timereaction - benefits & metrics

Collaborative Workflow Management

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Post on 10-Aug-2015




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Collaborative Workflow Management

A team of peers on a bold mission

Timereaction takes a different approach to team communications:

events and conversations are side by side.

IDC’s study “The Intelligent Workspace”, illustrates the average

worker spends 13 hours per week on emails, 8.8 hours searching

for information, and 6.4 hours communicating & collaborating with

team members.

“Things not only have to be seen to

be believed, but also have to be believed to be seen”

Timereaction is not your fathers’ toolbox.

IDC expects the worldwide enterprise social

Software applications market revenue to grow

from $1.0 billion in 2012 to $2.7 billion by 2017

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link

Even the best individual can't win on their own, it takes a team.

From source to destination, processes that need to synchronize product and

information flows are still being monitored manually in up to 49% of all


fn { 28(e), 514(p) = 5012 (a) }

Metrics show that 28 events can generate 514

processes, resulting in 5012 separate actions.

How many emails and phone calls does this


Process first, collaboration second

Collaboration is the outcome of shared activities and

Interactions that happen when people work together.

Technology creates value by improving productivity

across the value chain, could potentially contribute

$900 billion to $1.3 trillion in annual value.

The single source of truth

Conversations are kept with your work, so you’ll spend

less time in email, and more time getting things done.

In 2010 Corporate users received some 200 mails per day,

18% of which were spam.

Technology designed to get work done

We spend nearly half of our waking hours at work. Unfortunately,

the majority of that time is spent not doing our actual jobs.

By 2013, more than half of all new digital content will be the result

of updates to, and editing of existing information.

The future of collaboration - today

Tools that enable a new kind of simple, real-time connection between people and companies.

$304 billion will be spent on enterprise software this year,

much of it — like enterprise social networks — purporting

to solve these problems.

Get everyone on the same page

Real-time work management and collaboration, making day-

to-day work easier, more transparent and efficient.

99% of companies lack a single place to keep track of their

work about everything they’re working on.

Contact us at [email protected]