times dispatch.(richmond, va) 1914-06-06 [p...

PETERSBURG PROPOSES PROTECTION OF WAYWAKU CHILDREN / Itrprr.icn (nil ve GUUciin of I'rteraburg ludorau .Movement nuil Will Korni l'cruiuncnl Orgunlcmlou, HI5V GKOItGlO UOtilOHS AT JI1CAU airmorlul Aanoclnllun I'lnnuing KIhIio- rn,f ''*crcl*ea In lllnndfurii Cemetery on X ut'Niitiy.oiil l.iiiailiuurh. Kutrd. Tho Times-Dispatch Tlurcnu, t> liOlilllgbl'OOU ."SllCCt, tl'honu Petersburg, Vu., June 0. At a woll-attcndeu meeting of repre¬ sentative citizens, Including ministers, lielu at the courthouse last night, a movement was inaugui attii tor the put man en t organisation of an association tor the protection of wuywartl hoys and girls. The movement wan insti¬ tuted several thtyH a«o hy the Itov. George Kloyd Itogers, formerly of Pe¬ tersburg, now of Lynchburg, who, by his work, has shown meat Interest in tho care of homeless ami wayward chil¬ dren. JIo 1 ully explained last night the purposes and benefits of a juvenile association, and the result was that definite action was taken towards the formation of an association. An ex- ccutlvc committee consisting of Paul Pettlt, Secretary Waleh. of the V. M. C. A. Hatcher Howard, Professor II. I). Wolf, of the high school; Uernard Mann, the Itev. B. f. Dandrldge and tt»., Itov. Charles It. Strlbllng and Dr. Wll- liurn 1'llcher were named to handle the initial work and solicit the interes-i of the community. This committee will rvport at a future meeting, when a permanent organization will be ef¬ fected. Confederate Memorial Day. .The Ladles' Memorial Association has extended an invitation to tho Confed¬ erate organizations of the city, the Petersburg Grays and tlie public gen- orally to take part In the Confederate memorial exercises in Hlandford Ceme¬ tery on Tuesday afternoon. General Stlth Polling will bo chief marshal of the parade. lousiness in tho city will be Kent-rally suspended during the afternoon. and many thousands of pco- plo ftotn the city and adjacent roun- ties *vll| assemble In the cemetery to pay tribute to the Confederate (tend. Tile beautiful memorial arch just erect- « d by tho memorial association, will bo unveiled, and the memorial address will be dellverel by the Itov. James \ Mc- Clure. .Small Morning Ffre. The department was called out at an early hour this morning to a fire In tho two-story frame dwelling on Dun- lop Street owned by Alderman J. G. Quarles, and occupied by the family of William Wyalt. colored. The fire was found burning in the celling, having caught from a defective Hue and was extinguished by the use of chemicals before much damage was done. Ancient I.nnilmnrk Knreil. The old frame building, commonly known as the "Old Tavern," at the cor¬ ner of Main and Miller Streets. In Illandford. has been torn down to k!v>» place to a church for colored people Its destruction marks the passing of nn Interesting landmark. It is said to have been erected a century and a half ago, when and for years after¬ wards Hlandford was the residential and business section of Petersburg. During the latter part of the eighteenth nnd early part of the nineteenth cen¬ tury It was the residence of George Keith Taylor, one of the most distin¬ guished lawyers and men of his day. The building was one of the oldest Iti Hlandford. The Muiilelpnl Klectlon. 'the regular election for Mayor and members of the Hoard of Aldermen and Common Council will be held on Tues¬ day. The nominations of nil the of¬ ficers to be voted for were made at the municipal primary on May H, and they will have no opposition at tho election. The electoral board has ap¬ pointed the Judges and clerks to con¬ duct the election. (.riicrul Xcvtn The funeral of ITorare I). Thompson who ended his life last evening by < rlnklng carbolic add. will take place from the residence of his parent* on, "Igh Street, at 3 o'clock to-morrow fiJicriioon. i Hernard Milton, the seventeen- month-old son of Mr. and Mrs I* I, c,nrk;.rf ,':urlc,!- d,c'1 unexpect¬ ed!} this morning. Miss Ida Hoy le very dellghtfullv en-! lertalned a large party .f |,cr youtiR frl'-nds last night at her home on fear! hfr.i i' 1ho,l°' .»' her seventeenth I frtliday. The house was beautifully decorated for the occasion. James A. Alfrled. of this citv, has been honored lor tho fourth consecu¬ tive term by the grand master of Vlr- Klnla Odd I-'ellows, by appointment as aeputy krand master for this district I he closing exorcises of the second . eslon of the Prince George lllKh School uere held night before last. A large audience was present, nnd many dis¬ tinctions and promotions were awarded. Finals nt Woodherrv forest. Wood berry Forest, Va. June ^oodberry Forest School will close on . nr1Ch!lr,"« Alphonso Smith, the v^nlVl' V °r V,rSinla. "111 bo the visiting orator at the final exer¬ cises. On Sunday evening Dr. Arthur nm.. nf7 °r st I'atiis Chinch,! altlmore, will preach tho baccalau- ,t?a,e sermon ln 1,10 ncw school chapel J he first regular reunion of the aluninl or 1°, £,cho°l wM1 he held during finals or this session. The oldest graduate of tho school Is Lewis C. Williams, of Hichmond, a brother-ln-lnw of John okelton Williams. Mr. Williams will Which %-m* »5 S,rakCr al ,l 'anchcoti 'nnirsday * " the alUm"1 °" j SOUTH RICHMOND LARGER PLAYGROUNDS FOR SOUTH RICHMOND .»w llunrlrr.n for Hoys and tilrln Well Kiiulpt-il nail Will Open on Juuc ITi. CIVIC KKCFI'TION TO NKW I'ASTOIt llrv II. I). While Coiiim From I.yneh- Iiiitk to Tolir t'luirni- of Woodland HcIkIiIx llnptlMt Church. New and lnrger playgrounds have been sccurcd this year fur the South- side, and tliey will open on Monday,! Juno 15. The boys' grounds nro lo-j catod iit Thirteenth and Perry Streets, and the girls' at Thirteenth and Me- Douough Stroets. Charles A. Taylor, Jr, superintendent of elty playgrounds, lias announced that R. W. Miles, Jr.. will be in charge of the boys and Mrs A. C. Fitz will look after the girls Equipment for .the grounds, consist- Inn of sliding boards, see-saws and other paraphernalia, is now being .»>- stalled. Tennis, volley ball and other panics will be played. South Richmond will have four woll- equlppcd playgrounds, the athletic fields at Twenty-Wrist and Stockton Streets and Twenty-first find Everett Streets being continued. They will be used principally for baseball, football and tennis. Superintendent Taylor Is organizing a baseball league for all boys outside t!io regular amateur organizations.* and expects to start the names on June 15. A cup has been offered to the winning seam on the Soutlislde by an afternoon newspaper, anil similar trophies will bo; given to leagues In tho four wards In the city. j Reception for .Vew I'aator. A lari?e number of the citizens of Woodland Helgnta welcomed Rev. R. 1). White, the new pastor, at a recep- Hon last night In the Woodland Heights Haptist Church. An enjoyable program was rendered, consisting of instru- mental music ami recitations, after which refreshments were served. Sev- j eral of the deacons spoke. Mr. Whit's arrived on Wednesday 'from I.ym hburg, and will preach at j both services to-morrow. We was to have come on last Sunday, but was de¬ layed wltii work at his former pas- torat'-s. Mr. White Is staying with his family at the home of Mrs. S. V. Prlddy, Thirty-second and Spring Hill Streets. Tempernnce Meeting- Rev. David Hepburn, district super¬ intendent of tho Anti-Saloon Dengue of Virginia, was the principal speaker last nlRht nt a meeting of Fontlcello l.'nlon. Woman's Christian Temperance Union, in the West Ki d Meihodlst Church. A prournm of songs and recitations was rendered after the address. Mrs. Titus l.yyi-r, the president, presided. Plans were made for an active campaign in the interests of prohibition before the election In September. In Huntlnga Court, Pnrt II. Tiie suit of WUz & Holt agalnft William Cary, from the Uiv and Equity Court, was heard yesterday before |.!udge Ernest II. Wells, In Hustings Court, Part IL, and was taken under advisement. On the grounds of desertion, suit for absolute divorce has been Hied by j Gracie I.. RrockweU against Percy 1L I lirockwell, of Crewe, Va. PerNiiiiiil nml tienernl. Robert Temple Watkins, son of Mr. r.nd Mrs. Henry Temple Watkins, of "Maple Grove," Chesterfield County, left on Sunday for Santa Panta, Cal., where lie will make his future home. The Ever Hloomlng Rosebud Society j of West Knd Methodist Church Is the banner organization of tho Richmond District, being the largest In point of membership and finances. Troop No. Hoy Scouts of Forest 11111, went on a bike on Thursday night under command of Scoutmaster Rev. Lewis GlbhB, pastor of the Church of the Good Shepherd. They went into camp and returned yesterday morn¬ ing. The Porter Street Apartment House has been about finished, only the ln- terlc* trimmings remaining to bo cum- pleled. Tlie building is of brick and stone, modern throughout and lire- j proof. It cost about JGO.OOO. Voting Jlen Fined. Guv Harrows and 11 S. Todd, young; Southsiders, were lined 510 each by: Justice Maurice yesterday In Police Court, Part II., for a row In a saloon, Harrows claimed that he had been hit over the head with a mallet, and ex- hihlted a scalp wound. Serana Austin, a farmer of Chester¬ field County, has reported to the police that a horse and buggy was stolen from htm on Tuesday night. Hamilton GrudunteH First ( Infix. Cartersvllle, Va., June 5.. Rev. P. F\ Jones preached a strong sermon to the graduating class at the Hamilton High School on Sunday. Medals were award¬ ed by the 1-lternry Society on Thurs¬ day evening to the following young women: Miss Margaret Dawson, for ex¬ cellence In debate; Miss Mary Gray, for Improvement In debate, and Miss Mar¬ garet Wood, for Improvement In declamation and also for excellency In declamation. Dr. Clarke, of William and Mary j College, delivered the commencement address on Friday night. Diplomas of graduation were awarded to Misses j liattle Rrown, Alma Barker, Mary An¬ derson and Minor Snead. This school j was eroded In 1910, and the abovej young women aro the llrst graduates. j Police After ,\ej?ro CliniifTeur. Paul Ray, colored, chauffeur of an automobile which Is alleged to have struck Mildred Hanks, a negro girl, I near Seventh and Uroad Streets, is be- lng sought by tho pollco for reckless driving. Tho man Is also believed to have been in an accident on the night j of June I, when a machine collided with a tree at Monroe and Uracc Streets. II if..n » ir.i 1 AIN'T got much time ft a toothless dog. I'd ruther hev one with teeth, thet's hed the bite cured outer him by a couple o* years kind treatment. An' same with tobacco. VELVET, the Smoothest Smoking Tobacco, 19 ft man's real pipe smoke, with the bite taken out by two years' ageing-. Full weight 2 oz. tins, 10c. "i<..it.ini.it.ii.ir.i #caft» Matt Specials far This Week Sold to thoflo who firBt come. StlelT Upright . . .... $198 Sohmner Upright .. . $187 Chaso Broa. Upright. $128 Now England Upright $118 Halo Upright Chlckering Upright. Chlckerlng Upright. Sample Upright (now) Llndeman Upright $97 $132 $310 $142 $281 KlngBley Upright . . . $167 Send for complete list If you cannot call. Nearly all look as when new; some can hardly bo told from now. Our piano ex¬ ports have rebuilt these Pianos, and an unusual opportunity awaits the economical musical buyer. The Crafts Piano Co. Broad at Second Street. YIIKilMA S VMM Kit 11ESOHTS and MOUNTAIN IIOMBO on the lint! of the NOItFOLK AM) WESTERN RAILWAY. SI.'MMER EXCURSION TICKETS nt greatly reduced rates on sale until .September 30, final limit October 31. 1014. with Btop-over privileges at all stations. A descriptive pamphlet, Riv¬ ing a complete list of the resorts and boarding-houses along tho line, now ready tor distribution, and will be mailed to any addreess upon applica¬ tion. Full information cheerfully fur¬ nished at company's office. 8?.S East Main Street. I'hone Madison 487. C. H. BOSLEY. D. P. A., Richmond. V&. ( Advertisement.) Every Sunday Excursions VIA Quickest No Change Route r^RY.f? of Cars $1.50 The Only All-Hall Line. ROUND TRIP TO NORFOLK oceanView ItO VXD THIP TO VIRGINIA BEACH CAPE HENRY CHOICE OF TWO FAST TRAIJiS. The Special leaves Richmond 8:10 A. M.; leaves Norfolk 7:40 P. M. I'nnt Klectrle Cora (ilve Quirk end Frrqueiit Service ilrtnrcn Nor¬ folk and Ocean View. Tickets also good (from and to Rich¬ mond only) on the Cannon Ball, leav¬ ing Richmond 9 A. M.. and leaving Norfolk 4:15 P. M. WEEK-KND HATES i Norfolk. J3.00: Virginia Reach, $3.26. On sale Fridays and Saturdays. Limit Monday following. HAVE YOU SEEN THE New Method Gas Ranges AT PETTIT & CO.'S? Hopkins Furniture Co 7 West Broad Street CASH OR CREDIT hotkls TURKISH* A.\L> llOMA* nATHS?^ '. J,,-.: 1 * f V?-*' wijftf'' rm I THE JEFFERSON RICHMOND. VA. The most magnificent hotel In the South. European plan. Rooms ilngle and en suite, with and without baths. Spacious sample rooms. WASHINGTON fined, homelike. Near station. Capi¬ tol, I.library and many points of Interest. Cars to all parts of city and connecting with those to Mount Vernon and Arlington pass corner. Rates reasonable. MRS. L. IKENDIO, 120 C St., N. W. SUMMER ItKSOKTS.West Virginia "Old Sweet Springs," W.Va, A favorite resort with Richmond people. Valuable Mlnoral Waters. Thermal Haths. Amusements varied and attractive. OOI.F A SPECIALTY. Auto transfer from Depot. Oarage. Main I.lne C. & o. Hy. No change of care. Open June 15th. Booklet ard rates. W. r> PAXTOV Manager. S('H(i()LS Virginia Militaiy institute "The West point of the South" Collegiate and tochni.-al courses combined with the ri^id discipline of en army poet. Virginia Cadets tuition free. Lexington, Va, Qen. E. W. NICHOLS, 8upL SCHOOL OF M>nd.body.mice. I.oad- OV.I1WL. VI ,r for J,) yeftri. Hand for rXPRF^mnM '-l*' of 1>r> curry's book*. L,Ari\C,OOIUlN -Expression." Hooklet on summer terms held In Tloston. Ashavllle, University of Vermont. Chicago. Dook» lont for home study. 8. S. Curry, Ph. I)., IJU. I).. Pre#.. Copley 8q. Bolton. Macs. Men s Suits Worth $15 to $25 You never saw such values as you get in these Suits at $10.00. Hundreds of stores are showing right now the identical makes and qualities at $15 to $25. You'd be surprised to learn of the well-known makers whose goods have gpne into this sale.but we can't advertise them. The materials include fadeproof blue serges, fancy worsted suitings and velours and cassimeres, and latest mixtures and stripes; in English, semi-Eng¬ lish and conservative models in two and three-button styles. If you need a Suit, choose to-day. You'll be glad you did. $15, $18, $20, $22 and $25 Suits for $10. Satisfactory wear guaranteed or Suit will be replaced with a new one. A Remarkable and Timely J Sale of SHIRTS at - - - Offering E. & W. Shirts worth $1.50 to $2.50 We purchased the entire sample line of Ely & Walker Shirts at a price remarkably low.in fact, below the costf of materials alone, and will place them on sale to-day at a price correspondingly low, offering saving chances on High-Grade Shirts that have never been duplicated in this city. The assortment embraces an exceptionally broad selection of patterns and the quality of each Shirt needs little explanation, so well known are the makers of these Shirts. Sizes are 14 to 17. Undoubtedly this is one of the most remarkable Shirt sales ever held in Richmond, and our advice is to come early and avoid the crowds that are sure to take advantage of this great sale. THE MATERIALS ARE AS FOLLOWS: MERCERIZED, SATIN STRIPED. MERCERIZED FABRICS. FINEST QUALITY PER¬ CALE. MERCERIZED, RUSSIAN CORDS PRINTED MADRAS SHIRTS WOVEN MADRAS SHIRTS. GENUINE SOISETTE SHIRTS. IMPORTED MADRAS. MERCERIZED, SILK STRIPED. SUMMER RESORTS.Virginia. ELKTON HOTEL EH leton. Virginia. OPEN JUNE 1. TO OCTOBER 18. On Shenandoah River: cool house, high ceilings, vide porches. Elk Llthla Water; to J13 a week Booklet. D. jC.J3RAHAM. Manager. FITZHUGH COTTAGE Virginia Beach, Va. Central Location. Ocean Front. Electric Light. Telephone. Hot and Cold Bath. Miss C. S. Taylor. Mrs. S. T. Adair. Taku Cottage OCEAN VIEW VA. Under new management. Open for guests, June J. 19U. Desirably located on Cottage Row. beau¬ tiful waterfront: twenty-five rorai, with all modern conveniences. For further Infor¬ mation and rates apply to MR. and MRS. P. B. ROBERTSON, Ocean View. Va. RESORT**.Atlantic City THC LATEST FIREPROOF American plan. Always open. Capacity 606. Oa beach dlreclly between the two Jreat Oceso Piers. Millie and dancing. Oarage. Illustrated llterslura Ownership management. Private P. O Box ft&S. HOTEL DENNIS ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Situated directly on thn ocean front with a view of tho Bench and Boardwalk from all public lobbies and many guest rooms. American Plan. CAPACITY #00. A LAVA YB OPEN. WALT Kit J. BUZ BY. HOTEL ICL'DOLF. Atlantic City. N. J. On the ocean front. Always open. Ca¬ pacity. l.OsW. American and European olans. Hot and cold fresh and sea water In all Imths: running water In guest*' rooinn. Broad verandas, commanding vlow of ocean and connecting with the famous boardwalk. Cafe Rudolf Is one of the big attractions. Huperb orchestra; afternoon and evening dancing. A. 8. RUKEYSBR, JOE7L IIILJ.MAN. Man agar. President. OSTEND Entire block of beacli front, ocean view from all room*: cfipnolty 600. Every appointment ant* comfort; fnnh and tea water baths, etc.; excellence In cnlalne and service; orchestra and social features; auto meets trains. Direc¬ tion of owners. J. 0. OOSSLKH. Manager. Devonport Inn Directly on beach. Finest ptasza on coast. Catering to a hlgh-clnss patronage. Ilot and cold sea water baths. HOTEL LELANDE Massachusetts Ave., directly on the btaeh; . levator; yrlvato baths. Reasonable rate*. JACOB D. HAWK. SUMMER RESORTS.Virginia. Aft on House Aftoa. Nelson County Va. Owlnc to Ita location, the dry aalubrtoua climate. the absence of deiva and tha con¬ stant breeze. Afton la one of tha moot healthful of all Virginia resorts. Mrs. Jamea R. Ooodloa. Proprietor. CROCKETT-ARSENIC LITHIA SPRINGS AND BATHS Opens June 1. Elevation, 2,150 feet. Cures Nervous Prostration, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Rheumatic and Skin Troubles, Kidney and Bladder Disorders and Fe- xmilft Irregularities. Clears and beau¬ tifies tho complexion. Write for booklet. M. I* THOMAS, Manager, Crockett Springs, Va. ANNOUNCEMENT SEASON 1914. Blue Ridge Springs This well-known health and pleasure mountain rosort will open June 10th. A booklet setting fourth Its attrac¬ tions, ratos, etc., will bo mailed on ap¬ plication. Address Philip P. Brnwn, Prop. The Breakers Buckro® Beach. Va. Now open. Fine Bathing and Fishing; Excellent Table; Large, Airy Booms; Spacious Verandas. For rates address J. E. FOSTER. SUMMER RESORTS.Pennsylvania Pennsylvania's Leading Health Resort THF WAI TFR Walter'a Park. Pa. In the I"" ". L"»nnountttlna. Air. water, scen¬ ery unsurpassed. 94 minutes from Philadel¬ phia. 1 hour from Harrlaburg. Autu meets nil trains. Booklet. SUMMER RESORTS.New Jersey. Hotel Mavherrv Now open. Centrally notei iviayuerry |0(.ate(i; near beach and oil attractions; fine view; spnclous porches; tablo iiinl beds tlrst-clais; rooms en suite, with bath. Day rates, )2 and 12.50. Special season rates. Booklet. H. II. MAYBERRY. RAILROADS Norfolk & Western Railway ONLY ALL HAIL LINE TO UOllFOLK. Hchodule In Effect May 10, 1914. Leave Byrd Street Station, Richmond. FOR NORFOLK) 19:00 A. M.. *3:00 P. M.. *4:10 P. M. FOR LYNCHBURG ANT) THE WEST; .0:15 A. M.. t9:M A. M.. *1:00 P. M., *9:30 H. M. Arrlvo Richmond from Norfolk: *11:40 A. U.. *«:» P. M.. *11:10 P. M. From tho Weat: *6:50 A. M.. t2:10 P. M.. 11:40 P. M.. *8:06 p. M., '3:00 P. M. .bally. IDally ancept Sunday. (Sunday w!VB. BEVILL. W. C. SAUNDERS P. T. M., Roanoko. O. P. A., Roanoke* C. II. BOSLEY. P. P. A.. Richmond. Va. Richmond & Petersburg Electric Ry Leave Hlchinooa, .a A.M. *3 P. M. 7 AiM 4 P. M. H A. M. S P. M. ..A.M. t9'45 fl> A. M. *0 P. M. 11 A.M. 7 P. M. .I2A?M. 8 P.M. 1 I». M. *0 P. M. 2 P. M. 10 P. M. 11 P. M. Chester. *13 P. M. Peterslm Leave Petersburg. $3lift A. M :ii:v> p. m 6i3ft A. M MiIISP. M 17 i?h> a. M rv>;tn p, m TiSBA. M 0i.15 P. SI fii3B A. M *71»5 P. .11 OiHftA. M *Ti.1B P. M .lOtSftA. M fliSS P. M 111.1$ A. M Si.15 P. M 12i3fi P. M*10i40 P M .lias P. M lli40P.lt .JtJifl P. HI. *Uagcage. fLlulited. IWtfk dajra oil/, RAILROAD* RMmonfl.Mciicfcsti'j & Potomac R. R. TO AND FROM WASHINGTON AND BEYOND. Leave Rlohmonrt Arrive Richmond .5.40 A.M. Byr« Sl.8ta. *4.05 A.M. Main ¦ U 84*. *8.20 A.M. Main St. BU *8.40 A.M. Bjrr* 8u 8t« *10.8t A.M. Brrd HI. Bta. *11.01 noon B7r4 St, 8ta. tfl.OOP.M.ByrA 86. St*. .8.60 P.M. Brrd 81. St* VI.16 P.M. Klba Htatlen 6.it P.M. Main 8fc. NU. *8.<0P.M. Byrd St. 8 la. *7.60 A.M. ByrtSt.SU. 211.06 A.M. ElbaHtatloo. hi.36 A.M. Byr«8t.8ta. .1.10 P.M. MatnSLHIa. *9.60 P.M. Bjrd Ht.Sla, *fl.10 P.M. Byri8t.Hta. .7J50 P.M. Bjr48t.HU. *0.00 P.M. DjrdHt.Hta. ?10.36 P.M. SlainHUSta. Ii.36 nlfhtMalnSt.R6a. *13.40 night Byr4.St.8ta. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS-WEEKDAYS. ticaro BrrA St. 8La. 4.00 P. M. for Pradertekibsra Ii«ave Elba St*. 7-80 A. M.,6.30 P. M. for Aihlanl' Arrive Brr4 St. 8ta. 8.SS A.M. from Kreflerlekeb'* Arrive Elba 8ta. 6.80 A.M., 6.42 P.M. from Aihlaal .Dallr. f Weekdays. 2 Sunday* only. All trains to or from Byrd Street Station .top st Elba. Tim* of arrivals and departures aot guaranteed. Rsad tka slxos. Chesapeake & Ohio Railway 7:15 A..Local.Dally.Newport Newa. 7:40 A..Local.Dally.Ch*vllle. Ex. Sun. Thurmond. t9:00 A..Express.Dally.Norfolk. Old Point. f3:10 A..Local.Dally.I/chb'g. Lex. C. Forge .12:35 Noon . Express . Daily Norfolk. Old Point. 14:00 P..Express.Dally.Norfolk. Old Point. D:N P..Local.Dally.N. News. Old Point. 6:15 P..Local.Ex. Hun. Uordonsvule. .6:15 P..Local.Ex. Sun.Lynchburg. C. Forgo .2:10 P..Express.Dally.Cln., L'vllle. .6:40 P..Limited .Dally.Cln., C'h'go. St. L. ?11:00 P..Express.Dally.Cln., Louisville. . Sleepers. ? X'arlor Care. TRAINS AKHIVE RICHMOND. Local from East: 10:15 A. M. 8:10 P. 51. Turough from East: 11:10 A M., 2:00 P. M.. «:J0 P. M. Local from West: 8:S0 A. M., ..10:00 A. M. and 7:40 P. M. Through: 8:30 A. M.. 12:30 noon and 8:50 P. M. James River Line: **8:35 A. M., 8:00 P. M. Dally. .. Dally except Sunday. Atlantic Coast Line The Standard Railroad of twe Houfth. EFFECTIVE AJ-ftlL It 1211. TRAIN'S I.GAVE RICHMOND DAILT. For FloMda and South: i:li A. fcl. and 4:11 P. M. 12:6i. A. M. For Norfolk.: »i00 A. M.. 8:04 P. 64.. 4:1* 1* M. For N * W. Ry. Westi 4:16 A. M.. 4:44 A IS.. 8:00 P. M 9:» P. 14. For Petersburg: L2:50 A. M., 4:15 A. M.. 4:16 A. M.. 11:00 A. M.. »:5o A. 61.. t:0» P. M.. 4:10 1>. M.. »:C6 P. U.. 4:li V. M.. J:U P. U.. 11:46 P M. For (Soldsboro and Fayetterllle: V;ll p. w. Trains arrive Richmond dally: 5i\0 A. M.. 10:14 A. M. 6.50 A. M.. *8:87 A. U. "10.45 A. 61., 11.40 A. M.. #S:10 P. M.. *»L44 V U., 6:05 P. M.. 4:15 P. U.. 4.00 P. kL. 8:04 F 61.. 11:10 P. 61. .Except Kundny. ..Sunday only. Time of arrival and departure and conner tlons not guaranteed. C. & CAMPBELL D P. A_ WaJo 8L RAILROADS Richmond & Chesapeake 6a; Railway Company SCHEDULE IflKKfcCTIVH AVH1L 14. '1014. Rnprrarillntt Srhnlule of May HO, 1B1X. Trains lenvc Hlchmond 11'BiRO A. M«« .7 A. 31., 118 A. M.. » A. St., **10 A. M-, 11 A. M., 1 1'. SI., a P. SI., 3 P. M., B4 P. M., Bi20 P. At. 0i2<» P. M. 7«10 P. M4 IIS P. SI., Stt P. St., 10 P. SI., 11145 P. ,H. Trains leave Ashland 'T>i.'SO A. M. n»T SI., 8 A. SI., DO A. SI., 10 A. M., 'Ml .V. SI., *12 noon, I*. M. 2 P. M., 3 P. St., 4 P. SI., I13i20 P. SI.. 0)20 P. St., 7llO 1». St., 8 P. SI., Ul> P. SI., S10 P. M, It 1'. SI II Carrie* linggnur 8 Sntnrdari) only. . Iinll y except Sundwx. "<nnd»y only. SOUTHERN RAILWAY premier carrier ok the south. Trains Leave Richmond.Matn Ht. Station, N. 1JFollowing schedule figures published as Information and not guaranteod. For the South.Dally: 6:W A. M..Looal. 10:15 A. M..Express. 0:40 P. M..Expreaa, with Eieetrlo 1.1 kIit?*<! Sleeping Car* for At- lanta and Birmingham. 11:30 P. M..Expreaa. Week Days: 3:00 P. SI. and 9:00 P. M..Local. YORK RIVER LINE. 6:10 P. M,-8t(»mfr train (parlor oar), .*- cept Sunday; no local stop*, and 1:18 P. M..¦ Dally. Local.Connecting for Baltimore, dally except Sudnay. 7:35 A. M. .Dally.Local. Trains Arrive Richmond. From the South: 7:05 A. M. and 8:00 A. M., 3:2T. p. M.. *:») !.. M dally: H:40 A. M. and 1:00 p. M. Ex. Hun. From West Point: 8:45 A. M. (steamer train), dally, except Monday; 9:10 A. M. and 6:45 P. M.. dally. II. L. BISHOP. D. P. A., 807 R. Main 8t. Phone Madison TIX SEAllOARI) AIll LINE RAILWAT. "The Progressive Railway of the 8outta.'* Southbound trains scheduled to leave Rich¬ mond dally: 9:00 A. M.. local to Norlina; 1:2> P. M., sleepers and coaches. Atlanta, Bir¬ mingham. Jacksonville; 10:4f> P. M.. sleeper to Ilamiet an.l coaches to Atlanta and Bir¬ mingham; 12:15 A. M.. sleepers, Atlanta. Bir¬ mingham. Memphis. Jacksonville. Tampa, and coaches Jacksonville. Northbound trains scheduled to arrlva la Richmond dally: 5:55 A. M- 1-00 .4. iL, lAI P. M- 6:<6 P. M. Loral. STKAMIIOATS" All Travel Arrangomtnti urir Oas Counter. American or Europatn. Hallroad. ¦teamnhtp aad Pallwn Tick eta. Bacgaia Checked. Tat I cab, Trareler# Check*. RICHMOND THASSKISR COMPAJTT, NOD Bast Main Street. Branch Ofllcoi: Jefferson.UurphfM Richmond Hotels. > .TIME AND TKOUBLB HAVERl" OLD DOMINION LINE Lv. Richmond toot of Ash St. dally.T:M P. It Leave Newport N »ws I ;00 A. M. Arrive Norfolk 8:00 A.M. Connecta with main Una ateamera leaving Norfolk for New York dally, except Sunday. 7:00 P M. Connactlona alao made by N. A W. Ry. 8 P. M. and C. A O. Hy. at I P. M. Night line ateamera atop at Claremont on clxual. and are met by public conveyance. VIRGINIA NAVITIATION CO-Jamee Rlva* by daylight for Norfolk. Old Point. Newport Neva and all James River landlnga. Monday. Wednesday and Friday at (:v» A. M. Freight received for all Jamea River P<tlnta "¦gravel (L)ifhout"TFoubIeT A system of unaccompanied, pre¬ arranged pleasure travel for any part of the world. Tours arranged for Individuals, families and private parties at Inclusive Fares, with Hotels, Transfers, Carriage Drives, etc., to leave at any time. Itineraries arranged to suit passengers. Accom¬ modations secured in advance at Hotels. Phono Monroo 120. "ASK MR. BOWMAN," Manager Travel Department Richmond Trust and Savings Co^ 7th and Main Sts., Richmond, Vs. Most delightful crplse of 1.500 miles. Magni¬ ficent scencry; Cut of Cnnao, Northumber¬ land Strait, Beautiful Gulf and Itlvcr Ht. Lawrence, und Far-Fumed Sngncnny River. 3. 9. "Trinidad" from Netv York July 4th und 18th. August 1st and 15tli. Prom <}uebeo July 10th and Wth. August 7th and 21st. For full Information upply to Quebec 8. 8. Co. Limited, A. K. Outerbrldgo & Company, Agents. 29 II dway, New York) any tourist or ticket office; or address Passenger Dept., Canuda 8. 8. Lines. Limited. MontrciU. if th» jjtlmmtin' Sailings Every rew uays Tickets Inlrrchanttablt. S. S. Caribbean largest Steamer In the trade. The Royal Mail SteamPacketCo. Sanderson A Son. O. Agts., 23 State St., New Yorlc. Screw S. S. Bermudian 10,618 Tons Dlsp'l. Holds speed racordL N. Y. A Bermuda, 33 hrs. 20 rnln. Quebec S. S. Co., Ltd. A. EJ. Outerbrldge A Co.. Agta., 29 B'way. New York. For Booklet* apply to above 8. 8. Coa.. or any Ticket A Lent. CUNARD li.ST A 11 LIS 11101) 1810. FASTEST STEAMERS IN THE WOULD. THE NEW MAGNIFICENT "AQUITANIA" June 10. July 1. July 23. August I#. GREAT BRITAIN'S LARGEST blUT. Liverpool Servlco NEXT .SAILINGS MAURETANIA - - June 1G, 6:00 P. M. LUSITANIA - - - June 23, 6:00 P. M. QUICKEST ROUTE Via FISHGUARD tow LONDON, PAKiS, BERLIN, VIENNA Anilllania Jl,>1 1 'Carroanla July ay 3 pm flquiiailia, ham Incilanis Au* Maurplania .|,,Iv 7 Lusilama 6:00 p.m. maureiania 6 M M-,irp»-n;a . au«. u I ucltania July U IVtaureidllia * 6 p. M. LUMiailia, ,, 1«. M. .Luconln Auft 19 3 PM Aquitanla, VM it Aquitanla, ft* ft .Calls at Queenstown, East Bound. ME1) IT ERR AN EAN.ADRIATIC SKKVIC& liladolra. Gibraltar, Genoa, Naplea, Patraa. Trieste Fiume. Sailings noon Se« Itinerary. SAXON'IA June 11 IVERNIA.. July 1 «pm 1'ANNON 1 A..June 4) CARPATUIA..July $ ROUND TilR WORLD TRITS 1474 S8 AND CF Special through rates to Egypt. India. China. Japan, Manila, Australia. New Eaa« land, .South Africa and South America. In* dependent tours In Europe, etc. 8end {or booklet Cunard tour* REPRESENTATIVES FOR PENINSULAR * ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COM- PANY IN UNITED STATES AND CANADA. I'll Kt J CENT SAILINGS FOR INDIA, CHINA. JAPAN, AISTKALIA.-CRUISES, NORWEGIAN FJORDS, ETC., JUNE 13TII AND MTU. JULY GTII, AUGUST 7TH. ITINERARIES NOW READY. New Yb.k Ufflce. !4 Stat* ML. «r local agents In your own city. »omp»$nto Generate Tr&rv&artUrrtigt* *La Savoie Wed., June 10 Direct I.Inn to Havre-Tarl* (Kranrc) Railings From New York Evory Wednesday at lv A. U. NEXT FA1UNO .I.A PROVENCE Juna W *1.A LOTIRA l\'B ......JnJy . tFUANCB (now) Jun« 34 tKUANCK <"'* > July IS .I-A SAVOIE July 1 UA I'ROVENCK July 3 .Twln-ncrew McMiwr fCjiiii<lr>ip!«-Hcr«w »te*mer. KI'KCIAI. SA11.IMJ.S FROM XKIV VOKK S V. M. ONE C1..AS3 CABIN <U> AND THIRD Cl.ASd l'anenesra Only. .CHICAGO Monday June I *N I AO A HA. Saturday June 1] Richmond Trust and Savin** Co.. corner Main and Havanth at*. Richmond Tranafor Co.. U* E. Htlo St.. A(anta. Richmond.

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Page 1: Times Dispatch.(Richmond, Va) 1914-06-06 [p 5].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038615/1914-06-06/ed-1/seq-5.pdfPETERSBURG PROPOSES PROTECTION OF WAYWAKU CHILDREN Itrprr.icn/ (nilve



Itrprr.icn (nilve GUUciin of I'rteraburgludorau .Movement nuil Will Korni

l'cruiuncnl Orgunlcmlou,


airmorlul Aanoclnllun I'lnnuing KIhIio-rn,f ''*crcl*ea In lllnndfurii Cemeteryon X ut'Niitiy.oiil l.iiiailiuurh. Kutrd.

Tho Times-Dispatch Tlurcnu,t> liOlilllgbl'OOU ."SllCCt,

tl'honuPetersburg, Vu., June 0.

At a woll-attcndeu meeting of repre¬sentative citizens, Including ministers,lielu at the courthouse last night, amovement was inaugui attii tor the putman en t organisation of an associationtor the protection of wuywartl hoysand girls. The movement wan insti¬tuted several thtyH a«o hy the Itov.George Kloyd Itogers, formerly of Pe¬

tersburg, now of Lynchburg, who, byhis work, has shown meat Interest intho care of homeless ami wayward chil¬dren. JIo 1 ully explained last nightthe purposes and benefits of a juvenileassociation, and the result was thatdefinite action was taken towards theformation of an association. An ex-ccutlvc committee consisting of PaulPettlt, Secretary Waleh. of the V. M.C. A. Hatcher Howard, Professor II. I).Wolf, of the high school; UernardMann, the Itev. B. f. Dandrldge and tt».,Itov. Charles It. Strlbllng and Dr. Wll-liurn 1'llcher were named to handlethe initial work and solicit the interes-iof the community. This committeewill rvport at a future meeting, whena permanent organization will be ef¬fected.

Confederate Memorial Day..The Ladles' Memorial Association has

extended an invitation to tho Confed¬erate organizations of the city, thePetersburg Grays and tlie public gen-orally to take part In the Confederatememorial exercises in Hlandford Ceme¬tery on Tuesday afternoon. GeneralStlth Polling will bo chief marshalof the parade. lousiness in tho citywill be Kent-rally suspended during theafternoon. and many thousands of pco-plo ftotn the city and adjacent roun-ties *vll| assemble In the cemetery topay tribute to the Confederate (tend.Tile beautiful memorial arch just erect-« d by tho memorial association, will bounveiled, and the memorial address willbe dellverel by the Itov. James \ Mc-Clure.

.Small Morning Ffre.The department was called out at

an early hour this morning to a fire Intho two-story frame dwelling on Dun-lop Street owned by Alderman J. G.Quarles, and occupied by the family ofWilliam Wyalt. colored. The fire wasfound burning in the celling, havingcaught from a defective Hue and wasextinguished by the use of chemicalsbefore much damage was done.

Ancient I.nnilmnrk Knreil.The old frame building, commonly

known as the "Old Tavern," at the cor¬ner of Main and Miller Streets. InIllandford. has been torn down to k!v>»place to a church for colored peopleIts destruction marks the passing ofnn Interesting landmark. It is saidto have been erected a century and ahalf ago, when and for years after¬wards Hlandford was the residentialand business section of Petersburg.During the latter part of the eighteenthnnd early part of the nineteenth cen¬tury It was the residence of GeorgeKeith Taylor, one of the most distin¬guished lawyers and men of his day.The building was one of the oldest ItiHlandford.

The Muiilelpnl Klectlon.'the regular election for Mayor and

members of the Hoard of Aldermen andCommon Council will be held on Tues¬day. The nominations of nil the of¬ficers to be voted for were made atthe municipal primary on May H, andthey will have no opposition at thoelection. The electoral board has ap¬pointed the Judges and clerks to con¬duct the election.

(.riicrul XcvtnThe funeral of ITorare I). Thompson

who ended his life last evening by< rlnklng carbolic add. will take placefrom the residence of his parent* on,"Igh Street, at 3 o'clock to-morrowfiJicriioon. i

Hernard Milton, the seventeen-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs I* I,

c,nrk;.rf ,':urlc,!- d,c'1 unexpect¬ed!} this morning.

Miss Ida Hoy le very dellghtfullv en-!lertalned a large party .f |,cr youtiRfrl'-nds last night at her home on fear!

hfr.i i' 1ho,l°' .»' her seventeenthI frtliday. The house was beautifullydecorated for the occasion.James A. Alfrled. of this citv, has

been honored lor tho fourth consecu¬tive term by the grand master of Vlr-Klnla Odd I-'ellows, by appointment asaeputy krand master for this district

I he closing exorcises of the second. eslon of the Prince George lllKh Schooluere held night before last. A largeaudience was present, nnd many dis¬tinctions and promotions were awarded.

Finals nt Woodherrv forest.Wood berry Forest, Va. June

^oodberry Forest School will close on

. nr1Ch!lr,"« Alphonso Smith,the v^nlVl' V °r V,rSinla. "111 bothe visiting orator at the final exer¬cises. On Sunday evening Dr. Arthur

nm.. nf7 °r st I'atiis Chinch,!altlmore, will preach tho baccalau-

,t?a,e sermon ln 1,10 ncw school chapelJ he first regular reunion of the aluninl

or 1°, £,cho°l wM1 he held during finalsor this session. The oldest graduateof tho school Is Lewis C. Williams, ofHichmond, a brother-ln-lnw of Johnokelton Williams. Mr. Williams will

Which %-m* »5 S,rakCr al ,l 'anchcoti

'nnirsday* " the alUm"1 °"


FOR SOUTH RICHMOND.»w llunrlrr.n for Hoys and tilrln Well

Kiiulpt-il nail Will Openon Juuc ITi.


llrv II. I). While Coiiim From I.yneh-Iiiitk to Tolir t'luirni- of WoodlandHcIkIiIx llnptlMt Church.

New and lnrger playgrounds havebeen sccurcd this year fur the South-

side, and tliey will open on Monday,!Juno 15. The boys' grounds nro lo-jcatod iit Thirteenth and Perry Streets,and the girls' at Thirteenth and Me-Douough Stroets. Charles A. Taylor,Jr, superintendent of elty playgrounds,lias announced that R. W. Miles, Jr..will be in charge of the boys and MrsA. C. Fitz will look after the girlsEquipment for .the grounds, consist-Inn of sliding boards, see-saws andother paraphernalia, is now being .»>-stalled. Tennis, volley ball and otherpanics will be played.South Richmond will have four woll-

equlppcd playgrounds, the athleticfields at Twenty-Wrist and StocktonStreets and Twenty-first find EverettStreets being continued. They will beused principally for baseball, footballand tennis.

Superintendent Taylor Is organizinga baseball league for all boys outsidet!io regular amateur organizations.* andexpects to start the names on June 15.A cup has been offered to the winningseam on the Soutlislde by an afternoonnewspaper, anil similar trophies will bo;given to leagues In tho four wards Inthe city. j

Reception for .Vew I'aator.A lari?e number of the citizens of

Woodland Helgnta welcomed Rev. R.1). White, the new pastor, at a recep-Hon last night In the Woodland HeightsHaptist Church. An enjoyable programwas rendered, consisting of instru-mental music ami recitations, afterwhich refreshments were served. Sev- jeral of the deacons spoke.

Mr. Whit's arrived on Wednesday'from I.ym hburg, and will preach at jboth services to-morrow. We was tohave come on last Sunday, but was de¬layed wltii work at his former pas-torat'-s. Mr. White Is staying with hisfamily at the home of Mrs. S. V. Prlddy,Thirty-second and Spring Hill Streets.

Tempernnce Meeting-Rev. David Hepburn, district super¬

intendent of tho Anti-Saloon Dengue ofVirginia, was the principal speaker lastnlRht nt a meeting of Fontlcello l.'nlon.Woman's Christian Temperance Union,in the West Ki d Meihodlst Church. Aprournm of songs and recitations wasrendered after the address. Mrs. Titusl.yyi-r, the president, presided. Planswere made for an active campaign inthe interests of prohibition before theelection In September.

In Huntlnga Court, Pnrt II.Tiie suit of WUz & Holt agalnft

William Cary, from the Uiv and EquityCourt, was heard yesterday before|.!udge Ernest II. Wells, In HustingsCourt, Part IL, and was taken underadvisement.On the grounds of desertion, suit for

absolute divorce has been Hied byj Gracie I.. RrockweU against Percy 1L Ilirockwell, of Crewe, Va.

PerNiiiiiil nml tienernl.Robert Temple Watkins, son of Mr.

r.nd Mrs. Henry Temple Watkins, of"Maple Grove," Chesterfield County,left on Sunday for Santa Panta, Cal.,where lie will make his future home.The Ever Hloomlng Rosebud Societyj of West Knd Methodist Church Is the

banner organization of tho RichmondDistrict, being the largest In point ofmembership and finances.Troop No. Hoy Scouts of Forest

11111, went on a bike on Thursday nightunder command of Scoutmaster Rev.Lewis GlbhB, pastor of the Church ofthe Good Shepherd. They went intocamp and returned yesterday morn¬ing.The Porter Street Apartment House

has been about finished, only the ln-terlc* trimmings remaining to bo cum-pleled. Tlie building is of brick andstone, modern throughout and lire- jproof. It cost about JGO.OOO.

Voting Jlen Fined.Guv Harrows and 11 S. Todd, young;Southsiders, were lined 510 each by:Justice Maurice yesterday In PoliceCourt, Part II., for a row In a saloon,Harrows claimed that he had been hit

over the head with a mallet, and ex-hihlted a scalp wound.Serana Austin, a farmer of Chester¬field County, has reported to the policethat a horse and buggy was stolenfrom htm on Tuesday night.Hamilton GrudunteH First ( Infix.Cartersvllle, Va., June 5.. Rev. P. F\Jones preached a strong sermon to thegraduating class at the Hamilton HighSchool on Sunday. Medals were award¬ed by the 1-lternry Society on Thurs¬day evening to the following youngwomen: Miss Margaret Dawson, for ex¬cellence In debate; Miss Mary Gray, forImprovement In debate, and Miss Mar¬garet Wood, for Improvement Indeclamation and also for excellency Indeclamation.

Dr. Clarke, of William and Mary jCollege, delivered the commencementaddress on Friday night. Diplomas ofgraduation were awarded to Misses jliattle Rrown, Alma Barker, Mary An¬derson and Minor Snead. This school jwas eroded In 1910, and the abovejyoung women aro the llrst graduates. j

Police After ,\ej?ro CliniifTeur.Paul Ray, colored, chauffeur of an

automobile which Is alleged to havestruck Mildred Hanks, a negro girl, Inear Seventh and Uroad Streets, is be-lng sought by tho pollco for recklessdriving. Tho man Is also believed tohave been in an accident on the night jof June I, when a machine collided witha tree at Monroe and Uracc Streets.

II if..n » ir.i

1 AIN'T got much time fta toothless dog. I'd ruther

hev one with teeth,thet's hed the bitecured outer him bya couple o* yearskind treatment. An'same with tobacco.

VELVET, the Smoothest Smoking Tobacco, 19ft man's real pipe smoke, with the bite taken outby two years' ageing-. Full weight 2 oz. tins, 10c.



Specials far This WeekSold to thoflo who firBt come.

StlelT Upright . . .... $198Sohmner Upright .. . $187Chaso Broa. Upright. $128Now England Upright $118Halo Upright

Chlckering Upright.

Chlckerlng Upright.Sample Upright


Llndeman Upright


KlngBley Upright . . . $167Send for complete list If you

cannot call. Nearly all look aswhen new; some can hardly botold from now. Our piano ex¬ports have rebuilt these Pianos,and an unusual opportunityawaits the economical musicalbuyer.

The Crafts Piano Co.Broad at Second Street.


MOUNTAIN IIOMBOon the lint! of the


greatly reduced rates on sale until.September 30, final limit October 31.1014. with Btop-over privileges at allstations. A descriptive pamphlet, Riv¬ing a complete list of the resorts andboarding-houses along tho line, nowready tor distribution, and will bemailed to any addreess upon applica¬tion. Full information cheerfully fur¬nished at company's office. 8?.S EastMain Street. I'hone Madison 487.C. H. BOSLEY. D. P. A., Richmond. V&.

( Advertisement.)

Every Sunday ExcursionsVIA

Quickest No ChangeRoute r^RY.f? of Cars

$1.50The Only All-Hall Line.






A. M.; leaves Norfolk 7:40 P. M.I'nnt Klectrle Cora (ilve Quirk end

Frrqueiit Service ilrtnrcn Nor¬folk and Ocean View.

Tickets also good (from and to Rich¬mond only) on the Cannon Ball, leav¬ing Richmond 9 A. M.. and leavingNorfolk 4:15 P. M.WEEK-KND HATES i Norfolk. J3.00:

Virginia Reach, $3.26. On sale Fridaysand Saturdays. Limit Monday following.


New Method Gas RangesAT


Hopkins Furniture Co7 West Broad Street



'. J,,-.:1 *

f V?-*'wijftf''rm



The most magnificent hotel In theSouth. European plan. Rooms ilngleand en suite, with and without baths.Spacious sample rooms.

WASHINGTONfined, homelike. Near station. Capi¬tol, I.library and many points ofInterest. Cars to all parts of cityand connecting with those to MountVernon and Arlington pass corner.Rates reasonable.

MRS. L. IKENDIO,120 C St., N. W.


"Old Sweet Springs," W.Va,A favorite resort with Richmond people.

Valuable Mlnoral Waters. Thermal Haths.Amusements varied and attractive.

OOI.F A SPECIALTY.Auto transfer from Depot. Oarage.

Main I.lne C. & o. Hy. No change of care.Open June 15th. Booklet ard rates.

W. r> PAXTOV Manager.


Virginia Militaiy institute"The West point of the South"Collegiate and tochni.-al courses combined with

the ri^id discipline of en army poet.Virginia Cadets tuition free.

Lexington, Va, Qen. E. W. NICHOLS, 8upL

SCHOOL OF M>nd.body.mice. I.oad-OV.I1WL. VI ,r for J,) yeftri. Hand forrXPRF^mnM '-l*' of 1>r> curry's book*.L,Ari\C,OOIUlN -Expression." Hooklet onsummer terms held In Tloston. Ashavllle,University of Vermont. Chicago. Dook» lontfor home study. 8. S. Curry, Ph. I)., IJU. I)..Pre#.. Copley 8q. Bolton. Macs.

Men s SuitsWorth $15 to $25

You never saw such values as you get in these Suits at $10.00. Hundredsof stores are showing right now the identical makes and qualities at $15 to $25.You'd be surprised to learn of the well-known makers whose goods have gpneinto this sale.but we can't advertise them.

The materials include fadeproof blue serges, fancy worsted suitings andvelours and cassimeres, and latest mixtures and stripes; in English, semi-Eng¬lish and conservative models in two and three-button styles. If you need aSuit, choose to-day. You'll be glad you did. $15, $18, $20, $22 and $25 Suitsfor $10.

Satisfactory wear guaranteed or Suit will be replaced with a new one.

A Remarkable and Timely JSale of SHIRTS at - - -

Offering E. & W. Shirts worth $1.50 to $2.50We purchased the entire sample line of Ely &

Walker Shirts at a price remarkably low.in fact,below the costf of materials alone, and will placethem on sale to-day at a price correspondingly low,offering saving chances on High-Grade Shirts thathave never been duplicated in this city.The assortment embraces an exceptionally broad

selection of patterns and the quality of each Shirtneeds little explanation, so well known are themakers of these Shirts.

Sizes are 14 to 17.Undoubtedly this is one of the most remarkable

Shirt sales ever held in Richmond, and our adviceis to come early and avoid the crowds that are sureto take advantage of this great sale.









ELKTON HOTELEH leton. Virginia.


On Shenandoah River: cool house, highceilings, vide porches. Elk Llthla Water;|» to J13 a week Booklet.

D. jC.J3RAHAM. Manager.

FITZHUGH COTTAGEVirginia Beach, Va.Central Location.

Ocean Front. Electric Light.Telephone. Hot and Cold Bath.

Miss C. S. Taylor. Mrs. S. T. Adair.

Taku CottageOCEAN VIEW VA.

Under new management. Open for guests,June J. 19U.Desirably located on Cottage Row. beau¬

tiful waterfront: twenty-five rorai, with allmodern conveniences. For further Infor¬mation and rates apply to MR. and MRS. P.B. ROBERTSON, Ocean View. Va.

RESORT**.Atlantic City

THC LATEST FIREPROOFAmerican plan. Always open. Capacity 606. Oabeach dlreclly between the two Jreat Oceso Piers.Millie and dancing. Oarage. Illustrated lltersluraOwnership management. Private P. O Box ft&S.


Situated directly on thn ocean frontwith a view of tho Bench and Boardwalkfrom all public lobbies and many guestrooms. American Plan.



HOTEL ICL'DOLF.Atlantic City. N. J.

On the ocean front. Always open. Ca¬pacity. l.OsW. American and European olans.Hot and cold fresh and sea water In allImths: running water In guest*' rooinn.Broad verandas, commanding vlow of oceanand connecting with the famous boardwalk.Cafe Rudolf Is one of the big attractions.Huperb orchestra; afternoon and eveningdancing.A. 8. RUKEYSBR, JOE7L IIILJ.MAN.

Man agar. President.

OSTENDEntire block of beacli front, ocean view fromall room*: cfipnolty 600. Every appointmentant* comfort; fnnh and tea water baths, etc.;excellence In cnlalne and service; orchestraand social features; auto meets trains. Direc¬tion of owners. J. 0. OOSSLKH. Manager.

Devonport InnDirectly on beach. Finest ptasza on coast.

Catering to a hlgh-clnss patronage. Ilot andcold sea water baths.

HOTEL LELANDEMassachusetts Ave., directly on the btaeh;. levator; yrlvato baths. Reasonable rate*.



Afton HouseAftoa. Nelson County Va.

Owlnc to Ita location, the dry aalubrtouaclimate. the absence of deiva and tha con¬stant breeze. Afton la one of tha moothealthful of all Virginia resorts.

Mrs. Jamea R. Ooodloa. Proprietor.


Opens June 1. Elevation, 2,150 feet.Cures Nervous Prostration, Dyspepsia,Malaria, Rheumatic and Skin Troubles,Kidney and Bladder Disorders and Fe-xmilft Irregularities. Clears and beau¬tifies tho complexion. Write forbooklet.

M. I* THOMAS, Manager,Crockett Springs, Va.


Blue Ridge SpringsThis well-known health and pleasure

mountain rosort will open June 10th.A booklet setting fourth Its attrac¬

tions, ratos, etc., will bo mailed on ap¬plication. Address

Philip P. Brnwn, Prop.

The BreakersBuckro® Beach. Va.

Now open. Fine Bathing and Fishing;Excellent Table; Large, Airy Booms;Spacious Verandas. For rates addressJ. E. FOSTER.


Pennsylvania's Leading Health ResortTHF WAI TFR Walter'a Park. Pa. In theI"" ". L"»nnountttlna. Air. water, scen¬ery unsurpassed. 94 minutes from Philadel¬phia. 1 hour from Harrlaburg. Autu meetsnil trains. Booklet.

SUMMER RESORTS.New Jersey.Hotel Mavherrv Now open. Centrallynotei iviayuerry |0(.ate(i; near beach andoil attractions; fine view; spnclous porches;tablo iiinl beds tlrst-clais; rooms en suite,with bath. Day rates, )2 and 12.50. Specialseason rates. Booklet. H. II. MAYBERRY.


Norfolk & Western RailwayONLY ALL HAIL LINE TO UOllFOLK.

Hchodule In Effect May 10, 1914.Leave Byrd Street Station, Richmond. FORNORFOLK) 19:00 A. M.. *3:00 P. M.. *4:10


.0:15 A. M.. t9:M A. M.. *1:00 P. M., *9:30 H. M.Arrlvo Richmond from Norfolk: *11:40 A.

U.. *«:» P. M.. *11:10 P. M. From tho Weat:*6:50 A. M.. t2:10 P. M.. 11:40 P. M.. *8:06 p.M., '3:00 P. M..bally. IDally ancept Sunday. (Sunday

w!VB. BEVILL. W. C. SAUNDERSP. T. M., Roanoko. O. P. A., Roanoke*

C. II. BOSLEY. P. P. A.. Richmond. Va.

Richmond & Petersburg Electric RyLeave Hlchinooa,.a A.M. *3 P. M.7 AiM 4 P. M.H A. M. S P. M...A.M. t9'45fl> A. M. *0 P. M.11 A.M. 7 P. M..I2A?M. 8 P.M.

1 I». M. *0 P. M.2 P. M. 10 P. M.

11 P. M. Chester.*13 P. M. Peterslm

Leave Petersburg.$3lift A. M :ii:v> p. m6i3ft A. M MiIISP. M

17 i?h> a. M rv>;tn p, mTiSBA. M 0i.15 P. SIfii3B A. M *71»5 P. .11OiHftA. M *Ti.1B P. M

.lOtSftA. M fliSS P. M111.1$ A. M Si.15 P. M12i3fi P. M*10i40 P M.lias P. M lli40P.lt.JtJifl P. HI.

*Uagcage. fLlulited. IWtfk dajra oil/,


RMmonfl.Mciicfcsti'j & Potomac R. R.TO AND FROM WASHINGTONAND BEYOND.Leave Rlohmonrt Arrive Richmond.5.40 A.M. Byr« Sl.8ta.*4.05 A.M. Main ¦ U 84*.*8.20 A.M. Main St. BU*8.40 A.M. Bjrr* 8u 8t«*10.8t A.M. Brrd HI. Bta.*11.01 noon B7r4 St, 8ta.tfl.OOP.M.ByrA 86. St*..8.60 P.M. Brrd 81. St*VI.16 P.M. Klba Htatlen6.it P.M. Main 8fc. NU.

*8.<0P.M. Byrd St. 8 la.

*7.60 A.M. ByrtSt.SU.211.06 A.M. ElbaHtatloo.hi.36 A.M. Byr«8t.8ta..1.10 P.M. MatnSLHIa.*9.60 P.M. Bjrd Ht.Sla,*fl.10 P.M. Byri8t.Hta..7J50 P.M. Bjr48t.HU.*0.00 P.M. DjrdHt.Hta.?10.36 P.M. SlainHUSta.Ii.36 nlfhtMalnSt.R6a.*13.40 night Byr4.St.8ta.

ACCOMMODATION TRAINS-WEEKDAYS.ticaro BrrA St. 8La. 4.00 P. M. for PradertekibsraIi«ave Elba St*. 7-80 A. M.,6.30 P. M. for Aihlanl'Arrive Brr4 St. 8ta. 8.SS A.M. from Kreflerlekeb'*Arrive Elba 8ta. 6.80 A.M., 6.42 P.M. from Aihlaal

.Dallr. fWeekdays. 2 Sunday* only.All trains to or from Byrd Street Station.top st Elba. Tim* of arrivals and departuresaot guaranteed. Rsad tka slxos.

Chesapeake & Ohio Railway7:15 A..Local.Dally.Newport Newa.7:40 A..Local.Dally.Ch*vllle. Ex. Sun.

Thurmond.t9:00 A..Express.Dally.Norfolk. Old Point.f3:10 A..Local.Dally.I/chb'g. Lex. C. Forge.12:35 Noon . Express . Daily Norfolk. Old

Point.14:00 P..Express.Dally.Norfolk. Old Point.D:N P..Local.Dally.N. News. Old Point.6:15 P..Local.Ex. Hun. Uordonsvule..6:15 P..Local.Ex. Sun.Lynchburg. C. Forgo.2:10 P..Express.Dally.Cln., L'vllle..6:40 P..Limited .Dally.Cln., C'h'go. St. L.?11:00 P..Express.Dally.Cln., Louisville.. Sleepers. ? X'arlor Care.TRAINS AKHIVE RICHMOND. Local fromEast: 10:15 A. M. 8:10 P. 51. Turough fromEast: 11:10 A M., 2:00 P. M.. «:J0 P. M. Localfrom West: 8:S0 A. M., ..10:00 A. M. and 7:40P. M. Through: 8:30 A. M.. 12:30 noon and8:50 P. M.James River Line: **8:35 A. M., 8:00 P. M.Dally... Dally except Sunday.

Atlantic Coast LineThe Standard Railroad of twe Houfth.

EFFECTIVE AJ-ftlL It 1211.TRAIN'S I.GAVE RICHMOND DAILT.For FloMda and South: i:li A. fcl. and 4:11P. M. 12:6i. A. M.For Norfolk.: »i00 A. M.. 8:04 P. 64.. 4:1* 1*M.For N * W. Ry. Westi 4:16 A. M.. 4:44 AIS.. 8:00 P. M 9:» P. 14.For Petersburg: L2:50 A. M., 4:15 A. M..4:16 A. M.. 11:00 A. M.. »:5o A. 61.. t:0» P. M..4:10 1>. M.. »:C6 P. U.. 4:li V. M.. J:U P. U..11:46 P M.For (Soldsboro and Fayetterllle: V;ll p. w.Trains arrive Richmond dally: 5i\0 A. M..10:14 A. M. 6.50 A. M.. *8:87 A. U."10.45 A. 61., 11.40 A. M.. #S:10 P. M.. *»L44 VU., 6:05 P. M.. 4:15 P. U.. 4.00 P. kL. 8:04 F61.. 11:10 P. 61..Except Kundny. ..Sunday only.Time of arrival and departure and connertlons not guaranteed.C. & CAMPBELL D P. A_ WaJo 8L


Richmond & Chesapeake 6a; Railway CompanySCHEDULE IflKKfcCTIVH AVH1L 14.

'1014.Rnprrarillntt Srhnlule of May HO, 1B1X.Trains lenvc Hlchmond 11'BiRO A. M««

.7 A. 31., 118 A. M.. » A. St., **10 A. M-,11 A. M., 1 1'. SI., a P. SI., 3 P. M., B4P. M., Bi20 P. At. 0i2<» P. M. 7«10 P. M4IIS P. SI., Stt P. St., 10 P. SI., 11145 P. ,H.Trains leave Ashland 'T>i.'SO A. M. n»TSI., 8 A. SI., DO A. SI., 10 A. M., 'Ml

.V. SI., *12 noon, I*. M. 2 P. M., 3 P.St., 4 P. SI., I13i20 P. SI.. 0)20 P. St., 7llO1». St., 8 P. SI., Ul> P. SI., S10 P. M, It1'. SI

II Carrie* linggnur 8 Sntnrdari) only.. Iinll y except Sundwx. "<nnd»y only.

SOUTHERN RAILWAYpremier carrier ok the south.

Trains Leave Richmond.Matn Ht. Station,N. 1JFollowing schedule figures publishedas Information and not guaranteod.For the South.Dally: 6:W A. M..Looal.10:15 A. M..Express. 0:40 P. M..Expreaa,with Eieetrlo 1.1 kIit?*<! Sleeping Car* for At-lanta and Birmingham. 11:30 P. M..Expreaa.Week Days: 3:00 P. SI. and 9:00 P. M..Local.

YORK RIVER LINE.6:10 P. M,-8t(»mfr train (parlor oar), .*-

cept Sunday; no local stop*, and 1:18 P. M..¦Dally. Local.Connecting for Baltimore, dallyexcept Sudnay. 7:35 A. M. .Dally.Local.Trains Arrive Richmond.

From the South: 7:05 A. M. and 8:00 A. M.,3:2T. p. M.. *:») !.. M dally: H:40 A. M. and1:00 p. M. Ex. Hun. From West Point: 8:45A. M. (steamer train), dally, except Monday;9:10 A. M. and 6:45 P. M.. dally.II. L. BISHOP. D. P. A.,807 R. Main 8t. Phone Madison TIX

SEAllOARI) AIll LINE RAILWAT."The Progressive Railway of the 8outta.'*Southbound trains scheduled to leave Rich¬mond dally: 9:00 A. M.. local to Norlina; 1:2>P. M., sleepers and coaches. Atlanta, Bir¬mingham. Jacksonville; 10:4f> P. M.. sleeperto Ilamiet an.l coaches to Atlanta and Bir¬mingham; 12:15 A. M.. sleepers, Atlanta. Bir¬mingham. Memphis. Jacksonville. Tampa,and coaches Jacksonville.Northbound trains scheduled to arrlva laRichmond dally: 5:55 A. M- 1-00 .4. iL, lAI

P. M- 6:<6 P. M. Loral.

STKAMIIOATS"All Travel Arrangomtnti urir OasCounter.

American or Europatn.Hallroad. ¦teamnhtp aad Pallwn

Ticketa.Bacgaia Checked. Tat I cab, Trareler#

Check*.RICHMOND THASSKISR COMPAJTT,NOD Bast Main Street.Branch Ofllcoi: Jefferson.UurphfMRichmond Hotels. >.TIME AND TKOUBLB HAVERl"

OLD DOMINION LINELv. Richmond toot of Ash St. dally.T:M P. ItLeave Newport N»ws I ;00 A. M.Arrive Norfolk 8:00 A.M.Connecta with main Una ateamera leaving

Norfolk for New York dally, except Sunday.7:00 P M. Connactlona alao made by N. AW. Ry. 8 P. M. and C. A O. Hy. at I P. M.Night line ateamera atop at Claremont onclxual. and are met by public conveyance.VIRGINIA NAVITIATION CO-Jamee Rlva*

by daylight for Norfolk. Old Point. NewportNeva and all James River landlnga. Monday.Wednesday and Friday at (:v» A. M. Freightreceived for all Jamea River P<tlnta

"¦gravel (L)ifhout"TFoubIeTA system of unaccompanied, pre¬

arranged pleasure travel for any partof the world. Tours arranged forIndividuals, families and privateparties at Inclusive Fares, withHotels, Transfers, Carriage Drives,etc., to leave at any time. Itinerariesarranged to suit passengers. Accom¬modations secured in advance atHotels. Phono Monroo 120.

"ASK MR. BOWMAN,"Manager Travel Department

Richmond Trust and Savings Co^7th and Main Sts., Richmond, Vs.

Most delightful crplse of 1.500 miles. Magni¬ficent scencry; Cut of Cnnao, Northumber¬land Strait, Beautiful Gulf and Itlvcr Ht.Lawrence, und Far-Fumed Sngncnny River.3. 9. "Trinidad" from Netv York July 4thund 18th. August 1st and 15tli. Prom <}uebeoJuly 10th and Wth. August 7th and 21st.For full Information upply to Quebec 8. 8.Co. Limited, A. K. Outerbrldgo & Company,Agents. 29 II dway, New York) any tourist orticket office; or address Passenger Dept.,Canuda 8. 8. Lines. Limited. MontrciU.

if th» jjtlmmtin'

Sailings Every rew uaysTickets Inlrrchanttablt.

S. S. Caribbeanlargest Steamer In the trade.

The Royal MailSteamPacketCo.Sanderson A Son. O. Agts., 23 State St.,New Yorlc.

Screw S. S. Bermudian10,618 Tons Dlsp'l. Holds speed racordLN. Y. A Bermuda, 33 hrs. 20 rnln.

Quebec S. S. Co., Ltd.A. EJ. Outerbrldge A Co.. Agta., 29 B'way.New York.For Booklet* apply to above 8. 8. Coa.. orany Ticket A Lent.

CUNARDli.STA 11 LIS 11101) 1810.


"AQUITANIA"June 10. July 1. July 23. August I#.GREAT BRITAIN'S LARGEST blUT.Liverpool Servlco

NEXT .SAILINGSMAURETANIA - - June 1G, 6:00 P. M.LUSITANIA - - - June 23, 6:00 P. M.QUICKEST ROUTE Via FISHGUARD towLONDON, PAKiS, BERLIN, VIENNAAnilllania Jl,>1 1 'Carroanla July ay 3 pmflquiiailia, ham Incilanis Au*Maurplania .|,,Iv 7 Lusilama 6:00 p.m.maureiania 6 M M-,irp»-n;a . au«. uI ucltania July U IVtaureidllia *

6 p. M.LUMiailia, ,, 1«. M. .Luconln Auft 19 3 PMAquitanla, VM it Aquitanla, ft* ft.Calls at Queenstown, East Bound.ME1)ITERRAN EAN.ADRIATIC SKKVIC&

liladolra. Gibraltar, Genoa, Naplea, Patraa.Trieste Fiume.Sailings noon Se« Itinerary.SAXON'IA June 11 IVERNIA.. July 1 «pm1'ANNON 1 A..June 4) CARPATUIA..July $

ROUND TilR WORLD TRITS 1474 S8 AND CFSpecial through rates to Egypt. India.China. Japan, Manila, Australia. New Eaa«land, .South Africa and South America. In*dependent tours In Europe, etc. 8end {orbooklet Cunard tour*REPRESENTATIVES FOR PENINSULAR* ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COM-PANY IN UNITED STATES AND CANADA.I'll Kt JCENT SAILINGS FOR INDIA,CHINA. JAPAN, AISTKALIA.-CRUISES,NORWEGIAN FJORDS, ETC., JUNE 13TIIAND MTU. JULY GTII, AUGUST 7TH.ITINERARIES NOW READY.New Yb.k Ufflce. !4 Stat* ML. «r localagents In your own city.

»omp»$ntoGenerate Tr&rv&artUrrtigt*

*La Savoie Wed., June 10Direct I.Inn to Havre-Tarl* (Kranrc)Railings From New York Evory Wednesday at lv A. U.


.I.A PROVENCE Juna W *1.A LOTIRA l\'B ......JnJy .tFUANCB (now) Jun« 34 tKUANCK <"'* > July IS.I-A SAVOIE July 1 UA I'ROVENCK July 3.Twln-ncrew McMiwr fCjiiii<lr>ip!«-Hcr«w »te*mer.KI'KCIAI. SA11.IMJ.S FROM XKIV VOKK S V. M.ONE C1..AS3 CABIN <U> AND THIRD Cl.ASd l'anenesra Only..CHICAGO Monday June I *N I AOA HA. Saturday June 1]Richmond Trust and Savin** Co.. corner Main and Havanth at*.Richmond Tranafor Co.. U* E. Htlo St.. A(anta. Richmond.