tile sun friday dkcember walled untilt i 1 woman liml porno dins n tin rttop utitl jolnoil him the...

q TIlE SUN FRIDAY DKCEMBER 1882 THE ST LOUIS SCANDAL n Ttnss KxriiAonniffAin co- IWVT AlIKIl JllK AJCJO1XW- Jlfllntr kcr Pnriimimr In til f >rt imil IIKt- liC him In Flight mill Tkr ui VUltlnc klnl sit kin lluurtllnv llmiae llrr nIInn l her istherIisIhiiPi miuilMln KrRiiiU- Kr IollIH Nov JtO AtrifiVlccltonTuost- v 1 pvotilnu Ihoiloor of n unmowhnt iKuUtpi- ltwostory brtuk bulldlnif nt 11 10 Sliwloton- tttvnt opened nml I n nmn walked down thai flight of four itoiie Stall lending from th c- tlhulo to tho nlitowalk Ho then htopHd nml- turnlnc walled until tI 1 woman liml porno dins n tin Rttop utitl Jolnoil him The man was toemlnnly In tim iirlnie nf lifo unit was full nnil well droRsid nml hiul a cry huavy- ruddlidibrown innUHtuchn Thn woman was ot tniitl fut fltftiro unit nuMlum I hutuht tat a Mini vnll I pinned tluhtly I over her faco unit n- turKm lint wovtmttd any ono frnm Reln tier fentuioD Thnsu wliii snw her tuirijig tho next tow excltln momenta say that flu wore n nenUkln pnriiun and a black silk or attn dreset On roathlnu tho Ridottatk- tlio nuple who niiliii > fiiHiitly I proxed to bo- 1ranU T Iglolmrt anil Mr Kato ToK tho- yonnir wife of Hush H TovK anil nlooo o- lOn W T Hltciinan fnood oust nml walki i briskly towunt 1otirtoonth street which Is lom than a lilook distant from the homo Tho > hail almost reached tho entrance of an alley which oriorts to tho southward about twonty jards front tho house whims two men suddenly Mopped out <i tho if allay whom thoy htMl boen hidden by tin hlirli fonoo onclcwlnu thin IIOIIRO jard Not a word WitS spokon but thin smaller of tliu to moil who proMd to bo Mr Tovlx raided n revolver In Ilk right hand took dhlhuorati nlm nt thin womans coin million and Hind iKlchnrt Htnmiyiod biwk- wnrd smrrnl otopB and thin dotibllni- oMir partinlly tows rut his rliiht Mid fell on I Iho- Ridowalk and BtioUhod out upon his h icU Ills iHsallrtnt immediately stopped forward to tlio- HuMrnNi limn unit wns pointing I I the rovoUor- nt t litmwltlithiMUlilont I I Intention of llrlnKiilln- Nlilnc i shot but t tilt private detective I whoI had Vioiii lying In wait with him ran forward srliil him by thn unit wrfnchrd I the jdtol out of his tin nil and pill leut him I nway JletimUHIo tl t tho woman lioliavnil In n most rnnmrkntiki ninnnir- Vnyinu no itttoui that toi tho othnrn sItu Htoopm- llijwn and rtKrtisted her woiiniloil comiinnlon t his to fot Tli n lii not luhil nit him I and pu liod tutu iluoroufcli along the xtdownlk toward the wost Ho liont over hell liU hand tip to ht side and ntnrtcd on n qulek wilk whloli undnr tno n tor urcliiL of tho- soinnn BIMIII I InerettHed to it rut ii iftl lug t that I bo hul HtrtKk n kood gal I and unit k lug Kiir t tat ho vuts not hot tug pursued sho t turned off at a path V shUMi louts dhiuonnlly I across a Mi cant lot front Slnulef in Htieot to 1apln strout and I quickly dhiiiipiiired from view Thiifnultlve kupt on wCHtward up Hlnuloton- strnot and tho o who aw him pa M notictid that there wns hlo4Ml on the hand which ho fell to huts side and tInt huts body tfna bowed nioro and mnro as ho vita livnehlni- Hixteonth street nearly two blocks dlstnnl front tho HOP no of tho shooting ho I tuineil southward and persons who know nothIng of tint shooting saw him meot flue woman with the hlno uil near thu ornor of Klxticnth anti Piipln ttrcetH which point slut tutu gained in athnneo of him What they did noxt wnnnot known by anyone In tim noltzttbor liooxl Thorn nil trncoof thorn vna lost ant the trail I was not iifaln St rack lorsi eral I hours Immedlntely after the shooti rug rod t titid tho- dntuctiMi walkout cast nd down Slncleton Street to Fourteenth street whom they turned southward tutu stopped nt t Ito I licry Mnblunf- 1ntor Mnaturson which oxtondo front Four tiiinth street buick to the alley whero they lund boeii SHcroted Just Uforn thoy rnferod tho stable t thn smaller man IHS heaid to remark I Hell die I gtlec The other replied Well let him what do we earo r- littrlni tho fUililo they called for their rig and the hostler on brought to tho front u- lino tot buctty with a Uiy horse Cllmblnu Into thin bnnsfi the lOon drove off utah as lu thin other onho the truth wits lost A crowd collected nt tlic bvunuuf t tho shoot I tug but not until I I all thin parlies to It hutch diFnppcareil anil vhlle tlioro was very eonvlneliiK eidenoo that it tutu ivcurrcd nobody could gIve nny information as to the perons who mid taken pnit In I it t or thou cniiM s that hnd l iul in It Uter an exehanuo of veihliin uhlpli weiu In m nrly nil cntph oie itt lItS of f fancy t hue cnnvd soon disjie od and when tho matter was reported to the Police Department I an hour later by Ioliceman- ThomiiH Mmllh tIiet io wns nothint In tho lout MMUU llltlo street to suggest that it lund recont- Ivliiiin the seen of such a thrillinuoeiMirrenp- oNutpaier rnivorierj detectives and others wore fion pcouilnir the twn for Inforinntionof thin ntViiynnd the paitlclpants In It but it was not until I yesterday that the mimes leaked out The 1 scandal nlili was thus caused Is jiowon every toncue Tln nenple interested nnrnll hIghly connected nnd onltlir- lulohart was slut in tIle arm and tho wound Tthilo pnlnful is ttut iice aiily dinuerfuis- Mm Tovls flout to HIM rcslJcncti of tier father Col Iteeso of tho nriny to whu iou shun con fioul Lor fault He ns almost oerpow ied by tlio bcnw of huts diULhtors shame Vigorous efforts welo madn to koip- tho mittur ciuiet and hiirh n powerful w clal Iniliuiico Vut4 bronchi to lar on tho- IOM nunspapers that this moriilnu they make almost ito rfteiue to thin siMnilal ftorlnr Interview with tier fattier Mr Tevlsconsented- tn face the husband bho hnd vronted and in his preseneo shun ileclaied that a seoranco of tlm letfal tIES lint hound them would lx a blushed boon to her let the grounds of thitsev I rut flee bo I hateei ho chuuu U tuft hui them Mr- THVJS will bculnasiilt for d Iorc Tli 1 tw hltlnn I In nhleh tho lainily with wheat Mr lulnhnrt I is- a boarder is PliKvd i Is an unfortunnUi one The lloyt family Is out nnd spretRbl ttuu hubnnd- nnd father navloi for miiny yoarit bwn among our most prosperous business utica heir social relations ar excellent nnd they I feel I deeply humiliated by the affair When Icle I linrt canto homo on Tuesday a glut ho rut uuu t tho door bell antI tho hut > of tliu houxo opnnoil t tho d or for him He announced that his turn was broken but did not nay hue hud been Plmt and tIc Infcrcmu mndo was tlint hu hind filbn nr met with I mmo other nceidcnt No tart lettlutu s weio askid for but n Ill SieI5 di was summoned In tho cltemont attendant on tho lullried fl of tliu doctor the dour wo tell opin nnd probitily half an hour attor Mr Itloharts arrival a woman entiTid I and nuked I llio colored waiting titan whom Situ met I in tin hall which was Sir Itlu hurts ronm Slut wa I Inform u nnd ulio went up itairri und knoeUiil for iidmisslon Tho- viltlni man eusually remarked to IIIB mlstrets tint u lady had just oiin up unit thinking it mut bo n rulatlxo of Mr lulnhatt bho Inirrud up stilrx to ye cinui tier bIte found Mrs ToUi bittiiiir by hut putifntH UlUlili and lulihait I Introduced her nn MIsS riomntliiiiunr other Oonsldeiahl- yPniluedbv the situitlon tin luh ol tho house ctlled ftil Hoyt am uiletli lied him about tho- lHllor itrikliiK him I I if f t it could bj jtossibio I hut thmii was nnyihinc Imiuotor in UIH eircumK- UIIKO Col Huyt ondeivorcd to liii lot her fiMrs but sbo I intimatid that unless all 1 IM rIght stun xhoilldmiko I u veuy llwoloils pro tint Mliiit tlm prtsiMuij nf tlio itritiiKHr Mrs TUvn t I pormltte I to lonialn ubmt half an hour nnd then I Iol Hoyt look lnr away Sh- ottn Out Milled hUt nppiiiil pilfertly nlf- lioncHSid It WHS nut untIl Uie ladyof th hotixo rend tin dun i4it Pr Mstiilay moinlni tlialsh- okiiv anylhlnof thu rent natnnt of tho iusn mid her iiidiunitiiiii tlnii liunv no Umnds- Yi t terd ly Mix t Tovis prvsvulud t hitelf I ugut Iii n tho door nnd was iiuniiniitirlly oidontd- iivny lluvlnufillidii t u i KI niirt ut startetl 1 ist lict nifjlit uudhu h r fatliff lean liar litlliuirl to the i anof bier hiiHlainl Whllo I Ito Kcauditl its him IMMI mid was n- pr ifound siirnriO in tlm piihlie them arc a- ft W W Ito IIIM Humicoiud tout t th t ivlutlui- ihuiBtijbotvuit tteluurt and Mrs 1 tutvhu wuro not iiionur It Issiuip d hunt ertiin infor- inatl in nt hand that Mr Tcvls WIH informed iinoiiymoiiy Unit nnthine was wrnni that ho employed a doluilivo and t that tint Iftttnr it tluuttt hued nnuiiih proof of HIM wlfiiu I Inlldollly II to Induci t tuu liusbund to- MHily n liwi rut lumedy Mrs Tolhi- n l tint more than 2 yonis old Sho Is t tall sI glut and vury graceful and has an nbun- lUnco of glossy goldon hiiir regular am Out feat ut yes a dour tuu hulccuufl and soft eyvH liar manner Is I modest mid coutlo jet throuijli all tho oAcitlng events of Tueudn- t1 nnd Wedmmilay cuuuic born liiiHult wltii nn- phnkon nirviH It IA now paid that lin ami her hubband hivo not iIvuJ liapplly bat no hut S IIon nt this vruM Hnt rtalnil botoni Mr Tuvls who I thi Mil of John Tcivlu an nldnnd I I rspetuuh eltl t I KCII IH n nnnlnnklnu younc watt nnd IOS4tSts homo ineauH luleliart I Is V1I lI known I In this city hml UK boon for porno yimrx thn ctuuhi tar o- thu leaking house ot llartholow Levhsi- Ou A which wn 8Uoce odott In liuslnis by tho oroscnt Lailodo Jinnk After rusignlng his plaeo nn cashIer hu went to Hiirnpo lonialiiliiB nwny upward of sU months J Ho Is irmiorally iiinf id rpd well off linvtnir won lucky In Ihu nsa of KIIH stock HvoriH years nifo ifs iHns well known In socIal clrolts tut Im liiln btiHlness nnd Is uoncnilly ru- cnrdod us cnpnblu uud Intellluont Ilo hut nlwnm onjnyod mi meollvnt reliut tutt Inn nm- nlthouch fond of drhlnc fnxt horses has nmoI- KIOII rouardud uo particularly dimhliiB hut WHH looked lllion rut n quiet enercotli und buHlnesHliko youne mnn > Ii 1 In lHltm tally In huts nlok ehambor by huudrndH o- woiiinn and titan movlni In thud Ixist no< ilnl sIr elcH horn and whllo till nynipntlilzo with him thuy have nnthluc but re iu ouches for Mn Uuvls Mr Tovls IIIIH thou fnr kept hlinwj from tbn uubllo und till uflortH toe o him hiiv- Ixiun futIle I Rnnitllutlnnal akin itUraneinf arcorhutlo charade Are Kuecen fully Irealfrl wili Ur lUnaoni Multi Cure ll- tenml will olernal I trentiiirnt both iileamin I It ce laluly removea I krrofiiU iriiillonn iloulrutT aint tni- ml liiaken the akin nniigtll unit hiallliy N w Yuitk Cfllee 10 Iultidi il till 1 IlenlliaOraitua nnd riuniilurleW- anlilntuii N t Ji I mum uIlriht l Imtlilay in audit itclilirlccinun rmJvillnuutU 5ttioUV fruuv445 Itiilluh 1111 4ni iiii Ask lur ttrlNn ItiilKlnilitnnin I IV Quit k rtnr ttrionni in Itllll IllirU blllilill 1ilr lItIh1r jo tkc 4nrhiillne Ihe hurod lnrl ril Iuriilcum llnlrI- U in WIT mid llouirr IIK lniiriitiil 1 nml pirfnuil dial trnirriithpoiirlil t unit nnnl wit iiitt a neSt unionir the linlr drcolniiii stud l te n utulteraIlfavorlt 0 tilt the Ic uhti Elastic llnplnrr tteItitrtefltOIflt PRAMH- TUISX fill t In f1u roVIKIIIIYTIlOSS Ill 7Ki Uruaii way ibo but furtflcnl uiIhutfttlcuu of every Und R A Ipiirli lhotnjrjili inichiilhnm all maktl- cnlilnct fur fJ ami f I tlinTcofit oliumlitro fl ani- lnilk Visit K11COI nnrlh 1 mist 848O worm til at factory t Nco Cliurcli it t np tntl- rIllril Mnnnit keep Cuniirlr In ronaluotI- OUK anil iiimillHcaHiii 15 cenl nl uruxifle- tfnpofllito tu n trspMraItufl rmnni- ieiUAlliil n4 tsr Itiu iriulicailuii nt UauilruII prcitI Jotic- Fuur T IA W KXPKIIIKCUO- K AN OLD MtKSK- MBS WINHUIWil MMIIIIIMI I flVltrf FUR fiiiLuiiKN TJJIIIINU l lli fniyrmillllV nf one nt lli BEST FiJUIEI- HYSICIANS ami MRSKS In tin llnltril Statue end lace tnefl I ttut I fur FIIKrr VKABS It nrMT tnllnic- FtlrniM tv MILLIONS III Mill HKIS HK Til Kill rilllDllbV It rrllrviK due rlilld frinn TAIN rum I nvnKsrrur ami IIIAHHIIIKAIIKIIIM t t I is niKluivv t Itt nod VMM Cdltr Hi gt c tug UHALTII TO TUB ruiLiMi t I KCMATIII II Monliii i I WVMOUH say to K- Vhll MOrillK n ho hoc a chit I UOi rlliK from nnv nf tin rmBmik oiilplklntli t Ill I Mir IIT VdlR IMIKH- Jiii is nor tin riiiriufis UK oriitiiti tana t mdl tie lour MtPKIKINd IMI1LI mid till KhLlhf THAT WILL BE XlltK tls AUlDLLTELV bUKK- In follow thr tic cf this iiinllclii until tiv drniritft IhnuuliMiit th >snrlt- iMliui TWLNTVrivi 4E ret A BOTTLE cnoirr I3lRMtU icunnvt A tAKIIK rilLICrTlflN I If TIIKHK KAIli HTllNTI HAM jitiis ui cinrb i ton TII I 1111111 HAY SIA U- 11OWA1U > A CD Mt Mil av Nl Yur- kPIITS 1MICM AVrNTIY rradloatnl Inllo3- Mrkn without knit lliriiturc nr rolled IC Hrnd fur elr lilurciintnlnliK r fMiniM Dr llll t r it Wel a7Ui t II N HCIITIICK Ut FIIITOV NT N Y- Tti tM Ilucc x bur non dlninninli nrtlMIc J jewelry Ce- 1Nbt s atet s trliuuc at r ttueiouut t i 1ctt ublicttiIt- 1DE AWAKI- Nn FO S BE It- an uniiiMV si- FimnNr MW rourt IN roLimsl- ICalNNIMI TIlE MJXY I VOMME- THI LAiiarhT ANt FISKSTPICTOHIAI MAUAZINB EVER usuin- U4 IKK JlAKTO PACES iM cnoid ftrruiius ONLY CiTriK- AMOLS AUTHORS WHO CONTUIIItTE TO Tills MIMIICR- lrn > A n T Wtuttncy 11 II Mrn Hone Tern Corke- Kllut Miformlck John Curj ell Ko i Kluunlt Marcaret Sidney lire Crairiu leurire Cary Kir KKtnn Ijlrrabeth Stuart Hhelpn 1luu tint Kurett Hale Snuin CiKiUdire Art tutir Oilman Mr llarru1 lletoher Stune Krirt A- Olier Mrn lltrtnell Ontlitrnouil riirmthm ItnKHctll Man f lUilihiPon Ilillli lluurke Mar ton Mm Miiloi- kfraik tlari i E Wilkmn llr Felix OtwuM 1rof barncut- Mnrloli Hnrlani- l1ILKIIKAIKt AR nuTs VIIO CDNmllllTK liD ttIuJrI rti ILIUSTKUKINS TO Tllli NIMIIIirtl- 8t John I Ilirpvr lon V Iliirur lr i Lnrtln t Hliep tic ni L II I llniiiplint I W Iirker lloiltlili llnnitiii rfnn- J cI le Sic lurciot t U i i itigly H Im It Mmrr Jut ri Icu i Ail Hi lil > url C A Nnrllinm j H I Cam II U an Anlirl M t in A Inlhlniri turullnc Hun sill 1riif I II I IuUr 1 H Muxr t llnr I llurrt t hHiidhaui- niibrrur r if raaX Uo contllhillo tiilutikt Hit liumlicr- nntalili mil ttie priullni U uf tac lillii t clui ou the fliu t Icul r A cik > lilt ltonKill ir fur I 11 t er efiid twentv lUe ccnte- vvitti nrdir to u Linimor i co- y rrinklin ut II tnI- HI 560000 4IIII iuiursT IIIITION IUR KVOWN- IhlMlLIXMULli I IlllLlOVIlON l IN LSllLVSO ANI> AMIRIIA I nil- hATlISDAV liEu Si lk2- nf I- IIlM IMIIILsTMAS lllll IIIK MMllllllS- of t lie I iiLVsruATin IOMHIN Miual- iml ll- iIoMiov 11 vnili Tile illlnn nf Hi llTlJMVUs NIMllhlt nf 11- mlflMIOS tilt LtItlt llnnMiil nut i In Hiximplm Hiu- ltlif ulltlimnf tin CllltlsIM t vs SI Mill II nf Hie I I ILIfi- lltUlU I Iut huN NIs I null i sUUIIHlMI KNOl- tMOlS Fnr inrnl VIIIM 151 t I tlif t tutln1 i ilitlnni liai C bfen- ttlkl II Up IV I III trotIf nil tiic dill t Of plllllll Ktllll lit untu itiiiituv if tin iririt iliiniuil l last t > ul tin IKlrLS- liual lIlHUtr i IWsivts in MM DOLIMti cr Inpi In LIIMKIN mid MV IIUK- Ordiimii is rnflud 1 mM 11111 IIT t n t> till buok- llllTM Hllt III UNtCnll FS TIIL INTHIt riflVl MVS llMINV J Alt nt III IlvUN M NIVV IJKK ii in ml Aiiiit > rm America suit t rr tiiii riciid fur nil Korrlirn IlillH utln 10 < JMAVN MtGtZI IL tin Iilltrnntloiiul Nfisk Nun tutul t HB to niiliouiirc that l h i1fi lil nrrTHi mi lit Ill Mir IUM1MAN- SliltlIN t CO tie ulin iiiiunt inikiulln u iI hi I nril- llionllil KIMllf VMIIlhLY III KNI VXD and AMUtUA I Till1 II SLCIIMINLU I t HC- KIA us diii tunly rKMK OF MMIII 5- lllll t krRIII N W AILKtliiiplirHi tote et tini i t juiis cinuiM irTiit tic Sillllli Mlllll- iliu minus mill OK I ssius n um n iini- iidi r lli oilKiutil ti KI t > ilu Aniliurti I tie I liitif11- 1111k I t mi K Ain n is I uiTiuinr sliAttutu lit II Iruilur- fllh MIKH AV rJOIIlli II J A Ilnlidr- illllisi ih Miiiinf t li liriiiuliuiii I inml J c- Hit HII HV sllt VMttu mi Lliultd Tin in lit N I itMllll lll Illl IVHV A IN ttt li rhupurr I tu1 II lit UUllim- itiiiHi ss iiivix rHKCiiiv- ruliiolifiincd nf iill lnnk iirr aiM nimtilri Till ISUllNATHISAt SKWS tiM t i iMui4 Jl lUtkinutut MV MlHK 7jiit TttAarnr ov Tint NTAOIC hank Inone Mining the AppU unit Mhiiot Inn tko Itch rkniuick Ike llnld CINCINNATI Nov 30Tlilrt aftnrnoon nt- ho Cdllaoum i a now viirluty theatre over tho Itlilno I vvhlih hits been opiMi only a forttu gilt Prank Frnync unit company worn playing HI Ulocum n sort of I ttaventy on William Tell Tlm tliLutrn was crowded fllllv 2M per stuns helttg present Frank Irayno tvorpiinattil- M Sfcinim nnd Mien Annlo Von llohren took tho- rJlo of WnJh Stonim Sis wlfn Tlio play had procoedml to the end of tho fourth net nt which point V I flnrtmt W ItO l a rnptlvc IB ofTund Ii Iii frrcdom In thin ustntuuf hi phootlnirnivapilu off hit wlfoH head with thn backward stint He huts perforniril thIs feat In till thn principal cities and linn never hvforo mull with an ntul- dunl Thin ntturuoon Mr Imyiin toot his ii1utui cult onn stub of tlio static vvllli MIss Yon lliihruu dlivctly opposlti Tlio npplu was Iilnced ou thu girls hend nnd Hr Krayno after Inking aim fired At the crack ol hue rIft Minn Dehrcn fell bncK on tho- stairo without tittering a wonl tho blood neetl tug from n wound In tho foiehotd Frarnw turnout I In an Inutanl t after the nhor anti rnuhu leg toward thu pr i trato girl foil In n cwoon by lirr slut with otto unit IUIIUH her hOtly Tho- curtnlu drnpitod naiL thin uuudlenee who BIIW- no bloixl and lieu u d nu citY tttiI not nt first compiohond thoHituatlon iiiuiiynf Ilium think- ing ¬ I it wan n tart of thin play rIta malinger ct omo to tlm front and kiilil 1 that an accident mat occutrpd thnt soon till would Ho well but that liar play would rnd hart with llm nntlsrtfon ot tho llfth net A few I ivoiin In tlio front spatS howofer- knPw llrU Mm girt utah looiV wnmxtc- dnd cried out hit lute lilllml her lnHO winN spread II hut wllJIlrn and ion ronchod thir utrpet Kxngcrriitcd JiiinrM vera rlrmtnled one nt them tn tho DncMhat h thu t loot uf t Ito tliuatiti t had mUch I In- Mi 1 rtttractcd a large throng of pooplo to the tinno who to hnglul rltli ttvn uaut nc which IIH I Iminedliilcly I ilUmlMUd I After I the t trngrilr I tlu > KCOIIO behind fhoeur I ulnontthi I I litllil th nlro bullied diiftirlptldn- h pnleiivks of deuth VUH phi1t U rout on- Viry faro Fruyim hliiurlf In tin tiii- orent toilet nf whluli ltd WedS mnMcr- iirtonalit t IlitiKlrl to spunk butt situ lay uineti- ciout to the List only now nnd Iliun gasptni SIte died lltteen minutes after ncemnc ho- vniind never having recovered tont- UMier i Later In tlio uvonlng the Imdy- no remoTPd nail an rmiiioM will bo held omoirow llr Kriiynr wit at ones nrrrrt d ltiuul locked up In tho llroiinm Htr et pulleii slut ion on the chnrgo of mRn lnnchtpr To the ncitlnii put by u policeman What rlinrgo hail MO mako ugalnst him rlri loiko cult Oh put It im bail uus yim ile l make tho- orht you can Uu Is bioKen duvvn whit grief aluil desires to lie kept III the police Million Ilaynes wife who need to ilo till net l Id- ulguuul and Mlhx Von Ibulu I itt liiti Ida s 1 thug Part for to ccasoni The bull took ft hurt on tho hair I line I I two I Indies abovo lie left eye and near the middle of f I tho forehead Tlio rlflo used was a breeeh- oinler Stevens rifle twentytwo lallliru and md IHIUU In uso elK l Tuars Jnet an- niyno pulled tho trlgijor ho pay ho fit the catch or niiAp Which holdi Out bai1- ol dovfii nt the breach glvti wny The cartrldgi was blown pnrtly or wholly out soul a llama of powdei from the nrouch burned VnjnoH hiilrt collnr Tho illstnnci over whulels hu shunt was thirty tout On tho girl hoad was a hat on which thuS ippln was placed Tho bottom of thus npriln was our Inches nlxivohor hend Frnyim snysit was an entirely hate shout for MI ordinal I I ily good 1- 1Icmnii I Ha cays tho accident dould not hnvo- ccn posaiblo under alt > otluut r clrcumatniuoh him thin giving wly of thin catrti suiting nt thus ireeoh Ho iloesn t explain hoiV It happened hat ho failed to discover this weakness before appearing with It on thin Maue It wits n full hour beforo Ito Into story got out on thu Miicts nnd then It quickly low over hue city Thuro is a genoinl uIluiIoill Ion to condemn this kind of hooting on tho stage Tnoplo say tlrnt although I tho marksmen nutty bo depended upon for accuracy which ninny question tils Caen shows that tho gun nutty not nlwnj t In order About six or ssuvlu- year turn Ilayno whllo t oxeculing I t this font it Wood Tlientre In this city with nn old iiBhloncd Kentucky rifle shot n itupn In tho foot The lint I lund gono t throuih t the ipple pa Keil through the butt lielilnd- hu womans head beforo It struck tho hiyuS toot Fnvynt pull him Immlioinuly bo sibs paying all his doctors bills and ither exDunsea whlla disabled He then oxplalncd that this sort of xhooting was enthely nafe In the hnnd of u goid- iinrksman People did not doubt huts sincerity tout bin iiTiirney nt that thins Thn- eellng noi n will now render thn giving of Mich- n iwrformance impoftdblo In this city for sonic t I imo hereafter Frank Frnj no was ensngod tn marry MIss on lleliren who was n llrooklvn N V girl He was lelcitsed tonight on ftnOfl lill Ho says he will nuver llro another shot The Guillrld Muiiiimrnt Fair WASHINGTON Nov30 Thus attemlanco nt thin larllrM fair to day thowrd a rliRhl InrrrnMtf nicr I Unit hf Hit I cut prvinuii day lilt I tliv rut uint a anul nM I tall nf- I prcfentntlifti In tibIa It In I ttutui Ilild litre toil tin coiuforialili Ulltd Thi t lnlik I Kiilnlitu Ti mplar ilntli t vtitliDi act local Kiiiglitt nltvliiltd In force after lli tarade ulnoli viaB th fcatlirtr f llio day The parade nan innrfhnlll hy Knilni ii I sr Rnl rt Bind axlitrd- ti a large Ktn1fliiKiiiitil mid lirlllllilllv cat nrironcd lie biinl1 Of tilni li t the Murint Ilitnd tut tliv fnrtiiio urniKlied iiniHii A toiniellllti trill inn held tv tin MniMinit mi tlir ut hra fatltiir the tint frnitt nf the Capitol in us tilth asu art sste lilt Ir fnr Irarllnr t nf ui n Iti t th- rnnki innrclmie and dreim mid npp arinte to VUry No ui Ilillidtlphm t Cnliiinlila Sn ii anlilii uin and fnrinthiiti rhn iiiri rhlladtlplila- An cxhililiou wat kbis iflttn tnttav bv the vltitlnir and toil Iicvilti tIer nn tile nrta tait nf llic Cnpttnl The principal ienl we > rliUrrd hj VV II Tndmf SoOt AttltlMirn Mau t flirt rreniii nf smtthvllk N J pout lex Smith if Wa hiiHtnn The rllinir nhnnrd ira nklll partlrtililrly tul itn Iht putt nf tOp hinltli it tin inrimplrd liln nincliln rpis tug the utah t Hiktinne tit pinall ss tact alul vtltFtlliitllu a liobtiill IliikLuilu- ulikh Itft Hi mm lilne with otilv oni 5 lied TM nno- irhwl he moiinlfd and mrpriiird iiiiinentUB pptctator- it ii riillnir It tiiik and fortti I atrnu the area arid circling aruuud with apparent case A Clergymau mu flreters Methods WAintIsuiroS Nos 80lIt tIc Metnoriuti- Methui4ipt Ctuirclt toutny dli ltcv 1 llctkert flttatut- Ott pastir of dl Me KtIri M E Ctititcti preattct clue Ttiatkc1i tout seruuuuiu to a Ieuucc couigregsulou tt1iO lug ci Ilut SItu ruiut CR5 C tue llli- is tlu rIottot 1110 heW tutis en th AttrneyCtiu- riut enit I ti M ajeltal il t tilt fuistriCt it I IS Tt if 10 tty rrt I Cuiu tt be tlut dli tttcr tutu iiou to a clip ltlvt pitt cfltuit at tiiteFs hew wilt tl fur 11cr uTututict hit lrlitr t Iu tiiu ut cu tutu auit t 0 tutu it jiflkt iii I Ii uru utuI tiutior us lilt su tilutu- 1tittuc cutittd uhntuhit built I itue auiuihtuu r fliiI utiu- Yiftrr i un tnt f tuuuitii tie tluutt ut ctuuiruu tier 55 ad c- cttCtI lu tiks ultussit lit uuuv tctttt I Suit rnttIuuct Id- 0l 0 cli Itiuc t he I utiltc uoeiiuuitc ttttIi Uts oat uf sit tuuiot etit lcvucy I toiL 5 V Ii it e tin a Orb tic r- It qir rnIuciiilit nuut uttturuttce The lcuun 55 tu 5 uiuuiut Ii cuuuIu titles Is lluru tut I I lili Id frtut cetl- ttiittt tt ttide over dl Ictcrluuuc tO of J uustlce InnkftPr who iiie Hitltl lu be KconowlealW- AHHINOTOK Nov 3tlt I hut Rtatod nt thu- Triwury DepArtiutiit that no tntvutramf li tinS 0 lu the account of ti Tarlfl Comwlni hnHr fuit- Achctucttt o iit Scr laCy t Friitt I U Mimifit PhylliS I tint the Tent rotimiiMion i i for iti tie tune obnerveil tics t i one of ihH mint t nuiimlcitl i uUlln- lux otuuiitlitiitlu that li- truilMe vfr IKK dUliiiif w tub 1h iuuiy Hull iutusic uurtoIl tu i guilt iton ss Itli Lite uuuuuuuutuu nl Ihe Cumuli ion juo r fri I tile taut hid 8ecr luCy lnltfir nan tint dillIucut l tn ai r ii fltl V Ci ttucl r lllon uf thu Coin i n Islun fur mi ptuuuitiI gtttdtcr tIusIt IlK liond of 111 PrItuiut f ttic tuiuiututcpuulu svtiitt I fur ilitiu Sir WlllUmn OIK i f tin ui rItatlu of dli s t nt the 1 l navury I ucIippIuiut tndtta- nf I tilitulntd H tiarI- reJUU runt of 6nooon t aiuutut Hie 4uuuuuuui Thn Ilrmiilna nf Vice A ilmlral Strong a- CoiuMiiii H C Nov 10Thuo remaIns of let Admiral Mrmu U h Nvtliuduil In I thin illy at n- limdat > loft for U acliUKton lidft> at lunjiiUi uliarirv of- Ioinniinlnri I J I L llavln and Llnut K vt t tIc try if Hie- Iiitl > The relllHinn ttere t Knrti d tothu I dtpot i liy the- e Ihlcf and Auut tip 1 atlna nf the Mi ro- iOoieinor rmrrt the I tout Lteuleiiaiit llovcmor Slut fflctrN nit in- Miiiiintiit lit rp of Hit I iltneral A < iulilt and idhei ti lr PflduilLud Tin tlaifr nn Ihu Unttriiini lit uililnnrii item utic1lucial at halfiua The tamttl nan coiered hv- ivitathB I of I Ihe i hiiicmt KniiHirrn lluwi r > ionlrilnKd t thelndlcrnf by Cnlulnl ttho hutc t iin lllireiittltiii lu their klud atteutlniiR lo Mn Strung In her alllictloit Kl cllon Frauds In ew <> ilMna New OniKANB Nov 30After a long iind- rartful Ins edtltiatltult iuf tliulMo elrctloji timid tu llilu city tIle trutttu1 Jury today riMutnl tun hullctintnti for forinry and iihllailini an true fnriffd dncuinenli- iiainit ihfriMiiiif I Hm Iertatiratori if Ihe tate rlectlun- frmnK Cupthcep vttrn Imuid fnr thcparlM naiunl lu the liiillctniriilii ettut hall si tic lUid at JU In inch cueIe lImIt ltaite sure tol tie wlllihehl until Iliflr urn it- H clnn Ktl of thn ItrllJrd Matlllei IUiiltlK tItus OSt tutu Hlthfroin tnolofourtien ycate at tipi lalmr- In tlm ptiillcutlnr Kevrral arriala nf lligao IndkttJ for ulit lets tUitlon fraudt liavn haul made The Inaiun Apprnprlollun lllll- WAMIINUION Nov SOTho Indliui Anpro- prlallon tIlt ivhUh in Ill h rciwrled to the house tusk > a reduction of more than IUUUUU from tItus amount arkid cur In tin ekllmatrii ciii I cull down the ripnwa- of the dud ruiltut nn acrnunt of I tlm I IlidlaHi lo tin rxttint of fuulil ii hrlow thin ainoiiul prnprlatrd icit- per t > The rtdiictlon is niadt In this auiouiiti altoweil trilif for lupplfeM in cases ivlitr there U no treaty tllpiilallnn I It us 111 nolentlril out off t HiMlnterniiient- upld p > lo anv tutu but wIth luakv Ihu trlliN nhiuh Ito lot ermiitnUi nut bound by truSty luiuppundo tutors lo lulp themitirlvei A Forger onreseesI- IObTON Nov 30ElIot Hyder wIg was ar- rested her tail sceck ou a cliarev of furilnn the sIgns tore of Jimti Knwell Loitill Ililtul Htatti Mlnliter ft London lo a draft canned hy thus Aniarlian Kxihaiilfe In- luropo llniltid for t 1UD he havlnil liecn luevlunnh In- lro liiti d h > vtr Luvrll renfiweiV huts guilt today to Mr I Henri 5 illlli I Its uiuutruul iiiunnKiT uho saw Mini tuojull TinDitlaJiuluii Kjiri luau bciiu itnuUiJ PRINCETON YIELDS TO YALE A FINJ Zi1 X5ituU fI4ME ILlIED on 1 flvuirr vitiit The Cnltrff t Fnothull 4hninplfilliM > Nint In New Ilta Tliinitiimla nt lie Inln- Irannit to Vnlrh lltr Intv nnd Eau- tmi I5hiyt HeiwrliMInn ol the Sprite If evrr tltcru was a poinloroiH tint of iitrn It was thin Yalo football itlpvnn tat thoy trotted l on tn thn fluid at tho Iolo grounds ynnterdny- Tlio froxiitgroundnecmod tonuako nml rumblo under tholr weight Thulr calves wero Incredl blo and would havij born abmrd but tot tho- propoitlonato Hbo of tho toot which thaw slur mounted Their stockliiK stern dark blue theIr shunts worn eanvnH iitnlnmt by wear thoir knot broechet wern nllvM gray their knit Jersos woro snowy white and tlmlr skull cats wem dragged tar down and forced their cur alit at rluthit tingles lIke the untomutlu danger nlgnnla on thin elevated road Tho npnsinoillo- olicerof the Now llavon college rnttlod In nil partH In nwtionKo to their appearance Tho grounds ware covered by n great con pouno as thuy wonton a sImIlar occasion on hist ThnnkKglvIng Day Tho rarallnlojiram of- tho Held was fringed by men Hack of these on Otto xido toso tliu gnuid Bland brilliant I I with the colors Unit women vv ear aunt on tliu other stub stretched a lone row of fourinhandc- oncho 1 swarming wit I upectalorH Iktween- tho concmirfio and tlm Hold on till HldH riot an- Inlnrvnl of nnnw Icmkfl lllnit HIIIM and IhigH- ol Orangii and vnttnw Kimpped In thin siiiifhliin uii lull ft t llio eoachiw under tho urgency of a Bluing ami icy wind Flue strlliuit ghittuts luf 1ilnceton followed tho Yale men Hlimiy nml vvero received by Hint more decoiutiH cheer which Is deemed pioper fur New Jut suy TlielrcalvcH nKo voio ot no- Hlovenly conMiitclion Tho I ilvn 4 faced each other As I tlm Oiptu4nH tos ° ed for eholcti of HideK an oblong ball of vellow lenther win iiififted with ouick I prrHHlon train hand t In Imm- lrrlnccion WOO thrt i tu44 rpivv thin kluk to Yale It hit thtuusuu I ito Hldo on which they would huts ci tho asmlstnnco of thin wind All at oncil tlm eliwon moo of Yaln peeled UioinnelTos of tholr snowy j junipers tool il tond forth I In t thiMn raIn uttkuuhhuu cunvi juckem w hi lab iirpnaid to Imvu dnHCcndrd fioni cltill t tI to club nt- Ynl for yimrc They are probahly tho nifwt- IKirfixtly uiuttod tutu rtolled heirlooms now laI- IHII PIt huti H then took up thou posltloni Onuof thin Vats nirn lay at t lull lit uigt Ii on tho ground on hIs Hlonvicli and lield the loll at trnnS length helwcen the tIps of hub untie is Another Yale man math a lute I Innge and sit ruk It with a mighty loot Tholxvll I tmltled a hollow notu of pain nnd fixing I Itko I n grato- ful butt fintftWlint ovrrfittfniil bird HOKicd skyward and fdrover lownrd Il lnrel I mn goal A 1rlitpntnn man ciught U and rollod tilting the ground wIt It it until I lluv combined elevens ailing I on top of hunt rendoiod him I IruapaMo of further motion For a IOIIK tlmo riff or Hint thu eMyeiiH engaged In a geiiernl wrestling match Thediill tlimU of I the men as I they struck I thu flinty t cut rib were echoed in Hvinpatlxitlo anti musical uxcUnm- tlons t ruin t Iho turn flul otiind Tlio bull vns slowly vrorked townrd lri lucet outs goal I Once It llxw tIlt of the crush nt n tnugbnt I ami hull uhiti lucelt In rt snow bunk under thin frlngo of conchc Thu intfkA followed I and dived I I In slId I It t sondinn I titus snow aloft I in hat hut y dhoivcrw Tlm honor sucutucsh l to ml with tlm hit rgu blnn lags o II Yalo Against I tho wind I they had forced I the hill fnr down nn Princeton To- an observer nt tho other end of the field Ito nlay was not vfry exciting Tho elevens put one In mind I of the iimilso of men that unit MICI engaged 111 I luuyliug the jilpes of tlio Steam lleat hug VnnpNiiy Occiuiliiunliy thuir innniier of iietlon would become so fnr varied that they looked as If they woin trying to gut n Thiid- nvnnuit horKn car on to thn track A Hock of bliitt lUStS Infliiltely grnccful In comnnrl oii- Hvvept like I a cloud of fuitt hers tack us fit1 tot fit and hopped fenrlersly about the Mioullud Held in search of fool Ilnally Yahi got well dov n In front of Irlnce tuitct goal lllchnriU of Ynln hold tho hall and 1 I It wns decided I lilt ho should t try a kick Ho faced tile two lull polesaml tile criccitt r coiist- ltutlug I tho goal of Irlnceton He vvns called upon to smite thu ball fairly on one end nnd- Mnd It abovn the einssiiit nud between the poles The flIt It it stand and th conches rom in Ittmlied expectiine lllehardx trout tlm froen earth for u inoiiiniit tn Had a proper etaiidlug- plnce and d ru ip POll the I bull An InxUiul latur lilt cnpnbln right foot dcccrlted a a are wIt hu lightning rapidity until the bull Hew like a hul hat through the goal The Cmches hohhcd and swayed undnr thus lixprejted unthitrfldMii of their occupant TItus horns wet e tooted All the luun yidled I In tlio expression ° if one emo- tion ¬ I or another Hands niiplntlded in thugrnnd- Hlnllil nml tlmt itelettnliln ilRee l > cnm nllvo with thin flutter of lilto silk hnndkercblcfs nnd- seiirfe Yale luau i v>red a goal At tIltS end of live mlnutci hits uproar hnd almost died I away The elevens were clumped nt the Princeton goal They were exercising their skill not upon tho bull but upon thn rel- eree Thrt ball was tulle The iiuostlon was under discussion whether Yao unit fcorcd a goal or not If Hklinnls had made n punt kick then tluuu goal didnt count A punt kick Is u kick mndo after t tho bull I U dropped unit before il touches tho ciomid A drop klik Is ut kirk mad nfter tlio ball linn Ktruck I Iho ground catehliiK it nn thus rebound Tho drop kiok was the proper onus undnr thai ci ruultnstutn Cuts Tho discussion of t lie iuntti uq r wan vtry lone loft without excitement tho nuuCout ten boeamo awaro of Iii ley wind t that Kwept ncron I the rounds Tlio t thousand feet In the urand tMnnd fell lostnmplm in unlHiin- Th coach biiulea tooted nn IH iaslomil impa- tient ¬ Hutu The jrllow observatory OMT in Ml Morris Iirk Klislitiid in tin1 mindiiim in n liar tlrnlnrly eoldliinkim manner II was a lout time bofiuu it uuuo to lust decided hunt Itleh- urd n kick was a just nnd pertinent kick and llio gt lute ifiit on Tn mako matters full cc Itcck of Ynl very south thereafter not a touch downnnd Hlehnrds nraln drove thin ball across tho foal In n way Hint nobody cnrvil to dispute rIte ball was put njfiiln In tlio cuntro or tho fluid saul annw struggle bejfin Haxnll ot- 1rincoton got the halt ansi tried u kick at troiil It wmtft noblu and au Mirnto kick but tho ills Union WIIH tout treat and the butt I fell I two rods short liaxull got tlm luill aunin prueoiith but buiforo Ito did Unit aiuot tier of tho tneuol Irlnee ton iHiiuht it H I Is a peculiarity of football pliyorrt especially lit a clone caine thnt they tIre linblo to net ova lonally on thu ImpnlKo I of titus momiiit When tho Irlneoton man taught Uie hull ox Htiid Hull of tubs tjuu night it wits iimnCfHary no n means of udvanelm Ills bidu toward BUIOSS nn tliu Im- pulnn uf thu moiuout I clinked him with I Lrout ntdor Other 1rinceton nnti uttid ot lieu Valo men camo up and took n hand In nnd thin impiilso of tho nionieiil elianulni- HldiH nffoctod alrincnton man who iluiiivl I a Yalo man In the oya The Yule utah after n few momenta sat up I rubbed his ni cot nn his feet uud returnied thin uamo I Ho Heomed tn- eliorlhh no retsiiilinent At tho conelUHioii of thin innintcx titer hnd foimsd italIc hU iuyu u dullnod welt vuriccated In color uud of lwpn of duo new tuitiOn Whon Ilnxiill us stud not the hail n nficonil U nun ho auain ossajed n kick ut noal tt wits n- lont distaneo and nobody bollivcd that ho could mako it but hu did Tho hull built it wiiHhtruck by lilt masterly foot was 11i foot front thin goal It Failid like a pnrtictilarly- buniiint and uinhltloiiH liiul und einMud the guilt suI I It 4Iulcttdttt uecnraey Atnln kite > nll- wero Is universal hut tlio tnlorn Unit Muttered worn tIn nrniiK and black A inlorrsl man naniiil deorni Viirdiintftoii used by tliolilnco ton tnam iw u rack I lor ulstuiH wax no ovor nine by IlaMillh 5 I il I kick Ut it t lie ul ruulIutd- till the cnntH which had Ktm intrnsled In Ills tar and fall int over on them bucUwuid rioted in a niofundlly of 1 joy- S l ivuts luot tuuuucht hiutiugn In the guuuuluu allrr I Unit Tlm bull ut one Unix ihHMol u inunil- nnil iiliulil iiullotliiiiii Into u xnntv itt lit t Unit iiliwtbid tutu up tu Hm belt Kiclmiilxiif Yul- nnuilou tin run thu ru i tug h t lie briiullcil tel Cus tuf thin iiiiposltloii ourr > hug the b ill nnil MIM itt IniiiJrml iniHiil nf the viiuiny fur u ooiitiiliM- iililn illHtniKu A limn ciintlnuiilly uvmni in HID air it rupturoil lint wlilcliwllh great jirido hu nirxlHtiii In ilurlitrliii VUH that niMilt nf a riiKiloit tnal Thniiiulnnit tlm iiiiiiul hun lugs tint oluvfiin btruuulHil aunt Btiiuunl They lluvtml littlii Unit WIIH IMHU nitiihlo A Irlnru ton itiau got jonslilinililii crmllt he ututuuit I ii tug nn hH fvt when I Hull I I thur ulti Col JBHUH full on him Vulii KHt muilhrr touili i Tint limit nt tInt fur tlio hirmul limliits- touiul I llriil tniii It hmUnHti iivultoil hiy miuiy- unliKikits isliut Imil wuUhpH In haml unit who WITO iiilik tniuinnuniti it sihuuut it cami Tlio- rrnwil haul liritHoil lu upou thn Molil anil niir rowed it to n umall spurn v hen t tho hhnut of tlnin IIIOHH this Held Instantly dUappemed ilui lila > CutS nlko MHilhhod but protontly t hun inlo team loomed above tliu crowd iiirain bornu In what boomed n rathur tutu uttuiblo manner on tlio- Hhnuldorsof friondH Thoy went olt tint lluld ilrawlnii on theIr white 111111111111 in tlm tutu proHHivo ulonnilnu Tho ccachoH utos cut nnil horses WI LIt roil tuonu Ions antI fpippiiJ tuil jut ho guilt tn nmko thu sleight bulls tlnUlo I I In tutu lit I nultui I hun cimrnur u ivutci UnIte unit thus etuuiuhu honiH HcmiuliHl as I if f tlmy wet e tullOHiiwivy Tim foliuwlncilit Iho full score of tiio match YALK FiirHiuiln Knaip H > iHliiian IteiklliuiiilJkliiK- ICiilnln 1 I I Hull I IMT ami Kurnrlll I iiiurlir back TouiuliW vt lialf IJKI ki lorry anil IliclinrJn beCk Bacon Iliiiilrc Mr 14aiucur Imsi u flu 5 Fnrwnrilfc UlcifH lIen all Hint Vlvti tug Wintliikli ami r > Rpi rartulut t iiunrtir tiAck T lluktr half dackk Mortnii nml I Im bull Kliilbullauil Mulfitt- lllMililrrMr liivk ilfialiiiiiiirMl li > ttlc 2 t l is Irlnciluii Tnui h diMMU intulr bv Yale J his Irluoflun 0 tuuitls priurtut fruit ti noli ilgwnn > y Suite l 2 bv Irlucf- InnO Tdlltll ilowil HUldK Is Uvik I Twimbley Tiiurh Uon us I ft r lilltiustn n Irliui tutu 1 llml KlikiMllt ItklianU 2u t by lUxall I lliffru Mr Iufinl nf llurvuiil- TlniH II of Maiili Jliuurii 15 luliiiitm Jhuo record of thu cuamphuifhlp la apponileil COitus UaiHtt lluri aiK4 Lust Yale a Hanmil 2 I Irlllirlnll I ii CuluinbU a 3 IIJITT AXt > IIVAL- YIlirlr T1Ifl1iITEVEP Itrcunt rechea In Ireland Cnnaldcied- Tmflnnimnlorr nnil Indlrlitbla LONDON Nov 30In the Hotiso of Com nioim thU nftomnon Mr Qlnilulono rofurcd to grant Mr Iirnollu reauiit tar fncllltloa to dla cuts thin ad to I ii 1st rat Ion nf tlio liuul net llr Tiunull thou rtskvil lasso to move nn nd jott rut nue itt I In anlor lo illncuis 1 t thu adtuu I n Ia Ira tlnn of the net hut only thirtysown members rose In support of the loQuoSt and heave wits thorufnro rofuocil Mr Tnnolynn Chief Roorctnrr for Trolnnd saId that thud recent Inflammatory KpccclioH ol- MiHrs IJnvltt Hcnly nnil Itoilinond had boon conslilcrid bjr lie Qnvormnent nml that If such ncccliu4 worn contlnnod thin moot Ititf of tho Nntlonnl Ioiicno would bo luru thu hIlled Mr llilmondi ppoccli ho saId vnmo within tue imivluw of Ito HuvuntU hoc lots of thu rrcvoutloa ot CrImea not und nrohuGiillun winild fuithwith t I Iw I Initlttited In htls ease Tho spccclien of Mimri Dnvltt mutt Hcnly did not cnmo within tIme not Those miuli by Mr Hrnly were linllctablc tutU Ito I Mr Truvclyiiiin I cIte I I that Jlr I Ifcnly txj not iirnpiciitiil lit r rrrMlvun HIHI I Unit I If 1 Mi I cs rH- Unvllt and llxiily luthistcd in innlilni Inllnui- nmtory II I uieeht Ill ti hull hat list would I bo niailii to huo tnoni biiuiiil ncr to Ixj of good bohavlor- or bo Iliinmltli lo Iricmi- Mr lliiily IIITH I roxi nnd III u ilillniit mini tier pild ho litwd to I Intni in t hut Its e rn Iuitnt tlint In would let n in to Dublin tnmorrow- Hlr lliilmiil AsotucIciut l tross imkid if thu fnut that Mr lMltl WIH a tlokittnMiUvo mnn hud Imini brnrjulit tn tlm Motley uf Iho ticcrutnry of Stalo fur tin Ilomi I iiiiiulniont Mr TrnvplMiniiilil tlun ntlonllimnf Iho Irlih- Oovi riiinc nt had LKDII ruth lit tn the fact but that tlnlr opinion wn very strong that Jlr- Dnvltt I Hhnitld Lu i I trralixl IlUn any ottuir purged Tlio lrin AKonoialon HIUM If tlm lovurn mont cwU to bao Mr 1 llinly bdtindOMTtobo- if iiitut lhihainr he telll a ill lluil nlliolirn ho would luttmriio i to prl on Mr Diixltt in Ilkclv to lit kit n Kimilnr t uciti rue Tlie I lYiuuiitlon of CrlnifH net dues not prorldn for tlio punlfli- incut of persons mutt tutU MdllloiiM s hut ih x it ls oxpcited I Hint nny irosustui I ugh ntriiliut- MisMfi j llmilyund Dnvltt will Ii taUon itmlcr tho nrt illliiliu ticiisoti pHkxsd durlnu thn- rilun of IMvMird I HI- Tliu yuwn has tiloixraphcd to Dublin Inmil- rImlntn I I tho cnnillllnn I ot t hue cxj ii roy ImUl who was HO ibitmiTotisly awatiltod on tho Uill- ilnt I and lo oxpia s 57 flu hut hty for hi lii family SoutttyHiMti miii nf tin Mnilnu Aillllcry- hivn voltlntoiird for pollo duly tn Ireland und will start for thero on Saliinliy- Dniiltx Snv lOt prnilaniUloti will shun hi npp iir iufutel rig I Ito HtiburlM of Dublin litter tho urfnw clniixo- DiUNllii 1 8 counxtil Inliinl to plrnd I that Do teethe Cox was shot by otto of his coimndtH ix riiK luHtfii ofl- lrporti 01111 ONV wIth Respect lo tke Cohan HeftS sees nnd tttt IIUnennUn In lurailliit LONDON Nov aulItu Uu llourio of Com- mons ¬ this afternoon tho lion Iielyn Ahhley Under Colonial Suet oht ry mid thiit I the ludlo who wore nccnnipnnyliii Mnooo tho Culmn refugee when ho surrendered hnd boon Im- prisoned ¬ A report Oh thn iniestirui WUH re- ceived ¬ yestoidiy It condemned thin ivmduct- uf the local nuthorltloH but lit eouuuiittuonco of- a tuloKrnlii from Iml Nnpi the Kicllsh corn inaiiiUi at 1I lruul tar n doeiflon IIOH been sue pended until lie arrival ot turthcr Intelligence fnini thnt ufllror Hlr Itlennrd Asshctfin Cross Connenntlvo- VirntvKtinlwalnut the isI thu liutlil I tug of the put uers rdludtl tug to thn Cuban mfuvKuH until Ito recoIl tton nf lurthir ndvlors fmm foril hnplor HB by t this colt tsp ill WIIH I on would liii I impohklblo- tHfnrf t tin prorogation nf rnrlhunont SIt CinirlfH I Dilku Mild that tho Oovprn- iniiit hml I no reRuiin to buh Iso t that tho Iidlu3- aocoiniiiu IDK Jlauro Imd IWIMI linprlsnuud Sir llonry VI nlltriKtrtntUofcuiil ho tutu In- formation to thai cffittt Sir CliarloH Ullko iiruiulsoil to lisiuiro Into tho ninltor Mr Atlilcya admltslon itml thp ladles woro- luriiiilvrrd 5 I with llinii to tlio I Suinn huh uittttuor- I IUin WIIH too iod with I tcriMiis- Mr Gui itt 11511 hlsui uIruuus ti Secretary to tho AilinlralU Mild Unit n llrltWi iiinbi it tool tnoHinall I tinttirrs icon t In the nulchtmrliood nf MaditMMnr antI a llnihlii and oUiorvt dolson I that itatlon Tin unit Kvpl > it A hlor In roplvlnir loan iniiuity In I inlitlnn to illiscniloiin in the Jii- iiinlvn Council promised lo piuxotit tlio dovii- infills on tho Mibjott A < regarded tlioiiucs thou wliLtlur tho local I or tho I at lentIl loorui- niiit Hhould indiinnily tlio 1oirnor for seir hug n care ot annn Mr l I Aahluy Kild lImit arum list Iwtn MtxtMl ntnlMrDin wlonlul net tho fur Ign h Knllxtmont I act Tho Hon EveR A hloy In reply to nniiOH tlnn iiilil that tIme proi T InilimtioiiH had boon CiMii tonitanuii for Klni CuylWttos icstori Lion as early iiii po sibk TilL rjOOIHt i V JIIK HIIIUK The Streets or ColOKitr Cohlvnlr and lloun- Mtittmrrucd liiiititliilloii lu Jlitllund- HftitiN Kov 80IL wits nniinuiiceil hi the Diet liU nlKlit tlint time worst of time floods was OMI Tho Ithlnc has lii lIeu a foot nud a lust In time last twentytour hour Uptnllod reports rsuctI iod thnw t that thoro Is sh lx foot of wiitor in tho strums of Oilouno ViblontAand llonn- At t hue last naiiiiil phuu 490 IIOIISMS arc sub incrciil nnd lunily all thu innlloni unit fodilrr in tin town itt vu I IKCII diWtroyiil TheroI- B I iniioh sIck ruus I In the lloodod districts especi- ally ¬ I itutiri flU time children a lid t Ito tour THE HAIIUB Nov iil Ihiro nro oxtonsivo Inundations In Holland Ijirui tracts of country tire already submerged uud the rivers tire still riHlni IAIIIS Nov 30Tile river uInn oontlnnos to rln The collars of tho 1alalKdo Jiiktlou and tho Tribunal otComuiuroo building arc Hooded ApnuUti IollIlMM- ADHID Xov 1OThtt Opposition will sup tort the tinJiJnturc of hiior DomliiifULZ Marshal bit rnnoV mhi > i for tbo IroMUuicy uf the Chamber mfulunt tuaor i lltrrrra tlie MliUurinl cuinlfilaU- t 5 u meeting nf the SvuMur and iKputkiiconelllu tin if thu Dnatic I hell lieM to lft > Marptml btrrnno- nml I Ireralcul nhuy S Iilsit oltuoltliuit to It uii riuuciut i rtotxlltir I In lit f the tin ITIHIIII Iittuili wi ul- tlonuuuifit tuluit fitS irltu1r it ruiuclruict liii f ii tflUtrul tinrty mi H liruml liatc uuluilinif nil kliuil s vt librrnl- Nui lltf I liumvtlt I Lift lioil Inn rmtiil lu rt ittutal i I ti I thcie of I tli cii crc tutu and mutt nwtlt tlit gnuui Mill uf I lliu K lug tn nturu for which U gas e urantrit ut unciMjilltiunjI tu altv rolitliaut Si etc aJoj ttd iv- tririn i lliii Svrraim fclmtihl te rttngnUcd at the fco- UIlia1 of I thu Wlfcii lin lMllilf Uiii tho reivluMliFli- iticnt uf I tliv t1 niiUlt toiiftilutui ut l 1St uitli IUln- HHtllrtmiluuH l iy ticl cf Purliniiifnt at lit lung thfiuti shut in t imixl It yifiU egrd that hrraniiubhuuil- exj lain tliu ITttrhMJiiK uf IIi i lefty tu the btnatu seuItcIn c Aliolkrr 1riinconermnn War IIruuyIN Nov 30Fhuut lluKhstnchnsrejoctodt- i I > anu uf IMtu I lll t Hit motion tu ullon an n tlulial tlivliicof Krtluli In ilrbati f In Ito frinlnclnl ttmiiiil- ttt uf MIHI I irrnhiv ltu tituS Ilia tliKriiii loii I Htrr un tile or iliforiiily nrpiiMil tbf nuitinn cit iltclurtil I thi rt wu no t hu urn uf Hit Kriltr Imnuil usu tr alltiH- It a It lo I biruiat tutus TbellPf nf t tin hfmll Inniflluxu- Iliun ni r r win unnCrMftn livcuiim i iicli w per if nta u- iiftlj t otiiilitiiin uiru I iltriiiAiiH nml Miiotlur tlitlit nr 11 nife HI ak I otll lunifiniiCfN TIts Iolitltal I nih sty of itt iiiilliii ID iiinttu nimmit In l hut I fAtii fartioi- iiln riMitti t the Kriiit prt ui irrrctfit tic tuiirod scOot Hi rr Hinniiitfiiti MUot iit uMil tliv liintlnii antl titlltil that Iliire wtinlil i In tu site ciit nliiillur vlriiiErlo fur i isteiiim t f AliHif lgrralni ulioliirlcr tilt luir bmug- Uriiuiu lu rrunif mine tu a hut el Arnhl lv IMrnil Jiillly tu KolielllunI- OMIOV lieu 1 ThoCuIro corre poniliintof- llif IMIInXrvi ttli kmilitliat I hue brlUvn Arnll Iulmi- illl ilciiil Kiillt t In the irriivral vtiHrKv of ruLilllon nint I hut the KMllH jn- hartriMtf will nut htS5 I tie jititMim Hint li cinliHriiii AralI will then I M nunfit to t ertultulutl fiilw rvtainliiir hU itwurit tituS JinJ fiiKluimnt- Thi M ill l1 telr nrrCctiuuulcui shi K I hut throne tl IMH i OUd If l n rtirn rui tt tap arrantftd t with Aretuis iMHiti fl in itn vxav sum llie littfHitity fur h Stat tnul Ttic ii tall are tell nvirvt- tinifiit An Italian Dctuly llclullDV la Ticks the UHlh HOME Nov CoiiHldorablu utoltement wins taliiiillii I IIiorliiiiilnnf I Uiiilll tn tlay t b > thus n CiiKi- lof tin rmllial inciubrr hlirnur rntleluiil In ttkv th onlh- of allttftiimi liming twIt rtfukul tn it uti i t HID 1rmiilnt iii itt tel him t tu iillhilriiw hlKinn t Iallirinil nilUit I lueSt Urn Mlit title IS Hie iirui ti HIII I hlnill only kale lint r comi ulilou Thiriu ou tnu- iUt tints riuiti > t1 t tOut Ike Nliidcnt DIXurliKiirci- KT rKTEisuuii Nov 30Tbto Council nf tIns Unlit rklty tics itiLiilett I liMXlifl furty vlx ntlnlriilH 11 lin wire I Hie thIef actori In tIn Utf illntnrbiiiKt Their Hrrliln IIHIM i Ittn nntlvr Ililite niu riinltil l ci int > ilirruoihvrii dui brrn cit HiI iroin ilii Inl- iiriil s mtli I IhiiiiiOiriniitliii Hint I thii will bennl- iiiltttj If niintsnt The onaplisey Ainlnil the Hiilliin- CoNBTANTlNon f NOT 3Olhun oxnmlnntlon- nf Hut livliuin llnilit atiil in tin allrifril loimjilraiyu- irnlnvt tlm Millnn his reinllnl in t Hit aiiinltu of pit the aii until t xci 11 rilinl 1uHlm ami Mvlirniel 1iinba It Inriiiiuirtl Htnl IuaJ will l tie miUlittil and rolureil tu- Ihw bultani femUr A Iliiulilr f knlUni tn Vlikl H line FAKIH Nov 30M A huh nut x Ito uuluhluut fl mi nIn r uf t Hirthnintirof I Ii ulltv IIIK challriiKctl M tutu rt ut iilitor of t Iheitru uiil M Artnn e si rutqr fur Ihat tins apvr lu Hiclit ut ulusIl llotli baiukcctiitiij jiniitin AHUUC 7oirv Man HlMvbranilt Uitil nuJileiili uhllo fotini her I bunk nun tug tllniii r lit hunt bonift at Jot i Reel ortythlrill- rtHt lit u I M Slic ivui It ears oM A rurlv of bun Htioviballeil Juhn Sinltli spit iii In Ilrrt aiellln Ill Iwsuilyilniti l nlirrl on Wrilntmliy Its tiuress C adDuic itt thtln anU II till Jiouelil lliinn lo learn nlil In I Hu f ftue ilaiui roufli nniindlni hut Kinlth iihu Uu at t HI llut riot utiinlh nlreit 5 itt hull lentenlnt IN bov In In HillruiL lluU l IlK tiireiilt Uiuut 1110 East I u vuttyasictuttu mc t SEEN FROM GABBS WINDOW FAMOUS norss irinnrTxa NUTHD- 3tVN OrKll Till Wilt lit ItUtltS An Inventory Made as Aldlnc and Ijtrlt KUM Wrist hIjUen Ornnta tint IlKrnnU- Wiirka Fljrcra ItnUInc Hnovv Cloud A man wllh a ruddy face mild blue ryes n roth none and a husky voice suit In Clabo- CnwVrt yegturduy afternoon with his heels out tie window sIll and his hands thrust deep tn- IH pockata tie worn n fur cap and a heavy white driving coat stud ho wittclied thn road- ster ¬ as tItus swelL over the wlJo Rtretch of Rtiowy road with the critical aIr of an old horseman kIt around him were men who talked homo volubly shook hands vigorously and warmed UioniMjheH at the bar Up and down tIns road from Ito bridge to Ito built was n running thin of horson of every color anti size anti slights ot ovary fashlon with hero and lucre a cub looking very much cmbnrrnnsed antI decidedly out of place TIns ruddyfacod man with thin husky vnlco callod a welter to hits side and turning to tIns reporter remarked Hlr Id Co pleased to blow you nIT t Tlm reporter slgntllod his entire wllllnjnosa to Binoko n cigar yiiltit right mumbled the ruddyfaced unto Its n hat thing to take liquor out a duty lIke this cause It makes your feet dully My foot arc at present below yern He then main- tained ¬ a dignllled sIlence until time cIgars were lhujht Lou when hu glancad up the road I and said Ilo you sue that roundshouldered man In Ito small cutter with hlx I cap pulled down over his OCH and his Hiilu wlilskort uitlckl tug out lust bliid I like a couple of frosted wUoi brooms ThatH William 11 Vamlerbilt anti hues driving bin faiuoiis team of inareH A liii run uttuul Uarly HohM Tlmy lift I tholr tent nicely dais I t they I and their bends hang piettyuhf llotluidl 1 I lily nwvTr did U1B in llnrlford nor anywhere olse Thats otto of Vnuibi bitts litlle jokes I Hit looks comfortitble- Ym I those puiuilsk tutu ought to knep u tuna warm but t hey cost a good dual of money f tell itt my HUH thcios a largo amount of wealth skimming right along there In tItus per sonofMi I Vnnderbllt and his train Lots seo how much lI Is Tho I itt huh futuiuiul titan with much tugging nnd blowing gut nu envelope out of his pocket and taking n pencil Irma the reporter contin- ued ¬ Sow hn bought thnt team through Hocka- feller for l3iiKi but thus mnrp hadn I tnailo a- doubln rioord tlicu midI wero nut ci u valuable its they tiro now He considers tliam wort Ii- I f 100000 and they would prubahly bring half I Hint umlijr tlio hammer today That makes llor e fVH II- Mutch 11 lIaricss lot- ltftiltii nOt and rap HO- 1ur Inii rolie in- Illovri to Total filni5 If sou putt Vnndoiblll himself down for say a hundred million I you will at once grasp on to the tact I that ou me gnlng upon what repre- sents ¬ a Itt ugui plln of lucre hullo theres Kd- Ktokes spinning nlong belilnd him the young- ish ¬ mnn with I the gray Imlr nnd deeply marked fenlures Hen driving luis enick lenni lymnn- nnd hal I Flower nnd his position I In followiiia Vamlerbilt lu singular so to remark Why llecauso ho follows him nronnd whenever ho guts a ehaneo no matter where lin is The old man dont take to Htokes however You notice tho liatchetfnccd onng nina with n I thin I roil benid driving I the longlegged attire Tbnts joiitig Ynmlerbilt young Lorneel who drives a iinpi much mom gently tlnin his fntlier does Tho keenlooking horsey flute skimming behind him Is John Itcgcrs driv- ing ¬ Wllkesfi filly nod the big man wltii thin bay team that drops Its lola feet like four pile drivers is Hhopnrd F Knapp Ullo heia comes lieu Cirant tho fat little man I in the pldghat dilvlng thn conimon- blnco bay mare Olwerxn how coy and stylish 4 Ui liiis become He in almost thn only man on the toni todny who sports a brnn now silk I tlio and velloiv driving 1 gloves Thats I thu Inlliteneo of Wall street Tie travelled nil over the world without I I I improving hs way of wear- ing ¬ I his necktie t I hut a few yenrs tin tlio street sends him I foi III strictly fahionabln as to hat and gloves The man handling II I that fast I buick mure U Col Kip tutu thin one swooping by him IK Kasnnnn with his fast team Captain Jack and Glendulc Just hero them wan a uulckmowmentamong thin watchersnnd I tho hospltnblo contingent that wnsHtlll I I giving hIt lot ks nt thus bnr moved hur- riedly ¬ to tho windows Coming down I the roust was a Miuitioslumldciod linelooking man with snowwhite moustache who silt erect In hi Iii uilut hghu holding LIt uul suit oser n ten in I hat mndo HID Minw hit in clouds Thats flunk Work tumid hula great team IM want nnd I Hick I Swlvellerthe i fiitest itam In HIM world for money Talking tul unit I Vnnder hIlts oviuinslvit turnout vtliy Works knocks them sillt I lln is Inking all the Lood ho tilt of the ilav I bnw him this morning hklmmlng- iilong iMihlud ills nevvlv purchnsctl cliestnut mare riorinco YandurlilU hiss diiveu siughi today tot Ho went skipping by hero this morning behind I Lvsaniler This is huts llrst t time I wes had snow on Thanksgiving I Our since I 50ri7 nnd the I hut >H nr bound to enjoy it TheiuH Johnny 1 Murphy again Hu has been out since morning diiving nl- ternately the bay gelding Plekard with a reoird of 21S Judge IlilliTlonJ1H and the cheutnul mnro Lady PrltchnrU wllh a record of 221 Thats good enough stock for any man to ride Ixhlnd ocvordln to my judg- ment ¬ which mny or may not 1m good Why Mess mo If there isnt itiUi Cnse himself elliitilng up the rond Inlilnd lllg 1ellow Flint settlch It Ill gut out my old plug nud follow for It may not snow ngnln for another twenty bix I jenrs and I dont onrM lo wIth Tin ruddyfaced man joined for a moment flue permanent contingent at t tlm bin nnd a moment laUrwas spinning up thu road with IsIs uslhxuws well out nod his taco wreathed in a smile of liieffabltt complacency Morn than IfiOH slctirlisnnsspd throuob Hun trnl Park The livery stable keepers wore not rotudy for hue rush They hnd not sharp shod their horHOH and wero afraid In many cases to lOt them go out Col llrlflln was hard at work making Flcctwood Park track level and lit f fur sIucuuh I lug It will bo In condition todny nail there Is talk ol n trot to sleighs for the sil- ver ¬ cup If the sleighing lasts as ih likely thero sub111 bo sumo hut uuZy matches on tItus mail Unix Case luau n fiftypound hlolgh Hint he ls going to give to the winner of the llnUof them The Nltfiml Offlce Predict Ion Warmer MPiitlier westerly winds stationary or lower predate l4tt f > 7 < OU TtlK TAIlCJ 111 Ill The Hulffarlan MhiUtij lae urdtrcd this release nf M- uiic n i A ruiuyrnnuhee hirut l tctt cfferttd between Lord liuiui- duuuiilui iuI this k Crltutu- Tue rnlilltIutu it the ArlutIttop at iutttetbuty I datijic ruiu e hut tilteli hutis e ut tiuut uu ru attIc TIc hutihos hi ii it t sit M ill at luthctnut I i aP tuittut i hint uilgtut It loss is 1u it di i tuicu trul fir fiiji t It flipnttl ltt uteIluiuul tIc Precuittu nf I tie hlnutuun Oct llauuier if l1nlutia5 lit ii ittuilt uiitLiu ie s a elect s cud rtiiy- TI sualurtah tntnutiit it St liil1st outtuly N 5s Ci I icierut lv S trutuaiit 5 lutiuk Itt liutlmc us declared I i lot ty tttti hi s tiutlot ity- A s uuuuur ui alt tuuiuil thiurreUx luit it kihlul lit t hue U lull tIuihuuig utcer lit tiuS iiiiliuiiit IIotrli Ii- httii to ruuniiluir euuItct ii gut troJ tnt ti hOt I r iutuuu- tyr eouutrary II hew lhe ton it of hironittluslul Stn lit luct tchvrul ti gift f siuuu rriui it Otiiir riciIuut fur it 1uutliu Itruityt- uulil lug ti luitutry hiss huuu sirs ioely bun glu ii titus iijistt 14 Jutiig Slustrich- Cuul Tiouuuuuu II II erkuunds ii tinted oluhlcr lit hI war if thus teusumu it i itt SI Ilkunlerre esiuula of it- liiutlti itiI it iturs tI ci uta it Icruiect tultu tuu- di tttuit lit tuiist iuIloiu uf t hit islets huuliutiu It tuuurnr p11cc I V lluttq title enlIteter for thunrl tlnitu 1 4 iYluiaitu si lu nt tuu iihuut iii 505 si II it i I I cut hsnhl ii N un Orlcmui5 lad is cit tuig tu ems cit it fruuuu tihiutuil itt ntuitii T ttitrsier a hirultu r of t lit hale it- i st uureter I I Ii cf utIet muiers au itiih uuuttilir uf CutiAr in sit it5 it i ilut ii iuiuu r- uil lit at hula rccituiu lit iS utluuia I II The itt hniuui titit 5iu truttuului htllruiul lluiiu lilt iii Cls Itus iCtuils if dl ttuuuttuiui pout null It I 5l titruutl lii rat ttuuutigtu liii uailuu ii uuui hue ItiuIiuua dir hucuiittug r u utin11o4 I ritumrsi he rue hricus fitruiry I hiy the Sct tdid nius eat A luau titu 1 hump jut tItei 0 lIlt hliu ulnk if tiulluhituis s t If thu fiutry ssere hiirueh I I rhay- It tuuttti ins is i tltuucti l ci fruuuu t2l5 it Ciiiiitii Sir John Pope Hiiininy m prmil llntNii Hovirnoi- nf HniiK Koni linn l in apiiitnttd Ion rnnr nf Mutt ritlii and Sir illorife Ktrifinnn tliui cut init liottrniir- nf Mtnritllli lia heidi llppolllttd to a like pufttloll ut I IIMl t KitS liud Uiirdiwr a irniCr nu tln Ifurtrrtnun Ilkiiirnr I runtifiil Ks n ttrdat ufu rumm nknl II imrtd i lra nut inlund tn huts a d ieh nf fort cults UrMUii drew A knife nud Utirttd nMnl tmrdi i ss tat tlm lit ttr hrrd and Mlltd I ilriirtm i the KurniMin iullt forue tn A lex mid ri a lo pi U to ndiiiid lu fMuml itiU nl tulru l hi 2t fir nirHfi nf t i uuiili 1hi I rfiniiiiHlt nf thr fort f us HI tn ct tit htniifM I IhitMiUtKitnf I KVjt Mmh lumliru tuii Ic t1reiuit l al t thf riitiuliiu- Itu I Mllllarv lril uiml in I OIHHA Uii l time fmin- dftl hlaviik t milhynf u iltnrirtiif cmli < liiikrl t 1- 1riiilIoi frnin tie tiutriMn nl nnd Im nuli in id I him In IHiilrhim A tnilitit ntd a Lit uii imnt iitd twolew hit ttintrnKr lint i ttnttmrd to arluun lcsqrI- utoultlq C fT iuuitiluiihl in Ihvnmti Ihv iui rnortif LotiUUnu IIIH i stunt u prHlHiiiiition- onicriiiJt nu ututlilu ui rr li H fur intfit ciiuii In thus- tiunirluit hUlti l i in till tin s ttiiun uuiuiouh i h > HM dtMhtif- It n Urrrtnt 1 In1 tlownmr huitnriUri du niinutk4lioii- nf thf uiif t if lln1 hlrd tfiixritidiitrloiwitlioui itms lug inrlillonli lu an ono Killtirif let I IK 7 niKjuril The trill Aiiriiinriit hcts m thus nnidu rouihfrn- ItnlUa iuilllll tub Itif HlilUiTiH iVntrul Hnklrni- diiiii I KU wt st MrBt nluv fohoiiuiiuiiUd l hit tie Sot uf- Ih I riumila hnuilun1 rliurihnldn un H uuut thug tn Ian inori than the nti enear tun t third t l fliic reir ueuuteht at- thf mo tint and the st v hrlnif unanlinuiii flit etc nu nt Mf lulu t Uit J uit 1 In I PhltfcMitv i trnlav nftirtinon 55 hllr workmen nfiuliAMiiiitf t t fiin ii utrt lii CSt n l tints > kii iif fur ui- liliiitiiifht i f thf l rtliit uiruihs tho tuitp tutu ltivi t Iho doiiiut uf tilt ftonp MU I i tirckfd Ion mhtdriiU i ufijiif- tlu dirrlt I k cat uo lit luta Uio sur rlrmnriii HIM till ilir nf nn finriiif wiih It 55 lIeu lleilfriun uiufinri- imnnii ttitin Urfii Ulnnd wurtnulniMh ktlt il iitiit tot rthrrwiri wrloiif Injuritl A pueuin namd Jmni uI rio Ii inig uud U nni jotKd to tv umlir th tiu hit hi llif vuiir A STEAMSHIP UNIt One float with the Coitlnlu Chl f OMccri- nd n Lu < r PiiMenif MUiUir HALIFAX Nov 30Tbo HiUtah ettnmslilp- Codar Orovc from Iindon Nov 17 for Halifax stud Ht JoInt N 11 struck tho lodjro off CVH- ICnnsii at 3 oclock this morning sinking nn hour later In ten fnthomo of wntur Throu boats wore launched soon nflnr tho vessel stiuck two of which contalnlngl tlijrleetip- erMons reached tin shore rnfely Thu remaining boat lias not Ixsn heard from and It la feared nho linn been lost In thin breakers Among tim missing are hue Captain chile officer and Mitts Fiirroll a lady passpiigtr Them wits romitch confusion just before the vossol sank that It l Is not known whethrr the iwrsonn named urn In thin missing bout or went down with tInt steam- er ¬ Mr McAvltty ono of Ito passengers makes tlio following ntntaincnt I wit liulnw when Hm vefincl struck the rook Tin ehlff hlucer requcileil nittto lotuS out fnr the bunt pro vl stasis si purr Ac After proiidlnir fir ties I I went Inf- low t again at Ilii either ufllcer reiieot is p ieral fire- men lIPid refilled to work Alter nn hour and a halt work the eu let enulnoir ordend I all nn deck On gaitS tn nil t Ihe vtav up I found Iho intlneerit conipnulontf ay gnu stat nuklnir tvuttlhritiirh the ortlte unitt uph > alailder Then when I reached the leek I dinumered Hit vclcel- ulnklntf rapidly amldhlpi and that ev TV ins hvl alum doni it leer hut IIIVFI If the Mfniid and t third engineer and one fireman Wp luaped Intfi I the uat4 r together The Itretnan nnd I sure pliked up tiv HR rhlitf- iniflnciro lioat 1 ptiv or htnrd lint huiitc nf apt Frit- or Ilif other who left the rlnklui shIp with him I lail sits MIM tarrilt at tlir iiMnilniir n> had hnrd it nrk- to keep the I out alloat Ills thu le tail oiptantly but reached land nt u oclock In Hm nirtrnlnir Tim slimmer was built by Osliornr Irnham- v i nt HiiylUin lliiKliitnl and was launched I In Sut it chIt her last SItu WIIH brIg rtgguth with n gross tonnngo of 2111 Ions nnd registered nt lliUlons At last nicoiinlH fiuin Caiiso the Culllutiliud bat wns still missing loiter reports from Cnnso are that ono life- boat ¬ front I tlm Odnrdrovo l I nnd I nineteen I per sons mo still ml sng It Is not known how many succeiwlcd I In giMtlni I Intothe I lint boat In I tin confusion of the moment I Kotu wnro Keen In jump I overboard nail others wen1 wnhed off when tho I low I of Ito I ship I swimpod It could not IK ascertained In tin darkncms IIOVT runny weiu taken I into the boats No Jliealtmi Akkd- Tho following advortlsemnnt published In n- inortilni taper we hmtn to IiiFpector Ilyrtita a4 hla- ri Meiice iRflntch- fPrsunnKCRR I MiTiFV IF orpintn on Ril Hlrd ISO Mnllirri cit 1iit lull linx 21151 l Wnlen Bold iiatrh I ht1sttl Vnrhrrnn inaktra- dlaiiceM paid I reuiinl otiritl no qie tlou anked The Inrpfclnr real It tnlct nut stilt I Xnlod > had oomutlinnty to puljll > h pitch nn ailicrtlKiilcnt No- liody In t hi Ucltvo nfllii uould hu allowed lo pilhUph the iinrdfi Xo juici ins aftktd tt lulirhl lie compound lin i felonv SItS inn mnneliody walked In at Hu 4 cjilral- ntUii rrpnrleit that tie tent Innt a v islet and then I ut In that adiertipement wllhnut uprnktnir lo u- l ilertli srriftatit Mini took nit lilis el 5 irlave aud exclaimed Whr certilnl > I nevrr put InCthindie- rtttinrnt I dont know aiiilhhiir 11110111 uiuiiu t a uatoh ell t hi r IM I tinttfiofin t hit ionic suM daru to ss cOt an adlerlUeinmt that May Htlvanta FlowlllK Molehy far One Mass OTTAWA NOT SOThn Hupremo Court has rendtrcd a dectidon lu Ute celebrated caie of Mclarrn- mt CaldwclL The plaintiff anl 1 defendant are both liiiuUrmtu Tin plaintiff for thus pitrpoie eif floating loc audlnniher In this ncUlihnrltood tact improve uuuettt hut certalcu Pt tCilti wtthct lced htrnuigli his httPeruY end uuttuincl frnuuu the tuusitt I hacrsrc sin tuulUluetliun riit2ahuilig lernlnuit feet uuuik tug cot ut- ltuee ctrenuuc Tile rsis us a cnrrtct tl Its dIurt of tech ftur lintaritu ss bOlt res rmul Iii hstsuiit tif Itie Curt of tbiancuus iii this grtiuut tht tt uutrc siiis per ii lusrt nf dii hIgh lie oucH In thc dcfsiulntut pa- is cii tip the silntttf Siw itt SIt hreuuue uJturt is a- Ii nuitluiunts teioluut ntuitrutus dli hujiuuuel tuin grasittut ty the cnurc sit chsnerv sot the greunI IbM It itrrluscc- lli a ptftii 01 lust tune S eru uit sess lglte lulir llai sitle- asut luashuug Seen rcuuleresi sit ts the pisitutlif ty antultelel ascetic hue lefusitlnul hue n rlgtt to their use Poem on Thuilovv Weeds Diseleenre BOSTON Nov 30flea Porloy Pooro writes to ttueJlurnZeoniuruuhng Thnrlow Wcusd hlicloiure about Ihie death nf Moriran as foltowit When In Smyrna some forty 3 ears ao t gathered a irreat deal nf Informaltnn alinnt a myiteriouR American nho had come there noon after the Unreal excitement Ilo rtcelnl quarterly rrimttancea and ftnallj thend lien MopptdI VVtre I dililinved to gilt hearMir cOst tnetili 0 I ttiluk thit I could phott that the ni > lerinlM- Mriiuirer ni Monran wtio 55 itS paid 111 erillj In the Autl VIa nim to klitftnt hlmvlf hut sIlo lunped after cnue learn had elapfrd to rt turn lo the Stats if Nei- tlorkhiit I cajinnl prove th utatenuut emit mi nvin oath uould tint make mi tatemenu of what I taw licard and read lIght tivhleiice fliutitc Old ht Francis Xvler1 Ckiirrh- Tho last service in the old church of St French XCI Icr In VVtit Sixteenth pureed wait held lest veiling Every one of the nquare haoktvl old fahhiomil- ew wan nlltd The lleT W Pardon S J prtaehe- dhe ncriuou tracing the hUtoryof lIt luilldlui from Ui- lidfrntion I In- tf 1101 r Arrhttiiiip t ihiiithop 1Iu I rtIIR- in tlif mint Mi clt t MIT tltt t IO uiiniuioul th ellen tn- I t lint i hurch vrrt t Ilxn rinr I for Ihf 5 ilctZt nit of tliefiuthrtil In Antilnnho- lUrtl tlurriVilt sifter M fitch a s lii kept pit litchl lfi rf t tin The Arcliliulmp win cuuuiretn tinuciimrllnltnrnf I the tiou t hun h- AtT nVkick thi Is HUTU In IT Thf Mintr rritdliu t hit Udhiilm of th nrw thurch whlili tffjmn lust FrI I HT- HMd w hi itt Is knon n II tin F Jriiui pn aratitrv lint Cdlii 55 lit hso t Sill 5 5 euuuiit tart nit it- ttokes n niitih hv th ri hhiilini mil dtditnte I the ntw church on Mmda innrnlnjf Double Cnlttilmi nnil Kxplnvlnn UNION POINT On Nov i1ljtut 1 oclock tIlts innrnititf four mile hrlow this i Iltie l the up i fn inlit train from Atnriitn while hneMnir down fur a ear utikli it Imd left at Crnwfnriltlllr raniu tntn rolllxlon with Ihe- ui I a fntrtTtrnln lu a nilnntf nftrrward another up frikiit train raT Intothv NKritnt IMF uf thf lacuiger tratii The ctdll lon tHfiirml tn ft ilitp rut and at a curse of the rmwt Tlitt eiitfine silt fcx ril frnrht- ciir Mrre 55 rf kid Out Uiiiii txtdndtil AM tin I a- eiucni cwrapul injtirv lark S hit hard n fin linn sun patiifiilU iitt Ixii not Ktrt itirh hurt rntudt riny the duiitlf rocnn Suit ixrit- nnn uf I the tuck hue cruise loss of life IH iiiarvll n Fatal 1C A fraud oilhsln- uPirrsauaart Kov dAt 2 oclock this after- noon ¬ a collision nccurrvtl on thu rittnlnirxh Fort Wavne- nnd Chitago KMlrotd tier New Wattrf rd I Ohio If- tH4n an arcntntn datii n train and rtwrM hound freight trnln TI urcniissicitiiiin drnhui tauI Juiet tluilcd lilt of- I he tetOt uut Itiuul lil sil tsilnul e S ttl ititti rile f 5 1151 itt eutjiuti ueutrii r thu siuntletl nuit ties teii suiutu tIilruu It o iii J utn dliusn r of 1 ituitti tluh die ilt tutltt ltl I hi uIs tuZi r ltutl 551- 5Iiinithi kiOul iiiiI htu ltgilu r Ii liii tutiiuituiios- iiuI tiIuli Sits I r 5 lire huith c lute of dli t si- ciuiti sins tnhhs lttuiei ltit curio at ssnIi a- dli ttuuisgc tiutit hit C frrighid curt 5 a tsth s nil ted AccneI of Mrul1nff it Watch A richly ilnpgml jnunu woman vhosntd shun was Kmnm llnirlnirfon nf tt Mnl trr tirtfttMl thnt htr- IniUinI kept a tnlotm nt I Itfi Clint ham rtrnt ua- rrrtft ul ll Is Dttrethe Zuudt of IlrnokUn > titt rdi I A- U hainiult of aLt drtttitl tritl i Ii thin Iniiinlalnmit- Ihmnnii Hnmii nf U Knout s t It ftr it Slit rnhld if n- wntch and t liin and the si hint lS iS found vitli Mr- 1riH in UroukJn while the t unit wa ft und Mtli Suuiuuuls It Cl tills the nirin su his toe the uitti h frnin Hrown ts- cIsil a thn > tari rvitti me In huh etu nnd the t olit Ifunifl tli fit lif hnd iris n the KIHMH to llUrtikl iii hit tie tot riiriUirh the bnrkt i pr th wiiv iriit td il i ftul tn St lu I llarrkiKton hliu ss its linked up fun us aintnatioti Fituntl IIunirlMt ss llh u titer In kl Alniitli- Snmtol Olt M u 10 years old silun boardod at- Ixtrii ii tines and si lm hnj In iti out of nubio nitut fur runic tiinu and dnnkiiiir lies Ii > liHiijfrd luiiiHvU lit I intcht After n dispute with hit iicuhitily hue took utT IIIM- f ci uuu cut t thn M In Inr fitci ti i tiubt of tm ktiiK I tInt file luau l Imiiiflit lit linn took u Mir cotton h nidktn tuiffuul- ii f iitttlt nnd diippfurfd Hi luOl id li r I 51 sit ulu n- it hi tile htr gouil I tO frlu vupi itml hi hit mli d I lo tlnd M- UtliirLnanliiitf ln e Hi liKlild iur h I h ft I hli- uruin nut It vm Mill In hi mniilh In n thr l tiltS usu- fiuuuiit in the i eltur nt oui l tuili Imurn aft r us rd Itf tint itrul hiuielf trout a null 5hIlt tie hnndkt n hit f tout- luioi ttruiiklid t Si hills hUfnt louctud tlt fhix He UH ii nigeruuust r Oulutr rort3 fvcn StIle Tin flftynillti rnon tindT thin dirritmn of flue North hide Athletic iluh In Wllllinil urfh > t hi tilt > tumid Into a wulk Irfori tlu Ituditit mnn John i iH- mnn Itll timl fully ces ii mlli Tlur vi lIt iliricothrr rm i ro trt until trtkMii I thi 55 vn ta fist IH hind llmt this n nimlttei ordtr d the HUI ct d- ilaKiiuun I Hindi f furt ci tin mtUn in 7 lusts H mimtit lctltna M Hurlar < 3o tVIuuiu Joiiph Krlnor ssiut into nn turilior r om of lint I nndi nee lVi Allntittc ntmu utrkm tu tKt rda he duxntmd K I nalnr ptrklin lutliiutf- ll KnntM cius C tin tuivltr 55 lId MI mfu hi tilt i r ii- l ID rrlunu if lie 55 i lluviil ho KO thud ht fu4 hiiu llr I nojbiity liuirrnl 0ictiHancnck I nail HtnfT wIll i attcmlllit1 fit iuuurtul HtVT M tniln nt iSC55 rKof Dr Altinnd rN iMu l- irrttMho I nun itiuli tub Ilr ntor of tlm Mi nd Arm- vtt rpn Dr Ooutrli rl UHH rn idciit of the t lieeci- uiuudy Me liral hucitt MA insi is i rum t u- MiMiTrni AixiMAi TDM rrH- ttnrlu 7 0111 bun ft to 4 11 Momirlip 11 jo- niuH WATTH IMM lIt r handy Hook I3jr hue l l hclaih 1 ii Hell tint a hultliopift rrivcirtVuit5V uI iSt Shirts > lJIiuv1 5O5 t7 anul SIlls thhi Ihuti hi iullut I S i vUc uinf Miunliurtf No asS I It I is rv rtiiSj I oudmi Ttle Kiildir Miimkhal Ott s Sd tii iuuii ii utdutt iS usiiptir Iitttuuht Iniiiiie iii ti tt 5ru tnu No It- M iuM lOltui istuIhiuIicuti lath hCln t id uciiHtii M kt nit hivatinuh- M srliturn Kern ttuctiti- iii ItKlnnond SI hn i ent 55 i cit tnlnt Vo- Si UuAittkv tvutilu IticlnronJA- HRtVKU IHT- s I nltirJi rrin lhlldt Iphia nt iu riiri hs i ntihrlu from New It rk ul llniiiTii- ndUhiit > m from NnrfuA ulUUiiimlN I M I 11 Il IL HKNNKTTIUHOrWT tii Tuuussihsy eenlnff Sum a- at Hit revld net of I tliu l hurtles pnttiitu lit I tie MM T n- Mrl nd KrulrrUk M Il imrti tn AtitcnsU H daughter nf AiitriiNt Iiiitrpt nil of llnmkh- nOusiCMlKKjHMTXOn I Wcdn day Pent V9 nt- Ht MarknClnmh hy tin lInt Dr KrlAiicf f nd rlcf- kUoMiiihoftr 0 tn Cirtillnc Webster S lIz duuKhUr ut the lulu INIIHO tilts of Ness York H LMI UKIAKAOu riinr dnvetitlntf Nov 23 it I lh tomrri irilioiiM thnri h tlreiitn rnrim Cctm I liy hue Mev i H J t KchrnJohu A Holme nf lleiihrook1- stHinfunl dim to IlIIuis ttetjiift lagtter if lbs dufit chit hug mi- iTUUlIfl her 11J51 ItIIhtAVIIRItOn Moiidy Sos 17 nt llif re ihIuiie lit I he lrldei motliT lit I the lIes llr II tu- idnkuui spiutl l I lv thin Her rhnrltn H iaruTil Uiihuiit I owe II of Itftnii tn riirtidla Trlirifl- tlie liiuglu t r ut lets Iltluiumt Lincoln liajlkH vC Tauu ton Mitti mitt AUKVn Psut Prnrtduice K I Knv2P the lIes Joliti tti n I HKK tsu s tnrii- ANOKVI > lAt Mount Vernon Thurwlfty Nov 30 ttnlmU Antrvliif- NAtlrittf fumrnl liortaftor- lUUilOUKX rnlni tav moriiltiff Kov 20 t p1 Ills lain rtftiliticf hti I MnMlc M nw rJn C D Otie tvr- t It Hnrtimn rr In ttictntlMfir t of tile nvc itcitistis is aol rripn i sri uus lIed to nttfii 1 the ferrlctn at tir L m nl Mmt M K Oliurcli nu hriJaj lice 1 nt- CAhMIiV 2 ulsl At Nevuark N J Nov 2l KAte Carroll vf < of lohn rnHtHy trul 14 ycius Ktiiternl nu hrlUv IKv At HA M lo St JfO hfl- riiurrh is hurt a hull uiMR vt requiem will lc uttered I lit rttiPttf tn Ne n rut its I rutcuit WrlnrFin niornliKT after mffprlnf- Itruit itifimy fur los nt mIss p t IhiMt I K ss lft of J button nrUf Ktf I ITtli it niiliUtuhttr of Joimttuiri nilonuf- Irnniitit N II Fun nil nt nnon on SttiMlnv cull t ru liciuu Knit tlnttmich n I Soy 2tl Mr- D iMiati I hifton uifed t Ii t j enri HOOANInJirMV t tiljon ritntw1ay Vov 2ft sift sr i liort hhliisq Cfillnrlnr tlm lelnfd 55 Itt of Kntrlck- UctrAH A n 1ivpo Oftlo IvliiiidcuiJiit > Kerry Irulund- npt l ti rnrn Tilt relatIves plut frlfitd of thus fnnillv nrt1 reip ctfullv Inlt4 i in 1111 Iii tht ftin ml on Mittintii itmnilnjf nt H- oclmh from her Into roctdriirf corni r of itt and Men deresucu 15 i tliencn to Ht Mirtft Oti lurch li St lucre atol finn high ninMof rrqulcti will ho offered fur the happy ni o if I tit r Putt I Interment t lIt ttsiis art KhSNEV Nov is IKSJ John It K tunes tleIloid sun of 1 ttru i nnd IPMI Kuuiiry oztd 21 > tirx nud t month- aUlhtf suit frituric uf the fnmil s nn nppcctrnlty In- itnt t to ntt nd tie fittifrnl frs nif tile rtmilpnce 12 LIters vt Mrokn nn Krtdav Hoc atoclockM- OSAliHAN In 1hlUJtIiliin Soy IM Julin Von Qfftmn turtd ill j ar- oUHllIN InUftltluiortMdtKov27Aiidr v OBrien- akd 17 Veers TM > nMNAt IUerponl Knr Sunduy NOT 12 Joih riiouipKnii I lu tli1 NMh jhr of huts are Puiurnl nfrfii nt the lnurlh Trepln trrian riiurrh- on tnt 3tHi it near tilli Cv on Kridfty IHr 1 nt lu- ucltuk A M IMinnH omit flowers WH1IKU liiHnHiinoroNov27Mn KllHbtlli Webr sugel ui years

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n Ttnss KxriiAonniffAin co-IWVT AlIKIl JllK AJCJO1XW-

Jlfllntr kcr Pnriimimr In til f>rt imil IIKt-

liC him In Flight mill Tkr ui VUltlnc klnl sitkin lluurtllnv llmiae llrr nIInn l heristherIisIhiiPi miuilMln KrRiiiU-

Kr IollIH Nov JtO AtrifiVlccltonTuost-v


pvotilnu Ihoiloor of n unmowhnt iKuUtpi-ltwostory brtuk bulldlnif nt 11 10 Sliwloton-tttvnt opened nml In nmn walked down thaiflight of four itoiie Stall lending from th c-

tlhulo to tho nlitowalk Ho then htopHd nml-

turnlnc walled untilt I 1 woman liml porno dins ntin Rttop utitl Jolnoil him The man wastoemlnnly In tim iirlnie nf lifo unitwas full nnil well droRsid nml hiul a cry huavy-

ruddlidibrown innUHtuchn Thn woman wasot tniitl fut fltftiro unit nuMlumI hutuht tat aMini vnllI pinned tluhtlyI over her faco unit n-

turKm lint wovtmttd any ono frnm Relntier fentuioD Thnsu wliii snw her tuirijigtho next tow excltln momenta say thatflu wore n nenUkln pnriiun and a black silkor attn dreset On roathlnu tho Ridottatk-tlio nuple who niiliii >fiiHiitlyI proxed to bo-

1ranU T Iglolmrt anil Mr Kato ToK tho-

yonnir wife of Hush H TovK anil nlooo o-

lOn W T Hltciinan fnood oust nml walkiibriskly towunt 1otirtoonth street which Is lomthan a lilook distant from the homo Tho >

hail almost reached tho entrance of an alleywhich oriorts to tho southward abouttwonty jards front tho house whims

two men suddenly Mopped out < i


allay whom thoy htMl boen hidden by tinhlirli fonoo onclcwlnu thin IIOIIRO jard Not aword WitS spokon but thin smaller of tliu tomoil who proMd to bo Mr Tovlx raidedn revolver In Ilk right hand tookdhlhuorati nlm nt thin womans coinmillion and Hind iKlchnrt Htnmiyiod biwk-wnrd smrrnl otopB and thin dotibllni-oMir partinlly tows rut his rliiht Mid fell on IIho-Ridowalk and BtioUhod out upon his h icU IllsiHsallrtnt immediately stopped forward to tlio-HuMrnNi limn unit wns pointingI Ithe rovoUor-nt tlitmwltlithiMUlilontI IIntention of llrlnKiilln-Nlilnci shot but ttilt private detectiveI whoI hadVioiii lying In wait with him ran forward srliilhim by thn unit wrfnchrd Ithe jdtol out of histin nil and pill leut himI nway JletimUHIot l tthowoman lioliavnil In n most rnnmrkntiki ninnnir-Vnyinu no itttoui that toi tho othnrn sItu Htoopm-llijwn and rtKrtisted her woiiniloil comiinnlon t


fot Tli n lii not luhil nit himI andpu liod tutu iluoroufcli along the xtdownlktoward the wost Ho liont over hellliU hand tip to ht side and ntnrtcd on n qulekwilk whloli undnr tno n tor urcliiL of tho-soinnn BIMIII IInerettHed to it rut ii iftl lug tthat

Ibo hul HtrtKk n kood galI and unit k lug Kiirt tat ho vuts not hot tug pursued sho tturned offat a path VshUMi louts dhiuonnllyI across a Micant lot front Slnulef in Htieot to 1apln stroutandI quickly dhiiiipiiired from view

Thiifnultlve kupt on wCHtward up Hlnuloton-strnot and tho o who aw him pa M notictidthat there wns hlo4Ml on the hand which hofell to huts side and tInt huts body tfna bowednioro and mnro as ho vita livnehlni-Hixteonth street nearly two blocks dlstnnlfront tho HOP no of tho shooting hoItuineil southward and persons who knownothIng of tint shooting saw him meotflue woman with the hlno uil near thu ornor ofKlxticnth anti Piipln ttrcetH which point sluttutu gained in athnneo of him What they didnoxt wnnnot known by anyone In tim noltzttborliooxl Thorn nil trncoof thorn vna lost ant thetrailI was not iifaln St rack lorsi eralI hours

Immedlntely after the shooti rug rod t titid tho-dntuctiMi walkout cast nd down SlncletonStreet to Fourteenth street whom they turnedsouthward tutu stopped nt tIto Ilicry Mnblunf-1ntor Mnaturson which oxtondo front Fourtiiinth street buick to the alley whero they lundboeii SHcroted Just Uforn thoy rnferod thostable tthn smaller man IHS heaid to remark

IHell die I gtlecThe other replied Well let him what do

we earo r-littrlni tho fUililo they called for their rig

and the hostler on brought to tho front u-

lino tot buctty with a Uiy horse Cllmblnu Intothin bnnsfi the lOon drove off utah as lu thinother onho the truth wits lost A crowd collectednt tlic bvunuuf ttho shoot I tug but not untilI I allthin parlies to It hutch diFnppcareil anil vhlletlioro was very eonvlneliiK eidenoo that it tutuivcurrcd nobody could gIve nny informationas to the perons who mid taken pnit In Iitt orthou cniiM s that hnd liul in It Uter an exehanuoof veihliin uhlpli weiu In m nrly nil cntph oieitt lItS off fancy thue cnnvd soon disjie od andwhen tho matter was reported to the PoliceDepartmentI an hour later by Ioliceman-ThomiiH Mmllh tIietio wns nothint In tho loutMMUU llltlo street to suggest that it lund recont-Ivliiiin the seen of such a thrillinuoeiMirrenp-oNutpaier rnivorierj detectives and otherswore fion pcouilnir the twn for Inforinntionofthin ntViiynnd the paitlclpants In It but itwas not untilI yesterday that the mimes leakedout The1 scandal nlili was thus caused Isjiowon every toncue Tln nenple interestednnrnll hIghly connected nnd onltlir-

lulohart was slut in tIle arm and tho woundTthilo pnlnful is ttut iice aiily dinuerfuis-Mm Tovls flout to HIM rcslJcncti of tier fatherCol Iteeso of tho nriny to whu iou shun con fioulLor fault He ns almost oerpow iedby tlio bcnw of huts diULhtors shameVigorous efforts welo madn to koip-tho mittur ciuiet and hiirh n powerfulw clal Iniliuiico Vut4 bronchi to lar on tho-IOM nunspapers that this moriilnu they makealmost ito rfteiue to thin siMnilal ftorlnrInterview with tier fattier Mr Tevlsconsented-tn face the husband bho hnd vronted and inhis preseneo shun ileclaied that a seoranco oftlm letfal tIES lint hound them would lx ablushed boon to her let the grounds of thitsev

I rut flee boI hateei ho chuuu U tuft hui them Mr-THVJS will bculnasiilt for d Iorc Tli1 tw hltlnnI

In nhleh tho lainily with wheat Mr lulnhnrt Iis-

a boarder is PliKvd iIs an unfortunnUi one Thelloyt family Is out nnd spretRbl ttuu hubnnd-nnd father navloi for miiny yoarit bwn amongour most prosperous business utica heirsocial relations ar excellent nnd they IfeelI

deeply humiliated by the affair When IcleIlinrt canto homo on Tuesday a glut ho rut uuu tthodoor bell antI tho hut > of tliu houxo opnnoil tthod or for him He announced that histurn was broken but did not nay hue hud beenPlmt and tIc Infcrcmu mndo was tlint hu hindfilbn nr met withI mmo other nceidcnt Notart lettlutu s weio askid for but n Ill SieI5 di wassummoned In tho cltemont attendant ontho lullried fl of tliu doctor the dourwo tell opin nnd probitily half anhour attor Mr Itloharts arrival a womanentiTidI and nuked Illio colored waiting titanwhom Situ met Iin tin hall which was Sir Itluhurts ronm Slut wa IInform u nnd ulio wentup itairri und knoeUiil for iidmisslon Tho-viltlni man eusually remarked to IIIB mlstretstint u lady had just oiin up unitthinking it mut bo n rulatlxo of Mrlulnhatt bho Inirrud up stilrx to ye

cinui tier bIte found Mrs ToUi bittiiiir byhut putifntH UlUlili and lulihaitI Introducedher nn MIsS riomntliiiiunr other Oonsldeiahl-yPniluedbv the situitlon tin luh ol tho housectlled ftil Hoyt am uiletli lied him about tho-

lHllor itrikliiK himI Iiff tit could bj jtossibio Ihutthmii was nnyihinc Imiuotor in UIH eircumK-

UIIKO Col Huyt ondeivorcd to liii lot herfiMrs but sbo Iintimatid that unless all1IM rIght stun xhoilldmikoI u veuy llwoloils protint Mliiit tlm prtsiMuij nf tlio itritiiKHr MrsTUvnt I pormltte I to lonialn ubmt half anhour nnd then IIol Hoyt look lnr away Sh-ottn Out Milled hUt nppiiiil pilfertly nlf-

lioncHSid It WHS nut untIl Uie ladyof th hotixorend tin dun i4it Pr Mstiilay moinlni tlialsh-okiiv anylhlnof thu rent natnnt of tho iusnmid her iiidiunitiiiii tlnii liunv no Umnds-Yi tterd ly Mixt Tovis prvsvuludt hitelfI ugut Iiin tho door nnd was iiuniiniitirlly oidontd-iivny lluvlnufillidiit u i KI niirt ut startetl1 ist lict nifjlit uudhu h r fatliff lean liarlitlliuirl to the i anof bier hiiHlainl

Whllo IIto Kcauditl its him IMMI mid was n-

pr ifound siirnriO in tlm piihlie them arc a-

ft W W Ito IIIM Humicoiud toutt tht ivlutlui-ihuiBtijbotvuit tteluurt and Mrs 1tutvhu wuronot iiionur It Issiuip d hunt ertiin infor-inatl in nt hand that Mr Tcvls WIH informediinoiiymoiiy Unit nnthine was wrnnithat ho employed a doluilivo and tthattint Iftttnr it tluuttt hued nnuiiih proof of HIM

wlfiiu IInlldolllyI I to Induci ttuu liusbund to-

MHily n liwi rut lumedy Mrs Tolhi-nl tint more than 2 yonis old Sho Is ttallsI glut and vury graceful and has an nbun-lUnco of glossy goldon hiiir regular am

Out feat ut yes a dour tuu hulccuufl and softeyvH liar manner IsI modest mid coutlo

jet throuijli all tho oAcitlng events of Tueudn-t1

nnd Wedmmilay cuuuic born liiiHult wltii nn-phnkon nirviH It IA now paid that

lin ami her hubband hivo not iIvuJliapplly bat no hut S IIon nt thisvruM Hnt rtalnil botoni Mr Tuvls who I thiMil of John Tcivlu an nldnndI I rspetuuh eltlt I

KCII IH n nnnlnnklnu younc watt nnd IOS4tStshomo ineauH luleliart IIs V1Il I known IIn thiscity hml UK boon for porno yimrx thn ctuuhi tar o-

thu leaking house ot llartholow Levhsi-Ou

Awhich wn 8Uoce odott In liuslnis

by tho oroscnt Lailodo Jinnk Afterrusignlng his plaeo nn cashIer hu wentto Hiirnpo lonialiiliiB nwny upward of sUmonths JHo Is irmiorally iiinf id rpd well offlinvtnir won lucky In Ihu nsa of KIIH stock

HvoriH years nifo ifs iHns well known In socIalclrolts tut Im liiln btiHlness nnd Is uoncnilly ru-

cnrdod us cnpnblu uud Intellluont Ilo hutnlwnm onjnyod mi meollvnt reliut tutt Inn nm-

nlthouch fond of drhlnc fnxt horses has nmoI-KIOII rouardud uo particularly dimhliiB hutWHH looked lllion rut n quiet enercotliund buHlnesHliko youne mnn > Ii 1In lHltmtally In huts nlok ehambor by huudrndH o-

woiiinn and titan movlni In thud Ixist no< ilnl sIrelcH horn and whllo till nynipntlilzo with himthuy have nnthluc but re iu ouches for MnUuvls Mr Tovls IIIIH thou fnr kept hlinwjfrom tbn uubllo und till uflortH toe o him hiiv-Ixiun futIle

I Rnnitllutlnnal akin itUraneinf arcorhutlo charadeAre Kuecen fully Irealfrl wili Ur lUnaoni Multi Cure ll-

tenml will olernal Itrentiiirnt both iileamin IIt celaluly removeaI krrofiiU iriiillonn iloulrutT aint tni-

ml liiaken the akin nniigtll unit hiallliy N w YuitkCfllee 10 Iultidi il till


IlenlliaOraitua nnd riuniilurleW-anlilntuii Nt JiI mum uIlrihtl Imtlilay in audit

itclilirlccinun rmJvillnuutU 5ttioUV fruuv445

Itiilluh 1111 4ni iiiiAsk lur ttrlNn ItiilKlnilitnnin IIV Quit k rtnr

ttrionni in Itllll IllirU blllilill 1ilr

lItIh1r jo tkc

4nrhiillne Ihe hurodlnrl ril Iuriilcum llnlrI-U in WIT mid llouirr IIK lniiriitiil 1 nml pirfnuil dialtrnirriithpoiirlilt unit nnnl wit iiitt a neSt unionir thelinlr drcolniiii stud lte n utulteraIlfavorlt 0 tilt the Icuhti

Elastic llnplnrr tteItitrtefltOIflt PRAMH-TUISX fillt In f1u roVIKIIIIYTIlOSS Ill 7Ki Uruaiiway ibo but furtflcnl uiIhutfttlcuu of every Und

R A Ipiirli lhotnjrjili inichiilhnm all maktl-cnlilnct fur fJ ami f I tlinTcofit oliumlitro fl ani-

lnilk Visit K11COI nnrlh 1 mist 848Oworm til at factory t Nco Cliurcli itt np tntl-

rIllril Mnnnit keep Cuniirlr In ronaluotI-OUK anil iiimillHcaHiii 15 cenl nl uruxifle-

tfnpofllito tu n trspMraItufl rmnni-ieiUAlliil

n4tsr Itiu iriulicailuii nt UauilruII

prcitI Jotic-Fuur T IA W KXPKIIIKCUO-


FUR fiiiLuiiKN TJJIIIINUl lli fniyrmillllV nf one nt lli BEST FiJUIEI-HYSICIANS ami MRSKS In tin llnltril Statue endlace tnefl IttutI fur FIIKrr VKABS It nrMT tnllnic-FtlrniM tv MILLIONS III Mill HKIS HK Til KillrilllDllbV It rrllrviK due rlilld frinn TAIN rumInvnKsrrur ami IIIAHHIIIKAIIKIIIMt t Iis niKluivvt

Itt nod VMM Cdltr Hi gt c tug UHALTII TO TUBruiLiMit I KCMATIIII I Monliiii I WVMOUH say to K-Vhll MOrillK n ho hoc a chit I UOi rlliK from nnv nf tinrmBmik oiilplklntli tIll I Mir IIT VdlR IMIKH-Jiii is nor tin riiiriufis UK oriitiiti tana t


lour MtPKIKINd IMI1LI mid till KhLlhfTHAT WILL BE XlltK tls AUlDLLTELV bUKK-

In follow thr tic cf this iiinllcliiuntil tiv drniritft IhnuuliMiit th >snrlt-

iMliui TWLNTVrivi 4E ret A BOTTLE

cnoirr I3lRMtU icunnvtA tAKIIK rilLICrTlflN I If TIIKHK KAIli HTllNTI

HAM jitiis ui cinrb iton TIII 1111111 HAY SIA U-


A CD Mt Mil av Nl Yur-

kPIITS 1MICM AVrNTIY rradloatnl Inllo3-Mrkn without knit lliriiturc nr rolled IC Hrnd fur elrlilurciintnlnliK r fMiniM Dr llllt r it Wel a7Ui t

II N HCIITIICK Ut FIIITOV NT N Y-Tti tM Ilucc x bur non dlninninli nrtlMIc Jjewelry Ce-

1Nbt s atet s trliuuc at r ttueiouut t i

1ctt ublicttiIt-1DE AWAKI-



BE It-

an uniiiMV si-

FimnNr MW rourt IN roLimsl-




iM cnoid ftrruiiusONLY CiTriK-



lrn> A n T Wtuttncy 11 II Mrn Hone Tern Corke-

Kllut Miformlck John Curj ell Ko i Kluunlt MarcaretSidney lire Crairiu leurire Cary Kir KKtnn IjlrrabethStuart Hhelpn 1luu tint Kurett Hale Snuin CiKiUdire

Art tutir Oilman Mr llarru1 lletoher Stune Krirt A-

Olier Mrn lltrtnell Ontlitrnouil riirmthm ItnKHctll

Man f lUilihiPon Ilillli lluurke Mar ton Mm Miiloi-kfraik tlari iE Wilkmn llr Felix OtwuM 1rof barncut-Mnrloli Hnrlani-

l1ILKIIKAIKt AR nuTs VIIO CDNmllllTK liDttIuJrI rti ILIUSTKUKINS TO Tllli NIMIIIirtl-8t John IIlirpvr lon V Iliirur lr i Lnrtlnt Hliep

tic ni L II IllniiiplintI W Iirker lloiltlili llnnitiii rfnn-J cIle Sic lurciot t U i i itigly H Im It MmrrJut ri Icui Ail Hi lil > url C A Nnrllinm j HICam II U an Anlirl Mt in A Inlhlniri turullnc Hunsill 1riif IIII IuUr 1 H Muxrt llnr Illurrtt hHiidhaui-

niibrrur r if raaX Uo contllhillo tiilutikt Hit liumlicr-nntalili mil ttie priullni U uf tac lillii t clui ou thefliu t Icul r

A cik > lilt ltonKill ir fur I11t er efiid twentv lUe ccnte-vvitti nrdir to

u Linimor i co-y rrinklin ut II tnI-

HI560000 4IIII







hATlISDAV liEu Si lk2-nf I-

IIlM IMIIILsTMAS lllll IIIK MMllllllS-of tlie

IiiLVsruATin IOMHIN Miual-iml ll-

iIoMiov 11 vniliTile illlnn nf Hi llTlJMVUs NIMllhlt nf 11-

mlflMIOS tilt LtItlt llnnMiil nut iIn Hiximplm Hiu-

ltlif ulltlimnf tin CllltlsIMt vs SI Mill II nf Hie I


ILIfi-lltUlUI Iut huN NIsI nulli sUUIIHlMI KNOl-

tMOlSFnr inrnl VIIIM 151t Itlift tutln1 i ilitlnni liai C bfen-

ttlkl II Up IV I III trotIf nil tiic dillt Of plllllll Ktllll lit untu

itiiiituv if tin iririt iliiniuill lastt > ul tin IKlrLS-liual lIlHUtr i IWsivts in MM DOLIMti crInpi In LIIMKIN mid MV IIUK-

Ordiimii is rnflud1 m M 11111 IITt n t > till buok-

llllTM Hllt III UNtCnll FS


ii in ml Aiiiit > rm Americasuit t rr tiiii riciid fur nil Korrlirn IlillH utln


tin Iilltrnntloiiul Nfisk Nun tutul t HB to niiliouiirc

that lh i1fi lil nrrTHi mi lit Ill Mir IUM1MAN-

SliltlIN t CO tie ulin iiiiunt inikiulln u iI hi I nril-

llionllil KIMllf VMIIlhLY III KNI VXD and




us diii tunlyrKMK OF MMIII 5-

lllllt krRIII N W AILKtliiiplirHi toteet tini i t

juiis cinuiM irTiittic Sillllli Mlllll-

iliu minus mill OK I ssius n um n iini-

iidi r lli oilKiutil ti KI t > ilu Aniliurti I tie Iliitif11-1111k

I t

mi K Ain n isI uiTiuinr sliAttutulit II Iruilur-

fllh MIKH AV rJOIIlli II J A Ilnlidr-illllisi ih Miiiinf tli liriiiuliuiii I inml J c-

Hit HII HV sllt VMttu mi Lliultd Tin inlit N I itMllll lll

Illl IVHV A IN tttli rhupurr I tu1II lit UUllim-

itiiiHi ss iiivix rHKCiiiv-ruliiolifiincd nf iill lnnk iirr aiM nimtilri


iMui4 Jl lUtkinutut MV MlHK

7jiit TttAarnr ov Tint NTAOIC

hank Inone Mining the AppU unit MhiiotInn tko Itch rkniuick Ike llnld

CINCINNATI Nov 30Tlilrt aftnrnoon nt-

ho Cdllaoum ia now viirluty theatre over thoItlilnoI vvhlih hits been opiMi only a forttu giltPrank Frnync unit company worn playing HI

Ulocum n sort of Ittaventy on William TellTlm tliLutrn was crowded fllllv 2M perstuns helttg present Frank Irayno tvorpiinattil-M Sfcinim nnd Mien Annlo Von llohren took tho-

rJlo of WnJh Stonim Sis wlfn Tlio play hadprocoedml to the end of tho fourth net nt whichpoint V I flnrtmt W ItO l a rnptlvc IB ofTund Ii Iii

frrcdom In thin ustntuuf hi phootlnirnivapiluoff hit wlfoH head with thn backward stintHe huts perforniril thIs feat In till thn principalcities and linn never hvforo mull with an ntul-

dunl Thin ntturuoon Mr Imyiin toot hisii1utui cult onn stub of tlio static vvllli MIss Yonlliihruu dlivctly opposlti Tlio npplu wasIilnced ou thu girls hend nnd Hr Krayno afterInking aim fired At the crack ol huerIft Minn Dehrcn fell bncK on tho-

stairo without tittering a wonl tho bloodneetl tug from n wound In tho foiehotd Frarnwturnout IIn an Inutanlt after the nhor anti rnuhu

leg toward thu pr i trato girl foil In n cwoon bylirr slut with otto unit IUIIUH her hOtly Tho-

curtnlu drnpitod naiL thin uuudlenee who BIIW-

no bloixl and lieu u d nu citY tttiI not nt firstcompiohond thoHituatlon iiiuiiynf Ilium think-ing


Iit wan n tart of thin play rIta malingerctomo to tlm front and kiilil 1that an accidentmat occutrpd thnt soon till would Ho wellbut that liar play would rnd hart withllm nntlsrtfon ot tho llfth net A fewI ivoiin In tlio front spatS howofer-knPw llrU Mm girt utah looiV wnmxtc-dnd cried out hit lute lilllml herlnHO winN spread II hut wllJIlrn and

ion ronchod thir utrpet KxngcrriitcdJiiinrM vera rlrmtnled one nt them tn tho

DncMhat hthu tloot uf tIto tliuatitit had mUch IIn-

Mi1 rtttractcd a large throng of pooplo to thetinno who to hnglul rltli tttvn uaut nc which

IIH IIminedliilclyI ilUmlMUdI

After Ithe ttrngrilr Itlu> KCOIIO behind fhoeurI ulnontthiI I litllil th nlro bullied diiftirlptldn-

h pnleiivks of deuth VUH phi1t U rout on-Viry faro Fruyim hliiurlf In tin tiii-orent toilet nf whluli ltd WedS mnMcr-iirtonalit tIlitiKlrl to spunk buttsitu lay uineti-ciout to the List only now nnd Iliun gasptni

SIte died lltteen minutes after ncemnc ho-vniind never having recovered tont-UMier i Later In tlio uvonlng the Imdy-no remoTPd nail an rmiiioM will bo held

omoirow llr Kriiynr wit at ones nrrrrt dltiuul locked up In tho llroiinm Htr et pulleii slut

ion on the chnrgo of mRn lnnchtpr To thencitlnii put by u policeman What rlinrgohail MO mako ugalnst him rlri loiko cult

Oh put It im bail uus yim ile l make tho-orht you can Uu Is bioKen duvvn whit grief

aluil desires to lie kept III the police MillionIlaynes wife who need to ilo till net lId-

ulguuul and Mlhx Von Ibulu I itt liiti Ida s 1 thug

Part for to ccasoni The bull took fthurt on tho hair IlineI Itwo IIndies abovolie left eye and near the middle

off Itho forehead Tlio rlflo used was a breeeh-oinler Stevens rifle twentytwo lallliru andmd IHIUU In uso elKl Tuars Jnet an-

niyno pulled tho trlgijor ho pay hofit the catch or niiAp Which holdi Out bai1-ol dovfii nt the breach glvti wny The cartrldgi

was blown pnrtly or wholly out soul allama of powdei from the nrouch burnedVnjnoH hiilrt collnr Tho illstnnci overwhulels hu shunt was thirty tout On thogirl hoad was a hat on which thuSippln was placed Tho bottom of thus npriln wasour Inches nlxivohor hend Frnyim snysit wasan entirely hate shout for MI ordinalI Iily good 1-1Icmnii


Ha cays tho accident dould not hnvo-ccn posaiblo under alt > otluut r clrcumatniuohhim thin giving wly of thin catrti suiting nt thus

ireeoh Ho iloesn t explain hoiV It happenedhat ho failed to discover this weakness beforeappearing with It on thin Maue

It wits n full hour beforo Ito Into story gotout on thu Miicts nnd then It quicklylow over hue city Thuro is a genoinluIluiIoill Ion to condemn this kind ofhooting on tho stage Tnoplo say tlrntalthough Itho marksmen nutty bo dependedupon for accuracy which ninny questiontils Caen shows that tho gun nutty notnlwnj t In order About six or ssuvlu-year turn Ilayno whllot oxeculingI tthis fontit Wood Tlientre In this city with nn oldiiBhloncd Kentucky rifle shot n itupn In thofoot The lintI lund gono tthrouih ttheipple pa Keil through the butt lielilnd-hu womans head beforo It struck thohiyuS toot Fnvynt pull him Immlioinuly bosibs paying all his doctors bills andither exDunsea whlla disabled He thenoxplalncd that this sort of xhooting wasenthely nafe In the hnnd of u goid-iinrksman People did not doubt huts

sincerity tout bin iiTiirney nt that thins Thn-eellng noi n will now render thn giving of Mich-

n iwrformance impoftdblo In this city for sonict Iimo hereafter

Frank Frnj no was ensngod tn marry MIsson lleliren who was n llrooklvn N V girl

He was lelcitsed tonight on ftnOfl lill Hosays he will nuver llro another shot

The Guillrld Muiiiimrnt FairWASHINGTON Nov30 Thus attemlanco nt thin

larllrM fair to day thowrd a rliRhl InrrrnMtf nicr IUnithf Hit I cut prvinuii day lilt Itliv rut uint a anul nM Itall nf-

II prcfentntlifti In tibIa It In Ittutui Ilild litre toil tincoiuforialili Ulltd Thi tlnlik IKiilnlitu Ti mplar ilntlitvtitliDi act local Kiiiglitt nltvliiltd In force after llitarade ulnoli viaB th fcatlirtr f llio day The paradenan innrfhnlll hy Knilni ii I sr Rnl rt Bind axlitrd-ti a large Ktn1fliiKiiiitil mid lirlllllilllv cat nrironcd

lie biinl1 Of tilni li tthe Murint Ilitnd tut tliv fnrtiiiourniKlied iiniHii A toiniellllti trill inn held tv tinMniMinit mi tlir uthra fatltiir the tint frnitt nf the Capitolin us tilth asu art sste lilt Ir fnr Irarllnrt nf ui n Itit th-rnnki innrclmie and dreim mid npp arinte to VUry Noui Ilillidtlphm t Cnliiinlila Sn ii anlilii uin andfnrinthiiti rhn iiiri rhlladtlplila-

An cxhililiou wat kbis iflttn tnttav bv the vltitlnirand toil Iicvilti tIer nn tile nrta tait nf llic CnpttnlThe principal ienl we > rliUrrd hj VV II Tndmf SoOtAttltlMirn Mau t flirt rreniii nf smtthvllk N J poutlex Smith if Wa hiiHtnn The rllinir nhnnrd iranklll partlrtililrly tul itn Iht putt nf tOp hinltli it tininrimplrd liln nincliln rpis tug the utah tHiktinnetit pinall ss tact alul vtltFtlliitllu a liobtiill IliikLuilu-ulikh Itft Hi mm lilne with otilv oni 5 lied TM nno-irhwl he moiinlfd and mrpriiird iiiiinentUB pptctator-itii riillnir It tiiik and forttiI atrnu the area arid circling

aruuud with apparent case

A Clergymau mu flreters MethodsWAintIsuiroS Nos 80lIt tIc Metnoriuti-

Methui4ipt Ctuirclt toutny dli ltcv 1 llctkert flttatut-Ott pastir of dl Me KtIri M E Ctititcti preattctclue Ttiatkc1i tout seruuuuiu to a Ieuucc couigregsulou tt1iOlug ci Ilut SItu ruiut CR5 C tue llli-

is tlu rIottot 1110 heW tutis en th AttrneyCtiu-riut enit I ti M ajeltal il t tilt fuistriCt it I IS Tt if 10

tty rrt I Cuiu tt be tlut dli tttcr tutu iiou to a clipltlvt pitt cfltuit at tiiteFs hew wilt tl fur

11cr uTututict hit lrlitr t Iu tiiu ut cu tutu auit t0 tutu it jiflkt iii I Ii uru utuI tiutior us lilt su tilutu-

1tittuc cutittd uhntuhit built I itue auiuihtuu r fliiI utiu-Yiftrr i un tnt f tuuuitii tie tluutt ut ctuuiruu tier 55 ad c-cttCtI lu tiks ultussit lit uuuv tctttt I Suit rnttIuuct Id-

0l 0 cli Itiuc t he I utiltc uoeiiuuitc ttttIi Uts oatuf sit tuuiot etit lcvucy I toiL 5 V Ii it e tin a Orb tic r-

It qir rnIuciiilit nuut uttturuttce The lcuun 55 tu

5 uiuuiut Ii cuuuIu titles Is lluru tut I I lili Id frtut cetl-ttiittt tt ttide over dl Ictcrluuuc tO of J uustlce

InnkftPr who iiie Hitltl lu be KconowlealW-

AHHINOTOK Nov 3tlt Ihut Rtatod nt thu-Triwury DepArtiutiit that no tntvutramf li tinS 0 luthe account of ti Tarlfl Comwlni hnHr fuit-

Achctucttto iit

Scr laCy tFriitt IU Mimifit PhylliS Itint the

Tent rotimiiMion i i for iti tie tune obnerveil tics t i

one of ihH mint t nuiimlcitl i uUlln-

luxotuuiitlitiitlu that li-

truilMevfr IKK dUliiiif w tub 1h iuuiy Hull iutusicuurtoIl tu i guilt iton ss Itli Lite uuuuuuuutuu nl Ihe Cumuliion juo r fri Itile taut hid 8ecr luCy lnltfir nan tintdillIucutl tn ai r ii fltl V Ci ttucl r lllon uf thu Coini n Islun fur mi ptuuuitiI gtttdtcr tIusIt IlK liond of 111

PrItuiut f ttic tuiuiututcpuulu svtiitt I fur ilitiu SirWlllUmn OIK i f tin ui rItatlu of dli s tnt the 1l navury I ucIippIuiut tndtta-

nfI tilitulntd H tiarI-reJUUrunt of 6nooont aiuutut Hie 4uuuuuuui

Thn Ilrmiilna nf Vice A ilmlral Strong a-

CoiuMiiii H C Nov 10Thuo remaIns oflet Admiral Mrmu U h Nvtliuduil In Ithin illy atn-

limdat> loft for U acliUKton lidft> at lunjiiUi uliarirv of-

IoinniinlnriI J IL llavln and Llnut K vtt tIc try if Hie-

Iiitl > The relllHinn ttere t Knrti d tothuI dtpoti liy tthe-eIhlcf and Auut tip 1 atlna nf the Mi ro-

iOoieinorrmrrt the

I tout Lteuleiiaiit llovcmor Slut fflctrN nit in-Miiiiintiitlit rp of Hit Iiltneral A < iulilt and idhei ti lrPflduilLud Tin tlaifr nn Ihu Unttriiini lit uililnnrii item

utic1lucial at halfiua The tamttl nan coiered hv-

ivitathBI of IIhe i hiiicmt KniiHirrn lluwi r > ionlrilnKd tthelndlcrnf

byCnlulnl ttho hutc t iin lllireiittltiii lu

their klud atteutlniiR lo Mn Strung In her alllictloit

Kl cllon Frauds In ew < > ilMnaNew OniKANB Nov 30After a long iind-

rartful Ins edtltiatltult iuf tliulMo elrctloji timid tu llilucity tIle trutttu1 Jury today riMutnl tun hullctintntifor forinry and iihllailini an true fnriffd dncuinenli-iiainit ihfriMiiiif IHm Iertatiratori if Ihe tate rlectlun-

frmnK Cupthcep vttrn Imuid fnr thcparlM naiunl luthe liiillctniriilii ettut hall si tic lUid at JU In inchcueIe lImIt ltaite sure toltie wlllihehl until Iliflr urn it-

H clnn Ktl of thn ItrllJrd Matlllei IUiiltlK tItus

OSt tutu Hlthfroin tnolofourtien ycate at tipi lalmr-In tlm ptiillcutlnr Kevrral arriala nf lligao IndkttJfor ulit lets tUitlon fraudt liavn haul made

The Inaiun Apprnprlollun lllll-

WAMIINUION Nov SOTho Indliui Anpro-prlallon tIlt ivhUh in Ill h rciwrled to the house tusk >

a reduction of more than IUUUUU from tItus amountarkid cur In tin ekllmatrii ciiiI cull down the ripnwa-of the dud ruiltut nn acrnunt of Itlm IIlidlaHi lo tinrxttint of fuulil ii hrlow thin ainoiiul prnprlatrd icit-


> The rtdiictlon is niadt In this auiouiiti altoweiltrilif for lupplfeM in cases ivlitr there U no treatytllpiilallnn IIt us 111 nolentlril out off tHiMlnterniiient-

upldp > lo anv tutu but wIth luakv Ihu trlliN nhiuh Itolot ermiitnUi nut bound by truSty luiuppundo tutors

lo lulp themitirlvei

A Forger onreseesI-

IObTON Nov 30ElIot Hyder wIg was ar-

rested her tail sceck ou a cliarev of furilnn the sIgns

tore of Jimti Knwell Loitill Ililtul Htatti Mlnliter ftLondon lo a draft canned hy thus Aniarlian Kxihaiilfe In-

luropo llniltid for t1UD he havlnil liecn luevlunnh In-

lro liiti d h > vtr Luvrll renfiweiV huts guilt today toMr IHenri 5 illlli I Its uiuutruul iiiunnKiT uho saw Mini

tuojull TinDitlaJiuluii Kjiri luau bciiu itnuUiJ


A FINJ Zi1 X5ituU fI4ME ILlIEDon 1 flvuirr vitiit

The Cnltrff t Fnothull 4hninplfilliM > Nint InNew Ilta Tliinitiimla nt lie Inln-Irannit to Vnlrh lltr Intv nnd Eau-

tmi I5hiyt HeiwrliMInn ol the Sprite

If evrr tltcru was a poinloroiH tint of iitrnIt was thin Yalo football itlpvnn tat thoy trottedl

on tn thn fluid at tho Iolo grounds ynnterdny-Tlio froxiitgroundnecmod tonuako nml rumblounder tholr weight Thulr calves wero Incredlblo and would havij born abmrd but tot tho-

propoitlonato Hbo of tho toot which thaw slurmounted Their stockliiK stern dark bluetheIr shunts worn eanvnH iitnlnmt by wear thoirknot broechet wern nllvM gray their knitJersos woro snowy white and tlmlr skull catswem dragged tar down and forced their curalit at rluthit tingles lIke the untomutlu dangernlgnnla on thin elevated road Tho npnsinoillo-olicerof the Now llavon college rnttlod In nilpartH In nwtionKo to their appearance

Tho grounds ware covered by n great conpouno as thuy wonton a sImIlar occasion onhist ThnnkKglvIng Day Tho rarallnlojiram of-

tho Held was fringed by men Hack of these onOtto xido toso tliu gnuid Bland brilliantI I withthe colors Unit women vv ear aunt on tliu otherstub stretched a lone row of fourinhandc-oncho


swarming wit I upectalorH Iktween-tho concmirfio and tlm Hold on till HldH riot an-

Inlnrvnl of nnnw Icmkfl lllnit HIIIM and IhigH-

ol Orangii and vnttnw Kimpped In thin siiiifhliinuii lull ft tllio eoachiw under tho urgency of aBluing ami icy wind

Flue strlliuit ghittuts luf 1ilnceton followed thoYale men Hlimiy nml vvero received by Hintmore decoiutiH cheer which Is deemed pioperfur New Jut suy TlielrcalvcH nKo voio ot no-Hlovenly conMiitclion Tho Iilvn 4 faced eachother As Itlm Oiptu4nH tos ° ed for eholcti ofHideK an oblong ball of vellow lenther winiiififted with ouickI prrHHlon train hand tIn Imm-lrrlnccion WOO thrti tu44 rpivv thin kluk to YaleIt hit thtuusuu I ito Hldo on which they would huts ci

tho asmlstnnco of thin windAll at oncil tlm eliwon moo of Yaln peeled

UioinnelTos of tholr snowy jjunipers tool iltondforth IIn tthiMn raIn uttkuuhhuu cunvi juckem w hi labiirpnaid to Imvu dnHCcndrd fioni cltillt t I to club nt-Ynl for yimrc They are probahly tho nifwt-IKirfixtly uiuttod tutu rtolled heirlooms now laI-

IHII PIt huti H then took up thou posltloniOnuof thin Vats nirn lay at tlull lit uigt Ii on thoground on hIs Hlonvicli and lield the loll attrnnS length helwcen the tIps of hub untie isAnother Yale man math a lute IInnge andsit ruk It with a mighty loot Tholxvll I tmltleda hollow notu of pain nnd fixing IItkoI n grato-ful butt fintftWlint ovrrfittfniil bird HOKicdskyward and fdrover lownrd Il lnrelI mn goalA 1rlitpntnn man ciught U and rollod tilting theground wIt It it untilI lluv combined elevensailingI on top of hunt rendoiod him IIruapaMo

of further motionFor a IOIIK tlmo riff or Hint thu eMyeiiH engaged

In a geiiernl wrestling match Thediill tlimUof Ithe men as Ithey struck Ithu flintyt cut rib wereechoed in Hvinpatlxitlo anti musical uxcUnm-tlonst ruin tIho turn flul otiind Tlio bull vnsslowly vrorked townrd lri lucet outs goal I OnceIt llxw tIlt of the crush nt n tnugbntI ami hull uhitilucelt In rt snow bunk under thin frlngo ofconchc Thu intfkA followed I and divedI IInslId IItt sondinnI titus snow aloft Iin hat hut ydhoivcrw Tlm honor sucutucshl to ml with tlmhit rgu blnn lags oII Yalo Against Itho wind Itheyhad forced Ithe hill fnr down nn Princeton To-an observer nt tho other end of the field Itonlay was not vfry exciting Tho elevens putone In mindI of the iimilso of men that unit MICIengaged 111I luuyliug the jilpes of tlio Steam lleathug VnnpNiiy Occiuiliiunliy thuir innniier ofiietlon would become so fnr varied that theylooked as If they woin trying to gut n Thiid-nvnnuit horKn car on to thn track A Hock ofbliitt lUStS Infliiltely grnccful In comnnrl oii-Hvvept likeI a cloud of fuitt hers tack us fit1 tot fitand hopped fenrlersly about the Mioullud Heldin search of fool

Ilnally Yahi got well dov n In front of Irlncetuitct goal lllchnriU of Ynln hold tho hall and1

IIIt wns decided Ililt ho should ttry a kick Hofaced tile two lull polesaml tile criccitt r coiist-ltutlug


tho goal of Irlnceton He vvns calledupon to smite thu ball fairly on one end nnd-Mnd It abovn the einssiiit nud between thepoles The flIt It it stand and th conches romin Ittmlied expectiine lllehardx trout tlm froenearth for u inoiiiniit tn Had a proper etaiidlug-plnce and d ru ip POll the Ibull An InxUiul laturlilt cnpnbln right foot dcccrlted a a are wIt hu

lightning rapidity until the bull Hew like a hulhat through the goal The Cmches hohhcd andswayed undnr thus lixprejted unthitrfldMii oftheir occupant TItus horns wet e tooted Allthe luun yidled IIn tlio expression °if one emo-tion


I or another Hands niiplntlded in thugrnnd-Hlnllil nml tlmt itelettnliln ilRee l >cnm nllvowith thin flutter of lilto silk hnndkercblcfs nnd-seiirfe Yale luau i v>red a goal

At tIltS end of live mlnutci hits uproar hndalmost diedI away The elevens were clumpednt the Princeton goal They were exercisingtheir skill not upon tho bull but upon thn rel-eree Thrt ball was tulle The iiuostlon wasunder discussion whether Yao unit fcorcd agoal or not If Hklinnls had made n punt kickthen tluuu goal didnt count A punt kick Is ukick mndo after ttho bullI U dropped unit beforeil touches tho ciomid A drop klik Isut kirk mad nfter tlio ball linn Ktruck IIhoground catehliiK it nn thus rebound Thodrop kiok was the proper onus undnr thaici ruultnstutn Cuts Tho discussion of tlie iunttiuqrwan vtry lone loft without excitement tho

nuuCout ten boeamo awaro of Iii ley wind tthatKwept ncron Ithe rounds Tlio tthousand feetIn the urand tMnnd fell lostnmplm in unlHiin-Th coach biiulea tooted nn IH iaslomil impa-tient


Hutu The jrllow observatory OMT in MlMorris Iirk Klislitiid in tin1 mindiiim in n liartlrnlnrly eoldliinkim manner II was a louttime bofiuu it uuuo to lust decided hunt Itleh-urd n kick was a just nnd pertinent kick andllio gt lute ifiit on Tn mako matters full cc

Itcck of Ynl very south thereafter not a touchdownnnd Hlehnrds nraln drove thin ball acrosstho foal In n way Hint nobody cnrvil to dispute

rIte ball was put njfiiln In tlio cuntro or thofluid saul annw struggle bejfin Haxnll ot-

1rincoton got the halt ansi tried u kick at troiilIt wmtft noblu and au Mirnto kick but tho illsUnion WIIH tout treat and the buttI fellI two rodsshort liaxull got tlm luill aunin prueoiith butbuiforo Ito did Unit aiuot tier of tho tneuol Irlneeton iHiiuht it H IIs a peculiarity of footballpliyorrt especially lit a clone caine thnt theytIre linblo to net ova lonally on thu ImpnlKoI oftitus momiiit When tho Irlneoton man taughtUie hull ox Htiid Hull of tubs tjuu night it witsiimnCfHary no n means of udvanelmIlls bidu toward BUIOSS nn tliu Im-pulnn uf thu moiuoutI clinked himwithI Lrout ntdor Other 1rinceton nntiuttid ot lieu Valo men camo up and took n handIn nnd thin impiilso of tho nionieiil elianulni-HldiH nffoctod alrincnton man who iluiiivlI aYalo man In the oya The Yule utah after nfew momenta sat upI rubbed his ni cot nn hisfeet uud returnied thin uamo IHo Heomed tn-

eliorlhh no retsiiilinent At tho conelUHioii ofthin innintcx titer hnd foimsd italIc hU iuyu u

dullnod welt vuriccated In color uud oflwpn of duo new tuitiOn

Whon Ilnxiill us stud not the hail n nficonilU nun ho auain ossajed n kick ut noal tt wits n-

lont distaneo and nobody bollivcd that hocould mako it but hu did Tho hull built itwiiHhtruck by lilt masterly foot was 11i footfront thin goal It Failid like a pnrtictilarly-buniiint and uinhltloiiH liiul und einMud theguilt suI I It 4Iulcttdttt uecnraey Atnln kite > nll-


universal hut tlio tnlorn Unit Mutteredworn tIn nrniiK and black A inlorrsl mannaniiil deorni Viirdiintftoii used by tliolilncoton tnam iw u rack Ilor ulstuiH wax no ovornine by IlaMillh 5 I il I kick Ut it t lie ul ruulIutd-

till the cnntH which had Ktm intrnsled In Illstar and fall int over on them bucUwuidrioted in a niofundlly of1 joy-


l ivuts luot tuuuucht hiutiugn In the guuuuluu

allrr IUnit Tlm bull ut one Unix ihHMol u inunil-nnil iiliulil iiullotliiiiii Into u xnntv itt lit tUnitiiliwtbid tutu up tu Hm belt Kiclmiilxiif Yul-nnuilou tin run thu ru i tug h tlie briiullcil tel Cus tuf

thin iiiiposltloii ourr > hug the b ill nnil MIM ittIniiiJrml iniHiil nf the viiuiny fur u ooiitiiliM-iililn illHtniKu A limn ciintlnuiilly uvmni in HID

air it rupturoil lint wlilcliwllh great jirido hunirxlHtiii In ilurlitrliii VUH that niMilt nf ariiKiloit tnal Thniiiulnnit tlm iiiiiiul hunlugs tint oluvfiin btruuulHil aunt Btiiuunl Theylluvtml littlii Unit WIIH IMHU nitiihlo A Irlnruton itiau got jonslilinililii crmllt he ututuuit I ii tugnn hH fvt when IHullI I thur ulti Col JBHUH fullon him Vulii KHt muilhrr touili i

Tint limit nt tInt fur tlio hirmul limliits-touiul Illriil tniii It hmUnHti iivultoil hiy miuiy-unliKikits isliut Imil wuUhpH In haml unit whoWITO iiilik tniuinnuniti it sihuuut it cami Tlio-rrnwil haul liritHoil lu upou thn Molil anil niirrowed it to n umall spurn v hen ttho hhnut oftlnin IIIOHH this Held Instantly dUappemed iluilila > CutS nlko MHilhhod but protontly thun inloteam loomed above tliu crowd iiirain bornu Inwhat boomed n rathur tutu uttuiblo manner on tlio-Hhnuldorsof friondH Thoy went olt tint lluldilrawlnii on theIr white 111111111111 in tlm tutu

proHHivo ulonnilnu Tho ccachoH utos cut nnilhorses WI LIt roil tuonu Ions antI fpippiiJ tuil jut hoguilt tn nmko thu sleight bulls tlnUloI IIn tutulit I nultui I hun cimrnur u ivutci UnIte unit thus etuuiuhu

honiH HcmiuliHl as Iiff tlmy wet e tullOHiiwivyTim foliuwlncilit Iho full score of tiio matchYALK FiirHiuiln Knaip H > iHliiian IteiklliuiiilJkliiK-


I IHullI IMT ami KurnrlllI iiiurlir backTouiuliW vt lialf IJKI ki lorry anil IliclinrJn beCk Bacon

Iliiiilrc Mr 14aiucurImsi u flu 5 Fnrwnrilfc UlcifH lIen all Hint Vlvti tug

Wintliikli ami r> Rpi rartulut t iiunrtir tiAck T lluktrhalf dackk Mortnii nml IIm bull Kliilbullauil Mulfitt-

lllMililrrMr liivkilfialiiiiiiirMl li > ttlc 2 t lis IrlnciluiiTnui h diMMU intulr bv Yale J his Irluoflun 0tuuitls priurtut fruit ti noli ilgwnn > y Suitel 2 bv Irlucf-

InnOTdlltll ilowil HUldK Is Uvik I TwimbleyTiiurh Uon us Ift r lilltiustn n Irliui tutu 1

llml KlikiMllt ItklianU 2u tby lUxall I

lliffru Mr Iufinl nf llurvuiil-TlniH


of Maiili Jliuurii 15 luliiiitmJhuo record of thu cuamphuifhlp la apponileil

COitus UaiHtt lluri aiK4 LustYale aHanmil 2 I

Irlllirlnll I iiCuluinbU a 3




Itrcunt rechea In Ireland Cnnaldcied-Tmflnnimnlorr nnil Indlrlitbla

LONDON Nov 30In the Hotiso of Comnioim thU nftomnon Mr Qlnilulono rofurcd togrant Mr Iirnollu reauiit tar fncllltloa to dlacuts thin ad to I ii 1st rat Ion nf tlio liuul net

llr Tiunull thou rtskvil lasso to move nn ndjott rut nue itt IIn anlor lo illncuis1 tthu adtuu I n Ia Iratlnn of the net hut only thirtysown membersrose In support of the loQuoSt and heave witsthorufnro rofuocil

Mr Tnnolynn Chief Roorctnrr for TrolnndsaId that thud recent Inflammatory KpccclioH ol-

MiHrs IJnvltt Hcnly nnil Itoilinond had boonconslilcrid bjr lie Qnvormnent nml that If

such ncccliu4 worn contlnnod thin mootItitf of tho Nntlonnl Ioiicno would boluru thu hIlled Mr llilmondi ppoccli ho saIdvnmo within tue imivluw of Ito HuvuntU hoclots of thu rrcvoutloa ot CrImea not undnrohuGiillun winild fuithwitht I Iw IInitlttited Inhtls ease Tho spccclien of Mimri Dnvltt mutt

Hcnly did not cnmo within tIme not Thosemiuli by Mr Hrnly were linllctablc tutU ItoI Mr TruvclyiiiinI cIte I Ithat Jlr IIfcnly txj notiirnpiciitiil lit r rrrMlvun HIHI IUnit IIf1 MiI cs rH-

Unvllt and llxiily luthistcd in innlilni Inllnui-nmtory II I uieeht Ill ti hull hat list would Ibo niailii tohuo tnoni biiuiiil ncr to Ixj of good bohavlor-or bo Iliinmltli lo Iricmi-

Mr lliiily IIITH Iroxi nnd III u ilillniit minitier pild ho litwd to IIntni in thut Its e rn Iuitnttlint In would let n in to Dublin tnmorrow-

Hlr lliilmiil AsotucIciutl tross imkid if thu fnutthat Mr lMltl WIH a tlokittnMiUvo mnn hudImini brnrjulit tn tlm Motley uf Iho ticcrutnry ofStalo fur tin Ilomi I iiiiiulniont

Mr TrnvplMiniiilil tlun ntlonllimnf Iho Irlih-Oovi riiinc nt had LKDII ruth lit tn the fact butthat tlnlr opinion wn very strong that Jlr-DnvlttI Hhnitld Lu i Itrralixl IlUn any ottuir purged

Tlio lrin AKonoialon HIUM If tlm lovurnmont cwU to bao Mr 1llinly bdtindOMTtobo-if iiitut lhihainr he tellll a ill lluil nlliolirn ho

would luttmriio i to prl on Mr Diixltt in Ilkclvto lit kit n Kimilnrt uciti rue TlieI lYiuuiitlon ofCrlnifH net dues not prorldn for tlio punlfli-incut of persons mutt tutU MdllloiiM shut ih xit ls oxpcited IHint nny irosustui I ugh ntriiliut-MisMfi jllmilyund Dnvltt will Ii taUon itmlcrtho nrt illliiliu ticiisoti pHkxsd durlnu thn-rilun of IMvMird IHI-

Tliu yuwn has tiloixraphcd to Dublin Inmil-rImlntnI I tho cnnillllnnI ot t hue cxj ii roy ImUlwho was HO ibitmiTotisly awatiltod on tho Uill-ilntI and lo oxpia s 57 flu hut hty for hilii family

SoutttyHiMti miii nf tin Mnilnu Aillllcry-hivn voltlntoiird for pollo duly tn Irelandund will start for thero on Saliinliy-

Dniiltx Snv lOt prnilaniUloti will shun hinpp iir iufutel rig IIto HtiburlM of Dublin littertho urfnw clniixo-

DiUNllii1 8 counxtil Inliinl to plrnd Ithat Doteethe Cox was shot by otto of his coimndtH

ix riiK luHtfii ofl-


01111 ONV

wIth Respect lo tke Cohan HeftSsees nnd tttt IIUnennUn In lurailliit

LONDON Nov aulItu Uu llourio of Com-


this afternoon tho lion Iielyn AhhleyUnder Colonial Suet oht ry mid thiit Ithe ludlowho wore nccnnipnnyliii Mnooo tho Culmnrefugee when ho surrendered hnd boon Im-


A report Oh thn iniestirui WUH re-


yestoidiy It condemned thin ivmduct-uf the local nuthorltloH but lit eouuuiittuonco of-

a tuloKrnlii from Iml Nnpi the Kicllsh corninaiiiUi at 1 I lruul tar n doeiflon IIOH been suepended until lie arrival ot turthcr Intelligencefnini thnt ufllror

Hlr Itlennrd Asshctfin Cross Connenntlvo-VirntvKtinlwalnut the isI thu liutlil I tug of the put uersrdludtl tug to thn Cuban mfuvKuH until Ito recoIltton nf lurthir ndvlors fmm foril hnplor HB bytthis colt tsp ill WIIH I on would liii Iimpohklblo-tHfnrf ttin prorogation nf rnrlhunont

SIt CinirlfH IDilku Mild that tho Oovprn-iniiit hmlI no reRuiin to buh Iso tthat tho Iidlu3-aocoiniiiu IDK Jlauro Imd IWIMI linprlsnuud

Sir llonry VI nlltriKtrtntUofcuiil ho tutu In-

formation to thai cffitttSir CliarloH Ullko iiruiulsoil to lisiuiro Into

tho ninltorMr Atlilcya admltslon itml thp ladles woro-

luriiiilvrrd5 I with llinii to tlioI Suinn huh uittttuor-IIIUin WIIH too iod withI tcriMiis-

Mr Gui itt 11511 hlsui uIruuus ti Secretary to thoAilinlralU Mild Unit n llrltWi iiinbi it tooltnoHinallI tinttirrs icon tIn the nulchtmrlioodnf MaditMMnr antI a llnihlii and oUiorvtdolson Ithat itatlon

Tin unit Kvpl > it A hlor In roplvlnir loaniniiuity In Iinlitlnn to illiscniloiin in the Jii-iiinlvn Council promised lo piuxotit tlio dovii-infills on tho Mibjott A < regarded tlioiiucsthou wliLtlur tho localI or tho I at lentIl loorui-niiit Hhould indiinnily tlio 1oirnor for seirhug n care ot annn Mrl I Aahluy Kild lImit arumlist Iwtn MtxtMl ntnlMrDin wlonlul net thofur Ign hKnllxtmont I act

Tho Hon EveR A hloy In reply to nniiOHtlnn iiilil that tIme proi T InilimtioiiH had boonCiMii tonitanuii for Klni CuylWttos icstoriLion as early iiii po sibk


The Streets or ColOKitr Cohlvnlr and lloun-Mtittmrrucd liiiititliilloii lu Jlitllund-

HftitiN Kov 80IL wits nniinuiiceil hi theDiet liU nlKlit tlint time worst of time floods wasOMI Tho Ithlnc has lii lIeu a foot nud a lustIn time last twentytour hour Uptnllod reportsrsuctIiod thnw tthat thoro Is shlx foot of wiitor intho strums of Oilouno ViblontAand llonn-At thue last naiiiiil phuu 490 IIOIISMS arc subincrciil nnd lunily all thu innlloni unitfodilrr in tin town itt vu IIKCII diWtroyiil TheroI-BI iniioh sIck ruus IIn the lloodod districts especi-ally


I itutiri flU time children a lid tIto tourTHE HAIIUB Nov iil Ihiro nro oxtonsivo

Inundations In Holland Ijirui tracts ofcountry tire already submerged uud the riverstire still riHlni

IAIIIS Nov 30Tile river uInn oontlnnos torln The collars of tho 1alalKdo Jiiktlou andtho Tribunal otComuiuroo building arc Hooded

ApnuUti IollIlMM-

ADHID Xov 1OThtt Opposition will suptort the tinJiJnturc of hiior DomliiifULZ Marshal bitrnnoV mhi > i for tbo IroMUuicy uf the Chambermfulunt tuaor illtrrrra tlie MliUurinl cuinlfilaU-

t5 u meeting nf the SvuMur and iKputkiiconelllutin if thu Dnatic Ihell lieM to lft > Marptml btrrnno-

nmlI Ireralcul nhuy S Iilsit oltuoltliuit to It uii riuuciut

i rtotxlltir IIn lit f the tin ITIHIIII Iittuili wi ul-tlonuuuifit tuluit fitS irltu1r it ruiuclruict liii f iitflUtrultinrty mi H liruml liatc uuluilinif nil kliuil s vt librrnl-Nui lltf Iliumvtlt ILift lioil Inn rmtiil lu rt ittutaliIti Ithcie of Itli cii crc tutu and mutt nwtlt tlit gnuuiMill uf Illiu K lug tn nturu for which U gas e urantritut unciMjilltiunjI tu altv rolitliaut Si etc aJoj ttd iv-

tririn illiii Svrraim fclmtihl te rttngnUcd at the fco-UIlia1 of Ithu Wlfcii lin lMllilf Uiii tho reivluMliFli-iticnt uf Itliv t1 niiUlt toiiftilutui ut l1St uitli IUln-HHtllrtmiluuH liy ticl cf Purliniiifnt at lit lung thfiutishut in timixl It yifiU egrd that hrraniiubhuuil-exj lain tliu ITttrhMJiiK uf IIi ilefty tu the btnatu

seuItcIn c Aliolkrr 1riinconermnn WarIIruuyIN Nov 30Fhuut lluKhstnchnsrejoctodt-

iI > anu uf IMtu Illl tHit motion tu ullon an n tlulialtlivliicof Krtluli In ilrbati f In Ito frinlnclnl ttmiiiil-ttt uf MIHI Iirrnhiv ltu tituS Ilia tliKriiii loii IHtrrun tile or iliforiiily nrpiiMil tbf nuitinn cit iltclurtilIthi rt wu no t hu urn uf Hit Kriltr Imnuil usu tr alltiH-It a It lo Ibiruiat tutus TbellPf nf ttin hfmll Inniflluxu-Iliun ni r r win unnCrMftn livcuiim i iicli w per if nta u-

iiftljt otiiilitiiin uiru IiltriiiAiiH nml Miiotlur tlitlit nr11 nife HI ak Iotll lunifiniiCfN TIts Iolitltal I nih styof itt iiiilliii ID iiinttu nimmit Inl hutI fAtii fartioi-iiln riMitti tthe Kriiit prt ui irrrctfit tic tuiirod scOot

Hi rr Hinniiitfiiti MUot iit uMil tliv liintlnii antl titlltilthat Iliire wtinlil iIn tu site ciit nliiillur vlriiiErlo fur

i isteiiim t f AliHif lgrralni ulioliirlcr tilt luir bmug-Uriiuiu lu rrunif mine tu a hut el

Arnhl lv IMrnil Jiillly tu KolielllunI-

OMIOV lieu 1 ThoCuIro corre poniliintof-llif IMIInXrvi ttli kmilitliatI hue brlUvn Arnll Iulmi-illl ilciiil Kiilltt In the irriivral vtiHrKv of ruLilllon nintIhut the KMllH jn-

hartriMtfwill nut htS5 Itie

jititMim Hintli

cinliHriiii AralI will thenI M nunfit to t ertultulutl fiilw rvtainliiir hU itwurittituS JinJ fiiKluimnt-

Thi M ill l1 telr nrrCctiuuulcui shi K Ihut thronetl IMH i OUd If l n rtirn ruitt tap arrantftdtwith Aretuis iMHiti fl in itn vxav sum llie littfHitity fur hStat tnul Ttic ii tall are tell nvirvt-


An Italian Dctuly llclullDV la Ticks the UHlhHOME Nov CoiiHldorablu utoltement wins

taliiiillii IIIiorliiiiilnnf I Uiiilll tn tlay tb > thus n CiiKi-lof tin rmllial inciubrr hlirnur rntleluiil In ttkv th onlh-of allttftiimi liming twIt rtfukul tn it uti i tHID

1rmiilnt iii itt tel him ttu iillhilriiw hlKinn tIallirinilnilUit I lueSt Urn Mlit title IS Hie iirui ti HIII Ihlnill only kale lint r comi ulilou Thiriu ou tnu-iUt tints riuiti > t1t tOut

Ike Nliidcnt DIXurliKiirci-KT rKTEisuuii Nov 30Tbto Council nf tIns

Unlit rklty tics itiLiilett IliMXlifl furty vlx ntlnlriilH 11 linwire IHie thIef actori In tIn Utf illntnrbiiiKt Their

Hrrliln IIHIM iIttn nntlvr Ililite niu riinltill ci int > ilirruoihvrii dui brrn cit HiI iroin ilii Inl-iiriil s mtli IIhiiiiiOiriniitliii Hint Ithii will bennl-iiiltttj If niintsnt

The onaplisey Ainlnil the Hiilliin-

CoNBTANTlNon f NOT 3Olhun oxnmlnntlon-nf Hut livliuin llnilit atiil in tin allrifril loimjilraiyu-

irnlnvt tlm Millnn his reinllnl in tHit aiiinltu of pitthe aii until t xci 11 rilinl 1uHlm ami Mvlirniel 1iinba ItInriiiiuirtl Htnl IuaJ will ltie miUlittil and rolureil tu-Ihw bultani femUr

A Iliiulilr f knlUni tn Vlikl H lineFAKIH Nov 30M A huh nut x Ito uuluhluut fl

mi nIn r uf tHirthnintirof IIi ulltv IIIK challriiKctl M

tutu rt ut iilitor of tIheitru uiil M Artnn e si rutqr furIhat tins apvr lu Hiclit ut ulusIl llotli baiukcctiitiij

jiniitin AHUUC 7oirvMan HlMvbranilt Uitil nuJileiili uhllo fotini her

I bunk nun tug tllniii r lit hunt bonift at Jot i Reel ortythlrill-rtHt lit u I M Slic ivui It ears oM

A rurlv of bun Htioviballeil Juhn Sinltli spit iiiIn Ilrrt aiellln Ill Iwsuilyilnitil nlirrl on WrilntmliyIts tiuress C adDuic itt thtln anU II till Jiouelil lliinn lolearn nlil In IHu fftue ilaiui roufli nniindlni hutKinlth iihu Uu at t HI llut riot utiinlh nlreit 5 itthull lentenlnt IN bov In In HillruiL lluU l IlKtiireiilt Uiuut 1110 East I u vuttyasictuttu mc t


FAMOUS norss irinnrTxa NUTHD-3tVN OrKll Till Wilt lit ItUtltS

An Inventory Made as Aldlnc and Ijtrlt KUMWrist hIjUen Ornnta tint IlKrnnU-Wiirka Fljrcra ItnUInc Hnovv Cloud

A man wllh a ruddy face mild blue ryesn roth none and a husky voice suit In Clabo-CnwVrt yegturduy afternoon with his heels out

tie window sIll and his hands thrust deep tn-

IH pockata tie worn n fur cap and a heavywhite driving coat stud ho wittclied thn road-


as tItus swelL over the wlJo Rtretch ofRtiowy road with the critical aIr of an oldhorseman kIt around him were men whotalked homo volubly shook hands vigorouslyand warmed UioniMjheH at the bar Up anddown tIns road from Ito bridge to Ito built wasn running thin of horson of every color anti sizeanti slights ot ovary fashlon with hero andlucre a cub looking very much cmbnrrnnsedantI decidedly out of place TIns ruddyfacodman with thin husky vnlco callod a welter to hitsside and turning to tIns reporter remarked

Hlr Id Co pleased to blow you nIT t

Tlm reporter slgntllod his entire wllllnjnosato Binoko n cigar

yiiltit right mumbled the ruddyfacedunto Its n hat thing to take liquor out a dutylIke this cause It makes your feet dully My

foot arc at present below yern He then main-tained


a dignllled sIlence until time cIgars werelhujht Lou when hu glancad up the road I and said

Ilo you sue that roundshouldered man InIto small cutter with hlxI cap pulled down overhis OCH and his Hiilu wlilskort uitlckl tug out lust

bliidI like a couple of frosted wUoi broomsThatH William 11 Vamlerbilt anti hues drivingbin faiuoiis team of inareH A liii run uttuul UarlyHohM Tlmy lift Itholr tent nicely dais I tthey Iand their bends hang piettyuhf llotluidl1 I

lily nwvTr did U1B in llnrlford nor anywhereolse Thats otto of Vnuibi bitts litlle jokes

IHit looks comfortitble-Ym Ithose puiuilsk tutu ought to knep u tuna

warm but they cost a good dual of money ftell itt my HUH thcios a largo amount ofwealth skimming right along there In tItus personofMiI Vnnderbllt and his train Lots seohow much l I Is

ThoI itt huh futuiuiul titan with much tuggingnnd blowing gut nu envelope out of his pocketand taking n pencil Irma the reporter contin-ued


Sow hn bought thnt team through Hocka-feller for l3iiKi but thus mnrp hadn I tnailo a-doubln rioord tlicu midI wero nut ci u valuableits they tiro now He considers tliam wort Ii-

If 100000 and they would prubahly bring halfIHint umlijr tlio hammer today That makesllor e fVH II-

Mutch 11lIaricss lot-ltftiltii nOt and rap HO-1ur Inii rolie in-

Illovri toTotal filni5If sou putt Vnndoiblll himself down for say

a hundred millionI you will at once grasp on tothe tact Ithat ou me gnlng upon what repre-sents


a Itt ugui plln of lucre hullo theres Kd-Ktokes spinning nlong belilnd him the young-ish


mnn with Ithe gray Imlr nnd deeply markedfenlures Hen driving luis enick lenni lymnn-nnd halI Flower nnd his position IIn followiiiaVamlerbilt lu singular so to remark

Whyllecauso ho follows him nronnd whenever

ho guts a ehaneo no matter where lin is Theold man dont take to Htokes however Younotice tho liatchetfnccd onng nina with nIthinI roil benid drivingI the longlegged attireTbnts joiitig Ynmlerbilt young Lorneelwho drives a iinpi much mom gently tlnin hisfntlier does Tho keenlooking horsey fluteskimming behind him Is John Itcgcrs driv-ing


Wllkesfi filly nod the big manwltii thin bay team that drops Its lolafeet like four pile drivers is Hhopnrd FKnapp Ullo heia comes lieu Cirant tho fatlittle man Iin the pldghat dilvlng thn conimon-blnco bay mare Olwerxn how coy and stylish

4 Ui liiis become He in almost thn onlyman on the toni todny who sports a brnn nowsilkI tlio and velloiv driving1 gloves Thats IthuInlliteneo of Wall street Tie travelled nil overthe world withoutI I Iimproving hs way of wear-ing


I his necktiet I hut a few yenrs tin tlio streetsends himI foi III strictly fahionabln as to hatand gloves The man handlingI I Ithat fast Ibuickmure U Col Kip tutu thin one swooping by himIK Kasnnnn with his fast team Captain Jackand Glendulc

Just hero them wan a uulckmowmentamongthin watchersnnd Itho hospltnblo contingent thatwnsHtlllI I giving hIt lot ks nt thus bnr moved hur-riedly


to tho windows Coming down Ithe roustwas a Miuitioslumldciod linelooking manwith snowwhite moustache who silt erect Inhi Iii uilut hghu holding LIt uul suit oser n ten in Ihatmndo HID Minw hit in clouds

Thats flunk Work tumid hula great team IMwant nnd IHickI Swlvellerthei fiitest itam InHIM world for money Talking tul unit I VnnderhIlts oviuinslvit turnout vtliy Works knocksthem sillt I lln is Inking all the Lood ho tilt ofthe ilav I bnw him this morning hklmmlng-iilong iMihlud ills nevvlv purchnsctl cliestnutmare riorinco YandurlilU hiss diiveu siughitoday tot Ho went skipping by hero thismorning behindI Lvsaniler This is huts llrstttimeI wes had snow on Thanksgiving I OursinceI 50ri7 nnd theI hut > H nr bound to enjoyit TheiuH Johnny1 Murphy again Huhas been out since morning diiving nl-

ternately the bay gelding Plekard witha reoird of 21S Judge IlilliTlonJ1H andthe cheutnul mnro Lady PrltchnrU wllh arecord of 221 Thats good enough stock forany man to ride Ixhlnd ocvordln to my judg-ment


which mny or may not 1m good WhyMess mo If there isnt itiUi Cnse himselfelliitilng up the rond Inlilnd lllg 1ellow Flintsettlch It Ill gut out my old plug nud followfor It may not snow ngnln for another twentybixI jenrs and I dont onrM lo wIth

Tin ruddyfaced man joined for a momentflue permanent contingent at ttlm bin nnd amoment laUrwas spinning up thu road withIsIs uslhxuws well out nod his taco wreathed in asmile of liieffabltt complacency

Morn than IfiOH slctirlisnnsspd throuob Huntrnl Park The livery stable keepers wore notrotudy for hue rush They hnd not sharp shodtheir horHOH and wero afraid In many casesto lOt them go out Col llrlflln was hard atwork making Flcctwood Park track level andlit ffur sIucuuh I lug It will bo In condition todnynail there Is talk ol n trot to sleighs for the sil-ver


cup If the sleighing lasts as ih likelythero sub111 bo sumo hut uuZy matches on tItus mailUnix Case luau n fiftypound hlolgh Hint he lsgoing to give to the winner of the llnUof them

The Nltfiml Offlce Predict IonWarmer MPiitlier westerly winds stationary

or lower predate

l4tt f >7< OU TtlK TAIlCJ 111 IllThe Hulffarlan MhiUtij lae urdtrcd this release nf M-

uiic niA ruiuyrnnuhee hirut ltctt cfferttd between Lord liuiui-

duuuiilui iuI this k Crltutu-Tue rnlilltIutu it the ArlutIttop at iutttetbuty I

datijic ruiu e hut tilteli hutis e ut tiuut uu ru attIcTIc hutihos hi ii it t sit M ill at luthctnut I i aP tuittut i

hint uilgtut It loss is 1u it di i tuicu trul fir fiiji t

It flipnttl ltt uteIluiuul tIc Precuittu nf I tie hlnutuunOct llauuier if l1nlutia5 lit ii ittuilt uiitLiu ie s aelect s cud rtiiy-

TI sualurtah tntnutiit it St liil1st outtuly N5s Ci I icierut lv S trutuaiit 5 lutiuk Ittliutlmc us declared I i lot ty tttti hi s tiutlot ity-

A s uuuuur ui alt tuuiuil thiurreUx luit it kihlul lit t hue

U lull tIuihuuig utcer lit tiuS iiiiliuiiit IIotrli Ii-

httii to ruuniiluir euuItct ii gut troJ tnt ti hOt I r iutuuu-tyr eouutrary II hew

lhe ton it of hironittluslul Stn lit luct tchvrul ti giftf siuuu rriui it Otiiir riciIuut fur it 1uutliu Itruityt-

uulil lug ti luitutry hiss huuu sirs ioely bun glu ii titus

iijistt 14 Jutiig Slustrich-

Cuul Tiouuuuuu II II erkuunds ii tinted oluhlcr lit hI war ifthus teusumu it i itt SI Ilkunlerre esiuula of it-liiutlti itiI it iturs tI ci uta it Icruiect tultu tuu-

di tttuit lit tuiist iuIloiu uf t hit isletshuuliutiu It tuuurnr p11cc I V lluttq title enlIteter for

thunrl tlnitu 1 4 iYluiaitu si lu nt tuu iihuut iii505 si II it i I I cut hsnhl ii N un Orlcmui5 lad is cittuig tu ems cit it fruuuu tihiutuil

itt ntuitii T ttitrsier a hirultu r of t lit hale it-

ii st uureter I I Ii cf utIet muiers au itiihuuuttilir uf CutiAr in sit it5 it i ilut ii iuiuu r-

uil lit at hula rccituiu lit iS utluuia I II

The itt hniuui titit 5iu truttuului htllruiul lluiiulilt iii Cls Itus iCtuils if dl ttuuuttuiui pout null It I

5l titruutl lii rat ttuuutigtu liii uailuu ii uuui hueItiuIiuua dir hucuiittug r u utin11o4 I ritumrsi he

rue hricus fitruiry I hiy the Sct tdid niuseat A luau titu 1 hump jut tItei 0 lIlt hliu ulnk iftiulluhituis s t If thu fiutry ssere hiirueh I I rhay-It tuuttti ins is i tltuucti l ci fruuuu t2l5 it Ciiiiitii

Sir John Pope Hiiininy m prmil llntNii Hovirnoi-nf HniiK Koni linn l in apiiitnttd Ion rnnr nf Muttritlii and Sir illorife Ktrifinnn tliui cut init liottrniir-nf Mtnritllli lia heidi llppolllttd to a like pufttloll utIIIMlt KitS

liud Uiirdiwr a irniCr nu tln Ifurtrrtnun IlkiiirnrIruntifiil K s n ttrdat ufu rumm nknl I Iimrtd i lranut inlund tn huts a dieh nf fort cults UrMUiidrew A knife nud Utirttd nMnl tmrdi i ss tat tlm litttr hrrd and Mlltd Iilriirtmi

the KurniMin iullt forue tn A lex mid ri a lo pi U tondiiiid lu fMuml itiU nl tulru lhi 2t fir nirHfi

nf t iuuiili 1hiI rfiniiiiHlt nf thr fort f us HI tn ct tithtniifM IIhitMiUtKitnf IKVjt Mmh lumliru tuii Ic

t1reiuitl al tthf riitiuliiu-ItuI Mllllarv lril uiml in IOIHHA Uii l time fmin-

dftl hlaviikt milhynf u iltnrirtiif cmli < liiikrl t 1-

1riiilIoi frnin tie tiutriMn nl nnd Im nuli in idI him InIHiilrhim A tnilitit ntd a Lit uii imnt iitd twolewhit ttintrnKr lint i ttnttmrd to arluun lcsqrI-

utoultlq C fT iuuitiluiihl in IhvnmtiIhv iui rnortif LotiUUnu IIIH i stunt u prHlHiiiiition-

onicriiiJt nu ututlilu ui rr li H fur intfit ciiuii In thus-

tiunirluithUlti l i in till tin s ttiiun uuiuiouhi h > HM dtMhtif-It n Urrrtnt 1 In1 tlownmr huitnriUri d u niinutk4lioii-

nf thf uiif t if lln1 hlrd tfiixritidiitrloiwitlioui itms lug

inrlillonli lu an ono Killtirif let IIK 7 niKjurilThe trill Aiiriiinriit hcts m thus nnidu rouihfrn-

ItnlUa iuilllll tub Itif HlilUiTiH iVntrul Hnklrni-diiiiiI KU wt st MrBt nluv fohoiiuiiuiiUd lhit tie Sot uf-

Ih Iriumila hnuilun1 rliurihnldn un H uuut thug tn Ianinori than the nti enear tunt thirdt lfliic reir ueuuteht at-

thf mo tint and the st v hrlnif unanlinuiii flit etcnu nt Mf lulu tUit J uit 1

InII PhltfcMitv i trnlav nftirtinon 55 hllr workmennfiuliAMiiiitft t fiin ii utrt lii CSt n ltints > kii iif fur ui-

liliiitiiifht i f thf lrtliit uiruihs tho tuitp tutu ltivi tIhodoiiiut uf tilt ftonp MU I i tirckfd Ion mhtdriiU i ufijiif-tlu dirrltI k cat uo lit luta Uio sur rlrmnriii HIM tillilir nf nn finriiif wiih It 55 lIeu lleilfriun uiufinri-imnnii ttitin Urfii Ulnnd wurtnulniMh ktlt il iitiit totrthrrwiri wrloiif Injuritl A pueuin namd Jmni

uI rio Ii inig uud U nni jotKd to tv umlir th tiuhit hi llif vuiir

A STEAMSHIP UNItOne float with the Coitlnlu Chl f OMccri-

nd n Lu < r PiiMenif MUiUirHALIFAX Nov 30Tbo HiUtah ettnmslilp-

Codar Orovc from Iindon Nov 17 for Halifaxstud Ht JoInt N 11 struck tho lodjro off CVH-ICnnsii at 3 oclock this morning sinking nnhour later In ten fnthomo of wntur Throuboats wore launched soon nflnr tho vesselstiuck two of which contalnlngl tlijrleetip-

erMons reached tin shore rnfely Thuremaining boat lias not Ixsn heardfrom and It la feared nho linn beenlost In thin breakers Among tim missingare hue Captain chile officer and MittsFiirroll a lady passpiigtr Them wits romitchconfusion just before the vossol sank that It lIs

not known whethrr the iwrsonn named urn Inthin missing bout or went down with tInt steam-er


Mr McAvltty ono of Ito passengers makestlio following ntntaincnt

I wit liulnw when Hm vefincl struck the rook Tinehlff hlucer requcileil nittto lotuS out fnr the bunt provl stasis si purr Ac After proiidlnir fir tiesI I went Inf-


again at Ilii either ufllcer reiieot is p ieral fire-men lIPid refilled to work Alter nn hourand a halt work the eu let enulnoir ordend I

all nn deck On gaitS tn nil tIhe vtav upI found Iho intlneerit conipnulontf ay gnustat nuklnir tvuttlhritiirh the ortlte unitt uph > alailderThen when I reached the leek I dinumered Hit vclcel-ulnklntf rapidly amldhlpi and that ev TV ins hvl alumdoni it leer hut IIIVFI If the Mfniid and tthird engineerand one fireman Wp luaped Intfi Ithe uat4 r togetherThe Itretnan nnd I sure pliked up tiv HR rhlitf-iniflnciro lioat 1 ptiv or htnrd lint huiitc nf apt Frit-or Ilif other who left the rlnklui shIp with him I lailsits MIM tarrilt at tlir iiMnilniir n> had hnrd it nrk-to keep the I out alloat Ills thu le tail oiptantly butreached land nt u oclock In Hm nirtrnlnir

Tim slimmer was built by Osliornr Irnham-v i nt HiiylUin lliiKliitnl and was launched

IIn Sut it chIt her last SItu WIIH brIg rtgguth withn gross tonnngo of 2111 Ions nnd registered ntlliUlons At last nicoiinlH fiuin Caiiso theCulllutiliud bat wns still missing

loiter reports from Cnnso are that ono life-boat


front Itlm Odnrdrovol I nndI nineteenI persons mo still ml sng It Is not known howmany succeiwlcd IIn giMtlni IIntotheI lint boat InItin confusion of the momentI Kotu wnro KeenIn jumpI overboard nail others wen1 wnhed offwhen thoI lowI of ItoI shipI swimpod It couldnot IK ascertained In tin darkncms IIOVT runnyweiu taken Iinto the boats

No Jliealtmi Akkd-Tho following advortlsemnnt published In n-

inortilni taper we hmtn to IiiFpector Ilyrtita a4 hla-

ri Meiice iRflntch-fPrsunnKCRRI MiTiFV IF orpintn on Ril

Hlrd ISO Mnllirri cit 1iit lulllinx 21151l Wnlen Bold iiatrh I ht1sttl Vnrhrrnn inaktra-dlaiiceM paid I reuiinl otiritl no qie tlou anked

The Inrpfclnr real It tnlct nut stilt I Xnlod > hadoomutlinnty to puljll > h pitch nn ailicrtlKiilcnt No-

liody In t hi Ucltvo nfllii uould hu allowed lo pilhUphthe iinrdfi Xo juici ins aftktd tt lulirhl lie compoundlin i felonv SItS inn mnneliody walked In at Hu 4 cjilral-ntUii rrpnrleit that tie tent Innt a v islet and then I utIn that adiertipement wllhnut uprnktnir lo u-

ll ilertli srriftatit Mini took nit lilis el 5 irlave audexclaimed Whr certilnl > I nevrr put InCthindie-rtttinrnt I dont know aiiilhhiir 11110111 uiuiiu ta uatohellt hi r IM I tinttfiofin thit ionic suM daru to ss cOt anadlerlUeinmt that May

Htlvanta FlowlllK Molehy far One MassOTTAWA NOT SOThn Hupremo Court has

rendtrcd a dectidon lu Ute celebrated caie of Mclarrn-mt CaldwclL The plaintiff anl1 defendant are bothliiiuUrmtu Tin plaintiff for thus pitrpoie eif floatingloc audlnniher In this ncUlihnrltood tact improveuuuettt hut certalcu Pt tCilti wtthct lced htrnuigli hishttPeruY end uuttuincl frnuuu the tuusitt I hacrsrc sintuulUluetliun riit2ahuilig lernlnuit feet uuuik tug cot ut-

ltuee ctrenuuc Tile rsis us a cnrrtct tl Its dIurt oftech ftur lintaritu ss bOlt res rmul Iii hstsuiit tif ItieCurt of tbiancuus iii this grtiuut tht ttuutrc siiis perii lusrt nf dii hIgh lie oucH In thc dcfsiulntut pa-

is cii tip the silntttf Siw itt SIt hreuuue uJturt is a-

Ii nuitluiunts teioluut ntuitrutus dli hujiuuuel tuin grasittut tythe cnurc sit chsnerv sot the greunI IbM It itrrluscc-lli a ptftii 01 lust tune S eru uit sess lglte lulir llai sitle-asut luashuug Seen rcuuleresi sit ts the pisitutlif ty antultelelascetic hue lefusitlnul hue n rlgtt to their use

Poem on Thuilovv Weeds DiseleenreBOSTON Nov 30flea Porloy Pooro writes to

ttueJlurnZeoniuruuhng Thnrlow Wcusd hlicloiure aboutIhie death nf Moriran as foltowit

When In Smyrna some forty 3 ears ao t gathered airreat deal nf Informaltnn alinnt a myiteriouR Americannho had come there noon after the Unreal excitementIlo rtcelnl quarterly rrimttancea and ftnallj thendlien MopptdI VVtre I dililinved to gilt hearMir cOsttnetili 0 I ttiluk thit I could phott that the ni > lerinlM-Mriiuirer ni Monran wtio 55 itS paid 111 erillj In theAutl VIa nim to klitftnt hlmvlf hut sIlo lunped aftercnue learn had elapfrd to rt turn lo the Stats if Nei-tlorkhiit I cajinnl prove th utatenuut emit mi nvinoath uould tint make mi tatemenu of what I tawlicard and read lIght tivhleiice

fliutitc Old ht Francis Xvler1 Ckiirrh-Tho last service in the old church of St

French XCI Icr In VVtit Sixteenth pureed wait held lestveiling Every one of the nquare haoktvl old fahhiomil-

ew wan nlltd The lleT W Pardon S J prtaehe-dhe ncriuou tracing the hUtoryof lIt luilldlui from Ui-

lidfrntionI In-tf

1101 r Arrhttiiiipt ihiiithop 1IuI rtIIR-intlif mint Mi cltt MIT

tlttt IO uiiniuioul th ellen tn-

It lint i hurch vrrt tIlxn rinr I for Ihf 5 ilctZt nitof tliefiuthrtil In Antilnnho-lUrtl

tlurriVilt sifter M fitch as lii kept pit litchl lfi rf t tin The Arcliliulmp

win cuuuiretn tinuciimrllnltnrnf Ithe tiou t hunh-

AtT nVkick thiIs HUTU In IT Thf Mintr rritdliu t hitUdhiilm of th nrw thurch whlili tffjmn lust FrI IHT-

HMd w hi itt Is knon n II tin F Jriiui pn aratitrvlint Cdlii 55 lit hso t Sill 5 5 euuuiit tart nit it-

ttokes n niitih hv th ri hhiilini mil dtditnte Ithentw church on Mmda innrnlnjf

Double Cnlttilmi nnil KxplnvlnnUNION POINT On Nov i1ljtut 1 oclock tIlts

innrnititf four mile hrlow this iIltiel the upi fn inlittrain from Atnriitn while hneMnir down fur a ear utikliit Imd left at Crnwfnriltlllr raniu tntn rolllxlon with Ihe-

ui I a fntrtTtrnln lu a nilnntf nftrrward another upfrikiit train raT Intothv NKritnt IMF uf thf lacuigertratii The ctdll lon tHfiirml tn ft ilitp rut and at acurse of the rmwt Tlitt eiitfine silt fcx ril frnrht-ciir Mrre 55 rf kid Out Uiiiii txtdndtil AM tin I a-

eiucni cwrapul injtirv lark S hit hard n fin linn sunpatiifiilU iitt Ixii not Ktrt itirh hurt rntudt riny theduiitlf rocnn Suit ixrit-

nnnuf Ithe tuck hue cruise

loss of life IH iiiarvll n

Fatal 1C A fraud oilhsln-uPirrsauaart Kov dAt 2 oclock this after-


a collision nccurrvtl on thu rittnlnirxh Fort Wavne-

nnd Chitago KMlrotd tier New Wattrf rd IOhio If-

tH4n an arcntntn datii n train and rtwrM hound freighttrnln TI urcniissicitiiiin drnhui tauI Juiet tluilcd lilt of-II he tetOt uut Itiuul lil sil tsilnul e S ttl ititti rile f

5 1151 itt eutjiuti ueutrii r thu siuntletl nuit tiesteii suiutu tIilruu It o iii J utn dliusn r of

1 ituitti tluh die ilt tutltt ltl I hi uIs tuZi r ltutl 551-5Iiinithi kiOul iiiiI htu ltgilu r Ii liii tutiiuituiios-iiuI tiIuli Sits I r 5 lire huith c lute of dli t si-ciuiti sins tnhhs lttuiei ltit curio at ssnIi a-

dli ttuuisgc tiutit hit C frrighid curt 5 a tsth s nil ted

AccneI of Mrul1nff it WatchA richly ilnpgml jnunu woman vhosntd shun

was Kmnm llnirlnirfon nf tt Mnl trr tirtfttMl thnt htr-IniUinI kept a tnlotm nt IItfi Clint ham rtrnt ua-

rrrtft ulllIs Dttrethe Zuudt of IlrnokUn > titt rdi I A-

U hainiult of aLt drtttitl tritl iIi thin Iniiinlalnmit-Ihmnnii Hnmii nf U Knout s t It ftr it Slit rnhld if n-

wntch and t liin and the si hint lS iS found vitli Mr-1riH in UroukJn while the t unit wa ft und MtliSuuiuuuls

It Cl tills the nirin su his toe the uitti h frnin Hrown ts-

cIsil a thn > tari rvitti me In huh etu nnd the t olitIfunifl tli fit lif hnd iris n the KIHMH to llUrtikl iii hittie tot riiriUirh the bnrkt i pr th wiiv iriit td il i

ftul tn Stlu IllarrkiKton hliu ss its linked up fun usaintnatioti

Fituntl IIunirlMt ss llh u titer In kl Alniitli-

Snmtol Olt M u 10 years old silun boardod at-

Ixtriiii tines and si lm hnj In iti out of nubio nitut furrunic tiinu and dnnkiiiir lies Ii> liHiijfrd luiiiHvU litI

intcht After n dispute with hit iicuhitily hue took utT IIIM-

fci uuu cut tthn M In Inr fitci ti itiubt of tm ktiiK ItInt fileluau l Imiiiflit lit linn took u Mir cotton h nidktn tuiffuul-ii

fiitttlt nnd diippfurfd Hi luOl id li r I 51 sit ulu n-

ithi tile htr gouilI tO frlu vupi itml hi hit mli dI lo tlnd M-UtliirLnanliiitf ln e Hi liKlild iur h Ih ft Ihli-

uruin nut It vm Mill In hi mniilh In n thr ltiltS usu-

fiuuuiit in the i eltur nt oui ltuili Imurn aft r us rd Itf tintitrul hiuielf trout a null 5hIlt tie hnndkt n hit f tout-

luioi ttruiiklidt Si hills hUfnt louctud tlt fhix He UH

ii nigeruuust r

Oulutr rort3 fvcn StIle

Tin flftynillti rnon tindT thin dirritmn of flueNorth hide Athletic iluh In Wllllinil urfh > thi tilt >

tumid Into a wulk Irfori tlu Ituditit mnn John i iH-

mnn Itll timl fully ces ii mlli Tlur vi lItiliricothrr rm i ro trt until trtkMii Ithi 55 vn tafist IH hind llmt this n nimlttei ordtr d the HUI ct d-

ilaKiiuunII Hindi ffurt ci tin mtUn in 7 lusts H mimtit

lctltna M Hurlar < 3o

tVIuuiu Joiiph Krlnor ssiut into nn turiliorr om of lint Inndi nee lVi Allntittc ntmu utrkm tu

tKt rda he duxntmd K Inalnr ptrklin lutliiutf-ll KnntM cius C tin tuivltr 55 lId MI mfu hi tilt i r ii-

ll ID rrlunu if lie 55 illuviil ho KO thud ht fu4 hiiu

llr I nojbiity liuirrnl0ictiHancnckI nail HtnfT wIlli attcmlllit1 fit iuuurtul

HtVT M tniln nt iSC55 rKof Dr Altinnd rN iMu l-

irrttMhoI nun itiuli tub Ilr ntor of tlm Mi nd Arm-vtt rpn Dr Ooutrli rl UHH rn idciit of the tlieeci-uiuudy Meliral hucitt

MA insi is i rum t u-

MiMiTrni AixiMAi TDM rrH-

ttnrlu 7 0111 bun ft to 4 11 Momirlip 11 jo-

niuH WATTH IMM lIt rhandy Hook I3jr huel lhclaih 1 ii Hell tint a

hultliopiftrrivcirtVuit5V uI iSt

Shirts > lJIiuv1 5O5 t7 anul SIlls thhi Ihutihi iullutI S i vUc uinf Miunliurtf No asS IItI is rv

rtiiSjI oudmi Ttle Kiildir Miimkhal Ott

sSd tii iuuii ii utdutt iS usiiptir

Iitttuuht Iniiiiie iii ti tt 5ru tnu No IIt-

M iuM lOltui istuIhiuIicuti lathhClnt id uciiHtii M kt nit hivatinuh-M srliturn Kern ttuctiti-iii ItKlnnond SIhni ent 55 i cit tnlnt Vo-

Si UuAittkv tvutilu IticlnronJA-


s I nltirJi rrin lhlldt Iphia nt iu riirihs intihrlu from New I t rk ul llniiiTii-

ndUhiit> m from NnrfuA ulUUiiimlNI

M I 11 Il ILHKNNKTTIUHOrWT tii Tuuussihsy eenlnff Sum a-

at Hit revld net of Itliu lhurtles pnttiitu lit Itie MM T n-

Mrl nd KrulrrUk M Il imrti tn AtitcnsU H daughternf AiitriiNt Iiiitrpt nil of llnmkh-

nOusiCMlKKjHMTXOnI Wcdn day Pent V9 nt-Ht MarknClnmh hy tin lInt Dr KrlAiicf f nd rlcf-kUoMiiihoftr

0tn Cirtillnc Webster S lIz duuKhUr ut the

lulu INIIHO tilts of Ness YorkH LMI UKIAKAOu riinr dnvetitlntf Nov 23

it Ilh tomrri irilioiiM thnri h tlreiitn rnrim Cctm Iliyhue Mev i H J t KchrnJohu A Holme nf lleiihrook1-stHinfunl dim to IlIIuis ttetjiift lagtter if lbs dufit

chit hug mi-


her11J51 ItIIhtAVIIRItOn Moiidy Sos 17 nt llif re

ihIuiie lit I he lrldei motliT lit Ithe lIes llr II tu-

idnkuui spiutll Ilv thin Her rhnrltn H iaruTilUiihuiit I owe II of Itftnii tn riirtidla Trlirifl-

tlieliiuglu t r ut lets Iltluiumt Lincoln liajlkH vC Tauuton Mitti

mittAUKVn Psut Prnrtduice K I Knv2P the lIes

Joliti tti nI HKK tsu s tnrii-ANOKVI > lAt Mount Vernon Thurwlfty Nov 30

ttnlmU Antrvliif-NAtlrittf fumrnl liortaftor-lUUilOUKX rnlni tav moriiltiff Kov 20 tp1 Ills

lain rtftiliticf hti I MnMlc M nw rJn C D Otie tvr-ttIt Hnrtimn rr In ttictntlMfirt of tile nvc

itcitistis is aol rripn i sri uus lIed to nttfii1 the ferrlctnat tir L m nl Mmt M K Oliurcli nu hriJaj lice 1 nt-

CAhMIiV2 ulsl At Nevuark N J Nov 2l KAte Carrollvf< of lohn rnHtHy trul 14 ycius

Ktiiternl nu hrlUv IKv At HA M lo St JfO hfl-riiurrh is hurt a hull uiMR vt requiem will lc utteredI lit rttiPttf tn Ne n rut

its I rutcuit WrlnrFin niornliKT after mffprlnf-Itruit itifimy fur los nt mIss p tIhiMtI K ss lft of J buttonnrUf Ktf IITtli it niiliUtuhttr of Joimttuiri nilonuf-Irnniitit N II

Fun nil nt nnon on SttiMlnvcull t ru liciuu Knit tlnttmich n I Soy 2tl Mr-

D iMiati I hifton uifed tIi t j enriHOOANInJirMVt tiljon ritntw1ay Vov 2ft sift sr

i liort hhliisq Cfillnrlnr tlm lelnfd 55 Itt of Kntrlck-UctrAH A n 1ivpo Oftlo IvliiiidcuiJiit > Kerry Irulund-npt l ti rnrn

Tilt relatIves plut frlfitd of thus fnnillv nrt1 reip ctfullvInlt4 i in 1111 Iii tht ftin ml on Mittintii itmnilnjf nt H-

oclmh from her Into roctdriirf corni r of itt and Menderesucu 15 i tliencn to Ht Mirtft Oti lurch li St lucre atolfinn high ninMof rrqulcti will ho offered fur the happyni o if Itit r Putt IInterment tlIt ttsiis art

KhSNEV Nov is IKSJ John It K tunes tleIloid sunof 1 ttru i nnd IPMI Kuuiiry oztd 21 > tirx nud t month-

aUlhtf suit frituric uf the fnmil s nn nppcctrnlty In-

itnt tto ntt nd tie fittifrnl frs nif tile rtmilpnce 12LIters vt Mrokn nn Krtdav Hoc atoclockM-

OSAliHAN In 1hlUJtIiliin Soy IM Julin VonQfftmn turtd ill j ar-

oUHllIN InUftltluiortMdtKov27Aiidr v OBrien-akd 17 Veers

TM >nMNAt IUerponl Knr Sunduy NOT 12

Joih riiouipKnii Ilu tli1 NMh jhr of huts arePuiurnl nfrfii nt the lnurlh Trepln trrian riiurrh-

on tnt 3tHi it near tilli Cv on Kridfty IHr 1 nt lu-

ucltuk A M

IMinnH omit flowersWH1IKU liiHnHiinoroNov27Mn KllHbtlli Webr

sugel ui years