times dispatch (richmond, va).(richmond, va) 1910-10-02 [p

Humphrcys'' Sevcnty-Sovcn Breal-S up Grip and Kcop frcc from colds during the jfall months and you will have a good winter. Don't wait till you begin to 'Cough and S'lorzc; take "Scventy- seven" at the "fir>t feeling" of las- situde and weakness, and break up the Cold at once. Some mild form of exercise ac- .cclerates the action of "Seventy- seven.'' Handy to cawyj fits the vest pockct. All druggists, 25c Humphreya' Homeo. Medlclric Co., Cor TVIlllnm ariil Ann Streets, New Vorlt. his <lontli ns. ii had ,Scnator-Elect Broward, of Florida, Dead After Long Illness. Jncksonvlllc, Fla. Octobi (Bonaparto Broward. aged nrty- Icholec of tho Democrats to »ui i¦. (¦Tallaferro ns .nltcd States Sci jjust nfter belng placed on tho 'table at n local hospltal short ly ,'to-day. Tho Immcdlato cauio of i was gall stonrs wlth compllcntlo 'been tll for weeks. For four years Broward was Gd'vernor ol 1 Florlda, and durlng that time commenced ', itho dralnage of tho Everglados, which, when 'complcted, wlll probably bo the greatest sln- igle undertaking In Florld-'i history. After: j tervlng his terms as Oovernor Mr. Broward (¦was defeated for Unlted .States Senator by (Dnncan U. Fletcher. In Juno of thls ycar ho Idefealed James I'. Tallnfcrro at the Demo-I (fratlc prlmaries for Unlted States .Senator jby a large majority, nnd was regarded ai 'tho strongest political factor In the stato. Mr. Broward was n solf-mrvle man. Karly [ln tho seventlos his parents dled. and ho was! Morced to start work as a tugboat cooli and [roust&bout. He worked In this capaclty foi .isveral years, nnd was in turn employed i* seamnn nnd raptaln of small craft on fthe St. John's Itlvcr until he purrhascd n, I thlrd Interest In the famous nilhusterlng rtug. Three Frlends. As commaiuier of the >craft hc mnde four cxpoditions lo rtuha. once handing ln tho liarbor of Havann despito tlie; (Fpanlsh fleel. He was elected -herlB of !X>uval county and served two terms. After-, -ward he was elected State kglslator and i i Governor. I The cabinet of Oovernor Gilchrist m»t and passed eulogistlc resolutlons when neWS of former Governor Broward's death was jlearned. , ,, He is survlved bv a wlrtow and nlne ehll- dren. Funeral lervlcei wlll be held Mon-. day afternoon at 3 o'clock. Huiiiifnsi .\eiirn Completlon, ISpffial toThe Time.-.Dlspatoh.] Charloitcsvllle, Va., October 1.. The splendid new law bulldlng at the Vnlversliv of Vlrglnia, now belng erected at a cost of $60,000. wlll be readv for oerupancy by January. AU of the law classea wlll be held in this building. and the large law library wlll be installed thore. Study rooms. as v.-pII as offices for the professors, wlll bo found ln the structure A Recent Weddlng. [Speclal to The Times-Dispatch 1 Onlpv, Va., October 1..The home of Mr. and Mrs. .Inlm C. Core. at Ojlle.V, nvns the scene of a pretty weddlng ro- ¦eently. when Nathnnlel C. Swangcr, *ot Eocustcllle, and Mlss Dalsy C. Bull, daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Ell Bull. pf Onley, were unlted In marrlage The ceremony was performed by Rev. -p. -dannlng Hank. Th,e spaclous hall and rarlor of the fore manslon were beau- tlfully decorated wlth potted plants. flowers and palms. Superfluous Hair Qftcnioved by n. JUU»tcoTery ronstnnily l'»ed by PhyMlclanil «ud Sur_rnnM< Dr. Starburk says: "I leel justifled ln iinakrnaklns the assertion that il la tne only BUcceesfuI method of remotnvg halr." Don't .waate time expt-rimentin;,- with Electrolysls, [X-Bays nnci depllatorles. Tn"j... are oftered ?nu on the BARE WOBD of, th" operators end manufacturers. DeMlracIo is not. It Is ?ndorsed by physicians. lurgcorui tlerma- lologlsts. medle.nl Journals, promin.^nt mag-, azlnes and newspapore. BOOKLET FREB \dn plain Bealed rnvelnpo. You should read this before you try anything. Wrlte to De- -llraclo Chemical Co., Park Ave. and 129th /6t., New York. ' No honest dealer wlll offer a substllute ^m which he makes more protlt. DeMlracIo 1f sold at all good stores, includlng Tho -COHEN CO. and Childrey Drug Co. FEDERAL COURT .Criminal Dockct. May Begin With .ndictments Against Kelly Fir'm. GRAND JURY'S BUSY WEEK Charges Against Miss Askcw and Wittc to Be Presented at Open ing. The U-iitcd States TJlstrlrt Court convenes ln Rlchmond next. Tuesday Tor the trlal of criminal cases. The grand jury wlll dellborato to-mnrrow. Judge Edmuhd Waddlll, Jr., wlll pre- slde. The. most Important case set fo» trlal thls term ls that of the Phil G. Kelly Compdnyi inc., Indleted ln moro that 100 counts for defraudtng tho government of revenue. For weeks xevenue offlcors have been gatherlng frvldt-iico for thc proseeutlon, Dlstrlct Attorney I>. L. I.owls and Assistant District Attorney Talley oxpect to perfect thc case for trlal on Tuesday, October I- Probably the most Interestlng case to be presented to tho grand jury Is that of Mlss Rena B. Askew, charged with mlsacproprlatlng about S.,000 whlle cashier at sub-postnl st,atlon 12, ln Iho Chlldroy Drug Company's store, nt 101 Kast Broad Street. Miss Askcw was arrested several days ago upon a warrant sworn out by Post-orrice In¬ spector Saffel, who dlscovered the shortago ln her accounts. There Is a bellc. that others wlll be drawn Into the naso. If Miss Askew goes on tho stand and tells what :;he did wlth ihe $2,000 whlch sho is accusod of emboz- zllng ln less than slx months. Wlde C'n«c lo Grand .lnrr. Wllllam T. AA'ltle, a drugglst, who re- sldes_at 11X4 East Broad Street. now under bond on a charge of sendltig oljseeno matter through Ihe United states majls, wlll be trled at th's term lf tb.o grand jury brlngs In an mulctment. AtStte ls charged with malllng ob¬ sccnc post cards to Miss Tda Ashby, n stenngranner in the ofTlce of tho Stato Suponntondont of Educattbn. Whon arrested last Tuesday. he walved prellmlnary examination, refuslnjj to make a slatement. An amuslng case that wlll be pre¬ sented to tho grand jury is that of tho United States government against Samuol Anthony, of T.outsa county. charged \vlth llllclt distilling. When the rcvenuo offiVors vislted Anthony's place last wlntor they found a harrel of whiskey. bui a daughter of Anthony tat upon lt fcr tliroe hours during o snowstorm aaid rcfused to move. Tho offlcers not "havlng a warrant, could not romove t'Jie girl from the barrel. Thoy left, bmt when they returned wlth a warrn'jit the barrel had been spirltcd away. Slnoo that Incldent, however. Colonel AV n. Chapman, reyenue agent, and a posse armod wlth search warrants. found Beveral gollons of llllclt whiskey hldden In Anthony's house. It was secreted in a cellar. entrance to which was gained by a trap door through a closet. lt la expected that several local whiskey dealer. will be Indleted by the grand jury for selling whiskey bottlod in bond not.. proporly stnmped and labeled. Tho govornment ro- ntiiros whiskey sold tn bond to bear a label showing what klnd of lluuor tho package contalns. Great Activity in Road Building N and Municipal Improve- ments. Baltlmore, Md., Octoher 1..Reports to the Mnnufacturers' Record from all parts of the South show the organlza¬ tlon of many new industrial ent.er- ptises. and great activity in road build¬ ing and ln m'unipal lmprovements. These reports, covering the whol<j South and very Uno of Industry, In¬ cludlng plans for developing mineral and tlmbfr lands, tho constructlon or waterworka and aewernge systems, street pavlng operatlons, electric llght and power plants, and other move¬ ments Indlcatlve of busines condltlons, glve prorhise of wldesproad bulldlng and Industrial activity this fall and Cash is good, but if you lack the cash, what a splendid thing it is to know that you can have credit for the asking. That is what you can hav.e here. There is nothing in our store but what you can have on our little-at-a-time payment'plan. It's the only way to buy Furniture nowadays. You'll say so, too, when you have experienced the convenience of buying at this store. This Embossed Enamel Dining Room Picture, in fruits and game, with frame complete, rass Rich design, massivc 2-inrh continu- ous posts; a beautiful Bed that will match up with thn best $35.00 values offered elsewhere; special at $18.50. Freight paid on all orders of $10 or over. Mattress Mattresscs, soft $3.00 top... $4.00 Husk Mattresscs, this sale. $6.00 Rattan Fibre Mat¬ tresscs, this sale,. $7.50 Cotton Mattresscs, at the low price of. S 10.00 Laycr Felt Mat¬ tresscs, at this sale. $13.50 Felt Mattresscs, ffl A OC fancy ticking. tDll/«_D_) $16.00 White Laycr Felt Mattresses; very fine quality; heavy, attractivc ticking es $2.35 $3.15 $4.85 $5.75 $7.65 $12.50 $1.98 Iron Bed Value, S3.50. Full double size; ridged and heavy. $1.49 Go-Cart Value, $2.50. Collapsible, with best construction. Six of These Sideboards ..: >3-_jt_>L- Thls Exact Sldeboard, made of finely selccted oak, beautiful in design and exccedinglv well fin- ished; worth $25.00; on (£| _! 7C sale at . »D 1 _). I O $1.25 DINING ROOM CHAIRS, A notable special in every way.one that will be snapped up in a hurry. The biggest and best value of the year in Dining-room Chairs. They're iri oak, highly polished, strong, well made. 75c We have the larpest stock and every mzc of Sclf-Fceders, Round Heaters, Wood, Oil and Gas Heaters, Cooks and Ranges, that bake and he^, Steel Ranges.all guaranteed. Large 5-hole Cook.$0.95 Wood Heaters.$1.48 We are Agents for Loth's New Magic Wood Heaters They are the Best SPECIALS 55 stvlcs China Case?, $12.95 to $85.00. ' 95 styles Parlor Suits, $14.95 to $175.00. 45 styles Drass Beds. $12.95 to $79.00. 50 stylcs Metal Beds, $1.98 to $28.00. ' 55 styles Sideboards and Buffets, $11.95 to $160.00. 55 stylcs Dining Tablea. $4.98 to $65.00. Portiers, Lace Curtains, Blankets, etc. Bridal Outfits Our Hobby Come and see. Agents KINDEL Parlor Beds 0ut-of-Town Orders Packed and Shipped FREE All Prices Marked in Plain Figures ^^si?rS*-;i^'1?;_^:-^'ng^ SPk^JUlfc: V. IVCIL. MACHINE (*Tph>.*;^bIy|r Ths \i r,e <A\ '.S,?e,*j&i p^^feb fc in e' High grade and beautiful pattern Mahogany Finish Parlor Suit, 3 pieces; upholstered with fine quality green cut Vero- mn/v na; best construction throughout. Special price Monday.. uJ-dl/ We Furnish Your Home We Make it Bright. We Do it Right, k]i& the Cost is Light. urniture Company, *we,; TRUST 7 and 9 WEST BROAD STREET. The Cheapest Cash or Credit Store in the City. Among tho more Important enter prlses reportod during the week an detalls of the constructlon, now undei way, near Marshall, N. *'.. of a hydro electric power lo cost. $400,000 and t< develop 5,000-horso power for elec trle transmlss'on to a number of indus trlal and resort towns ln that vlclnlty Morrls & Co., of Chlcago, have ap plted for a franchise to buiHl at K Paso, Texas, a packlng plant, lnclud Ing a cottonseed oll mill and othe indusfrics, at a cost of $1,000,000, 1 is extended you to call and inspect our store, especially the Clothing and Furnishing. We feature standard makes of merchandise. We intend that our store and our name shall be a guar- antee to you of satisfaction.that whatevef you buy here shall be right. We call your special attention to Hart, Schaffner & Marx make of Clothing and Overcoats. When you buy thisl make of clothjng you are certain of style, all wool, fit and al round satisfaction. Our furnishings and Hats are thc pick of the best makers Every whim and every purse can be satisfied. See our Special Value in LIGHT WEIGHT RAIN- COATS. Just the garment to wear cool nights er for driv- ing or autoing.$5 to $15. Smart Clothes for the Little Chaps Full of snap, ncwest fall fabrics, handsome patterns, clever modela, Double-Ureasted Suits, Norfolks, Russian nnd Sailor Suits. We can prove a deciding saving for you. $3.00 to $8.00 "Let U.s Clothe Your Boys." J__ Have your friends meut you here. HORACE S. WRIGHT CO. 3 E. Broad Street belng thelr Inrentlon to expend thls amount wlthln the next twelve months. A. H. Richardson, of Ansonvllle. N., C. is reported to havo 'declded upon the constructlon of a hydro-eleotric plant to cost ¥100,000 and to develop 6,000 or 7,000-horse power. Tho YVm. X. P.ioe Institute, Houston, Texas, which has an endowment of $7,000,000 for the establishment of a university, has begun the actual work of constructlon of lts buildings. by letting the contract at $182,430 for lts mechanlcal lnboratory and power house; the plants eontemplato the ultlmato ereetlon of forty buildings in the uni¬ versity group. A New York company will spend about $90,000 in building at nagers- town, Md. a plant for handling milk and cream, anrl out of the mllk by- products manufacturing glue. buttons, etc. Tho fiarve Creek Coal and Coke Co. has been organi/.ed at Rloundsville, W. A'a., wlth a capital stock of $500,000 by Pennsylvanla capitallsts, to develop 5,- 000 ^cres of coal land. The Linton Coal and Coke Co., Incor- porated by Georgla people for the purchase and deveiopmeht of 6,000 acres of coal land in Alabama. The Delcarho Coal and Coke Co., In- corporated at Logan, W. Ara., with a capital stock of $100,000 for coal min¬ ing operatlons. Tho State of North Carollno is pre- parlng to let eontracts in tho near future for druining several hundred thousand acres ot' wet or swamp land, whlle Western peoplo contlnue to mako large lnvestments In wlct landts ln Loulslana for rcclamatton ipurposes, C. E. Phlllips, of Eau Clalre, AV'ls., hav¬ lng purchased So.OOO acros of land near Guoydan, La., with a vlew to roclalm- ing and developmetit for fnrmlng oper- atlons; whlle Nebraska peoplo have bought 50,000-acre tract of land ln Florida. Many other AVestern land operators aru investlgatlng opportunl- tles ln the South for the purchase of propertles for coloni/.atlon,* and from Texas and Florida espoclally there are many reports of a large tnflux of sot- tlers from the West. Among tlie numcrous bulldlng oper¬ atlons reported dming tho woek wore tho followlng: Koinewood Apartment Co., of Baltl- more, is havlng plans proparod for the constructlon of an apartment house to cost $375,000. Kavannah Bank and Trust Co., Sa- vannah, C,a. has accepted plans for an ofin-o bulldlng to cost about $300,000. Young Men's Chrlstlan Assoclatlon, Columbla, S. C, is pivparlng to bulld a $100.QOO home; in Franklin, La., a$32,- 000 church wlll h0 bullt! ln Marianna, A.rk., a $25,000 hotel; Texas ClU'Utian Unlverslty, Fori Worth, Toxas, has plans for an admlnlstration bulldlng, do.mltorioe, otc, to cost SJJiQ.0Oft( to J, be of relnforeed concrete constructlon; Flrst National Bank, Qultman, Ga-, wlll open bids next month for the erectlon of an offlce bulldlng to cost $50,000; Young Men's Chrlstlan Assoclatlon, Au¬ burn, Ala., plans constructlng a bulld¬ lng to cost $50,000; Calhoun county Commissloners, Port Lavaca, Texas, wlll award contract next month for the erectlon of a. courthouse to cost about $4 0,000; George county Supervisors, It Comes High But you must have one. No fall Avardrobe is complete Avithout a silky "topper." Silk Hats, $6.50 to $7.50. Soft or Derby, $2.50 to $5.00. It comes Ioav, but comfort de- mands a pair. HeyAVOod or Crossett Shoes, $3.50 to $5.00. It comes "handy," those Fownes or Perrin's Walking Gloves, $1.00 to $2.50, It comes off.your summer un- denvear. Heavy weights are now in season. Fall Underwear, $1.00 to $3.50. Jacobs & Levy Anniversary Week, October 3d to 8th. We give 10 per cent. on all sales to charity. You name the institution._ Whon You Have Your Photograph Taken you want the best. Anybodv will tell you, f.'Go to Foster'* tl2 North Ninth Street j Ludedale, Mlss., have authorlzed a $40, 000 bond Issue to erect a cotirthouse am jall. These aro glven only as ln dlcatlve of the character and class o buildings operatlons reported durini the past week. Suffolk Social News. [Special toThe Times-Dlspatch.1 Suffolk. \'n. October 1..Dr. XV. XV Murray returned AVodnesday from ten days' visit. to Ashevllle, N. C, atn Knoxvllle. Tenn. Miss Sue .lordan left Wednesday fo St. Louls. her home, after spondini several months wlth frlends 'n Suffoll and other Virglnla polnts. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. AVarren returne Tuesday from a month's vlsit wltl friends in Arkansas. U. S. Cave. assistant secretary o the Suffolk Board of Trade, thls weel vislted his former heme ln Lynch¬ burg. There wlll be a "baby bazaar," Oc tober 5, at the home of Mrs. Honr S. Eley, in Main Streot. A mustco program will be among tho feature! Mrs. S. AV. Roughton has complete a vlsit of two weeks in Norfolk. Mlss Emma King has returned fror Knoxvllle, Tenn. Rev. and Mrs. AAr. Mosby iSeay, c Houston, thls week vislted thelr forme home ln Suffolk. Concludlng a visit to Norfolk, Mis Jullet Fretlow now ls visiting he sister, Mrs. R. S. Boykln, ln Ban Street. The womon of tha Presbyterian Al Soclety were yesterday entertnlned h .Mrs. D. P. Hill, at the Nansemon Hotel. The Daughters of the Confederac met yesterday afternoon wlth Mr John C. Smlth, In Main Street. Th chapter is plannlng to entertaln th State convention ol' Daughters. Mrs. AAMlllam M. Camp, of Ocala, Flo has concluded a vlsit to Mrs. XV. 1 Gay, in Main Streot. L Pretlow Holland has finished stay with frlends ln Lexington. ( Mrs. Harry Darden and daughte have returned from a vlsit to reh tlves ln Smlthflold. Mlss Laura Ethereage has returne from Cape Honry. Mrs. AV. H. AVhlte, of Norfolk, th weok was a guest of her mothor, Mr E. C. Lewls, ln Main Stieet. Mlss .lesslo Parker, of Ncrfolk, hf returned home after a vlsit with Mr James C. Causey, Jr., in AVcst AVasl lngton Street. Mlss Virglnla Jenklrs left Tnesda to vlsit for some weeks in Tarrytowi N- Y. _.'¦_'¦'¦_ S. M. Lawrence haa returned to su: folk, followlng a stay of several woe!< ln Elkton. Mrs. Wllllam Mahone Crumpler hr returned after a stay of two weel at Ocean Vlew. M. E. Blount left AVednesday for vlsit ln Florlaa. Chase City Social News. [Special to The Times-Dlspatch. J Chase Clty, \ra., October 1..MIs Margaret Hardy, who has been vlali Ing ln Reddlrt and AA'ightman. returned Monday. Mrs. Bettle Barnes left for Rlchmond Tuesday, whero she wlll spend the wln¬ ter. " ^ Frank Lloyd was a vlsitor in town thls week. AVhlt I^iys, of Newport News, ls spendlng his vacation with his parent3, Captain and Mrs. A. J. Hays. Jack and Bob Bryson were in town this week. Miss Powell. of Charlotte county, is visiting Mlss Genle Blgger on Third Street. Mlss Margaret Boswell, who has been travellng ln New York State. thla summer, returned Monday. Mrs. Dowell and son, of Washing¬ ton, are the guests of Mrs. G. A. Endley. Mlss Allle McC'ormlck, who for sev¬ eral years has attended the S. F. I., returned to that lnstltutlon Saturday. Robber Catarrh Steals Energy and Will Power Catarrh robs its victim of energy.some phy- sicians say of will power. That may be the reason why thousands of ca¬ tarrh sufferers haven't ambition enough to ac¬ cept this fair and square offer by Tragle, which he makes without any whys and wherefores or red tape of any kind. Tragle guarantees HY- OMEI to cure catarrh, acute or chronic, or money back, and that offer 13 open to every reader of the Richmond Times-Dis- patch. HYOMEI (pronounce it Iligh-o-me) isthe purest Australian Eucalyptus combined with Thymol and other germ killing antiseptics. Pottr a few drops into the small yest pocket HYOMEI - inhaler and Actual Size breathe it into the lungs over the inflamed catarrhal membrane. It is pleasant _o use.it kills the germs, soothes the sore membrane, and cures eat rrh; if it doesn't vour money back. A bottle of HYOMEI costs SO cents at druggists every where and at Tragle's. A complete outfit, which includes a bottle of HYOMEI, a hard robber inhaler and simple mtructions for use costs $1,.00. Trial aample bqttle from Booth . Hyomei Co., Buffalo, N. Y. V

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Page 1: Times dispatch (Richmond, Va).(Richmond, VA) 1910-10-02 [p

Humphrcys'' Sevcnty-SovcnBreal-S up Grip and

Kcop frcc from colds during thejfall months and you will have a

good winter.Don't wait till you begin to

'Cough and S'lorzc; take "Scventy-seven" at the "fir>t feeling" of las-situde and weakness, and breakup the Cold at once.

Some mild form of exercise ac-

.cclerates the action of "Seventy-seven.''Handy to cawyj fits the vest

pockct. All druggists, 25cHumphreya' Homeo. Medlclric Co., Cor

TVIlllnm ariil Ann Streets, New Vorlt.

his <lontlins. ii had

,Scnator-Elect Broward, ofFlorida, Dead After Long


Jncksonvlllc, Fla. Octobi(Bonaparto Broward. aged nrty-Icholec of tho Democrats to »ui i¦.

(¦Tallaferro ns .nltcd States Sci

jjust nfter belng placed on tho'table at n local hospltal short ly,'to-day. Tho Immcdlato cauio ofi was gall stonrs wlth compllcntlo'been tll for weeks.

For four years Broward was Gd'vernor ol 1Florlda, and durlng that time commenced ',

itho dralnage of tho Everglados, which, when'complcted, wlll probably bo the greatest sln-igle undertaking In Florld-'i history. After:j tervlng his terms as Oovernor Mr. Broward(¦was defeated for Unlted .States Senator by(Dnncan U. Fletcher. In Juno of thls ycar hoIdefealed James I'. Tallnfcrro at the Demo-I

(fratlc prlmaries for Unlted States .Senatorjby a large majority, nnd was regarded ai'tho strongest political factor In the stato.

Mr. Broward was n solf-mrvle man. Karly[ln tho seventlos his parents dled. and ho was!Morced to start work as a tugboat cooli and[roust&bout. He worked In this capaclty foi.isveral years, nnd was in turn employed n»

i* seamnn nnd raptaln of small craft on

fthe St. John's Itlvcr until he purrhascd n,I thlrd Interest In the famous nilhusterlngrtug. Three Frlends. As commaiuier of the>craft hc mnde four cxpoditions lo rtuha. once

handing ln tho liarbor of Havann despito tlie;(Fpanlsh fleel. He was elected -herlB of!X>uval county and served two terms. After-,-ward he was elected State kglslator and i

i Governor. IThe cabinet of Oovernor Gilchrist m»t and

passed eulogistlc resolutlons when neWS of

former Governor Broward's death was

jlearned. , ,,

He is survlved bv a wlrtow and nlne ehll-dren. Funeral lervlcei wlll be held Mon-.day afternoon at 3 o'clock.

Huiiiifnsi .\eiirn Completlon,ISpffial toThe Time.-.Dlspatoh.]

Charloitcsvllle, Va., October 1..The splendid new law bulldlng at theVnlversliv of Vlrglnia, now belngerected at a cost of $60,000. wlll bereadv for oerupancy by January. AUof the law classea wlll be held in thisbuilding. and the large law library wlllbe installed thore. Study rooms. asv.-pII as offices for the professors, wlllbo found ln the structure

A Recent Weddlng.[Speclal to The Times-Dispatch 1

Onlpv, Va., October 1..The home ofMr. and Mrs. .Inlm C. Core. at Ojlle.V,nvns the scene of a pretty weddlng ro-¦eently. when Nathnnlel C. Swangcr,*ot Eocustcllle, and Mlss Dalsy C.Bull, daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Ell Bull.pf Onley, were unlted In marrlage Theceremony was performed by Rev. -p.-dannlng Hank. Th,e spaclous hall andrarlor of the fore manslon were beau-tlfully decorated wlth potted plants.flowers and palms.

Superfluous HairQftcnioved by n. JUU»tcoTery ronstnnily

l'»ed by PhyMlclanil «ud Sur_rnnM<Dr. Starburk says: "I leel justifled ln

iinakrnaklns the assertion that il la tne onlyBUcceesfuI method of remotnvg halr." Don't.waate time expt-rimentin;,- with Electrolysls,[X-Bays nnci depllatorles. Tn"j... are oftered?nu on the BARE WOBD of, th" operatorsend manufacturers. DeMlracIo is not. It Is?ndorsed by physicians. lurgcorui tlerma-lologlsts. medle.nl Journals, promin.^nt mag-,azlnes and newspapore. BOOKLET FREB\dn plain Bealed rnvelnpo. You should readthis before you try anything. Wrlte to De--llraclo Chemical Co., Park Ave. and 129th/6t., New York.' No honest dealer wlll offer a substllute^m which he makes more protlt. DeMlracIo1f sold at all good stores, includlng Tho-COHEN CO. and Childrey Drug Co.

FEDERAL COURT.Criminal Dockct. May Begin

With .ndictments AgainstKelly Fir'm.


Charges Against Miss Askcw andWittc to Be Presented

at Open ing.

The U-iitcd States TJlstrlrt Courtconvenes ln Rlchmond next. TuesdayTor the trlal of criminal cases. Thegrand jury wlll dellborato to-mnrrow.Judge Edmuhd Waddlll, Jr., wlll pre-slde.

The. most Important case set fo»trlal thls term ls that of the Phil G.Kelly Compdnyi inc., Indleted ln morothat 100 counts for defraudtng thogovernment of revenue. For weeksxevenue offlcors have been gatherlngfrvldt-iico for thc proseeutlon, DlstrlctAttorney I>. L. I.owls and AssistantDistrict Attorney Talley oxpect toperfect thc case for trlal on Tuesday,October I-

Probably the most Interestlng caseto be presented to tho grand jury Isthat of Mlss Rena B. Askew, chargedwith mlsacproprlatlng about S.,000whlle cashier at sub-postnl st,atlon 12,ln Iho Chlldroy Drug Company's store,nt 101 Kast Broad Street. Miss Askcwwas arrested several days ago upon awarrant sworn out by Post-orrice In¬spector Saffel, who dlscovered theshortago ln her accounts. There Is abellc. that others wlll be drawn Intothe naso. If Miss Askew goes on thostand and tells what :;he did wlth ihe$2,000 whlch sho is accusod of emboz-zllng ln less than slx months.

Wlde C'n«c lo Grand .lnrr.Wllllam T. AA'ltle, a drugglst, who re-

sldes_at 11X4 East Broad Street. nowunder bond on a charge of sendltigoljseeno matter through Ihe Unitedstates majls, wlll be trled at th'sterm lf tb.o grand jury brlngs In anmulctment.

AtStte ls charged with malllng ob¬sccnc post cards to Miss Tda Ashby,n stenngranner in the ofTlce of thoStato Suponntondont of Educattbn.Whon arrested last Tuesday. he walvedprellmlnary examination, refuslnjj tomake a slatement.An amuslng case that wlll be pre¬

sented to tho grand jury is that of thoUnited States government againstSamuol Anthony, of T.outsa county.charged \vlth llllclt distilling. Whenthe rcvenuo offiVors vislted Anthony'splace last wlntor they found a harrelof whiskey. bui a daughter of Anthonytat upon lt fcr tliroe hours during osnowstorm aaid rcfused to move. Thoofflcers not "havlng a warrant, couldnot romove t'Jie girl from the barrel.Thoy left, bmt when they returnedwlth a warrn'jit the barrel had beenspirltcd away.

Slnoo that Incldent, however. ColonelAV n. Chapman, reyenue agent, and a

posse armod wlth search warrants.found Beveral gollons of llllclt whiskeyhldden In Anthony's house. It wassecreted in a cellar. entrance to whichwas gained by a trap door through a

closet.lt la expected that several local

whiskey dealer. will be Indleted bythe grand jury for selling whiskeybottlod in bond not.. proporly stnmpedand labeled. Tho govornment ro-

ntiiros whiskey sold tn bond to bear a

label showing what klnd of lluuor thopackage contalns.

Great Activity in Road BuildingN and Municipal Improve-


Baltlmore, Md., Octoher 1..Reportsto the Mnnufacturers' Record from all

parts of the South show the organlza¬tlon of many new industrial ent.er-

ptises. and great activity in road build¬

ing and ln m'unipal lmprovements.These reports, covering the whol<jSouth and very Uno of Industry, In¬cludlng plans for developing mineraland tlmbfr lands, tho constructlon or

waterworka and aewernge systems,street pavlng operatlons, electric llghtand power plants, and other move¬

ments Indlcatlve of busines condltlons,glve prorhise of wldesproad bulldlngand Industrial activity this fall and

Cash is good, but if you lack the cash, what a splendid thing it is to know that you can have credit for the asking. Thatis what you can hav.e here. There is nothing in our store but what you can have on our little-at-a-time payment'plan. It's theonly way to buy Furniture nowadays. You'll say so, too, when you have experienced the convenience of buying at this store.

This Embossed Enamel DiningRoom Picture, in fruits and game,with frame complete,


Rich design, massivc 2-inrh continu-ous posts; a beautiful Bed that willmatch up with thn best $35.00 valuesoffered elsewhere; special at $18.50.

Freight paid on

all orders of $10or over.

MattressMattresscs, soft$3.00

top...$4.00 Husk Mattresscs,

this sale.$6.00 Rattan Fibre Mat¬

tresscs, this sale,.$7.50 Cotton Mattresscs,

at the low price of.S 10.00 Laycr Felt Mat¬

tresscs, at this sale.$13.50 Felt Mattresscs, ffl A OC

fancy ticking. tDll/«_D_)$16.00 White Laycr Felt Mattresses;

very fine quality; heavy,attractivc ticking



$1.98Iron Bed

Value, S3.50. Full doublesize; ridged and heavy.


Value, $2.50. Collapsible,with best construction.

Six of TheseSideboards

..: >3-_jt_>L-

Thls Exact Sldeboard,made of finely selccted oak, beautifulin design and exccedinglv well fin-ished; worth $25.00; on (£| _! 7Csale at . »D 1 _). I O

$1.25 DINING ROOM CHAIRS,A notable special in every way.one that will be snapped up in a

hurry. The biggest and best value of the year in Dining-room Chairs.They're iri oak, highly polished, strong, well made.


We have the larpest stock and everymzc of Sclf-Fceders, Round Heaters,Wood, Oil and Gas Heaters, Cooksand Ranges, that bake and he^, SteelRanges.all guaranteed.Large 5-hole Cook.$0.95Wood Heaters.$1.48

We are Agents for

Loth's New MagicWood Heaters

They are the Best

SPECIALS55 stvlcs China Case?, $12.95 to


95 styles Parlor Suits, $14.95 to$175.00.

45 styles Drass Beds. $12.95 to$79.00.

50 stylcs Metal Beds, $1.98 to$28.00.


55 styles Sideboards and Buffets,$11.95 to $160.00.

55 stylcs Dining Tablea. $4.98 to$65.00.

Portiers, Lace Curtains, Blankets,etc.

Bridal OutfitsOur Hobby

Come and see.

AgentsKINDELParlor Beds

0ut-of-Town OrdersPacked and Shipped

FREEAll Prices Marked

in Plain Figures

^^si?rS*-;i^'1?;_^:-^'ng^SPk^JUlfc: V. IVCIL. MACHINE(*Tph>.*;^bIy|rThs \i r,e <A\ '.S,?e,*j&ip^^feb fcin e'

High grade and beautiful pattern Mahogany Finish ParlorSuit, 3 pieces; upholstered with fine quality green cut Vero- mn/v

na; best construction throughout. Special price Monday.. uJ-dl/

We Furnish Your HomeWe Make it Bright.We Do it Right,k]i& the Cost is Light.

urniture Company, *we,;TRUST

7 and 9 WEST BROAD STREET.The Cheapest Cash or Credit Store in the City.

Among tho more Important enterprlses reportod during the week an

detalls of the constructlon, now undeiway, near Marshall, N. *'.. of a hydroelectric power lo cost. $400,000 and t<develop 5,000-horso power for electrle transmlss'on to a number of industrlal and resort towns ln that vlclnltyMorrls & Co., of Chlcago, have ap

plted for a franchise to buiHl at KPaso, Texas, a packlng plant, lncludIng a cottonseed oll mill and otheindusfrics, at a cost of $1,000,000, 1

is extended you to call and inspectour store, especially the Clothing andFurnishing.We feature standard makes of merchandise.We intend that our store and our name shall be a guar-

antee to you of satisfaction.that whatevef you buy hereshall be right.

We call your special attention to Hart, Schaffner &Marx make of Clothing and Overcoats. When you buy thislmake of clothjng you are certain of style, all wool, fit and alround satisfaction.

Our furnishings and Hats are thc pick of the best makersEvery whim and every purse can be satisfied.

See our Special Value in LIGHT WEIGHT RAIN-COATS. Just the garment to wear cool nights er for driv-ing or autoing.$5 to $15.

Smart Clothes for the Little ChapsFull of snap, ncwest fall fabrics, handsome patterns,

clever modela, Double-Ureasted Suits, Norfolks, Russiannnd Sailor Suits. We can prove a deciding saving for you.

$3.00 to $8.00"Let U.s Clothe Your Boys."

J__ Have your friends meut you here.

HORACE S. WRIGHT CO.3 E. Broad Street

belng thelr Inrentlon to expend thlsamount wlthln the next twelve months.A. H. Richardson, of Ansonvllle. N.,

C. is reported to havo 'declded uponthe constructlon of a hydro-eleotricplant to cost ¥100,000 and to develop6,000 or 7,000-horse power.Tho YVm. X. P.ioe Institute, Houston,

Texas, which has an endowment of$7,000,000 for the establishment of a

university, has begun the actual workof constructlon of lts buildings. byletting the contract at $182,430 for ltsmechanlcal lnboratory and power house;the plants eontemplato the ultlmatoereetlon of forty buildings in the uni¬versity group.A New York company will spend

about $90,000 in building at nagers-town, Md. a plant for handling milkand cream, anrl out of the mllk by-products manufacturing glue. buttons,etc.Tho fiarve Creek Coal and Coke Co.

has been organi/.ed at Rloundsville, W.A'a., wlth a capital stock of $500,000 byPennsylvanla capitallsts, to develop 5,-000 ^cres of coal land.The Linton Coal and Coke Co., Incor-

porated by Georgla people for thepurchase and deveiopmeht of 6,000acres of coal land in Alabama.The Delcarho Coal and Coke Co., In-

corporated at Logan, W. Ara., with a

capital stock of $100,000 for coal min¬ing operatlons.Tho State of North Carollno is pre-

parlng to let eontracts in tho nearfuture for druining several hundredthousand acres ot' wet or swamp land,whlle Western peoplo contlnue to makolarge lnvestments In wlct landts lnLoulslana for rcclamatton ipurposes,C. E. Phlllips, of Eau Clalre, AV'ls., hav¬lng purchased So.OOO acros of land nearGuoydan, La., with a vlew to roclalm-ing and developmetit for fnrmlng oper-atlons; whlle Nebraska peoplo havebought 50,000-acre tract of land lnFlorida. Many other AVestern landoperators aru investlgatlng opportunl-tles ln the South for the purchaseof propertles for coloni/.atlon,* and fromTexas and Florida espoclally there aremany reports of a large tnflux of sot-tlers from the West.Among tlie numcrous bulldlng oper¬

atlons reported dming tho woek woretho followlng:Koinewood Apartment Co., of Baltl-

more, is havlng plans proparod for theconstructlon of an apartment house tocost $375,000.Kavannah Bank and Trust Co., Sa-

vannah, C,a. has accepted plans for anofin-o bulldlng to cost about $300,000.Young Men's Chrlstlan Assoclatlon,

Columbla, S. C, is pivparlng to bulld a$100.QOO home; in Franklin, La., a$32,-000 church wlll h0 bullt! ln Marianna,A.rk., a $25,000 hotel; Texas ClU'UtianUnlverslty, Fori Worth, Toxas, hasplans for an admlnlstration bulldlng,do.mltorioe, otc, to cost SJJiQ.0Oft( to J,

be of relnforeed concrete constructlon;Flrst National Bank, Qultman, Ga-, wlllopen bids next month for the erectlonof an offlce bulldlng to cost $50,000;Young Men's Chrlstlan Assoclatlon, Au¬burn, Ala., plans constructlng a bulld¬lng to cost $50,000; Calhoun countyCommissloners, Port Lavaca, Texas, wlllaward contract next month for theerectlon of a. courthouse to cost about$4 0,000; George county Supervisors,

It Comes HighBut you must have one. No fallAvardrobe is complete Avithout a

silky "topper."Silk Hats, $6.50 to $7.50.Soft or Derby, $2.50 to $5.00.It comes Ioav, but comfort de-

mands a pair.HeyAVOod or Crossett Shoes,

$3.50 to $5.00.It comes "handy," those Fownes

or Perrin's Walking Gloves, $1.00to $2.50,

It comes off.your summer un-

denvear. Heavy weights are now

in season.Fall Underwear, $1.00 to $3.50.

Jacobs & LevyAnniversary Week, October 3d

to 8th. We give 10 per cent. on allsales to charity. You name theinstitution._Whon You Have Your Photograph

Takenyou want the best. Anybodv will tell you,f.'Go to Foster'* tl2 North Ninth Street j

Ludedale, Mlss., have authorlzed a $40,000 bond Issue to erect a cotirthouse amjall. These aro glven only as lndlcatlve of the character and class o

buildings operatlons reported durinithe past week.

Suffolk Social News.[Special toThe Times-Dlspatch.1

Suffolk. \'n. October 1..Dr. XV. XVMurray returned AVodnesday fromten days' visit. to Ashevllle, N. C, atnKnoxvllle. Tenn.Miss Sue .lordan left Wednesday fo

St. Louls. her home, after spondiniseveral months wlth frlends 'n Suffolland other Virglnla polnts.Mr. and Mrs. E. W. AVarren returne

Tuesday from a month's vlsit wltlfriends in Arkansas.

U. S. Cave. assistant secretary othe Suffolk Board of Trade, thls weelvislted his former heme ln Lynch¬burg.There wlll be a "baby bazaar," Oc

tober 5, at the home of Mrs. HonrS. Eley, in Main Streot. A mustcoprogram will be among tho feature!

Mrs. S. AV. Roughton has completea vlsit of two weeks in Norfolk.Mlss Emma King has returned fror

Knoxvllle, Tenn.Rev. and Mrs. AAr. Mosby iSeay, c

Houston, thls week vislted thelr formehome ln Suffolk.Concludlng a visit to Norfolk, Mis

Jullet Fretlow now ls visiting hesister, Mrs. R. S. Boykln, ln BanStreet.The womon of tha Presbyterian Al

Soclety were yesterday entertnlned h.Mrs. D. P. Hill, at the NansemonHotel.The Daughters of the Confederac

met yesterday afternoon wlth MrJohn C. Smlth, In Main Street. Thchapter is plannlng to entertaln thState convention ol' Daughters.Mrs. AAMlllam M. Camp, of Ocala, Flo

has concluded a vlsit to Mrs. XV. 1Gay, in Main Streot.L Pretlow Holland has finished

stay with frlends ln Lexington. (Mrs. Harry Darden and daughte

have returned from a vlsit to rehtlves ln Smlthflold.Mlss Laura Ethereage has returne

from Cape Honry.Mrs. AV. H. AVhlte, of Norfolk, th

weok was a guest of her mothor, MrE. C. Lewls, ln Main Stieet.Mlss .lesslo Parker, of Ncrfolk, hf

returned home after a vlsit with MrJames C. Causey, Jr., in AVcst AVasllngton Street.Mlss Virglnla Jenklrs left Tnesda

to vlsit for some weeks in TarrytowiN- Y. _.'¦_'¦'¦_S. M. Lawrence haa returned to su:

folk, followlng a stay of several woe!<ln Elkton.Mrs. Wllllam Mahone Crumpler hr

returned after a stay of two weelat Ocean Vlew.M. E. Blount left AVednesday for

vlsit ln Florlaa.

Chase City Social News.[Special to The Times-Dlspatch. J

Chase Clty, \ra., October 1..MIsMargaret Hardy, who has been vlali

Ing ln Reddlrt and AA'ightman. returnedMonday.Mrs. Bettle Barnes left for Rlchmond

Tuesday, whero she wlll spend the wln¬ter.


^Frank Lloyd was a vlsitor in town

thls week.AVhlt I^iys, of Newport News, ls

spendlng his vacation with his parent3,Captain and Mrs. A. J. Hays.Jack and Bob Bryson were in town

this week.Miss Powell. of Charlotte county, is

visiting Mlss Genle Blgger on ThirdStreet.Mlss Margaret Boswell, who has been

travellng ln New York State. thlasummer, returned Monday.Mrs. Dowell and son, of Washing¬

ton, are the guests of Mrs. G. A.Endley.Mlss Allle McC'ormlck, who for sev¬

eral years has attended the S. F. I.,returned to that lnstltutlon Saturday.

Robber CatarrhSteals Energy and Will Power

Catarrh robs its victimof energy.some phy-sicians say of will power.That may be the reasonwhy thousands of ca¬tarrh sufferers haven'tambition enough to ac¬

cept this fair and squareoffer by Tragle, which hemakes without any whysand wherefores or redtape of any kind.

Tragle guarantees HY-OMEI to cure catarrh,acute or chronic, or moneyback, and that offer 13

open to every reader ofthe Richmond Times-Dis-patch.HYOMEI (pronounce

it Iligh-o-me) isthe purestAustralian Eucalyptuscombined with Thymoland other germ killingantiseptics.

Pottr a few drops intothe small yest pocketHYOMEI - inhaler and

Actual Size breathe it into the lungsover the inflamed catarrhal membrane.

It is pleasant _o use.it kills the germs,soothes the sore membrane, and cureseat rrh; if it doesn't vour money back.A bottle of HYOMEI costs SO cents at

druggists everywhere and at Tragle's. Acomplete outfit, which includes a bottleof HYOMEI, a hard robber inhaler andsimple mtructions for use costs $1,.00.Trial aample bqttle from Booth . HyomeiCo., Buffalo, N. Y.