tijuana ministry building homes, community & hope july 9-16, 2011 st julie’s organizational...

TIJUANA MINISTRY Building Homes, Community & Hope JULY 9-16, 2011 St Julie’s Organizational Mtg (06-05-11)

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TIJUANA MINISTRYBuilding Homes, Community & HopeJULY 9-16, 2011St Julie’s Organizational Mtg (06-05-11)


Christ our God, the source of love, peace and wisdom,You called the Apostles to follow You and to become fishers of men,asking them to think first of the least of these brothers and sisters of ours.

You commissioned them to love their neighbor, to feed your sheep and to make disciples of all nations On the day of Pentecost, You sent the Holy Spirit to fortify them,enabling them to fill people’s lives with Your saving love and grace.

Continue to act today, loving Savior, for the good of Your Holy Church.Send Your Holy Spirit upon these dedicated men and women;inspire them to respond to Your Great Commission and to serve You as called disciplesfor the building up of your Kingdom here on earth.

Strengthen all who are preparing to serve You in humility and love.For You are a loving and merciful God, and unto You we give glory,together with Your eternal Father, and your holy and life-giving Spirit,now and forever. AMEN.

‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:39-41


Introductions Tijuana Ministry - Overview Fundraising / Finances Programs - Detail Safety – Personal, Health, Valuables Regulations Paperwork & Packing Lists Transportation Volunteers Needed Important Dates Q & A


Tijuana Ministry - Program Overview

“Conversion through immersion” | Personal Transformation Building 3 houses in honor of the 3 Wise Men: Gaspar,

Melchior and Balthasar Children's Outreach Program Mother's Outreach Program You can stay in one program or rotate Social Justice & Education Compound/ Cook Team Evening reflections & campfire sharing Coming back and telling others – “Our hearts were burning

within us”


Fundraising / Finances

Personal Fundraising $275 travel fees Letter-writing campaign Company matching Goal: $500 additional

Group Fundraising Taco sales Donut & coffee sale Free Trade chocolate sale Carwash Parish garage sale

Future options: Movie night (focus:

immigration issue) Bingo night



Families are selected by the St. Eugenio parish Walls and trusses built and transported across border 11-18 people per site; usually 1-3 experienced per site Several volunteer contractors plan, direct activities and build Safety Kinds of jobs available Handout: Tools Packing List

Bobby (10)

Mother’s Program

Building community among families Often families do not know each other very well

Respect the value of community, working together – empowerment

Activities include: Group discussions on nutrition, finance management,

hygiene, catechism Doing crafts, skill based activities


Children’s Program

Continuation of building community among families Respect children’s desire to be included and learn Activities include:

Coloring books, crafts, reading Sports and physical activities Catechism

Lunches and snacks Gift at end of program on last day


Compound / Cook Team

A typical day for the “home” team Volunteers needed (Some) super-ultra-important notes:

Special dietary requirements Drinking water Never go off-site alone

Food expectations, Rosita Brief Q&A Volunteers?

Stephanie (and Eddie) Vergara:[email protected] / (209) 499-6501

Stephanie (10)

Social Justice & Education

Mass with community Visits to Casa del Migrante – Men’s shelter

for recently deported from US Visit to the Border Fence – La Frontera Evening visits with the community Evening reflections Mandatory - Individual meeting time with program director

while in Tijuana Mandatory – Short written reflection after program ends

(optional – can be presented at mass during faith action)


Typical Day


5am Cooks: Begin to cook breakfast

5:30am All Volunteers get ready

6:00-6:30am Breakfast

6:30am Cooks: Make Lunches

7:00am Load up and drive to sites

7:15am Construction Team: Begin tasks from foreman

9:00am Kids Program: Meet with community children; play games

9:00am Mother’s program: Discussion about health and nutrition

12pm Lunches delivered/Break at Job Sites

1pm-5pm Construction: Continue building

3-6pm Cooks: Prepare Dinner

5pm Construction: Return back to Church grounds; clean up for dinner

6pm Dinner with everyone on patio

8:00pm Reflection

10:30pm Ready for Bed

11pm Lights out

Safety - Personal

Do not leave the compound except for scheduled events and programs

Stay in groups when outside the compound Use the buddy system (let others know where you are

going) No 1-on-1 with teens The compound is enclosed and gated; 24-hr security

provided. Cars also stay within the secure compound. Men and Women sleep separately in 2-story building Act and dress conservatively Communication via radios and cell phones between sites,

compound and Monica/Bob Safety in the surrounding area: crime, violence, drugs


Safety - Health

Drink plenty of water Drink and rinse with bottled water only Job site: work boots, long pants, long sleeves, hats, work gloves Sun protection: sunscreen, hats with neck protection, long-

sleeve shirts, bandanas Don’t drink local tap water or eat local food. Risk of getting ill. First Aid people at each site & compound. First Aid kits available. Ask if unsure of tools, methods, stability of structure, roof, etc No need to get special shots or immunizations except to make

sure your tetanus is up to date (esp. for work site)


Safety - Valuables

Don’t take valuables (laptops, expensive cameras, credit cards, jewelry, etc)

Keep passport on your person Do not leave gadgets, phone, iPod, etc in visible place. Use fanny-packs or backpacks versus purses or bags Keep the building locked Bring only enough money to purchase food on drive to/from TJ We don’t do shopping, souvenirs, etc



Evening “campfire” meeting and reflection is mandatory

No dryers or curlers (to save electricity) No toilet paper in the toilets Don’t give money to people on the street Gifts are only given through the programs, e.g:

to the families for whom we are building the kids in the Children’s Program families who participate in our community talk as thank-you

No individual gifts or treats, etc. It sets the wrong message (i.e. pity, favoritism, beggar mentality)

Dress and act conservatively. Be respectful of the local culture. Remember we are guests.

Bobby (3)


Application and travel fees Passport - Everyone needs a current US passport which expires

October 2011 or latero Visa not required if US Citizeno Some resident aliens must apply for visas ASAP

Medical Insurance and forms Diocese finger print 18 and above Code of Conduct (teens only) Driver's insurance (drivers only) Special requirements needed for minors without

accompanying parents



Pack light, comfortable, reusable. Nothing fancy except perhaps fiesta on last day. No laundry on-site Bring own towel, sleeping bag, pillow, blanket, linens Bring small inflatable air mattress or mattress pad to sleep on Handout - Personal Packing List


Personal Packing List

Bob (5 mins)


Carpool – 3-5 people/vehicle One Spanish speaking person per car, if possible Need to check who drives and number of seats available Reimbursement for gas - save receipts Leave Saturday 6AM, Arrive Chula Vista 4PM – eat, gas up for

the border Caravanning techniques Caravan over border – Otay Mesa | Border Etiquette Need Mexican Auto Insurance – St Julie’s will coordinate.

Someone will be sending you an email about this. Drivers have copies of everyone’s health and emergency

records in a special binder in each car. Also contains cell phones of people in other cars


Volunteers Needed

Drivers – need cars which can seat 5 ppl + Carwash volunteers (next slide) First Aiders - help prepare First Aid kits and serve as First Aid ppl Gift Organizer – prepare, collect, label, list & organize gifts for

the families Donations Sorter – sort, pack, label donations for Casa

Migrante, Children’s, Mother’s Programs, and miscellaneous Kitchen Helpers (see Compound/Kitchen Hand-out)


Carwash Fundraiser (June 12) – Help Needed

Come to wash cars Help to make signs Post signs in the local area Help to distribute flyers in the neighborhood (Sat morning &

afternoon) Bring old towels Provide bagels & donuts for sale on Sunday morning Provide coffee Announce carwash during mass faith actions


Important Dates


Date Time Mtg Location5/26 7:00pm St Simon’s group - mandatory Mtg #1

for all participantsSt Simon Parish, Spooncer Hall

6/5 4:30pm St Julie’s group - mandatory Mtg #1 for all participants

St Julie’s Sullivan Ctr, Rm G

6/9 7-9pm TJ CORE Team - Planning Mtg St Julie’s Sullivan Ctr, Rm G6/12 7:30-3pm Carwash fundraiser St Julie’s Church6/26 4pm Mandatory Mtg #2 for ALL

participants from both St Julie’s and St Simon’s

St Julie’s Sullivan Ctr, Rm G

July 2-3 All Masses Blessing of Tijuana workers from St Julie’s

St Julie’s Church

July 8 6-9pm Packing of trucks, trailers, carsDrivers required, others optional

St Julie’s Church

July 9 6am Leaving for Tijuana

Gifts for the Families

Gifts come from participants going to Tijuana this year Items requested in NEW condition We present them during the House Blessing on last day We also present them a display frame/board signed by all




Get international phone coverage for your cell phone; roaming charges may apply

We need old suitcases Bring ear plugs if you’re a light sleeper – snoring, barking and



Come as a family | Become a family

Contacts www.TijuanaMinistry.org [email protected] Bob Malone, Director, 408-640-0206, [email protected] Bobby Dartez, Building Team, 408-590-9594,

[email protected] Nicole Merino, Mother’s & Children’s, [email protected] Stephanie Vergara, Cook Team, [email protected], (209) 499-

6501 Joanna Thurmann, 408-568-2559, [email protected]


Thank you for participating andfor opening your hearts to the

people of Tijuana!

Q & A