoes. ton SACrStoraalabr L y--5 U B. MXSMIi, eS V btaat-- .1 Yp. BL3. and H nit. Molasses; ki low waisxr. rertsierrr mylt HAXCOCK, CLAXX k CU R(in OASES KettxtU's Ala la store and for sale br II. u. rVTTBB. Mais-a- tr myl Third door Xortbof'Warsham Hon-- -. "CA BBLS. Chaar-- a O-s- t; ractlTad tblt'ds, by OU mji il. k. rorrrje. ' -- WS5a3fK"' -- 3isrJaa- -- J a VOLUME; Vm.---NU3Vj- ER jl39. T SHORTEST ROUTE FROM MEM- PHIS TO ATLANTIC CITIES. . By il troui Cairo To ChUiev Dfrtct te SUttm llemrt. without Break oj trite? or tMatft vxn or Bajaoct. BSAXCU PSOX CEXTiHUA 13 XOW P1XUHED, .uoi Mutaavaiaa u iiim. ue.iAtevn Boara SO VBtCSgO, A TCxtcasa. coaaecttex wftb Mtcbtetn rw.ii st. A leaTtoS the same Defiot. ter Petralt. Xtaaara PaBa. Beeheater, Alhaay, Xew Tork, Boston, sad all Easier? aaa AtsaBiic uiui afajr two, cnaaae' er ffar. .mm Otlro to Xlaxara, and three from Cairo to Asbaay, aad sour fresa Carre to SVw Tsek. Ttme from Cairo at Xew tori. fartT-Bin- e bears. Para at eow.aud cum fort, rreat-- er, tbaa ley aay otter asette. Passeagers taraafb. are saTSSMeetedtotbedelm ooBtemrat to the freeseBr m, iiwri iiars ot tuannat sareagn XBSiaaa sa4 so aw taass aaa Aens. . . ABW, CtalBCtaBg at Ckm with Ktckigaa SowtktCS) Trains, for CterHaad, Baakttk, asd tbe Bast, wWft Latr aBBAtlraad aad Staaavara fer BAtaBe. MatMBkaa, bbebsHaa. fcc., aad wKb a a plan lid Lluo of Pint CUas Haasasra far Ssatt ats Mane, Lake Suveelor, Cefltar ieal.Taroat,kc. rasa brsre Cairo 2tttt tr.nater uai inauuu , ate? ,t.Cd A. M Galea? aad BasieUa Sxbrcas, Ssadan XCepted. dTMa Trtts tianii st eusaas with Xew TarbUaac s&girs,,TTMacBtgaa tlsatral.Orael Wsateiaaad T Tesk CeMral BaU roads, tareag has tkmyleasebMrrs This Trata also eeaaeeu at Sandoeal wHat Olta atal Aatrreaa ter st. LoaJs aad Tbiiaui n. at wt. vns Araaaa ae ta. Taan tt.na. ata a a. Uruts Kt ttroaJ. fatal wMsaa petto. tetrbfe aad Csacta-iH0"-i- H ExpteC far eJaleaa i the laltereijBjeaAoj aaa, r eaM, Stuart. lUc ltlaad. Bcrttsgtoa aad rBia. :rr Kerr Tort KiprMS, SlW.;) iiStle. AtMIe -- i, l !arrtaM U,vA. TtVj oa ja!'. eaeab wtth Ma- - Li. taay'Sipns. rroi Lecalart, r..'iv' il caatA. ail r. a. awaaeBgerafcrtherDser MtaaAtaiaaA t flf ., r.. J. atoaaarr.ef the Itaasruh aad Mlarrrntfi PickM jniifnv, rem wain im Be arrrrsi oreBaer aaawanir a tooate, jutrwag, st raCLfce raTWaa-iri-ite aMOeMniaad lu-.- J tat;, aeetll Pnepvt wjth Trsiaa u HaCaSa2ait, trea tbrac. ta Vte-- X a ftraJ .Sn wZ,, ' oantfit. .lr asa Ceasta tadtealiag the Great Ceaaal aaa nana aaa aasi are aa exact, traatortpt el Me.at the Catted state. i& .ajB. t . exaaatne ibm roase at wefi as tbe ni laiat tisse cards f the eBnaeetag Beads, and tuAar Cr aaA. I selret aa to iboarrectaeti , the aawee su4rsHajrt,ae to I liC-&i- t? to tae Bhease trsreVe- -, vsTu use basktese mAa. turasaxxa. sad tosNIIWa ter meant tseXertb act Bast, whieh aanaH tbetetai AT other nate waatrrer Tae ssastBssudatwaa by the Cbcapaar fr tbe oaaTeattsLc. t ta. etas nabrte the seemaaetuar e ia , . . rw- - " aaetieaagtaaMeietiaceet tbe aveaai laewtiileee a LU, sZt as WILLIAM. MORIX, Agent. Seek. btra (a ""mobia. Teen. ISJ7 SOTJTJBCEmr 1UT. FREIGHT LINES. THBOTJGH BATES OP PHEIGHT Ira rsex NEW VCRK. & PHILADELPHIA TUSCUblA AND MEMPHIS, ST New Trk aa fWiLJaSteamiifEiftea, TIA OH AKLESTOX AXD SAYAXXAIT. I P1UT CLASS. Plaao Pertee, to to V Books, btotlataerr, loots, Sswea. TtucavM. iruwAll. Uqaor., Oils, fcc , s boastr; CaaapblBe aat ?errt Tar, i utSe t barrela-- , Carpel teg, CWss, IttTB Ulasa and etuswal, tUcafa, la cam I Chtck, . CaadecaatasVa, m. Cottoa Carua. Bvy 8li U. bex- -- Al ta,,,, . rrW, Im lj SaraAW, 'jast , !. Oa SeeoA. LoaktBA Biaa.es. aad LaukaBgeiaaal PUtet. rata.waera tuk I Orafc-r- t la assb sad tart, adiery . Tta aad Brltiaala Ware, Tea. aaad lotres. par tj la...... 3U SSM SBwOXB OLA Hatw.trt. XOrpt SSKb S SBIBd M TMnl Ctasv Coffee Mass, MbtMaerj Perttga LkiBart ta henea asd . Ptpt. TtobAwi hoTea, Leather la rows ial btaea, Otis hi barata sad catkt. Crorkrry aad Ojaeet- a- . ware la crates sad cask., Kate. WkHlac Plan-1- , saet Xe taa aad Oaeaer. slMIVt..... ' j 84 l.M TSIKy CLAbe axee, aatar eU Snsdee. sa Iroaa. lute sssl Time pas, Tio plato, Aaeaw. vscee, carta of GSasm aad Btes, MaatlU aad Cottoa Cbraeos. Csf- - ree, bearyC tting. MwieSeaitar Oarrtaxe !laifia aad Asela. 3fl ' aad Aieta,fatn asS fptkee, aad Bean ra baiMta, peg lo Ik... 1 SS 1 TS at SPKOIAt, SATES-av- att HSU e 1 15 . P.raJtare sad Carries? e basad, sol br rwM irterSM itaa-H- - - merstrdi aJett, ejirtwjt afAe- - td er ether CVstiexts, waaVse cbas.actaat weigbt. sag at aoBMe Ptrst Clastrato, 904100 lot.... ......... .........,. Hit Oft Tbe abaeatales seTer aU exseases ream Xew Tara- - sad raUadetphto U MtBtehk tarf TiMcsraata. X Oeaats setae. Bra. - ge or Wharfage charged at ettb.r CbatlesMB er CaTaaeab. rl- - 1t to all ttatiOBS ea tbe VBVPtTtfl AND CHABUK8TOX ROAD are esttMled to through rates 5 aH peseta Beat .t TuscaabU win be cbarged TaseaaaU rales, sad aH points West et Ttweambu. Mtawbl, rates. DIRECTIONS FOR SHIPPING. Gea4ebySaraasabsbaBMbectw,lzad toAeeatCea. - R.SaraBaaa.Oa.'' j Geeda by Cbartettoa asoald be eoBricBed to Asent oamawwa ,a.aaaa.tt, aaMt raeaages maxxea H uare i Age.s a. c BL.caanestea. 5. C." I S3- - Bjaee erery Package pit Inly Barked, wttk atae a i, a- Jim- - ite.tn.ali.fi an Am., . i ta , aa. I teattloa to this m.ner etuHtret s tpaedy aettTrry by pre- - seating deters asd Btscusasttataaeaas. tunnnmr " t ..... 1Trc . . . .. u ... m. ... 1" T I AD SAVANNAH. i PeaseasSaspphssLy Sad Vessel. r Pr TBers from 8 BAaUtBore. Xew rerk, BMt.n aad wBire-eet- be faU beaeSt of eaatracts aaade with acb Tetsaae. sedhyeeasenlsr '- - r mods to tbe ageals of the Sewibr Oareiaa Baww 10 art ateaor Oeatr.l RaBreadaf dataaaah tbey wt be orwarded frtt of Commiuioiu attaefea,waegtA.g: f Tt Taecsnees. To Memkpit. r. Pint Ouss Per lee la., ailsdibg Hata ..l S3 t S3 Seed Cass Per 10D peaada...... I 09 l Itttrd Ca.s Per 180 poaade. 87 1 09 Speatal Xatee--Po- r Ugbc geeds. per haBoredpeaad..... 5U IM Steamers are geaeraBy bat eMdayeaieker (haa Paepel lets, aad irata two to three days qaleker tbaa T'sVr veeeets rrea rew xers aat nitaaeapaia. aaat oim Bastttw porta to Cbsrlettoa sad SaTaaaak. And wart a fewslAMthaelt aetaa eafect. frea tweatrto forty tmeierbaardred peaada eaa be sared by tblpetng oa tli utter OAtA oi Teasels. CnAKLBS W. AKD ER SOX, JsuMr Geseral Arent fer the Soathwest. TTindow Glass. A LL tire, window Gut,, mm Sxte to ZlxM, fer sale AA, wBaleeleanditiall,by asgtLeawgw WARD fc JQXES. Tarnishes. barrert 7taHare Varatah; FITS 3 barrels Osaeb Beef Varnish, 2 bamH Brjlag Japan yattIM, 3 barrels White Daaar Vara lab; Blufc Janas, Leather Tarstsb. asd a general Sltcrt-- mest ef Pal- tera' Tools, fer tsle by- - - aa.S dawlw WAJto & juaxj. . FAN MILLS ' We are Ja'stlta rjeeijt ef tttrty fxa sire VAR'hjk'jfTED' FijA N Ml LLS. Speik-qukk- ; " Flrtt come (r t aerred ' ..SBgS s a XtA.nandI4PHBt.Baw, ... NAlXtS. , Three thaasaad kegs N"A ILS AN T3S pi.ee s-- , aisirted sira, at faT,raiee rajes. In lots to the trade, fsr.caaa. (.aaaty warrawea. . ssgS Xo. 1 J add 11 Treat Bew. RELLS: BELLS. We haje la stote s beastttut, asssertmeat of StPE.RI.0.R E0LNtlil" BELLS, fnal tytofleehaadredsoBBds. Each Bea has appr- o- I prists' bssglng, ttf pUatatieB or caaren, purpow. lAlso. . Iron Composition Bella, a newaad sheap to rtnl hs, erPla Ub.u p e. UJH.tKI. utot.o vv. ss Xos. U aid 11 IrsnrBew. -- FISHliyG TACKLE? Gentlemen who desire to teeHe thtmselTts with s gnoa encst lor SIIlVIIvJR FISHIlvG, a rtte tari M to emji aad aeiect rre-- a our new ana rxi e A ,t,, the feUowles titldescf the cbclcest stjUs andquxHiie. : Walktsr Cane Beds, assorted sallerna;. Prcnsb BodsJ. 4 asd 5 leiata; i t vn.tuit BMis.-- a a aae o anis. a. Minnow, Macs, and ersTy utber . Wtev of rSTtiacaAl balu GermaB SBTrr,and Brass Reels, St eU Bocks; SASdwlco arxr asu js'iu rtaB5, iJxes'or'SHIl Llnan. Sea Grits and Cotlca. - also; ; iVnnateWaioei.cemprlaInz ererr lire, ef HeMakes Superior t Chutertown, Virginia, I stirby sndCarBsbti -; eJ ' FI S H H0'0-- K SI Al; -- rjWXMi'ORGtLMfc'Cd, oJ. 13 sad H Proataow., ssgt . McmpblsJcc-- i. mttfsBSares Tested. nmaerous parties who nare purchased from a THE !iiJK.nisdsbr3tearnskMrtln.srenA- - tnrxlry luleeested in erer, result testing AhelT flr ptoj auxlitle S- - We therriore laTiie suca, ttwniaa - legenetVHT, to sa .Mpeotoat! Mr. S. t- - as Uteri 'f rod tb ruins of bis atore, consumed Tbnrsnaj --oorBlFgtJuaelS. AttbntSgb the books and ether TttasMrt were remerer . ..ie.f..LnM tm it. attanibaTlr-e- nt to the bam- - IngbulMettg yet i he few loose papers left la It, and tb nubarmtW and perftct ceedrlton of ins tnUrlor, aatlt. raetorHTrestabllsa lu aeperter Plre-rro- or quauuea tboegaif.a oroa. aa yenajA-ua- w - ;r J,--- tv ""V.Tw.awM uar sariMio, ... jT.dair LOWXJa.OBOiCx.fc'co. : I (traiisiijitM:. OPE MJTO TLLAHATt HIE BJTL.i. AXliM, 4 IAlM A. a .ti;t.ir,",M,'Mi,u- - - da, Caatt llLi . "h-- " ' ' A et a bk 1. r at ,r. Bk . a. j . eateikg ta, wJr",V; f.tket Vfora Ba jato to as, Matw 'I Btir,..il asal bgatwtAa,ai,iAar...:-- " a artlrt wni be Ti '. J 'tie a. ' wra. pesaatl f l: a ea. -- I Ma, k 'e r, t an B ,, h- --. . it' n!viraK aatts - 'ATX I XL bBeaahiaadetia RAILROAD Tew Arrangement, Otraa, ring THURSDAY. J.. Two Dailv TrwiUi . 0aA.rser nrWaUT , Jua. saTZT Jtsm; WdalrSASAA' HlJ aw,, , -- a, fraaa, , . . 1 A at. Eetaemtar lasa .. err,,,. Mi.na arwgV ' -- W Aa sfiiM T,- -. u. ... mmm ubas. . - ATTjasr- - 'W.arreelaVaarart. mrmi A.... . .. ..... -- ir. - ajaj..ttoa,at1. muI.. WBBfrTWrsf8. "--t- -a, sat, I'swaaiH. "IS&i, - Ojejiwr. ltf sajjenja WriltlBWUK-A- , The abve Tteratsln stsfTiH U. S, a Ittaaawk. JtT S24J iisMssippi and Tcaeee RAIL ROAD. im arlrr TPxeJWAT JVlae Ids. T!7 she Ac oetaastasatasstlteaweii iwsasBaatntasd. asarBaeaaat will make l.-- i w tly 'rtpe ata; TV rllmo. T a TULfcrtJATS aadt lATOR ffrrrbTrBSBaT a'ossiisiLnA.ti .aa IfcStA St "tttas i tsot aeeato at 1 i. !- -, eed aiwea at Mrmae m a- - or. x jasxrtawtf -- H 5f PATBtrr, TIISSISSIPPI CENTRAL AND TJES- '- aeu.-79CiZ-i Iran iraea jaacstwa Wlia X aih:a maiMiaat Attta. HH SOtt eaemi mile. SwelS of Jaxaa. w s A.vrr XAIL TBATX leaeee t ttld Jasst- - al. r mb mmaaf atM frotn B- - aphis, cvtutactiac at .ma era " rfe TsiTtas aad asial aw WAV f t taaii.aa. - Meant neasaar asd rota ; p rag J,a j : 'torona,artX-4eaatl;l- B ,u,. mniiaii il ItwawwiweWwesaeeeSBSs: asS ' ' ' arneiaguivts . B. P. XEgXT. aWs. travelingTublic LOOK.. TO VOOIt t.WBRBT. TKROUGHTICKBl'S-FAl- lB MKwITCSl If CABBO, LTwS... ta LtauifertsN- - TO CJSTOta '...-- .. U SB. TttB Memphis and CIinrTe-iCBVa- i 'al Mtsi?sippi Central Kesf&mefi,, CWIWWias4S.eesjli er iratlpSaeai.., at tiwthn ifce PA1LZ 'T"n llilll UrtltVNew Oieasui .Via Jlckaoa, Mutt aJeteiaaetT sswi slatat aa4 qulokeat reate to tbe tbsn Biatld etsaaerseS ts stad. The atari was SaU-h- . untin 4 l st iBasssvis ssi twaae. sramiers wist iae '.a. lr cuaiort aad asaaattw A woadtaaf miiiiswiiisi. 'v a,ts?i; see. avmts i a Mt state . MAJUttlTA A1ND CKtfttN.iATI RAILROAD C omplotocl. SUrhst Routt from. Ue 3omtktrn to Ue aWatrtc Catus, bj Hutiromd, from Cttarav saa. ILLlaSOlS CENTRAL.' OHIO fc. MlSsaaU SlPfl, iH AKlfc 11A i CU CIXKAH, AND BALTIMORE 4. OHIO MO.IT.aUAd faB O.YL1' 0E CHAS Uf CAMS CiVt.V.m AJID BA.UUUUMX- - fY sBd afbrr MOXBAT, Jsta , IBsT. Trauas wa raa V- - as rJawar BALTUtOalB AXD ClXt 1XXAW 1 ciifCTNitATi sib as a M i one bLr w dlaar as tbe .l.asaej joea Back, st ago T x ; aeitee aa Ulittm ad 11 r at- i twtBiy aasw for tapper . r,,re g riltl utatestirA It Beat lUMBtBg; st WstodensMastl r St.. .ad kew lark at g r. at. ZALBSCT. CHIlXICOtHK AXD BILLPBOBty wUtteaewtBB.BMfcsSssa m ,teae-pt- M al au tattMta. Ames at si Sees xi uaiBiiBiae .a srat T. sr, aaa Til in as as.30 at. BaLCTMOHK AXD ClXCIX.V.vn XlGaTT wypnteaa tea, waea, ussietBa.il at tat r. k . eae- - beer Bar arve-:- at taa .be aetwrJtaslattu Stat t a.) aasssc at trsrtos st t 30 r 2t , ae 9autlatr. al rM a. St., seal Oatartttsg. Pt .tracers taktag tats read win sere hut ia tarns. Bs'aseo.en.1 assail, sae wsBat, geswblin to IMasesti antiga as eata, ABaauaaisax ef atstag HBrt BiiTtBiss tbiebad taeeagk BStteaaea HaaUfcliU Vaitli rtaa f rnJXl Vn Tree TBeavcB Tscxns caa ee eetaiaa st nv rMBasty's tsseeBBSsrsteapaiitHsassyaadstsBea tfti Utile xtasai Depot. EJ-A- tk far HsteataXttietsi. GaOBtiB BAXNBS. f JOfiX POOCrrr Grn-r-al i krket Aseat. J. a. Kins ar. a. eraser as Aft a. For Baltimore, ITaaliingteB, Nevr 1'ork, Philadelphia itc Direct Throngh. Itiop for the Bast! Baltimore and Ohio RAILROAD THIS Boad rant frost Wheasas; to Ptlttmiirs. (ga and to WAsaiagtoa. (S6 all-.- l aad nresenta tae siiiess aaleaBtAses both as a fretxM aad aseaagec use. It rasa through wud aad rotaaBttc irasuae it tha ABeabesnes ! sad being seMdry oaaattaeaad. easasdetetr eqBlpptd aadsarefauy saaaaged. Is oaeolaa asset al iraeuee aad aalVst jaAUrtieds la tbe roiled Staata Tae Central tats EaBraad, taa On I nsik as sod SaaeeeWetr Wbeelutg, uaiies tais read with ailpaa-iMSa- a at saw Wat and Seashweet. THE OSLT ISBASSfl TtCXXTO IMtl MEafa-RM- . Louisville aad St. Locia to the Batiojsax. Mx-- Tsereusx are sea by tbts. reed, wbleSTtm. dwead to WasIBtoa wMhoat tbe delay adptitiag tbwnna Hi It I latere. It ts ttoa tbe only 'ht whica Itrraa aaa ba sfcecked to Wtietogtom Irea aba Okas steer. J3"Sf the MAIL laOCTE ma Meatpbaa, uke tBsataB rteamen, nvxtat wy tor lasilsanii, rwaitsaetsst. Mara watoaaBstaswssas JeSfcttiritsw "-- r TrrTti satt, sfbere taey arrhre so aa to coaaect wits the ara of Uttte Maaal BAWead (er Cstambss, astasaaa' Ikere wish Osattai OaseKtilrosd, Uanagh Xewask satlBase- a- Wbeetlnc. By tae rzye-- ea rraie of Tab raaat. lln Hint Bon ti Pitrrurt isSITriiBtliiil at let i tkAB Tt bears. rr-B- ei Sart to 111 fer tfclrts bytbe BaltBaeni tadOeAa BAttsssa iseute. 0PaaeBars ttsat MsBtstegelM Bsbnssk St. saa, caa bayTlHwH. Ttexetalhr tae BatraaKsaarOha BtHroirt. TniiTiT'1-- T" 1oirlTln lusts Tftfasslt ladUaasalla, etc., to Wbeetac, erer the new Oksa asai BtsaesslBBt sad wennniVimr KaBda. Hams ns. illmi are nU dttect. seat tbe una una at. lauu w tamisi us erWsttasBantsbatsbeat 43 tars: Tbrooak Ttcseca by Mt roBMajBtsj be bad of ttae I nasi, aaabsrsa Paa-ie- r'a lloaee, st the So ton tag raus : Pnta St. Loans to saKessere Sts, toWaelsavMM iSS. At WsyaUas; tae paateagr! lAbas tba itrptawi cars of the Bait basts aad Oslo Banaad, which leave three taste tally for tAMrsaeee, Wasatagtott, PhtlnajHla satf Xew Tork. TBBWsja is er it sours. iscaUbc stesajagea. Par rtf-t- e, ffeed, tgatartr. beaBty of Iae ceastry, aad seaeral aasiest, (tttossad to ataaad to Baase a Abe laaa. PBBWalTS.' Isle ceasaay peaeeaeea the lunat. equtemeatJtf say Balsresd la HtuiOudtod states, sad is BreBared to sto-a- a Immanie rinefnw in The read aabM nsneeausto WMftetta at tbe a Sat its asd tbe street .f ItAlaagwfe saltst sbs Tl am ad to PMsJil-a- sa aad Xew Task, ateoaers ef Bricestisr anal BsXTIi SOXE STSASMHtr Ltats, by sjeaal aad Ss to that Iprt. ta4 f w xcrcAiiU- - Ataa mam' isSastoaMtaa. abeWrs to Xerftft. Obartealoa, SfeTsanak, kc. Tor Arctilari. tee tr'lAiil vanflr, (Bfiet t wklsk aar be bed PtawsioaBg awaaes m sae in. or o j. a. lots. aeceiTfeg tsd PeiwaraBg Ageat Wbeeaar. WX. S. aaaUSS, Mttttr of TTAStsortA-iot- i. Btutaay rs. THBOCAtT THTaETS. a'tewiac the bolder, us taap at snr-p-a, sad eteaae taetr seats at slissaaeey be .parefc-ae- d, at Ue Ujooaui'i OaVs. X. to, Jetbaioa tlreeC 1 doers Bud .4. sae Cemarissal sabsl. XeaassAa jaaas-T- y WM. M08.U.. Ajaad. 23.1 Administrator's Notice. A XXaaaaans-baeto- rlitait tritfitt tbst atlste ef tbe r iato.lt. C. P. Html, wal seeeaad taaas at etas fer payment, sad these leetste wta taat sad say. a: b. tjbWU, Prints. eas araaex Palate, aew sagles, n. TWr-XIX-PIT- E jajiks uix u., aa jrea sew, jylt-l- xt LsBlserie.Ey. Administrator7 Notice. baa ' taken eat eeeteee of TBB.B3deralg.ed tbe Xsts-- s ef tee- - Mae Taw a. Csr-o-H, aB persaas ladebtett to saidJBatate an leaasted to isUenaiBWHtLaMsncredltoem tbereef srs sotlBed to 01 esent the If curbs, wBla the period STrMrfted by law, ettsrwlas they wBtbe bamd. . JSLXTA a. UAtUtVCLs ASRB-I- lunl-g- m B. B. BAWLHT AaatBtatratcr. NOTICE. S. riCXITT, x Xew Or ess, aetata a aart-- V V nr In our seete trem aaJ xfter rata eate. Styraef. the dim at beretofen. ' r h Atuusa. utusaawn- - a. vu. Mtgphis, JatrT.13ty . .. fS?j&& of Memphis. OeartettsAlexaader Tr. IPetHlearerDrTsrts. AtheBMst Aesxaader. ) rx tbb asse lavspsesrliig to ike Clerk asd X later ta. I TaestJen. trem the perMoa swera to. that tae IV Atheteert AlexaBeer, Is a taetwetrfeo of tb u.t. .r Teaneasee so that the oerl- - are peoc -- s -- f law eAitnot be terre- - open M- -J tt at ensered rbs plica- - ttoa beaiade to the MCstrttaS aiaii,. wiil, a i Ali' to tbe ctT of M. mob -- saw aasauaaadteKBaaso- - apeear st b u x- - ra or takl l, 1 to erernDer next, ano p an- - - or It wi l be token I and at ror beam " "uTurra s wBiuin .i.,k. TSer-J- P; X n aaBaaaaaatiaBaBaasBBaBa asaBaBBaaaBBBaaBaaaaaBBaaa IHLljS KiKBBLKBmLm

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Page 1: TIT mirTTrii MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL W4A jfOli · A.V sjlzeaa r jtnapai xaa iia Ticanuy. til. re.blmoe i.oa ilaexner af alaiaaod Betl'treet. Oatieea Ba taldeot JlaU.betarataJtadUoaaadJIoniwv







- 1





Will tolatatUnc

" - - 'fkJl- s- - n T - -

TIT . mirTTrii


CLANAflAN, TROUSDALE & DILL.te aroldsitcr, it?conceive-1- . wtt r. rat ....... f


errors tite arax tjcanzn orarctiSASAS, trousdale & dillJ' nOK AXJ. LETTEE OB J3UJL5ESS, OB OTSXB--

wiie, tHoru) ax aedexked,

PaiCE OF JttlBiCRIPTIOS.Dally, la tinne, per snnaa a. ..... ..S10 00Txl-- a. ifcElTj " . .................... 6 00VeeKj. " " " inrY-- T tTftf Vlr na-i- r- TriTI be fnrnlced to mats rrYwnsndapwarde titlit each : payable t&TMU&r lasnjJtVeerry CIC, tobe made np atoneolos. " -,'r3Ta0 subscriber aad a new caa wQl b taken

etch.tJ-J-n nXciie aj tbe paper be sent ta aewsahscri-bersunleeattssrc- cr

tor the same It auandad with .thecash.

J" AH Daily tcbecrtpUons will siere4 do udp?yaMc,fciif --yearly la edTance.

C3"-T-b foregoing lerma will be strictly sad Tlgt&Jlilered to.

DAILY RATES FOR AJDYERCISX7T04Adopted bf the Appeal sad ScoU end Emjulrtr.

For otjjkyxBAreof tUaescrressCDl:icrUon...tl 00For eAiU adiltiottHiiierUco of art e.. . . . . .. M

r fZ

09 i 00,'u Ht oo!i2 rei is oojis 76jt: W MOO

OSl00il0 li CMts 00,20 aotn 00f3 00 iO CO

7 HilO tOttt 3 4 etjio ixra etUn Si to 00

t ocf W oohs oojis elu oO'jo win talis ooJ o o

n Um oofes oo J4 oafu tiJii CM 70 OS

iwlis eo!u oolsa cafss ' so oo

itaw? QiOi cats 80i S5

i ooga o'io ooi,oogpol JO0 100 00

One aniig'feBetfttie wetoy, per r.nm, f0 W' " " iwsce a rwt, " 60 00t3T r"0 KUm. ircnrttU wetMy. ptr itibbti, CO 00

" " tirt watt. " 80 00t3 AH idrertlKEKaU nqvlred to be kspt o tcatzjl

pace, CHAHCE,AJ 2fEW XACK EAT, AI GB Ultd PKa,aa over lated rmU .

L3AdnrUaamnU dttectod ta ba dltpUyed, or act lalarftyp,cl:atitd socsu raU.

I3 Tearlr admtltn lrl I be chaired extra for ocea-pyl- ag

apate orer cuatrart, aad vara LARGE TTrr lato ba caad, or taa ajTertlseaeot kept oa 1st Ida of

papviEJ Taarly adTertlsm vfll b ciartrf extra at refclar

rate fat Wa3U. Hn-a- , BemeraU. CepartaenhlpOiwaixaeea, fee

EJ TsAsttcsr ABTutTitrse ttriT be mid roaia AOTAJICZ.

t3 KoadTerUarant irffl appear is the ITeeUr paperuieu rmtwc-a- l contract.

3AdTrQaeamu ta be Isaerted la tbe TTeailT papercarj, erjalUrregaiar (pteTrali la r at taa capera, vfilbeaartJgl per Vqaare fer errry lniertteo.

X3 Acnssadiis caadldatea far Statr, Caaaty aad Jfn- -Biapaf U&M, $a caca, ta be pa!4 la aaranca ta eTcrylaataacel

tTCla adTtrHsmeaU tor CiiriUii luutaUaas,me Compnin,''rard,Towa, and otaar FaaBe Statist ,t bacaarred fcaif prtce.

C Karrtacea aad Deatbi are pcbHed as Bm ; batO&iCaaih Tribal, vt Sespect xd Taseral iBTttaUoas

a otaeraSTeftla-Bieat- a.

E7Atca aad Tracslrat AdrertiBeiaesta irfB bacaarCTahyjtac raacrtica.

13 KAlarla) Xatlcea la local Calaaa irffl b charred31 cit pcrttne

r3Tilediica9Berrariatlca'irlll be Badatrcataerorefoai rattn.' 31. M'OIJLXtnAX. T&0B5DAT, h. DILI.

-f Qifrssioiial toos.- - 1W. D. TTELCH,

1 riOKVSr AT LAVr, Jaeka, Tra AH bataeia4A. atrateio Cla care proaipay aiuaoeaia.


XDiFARD PIC RETT,"Jr., iATTOitKKr AT LAW, Unapeia.Tcaa. oaee,

Blew ay the hit OSoe AsUdlar.Iaai4vr:t-- J-

B. B 'BW.1,.. ........ .............t. if. rBAZEIi,Btraaade. Jleaujibta. for

BROTF3f '& FRAZEIt,A TTOONETaAT LAW. OAeeaXa z 5ta atneU

SX. erer BVaraa'a Sluslc uffe, VratptU, Tesa , aad "be,

Ileraaada, DeSHecvsaty, Xtaa. DI aitesd proacpMyto al eoHeettoaa and baalaeta eatraated to ibem la freatTeeaewe aad Katth VbaiMipcl.

KrrEx to TraHL. Bra. Ji Co , rbBalelpUa ; Croaln, ftEbzxUuII & Sean. KaBer . SteUueia. N. T. vr. B. OfnaKr,Jaae, JtrearaACa., V J. Wel.bi.Oo Kna-pst- a.


i a. e. lama a..... .. ........,...c. a. aroTT.LA.TIAR &. J!OTT.

AriOfiSZTS AX LAV, Il'iJy SjirtiC Vbeiaalppl.n

M. i. irCJLTUIU'OUO.SEODK AZ LAW: aad Seal Eatale Aceat, Sapo.

''teocv-Ark- .

Refer u A- - Wrtrtt Swj , aad OaL a O Payae, feai- -

ti Jsdn &. u JDarwaen, Boaeeaa . o,EaaaauBAlfa,;abTa MOerG. A Bry.ClarkV

, aad Ga. T. E. Itaaaey, Da.ba re.. Ark.mr-i-da- J

TJOHX RAX.STO.V,, TT0RKET AT LtW. SabUL. Shalt) caaaly, 7eaa.

XV. OfSa-ai-i She OX reUe--i' UiS.BCTxm TDHbb w. P. Seadrkk. WaraeaberoacB. 1

Teaau anan Kaadle k. Eeraa. Ekmta y , Ga.SlB. FrayrDr J. W VTaUon, Km) , U.mrpiKa;ijrrta;, X4 . UUK 8ck. Ark ; w. , W.atb.erter-b-

v. . arfa. Art f.TJ. A. MOOS,' "A"Tr0atKT AT LAW, General Cbeectiar aBd Lasd

XA. Areata, tar b Jtertbera and sxieta CoaaOes efAraaaaaJ, BIS ABO, ABX.

feB3SdalyL.O. RIVES, .


AKD OOCXSSLOB j&T LAW, Iteatpbll,the roat OSve BeetHs(. " '

-- 1 bfrVnea eatratted ta hi care wffl receiTa proaatasdrfatafal atteataoa. OoRectlaaa presaptly.taad la the

aaaaea z wen xesaeaaee, irieaimjpi aaa


TSE partsenblp ic tae ptacUfe olthflaw. herrtsloreSaUiTaa.TreadwTB et Tfthotloe,

la this day.dltaalTad. July 1, ISM.

; COS. . ' . .W. X. TiEAU'WrLL.. K. TOLUKTIXE.

TREAD tTELla &TOLEISTI.VE,ATTORKXTS-A- LAW. Jlraf tla,-Ten- Odice, No.

atreet, apatajt. aecicd deor'Ealt ofOuaaerclal Ilutel jn3--d It

A. C. HARRIS,AT LAW, (tate er Focabaataa, Ark ,)ATTOIUnsX ta aad perauarBtly located at Jackaoo.

pert, Art., aiB attend to the caSrcttea of CUlraa at Poeaaaatai, RaadalBli cosaty, Poaraattaa aad SsiltbirBleLawreaee caaty. Batea rlBe, ladepradeace csaaty. Jackaeacort, Oraad Glalse aad AbxbiU, Jackiea ceaaty.Searcy, WbHe county, Dea Arc, Prairie county, and a--1afar ruf tmahleaa e9rnatod 1. Hi tre tai sale ,

ceutiea. WWaJao tareatuate Laad TUlea, aadact aBLasd Axeat far pay tazea. Jcc A.

Reference Gerre PatDti a. Co , Jleophli, Teaa.;a it. Qattot, ef theHrjarBU ArrEAL; Haa. Tboa.

B Haaly, Haa. Charlea Adaau, JaTld Brataa. ZM

J H. C.MHANH,A TS0B.KET AT "LAW", Xa. Co art Scaare. Xen-X- a.

jM,T.3B. astS-- tl

x. r. sicriAxntox.. x. a. b aot.Richardson & Hii.cs,

i'a&UE AT LAW. VatapbU. Teaa. OCceea theJfejrr! alio aoci jecreoo (trsu. octi-i- y

cetlcx x. rxAinx. j alt is johi.FRAZEIt & JOXES,

A TTpBKKTS AT LAW, JCaaiphia, Teas. 03ce aactb.a-- aloe Court Soaare. aota-4- at c.

j.rr. sCaees,AT LAW, XMnpoli, Teaa. OfSw Bp

ATTOBJfBT gl gaat aloe if Kali atreet. ifS-t-a

waa. n. XtLr atxice thoj u.loowoodHJLPATBICK. & LOGWOOD,

a TTiJli'Sl'S AT LAW. Vrmpbln. Teaa.. wiH practiceXx. ta an ail tae ccrniu ia wm ecaeaae aaa r onilfta la.Ijnir Pattfca ar auenltoo irren'to-bairaet- tatbeO, B. Bu'rtetCoart at Pjoutoc, lilaa. OOce, Xo.(7 8oatliaMcOaa.'t9qur. 3,111m

a. r TAXCE,. a. AxxjExaoa.

VASOE & ASDERSOS.a TaOBXtn&l AT LAW, Hra;Ua, Taoa. OSca oa

jVbaTSe atreaa.'bet'areen Hata aad Secoad itrecu.Jaal 1 r

x. cvr'touxflOT.. .......... .....i. r. rabxei.lt..ELOURXOI.& EARRELLY,

1 TTOKN'ATS ATiAW. Xeauibu.Teriaeaiee. Offlee,jfX Secard atreet, Kj the cBdiar, XerUtaat corarr Ql

OartSeaare jaaiayCHAS. D. FOSTAEVE,

a TTOBXET AT LAW. Peatotoc. allaa , wffl attoadXi; atrlctly to aU prafeatlcaal bailaeaa which nay beealraatea ja aua xa aay ex aseoarsa m jiotia. jaasaualppL feb!7-l-

It. G. PA TAE.a TTOBJSXT AT LAW. Keiapali, Teaa. oacela tbe

X. loat OBie BattdlBt. Jetleraea itiret. nar2l-ll- y

SMITH P. ZIASH.KEAD.l TTORNCr AT LAW, KiapBia. Tesa. OScela the

Faat OfiVee Block, erer AyAett &. Co., third atory.apt

K. F. EOO.Ei", 1.TT0BXBT AT LAW. OOot ,nt O. . Cherry

jand-t- f


WJCHERSIIAM St. BEECHEK,TT0RXKT8 AT LAW, XespUa, Teaaeaaee. once.iKo SlJetteraea atreet laatf


,cha.' OSce, asalh aid. of Co art SiCATt, cneioCTweet at WaKaee'a ABCtloa ilooaa, as ataira.

febfttfD M. DtTBOSE.

a TJOKSTT AT .1W, IfciBBbK, Teaa. Offlee on exitM aHj nf ifala atrtt. betweea Jefiertca aad Annul,

Barer te T. Titsa, McSa-ro- , Barrta & UcXeflt, J. T.WaWarsi, W. B. Klflei aad VUea Owes, ICeatphla.TrBa.;aiMi.Jfitn. fc do. . K tit-- l."ia-t- f

DR. JAMES HI. KELLER,T) BSriOTriTIA.T cSSera BU pjvleealuBxl aerrieea to theA.V s jlzeaa r jtnapai xaa iia Ticanuy.

til. re.blmoe i. oa ilaexner af alaiaaod Betl'treet.Oatieea Ba taldeot JlaU.betarataJtadUoaaadJIoniwvvfaere.be iaay be Isaad at all Lssra, aakai profeealeaajy

a .IrrnlT-rf-

SOTICE.TABSllTKDEBS'rfBcaAt J. H. edj e fc. Co.'f DratJJ "Store Bear the Poat OSce. Bant-i- r

' ' HOJIEOPATHr.XDUOXDS.K. 9 , (Uteol.UeaklBiTiBe, Kj.,WA. aad Hydropathic Phyaiciaa, teaderr

hla prefraatoaal aerrlcea to the dtlxeaaofKeopbia.Beaideace Jaadiaoa atreet. sn to tbe Flaataf MML

Office Xadlaea atreet, adjotalar the AdTccaie oaee.Betert ta xlcComba Trice, 1. Terlaa tt Sea. W J.

Parte aad W.B KUma. marH--ej

Dr. R. I. EASKI,StafCrbyalciaa aad Director of aererxl BoapltalaLATB member ot dlSereat Medical SodeUea

haa located la tae city af Memphis:, xsd ra

tiateiilcea te tbe pabUc aa rhyaicUa, Accoacher,aad for all operation, in 3 irxrry.

X3Z OtBce oa Waabiartoa street, between Mala aadSacoad, xaa

DU. J. K. 5IALEORY,TTAUkeaaBoacerntaetaataideif Coart Sqnare.JidottlE''S'eHece'a AbcUob Mart, aad tradera bUprafeaalooal aerrtees to tae cuuzoa oi jiespal. aaa Tt

ty. . . aaai-atc- a


(Late Sottlo Carolina )s ifXSa lccaled permaaeBily 1b the city of Memphis,Sera hit acnlcca to the pebUt, la the Tsticus

braacaefjfls protrsilon Spedal sttentlea paid ttObstetrics ?and dlsesea ot women in sxnersl. OOce onAtafn atreet. orer the atore of Win on, ChnrcbW fc Co.,Xn ITI . toiii.

Cottrc.iEACS Rio CoSss, Just recelTtd sal far sale lew

..,...'.. ..a...U, IMC U U ,1aplSs jCf--, J DOCCEEBTTk. ATDLm,

Xo 22 Trent Row



entmstad to t 2, vm recuTrpTaapi xttesuos.



ATTOTIXET to bis care win nla!yl-- tt

i m m m m i 1

Cotton $acto.a i. joke, w. x iiowi. at . jgxei a. t. satu.

JOHES, BEOWH"'& 'CO.,Cotton Factors, Grocers, Commissioa

Sc Forwarding Merchants,Jo. ISO Main ptrecf.


U1SOI Of MreilME Pi

Shemi, Tbbuco, Strt!i,St.ct sd Toodto 5Trt, to.tetoer rlih I1 xrtUX icpt la Cuaalttba 1Kb",

Iie onerlug on rtuuK Mm"'. Beingware with a tdrpr ccamciisvi VTcreJunue roi

tdTicz oottia. ire wl coaUfine X ior d Mil coiUostesrM a.nrti. Ttrrr Crxn res Bale. xjwtoomlst cclttni contlfstd te ej by iKttrs sce seletoilxtwit loured el. Liberil ah adruuu suite acattonerMhtrpniBca la lero.

j.at- - Atrxa-D- cs ...... .........oaXA- - c. jaars.halloa, Sena. Xeapaia.


COTTON FACTORS,Oonoral Comrolssion



o. jis fuox notr," - MempUi-jTTen- n.

Soom Ka. 18, Bp italrt.

Lf ."3 J rMit bo tbe ttffDLt of (rarUiaiaraUeatk.B paid t Bneir

lar, Forvareiar aad SeMu Grats, aad all kladi otProdaee ai d Kaan'aelgred Goada We ar prepared toAH all ardera lef IK)l,Gr crtM, &c., at the lowestVboirule vtien AlteoiilBm-B- i sa j riT.r w libe core ed b. ar cpea poUciet, tmleat tnaik M aot laaaredoa Ml o; ladtef. AB e ttoa ta atore tai sred, anleeaotaerwiae ttutraefd. Oar bnus-a-t belai; exetnaiTelycamaiwaKia, aaa ear tiae mrTrrf J oerateo o tfcr talereslor oar palroBa we feel that we ara tatH led to a IriaLTaat Is all w aar. iaeE4awkai

A.I Sxcctnm to PawtU d-- Co.,)


XO. 41 VJilOX STliU2ET,aepn-l- r VKW OfttaSAKS, LA.

GOODLETT, BONE & CO.,(Sneeeaaers to GoaUettfJaatfr A Co.)

Rcceirinff, Forward InjAXD



t anrrioBS'ly laatraelrd tothe asajatraay. -

We bare a la"e 'aad we aaaorted stock ed EJSX- -TDCXT AJiD INDIA BaGGIKti.ai alw a cerreapoo- d-

ist aapp-- y e, imfs, rr- - ra taeeea. taaBaiaetonea, waKbwe wut foralab apcaas easy tenaa as aay basse of thissity- - ,

tr cha'fes tr STOBIXG. StltPLlKQ, SELLIVOAKD WElOBINorOrrOX, will teas aereleiorv. Meeata per bale, watts cerata all except drayas and lata-raae- a.

.aaxIS eawsniBAS-Z- C OAHASC-- .. WM, XESA mt T

Cotton Factors,Commission Groceij lilcrchants,


nrE ebaTte, at Beretnfare. flflyper bate fjr Sioriax aad SeSlsa

3ettea We wBI k m at' Cattoa U.tore cerend by laiaraaee. aara

etbrrrlae ; aad ,rsaata of Cot too u ntUt,T iB ba tsaaree aruatl tae Ca

rr ef VBTtratasei.We are air. eat win eeatteoe tsre-- Cb tae maaa to

Teear h tat erocra for rm, Volaaaaa, Tobacco,Baenae. Fiear, urn. Sana. Base. tiri, oeaaei.SaltaodTatae, wrlaa riel atack ar Brjcerlee.

tbe UeatpaH OaH- -a MilH, aad Mf--r at lev artwt tatlrnao-r-c, OrMon Taraa ana jeaas H uauy.AM late ereeri fortae sur uettao 6B.

8RA.nAtf k. TflLL.

. t. rATTEXSOX .... . ...J. r. MAMHAZX.



Commission and GroceryMERCHANTS,


yltniavfa Slempbla, Tenn.




aUeotiaa rlrra te Storlar aad SotllDj Cattoa.PBdUrr Xo U fmat Bow, Memphja.aBxiS'dawiy


Cotton Factorsf! . ATO ' '



TENS.OmOZ, Xe set i'limi., b.trovAiiro aad

the store of riearoey, Cateper a. Leake.jBnl2-d.- w

JOrCT W LED BETTEX, L. L-- LEDBETTEBrMem pals. narnsbarc. Mas.




OYER HANNAH & SHANKS.Memphis,, Tonn.

PARTI C0 LAB ATTBXTrOX paid ta the sale- -

ad sblpraei t of OettoB. Baecibs aad Bepe a-l-aya oa bnod at the Wwest market pefee.laass-(- m

i xtosTsoatExr, T. a. TATE,Of Ifeapbls. Late et Tateaetne. Xlss.



3To. ,XX IVXaxclisoxx-xBt.-,Between Front Row and Main,

MEMPHIS, TENN.Cottoa stipped to as. or sUre by at after Its

losT'aace, na-e- sa

otherwise Initrarted. laalb-dw.l- y

jr. sotnox. .U. C. JI0XTOX--.- J S- - VeODOELLvFleresre, Ala.

C. 91. 30RT0X & CO.,

Cotton FactorsGROOEHS,

Commission and ForwardingMERC HANTS,

NO. 33 FRONT ROW, JMEMPHIS, TENN.CTTV-f- r PARTICULAR attrattea paid to Sto-- i!

tSStot. SeHtDt aad SMeplsr CMtv V

rftrr.r.m eonitAntly Baacia,iBene, xsd PuntaUoa SeppHcs ceoe.

raBy. lil-dfc-

W. I. riCEETT XALT It "WOXMELET.wai. r. rsoooriT.


Cottoit and. GrainFACTORS,

General Commission and Forwarding;


Produce nuil Groceries,JTO. S TEONT ROTT,

'Jol-da- w MEMPHIS, TEXX.

l. wesb... .......... j. r. BAWLIXOS.



COMiTlISSIOIV MERCHAIVTS,0r door from comer of Main k Catoa sir.,

(Hp stalrsjM K.M.P H J S, T Eis N .

alteajuvfald to recetTlar xad forward,PAETI.'XLABseffiBTXVln, Baeea, aad all kinds otFrcdiitavasd msnafacts CXce-ls-.

OrSJairsta tmtjen'CASmti. at the lowe.t atrkrtratttaFrodaarkpped as onWood steamboala coTerad

trnV twtlaal "vakrd VW tntm ed " ea tbe bWotpaT ,Ur Jaaared unlets otherwiseilia Jaeta-bein- r exduslTely OfrToled Iv the w.Hare of oar aij ComsBetase. and ogr

tihet jecn. as well preraotei,, pxtrfea. we fr tcity - raate taetr saseresi aa rEitr, i . -

pals, . ? JXO. X. TOTZj


ForfcflnsDSlcrcAiauls,Sa. Z, IfciaiBon st., Memphis, Tenn ,t-- t TILL atore aad aeil Cotton at "S cents per bale.W Cottoa foTTesxipmentfarwsrded at M cenU per

bale. Jy8 dawly

. J. L. VERSER,Cotton Factor

-- AXD

Cozzxxxoisisioxi. JaloxroTi rvrrtTJpralrs Mosbyfc Boat's new bl ck,

X6. 17J Front Row, Memphis, TennetJte.C0TT0X aad otl er Produce eeasigaed to ma will

ALL lateral Bides otherwise ordered.Per storing and selti&r cottoa 75c per bale.I wlj par partlcnlar aiteatlMi to SUnr ord-- rs far Gro

ceries, tlaCTUr,Iupe, fc , at tae Liwestisuact pnra.jilt dsartm

s r kcxoax.. w. B. crtntsr

MOB G AN" & CHBISP,Cotton Factors,


COMMISSION MEBCHAITTS,,Jto. 18 Jejftrtoa sttetl,

(SeeonioooT to the Planters'-Baak- J

MEMPHIS, TENN;aIXCpTTpKjanlotber Produce conslexeta'CSiiriB,

XA. MeoTereacyaasuaacr, nwssBUCTwueiasarncaea,jjlt-cawl- y


i A w

. A. rAEX.. ....JAK E S1UIE3..,..C X. PA.YIa,


dotton Sellers.Grocers and Commission Itfcrcnatots.

A'o. 6 BoaariU .Rate, iltmpbu, Ttnn.,TTXtr wataalJroB tied tiifgt) al Maala'iV iln-- a itn-ra!i- y. - JyU daa tarzus walxe, ..it. c istoxa.Kcv Orleaai, La. OaeeerlUa, IUm.


fiatton FactorsCommission IScrcIiants,

Ho. 123 Canal Street,lTlyl-d- Kg-- ORU!ASS,la.

o, o. TOWirao. a. n. innmotiTOWNSEND & WH1TH0RE.


Oommission and TorwardingME II CHANTS,

JS'o.A JSakjSttvt,3doonfrom BullttltCKct.Uke tats methrd of Informinr tbe pabllc tbit wrWE n .aiD In tbe OtTTOK FACTO BAGS

BeTsIKEaS.aadritarnoartBealeuicare taaata tii thepatraaaKebeatew'd apaa as darlar the taat two ytars;

i knaie. kr strict atteallaa to Mule est. to recetTi tbeupport ef or rtnner trt'iiila, ara aa jcany moreilmytaiak preeer to sire as a iriai.

Caiuuate! ta a. will ba oarrrcd by.aBswaace, lcss

We ship, store and sen Co! too ai SO cent, per tarsi "Wrare alto prepared teato-ea- kin a brrraaacei aotonrcxirEea for aeauithdatorlnr.S per erst,

RuutaatlT aa head a ceod aapaay of EactiBE, Hefi aad

i. L. prsTtT ....a. w,L4rysREASEEY & EOTIXG,

Cotton Factors, CormlsslonnicrcnaiitsAXD --- ' 1

C3r onoral Or roo ozr f 4'

Kepe xad Birjlnj always on bbd.ALABQSatocket per bale, all other ProdoojatBanal raeea. laatrBcUoas sldclly obeyed, obd protrptreiKaace. AH Produce Insared, ccleM otherwise

aarM daw-



Cotton Factors,GROCERS & C03I3IISSIO?r a1IERCIIAtS

So. 70 Front Row,

WILtr store aad anl Cottea at rTrty- -reata per bale. Cettoa coasiraed te tbem

; TvaBepaeat wBI be forwarded at fifty centsh.ar flrirca, mcAta

X3 Areata for artivord! celebrated Gia t5Vuds.Jonnfcwly

J. A. sAnrLE. ...M ,. MITCHELL... J. M. SAKPiAlea.ptsi ' Late af Abereeen. Late ofraDtatoc,

SA,ar;t.) jiia lai.,aai a. lu.,;Cotton Factors,Cominisliioa BeceiTin?, aad Fomardihg


.beat Barrtac: and Kope- - alway, u atore.ASTJrfLTci Slk4atthe lowest carhprlcra.We are aha Aetata fer the aale ot Geo W Vlnaa's

Daebie Geared Portable Tbreabera aad Wheat rxES,fwblek art aaperlarto sanaing ar iae ttoa erer octreeto taw pesnter, brinf eaeaprr. e, aad rssilS'

la to cet ra of reaatr, aad say be aaed with eqaataa-TM- er

h eltr Gi" Iloa er Held.

E At-- ArrESjox.....c deloacit....datid adaIu.E. M. APPERS6X & CO.,

COTTON FACTORS,Grocery ana Commission,

"iVEoroliaats, 1

A'o. 65 JVpal Bate ui 6 Jefftrion Slrttt,MESiPHIS, TBVN.

WB haTe la atoje aad are y,w it. .ketruHC suae the lauet. a oe,iioclke hare ever rcVred for sals lo ul.m.rtet- - .VI at wblsb we tare pw

taaord fr caaa, caBabUBg m part AvaiEen-taai- y

aad ladia luacjari Maeblne B.p, roa,- - jrempnre brnap; UaBd-sa- da ; X utacay aadL.,tT,'and Ow.burta ; Batrm, Jfcse P k Lard, Tebacor-- k.dy. loe. Boortwa, Hr aad Oara Wbtoay ; Shot, Leviaad a seaeral stock f Slspie Grocerlea, At . lc, all o.aateb weiaHIrefl for easn at tae Hiweaa inarm prim,



StoreScB or Sblp.CeUW. xs bcretoiere, at PUTTCENTS rEB BALE

WewUl lnaare no Oatleo ta sto-e- , aaless tastfactedbyawaeraeradraacFden We bare larsCattoa WATeaosae, (oemafa rroa; waaaw mnu.w.. jearucalar attention will be ctaen to tbe Storisc of Cattoa for sue in tMs Market, eras psaes . aad wfl teakecaali e aaaie. Oar open Park-re- t Ia crane

all Oat tea ceaaaaaael. to aa W steaotaeau, acrom-paate- d

by a br aateHa apetUeJ en suae "aatBsaraae.Ma-'tasBfedlsewhei- . -

astl-dawt- a

nenutoct" at llantrriflr'. aBd -- BtsbtlrXn""at eepy laBd cWs4alat offlee.

r. TiasfA x. A. oox.....,u t.attisox.TITUS & CO.,


'Coiriinissioii Mercliaiits,BANK. BUILDING,

OppetUt Commercial Haiti, JrfftTiomlutt, V

jyrl dHwawaea MEMPHIS TE?r?f.


COTTON FACTORS,Commission & Forwarding Merchants,



MEMPBIS.TBXX.atteatien paid te Storing, Ehlpplax and


PRATT'S COTTON GINS.WB are Aexala far tbe sale of D. PRATT'S celebrated

80TTOX GIK3 wtKh bare-'bee- n so fareraMy kaowB fortbe last BBBtber of ysara. Persons wlshlnr to pa rebateare reqaeated to can and examine them. All Gins aresold aader a tan goaranty.

istrlS-ft-n X. U.APPEXSOXfcCO.neHr 8priarj, Mlss.,TiaeSi GreBeda,MlssBe-pnMtca-a;

PaneU, M Us., Star; Doaumle, Ala , Adrc-ea-te,

Taecaabla, Ala.. EaqBlreri BrawnsrlOe,- - Teaa.,Jearaal. crpr aix meatbs a u4 srue MJs to uaa ocaoe. ,


w. A; CO.,Cotton Factors, Commission and

NO. 4 HOWARD'S ROW, MEMPHIS,rag a Basrlat, Bcpe, Twine. Sacar, Conee, Mo.Darir Bice, Plonr, Lard, Bacon, Mackerel, Salt,

London Porter, Ale, Wine, Wbirty, Vlnesar. Quxuo,Ll&ev Land-Plast- xsd Groceries Eenrrally. A goodstock new oa band, and for sale al reasonablV prices

rGasb. tdrxacea made oa Cottons is store for rale orablrmeat. AU Cottons lasared cElessotlionrUe tastract-- I

ad. Oar Opea Policy ot Iasaraace cot art. all Cottoa crfa-- .i

. . ... .K,ani Ar w. "J , ., - - w. "u.-v-

store, unlets otherwise, 1 attracted. or prices for storing''ana aemnr.fjouena, ana same .aa we bst aargea torMars taat fifty twits par b- - teTM- -

T. r. ATP LETT. UEXTT.few Orleans, JXeatBdlJ.








117 ILL make cash adrancex on all Outon or other Pro-- VV dace shipped to T. P. Aydlett fc Co., Xcw Orleans.

m . . 1. kg. rotrtJCES s. c. mocxt......t. j. rotrutzi.FOWLKES, MOUNT at CO.,

C o tt on F a ctor s,AKD


MEJipmi, TESft." ''COTTOX la a PlictjProot ...Warehouse.STORE 2o per cent 1cm than any bouse la the ely.

fSCotton IX atore olaced nnder lasurance unless rn- -straeted to the cualrary. I

EJ" Cottoa consigned to us on geed steam, km andEatooala eeTerec be our open poKcy of lasarance, nalesaotherwUe' expressed In aceef BIHcf Ladlac '

ter BAGGIXG, ROPE AXD PLAXTA- -TIOX STTPPLIESsoliated trem eurpatrent.

Agents for tbe sale uf tbe celebraled Premium Tay-lor Oeitoa 61b, " nuutaf txtared by Caemeas, Brown fcCo.. Ooicrabuf, Georgia. - .

We bar supplies ( rsrioui slits In store, and wQltake pleasure la abowing them to those in want of aGin. PlAnterayeuldo, wetl toiailand examine, theseGins before csratlM elsewhere. "

, 4We esteem tbea the best Gin we hare erer teen In

qua'ltlea most dealt able, ix : speed, light draught aadmaking a superior sample of Got toe.

mylt-t- . P0WLEJE3, MOOXT fc CO.

X rn, o. O. l)oaXB,1ttoetLeMTHleCr.,basbeeimeiHI assoastea wns w la rne umcery saa omnmisatoaBusiness, eillug from tbe 1st lnattnt.



Comalsslon & Forwarding merchantsNo.ieilaain4l,Homphia,Tonn. ABAGGtKO. Rope, Jet at. Lieaeys, and a general stock oH

Plantatlsa Supplies ccnstantiyoa nsca. stS--

-J. ill. PJlTBICK Sc. CO.,


3XTo. XO I'btroxx'C JELoXTcr,tr, MEMPHIS, TENN.,

a r ry WILL sirs partleelar atti sties tP5iajS,b SelOng ef Cctton asd otheProdcotiSSZA a tbiamarkt. or ter Sblnment.

AB Coltoa stored cy ns ww paBalets vlberwlee loatracted.

Bagglna, Rope, and olber Supphet arderrd through ai,wUmeet wtUx Iae strictest pees pal attention.- -

Oar cbatgea for Selling Cotton, Jnolcdlcc Storage,will be : It pr eetrt coamls lea oa amount ot aales.Drsyage and Insurance charted at nraal

asgl 4m J M. PATBICE fc CO.


F. JLane & Co.,COTTON FACTORScommission'merchants,

HO. 2, S0t7TiT SIDE UMON ST., -


fXTTO PARTICULAR atlratlon pi id to 8to-- r

FsXZa'fft Sblpptnx and Seflmg Ctton t V

lrZ2iPcl stock ot Bsrzlar. Ecpe and P ata--i-- r tatioa suppiin always- - en oaaa, saa -

Xurnlsbed at the lowest Burkai prices. jyZl-daw-



.4 icccEsioa to so. . nowcorr.HATIX8 prepared myself well to practice Deatlttry

J resrectfally soUcit the patreaire efan who nay sees myaeraiees urtae ptnui tint. ami ciouaarseit to netform all operatlona on tbe Teeth.aod Insertartificial teeth In taa most appro-re- d style as wall aa Itcan be doealn this or aay ether country

ALUbt reference I wish U crre Is a lair trial ot ,aywork.

Office ea Vain street, cppoilts Warshact Btase.rcyl(-C- ra

mfi Card.DK. aUXCZL GILBSBT, Ss., has retamcd to bis old

near Keatpblt. aad reopeaM bis Innrm-u- r,

aad win rmala perauneetly. Tie tresis the follow.ar Cbroalc Slscaaes: Caaerrs; ScruSbaa. Wbt a EweeUBr,

Teiaxt and Wins wUhoatSartlcalaperalioas. lie alsotreats an Cbroalc remaie B- - res er leer stanaur.Totter, Itbeams tlam, SyphBts, and an fotraj ef McrcarlalAffoctloaa. '

Dr G. datts tt asaecearary to aay mora, as be baa lir--ar of his snccesa from Maias to urer-r- a


TENXKB atteads exdaslTely to Sarrlcsl SUeasea,DBa a as Piles, nstnla la Ano, Strtctarcs, Stone tainsider. Ulcers. Cancers. Tamers, Polypas, DiseasedRonea and JaiaU. Setcrmltles from Buna. Dalr-Ll- p,

Contracted Tvadeaa fton loss ot Liu, Cheek, Xose, Eye.Uds, fcc, Clesed Jaws from StUTaUea, aad aa other dis

s's ana aeronuiuei rrcuiiius wua"easepto-dtwawl-

Susincss (ari)Se


Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, &c.

WHOLESALE AND BETAIIi.TT late arrlrals, we are In receipt of all kinds of Boots,Jj Shoes cad Hat', that are cew aad deelraWe, maklnceneefaeiarsesi ana siocxs ot Baniuamuawerk for retoil trade to be found In Memphis. Priceswill be low for calh. Can and see.

AtlU&JS, TEJLUX OC ASVIIiW.1,Xo. Hi Mala street,

rxarlSVdly Opposite Court Sqnare, Memphis.

D. PANTE & CO.,Lard Oil. Soap and Candle

I-- Blain street, Xtlemphis. Tenn.market prices paid for roach aadrenderidTniSbisbest and Soap Grease. oot3 1 e



Poplar, between ;Jaia and Second Streets,scsll MEMPHIS, TEJJX.


UANVP ACT 13 1 E IV ,So. CG Front Row,


aiom TP it i & f ToTin.,AatAracDOSiaBHjoanauu, DUUasa.uja

ffam SHOES, ef bis own make, also of othfrJA&lmaanlactorera. ne ke-- Tr also. Leather. "Sole aaa rpper. Calf Skias. Preach ana

American Sboerindlan. Tronke, Carpet BaisaSdVa- -Bsea. all of which be wll eeb aa cheap aa any la tbUmarket. OlTe hoae call before porobatiiis etaewaere.



Corner of ilain and Adams street?Miirui9, txjn. .a a

pins Tlooae la iHaated In the centre ft bnslrsMxr ancJ Is nowSBlsBSdaad tncoaapleucrder.' Tbe Proprietor

pleceea blraelf K srauinot cesarpassea try xay Hesse IB

ueBonirweea. - . . .w - .jBin rrxtefat fer the Terr liberal patronaae JeatowaiPl

oa aim for t&e lass two years, oe aopus cy a strecs uiealloo to bastaess to merit a eomtaoance of tbe ease.

orT.tf a J 3. WORsnAV. PrbpriatoTT

T BAC.GO,S.O . O OVO-.- '

tttK hare la store and are y recerHar theW meet celebrated braada of TOBACCO f rata Virrlbla J

a, mml wl h. uM .,. aa.a.rartnrrr.!Aeciam.j Da " y -prices. We wbM caH att.nlluto the MtlevUr braads

Trottor'a Itoash'xnd Beady Twl.ti' "racf! -

Warker&C.'s ' " '"neBand'. Extra Pascal-- JMoMcaa, peastda; Wtdt TaautaB, peases (

- Pscahiataj Usat Adams "Wre'- - " n John's "rarkln " Satberlta's "Pertlaa SbibHiw ToWcoo.

sbarhpgc: fc CABSOX,MI-t- VadKea alr.t. tw dtaafa freta Mala.

E. jxULTON,6 Mad f ton Rtreet, Up Stairs,


Marine Insnrante Oeinies in the United8tAUe.

Exchange and Note Broker.I win atlead to Ike oezeUatitr of aU



tfjm UUK. sttocx in tae wanetaie oepartnieni r,sKI Is now lirir asd eotnpie', to which we re--Jf&Oil ,prctf HHy e.11 tbe attention of

aalr. Tbeee taiTtn r f t cash, or aatlsf actorr aaper, at abert datea, WW dad it to tkeir louresato glreas a ran before BuktBg their nBrshases.r Wholesale Bems np suits.

inOKS, TKHRT fc AXD KBSOX,Xe.' MSMala street.

Opposite Court Sa,are,.Menpbli.

A. J. WAIiT Ss CO., .wHor.ru i.r. asd bztailGMQCMUSi


UPPER COUNTRY PRODUCE,Southeast Corner af Mala and Calsn Sla

MXMPinS, TEXX.,always on haad a well and carefoHy selectedHATE ef art Idee In their line, which they win sea at

he lowest canest prices,rj-- Ordsca promptly fined with dispatch.HrtUUtw T







Carpenter Baildor,AM) atAKCrAlTTKEK or



XS'fiuOP ta Tasce atf cet, jicar Bayoa Gayaso.. trai,..

e1- .-L Sugar, CoiTee, &c.

7XE'nCXDHEl) bats Bio CeSeei.VI" ,6a bass Jars Coffee;

"sin baza Mocha Coffee :"

, kObbft Crnsbed and Powdered Sngtr;t ' tolUt'iniiealtfttiB nM RartrbAnmi.Wt. lOObbla. Rectified Whiaky,

, . xwiauoie, nau ana qoariec oaxes lytntl-- fPessJelowliy . " aPOCSHERTT k ATDLETT,

Itj--'- , TBtnkAe..JietMisjllsn arid Monriosta.


filiOtJEiiIES. jToreign and Domestic liquors,

win eg, Cigars, Fruits, &c,NO. 293 MAIN-ST- ., MEMPHIS, TENN.oeUt


Frames Looklng-Glatac- sOLD All work wsmnt d. Oil Paintings and Ptctares on Txand for tale, Washington atreet, below Theatre.

myT-dl- y


S. .a

TERM &C0.,Cotton Factors, Commission andForwarding

MERCHANTS,Xa. a Front Row, erer Meachaai as Oolkrallb'a,

MHVPniS, TZXX. - angllr. WELLES. .J. g. EBWIX

. WEIsisER t ERWHV,jflempliis Factory

AKD LUMBER YARD,Overton ttrttt, near fAt MenphU and 0lo Vefot,

for sale and make to otder Doors. Blinds. Sash.'AV. Mantle., Prame,, Mouldings aaaererytblngln tbal4IlnerStr toe Dsn matrruis ana werzmantaip iney aresite prepared to da all kinds el Sawlos and Planing foltbe trade, aad to erect bcUdlncs of erery deserlptica, tsahelTe and fit up stares, and other Jobbing.

Eaelue procured statable macblBrrya they win saoa beenAbled to manofseture PACEJNG BOXES et aB kinds,ehetfer, and belter than erer beftre made la the citySblnkiea White Pmej and ether Lumber for sale, dressedand nediessed. ' V-- f

a a. card... erntn tS. eTirlr. mmin.Uy attjraAMt t.apfS-daw-

Large Cotton Shed.FOR RENT.

. THAT larre, coBTealent and era'rsl CottonShed andTards, known aa tbe "Patrick ShM"ah Vluniln.1. li,MiMllaaafnt!n,

LULsoo, Apply toancll w JXO. P. ARMOUR.

j,s. uiAxrEj .'. x. x. estes



TOBACCO .FACTORS?Bo. 28 Pront Row, . .

MEMPHIS, TSXX.a ' 'Tin.U and orders UUed with tbe Genuine Article a

Jj mAnufacturer'a prices. One hrmdred dl&renbian tl con i tan try on nana,

myl dswly -


ARTIFICIAL FLOWERSi'riwrv nitvinrwreA Ailvt vailiAuaaj.AM



IVCElVEXXXIiS, TzzzOvisr .nrt TBsaacrbersbaTsIarremsnBcae- - fST.BJ?ifn In Pirn aad one In Xew York, er rCr

InalTly devoted to the manufacture al$5tt.. alMvai tirl a. rr rrft Thtle ntrHet '

ttocc embracexciau tbousacd style, of Peaike a- - anPlawer- - t;te,the material for mannfactunns; Ibem,which sreofftredatwb-desa'ecalT.atthet- r WtretRocraa

t XBXPinvoM, shiiu K.vu.yuj ja Xe, 0 Broadway, Xew Toik.




Commission J. Forwarfing Ulcrcbants.AOEXTI TOB rWE

Memphis and New Crletns. Packet Line,ax--

Cox.. Ernin arxXtta Oo.aThrough Line of 'Sew Orleans,


ITo. 60 Poydris Stroot,METT'OnLEAKS, LA.

and personal aicatloo tlren to tbePABTICULAB Goods.

JJetortcrf-M'ss- r.. M Coitbs fc Trice Hsneock,Sh.rtr kjCo., J..3

Eta Cuts rotter tepv u. t.wsiu., - -Tenn. myll-d-


JAMES M. MURPHY,' GojxoxvvI linTid Agont.

JACESOXPOBT, ABC,TxT ILL xUeod pertoutlty to thelocatlnr of Swamp Land

W Scrip aad Warraati la the Jsckscnport aad lteieaaDUtrteu, saHliir Land and paying Taxef. .

Boforoncca.Meophla.Ttan., A. S. Hcey. Utile Bock;

to-- Brmiley, KJ Hnll.UUe.W M. Polw.B, J- - rt fc Co.. X. O.J

f Lane AOs, " J. A. jwuatcau, AAuraase,a P Coottage, Helena, I Tens I

Myrtle fcMoore, W.B. Bolts, LawrracertEa,, lira TvlX. " P I

0. W. Board, Jecksenport; Foelk Waitorj,Jacupartoecn-t- y


Pmmerly of LawtoBTUle, 3. 0 101 Charts tea, 3. 0.

LAWT0N & CO.,Cpland and Sea island

corrux am) wm wctoh-- ,

Forwarding & Ccmmisslon MercLants,XO. tt EAST BAr AXD BOTOB k CO.'S WHaBP,


set! Oottoa, Bice, note, wars 1, corn, xaraWILL fccHastsr aa exreriance of in ucsmess.

we CTafaatteTBmta.nTBxtf ttWJ-trpa-rz. B1.Prompt, persoasi xtienuon girca to iae lorwaruiur

departmeat.BErEazjtcsa nan. ml. u. rreniw, x.ueni. uot.,n. Sbepcerd. Km . of tbe grm of Shrpbird It. He.

Cnarys Jas Tapper, Km.. Mattel la Boulijl Ua W,J. Orsy.oa, and Ea O , Cbsrtetton. 9.O. Bee. H D.'DoneaB. Gens L. M Ay r. Barn veil; sO Gov. CJ M.DonaVli JirlsaT Slocks, Georgia. EG. Jsndon, Buj., Du B. 6. MtTS. PlorMa. JosephBaosey, Esq., Ttxa. w J Datle, Memphis, Teaa.


at.'BAsrzT.. ........... A. ..A. B. BABTET.


X0. lafpBATlEB-ST- .; XKW 0BLEAX3.OUR reraoUALTttteulroc

will dc giTCOj to lae&xjeorFnr.. I." e, nVkt. afPrw!ec. eoattrned to durBBi

aborc Lyr ellber bj Mil r itcam TesU. xi

Wc afre iid terenl ywari ce In or mirketla the pwrlrohif f BUpIei ud sucrtcd tfrt3a&nUt.

A(r,B7lrI,Vwt Vt V UlaUAAAj. aa. uiv aJL:tV4oStraag , Sxnalbli. Sbanks.

a. o.rirtTH. . r? OCTKXIE. ,SD. 1. EOETLAXD.


O.onxusslo,n McrcUvvnts.. XD.


Foreign. And Domestic Liquors,AXSjAOESTS TOB TBE SALE OP

Virginia and Kentncky Tobacco,ffe.Jtvt Main Street, between second and Third,

jjaalr-l-y LQPISTTtLB, ST.

,C. N. AVEBILLieceiring, .Forwarding and Commission


X0 'HAtXB SJBKET. cnABLESTOX. S. 0.T) jrVsRE.SCeS i-- po CsMwetl, PresU-- ot 3. 0. B. R- -,

XV. Colambta. SUbfC. J. A.Wbitrstres, aad II. W.Vie ensile, Chattanooga, Tenn ; Grr.ir. VlHiaas kOo, "A C Chas. X Aadersou. GeneralAX'st, XathrUe, Tenn.; X?ra. Tajltr fc Co., Ksntgem.cry.

"rLf!r attastlon glrex to the SETTLKMEXT ofPBEIGIITS, ad for lost and damaged Goods by reaaefl.

SOLAtrra, atftf .... .A. 1. BDET. S.NOIL AND & CO.,


a S'tfrA'.. , ....r 7"a"-a- iiubit, Alias..R1JEB.IrL5"v'trler. Miles Owen

feb7-1- yand Capt

n. r:TisEHAU)...ciiAs. ,1UmJ wooDWOBra.H. FITZGERALD & cq.,

(Saturn torart. siv,Grocers, Prftduct ijenlersj

COMMISSION & FUEWARIxG MERCHANTSNo. 92 Frontjaow jiciHphis,jaIdksonport.'Vrkansas.

Jai-U- wt





477 3Iain-Strcc- t, Louisville. Ity.dec30-daw-

NO HTJMBIJGrSelling off at Cost!




Ladies' General PnrnisTiing andMantilla Establishment,

299 MAIN STREET, MEMPH'S, TENN.WB are rrceiTlng and eptrant,''f or tbe

Inspect Ion ef be ladles, one ot the mostbs.l)faabtoaab e stocks of Preach Ministry aad P

akcr Dry Gooda erer brace Lt to tola cut. Also, a eeryelect assert men t of Dress Goods. SUk, B icgee, Cbal-Ite- s,

Ontsndles, Grandees, Tissue Robes, plain ana doitedMaslias,fcc We call particular attention to our

Millinery Department,Consisting of an styles of Prtrch Bonnets, Leghorn, Eng-

lish Straw, Xe poll tan EuErnies aad Glpaten, FiowertandRltbons. Fire thousand dollars worts of flue PreachEmbroideries Talendnes, G impure, Honlien, Point Lacesetts, Cbantaiy Lace,

Embroidered Silk mantillas,Lace Batqulnes, Dress Trimmings ot aU styles ; Part tola.Pans, Q impure Laces, fcc

Alto, at tb- - Emporium ot Tashlon, Dress and MentniaMaklagdiae, ruarastjlng utbfactlon as to style aadshape.

Moamlns goeds s'ways oa basd, and orders promptlysttended to. The ladles are most rrspectlally laTlted tocaB and examine cur goods before pnrcbss-n- elsbwhere.

X, STII LMAX fc CO.,spit 39? Male street. Memphis. Tenn.

Fancy .Prints.CASES Pancy Prints, new stylet, onhasdandfor

ZOU salary 'JAUSVLOV fcCO..mull 118 Main streets, Lcstrrda, Ey.

Lawns. ,

n CASES Fancy laam,, oa nana ror aa cy1UU jambs low; fc CO..

maral ia jsaia atreet, msanw, Ay.

Frcncli JnconetB.f4 r BALES printed rrcneb; Jacosetta, Terjr hxndjomeID styles, on hand and for sale by - p,

JAMES LOW k CO..marll dlS Mala street, LouUrffla, Ky.

Crepe D'Espagne.CASES Crepe IPkipagna, ataetttd colors ,1 case Satin StrlpM and Challl;1 casarigard aad CbxBl ; on band aad for sale by

. .7AMES LOW'fc CO., "martl 418 Msln'street, LonlrttnejTy.'

DeJBege, ,far OASE3 H AaeiaegT, IV cetca w ttege.oa ctta awZt) tor sale by JAMES LOW k CO,

xaarSt ato ttata street, cATuisrtiii. ar,

Sea Island Drown Cotton!BALAS Sea IStaxa xarewa LAAt.ii, ovatDU sou v

ltJU i Ale y JAMES LOW fc. CO iQarll eta ssaia ttrcct, AAUiaTtueA

WESTERN A.GENCY,FOR S. SWAN & CO.'SPopular Georgia liottorles.

rTTt? rii-- mi iat Dtiniea Mnwrt. sfls x lu.VV t HepefleW, Jl rUni, (oppofste atmpa.U Ttna.,)dU iitrsu ror tot er cur TKieu ur utsmioii,

a ctxt a r . ra We M x a.A vs KJ--

'JUji,ttt. JLtlanta, Ga.

. r , aflire a. r.f V,.h ...ul.tl I, jaraar. .r Am w , - ,r 'eSwan fc Oo 's ropular Lotfries. would lafrm tni

pbblls tbst tbelr principal offlrajaln Hopeneld, Ark., la--tnscleiei oppasiie tne taiy i Kcnptus. woaeeiaey ar.erresnd to fnrnlsh tkkets either oa personal applicationr.r orderi and as tbsre It EdPostaSHs at Honeflehl. all

ardera addreasel to Spain tv ue.. Box pestofaor.HesupalaTeaa., wiu reeeire prompt aaa xarersi stten-tto- o.

All communications wiuas? stran:y connaanuai.Bills of all sol rent BankI takrn at par.Tur schemes see adTertlseaynt In another column, or

they will se Inrntsoea on appt tea t ion toSPAIN fc CO ltor'd Ark...

JutrJtm erB tSM P e,fflr Kemvblt Tenn

Conlaae, Oakum &cCOOPBH k Cjp..m Pr-t- Street, XewTetkSMITH, Street Xw Orleaf s, manr.ftC

aarers of Cordate. Oakum, fcc, offer for.sale a full assortment of Hasina anl.Ttrrel Bopa,XaTyand Extralakxm. ceureraDie ia jvev xorg er ja ew Qfieana.

'ST"-"-" ... .


MEMPHIS, TENN. .Afev iotnovth ef thk Old Stcni, cppotUi Ham

WtWfr Raaiinjt, end Flaherty (r Sro.

--la. Cy"fTtT71isubscriber beg, fcATe to annaunce te bis nTHE frienla and cosfmers tbtt In consequence of

tmildlrgs at (lis old stand, corner of Mtln tatMaalson ttraeu, ne Atxsnmorea us unuu stobs to

317 Moln-Stj- P Memphis, Tenn.,Wbi-r-e he will be pleased) Is see Ills friends and caslom-er- a,

amrassttrra them sal all In want at an thing ia thtDrug line, at wholesale or retail, that be Is cfivnng metinducements In iheqaary aad price ef bis gods aa cannot fall to glee aausiaeron. r .

AH orders from Drugrtts, Phylclins, Merebantt.Plan.tors, and ethers, win mt trim prompt and careful suen- -

Tendering my thanks la tbe dtlxent nf Memphis asdV ..tt.. .nnr-t- n naunfr. fnrlhii verr llhenlnstransre ex.

tend d ta me do ring nine years past, I trust, by strict at--

lentlon to business and.V the wants of n-- easterners, ittjmerit s contlnuanca of their patroeege. - VaBbea1

O. D. JOHX96x!fHJuall-dtw-ly SruHllt sad Apothecary, Mcaaswy

--.A , -

WllaliluVIkl VOOliEY,Jllercliant Tailor,Under the Worsiiani Home.

rYinEsebteribtra.r leave to aaseaace to hit cattoa.X era and the clws.ua ef Memiiew that be haa mora-e- d

froai Xew Task with a fuli assortment ot mosttplca.did GoeJa, wfcUa, be is presarad to taaka Bp fjr ca.h assboT netlee. aepOly



10" S-.1717- " TO H K.Maaafectaxr aad Jobbers ot

Invito AttentionTo their large aad acetter Stack et


Ooats. Voots, ypa.13.-- t a,SBIMIt WIAWEBS, fce.

sD grades, cut. Is Ar meat PaskieaaHe slyV,OPmtletethebesl asatMaar jaaie-dti- r


Hardoman County, Tenncsaoe.Will be Opened 10th of June.

TIIK aaderslgaed, aaeiag reeraUy psrcbssedHe sbtmknown a'ertnir place, la new reStnag tbe iasie

sudpetiug tbbIMtr, rteeadt. Mf., ib aa tomplete j

order ax aa, Suiaxt in 'te tAtuatweat. Vie kalxiat bo- -ring is the hesltbi.sUstHua of Leatet, aaa iry ot

access rroc au sectiaes of tbe ceoHry It It benereu tbttthese Springs wW, the eatatfta eaaan. present td tbeseeker of pleasure xsd beaRh altnctioas secoad to boothers ta tbe Union, the water Is ot the beat quality,posaemineSnecarttlTeqaslHies, aad tbe proprietor wtuspare neUu-- r cst rr erftease la reae-rl- his geesUOcmforisble durleg taair wrHi bita.

Tbe means ot aece-- s to these SBttnaa It eery easy thybeing sltnated dirrcslyen tbe BaHroad from Mrspbls toBolirar, 2K miles from BeliTar, atd sixty frea Mem-phis. Tbe cost of rraeMnr beera frem MesspM Is ealythree doflara Parseat aMttast tie Springe caa leareMemphis tt the morBtag aad res eh tbaa &r bm; aadleare la the aflemoua aad reaob Meacbia far sapper.

3. C BAD'LUAX, Preprlator.P. 8 Is addition to tbe ether attraeH ss et the place,

there wBI be kept a One band of MVSIC to entires the'guests. " 3, C. B.




stoe.oeo. I sioo,ooo.) the Leflwatara of Teeueeaar. SeatsCHARTBBj:. te ma jte Are, ajfe abef lhriw)BsrxBee

sad lei t!rraMtrV tf be re-l-et aVrd waea dVeraedespedieaL InTlewef wklebtbey hare arraaged withtbe tettoaring Ceopaaies, far re--ra tart are by Eteaasotopea policies :BrtOsh Cemmeretal, Leaden .Otptta! $1 f8 onoBqaitable Prre, " " t.s9otio1st national LH, 2,M9.0OaEatckeitiocker Lite, Catted State,, " Sesxs. 0CeneelMaled Fire " 300 000

At the aaraatl eSecrlea aa Taeaeay, the lots I stasrt, taefonarwiBag BUeetors sad OtaJHUo were atcaed far tbeeBaacrH:JAMBS B. TTIOP.CTO,teif?'lCTBEE,GEO B GRAXT, TH'.?,aej(PAlf,stbphbx b. roans, j. k. MtrLroaD,aXBT3.KI.G, JOS B ABBIERB,


B. OtTBTrS. L J. rPBB. H. 3. HiX.3itdieM Eitimrnt O R. SBAXT, 1 . 9.AMhtKCby S. V. BAXaltZsD.llae.Asd at a meeting ef tbe uw Mreeeery ot VedBrMdar,

tbe 11th mat., tbe foHewtac edleera were rbssaB ssr tbe'tJAME3 B. THOW.TOK, PtUent,''

GEO B. GRAXT. Ptce PrmdsssT.TnOS McaDAX Secretary.

Xe 8. Madifcao street, saner 1 rat Kesr.feMT-ill- y

31E31PHIS INSUMXCE COSIPAXY,SXcmpliis, Teuneseee.

CAPITAL $150,000.8am. Kodby, Pros't; Ben Slay, Soo'y.

orrjss om JErrEBsox- - itxeit.OIRSCTDaS.

A. O. nasbis, Sam. MetBT.Q. 0. AVJi.tson. T. w Wiucmoa,J. O. GfeBEMJlW, T. X. AIXEV,

3. 3. SAVUsti.ma-- 7 it

District lucnectorrV STEAMBOATS, Steanbrwt BoUtrs, asd Staabatt. ,r At. , .w hto prraawu. an IMSniltuntreat of 1S3S aad Sz. Oasre. S Madtaea street. .

marl THOMAS 11 CAD AH. Ia peeler.


Of Nashville, Tenn.CAPlTAIt, :::::: 3150,000.


Joan M Hill, Alex. I SHOT, Taeopaoa Asdersos,jazneauerrey, tt at uarutaeT, r. A. uwen,G. M. Pogg, JoaepbTaalx, JameaEUU,

X. . ABeway, W. S. Eakm.MABIXB IXSTJRAXCK aa Cargoes and Prtlghta mtde

vtt, mywiMi mmn. waaa , . ,La;i IU3SS CLMerebandbe. by steambsata. rxBreads. or laad carriax,atalso, baxarda on risers and laxeato or frest aay part etthe United States.

FIBX IKSCBAXCE ox bafidlaxs, dwefilrg or otherkocsea, goods la store, furniture, fcc., in town er ccentry.

tnenrei.J. G. L0X3DALB, Arcat,

OSce JeSersoa street, Memphis.

Tbe Mutual Life Insurance Company,Ur SAH 1VSA.

Accumulated Fund, $3,000,009.THE rstoa adopted by this Company are cased apoo .the

most correct obserratlana. Falicy Iwaders get aB tb gainsthe Company, aa lt Is purely matuaL harlag no prefr

red stoex or other capital to Uxe the first fruits ot pi cantrem the Insured.

Airy person wltblng InsErance ca bis or her life will re--cei,e all iniormausn, sogeucr wiin ue req unite fottsg ttappucauas,bycamngen J. . LO.N3DALE,

Agent jtstEU uie insurance txmpaay,Oct 1 -1 y Pace leg-co- n street. Memphis.

W CltESltT, S. B. 510,LL0V,..,...C. II riAILlPresidraf. Secretary. Trtavrr.

Memphis Life and General Insnrancc Cemjfj.(LATE a W. CHEB&r fc CO )

Exanango and Bank. Noto List.Xew Toik Exchange......... KBt preajXew Orleans ' par&l premSt. Louis " ... Ml premCincinnati .". .........s .spremLouirrUle " m XpremGold......... KfeSl premSaver ..I premLaad warrscu.,... .highest price.Louisiana BankX tet. ....par$t XpresiKorthern " Tarsjt Vprsm

All nncurrrat msner beagbt and sold. ArkansasSwamp Land Scrip bought and told. myl t

Mississippi Rcportb. " 'harestt rsortTed a supply of First Gr&rg I "WElt bels g the '10th Toltrms, and the last, of the Mis-

sissippi Beperta.tmi - lamb. Tnuxi, & po.

' On Hand,OXE HUNDRED sacks prim. White Cora ;

catka plaan aid caarasaad Hams;GO aa'es Gurtay Bass, .

15 bales India Biggtag;For sale low to tbe trade by '

DOHGHERTT k ATDLETT,jyll BankA.Ttnue. bat. Madltoa fc Monroe its.

Just Received;800 PIECES and half pieces Bagging,

600 cat. Rope;S3 casks snenwea t; ,

SO ' Ribbed Sides;SO " Clear -to bbla. Mesa Poik; '

gOO boll Wbltky; .5 bales Jrsna sad Ha try; , .

100 boxes Tobsrce;Wises. Tea. andsnneral assortment af Sta

pleAnd 7sncy Grusrtcs. nivvirr A amvraacgH-- 1 a . Xe, d Pjoat Bow.

A Dciiraole Farm for Sale.1 OKPEB fOBiSALCtebr bund ed aad thirty

ja teres of Land, tramHea :Korthwett of Grenada,xis,,wiinm nair a mm of tbe JJl'ilailppl andTennessee Bailroad, three hundred of which fn'w In a An- - stats of eutllTaltea. BuUdinga ron-l- tl of

Orer. eer'i heote negro quarters aad other, bslldtngs usually forma on a fatm, lieoa w.h water sad. stock waterojoreslent.

Terms made eaty. Asply to the nnderilgned. atGteaada, TanobashA caaaty. Miss., er Cot. H. Talbert,mmyabsenca.

JjS-l- m jnHX P. TALBERT.


aejnsted to the ey. w to suit thtACCURAlfci.il Tltkin. wlibout occatlaaing that senseat wrskr ess or faligns to the organ generally comidalnedef by wearers ot common glasses bat enabling the waaretot this ImproTed Spectacle to perrae tba mast mlastteoployment either by day or canSe light, with cue saasatisracusB, sy

CHRTT, MTJItltllR, Optician,or the rtxjt or

OHRN. MULLES & BRO ,Wholesale sad Retail Dealers la

Clocks, Watches, Jewelry,.. IMPROVED SPECTACLES?

. Afodtion-sf.- .. ba. Afatn sxd Front Row, -

HDPPOSITE I. B. ajBTLAXIVS OPHOE, MEMPHIS jia rAHXiLULAJt attcnuen paid to tbe repairing

oi w stents cy an expervmcea workman. Bern,letern tneo not to oo excelled in sbperlor work- -Aansnip in inis n ranch of tbe business, we ban

jij.jid s ursldais Watckmaker.and can natter ourselret In saying that there u no House, East or West,that can boast of a better. Clock i carefully repaired suawarraated Jewelry and Specterlet et erery descriptionmade to order. Ola Jewelry neatly repaired, and Specta-cle Glasses Inserted In old frames to suit erery sight.

P. tt. The numerous eomplalutx of persons who banbeen it pot d upon by IndlTaduala peddlUg through thtcountry an tof.rlor re tele of spectacles, representingthem to be these Improves, glasses, render it necessarythat we anould caution the pabae against inch Tendersand protect the reputaxma a sitAtea. All spectaclesmads by ss are stamper ue name ot toe arm.


Just Received.A A SBLS. Sweet Cider, bytij , n. n. iwtbb,tuctT Vtlo-- t td door narlb Worabasn House.

Suear. Sucar.iQK nHDS. Sugar, just recelsedajad far sale low toTw u tae traae, oy

D0UGEKB1T k ATDLETT, -' p!5 Xo. U Float Row.


- "1

Carriage ffiiyiiorus.Carriage Factory.

THE undersigned bar e Psctorr tottreet, betwsea Wsablsgtoa aad Adams

streets, wrere they are prepared to Maantsctar aad tr

Oarrlagea st the sbertesi settee. All wsrk dese bythem was bo guarantied, and s share of pnb:ta patten eKticuea.

lsag-1- , T B. grrgB fc CO.


J. M. WISWELL & CO.THIS exteaslse estabttabmeat esatiaaea

at the M tUad on Uabrn M, bet awiattlaaad Seoaad, wbere suy. fesedaTeryfiae altcrtmrut ef fsarrtssaa. Mar.

;iea Bockawaya. fcc , at tatrowa mABafaeanrs. Twiyuke ibis method ot retsralng tbsaka far past taTera,aadtarHettiosewublaa; to bay toexsmlae tint' utabefore peretatmg elsewbere aarT ly


Hoa. 8 tt 4 Exchange Bnildings,MEMPHIS, TEXX.

CONST AXTLToo haad a Urreaswrt."sent ef 0ABBUR. frea tbe beat"suaaftadaete. In tbe atted States.- Carrtsaet alM to ede, aad wuk rest.

gaaraatlecL AB kinds af Bepalsaas datM with neeteaaaddlspatck bytpxtW f fcA WOODttBTP

Important to Planters & Millers.' FELTON'S IMPROVED

Portia Crist 31111.

jn JmrarmniT on alt Other Pattlt.THIS la aeeef the most TihtaMe lBTeatleated ibeeay,

ajrtbe e,aa8eeaiieat rtaaniaeu aiaae ttTalaaeie te tbe fatuMr. It u das taxed to tsppiy a wansihitkukaeLMa UtLvlhitajiMiMd MMnMlta a.la ae Shasta la rfeWrsrUon. tbjt ur. enonr skireia aaa HAi Seep tf X krr Tbe rwsaffaeea are ef toeaaedeiabteceaaraeter. baraer lhaa,aoj Lesipweia tacei, atiat taat ataoa. aa, a iB Or .i ta. rIt will gilad wheat, Cera, oaU bace-vb- Crags sadspices CTBsb asd grind corn and eet, admirabrr. ar aaenaweata aad eura. aad eeb ma, be we 1 gnawd tecetaee. Tbe

maH a Lxe frame mUl. wHtt newer. v,B nsa(froa are to eigbl basbels et saportor cers steal rr beast,aad from eight to tee s er feed feed ter stork, sSMrequires bat nrtte sttetrtiea, sM btt u tt gia-Se- rt awnboat looreal rAW-t-e. firi. TO.TTa4e oawill grind eVeftwtee tbtt aaeant per bear. Tae. bmla not heated la grinding a Txlaab'e featare Prfcarsare. for Small ties 1 1 j large trie $200. We bare tberight to sett tbe Stales of Alabama, Mtsaetaet, Lssi-as- aa

Arkastaa. Tenaearre, Etataeky, aadaportloaefTexas A tare ebaace la here oeered for csmpsteat asdretpuBstbie Btra to engsge la tbe sale ef fj

County tad Sute rletrs sr1 c, itWtVaate'g taraaA3 oraert, optaiWrtlbo. aS tspflcsiloaa fee Btgbtaaad Malisaaareued to as Vt ' e areesaftr ttaaA to.

x JEXNIKaskBEtMaLOd.P. 8 Datis. HODOE fc WtLLIAMI OaasesltttoB sad

Porwardteg Merebaatt are ear areata la Memptds. Teaa.

Important to Cotton PIantertTHE TAILOR PREMIUM COTTOX CIS,


VHV-MUVS- , C2PUGIA.THS tbtarfter bars lesye to calf the stteutkM ef

to aa exaatoatloa ef the fa af taeseGna Stisda, wbKb posseat 10 a greater tbtme lie oeaaV-tte- s

to be sH ed V a Otrttoi lata ,U. i SfteJ, LifKtDrsuoAf, aad OaeJ toass less sny Sis extoat. aadare d an as reaseeaketeras as aay eaUbBabaestta the Soath.

1 feei fatty authorized ISj saying that I caefaraeaa, adIHsgs oaaildered. a sapsuer Gut 8iasJ to say Iictory athe UsMed States.

Messrs Pewlk. Meaat k Ce. are aetata fer lie saleef tbeae Gins, was aH keep a sappij tt mieaa sites oahand, or wW oeaer say me at short Dottr. CLE onJeSersea street, Memphis, Teas. "

mirw-dtwiT- tn a; a. vaowXTox. ajlg. D. TSSsTTatTJlT.. eteaaatai. Jtf. WOODSOtX

TRllEHEART & W00DS0X, taManulactnrers of Southern Star Cotton Gin,


RHSFEC7rtTl.LT caH the atteattoa af the Babtic, par, to their GIN MAMC.

PACTOKT. now la tBceeatfal eperattea ta tw-,?- ,

deem It aaaeceesary to pobttsa aa U.aiiallrflait ef thegood perrersttneeg of Cs, Is.see, j

ptoreS Jiaieato aduaaeeaew a'Saa:bleu resjWatUb aa Blaatrrs aad wott'd not be sattBedxlth any bat a aeoa Sis ; xsd w. will oaly add that weare (etermmed to spsrr eo paltts or aeaastoaakeaC.tten GO that wia pt ste the Ftaater.

la addition to taw Qia we formerly adTertlsM aad said1far $3 pr saw. we are vrr gitlac as as setarevett style,at coa Merabte lattUeMl rrpeat., wbiett we wtB sell atS3 60 per saw.

A stmate o ear fttos caa atwars ba txa at Msaars.Sraaaa fc Hlfft. r gys tu Jralt tat MtatphH.

QaatteaeB rif t. read te joar eTders vtth t.

lad taey thai be areaptly attesded to. A sat?acteat gaaraaty siren la erery sale.

&3 BeaalrlB daaa with aeatcesa aad Hs;atob.atarsldavdm

Premium Cotton Gin,THE attesttoa of Oottoa Piaatera U irteeelroHy eaBed

tbe abere saaerier Gtas. aaaafeataaed by X. Sar.Ter fc Co., East Brsdgewater, Maas. Dsdar a rrceat be.provetaent, tbe Oarrer Otas are Kfxrded as see best newla general ase ; their suoerterttr aeeds aoceaaeata fromat, as tbottitnds are now la lucesatsl operstlaa to tbeSoateera esastry.

Te bare oa band fifty Gtes. eaAracteJ 12 tAadtSerentalses sad iiiial.ins of sat3- -

Ast re ana a. teat sasafeOBt ports, waaaers, ota,, etneplete. aB ef wbacb we oaar to oar Mends apoa the ateslterms saa tune. gwtxx & GIBSOX.

KM. 1 asd 3 Xxcsaare Bussing.Meanbts, Sept. SB. IMS le

SFIjZ.IJG offyes.

CASH ONLY.IKTI.VDIXG a ebia; a ar Bsjalceaa, I Saw am ay

aleak et Goods, la order to state tbea eat,



Discontinuinc all! abcoonts . from



raAre larlted to" saS, as the Goods will be offered gn atty t

i .r . a.

their sdrsataga at

Retail or Tfliolesale.

A bargain la offered la the satire Stock and nuie- -

a '. 'W





BRASS H00PS1?t:jSi-..-- -

A' '

SPIRAL. DO.;'. - -











MISSES' pol a DO ,jr' '







Hickory Shirting.TWEKTr.riTS bales Portland tlrrpra j tfteea bst

nceiTcd and for sale byJAMES LOW k CO..

JyTl-l- m 418 Mala street, LoulrrBle, Ky.

Striped Osnahurgslme B1T.E3 Striped Otaaburgs, en haad and for sale bp

0 JAMESOjOW k CO..,marll Its Mala street, LoultTlOe, Kr.

Choice Irish. Potatoes.ton SACrStoraalabrL y--5 U B. MXSMIi,eS V btaat-- .1Yp. BL3. and H nit. Molasses;

ki low waisxr. rertsierrrmylt HAXCOCK, CLAXX k CU

R(in OASES KettxtU's Ala la store and for sale brII. u. rVTTBB. Mais-a- tr

myl Third door Xortbof'Warsham Hon-- -.

"CA BBLS. Chaar--a O-s- t; ractlTad tblt'ds, byOU mji il. k. rorrrje.

' --WS5a3fK"' -- 3isrJaa- -- J

aVOLUME; Vm.---NU3Vj-

ER jl39.T


By il troui CairoTo ChUiev Dfrtct te SUttm llemrt. without Break

oj trite? or tMatft vxn or Bajaoct.BSAXCU PSOX CEXTiHUA 13 XOW P1XUHED,

.uoi Mutaavaiaa u iiim. ue.iAtevn Boara SO VBtCSgO,A TCxtcasa. coaaecttex wftb Mtcbtetn rw.ii st.A leaTtoS the same Defiot. ter Petralt. Xtaaara PaBa.Beeheater, Alhaay, Xew Tork, Boston, sad all Easier?aaa AtsaBiic uiui afajr two, cnaaae' er ffar. .mmOtlro to Xlaxara, and three from Cairo to Asbaay, aadsour fresa Carre to SVw Tsek. Ttme from Cairo at Xewtori. fartT-Bin- e bears. Para at eow.aud cum fort, rreat--er, tbaa ley aay otter asette. Passeagers taraafb. aresaTSSMeetedtotbedelm ooBtemrat to the freeseBr

m, iiwri iiars ot tuannat sareagn XBSiaaa sa4so aw taass aaa Aens. . .

ABW, CtalBCtaBg at Ckm with Ktckigaa SowtktCS)Trains, for CterHaad, Baakttk, asd tbe Bast, wWft LatraBBAtlraad aad Staaavara fer BAtaBe. MatMBkaa,bbebsHaa. fcc., aad wKb a a plan lid Lluo of Pint CUasHaasasra far Ssatt ats Mane, Lake Suveelor, Cefltarieal.Taroat,kc.

rasa brsre Cairo 2tttt tr.nater uai inauuu,ate?

,t.Cd A. M Galea? aad BasieUa Sxbrcas, SsadanXCepted.dTMa Trtts tianii st eusaas with Xew TarbUaacs&girs,,TTMacBtgaa tlsatral.Orael Wsateiaaad

T Tesk CeMral BaU roads, tareag has tkmyleasebMrrsThis Trata also eeaaeeu at Sandoeal wHat Olta atal

Aatrreaa ter st. LoaJs aad Tbiiaui n. atwt. vns Araaaa ae ta. Taan tt.na. ata a a.Uruts Kt ttroaJ. fatal wMsaa petto. tetrbfe aad Csacta-iH0"-i- H

ExpteC far eJaleaai the laltereijBjeaAoj aaa, r

eaM, Stuart. lUc ltlaad. Bcrttsgtoa aad rBia.:rr Kerr Tort KiprMS, SlW.;) iiStle.AtMIe --i, l !arrtaM U,vA. TtVj oa ja!'.eaeab wtth Ma- - Li. taay'Sipns. rroi Lecalart,r..'iv' il caatA. ail r. a.

awaaeBgerafcrtherDser MtaaAtaiaaA t flf ., r..J. atoaaarr.ef the Itaasruh aad Mlarrrntfi PickMjniifnv, rem wain im Be arrrrsi oreBaeraaawanir a tooate, jutrwag, st raCLfceraTWaa-iri-ite aMOeMniaad lu-.-J tat;,aeetll Pnepvt wjth Trsiaa u HaCaSa2ait,trea tbrac. ta Vte--X a ftraJ .Sn wZ,,'oantfit.

.lr asa Ceasta tadtealiag the Great Ceaaalaaa nana aaa aasi are aa exact, traatortpt elMe.at the Catted state. i& .ajB.t . exaaatne ibm roase at wefi as tbe ni laiat

tisse cards f the eBnaeetag Beads, and tuAar Cr aaA. I

selret aa to iboarrectaeti , the aawee su4rsHajrt,aeto I

liC-&i-t? to tae Bhease trsreVe- -,vsTu use basktese mAa. turasaxxa. sad tosNIIWa

ter meant tseXertb act Bast, whieh aanaH tbetetaiAT other nate waatrrer Tae ssastBssudatwaa

by the Cbcapaar fr tbe oaaTeattsLc. t ta.etas nabrte the seemaaetuar e ia , . . rw- - "aaetieaagtaaMeietiaceet tbeaveaai laewtiileee a LU, sZt as

WILLIAM. MORIX, Agent. Seek.btra (a ""mobia. Teen.






New Trk aa fWiLJaSteamiifEiftea,TIA


Books, btotlataerr, loots, Sswea. TtucavM. iruwAll.Uqaor., Oils, fcc , s boastr;CaaapblBe aat ?errt Tar, i utSe t

barrela-- , Carpel teg, CWss, IttTBUlasa and etuswal, tUcafa, lacam I Chtck, . CaadecaatasVa, m.Cottoa Carua. Bvy 8li U. bex- --

Al ta,,,, . rrW,Im lj SaraAW, 'jast , !.Oa SeeoA. LoaktBA Biaa.es. aadLaukaBgeiaaal PUtet. rata.waeratuk I Orafc-r- t la assb sad tart,adiery . Tta aad Brltiaala Ware,

Tea. aaad lotres. par tj la...... 3U SSMSBwOXB OLA Hatw.trt.

XOrpt SSKb S SBIBd M TMnlCtasv Coffee Mass, MbtMaerjPerttga LkiBart ta henea asd .Ptpt. TtobAwi hoTea, Leatherla rows ial btaea, Otis hi baratasad catkt. Crorkrry aad Ojaeet- a- .ware la crates sad cask., Kate.WkHlac Plan-1- , saet Xe taa aadOaeaer. slMIVt..... ' j 84 l.M

TSIKy CLAbe axee, aatareU Snsdee. sa Iroaa. lute ssslTime pas, Tio plato, Aaeaw.vscee, carta of GSasm aad Btes,MaatlU aad Cottoa Cbraeos. Csf- -ree, bearyC tting. MwieSeaitarOarrtaxe !laifia aad Asela. 3fl 'aad Aieta,fatn asSfptkee, aad Bean ra baiMta, peglo Ik... 1 SS 1 TS atSPKOIAt, SATES-av- attHSU e 1 15 .P.raJtare sad Carries? e basad,

sol br rwM irterSM itaa-H- - -

merstrdi aJett, ejirtwjt afAe--td er ether CVstiexts, waaVsecbas.actaat weigbt. sag ataoBMe Ptrst Clastrato, 904100lot.... ......... .........,. Hit OftTbe abaeatales seTer aU exseases ream Xew Tara-- sad

raUadetphto U MtBtehk tarf TiMcsraata. X Oeaatssetae. Bra. - ge or Wharfage charged at ettb.r CbatlesMBer CaTaaeab.

rl-- 1t to all ttatiOBS ea tbe VBVPtTtfl ANDCHABUK8TOX ROAD are esttMled to through rates 5 aHpeseta Beat .t TuscaabU win be cbarged TaseaaaUrales, sad aH points West et Ttweambu. Mtawbl, rates.

DIRECTIONS FOR SHIPPING.Gea4ebySaraasabsbaBMbectw,lzad toAeeatCea.

-R.SaraBaaa.Oa.'' j

Geeda by Cbartettoa asoald be eoBricBed to Asentoamawwa ,a.aaaa.tt, aaMt raeaages maxxea H uare iAge.s a. c BL.caanestea. 5. C." I

S3-- Bjaee erery Package pit Inly Barked, wttk ataea i, a- Jim- - ite.tn.ali.fi an Am., . i ta , aa. Iteattloa to this m.ner etuHtret s tpaedy aettTrry by pre- -seating deters asd Btscusasttataaeaas.tunnnmr" t.....1Trc. . . .. u ... m.... 1" T I

AD SAVANNAH. iPeaseasSaspphssLy Sad Vessel. r Pr TBers from 8

BAaUtBore. Xew rerk, BMt.n aad wBire-eet-

be faU beaeSt of eaatracts aaade with acb Tetsaae.sedhyeeasenlsr '- - r mods to tbe ageals of the SewibrOareiaa Baww 10 art ateaor Oeatr.l RaBreadafdataaaah tbey wt be orwarded frtt of Commiuioiuattaefea,waegtA.g: fTt Taecsnees. To Memkpit. r.Pint Ouss Per lee la., ailsdibg

Hata ..l S3 t S3Seed Cass Per 10D peaada...... I 09 lItttrd Ca.s Per 180 poaade. 87 1 09Speatal Xatee--Po- r Ugbc geeds. per

haBoredpeaad..... 5U IMSteamers are geaeraBy bat eMdayeaieker (haa Paepel

lets, aad irata two to three days qaleker tbaa T'sVrveeeets rrea rew xers aat nitaaeapaia. aaat oimBastttw porta to Cbsrlettoa sad SaTaaaak. And warta fewslAMthaelt aetaa eafect. frea tweatrto fortytmeierbaardred peaada eaa be sared by tblpetng oatli utter OAtA oi Teasels.

CnAKLBS W. AKD ER SOX,JsuMr Geseral Arent fer the Soathwest.

TTindow Glass.A LL tire, window Gut,, mm Sxte to ZlxM, fer sale

AA, wBaleeleanditiall,byasgtLeawgw WARD fc JQXES.

Tarnishes.barrert 7taHare Varatah;FITS 3 barrels Osaeb Beef Varnish,2 bamH Brjlag Japan yattIM,3 barrels White Daaar Vara lab;

Blufc Janas, Leather Tarstsb. asd a general Sltcrt--mest ef Pal- tera' Tools, fer tsle by-- -

aa.S dawlw WAJto & juaxj.

. FAN MILLS' We are Ja'stlta rjeeijt ef tttrty fxa sire

VAR'hjk'jfTED' FijA N Ml LLS.Speik-qukk- ; " Flrtt come (r t aerred '..SBgS s a XtA.nandI4PHBt.Baw,

... NAlXtS., Three thaasaad kegs

N"A ILS AN T3S pi.ee s--,

aisirted sira, at faT,raiee rajes. In lots to the trade,fsr.caaa. (.aaaty warrawea. .

ssgS Xo. 1 J add 11 Treat Bew.

RELLS: BELLS.We haje la stote s beastttut, asssertmeat of

StPE.RI.0.R E0LNtlil" BELLS,fnal tytofleehaadredsoBBds. Each Bea has appr-o-

I prists' bssglng, ttf pUatatieB or caaren, purpow.lAlso. .

Iron Composition Bella,a newaad sheap tortnl hs, erPla Ub.u p e.

UJH.tKI. utot.o vv.ss Xos. U aid 11 IrsnrBew.

-- FISHliyG TACKLE?Gentlemen who desire to teeHe thtmselTts with s

gnoa encst lor

SIIlVIIvJR FISHIlvG,a rtte tari M to emji aad aeiect rre-- a our new ana rxi eA ,t,, the feUowles titldescf the cbclcest stjUs

andquxHiie. :

Walktsr Cane Beds, assorted sallerna;.Prcnsb BodsJ. 4 asd 5 leiata;

i t vn.tuit BMis.--a a aae o anis.a. Minnow, Macs, and ersTy utber

. Wtev ofrSTtiacaAl baluGermaB SBTrr,and Brass Reels, St eU Bocks;SASdwlco arxr asu js'iu rtaB5,iJxes'or'SHIl Llnan. Sea Grits and Cotlca. -

also; ;iVnnateWaioei.cemprlaInz ererr lire, ef HeMakes

Superior t Chutertown, Virginia,I stirby sndCarBsbti -; eJ

' FI S H H0'0-- K SI Al;--rjWXMi'ORGtLMfc'Cd, oJ.

13 sad H Proataow.,ssgt . McmpblsJcc-- i.

mttfsBSares Tested.nmaerous parties who nare purchased from a

THE !iiJK.nisdsbr3tearnskMrtln.srenA- -

tnrxlry luleeested in erer, result testing AhelT flr ptojauxlitle S-- We therriore laTiie suca, ttwniaa -

legenetVHT, to sa .Mpeotoat! Mr. S. t- -as Uteri 'frod tb ruins of bis atore, consumed Tbnrsnaj--oorBlFgtJuaelS.

AttbntSgb the books and ether TttasMrt were remerer. ..ie.f..LnM tm it. attanibaTlr-e- nt to the bam- -IngbulMettg yet i he few loose papers left la It, and tbnubarmtW and perftct ceedrlton of ins tnUrlor, aatlt.raetorHTrestabllsa lu aeperter Plre-rro- or quauueatboegaif.a oroa. aa yenajA-ua- w - ;r J,---tv""V.Tw.awMuar sariMio, ...

jT.dair LOWXJa.OBOiCx.fc'co.

: I(traiisiijitM:.


AXliM, 4 IAlM A. a

.ti;t.ir,",M,'Mi,u- - -

da, Caatt llLi . "h-- " ' 'A et a bk 1. r at ,r. Bk . a. j .

eateikg ta, wJr",V; f.tket VforaBa jato to as, Matw 'I Btir,..il asal

bgatwtAa,ai,iAar...:-- "a artlrt wni be Ti '. J 'tie a.' wra. pesaatl f l:a ea. -- I Ma, k

'e r, t an B ,,h- --. .

it' n!viraKaatts - 'ATX I XLbBeaahiaadetia

RAILROADTew Arrangement,

Otraa, ring THURSDAY. J..Two Dailv TrwiUi .

0aA.rser nrWaUT , Jua. saTZTJtsm; WdalrSASAA'HlJ aw,, , --a, fraaa, , . .

1 A at.Eetaemtar lasa ..err,,,. Mi.na arwgV ' --WAa sfiiM T,- -. u. ...

mmm ubas. . - ATTjasr--

'W.arreelaVaarart. mrmi A.... .

.. ..... --ir. - ajaj..ttoa,at1. muI..WBBfrTWrsf8.

"--t- -a, sat, I'swaaiH."IS&i, -

Ojejiwr.ltf sajjenjaWriltlBWUK-A- ,

The abve Tteratsln stsfTiHU. S, a Ittaaawk. JtTS24J

iisMssippi and TcaeeeRAIL ROAD.im arlrr TPxeJWAT JVlae Ids. T!7 she Ac

oetaastasatasstlteaweii iwsasBaatntasd. asarBaeaaatwill make l.--i w tly 'rtpe ata; TV rllmo. T aTULfcrtJATS aadt lATOR ffrrrbTrBSBaTa'ossiisiLnA.ti .aa

IfcStA St

"tttas i tsot aeeato at 1 i. !- -, eed aiwea atMrmae m a- - or. xjasxrtawtf --H 5f PATBtrr,


Iran iraea jaacstwa Wlia X aih:amaiMiaat Attta. HH SOtt

eaemi mile. SwelS of Jaxaa. ws A.vrr XAIL TBATX leaeee t ttld Jasst- -

al. r mb mmaaf atMfrotn B- - aphis, cvtutactiac at .ma era" rfe TsiTtas aadasial aw WAV f t taaii.aa. -

Meant neasaar asd rota ; prag J,a j :

'torona,artX-4eaatl;l- B ,u,. mniiaii ilItwawwiweWwesaeeeSBSs: asS ' ' 'arneiaguivts .B. P. XEgXT. aWs.

travelingTublicLOOK.. TO VOOIt t.WBRBT.



ta LtauifertsN- -

TO CJSTOta '...-- .. U SB.TttB

Memphis and CIinrTe-iCBVa- i 'alMtsi?sippi Central Kesf&mefi,,CWIWWias4S.eesjli er iratlpSaeai.., at tiwthn

ifce PA1LZ 'T"n llilllUrtltVNew Oieasui .Via Jlckaoa, Mutt aJeteiaaetTsswi slatat aa4 qulokeat reate to tbe tbsn Biatld

etsaaerseS ts stad. The atari was SaU-h- .

untin 4l st iBasssvis ssi twaae.sramiers wist iae '.a. lr cuaiort aad asaaattw Awoadtaaf miiiiswiiisi. 'va,ts?i;see. avmts i a Mt state .


RAILROADComplotocl.SUrhst Routt from. Ue 3omtktrn to Ue aWatrtc

Catus, bj Hutiromd, from Cttarav saa.ILLlaSOlS CENTRAL.' OHIO fc. MlSsaaU



fY sBd afbrr MOXBAT, Jsta , IBsT. Trauas wa raaV-- as rJawar


ciifCTNitATi sib as a M i one bLr w dlaar as tbe.l.asaej joea Back, st ago T x ; aeitee aa Ulittm ad

11 r at- i twtBiy aasw for tapper . r,,re g riltlutatestirA It Beat lUMBtBg; st WstodensMastl r St...ad kew lark at g r. at.

ZALBSCT. CHIlXICOtHK AXD BILLPBOBtywUtteaewtBB.BMfcsSssa m ,teae-pt-M

al au tattMta. Ames at si Sees

xi uaiBiiBiae .a srat T. sr, aaa Til in as as.30at.

BaLCTMOHK AXD ClXCIX.V.vn XlGaTT wypnteaatea, waea, ussietBa.il at tat r. k . eae- - beer Bar arve-:- at

taa .be aetwrJtaslattu Stat t a.) aasssc attrsrtos st t 30 r 2t , ae 9autlatr. al rM a. St., sealOatartttsg.

Pt .tracers taktag tats read win sere hut ia tarns.Bs'aseo.en.1 assail, sae wsBat, geswblin to IMasestiantiga as eata, ABaauaaisax ef atstag

HBrtBiiTtBiss tbiebad taeeagk BStteaaea HaaUfcliU

Vaitli rtaa f rnJXl Vn TreeTBeavcB Tscxns caa ee eetaiaa st nv rMBasty's

tsseeBBSsrsteapaiitHsassyaadstsBeatfti Utile xtasai Depot.

EJ-A- tk far HsteataXttietsi.GaOBtiB BAXNBS. f

JOfiX POOCrrr Grn-r-al i krket Aseat.J. a. Kins ar. a. eraseras Aft a.

For Baltimore, ITaaliingteB, Nevr1'ork, Philadelphia itc

Direct Throngh. Itiop for the Bast!

Baltimore and OhioRAILROAD

THIS Boad rant frost Wheasas; to Ptlttmiirs. (gaand to WAsaiagtoa. (S6 all-.- l aad nresenta

tae siiiess aaleaBtAses both as a fretxM aad aseaagecuse. It rasa through wud aad rotaaBttc irasuae it thaABeabesnes ! sad being seMdry oaaattaeaad. easasdetetreqBlpptd aadsarefauy saaaaged. Is oaeolaa asset aliraeuee aad aalVst jaAUrtieds la tbe roiled Staata TaeCentral tats EaBraad, taa On I nsik as sod SaaeeeWetrWbeelutg, uaiies tais read with ailpaa-iMSa-a at saw Watand Seashweet.


Louisville aad St. Locia to the Batiojsax. Mx--Tsereusx are sea by tbts. reed, wbleSTtm. dwead toWasIBtoa wMhoat tbe delay adptitiag tbwnna Hi It I

latere. It ts ttoa tbe only 'ht whica Itrraa aaa basfcecked to Wtietogtom Irea aba Okas steer.

J3"Sf the MAIL laOCTE ma Meatpbaa, uke tBsataBrteamen, nvxtat wy tor lasilsanii, rwaitsaetsst. MarawatoaaBstaswssas JeSfcttiritsw "--r TrrTtisatt, sfbere taey arrhre so aa to coaaect wits the ara ofUttte Maaal BAWead (er Cstambss, astasaaa' Ikerewish Osattai OaseKtilrosd, Uanagh Xewask satlBase- a-

Wbeetlnc. By tae rzye--ea rraie of Tab raaat.lln Hint Bon ti Pitrrurt isSITriiBtliiilat let i tkAB Tt bears.

rr-B- ei Sart to 111 fer tfclrts bytbe BaltBaeni tadOeAaBAttsssa iseute.0PaaeBars ttsat MsBtstegelM Bsbnssk St.saa, caa bayTlHwH. Ttexetalhr tae BatraaKsaarOha

BtHroirt. TniiTiT'1-- T" 1oirlTln lusts TftfassltladUaasalla, etc., to Wbeetac, erer the new Oksa asaiBtsaesslBBt sad wennniVimr KaBda. Hams ns. illmiare nU dttect. seat tbe una una at. lauu w tamisi userWsttasBantsbatsbeat 43 tars: Tbrooak Ttcsecaby Mt roBMajBtsj be bad of ttae I nasi, aaabsrsa Paa-ie- r'a

lloaee, st the So ton tag raus : Pnta St. Loans tosaKessere Sts, toWaelsavMM iSS.

At WsyaUas; tae paateagr! lAbas tba itrptawi cars ofthe Bait basts aad Oslo Banaad, which leave three tastetally for tAMrsaeee, Wasatagtott, PhtlnajHla satf XewTork. TBBWsja is er it sours. iscaUbc stesajagea.Par rtf-t- e, ffeed, tgatartr. beaBty of Iae ceastry, aadseaeral aasiest, (tttossad to ataaad to Baase a Abe laaa.

PBBWalTS.' Isle ceasaay peaeeaeea the lunat.equtemeatJtf say Balsresd la HtuiOudtod states, sad isBreBared to sto-a- a Immanie rinefnw inThe read aabM nsneeausto WMftetta at tbe a Sat its asd

tbe street .f ItAlaagwfe saltst sbs Tl am ad to PMsJil-a- sa

aad Xew Task, ateoaers ef Bricestisr anal BsXTIiSOXE STSASMHtr Ltats, by sjeaal aad Ss to thatIprt. ta4 f w xcrcAiiU- - Ataa mam' isSastoaMtaa.abeWrs to Xerftft. Obartealoa, SfeTsanak, kc. TorArctilari. tee tr'lAiil vanflr, (Bfiet t wklsk aar be bed

PtawsioaBg awaaes m sae in. or o j. a. lots.aeceiTfeg tsd PeiwaraBg Ageat Wbeeaar.

WX. S. aaaUSS,Mttttr of TTAStsortA-iot- i. Btutaay rs.

THBOCAtT THTaETS. a'tewiac the bolder, us taap atsnr-p-a, sad eteaae taetr seats at slissaaeey be

.parefc-ae- d, at Ue Ujooaui'i OaVs. X. to, JetbaioatlreeC 1 doers Bud .4. sae Cemarissal sabsl. XeaassAa

jaaas-T- y WM. M08.U.. Ajaad.


Administrator's Notice.A XXaaaaans-baeto- rlitait tritfitt tbst atlste ef tber iato.lt. C. P. Html, wal seeeaad taaas at etas fer

payment, sad these leetste wta taat sadsay. a: b. tjbWU,

Prints.eas araaex Palate, aew sagles, n.


jajiks uix u., aa jrea sew,jylt-l- xt LsBlserie.Ey.

Administrator7 Notice.baa ' taken eat eeeteee ofTBB.B3deralg.ed tbe Xsts-- s ef tee- - Mae Taw a. Csr-o-H,

aB persaas ladebtett to saidJBatate an leaasted toisUenaiBWHtLaMsncredltoem tbereef srs sotlBed to01 esent the If curbs, wBla the period STrMrfted by law,ettsrwlas they wBtbe bamd.


lunl-g- m B. B. BAWLHT AaatBtatratcr.

NOTICE.S. riCXITT, x Xew Or ess, aetata a aart--V

V nr In our seete trem aaJ xfter rata eate. Styraef.

the dim at beretofen. 'r h Atuusa. utusaawn- - a. vu.

Mtgphis, JatrT.13ty . ..

fS?j&&of Memphis.OeartettsAlexaader

Tr. IPetHlearerDrTsrts.AtheBMst Aesxaader. )rx tbb asse lavspsesrliig to ike Clerk asd Xlater ta.

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