time series analysis of monthly rainfall data for the gadaref rainfall station, sudan, by sarima...

International Journal of Scientific Research in Knowledge, 2(7), pp. 320-327, 2014 Available online at http://www.ijsrpub.com/ijsrk ISSN: 2322-4541; ©2014 IJSRPUB http://dx.doi.org/10.12983/ijsrk-2014-p0320-0327 320 Full Length Research Paper Time Series Analysis of Monthly Rainfall data for the Gadaref rainfall station, Sudan, by Sarima Methods Ette Harrison Etuk 1* , Tariq Mahgoub Mohamed 2 1 Department of Mathematics/Computer Science, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, NIGERIA 2 Department of Civil Engineering, Sudan University of Science and Technology, SUDAN *Corresponding Author: [email protected], [email protected] Received 17 May 2014; Accepted 22 June 2014 Abstract. The time series being rainfall data is a typical seasonal series of one-year period. The time-plot of the realization herein called GASR and its correlogram are as expected, reflecting seasonality of period 12. For instance, the autocorrelation function is oscillatory of period 12. A 12-point differencing yields a series called SDGASR with a generally horizontal secular trend. It is adjudged stationary by the Augmented Dickey Fuller unit root test. Its correlogram gives an indication of stationarity as well as an involvement of the presence of a seasonal moving average component of order one and a seasonal autoregressive component of order two. This autocorrelation structure suggests three multiplicative SARIMA models, namely: (0, 0, 0)x(0, 1, 1) 12 , (0, 0, 1)x(0, 1, 1) 12 and (0, 0, 1)x(2, 1, 1) 12 . The first model is adjudged the most adequate. Its residuals have been observed to be uncorrelated. It may be the basis for the forecasting of rain in the region for planning purposes. Keywords: Sudan, Gadaref station, rainfall, Sarima models, time series analysis 1. INTRODUCTION Sudan is one of the countries whose economy is highly dependent on rain-fed agriculture and also facing recurring cycles of drought. Rainfall is considered as the most important climatic element that influences agriculture. Therefore monthly rainfall forecasting plays an important role in the planning and management of agricultural scheme and management of water resource systems. In this study, linear stochastic models known as multiplicative seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) models were used to model monthly rainfall in Gadaref station. The region was selected as a result of its being the most important agricultural productive area, under rain-fed, in Sudan. The physical area considered in this study is a portion of the Gadaref region. Gadaref region lies in East Central part of Sudan, at the border with Ethiopia. The region experiences very hot summer and temperature in the region reaches up to 45C in May. Generally the dry periods are accompanied with high temperatures, which lead to higher evaporation affecting natural vegetation and the agriculture of the region along with larger water resources sectors. Annual potential evapotranspiration exceeds annual precipitation in this region. The rainfall exceeds evapotranspiration only in August and September. This Gadaref station boundary coincides with 550 mm annual rainfall isoyhets. The climate in the Gedaref is semi-arid with mean annual temperature near 30C (Elagib and Mansell, 2000). Gadaref region has a good fertile soil and relatively high rainfall intensities all over the region. Farming of sorghum and sesame covers much of the region land. The region is very important for the economy of Sudan. More than 70% of sorghum, which is one of the main food crops in the country, is grown in the rain-fed subsector. Seasonal time series are often modeled by SARIMA techniques. Rainfall the world over is a seasonal phenomenon with period 12 months. A few researchers who have modeled rainfall using SARIMA methods in recent times are Nirmala and Sundaram (2010), Rahman (2011), Ibrahim and Dauda (2012), Yusuf and Kane (2012), Osarumwese (2013), Abdul Aziz et al. (2013), Ali (2013), Wang et al. (2013) and Etuk et al. (2013). For instance, Nimarla and Sundaram (2010) fitted a SARIMA(0, 1, 1)x(0, 1, 1) 12 model to monthly rainfall in Tamilnadu, India. Abdul-Aziz et al. (2013) examined rainfall data pattern in Ashanti region of Ghana and fitted a SARIMA(0, 0, 0)x(2, 1, 0) 12 to it. Osarumwese (2013) modeled quarterly rainfall in Port Harcourt, Nigeria,

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  • International Journal of Scientific Research in Knowledge, 2(7), pp. 320-327, 2014

    Available online at http://www.ijsrpub.com/ijsrk

    ISSN: 2322-4541; 2014 IJSRPUB



    Full Length Research Paper

    Time Series Analysis of Monthly Rainfall data for the Gadaref rainfall station,

    Sudan, by Sarima Methods

    Ette Harrison Etuk1*

    , Tariq Mahgoub Mohamed2

    1Department of Mathematics/Computer Science, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, NIGERIA

    2Department of Civil Engineering, Sudan University of Science and Technology, SUDAN

    *Corresponding Author: [email protected], [email protected]

    Received 17 May 2014; Accepted 22 June 2014

    Abstract. The time series being rainfall data is a typical seasonal series of one-year period. The time-plot of the realization

    herein called GASR and its correlogram are as expected, reflecting seasonality of period 12. For instance, the autocorrelation

    function is oscillatory of period 12. A 12-point differencing yields a series called SDGASR with a generally horizontal secular

    trend. It is adjudged stationary by the Augmented Dickey Fuller unit root test. Its correlogram gives an indication of

    stationarity as well as an involvement of the presence of a seasonal moving average component of order one and a seasonal

    autoregressive component of order two. This autocorrelation structure suggests three multiplicative SARIMA models, namely:

    (0, 0, 0)x(0, 1, 1)12 , (0, 0, 1)x(0, 1, 1)12 and (0, 0, 1)x(2, 1, 1)12. The first model is adjudged the most adequate. Its residuals

    have been observed to be uncorrelated. It may be the basis for the forecasting of rain in the region for planning purposes.

    Keywords: Sudan, Gadaref station, rainfall, Sarima models, time series analysis


    Sudan is one of the countries whose economy is

    highly dependent on rain-fed agriculture and also

    facing recurring cycles of drought. Rainfall is

    considered as the most important climatic element that

    influences agriculture. Therefore monthly rainfall

    forecasting plays an important role in the planning and

    management of agricultural scheme and management

    of water resource systems.

    In this study, linear stochastic models known as

    multiplicative seasonal autoregressive integrated

    moving average (SARIMA) models were used to

    model monthly rainfall in Gadaref station. The region

    was selected as a result of its being the most important

    agricultural productive area, under rain-fed, in Sudan.

    The physical area considered in this study is a

    portion of the Gadaref region. Gadaref region lies in

    East Central part of Sudan, at the border with

    Ethiopia. The region experiences very hot summer

    and temperature in the region reaches up to 45C in May. Generally the dry periods are accompanied with

    high temperatures, which lead to higher evaporation

    affecting natural vegetation and the agriculture of the

    region along with larger water resources sectors.

    Annual potential evapotranspiration exceeds annual

    precipitation in this region. The rainfall exceeds

    evapotranspiration only in August and September.

    This Gadaref station boundary coincides with 550 mm

    annual rainfall isoyhets. The climate in the Gedaref is

    semi-arid with mean annual temperature near 30C (Elagib and Mansell, 2000).

    Gadaref region has a good fertile soil and relatively

    high rainfall intensities all over the region. Farming of

    sorghum and sesame covers much of the region land.

    The region is very important for the economy of

    Sudan. More than 70% of sorghum, which is one of

    the main food crops in the country, is grown in the

    rain-fed subsector.

    Seasonal time series are often modeled by

    SARIMA techniques. Rainfall the world over is a

    seasonal phenomenon with period 12 months. A few

    researchers who have modeled rainfall using

    SARIMA methods in recent times are Nirmala and

    Sundaram (2010), Rahman (2011), Ibrahim and

    Dauda (2012), Yusuf and Kane (2012), Osarumwese

    (2013), Abdul Aziz et al. (2013), Ali (2013), Wang et

    al. (2013) and Etuk et al. (2013). For instance,

    Nimarla and Sundaram (2010) fitted a SARIMA(0, 1,

    1)x(0, 1, 1)12 model to monthly rainfall in Tamilnadu,

    India. Abdul-Aziz et al. (2013) examined rainfall data

    pattern in Ashanti region of Ghana and fitted a

    SARIMA(0, 0, 0)x(2, 1, 0)12 to it. Osarumwese (2013)

    modeled quarterly rainfall in Port Harcourt, Nigeria,

  • Etuk and Mohamed

    Time Series Analysis of Monthly Rainfall data for the Gadaref rainfall station, Sudan, by Sarima Methods


    as a SARIMA(0, 0, 0)x(2, 1, 0)4 model. Yusuf and

    Kane (2012) fitted the SARIMA models of orders (1,

    1, 2)x(1, 1, 1)12 and (4, 0, 2)x(1, 0, 1)12 respectively

    for monthly rainfall in Malaaca and Kuantan in

    Malaysia. Etuk et al (2013) modeled monthly rainfall

    in Port Harcourt, Nigeria as SARIMA(5, 1, 0)x(0, 1,


    Fig. 1: GASR


    2.1. Data

    For this study, a Gadaref rainfall gauge was

    considered and 480 monthly rainfall data was

    procured for the period from 1971 to 2010. Wei

    (1990) states that a minimum number of 50

    observations are needed to build reasonable

    autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA)

    model. The monthly rainfall records for Gadaref

    station show most of the rain falls in the period from

    June to September, and reaches its peak in August.

    The maximum intensity of rain is in the range of 100

    150 mm/h usually in the form of convective showers and thunderstorms of short duration, small aerial

    extent and high intensity.

    2.2. Modelling by Sarima Methods

    A stationary time series {Xt} is said to follow an

    autoregressive moving average model of orders p and

    q, denoted by ARMA(p, q) if it satisfies the difference


    Xt - 1Xt-1 - 2Xt-2 - - pXt-p = t + 1t-1 + 2t-2 +

    qt-q (1)

    Here the sequence of random variables {t} is a

    white noise process. Moreover the s and the s are constants such that the model is both stationary and

    invertible. Model (1) may be written as

    A(L)Xt = B(L)t (2) where A(L) is called the autoregressive (AR)

    operator and given by A(L) = 1 - 1L - 2L2 - -

    pLp and B(L) is called the moving average (MA)

    operator and defined as B(L) = 1 + 1L + 2L2 + +

    qLq. Here L is the backshift operator defined by L


    = Xt-k. For stationarity, the zeros of A(L) = 0 must lie

    outside the unit circle. Similarly, for invertibility, the

    zeros of B(L) = 0 must lie outside the unit circle.

    If the time series {Xt} is non-stationary as is often

    the case, Box and Jenkins (1976) made a proposal that

    differencing to an appropriate degree could make the

    series to be stationary. If the minimum degree to

    which the series is differenced to attain stationarity is

    d then if the diferenced series denoted by {dXt} satisfies (1), the original series is said to follow an

    autoregressive integrated moving average model or

    orders p, d and q and designated ARIMA(p, d, q).

    Here the difference operator = 1 L. Seasonality shall be tested by the Augmented Dickey Fuller

    (ADF) test.

    If the series {Xt} is seasonal of period s, Box and

    Jenkins (1976) further proposed that it could be

    modeled as

  • International Journal of Scientific Research in Knowledge, 2(7), pp. 320-327, 2014


    A(L)(Ls)dDsXt = B(L)(Ls)t (3)

    where (L) and (L) are called the seasonal AR and MA operators respectively. Suppose they are

    respectively polynomials of order P and Q in L, and

    the coefficients are such that the model (3) is both

    stationary and invertible, the time series {Xt} is said

    to follow a seasonal autoregressive integrated moving

    average of orders p, d, q, P, D, Q and s designated

    SARIMA(p, d, q)x(P, D, Q)s model. The operator s

    is the seasonal difference operator defined by s = 1 L

    s and D is the seasonal differencing order.

    Fig. 2: Correlogram of Gasr

    The fitting of the model (3) begins with order

    determination. The seasonality period s may be

    obvious from the nature or time-plot of the series. For

    instance as mentioned in section 1, rainfall is a

    seasonal time series with s = 12 months. If s is not that

    obvious from the time plot the autocorrelation

    function (ACF) could reveal the value of s, as the lag

    where the function is significant. The differencing

    operators d and D are often chosen to be at most equal

    to 1 each. The nonseasonal and seasonal AR orders p

    and P are estimated by the nonseasonal and the

    seasonal cut-off lags of the partial autocorrelation

    function (PACF) respectively. Similarly the

    nonseasonal and the seasonal MA orders q and Q are

    estimated respectively by the nonseasonal and

    seasonal cut-off points of the ACF.

    Once the orders have been determined model

    fitting invariably involves the application of non-

    linear optimization techniques like the least squares

    procedure or the maximum likelihood procedure. A

    fitted model must be subjected to some residual

    analysis to ascertain its goodness-of-fit to the data. In

    this work the statistical and econometric software

    Eviews was used for all analytical work.

  • Etuk and Mohamed

    Time Series Analysis of Monthly Rainfall data for the Gadaref rainfall station, Sudan, by Sarima Methods


    Fig. 3: SDGASR

    Table 1: Estimation Of The Sarima(0, 0, 0)X(0, 1, 1)12 Model


    The time-plot of the realization which we call GASR

    in Figure 1 shows as expected seasonality of period 12

    months. Compared to Port Harcourt which lies in the

    rainfall belt where rainfall falls virtually every month

    of the year (see for example, Etuk et al (2013)), the

    rainfall in Gadaref is such that long seasons of

    drought separate seasons of rainfall. The ADF test

    adjudges GASR as stationary. However the ACF in

    Figure 2 of GASR shows clearly that the stationarity

    hypothesis cannot be true. The ACF exhibits

    oscillatory movements of period 12 months. This

    shows that GASR cannot be stationary but seasonal of

    period 12. The ACF is oscillatory of period 12, an

    indication of non-stationarity. A seasonal

    differencing yields SDGASR which exhibits a

    horizontal secular trend as evident in Figure 3. Both

    the ADF test and the ACF in Figure 4 show that

    SDGASR is stationarity. Moreover the ACF shows

    up seasonality of order 12 and the existence of a

    seasonal MA component of order 1. The PACF shows

  • International Journal of Scientific Research in Knowledge, 2(7), pp. 320-327, 2014


    evidence of the involvement of a seasonal AR

    component of order 2. Based on this autocorrelation

    structure three models are proposed and fitted:

    1) A SARIMA(0, 0, 0)x(0, 1, 1)12 model estimated in Table 1 by

    SDGASRt = -0.8856 t-12 + t (4)

    2) A SARIMA(0, 0, 1)x(0, 1, 1)12 model estimated in Table 2 by

    SDGASRt = -0.4303t-1 0.8798t-12 + 0.04344t-13 +

    t (5)

    3) A SARIMA(0, 0, 1)x(2, 1, 1)12 model estimated in Table 3 by

    SDGASRt + 0.1339SDGASRt-12 + 0.1652SDGASRt-24

    = t 0.0706t-1 0.7579t-12 + 0.0788t-13 (6)

    R2 for models (4), (5) and (6) are 46.62%, 46.59% and

    40.31% respectively. This means that model (4)

    accounts the data the most. Also, of the three models,

    (4) has the lowest Akaike Information Criterion

    (AIC). The correlogram of its residuals in Figure 5

    shows that the residuals are uncorrelated. Hence the

    model is adequate. Model (4) is MA model whereby

    the current value of SDGASR depends on the

    unobserved current value and the 12-month earlier

    values of the white noise or random shocks.


    It may be concluded that the monthly rainfall in

    Gadaref, Sudan follows a SARIMA(0, 0, 0)x(0, 0, 1)12

    model. It may be used as the basis for forecasting,

    planning and management of the rainfall in this


    Table 2: The Estimation Of Sarima(0, 0, 1)X(0, 1, 1)12 Model

  • Etuk and Mohamed

    Time Series Analysis of Monthly Rainfall data for the Gadaref rainfall station, Sudan, by Sarima Methods


    Fig. 4: Correlogram of Sdgasr

    Table 3: The Estimation Of Sarima(0, 0, 1)X(2, 1, 1)12 Model


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    Fig. 5: Correlogram Of Sarima(0, 0, 0)X(0, 1, 1) Residuals

  • Etuk and Mohamed

    Time Series Analysis of Monthly Rainfall data for the Gadaref rainfall station, Sudan, by Sarima Methods


    Dr Ette Harrison Etuk is an Associate Professor of Statistics in the Department of

    Mathematics/Computer Science, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt,

    Nigeria. He has produced many graduates in both undergraduate and graduate levels in his many

    years of experience in University teaching and administration. He has published extensively in

    reputable journals. His research interests are in the areas of Time Series Analysis, Operations

    Research and Experimental Designs.

    Tariq Mahgoub Mohamed was born on January 1, 1975. He is a Sudanese by nationality. He has B.

    Sc. Degree in Water Resources Engineering from the University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan in

    1998, M. Sc. Degree in Water Resources Engineering from the same University in 2005. Currently

    he is doing his Ph. D. in Civil Engineering Hydrology in Sudan University of Science and Technology, Sudan.