time saved! bristol - hoohoo.org 1902.pdf · g the bulletin: a monthly journal devoted to...

16 THE BULLETIN : A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO-HOO. WANTZD-By an experienced yellow pino lumberman, poiiuon a buyer or Inspector. Oood refarance,. Addre, No. 694, care J. N. Baird, Scrlvenoter, NaJihyille, Teno. WANTED-BuMIneu connecUon, by thoroughly compotenL luin- bermati. cxperlcnced tu bOLti IiaMwood and yellow pino ; pofor the alter. Can handle correepondenco, nd aro fair accountant. Know the trade thoroughly. Addroee Lumberman," ckre of J. H. Baird, Naiibvllle, Tenn. . WANTKD-Permanont pockton ne lumber .utenogrn)her nild otfleo aielethnt. Hayo had experience. Cnn give entire eatiefection and furnish best of roferencea. Permanent placa with good flim liret coneldeniilon. Will work n'aconable to begin with. Addreee No. 5748, caro J. H. Baird, Nacliville, Tenu. WANTED-Poeltion to buy long.Ioaf or eliort.leaf pino In the Vir- gnlas or Caroilnac. Can get anything from hieb up to 12x ¡2. and iii any length. I know the mille. Mdreiuu No.7798, care J. li. Baird, Naiihvliie, Teijn. WANTED.-ioeIIIon ¡u lumber buyer. Am acquaInted willi milis iii Georgia, Florida and Ainbarna. Tirnrougbiy coilipetent. (mod references. Address, ' Georgia," caro J. li. Baird, Scrivonotor, Nash- vilia, Tono. WANTED-Posit Ion as omce man with umber concorn. (mood ac- countillit, und can handie correspondriica. Famiiiar with tue (um- ber busijiespi. 000d roforouces. Address C E P., care J, li. iialrd Nashviiie, Tenu. WANTED.-.A firat.-oiaae experienced eaw miii Ra(eemnn, one fa- miliar with Southern trade, and capabis of making estimates and miii piana. Address BIN, caro J. H. Ilaird, Nerivenotor, Nashville, Teon. WANTED.-Ono or two machine mon, aleo a shipping clerk for planing mlii. In the machine men, wo need betid and acroil sawyers, pinner man, und molder man. Buch Plauiing Mili Company, Diiiias, Tosas. WANTED.-A man capisi,ioof diilng voeition as traveling repro- esutativo and salesman for iii, Arkansas foundry and mauhine corn- pany manufacturing saw miii and othermachinery. Must be iip.to date and comprtrn' io ((gura on contract work of ail kinds ; can also (iiIe,i,iflbiiiatluii Inni niJ i.re tn,,uider. Oood obi, for both men if right soit of men. Aaarea4 No. 84(15, care J. li. Baird, Scrienoter, Nashville, Taon. WANTED.-A shingle flier, one who understands the Chaflanar double block machine; not a planer man. L. U. Niohois k Son, Piaqusinine, La WANTED-Position as buyertorsomogood iumhorconcorn. Am weil acqil .luitetl with miii tiion in Virginia and North Carolina. Cao give tue bpst of references. Address, " Wasiiingtoii," caro J. B. Baird, NaNlivliie, Tonti. WANTED-PositIon as buyer for gond drin. Acquaintod with pmcticaily ali the mili mon throughout Sortit Carolina and Virginia. huye iuul fourteen years' Pxperlunoo In the lumber business. Ad- dress, J. A. 'J'., curo .1. II. BaIrd, Nashville, Tenti. WANTE1)-iiy an experienced raidi lumberman, a po.dtion as lnanngnrof n reinil yard, Hace lind eleven years' experience. Can glv,t be4 of rofuronoes. Address, L.oek flux, 138, Cartitugo, Mo. WANTED.-P.,allion ne hardwood lumber inspector; have large acquaintance in Arkansas ; ton years' esporleitco ; can furnish best of references. Addrees No. 6(54 care J. lt. Baird. Nashville, Teno. WANTEI).-l'oaillon ail iravelltipresietunait ; satisfactory refcranrns furnished. No choIce of territory. H. H. 2016, care J, H. laird, Nash. ville. Tetto. WANTKD.-i'osittlon as pinning mlii foreman. Huye hnd2&ycnre' eXporience,and cao give basto? reference, Address W. E. Esst, Mag- noua, MIss. WANTEI).-Youiig or titidtilt, age matt experienced for ehlpplitg department in fitetory doing spediti utili work. Must be R ittietier. Address P O. min. Kslemnzoo, Mich. WANTED.-i'o,tition st. buyer or t4outitorn mnnngorforgood tim- berootttpany, Havoit,n yaars'aciivoazperlenceon the rond buying n,id sailittg for coastwiiio atid weetorn markets. Would not oi,jeet to going Wast. (liit-edp.o reference furnished If wanted. Address tino-fino, care .1. II. iiaird, Nashville, Tenn. WANTKD.-I'oeition na itimbor salesman or buyer. Have lied i2 years' experienco. Cisti fttrntsit best of references. Address R." tart. J. I-i, Baird, Serivenoier, Nashville, WANTED.-t'ositlon nit bookkeeper or timec, mto, or would accept position in any capiicii.y requiring energy nndclear Judgment. (lavo liad I5ycars'axperlenee iii sniee ittid ptlrchuuiittg departmettts, retail yard and wholesale ornee. Atti well acquainted with iioutharn mill tcrrltory and manuoturara. GOOd referaitcen. Address " Frater- tinily." care 1. H. Baird, Ntutitviile, Tetiti. WANTED.-An experiattced business man speaking Spanish Frouait and English desires the agency in Cuba for some woli minh- lished American manufacturer or business house. Can urniah boat 4: i.. & y. ii. F., No. said, Iìox su, ans1ago de Cuba.W.I. . DUES! DUES: ma 'eeoond notice" of durit bio, been tiiIled. The annual meet- lag In rapidly drnwhig oli. and we ara Sasinu. to ales. upon the matterof due.. Ever, sann who ha. net stratuS. pid .p Is urged to esuid it, hI remittaneo promptly. Toni ptxaaual chock wIll bi all right. Do not send s dollar bill witheut a word and wIthout giving your name or number. Take time to wilt. your name end address legibly. Great Opportunities for Homes in Texas. The country traversed by the International & Great Northern Railroad, embracing the greater portion of East, South and Southwest Texas, con- tains thousands of acres of fertile lands especially adapted to general fartniog, stock-raising, rice, tobacco, fruit and grape culture, trucking, nun- ing and lumber manufacturing, that can be purchased at low rates and on cxcccdingly liberal terms. The Illustrator and General Narrator. a handsoitiely illustrated iliagazine, published by the I. & G. N. R. R, each number of which con- tains general and specific itufortnation regarding sottie county or section in the I. & G. N. country, Sent Free to any address on receipt of 25e to cover a year's postage or 2e for sample copy. Address, D. i. PRICE, G. P. & T. A., Palestine, Texas. PLEASE MENTION TNIS PAPER, TIME SAVED! 'l'ravel Via BRISTOL AND THE Norfolk and Western R. R Solid VetIbuIed Train MEMPHIS and CHATTANOOGA Washington ViA LVNHBURO VIROINÌA. Pullman Sleepers from Memphie via Grand Junction, Corinth, Deoatur, Hunt.- yule-and New Orlean. via M.- ridlan. Akron, BirmIn- ham, Ataila, To Washington. Philadelphia, Salti- mor., New York. The Short Line To Virginia Citi... Dining Car.. QUICK TIME T ALL POINTS EAST, Via BrI8tol and Shenandoah Valley. Ail lnform*tlon Cheerfully furniehed. Sleep- ing Car rocervatlon mad.. WASSIN L. Roas, D. C. Noyais, W. S. B.vILL, Western Passenger Agent. Passenger Agent, Genl Passeuger Age., Chattanooga, Tena. Knoxville, Tena. Roaaoke, Va. Vor,. VI. NASHVILLE, TENN., JULY, 1902. No. 81. --.- J. R. B11RD Scrivenoter, Editor. Aiabama_fNortherfl Dlstrlct)...joe H. Bortlggs, care Moore k Hand ley Hardware Co. Itirnulogitatit, Ala. Alabama ( Southern istrlct )-ff. F. Wyly, N. & W. R. R., Mobile, Published Monthly by the Concainns Order of Roo-flo, at Nash. Aia. Arkftnas_(Nortiietnt-rn Dletrict)-Fmok Wrapa, Paragoulil, Ark. Arksnsss...,(We«inrn Dietriet)..4as Briasoijirn. Ft. Mmliii. Ark. I t fllstrlett-ij. O. Cedy. l'itio lllttfl Ark. Csilfortii*_%. W. Keoreti, Caiifonin St., Stin Francisco, Cal. TERMS TO MEMBERS: CoioretIo_C. E. Buhlii, caro Hailek A Ht,wnt'tj Lumberco., Denver. ;..i ;:1Ce::..:51 SlngieCoples :!i: Flturit(a_( Eastern Dlstriat)_If, 11. Rleliar,l,joi, Jackeonvllle, Fis. UoHeo, r.tu £ Nfne, and aUoiherpubuf are Ooorgi(S fli.trict)-j. ¡,ae EnsIgn, Wortlt, Un. lmorltIs_(\Voaterfl fllstrict)....V, H. Wrlglui, Pentotcola, Fia. w'uaWhoa a unaUfo Oenrgia_(Nortl0 Dletrlct)C. A. Cowl,., Rt1tt ittuitlo D'i 'd'g., At- Geitrgla-...(Sotitt500 Districi4_ George V. Denoy, Snvtutttaui, (lii, -:--- nota. Ott. flhlnols_(Northero Dltrlct)-fl, F. Cobb, Cuttoo iiig., Citiruigo, IiI. .-.-------.---------------..--.-----.-.---.--------------------------------.---------.-------- NABHVILt.E,TENN.,T(JrYI5S (iilnoia_(ioutltern Dlatrintt....i; (1, (burke, Pcthrel,Ii'g, Ill. ltitiisnn_CNortharfl fllstrlct)_C. (J. Powell, Sotitit (tond, (titi. lntiinnß_..(Sn(ithorn Distrlct)_D. li. (tincLnratt, curo John ¡taita & Sons, Evansville, Intl. liitlla,i TerrIt-,_O, (i. Rice Dutrent. I. T. tiwa_lNortiiero ()lstrict)_j. V, Scott, Davenport, Iowa. Town_Sotitliern District-j !ifoo1oi, Dea Moines, In. lCSttSilJt-_(Enatarn Dlstrlet....çj0o, Hodges, Oltitho, Kan. Keatuoky....{Eas(ern Distrlct)-I(ugii05 Moore, Louisville, Ky. KeIttucky_(Wastarti District(-C, if. Siterrili, l'adulj, Uy. Lttulaltlos_(Northorn Distrlot)-E, W. A ttderson, Monror, I.:.. Louisliinis_( Botitliorn Dlstriot)_E. A. Doneeiiy, Bennett illtig., New The House of Ancients. . Orleans. !ar,1tI!id..r. II. Wetson. B. A. JOHNSOII Chsoseo HI, w. . BABES, St. Lout., o. z. z. DETEBAUGH, Chisago, Iii. L R. REXENWAY, Colorado Spring,, Col, A, A. WRfl, Kings. Citi, Mo. II. A. OLADDio, Indinspolls, md. CEO. W. LOOK, Wsstlako, La. WI!, 3, STILLWELL, Savsnna, O.. The Supreme Nine. Sann oftbe Univ.ra--A. L WELS, Lintol, Mob. Senior Boa-Mao-W. R. NORRIS, Moneten, Teza.. ¡unlor Roe-Roo- OEORO B. MAEOLT, Zsns&u City, Ko. . Bsjnm-, B. DITKZ, Norfolk, Va. SOrhenoter-;. R. BAIRD, Naibvn,, Tena. ¡abberwook-T. E. OLAPFEy, 8eattlo, Wash. OustoosUafl.-B, B. NEAL, Savannah, O.. AroInopor-O. R. STANTON. Buffalo, W. T. Gardon-O. P. BRA?PTT, Chicago. Ill. Th Vicageron. The following are the Vicegerentg of Uoo-}Ioo, to whom all inquine. touching Concatenations should be addressed. Tbe.e men are appointod to look after the intert of the Ortlo, in their reapeetivo errito.. To this end, everything affectjiu be interea±.g of the Ordershould be repnrt to them,ond they ehould have the hearty support and co-operajon of every member: k,,, .tuerLyusqttnre:Bo5(o1 Masa. Mezleo-j. E. Meglnn, Apartaslogil, City of Mexico, Moxien. MInnO5oin_(p,utlio Diatrict)_..H. H. Colilits, Lumber Excltat,gt, iì'i'd'g, Minneapolle. Mino. Miseiaslppl_(Sotuthorn Dhittrlct)-fl. M, Rawlina, Moos Point, Misa, Miselaali,pi_1 Northern Distrlcti....K A. 11111, Vlksburt, Mies. Miesourl_fEtestern biotriet)_O, lt. Watson, ¡.lncoln '('rust (hug, 141 Louis, Mo. OtIOCOUrI_twesinrit Distriet)S, Ray Oliver, Battit Buiidlng, katit,a City, Mo. .. .. It. Yeagr,9iO Elk St., BuUflio, i.T. Msnp Mnyylflc, Y. u. Dltttrtct)_ôwen 'r. Jonks, Perry Payne Bldg., Cievo. Diatrlct)__.y, H. foppe., img Goat St., Clnelntall, or7-W C. Mcquno Perry, o. r. A. Coolbatigli, 1211 FIlbert SL J. Si&t-ou, Fails Creek, Pa. ila,S. C, rumor, Citnttan.,.., Tanti. Ici lofluttid, NashvIlle, Tenn, L4!i!, Memphis, Teno. ---..-'-,-.-.., ..,., t.tricLl-.J (h, Bonner, Houatoo, Taxas. Virginla_ F. Do Bordenava, Norfolk, Va. WashIng,,n....Easinrn Di.trjei)..p, 'r. Contltie, Spoknne, Waslt. Washingn...(Woso Dl.trltut)-V. H. fleckuttteo, Seattle, Was., Weit Vlrglnia_, tringer ihoggesa, Ciarksburg, W. Va. 'meonsia....j. j. WillIams, Pais,t Bldg., Ì'iilwnukoe Wis. The following in succinct oluapo is thu division of the fluo- Roo territory untier tim nuporvjsio of lito memhey of titi. Supreme Nine as diseugoed and acted upon t tite Nnefnç n. flUa! 2ccting. -na ofiuciaiiy promulgated in n lattr from the Snnrk's office dated November 1 I: Jurisdiction w0. 1-Under the Supervision of tue Snsrk or thoUni. Verse, includes tito %'leagoranoles in the following Territories: Nebraska, Colorado, North Diikoin, iottth Dakota, Mlnncso ltepubiieof Mexico. 4tlrIs,Uotbe, No. $-Uitder supervision of SenIor Hno.floo, Vicege. rencipi: Arkansas, Oklahoma TerrItory, IndIan Tsirilory, LOUlClalift, Texas. Jurisdiction No. 3-Under suporvisiot, of Junior HooEen. Virage. renales: Iowa, Mlesouri, Kansas. Jurisdiction No. 4-Uiuler supervisIon of Itojum. Viorgeronel VirgInIa, Went Virginia, North Carolina, Maryland. --. ----

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WANTZD-By an experienced yellow pino lumberman, poiiuon abuyer or Inspector. Oood refarance,. Addre, No. 694, care J. N.Baird, Scrlvenoter, NaJihyille, Teno.

WANTED-BuMIneu connecUon, by thoroughly compotenL luin-bermati. cxperlcnced tu bOLti IiaMwood and yellow pino ; pofor thealter. Can handle correepondenco, nd aro fair accountant. Knowthe trade thoroughly. Addroee Lumberman," ckre of J. H. Baird,Naiibvllle, Tenn. .

WANTKD-Permanont pockton ne lumber .utenogrn)her nild otfleoaielethnt. Hayo had experience. Cnn give entire eatiefection andfurnish best of roferencea. Permanent placa with good flim liretconeldeniilon. Will work n'aconable to begin with. Addreee No.5748, caro J. H. Baird, Nacliville, Tenu.

WANTED-Poeltion to buy long.Ioaf or eliort.leaf pino In the Vir-gnlas or Caroilnac. Can get anything from hieb up to 12x ¡2. and iiiany length. I know the mille. Mdreiuu No.7798, care J. li. Baird,Naiihvliie, Teijn.

WANTED.-ioeIIIon ¡u lumber buyer. Am acquaInted willi milisiii Georgia, Florida and Ainbarna. Tirnrougbiy coilipetent. (modreferences. Address, ' Georgia," caro J. li. Baird, Scrivonotor, Nash-vilia, Tono.

WANTED-Posit Ion as omce man with umber concorn. (mood ac-countillit, und can handie correspondriica. Famiiiar with tue (um-ber busijiespi. 000d roforouces. Address C E P., care J, li. iialrdNashviiie, Tenu.

WANTED.-.A firat.-oiaae experienced eaw miii Ra(eemnn, one fa-miliar with Southern trade, and capabis of making estimates andmiii piana. Address BIN, caro J. H. Ilaird, Nerivenotor, Nashville,Teon.

WANTED.-Ono or two machine mon, aleo a shipping clerk forplaning mlii. In the machine men, wo need betid and acroil sawyers,pinner man, und molder man. Buch Plauiing Mili Company, Diiiias,Tosas.

WANTED.-A man capisi,ioof diilng voeition as traveling repro-esutativo and salesman for iii, Arkansas foundry and mauhine corn-pany manufacturing saw miii and othermachinery. Must be iip.todate and comprtrn' io ((gura on contract work of ail kinds ; can also(iiIe,i,iflbiiiatluii Inni niJ i.re tn,,uider. Oood obi, for both menif right soit of men. Aaarea4 No. 84(15, care J. li. Baird, Scrienoter,Nashville, Taon.

WANTED.-A shingle flier, one who understands the Chaflanardouble block machine; not a planer man. L. U. Niohois k Son,Piaqusinine, La

WANTED-Position as buyertorsomogood iumhorconcorn. Amweil acqil .luitetl with miii tiion in Virginia and North Carolina. Caogive tue bpst of references. Address, " Wasiiingtoii," caro J. B.Baird, NaNlivliie, Tonti.

WANTED-PositIon as buyer for gond drin. Acquaintod withpmcticaily ali the mili mon throughout Sortit Carolina and Virginia.huye iuul fourteen years' Pxperlunoo In the lumber business. Ad-dress, J. A. 'J'., curo .1. II. BaIrd, Nashville, Tenti.

WANTE1)-iiy an experienced raidi lumberman, a po.dtion aslnanngnrof n reinil yard, Hace lind eleven years' experience. Canglv,t be4 of rofuronoes. Address, L.oek flux, 138, Cartitugo, Mo.

WANTED.-P.,allion ne hardwood lumber inspector; have largeacquaintance in Arkansas ; ton years' esporleitco ; can furnish bestof references. Addrees No. 6(54 care J. lt. Baird. Nashville, Teno.

WANTEI).-l'oaillon ail iravelltipresietunait ; satisfactory refcranrnsfurnished. No choIce of territory. H. H. 2016, care J, H. laird, Nash.ville. Tetto.

WANTKD.-i'osittlon as pinning mlii foreman. Huye hnd2&ycnre'eXporience,and cao give basto? reference, Address W. E. Esst, Mag-noua, MIss.

WANTEI).-Youiig or titidtilt, age matt experienced for ehlpplitgdepartment in fitetory doing spediti utili work. Must be R ittietier.Address P O. min. Kslemnzoo, Mich.

WANTED.-i'o,tition st. buyer or t4outitorn mnnngorforgood tim-berootttpany, Havoit,n yaars'aciivoazperlenceon the rond buyingn,id sailittg for coastwiiio atid weetorn markets. Would not oi,jeet togoing Wast. (liit-edp.o reference furnished If wanted. Addresstino-fino, care .1. II. iiaird, Nashville, Tenn.

WANTKD.-I'oeition na itimbor salesman or buyer. Have lied i2years' experienco. Cisti fttrntsit best of references. Address R."tart. J. I-i, Baird, Serivenoier, Nashville,

WANTED.-t'ositlon nit bookkeeper or timec, mto, or would acceptposition in any capiicii.y requiring energy nndclear Judgment. (lavoliad I5ycars'axperlenee iii sniee ittid ptlrchuuiittg departmettts, retailyard and wholesale ornee. Atti well acquainted with iioutharn milltcrrltory and manuoturara. GOOd referaitcen. Address " Frater-tinily." care 1. H. Baird, Ntutitviile, Tetiti.

WANTED.-An experiattced business man speaking SpanishFrouait and English desires the agency in Cuba for some woli minh-lished American manufacturer or business house. Can urniah boat4: i.. & y. ii. F., No. said, Iìox su, ans1ago deCuba.W.I.

. DUES! DUES:ma 'eeoond notice" of durit bio, been tiiIled. The annual meet-

lag In rapidly drnwhig oli. and we ara Sasinu. to ales. upon thematterof due.. Ever, sann who ha. net stratuS. pid .p Is urged toesuid it, hI remittaneo promptly. Toni ptxaaual chock wIll bi allright. Do not send s dollar bill witheut a word and wIthout givingyour name or number. Take time to wilt. your name end addresslegibly.

Great Opportunities for Homesin Texas.

The country traversed by the International &Great Northern Railroad, embracing the greaterportion of East, South and Southwest Texas, con-tains thousands of acres of fertile lands especiallyadapted to general fartniog, stock-raising, rice,tobacco, fruit and grape culture, trucking, nun-ing and lumber manufacturing, that can bepurchased at low rates and on cxcccdingly liberalterms.

The Illustrator and GeneralNarrator.

a handsoitiely illustrated iliagazine, published bythe I. & G. N. R. R, each number of which con-tains general and specific itufortnation regardingsottie county or section in the I. & G. N. country,

Sent Freeto any address on receipt of 25e to cover a year'spostage or 2e for sample copy.


D. i. PRICE, G. P. & T. A.,

Palestine, Texas.


TIME SAVED!'l'ravel Via


Norfolk and Western R. RSolid VetIbuIed Train



Pullman Sleepers from Memphie via GrandJunction, Corinth, Deoatur, Hunt.-

yule-and New Orlean. via M.-ridlan. Akron, BirmIn-

ham, Ataila,To Washington. Philadelphia, Salti-

mor., New York.The Short Line To Virginia

Citi... Dining Car..

QUICK TIME T ALL POINTS EAST,Via BrI8tol and Shenandoah Valley.

Ail lnform*tlon Cheerfully furniehed. Sleep-ing Car rocervatlon mad..

WASSIN L.Roas, D. C. Noyais, W. S. B.vILL,Western Passenger Agent. Passenger Agent, Genl Passeuger Age.,

Chattanooga, Tena. Knoxville, Tena. Roaaoke, Va.


No. 81.--.-J. R. B11RD Scrivenoter, Editor. Aiabama_fNortherfl Dlstrlct)...joe

H. Bortlggs, care Moore k Handley Hardware Co. Itirnulogitatit, Ala.Alabama ( Southern istrlct )-ff. F. Wyly, N. & W. R. R., Mobile,Published Monthly by the Concainns Order of Roo-flo, at Nash.

Aia.Arkftnas_(Nortiietnt-rn Dletrict)-Fmok Wrapa, Paragoulil, Ark.Arksnsss...,(We«inrn Dietriet)..4as Briasoijirn. Ft. Mmliii. Ark.

I t

fllstrlett-ij. O. Cedy. l'itio lllttfl Ark.Csilfortii*_%. W. Keoreti, Caiifonin St., Stin Francisco, Cal.TERMS TO MEMBERS:

CoioretIo_C. E. Buhlii, caro Hailek A Ht,wnt'tj Lumberco., Denver.;..i ;:1Ce::..:51 SlngieCoples :!i: Flturit(a_( Eastern Dlstriat)_If, 11. Rleliar,l,joi, Jackeonvllle, Fis.UoHeo, r.tu £ Nfne, and aUoiherpubuf are Ooorgi(Sfli.trict)-j. ¡,ae EnsIgn, Wortlt, Un.

lmorltIs_(\Voaterfl fllstrict)....V, H. Wrlglui, Pentotcola, Fia.w'uaWhoa a unaUfoOenrgia_(Nortl0

Dletrlct)C. A. Cowl,., Rt1tt ittuitlo D'i 'd'g., At-

Geitrgla-...(Sotitt500Districi4_ George V. Denoy, Snvtutttaui, (lii,

-:--- nota. Ott.flhlnols_(Northero Dltrlct)-fl, F. Cobb, Cuttoo iiig., Citiruigo, IiI..-.-------.---------------..--.-----.-.---.--------------------------------.---------.--------


(iilnoia_(ioutltern Dlatrintt....i; (1, (burke, Pcthrel,Ii'g, Ill.ltitiisnn_CNortharfl fllstrlct)_C. (J. Powell, Sotitit (tond, (titi.lntiinnß_..(Sn(ithorn Distrlct)_D. li. (tincLnratt, curo John ¡taita &Sons, Evansville, Intl.liitlla,i TerrIt-,_O, (i. Rice Dutrent. I. T.tiwa_lNortiiero ()lstrict)_j. V, Scott, Davenport, Iowa.Town_Sotitliern District-j !ifoo1oi, Dea Moines, In.lCSttSilJt-_(Enatarn Dlstrlet....çj0o, Hodges, Oltitho, Kan.Keatuoky....{Eas(ern Distrlct)-I(ugii05 Moore, Louisville, Ky.KeIttucky_(Wastarti District(-C, if. Siterrili, l'adulj, Uy.Lttulaltlos_(Northorn Distrlot)-E, W. A ttderson, Monror, I.:..Louisliinis_( Botitliorn Dlstriot)_E. A. Doneeiiy, Bennett illtig., New

The House of Ancients. . Orleans.!ar,1tI!id..r. II. Wetson.

B. A. JOHNSOII Chsoseo HI,w. . BABES, St. Lout., o.z. z. DETEBAUGH, Chisago, Iii.L R. REXENWAY, Colorado Spring,, Col,A, A. WRfl, Kings. Citi, Mo.II. A. OLADDio, Indinspolls, md.CEO. W. LOOK, Wsstlako, La.WI!, 3, STILLWELL, Savsnna, O..

The Supreme Nine.

Sann oftbe Univ.ra--A.L WELS, Lintol, Mob.Senior Boa-Mao-W. R. NORRIS, Moneten, Teza..¡unlor Roe-Roo- OEORO B. MAEOLT, Zsns&u City, Ko..Bsjnm-, B. DITKZ, Norfolk, Va.SOrhenoter-;. R. BAIRD, Naibvn,, Tena.¡abberwook-T. E. OLAPFEy, 8eattlo, Wash.OustoosUafl.-B, B. NEAL, Savannah, O..AroInopor-O. R. STANTON.

Buffalo, W. T.Gardon-O. P. BRA?PTT, Chicago. Ill.

Th Vicageron.The following are the Vicegerentg

of Uoo-}Ioo, to whom allinquine. touching Concatenationsshould be addressed. Tbe.e

men are appointod to look after the intert of the Ortlo, intheir reapeetivo errito.. To this end, everything affectjiube interea±.g of the Ordershould be repnrt to them,ond theyehould have the hearty support and co-operajon of everymember:

k,,, .tuerLyusqttnre:Bo5(o1 Masa.Mezleo-j. E. Meglnn, Apartaslogil, City of Mexico, Moxien.MInnO5oin_(p,utlioDiatrict)_..H. H. Colilits, Lumber Excltat,gt,iì'i'd'g, Minneapolle. Mino.

Miseiaslppl_(Sotuthorn Dhittrlct)-fl. M, Rawlina, Moos Point, Misa,Miselaali,pi_1 Northern Distrlcti....K A. 11111, Vlksburt, Mies.Miesourl_fEtestern biotriet)_O, lt. Watson, ¡.lncoln '('rust (hug, 141Louis, Mo.OtIOCOUrI_twesinrit Distriet)S, Ray Oliver, Battit Buiidlng, katit,aCity, Mo.

.. .. It. Yeagr,9iO Elk St., BuUflio,i.T. Msnp Mnyylflc, Y. u.Dltttrtct)_ôwen 'r. Jonks, Perry Payne Bldg., Cievo.Diatrlct)__.y, H. foppe., img Goat St., Clnelntall,or7-W C. Mcquno Perry, o. r.

A. Coolbatigli, 1211 FIlbert SL

J. Si&t-ou, Fails Creek, Pa.ila,S. C,rumor, Citnttan.,.., Tanti.Ici lofluttid, NashvIlle, Tenn,L4!i!, Memphis, Teno.

---..-'-,-.-.., ..,., t.tricLl-.J (h, Bonner, Houatoo, Taxas.Virginla_ F. Do Bordenava, Norfolk, Va.WashIng,,n....Easinrn Di.trjei)..p, 'r. Contltie, Spoknne, Waslt.Washingn...(Woso Dl.trltut)-V.

H. fleckuttteo, Seattle, Was.,Weit Vlrglnia_, tringer ihoggesa, Ciarksburg, W. Va.'meonsia....j. j. WillIams, Pais,t Bldg., Ì'iilwnukoe Wis.

The following in succinct oluapo is thu division of the fluo-Roo territory untier tim nuporvjsio of lito memhey of titi.Supreme Nine as diseugoed and acted upon t tite Nnefnç n.flUa! 2ccting. -na ofiuciaiiy promulgated in n lattr fromthe Snnrk's office dated November 1 I:Jurisdiction w0. 1-Under the Supervision of tue Snsrk or thoUni.Verse, includes tito %'leagoranoles in the following Territories:Nebraska, Colorado, North Diikoin, iottth Dakota, Mlnncsoltepubiieof Mexico.4tlrIs,Uotbe, No. $-Uitder supervision of SenIor Hno.floo, Vicege.rencipi: Arkansas, Oklahoma TerrItory, IndIan Tsirilory,LOUlClalift, Texas.Jurisdiction No. 3-Under suporvisiot, of Junior HooEen. Virage.renales: Iowa, Mlesouri, Kansas.Jurisdiction No. 4-Uiuler supervisIon of Itojum. ViorgeronelVirgInIa, Went Virginia, North Carolina, Maryland.

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JurI,dIctton Nu. 5-UndarfiUporvlIon of criveIIotor. VIcogorencIojAlilbumu. Kentucky Tennee, MfKIpp.JurIdctlon No. 6-Under upervliiIon of Jabborwock. Vicogoron.oon: Coilfornia, Oregon, Washington.JurtidIcIton No. 7.-Undor wporvt.ilon of Cuitocutlon. Vicegeron.oIo: FIorld, GoorgIa,$outt CaroUbe.JurhdlrtIon No. -Underceporvlon of Arcanoper. Vlcegeronejeg:Now York, PoflNyIvat1I0, Mnoeachunetta, Otilo,Jurlidlejien No. 0-Under NupervIslon of Gordon, VIcegorencIfIllinois, Indiana, Mtclilgen, Wl000nln.

Statidhig Committees.In accordance aløo with the discussion lind at the Norfolk

annual meoting, tue following standing committees, consistIngof the members of the Supreme Nine, hasbeen appointed:OoMMErrggoN EXTENS!ON OP HOO.H000NTljpAcIyjoAßT

AND IN TIlE MOUNTAIN STATaS-T. H. ClaIl'oy, Jabberwockchairman, with all the Vlcegerent8 west of the 105th degree ollongitude, including tite Vicegerent of Colondo.

COMMITFEI ON EXTENOION OP Hoo.fj is Tua SOUTUERNSTATICS-fl. B. Na1, Cuetocatian, chairman,Willi all tito Vice.gerente HOittli of the Ohio, Potomac and Mlsourj Rivers, andeast of tite 105th degree of longitude.

COMMITgg ON EXTgNRION o Roo-Roo is TRa CewraALSTATES-C. F. Braffett. Gordon, chairman, with all the Vice-gerente north of the Ohio, Potomac and Miosouri Rivers, andeast of the 105th degree of longitude, and west of the 80fb do.grue of longitude.COMMITIICg ON EXTaNOION OP Hoo.Hoo to TRE EASTEIINSTATKN-C. il. Stanton, Arcanoper. chairman, with all titeVlcogeren north of the Ohio and Potomac Eivers,and east ofthe 80th degree of longitude.COMOII'rTfK ON CoMpt.AINTO-Seflior ILoo.lJøo-V H. Norris,Ohairinien, Bojum-J. E. Duko. Junior Hoo.iIoo-Gecirge B.Maegiey.The Smirk and Scrivenofer are ex-offlcio members of ailcommittees.

Plie Elovotitit fleo-Hoto Attijital;

At tite lirecey OIt on the Great Lake. Arreiien,.n,, l'racil-eauly All Made. Hotel Itittol and Aeoann,,,,,IetIonp.

II,,teI l'fiNter Otnile IIeadquert,,Ilo.

Nerve Your Itoo.no

From Milwaukee cornea the pleasing announcement thatarrangement8 for the eleventh Annual Meeting of the Con.catnnated Order of Hoo.Hoo are pracUcaliy complete. 'MII-wankee la used to making arrangemeoth for convenUons,and her lumbermen aro accustome4 to parUcipating in thefestivities. Milwaukee hag made heraclf famous for eutertalning the stranger within her gatee, end then invit.ing him baci: with so much curdiality that he comes andcomes again and ceases to be a stranger. This is her en-during tante. It rests in the hearts of the people whoknow her, and is no matter of beer troth and foam. Thobeer is there for those who want It, rivers of It; butthere are other things-all those other things that go tomake up ono of the finest young clUes of the West.

J. J. Williams, tho Vicogerent for Wisconsin, and Mi,Frank N. Such aro at the head of arrangements; but theyare backed up noi. only by the lumbermen of M1lwauke,but by those immenso sawmill machinery building concerna like the AllIs-Chalmers Company sod the Flier &Stoweil people and the railroads. The genersi committeesappointed are as below, while the subcommittees on mat-ters of detall will be named as the occasion demands,

Committee on Arreagement,Frack N. Sittoil, chairman, öz toan andTrust Building.A. L. Anneti, Curtis & Yale Company.E G. Clark, Wisconsin Central flallway,F. M. Snavely, Chicago and Northwostem Railwa'.w. E. Priostly'. 500 Greenbush a&esLGeorge P. Noble, Phuikinton Bank Building,F. T). Clinton, Wausau Lumbar and Coal Copany,

Ylnaiiee Committee.w. s. Johnson, chairman, 5. Loan and Trust Building.D. C. Fruser, Chain Belt Company.H. A. Coleman, Milwaukee ' Herald."C. H. Mueller, M. Hilty Lumber Company.M. C. Moore, Packages Publishing Company.o. j. Landeck, Page & Lancleck Lumber Company.Wilmer Sieg, president Citizens' Business League.The programme for the meeting has not yet been an'

flounced in full. The Oslririn Cloister has arranged forthe attendance of its members so as to hold its annuál busi.ness meeting on the 8th. The business sessions of theHoo.Hoo Annual will begin, as always, at 9:09 o'clock onthe morning of the 9th, and will probably be held almostContinuously until the business of the meeting le trans-acted in a businesslike way. These business sessions may.be completed by the evening of the 10th, and certainly bynoon of the 11th, when will follow the main events of aSocial and entertainment nature.

Railroad Rateo..

The Scrivenoter is hard at work with the various passen-ger assocIations In au effort to secure a low rate to theAnnual. At this wriung no definito action has been taken,but the matter will be pushed as rapidly as possible. Thereis no doubt that a low rata will be granted, though prob.ably not a one-fare rate, except from the territory contlg-uous to Milwaukee. The next issue of " The Bulletin " willContain full information as to railroad rates.

TIi. lintel Aeeotn,no,jatju,,.Somehow the impression got abroad that on account

of tIte State Fair being in progress there would not b hotelaccommodations for all who might attend the Annual.Nothing more absurd could be imagined. Milwaukee hasmore, larger, and better-appointed hotels than probablyany other commercial city of its sIze in the world. Lotsof people attend a State fair such as Wisconsin will holdthis fall, but a relatively small number of them " put up"at the big hotels, There will be no trouble on the scoreof hotels. Every man can take his pick of a half dozenplaces where be can get everything he wants and at noextravagant prices, aa the rates below will show. OfCourse, ordinary business sense and foresight shouldprompt every one expecting to attend the Annual to makehotel reservations in advance, and as far in advance as hisplans will permit. These requests for reservations for thepresent should be sent to Mr. le. N. Sneli, 52 Lonn andTrust BuIlding.

The Hotel Pfister bas been made official headquarters bythe local committee. This means nothing more than thatthe members of the Supreme Nine will stop there, since itis imperauvo that they be together. There Is no specialadvantage in being at the ' omcial headquarters " to thenonomclal member, and he can choose any of tho otherhotels as his headquarters, with complete assurance thathis accommodations will be first-class.

The names and rates of ali the hotels, together with apicture of the Hotel Pfister, were published in the June., Bulletin." All the rates were for the American plan.1f anybody waMs to stop on the Huropean-plan, be shouldsay so specifically in making reservation of a room.

, Time Ladles mire (lolimg.

Mr. Snell elves lt. óu that In n vor largo numlcr ofrequests for hotel reservations ha has received as well asthose sent direct to the hotels, the ladies are numerouslymentioned. " My wife and myself," " self and daughter,"or " two daughters," are the way they run, showing eventhis early that there is going to be an unprecedentedlylarge pror,ortlun ut ladies present, which is most gratify.Ing.



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JurIidIctIon No. -UndorRupwvl5Iou of Scrivonotor. VkegarenejeN:Alabiima, Kentucky, TOnOeBBCO, MhRppI.

Jurliidiction Ku. 6-tinder Aupervon of Jahborwok. Vcogoren.cloE CiIIfornIn, Oregon, Wuhlngton.Jurhidlolton No. 7-Undor uporvIJIon of Cu5tocathiu. Vicegeron.

. oies: VIorId, GoorgIa,4outIi Carolina.JurlNdlctIon No. 8.'Ufldergu1)eV0fl 1f Arcanoper. Vicegarenalei:Now York PoìiniyIvunIa, MaenRchuetth, Ohio.JurhisiiloUon No. 0-Under wporvliilon of Gurdon. Vjocgoranci,:

IiiiijoI, Indiana, Michigan, Wl*con*i.

Staiidliig Committees.In accordance also with the dIcusson bad at the Norfolk

annual meoting, tue following standing cornmittee, cozmistingof the mambe of the Supreme Nine, has been appointed:00M511?KIC 05 EXI,gNSION O Hoo.lfoo ON Tfl PACIFIC CoAsrAN» IN Tu! MOUNTAIN STATE8-T. H. Claffey, Jabberwock,

chairman, willi all the Vlcegerenta west of the 105th degree oflongiLude, Including tIja Vlcegeren of Colorado.

CoMMhrrxi ON EXTENaION OF Hoo.Ifoo IN nia SOUTHERNSTATES-B. B. Ni'al, Cuatocatian, chairman, willi all the Vice-gerente aonth of the Ohio, Potomac and Miaourl Rivera, andcaat of the 105th degree of longitude.

OOMMIVraX ow EXTENN10N op Hoo4joo is rira CENTRALSTATEN-C. F. l3rafFett. Gordon, chairman, with all the Vice-gerente north of the Ohio, Potomac and Missouri Rivera, andoaat of the 105th degree of longitude, and west of the 80th de.gree of longitude.

oMM:rrgE ON EZTEN8ION op Hoo-Hoo IN TIlE EASTERNSTATEN-C. H, Stanton, Arcanoper, chairman, with all theVicogoronta north of the Ohio and Potomac Rivers,and east ofthe 80th degree of longitude.C0MMrnEE ON CoMriAlNTn-Snnjor Hoo-Hoo-W. H. Norris,Chairman. Bojum.-J. E, Duke. Junior Hoo.lioo-George B.Maogloy.

The Smirk and Scrivenoter are exofficio members of allcommittees.

Tho Elevemitli Hoo-I{oo Aimnual.

At the Iire.,iy CItj on the (heal Lake. Arrngemonth l'roeti-c*iIy Ail Mail.. lintel Ratet and Accommo,iatlon,,.

lI,,Lel l'flatr Mnde lIe*dqaftrtey,,. Re-..rve Your Rooms.

From Milwaukee comes the pleasing announcement thatarrangnment for the oloventli Annual Meeting of the Con-catenated Order of Hoo.Hoo are practically complete. ' Mil-waukee Is used to making arrangementh for Conventions,and her lumbermen are accustomed to participating In thetL11tle. Milwaukee has made herself famous for en-tortalning the stranger within her gates, and then invit-Ing him back with so much cordiallty that he comes andcomes agaIn and ceases to be a stranger. This is her en-during fante. lt rests in the hearts of the people whoknow her, and Is no matter of beer troth and foam. Thebeer is there far those who want it, r1ver of It; butthere nro other things-au those other things that go tomake up ono of the finest young cities of the West.

J. J. Williams, tho Vicegorent for Wisconsin, and Mr.Frank N. Snell are at the head of arrangements; but theyaro backed up not only by the lumbermen of Milwaukee,but by those immense sawmill machinery building con-cerna like the Alljs.Chalmers Company and the Filer &Stowell people and the railroads, The general committeesappointed are as below, while the subcommittees on mat-tei-s of detail will be tiained as the occasion demands.

Commitlee ea

Frank N. SnaIl, Chairman, 62 Loan and Trust Building.A. L. Afees. Curtis & Yalo Company.E. C. Clark, Wisconsin Central Railway.F'. M. Snavely, Chicago and Northwest Railway.W. E. PrIestly, 500 Greenbush streetCoorge P. Noble, Plañkiuton Bank Building.F. D. CUnten, Wausau Lumber and Coal Company.

lnaiie Committee.W. S. Johnson, cbairxnaij, 54 Loan and Trust Building.D. C. Fraser, Chain Belt Company.H. A. Coleman, Milwaukee " Herald."C. H. Mueller, M. Hilty Lumber Company.M. C. Moore, Packages Publishing Company.G. J. Landeck, Page & Landeck Lumber Company.Wilmner Sieg, president Citizens' Business LeagueThe programme for the meeting has not yet been an.

flounced in full. The Osirian Cloister has arranged forthe attendance of ita members so as to hold ita annual bust.ness meeting on the 8th. The business sessions of theHoo-Hoo Annual will begin, as always, at 9:09 o'clock onthe morning of the 9th, and will probably be held almostcontinuously until the business of the meeting is trans-acted in a businesslike way. These business sassions may.be completed by the evening of the 10th, and certainly bynoon of the 11th, when will follow the main events of asocial and entertainment nature.

Rellroa,I Ratei.The Scrivenotor is hard at work with the various passen-

ger associatIons in an effort to secure a low rate to theAnnual. At this writing no definite action has been taken,but the matter will be pushed as rapidly as possible. Thereis no doubt that a low rate will be granted, though prob-ably not a one.fare rate, except from the territory contig-uous to Milwaukee. The next Issue of " The Bulletin " willcontain full information as to railroad ratnp,

The lintel Aecoini,,o,iatl,,,rn.

Somehow the impression got abroad that on accountof tIme State Fair being in progress there would not ha hotelaccommodations for all wbo might attend the Annual.Nothing more absurd could be Imagined. MIlwaukee hasmore, larger, and better.appolnted hotels than probablyany other commercial city of its sIze in the world. Lotsof people attend a State fair such as Wisconsin will holdthis fall, but a relatively small number of them " put up"at the big hotels. There will be no trouble on the scoreof botels. Every man can take his pick of a half dozenplaces where he can get everything he wants and at noextravagant prices, as the ratos below will show. Ofcourse, ordinary business sense and foresight shouldprompt every one expecting to attend the Annual to makehotel resarvatIon in advance, and as far in advance as bisplans will permit. Tbese requests for reservations for thepragent ShOuld be sent to Mr. F. N. Snail, 52 Loan andTrust Building.

The Hotel Pflater has been mamie official headquarters bythe local committee, This means nothing mora than thatthe members of the Suprema NIne will stop there, since itis imperativa that they be together. Thera is no specialadvantage lu being at the " otilcial headquarters " to theflonoflictat member, and ho can choose any of the otherhotels a his headquarters, wIth complets assuranca thathis accommodations will be flrat.class.

Tha names and rates of all the hotels, togethar with apicture of tha Hotel Pfister, were published In tha Juneo Bulletin." All tha rates were for the American plan.lt anybody wants to atop on the European-plan, he shouldsay so specifically in making reservation of a room.

. The Ludira are Going.Mr. Snail gives it out that in a very large number of the

requests for hotel reservations ho has received an wall asthose sant direct to the hotels, tha ladies ara numerouslymentioned. ' My wife and myself," " self and daughter,"or " two daughters," are the way they rua, showing eventhis early that there le. going to be an unprecadentadiylargo proportlo of ladies present, which Is most gratify-Ing.


j -,':i4 - i





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JtJNE&1J PARK, MLEWAtrIgg, Wfl3.




Stigrgc.I Ililpilnesis 1rogr*n,ueSnurk A. H. Weir has Bubmitted the following outilue of

the business programmo te be followed at the AnnualMeeting. ¡t niay be changed In some minor particulars,bu In the main lt Is what may be expected. All commit.Lees and others Interested are requested to advise of theirarrangemoots and to forward suggestions at once.

NoTh.-The session of the Osirlan Cloister is expected tooccur on Monday, September 8, followed by the regularbanquqt of that degree In the evening. All candidates foradmission must be present on Monday. The programmewill be duly announced by the High Priest

IIrisI 1)ay, Tuwsday, Srpt.mI,.r O.

Regular sessIon of the Order. Ninth day of the ninthmonth. Called to order at 9:09 A.M.

1. Itoh call for quorum.2. Report of Snark.:1. Report of Scrivenotar.

(Both these reports will be prInted and distributed.j.l. Appointment of committees.f. Reference of reports to proper committees.10:30 A.M. Opon session, Ex-Snark Stillwell presiding.Admission of cIty officers. committeea viBitors, and citi.


I. Address of welcome on behaif of the city.2. Oilier welcome addresses, if any.3. Responses.At the close of these exercises adjournment will be taken

ri)l 11111111.

I :30 I'M. Business sesSIon.1. l3ualfless carried over from last sessIon.2. Now business naIl other matters, if time allows.Adjourn at 4 o'clock for a boat ride around the harbor.s i'M. Evening session; concatenation.Candidates must be on hand ready for initiation at 9:09

P.M. sharp. Committees will ee that all preliminary workis attended to and candidates properly matriculated.

Se'onuI ilsy, Veit,iisday, September10.During the morning session the local committee eng-

geste a tallyho ride for tua visiting ladles, in care of thelady hoste, about the city and parke, with a visit to the ce!-obrated Pabst Brewery. Fortunately, the brothers will bedetained in the business meeting; so no deleterious resultswill follow.

I. Call to order at 9:09 AJL2. Reporte of committees.

(Iliese reports will be considered and acted uponas presented. ¡f tile committees are ready, theirreports will probably occupy She entire forenoon;it not ready, then)

3. Generai business.1:30 P.M. Afternoon session.1. licfcrrod reports, It any.2. Cenerai business, good of the Order, etc.Adjourn ILt from 3 o'cleck to 4 o'clock for a troHy ride

Ilbolit the city. in charge of the local committee.g P.M. Evening session, if found necessary,A theater party is suggested by the local committee for

tilo Indios; and if no business session is held, some sr-l'angenlants will be mallo for general entertainment

Thlr,l Iley. Thur,.,luiy, September 11.

1. Business session calle(l to order at 9:09 A.M.; defcrrc4 ;n unflnlabl

2. Election of officers, lo A.M.3. Location of next Annusi.Adjourn for lunch. . -

APTOl1lO0N srssio:ç.1. installation of new Snark. '-

2. introduction of members of the Supreme Nine; solalsessIon as time may allow,


Public meeung, in charge of the Osirian Cloister; oui-balming of the Snark, etc.

The ladies will be properly cared for and entertained bythe local committee of ladies on the morning of th thirdday and at all other times. Arrangements aro, of course,not fully completed for any of these suggestions,

I want to call attention to the proposition that the firsttwo days will be given almost without interruption to bus!-fleas, At Norfolk, Va., last year the Supreme Nine was in-structed to prepare the programme for the business ses-sions at this meeting In order that wo might have sudi'dent time for the transaction of necessary business. Thisoutline is submitted to the Supreme Nine and all others in-terested for the purpose of carrying out these instruct1on.

I have deemed It wise to defer the election of officersuntil the business of the session was properly transacteil,and then have some little ceremony in the transfer- of au-thority, and not break into a seision.with new officers andwithout any formal recognition. . The Snark who presidesthis year should preside at the session following. for hois most familiar with the business to come before the meet-Ing. The new Snark's duties should commence at the endof one session and last until the end of the next session.

The location of the succeeding Annual should not in-terrupt the regular order of business anti distract the attention until the business is practically out of the way. Iwill have some Important recommendations on this point Inmy annual report. Respectfully submitted,

A. H. WEIR, Snark.

Cosimmonts oli Cosicatoosatiosis,

At Olympia, the capital of the State of WashIngton andfor which Admiral Dewey's flagship " Olympia" wasnamed, there oecurrcd on Juno 24 tIte first uúlieaalotatttjunever held at that place. It was hold by Vlcegerent VictorH. Beckman, the record of whose brilliant achievements inthe interests of Hoo-Ijoo has become something of a se'rial in " The BuhIetio,' This is what might be called"Chapter VII.," as the meeting at Olympia was the sdo-enth concatenation which Brother Bntdtiiutn has held thisyear. He has initiated 104 members, which is just one 1esthan the record made by Vicegarent (now Senior Hoo-lloow. H. Norris last year. Brother Beckman wIll doubtlessbreak the record before this paper Is printed, as he has aconcatenatIon scheduled for Long Beach, Wash., July 26.This i. to be a joint affair, in which Vicegerent Beckmanwill have the assistance of Brother W. B. Mackay, Vice-gerent Suark of Oregon. The beach is a fashionable sum-mer resort; and as this will be the first concatenation theOregonians have held for over a year, the affair will un.doubtedly be a big succèss Brother Beckman also has ameeUag in view for August 21, at Seattle, on the occasionof the Elks' Carnival. His last concatenation will occurSeptember 9 at Wbatcoin, which will wind up his term ofonce In a blaze of glory on Hoo.Hoo Day, and will cousU.tut, tlsst *nnusl meetlnz for the State of Washington,

Nine new members were added at Brother Beckman'sconcatenation at Olympia. Brother H. G. Richardson did


some very eftective work la the preliminary arrangements.Two commodious halls had been engaged for the concat-enatlon and the " On the Roof," and the fine repast Servedat the latter left nothing to be deSired. Brother Richardson,prior to this meeting on the 24th, was the only Hoo.Hoo atOlympia. having been initiated only two months previous.Supreme Jabberwock P. H. Claffey, Occupied the station ofJunior Hoo-Hoo, SSS

Vicegerent w. C. McCuno held an excellent concatenationat Alva, O. T., June 28, initIating a class of sixteen goodmen, Brother George E. Richardson, of Carmen, O. T,,had charge of the preliminary arrangementa, and to hisbusinesslike care much of the success of the meeting isdue.

Brother Richardson Is connected with the firm of E. M.Strawn Lumber Company, with yards at Carmen and otherpointa in Oklahoma Territory, and he made lt convenientto look after things at Alva until tIle Vicegeren could arrive on the Scene. In a brief letter to this office BrothcrRichardson says: " We liad a nice meeting, and everythingwent olf as nice as i have over seen at any meeting. Therawere, as you will see from the report, sixteen kittens, andall were well pleased and glad they went in. After theinitiation wo had a nice supper and a few speeches, andsome of the kittens got up and said that they Wore proudthat they were cats,"

Vicegerent w, c. McCune, who weht. over from Perry,O. T., to hold tilo meeting at Alva, writes a most interestingletter, in which lie incidentally remarks that the town ofAlva is situated In the heart of what used to be known asthe " Great American Desert," Tills simple statementbrings up a flood of memories, anti reminds us of the timeWhen we Used to sit on a bard bench in the backwoedsschoolhouse, studying a geography that had once belongedto our grandfathur, and Which he studied when he was alittle boy. In this highly exciting book was a map show-ing a great blur, which was marked, " The Great Amen-can Dert" There wore horrible pictures of great rowsof skeletons of mon and horses tiat had perished io theattempt to cross the awful desert, and sometimes at nightwe used to dream of bding lost away out on that bleakWaste, with the winds howling dismally and the wolvestl'ylug to chew us up. And now to think that the geniusand executive ability of man has ceased the wilderness toblossom as the rose-truly, all things are posible to himwho believes and who has ' go " enough to forge aheadand try to do things. The following is an extract fromVicegerent McCuna's letter:

,' The meeting was a grand SUCtI5S, It was run on thelines laid down by Brother Weir, After the meeting wuovar, every oua expressed himself as having thoroughlyenjoyed it, and the kittens were tickled ail over. Alva ísn town in a Eectiou of country that used to be called the. Ures,t American Desert' Things have changed since then.L would now cali it the ' Garden of Eden.' The great North-western Normal School is located at Alva. Thi8 school isconsidered uno of the finest west of the Mississippi River.The people out In this 5hort-g',js country are like thePeople of Kentucky-tree, open, antI hospitable, The hum-hernien at AIra aro the cream of good fellows, and theycertainly made it very pleasant for us. Our banquet wasas fine as silk. It was given at the Delmonico, and wasperfect lu every respect We did not havn n. bottIn or anykind at our banquet The book you sent me for the Juniorwork is O. K. I think we used every number, I put mymen at work on this book at 3 o'clock and drilled themuntil supper Unie. When the meeting dpened, we wereready. The Junior Hoo-Hoo, Charlee Walker, kept the kit-tens guessing all the evening, There was not a single hitchin the whole Proceedings, The mOdical eam1nation agiven at his concatenation -was the best number i aversaw at a Hoo-Hoo meeting, The prize fight came o In ear-nest, and it was a bard matter to separate them (the kit-tens) , The lung test was O, IC. until we struck a wood.man, and then we had to compromise, Brother Baird, you

should haya been there, It would llave done your lieat-good, We baci some fine timber to work with, und wo camelUvay fooling that the object of Hoo-Hoo had boon arriedout and hoodlumism was no part of our creed."s s s s

Vicegoreu B. A. Donnelly heltl a fine concatenation atNew Orlesss, La., July 12, at which nine was the luckynumber et candidates initiated, Supreme Senior Roo-RooW, E. Norris went over from Houston, Texas, to attendthe meeting, this Vicegorency being In his Jurisdiction.Brother N. M. Leach (No. 7943) filled with great honorthe position of Junior }ioo.Hoo, and the candidates all sgreothat ha gave them their money's Worth, He was assistedby Brothers G. M. Reddy and Fred. Ely; and, altogether,the team was a exceptionally fine one. Brother J. F.Davis arriad oft the honors in his delineation of the Jab-berwock's duties; and While be kept the kittens on themove et oli times, his pleasing personality anti bubl)iillggood humor offset the trials and tribulations llOCossarilyencounthred in journeying through the gardens. in n let-ter to this office Vicegerent

Donnelly, among otliar things,says: Of the initiates, w. p. Simpson (who lias boon. considering ' Joining I-lao-Boo for about seven years, butWho up to this time never quite succeeded in getting apthe nervo), R, C, Butler (a subject of His Majesty, ltl.ward Vil.), and F. H. Korotke made exceptiolllllly 11110candidatos, end, from their first showing in tIle Order, givegreat promise of becoming crackenjask Hoo-Iloo."

The " On the Roof " was a very enjoyable affair, und titecandidatos wasted little timo in sottiog in to replenishsome of tile energy expended in the course of the ioitiatoi'yceremonies,

The leal paper had the following liotice of the llleetlng:,, One of the float successful concatenations of iloo-lloover held in New Orleans took place last night in the lii,-sonic Ball, over the Louisiana National Duell. 'lije mombers gathered j the St. Charles Hotel at 7:30 o'clock, 'wok-ing long echoes in the rotunda with tho famous kiuo-iiu.yell. This lina of march was then taken up to the hull,where nine kittens were led through the high gross anilinto the beautiful gardens, Tllo.candldates Initiated were:Charles P. Gable, it, C, Butler, '1'. R. McDonnell, R. A. Hem.ilton, W, P, Simpson, W. lì. Stewart, F. 11. Koretko, F. J,Fleury, nod M. B. Depass, W. H. Norris preslticd as Snnrk... Moo-Ha in attendance came from qtlito a distance tothe concatonation, The Order is growing in New Orleansand LolliSlflflfl and at the next cullcutenatjon to be holdhere it is probable that a record will be broken in tIlo nulo-ber of initiaUns."After (lie initiations bad been colleluded and while ro-froshments were being served, ii. A. Donnelly called attoo-tion to a lottai' he had received from the Snark of the Iliil.verse, urging that a large delegation troni New Orleansattend the Annual Meeting, to be held in MIlwaukee, Wis,,in Septeinbor,"

floo-IJoo Scrapbooks,Brother W. E, Barns has collected a series of Hoo.-}ioascrapbooks of uniform size, binding, etc., containing ailof the literature regamung Hoo.j-Ioo from the beginning,so far as obtainable, Those books are of great interas andconstitute a valuable Contribution to the archives of titoOrder. They will be on exhibition at the Annual Meet-ing in Milwaukee, along with a full set of the handbooks,filas of " The Bulletin," etc,

Bi'útbor Thtrns is extremely anxious that the varioueofficers and members should send him clippings, neticescopies of programmes, postal cards, etc., that relate to thework of tho Order, feeling sure that this collection ofsouvenirs, literature, etc., will be of very great interest teHoo-floo in future years. These should be addressed toW. E, Barns, FuI1cn Building, st. Louts, Mo. Fromtime to tilDe 50111e very unique and striking menti cardshave been got up by the VIcegeren for their " Sessionson the Roof." Brother Barns would like to have those toadd to his collection. All Vicegerents are requested tebr this in mind,


The Record of Work.Wo present herewith a tabulateil statement Bhowlng the

number of coneatenattoflif held and men Initiated up todate (July 17). WIthout a word of explanation the state-nient may not be quite clear. It will be seen that the con-catenation hold at l3oston, Mass., Is put down to the creditot Brother T. W. Van Cleave, who was Vicegerent Snarkat the time the meeting was held. He has since removedto St. Louts, Mo., and Brother Karl Isburgh is now ViCe-gerent Snark for Massachusetts. Also Vicegerent B. A. Don.nelly haa two concatenations to bis credit, but he has heldonly one concatenation since his appointment as Vicegerent.At the time the first concatenation was held in New Orleansno Vicegerent had been appointed for the Southern Die.trict of Louisiana. It is the rule in such cases to give theVicogerent credit, when he finally Is appointed, for ali con-catenations bald in his district dining that Hoo-Hoo year.Mr. Donnelly, therefore, is credited with two concatena.tions, but Mr. Ieburgh does not get credit for the conciaenation held by his predecessor.

The concatenation held at Meridian, Miss., is passed tothe joint credit of both Vicagerents, it being difficult todetermine to which Vicegerency the city of Meridian be.longs.

There are two concatonations in the " Record of Work"which are placed to the credit of the respective Vicegorentsfor 1901. We refer to the annual concatenation which on.curred at Norfolk, Va., which goes to the credit of BrotherJ. E. Duke, who was Vicegeront at the time; and the Wash-ington " SLILto annual " concatenation, held by VicegerentA. B. Calder, at Everett, Wash. Both of tbese' concatena.tions occurred on September 9, 1901, but were not, of course,included in the report of last year's work.

The figures given In the tabulated statement of the " Reoord of Work " comprise all the Honorary and Life Membersas well as the regular Initiates.

The following Honorary Members have been taken in:Two at Houston, Texas; concatenation No. 750, Decem-

ber 14, 1901; Vicegerent, J. S. Bonner.The following Life Members have been taken in:Four at Norfolk, Va.; concatenation No. 736, September

9, bOu Vicegerent, J. E. Duke.Two at Savannah, Ga.; concatenation No. 744, November

12. 1901 ; Vicngnrnt George V. Denny.Three at Houston, Texas; concatenation No. 750, Deceni.

ber 14, 1901; Vicegerent, J. S. Bonner.One at Houston, Texas; concatenation No. 782, Aprii 9,

1902; Vlcegerent, J. S. Bonner.lt will be seen that the juijadiction of the Senior ¡loo-

¡loo is ahead Ofall the others, and that Brother VictorH. Beckman heads the list of Vlcegerente.

The largest concatenation of this ¡loo-Roo year was heldat Houston, Texas, the number of candidates being fifty.three.

The second largest concatenation was held by VlcegerantS. Ray Oliver, at Kansas City, Mo., whore a class of forty-foûr went In.

This administration bas continuously emphasized thepoint that a large number of initiates at a concatenationle by uu ucaue the ¡nain point, and that quality counts farmore than numters, We believe that. without exception,the Vlcegerents have coincided in this view, and we feelthat the work done this year Is of an exceptionally highorder and will prove of lasting value.

We extend to the cnrp.o Vicegerents the thaaka of thcentire Supreme Nine ror their faithful service and thespecial gratItude of the Scrlvenoter for their earnest co.operatIon and unfailing courtesy.

Concat- loiti.. .

enatlons. ates.Alabama (Northern District) , J. H. Scruggs. . . . O O

Alabama (Southern District) , H. F. Wyly ...... i 5Arkansas (Northeastern District), Frank Wrape O O

Arkansas (Western District), James Brizzolara. 3 45Arkansas (Southeastern District), H. O. Cady. . i 13California, W. W. Everett ...................... O O

Colorado, C. E. Bullen ......................... i 19Florida (Eastern District), H. H. Richardson . . . i 13Florida (Western District), V. H. Wright ....... O O

Georgia ( Southeastern District) , O, V. Denny . . i 19Georgia (Soutiiw, eli-rn l)ietrict), J. Lee Ensign . . . I 20Georgia (Northern District) , C. A. Cowies ...... i 5Illinola (Northern District) .................... O O

IllInois (Southern District), C. D. Rourlce ...... 2 39Indiana (Northern District), C. G. Powell...... i C

Indiana (Southern DistrIct), D. B. MacLaren. . . i 6Indian Territory, G. C. Rice.................... o o

Iowa (Northern District), H. V. Scott .......... i 10Iowa (Southern District), J. Moetzel ........... 25Kentucky ( Eastern District) , Hugbes Moore. . . . 1 8Kentucky (Western District), C. H. Sherrill. . . . i 8Louisiana (Northern District), E. W. Anderson. 2 38Louisiana (Southern Dietrict), E. A. Donnelly. . 2 21Maryland, J. B. Watson ........................ o o

Massachusetts, T. W. Van Cleave............... i 10Mexico, J. E. Magma........................... O O

MInnesota (Southern District), 11. H. Collins. . . 1 15MIssissIppi (Southern District), H. M. Rawlins. 1 30Mississippi ( Northern District) , B. A. Hill .....Missouri (Eastern District), G. E. Watson ...... i 10MIssouri (Western District), S. Ray Oliver..... 1 44Montana, Tyler B. Thompson .................. O O

Nebraska, George H. Keliey.................... 2 37Now Mexico, G. M. Duncan ...................... o o

New York (Western District) , O. E. Yeager ..... i 5North Dakota, H. T. Alsop ..................... i 8Ohio (Northern District), Owen T. Jenks ....... 1 5Ohio (Southor District), J. H. Doppes ......... i 27Oklahoma Territory, W. C. McCune............. 2 52Oregon, W. B. Mackay ......................... O O

Pennsylvania ( Eastern District) , C. A. Coolbaugh O O

Pennylvanja (Western District), U. J. Matson. . i 9South Carolina, W. B. Dozjer................... 4 21Tezauessee (Eastern District) , C. C. Turner ..... O O

Tennessee (Middle District), R. H. McClelland . . 2 23Tennessee (Western District), Elliott Lang..... 1 3Texas (Northern District), B. F. Orr ........... 2 26Texas (Southern District), J. S. Bonner........ 3 75Virginia, J. E. Duke ............................ i 27Virginia, L. F. DeBordenavo ................... i 6Washington, A. U. Cahier...................... i 13Washington (Eastern District), P. T. Contino. . . i 13Washington (Western District) , V. H. Beckman . 7 104West Virginia, IC. Stringer Boggess ............ 2 22Wisconsin, J. J. Williams ...................... i 13


JURISDICTION.Concat. loiti.nntItn!. tC5.

Jurisdiction No. 1.-Under the supervision ofthe Snark of the Universe, including the Vice-garandes in the following States: Nebraska,Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minne-sots, Republic of Mexico ..................... 5 79

Juriadiction No. 2.-Under the supervlelùii ofthe Senior Eoo-Hoo. Vlcegerencies: Arkan-sas, Oklahoma Territory, Indian T,erritory,Louisiana, Texas ............................ i 270



Jurisdiction No. 3.-Under the supervision ofthe Junior Hoo-}Ioo, Vicegerencis Iowa,Missouri, Kana ............................89Jurisdiction No, 4.-Under the supervision of

the Bojum, Vicegerenci Virginia, wsstVirginia, North Carolina, Maryland........... 4 55JUri5dftion No. 5.-Under the supervision ofthe Scrlvenoter. Vicegarencies: Alabama,Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi............. 7 77Jurisdiction No. 6.-Under the supervision ofthe Jabberwock. Vicegerencies California,Oregon, Washington ........................ 9 130Jurisdiction No. 7.-Under the supervision ofthe Custocatian, Vicegerencles: Florida, .Geor.gia, South Carolina ......................... 78Jurisdiction No. 8.-Under the supervision ofthe Arcanoper. Vicegerencie: New York,Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Ohio ........... 5 56Jurisdiction No. 9.-Under the supervision ofthe Ourdon, Vicegerencies: Illinois, Indiana,Miciligan, Wisconsin ......................... 5 64

Total....................................62 898

Contributors to " Jiniìiiteiit Ditvo Fiaitj."Of the following men, some contributed one amount and

Some another, Ninety-nine conta is what was asked for,but 1-loo.Hoo p generous, and in many cases the contribu-Uoa was more tha ninety-nine cents. Each man i cred.ited on the books with the exact amount sent in. Sincethis list was put in type a number of contributione havebeen received, ail of which wIll be acknowledged in the nextissue of " The Bulletin,"

7577-M. R. Meadows. 3918-R. M. BUL-tOD.U792-W, D. klammett. 794-A. R. Rogers.1037-W. A. Bennett, 167-S. H. Striebel.4134--A, L. Gilmore, 480-A, 1-L Connelly.1O43-George L. Biecourt. 2937-J. F. Gregory.4744-WIUiam Baller. 8253-A, F. Frudden,4819-C. D. Nesmith, 8862-A. Caughey.5135-i W. Eilenborger, 4872j, G. Veils.3857-ji', W. Fraser, 7058-J. P. Maiibal1.459-J. W. Arnmel-mafl, S597J. F. Iluifhauer.5247-E. C. Robinson. 441-G. M. Jordan.' 8538-W, J. Dunlap. M. Dixon.7910-E, 1g'. Peek. 7069-B. F. Harrison.8775-5, H. Loew, 7071-J. E. Thre.4CO3-Jvh J, Kirley. l942-Platte Overton.6549-J. H, Crowder. 6622-W. C. Poohon,8675-J, Mitchell, Jr. 2780-M. V. Geagan.8758-C. M. Bunker, 8806-W, D. Gault.350-J, A. Brandon. 8229-J, Seidel.147-H, E. Farrell. 479l-William M. Chaso11-D, W. Pratt. 7571-E, S. Collins.188-H. L, Sorvoss. 6775-j, N. Woollutt.8SU2-E, E. Ennis. 5360-W. W.Robepsn3697-O, T. Jenks, 3569--0. M. Stanton.1872-R, H. Campbell. 799-W. W. Catlin.2047-Q, C. Thornton, 2791-w, F. Edgerton.1534-J, A. Wakefleld. 8696-W. G. Dean,932-W. A. Drake, 2986-H. M, Huttig.5098-W. B. Jennings. 6796-H. H. Richardson.449-E. H. Kjenzle. 8937-jamos E. Bowden.7036-T, A. Bochmind. 589-F, W. Segur,152-J. M. Bernardin, 4325-M. M. Amaley.2772-WilU Buchtol. 6108-E, Wilder.740-John M. Reed. 6&is-r. F. Dickinson.6005-F. ¡, Wa."rncr. -M. incinson.8760-J. W. Kester. 3654-E, E. Greenwald,8849-L W. Moragues. 737-L D. MoLeod.2043-C, E. Tucker. 4253-C. A. Cowles.623-V. C. P. Smart. 8851--J, B. Burbank.7543-T. C. Tipton. 3872-J. J. Dignan,6590-A. M, Ramsey. 7079-K K. Mitchell.6727-A. T. Earry 8315-j. à. Wilson,7311-c. H. Oftldwell, 8503-J. F. Souls.3386-L G. Sniart, 2411-J, H. Friant.2178-J..H. Rogge. 256-J. W. Sanborn,2177-A. B. CrUtchfleld. 840-0, W. Shepherj8941-G, L Drew. 6710-H, T. A1ott,

7006-J, R. Schneider.59-W. L. Gignillia

1010-J. D. Watson.2062-T. A. Deise.7067-G. F. fogge.1187-H. E. Bacofl.4217-M, W. Johnson.7987-H. M. Wise.954--W. H. J. Pierce.

7980-J. C. Miller.2072-H, W. Sellers.8408-I, N. Stewart.

8654-A. W. Mills.3140-C. H. Stanton.0777-B. Cbadbourne.8447-W. J. Woodward.6283.-J. HeP. Williams.7197-E. Stringer Boggess2387-E. C. Ganalt.7196-Hughes Mayo.8088-C. W. Kircljener.0762-T. J. Gardner.8206-A, H. Leffler.2012-D. H. McMullen.

Approaching Coneateiiatioiis.Vicegerent George V. Denny will hold a concatenation at

Savannah, Ga., August 20. Brother Denny writes that agood class is in sight, and that the prospecte are brightfor a strong delegation to the Annual Meeting from South.east Georgia,

Vicegerent Victor H. Beckman will hold n concatenationat Seattle, Wash., August 21, on the occasion of the Eik'.Carnival. 11e will wind up his term of office by holding alarge concatenation at Whatcom, Wash., September 9, whichwill constitute the annual meeting for the State of Wash.ington.

Vicegerent E. Stringer Boggess will hold a coIIcntenfltjon atCharleston, W. Va., abodt the middle of Augllst. The exact(181.0 1155 lInt yet been fixed.

Vicegerent D. B. MacLaren ¡s arranging a concatenation ' atEvansville, md., to occur August 7.

A concatenation will be held by Vicegereii(James Brizzolaraat Fayettevilie, Ark., August 8.

In reporting a very successful concatenation at Deliver,July lO, Vicegurent O. E. Bullen advises that a meeting villbe held at Pueblo, Col., some time in August. The report ofthe Denver meeting reaches us too late to be written up forthis issue.

Official Headquarors itt the Annual Meeting.As lias been stated, the Hotel Puister will be the oficialheadquarters at Milwaukee. Ail the menibem of tue Supreme

Nine will stop there and dotihtlu55 n number of the lay nemn-bers, though ascii man can exercise luis own Pleasure in tufsmatter. Milyuunkee has pInty of good hotoi, the rates of ali



of which were published in the June ¡selle of The Builotin.The Hoj riister is operated on both the American and theEuropean plan. The rates named,$3 to $5 per day, means theAmerican plan. Those who prefer to stop on time Europeanplan should so specify in making time room reservations. It isvary desirable that all those who intend to go to the AnnualMeeting hou1d bave IJicir rooms reserved in advance.



Tuo Hoiia of Hoo-Roo.

l'uil11, aa Drwii by Architect F. C. Boniaek-Iu the Forni of tuaIIoo.Jjoo ° fi" To be i ¡tomo tar Luab..an and

Olhar,s Connected with the Lumber TradaVhI10 AttondIn the Grait Show.

So much has leen said and vrItten about the House ofHoo.Hoo, the Iumbermen'a club building to be erected onthe ground8 of the Louisiana Purchase ExpoItjon, St.Louis, that it has brought out a perfect volume ot Inquiryas to what his building will look like, the alzo of it, whatwilt be attempted In the way of prlvllegee for the mom-bore, and the general echeme of the exterior and Interiorarrangement and decorations. The accompanying IlIu&trattons will partially answer these questione and Will givea clearer Idea of the intentions of the Board of Governorsthan anything that could be written.


The setectjon of these plans Involved considerable timeand labor on the part of the Board of Oovernor. Archi-tectural competition was invited nbout two months ago,and from the plans submitted the board selected the designof F'. C. l3onsack, the welt-known St. Loul architect, which,with tho slight changos that havebeon made, is deemedperfect for a building of this character, In general descrip.tion of tuo plan Mr. Bonsack has written the following:

,, The general plan, in foum, is that of the letter ' R,' thecentral court on tho front forming the principal entrances,voranda, and aPproaches to the terraces; While that of therear is surrounded by a peristyle conecting the differentparts of the main building with the service building, which,because of the boat of the kitchen, whit be detached. With-in this peristyte will be arranged a cozy flower gardon,with space for tables and chairs, affording a quiet, cool,and private place for refreshments.

o The style of tho exterior design is Spanish Renaissance,The wails will be built of staff and the roof will be ofSpanish red tile. The color scheme of.the exterior wilt bea very important factor in the design, the wails being col-ored a soft Spanish yellow; the roof, a deep red; the open-timbered work of the wide-projecting cornice will bbrought out lu bright colors to harmonize with the generaicolor scheme; while the two towers with be very ormatu instylo and will hayo ail the relief work colored to producea vcry rich and pkkalug effect. The terraces upon whichthe building will be placed and which will form the greenforeground for the composition will be laid out in flowerbeds planted with flowerB in colore to harmonize with thebackground for them. The long and Wide balcony across(lie central court on the front will be partially shelteredby the wide-projecting eoruiwj, and from this point to theouter edge It wilt be covered by an awning co'ored to matchthe building, The circular bays at either end of the build-ing will be enlivened with growing plants in especiallydesigned Jardinieres. From these balconies a vista in al-most any direction Is possible, and they will furnish a re-treshing resting place,

', 'the tong span of low, red roof over the central pavilion,terminating at either end in circular bays, pierced, as itis, with two graceful towers, should form a pleasing skyline for the yellow buIlding and grèñi foreground and com-pose a picture creditable to the great xpoItion of whichit is to be a part,"

Under the direction of Mr, Boneack, the designing ofthe interior finish and decorations is already In progres,and will form an Important feature of the building. Thevarious lumber associations throughout the country willeach take a room to finish in each of the special lumber

commodities, the whole being made to harmonize and corn-ply with the general design of the architect In work ofthis sort Mr. Bonsack has a wide reputation, having hadcharge of the Interior work of the Mercantile Club, of St.Louis, and other similar strutures. In this way the build-ing will show the results and effects obtained by a properhandling of the various Woods, and will be a beautiful ex-ploitation of the commercial woods of the United States.It will be noticed that the ladies are taken care of In theplans, practically the whole of one wing of the buildinghaving been reserved for their use. The assembly hail,on the second floor, wilt have a seating capacity of 700,and will be used for all special occasions, such as lumberconventions, receptions of various sorts. lectures on fores-try and lumber topics, Hoo-Hoo concatenations, the Hoe-Hoo Annual, and various other events which will be afeature of the lxpositlon and this cmb. lt is lútendod that


:j__4r_, _is'..

s/i-- .. - I

BOUSE Ol4 ROo-Hoo, LowslAA

members may receive and handle their mail 'atthe build-ing, and every convenience of this sort that will be ben-

.eflclal will be sdopted,As bac boon stated in the foregoing, the Rouse of Hoe.

Moo is a club of lumbermen which will have Its doors openduring the World's Fair to be held lu St. Louis In 1904.Broader. than. this, it is a club mu- !ubcrnewspaper men, sawmill supply men, and railroad tracofficials, Although lt derives its name from the Concat-enated Order of Roe-Roo, a man need not be a member ofthat Order to be a member of this club. The membershipfoe is $999, payable with the application; and this in-eludes ali finos to the club so long a it may exsthIchwill hé until the close of the Exposition. The l,eiuofits tobe derived by members need not be explained to those whohave visited other world's fairs and been at a lesi for some


homelike piace where they could rest, be comfortably takencaro of, eat their meals away from the crowded restau-rants, and meet their friends, Even broader plans thanthese are gradually being evolved, which will make the clubwonderfully complete and attractive.

From the office of the secretary of the club, 1200 FullertonBuilding, St. Louis, comes the information that the luto-bermen throughout the country are taking to the ideawith great enthusiasn While the membership books havebeen open hut a short Urne, there are already members intwenty-six States and Territories, and the daily additionsto the roll are very gratifying. 'lhe point is also broughtout by him that the fact that the fair has been postponeduntil 1904 does not in the least lessen the necessity forprompt action In securing the full quota of members(9,999), as the detailed planning and construction of thebuilding will taire at toast a year, audit is important to



-1 '




--. -

. -

w9 - .,

have the work completed several months before the open-ing of the fair because of the labor troubles and rush Whichwill exist during tite beginning of 1904, The importanceof this will be seen when it Is stated that the full amountmust be subscribed before the work is begun. One thingwhich Is particularly pieasing is the number of wholesaleìunìb-m0n who are applying for five, ten, or more mom-herships tinder the promise that they can, by transfer ofmemberships or by the card system, extend the privilegesof the club to (boso of (belt- customers who are near tothem. Because of this enthusja in the scbeme moneyis piling up in the treasury, the ezperimenta etage hasbeen páscd, and it is within the range of possibilities thatmany who desire membership in the chub will deiay making application until the full number, limited by the char-ter, has been secured.

Reports of Concatenations.

No. 700. ColunihIa, 5. V, Juni, 54, 190L

Snark, W. B. Dozier.Senior Roo-fleo, J. E. Fltzwiison,Junior Hoo-lIoo, Chartes Il. Evans.130mm, W. W. Lnmiipkin.Scrivenotei', William M. Otis.Jabberwock, J. p, Lorick,Custocatian, Joe Stone.Arcanoper. W. S. Brown.Ourdon, J. .7. Sutphen.

9278 Christopher Quickijehivery Atkinson, Columbia, S.9279 Alfred Joshua Fox, Lexington, S. C.

No. 7117. ()IymI,i, t'iINI,., .1,1,,,, 54, 1905.

Smirk, Victor H. Beckman,Soimlor l-iOo-iIoo, S. H. Lewis.Junior Ijoo-fl T. H. Claffey.iioJuimn, E. Walker Foster.Scrivenoter, W. M. Peltiem',Jabberwock, P. R, Keith.Custocatian, R. J. Little.Arcanoper, 'I'. M. Shields.Gordon, R. T. hiretz,

11280 George Sutitlu Allen, Olylfli)Ia, Wash,9281 Thomas Logger Bordeaux, Olympia, \Vusli.9282 John Sutphen Clark, Seattle, Wash,5283 Mark Henry- Draham, Shelton, \Vnsh,9284 F'rank Allen Hamilton, Summit, Wash,9285 William Henry ICuleolainl, Shelton, Wash,9286 Austin Shiowme Mortoti, Seattle, Vashi.b281 \Viiliam 11mw Poow, Olympia, %Vaoli.ft2icS \Villiam Shortscaio Sehtultheis, Seattle, \Vnsli.

N,,. 79L Ahit, o. T,, June 28, IOns.

Snark, W. C. McCnne.Senior Hoo-Hoo, 'I'. J, Penn.Junior I-too-i-too, Charles P. \Valkei',Bojen, G. A. Todd,Serivonoter, Harry W. Constant,Jablierwock, 11011m Conklin.Ltluitocatian, George H. Richarmison,Arcanoper, E. Id. Strawn.Gurilon, Ed. Markwell.

9289 George llhjalu Bacon, Capron, O. 'I'.9290 Gcoi'ge Washington Croweil, Alva, O. 'r.il1 flIeiI4rd Monroe Davis, Alva, O. T.9292 Robert Henry Dronnan, Oklahoma City, O, T.9212 Moi- Gt'uij0 Emuniert, Aiva, O. 'I'.9294 Andrew Biggerst.aff idvorly, Woodward, O. 'r.9295 Lestot' Arthur Hockard, Kiowa, Kan.9296 George Albert Hunt, ingersoll, O. 'I'.ii297 James Dexter Hunter, Aiva, O. T.9298 Brewer Woodward Kay, Woodwarmi, O. T.U293 Eugene Walter Kroff, Augusta, u. 'i'.9300 henry Eilwttr;J9 Leoninirmit, Ingersoll, O. T.h1301 Joseph William Metz, Kiowa, Kan.9302 Chartes Eugene Sharp, Woodward, O. T.9303 Charles Edward Starmer, Alva, O. T.9a04 Patrick Henry Wimpay, Almo, O. T.

No. 700. New Orlouus, Ls., .JuIy 15, 1902.

Snark, W. H. Norris.Senior Hoo-Hoo, Charles H. Stevens.Junior Hon-Hoe, N. M. Leach,Bojum, Eugene II. Outmanu,Scrivonoter, E. A. Donnelly.Jbhcra-c,':2;, J. F, DlaCustocatlan, R. B. Carpenter.Arcanoper, V. M. Cluis,Gurdon, W. E. Mount.

9305 Reginald Croston Butler, Port Arthur, Texas,930G Morris Barnette DePutas, Now Orleans, La.11307 Lionel John Fleury, Gibson, La.i308 Charles Philip Gable, Donner, La.9a09 Robert Alexander Hamilton, Nicholson, Miss.9310 Frederick Henry Koretke, New Orleaos, La.9311 Thomas Richard McDonnell, New Orleans, Ls9312 Wendell Philiips Simpson, New Orleans, La.9313 William Ewart Stewart New Orleans. La.

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Notes 1111(1 Coinnoenth.




The last 18mb of ' The BUlletin ' contained a little writ.eUI) of the Hotel Pfistor, which Is to be official hendquarteraof I-too4too at the Milwaukee Annual Meeting. In thIsarticle Occurred the following sentence: "As 8000 as theolitor of ' The Bulletin ' Iea.rnB the proper pronunciationof the name of thie hotel, the same will be duly published."We are now In receipt of the following letter, to the writerof which wp linrhy extend our thanks:

,' st. Louis, Mo., July 14, 1002.-J. H. Baird-DearBrother: The llame of the finest hotel In Milwaukee is proSflounced lris'ter,' Fraternally, NO. 2212,"

This just proves what. we have always said-that anybody can learn, if 1)0 wants to, and that there Is no realexcUse for ignorance; also, that the best way to learn isto not go around pretending that you know things whenYOU do not, insteal of coming right out and asking for In'rormatlon, Now that w hayo learned how to pronouncethis word, we shall never forgot it; and when we land InMilwaukee next Septembor, instead of feeling like uReuben from Squashtown, wo ran walk right up to thefirst man we see and ask: "Which way to Hotel Fistor?"

s s o

The name of the writer of the following letter Is pro-nounced "JIn'ney.lat," Wo know, because we asked himwhen we saw him at Norfolk; we nvvr would hayo gucnzcdit from the spelling. He is " Honorary No. 59," and is nmighty fine fellow:

Savannah, Ga,, July 6, 1902.-Mr, J. H. Baird, Nash-ville, Tenn.-Denr Sir: Accept thanks for list of membersto hand to-day. I Inclobe 2 for ' imminent DIstress Fund.'With kindest regards, and hopIng to meet you In Miiwau.kee in September, 1 am, Yours sincerely,


No. 3229 seiids a contribution to the Relief Fund, ac-companled by the followIng:

, My Dear Baird: In these prosperous times for lumberand sawmill men, I believed we had nothing but boys flushwith money to burn. Are you sure this call is not a Joke?"

We fear this brother has forgotten his Sunday schoolboxon; o:' cxe h w,uì,] ituow that the good book says.,' The poor ye have with you always." Not all our mein-bers regard the " Distress ' call in the light of a joke, aswitness the following from a Boston brother, accompanyinghis contribution:

"J. H. B.: Hare you are! I may na4 help myself tthings continue to go as rocky aa for the past two months,

, NO. 4791,"

Quite a number of the members have taken occasion towrite us a few Unes giving their views on the subject ofthe " imminent Distress Fund." Here is a typical letter:

"Pascola, Mo., July 7, 1902.-Dear Jim: Inclosed lindthe 'widow's mite.' I think it a very good idea to havea fund of this kind on hand,. for in this day of rapidchanges there is no telling how soon some of us may becalling for some of this saine fund.

Fraternally, J. H. FRIANT (No. 2411)."0 0 SO

Birmingham, Aia., July 2, 1902.-Brother Baird: The, Imminent Distress Fund " is just the proper thing, and Imost heartily approve of same.

W. D. HAMMET (No, 6792).S S S e

Dayton, O., July 2, 1902.-Inciosed find $1 as per yourlast call. Jim, this is a good nieve, and should be passedalong. I hope to meet you in Milwaukee,

W. A. DRAKE (No. 932).S S S S

"Atlante, (Ja., -July 5, 1902.-Inclosed find my check fordues nod contributions to the ' Imminent Distress Fund,' Iu.0 so glad to know you are still our Scrivenoter,

,' NO. 3336."Wo do not know whether the writer of the foregoing

really meant that last sentence or whether it was intendedas a sarcasm, We always take a compliment to ourselves,however, if there is the ghost of a show, and sometimeswe imagino we see ghosts when they are not there at ali.

e S S e

From away out West, where everything is on a big scalo-incìuiiing trees, mountains, distances, and eke the heartsof men-comes this brief note, with the largest single re-mittance we have received so far (July 17) :

' Ostrander, Wash., July 8, 1902.-Inciosed find my chockfor $5 for the Imminent Distress Fund,'

-o E. S. COLLINS (No. 7671)."seesCiarksburg, W. Va., July 14, 1902.-J. H. Baird, Scrive.

noter, Nashville, Teun,-Dear Brother Hoo'Hoo: I acknowledge, with thanks, the. receipt of this year's hand.book, and compliment you on its neat and attractive ap-pearanee. Inelneed you will lind $1 for the " ImminentDistress Fund," which I think is a commendable one.

Fraternally yuug-e, T. A. DUIS1i U'4o. 20li2).see.Norfolk, Va., July 14, 1902.-Inclosed fld check to cover

contribution to " Imminent Distress Fund," also for dues.I hope to see you at Milwaukee.

, W. J. WOODWARD (No. 8447).e SSS

Colorado Springs, Col., July 9, 1902.-J. H, Baird, Scrive-noter, Nashville, Tenn.-My Dear Sir: I acknowledge, withpleasure, the Hoo-Hoo Handbook for 1902, beautifullygot up. The list of deceased seems large, footing up 284in ten years. The one whose name seems saddest to me sA. A. White, of Kansas City, Mo, lt was my privilege, onmy return from Norfolk, Va,, last September, to spend twodays with him at his home, at Independence, Mo., and Iprize that visit as one of the most enjoyable of my life.H was a friend tc nli tr.ty anl u uf uature's no-blemen. Peace to his ashes! A good, grand, and faithfulBoo-Hoe has left our councils. Yours truly,

H. H. HEMENWAY.- e e e

A number of the contributions to the ' Imminent Dis.ti'oza Fund " caine aa'uuinpaujed by requests to us to pleaseacknowledge receipt," despite the fact that on the printedslip is set forth that all contributions will be acknowledged


through " The Bulletin," On another page of this issuewill be found a list of the contributors up to date.

s e a e

Ingersoll, O. T., July 11, 1902.-J. H. Baird, Scrivenoter,Nashville, Tenn.-Dear Sir: lt is with great pleasure I re-ceived the Hoo.Hoo button and Constitution and By-lawsto-day. For years I have held this Order and ita emblemsin high esteem, but much more so now, being a happymember and.possessor of the same. Hoping to have thepleasure of meeting you some day In Hoo-Hoo land,

Yours very respectfully, A. HUNT (No. 9296),- sss.

, Monroe, La., July 12, l902.-Dear Brother Baird: be-lieving you like to hear of nomo of the wonders Hoo-HooWorks-ito benefits to those who have to travel In thepiny sticks,' etc.-! will relate a happening of to.day.

I (No. 6551), Posner (No, 4631). and Hart (No. 3401) methere, and after our day's labor we met again in the thirstpavillon in this room, where, as you know, is that familiarblackboard whereon one sees written a Whole lot of namesWhose owners are race horses, While looking on inno.

foot, sandalw000 charm, dried Egyptian betei.nut, andOther weird things Which we keep to drive the witchcaway. We do not believe in taking any chances with thepowers of darkness, and we agree with Huckleberry Finiithat any man who will deliberately look at the new moonover his left shoulder is a plumb fool and dserves the fatuof the yuan Huck, tolls about who (lid this and who, justtwo years afterwards, fell off a shot tower and was mashedso flat that he had to be buriei between two barn.dporshutters for a comn.

S C S e

Constancia, Province of Santa Clara, Cuba, July 3, 1902.-J, H. Baird, Esq., Sci'ivenoter, Nashville, Tenn..-Dear Sir:Inclosed please find $2 for dues for 1902 and 1903, 1 uossI am a rank outsider now, I have not run up against ablack cat since I put my foot on the island, The cats aromostly yellow, pi'obably raised that way to correspondwith the Spanish flag. There are a few Americans here.Just now I uni getting ready to hoist the Stars and Stripesfoi' to-morrow on the roof of the Constancia Sugar Fac-tory, and the Cubans will have to hurrah or loso their jobs.

Yours truly, W, DIfGUEDE (No, 2623),


cently, the ticket wrIter suddenly called out and said:The next ticket is numbered 999.' Think of it! Herewere three of us who believe In those myster(ous numbers,and the result was that we backed our belief to the extentof $9, Now, you know here was a combination that norace track could beat, nor is 4-11-44 a botter Coinbine thanour 999, After the fellow got through calling out the re-suIts, it only confirmed our belief that we were right, andwe won, It may be mean to write you of this and not Sendyou half of it, but we did the next best thing by drinkinga few bottles of ' Budweiser ' and ordering one for you;so you see we did not forget you. I biologe all of the tickettho h!er wij-g mc wh ich- flOdoubt you will pro.serve in your valuáble o1lection of Infallible and modernsuperstitione,

' Best wishes and kindest regards to you and our greatand only Order of Hoo.Ioo, Fraternally yours,. . "WILLIAM li', EBBING (No. C1),'

We have carefully flied away the fragment of the luckyticket sent us by Brother Ebbing, along with our rabbit's

Tue new handbook is not so expensively bound ss those offormer years, which is in accordance willi Instructions giventhe Scrivenoter at the Norfolk Annuel Meeting. It is i)elievedthat the present style of binding is sufficiently durable for theIlse to which the handbook is put and 11)0 length of time it Iscarried-only one year. Most of the members keep the hand.book on the desk, though some of them no doubt carry itaround with them when on the road.

It will be noticed also that the handbook does not luis. yearhear the number of the owner on the front page. Tue spsce isleft blank, and each man is expected to write in his Hoo.Hoonumber, The object in leavine oli' the nidown expe and to fsciiilate the mailing outof tue hand.hook. If each man's nnmber Is t'uI on his book, ail the hand.books have to be mailed ont by hand, for It is necossry to geterselly the right handbook to the right man ; wheress, if thebook beai- no number, lt can go to any man, and can, there-.fore, be mallad on the mailingmschifle(l,. frem the printedmailing liSt. Sown of the members do not like it becau theirnumber iv not printed on the blank space in the front part ofthe handbook, but we are sure they will, upon a moment'sreflection, see the saving that this change has afectad,


1-loo-Hoo, Take Notice.!



- Chicago, Mi1waukee & St. Paul Railway.- . p$tGC TRAINI ILTWU9I



Lu,. Cbcago, Lr1yeMllwa,zk,, t4USXilWIUki.. £rnv.CkÍrg,.3.00 n. ni. IMII! 4.4e ,.. i,. iii. 1)Mily 7.Ø) a. in.- 7.()l) i. iii. 1)RII3 ft.45 u. in. 7. I ¿ a. iii. iuiiiy 9.30 n. ni.I

Is. in. l)iilly I j.()ip ii. in. 9O) is. in. l)itIy I I . I 1 ii. in.'11.80 n. ut. Kx.Mun. I.4Z p. in. t1.(JO ii. iii. Kx.Mun. i.00 p. iii.8.00 p. ni. 1)11117 44 p. in, I I .flO R. lU. 8. Only i .4 p. in.&oo p. ni. I)iiIy 7.U) p. ni. 1.45 p. nI. Ex.$ni,. 4.00 p. 'ii.: U.fiO p. ,.. iiiy M.40 p. in, 4.00 i,. n. l)jfly o.o,i p. in.tl.A p. ¡u. I)idty I I .40 p. ni. s .oi p. in. I)iilly 6.1O p. ni.I p. ni. Dull7 I 2.311 u. in. 7.:I) j,. ni. 1)11137 Ii.4l p. ni,

Iii I(T.,,'t .JIuhi, 20. I POI . SiiI)ji,i,t Lo Otiaiige.,Fi, I)ININ( CARS. 1'%ICI()ft VAIt. COAChES.

In traveliiig Li) or frogii pOhts in the Grout NorI,wet seethat your ticket resus CIIICA«o, MI.WAUKhE & ST. l'AUJ. Ry..: Fiist Tiaji,s. Spleiidltl Eqiilpiiient.

Maps and fino tables mnrnislied free on application toF. A. MILlE,,, General P148$Oflger Agent,

Oliiciigo, III.





To PoIiti.'Ín Georgia, the Carolinas, Virginia, WashIngton, Bel.

timore, Philedeiphia, New York

AND-:4:!4Ï.i Pq)Jr[ 11AST

I s Composed of Pa1t ialDouble Daily Trailstogether with elegant Cafe Dining Cars-Service a la Cartebetween Atlanta and Raleigh, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Peters.burg, Richitiotid,


Connections via Montgomery, with Double Daily Service to


Winter Tourist Bates to PLORIDA RESORTS AND CUBAvt.. . t;.iu. or Mnuieomery.

Por Tlck, Schrdules, Rates, Etc., 5ll'Iy Union Depot, orCity Ticket OEce. N. C. .t St. L. ori.. & N. R. R., or

.1. W. CANTRELL, S. P. A., 205 North College Strttt.w. E. ChRISTIAN, A. G. P. A.,

Wni. B. CLEMENTS. T. P. A.,.tthaiita, Cs. Atlanta,Oa. -

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Titis is the ¡loo-Roo Grip Tag, It is guaranteed to bringgood luck to any traveling Insu Ùn&tO keep him from journey.jite on tite downhill resti towitrdzfailuri or dister. It it b'irdered from the ScrIT000tor, and will bseld only to mem.bers In good standing. The price I 99 cents cash.



The Ladles' Pin.

Tite cut herewith shows the Hoo.}Ioo Ladies Pin; We haveyet to ace a lady, old or young, who did not want one of thesepins the minute she saw it. To have these pins in the handsof pretty wonton-and a good Hoo-Hoo knows no other sort-is the beet possible advertjement for tite Order. Every Roo-Roo ought to buy one of these pins, have his number engravedon it, and give it to sorne good woman. Remit $1.60 to theScrivenotor, and one of these Pius duly engraved will be sentby regIstered mail to any address. it is one of the nicest pres.ente Imaginable for a man's sweetheart. Only members ingood Btanthittg can purchase.


IIøø-I--Iøø March,By No. 1050.

Dedicated to III.


The Only AuthorizedMusic of the Order.-.

No better advertisement for the Order could be had than tohave this piece of music become one of the popular airs ofthe day.The price of tite music is 40 ceuta per copy, and will be sentpostpaid upon application to the Scrivenotsr.

A Good Routeto Try

It traverses a territory rich inundeveloped resources

; a territorycontaining unlimited possibilities foragriculture. horttculture, stock rais.lug, miningand manufacturing. Andlast, but not least it Is

The Scenic Routefor Tourists.

The Prisco System now offers thetravehirg public excellent service andfast time-

Between St. Louis and KnnsCity and points In Missouri, IConsas,Arkansas, Oklahoma, Indian TerrI.tory, Texas and the Southwest

Between Kansas City and pointsin Tennessee. Alabama, MississippiGeorgia, Florida and the Southeast

Between Birmingham and Mcmphis and pointa In ¡Cansas, Arkansas,Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Texasand the West and Southwest

Full Information as to route andrates cheerfully furnished upon appli.cation to any representive of theCompany, or to

Passenger Ttaffjc Department,Comrnarcjj Building.

Se.Int Louli.

The Practicat Side

The taso Whose HooNoo names appear In the notice below arsout Of work and want omploymenl. Thiiltintended ai permanent -department of rna BOLLrrw, through which to make these tactsknown. It tior should be, read by seysra thOOSMnd business menWho employ labor In many varied forme,and it can be made of greatvslue In giving practical application to Hoo.jioo's centrai theme ofhelping000anolher. it l hoped the department will receive verycareful attention each leoue.

Wanted-posItion a. PRlesmnn for good saw mlii machineryhouse. Have had yeso, er oxporlenee and know the tratto. Addrese'Capuiot,"earej. H. llatrd, Nasbvillc,'r,ntt,

WANTED.-Pot,itio0 as buyer of yellow pino and hsrdw.j. inthe8oth. Am acqttstnted with manufactures.,, mall tite SouthernStates, and undersuind the lumber busiiie. in ali its branche. fromTenu.Clump Lo coneumor. Address, No. 110, caro J. H. Baird, Nashville,___ -

WANTED.-Poaitlon ai planing mill foreman, lt'iftcen yasm'ez.pC;Ionco. Thlrty.four years of age. Best of reference. Addrcu No.5mo, Tiog, P. 0., ta.- .

WANTED_PoeitlonasbuyorforsemegIumrroneem Amwell acqu .Into] with mill men lu Virinl a North Carolina Citegive the best of references. Address, Washintn," care J. B.Baird Nashville, Tenu.

WANTED_poeltio, as buyer for gond firm. Aoquainp.j withnracticitliy all tito mill mati throughout North CaroUnsand Virginia.Bave had fourteen year.' experience lu the lumber builuc.. Ad.dress, J. A. T., care J. E. Baird, Nashville, Teno.