tiger conservation in india

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  • 8/17/2019 Tiger Conservation in India


    Tiger conservation in India 

    Tigers are the mammals belong to the family Felidae. The Royal Bengal Tiger is the most

    common among the nine subspecies. India is home to the half of the total population of

    tiger. (about 1700 tigers). To consere this species !"I has started pro#ect tiger in 1$7%.Why should we conserve tiger in India?

    1. Tiger is the animal placed top in the food pyramid. It means it is eating other

    secondary producers to maintain the ecological balance. They &eep prey population

    in control by hunting them. If tiger population got reduced it 'ould flare up the

    ungulate population. Further ungulate population 'ill cause more harm by oer

    graing. *o if the tigers go e+tinct the entire ecosystem 'ould collapse.

    ,. -s India is the home to the half of the population it is necessary to ta&e steps topresere the tiger for presere the Indias image at international leel.

    %. /onseration of tiger 'ill be helpful for the protection of forest indirectly because in

    order to sae the tiger 'e need to protect forest first.

    . It 'ould also promote the ecotourism and 'ill create more employment for the local


    Project Tiger (PT)

    The T is a 'ildlife conseration programme for the conseration of tiger initiated in 1$7%.

    The pro#ect aimed at tiger conseration in the special area called tiger reseres and

    maintain iable population in their natural enironment.

    T 'as started 'ith the $ tiger reseres. -llocation of area for the tiger resere created the

    problem for the people liing in that area. To sole this problematic situation core-buffer

    strategy 'as deeloped.

    Core-buffer strategy

    The core area 'as an area 'here human actiities 'ere banned.

    The buffer areas 'ere sub#ected to conseration oriented land use. 2ere human

    actiities 'ere allo'ed.

  • 8/17/2019 Tiger Conservation in India


    The idea 'as to relocate the people from the core areas but they 'ere allo'ed to lie in the

    buffer areas 'ith the cats.

    Achieveents of PT

    This pro#ect has saed the endangered tiger from going to the e+tinction state.

    From $ tiger reseres it has been e+pand to , in ,01%

    Tiger population are found more in the tiger resere areas than the outside areas

    It contributed seeral intangible enironmental benefits to society such as absorption

    of co, improing microclimate and rainfall. The pro#ect has generated considerable 'ages for the benefit of buffer d'elling

    communities 'ho are deployed as local force for protection. 3co tourism has also

    proided employment for the local people. Finally the pro#ect has sered as role model for the 'ildlife management planning

    habitat restoration protection and 3co deelopment.

    !TCA (!ational Tiger Conservation Authority)

    It has been constituted under the 'ild life protection act 1$7, to proide statutory authority

    to pro#ect tiger so that their action becomes legal. It stries to streamline scientific modules

    of conseration and ma&e communities as responsible sta&eholders.

  • 8/17/2019 Tiger Conservation in India



    It 'as setup 'ith 24 in 5e' 6elhi under the chairmanship of o3F. The authority has

    e+perts8professionals haing e+perience in the field of 'ild life conseration and tribal

    people 'elfare apart from % .#unctions

    To lay do'n the specific guidelines for the tiger resere apart from national par& and

     'ild life sanctuary.

    roides information about the

    Future conseration plan

    Tiger estimation

    6isease sureillance

    ortality surey


    *upport tiger resere management in the states through eco9deelopment and

    peoples participation Re:uired to prepare an annual report 'hich 'ould be laid do'n in the parliament.

    Challenges to conserve tiger in India$

    %oss of habitat and "rey$ is one of the reasons ma&ing it difficult to consere in India. -s a

    solitary animal it needs more liing space than other animals. ;rbaniation destruction of

    forest for commercial and agricultural purposes are reducing the habitat 'hich is meant for

    tiger. Further decrease in prey population also causing threat to tiger population

    &unting' Poaching' and Illegal trade$

    ;ntil 1$%0 tiger 'as hunted for sports and traditional use of -sian medicines. From 1$$0

    on'ards trading of tiger bone for the /hinese medicine threated the 'hole tiger population

    to moe into the endangered leel.

  • 8/17/2019 Tiger Conservation in India


    Conflict with huan$

    -s tigers continue to lose their habitat and prey population they are increasingly becoming

    man9eater. This causes angry man to hunt the Tiger.

    *uthan *