tips for good google ratings

Alex Pérez-Prat - http:// Alex Pérez-Prat - http:// 1

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Post on 21-Dec-2014




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Tips for Good Google Ratings


  • 1.
  • 2. Tips for Good Google Ratings Alex Prez- Prat
  • 3. When it comes to marketing your online business there is no shortage of websites ready to offer you tips and tools to make you successful.
  • 4. There are tons of internet marketing tutorials that can go into great detail on getting good Google ratings but here are some quick tips to boost your rating.
  • 5. When it comes to Google they say, content is king. This means that you cannot have a good Google rating without some meaningful content.
  • 6. You want to include interesting article marketing and stories on your website that are full of the keywords that customers will use to find you.
  • 7. One way to get good content for your site is to buy articles and e-books with resell rights.
  • 8. This will give you the opportunity to use the content from the e-book on your site or to even resell the e-book on your site.
  • 9. SEO text is also important for your Google rating. SEO means: Search Engine Optimized text.
  • 10. This means that you meta tags and the text on your website is written in a way that will make it stand out to Google.
  • 11. You can pay good money to have an SEO expert fix your site up to look its best for Google or you can do your best to follow the most important SEO rules.
  • 12. Here are just a few SEO guidelines:
    • Try to get your keyword into your url.
    • Properly fill in your description metatag and your keyword metatag. When it comes to the keyword metatag every word used must show up in the text on the page or your site will be penalized.
  • 13.
    • You want your keywords to make up 5% to 20% of the body of the text. If you have more than that you could be penalized for spamming.
    • Try to place your keywords in bold at the top of the page. This shows importance to Google.
    • Keep the copy on your site fresh. Google doesnt like a site that never changes.
  • 14. Having great content on your site will help but alone it is not enough to give you a great rating. Getting incoming links from sites that already have good Google ratings will really help.
  • 15. You can get incoming links by emailing top ranked sites and asking them to exchange links. If that doesnt work you can go onto well ranked sites with forums or blogs and leave comments.
  • 16. Include your link with your signature to get lots of incoming links. There are lots of internet marketing tutorials that can give more good ideas to optimize your links for Google.
  • 17. Blog marketing is another great way of improving your rating. By creating a blog or even many blogs you can add great informative content that will draw people to the site.
  • 18. By linking to your site from your blogs you will be creating incoming links and generating traffic that will together improve your rating.
  • 19. Getting a good Google rating is a really important part of internet marketing. There are tons of internet marketing e-books that can give you full instructions on improving your Google rating.
  • 20. Just remember keep your website fresh not just to keep your visitors happy but also to keep Google happy.
  • 21. Thanks for watching.
    • Alex Prez-Prat
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