timeline waves in six strands 1900 - 2009. table of contents titleslide introduction1 toffler’s...

Timeline Waves in Six Strands 1900 - 2009

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Page 1: Timeline Waves in Six Strands 1900 - 2009. Table of Contents TitleSlide Introduction1 Toffler’s Three Waves4 - 14 Technology15 - 20 Business21 - 26 Education27


Waves in Six Strands1900 - 2009

Page 2: Timeline Waves in Six Strands 1900 - 2009. Table of Contents TitleSlide Introduction1 Toffler’s Three Waves4 - 14 Technology15 - 20 Business21 - 26 Education27

Table of ContentsTitle Slide

Introduction 1

Toffler’s Three Waves 4 - 14

Technology 15 - 20

Business 21 - 26

Education 27 - 32

Society 33 - 38

Politics 39 - 44

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• This timeline of history represents the six strands of society from 1900 to present. It focuses of Toffler’s Three Waves, technology, business, education, society, and politics.

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Toffler’s Three Waves

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First WaveAgricultural (8000 BC – 1750)

Education• individual instruction,

limited resources, schooled at home

Communication/Technology• oral and gestural

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First WaveAgricultural (8000 BC – 1750)

Economy• production and

consumption of food, hunting & gathering, families self-sufficient

Family Structure• Extended; families tend to

live on same land

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First WaveAgricultural (8000 BC – 1750)

Politics• Castes & classes,

authoritarian & birthrights

Production• Energy from sun, wind &

water “Living Batteries”, “energy slaves”; forest, rivers, people and animals could be replaced

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Second WaveIndustrial (1750 – 1950)

Education• Mass education,

factory/assembly line focuses; role & repetitive work, punctuality, obedience

Communication/Technology• Transportation, tractors

post office (1837), telephone, typewriters, newspapers, movies

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Second WaveIndustrial (1750 – 1950)

Economy• Mass production of food,

trade, stores, corporations (1907)

Family Structure• Nuclear (2 parent-home),

extended families distanced

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Second WaveIndustrial (1750 – 1950)

Politics• Crisis & strikes, coup

d’e’tats, wars

Production• Factories, assembly lines,

refrigerator in kitchens, vitamins (increased life expectancy)

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Third WaveInformational (1950 – 2000)

Education• Computer labs, online

courses (virtual schools), LCD projectors, CD, internet

Communication/Technology• Computer/laptops, internet,

cell phones, webcams, instant messaging

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Third WaveInformational (1950 – 2000)

Economy• Oil and gas production

(foreign), money exchange rates, global industries (trade & travel)

Family Structure• 2 working parent families,

single-parent families, grand-parent/grand-child families

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Third WaveInformational (1950 – 2000)

Politics• Capitalism, socialism,

communism, world governments, UN, EURO

Production• Increased flights, cars &

buses, space exploration, drug vaccines

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Fourth WaveBrain Wave (2000 - ????)

• The wave of consciousness• http://www.karlalbrecht.com/articles/brainwa


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1940’s• Electronic Numerical

Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) http://www.tcf.ua.edu/AZ/ITHistoryOutline.htm

• EDVAC - the Electronic Discreet Variable Computer

• EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator)

• Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC)

1950’s• The computer modem

invented• The integrated circuit

invented by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce

• Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce both invent the microchip http://inventors.about.com/od/timelines/a/modern.htm

• Fortran (computer language) invented

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• Douglas Englehart developed the computer mouse along with a five key "corded" keyboard

• The first hand-held calculator was invented by Texas Instruments

• The first cash dispensing machine is installed by First Philadelphia Bank http://www.kyrene.k12.az.us/schools/brisas/sunda/decade/1960.htm#inventions

• The audio cassette invented

1970’s• Pong is a first generation video game


• Cellular Mobile Phones were invented in 1977 by Bell Labs, USA.http://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Mobile_phone

• The Personal Stereo was invented by Andreas Pavel, a German-born Brazillian inventor. http://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Personal_stereo

• Digital Cameras were invented by Steve Sasson http://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Digital_camera

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1980’s• MS-DOS invented.• The first IBM-PC invented.• The CD-ROM invented.• The Apple Macintosh

invented• Fuji introduced the

disposable camera• Digital cellular phones

invented http


1990’s• The World Wide Web and

Internet protocol (HTTP) and WWW language (HTML) created by Tim Berners-Lee.

• The digital answering machine invented.

• The pentium processor invented.

• Web TV invented

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2000-2009• YouTube• Camera Phone• iPod• Digital Satellite Radio• Wireless Headset/• Bluetooth Headset• Virtual Keyboard

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1900’s• The first radio receiver,

successfully received a radio transmission.

• Willis Carrier invents the air conditioner.

1910’s• Motorized movie cameras

replaced hand-cranked cameras.

• Charles Franklin Kettering invents the first automobile electrical ignition system.

• Thomas Edison demonstrated the first talking motion picture.

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• The television or iconoscope (cathode-ray tube) invented by Vladimir Kosma Zworykin.

• The mechanical television a precursor to the modern television, invented by John Logie Baird.

• Philo Taylor Farnsworth invents a complete electronic TV system.

• Technicolor invented

1930’s• Frequency modulation

(FM radio) invented by Edwin Howard Armstrong.

• Stereo records invented.• Richard M. Hollingshead

builds a prototype drive-in movie theater in his driveway.

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1940’s• Peter Goldmark invents

modern color television system.

• John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry built the first electronic digital computer.

• Mobile phones first invented

1950’s• The first credit card

(Diners) invented by Ralph Schneider

• Charles Ginsburg invented the first video tape recorder (VTR).

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1980’s • A Maslow- Theory Z

1990’s• The World Wide Web

and Internet protocol (HTTP) and WWW language (HTML) created by Tim Berners-Lee.

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2000-2009• New Toy Robots Max the robotic cat invented

by Omron, LUCKY, THE ROVING ROBO-RAPTOR invented by Walt Disney Imagineering, and Sony builds Aibo a companion called Orio.

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1900’s• Montessori Schools• Dalton Plan http


1910’s• F. Burk -

Individualized Instruction

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• The International Council for Exceptional Children is founded at Columbia University Teachers College

• Max Wertheimer describes the principles of Gestalt Theory to the Kant Society in Berlin. Gestalt Theory, with its emphasis on learning through insight and grasping the whole concept, becomes important later in the 20th Century in the development of cognitive views of learning and teaching

1930’s• L. Vygotsky -

Social & cognitive learning

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1940’s• In the landmark court case of

Mendez vs. Westminster and the California Board of Education, the U. S. District Court in Los Angeles rules that educating children of Mexican descent in separate facilities is unconstitutional, thus prohibiting segregation in California schools and setting an important precedent for Brown vs. Board of Education

1950’sBurrhus Frederic (B.F.) Skinner's

Science and Human Behavior is published. His form of behaviorism (operant conditioning), which emphasizes changes in behavior due to reinforcement, becomes widely accepted and influences many aspects of American education

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• Project Head Start, a preschool education program for children from low-income families, begins as an eight-week summer program.

• Herbert R. Kohl's book, The Open Classroom, helps to promote open education, an approach emphasizing student-centered classrooms and active, holistic learning. The conservative back-to-the-basics movement of the 1970s begins at least partially as a backlash against open education

1970’s•Jean Piaget's book, The Science of Education, is published. His Learning Cycle model helps to popularize discovery-based teaching approaches, particularly in the sciences

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1980’s• John Holt's book,

Teach Your Own: A Hopeful Path for Education, adds momentum to the homeschooling movement.

1990’s• Teach for America is

formed, reestablishing the idea of a National Teachers Corps. Minnesota passes the first "charter school" law. City Academy High School, the nation's first charter school, opens in St. Paul, Minnesota.

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• The controversial No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is approved by Congress and signed into law by President George W. Bush on January 8, 2002. The law, which reauthorizes the ESEA of 1965, holds schools accountable for student achievement levels and provides penalties for schools that do not make adequate yearly progress toward meeting the goals of NCLB.

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1900’s The distinctive Morse

code character string ...---... (SOS) was adopted


1910’s• Entertainment and

Communication on the rise: Radio popularized Large scale production of automobiles

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1980’s• Generation X

1990’s• Multiculturalism

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The U.S. enters World War II after the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor on December 7. During the next four years, much of the country's resources go to the war effort. Education is put on the back burner as many young men quit school to enlist; schools are faced with personnel problems as teachers and other employees enlist, are drafted, or leave to work in defense plants; school construction is put on hold.

1950’s• Brown v. the Board of Education o

f Topeka, Kansas• Rosa Parks, a Montgomery,

Alabama seamstress, refuses to give up her seat on the bus a Caucasian passenger and is subsequently arrested and fined. The Montgomery bus boycott follows, giving impetus to the Civil Rights Movement. A year later, in the case of Browder v. Gale, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that segregated seating on buses unconstitutional

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1960’s• Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.• Shirley Chisholm• http://www.kyrene.k12.az.us


• First grader Ruby Bridges is the first African American to attend William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans. She becomes a class of one as parents remove all Caucasian students from the school


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2000 – 2009• 911