time management.2013

The Key to Most All of Life!

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Post on 26-May-2015




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The Key to Most All of Life!

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How do you define Time Management? What does this mean to you?

Take some time and answer this for


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Simply time management is how you organize your time to get the maximum benefit out of your day. This means more than just getting good grades- it means effectively handling your life. You have control over your time.

Time is a precious asset.

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“Developing Time Management Skills is a Journey”

The first question – Do you know how you spend your time? Often we are not aware of how we spend our

days. So for the next day or two challenge yourself to pay close attention to your time. You will be surprised!

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Mark what time you wake up. Pay attention to the time it takes you to get from home to

school How long you spend using your phone/device; after you

finish texting jot down the length of the phone call. If you have practice for a game, show, or performance,

visit with friends, or anything else after school, jot down the time.

When you watch TV, play games, spend time on Facebook – write down your time.

Write down how much time you spend on homework.

This will give you a good idea of how you spend your time – your most valuable asset.

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The key to time management is organization! This is a life long process for most us! FACT: 5% of students possess strong time

management and organizational skills. Most of us have to learn how to organize,

study, and plan effectively.

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Using some form of an Agenda calendar is one of the keys to organization.

(we will devote some time for suggestions on how to use an

agenda book or smart phone calendar)

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How many of you set aside time to study? How many of you take the time to organize

your notebooks everyday? Do you have separate folders for each

subject? Do you have a system that works for you?

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This study skills seminar is designed to help you develop skills so that you can practice. One of the most important skills - time management, as with any new skill, one needs to practice.

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Procrastination is a bad habit. Like other habits, there are two general causes. The first is the "crooked thinking" we use to justify our behavior. The second source is our behavioral patterns – how we behave .

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A closer look at our crooked thinking reveals three major issues in delaying tactics:




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Those who believe they must turn in the perfect paper may wait until all available resources have been reviewed or endlessly rewrite draft after draft. Worry over producing the perfect project prevents them from finishing on time.

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Feelings of inadequacy can also cause delays. Those who "know for a fact" that they “can’t do it” often believe they will fail and will avoid the unpleasantness of having their skills put to the test.

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Fear of discomfort is another way of putting a stop to what needs to be done. Yet, the more we delay, the worse the discomforting problem (like a toothache) becomes.

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Our behavioral patterns are the second

cause. Getting started on an unpleasant or difficult task may seem impossible.

Procrastination is likened to the physics concept of inertia—a mass at rest tends to stay at rest.

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Greater forces are required to start change than to sustain change.

Another way of viewing it is that avoiding tasks reinforces procrastination which makes it harder to get things going.

A person may be stuck not by the lack of desire, but by not knowing what to do

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Rational Self Talk Positive self statements Don’t Predict Catastrophe Design Clear Goals Set Priorities Break Down Tasks Get Organized- (more later…) Take A Stand Use Prompts Reward Yourself

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Exercise: Take a sheet of paper and create two columns. On the left side write every excuse you have come up with not to do homework . On the right hand side place rational reasons to replace excuses.


Excuse . I’m not in the mood Reality: Mood doesn’t so my work, actions do. If I wait

for the right mood I may never get it done. Excuse: I’m just lazy Reality: Calling myself lazy is self defeating. My work is

separate from me. Getting started is the key to finishing.

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Write some positive statements where you can see them.

There is no time like the present moment to

begin. The sooner I get done the sooner I can play. There is no such thing as perfection. Its cheaper and less painful if I do it now rather

than wait until it gets worse. I can do it!

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“Jumping to the conclusion that you will fail

or that you are no good at something will only create a wall of fear that will stop you cold. Recognize that negative predictions are not facts. Focus on the present and what positive steps you can take toward reaching your goals”. ASK FOR HELP!

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Remember when we set realistic goals– we can get anything done in manageable pieces of time.

SMART goals Specific





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Make a priority list-place the items highest to lowest priority

(sometimes we may need to re-arrange our lists) The greater the importance or urgency the

higher the priority. Remember that many aspects of life may seem really important, when in reality they can wait.

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If you have a big homework project break it down into manageable parts! This is a key in helping us so we do not feel overwhelmed. Most of us can handle things we do not like to do if they are broken into smaller pieces.

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There is that word again!!! Remember we are here to help! Remember the multiple intelligences test- where you found out what type of learning style you prefer. Your learning style will help you to create a system that works for you!

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Make a commitment to the task at hand. Write a contract for your self and sign it. Share your plan with family, teachers, and

friends. (remember your support team)

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Write yourself reminder notes and place them in places where you will be sure to see them- on the bathroom mirror, the refrigerator, the T.V., your computer, etc..

The more we remember the more likely we will follow through.

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ACKNOWLEDGE that you have followed

through on a commitment!!! Do this each time you complete a part of the

project. Self-reinforcement has a powerful effect on

the “do-it-now” attitude!

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For most of us stating organized takes a lot of trial and error.

You need to discover your strengths! Get in the game and PRACTICE!!