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Post on 29-Mar-2016




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A tribute to a 5-year-old Scottish Terrier who left us much much too early.


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A tribute to A beAutiful ScottiSh terrier who SAdly left uS – much, much too eArly.

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TIGER, tiger, burning brightIn the forests of the night,

What immortal hand or eyeCould frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skiesBurnt the fire of thine eyes?

On what wings dare he aspire?What the hand dare seize the fire?

And what shoulder and what artCould twist the sinews of thy heart?And when thy heart began to beat,

What dread hand and what dread feet?

What the hammer? what the chain?In what furnace was thy brain?

What the anvil? What dread graspDare its deadly terrors clasp?

When the stars threw down their spears,And water’d heaven with their tears,

Did He smile His work to see?Did He who made the lamb make thee?

TIGER, tiger, burning brightIn the forests of the night,

What immortal hand or eyeDare frame thy fearful symmetry?

William Blake. 1757–1827


Pages 1, 2, 5, 24, 25, 27, 33, 35, 39, 46 photography by Jane Blundell, Kloser. Page 40 photography by Jane Ussher.

RIP: TIGER AKA Little Man 3



This tribute to Tiger started off as a few pages to remember a beautiful little man - gone, yet always with us.

Looking at old photographs made us want to include the other two Scotties - Mr Scottie and Jack - we will always love and cherish our best mates.

Martin Leach + Jay Platt

Page 4: TIGER

RIP: TIGER AKA Little Man 12 february 2005 – 17 october 2010

It was hard finalising the November issue of Ponsonby News this month - it’s huge at 164 pages but it’s not been easy to be in the mood for work. We lost their little Tiggy just before

deadline – our beautiful little man – five-year-old Scottish Terrier, Tiger who lost his fight with liver disease at 10.30am, Sunday, 17 October 2010 – and there have been tears every day since he passed. We knew we’d picked the last puppy of the litter but we’re really glad we got him. Tigs was ‘special’ and he made us laugh most days. He was hilarious and absolutely loved watching the telly... and if he saw another dog or another animal he just went crazy barking and getting very excited. He and his older brother Jack would eat almost anything - they both adored a treat anytime – a banana was always popular and both even went crazy over a piece of carrot - it’s no fun living with vegetarian parents we suspected them of whispering to each other!

Tiger was naturally curious and ALWAYS grateful. Although he made out he was top dog – he knew his place and that he was number two – in size and pecking order to eight-year-old Jack. Tiger was always pleased to meet people. But he could be a bit of an ankle biter. He didn’t want people to leave but he was always gentle and often stopped visitors leaving PN-HQ without a goodbye kiss.

During evenings at about 8pm he would follow us around and if we showed no signs of going to sleep ourselves. He would put himself to bed at night - usually in our bed! Jay developed a frozen shoulder as tiger liked to sleep on him - sometimes just his front paws resting on his master’s tummy. He would have slept like that ALL night!

He was certainly indulged. We spent over $6,000 on what we called his bionic leg. One of them hadn’t grown correctly and VSG operated on him when he was a youngster. A while back Tiger’s skin started to play up. We changed diets many times. He went to Canine Skin Specialist Alan Bell regularly.

Finally, after many tests we discovered Tiger’s secret. He had a serious and vicious liver disease. The outlook was not so good. We knew his every mood - and as his illness developed we carried him up and down steps as he’d fallen a few times. So his number ones and twos were never an embarrassment to him. We knew when he wanted to go - even in the middle of the night.

Nothing was too much of a problem for us with Tiger and Jay tirelessly nursed him for most of his short life. It’s never much fun saying goodbye to anyone. Especially aged only five. He only had one third of his life and we feel saddened to have had such a short period with him. But we wouldn’t trade that time for ANYTHING else. We adored our little man.

On his final morning on earth, Tiger was found at 5am asleep with his head IN his water bowl. He could easily have drowned as he was on VERY strong pain medication. He looked up at us, his eyes told the story and he asked us for permission to let him leave this mortal coil. Reluctantly, and with tears in our eyes, we took him to VSG and he was finally put out of his misery. We were and still are - gutted!

For the past three months we’ve made a short video for our eMag, which is also available on You Tube. This month, we’ve had too much on our plate dealing with our loss so we’ve cancelled producing our film this month.

We have been blown away by all the flowers, cards and emails of condolences. A big thanks to everyone in this caring community we now call our home. During periods of sadness we remembered all the funny stuff Tiger did. He watched telly and loved to eat bananas. He adored water and played with the hose in a children’s paddling pool all summer long. He is immortalised at www.youtube.com/scottiew11

Martin Leach + Jay Platt

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Hi Martin & Jay, I have, with great sadness, just finished reading your dedication to your gorgeous little man, Tiger, and wanted to send you my deepest sympathies. I remember how understanding and kind you were when my beloved Exotic Perisan, Cino, passed away in February. You printed a photo of him and it was truly wonderful for me to be able to pay him tribute in that way. I love the fact that Ponsonby News celebrates the furry members of our community as well as the human ones, as the bond between animals and humans can never be underestimated, nor can the enormous impact they have on our lives and the inevitable hole they leave when they go. I wish you well as you make your way through the grieving process. You will always remember Tiger, but in time your heart may find itself ready to welcome another furry family member into your fold. That has been my experience, and I can tell you with joy and excitement that we are currently preparing to greet a little Shih tzu puppy into our lives next week. All THE BEsT, GInA syms, GREy lynn

RIP Tiger, I’m not one to gossip but...Tiger was exactly what his name portrayed, he was a fearless little man with a personality to match. When ever I called to see Martin and Jay both he and Jack would meet me at the front door and perform their latest double act, rather like the Two Ronnies in doggy speak. Like any double act when one partner leaves so does the act, but these days Jack is doing his very best to work solo. DAvID HARTnEll, GREy lynn

So sorry. All my heart felt love for your sad loss. JIllIAn BAsHfORD, POnsOnBy

Hi guys - Ange told me the sad news today - my heart goes out to you both, Tiger was such a big part of your lives. He was obviously very sick, so at least he is at rest now. You will miss him terribly - they become such a big part of our lives so cherish the special times you had with him - Toshie will be sharing a bone with him. BEsT WIsHEs TInks, PARnEll

Oh my darlings I’m so sorry to hear this. He was such a courageous and great little guy and I’m so glad I got to see him the other day. If there’s anything I can do please let me know. The loss of a pet is such a pure grief unlike the loss of a human where it’s always more complicated...I’ve lost many beloved pets over my life and the pain does lessen with the passing of time though right now it’s probably hard to imagine that. He was lucky to have two such devoted and loving parents. He couldn’t have had a better life and you both did a wonderful job. I remember the grief I felt when we had to make the decision to put Tsar our Borzoi down and my heart goes out to you both for having the courage and love to make that tremendously hard decision. I wish I was there to gather you both up into a big hug. No, you won’t ever forget him and I hope with the passing of each week that the pain of losing him softens. I felt very touched and honoured that he made the effort to come up those stairs and be with us when I was there. Have a lovely day my darlings, and I’m glad you’re taking some time off. Enjoy your frolic with gorgeous little Jack and I hope the weather is kind to you! I hope each day brings a little healing for you both. Much love and many hugs, ClAuDIE CAlDWEll, HEnDERsOn

Just read the latest edition of PN, which, as always, was completely fabulous. I do look forward to each and every issue. I just wanted to drop you both a note to commiserate on the loss of your little man! I am sure it must be very hard to go through the motions of work etc whilst always having the thoughts of him in the back of your minds. However I am sure that he really was the luckiest of dogs to be picked by and cared for by such loving parents. My thoughts are with you both.CHEERs, sTEvE ROGERs, POnsOnBy

Oh god I am so sorry. I know, I’ve been texting Jay everyday, and can only imagine how he feels. Jack must be wondering where he is also. Hope you are both ok? DEnIsE l’EsTRAnGE CORBET, POnsOnBy

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Have been thinking all morning about you both and what an impossibly hard thing to do but you know Tiger had the best home and was so loved and he will always be with you. Poor little Jack will find it hard. Can l do anything that could help? You may not want to see anyone.All my lOvE, HElEn TAlBOT, HERnE BAy

Dearest Martin and Jay, I’m so sorry about your dog, I’m so sorry, pets really are family and their loss is felt so deeply, please let me know if I can do anything or help with anything...BIGGEsT lOvE, ROsCOE THORBy, POnsOnBy

Oh Marty and Jay... How sad for you. My love and hugs to you all. What a lucky dog to have had such a wonderful love filled life with you all.mAGGIE, PT CHEvAlIER

Hi Martin, thinking of you and Jay. I’m so sorry for your loss. He was your family and it’s so hard to loose a treasured member. Know that Tiger will now be pain free which is a relief for you both. My heart goes out to Jay. It’s so tough and he will miss his mate so much as of course will you. Time is the only healer. Don’t be sorry about being down, I totally understand. Lots of love and hugs to you both and Jack.BIGGEsT HuGs, sTACEy HART, POnsOnBy

Oh dear! At least your darling is no longer in pain. Much love and sympathy to you both.DEIRDRE ROElAnTs, POnsOnBy

Oh sweethearts I am so so sorry. I know how treasured he was. I’m sure you’re not up to a phone call today, but I am thinking of you.mEREDITH lEE, GREy lynn

Dearest Jay and Martin, please accept my most heartfelt sympathies for you at this terrible time. I know how important your little man was to you, and I know every hideous corner of the grief you are experiencing right now. I lost my little Minnie on Wednesday morning, you met her when you came to my place a couple of years ago - she was the very Siamese looking Tonkinese that passed through (on her way to sit on top of the wardrobe in her usual anti-social fashion), when we were sitting in the lounge. She was hit and left for dead in the carport outside uenuku Lodge on the corner of Pember Reeves and Ponsonby Road. She was exactly the same age as Tiger, and I remember when you got him, we had just got her. Believe it or not, I had been thinking about you at this awful time, as you are just like me in that these guys are family - so much more than pets, living breathing family; and an integral part of the dynamics of our family lives. I was devastated when I got the Ponsonby News and read today that you had suffered such a terrible loss yourselves, and it was your little Tiger who was cruelly taken. So, please accept these belated expressions of sympathy and understanding. Nothing I can say can really make any dent on the hurt, but sometimes knowing you are not alone can be a small comfort. lOTs Of lOvE AnD suPPORT, vICTORIA CARPEnTER AnD BOADICEA (AnD mInnIE-fROm HEAvEn), POnsOnBy

Dearest Martin and Jay, I am sooo sorry to hear about your little man, Tiger. Tears came to my eyes as I remember him and Jack very fondly. You were so kind to me when I lost Max my Rottie at age 5, that I wish I were closer to come and give you both a hug.All my lOvE TO yOu BOTH, JuDy TOussAInT

Oh Martin, you must be so sad, losing one of your babies. Lots of love to you and Jay. Thinking of you both.nIkkI kAyE, AuCklAnD CEnTRAl mP

Martin/Jay, you guys were the best dads to Tiger and he was a very happy little dog because of that.lOTs Of lOvE AlWAys, RICHARD mARsHAll AnD PETER HAll, syDnEy

Hello Martin and Jay, just got the Ponsonby News today, another great issue - I am so sorry to hear about poor Tiger - you must both be devastated. You can only take heart in the knowledge that you gave him a wonderful life.lOvE AnD BEsT WIsHEs, DEBORAH WHITE, POnsOnBy

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Just woke up and read this article. I really feel for you boys! It must have been horrible having to work whilst grieving for Tiger. The article and photos are really sweet and very appropriate. Well done you two! You’ve done yourselves proud.DEl BROWn, lOnDOn I’m very sorry to hear about your LIttle Man, who is now in Doggie Heaven, amongst very good company I’m sure. It’s sad and hard but he’s in a better place. Anyway, I was returning your call and had a quick chat to Jay, who said you were at the dentist. So I’m around today to chat when you’ve recovered!AnnE HOlmAn, sT mARys BAy

Oh my darlings what can I say...you both must be terribly shaken...I’m SO sorry! I was just thinking of you boys this morning.sHAz DIxOn, POnsOnBy

Oh god, it makes me cry just looking at Tiger’s obituary – I don’t stand a chance if I actually see YOu. Such a beautiful beautiful boy.JEnnIfER BuCklEy, GREy lynn

That’s a very nice, fitting tribute to tiger. Great photos. I am so sorry to hear your news. I won’t intrude by calling but call me if you feel like a witches shoulder to cry on.GlEnn WHITE, POnsOnBy (THE GOOD WITCH Of POnsOnBy)

Tiggy Boo, the wee man - you were Haggis’s first friend. Your spirit and memory will live on in all of our hearts.AnGIE TInkER, PARnEll

Boy our hearts and thoughts are with u two! What can words say other than it was a privilege to hold tiger in the last few days. He will always be with you - my Brita our last giant was always beside me after she went. They are yours forever. What tough decisions but definately the right one because he was certainly ready. So hard when you love them so much. They are a gift to you. Strauss, Sue and I will never forget your boy’s energy that day. Strauss so overwhelmed he had to get on the lounger to try to remind them of his authority! Will you have a little gathering for his wake? Or just do your own private thing? But they are so the light of our lives. We loved your obituary and we were both in tears reading it. Thank you for sending it to us and for including us in the very significant moments in your lives. Here’s to Tiger- whose exuberance sent Strauss up onto the lounger!lOvE AnD lIGHT, DEBORAH kEllAnD, suE & sTRAuss, WAIHEkE

I am so sorry to hear about Tiger. If there is anything I can do just let me know. I know how much you both loved him.nOElInE RyAn

What a lovely tribute to Tiger. So sorry about your boy but he needed to be in a better place. I’m thinking bout you guys.JOHn EllIOTT, HERnE BAy

Hi Hon, loved the obituary… was sad reading it actually... made me look at Diva and hope that her time with chuck and me is long and healthy. Am glad that you had some time with him and just know sweets the time you did have is and always will be - precious and special. Mum and others will have him now he will be well looked after - believe me… crying is good for your soul… love you honey am here when needed.susAn lEACH, flORIDA

Dear Darls... I am so sorry to hear about Tigs. I imagine it’s as if one had lost a young child (he was one of yours!) so I can’t begin to believe how sad you guys must be feeling. It was a lovely piece you did in Ponsonby News about him. What a sweet heart he was. I send you all my love and the biggest hug ever. I hope the tears stop flowing soon. Remember all the lovely times you had with him... all the laughs and all the sleeps in your bed... I am in Spain for a couple of days for work but will call you as soon as I get back home mid week. lOvE AnD lIGHT, ERIkA uffInDEll, lOnDOn

Just wanted to say how sad I was to hear about Tiger. At least he’s not suffering anymore and he will be playing in dog heaven with all the other loved pets - my rabbits included. He will be missed.kInD REGARDs, AlWynE, POnsOnBy

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I do not know you from a bar of soap but just thought I would send you a very quick note to you as your article on your beloved Tiger was the blame for my mascara running! I had to stop half way through to grab my box of tissues so I could focus on the rest! I am an avid animal lover (cats are my thing) but all animals are so special and I can thoroughly understand what you are going through as they are so much a part of the family. As you know, no matter how much time passes they will always remain with you.my sInCEREsT COnDOlEnCEs, HElEn HOllEnBERG, fREEmAns BAy

It’s been a long time since we last spoke but I wanted to send you both my love. I’m so sorry to hear about Tiger he was a gorgeous man pooch. As a dog lover myself your article brought tears to my eyes and made me think about how much we love our pets so unconditionally. I’m sure it was so hard to let him go but you have fabulous memories and that’s what we cherish.THInkInG Of yOu BOTH, sOPHIE COussO, AuCklAnD

Oh I am so very sad. Are you both ok? Can I do anything for you and Jay? He was very special which makes it both hard and sad. I don’t want to call as you are probably over all the phone calls but I’m thinking of the three of you. If there’s anything I can do, please let me know. RACHEl EDIlsOn, nORTHCOTE POInT

Hi Martin and Jay, Melinda told me that you lost dear Tiger on Sunday and I would like to extend my sincere sympathy for your loss. It’s always harder when they have such a short life - I call them ‘shooting stars’, here on this earth for only a short, happy time - leaving us well before we are ready. Very sad for you all. As a vet I go through this with my clients all too frequently and last month I lost another dear friend, Petra, who I have looked after for the past seven years. I think the family is having, a not surprisingly, difficult time with it which prompted me to finally write this article for Ponsonby News which has been brewing for a while about understanding the need to grieve - as our pets are not just animals - they are important and beloved family members and should be recognised as such - so we can deal with the process of grief and become wiser for it. Thinking of you and obviously my sixth sense has been picking up what is on the air over there. kInD REGARDs, mEGAn, GREy lynn (THE sTRAnD vETs, PARnEll)

So sorry to hear about Tiger. We know what it is like. BEsT REGARDs, PAul nOlA, POnsOnBy

I just looked at the latest issue, we’re very sad over here to hear Tiger’s gone. At least you still have him on camera. COnDOlEnCEs AnD BEsT WIsHEs, PETER ROBERTs, POnsOnBy

I was so sorry to read about poor Tiger in Ponsonby News. There’s not a dry eye here I can tell you. Love and hugs to you both.BRIGID ROGERs, BROWns BAy

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I am so sorry to hear about Tiger. The pain he would have been through wouldn’t have been fair. He is in a better place now. If there is anything you need, please let me know. Big kisses from me.PEBBlEs l’EsTRAnGE HOOPER, POnsOnBy

I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. My heartfelt condolences to you.suE HATTOn, GREy lynn

I was very sad to hear your news. Your poor baby is now in doggie heaven and eternally happy. AnyA vERyAskInA, GREy lynn

I was very sorry to hear about your dog Tiger.kIRsTy WIlkInsOn, GREy lynn

I’m sending you the biggest hugs. That is very sad news but Tiger will be looking over you from the big doggie kennel in heaven. Sending you all my love. sARAH AlExAnDER WIllCOx, nAPIER

Oh how terribly sad for all three of you, What can I say, but deepest sympathies! sending all my love. XXXmElIssA PAynTER, AuCklAnD

Dear Martin and Jay, I am so, so sorry for you loss of Tiger. You gave him so much love and he was a such a major part of your life and your family together with Jack. I love you both so much and it breaks my heart that you are in such pain. Tiger will be running around painlessly eating “healthy” doggie food and having fun in Doggy heaven as we speak and it will break his heart as well that he can’t heal your pain. Please stay strong for him and Jack and turn to each other when you need to talk and share your pain. I’m always here if you need me, ok. I lOvE yOu BOTH mICHEllE BuCHAnAn, POnsOnBy

From the moment Tiger came into our clinic early in 2005 we all realised a new boss of Ponsonby had arrived. At just 3kg he was a black, spikey-haired, stocky bundle of confidence, an accurate snapshot of the huge personality he was to grow into. On subsequent visits we would all clap and cheer him on to build excitement and momentum, and he’d charge happily up our ramp to the consult room, like a mini running of the bulls. He would always wriggle loads on the table, just out of principal, when you’re the boss you shouldn’t have to be examined, then he was tearing off again, bossing Jay around and ready for some more of the good life to which he was born with his loving family.AlEx mElROsE, vETCARE, GREy lynn

My wonderful, caring, adorable friend Jay. I was so sad to hear about Tiger’s (little man’s) illness and knowing how much you loved him and how he was so much part of your life added to the enormous sense of sadness. Jay, you have such an amazing ability with all of your relationships to make people and pets feel truly cared for and appreciated. Love you heaps my darling friend. kAylEnE AkA m’lADy, WEsTmERE TOWERs

A quick note to say thanks for the latest issue of PN. We read the sadness your beautiful and touching obituary for Tiger - we always knew how special he was to you both and Jack but didn’t realise that he had such a dramatic life. We know how his passing would have been such a wrench for you but trust that as time passes, it will become easier. We miss you guys very much and would love to see you in Sydney again one day. In the meantime, take care of each other and Jack.lOvE, RICHARD AnD PETER, syDnEy xxx

Martin sweetheart, I just got a copy of November issue in my hands and read about your darling baby Tiger – well my heart sank and both Charles and I are devastated to hear of your loss. I tried your cell today, but you are on leave, so not sure if you are in town or overseas. My studies are finally finished and I did very well, which is great as it was a lot of work all year, but it also means I can put my head up and catch up with dear friends that I’ve been neglecting since we’ve been back. Anyway, if you are in town give us a bell and we’d love to see you both before Christmas.All OuR lOvE & BIGGEsT HuGs, THE TOnGuEs xx

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JulIE ROulsTOn: Such a beautiful and eloquent tribute to your little man. Thank you for sharing with us xxx

kElly ROnAlD: Those are such lovely words Martin - so sorry for your loss. I know it is not easy to have a “member of the family” move on. At the very least his short life was well lived and he was very well loved. mICHEllE BuCHAnAn: We love you Tiger! Awesome photos guys. It doesn’t get any cuter than this xxx sTEPHEn BEnnETT: My condolences.

lyn GORE: So sorry to hear of your loss of Tiger. He will always be in your hearts. Lots of love sent at this sad time xxx

JIllAInE muRRAy: Oh Martin, I’m so sorry :-( Lots of love from me and Moose - maybe him and Jack need a play date? mElIssA HuRsT: So sorry to hear about your loss Martin - they’re beautiful people - some folk call them animals! ARnA mARTIn: That is very sad for you, Jay and Jack - thinking of you guys. AnGElA REDfERn: ah, what a lovely tribute ...lots of love x mARTyn WIlDE: I’m so sorry. Is that the dog you had in London Martin? mARTIn lEACH: No, Mart, Tiger was born here...however Mr Scottie - who you knew was photographed on the park bench in Ladbroke Square, Notting Hill.

AnGIE TInkER: Tiggy Boo the wee man - you were Haggis’s first friend. Your spirit & memory will live on in all of our hearts. GARy nETHERTOn: I am sorry guys. It is like losing a family member. Hugs to you both. susAn lEACH WInGO: Am sending hugs to u my dear brother... love u. fuRR kIDs: It’s never easy! Our thoughts are with you. JIll fARRInGTOn: Hey there Marty, sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved wee man. My thoughts are with you.

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The Scottie is the only breed of dog that has lived in the white House more than three times. President franklin D. Roosevelt was renowned for owning a Scottie named fala, a gift from his cousin, Margaret Stuckley. The President loved fala so much

that he rarely went anywhere without him. Roosevelt had several Scotties before fala, including one named Duffy and another named Mr. Duffy.

Eleanor Roosevelt had a Scottish Terrier named Meggie when the family entered the white House in 1933. More recently, President George w. Bush has owned two black Scottish terriers, Barney and Miss Beazley. Barney starred in nine films produced by the white House, including Barney Cam VII: A Red, white and Blue Christmas.

Other famous people who are known to have owned Scotties include: Queen Victoria, Eva Braun, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Ed whitfield and President of Poland, Lech Kaczynski. Actress Tatum O’Neal owned a Scottish Terrier. She was said to be so saddened by her dog’s death to cancer and old age that she relapsed into drugs.

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The Scottie is also renowned for being featured in the popular board game, Monopoly, as a player token. when the game was first created in the 1930s, Scotties were one of the most popular pets in the United States, and it is also one of the most popular Monopoly game tokens, according to Matt Collins, vice president of marketing for Hasbro.

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A Scottish Terrier and a west Highland white Terrier are featured on the Black & white whisky label, and the breed has been used as the mascot for the Chum brand of dog food, appearing on both the brand’s packaging and TV commercials. Scottish Terriers are also part of the emblem for the clothing line Juicy Couture and Radley handbags.

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MR SCOTTIE1990 – 2005

It’s always difficult to say goodbye to friends or family. And for us pet lovers it’s just as hard when it’s one of

our four legged friends who have given so much – their loyalty, their unconditional love and affection. It seems like only yesterday that we remember driving back from Peacehaven near Brighton with a tiny eight week old baby puppy Scottie on the back seat. But they grow up so fast and Mr Scottie had such an interesting life and was loved all over Kensington and Notting Hill, as well as here in Ponsonby and Grey Lynn.

There are so many funny memories like his first visit to London’s Comme des Garçons store, where he raced into the changing room which had mirrors on all three walls, stopped abruptly, was convinced he had met another Scottie face to face and barked like hell much to the amusement of everyone. He was well-known and welcomed in Joseph, Libertys, the Conran shop, Issey Miyake and in Yohji Yamamoto, where he had his own water bowl. He was no fashion victim and wasn’t keen on shopping but he didn’t like staying home either.

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He was an inquisitive Scottie and loved to sleep on the window ledge in our first floor flat. Passers up regularly rang our bell worried he was going to jump. He sat watching people, trains and passing dogs all day long in all types of weather and we regularly froze in winter when he wanted his fresh air and view.

He was no shy retiring dog either and once picked a fight with Parker another Scottie who lived nearby (he was a snob!) Parker’s owner, Will Cohu wrote a weekly column in the Saturday Telegraph and they never got on. Mr Scottie was mentioned on several occasions in the column as well as in Will’s book, “urban Dog- The Adventures of Parker” (Simon & Schuster).

When we decided to move our new flat in London’s Notting Hill Gate area was a bit tired and needed redecorating. It was a real major event - new paint, new carpets, and new furniture, the full Monty! Even the wardrobes got a makeover, both inside and out. When we finished them we left the doors ajar so that the paint could dry. But then we noticed paw prints all along the hallway carpet. In order to keep cool Mr Scottie had snuck into the wardrobe to escape the summer heat. Discovering the floor was sticky he emerged leaving tell tale paw prints behind him. He seemed to know he was in the dog box and was hiding under the bed, but we saw the funny side and went out and bought him a snug, but cool little furry bed which he still slept in until his final days. He had beds all over the house including ours.

Once while driving across Edgware Road, a very busy road in London Mr Scottie fell off the parcel shelf onto the road. I didn’t notice at first, but when I did it was panic stations. Thankfully he survived, and we didn’t let him travel up there anymore!

Another time we took him up to the Cotswolds for the weekend. On the Saturday we visited Blenheim Palace, home to the Duke of Marlborough and took Mr Scottie boating on the lake. He barked furiously at the water as we rowed around the lake but other visitors made such a fuss of him all afternoon. He loved adventures and at least once a year we would take him on the ferry to the Isle of Wight for what we called, “Mr Scottie’s busman’s holiday”. We would stay at a small hotel reminiscent of Fawlty Towers. It wasn’t posh, rather faded elegance and its claim to fame was that Queen Victoria had stayed there in 1870. Mr Scottie was welcomed as much as we were.


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He was always nervous about the ferry part of the trip and we found that using a little lavender, Chamomile and Vervain calmed him down having learned the hard way to our embarrassment because the first time we made the trip he peed on the deck and it ran the full length of the ship!

His first encounter with a horse was amusing. It was Christmas, snowing heavily and was bitterly cold. There was a horse in a field exercising up in Cumbria’s lake’s district in the North of England. Our boy was petrified, but soon learned that the horse meant him no harm.

When Princess Diana passed away like many Londoners we walked over to Kensington Palace to pay our respects and to view the mountain of flowers. Mr Scottie came along and so many strangers found comfort in patting him and talking to him while he stood there quietly absorbing the atmosphere.

Another day in Ladbroke Square we spied Lord Litchfield the well-known photographer “doing a shoot” for Vogue. The place was full of beautiful women. We lingered around having a nose and they all started to make a fuss of him, but he hated noise and could be a little unpredictable at times. All the giggles and fuss set him off and he barked and chased one of the beautifully clad models across the grass. It was a game but Lord Litchfield was not impressed.

He also hated skateboards with a vengence and almost caught a teenager on Portobello Road. One Christmas Eve we were invited over to a neighbours for drinks. Mr Scottie was also included in the invitation. No one noticed that he wasn’t in the kitchen along with everyone else. That sneaky Scottie had headed off

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into their living room, where the tree was beautifully decorated and surrounded with presents. We had a game we played at home following our supermarket visit. We would hide a biscuit in one of the empty Marks & Spencer bags and he had great fun tearing it open using paws and teeth. Anyway, he had gone into our neighbour’s next room and we were mortified to discover that he had torn open someone’s Christmas present containing food. Thankfully our friends adored him and could see the funny side. We wanted to strangle him at the time but he looked so innocent as if butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth. We could do nothing but cuddle him.

Another evening we were entertaining at home and Simon Woodroffe the founder of Yo! Sushi was invited. “Absolutely Fabulous” fans will recall Edina mentioning Yo! in the second series. Simon was one of the first people to launch a conveyor belt sushi bar and he bought some over for us to sample. Of course Mr Scottie was present and we had never tried him on fish but to our delight we discovered his palate found sushi rather delicious.

Mr Scottie went everywhere he was allowed. He often came to work with one of us. He would travel on the London underground, on double Decker buses, trains all over England and when pet passports were introduced we even took him to Paris, Florence and Siena. He only ever let us down twice in his life, once when he did his number two’s in a black London taxi and again in an electrical shop on Kensington High Street!

When we made the arrangements to relocate to Auckland we sellotaped a photo of ourselves and placed a few of our tee-shirts into his travel crate. The man at the animal centre was very amused. While the Air New Zealand 747 was taxiing down the runway at Heathrow it stopped suddenly and the captain said, ‘Hold tight, Mr Scottie’, which made us laugh and when we landed in Los Angeles, he added, he’d hoped we’d all had a good trip, in particular our VIP guest Mr Scottie. All the other travellers were looking around for this mystery traveller.

Here in Auckland Mr Scottie spent his retiring years. We knew he wouldn’t last forever and so we decided to introduce a puppy into our home. Jack arrived in May 2002 and his arrival gave Mr Scottie a new lease of life. They were great mates and both boys walked around Western Springs Lake every week day morning, come rain or shine. Mr Scottie walked around the lake on Wednesday for the last time. His health had started to deteriorate badly. Even in his last days he could still make us smile. When our back doors to the garden were wide open to cool us on hot balmy nights; he still used the dog flap!

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